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Tears are more powerful than bombs

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A Compilation of Free verses in English echoing the plight of Eezham Tamils
1 Tears are more powerful than bombs Tears are more powerful than bombs Tears are more powerful than bombs Tears are more powerful than bombs A compilation of Free verses By Maraima araima araima araimalai lai lai lai Ilakkuvanar Ilakkuvanar Ilakkuvanar Ilakkuvanar Published through Internet For Free Circulation
Page 1: Tears are more powerful than bombs


Tears are more powerful than bombsTears are more powerful than bombsTears are more powerful than bombsTears are more powerful than bombs

A compilation of Free verses


MMMMaraimaaraimaaraimaaraimalai lai lai lai IlakkuvanarIlakkuvanarIlakkuvanarIlakkuvanar

Published through Internet

For Free Circulation

Page 2: Tears are more powerful than bombs



Refugees in their own land-4-5

Tears 6-7

Wars no more 8

There are children crying9-10

Jesus came11-13

They call it as welfare camps14

Nobel for Obama15-16

May 18-A Dark spot in the history of mankind17-18

We deeply mourn19-20

Tears are more powerful than bombs21-22

Born to be killed23-24

Let us write a new history25-26

There are children crying27-28

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This is just a compilation of my free verses.

The Eezham tragedy, the chain of atrocious moments during which my

brothers and sisters in Eezham were butchered by the merciless army.

My only consolation was my reflections communicated through internet.

I was helpless as there was nobody to take action against the genocide.

The visuals and news in print-media accelerated a strong angst which turned

my mind as ferocious as a volcano.

I wish to share my emotion with you.

This compilation is just a sharing of my feelings ventilated through net and

you can see the dates under each poem.

I appeal everyone to fight for justice to redress the genuine grievances of the

sufferings of Eezham Tamils.

If it moves the minds of the readers in that direction I will be satisfied.

Maraimalai Ilakkuvanar

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Refugees in Their Own Land

--Plight of the Eezham Tamils

Refugees in their own land

Refugees in their home-land!

Beggars in their own home!

A heartless government

By its malicious war

And brutal attack on innocent civilians

Have wiped of an entire race

With the approval of 'big' powers!

Now only we come to know

The real meaning of UN.

Uncaring for any calamity;

Unsolicited advice offered, but

Unmoved and inactive during

Unparalleled human tragedies;

In short that is UN!

When cluster-bombs

and poisonous gas-bombs

were thrown on innocent people


When patients in hospitals,

Children learning at schools,

Women feeding their babies in homes

Were the targets of Air-bombing,

The UN unnoticed it!

Now they are taking stock of the corpses

Giving the tally as eighteen thousands!

When thousands and thousands of

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Innocent civilians are slaughtered

What were you doing?

The untold sufferings and woes

Experienced by helpless creatures-

-Eezham Tamils-

Now the whole world knows!

Even now

UN is still




Unmindful of genocide

Happening before its own eyes!

(Apr 26, 2009)

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sublime minds

delve deep

in the ocean of distress

and sufferings

of the under-privileged;

when there is no solution

when they cry

for the salvation of

the oppressed,

the silent witnesses

the eyes

reward these pearls

to the noble souls

who suffer for the sufferers;

Tears are the Identity passes of

Those who have kind hearts

Tears-the hot droplets reveal

That the inner mind is boiling.

These tiny droplets

Surely accomplish a baptizing ceremony

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for true lovers.

When there is genocide out of your country

Where fascist regimes are butchering their own people.

Tears with sincere concern

Always act as a source of inspiration

To fight and destroy

The atrocious regime.

(Sep 7, 2009 )

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Wars No More

A Request to Obama

Lead kindly Light!

Obama, with all your might!

Wars should be out of sight!

No more Iraq fight!

Recognize Tamil Eezham straight!

(Nov 6, 2008)

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There Are Children Crying

There are children crying!

Don't you hear the sound?

There are children crying!

Thousands and thousands of children crying!

In a high pitch but with a feeble voice

Unable to cry aloud

As they are starving

Without their mothers' feeding

As their mothers are already dead

Due to starvation;

There are children crying!

As their mothers are killed

By the military junta

There are children crying!

Unable to tolerate the bomb-shelling

By the religious extremists,

There are children crying!

With hollowed eyes

Swollen tummies due to long starvation

There are children crying!

Battered by their arrogant fathers

There are children crying!

Neglected by their working mothers

Who are unable to attend

As they have to earn for their food

There are children crying!

All around the world

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Don't you hear the sound?

Due to starvation;

Religious fundamentalism,

Linguistic jingoism,

State terrorism,

All sorts of arrogances,

Man-made atrocities,

Make the tiny toddlers

Cry aloud, weep long,

Till they die;

I am crying

Don't you hear the sound?

As I am unable to protest

Against these evils.

(Nov 7, 2008)

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Jesus Came

Jesus came

King of Kings

Lord of lords

Jesus came

Source of Light

Life of life

Jesus came

He came to this earth


Privileged was me

To see the lord!

His holy presence

I was unable to see

The dazzling light

made my eyes

to stumble and twinkle

All I saw

was nothing but light

The light of our life

asked me to follow.

We went at first

To Iraq

Where there was

thousands of soldiers

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standing with guns

What is this?

Was His question;

Though baffled first

I ventured to speak

Our Lord


Strain very much

To save Iraq

From anarchy.

He shook His head

To refute my answer;

Quick came this


from our Savior:

"Tell me quick!

Are they Super-powers?

History will call them as


Our Lord made me

to accompany Him

By following Him

I revolved around

the global village :

Afghan and Iran

Srilanka and Chechnya

Places I saw with the

Help of our Lord.

made me feel guilty

I was compelled

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to hang my head

with utter shame;

Everywhere He went

exhibited a bloody battlefield;

Guns and Shells

bombarded heavily

Screaming children

Weeping old ladies

Frail little kids

frozen with fear

appeared everywhere

I heard these words

Not sure who told these

"Oh! Fools!

Even billion lamps will never

remove the darkness

accumulated in your hearts

Your Christmas lamps

should be truth and faith

Feed the needy

Help the poor

Away from your greedy plans

Peace everywhere

Peace be with you..


(Dec 7, 2008)

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They call it as Welfare Camps

Surrounded by barbed wire

'Guarded '(?) by military junta

Preventing the exit of the ailing and

Entrance of the helping Samaritans

They live in canvas tents

The floor is rough soil

The muddy soil is their bed



New moms

Aged persons

Starving without food;

The ration is too small

The frequency is too long

Children cry for milk

Mothers swoon without food

Even for their dire need of toilets

They have to wait in long queue

This is the plight of displaced persons

They are refused of their legitimate rights

We are witnessing this horrible scene

The tear-shaped island

Beneath India

Engulfed by oceans of tears and blood.

The torture camp of innocent people,

Slaughter house of helpless minority,

Will be an indelible blot in world history.

(Sep 9, 2009)

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Nobel for Obama

'A Life-time achievement award is given

to a debutant President'

Papers and Politicians cry loudly.

Cool! Please cool!

His life itself is an achievement for Obama!

How many hurdles he had crossed

To reach the peak post!

Awards have adorned personalities.

Today the Award itself is adorned!

Not only a

Nobel for Peace!

Nobel for Humanism!

Award for tolerance!

Accolade for dynamic actions!

Prize for positive thinking!

Honor for secularism!

Gift for the gifted speaker!

Reward for reasonable decision-maker!

The medal reflects the hope of the world!

We are longing for a warless world

Come on! Please be firm in your steps!

Throw away the atomic arrogance!

Thrash up the terrorist demons!

Save Eezham Tamils, the victims of Fascism!

Wherever there are

Frail creatures repressed by tyranny

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There should reach your helping hand!

Prestigious president of a powerful country!

Now you are a leader of the masses!

Lead kindly light!

Let us remove the darkness of poverty

Illusions of ignorance

Hazards of diseases

Moving towards

A Heaven in the earth!

(Oct 10, 2009 )

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May-18: A Dark Spot in the History of Mankind

This day, previous year,

More than quarter a million innocent lives

Butchered by the brutal force of

Chemical bombs, Cluster bombs

And the most cruel ammunition

Barred by the U.N.

Blood-thirsty barbarians

Destroyed tiny babies, innocent children

And helpless ladies;

Genocide carried in broad daylight

When the U.N. stood as a passive spectator!

No big powers dare open their mouths!

No peace-brokers wished to mediate!

The biggest democracy, U.S.

Failed to condemn the genocide

The Land of Lincoln

Swerved from protecting

The rights of minority!

The country of George Washington

Declined to utter a voice in protest!

Thousands and thousands of people

Were melted as ash!

The crying children

Weeping mothers

Ailing aged

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Did not get any help;

Skulls and bones

Heaped like mountains

Were carried by military trucks

Just to hide the massacre from media!

SriLanka became a Slaughter-house!

Did Buddha order this bloodbath?

Hitler seems to be a gentleman

When compared with Rajapakshe!

The Fuhrer of Germany

Declared Jews as his enemies.

The torture camps, Gas chambers,

Guillotine and all modes of perpetration

Were never hidden by the media.

Here in Sri Lanka

The butchery of a quarter million people

-Mass destruction by military junta-

was carried in the name of anti-terrorism!

Who is the terrorist?

One who fought against mass murder?

Or the one who committed the mass execution?

Even after a year you wish to keep silence?

Don't you have hearts with an iota of compassion?

Don't you have eyes to weep?

Don't you have a mind to condemn it?

Don't you have a conscience to guide your intellect?

(May 10, 2010)


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We Deeply Mourn

We deeply mourn

The depart of souls

Previous year, on this day!

All of them our kith and kin

Mercilessly slaughtered

By the ruthless junta,

Brutal and cruel;

Thousands and thousands of innocent lives

Subjected to cold-blooded slaughter

As the army used

All kinds of destructive weapons

To shut, the voices,

The voices for a just living.

All their demands were not ambitious

'Human rights' and 'self-respect'

Were their cravings;

Yearning for a peaceful life

Longing for liberty and freedom

They wanted a tiny place

-The place where they live-

As a separate state

Under their governance!

This is nothing new!

When Palestine and East Timor

Were born as new states

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Why not Tamil Eelam?

Jet planes bombed shells

Chemical bombs thrown

Poisonous gas released!

All of a sudden

Thousands and thousands

Perished with pain!

A huge mountain of skulls and bones

Stood as a silent witness

To the genocide carried!

On this day, previous year

Sixty-three persons got murdered

A horrible event!

Shame upon humanity!

How can we forget

The tragic scene of the

Gruesome murder?

We deeply mourn

The depart of souls

Previous year, on this day;

All of them our kith and kin

Mercilessly slaughtered

By the ruthless junta,

Brutal and cruel!

(May 14, 2010)

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Tears Are More Powerful Than Bombs

We are weeping!

Mourning over the genocide!

Ghastly murder of innocent people

Who owned only their lives!

Mothers carrying babies in their arms

Old aged unable to run in a hurry!

Meek creatures

Unable to defend themselves!

Cruelly killed!



We can not forget the tragic death!

A huge mass of sixty-three thousand lives!

Dastardly destroyed!

We are unable to express anything!

The government is all powerful!

There is no force to contest

No way to combat

The propaganda of a government

Officially carrying

an onslaught against minority!

We are weeping

Mourning over the genocide!

Tears are more powerful than bombs!

Truth is mightier than the media!

We are weeping all alone!

We are mourning in the dark!

We strongly hope

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A day may come

When people will know the truth

And spring to immediate action

At least to save the remaining people!

Let us weep!

Let us cry aloud!

Let all our blood ooze out as tears

Draining from our eyes continuously!

We will weep till our death

To save our race from extinction!

(May 17, 2010)

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Born to Be Killed

-Distress of the Innocent Eazham Tamils

Born to be killed!

Born to be killed

Sustain to be sabotaged!

Exist to be extinguished!

Agree to be butchered

Allow to be murdered

Bow down to be bombed

Sit down to be shot at


It is not a puzzle

The torment of Eazham Tamils

daily killed by

Cluster bombs in Srilanka

By the ‘merciful’ army

For reasons unknown.

Children born there

May not get their mothers' feed

Surely they will be blessed by

Shelling from the sky!

Even dogs in Hong Kong

Get a decent livelihood

By animal welfare activists

Here in Srilanka

There is nobody

To prevent the ongoing genocide.

Afraid of air bombings

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Innocent people run

Hide themselves in the forests

A horrible life!

Like flock of sheep

They congregate

No light No food

Not a drop of water to

Quench their thirst

They fall as preys

To quench the thirst of army

Which wants to destroy

the lives of their fellow-citizens!

Bunkers are used as labor wards

Children are given birth

In the bushy forest

To get the bombs as gifts

Which award them instant death.

When Japan rushes to advise a ceasefire

The land of Buddha wishes to keep silence!

While Japan gives first-aid kits!

The birthplace of Non-violence

Distributes war weapons!

To be or not to be

That is the question

Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of our saviors

Or, to take arms against the

Outrageous betrayal?

To be or not to be

That is the question.

(Jan 21, 2009)

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Let Us Write a New History

His story

Her story

My story

Your story

Our story and

Their story


Make History.

Does any History

Narrate the woes

Difficulties and


Experienced by the common man or woman?

Every History is a

Mere story

Fabricated by

Arm-chair ideologists!

Your knowledge of History

Can no way give you a real picture about any country.

Every history has got


Every historian is a

Talented story-teller

Capable of making people

Believe the unbelievable;

Authenticating fiction as fact!

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Till now

History reveals

The story of the conqueror;

The achievements of the ruler;

The adventures of the winner;


History should narrate

The sufferings of the oppressed;

The man-made calamities that tortured the mankind;

The atrocities committed by the perpetrators;

The plight of the down-trodden;

The woes of the womankind;

The oppressions

enforced on women

by male-dominated laws and rules!

Let us try for a history

Written by common people

About common people;

A history written by women

About the sufferings undergone by women!

In short

Let us re-write the History

In a proper manner

For the future generations!

(Apr 21, 2009)

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There Are Children Crying

There are children crying

Don't you hear the sound?

There are children crying

Thousands and thousands of children crying

In a high pitch but with a feeble voice

Unable to cry aloud

As they are starving

Without their mothers' feeding

As their mothers are already dead

Due to starvation;

There are children crying

As their mothers are killed

By the military junta

There are children crying

Unable to tolerate the bomb-shelling

By the religious extremists,

There are children crying

With hollowed eyes

Swollen tummies due to long starvation

There are children crying

Battered by their arrogant fathers

There are children crying

Neglected by their working mothers

Who are unable to attend

As they have to earn for their food

There are children crying

All around the world

Don't you hear the sound?

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Due to starvation;

Religious fundamentalism,

Linguistic jingoism,

State terrorism,

All sorts of arrogances,

Man-made atrocities,

Make the tiny toddlers

Cry aloud, weep long,

Till they die;

I am crying unable to protest

against these evils.

Don't you hear the sound?

. (Nov 7, 2008_)

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