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TFC Connections Fall 2012

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Toccoa Falls College's Connection Magazine Fall 2012
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toccoa falls college fall 2012 Homecoming 2012! PAGE 8 New In This Issue Annual Report PAGE 23 The Inauguration of Our New President PAGE 4 Origin New Book Published by TFC Graduate PAGE 6
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toccoa falls college fall 2012

Homecoming 2012! P a g e 8

New In This Issue

Annual Report P a g e 2 3

The Inauguration of Our New President P a g e 4

OriginNew Book Published by TFC GraduateP a g e 6

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ecently I was speaking with a member of our Board of Trustees. As we were comparing leadership challenges, the board member used a phrase that really caught my attention. She started to talk about the importance of a life story. She was emphasizing the significance of what her family, employees, and friends will say about her character and actions when her life comes to an end. “Life story”…these two words really do capture a remarkable concept.

You see, our life stories are just that, stories of our entire lives. This concept doesn’t simply capture a particularly good moment in our lives nor does it capture a single difficult time in our lives. Our life stories encompass the entirety of our lives, from birth to death.

At Toccoa Falls College, we clearly understand our tremendous responsibility. We have hundreds of students we interact with every day who are developing their own life stories and they are counting on us to give them guidance and even provide a source of courage to forge ahead. At TFC we have a wonderful opportunity to help develop and even change our students’ life stories each and every day. It’s never too late to guide our students on a biblical path that will create happy endings to their stories. We want to do everything in our power to help our students create their own “best seller.”

We live in a culture that doesn’t focus on biblical principles. For our students, it’s easy to get caught up in expectations of the world. Most research agrees that each of us is exposed to about 3,000 advertising messages daily. Most of these ads are focused on persuasion in a postmodern culture reflecting that worldview. It is no wonder that students today can find their life stories start to drift from a Christ-centered emphasis. We live in a world that often favors behaviors that go against God’s teachings. We see many folks working extremely long days to earn more money while ignoring families, forgetting biblical principles when making decisions, not taking time each day to listen to God’s prompting, forgetting the importance of being

a part of the local church, omitting Bible reading from their lives, and the list could go on.

When we say that at Toccoa Falls College we “Build Character With Intellect,” we are really talking about building a foundation for our students’ life stories. We want to build a foundation that will be rich with God’s blessings. Our students’ time at TFC gives everyone in our college community the opportunity to help advance these wonderful student life stories using biblical principles of scripture, truth, wisdom, and service. We take our mission seriously and understand the vital importance of providing solid academics while impacting student lives for Christ.

The Bible clearly gives us warning about building our life story. In Mark, chapter 8, we are cautioned, “What do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?” God was clearly talking to each of us about the importance of our life story and how we must build on biblical foundations for these stories to have the best possible outcome. I am confident you would agree that between the partnerships of faculty, staff, parents, churches, and students, we all want “best seller” stories for others to read that depict student lives richly blessed by God. If we are able to impact student lives in this way, we have been successful, and the education was truly of value.

Dr. Robert M. MyersPresident


Building a l i fe story.

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connections Volume 26, No. 2

Connections magazine is published twice a year by Toccoa Falls College to update and inform alumni, donors, and friends, as well as, communicate the mission of the college.

President Dr. roBerT m. mYerS

Director for Alumni and College RelationsSharoN SaNDerSoN (1971)

Assistant Director for Alumni and College RelationsDeBorah WilkeS (1995)

Graphic Design BreNDa riTCheY

PrintinglaWreNCe iNkAtlanta, Georgia

PhotographyJoel FleTCherDaN GriFFiNleNNY kroNemaNaNGela ramaGe (1988)JohN TeNG (1986)GiNa BaileY

ToCCoa FallS alumNi aSSoCiaTioN oFFiCerS

PresidentShaNNoN (hoWarD, 1996) miTChell

Vice PresidentJim riCh (2005)

SecretaryaNDreW BeCCue (2009)

Please direct questions and comments to:

ToCCoa FallS ColleGeP.o. Box 800867ToCCoa FallS, Ga 30598PhoNe: 706-886-7299 exT 5501www.tfc.edu

Alumni Updates & Inquires: P.o. Box 800809ToCCoa FallS, Ga [email protected]: 706-886-7299 ext 5222Fax: 706-282-6015

4inauguration of New President

6originNew Book Published by TFC Graduate

8homecoming 2012

12TFC News Briefs

14TFC: Online and Offlineby Dr. Brian Shelton

16alumni President’s letterby Shannon Howard Mitchell

17alumni updates

23annual report

About the CoverThe cover features the inauguration of Toccoa Falls College’s seventh president, Dr. Robert M. Myers, on Thursday, October 11, 2012. Students surrounding the president are (from left): Lindsay Burkard, Jessie Brewer, Nancy Thao, Tahd Adams, Colin Winslette, Ponyar Thao.

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Inauguration Of THe

New President

Toccoa Falls College Presidents: Dr. Wayne Gardner (2004-2011), Dr. Robert Myers (2012), and Dr. Paul Alford (1979-2000).

On October 11, 2012, Toccoa Falls College inaugurated its newly appointed president. However, the road to this ceremony was not easy. After two extensive searches, the school declared Dr. Robert M. Myers—now affectionately referred to as “Dr. Bob” by the student body—as the new president late last spring. As Chairman of the Board of Toccoa Falls College, John Allen relayed a bit of that process. After narrowing the sixty applications down to fifteen and eventually just the top five candidates, he said of Dr. Myers, “Over the course of the interviews Dr. Myers rose to prominence as the foremost choice among the entire selection committee.” Mr. Allen went on to point out that, entirely separate from the committee’s choice, the President’s Cabinet had also selected Dr. Myers as their primary candidate. With the blessing of the selection committee and the President’s Cabinet, Dr. Robert Myers was hired and has been serving the college as the official president since early this summer. His official inauguration, however, was delayed until October, nearly three months into the fall semester. This wait allowed for the inauguration service to coincide with homecoming week when many of the school’s alumni return to Toccoa Falls College to visit their alma mater. In addition to the numerous alumni in town, the list of guest speakers present at the service itself ranged from the president of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Dr. Gary Benedict, to the president of the Student Government Association, Alex Merritt, and the Mayor of the City of Toccoa, Dr. David Austin, along with many other esteemed guests. Accompanied by a joyous piano and trumpet processional, the presidential party made its way down the center aisle of Grace Chapel behind the American and Christian flags followed by the various speakers of the night, members of the faculty and staff, the board of trustees, and representatives of the college’s Student Government, with many dressed in their respective higher education regalia to mark the formality of the occasion. Each speaker then took their turn addressing both the new president and Toccoa Falls College, while choral performances were interspersed between the various addresses. The speakers’ content ranged from dignified, characterized perfectly by

Mr. John Allen, Chair of the Board of Trustees

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Inauguration Of THe

New President

Top: Dr. and Mrs. Myers with particpants of the program.Middle Left: Dr. Michael Noel, District Superintendent of theSouth Atlantic District of the C&MA.Middle Right: Dr. David Austin, Mayor of Toccoa.Bottom: Dr. Myers greets future alum of Toccoa Falls College.

Chairman John Allen’s official installation of the president, to humorous, with SGA President Alex Merritt pointing out Dr. Myers’ years of service as a police officer, his status as a black belt, and that he is trained in the use of a polygraph—surmising that Dr. Myers must be “G.I. Joe.” Regardless of tone, each congratulated and welcomed the President with open arms as a leader, a friend, and a member of the greater Toccoa Falls family, joyfully embracing his “Dr. Bob” label. The College’s previous president, Dr. W. Wayne Gardner, did the presentation of the President’s Medallion, an ornament worn by every Toccoa Falls President at official occasions, including TFC’s founder, Dr. R. A. Forrest. The medallion features a shield on which the iconic Toccoa Falls are displayed as well as the school’s motto, “Where Character is Developed With Intellect.” In his inaugural speech, Dr. Myers dedicated much of his time explaining his personal definition of that motto. “Our focus must now shift to the future...” he explained. “In 1907 I believe that most folks understood that developing character meant developing Christian character, but in 2012 we cannot make that same assumption.” He went on to define the kind of character that Toccoa Falls College will continue to strive to develop in its students as based upon “scripture, truth, wisdom, and service,” expounding upon each of those core tenets. With this definition in hand, Dr. Myers then set out to explore his vision for TFC’s future, “In my mind I can clearly see a college that demands academic excellence while building Christian character.” Closing out the night, the pastor of the local Christian and Missionary Alliance church, Dr. Scott Borderud, gave a final benediction, quoting from The Psalms, chapter twenty, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.” After a one hundred and seven year lifespan, Toccoa Falls has only been presided over by six presidents. With a final recessional, Toccoa Falls College welcomed Dr. Robert “Bob” Myers as the seventh man to join their ranks.

Jacob Raynor

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“The story started with an image of a girl trapped by glass walls in a rainforest.” This was the guiding vision of what would become Origin, the first novel published by Toccoa Falls College graduate Jessica Khoury. After unsuccessful attempts at finding a publisher for an early fantasy novel she had written, Khoury found fresh inspiration while on a walk in the hot, humid Georgia air. Her surroundings brought to mind a rainforest, and from this idea came Pia, the girl trapped in a glass cage. Khoury rushed back home to write down the story of this mysterious girl who had suddenly appeared in her mind. Amazingly, in just one month of continual writing, what had begun as a single picture in her mind transformed into a full-blown novel. She had to make herself write at least two thousand words a day to achieve this feat. From that point, she began her editing process and eventually found a publisher, Penguin Books. Finally, she was there. Khoury was ecstatic, “All my life, since I was four years old, I’ve dreamed of becoming a real author.” Jessica achieved her dream. She published her first book this year, a science fiction novel aimed at young adults.

The novel focuses on the life of a young girl, Pia, raised in the Amazon Rainforest. Pia is a genetically engineered immortal, but her whole life has been spent in seclusion, locked away in a secret laboratory deep in the heart of the Amazonian jungle. She has no contact with the outside world and is unable to understand her purpose. Upon finding a breach in the compound’s fence, she is able to escape her captivity and begin her search for who she is and why she exists. She also manages to find love along the way in the form of a young boy her own age, a native of the jungles.

While her novel is not overtly Christian, the themes presented in the book flow out of Khoury’s own thoughts on the Christian life. “It’s not Christian fiction, but definitely my faith influenced the telling of the story. The theme of immortality itself is something that has always been

Jessica Khoury (2010)

ORIGINNew book published by TFC graduate.

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something I’ve thought about; it’s something that’s always been a part of my life. As Christians it’s something that we prepare for; it’s something that we look forward to. That was one of the reasons I wanted to approach the theme of immortality in my book and ask some questions about it, looking at it from a standpoint where you don’t have that Christian worldview.

What are your feelings about it? Although there’s no overtly Christian storyline . . . I have had readers come back and ask me about my faith because of something they read in the book.” The fact that her book, which is aimed at a young adult audience, leads her readers to ask those sorts of questions is very important, according to Khoury.

As a young adult novel, the book is somewhat of an oddity for the genre. Many authors have been taking the route of writing series of three or more books, but Khoury specifically chose to limit the story of Pia to one book. For Khoury the story unfolded naturally, and she didn’t want to artificially extend its life when “the story felt so complete” as it stood. Instead she chose to write her next book, not as a sequel, but as an extension of Origin. The new manuscript, which has already been given the green light by her publisher, is set in the same universe as Origin but deals with a new story. By choosing to write her next novel within the same universe, but as a separate and self-contained story, she has separated herself from the current trend built around trilogies and series.

With a new story comes a new set of characters and a new writing experience that is “a whole different animal.” Before being published, she had to answer to no one about her writing, but she was also unsure of the actuality of being able to release her book to the public. Now she has the support of her agent and an editor, but she also has to make sure that her publisher likes her writing as she writes it. She explains, that “there are more people giving their opinions before the book is even started.” Still, even with the added pressure and difficulty, Khoury contends that the experience is no less enjoyable, just different.

After having gone through the ordeal of becoming published, Jessica had a few words to help aspiring authors. “The most important thing you can have as a writer is life experiences.” She went on to encourage a wide base of reading and study. “It definitely helps to have an education, to take classes on writing, to learn as much as you can about the craft. As an English major I took many classes

where we studied literature, and writing, and authors. A lot of that is so helpful in writing.” Additionally, Khoury highly advocates practice in submitting work, a big part of what she believes to have been instrumental in her growing experience as an author. “The Advanced Composition class was great because it was the first time I actually had to submit anything to anybody, and it was very helpful.”

Khoury also indicates that Toccoa Falls itself helped a great deal in getting her to where she is today. “When I was here, I was a part of Dr. Williams “Inklings” club which would meet and talk about our writing and help each other.” Here Khoury is referencing a writing club headed up by one of the school’s resident professors. “Inklings,” the name of the club, is in honor of the group of literary enthusiasts including C.S. Lewis and J.R.R Tolkien, the authors of the The Chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of the Rings series, respectively. Both of these authors serve as areas of expertise for Dr. Williams, the professor who heads up Toccoa Falls’ version of the “Inklings.” The school has also invited Khoury to speak at chapel for the whole school, as well as an English class chapel. She goes on to describe the continuing support that she receives from TFC. “Everyone here has been so gracious, and we had a bunch of students come out to the launch party. I’ve been so privileged at how everyone at TFC has been reaching out to me and wanting to get involved and help promote the book.” Khoury hosted her launch party at a local bookstore in downtown Toccoa, where she grew up.

While Jessica is still a resident of Toccoa, many things have changed since she became published. When asked about how these changes have affected her life, Khoury summed it all up in a single word: “dramatically.” Suddenly she could write full time, promote her new book, travel, and meet other authors. “My workday consists of books and writing, and I love it. I love it so much. I’ve been able to meet so many amazing people.” She smiles and continues, “It’s been a dream come true . . . it’s everything I’ve hoped for and more.”

If you want to learn the secret of Pia’s immortality and how she comes to grips with her confusing nature, you can pick up your very own copy of Origin in physical or electronic form through online vendors or at your local bookstore. Jacob Raynor

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The Homecoming “Army.” These ladies put in many hours of hard work into making this Homecoming a success.

The annual Homecoming Golf Classic began Friday at 10:30 a.m. at Apple Mountain Resort and Golf Club in Clarkesville, Georgia.

Guy Wasko (2000) was this year’s Homecoming chapel speaker on Friday.

T O C C O A F A L L SWhere the journey began


Friday Events

The Homecoming theme was “Where the Journey Began,” focusing on how each path taken by alumni started at Toccoa Falls Institute or College. The Lord has used this place as a training ground and a ministerial springboard to launch thousands of alumni into hundreds of cities, states, and continents armed with the gospel and redemptive message of God’s love and saving grace. Throughout the weekend we heard stories from many alumni who followed God’s roadmap for their lives and thus experienced His abundant blessing along the way. From lifelong missionaries to teachers to counselors to musicians who left here just a couple of years ago, they expressed joy as they witnessed how the Lord directed their steps and then blessed them with abundant fruits of their labor. Toccoa Falls College remains a very special place—hallowed ground, if you will—whose legacy and heritage will be preserved for future generations.

“Remember when . . .?”

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The crowning of the Homecoming Queen took place following the Friday night basketball game.

The ever-popular Ice Cream Social (above, right) is a great place to renew friendships and make new friends. This year the social was held outdoors in the tent set up for the afternoon picnic (above, left).

Connie (Diehl, 1973)Bartmas and Deborah (Harding, 1995) Wilkes.

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The annual Alumni Breakfast featured the reunion classes ending in “2” and “7.” Certificates were presented to the 50th year reunion classes.





The Homecoming Parade, organized by the Student Governement Association, is a popular event.

Mrs. Nancy Hyndman demonstrates how to spin wool at the all new Arts and Crafts Fair on the front porch of the Gathany Nature Center.

Early morning 5K Run.

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Beautiful Gate Cottage Restaurant was filled with high school/academy alumni who gathered for lunch and an “open mike” session to share memories.

The Class of 1962 sponsored the Senior Class Reception where alumni welcomed rising alumni into the association.

The Rubber Ducky Race for the young and young at heart.

A full day ended with the Homecoming Concert followed by an After Concert Dessert in the Coffee Shop, sponsored by Student Government.

Mrs. Janet (Lewis, HS 1962) Webb shared in the Sunday morning Alumni Testimony Chapel held in Williams Chapel.

Sunday Morning

Dr. Tom Council (1983) directed the College Choir.

More Homecoming photos in the Alumni Updates section.

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Jason mehl Named athletic DirectorToccoa Falls College professor and alumnus Jason Mehl has accepted the position of Athletic Director, as well as the men’s head basketball coach.

Jason and his wife Louise have two children. They moved to Toccoa in the fall of 2009 after serving on the mission field in Uganda for five and a half years. During that time, he taught freshman writing, literature and creative writing; coached the UCU men’s and Women’s basketball teams for four seasons and won two East Africa University game championships. He also coached the Uganda National Team in three international tournaments and served as an executive member of the Uganda Basketball Federation along with working as the UCU Athletic Director.

Dr. Steve Woodworth Joins TFC FacultyDr. Steve Woodworth has joined the Toccoa Falls College faculty as Director

Professor Carrie Ryan, Assistant Professor of Teacher Education

Dr. Donald Shepson, III, Associate Professor of Christian Education (not pictured)

Professor Jeffrey Williams, International Worker in Residence.

TFC Students Serve in Toccoa

On August 24 and 25, new students at Toccoa Falls College dedicated their time to serving the community of Toccoa. The community projects team at the college planned various events in the local

of Spiritual Formation. He is a native of New Hampshire who first moved to the south in the fall of 1995. Having graduated from Montreat College with a B.S. in Outdoor Education (1999), Dr. Steve returned to Montreat College in 2003 to serve first as an RD and later as the college chaplain. In his role as chaplain at Montreat College, Dr. Steve was charged with the primary responsibility of fostering the spiritual development of each student through the chapel program, student ministries, mentoring, and pastoral counseling. In addition, he was head of the Pastoral Ministries concentration teaching in the areas of homiletics, hermeneutics, and New Testament.

In addition to his work as Director of Spiritual Formation here at Toccoa Falls College, Dr. Steve also serves on staff with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association at The Cove Training Center as Pastor in Residence. He is married to his college sweetheart Carrie, and they have three young boys: Luke, Andrew, and Zachary.

New Faculty members at TFCToccoa Falls College welcomes on board four new faculty members this fall of the 2012-2013 academic year.

Professor Ernie DeWitt, Instructor of Outdoor Leadership and Wilderness Medicine

TFC News Briefs

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area that allowed the “new-to-Toccoa” students an opportunity to receive the blessing of both partnership and service to citizens of Stephens County. Students participated in giving flowers to the elderly at the local nursing home, hosting a block party at the Boys and Girls Club, adopting three local families and doing yard work for them, volunteering at the Soup Kitchen, and doing cleaning projects at the Boys and Girls Club.

TFC Named “Best in Southeast”

Toccoa Falls College is one of the best colleges in the Southeast according to the nationally known education services company, The Princeton Review. It is one of 136 institutions The Princeton Review recommends in its “Best in the Southeast” section of its website feature, “2013 Best Colleges: Region by Region,” that posted August 20, 2012, on PrincetonReview.com.

The Princeton Review asked students attending to rate the school on several issues — from the accessibility of their professors to quality of the campus food — and answer questions about themselves, their fellow students, and their campus life. Student comments said Toccoa Falls College is a Christian college “committed to building character with intellect.” Others said their school excels at “teaching men and women to become professionals in several fields in order to facilitate the spreading of the Gospel of Christ.”

TFC moves up in the uS News College rankings

Toccoa Falls College was recognized by another media outlet for its dedication to quality academics. For the second straight year, Toccoa Falls College has increased its standing in the US News and World Report college rankings. The college moved up 3 spots from last year’s rankings for Best Regional Colleges.

TFC placed 35th out of the 105 schools that were ranked in the south region and 3rd in the state of Georgia.

“We are thrilled that US News and World Report has again recognized Toccoa Falls College as one of the best colleges in the Southeast. Our talented faculty, caring staff, wonderful athletic programs, focus on a solid Christian worldview, and 1,100 acre picturesque campus make this a wonderful college experience for students,” stated new president Dr. Robert Myers.

US News and World Report considered various factors for determining the rankings including peer assessment scores, high school counselors’ ratings, graduation and retention rates, faculty resources, student selectivity, financial resources, and alumni support.

Many undergrads choose Toccoa Falls College for its extensive required curriculum in the Bible and Christian theology, and “because it is one of the best schools for missions in the United States,” preparing students who plan to pursue careers in missionary service. Whether teaching religious subject matter or traditional academics, “Professors are qualified, entertaining and enlightening.”

Dr. Jon Penland Named Dean

Dr. Jonathan (Jon) Penland has been named Dean of the School of Christian Ministries. He received his B.A. in Theology from Toccoa Falls College, his M.A. in Intercultural Studies from Columbia International University, and his Ph.D. in Adult Education from the University of Georgia and is completing a second Ph.D. from UGA in Anthropology.

Dr. Penland joined the Toccoa Falls College faculty in 2000 after serving 13 years in the Dominican Republic as an instructor in the Leadership Development Program for the Dominican Alliance and director for Dominican Alliance Associates.

He is published in the Manual for Ministry Internship and has written book reviews for the journal, Missiology. He is fluent in Spanish. While at TFC, he has assisted in the design and implementation of a major in Cross-Cultural Adult Education and a minor in Sustainable Development.

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he landscape of higher education is dramatically changing. Technological learning is being pitted against the brick-and-mortar campus. However, the

beautiful landscape of Toccoa Falls College in Northeast Georgia is not changing. The internet is redefining the college experience, but our campus still hosts traditional chapels with communion and athletic events with cheering crowds. Our own online degree programs are growing appreciably, but our residential students still hike the thousand acres of college property. The academy rightly gives much attention to online education these days, but this academy still values the rich experiences that come with being offline, too.

How does one navigate between the two “lines” that seem often difficult to intersect? In an age that demands more of our attention online, how do we ensure the blessings that come from being offline? When we are offline, how do we resist the pull to return back online? Certainly, the question of coping in life precedes the current information age. This question can be answered both personally and institutionally, both of which will be of interest to Connections readers.

Personally, we all long for more freedom from demands, especially during the technological era. Expressions like 24/7, “live,” “synchronous,” and multi-tasking make us want to be unplugged, make us feel “cached out,” and rob us of what summer camp used to call “free time.” Just when online programs were advertising study at home in

TFC: online and Offline by Dr. Brian Shelton

Dr. Brian SheltonVice President for Academic Affairs


e-learningcomputer courses






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your pajamas, the enterprise turned around to require a camera for distance education participation.

The cry of the over-stimulated has always been for solitude, quiet, and peace. The Christian tradition has long known that silence and solitude are an important balance to the busy life. Jesus withdrew from the crowds for prayer. The prophet Habbakuk called for “all the world to be silent before the Lord” (2:20). The ancient monk Makarios the Great fled into a deserted place to live in silence when he found that he had been elected bishop. Ecclesiastes 3:7 identifies how there is “a time to speak, and a time to be silent.” In contemporary language, there is a time to be online and a time to be offline. On a personal level, we all must ensure certain experiences that come with being offline. This will never change.

Institutionally, the college campus still appreciates handshakes and hugs, apologies in person, singing around a guitar, a passionate lecture by a qualified professor, a chapel speaker that calls us to the altar, and the words of the president, “I hereby declare you graduates of Toccoa Falls College. You may turn your tassel.” If the cry of the over-stimulated seeks solitude, quiet, and peace, then the prayer chapel at TFC testifies that this human need is alive and well. Business meetings still pause to open in prayer. Our chapels are opening this semester with a habit of silent prayer rather than the traditional inaugural song. The offline activities continue to define the TFC experience, and they are alive and well on campus.

In this age like others before, we must inevitably return to the demands of life that now happen to be online. Balance and perspective then help us realize what so many young people realize with quite a bit of health and vitality: to be online or offline is not always so different. This is not necessarily a battle between obligation and freedom. In fact, for many, both solitude and fellowship, work and relaxation, come with being online. Many students read their iPads in solitude. Many type in silent dialog with non-Christians on the web as witness to the gospel. An encouraging note from a fellow believer can be awaiting us in our inbox. Prayers of Makarious can be downloaded to aid our spiritual life.

In fact, this ancient monk even encourages us to pray out loud and to participate in community in a way that

sounds like it could work in an online setting. This is not a mixed signal or a downloading error, but it seems to offer wisdom in balance and perspective, wisdom in knowing and honoring God through all that we do—online or offline. Makarios writes, “When the body does any task, it should be completely occupied with the work . . . the soul should be totally concentrated on asking and on a loving movement to the Lord, not wandering and dispersed by its thoughts but with concentration waiting expectantly for Christ.” (Homily 33) This wisdom came to him when he returned from isolation to reconnect with his congregation that he realized he had wrongly deserted. The champion of silence got back online.

In this world of dramatic and lightening speed change, some values never change. TFC is trying to meet the demands of the technological age, making them opportunities for good learning and campus experience. Rest assured we continue to promote offline experiences here on campus. There are hammocks hanging from the trees outside LeTourneau, a new weight room awaits the physically ambitious, and community living is expressed in dorm life, study groups, course projects, and campus entertainment. Meanwhile, professors are actively incorporating more electronic components in lecture and challenging students through electronic assignments. The campus daily uses an updated wireless system installed last year. We continue to profit from a technology grant for our campus computer hardware. Whether online or offline, the college continues the business of teaching, discipling, and service to the community. These values are permanently stored on the hard drive of the mission of the college.

In the end, one must decide whether to spend any given hour online or offline. This is the landscape on which all of us dwell. Choose well, concentrate on any task online or off, and walk the line of media effectively in this day and age. Pray that we will make the right directional decisions in growing our online program alongside our residence programs. Perhaps consider taking or recommending an online class from one of our programs. And, if you want to share these thoughts with your next door neighbor or your friend on Skype, please know that this Connections article is available both in print material and on the web.

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Toccoa Falls College, celebrating 105 years!

It doesn’t have quite the same ring to it as, for example, 75, 100, or 150 years, or some other lovely round number, does it? But this is where we are this year at TFC. It’s been 105 years of training pastors, missionaries, Christian workers, teachers, counselors, and many other myriad of professionals. This is not the grand year in which we can tout the longevity of our existence, but this is indeed a grand year in which we can celebrate and exalt the faithfulness of our Lord.

But isn’t this just like our own lives? How many years do we actually celebrate a milestone year? It’s always nice to attend an 80th birthday party or a 50th wedding anniversary, but in reality, these milestones are few and far between. It is the day to day, month to month, and year to year living where we see the sovereignty of God working in our lives.

It is these uncelebrated years where we live. And it is in this 105th year of existence of Toccoa Falls College where we trust Him for His perfect will and grand plan. How many decisions have been made in these 105 years that have shaped the culture of this treasured institution? As a third generation alum, I have many stories in the recesses of my memory told to me by grandparents, parents, and other family about their experiences here, and these stories are as diverse as there are people.

Every one of us has a story from TFC, and it is in these stories that you can see the hand of God. He has used every president, professor, staff, student, and experience to make this college what it is today, and without you it would be a different place. So, in this 105th year of Toccoa Falls College, we celebrate you, our alumni, and thank you for the stories you have planted in the grounds of Toccoa Falls – those grounds that we all know so well.

I would encourage you to visit www.tfchistory.com if you haven’t lately. It’s a wonderful reminder of the sovereignty of God in our lives. This college has been through so much, and it’s in our celebrations as well as our wounds that God is shaping it into what He wants it to be. The alumni board wants to thank each of you again for your faithfulness in giving to TFC. What a privilege it is to count yourself among those who have faithfully served before us and with us. Giving to the college allows many students the opportunity to create their own stories and to be a part of the history of tomorrow. Let’s continue to connect the past with the future as we continue our support of the next 105 years of Toccoa Falls College.


Shannon (Howard, 1996) MitchellPresident, TFAA

dearalumni and friends,

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King (HS 1946, BC 1950) and Betty elliott, 2095 Hwy a1a, Unit 4302, Indian Harbour Beach, FL 32937, [email protected]

Effie (Hornberger, 1946) Sotack, 2415 Ruhland ave, Redondo Beach, Ca 90278, [email protected]

Charles and Julia (Harden) Ridge (HS 1947), 826 Richland east Dr, Richland, MS 39218, [email protected]


Daryle (1955) and Lois Worley, 354 Scenic Dr, Toccoa, ga 30577, [email protected]

Dick and Boonie (McIlrath, 1957) Nable, 819 Captain Kell Dr, Macon, ga 31204, [email protected]

Joni (Cash, HS 1958) Day and Malcolm Cash

Bob (HS 1959) and Shirley (Ketron, HS 1958) Kirkpatrick, 1303 Parkway Dr, Perry, ga 31069, [email protected]


William Outlaw (1961), 4141 W Courthouse Rd, Crewe, Va 23930

HS 1962 Class – Brenda anderson Henke, Susan Dickson Patee, Connie Post-Sutton, and Janet Lewis Webb

Lloyd (1962) and Jacqueline (Bailey, 1961) Young (king & queen photo), 5225 Old Hixson Pike a-109, Hixson, TN 37343, [email protected]. Myers chats with Bill and Betty (Stone, 1971) Weatherly.

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Class of 1962 – george Patrick, Carol Roseberry Pierce, and David Overmoyer


Joyce Wiese Cape (former staff 1970-79) and her children – Larry (HS 1971, BC 1985), Jennie Harrell (HS 1976), and Mark (HS 1975)

gail Steelman (1971), Louana (Hyre, 1971) Holton, and Lois Long (1972)

Dan (1972) and Dale (ellington, HS 1969) Mills, 906 Riverview Dr, elizabethton, TN 37643, [email protected]

Marge Rupp, Mary McClure, and Dawn McClure Smith

Class of 1977 – (back row) Forrest Rich, Sharon Stumpf Morden, gwen Walton Hartman, and Roy english(back row) greg Brumbaugh, Steve Hartman, Ken Hazelton, and Ken Furl


Jose (1985) and Lidia garrigo, 2097 east Phillips Pl, Centennial, CO 80122, [email protected]

Michael (1987) and Laura Stevens, 435 Highland ave, Trucksville, Pa 18708, [email protected]

Jack (1988) and Stacy Stanley, 1705 Market St, Owings, MD 20736. Jack is currently serving as chaplain in the USaF based at andrews aFB, but deployed to Southwest asia. He recently had a Bible study published called

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alumni awards Janet’s roots with Toccoa Falls Institute and College run deep, starting with her parents, Dean (1943) and Colista (Creel, HS 1942) Lewis. Her commitment to serve the Lord has taken her to three Central American countries, corporate America, and the political arena. Janet also has a heart for public service, serving on the Board of Ethics in Dunwoody, Georgia. She has served on the Toccoa Falls Trustee Board for over eight years and was recently elected as vice chair. She also currently serves as the trustee representative to the Toccoa Falls Alumni Association. Janet has two sons, Spencer and Chad and resides in Dunwoody, Georgia.

Alumna of the YearMrs. Janet (Lewis, HS 1962) Webb

Students represent Paradise Mountain Ministries in the parade.

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“Stand Strong: Spiritual Resiliency the ephesians Way” that can be found on amazon. [email protected]


John Owens (1992), 2210 Linwood ave, Niagara Falls, NY 14305. John is currently a records specialist in the Niagara Falls School District. He is also the Minister of Prayer & Intercession at Destinations Life Fellowship in the inner-

city of Niagara Falls. [email protected]

Steve and Heather (Meeks) Preckel (1994), 10432 east Sheley Rd, Independence, MO 64052. Steve has continued his own business of painting and remodeling. Heather is a stay at home mom with their new one year old, Kaden. Their daughter attends The Daniel academy. [email protected]

abidan (1996) and Nicole (Shedd, 1994) Shah, 71 Cross Creek Ct, Henderson, NC 27537. abidan is currently serving as the senior pastor at Clearview Baptist Church in Henderson, NC. They have had over 30 baptisms already this year! Nicole is also serving at Clearview by leading the women’s ministry. abidan is also completing his Ph.D. from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in New Testament Textual Criticism. [email protected]

Scott (1998) and erin (Smartnick) Uhlinger (1999), 307 W Henley St, Branson, MO 65616. Scott is currently the youth pastor at The River, a non-denominational church in [email protected]


Vera Natale was happy to have part of her family with her for Homecoming weekend.

Michael and Bethany (Soliven, 2003) Daly, 289 B Liko Lehua St, Hilo, HI 96720. Congratulations to Michael and Bethany on the birth of Cyanne

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alumni awardsUp until Ken entered the ministry in 1978, he was a draftsman, painter, security officer, bus driver, and a concrete truck driver. He had studied structural engineering in Cleveland and participated in an apprenticeship program with an international engineering company in Ohio. Soon after graduating from Toccoa Falls College in 1977, he entered the pastorate, serving until 1999. That fall he shifted gears, focusing on estate planning and stewardship which he continues to this day. Ken is married to Cindy, a registered nurse, and they reside in Warren, Ohio. Their son Christopher graduated from TFC in 1998, and their daughter Lisa graduated in 2001.

Alumnus of the YearRev. Kenneth H. Furl (1977)

Dr. Paul Alford relaxes in one of the chairs sold by Gordon Swenson in the Arts and Crafts Fair.

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grace! Cyanne was born on December 26, 2011. Bethany is enjoying being a mom and working part-time as a graphic designer at KTa Super Stores. [email protected]

Congratulations to Bruce Bonds and Katie Watts (2003)! They were married on June 13, 2012. [email protected]

Jonathan and Margaret-ann (Moore, 2005) Hopper are currently serving as houseparents at eagle Ranch in Flowery Branch, ga. eagle Ranch is a residential therapeutic program for children with behavioral problems. The goal of eagle Ranch is to restore the family. Congratulations to Jonathan and Margaret-ann on the birth of ayden Hudson! ayden was born on January 21, 2012. [email protected]

Nate and Crystal (Samsa) Brown (2006), 215 ella St, Smyrna, TN 37167, [email protected]


Ricky (2011) and Nicole Spaulding, 70 Baywood Dr, Bluffton, SC 29910, [email protected]

Yeng Her (2012), 8195 Summerset Drive, apt 8195F, Colorado Springs, CO 80920. Following graduation, Yeng started working at The Christian and Missionary alliance headquarters in Colorado Springs as Ministry assistant to the Director of the International Placement Office. [email protected]

In Loving MemoryDavid hannah (1964)January 17, 2012

Doreene (holdcraft, 1977) mcCorkleFebruary 15, 2012

ruth (Tingley, hS 1945) TeerFebruary 24, 2012

William hiram heath (hS 1966)June 9, 2012

Bill anderson (1978)June 17, 2012

June (Woodward, hS 1939) PowellJuly 7, 2012

Betty ruth (morris, hS 1940) abercrombieAugust 6, 2012

Wilson Donehoo (1950)August 21, 2012

katherine (Sheridan, 1940) TurnerSeptember 1, 2012

Joyce (Yergin, 1964) TaillonSeptember 5, 2012

Scott Williams (hS 1971)October 1, 2012

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alumni awards Richard and Genie lived separate lives for their first 78 years. Richard and his first wife, Stella Jean Morrison, were married by Dr. Richard A. Forrest in Williams Chapel. They served in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Gainesville, Georgia, and at Toccoa Falls College. His wife passed away in 2005 and the Lord brought his second Genie into his life. They had known each other since their school days at TFI, and were wed in October 2006. Genie is an accomplished violinist who traveled with Billy Graham crusades during his early ministry years. She played “twin fiddle” with the TV band of Hank Williams and has produced three CDs.

Alumni Service AwardRichard (HS 1945, BC 1949) and Genie (Shirley, HS 1945) Richey

Leon Gathany (1945) at the High School Luncheon.

Hmong Student Fellowship entry in the Homecoming Parade.

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alumni awardsHead Coach, Selina (Nickerson, 1997) Slate, was named to the Eagle O’Fame in 1996 for her accomplishments as an athlete. Now she is also sharing in her coaching accomplishments by having this team inducted into the Eagle O’Fame. Teammates were: Angelynn (Warden, 2004) Ballew, Rachel Gross (2001), Brooke (Howlett, 2002) Hayward, Iris (Wigal, 2002) Hecock, Corrie (Gimbert, 1999) Hill, Megan (Henkenius, 2002) Kennedy, Heather (Brown, 2000) Long, Kristen Love (2000), Carmen (Bobo, 2001) Sutton, Mary Catherine Williams (1999), Christine (Hall, 2002) Willis, and Jill Zeger (2003). Jill was a 2010 inductee into the Eagle O’Fame.

Team managers and statisticians: Michelle Gross (2002), Jenny Weller (1999), and Chuck Bahl (2001)

(Photo at left:) Athletic Director Jason Mehl, Volleyball Coach Selina Slate, Kenny Slate, Corrie (Gimbert) Hill, Angelynn (Warden) Ballew, and Jenny Weller

Eagle O’Fame1999 Lady Eagles Volleyball Team

Gordon Swenson (1969) and Wayne Gardner (1969) catching up in front of Earl Hall.

2012 Homecoming Court.

Ruth Damron (HS 1957, BC 1961), Ruth (Woerner, HS 1946, BC 1950), and Mrs. Rebecca Damron (1955) attended the Homecoming picnic.

Parade participants, Women in Ministry (WIM).

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If your address is not correct on the Connections address label,please provide us with your correct information.

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________NAME (INCLUDE MAIDEN NAME)

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SPOUSE NAME (INCLUDE MAIDEN NAME IF A TFC GRADUATE)

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________EMAIL ADDRESS PHONE

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________CHILDREN (NAMES AND AGES)

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________FAMILY NEWS

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PROFESSIONAL NEWS (RECENT MOVE, NEW JOB/CHURCH/MISSIONS ASSIGNMENT, PROMOTION, ANOTHER DEGREE, ETC.)

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WHAT IS YOUR FUNNIEST MEMORY OF YOUR DEAN? (BE SURE TO TELL US WHO THAT WAS)

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WHERE DID YOU LIVE ON CAMPUS AS A FRESHMAN AND SENIOR?


Please feel free to send us photographs and contact us at [email protected] by visiting the website at www.toccoafallsalumni.com


STAYING CONNECTEDn Please post the information in the Alumni E-Directory

n HS 19/20_____________n BC 19/20_____________

n HS 19/20_____________n BC 19/20_____________

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The Lord led Dr. Myers to Toccoa Falls College to take this institution to its next level by protecting and standing firm on the very biblical principles upon which our institution was founded. The principles of scripture, truth, wisdom, and service have been time-tested and time-honored at TFC and are as relevant today as they were in 1907.


President’s Cabinet

Mr. James HansenVice President

Institutional Advancement

Mr. Gregg SchulteVice President

Business and Finance

Dr. Brian SheltonVice President

Academic Affairs

Mr. Lee YowellVice President

Student Development

Mr. Dan GriffinDean of

Enrollment and Marketing

Toccoa Falls College Vision Statement

Toccoa Falls College will be known as a premier Christian college that uniquely integrates Biblical

Truth, Academic Excellence, and intentional Spiritual Formation within a caring, Christian community.

Dr. Robert. M. MyersPresident

TFC Mission Statement

The mission of Toccoa Falls College

is to glorify God through seeking and developing Christian servant leaders who

will impact their world with the love

and message of Jesus Christ.

“God has given us biblical truths that we must hold to no matter what this world says. This is what Toccoa Falls College is all about.” R.M. Myers

“I believe in the mission of the college. When I read the college’s motto: Where Character is Developed with Intellect, I also think of ways that we can take this statement a step further and make our position even stronger. I want to see our mission become one of building Christian character.” R.M. Myers

Naturally the administrative work of the college rests with the president and his cabinet composed of the following dean and vice presidents. They work in concert to establish and achieve the institutional goals set by the various departments.

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Accrediting Agencies

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Mr. John W. Allen, ChairMansfield, Ohio

Mr. Brian R. BojoRome, Georgia

Mr. Gary S. DavisTrinity, Florida

Mrs. Debra D. FerrellNorth Fort Myers, Florida

Mr. David A. FugettPensacola, Florida

Mr. Charles R. Hughes, Jr.Orlando, Florida

Mr. Fred G. KingTrussville, Alabama

Dr. C. David MarkleKennesaw, Georgia

Dr. Dwayne E. MercerOviedo, Florida

Mr. Charles V. MoseleyRaleigh, North Carolina

Dr. Michael D. NoelCharlotte, North Carolina

Dr. Jeffery A. Norris, SecretaryPunxsutawney, Pennsylvania

Mrs. Sheila RayNorcross, Georgia

Dr. David K. SmithCenterville, Ohio

Dr. Lantzia C. ThaoThornton, Colorado

Mrs. Pat Heaton TimmsToccoa, Georgia

Dr. Neil E. VeydtSpring Arbor, Michigan

Mrs. Janet L. Webb, Vice ChairDunwoody, Georgia

Dr. Floyd R. Wheeler, Sr.New Castle, Delaware

Mr. George WoernerOrange Beach, Alabama

Mr. Willie J. Woodruff, Jr.Toccoa, Georgia


Mr. Tim AshToccoa, Georgia

Dr. David AustinToccoa, Georgia

Mr. and Mrs. Frank BeanClayton, Georgia

Mr. Ray CivittsToccoa, Georgia

Mrs. Sharon CrosbyToccoa, Georgia

Mrs. Alicia GrooverMarietta, Georgia

Mr. Robert HambyToccoa, Georgia

Mrs. Michelle LampingToccoa, Georgia

Mr. and Mrs. Dick NableMacon, Georgia

Mr. Cam ParkerToccoa, Georgia

Mr. David PlaistedToccoa, Georgia

Mr. John K. TaylorToccoa, Georgia

Mr. Gordon TelfordToccoa, Georgia

Mr. Fred WatsonToccoa, Georgia


Mrs. Shannon Mitchell (1996), PresidentCharlotte, North Carolina

Miss Brenda Ritchey (HS 1971, BC 1973), Vice PresidentToccoa, Georgia

Mrs. Carolyn Ballard (HS 1953, BC 1958), SecretaryToccoa, Georgia

Mr. Virgil Adams (2001)Toccoa Falls, Georgia

Mr. Andrew Beccue (2009)Gainesville, Georgia

Mr. Tim Beck (1988)Toccoa, Georgia

Mrs. Eloise Griner (HS 1966, BC 1972)Toccoa, Georgia

Mr. Jim Rich (2005)Braselton, Georgia


Mr. George H. Seifert, Vice ChairRochester Hills, Michigan

Mrs. Pat Heaton TimmsToccoa, Georgia

Mr. Gerald A. Townsend, SecretaryRaleigh, North Carolina

Director Emeriti:

Dr. R. Harold ManghamKissimmee, Florida

Mr. James D. GaddLoudon, Tennessee

Mr. Ray CivittsToccoa, Georgia

Mr. Gary S. Davis, ChairTrinity, Florida

Mr. James HansenSeneca, South Carolina

Mr. Keith HarrodRaleigh, North Carolina

Dr. Ray L. KincaidBucyrus, Ohio

Mr. Gregg SchulteWestminster, South Carolina

Mr. David ScottAtlanta, Georgia


Dr. Ray L. Kincaid has been involved with Toccoa Falls College for well over 29 years, serving as a trustee member, mentor to countless other trustees and administrators, and most recently as Chairman of the Board for over 12 years. Dr. Kincaid announced his retirement last fall; and in April 2012 Mr. John W. Allen was elected as his successor as Chairman of the Board.

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Founder’s Club

Founder’s Club members are distinguished by their exceptional leadership in support of the college through gifts of $1,000 or more.

M/M Richard F. albrightMr. John W. allenMs. g. gayle BabbMr. Victor Babson, Sr. M/M Terrel D. BallengerM/M Richard Bartmas, Jr.M/M Ron BeckDr. Barbara K. BellefeuilleM/M William P. BezansonM/M Rodney BlackM/M Melvin L. BlowersDr. Kenneth W. Borland, Jr. M/M Stephen J. BovyM/M John archie BowlingM/M Brian R. BradleyMrs. Muriel N. Brooking * M/M Stanley H. BrownM/M Roy W. BrunerMs. Carol Burnette M/M David R. Burton Mr. James allen Carmichael, Jr.Mrs. Joyce B. CarpenterRev. Malcolm B. CashMrs. Bettye ann CatronMrs. gail S. CheekM/M David a. ClarkM/M everett J. ClockerMrs. Tamrith CochranD/M Thomas M. CouncilMs. Mary Linda CriswellMrs. Mary D’amicoM/M James J. DaltonMiss Ruth e. DamronM/M C. I. (Jack) DeLany, Jr.M/M David D. DiehlM/M Phil DrakeM/M elmo DukeM/M Levern DyeMs. Joy e. eastlingM/M Bobby a. eavensonM/M Jimmy echolsD/M gary Stephen elkinsM/M Douglas e. eppsMs. Kay P. evans M/M Hal R. FettermanM/M M. Ragan FikesMrs. Mary a. FlandersM/M Darrell FledderjohannMr. Richard L. Fortune *Mr. Nathanael FoutsDr. L. Ruth FrederickM/M Thomas a. FrostMr. Tom B. Frye, Sr.M/M David a. FugettD/D W. Wayne gardnerMr. Leon B. gathanyMrs. Debbie L. gathany-KeeneyM/M Derwood H. godwin, Sr.D/M Charles W. goodM/M David L. goodridgeD/M edmond grayM/M H. Willis grayM/M Ronald W. greenM/M Sammy gunterMrs. Paulinda K. HallM/M Larry a. HanlonMr. James Wesley HansenMrs. Hazel Hardie *M/M Thomas g. HawleyMr. Charles W. HayesM/M Kenneth e. HazeltonM/M David e. HeadM/M Robert C. Hendrick

M/M Harvey E. HoffmanM/M Wade H. HoustonMs. Jane M. HudsonM/M Robert C. Hunter M/M David L. IrvinM/M Douglas W. IvesterMrs. Clara R. JamesM/M John C. JeffersM/M Larry F. JohnsonMr. Franklin C. JohnstonM/M David a. Jones M/M Joshua Robert JosefMs. Jeon-yi KimD/M Ray L. KincaidR/M Fred g. KingMs. Judith KingM/M Verlin W. KingM/M James KirkwoodM/M John R. KreiterM/M edwin J. LacyMs. Marijo LambMrs. Lorraine g. LambertD/M Philip M. LawrenceMs. Tamar LeemkuilM/M Terry L. LemleyM/M John e. LogginsM/M Joseph B. LondonD/M James T. LyonsM/M greg MabryMrs. Carol MaddoxD/M R. Harold Mangham, Sr.D/M C. David MarkleMr. Larry MarlerM/M Michael Terry MartinMr. george MathisRev. evan L. McDirmitMrs. Linda McguganM/M Brian e. McNeillMs. elmire MendeMrs. Constance M. MillerCapt. Laura Omer MillerMrs. Shannon N. MitchellM/M Scott MooreM/M Charles Vance MoseleyMrs. Janie C. MullikinD/M Raymond e. MurrayM/M Oliver a. NealyMr. Todd K. NeffR/M Michael D. NoelD/M Jeffery A. NorrisM/M Joseph g. OberstarMs. Mary elizabeth OdomM/M W. Ronald ParadiseM/M James W. PattersonMrs. Rose C. PaulMr. george PeppersMrs. Dorothy S. PierceMrs. Miriam Piper M/M David V. PlaistedM/M Ralph PrescottMrs. Harriet RainwaterJudge James S. Rainwater * M/M Sidney W. RayM/M Tony RayM/M Don R. RedigerM/M Forrest e. RichMrs. Suzanne F. RichR/M Ralph H. RollinsMr. adam RouseMs. Sharon e. SandersonMrs. alice T. SchaferMiss Shirley L. SchimmelM/M David W. ScottM/M James W. SharrockMr. Jimmy ShawM/M Paul D. ShifferMrs. Doris S. ShouseMr. John a. SiewertM/M Willett C. SilvernailMrs. Debra SledgeM/M Dennis J. Smith, Sr.

M/M James Warren SmithMrs. Miriam C. Smith *Ms. Myrtle B. SmithM/M J. Stanley SorrellsMrs. Lucille C. StoweM/M M.C. StoweMs. Kathryn S. StriblingMr. Wm. David StufftMr. Bill e. Sullivan, Sr. M/M Scott SylvesterRev. Lantzia C. ThaoM/M David ThiemeM/M Charles C. ThurmondM/M Lyndell C. TimmsMs. gizella TothM/M edward L. TrimmerMr. Keith Van arsdale D/M Neil e. VeydtM/M Richard N. WallerM/M Hellmut WalterM/M Freddy WebbMrs. Janet L. Webb M/M Wayne WeimerM/M Steven WhiteMr. Tony B. WhittMr. gregory L. Wiest Mrs. Martha ann WilliamsChaplain W. Neale Williams *D/M Harold WindusM/M george a. WoernerM/M Blaine WorleyM/M John WorthingtonDr. Clarence W. WulfM/M John e. Zimmerman, Jr.

Chancellor’s Club

Chancellor’s club members are distinguished by their leadership in support of the college through gifts of $500-$999.

M/M Clinton g. adamsMiss Marillyn g. adamsMr. Thomas L. aingeMrs. Cheryl alexanderD/M Norman e. allison, Jr.Mr. Douglas T. anthonyM/M Harley T. atkinsonMr. Barry BaileyMrs. Kay BandyM/M ed R. BanksM/M Scott K. BarnettMs. gayle BassM/M Duane M. BeavanMrs. Marianne N. BellM/M Bruce BillingsR/M John a. BlauseyM/M Brian R. BojoMrs. Deborah BonnetteM/M Robert L. BowerSSg Daniel W. BowmanMs. Debra BransonM/M Larry BrightM/M Dwain L. BrownMrs. Linda a. BurtonMs. Jill C. CantrellMr. J. Richard CarrMr. Matthew a. CarterR/M Melvin L. CarterM/M Justin H. CasonLt. Col. Farish C. Chandler, Jr.Mr. James P. ClarkM/M Melvin L. CochranM/M gordon R. ColeM/M David CriswellM/M John DaniellM/M Joseph M. DareMrs. Bonnie Mae DensonMs. D. Kay DepoyMr. Matthew a. Dwire

Mrs. Barbara a. eddsMs. Rebekah FerreeM/M Marvin F. FlanaganR/M Daniel R. FledderjohannMs. eileen FledderjohannMs. guynelle FletcherMrs. Miriam FowlerM/M Don L. FritzM/M Martin FrymlMrs. elizabeth gangelMrs. Jeanine M. garvinMrs. anne W. grassM/M gary W. grayM/M Ronald R. greenMiss Mary Frances GriffethM/M Paul L. GriffithM/M David g. gruenM/M J. gary HamiltonMr. William e. HancockMr. Fred L. Herring, Jr.M/M T. Mitchell HillMiss Heather N. HoekmanMr. Franklin C. HouserM/M anthony R. HowardMs. Katrena C. HowardM/M Steve HudginsM/M Tony L. HudsonMr. M. gerald Hunt, Jr.Mr. Bobby g. IveyMr. Carl D. JamesonDr. Deborah B. JenkinsM/M Hugh L. JohnsonMrs. elizabeth M. JudyM/M Wayne LangstonD/M Larry D. LawsonMs. Jane LedfordMr. Frederick J. LippertM/M Lee LooneyM/M William C. LylesMr. Lowell e. MacherM/M Palmer ManningMr. Terry M. MartinMs. Sandra R. MauldinM/M John R. MayerDr. John W. McCarthyMs. Mary R. McClureMr. J. Clifford McCraryMrs. Pauline e. McCrary *Ms. Patricia J. McgarveyM/M Howard McglennenM/M M. Kelly MichieM/M Ron MillerM/M Michael P. MooreM/M James MordenMrs. Sandra J. Moss-YoungbloodM/M H. Lynn MullikinMrs. Martha D. NewtonMrs. Katherine S. OutzMs. Carol R. PierceM/M William C. Plyler, Jr.M/M Boyd a. PoteatM/M Charles e. PowellMrs. Sheila PrestonM/M gary M. PritchardM/M D. anthony RabernMs. Ruth H. RameyMs. Joan a. Ray *Mrs. Barbara R. ReadMrs. Melonie Reed-SalwayD/M David g. ReeseMr. John a. RhodesM/M Jared T. RollinsR/M Paul N. RumeryM/M Larry SalzmanMs. Vera H. SawyerM/M Marvin R. SchusterMr. Harold a. ScottMs. Sandra R. ScottM/M Bruce e. ScrantonMiss alice J. SechristM/M Daniel N. Sepe

M/M Marcus W. ShawM/M Stanley M. ShepherdM/M Mark ShirleyM/M W. H. Skinner, Jr.Mrs. Sandra g. SmithMs. Debbie SpathM/M Walter H. StancilM/M Robert W. SullivanMs. Deborah TaylorM/M edward F. TeagleMs. alae Risse ThomasMr. Charles J. Trease, Jr.M/M Jerry H. WattsMrs. Kimberly Jean WebbM/M James C. WeidnerM/M N. Wayne WhamM/M Duane a. WhiteMrs. Sue WhitlockM/M Dwight WhitmireMrs. ella W. WilliamsMs. Ruth WilliamsMr. Thomas H. Williams, Sr.M/M Billy J. WilsonM/M Willie J. Woodruff, Jr.Ms. Mee YangD/M Clarence Zeches

President’s Club

President’s Club Members are distinguished by their leadership in support of the college through gifts of $250-$499.

M/M george a. adamsMs. Helen adamsMr. Daniel aikenM/M Fred akinsM/M James R. albrightM/M Michael alderinkMr. Karl K. andersonM/M Merrill H. BagwellMrs. Carolyn BallardM/M J. Kenneth BassettMrs. Diane Coile BenaMs. gail BenderR/M Donald R. BickersMr. Robert J. BielickiM/M Mitchell BiggersMrs. Denise D. BlakelyMrs. Carole BogageMr. Landis F. Bolden, Jr. Mr. Paul W. BramanM/M James a. BretzM/M grady e. BrooksM/M andrew M. BrownMs. Colleen C. BrownM/M eric John BrubakerM/M Steve BuffingtonMr. James BurdetteM/M Bryan BurnsM/M Robert M. BurnsMr. Kirby ButlerM/M Bobby CaldwellM/M Lamar F. CallowayMrs. arlene J. CallowayM/M Robert J. CantrellM/M Vernon CapeMs. Nancy M. CarterMr. Bryan CasseyMr. Randyll M. CashMr. Kam W. ChanM/M William O. Childs, Jr.Ms. Linda CiceroMs. Lenora H. ClarkMrs. M.S. Clarke-MullingsM/M Wendell CollinsM/M Robert M. CoronatoMrs. gloria S. CrockerM/M Scott CulpepperMiss Kimberly Cunningham

Donor Clubs 2011-2012

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Mr. William D’entremontM/M Harry Shane DawsonMr. Bernard g. DionM/M Dean M. DobsonM/M alfred DockeryMr. Joe DosienM/M Robert P. DosienMs. Margaret DuckMrs. Jane Christie DunhamM/M C. William DunnM/M Danny B. DyerM/M David L. DykeM/M Virgil elliottM/M Trace a. embryM/M Don ennsMrs. Julie FaatzMs. Mary Lou FaulkenberryMrs. Imogene B. FaulknerR/M Joseph a. FerreiraM/M Sam g. Ferrell, Jr.M/M Charles a. FieldsMs. Deborah K. FindleyM/M Dennis FledderjohannM/M Larry FordM/M Jerry FordhamMrs. Myrna FoutsM/M Dennis B. FowlerMrs. Martha FradyM/M Don C. FrazierMrs. angela FreemanMr. Tony e. FulbrightRev. Christopher e. FurlM/M Mark g. gaileyDr. Joyce a. gannMrs. Florence M. gerrardMrs. anne L. graceM/M Paul R. greenMr. Daniel W. GriffinM/M Larry S. GriffithMr. David grubbsM/M a. Mitchell Hagins, Jr.Mr. Jim S. HancockMr. David a. HankinMr. Barron C. HarbinMs. ellen M. HarknessM/M William J. HarrodM/M Russ HarwellR/M Myron HeckmanDr. george H. Heisey, Jr.M/M Otis HilandM/M Jeff HoganMs. Courtney HolderM/M Wayman C. HollisM/M Robert g. HolmesM/M James T. HooblerMrs. Joyce HostestlerM/M Chess B. HowardM/M Dean a. HudsonR/M Charles R. Hughes, Jr.M/M Thomas IngrahamMr. Jay IrelandD/M Steve M. IrvinM/M Kenneth D. IrwinMs. Karen D. JacksonM/M Lester L. JacobsM/M Walter JakushevMr. John Stephen JenkinsMr. James B. Johnson Mrs. Reba JohnsonD/M Bruce S. JohnstonMs. Carole JonesM/M Wade M. JonesM/M Bobby KelleyMrs. Jean KelseyM/M Merle H. KelseyMs. Myra KettermanM/M W. Calvin KingMs. Marguerite P. KlagesM/M Stephen KnightM/M James H. KnoxMr. John KriseMrs. Margaret LangdonMrs. You Ju LeeMs. Cathy LehnertR/M James R. Lilly

M/M Joseph W. LinebergerMrs. Brenda LukeM/M andrew g. Lyon, Jr. Mrs. Mary S. LyonM/M Keith MaddenM/M James W. Maddox R/M edward L. MainousD/M R.e. MallerneeMrs. Jessie MartinM/M John D. MatlackM/M Charles M. McCoy, Jr.Mrs. Barbara a. McKayM/M Jeffrey K. McKinneyM/M Patrick M. McNairM/M Ralph T. MeadM/M Robert L. MedlinM/M Clarence D. MillerM/M Phillip H. MinorMs. Nathalie MizeMrs. Beadie MorganM/M David W. MorganDr. Darlene MosleyM/M Joe MossMr. Larry M. MullikinD/M Jon Tal MurphreeMr. John a. MurrayR/M James W. Nabors Ms. Sheila R. NewMrs. grace g. NewsomeD/M Mark T. O’FarrellMr. gerald OrrMr. Timothy C. PattersonMiss Janet e. PaullMs. Deborah PickettM/M Wayne PinkhamM/M Brad W. PittmanR/M Carroll PlemmonsM/M James R. PorterfieldM/M edward L. PowellM/M Marlon g. PowellM/M Robert e. PowellM/M Daniel PruittM/M J. Hartwell QuattlebaumM/M Terry F. QueenMs. Lorraine a. ReddersonM/M Loyd ReutherM/M Jerry RigsbyMrs. Kathleen RobinsonMs. Linda S. RobinsonMrs. Lidia RomanMs. Betsy RussMrs. Karen R. Sanders M/M Robert a. ScottM/M Benjamin R. ScurryMrs. Judy e. SeiglerMrs. Cecelia L. SeverensM/M Ralph C. SgambatiM/M Robert C. SheldonMr. Van D. ShepherdM/M Christopher a. ShoafR/M Dennis W. ShortMrs. Melissa J. ShortD/M Conrad K. ShulerMrs. Susan C. SissonM/M John L. SkinkleMr. alvin Smith M/M Charles H. SmithMs. Sandra F. SmithM/M Jud SneadMrs. Julie L. SpenceM/M Cale Stancil Mrs. Nan P. StephensMiss Rebecca Marie StrongMr. Thomas SuttlesMiss alisa Marie ThomasR/M Ferrell TownsM/M Vincent TrexlerMs. Mary F. TurpinM/M Michael R. TurpinM/M Larry g. ValladMrs. Linda T. VandiverM/M Marty VickeryM/M Joseph a. ViolandoM/M alvin VissersMr. Jeff Wagner

Mr. John WagnerMs. Patricia P. WalkerM/M Phil WalkerMs. gloria M. WatersM/M Jonathan D. WebbM/M Ronald WebbMrs. grace F. WelchM/M ed WhiteMrs. Jane C. White M/M J. Larry WhitfieldMr. Joe WhitlockM/M Larry WilbanksMr. Wayne WilberM/M James e. WilkieMrs. Vera J. WilliamsM/M Raymond a. WindhamM/M Paul M. WinklerMs. Cindy YorkM/M H. Lynn YoungMrs. Jessie C. YoungbloodM/M Ronnie Lee Youngblood

Alumni Donors

1931Mr. Hugh a. Barnett

1936Mrs. elizabeth M. Judy

1940Mrs. Myrtis Styles

1941Mrs. Doloris S. BiddulphMrs. Myree H. BlandMrs. Magdaline CaudellMr. edward R. FranksM/M Derwood H. godwinMiss Mary Frances GriffethMrs. Lorraine g. LambertMrs. Suzanne F. Rich

1942Mr. Thomas L. aingeMr. John T. KingMr. Walter Styles

1943Mrs. edna e. LyonsM/M Patrick M. McNairMrs. Dorothy S. Pierce

1944Ms. Rhoda D. Quarles

1945Mrs. Jane B. allenMr. Thomas a. ChildressMr. Leon B. gathanyMrs. Kathryn greenwayDr. James T. LyonsMrs. alice T. Schafer

1946Mrs. Neta T. SchaferMrs. C. evelyn Sotack

1947Rev. Dewey e. BaileyLt. Col. Farish C. Chandler, Jr.Mr. glenn e. FryeMrs. Fannie e. HeldM/M Paul a. JordanMrs. Myrtis W. Moore

1948Mrs. Peggy a. enlowMrs. Helen H. KnightMrs. Sallie Penland *Mrs. Bernice W. West

1949Dr. Charles W. goodMrs. Clara R. JamesMrs. amelia Stowe

1950R/M Joseph a. FerreiraD/M edmond garyMrs. Ruth M. goodMr. J. Clifford McCraryMrs. Dolores Schwertz

1951D/M Leon S. ChechowichMrs. Miriam FowlerMrs. alice g. MichieR/M James W. NaborsM/M Boyd a. Poteat

1952Mrs. H. Norene DouganMr. M. C. StoweMrs. Buena StoweMrs. Bernice W. West

1953M/M eduardo N. de la TorreMrs. anne W. grassMr. Norwood HotalenMrs. Joan Johnson

1954Miss Marillyn g. adamsM/M Joseph M. DareMr. Kenneth H. HoltMrs. Carol J. Wright

1955M/M Wilmer e. engelMrs. Joyce HostetlerDr. John W. McCarthyMr. John a. SiewertM/M Paul M. Williams

1956Mrs. Jean HotalenM/M Merle H. KelseyM/M Donald e. MayMrs. Virginia L. SteinerMrs. grace F. WelchMrs. Bernice W. West

1957Miss Faith J. CochranMr. gordon R. ColeMrs. Judy DiederichR/M Ramon esparzaDr. george H. HeiseyD/M C. David MarkleMr. Thomas H. Williams

1958Mrs. Carolyn BallardRev. Malcolm B. CashR/M Jack C. ChapmanMrs. Wynona C. ClementsMrs. Barbara a. eddsMrs. Terry P. ellisMr. Tom B. FryeMr. Oliver a. Nealy

1959Mrs. Rosalie DavisMrs. Rosalie DavisRev. Charles e. LeiphartMrs. Dianne NealyM/M Dwight SteinerMr. James H. Thornton

1960Mrs. Kathleen F. CarterM/M David a. ClarkMrs. Shirley C. DayMrs. Nancy elliottMiss e. Charleen Foster

Mrs. anne a. FraserDr. Timothy a. SmithMrs. Virginia L. SteinerR/M Melvin SummyDr. Foster C. Trout

1961D/M Norman e. allisonMr. David e. BoothbyRev. Milton R. BrownRev. Melvin L. CarterMiss Faith J. CochranMiss Ruth e. DamronMr. Roy a. elliottM/M David e. HeadMs. Judith KingMrs. Ramona P. McLellanMrs. Joy g. OwsleyMr. David T. PetersonMs. Helen C. Wyland

1962Mrs. Sonya H. ColeMrs. evelyn gossRev. george a. PatrickMs. Carol Roseberry PierceMrs. Janet L. Webb

1963Mrs. Bettye ann CatronMs. elmire MendeMiss V. Sharon ThaxtonMrs. Carolyn Wlasiuk

1964Rev. David e. HicksCaptain Laura Omer Miller

1965Mr. David R. LampertMiss June M. McHenryMr. Bruce Weston

1966Ms. g. gayle BabbMr. Keith e. Smith

1967Ms. Joyce Benfield

1968Mr. Ronald R. greenMrs. Denisa Miller

1969M/M Robert L. BowerMr. alan CushmanR/M Paul B. CziganDr. W. Wayne gardnerMrs. Linda ManghamMrs. Judy C. RollinsMrs. Betty Jean SmithM/M Dennis J. SmithMrs. Rebecca S. Taylor

1970Mr. Robert M. BorkenhagenMr. Roger R. DittmarMrs. elizabeth FledderjohannR/M James P. McCloskeyMiss Shirley L. SchimmelMiss alice J. Sechrist

1971Mrs. Patricia eunice DurantMr. Dennis FledderjohannM/M Dale R. KneppM/M Don g. RoxberryMs. Sharon e. SandersonR/M Jack SchreierMr. Paul D. ShifferMr. Douglas e. Williams

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1972Mrs. Cheryl greenMiss Mary Kaye RitcheyD/M Randy C. Stringer

1973Mrs. Cheryl D. arndtMrs. Connie D. BartmasMr. Darrell FledderjohannMr. Phillip W. gilbertMr. David g. Hinkle

1974Mr. Charles L. DavisMr. Joe DosienMrs. Debbie L. gathany-KeeneyR/M Myron HeckmanRev. Ralph H. RollinsMrs. Karen M. Smith

1975Mr. Richard L. CrutchfieldMs. Rebecca DosienMrs. Patricia HallMrs. Barbara HinkleM/M Ken MitchellMr. Paul M. RickmanR/M David N. Teague

1976Rev. Daniel R. FledderjohannRev. William R. HallMr. David a. HankinM/M Vincent HiggsMr. Cary HoMrs. Beth HoldcraftMs. Patricia a. JonesMrs. Ruth MooreDr. g. William QuartermanRev. Lawrence a. Smith

1977Mrs. Denise CashwellMrs. Sandra S. FledderjohannR/M Kenneth H. FurlM/M David L. goodridgeMr. Kenneth e. HazeltonMr. Forrest e. RichMrs. Debra SledgeMrs. Karen C. SlovakM/M Richard N. Waller

1978Mr. Richard BartmasM/M Bruce BillingsDr. Steve M. IrvinMr. Robert ManghamMiss Patricia J. McgarveyMr. Michael P. MooreMr. Marvin a. ParkerMrs. Kathy Race

1979R/M David W. BezansonM/M Levern DyeMrs. Nancy Sue HazeltonMrs. Claudia IrvinDr. Darlene MosleyMrs. gay H. PageRev. Boyd e. RaceMrs. Sarah RichMr. Kelly g. Vickers

1980Dr. Kenneth W. BorlandD/M Mark R. FairchildRev. David a. Holdcraft

1981Rev. Rixie BurroughsRev. Tony e. ByrdMr. David a. JacobsonMr. Larry SalzmanMr. Don W. ShanholtzMrs. Sharon L. Wyatt

1982Mrs. Lori D. ByrdMr. Terry M. MartinMs. Willie Jo Meeks

1983M/M gregory R. austinMr. J. Richard CarrDr. Thomas M. CouncilMr. William e. eshbaughR/M Richard C. Kauffman

1984M/M Weldon D. JohnsonRev. Mark W. NeviusD/M Jeffery A. NorrisMiss Janet e. PaullR/M Richard W. PendellMr. gregory L. Wiest

1985Mrs. Cristina M. BeckMrs. Jeanne BretzMrs. Dorothy J. gillMrs. Connie e. HicksMiss Kerry L. HoughtonMrs. Veronica SalzmanMr. Carl SeamanMrs. Betty g. Wilson

1986Mrs. Cynthia a. ClarkMs. Sarah W. garrettMr. Steven R. MoreauMrs. Donna L. PineMrs. Sandra g. Smith

1987Mr. John P. adamsRev. Lantzia C. Thao

1988Mr. Timothy P. BeckMiss Kathy M. DavidsonR/M Keith HoodMs. angie RamageRev. Paul N. RumeryDr. Jack S. StanleyMrs. Brenna K. Vickers

1989Mr. James a. BretzM/M David P. CorneliusMr. David g. MillerRev. Robert H. Wilson

1990Mrs. Lori adamsMs. anna L. CanadyMrs. Leanet R. MillerMrs. Dianne T. Shiffer

1991Mr. Richard L. Smith

1992Mrs. Cassie FletcherMr. Robert K. PineMr. Lewis G. ShaefferMr. Wayne Weimer

1993M/M Jeffery LittleMrs. Denise Weimer

1994Mrs. Peggy L. gilbert

1995SSg Daniel W. BowmanMr. Paul e. FletcherM/M a. Mitchell HaginsMrs. amy L. MarshallR/M Jonas P. Wharton

1996M/M albert e. anayaMrs. Annetta L. MayfieldMrs. Shannon N. MitchellMrs. april D. PersingerMr. R. Bryan RaceM/M Jonathan D. WebbM/M Paul g. Worley

1997Mr. Scott MarshallMrs. Loni J. SchultzMr. Ronald J. York

1998Mrs. Joanne Dodge DunavanRev. Christopher e. FurlM/M Jonathan C. HefferMr. Jared T. RollinsMrs. Joy N. Switala

1999M/M Frank L. BeaverMr. gary S. Fleming

2000R/M John a. BlauseyMr. Brian R. BojoMr. Tuan a. Doan

2001Mrs. Lisa K. BeltranMrs. Jenny BojoMr. Brian R. BradleyMr. Richard E. GriffithM/M Siripong LealMr. Kevin D. O’FarrellMrs. Julie L. SpenceMr. Mark V. TeeceMrs. Kimberly J. Webb

2002Mrs. Vang H. DoanMiss any e. Riley

2003Mrs. Maralee D. BradleyM/M Matthew L. LeffRev. William C. Stacey

2004M/M eric J. BrubakerMr. James a. Carmichael

2005Miss Kimberly F. CunninghamM/M James C. RichMr. Daniel e. Strayer

2006Miss Rachel e. FentonMr. Samuel T. Lee

2007Mr. adam B. Carrington

2008M/M Joshua R. JosefMr. Paul K. Mallalieu

2009Mr. Michael B. airgoodM/M andrew a. BeccueM/M Cameron S. Mcallister

2010Mr. Darren DunavnMr. Jonathan R. HaneyMr. Christopher a. Shoaf

2011Miss Heather N. HoekmanMiss Sara e. HummellM/M gordon R. Smith

2012Mrs. Mitzi H. CouncilMrs. Jody K. Griffith

Memorial gifts

Clifford AllenM/M William W. Chism

Clarence A. BellefeuilleKansas City Life Insurance Company

William E. BurksMrs. anne Burks

Patty CarlsonM/M Michael P. Moore

Dr. Miriam CollinsMs. Linda Cicero

Duane A. DarrowMrs. Barbara M. Darrow

Stephen DavidsonFriends of Effie Connell

Marjorie EastlingMs. Joy e. eastling

Glenn & Marjorie EastlingMr. Timothy a. eastling

Jerry EnsleyM/M Billy R. James

Dolly EshbaughMr. William e. eshbaugh

Dr. Samuel G. FerrellMr. John W. allenD/M Neil e. Veydt

Lorraine FisherMrs. arbutus Bellefeuille

Rita FlukeMs. Sharon e. Sanderson

Dr. Kenneth GangelMrs. elizabeth gangelM/M a. Mitchell Hagins, Jr.

Louisa GravenMrs. Jane C. White

William L. HardieMrs. Hazel Hardie

Mr. Jesse HelmsMrs. Mary S. Council

Richelle HornbeekM/M John Westhoven, Jr.

Rev. Ralph LithgrowMrs. Rebecca S. Taylor

Jack LyleMrs. grace M. ensley

Jack W. MartinMrs. Clara Ann P. Crutchfield

Pauline E. McCraryR/M Lawrence a. Smith

Mary Kelly McNairM/M Patrick M. McNair

Sallie PenlandCornerstone Church of C&Ma, asheville, NCFirst alliance Church, Raleigh, NC

Mrs. Rebecca DamronMiss Ruth e. DamronR/M Ferrell Towns

James I. PiperMrs. Barbara a. eddsMrs. Harriet Rainwater

Judge James S. RainwaterMrs. Barbara a. eddsMrs. Harriet Rainwater

Warren B. RubyM/M David R. Burton

Loretta SandersonMs. Sharon e. Sanderson

Miss Florence SetterlofMs. Barbara L. andersonMrs. Barbara L. BeeghlyM/M David H. ButlerM/M David P. CorneliusMs. Dorothy L. FillingerMrs. Norma J. gilmartinMs. Phyllis M. PriceMiss Shirley L. SchimmelM/M Donald g. SetterlofM/M everett H. Skare

Leon and Mildred SiskMr. Jan Sisk

Edward L. SweetM/M John C. Norris grace Bible Church

Helen TaylorMrs. Rebecca S. Taylor

Peggy ThaxtonMrs. Barbara a. edds

Chaplain W. Neale WilliamsMrs. Rebecca DamronMiss Ruth e. Damron

matching Gift Companies

Blue Ridge electric Cooperative, Inc.

georgia Power Foundation, Inc.

IBM International Foundation

T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.

Schneider electric North america Foundation

Teleflex Foundation

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FROMMR. JAMESHANSENVice President forinstitutionaladvancement

Toccoa Falls College launched a new Annual Fund “Campaign” this fall with a new slogan – “It Starts with Me.” And why not? Every gift received by TFC comes from

individuals who have chosen to take “ownership” of some part of this institution – and it started with each of us. The desire to help build Christ’s Kingdom; the desire to make sure students who are called here do not have any financial roadblocks; the desire to help maintain facilities; the list goes on and on. But the bottom line is “It Starts With Me.” Where is my heart, and how can I help make a difference? So we challenge you to get on board.

Annual support from alumni and friends is key to maintaining standards of excellence in every facet of campus life. Membership in the Annual Fund is based on fiscal-year giving (July 1 – June 30) and is renewed annually. It is an investment that has eternal value!

Gift Clubs for the Annual Fund were restructured to the following levels, effective July 1, 2012: $10,000 and up Founder’s Club $5,000 - $9,999 Fellows Club $2,500 - $4,999 Trustees Club $1,000 - $2,499 President’s Club $250 - $999 Loyalty Club $100 - $249 Century Club $1 - $99 Circle of Friends

The listing of clubs in this edition of the Annual Report reflects giving for the 2011-2012 fiscal year in the former club levels. Please take time to look through this “honor roll of donors” to get a glimpse of committed individuals who help sustain the ministry of Toccoa Falls College.

Every gift we receive is counted as a blessing from the Lord regardless of the amount or how it is designated. Here is how your dollars go to work at TFC: 4 100 percent of every dollar given to the Annual Fund goes directly to support student scholarships. 4 Every dollar for the “General” or “Unrestricted Fund” is used for infrastructure and general operational needs of the college. With a $15+ million operational budget, you can see how valuable each gift is. 4 Every dollar you give for a particular alumni, departmental, or building project is used specifically as you designate. 4 Estate and Planned Gifts aid in long-term financial stability and growth. Proceeds from these are used as designated by the donor. This includes real estate/property, insurance, charitable gift annuities, trusts, stocks and securities, etc.

Regardless of the level of gift you make, the type of gift you give, or how you designate that gift, please know that not only are you making an eternal investment, you are also impacting future Christian leaders who will carry Christ’s redemptive message into a dying world. Thank you for the many ways in which you support TFC; and thank you for your continued prayers for an institution founded and grounded in God’s Word, His principles, and His promises.

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P.O. Box 800809Toccoa Falls, GA 30598





