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2014 SOS Podgorica SOS Telephone for Women and Children Victims of Violence – Podgorica, MONTENEGRO 5/1/2014 TC "TRAINING OF TRAINERS ON GENDER MAINSTREAMING"
Page 1: TC TRAINING OF TRAINERS ON GENDER MAINSTREAMINGsospodgorica.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Content-Report-ToT-Gender...Ivana Smolovic . Trainers: Aleksandra Gligorovic, Martina Cekovic,


SOS Podgorica

SOS Telephone for Women and

Children Victims of Violence –




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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO




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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


Leading partner and main organizer: SOS telephone for women and children victims of violence – Podgorica (SOS Podgorica), MONTENEGRO, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] www.facebook.com/sostelefonpodgorica; tel/fax: +382 20 232 254, 232 253 Director of SOS Podgorica: Biljana Zekovic Coordinator of the SOS Youth Programme: Ivana Smolovic Trainers: Aleksandra Gligorovic, Martina Cekovic, Ivo Ivanovski

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author,

and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


1 CONTENTS 2 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 5

3 MAIN CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES OF THIS TRAINING COURSE .............................................. 5

4 ORGANIZERS ............................................................................................................................ 6

4.1 Main organizer ................................................................................................................. 6

4.2 PARTNERS IN PROJECT REALIZATION ............................................................................... 7

5 PROGRAM OF THE TRAINING COURSE .................................................................................. 11

6 Day one .................................................................................................................................. 12

7 Day two .................................................................................................................................. 14

8 Day three ............................................................................................................................... 18

9 Day four ................................................................................................................................. 19

10 Day five .................................................................................................................................. 24

11 Day six .................................................................................................................................... 26

12 Summary of the evaluation ................................................................................................... 27

13 PR of the project .................................................................................................................... 30

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


TC "Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming"


TC "Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming" was 6 days program that has been organized in Ulcinj,

Montenegro, by SOS telephone for women and children victims of violence – Podgorica (SOS Podgorica).

It gathered 36 youth workers, leaders, volunteers and members of NGOs dealing with youth - 18

participants from Program countries and 18 participants from SEE. Countries involved were: Montenegro,

Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia,

Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, Germany and Italy.

Main goal was to contribute to future better social

inclusion and participation of all and increase

understanding of youth workers, leaders, volunteers

that gender mainstreaming is an essential part of all

aspects of their partnership projects and is crucial for

lasting growth and democracy in their countries and it

also symbolizes a society’s level of political maturity.

Project aims in building European sense of ownership

among young people around Europe (EU and SEE

concretely) but ownership when it comes to values of

the EU and social inclusion and gender equality as one of the crucial. As mentioned above, we wanted to

inspire young people around Europe to work on creating vision of more equal and more gender sensible

EU in the future, and we want to give them tools how to make their activities more inclusive and more

gender sensitive, in order to increase active participation of all.



Equal participation of women and men in all aspects of society is crucial for lasting growth and democracy.

It also symbolizes a society’s level of political maturity. In the past decade, the European Union has

embraced a new and broader agenda for equal opportunities between women and men. By contrast with

the Union’s traditional focus on equal pay and equal treatment in the workplace, this new agenda also

includes specific positive actions on behalf of women, as well as a new commitment to ‘mainstream’

gender throughout the policy process.

One of the objectives of this TC/project was that young people from EU and SEE understand that inclusion

and equality are processes that needs to be supported, are not something that will just happen in their

work and it cannot be something we add on to make our application more acceptable by saying for

example “we don’t discriminate” or “we treat everyone the same” or that “men and women are working

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


together, so there is no need to focus separately on their respective needs.”. Gender is not the same as

sex, and it is not only about women: gender in general refers to the socially constructed roles appropriate

for men and women in any society at any given time, governed by power relations. Gender mainstreaming

is not an additional issue to other factors organizations need to take into account when planning or

implementing youth project and partnerships (such as financial efficiency, accounting, trans-nationality,

empowerment, coordination and so on) but crucial integrated part of them.

In EU 2013 is year of Citizens (http://europa.eu/citizens-2013/) and with this project we wanted to inspire

young people around Europe to build a vision of more equal and more gender sensible EU in 2020.


4.1 MAIN ORGANIZER SOS telephone for women and children victims of violence – Podgorica (SOS Podgorica), MONTENEGRO

www.facebook.com/sostelefonpodgorica; e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

SOS telephone for women and children victims of violence – Podgorica (SOS Podgorica) has 17 years of

experience in gender field. As a part of Education program of organization many trainings, seminars on

this topic were realized for different target groups (young people - volunteers of the organization and

students, police officials, judiciary, health service providers, journalists). From establishment, organization

has implemented about 100 projects, with voluntary work of all engaged (Board and volunteers) and with

the support of various donors: CARDS, OXFAM/NOVIB, CIDA, FOSI, UNDP, U.S. Embassy, Slovak AID;


Permanent activities are: SOS telephone (free help line) for women and children victims of violence;

Mediation between victims of violence and governmental institutions, such as Courts, Social services,

Police; Free legal, psychological and pedagogical help; Realization of scientific research project, education

trainings and PR and introducing public with forms and frequencies of violence against women, children

and youth, and elderly.

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO



www.beyondbarriers.org; e-mail: [email protected]

Beyond Barriers Association, is a national association of young disabled and other disadvantage

youngsters, a voluntary, non-profit, non-governmental organization that protects the rights and interests

of young people. Goal is: To integrate young people with disadvantage in society. To promote a social

model for disability vice versa of existent medical model in Albania. For us a social model is an essential

step for an equal participation, mainstreaming and equal opportunities for all young disabled regardless

of the type or degree of disability. Working areas include: Human rights, education, professional courses,

training, infrastructure, employment, counseling, youth exchanges in and abroad country. Our association

is developing projects and programs in local and European level. We are Contact Point of YiA for Albania

since April 2010. We are active in organizing trainings, youth exchanges, partnership building activities,

seminars, EVS etc.

2. UNIque Junior Enterprise, ALBANIA

http://unique-je.org/; e-mail: [email protected]

UNIque is a nonprofit consulting enterprise located in Tirana (Albania) whose aim is to offer students that

follow higher education studies the possibility to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Students

are involved in projects and in the management of the Junior Enterprise. UNIque was founded by know &

how JE in cooperation with Albanian students in Albania, Austria, Germany and Italy and was registered

as a non-profit organization in Albania in October 2009. Our mission is to become a bridge between

university and labor market, as well as a bridge between Albania, Europe and the World. The concept of

Junior Enterprises aims to provide students of higher education with a unique “learning by doing”

experience. While still studying at the university, students create and manage their own non-profit SMEs.

They offer various consulting services to the market, in relation to their field of study, such as marketing,

finance, communication and engineering.

3. Youth Cultural Center – Bitola (YCC Bitola), FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA www.mkcbt.org.mk; e-mail: [email protected]

Youth Cultural Center - Bitola (YCC- Bitola) is an independent, non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit youth organization established in 1997 and officially registered in 1999. In the long term sustainable development of the Center a lot of energy and assets have been invested for effective functioning in the field of urban culture, youth, volunteering and non-formal education. Vision: Our vision is developed democratic society in which the young people are the leaders of the progress. Mission: To unite and develop the creative potentials of young people in South East Europe and to encourage civic activism. Short term goals: Sustainable development of Volunteer Center of Macedonia; Capacity building for youth and skills development; Support of civic initiatives and campaign; Support of urban cultural production. 4. Association for Theater values expansion (Theater Factory), FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF


e-mail:[email protected]

Theatre Factory (Teatar Fabrika) is a non- profit, non-government organization that works on local and

international level. It was founded in 2013 in Skopje by 5 young people, theater professionals and youth

leaders with significant experience in youth work and art productions. Main mission is to create and

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


promote cultural development and active youth participation. Our main activities are oriented in making

theater productions that will include young professionals and will give them freedom to present their own

form of expression. Theater is a powerful tool and we try to experience and promote the ways in which it

can be used to contribute for social change, acceptance of diversity and conflict resolution.

5. Educational Center Krusevac, SERBIA

www.ec.org.rs; e-mail: [email protected]

Educational center is founded in the July 2000., and registered in May 2001., as non-government,

nonpolitical and nonprofit organization The Mission of ECK is promotion and development of civil society,

trough lifelong non formal education and support to active engagement. ECK is aimed at two areas of

priorities: The implementation of life long non formal citizen education in the field of democracy, civil

society, human rights, the respect of differences and culture of peace and non-violence; The support of

active youth participation in social life of the community. Educational center offers free internet access,

social games, books, and publications. Youth can also attend various programs of non-formal education,

learn about youth exchange programs and international participation and thus express their own desires

and also potentials.

6. Stichting Diversiteitsland (Diversityland Foundation), NETHERLANDS

www.facebook.com/minoritiesineurope; e-mail: [email protected]

Stichting Diversiteitsland’ (Diversityland Foundation) is a grass-roots consultant and project organization.

We aim to enhance social inclusion of vulnerable minority-groups. Employees and volunteers of

knowledge centers and social work organizations established ‘Stichting Diversiteitsland’ in 2008. We

differ from others by our bottom-up approach: the activities arise from the demands of our neighborhood

residents. They keep us focused on themes such as positive advocacy, empowerment, participation,

stereotyping, opinion, dialogue, networking and tolerance. We build lasting relationships between these

neighborhood residents and organizations, in order to achieve a greater mutual understanding and

communication. These issues led to the decision to bundle their experience and advise policy makers on

how to use the opportunities created through a culturally diverse society for the general benefit.

7. Organization for civil initiatives (OCI/OGI), Croatia

www.ogi.hr; e-mail: [email protected]

Vision of the organization is: Society of active citizens that actively participate in creating sustainable communities through usage of all of its potentials. Support for citizens and public sector in development of democratic institutions and development of social services and social entrepreneurship in communities. Program activities: Development of NGOs and local civil initiatives; Development of regional and local self-government, and local boards; Education of officials, councilors and employees of local self-governments about civil society; Participation of citizens in creating public policies; Mobilization and organization of the community; Inter-sector connecting; Cross-border and regional cooperation; Increasing employment and improvement of labor market efficiency; Development of social services – priority on marginalized groups; Development of social entrepreneurship; Models of local partnership; European integrations – processes. 8. Associazione Artemide A.p.s., ITALY

http://cerquosino.altervista.org/artemide, e-mail: [email protected]

Cultural Association Artemide, house laboratory "the Cerquosino" is born in 1996, in one of those

disadvantaged and poorly productive areas that are nearly preserved intact until today. The House

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


Laboratory “Il Cerquosino” has been restructured following bio building construction techniques focusing

the attention on energy critical consumption: there have been installed solar system collectors, waters'

herbal purification system, wood storage heater as well as to the principles of recovery and recycle

materials; construction with local stone. The association Artemide for years proposes itself as crossroad

of experiences in the educational field, the EDUC-active project has as primary objective the education to

the independence, the young people, above all if carriers of uneasiness, are stimulated and motivated

asking them to be active part in the process of theoretical construction and practice of the activities.

9. Haus der offenen Tür (HOT), GERMANY

www.kompetenzagentur.com; www.hot-sinzig-de; e-mail: [email protected]

The institution "Haus der offenen Tür" is part of the Catholic Church community named "St. Peter" in

Sinzig and is an institution concerning youth work. Youth work is described in § 11 of the social law, the

so called "SGB VIII". In cooperation with the civil community there is one colleague who works in the 3 in

Sinzig situated schools as a social worker (§ 13 SGB VIII). Since July 2007 the "Kompetenzagentur" is a

project of the institution. This project is part of the EMPOWERING YOUNG PEOPLE initiative of the Federal

Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and is funded by the European Social Fund

(ESF). The task of this project is it to accompany young disadvantaged people in the age of 14 up to 27 to

find their place in society. Competence agencies promote and improve the cooperation and coordination

between the institutions and stakeholders after leaving school (networking).

10. Asociación Juvenil Dadoo XXII (AJDXXII), SPAIN

e-mail: [email protected]

Dadoo XXII Youth Association works in the field of youth since 2003, developing activities of interest for

young people (youth meetings, leisure activities, training, workshops, etc...), run by and for youth. In the

last five years we have worked closely with the Youth Department of City Council of Íllora, managing that

area. We also work and collaborate with different organizations and institutions of the province of

Granada in meetings and youth events, training programs, etc.., creating a network of support and help

with projects and activities, generally in the youth field.


www.adefis.org; e-mail: [email protected]

International youth ADEFIS was established as a non-profit organization as a result of the experience with

youth programs for the development, Education and Social Inclusion and to promote equality and

integration among young people, developing projects and programs directed to prevent discrimination

for any reason: birth, race, sex, religion, or personal and social status, as well as in the implementation of

projects and programs of environmental protection, sustainable development, culture, promotion of

voluntarism and awareness to Spanish society, European and third countries. Just us development

cooperation and co-development in countries with low per capita income and extreme poverty.

12. LIR Civilno drustvo / LIR Civil society, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA

www.lir.ba; e-mail: [email protected]

LIR civil society is it is a non-profit, non-governmental development, consulting and research organization

qualified to work on different aspects of economic and social development, environmental protection and

management. Capacity Building / Education of CSOs, Public authorities, Private sector and beneficiaries in

different fields: socio-economic development, environment, social inclusion, reconciliation, human rights

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


and provision of development activities and trainings for small entrepreneurs for vulnerable population

in order to increase their competitiveness and capacities in management of socio-economic businesses;

Establishment of clusters and networks, conducting strategic planning and advocacy campaigns in the

field of social inclusion and business sustainability of vulnerable people; Development of partnership

between public and private sector in regards to human rights protection, environmental protection and

economic development.

13. TAV - Turkiye Avrupa Vakfi Turkey Europe Foundation, TURKEY

www.turkeyavrupavakfi.org; e-mail: [email protected]

Turkey Europe Foundation recognizes as its fundamental object to protect and develop the common

values of humanity and in this framework, the principles of human rights, democracy, freedom and

supremacy of law. It shares an aspiration for civilized life in which humanity can develop itself freely. In

this context, it deems accommodation of any ideas defending various views which take democracy and

human rights as fundamental objectives, its richness and makes it a duty to support initiatives in this

direction regardless of their originating from whichever segment of society or political party. With this

understanding Turkey Europe Foundation has carried out many international and local projects, with the

aim of improving democracy and conditions in Turkey to become a strong member of European Union. It

is a member of Anna Lindh Euro-Med Foundation and representative of College of Europe Brugges in

Turkey. It has been organising seminars and trainings in fields from health to law.

14. A.D.E.L. – Association for Development, Education and Labour, SLOVAKIA

e-mail: [email protected]

The organization which trying to create opportunities for young people who would like to be an active,

try and learn something new and gain some experience and knowledge for personal and professional

development. They would like to enrich the educational, social and cultural life of young people living in

their country, mainly young people with fewer opportunities and coming from Eastern Slovakia.

Organization is aimed towards community of youth development, because they believe that young people

can play an active role in the public life and become partners in the decision- making processes, and a

driving force in the shaping of the society they live in. They would like to contribute to the formation of

new successful generation, which is determined to change the world for the better.

15. Cooperation for Voluntary Service – Bulgaria, BULGARIA

www.cvs-bg.org; e-mail: [email protected]

CVS-Bulgaria is a non-governmental organization that offers a public service in the area of international

voluntary work. Its aims are to promote interaction and contact between young people from all over the

world and to give young people the opportunity to participate in voluntary projects of different areas –

culture, ecology, work with children and elderly people and others in Bulgaria and abroad. CVS-Bulgaria

is also working on short- and long-term projects such as organizing work camps, sending and hosting LTVs

and EVSs. CVS-Bulgaria is active in the field of youth exchanges. We send young people with fewer

opportunities to exchanges as part of their integration and well-being as a part of the community. In order

to ensure quality projects, we organize educational and preparation courses for the leaders and the


16. 4YOUNG Association, ROMANIA

www.4young.ro/en; e-mail: [email protected]

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


4 YOUNG Association is a youth NGO established in 2008 in Ploiesti City, Romania. The purpose of the

association is to promote on multiple levels, initiatives, actions and projects in order to stimulate, train

and develop youth in areas such as civic and democratic culture, defending and promoting human rights

and freedoms, promoting EU active citizenship, the Romanian traditions on national and international

level by providing educational resources to young people for long life learning, to promote policies for

social and professional integration of young people and for an independent life, promoting modern forms

of communication between social environments. 4YOUNG is organizing courses on methods and

instruments used in non-formal activities and has experience in organizing and participating in Youth in

Action projects.



Arrival 01.05.2014 - Arrivals of participants and trainers and suport staff

DAY 1 - 02.05.2014

AM Introduction to the training

Getting to know each other

Expectations and contributions

Objectives and elements (program) of TC

Erasmus +

Self-directed learning

PM Gender mainstreaming a closer look at the concept and terms

Practical exercise: understanding the concept of gender mainstreaming

A short history of European Union policy and gender mainstreaming

DAY 2 - 03.05.2014

AM Gender and Development Concepts

From Women in Development (WID) to Gender and Development (GAD)

PM Guests – NGO dealing with gender and youth

Mainstreaming Gender in Youth programmes and projects

DAY 3 - 04.05.2014

AM The gender impact analysis:a step-by-step description

Role of Trainer in educating youth NGOs in GM

PM Visit to NGO in Ulcinj dealing with gender and youth

Visit to Municipality Department in Ulcinj dealing with gender and youth

DAY 4 - 05.05.2014

AM How to take account of the gender perspective in managing the programme

Gender-sensitive indicators

PM Youth work and gender

Youth and gender in music

DAY 5 - 06.05.2014

AM Evaluation grid to assess the gender dimension of projects we prepare

Guest and Press Conference in Ulcinj to present project and YiA: 1. Government of Montenegro: Ministry of human and minority rights – Office for

Gender Equality and 2. Director of SOS telephone for woman and children victims of violence - Podgorica

PM Trainers role in GM

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


Using social networks for GM

DAY 6 - 07.05.2014

AM Planing of future steps for individual work and organisation

Joint projects

PM Joint projects

Evaluation of the TC

Departure 08.05.2014


The main goal of the Day 1 one was to introduce the trainer’s team, support staff and participants and to

establish basic rules of conduct and the way of working for the next week. During first part of the day

main objective was to introduce the goals of the TC, YiA & Erasmus+ possibilities for work on this filed and

development of cooperation.

In order to go through first phase of group development and work on trust building several exercises were organized, like name game (Passing the ball), icebreakers (name and favourite movie – Between my legs is… etc.). After this stage, participants were asked to share expectations, fears and contributions that they are capable and willing to share during training itself. Results of this session are presented in the photo on the left side. Participants also shared their previous training experience in this area. Detailed presentation of the program was made and space for questions and answers provided. Trainers’ team, Aleksandra, Martina and Ivo presented themselves and their work so far. Next important topic was about SDL (self-directed learning). Main

goal was that participants gets familiar with concept of learning, find

their learning styles; Learn about learning styles, usage of personal

learning plan & Youth pass; and Learn about self-directed learning. This was done by finding learning styles

through origami exercise; Learning styles presentation; Self-directed learning theory & Youthpass

introduction, and practical work on personal learning plan.

Next block was already getting directly into topic of the training – Gender and gender mainstreaming: a

closer look at the concept and terms - trough small group work, presentations; Short video on GM and

trainers input. Practical exercise: understanding the concept of gender mainstreaming trough buss groups

and discussion. Finally, a short history of European Union policy and gender mainstreaming was

introduced trough interactive game.


The term gender mainstreaming first entered EC parlance in 1991, when it appeared as a relatively small

but innovative element in the Third Action Programme on Equal Opportunities, though the concept

remained unrealized during the Third Programme itself (1991–6). During this period, the Commission

undertook specific sectoral initiatives on behalf of women, and participated actively in the preparation

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


for the Beijing Conference, where it endorsed the principle of gender mainstreaming on behalf of the EU

(Commission of the European Communities 1995). However, no attempt was made during the Third

Action Programme to create a bureaucratic structure across the Commission capable of introducing a

gender perspective into all EU policies.

After list of activities in this filed, quality

between women and men was strengthened in

the Treaty of Amsterdam and is one of the

priorities for developing employment in the

European Union. All Member States have

decided to include the principle of equality

between women and men (or "gender

equality") in all policies and actions at European

level, particularly in the fields of education and

culture. Understanding gender dimension and

its importance in EU policies is one of the key

objectives. The question of fighting

discrimination, solidarity, equality and

multiculturalism are values that are generally endorsed by young people. They are at the heart of

European integration but also of the cooperation with the rest of the world. In this sense our TC tended

to fulfil the expectations of young persons to protect universal fundamental rights and talk about EU

values openly.

The concept of gender mainstreaming calls for the systematic incorporation of gender issues throughout

all activities of GOs, as well as governmental institutions and policies. As defined by the Commission,

which adopted a formal commitment to gender mainstreaming in 1996, the term involves: The systematic

integration of the respective situations, priorities and needs of women and men in all policies and with a

view to promoting equality between women and men and mobilizing all general policies and measures

specifically for the purpose of achieving equality by actively and openly taking into account, at the

planning stage, their effects on the respective situation of women and men in implementation, monitoring

and evaluation. (Commission of the European Communities 1996: 2) Gender mainstreaming promises to

bring a gender dimension into all EU policies.

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


However, the ability of youth to organize and to influence

policy is dependent in part upon mobilizing structures, defined

as ‘those collective vehicles, informal as well as formal, through

which people mobilize and engage in collective action’

(McAdam et al. 1996: 3). That is why we have to work together

on this issues and understand that equality and

nondiscrimination are preconditions for socially coherent

Europe that will give opportunity for dissent life to all young



Gender and Development Concepts

The participants were asked following questions: What does it mean to be a woman? What does it mean to be a

man? Are we born knowing our gender? What influences our concept of our own gender?

Despite these considerations we can start to build on some

straightforward descriptions. Gender can be seen as the ways in

which we understand and live as male and female. From birth, our

social and cultural contexts offer us meanings, limits and possibilities

of being ‘woman’ or ‘man’. The World Health Organisation (WHO)

offers a useful summary of this:

‘Sex’ refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women. ‘Gender’ refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities and attributes that society considers appropriate for men and women.

“The term ‘gender’ is used to describe a

set of qualities and behaviors expected

from men and women by their societies.

Gender is not biological; girls and boys

are not born knowing how they should

look, dress, speak, behave, think or


To accept the idea of gender and the

kinds of thinking that follow from it is to

accept that being a woman or a man is

not only a biological category of being

with a fixed, shared meaning, but rather

that these are categories that - socially

and culturally - we give meaning to. Kalyani Menon-Sen expresses this very nicely. To put it another way: ‘male’ and

‘female’ are sex categories, while ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ are gender categories.

Discussion with participants: Is this definition different in your language? Do the words ‘gender’ and ‘sex’ exist? Is it possible to translate

this? How do categories of masculine and feminine work in your language?

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


Gender and sex: Can people have a different gender to their biological sex? Are there only two types of gender? What is the relationship between our body and our gender – if there is one?

Work in small groups: Worksheet group A. Worksheet group B. Compare! Results are on the photo with blue


Reflection: On what issues and in what ways do you

experience sex and gender being confused? Why do you think this is?

The list of examples provided by WHO has a global scope. Could you add some examples for your own country, or from Europe?

Aspects of sex will not vary substantially between different human societies, while aspects of gender may vary greatly.

Some examples of sex characteristics: Women can menstruate while men cannot. Men have testicles while women do not. Women have developed breasts that are usually

capable of lactating (producing milk) while men have not.

Men generally have bigger bones than women.

Some examples of gender characteristics: In most countries women earn significantly less

than men. In Vietnam many more men than women smoke

because female smoking has not traditionally been considered appropriate.

In Saudi Arabia men are allowed to drive cars while women are not. In most of the world, women do more housework than men.


Gender: this concept refers to socially constructed differences, which change in time and place.

Gender Equality: The needs, aspirations, and interests of women and men are equally valued and favoured in a way that both benefit from the development process and fully enjoy their human rights.

Gender mainstreaming: the process of promoting gender equality in all policies, programmes and projects at all levels and at all stages. The ultimate goal is achieving gender equality.

From Women in Development (WID) to Gender and Development (GAD)

This session was done according to the Handbook: Curriculum for Training of trainers in Gender mainstreaming that targets civil society, governments and intergovernmental representatives involved in gender mainstreaming and/or in communicating this work to wider audiences. Objective of the session was to explain the concepts of gender and development and how it relates to the women in development and other development approaches. Learner Objective was that by the end of this session participants have an understanding of the different concepts used in gender and development work.

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


Theoretical and Historical Approaches to Women/Gender and Development was presented. These are various approaches that have been and continue to be used in women.s development namely: welfare, efficiency, anti-poverty, equity, empowerment and mainstreaming.

Guests – NGOs dealing with gender and youth from Ulcinj

During this session we had two guests from organizations working in this field from Ulcinj:

Vera Nakic, coordinator of Network of Roma and Egyptians for Ulcinj “First (PRVA)”,

Vera Andric, member of Association of parents of the children and youth with disability, and also successful

women entrepreneur.

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


They presented the work of their organizations, what is their biggest success,

what are major changes in working with marginalized groups. Vera Nakic focused

more Roma and Egyptian women and children and youth. Vera Andric presented

her personal experience in work of the association, and especially as a women

entrepreneur. After that, participants used time to ask them questions about

situation and life of youth from marginalized groups in Ulcinj, their work, and

recommendations from their experience (best practices in strengthening young

people, especially women to participate in programs and projects, and general

community life). After this session, discussion continues during coffee break,

since it was very interesting for international group of participants to communicate and exchange with guests from

local community. (Photo: Vera Nakic, coordinator of Network of Roma and Egyptians for Ulcinj “First (PRVA)”)

Mainstreaming Gender in Youth programmes and projects

Topics covered by this part of the program where: Gender mainstreaming in projects – policy definitions and phases of gender mainstreaming in projects: A. Assess whether the gender perspective plays a role in project activities B. Assess the significance of gender perspective at various stages of the project:

Assessment of the initial situation, the problem to be solved, and the operating environment, Assessment of project goals, Assessment of target groups, Assessment of measures planned, Assessment of monitoring and assessment methods, Assessment of communications, Assessment of dissemination and embedding of best practices.

Trainer Ivo Ivanovski made a presentation about GM in activity cycle (main elements can be found in PPT snapshots below).

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO



The gender impact analysis: a step-by-step description

Objective of this session was to explain and differentiate between the various gender analysis frameworks. Learners’ objective was that by the end of this session, the participant become able to apply tools of gender analysis to their work in sector and thematic areas. This session was organized according to the Handbook: Curriculum for Training of trainers in Gender mainstreaming. Currently there are several gender-analysis frameworks in use. The framework to use will depend on the type of programmes and projects an organisation is implementing. Most frameworks have some similarities in their approach to analysis; most of them will for example emphasise an analysis of productive and reproductive activities as well as issues of desegregation of data and information by sex. It is therefore important for gender trainers to understand the conceptual differences between the various frameworks in order for them to make the right choice of the framework. Below are some of the frameworks in use. Harvard Gender Analysis Framework Gender Planning in the Third World by Caroline Moser Gender Equality and Empowerment Framework by Sara H Longwe People Oriented Planning by UNHCR Social Economic of Gender Analysis (SEGA) ABC of gender analysis for text books and curriculum Gender Analysis Matrix (GAM ) Social Relations Approach Capacities and Vulnerabilities Analysis framework.

Role of Trainer in educating youth NGOs in GM

During this session more focus was on role of trainer in preparation of trainings, especially leading trainings. Deep

analysis was made on How to deal with difficult/ challenging participants. This topic was of big importance for the

group because during this specific training we had 2 persons very hard to manage, and for them as a future trainers

this was something they stressed it could be problem to deal with. Topics from the presentation can be found below.

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


Visit to NGO in Ulcinj dealing with gender and youth

Visit was organized to SOS UCLINJ (SOS telephone for women and children victims of violence – Ulcinj). We were

hosted by Hatidža Nelaj, director of SOS Ulcinj, presented the work of the organization, and two of their

volunteers. She gave information on what kind of activities SOS Ulcinj is implementing, about their cooperation

with Municipality (they have signed Memorandum of cooperation with Municipality Ulcinj).

Visit to Municipality Department in Ulcinj

dealing with gender and youth was

planned by the project but it was not

possible to organize it because of the

obligations of the main secretary for Social

affairs in Municipality. But,

communication with Ministry of human

and minority rights – Office for Gender

Equality was intensify and they agreed to

come to visit project and present what is done on Governmental / national level in this area. This presentation was

made during and after Press Conference on the Day 5. (Photo: Hatidža Nelaj, director of SOS Ulcinj, and poster in SOS

Ulcinj office)


How to take account of the gender perspective in managing the programme

The 10 Steps for Gender Mainstreaming includes: 1. A Mainstreaming Approach to Stakeholders: Who are the Decision-Makers? 2. Mainstreaming a Gender Agenda: What is the Issue? 3. Moving Towards Gender Equality: What is the Goal? 4. Mapping the Situation: What Information do we have? 5. Refining the Issue: Research and Analysis 6. Formulating Policy or Project Interventions from a Gender Perspective

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


7. Arguing Your Case: Gender Matters! 8. Monitoring: Keeping a (Gender-Sensitive) Eye on Things 9. Evaluation: How Did We Do? 10. En-gendering Communication

Step 1 concerns the program and policy making context. The people involved in the process, along with their values

and understanding of gender issues, will significantly determine the outcome of your policy or program or project.

During this phase you should seek answers to the key questions:

Who are the stakeholders?

Do they include individuals or groups with a “gender perspective”?

Gender mainstreaming means that “gender”

stakeholders need to be identified and included

throughout the policy or program cycle.

Multiple stakeholders bring greater accountability and a

wider variety of options to the policy-making process. It

also introduces a series of “checks and balances” against

competing viewpoints. Negotiating these multiple

viewpoints will result in better policy-making.

Is there gender balance in all institutions and bodies involved?

If strong gender imbalance exists among stakeholders or the core policy making group, take measures to involve more of the underrepresented gender – be it men or women. This is a question of accountability and credibility.

Where is gender expertise available?

Stakeholders with gender expertise will help you identify entry points for gender mainstreaming and implement a

mainstreaming approach throughout the entire project or policy-making cycle. These experts are important allies.

Such expertise might be found with policy-making colleagues, academics, consultants, NGOs or community groups,

or development partners. Bringing this expertise aboard is mainstreaming at its most basic level.

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


Gender sensitive stakeholder checklist: It is important to check have the following individuals and groups been brought into the policy or project cycle:

Gender focal points in other ministries or departments? Development partners with a gender equality mandate? A governmental or independent economist with gender expertise? Male and female representatives of private sector interests? An umbrella organization of women’s or gender NGOs? Any NGOs or community groups that represent men’s gender interests? Relevant sectoral or “special interest” NGOs that have an interest or experience in gender issues? Human rights groups or advocates? Think tanks or policy analysts with experience and expertise in gender issues? Academics or researchers from university Gender Studies departments?

Gender-sensitive indicators

In order to ensure that mainstreaming has taken place, and that there is no fading away of gender issues during the

project implementation, it is important to formulate indicators for use in the monitoring and evaluation process.

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


Indicators are defined as measures of progress and can be quantitative or qualitative, where the former are

expressed numerically and the latter descriptively.

Youth work and gender

This session included work in small groups on how we understand NFE and Youth work. After presentation in plenary

discussion on how they integrate gender component into that. Presentations of what the organisations are focused

on and their work in this filed.

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


The framework includes three levels of analysis that should be taken into consideration:

Micro: The micro level analysis helps to identify major constraints

faced by women at the household and community level, which will

have repercussions on the meso and macro levels.

Meso: The meso level deals with gender sensitivity of specific local

structures; it focuses on institutions and organizations and their

delivery systems. It investigates whether they reflect gender

equality principles in their structure, in their culture, in the services

they provide and in the way these services are provided.

Macro: The macro level deals with the overall institutional environment and interrelations between actors. This can

relate to for example legislation, policies and budgets.


How SOS Podgorica is integrating gender perspective into work on HIV/AIDS was presented by one of the trainers - Martina Cekovic trough PTT: Integrating Gender in the National response to HIV/AIDS.

She presented what SOS Podgorica is doing in the area of strengthening the capacity of national stakeholders on gender issues related to the implementation of the national response to HIV / AIDS. Women are often exposed to various forms of discrimination and violations of basic human rights. They belong to particularly sensitive group exposed to poverty, stigmatization, sex trafficking, sexual violence, domestic violence, as well as other various forms of violence that carries legal and illegal work. Activities of SOS Podgorica in this area: Research on the topic: "Gender equality in the context of HIV / AIDS" (review and analysis of international and domestic legislation, conducted interviews with representatives of institutions-tested knowledge, attitudes and existing practices in the work of institutions in relation to gender issues and their impact on HIV vulnerability, conducted analysis of users’ groups by service providers. Training for representatives of health, government and NGOs on the theme "Gender sensitive approach to prevention and care of HIV / AIDS“. Training for representatives of media on the topic "The impact of media on the integration of gender-based principles in response to

HIV / AIDS in Montenegro

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO



Evaluation grid to assess the gender dimension of projects we prepare

Presentation of Grid and gender analysis matrix (gam) Worksheet was made. Participants in small groups practiced

on how to fill it.

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


Guests and Press Conference in Ulcinj to present project and YiA

This part of the Program was organized with support from the Government of Montenegro - Ministry of human and

minority rights. Two representatives of the Ministry came to Ulcinj to present what the Government of Montenegro

is doing in the area of Gender mainstreaming.

Biljana Pejovic - Independent Advisor at the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights - Office for Gender


Maja Jovic - Programme Associate in the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights - Office for Gender


Biljana Zekovic, Executive director of SOS telephone for women and children victims of violence –

Podgorica (SOS Podgorica).

Director of SOS Podgorica presented what the

SOS is working on for the last 18 years in this

field. She presented also results of the other

projects that SOS Podgorica is implementing and

are supported by EU and are in line with

organizational mission and vision and purpose of

organizing international trainings like this TC.

Representatives from the Government

presented Legal and policy framework for

gender Equality in Montenegro – the Law on

Gender Equality, Law on protection from Family

Violence, National Strategy for Gender equality

etc. Representatives of the Ministry brought lot

of publications about gender equality for the

participants, some of them in English, some

bilingual, some Montenegrin (Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian) and Albanian language.

Press Conference was followed by TV Teuta from

Ulcinj. They made interviews with representatives

from Ministry, and Director of SOS Podgorica,

Biljana Zekovic. DVD with this video is attached to

this report, and can also be found at TV Teuta

YouTube channel.

Journalist from Radio Ulcinj was also present and

she interviewed 4 participants as well. This was

broadcasted during following day in Informative

program, but we could not get the transcript for

the purpose of this report.

Articles about this Press conference and training were published also in:

Facebook page of SOS Podgorica www.facebook.com/sostelefonpodgorica

Website of Government of Montenegro – Ministry for minority and human rights: Office for Gender Equality, http://www.mmp.gov.me/pretraga/138394/Trening-kurs-o-rodnoj-ravnopravnosti.html

National daily Newspapers “Pobjeda” http://www.pobjeda.me/2014/05/07/ulcinj-trening-o-znacaju-rodne-ravnopravnosti-za-demokratiju/#.U2yFwPmSySo ,

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


Portal CDM http://www.cdm.me/drustvo/crna-gora/ulcinj-odrzan-trening-kurs-o-rodnoj-ravnopravnosti , Ulcinj Info in Montenegrin language http://mne.ul-info.com/sos-telefon-odrzan-trening-kurs/ . Ulcinj Info in Albanian language http://ul-info.com/sos-telefoni-u-mbajt-kursi-i-trajnimit/

It was shown on TV “Teuta” on 07th of May and on 11th of May 2014, and can be found on their You Tube chanel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igIAjSQHARQ&feature=youtu.be

Mentioned articles can be found at the end of this Report in PR of the project section.

Participants preparing and leading the sessions

In the afternoon part of the program, participants were on this day strengthened to practice, and in small groups

prepare and lead session by themselves.

Topics that were covered were:

Youth work and gender Youth and gender in music Using social networks for GM LGBT in gender.

Trainers, Aleksandra, Ivo,

and Martina, were providing

them with more information

when needed, more support

during preparation, and they were monitoring the process of team work,

content development and implementation of the workshops as well. They

were also following workshops and giving comments to each group directly

after the implemented session.

Participants showed big commitment in preparation of the workshops, and

where mainly open for feedback from trainers and proposals for improvement

in future work. Although, lot of them said that they still don’t feel comfortable

to lead the sessions and would need more training and practice.


Last working days was planned for Planing of future steps for individual work and organisation. After brainstorming

of what the project is, and short discussion on what

are needed steps in planning of the projects, the

trainers concluded that more theoretical input on

this is needed. So, one of the trainers, Aleksandra

Gligorovic, gave theoretical input on: Problem tree

and defining the needs, defining objectives, results,

and activities that we want to implement, making

action plan for the project preparation.

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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


Participants were writing their own ideas for projects, small groups

according to interest has been made, and in small groups the project

ideas have been developed.

When developed, project ideas were presented in plenary, and all

other interested persons were invited to join the groups and work on

project development in the future.


Evaluation of the project was done in several ways – first, participants

were asked to express verbally in one word about how they feel at the

end of the TC. Some of the answers where following: really good, happy, so-so, OK, peaceful, better, improved,

confused, amazing, accomplished, great, tired, disappointed, relaxed, sexy, well feed, happy, updated, awesome,

relaxed, satisfied, fortuned, lucky to be here.

Participants were reminded to send typed Key

competences that they want to include in their

Youth pass.

All participants received blue envelops to write

messages for their friends from training that will

be taken home in memory on this TC. Team of

trainers gave their personal evaluation and

closing speech.

Evaluation questioner was passed to all

participants to fill-in.


Evaluation questioner was distributed to all participants. They were asked two group of questions – one related to logistic, and one related to the program. They could rate specific element from 1 to 5, where 1 is the best (very satisfied) and 5 not satisfied. They could add personal comments as well. Here are the results.

1. Logistic




Logistic support – help in organizing transfer










General accommodation






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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


2. Programme





Food / Coffee Breaks










Working space










Content of the program (topics covered)




















Trainers’ competences










Your personal contribution to the program










Group commitment and participation in program










Group spirit






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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


Comments about the programme, trainers, guests: I am very happy and satisfied with a trainers and I like program all time. Generally the program was ok. In some session I felt more as I was on a seminar then on training. Trainers are very competent and they used a lot of interesting methods which I will use in my work. It could be a bit better, but it was great (especially with a so different people). Great professionals! Awesome training, the program was really good, accommodation was perfect! Trainers were emperors! As it was ToT I expected more of the program and of the methods.

Since it was ToT the program covered all important parts. Trainers were really professionals even that they could communicate and hangout with rest of the group after session. Guest from Ulcinj has a really great input, very useful.

Everything was ok except some participants. Program well designed, great and competent trainers. I am very satisfied with all about things, persons and what I have learned. The program and the trainers were very good and I liked it. You were great! Everything was fine, quite a pleasant experience. Trainers were great The trainers work as a teachers sometimes I really enjoyed everything and I learned a lot about what means to be a trainer, to organize this kind of

program, I learned something from every session

Could you explain to your friends what gender mainstreaming is? Please give the definition or list elements:

That male and female must have the same rights.

It means to include as much as possible stakeholders (NGO, Institutions, Universities and Employers) to reach

a wider target, population when they deal with gender equality and importance of G.E.

I will definitely implement it in my work. Gender mainstreaming is promoting gender equality for improving

the community.

GM is the process of establishing gender equality in many levels of society not only in politics but in social

services and economics…

The process of involving females in every single part of lives. To fight for human rights.





Guest speakers from Ulcinj










Guest speakers from Ministry of human and Minority rights










Guest speaker from SOS Telephone Podgorica






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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


Inclusion of Gender Equality elements in activity designing.

The process and methods to involve both female and male in the society.

GM is promotion of women rights and contribution in politics and law.

GM is a way to mainstream gender as an important topic in projects, policies and society in general.

GM is mainstreaming gender issues in all kind of topics

Process of achieving equality between gender through different methods

Good buy until the next opportunity!!


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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


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"Training of Trainers on Gender Mainstreaming", 01 – 08. May 2014, Ulcinj, MONTENEGRO


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