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Tel survey, csg (final)

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TEL survey at Coleg Sir Gar
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Technology Enhanced Learning Survey (Carmarthen/Lampeter) This spreadsheet presents the outcomes of a survey of current Technology Enhanced Learning practice at Coleg Sir Gâr as partner in the University of Wales Trinity Saint David group of institutions. The survey involved both staff and students and was carried out online using Survey Monkey. A total of 75 staff responded to the survey and the results can be viewed by clicking on the Staff Survey Tab at the bottom of the page. The student survey is ongoing and this document will be updated in due course. There were 10 questions in the staff survey and 9 in the student survey. They asked specifically about their use of the institutional online learning management system Moodle as well as their use of other online resources including Social Media applications. The students were also asked about how they engaged with these online resources using their own devices (Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops, PCs ) and how they felt about that and the use of social media in their learning. The purpose of the exercise was to contribute to a baseline view of the current use of technology in the learning process to inform TEL planning across the institution. Similar surveys were carried out at the Swansea, Carmarthen and Lampeter campuses of the University and will also be completed at Coleg Ceredigion, the othe FE partner in the group. Separate spreadsheets were created to present the outcomes of each of those surveys which, collectively, deliver a rich picture of usage across the whole institution. A final document that synthesises all the information recieved, draws conclusions and makes recomendations for consideration by the Technology Enhanced Learning development team at the University, concludes the exercise.
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Technology Enhanced Learning Survey (Carmarthen/Lampeter)

This spreadsheet presents the outcomes of a survey of current Technology Enhanced Learning practice at Coleg Sir Gâr as partner in the University of Wales Trinity Saint David group of institutions. The survey involved both staff and students and was carried out online using Survey Monkey. A total of 75 staff responded to the survey and the results can be viewed by clicking on the Staff Survey Tab at the bottom of the page. The student survey is ongoing and this document will be updated in due course.

There were 10 questions in the staff survey and 9 in the student survey. They asked specifically about their use of the institutional online learning management system Moodle as well as their use of other online resources including Social Media applications. The students were also asked about how they engaged with these online resources using their own devices (Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops, PCs ) and how they felt about that and the use of social media in their learning.

The purpose of the exercise was to contribute to a baseline view of the current use of technology in the learning process to inform TEL planning across the institution. Similar surveys were carried out at the Swansea, Carmarthen and Lampeter campuses of the University and will also be completed at Coleg Ceredigion, the othe FE partner in the group. Separate spreadsheets were created to present the outcomes of each of those surveys which, collectively, deliver a rich picture of usage across the whole institution. A final document that synthesises all the information recieved, draws conclusions and makes recomendations for consideration by the Technology Enhanced Learning development team at the University, concludes the exercise.

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Survey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q1:

To what extent do you use Moodle in your teaching delivery?

Not at all 30%As a small part of the teaching mix 34%As a major part of the teaching mix 15%Central to the teaching Plan 21%

Technology Enhanced Learning Survey: Staff





Not at all As a small part of the teaching


As a major part of the teaching


Central to the teaching Plan










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Survey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q2:

Do you use Moodle for student assessment?

No 67%Partly 19%Mostly 11%All 3%





No Partly Mostly All 0%









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Survey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q3:

Do you use Moodle for course management?

No 55%For a few management functions 30%For several management functions 10%It is my main management tool 1%





No For a few management


For several management


It is my main management









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Survey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q4:

Do you use any other online applications to support learners?

No 60%Yes 40%



No Yes 0%








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Survey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q5:

Do you make your teaching materials available on Moodle?

No 25%Some 23%Most 25%All 28%





No Some Most All 0%







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Survey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q6:

What formats do you use for your online teaching materials?

None 20%Text based 31%Text with images and links 62%Multi-media 34%Other 6%






None Text based Text with images and


Multi-media Other 0%








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Survey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q7:

To what extent do you use open educational resources?

Never 34%Occasionally 38%Often 28%As a key teaching resource 0%





Never Occasionally Often As a key teaching resource










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Survey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q8:

Never 62%Occasionally 31%Frequently 4%All the time 3%

To what extent do you communicate with your students through Moodle?



4% 3%

Never Occasionally Frequently All the time 0%








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Survey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q9:

Do you communicate online with your students in other ways?

email 89%Text message 11%Facebook 26%Other 13%





email Text message Facebook Other 0%











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Survey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q10:

No thanks 43%Yes 57%

If you are happy to do so please indicate your campus, faculty and subject.

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1 Feedback from students is they sometimes find it hard to access from home.2 It is a planned component, students use it for accessing materials out of college.3

4 Planned Useful for links and resources for use in the lesson5 Give students research ideas and set tasks for them on a weekly basis. Links to blogs, films, documents, powerpoints etc.6 I am a librarian.7 I am a college-based assessor , so not teaching at present.8 Briefs and teaching resources/handouts are posted for each unit to Mooodle9 for acces to units10 Used mainly for PT HE students11

12 My position of sculpture technician means Moodle is not used in my role.13 All resources and activities e.g. SMARTBoard notes are stored centrally. Assessments via Turnitin.14 use to document lectures, share resources, notes, urls etc.15


17 Moodle is an excellent back up to the one to one tutorials that I use as the main tool for delivery of the RAL element of the PPF.18 its used as a central site for briefs, films, technological advice and students are expected to view it weekly.19

20I have all of my teaching material uploaded on to moodle for the students to access as well as extra materials to help them with assignments.

moodle is used for: -interaction with the learners -lesson plans -SoW and lecture schedules -Interactives -Communication Big problem is learners are not using it willingly.

Almost my units and work are stored on moodle, my sessions are delivered from moodle and all the students access and use the resources regularly. There are aspect I need to develop further though.

Teaching ESW Problem Solving Doesn't require much lecturing. It is mostly guiding students through their assignment. I feel that Moodle is not really helping.I use Moodle to bring both the lesson plan and scheme of work to life. My learners want to access resources in colour and on their own personal devices rather than recieve badly photocopied b/w handouts as is usually issued. Moodle allows my learners to revist their learning and those aiming for higher grades can access further learning content as contact time is limited.

The art and design students tend to only use Moodle if I direct them to download or to look at a file within class. It is helpful to allow access to electronic documents to fill in before printing. They hardly use it outside of class.

Comments for Q1: To what extent do you use Moodle in your teaching delivery? (Is it a planned component of your teaching? How well, and in what way does it contribute to teaching in your curriculum area? Do you have feedback from students on how useful it is?)

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1 I only use it to get the assignments in, I do not currently respond on Moodle.2 Assignments on there. Assignments submitted too.3 post tasks, use turnitin for C&C studies teaching.4 Assignments Issue and Submission. Marking. Respond online etc.5 Although not recently I have done in the past6

7 Turnitin for all work (HE). Quizzes etc.8 Students must build a portfolio which would be a hard copy of their work and evidences of steps followed.9

10 Students submit practical work11

12 All student work is submitted via Moodle. I plan to introduce turnit in in the very near future.13 I havn't tried this yet but did start a blog on moodle but students did not respond to it14


16 Assessment outlines are all on Moodle. We will eventually move to using Turnitin17 I have set 2 tests for numerical solutions on Moodle with immediate assessment and feedback for students.18 Used for students to submit work only.19 All student assessments are on MOODLE, their assignements are submitted via turnitin, but as yet results are not posted online

This is an aspect I would like to develop further. I post all the assignments on moodle so the students have access but currently they do not submit their work through moodle. I have had training on using quzzes on moodle but I havn't really implemented it. I need to do the training again as it is something I would like to use more.

I use the assignment tools and multichoice quizzes. The assignment tool allows my learners to submit work when it suits them and it allows me to set a hand in date that suits my scheme of work and not the opening hours of the college. Multiple choice quizzes allow me to unoffically test learners and also successes criterea trigger activity unlocking rules that release future lesson content.

I would assume the learners would not use it and so I have not tried this yet. I have been made aware of these assessment tools. It certainly could come in handy for key skills.

I use Turnitin for submission with HE groups (we have been told we do not have the licences to extend this facility to HE groups). I respond online with comments attachedSome assignments are posted via Moodle. Currently piloting 'Turnitin' within specific modules. Yes use Forums extensively and various quiz formats but currently piloting 'NearPod' via iPads/Smartphones for quiz assessments due to speed of set up.

Comments for Q2: Do you use Moodle for student assessment? (Do you post assignments on Moodle? Do you use Turnitin for student responses? Do you respond online? Do you use Moodle assessment tools such as multi-choice questions?)


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1 Course Handbook and coursestructure. Gar-i used in conjunction for tracking and monitoring of learner work, attendance, progress etc.2 Baisc information uploaded regarding student issues.3

4 Assessment schedules.5 Garr I System is a better option.6 I use the database tool for monitoring, tracking and IV/EV documentation however it is limited.7 Weekly events, timetables are posted on moodle.8

9 I set deadlines on the calender and also upload results when a module has been completed10 Course announcements and deadlines.11 I have used it for some announcements and for assignment deadlines. Also as a skeleton scheme of work12

13 Not me personally14 I message students through moodle btu was not aware of the forum facility15 Course announcements are sometimes posted but often given verbally.

I did used to post assignment deadlines and event reminders on moodle but we use the Gar i system now and almost all our students engage and track their schedule and deadlines and results on it. I have used forum's in the past but not really as effectively as they could be used (I have seen other staff using them more effectively). I would tend to use My Big Campus for this type of input/feedback.

Yes, used to signpost activity for session if unable to attend lecture in person. Don't use calendar / tutor forum - currently performed via college Gar i System

Comments for Q3: Do you use Moodle for course management? (Do you post course announcements for students? Do you use the calendar for key course events and assignment deadlines? Do you have a course tutor forum?)

I think however this would be so helpful. I have been told about my big campus, and I know other tutors may use facebook groups. So it would be a question of what the learners would like- to use fb or this kind of thing instead.

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1 Coleg Sir Gar GarI system2 My Big campus Student Blogs3

4 college email, blogs, facebook5 E-resources such as Eurostat, Issue Online and e-books.6

7 CSG Gar-i 'Student Admin' site.8 CSG Gari system for attendance monitoring, progress and report generation. EBS register systems for class registers.9 student-admin, mybigcampus10 Facebook11 gar i system12 Gar i system, My Big Campus, Facebook13 All on online systems expect Moodle14 Facebook closed group is the main communication tool.15 pinterest - a visual research resource facebook - for liks, announcements. more accessible for most students.16


18 Facebook for contacting student groups and apssing on and sharing information19 Twitter20 Facebook gan fod y myfyrwyr yn ei ddefnyddio yn aml ac maent yn derbyn y wybodaeth yn syth.

Moodle is the backbone, however I will use YouTube and Scorm however as these are embedded learners may not be aware they are external. I promote Google Drive as an alternative to Microsoft Office .

use of scorm - NLN, but these are very outdated, few learners understad how to work NLN. The big disadvantage is the IT here, which works mostly, but not when you need it.

I encourage learners to use websites relavant to their QCF Award in HSC, such as SCIE, NICE, and email exchange for submitting assignments and giving feedback, in addition to classroom development . The majority of my learners are mature candidates, as opposed to school leavers , etc. Therefore the willingness and abiltiy to use social media and othe ronline tools , etc. varies hugely.- The majority of my learners still prefer face-to-face classroom or workplace contact with regard to portfolio development, a s well as benefitting from learning from other HSC colleagues in a classroom environment during workshops delivered at college.

Online searching engines are largely used by students as most of the problems they try to solve would require information gathered from internet.

Comments for Q4: Do you use any other online applications, in addition to Moodle, to support learners? (If you use other online tools such as social networking sites, wikis and blogs etc in the support of your learners, please describe them below including the reasons/benefits /circumstances)

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1 Access is an integral part of my teaching2 Revision3 To use in lessons and if they have missed a session4 Powerpoint lectures after they are given, students can access forms they need or look up online resources5 The library adds information to Moodle if students require it for support in this field.6 Yes - I don't feel B/W photocopies or handouts with tiny powerpoints slides are acceptable7

8 All classnotes, prezis, tasks etc.9 There is not much need to teach theories for ESW Problem Solving.10 Additional information. To save printing them all out. in case students loose them11




15 Integral part of my teaching.16 additional videos and handouts and powerpoints from class. No lesson plans17 Saves on printing and students can access a lesson even if off sick.18 It is integral to my teaching. I am happy to share all resources with my learners and other staff members19 Yes I am happy to share my teaching material to extend the learning of students20 Revision purposes (the students are given printed handouts in the lesson to work from)21 For information, reference and also so students can alter to suit their particular learing need22

23 For revision, additional information and links to reliable websites, articles, videos.

It is integral to my course. Students can access exactly the same Powerpoint lecture slides through Moodle as delivered in class. Additional resources are also available on moodle - worksheet questions, answers, mark schemes and past exam papers for revision

I make the notes available for students to use in assignment work. It also helps those who miss sessions. I also upload links to interactive sites, videos and approariate websites as learning activities to reinforce learning

The materials on Moodle are a back up to group sessions and one to one tutorials. The information is always available to non-traditional learners, particularly those in the work place.Its for catching up if students miss sessions and as a resource for tecniques, skills etc, pointing students in the direction of exhibitions/ tv programmes etc.It can be helpful to indicate to learners that they can download materials to use in their work. These would be class worksheets to use in case they have missed a lesson. I tend to keep folios in class, so again, less reliance on homework within this course.I make sure that students have access to all material, simply as losing work is a common occurance and it means I do not have to re-print work. I also have extra material on the moodle to help students with assignments

Comments for Q5: Do you make your teaching materials available on Moodle? (If you do make materials available, is it for revision purposes? Is it additional information? is making access to materials online an integral part of your teaching plan?)

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1 Includes links to websites and scanned copies of some texts2 This is the most useful for my students3 You tube work sheets website links4 Powerpoint, with text, images and links to websites. Films on various photographers.5 I have not uploaded anything to Moodle but it is done by senior librarians.6 Scorm7

8 pdf's html links video links image files9 I may use links for videos we watched in class, or images from community participation activities.10 Easier and more accessable for the students11 It depends what is most suitable for the topic.12 to add illustration to exposition.13 Mostly text based but also links to youtube educational videos, websites etc14 I try to embed a variety to multi-media to engage and enhance the learning experience of my students.15

16 I teach programming and it is a very useful way to share material with students and demonstrate how programs work.

Word docs, Powerpoint, You tube and web links. Mostly as I lack the skills and time to develop other types of materials I am ashamed to say. I realy should be able to use multi media materials more effectively.

Powerpoint for animated slides Word documents for worksheets, answers, mark schemes and past exam papers PDFs for static slides for students who do tno have powerpoint

Comments for Q6: What formats do you use for your online teaching materials? (If you make your teaching materials available online, please describe the format and reasons why you present them in this way)

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1 As a Basic Skills tutor I use online materials from many sources, Skillsworkshop. BBC Skillswise etc.2 Use respected websites3

4 animal care resources availabel on Hwb5 Often use interactive web sites, and You tube clips, on line text book and links to web sites.6 Sport discus, Dawsonera, LRC etc.7 This is something I would like to improve on!8 NGFL9

10 I often use reference material, protocols and YouTube clips online I occasionally adapt Prezi presentations when appropriate.11

12 Links to free e-learning used as an alternative strategy13 Generally post journal articles sourced from online sources14 BBC skillswise/ Bitesize TEDtalks

Issues Online is a resource I recommend and introduce to students regularly. I also use Eurostat when Welsh Bacc students need help with research and reading data.

e-brary/Dawsonera for e-books and access to electronic journals electronic resources via CSG Library and TSD Athens accounts TES online resources Teachers TV TED youtube

I direct all students to WJEC resources freely available online and paper-based in the libraries on each campus. I also direct students to GCSE Bitesize and You Tube for video-based explanations of certain topics.

Comments for Q7: To what extent do you use open educational resources? (Please indicate your use of resources additional to your teaching notes/materials. Include the library based materials you direct students towards, as well as online resources made available through Moodle and generally available through other online sites)

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1 Individual communication only. It is very limited.2 I don't find forums are welcomed by many learners3 Not really any more - use different ways. I have in the past but other ways have taken over.4 Forums but Facebook more successful.5 Classroom and e-mail communication mostly used.6 the students tend not to access it as frequently as facebook. but as a back jup resource that i can direct them to it is ok.7 Its a one way communication in that I tell them whats happening there is no feedback from students to me.8

9 Via forum activities at the end of most sessions10 Students regularly access Moodle and appreciate it.11

12 Students often complain that they find it difficult to navigate Moodle and are often reluctant to use it.

I message students through Moodle but was not aware of the Forum facility until this survey. Students like the ease with which they can communicate with me

I have set up feedback activities so students can comment on content, delivery and assessment for individual sessions. I then analyse the results via Moodle and use the feedback to inform my teaching of follow on sessions

Comments for Q8: To what extent do you communicate with your students through Moodle? (Is it a planned component of your teaching? Do you communicate individually? Though group forums? Do you have feedback on how well it works?)

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1 My big campus2 department facebook page for generic messages3 I offer to answer any questions about the course if it is emailed to me.4 Twitter5

6 email mainly - face book is more personal and so I don't tend to use this - same for mobiles7 see response in No 48 Not regularly though9 verbal and written10 My Big Campus11 Smartphones mean Facebook is the preferred method for learners. Very successful on last minute changes of rooms / times etc.12 I e mail weekly timetables each week as students can find problems accessing moodle from home.13

14 Twitter15


17 I believe it is important to offer students advice on assignments during holidays, weekends et.18 Just e-mail. Keep meaning to set up a College facebook presence but have not done so yet19 Occasionally email - circulate information Text Message - tutor support Via MyBigCampus - to inform students of forthcoming events20

21 I use my college email accout to communicate with students

We usually communicate with students through our Library Facebook. No personal contact is made but we update our Library Facebook page daily so that students who are friends with the Library Facebook profile are able to be receive regular news and updates about the library.

I use email as I can always leave information for students taht they can access when it is appropriate for them and they can always get information to me.

Only occassionally. I find the learners do not respond to online communication as we have not set up this kind of learning ethos within art and design, which is needed.They tend to respond quicker to facebook messages rather than email when you need to ask them about assignments etc because they have apps on their phones which alert them of mesages straight away

Comments for Q9: Do you communicate online with your students in other ways? (We all use online communications in our daily lives. It will be very valuable to know how you use such communications in your support of students. It will be equally important to understand, if you don't use online communications, why you have made this decision)

Until recently I had just been using email to comunicate with my students. But in the last few weeks it seems not all my emails have been getting through so I've now started using Facebook too. So far FB is proving very useful as we can have shared conversations on the closed group page, plus I know how many people have ssen my message.

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1 Computing department Graig Campus Coleg Sir Gar2 Teach counselling to HE students in Ammanford,3 All campus's, Basic Skills tutor.4 Carmarthen Campus Business & Management Curriculum Area5 Graig. ALA.6 Fine Art Painting, drawing and Printmaking7 Art and Design Photography and C&C Studies - Jobswell Campus8 Graig Teaching, Learning and Quality Library and Learning Resource Centre9 Coleg Sir Gar, Ammanford Campus Health & Social Care.10 Aled Richards. L3 Music Technology. CSP. Graig Campus.11 Ammanford and Graig CEC SLDD12 Graig Campus, CRM faculty of Art & Design, Digital Media & History of Art13 Graig14 Graig15 Graig - ExComputing Lecturer16 llanelli17

18 Animal studies , Pib19 Graig. Creative Industries, Sport and Public Services. FDEG and BSc. Sports Coaching and Performance.20 Jobswell. Art and Design. Textiles.21 Throughout Campuses, ESW Problem Solving22

23 ADP. Jobswell, Sculpture.24 Jobswell, Art & Design25 Land based - Gelli Aur26 Celf a Dylunio Ffynnon Job

Work Based Learning fellow with the Wales Institute for Work Based Learning, working through the Carmarthen campus on a zero hours contract.

Graig CSP Sport I dont think that high ILT usage is necessary for excellence in teaching. It is simply another tool that we can add to our repertoire. However digital literacy is of vital importance in every day life for both us and our students and a failure to utilise and develop these skills will limit potential. I believe that digital literacy will be as important and literacy and numeracy in the future.

Comments for Q10: If you are happy to do so, please indicate your campus, faculty and subject area. If you prefer not to, that's fine (please add information about your campus and curriculum area. Also, any comments regarding your personal preferences about using technology in teaching would be welcome and valuable)

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Comments continued:



23 I am support staff24


26 I put my teaching handouts on moodle so students can access them easily27 All students have access to teaching materials which they can then use as a point of reference. It also helps them with preparation.28




All lessons are held on Moodle and all paperwork, notes, information, etc for the student cohort is only available via Moodle. The students are encouraged to access it daily.Lesson handouts and links to useful videos so therefore I can use them in class but also students can use the same at home. I even put up smartboard power points etc so students can use those to make their own notes. They can load it in class and copy notes using the pc staright onto the power point

I only have anecdotal evidence of its usefulness to students. I use digital drop boxes for submission of coursework, homework and activities. Students can access the content prior to the session to do some preparatory workIt is my SOW. I archive all lecture material including Powerpoint, SmartBoard, Extreme Collaboration, You Tube, Quiz and Forum activities. Host - End of module evaluation

Students really appreciate having a full copy of all of my powerpoint slides from lectures with animated questions and answers, so what they can see at home is exactly what I have been through durign lectures. Additional questions are also set with animated solutions in powerpointUsed to signpost students to resources, sources of research - as they are HE students Moodle is used to support self-directed learning. Handouts and other information is uploaded to avoid having to print off copies.it is a planned component, student will find their lecture slides for each week together with additional reading materials and support materials. Wikis are included for group work.I have used Moodle as part of my teaching but students often find it difficult to navigate and to use at home or from moblie devices such as tablets and phones.

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Comments continued:


22 Blogs - for learners to discuss topics outside of class Social networking - tutorials and announcements23 You Tube for videos of animal behaviour etc24 I have used wikis and blogs in the past so students are able to work collaboratively. I do not use social networking sites or twitter25

26 Facebook group better than My Big Campus27

As the majority of their time in campus with teachers is spent without computers (besides 1 hour for ICT), then this kind of thing may not be possible unless it is for homework. Even then, for this level of learner it tends to be easier to do most of the work in class.

Gar i System - Track assignments submission / grades / concerns / attendance etc My Big Campus - Weekly information Extreme Collaboration - SmartBoard activities both in class and while undertaking field studies Near Pod - Archive Powerpoint with YouTube and Quizes Optivote Handsets - Voting handsets linked to Moodle to archive quiz response

I use a blog with some of my learners to encourage debate and work sharing. I have used facebook in the past to help students develop time management skills, ( reminders of deadlines and suggestions of progress deadlines). I have also used Twitter to encourage learners to share links to blogs, Pintrest, newspaper articles and TEDtalks that would help them to develop work or wider skills. There were issues with students not being able to access all the links from college.

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Comments continued:

24 Integral part of teaching plan, but supportive materials are posted as well

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Comments continued:

22 Don't use text and we are not allowed to contact students or add them on Facebook23


I use email to communicate with students as it is a form of communication they are used to using and they often check email several times a day. Students often have their email connected to their tablet or phone and so can respond to queries quickly. I have used Twitter in previous academic years.Will only contact students through the official college email system. I am fairly formal about contacting students personally due to problems other staff have had in the past.. so do not use any social media.

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Comments continued:

27 Graig, Myrddin, Art and Design28 Based in Graig but also teach in Pibwrlwyd. Curriculum = ALA29 Ammanford, HE Social Care team30 Pibwrlwyd, DNR, Equine Management31

32 Graig Campus Sport Moodle is at the core of my teaching and supplements all actions of T&L33 BA Textiles, Jobswell, ADP34

35 Ammanford Campus Care Childcare Entry & Counselling36 Pibwrlwyd, Business, HBBECAE37 Pibwrlwyd, CRM, catering.38 Cross-campus (Pibwrlyd, Graig, Ammanford, Gelli Aur)39 ColegsirGar, Graig Campus , Computing department

I work in the Faculty of Computing and Engineering on the Graig campus (lecturer in Computing). Moodle has become essential to my teaching. I am probably more open to using technology in the classroom because of the subject area in which I teach

GCSE Maths lecturer - based at CSG Graig, and also teaching at Ammanford, Pibwrlwyd and Trinity St David campuses. I would like to use the Smart Boards more but need training in doing so.

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Surveymonkey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q1:

To what extent do you use Moodle as a learning resource?

Not at all 0%For general course information 0%For access to the learning materials 100%As a planned part of course delivery 0%Other 0%

Technology Enhanced Learning Survey: Students

0% 0%


0% 0%

Not at all For general course


For access to the learning


As a planned part of course


Other 0%







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Surveymonkey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q2:

Are your course materials available on Moodle?

No 0%Yes, as lecture notes 0%Yes, as lecture notes with guidance 0%Yes, including multimedia 50%Other 50%


0% 0% 0%

50% 50%

No Yes, as lecture notes

Yes, as lecture notes

with guidance

Yes, including multimedia

Other 0%







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Surveymonkey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q3:

Do you use Moodle for assessment submission and feedback?

No 100%Yes, for written assignments 0%Yes, for online tests 0%Other 0%


0% 0% 0%

No Yes, for written assignments

Yes, for online tests

Other 0%







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Surveymonkey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q4:

To what extent do you use Moodle for course communications?

Never 50%Occasionally 0%Frequently 0%All the time 50%


0% 0%


Never Occasionally Frequently All the time 0%







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Surveymonkey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q5:

Do you use any social media applications in your learning?

No 0%Yes, for information 100%Yes, to communicate 100%Yes, for resources 100%Other 0%


100% 100% 100%

0% 0%







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Surveymonkey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q6:

Do you use any other online tools?

No 0%Wikis 100%Blogs 0%Google docs 100%Other 50%






No Wikis Blogs Google docs Other 0%







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Surveymonkey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q7:

What personal devices do you use to go online?

None 0%Smart phone 100%Tablet computer 0%Laptop 50%PC 50%Other 0%




50% 50%


None Smart phone

Tablet computer

Laptop PC Other 0%







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Surveymonkey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q8:

I'm happy to use social media 100%I prefer not to use social media 0%I'm happy to used my personal devices 100%I prefer not to use my personal devices 0%

What do you feel about using social media and personal devices in your learning?





I'm happy to use social media

I prefer not to use social media

I'm happy to used my

personal devices

I prefer not to use my personal









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Surveymonkey Responses: Quantitative Summary:Q8:

No thanks 0%Yes 100%

If you are happy to do so please indicate your campus, faculty and subject.

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Comments for Q1: To what extent do you use Moodle as a learning resource? (Moodle is intended to provide flexible online access to learning resources and student support. How well does it work for you? How easy is it to use? How could it be improved to provide more effective support?)

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1 Welsh Bacc things are available, but not course materials (as far as I'm aware)

Comments for Q2: Are your course materials available on Moodle? (What resources do you have available on Moodle for your course? Are they helpful as a contribution to your learning? Do you have suggestions about how they could be improved?)

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Comments for Q3: Do you use Moodle for assessment submission and feedback? (Do you use Turnitin to submit assignments? Do you receive marks and feedback through Moodle? How well does it work?)

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Comments for Q4: To what extent do you use Moodle for course communications? (Is it a planned part of the teaching process? Do you communicate individually? For group work and group dicussions? Is it an effective way of supporting course communications?)

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Comments for Q5: Do you use any social media applications in your learning? (If you use social media or other online resources in your learning, we would like to know how useful you think they are and what benefits they add to the learning process.)

Online resources are good but blocked websites are frustrating because there are times when they could be useful (e.g. Youtube and ebay as I'm doing business)

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1 Youtube and wiki answers

Comments for Q6: Do you use any other online tools? (If you use online tools like these for collaboration or group work please give details. We would be particularly interested if you set up your own collaborative arrangements as students.)

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Comments for Q7: What personal devices do you use to go online? (If you have one or more devices for your personal use, please indicate whether or not you use them to go online as part of your learning)

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Comments for Q8: What do you feel about using social media and personal devices in your learning? (It is known that some people are uncomfortable about mixing their work activities online with their social activities. It will also be the case that some students do not have access to suitable personal devices. Your comments on these and other issues will be very valuable here)

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1 Graig campus. Business.2 Graig G - Block, Engineering Lvl 3 Mechanical Engineering

Comments for Q9: Finally, if you are happy to do so, please indicate your campus, faculty and subject area. If you prefer not to, that's fine. (please add information about your campus and curriculum area. Also, any comments regarding your personal preferences about using technology in your learning would be welcome and valuable)

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