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Teresa Thesis 2

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  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2





    A Thesis Proposal

    Presented to

    The High School Department

    St. Scholastica’s Academy Marikina

    In Partial Fulfillmet

    of the e!uirements for the "ourse

    Introduction of esearch Paper #riting


    %fka &a'rence $esas

    Frances (icole ". "onfiado

    )elly Marie "ru*

    &eila $eatrice Duyao

    Alee*a +scalona

    ,essica -aray

    Maeca Paulino

    )ara amos

    ,anuary /01


  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2




















    Chapter IV:


     AND ANALYSIS OF DATA  p!(%&*#

    Chapter V:

    SUMMARY p!*$

    CONCLUSION  p!*%&*



  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2





    The ad2ancing of our times do include a lot of 3enefactors and incredi3le

    in2entions that sho'case human’s talent in technology4 arts and science. The

    continuous progression of our century is indeed4 a 3it too fast4 and a lot of us do

    get 3ehind5 most especially the ones 'ho are struggling financially.

    This dissertation aims to address the ones 'ho are left 3ehind 3y the

    moderni*ing factors of society4 more specifically4 the street children. They are

    constantly eradicated from the radar of go2ernment officials 'ho should 3e helping the

    citi*ens of the Philippines 'hether they may 3e rich or poor4 strong or 'eak. And

    although recei2ing much media co2erage4 they are still disregarded and ignored.

    They can 3e seen 3egging e2ery'here and 'hen push comes to sho2e4 they resort to

    stealing out of pure necessity. Ironically4 the lack of higher authorities to help

    these children only increase the crimes of the country5 corrupting our cities and

    2illages e2en more o2er time and yet 'e are purposefully 3lind to those 'ho need us

    the most. Despite the children ha2ing households and recei2ing a form of education4

    once they are e6posed to 3ad influences either at home or in school4 they 'ould 3e

    committing those crimes as 'ell. The people at home and in school should4 yes4 3e

    educated as 'ell 3ut the researchers could 3e focusing primarily on the child and ho'

    they could 3e taught to com3at these influences.

    More specifically4 this research aims to lessen the crimes committed 3y the

    children so as to help protect the residents and educate the street children. They

    'ould 3e helping the residents through educating the street children. The researchers

    o2er the course of a fe' years noticed the a3undance of these children in 2arious

    places in the (" and they had decided to take a step for'ard. The students 'ould 3e

    conducting sur2eys and inter2ie's to the three main kinds of respondents namely the

    3arangay council4 the residents and the street children. In!uiring them 'ould 3egi2ing depth to the research 3y offering three kinds of opinions from the same topic

    and make the study more accurate.

    The action plan consists of a program schedule that 'e 'ould 3e conducting to

    the children4 posters that 'e 'ould 3e hanging all o2er the particular area of focus

    and se2eral in!uiries for the 3odies of authority such as the Department of Social

    #elfare and De2elopment and local teachers in the area.


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    Ba134r.0-/ .5 the St0/6

    This study aimed to determine the effects 3rought a3out 3y the actions of the

    street children that could harm the residents li2ing in "oncepcion 7no4 Marikina "ity4

    the response of the authorities to'ards the pro3lems caused 3y the street children4

    the reasons 'hy they do such unpleasant actions and the appropriate action plan for

    this study 3ased on the gi2en sur2ey forms and the inter2ie' 'ith the street children

    and residents.

    S1.pe a-/ De7282tat2.- .5 the St0/6

    This paper 'as conducted to determine and in2estigate the status of the alarming

    rise of the population of the street children in the 3arangay of "oncepcion 7no in

    Marikina city as percei2ed 3y the local residents residing the area during the year

    /08. The aspects looked into 'ere the determining factors determining factors of

    street children4 their deeds and actions 'hen they’re out and a3out the said area4

    their stimuli for performing these actions4 the pro3lems that arise due to their

    presence and9or actions4 possi3le resolution to these pro3lems4 form of help gi2en 3y

    the local go2ernment and the safety of the residents. The researchers’ 'ould then 3e

    using the education of the street children as a medium to 3etter protect the

    residents4 'hich 'ould 3e the main 3eneficiary of their study.

    State8e-t .5 the Pr.97e8 

    This study aims to find possi3le solutions for the de2elopment of the safety and

    security of the residents in "oncepcion 7no4 Marikina "ity in regards to the

    population of the street children in the aforementioned place.

    Specifically4 this study aims to ans'er the follo'ing !uestions:

    0. #hat are the possi3le stimuli that cause street children to loiter and9or engage

    in dangerous acti2ities in the streets of "oncepcion 7no;

    0.0Home +n2ironment

    0.School +n2ironment

    . #hat are the possi3le solutions to lessen and9or 'ithdra' these street children;.0 $arangay "ouncil of "oncepcion 7no4 Marikina "ity

    .esidents’ donation and pursue for the education for these street



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    S24-2521a-1e .5 the St0/6

    This study 'ould 3e significant to the follo'ing:

    The residents: =f course safety is the num3er one 3enefit of the residents in

    "oncepcion 7no since their 'elfare is gi2en due regard in our study. Moreo2er4 the

    people in this particular area of study 'ill gain from this 3ecause the students’

    research 'ill help them kno' 'hy there is a pressing pro3lem in the increase of street

    children 'hich is directly linked to neigh3orhood crimes and 'ays in 'hich these could

    3e halted to a stop or e2en a decline. They 'ould also 3e more socially a'are of their

    part in community4 'hich is to help these children locate their proper identities and

    hopefully contri3ute through their donations to help in the positi2e reinforcement of

    the children.

    The 3arangay council: These people 'ould 3e more a'are of their duties and

    responsi3ilities. This study 'ould usher in a need for a stricter and socially

    enlightened group of authority 'hich 'ould help in the protection of the residents and

    the children themsel2es.

    The street children: They 'ould 3e our medium for the 3etterment of the area under

    focus. After the researchers had e2aluated their li2ing conditions4 they 'ould then

    formulate their action plan. These children 'ould 3e educated and enlightened through

    their inter2ention and due to these efforts4 their future 'ould 3e 3righter.

    The street children’s parents and families: Their 3urdens 'ould 3e greatly relie2ed

    through the impro2ement of their child’s character.

    De52-2t2.- .5 Ter8

    0> Street "hildren5 children 'ho are al'ays going around outside4 they may ha2e homes

    and go to school 3ut the most important factor 'ould 3e their admittance to 3eing

    in2ol2ed in these crimes

    > Street "rimes5 any offense done in a place 'herein there are a lot of people

    "oncepcion 7no5 a 3arangay located inside Marikina city? this 'ould 3e the

    researchers’ area of focus


  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2


    8> Donations5 gi2en as an act of charity? may include food4 clothes4 3ooks4 toys and


    The.ret21a7 a-/ C.-1ept0a7 Fra8e;.r3

     The researchers had narro'ed do'n the influences street children may ha2e e6perienced

    in their en2ironment that 'ould push them to commit crimes and9or psychotic crimes.

    These factors are the situations at home4 school or their friends and their li2ing

    conditions. #e had 3ased it on the follo'ing theories.

    • Sociocultural Theory 3y &e2 @ygotsky5 His theory stated that the caregi2ers4 parents4

    peers4 or simply the people in authority in a child’s life are responsi3le in teaching

    these students 2alues and lessons that 'ould help de2elop their character later on in


    • Social &earning Theory 3y Al3ert $andura5 He simply stated that a child’s character is

    o3ser2ed and modeled 3ased on 'here he9 she is and his9 her en2ironment. It is not

    through conditioning or reinforcement do children form their 2alues and 3eliefs.


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    If not gi2en a solution4 these street children may 3e pro2oked to street crimes of

    psychopathic tendencies once they are e6posed to an en2ironment not conduci2e for a

    healthy mind and 3ody.

    0. The Attachment Theory re2ised 2ersion> 3y Mary Ains'orth under the category of

    Home tells us that the kind of relationship 3et'een the parent and the child

    'ould determine his9 her attachments 'ith adults later on in life. It 'ould

    3uild upon an Binner 'orking model’ fashioned 3ased on 'hat the child

    e6perienced under the care of his9 her parents. If the said caregi2ers are

    unresponsi2e to'ards the child’s needs4 he9 she 'ould deem them unrelia3le 'hich

    'ould lead to a reluctance in trusting other people in authority or gro'nups and

    2ice 2ersa.

    . "ogniti2e Theory 3y ,ean Piaget 'hich points out that infants 'ere 3orn 'ith a

    3asic mental structure4 meaning that through the de2elopment of these thinking

    processes4 they are a3le to form hypotheses through the use of logic as they

    mature and age. &ater on4 they 'ould find discrepancies in their en2ironment and

    'ith 'hat they kno' 'hich 'ould lead to the continuous de2elopment of their

    mental thinking processes. They de2elop through e6periences and they le2el up

    i.e. situations in school>.

  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2


    The main e6planation for these discrepancies in the child’s morality may 3e solely

    e6plained 3y the "ontrol Theory of Sociology 3y -lasser. He e6plained that 'hene2er 'e

    react on the situations 'e are in4 it 'ould 3e the 3est and the most appropriate in

    that period of time. He said that 'e act to settle the inner forces 'ithin us5 'hat 'e

    do4 think and feel. In general4 in the effort to control and get a hold of our life4

    'e resort to things that 'ould remind us that 'e are li2ing our life and not

    another’s. This e6plains the desire of street children to forget their negati2e

    influences and focus on the fact that they are in control of their li2es? 3ecause of

    this desire4 they commit crimes. The most e6treme of 'hich is fledging psychos4 or

    most likely kno'n as child murderers or killers5 indi2iduals 'ho ha2e lost their

    control in their o'n li2es and feel the desire to steal another’s to achie2e

    satisfaction. Through mental discipline theories say that through the right mediums

    for instruction4 these children 'ill 3e remedied of their criminal tendencies and this

    should 3e done 3y the local $aranggay "ouncils. If not effecti2e4 they should 3e put

    in reha3ilitation centers like in DS#D so relief is immediate. 


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    This timeline sho's ho' the researchers 'ould conduct their dissertation. If the last

    stage ends up 3eing unsuccessful4 the students 'ould 3e redoing the 'hole process

    starting from the formulation of sur2ey and inter2ie' !uestions for the street

    children. If successful they 'ould keep repeating the action plan.



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    Th2 1hapter pree-t re

  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2


    Another study regarding the 3eha2ior of street children specifically the

    a3andoned ones say that social tur3ulence4 'ar and most of all po2erty causes the

    displacement of children along 'ith the a3andoning of their parents either in the

    moral of the physical aspects. The street children tend to cause crimes in the society

    that reected them. (ot only do street children suffer from the disrespect of

    ci2ilians 3ut also from child la3or. In the studies of Ina Alleca . Sil2erio /084

    +linando $. "inco // and &oren &egarda //0 children 'ho are lacking of financial

    resources are forced to face ine!ualities in employment at a 2ery tender age. They

    faced human degradation and a3uses as they are sold as se6 sla2es4 sports

    entertainers4 and the likes to 3oth foreign and local tykes. It has to come to a point

    that their other duties are neglected and their needs are not of importance. They are

    2ery 2ulnera3le out on the streets and these ha*ardous circumstances can ha2e 2ery

    detrimental implications.

    Re7ate/ L2terat0re

    Follo'ing are the foreign related articles related to this study and 'ere re2ie'ed 3y

    the researcher.

    In the article 'ritten 3y Fr. Shay "ullen in the #orld Mission maga*ine4 The

    Human Face of Philippine Po2erty4E he has said that the hundreds and thousands of poor

    people are dri2en from the impo2erished country side to ur3an slums 'here the children

    are out on the streets 3egging for food and money.

    "atherin Pater5$rick4 // in her article entitled4 Street "hildren4 Human

    ights4 and Pu3lic Health: A "riti!ue and Future Directions4E pointed out that society

    is fully a'are of the conse!uences of po2erty. "hildren li2ing in the street ha2eindeed recei2ed enough media co2erage and pu3lic concern and thus4 had 3ecome a

    priority for national and as 'ell as international in2ol2ement.

     A11.r/2-4 t. Ma7.;= H2erar1h6 .5 -ee/ the -ee/ 5.r 7.

  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2


    This pro2es that to manifest their resilient loyalty and utter o3edience to the

    heads of their Bstreet familiesB the children are a3iding 3y their principles5 e2en if

    these rules and regulations are completely immoral.

    (elly Ali also pointed out a possi3le reason on 'hy street children act the 'ay

    they do. As they are seen 3egging and loitering around on the streets4 they e6perience

    maltreatment among dri2ers and street 2endors4 'ho push and ignore them 'hene2er they

    ask for monetary donations. This4 in return4 messes up their ethical 2alues as they

    are then seen 'alking around and scratching cars 'ith nails or ro33ing a fe' pieces of

    food from the street 2endor. This is seen as their 'ay of getting 3ack to those 'ho

    humiliated them at the traffic lights.

    In Hon "lemente S. -atmaitan’s #hat %ou Should )no' A3out Drug A3use //> .E

    He e6plains that uneducated children 'ithout enough parental guidance can 3e su3ect

    to drug and su3stance a3use and addiction. The psychological dependence e6ists 'hen

    the effects produced 3y a drug 3ecome a necessary part of a person’s 'ell53eing and

    can 3e seen as an Bescape’ to their pro3lems such as 2iolence in the family and in the

    streets as e6plained a3o2e. This is only one pro3lem caused 3y the continuous increase

    in street children.

    ,ose "laro in his article in the Philippine Star in /0 del2es deep into the

    mind of a child criminal. He 9 She is usually distant and they try their 3est to stay

    out of the authorities’ radar. It is researched 3y child psychologist Dr. ,oseph

    egalado that lo' self5esteem4 influence of gangs and re3ellion groups4 lack of

    guidance and acceptance make a child more prone to crimes 5 in accordance to the

    studies (elly Ali had gathered.


  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2




     Meth./ .5 Pr.1e/0re

    The researcher 'ill gather all the results of the sur2ey !uestionnaires and the

    inter2ie' ans'ered 3y the residents4 3arangay officers and street children staying in

    "oncepcion 7no Marikina "ity. The researcher 'ill also seek the help of professionals

    and ask to ha2e a copy of the list of street children 'ho ha2e committed unpleasant

    actions in "oncepcion 7no Marikina "ity. The sur2ey !uestionnaires and the documents

    concerning street children 'ill 3e the 3asis of our study that street children do

    unpleasant actions 'hich harms the residents in "oncepcion 7no Marikina city.

    The respondents of this study concerns the residents4 3arangay officers and the

    street children in "oncepcion 7no Marikina city.

    Sur2ey !uestionnaire CSur2ey form A for esident’s o3ser2ation4 Sur2ey form $ C

    for 3arangay officers’ o3ser2ation. Inter2ie' C Inter2ie' A for residents’ insights

    and Inter2ie' $ C for street children’s insights this 'ill allo' our study to kno' and

    2isuali*e 'hat causes the children to do such unpleasant actions through the sur2ey


    S.0r1e .5 Data

    Street children from "oncepcion 7no ser2ed as the respondents in this study. Theresearches collated all information a3out the respondents through a Simple andom

    Sampling. In a Simple andom Sampling4 a person must choose a random person from a

    population 'ithout 3ias.

    Reear1h a-/ Sa8p72-4 te1h-2>0e

    The street children4 respondents and the 3arangay council from "oncepcion 7no

    ser2ed as the respondents in this study. The researches collated all information a3out

    the respondents through the sampling method of clustering these groups according to

    their groups5 that is 'hether they are residents4 street children or part of the3arangay council. After clustering these three groups4 the researchers 'ould then

    apply the simple random sample 'hich 'ould re!uire selecting a random person 'ithout


    There are a total of J street children in "oncepcion 7no4 G4 G/ households and

    00 mem3ers of the $arangay. A sampling unit of / street children4 / residents and


  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2


    0/ 3arangay council mem3ers 'ould 3e inter2ie'ed and sur2eyed 3y the researchers 'hich

    'ould amount to a total of 1/ respondents.

    L.1a7e .5 the St0/6

    The 3arangay of "oncepcion 7no4 formerly kno'n as $ayan3ayanan little to'ns>

    'as originally an agricultural land rich in soil. As time had passed4 ne' settlers

    3egan moderni*ing the small area and changed its name to "oncepcion after Mary of the

    Immaculate "onception on ,une G4 0J

  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2


    anking Method 5 To calculate the anking method4 you ha2e to add all the

    ans'ers per !uestion9 choice. The !uestion9choice 'ith the largest num3er of response

    is the most preferred choice.


  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2




    This chapter presents4 analy*es4 and interprets the data gathered to ans'er the

    !uestions of the studyK

    Profile of the crimes committed 3y the street children in "oncepcion 7no4

    Marikina "ity

    "rimes.Ta3le 0 presents the negati2e actions most often done 3y these street


    Ta3le 0

    "rimes committed 3y the Street "hildren

    "rime Fre!uency f> L

    ug3y G .1L

    Sleeping in Pu3lic Places 1

  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2


    Morning < 0L

    Afternoon J

  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2


    esponse %es9(o> Fre!uency f> L


    Donation Fre!uency f> L

    Financial9 Materials i.e.

    clothes4 toys>


    Food 0 1.08L

    Spiritual Help < 08.JL

    =thers Parental -uidance9


    8 0J./1L

    T=TA&: 0 0//L

    The inter2ie'ed residents said that the 3est kind of donation to gi2e out to the

    street children is food. The second 3est kind of donation 'ould 3e parental guidance

    and9or lectures. (e6t are spiritual help4 financial help and9or clothes and toys. As

    seen on the analysis of ta3le .

  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2


    =fficer themsel2es said during the inter2ie' that there 'ere no implemented programs

    specifically for the street children.

    Ta3le .G ha2e you e2er felt threatened or scared 'hene2er you see these children

    roaming around;

    esponse %es9(o> Fre!uency f> L

    %es 0 G/L

    (o 8/L


    The residents that the researchers ha2e sur2eyed and inter2ie'ed mostly replied

    that they see these children loitering around usually at e2ening. Presuma3ly4 these

    children roam around at night pass the curfe'4 'hich 'as4 as mentioned earlier4 the

    most committed offense. Although4 for the residents4 a lot of the children can 3e seen

    inhaling drugs such as rug3y4 a crime not as much as prominent as the 2iolation of the

    curfe'. Maority of the residents inter2ie'ed and sur2eyed sho'ed that they are indeed

    threatened 3y the presence of these children and had e2aluated the 3arangay of

    "oncepcion 7no to 3e unsuccessful in the eradication of street crimes committed 3y the

    street children.

    Ho'e2er4 if they are gi2en the chance4 they 'ould 3e 2ery 'illing to gi2e out

    donations such as food4 clothes4 toys4 3ooks and e2en money to these children so that

    they may 3e more morally kno'ledgea3le and e!uipped 'ith the right skills necessary to

    3ecome a 3etter mem3er of society.

    (e6t is the profile of the $arangay "ouncil’s response to 2arious !uestions in

    relation to the street children and their crimes.

    $arangay.Ta3le < presents the $arangay "ouncil’s response to the sur2eys

    Ta3le <

    The $arangay "ouncil’s esponse to the Sur2eys

    Ta3le Fre!uency f> L

    %es 1 0.8

  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2


    Although maority of the 3arangay council mem3ers ans'ered yes4 it is pro2en

    through recent inter2ie's that there are no programs4 lectures or lessons gi2en to the

    street children.

    Ta3le L

    ,u2enile detention .1L

    Handed o2er to the DS#D 1 0.8

    / /L

    They should not 3e gi2en

    any punishment

    / /L

    =thers / /L

    T=TA&: 0//L


    ta3le depicts the suggested repercussions for the street children that

    e6ecute trou3lesome actions. According to the respondents4 0.8

  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2


    Ta3le Fre!uency f> L

    %es 1 0.8

  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2







    Magbenta ng gulay o


    Di masyadong nasa




    "abaya ang


    This pie chart sho's that in a total of < children4 /L of them are “tambays,” 

    or ust merely playing on the streets 'hile !uite a num3er of them are selling

    2egeta3les or sampaguita  to earn a li2ing. An indi2idual e2en said that his9her

    parents 'ere al'ays letting him9her go outside 'ithout appropriate super2ision. This

    may also 3e applied to the children 'ho 'ere du33ed as tambays”  3ecause throughout

    our inter2ie'4 'e had not seen these children 'ith their parents.

    Influences and crimes. sho's us the results gathered from the children 'hen asked if

    they are engaging in street crimes. This includes the type of crimes that they are

    committing and the influences from their peers.

    esponse Fre!uency f> L

    Hindi gumaga'a ng masama at

    tumatam3ay lamang

    < 0.1L

    -umaga'a ng masama at hindisina3i kung ano ang krimen

    1 /.

  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2


    It can 3e seen that there are children 'ho are committing street crimes

    and there are those 'ho steal from the residents of "oncepcion 7no. It is also

    necessary to point out that maority of the children the researchers had inter2ie'ed

    are studying in the local pu3lic schools inside the area and from the local teachers

    that 'e had in!uired4 their peers might ha2e a 2ery strong influence at the child’s

    character. There are also those 'ho said that they 'ere merely playing on the streets

    and are not4 in any 'ay4 engaged in those crimes. The maor reason as to 'hy these

    children resort to these crimes are either for amusement or for money4 for those 'ho

    are not a3le to enter school.

     Ho'e2er4 as said earlier4 1L or 0 of the children 'e had inter2ie'ed

    said that they 'ere already studying in schools such as H. $autista +lementary school

    and "oncepcion +lementary school and they had said that they need to perse2ere more to

    continue studying. And yet they 'ere engaging in street crimes such as fights and

    making noises.

    Those 'ho 'ere not studying 1L or G children> 'hen asked if they are

    'illing to study or gi2e up their 2ices to take up education4 8 children said that

    they are indeed interested and 'illing to study and children replied that they are

    not anymore 'illing to go to school.

    And this sho's the lifestyle of the children. There is e2idence that e2en if the

    children are currently taking up their education4 the mere presence of their

    influential peers may corrupt their moral dignity. It also represents the need for an

    inter2ention for the children to recei2e a stricter household4 more specifically4

    parents 'ho are more responsi3le in 'atching o2er and super2ising these children since

    the lack of this 'ould result to dire conse!uences. It should also 3e pointed out that

    'hen asked if the children are engaging in street crimes4 they 'ere 2ery reluctant

    although honest to specify 'hat kind of crime they are committing.

    More especially4 as specified 3y "ity "ounselor ,oo =rti*4 there is a Php

  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2





    The researchers studied the relation 3et'een street children in "oncepcion 7no

    and the crimes committed in that particular area of focus4 to see if there is a

    noticea3le connection 3et'een the t'o. The general purpose of this dissertation

    co2ered ho' the researchers’ can guarantee a more safe and crime5 free residential

    en2ironment for those li2ing in "oncepcion 7no. Similarly4 the study also aimed to

    find the particular acti2ity these children are up to 'hen they are out and a3out4

    possi3le causes that pro2oke the street children to engage in unfa2ora3le acti2ities4

    the most appropriate solution to help these street children and to identify if the

    local go2ernment or 3arangay is acti2e in helping these street children.

    In order to reach the ans'ers to these !uestions4 the researchers’ had

    set up a fe' needed goals. Determining 'hat makes an indi2idual a street childE

    3ecame necessary for the study. The researchers’ had agreed upon that a street child

    is an indi2idual 'ho spends maority of his9her time in the streets5 either to play


  • 8/9/2019 Teresa Thesis 2


    'ith other children or to sell products in the streets. They may ha2e homes and9 or

    recei2e a form of education so as 'e can narro' do'n the possi3le causes of their

    crimes to either come from their home en2ironment or their surroundings in school.

    elated to the pro3lem4 it 3ecame necessary for the researchers to sur2ey and

    inter2ie' three clusters of respondents4 namely a sample of / residents4 officers

    from the 3arangay council of "oncepcion 7no and < street children. The residents 'ere

    sur2eyed and inter2ie'ed a3out their current perception a3out the street children in

    their area and if they are satisfied 'ith the efforts of the 3arangay to resol2e these

    issues. From our gathered results4 maority of the residents do feel threatened 3y the

    presence of these children and they are not satisfied 'ith the efforts of the

    3arangay. As for the council4 they esta3lished that they are hindered 3y the lack of

    discipline and kno'ledge their o'n group has and it is holding them do'n. As indicated

    3y Marikina "ity "ouncilor ,oo =rti*4 there is only a 0L allocation for the street

    children and senior citi*ens in the Php

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    -i2en that this study 'as conducted on street children to gain further kno'ledge a3out

    their lifestyle and (elly Ali 'as 3ased on numerous patients and on actual instances4

    'e can gi2e a num3er of conclusions for this comparison. The first one 'ould pertain

    to the lack of connection 3et'een the dissertation and the studies of (elly Ali.

    Second 'ould 3e that there is a connection and that the influence of the gangs and the

    re3ellion groups do indeed e6ist in the child’s sphere and ser2e as a corruption to

    his9her moral integrity.

    The possi3le solutions to impro2e the moral de2elopment of the children also referred

    to as research pro3lem 'as ans'ered in our sur2eys and inter2ie's. The 3arangay

    council4 so far4 has not implemented any sort of program 'ith the intention of helping

    the street children. The residents’ ho'e2er4 are indeed 'illing to donate necessities

    for the children such as clothes4 toys4 3ooks4 food and e2en money. The researchers’

    'ould 3e utili*ing the said materials for the action plan. Also4 the action plan 'ould

    utili*e a program schedule organi*ed 3ased on the 2arious methods collated from

    researches and inter2ie's from the local teachers of "oncepcion 7no. It 'as also

    drafted from former e6ecutions of the action plan. The researchers 3elie2e that the

    ne' patented program schedule 'ould effecti2ely 3ring a3out a'areness in the child’s

    character and incorporate him9her 'ith the right set of moral skills.

    The particular finding regarding the lack of effort from the 3arangay council

    contradicts the "hild and %outh #elfare "ode Article G 'hich says that Bthe $arangay

    "ouncils in Article G of the same code shall ha2e solutions that are in accordance

    'ith the la' that is necessary to pro2ide for the lacking of any support a child

    needs.’ There is an apparent lack of 'illingness from the 3aranggay to inter2ene 'ith

    the street children and help them throughout the difficult decisions that 'ould test

    their moral sta3ility. They should Btake steps to pre2ent u2enile delin!uency and

    assist the parents in the form of imparting lessons that 'ould 3e conduci2e for a

    morally5 manifested child. Along 'ith this4 the 3arangay council should 3e ready for

    any complaints of a certain youth organi*ation or a concerned ci2ic association

    regarding their implementation of municipal ordinances.’ As the 3arangay of "oncepcion

    7no is merely passing the 3udget o2er to the DS#D4 there is4 as mentioned earlier4 no

    indication of 'hat the 3udget is meant for5 more allocation is prere!uisite4

    especially 'hen it comes to the street children.

    The effecti2eness of the formulated solutions is yet to 3e tested in regards to

    research pro3lem num3er did

    include in her research that Bsociety is fully a'are of the conse!uences of po2erty.

    "hildren li2ing in the street ha2e indeed recei2ed enough media co2erage and pu3lic

    concern and thus4 had 3ecome a priority for national and as 'ell as international

    in2ol2ement.’ The researchers’ are fully a'are of their role in society through


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    se2eral T@ programs and documentaries targeted at the street children4 thus4 they 'ill

    3e gi2en the right kind of support through the carefully patented program schedule for

    these children effecti2e on the 0th and 0th of ,anuary.

    The follo'ing conclusions 'ere then reached in relation to the research pro3lems:

    • 0G.GL of the street children had admitted that there are those 'ho influence

    them at home and in school 'hereas 8J.JJL or 1/L had admitted to committing

    street crimes such as making too much noise pass the curfe' hours4 stealing and

    engaging in fights. From this 'e can indeed conclude that there are influences

    on the streets9 school and at home for these children and once e6posed to these

    influences4 especially at a fresh young mind4 these children 'ould easily pick

    up their actions and do the same thing.

    • G/L of the residents do indeed feel threatened 3y these children and !uite a lot

    of the children do commit street crimes. It is then high time for these children

    to recei2e moral lectures and acti2ities that 'ould hopefully strengthen their

    spiritual character.

    • There is a lack of programs form the 3arangay council for these children and the

    3udget 'as not utili*ed properly. #e then can conclude that the lack of

    kno'ledge and discipline for the 3arangay needs to 3e remedied and the proper

    allocation of the 3udgets should 3e called for.

    • Through the inter2ie's that the researchers ha2e conducted on the children4 they

    seemed honest a3out their past mistakes and they are fully admitting the gra2ity

    of their 'rongdoings. The researchers then conclude that these children are not

    entirely morally corrupt. They resort to these crimes out of complete necessity

    and they should 3e guided 'ith 'illing and patient hands to'ards the right path.

    • And as for those 'ho refuse to cooperate and those street children 'ho 3ecome so

    concei2ed 'ith committing these deeds4 0.8

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    The follo'ing measures are recommended for the impro2ement of the study

    regarding the street children in "oncepcion 7no4 Marikina "ity as 3ased on the


    • The researchers must ha2e collated data from 2arious kinds of respondents as

    this 'ould gi2e more depth to the study• The researchers must gather essential !uestions in the sur2ey and inter2ie'

    forms that 'ould help support the study and ans'er the research pro3lems

    • The acti2ities presented to the children must 3e out of careful deli3eration

    so as to ensure moral de2elopment

    • The researchers must clearly specify terms such as Bstreet children’ and

    Bstreet crimes’

    • The researchers must pick an area that is a3undant 'ith street children to

    make the dissertation easier and more accurate

    • Future researchers should al'ays consider alternati2es or at least the three

    3est possi3le 'ays on conducting an action plan
