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Tfie 2 m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci- dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113 TinrclrHits Hor i In Cassia County BURLEV. Aujr. B—An Aiifr. B traRcdy struck n Lincoln county fnmily for the - Mcond tim_c ij^cipht years today when tKc 7-ycar-old son of Mr. nncl Mrs. .lames \ViiiIaXiu:3en._Shfyhoh^_wasiklllcd::tn-n::Ca8.ya-ooi^ I). Urscn died at the Cassia Memorial hospital snorlly nfler the horse he and n 7- vcnr^flW counin were rifli»ff rnn in front of a pickup truck on a countv road one ----------- niile south ami four and Albion Girl P i^ ed Cassia Fair Queen BURLEY, Aufr. 5—Emily .Tune Adams, Albion, was nefcclcd aa queen of the ]{)G2 Oissm county fair Sat- urdfiy niR h fat the rodeo. She is Bponsored by the BurJcy Jaycce» nnd was jire.Kcnted a bouquet of roses byoutRoinff queen Sandra Karnes. Attendance thi.s year was more than 14 per cent for the rodeo And 2G per cent for the races over Inst year'.s attendance.. In the caff ropinjt contest Saturday lught on the time of two calves, Bud Farris, Las Crucc.s, — ' ----- - ; Threats Fail' ToHaltFlow Of itefugees ic. S<A — Rctui one-h.ilLmUeajvcsLof Bur- loy .at l():ao a.m. cousin. William Brent Lar- acn. m i of Jlr. and .Mrs. Wllllum D. Larsen, route J. Bur- ley. In Kood condition at Caula Mcoiorlnl liojpltnl. Mike Novojcl. Burley, driver ( llie iriiclt. UAi noi Injured, -ni. home, IX3.j'cnr-old brown unddle ftnlmai. billed ouirlghl bf Uie luifjflfi. Doih bofM thrown irom the hor»e.... I Wltne.wA lo the mlnhsp said fJinl the fiorse ran out of the drlvewny of th« Jame* (Don) N.M., was fir.st .with the (ftfitni time of Hcconds; Vsccond wan Bob Has.sdiilc, C a ld w e 'I li 23.7 second.s; Uilrd, Moo Snser, Ooodlntc, 24,4 seconds.. and lourth was Bob Juker. BohJ. wlUi 24,7 second*. ^ In the'aicer wresUInK contenl' Ith the total'tlme on two stem, en Harris. BlnckfooC. was /lr«C' with l&.l seconds: second wn.i Hurry ChnrLers, Melba, 20.7 sec- onds; third. Dannie Oorred, Twin FaUs. 37 seconds, and fourth was Blane Hansen, Blackrbot, «1U> 30 seconds, Daryl# Hobdey. Peck, placed Siitt Jn th# burebacle riding con- test, tout points on two hend ot horses, w ith 343 polnw, sec- -ond-WM Bob BehMda. BJaek/oot. 3S5 points. fKIrar'TTTrsmitn;-woHt-ln-J Ion*. 334 polnu and tourth was Howard Carrol, D«IU, Utolt. wJth 330 points. Dennis Colson, Salmon, waj llrst wit)) 330 pdlQls In the tad- , die brona rldlns contest.'Bmle fitenn tod Bud Oodbjr. Good* Ins, tied for second >nd third ' plaei with points each. Tteurth’ pl«c«. was Oeor^e Wll* Uims, Tulsa'. Okla.. with 320 points. ■Howtrd Carro!, ZMta, Vtoh, was first In the Brahma bull rld> IQB event with a t«Ul of 335 ^ '(CmU ii«*4 m riK« 1, c*UiBB 1) JMTessage on ’ Aid Plan Is Sent to Meet ^ DWTA veu larr. Mid counter outside threats, "OnirTM~trrort-or-towcrinir dimension" eon retned? the eco- _ ^omle siclcncas -which plaRue! tKK{ area, Kennedy sold in a let t read a t the openlnit session Ui8 lnter>Amertcan economic -..J social con/jrencB, He refer- red only Indirectly to the threats r oommuDlsm and cascrolsm. He.tenned the conference h Uils South Atlantic seaside re- sort far more than an economic discussion. “In a very m l eeiue It Is a demonstration of the oi' psclty oc free nations to mte: the human and material prob^ Urns of tho modem world," he _ B E R L W , AU(T. 8 Ifl from £oM Germany ftoeked'into West Germany today, althounh comtnunlst authorltle.5 used vio< Jecice on th e xeelor' border, threats and propatianda to try 10 check the flow. ' ’ West Berlin authorities rcpoi-t. ed a workman who tried to cross Into 'E ^ t Berlin this mornlns was bndly beaten-by communist people’s police. It was believed taklnK a, short cut to Blanch farm, a nel«hbor of the Larsens, OfdclaU who InvesU^ated the accident stUd the left front fen- der o( the truck hit the horse. Daidsem to the truck were cstl- mnled.'at MOO. EIrIjI years aeo to tha day - broUier ol Steven killed 'ec-by-aL-mlllc truck. and accused him of Iielpin; German couple to flee. He said they let him ro after hoUrs o qutetlonlntt, but kept h(s wallet money and aultcase. A record wave of refufees waa expectcd over the week-end ~ always a peak time, west Oer- man authortUes announced JO,- 419 h a d reRlstcred In reluKCe camps In the (even days ended yesterday. By noon today, an- other. 1.100 were Uken In at Marlenfcldp camp In West Ber- lin alone. - • .W altcr-Ulbrleht.-head.or-the East German communist lejtlme Is In Moscow and It U believed he U trylnit lo set Soviet per- U> haji tije floir of relu- to Bmnt pcr^li.il6nfor'Vf*tCsT the West "only In especltlly ur- <sjy-^o'nnroB-i-.ur*eeiistsron ... — ...— . ___ ___ ilBhway 80S north ef Malu. Kennedy's call for a solid froni provoked an atmosphere of ej tJlement amonjr the deleffaWs. Tlie conference hall ranR loud wUh applause from all but the fiib«a^deicgttttoB. m beatdea lesder, Cuban economic boss’Er- —*lrtiQ-Quevnra. aat lm»>asslvelv »nd St tim es removed hE~<:itr=' Phones, „ Ouevara promUed he Would dr MVfr a lonir. unprepared apeech — *lien-.hu . -turn - came.-------------- Kennedy's messaite c am e aa . delegates pushed awlftly throuRh ownlnjr formaUtles of the 10- dny session. IJeleffates were call- ed by the Ontaslzatlbn ot Ameri- can Slates to implement Ken- nedy's alliance Sor prosress plan Klmed at flghtlne hunser and Poverty antons 300 million peo- ple In Latin itaerlca. iVatioirjW ill- . SigniTreaty years old a t th« \lme of lils death In 1853. Tlie mUhap also ctalm'ed' the third Lincoln county resident In thrte weeks. Two weeks ago Fri- day Susan Sorenson. 7-year-old d*u«hUr of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sorenson, was killed when a wa- ter tank rolled over on her while she wos’rldlnR on a waton pullod by her rtther. One week aRo Friday David Braun. 18, son ot Mr. and Mrs. £rylii Braun; 6itA In a hay baler accident. The death pushed th e 1881 highway toll la Mtgle Valley to 79Jlt was the fourth 1861 traf- :io fdtallly -liTCaMl^ county.— Maftto Valley's 31Ui vlcUm-waa Mrs. Eugene Click. Hsnun, who was killed In a two^vehlcle in- ters«ctIon collision liortheut of Clmberly. Cynthia Lee Koch. S^.year.old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy I«e Koeh. 6U Fourth avenue north, holds up the lO-lnch lont, flve-ounrD ibh she caught Saturday momlni at the chlldren'a fish Uerby held at Hartnon park. The cateii -was the second blc- (c«t cauchl by a ciri at the derby and won CjrnthU a prlte for ' ealer ths fjsh derby, la st je sr she caujht two flab. (SUff oto.ensrsvlnj» nations disclosed tonight they have dccldrd In a secret three- doy Kremlin .meetlnR lo slun « German peace treaty-wlUi East: Oormany alone. If nece*Miy-by tho end of the,year. ' In a communique reported by (he Soviet news sscney Tbm, the clRht-natlon pact warned the West th at delaylnif a. Cerman trenty-Jndeflnlteiy-wIH-J'aintfifci ute to an Intensification of the threat of-a new war in Europe and not only In Europe." A separalo treaty wlUi East Germany will safesuard her “sovereign rlghU . . . Including her rlRhta on land, water »nd In ttio-ale,iLMie.commualau6 saJd. , This may be-anlnaicnllotrthe; Soviet bloc Intends to force Ihe West to negotiate with EMi Oer- mtmy—which Is not recoKnlicd dlplomatlcally' by any Western power—for free *access to West Berlin. 'The communique said If a Irea. ty Is signed with both East and West Germany, Weal Berlin, “as free demilitarized city, would .j able to maintain lU un> ilndered communications wllh the outside world.’’ Survivors iti addlUon to the IB, Louise, 14. Jeanne, 11 and Tern, 4. all Shoahone: maternal BnmdmoUjcr. M/». M ary Fern Duke, Shoshone, an d paternal grandfather. William L a- Shoshone. Funeral tervlces are pending at the McGoldrlck fUoeral home, where the b<^y wa* taken Saturday afternoon. New Fii’e Is Reportedfor S3mon Ar^ SALMOK, Aug. 8 W — Fire lighters Increased efforti .tojilop a new fire east of the bJn Corn creek blau in Idaho’s primitive - a northwest of Salmon today (hs larger fire was brought under ......................... NEWS BULLETINS —I ____________ ____________a that drtBched NUgaU'pr*f«tor« • -QQ the eoast in Borthwealertt Honshd. the main JapanMe UUnd. ‘* rn areas of NU|»ta w m flooded. 'Tb* rains were bron^t . >y the tropical atorta, Qtiea. HS2.SKA. Uont.. Aug.' WB—A fire racing through approximately J.OOO acres of tho Helena naUonal forest lO miles south-el here 'oreod eracuaUon 350 resident* Jn the smaJl »slley town Of Clancey tonight. ___ ^ P^LMYKA, N.Y^ Ant- 8 W -A crowd esUaialed at siirUi* •InsI perfomanoa of tbe ISlb anneal Mormon pageaat. "AaeHca'a Witnm *or Chrf*t.“ on HUl Camitrata (onlghL It brooibt the *rrr f*'l pagemni <• nearly M1.W . a . -w rteord. tt waa decided thE5ear& hoid'IEawIIglodriptetaele »n four ttlgfals for the flnt tine, lo aceonuaodaU tbe Urge erowda. - ifELENA. Montn 'Xurf. » l>t-=O0T7X---- - --------- -------------------- , The forest service revLied es- timates of the site of com creek fire from 15.780 to 18,000 acres. The revision was made on the ba.iis of aerfal photograplu and did not represent any Increase In burning. And the fire flghUn* com cre«k was reduced from about IMO to IMO. Most of that bUxa was con- tained except for two hot spots on tho north «ad northwest line*. However, complete control not expected'unUr'Tuesday. 'The newer fire, a t Bruahy gulch-18 miles east.of the 00171 creek conriagtwUoa. had burned about 1.300 acrea. It started ;es- terday. J4oro than 300 men were the flr« lines today and as many mora w«ra beaJg sent In. AlrplMUa bombarded It with bentonite, a flre-relardlng cheni- latl.Sr aftemoca oatsifi^cutjs per cent of the perimeter wa« re- ported under control It was burning brush and io^ng alash. Al Wright, supervisor of the Tar* ghee natlODal-for«»t,-was M nt ln a s ^ boas. ' " A W A ^ SLATED -.-WASHDIOIQH,— _______ Former-Prealdent Dwight SUeahower i* aUted to receive tUonal ClvU War Ctot^ ' at 500 t.F. Youngsters Take iPart in Derby An cfltiniatGd 600 youngsters^ ui^infc everything from a mop handle and piece of string to tlie latest in fmhing gear, participated in tho aixth annual Twin Falla Moose lodge children’s fish derby Saturday morning at Hormon park. Alan Brau.er, 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mr.s. E. W.-Brauer, lC47'Secojid avenue east. Twin Falla, hooked thc'largeAt fish taken during the event Hntrnded“ft“10;lnch-trout-wcighinir-nine-ouncoa.-Mar garet Carr. 11-year-oId doughter of Wr. and Mrs. Howard E. Carr, 1851 Sev- enth avenue east, Twin ■Fs Da,__lantioiL thft hio’O’PBt fish caught by a girl with their winning efiorts. , gnm«, TftiVI « lh rirnmfmrt fish hatcheries, were dump- ed Into the stream early Satur- day morrilngr Paul Carlson, Moose lodRe gov- ernor, was In chame of the event. Claude Severt and Luther Morton- handled arrangements. Miss Boyd Smith and Mrs. Don- ald Frazier were In charge of the prlBu. and Mrs. Ted Soper was offklal welsher. Various Twin Falls merchanU donated the prizes. At the con- clusion of the derby the children were all treated to soli drinks and cmckerjacks. Receiving prlw* »-ere Z>«nny Bowlan, most authentically dress- ed fls h e m o n ;. Mike McClung. caCctitng the first flsh: Eddie Carr and Margaret CaHrtStcH- Ing the most fbh: Akn Brauer and Margaret Carr, catching the biggest lUh; Eddie Carr -and Cindy Koch, second blitgest fish; Mike McClung And Steven Mc- Olung, both Jueanu, Alaska, comlnjr the farthest distance. M d Cindy Koch. 3‘i, and Steven McClung, 3ryWnn«~ttt-e»ti:h' fish, ' ABBIVES IN INDIA HEW DELHI. India. Aug.-8-tn —U.a. UndersecrcUry of State Chester Bowles arrived today for anjeeilng wjfh IfA snjbasm ' from south Aslan nations. More Firewater TOKYO, Aug. 8 (ffl — Red China- la pt«duelng more of lt«-<radl(l<v»l-flr«water_— _ Peiping radio aald the ouU .put of_hslfeng, mado from a •sorRhum grain w lth 'f y c a s r made of barley and peas. In the llrst half of 1061 reached .inn tnn, nn IQ tlme)L the total of 1948. ^ ^ Group Seeks Foreign-Aid Bill Passage WASHlNaTON. Aug. ft W - ■The house-foreign affalra-ecin- mUtee formally recommended passage of lU version oTtho for- eign aid bill today In a report which also contained some Re- publlctm sugnesUons for oompro- ’ its moft controfi The committee majority ap- proved. for house debate later this month, the full authority de- manded by Preddwt Kennedy to borrow from the treasury attd to lend to underdeveloped countries 83 billion dollars over five years ITie committee 'cut 407 million loans thU year. ~ s already_______ Utha^d measure, which Is 39 million dol- lars further below current-ycar fund rcaueats. Uia senate bill totabi 84.328.800.000. xnruport. A long-rantiA objective . Is to raise the NA1X3 shield to 30 divi- sions. The four minUlrrs convened in scorch of a formula that~would encouraRC negotiations with the Soviet Union while still preMrv* Ing their rights in Berlin and the freedom ot 3A mlUlon Weal Ber- imera.—- — ■)matle Ini--......... .. ............... ilk* were devoted to the tank of Mtabllshlng a solid posture on Berlin and Germany as weU maklnR It certain that Soviet Premier Khrushchcv understands the West considers the chips are down, bluff ' dangerous and nothing can be accomplished by threaUi. Qualllled sources said the need as urgent to express aa quickly --- “ •? fvf Western nations.. The three-day conference op- ened In mldaflemoon In the ele> gsnt Solon de Veauvals of the Qual d'Oruy, the French foreign ministry. Flanking the chalrmaa, French (CmURtM M r|i(* >. €•!■«■ i> * * * * Russ Premier Slates Answer For Kennedy MO- - Khnu _______ I Kennedy> «peech - the soviet challenge to BcrUn, will speak on a natloirwlde radio and Ulevlslon network Stooday night. From remarks Khrushchev madr — " tore Fonfanl. wKo oottduded a U>ree*day-Tlslt here.todAy._lt_ts tha Soviet leader In- young American Preaident’a char- Kennedy Is a very complex mai who U finally guided i>F est Bhouter. Moscow raldo. announced the scheduling at Ut* Khmheher speech, without dltclosltig lU iub. Ject. .TJi9 annouacemenC came jtut as Western nrwsmen learned that Walter Ulbricht, oommunlst chief of.^t^aennany. ba« been ia Uoaeow for leveral days. Western diplomats gave < ence to reporU from Berlin that Ulbrlcht U pressing lor Soviet to clamp a border lore than 1.000 Bast Germans. The Khrushchev speech li scheduled for noon Monday. ESt- In hlJ broadcast speeeiJ of July 28. Kennedy accused Khrushchev of endangering the Uvea of mil. Hons ol people by pursuing nu plan to divide East and West Germany—p«miaacntly_jflUl^ separata peace treaty with the Olbricbt regime. The President ip«Ued out plans ^■•'l)una"up~aA-»nd-Wa*«ro military stiength to meet what he (^ed * worldwide crUls caused by communist pressure. PARIS, Aug.’5 (/P)The WcstcnJ Wjr fniir foreisn miniRtcr.*( decided to turn ,lo their North Atlantic allic.'^ for backing today in their first attack on the mount- '■■■- Berlin i‘ri»i(t. In a sexsion la-'tting three' hourK and '20 miuiitcH, the miniaters of ' .vvaat-h(jninnv oypiorcd.thtLcrccptnir-Jestric- “Kids Are Wondeiful” •‘Klrt.i-are-wondcrful.’’_tiiyB_»»n_ arra woman who-knows how' lo keep iccii.ngers busy while doing /wmethlng'thftt-li-worthwhlle. -. ftend on imgc 18 of .today's Feniiire Section how Mrs. ll. F. ,PclilJnhu hiis "adopud a bnnd-(u1I" fo youngsters and has shown tlirm how to provide Interestlne cnterulnment for an enthustnstlo audience, •' . AlKo «m me front page of today's leature pnge you can read how K nioiinwln ranger station change* complexion wllh the lom- Ing of Mimmer months. On page 17 you'll IliiiS.a story about a ■plant in Tttln Falls where the employe* envy those persons who work outside on hot summer days, and on pnR0>10 there Is the story nboiil a Kock Creek man who's business 1* going around Twin FnlU carryin* water Jn a bottle. Ever)' Sunday there Is good reading for the enlire family In ' the Tlmes.News Feature Section. This Sunday is no.exception. Heat Wave Cracks; Temperatures Drop Brief respite from fibaring temperatures was offered area reniilenta Saturday afternoon as a cloud covering «nd-hri«k winds lowcred-ballooning morcury readin^rs bb. . much an 20 degrees in an hour around Magic Valley. “If we're lucky, it might storm today," remarked a Je- rome woman, as the clouds rolled over. Most area resl- dent« concurred as tho valley continued to roast in temperatures mostly in the high 90's. Three out of tha first five days of August have seen the thermometer rise above the lOO-degree mark. The ttvo exceptions were .Tue«day__when it hit OOnd'flalurday when a B7 was recorded: Highest duriiig this period in Twin Falla wa* 103 on Thursday, with loa Friday and 101 Wednesday. Wllh the, coming ot the week- end. jsany-famllJes took off for the oooter elevations of the leas fortunate, Storms Give Relief-From- Heat "Waves By Tha A Violent thi ..................... of the >H««eat''Baturday or psrhspe more enduring, cninlc ed fans up another notch, sought out the coolest spot on the prem-- Ise* and hopeftillr watched the skies for algns of possible rain. The Twin Falls bureau of en tomology reported th at belweej 13:30 and 1:3D pja. Saturday the temperature dropped from 98-degreea down to 63. it hovered arpund the 83 degree mark the and a weather Iront from, tha Paeine cracked m be*& wav* In the far West. • ■ , .Thunderatorms crackled «ver lower Michigan and an.Isolated,, (bmado w u reported near Uit city of Alpena.. ' A thunderstorm knocked out electrle power In several seettcns of Beloit, W ls. Fallen trees blocked trafflo teraponully on four roads In-lhb Belolt'area. nail'ofThft" Humidity reached a high of 70 per cent Friday night, dropped to a low of M per cent satcirday reaching a peak of 43 per cent at S pm. Saturday.. Hie bureau --------- ----------‘— .e ta per.cent. from tbe Floriila^anhahtlle'mto ' the CaroUnas, near the' moun- tain* and deserts of the South- west, and In aouthem Vtrtlala. A cool front, accompanied pj scattered rain and showera, preas- * TTi>orteo-»-iwiin»-ot-M iict.cmiii — . . . _ Is “a lltUe high- since It fre- WUiUj lutw l^W i quenUy_drop*,as low a* 30 per O re g o n w h o cent during, the'100. degree’ days; ' Jerome reported a Wgh of 100 degree* Saturday, f";." butte lookout station —- *hoa«-r«pi»ted-A-C8-degrea read- ing at 3 p.m. At 8 pjn. tbe read- ing hsd dipped to 88. Highest reading recorded there this yesr as 101 degrees posted Friday. Burley had M degrees-at- Saturday. An hour later mercury had dipped to a com- fortable 74 degrees. At mld-after- noon It* started climbing and had re»«hBd 79 degree* a t 3 pjn. Dew point was reported at "* degree*. , The recent heat wave is not unique as many may recall five consecullra days starting July 18, IBSO. when hlgbs of 103, lOt, 103, 101 and 101 respecUvely ----- mClere'd. In the same token 88 degreu the highest Picks Negro ; HTANNIS PORT. Mass„ Aug, 5TlT=T>re«dent-Kennedy-ha* decided to name th6 first Negro In hl*tory to the United SUtcs auuiet.eouit JbcneK^ 'Ihe appointment will go Fear of Fiscal Crisis Influences Solons BOISE, Aug. S I ^ A growing fear that Idaho's government Is heading for a serious financial crisis played a major role In the tw o-day' *peclal session of the legUlature. Refusal of the lawmakers to approve pay boosts for top ad- mlnlatraUve offlcUb or provide funds for the Centennial com- mission can be attributed In part to that fear. • I t was an Issue thal Oov. nob- ert E. Smylle said should not unduly alarm the fejlslature and he did not Include U In the proc- lamallo'n'which called the 38tb session. "S at some of tAe legislators re- fused to Ignore money matters ....................................... debate mony on the state’s financial conOltton. Btslne hla eoRt^nUoat on fig- ures presented by Tax Collector Vernon E. Drown, Crookham pre- dicted that (he 10«3 session of the legislature .would, have to come up with 13J million doUkrs In new revenue If the economy remains unchanged. Crookham .,»a.ld, that current esUmatca of lncotne'.tax revenue In the present Wennlum are 8J million dollars below the amount figured on by the regular ses- sion when It appropriated a m - ord 88,3 million doUara from general.fund. The revenue and taxation erSlIR'lHIlterrBut-BpeakoT-WrO: -ture arju*d.stro*lyJh*tl Eberle. R , Ada,.sald parllamen- ‘ ------- *■* ' -------- oMy M mBleiililaUm. - Crookham predicted that the Uwmakefs could be caUed back in special session* In about ,nx monUu to takeUup'fInancUl problems, Caneem over finances came to the fore in debate over tho *300.- 000 centennial appropriatloa bill and the messure to give top ad- mlnistiaUve offlclaU a I I W Per year pay raise. Although tho pay boost biu, which-would-prtmarUy-bja^t had political overtones; It also drew ^ __ ... _IV_.» »h.. <■.- from those who in- sisted the sUte just .didn't hare Ihe money to approprlata for p t t ' membew of the legUla- haa brought a d e e p e n ^ _ . to tha sUU'a important a « r^ - tural' economy.-And lawmakers the depressed condition of that lndu*try. •• that the-pay raises aijd the c _ ................... prlaUon would not have any «lg- nlflcant effect on the budget fell a deaf ears. - Bmylle aoted that the ........ budget director M d the board of exslmlnora, imder provisions of the standard ai»pr^>rlatlon« act of 1M0. ooiiJd make cuts In ap- ptopriattww.lf neceaary to keep ------------ In UoowIlhTncome.— V that ajeUiod,abeuld fall. U said, tho’ legUlaUire' could be called back Into apeclal seaalon to deal with tho preOlem when the picture was clear. ^ Tljat -wu »lso tho- ^ «|f Budget Dlrortor Don T. Watter. --------"tho revenue and taxation 1 lathed 9rw_aUo ^ k e .out however, over much of Idaho ' and Montana which had 100> plua reading* Friday. ExpIosfdnaT ' Plant Causes Smoglajtu'y INMAK. 8. O.. AU|. 8 r- . Some 300 residents of thb smaU started-mov- r-back-lnto- nlty started me L— J day on word from health officials a chemlcaf plant e:^loslon h ^ cleared the area; 'The serlu of esploalons 'Iliura- day night and yesterday nomlng wrecked the plant of the Cali- fornia Chemical company, -a division of Esso Standard Ott comxMmyi-JMmM from a ,spee=^ lacular fire that followed the ex- plosion spread a poisonous smog oMr much of the area. Seven-persons remained hoa- pitalued a^nearby Spartanburg. HIGHLIGHTS Inside Today Psi« x -^ In 7UJ. teatdeau generaUy favor P r e a ld e n t Kennedy'a “get tough-" stand > on Berlin. Fage ^Editorial: 'Popu- lation Pretture,- -Caught In' river forest blasea.; • - , Fage «_Oaasla fair results. Fiig* 7.^.Tlme8-Hews ?ubUe dub reelects offlcen. . ' F a^ ll—FuUmer keepa.ttr; ilal wetie.Uonday. , rage 18-rTwln Faiu;.*au; 4
Page 1: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113

Tfie 2 m tra//lc d e . d t h o f 19CI (n M a g ic V a l i e u oc*

r e s u l t o f a n a c c i­d e n t I n C a s x l a c o u n tU i

y o u 43, NO. 113

TinrclrHits Hor i In Cassia County

BU R LEV . A ujr. B—An Aiifr. B traR cd y s tru ck n Lincoln county fnm ily fo r th e - Mcond tim_c ij^ c ip h t years today w hen tK c 7-ycar-old son of Mr. nncl M rs. .lames

— \V i i i I a X iu :3 e n ._ S h f y h o h ^ _ w a s ik l l l c d : : tn -n : :C a 8 .y a - o o i^I). U rsc n d ied a t th e Cassia M em orial hosp ita l snorlly n f le r the horse he and n 7- vcnr^flW counin w ere rifli»ff rnn in f r o n t o f a pickup truck on a coun tv road one

— ----------- niile south am i fo u r and

Albion Girl Pi^ed Cassia Fair Queen

BURLEY, Aufr. 5—Emily .Tune Adams, Albion, was nefcclcd aa queen of the ]{)G2 Oissm county fa ir Sat- urdfiy n iR h f a t the rodeo. She is Bponsored by the BurJcy Jaycce» nnd was jire.Kcnted a bouquet of roses byoutRoinff queen Sandra Karnes. A ttendance thi.s year was more th a n 14 per cent for the rodeo And 2G per cent for the races over Inst year'.s attendance.. In the caff ropinjt contest Saturday lught on the tim e of two calves, Bud Farris , Las Crucc.s, — '----- - ;

Threats Fail' ToHaltFlow Of itefugees

ic. S<A — Rctui

one-h.ilLm U eajvcsLof Bur- loy .a t l():ao a.m. cousin. W illiam B ren t L ar- acn. m i o f J l r . and .Mrs. Wllllum D. Larsen, route J. Bur­ley. In Kood condition a t C aula Mcoiorlnl liojpltnl.

Mike Novojcl. Burley, driver ( llie iriiclt. UAi no i Injured, -n i. home, IX 3.j'cnr-old brown unddle ftnlmai. billed ouirlghl bf Uie luifjflfi. Doih bofM thrown irom the hor»e....

I Wltne.wA lo the mlnhsp said fJinl the fiorse ran out of the drlvewny of th« Jame* (Don)

N.M., was fir.st .with the (ftfitni time o f Hcconds;Vsccond w a n Bob Has.sdiilc,

C a ld w e 'I l i 23.7 second.s;Uilrd, Moo S nser, Ooodlntc, 24,4 seconds.. a n d lou rth was Bob Juker. BohJ. wlUi 24,7 second*.

^In th e 'a ic e r wresUInK contenl'Ith the to ta l'tlm e on two s tem , en H arris. BlnckfooC. was /lr«C'

w ith l&.l seconds: second wn.i Hurry ChnrLers, M elba, 20.7 sec­onds; third. D annie O orred, Twin FaUs. 37 seconds, a n d fourth was Blane H ansen, Blackrbot, «1U>30 seconds,

Daryl# Hobdey. Peck, placed S iitt Jn th# burebacle riding con­test, to u t points on two hend o t horses, w ith 343 polnw, sec-

-ond-W M Bob BehM da. BJaek/oot.3S5 points. fK Ira r 'T T T rsm itn ;-w o H t- ln -J Ion*. 334 p o ln u a n d tourth was Howard C arrol, D«IU, Utolt. wJth 330 points.

Dennis Colson, Salmon, waj llrs t wit)) 330 pdlQls In the tad-

, die brona rld ln s con test.'B m le f i te n n t o d Bud Oodbjr. Good*Ins, tied f o r second >nd third

' p laei w ith points e a c h .Tteurth’ p l« c « . was Oeor^e Wll*

■ Uims, Tulsa'. O kla.. w ith 320 points.■Howtrd Carro!, ZMta, Vtoh,

was first In th e B rahm a bull rld>IQB event w ith a t«U l of 335

^ '(Cm Uii«*4 m riK« 1, c*UiBB 1)

JMTessage on ’ Aid Plan Is

Sent to Meet^ DWTA v e u l a r r .

Mid counter outside threats, " O n irT M ~ trro rt-o r-to w crin ir

dimension" eon retned? th e eco- _ ^omle siclcncas -which plaRue!

tKK{ area, K ennedy sold in a let

t read a t th e openlnit session Ui8 lnter>Am ertcan economic -..J social con/jrencB, H e refer­

red only Indirectly to the threats

r oommuDlsm a n d cascrolsm. H e.tenned the conference h Uils South A tlantic seaside re ­

sort far m ore th a n an economic discussion. “ In a very m l eeiue It Is a dem onstration of the oi' psclty oc free nations to mte: the hum an and m ateria l prob^ Urns of th o m odem world," he

_BERLW , AU(T. 8 Ifl from £oM G erm any ftoeked'into W est G erm any today, althounh comtnunlst authorltle.5 used vio< Jecice on t h e xeelor' border, threa ts a n d propatianda to try 10 check th e flow. '’ W est B erlin authorities rcpoi-t. ed a w orkm an who tried to cross Into 'E ^ t Berlin this mornlns was bndly beaten-by communist people’s police. I t was believed

taklnK a, short cut to

Blanch farm, a nel«hbor of the Larsens,

OfdclaU who InvesU^ated the accident stUd the le ft front fen­der o( the truck h it the horse. Daidsem to the truck were cstl- m nled.'at MOO.

EIrIjI years aeo to tha day - broUier ol Steven killed

'ec-by-aL-mlllc truck.

and accused him of Iielpin; Germ an couple to flee. He said they le t h im ro a fte r hoUrs o qutetlonlntt, b u t kept h(s wallet money a n d aultcase.

A reco rd wave of refufees waa expectcd over the week-end ~ always a peak tim e, w es t Oer- m an authortU es announced JO,- 419 h a d reRlstcred In reluKCe camps In th e (even days ended yesterday. By noon today, an­other. 1.100 were Uken In at M arlenfcldp camp In West Ber­lin alone. -• .W altcr-U lbrleh t.-head .or-the E ast G erm an communist lejtlme Is In Moscow and I t U believed he U try ln it lo se t Soviet per-

U> h a ji tije floir of relu-

to B m nt pcr^li.il6nfor'V f*tCsT the W est "only In especltlly ur-

< sjy-^o 'nnroB -i-.ur*eeiis tsron . . . — . . . — . ___ ___ ilBhway 80S north ef M alu.

Kennedy's call fo r a solid froni provoked a n atm osphere of ej tJlement am onjr th e deleffaWs.

Tlie conference ha ll ranR loud wUh applause from all bu t the

— fiib«a^deicgttttoB. m beatdea lesder, Cuban economic boss’Er-

— *lrtiQ-Quevnra. a a t lm»>asslvelv »nd St tim es removed hE~<:itr=' Phones,„ Ouevara promUed he Would d r MVfr a lonir. unprepared apeech

— *lien-.hu . -turn - cam e.--------------Kennedy's messaite c a m e aa

. delegates pushed awlftly throuRh ownlnjr form aU tles of the 10- dny session. IJeleffates were call­ed by the O n taslza tlbn o t Ameri­

c a n S la te s to im plem ent Ken­n ed y 's alliance Sor prosress plan Klmed a t flgh tlne hunser and Poverty an to n s 300 million peo­ple In L a t in ita e r lc a .

iV a t io ir jW ill- . SigniTreaty

years old a t th« \lme of lils death In 1853.

Tlie mUhap also ctalm'ed' the third Lincoln county resident In thrte weeks. Two weeks ago F r i­day Susan Sorenson. 7-year-old d*u«hU r of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sorenson, was killed when a wa­ter tank rolled over on her while she wos’rldlnR on a waton pullod by h e r r t th e r .

O ne week aRo Friday David Braun. 18, son o t Mr. and Mrs. £rylii B raun; 6itA In a hay baler accident.

T he d e a th pushed t h e 1881 highway toll la Mtgle Valley to 7 9 J l t w as th e fourth 1861 traf- :io fd tallly -liTCaM l^ county.—

Maftto Valley's 31Ui vlcUm-waa Mrs. E ugene Click. H snun , who was killed In a two^vehlcle in- ters«ctIon collision lio rtheu t of Clmberly.

Cynthia Lee Koch. S^ .year.o ld daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy I«e Koeh. 6U Fourth avenue north, holds up the lO-lnch lo n t, flve-ounrD ib h she caught Saturday m om ln i a t the chlldren'a fish Uerby held a t Hartnon park. The cateii -was the second b lc- (c«t cauchl by a ciri a t th e derby and won CjrnthU a prlte for

' ealer ths fjsh derby, l a s t j e s r she c a u jh t two flab. (SU ff oto.ensrsvlnj»

nations disclosed tonight they have dccldrd In a secret three- doy K rem lin .meetlnR lo slun « G erm an peace treaty-w lU i East: O orm any alone. If nece*Miy-by tho end of the ,year. '

In a communique reported by (he S ov ie t news sscney Tbm, the clRht-natlon pact warned the W est th a t delaylnif a. Cerman trenty-Jndeflnlteiy-wIH-J'aintfifci ute to a n Intensification of the th rea t o f -a new war in Europe and n o t only In Europe."

A separalo trea ty wlUi East G erm any will safesuard her “sovereign rlghU . . . Including he r rlRhta on land, water »nd In ttio-ale,iLM ie.commualau6 saJd. ,

T his m ay be-anlnaicnllotrthe; Soviet bloc Intends to force Ihe West to negotiate with EMi Oer- mtmy—w hich Is no t recoKnlicd dlplom atlcally ' by any Western power—for free *access to West Berlin.

'The communique said If a Irea. ty Is signed with both East and W est G erm any, Weal Berlin, “as

free demilitarized city, would . j able to maintain lU un> ilndered communications wllh the ou tside world.’’

Survivors iti addlUon to the

IB, Louise, 14. Jeanne, 11 and T ern, 4. a ll Shoahone: maternal BnmdmoUjcr. M/». M a r y Fern Duke, Shoshone, a n d paternal grandfather. William L a - Shoshone.

Funeral tervlces are pending a t th e McGoldrlck fUoeral home,

w here the b<^y wa*taken S a turday afternoon.

New Fii’e Is Reportedfor S3mon A r^

SALMOK, Aug. 8 W — Fire ligh ters Increased efforti .tojilop a new fire east o f the bJn Corn creek b la u in Idaho’s primitive

- a northw est of Salmon today (h s la rge r fire was brought

u nder .........................


____________ ____________a th a t drtB ched NUgaU'pr*f«tor«• -QQ the e o as t in Borthwealertt Honshd. th e m ain JapanMe UUnd.

‘* r n a re a s of N U |»ta w m flooded. 'Tb* rains were b ron^ t . >y the trop ical atorta, Q tiea.

HS2.SKA. U o n t.. Aug.' WB—A fire rac ing through approximately J.OOO acres of th o Helena naUonal forest lO miles south-el here 'oreod eracuaU on 350 resident* J n th e smaJl »slley town Of Clancey to n ig h t.___

^ P^LMYKA, N.Y^ Ant- 8 W -A crowd esUaialed a t siirU i* •InsI pe rfo m a n o a of tbe ISlb annea l M orm on pageaat. "AaeHca'a W itnm *or Chrf*t.“ on HUl Camitrata (onlghL I t brooibt the ‘ *rrr f*'l p agemni <• nearly M1.W . a

. -w r teo rd . t t w aa decided th E 5 e a r & hoid 'IE aw IIglodripte tae le »n four ttlgfals fo r the f ln t tin e , lo aceonuaodaU tbe Urge erowda.

- ifELENA. M ontn 'Xurf. » l>t-=O0T7X---- - --------- -------------------- ,

T he forest service revLied es­tim ates o f th e site o f com creek fire from 15.780 to 18,000 acres. T he revision was made on the ba.iis o f aerfa l photograplu and did n o t represen t any Increase In burning.

And th e f ire flghUn* c o m cre«k was reduced from about IMO to IMO.

Most o f th a t bUxa was con­ta ined except fo r two hot spots on tho n o r th « a d northwest line*.

However, complete control not expected'unU r'Tuesday.

'The new er fire, a t Bruahy gulch-18 m iles east.o f the 00171 creek conriagtwUoa. had burned about 1.300 acrea. I t started ;e s - terday. J4oro th a n 300 men were

th e flr« lines today and as m any m ora w«ra beaJg se n t In.

AlrplMUa bombarded It with bentonite, a flre-relardlng cheni- l a t l . S r a fte m o c a o a ts if i^ cu tjs per cen t o f th e perim eter wa« re­ported u nder control I t was burning brush and io ^ n g alash. Al W right, supervisor of the Tar* ghee natlODal-for«»t,-was M nt ln a s ^ boas. ' "

A W A ^ SLATED-.-WASHDIOIQH,— _______F o r m e r - P r e a ld e n t Dwight SU eahow er i* aUted to receive

tUona l ClvU W ar C to t^ '

a t

500 t.F. Youngsters Take iPart in Derby

An cfltiniatGd 600 youngsters^ ui infc everything from a mop handle and piece of string to tlie latest in fmhing gear, participated in tho aixth annual Twin Falla Moose lodge children’s fish derby Saturday morning a t Hormon park. Alan Brau.er, 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mr.s. E. W.-Brauer, lC47'Secojid avenue east. Twin Falla, hooked thc'largeAt fish taken during th e event H n trn d e d “ft“10;lnch-trout-wcighinir-nine-ouncoa.-Mar g a re t Carr. 11-year-oId doughter of Wr. and Mrs.Howard E. Carr, 1851 Sev­en th avenue east, Twin■Fs Da,__la ntioiL th ft hio’O’PBtfish caugh t by a girl with

th e ir w inning efiorts., gnm«, TftiVI « lh rirnmfmrt

■ fish hatcheries, were dump-ed Into th e stream early Satur-day morrilngr

P au l Carlson, Moose lodRe gov­ernor, was In chame of the event. Claude Severt and Luther M orton- handled arrangements. Miss Boyd Sm ith and Mrs. Don­a ld Frazier were In charge of th e prlB u. and Mrs. Ted Soper w as o ffk lal welsher.

Various Twin Falls merchanU donated the prizes. At the con­clusion o f the derby the children were a ll treated to so li drinks a n d cmckerjacks.

Receiving prlw* »-ere Z>«nny Bowlan, most authentically dress­ed f ls h e m o n ;. Mike McClung. caCctitng the first flsh: Eddie C a rr and M argaret CaH rtStcH - Ing the most fb h : Akn Brauer and M argaret Carr, catching the biggest lUh; Eddie Carr -and C indy Koch, second blitgest fish; Mike McClung And Steven Mc- Olung, both Jueanu, Alaska, comlnjr the farthest distance.M d Cindy Koch. 3‘i , and Steven McClung, 3 ry W n n « ~ ttt-e» ti:h ' fish,


—U.a. UndersecrcUry of State Chester Bowles arrived today for a n je e i ln g wjfh If A snjbasm ' from south Aslan nations.

More FirewaterTOKYO, Aug. 8 (ffl — Red

China- la pt«duelng more of lt«-<radl(l<v»l-flr«w ater_— _

Peiping radio aald the ouU .pu t of_hslfeng, m ado from a •sorRhum grain w l t h ' f y c a s r made of barley a n d peas. In the ll r s t ha lf o f 1061 reached

.inn tn n , nn IQ tlme)Lthe to ta l of 1948. ^

Group Seeks Foreign-Aid Bill Passage

W ASH lN aTO N. Aug. ft W - ■The house-foreign a ffalra -ecin- mUtee form ally recommended passage of lU version o T th o for­eign a id bill today In a report which also contained som e Re- publlctm sugnesUons fo r oompro-

’ its m oft controfi

The committee m a jo rity ap­proved. fo r house debate la ter th is m onth, the full au tho rity de­m anded by P re d d w t K ennedy to borrow from the treasury a ttd to lend to underdeveloped countries 83 billion dollars over five years

ITie committee 'c u t 407 million

loans thU year.~ ■ ■ s already_______

U t h a ^ dmeasure, which Is 39 m illion dol­lars fu rther below curren t-ycar fund rcaueats. U ia se n a te bill totabi 84.328.800.000.

xnruport.A long-rantiA objective . Is to

raise the NA1X3 shield to 30 divi­sions.

The four minUlrrs convened in scorch of a formula that~w ould encouraRC negotiations w ith the Soviet Union while still preMrv* Ing their rights in Berlin and the freedom ot 3A mlUlon W eal Ber- imera.—- — —

■)matle Ini--......... .................ilk* were devoted to the

tank of Mtabllshlng a solid posture on Berlin and Germany as weU maklnR It certain th a t S o v i e t Premier K hrushchcv understands the West considers the chips are down, bluff ' dangerous and nothing can be accomplished by threaUi.

Qualllled sources said th e need as urgent to express aa quickly

---“ •? fvfW estern nations..

The three-day conference op­ened In mldaflemoon In th e ele> g sn t Solon de Veauvals of the Qual d 'O ruy, the F rench foreign m inistry.

Flanking the chalrm aa, French (CmURtM M r|i(* >. €•!■«■ i>

■ * * * *

Russ Premier Slates Answer For KennedyM O - -

K hnu_______ I Kennedy> «peech -the soviet challenge to BcrUn, will speak on a natloirwlde radio and Ulevlslon netw ork Stooday night.

F r o m rem arks Khrushchev m a d r — "tore Fonfanl. wKo oottduded a U>ree*day-Tlslt here.todA y._lt_ts

tha Soviet leader In-

young American Preaident’a char-

Kennedy Is a very complex mai who U finally guided i>F est Bhouter.

Moscow raldo . announced the scheduling a t Ut* K h m h e h e r speech, without dltclosltig lU iu b . Ject.

.TJi9 annouacemenC came jtu t as Western nrwsmen learned th a t W alter Ulbricht, oommunlst chief o f .^ t ^ a e n n a n y . b a « been i a Uoaeow for leveral days.

Western diplom ats gave < ence to reporU from B erlin th a t Ulbrlcht U pressing lo r Soviet

to clam p a border

lore than 1.000 B ast Germans. T he Khrushchev speech li

scheduled for noon M onday. E S t- In hlJ broadcast speeeiJ of July

28. Kennedy accused Khrushchev of endangering th e Uvea of m il. Hons o l people b y pursu ing n u plan to divide E as t and West Germany—p « m ia a c n tly _ j f lU l^ separata peace trea ty with the Olbricbt regime.

The President ip«Ued ou t plans ^■ •'l)una"up~ aA -»nd -W a*«ro military s tieng th to m eet w hat h e ( ^ e d * worldwide crUls caused by communist pressure.

PARIS, A ug.’5 (/P)— The WcstcnJ Wjr fniir foreisn miniRtcr.*( decided to turn ,lo their North Atlantic allic.' for backing today in their first attack on the mount- '■■■- Berlin i‘ri»i(t. In a sexsion la-'tting three' hourK and '20 miuiitcH, the miniaters of

' .vvaat-h(jninnv oypiorcd.thtLcrccptnir-Jestric-

“K id s A r e W o n d e ifu l”•‘Klrt.i-are-wondcrful.’’_tiiyB_»»n_ a rra woman w ho-know s how'

lo keep iccii.ngers busy while doing /wmethlng'thftt-li-worthwhlle. - . ftend on imgc 18 of .today's Feniiire Section how Mrs. l l . F. ,PclilJnhu hiis "adopud a bnnd-(u1I" fo youngsters and has shown tlirm how to provide Interestlne cnterulnm ent for an enthustnstlo audience, •' .

AlKo «m me front page of today's leature pnge you can read how K nioiinwln ranger sta tion change* complexion w llh the lo m - Ing of Mimmer m onths. On page 17 you'll IliiiS.a story about a

■plant in T ttln Falls w here the employe* envy those persons who work outside on ho t sum m er days, and on pnR0> 10 there Is the story nboiil a Kock Creek m an who's business 1* going around Twin FnlU carryin* water Jn a bottle.

Ever)' Sunday there Is good reading for the en lire family I n ' the Tlmes.News Feature Section. This Sunday is no.exception.

Heat Wave Cracks; Temperatures Drop

Brief respite from fibaring temperatures was offered area reniilenta Saturday afternoon as a cloud covering «nd-hri«k winds lowcred-ballooning morcury readin^rs bb. . much an 20 degrees in an hour around Magic Valley. “If we're lucky, i t m ight storm today," remarked a Je­rome woman, as the clouds rolled over. M ost area resl- dent« concurred as tho valley continued to roast in temperatures mostly in the high 90's. Three out of tha first five days of August have seen the thermometer rise above the lOO-degree mark. The ttvo exceptions were .Tue«day__when it hitO O nd 'flalu rday when a B7 was recorded: H ighest duriiig this period in Tw in Falla wa* 103 on Thursday, w ith loa Friday and 101 Wednesday.

W llh the, coming o t the week­end. jsany-fam llJes took off for the o o o t e r elevations o f the

leas fortunate,

Storms Give Relief-From- Heat "Waves

By Tha AViolent th i .....................

o f the >H ««eat''Baturday

o r psrhspe m ore enduring, cninlc ed fans up another notch, sought ou t the coolest spot o n the prem-- Ise* and hopeftillr w atched the skies for algns of possible rain.

The Twin Falls bureau of en tomology reported th a t belweej 13:30 and 1:3D p ja . Saturday th e tem perature dropped from 98-degreea down to 63. i t hovered arpund th e 83 degree m ark the

and a w eather Iro n t from, th a Paeine cracked m be*& wav* In the f a r W est. ■ • ■ ■,

.Thunderatorms crackled «ver lower M ichigan and an.Isolated,, (bmado w u reported n e a r U it city of A lp e n a .. '

A thunderstorm knocked o u t electrle power In several seettcns of Beloit, W ls. Fallen trees blocked trafflo teraponully on four roads In -lh b B elo lt'area.

nail'ofThft"Humidity reached a h igh of

70 per cent Friday n igh t, dropped to a low of M per cen t satcirday reaching a peak of 43 per cent a t S pm . Saturday.. H ie bureau --------- ----------■‘— . e t a per.cent.

from tbe F lo riila ^a n h ah tlle 'm to ' the CaroUnas, n e a r th e ' m oun­tain* and deserts of th e South­west, and In a ou them V trtla la .

A cool f ro n t , accompanied p j scattered ra in a n d showera, p reas- *TTi>orteo-»-iwiin»-ot-M iict.cmiii — . . . ■ _

Is “a lltUe high- since I t fre- WUiUj l u tw l^ W i quenUy_drop*,as low a* 30 per O r e g o n w h ocent during, th e '100. degree’ days;' Jerome reported a W gh of 100 degree* Saturday, f " ; . "

butte lookout sta tion — - *hoa«-r«pi»ted-A-C8-degrea read­ing a t 3 p.m. A t 8 p jn . tbe read­ing h sd dipped to 88. Highest reading recorded th e re th is yesr

as 101 degrees posted Friday.Burley h a d M degrees-at-

Saturday. An hou r la ter mercury had dipped to a com­fortable 74 degrees. A t m ld-after- noon It* s ta rted climbing and had re»«hBd 79 degree* a t 3 p jn .Dew poin t was repo rted a t "* degree*. ,

The recen t h e a t wave is not unique as m any m ay recall five consecullra days s ta r tin g Ju ly 18,IBSO. when hlgbs o f 103, lOt, 103,101 and 101 respecUvely -----m C lere'd .

In the same token 88 degreu the highest

Picks Negro ;HTANNIS PORT. Mass„ Aug,

5 T lT = T > re«den t-K ennedy -ha* decided to name th 6 firs t Negro In hl*tory to the United SUtcs a u u ie t.e o u i t J b cn e K ^

'Ihe appoin tm ent will go

Fear of Fiscal Crisis Influences SolonsBOISE, Aug. S I ^ A growing

fea r th a t Idaho 's government Is heading for a serious financial c risis played a major role In the tw o -d ay ' *peclal session of the legUlature.

R efusal o f the lawmakers to approve pay boosts for top ad- mlnlatraUve offlcUb or provide funds for the Centennial com­m ission can be attributed In pa rt to th a t fear. •

I t was an Issue thal Oov. nob- e rt E . Smylle said should no t unduly alarm the fejlslature and h e did no t Include U In the proc- lam allo 'n 'w h ich called the 38tb session." S a t some of tAe legislators re­

fused to Ignore money m atters ....................................... debate

m ony on the s ta te ’s financial conOltton.

B ts ln e hla eoRt^nUoat on fig­ures presented by T ax Collector V ernon E. Drown, Crookham pre­dicted th a t (he 10«3 session of the legislature .w ould, have to come up w ith 13J m illion doUkrs In new revenue If the economy rem ains unchanged.

Crookham .,»a.ld, th a t current esUmatca of lncotne'.tax revenue In th e p resent W ennlum are 8 J million dollars below th e am ount figured on by th e regu la r ses­sion w hen It appropria ted a m -ord 88,3 million doUara from general.fund.

T he r e v e n u e and taxation

erSlIR'lHIlterrBut-BpeakoT-W rO: -ture a rju * d .s tro * ly Jh * tl Eberle. R , A da,.sa ld pa rllam en- ‘ ------- *■* ' --------

oM y M m B leiililaU m . -

Crookham predicted th a t the Uwmakefs could be caUed back in special session* In about ,nx monUu to ta k e U u p 'f In a n c U l problems,

Caneem over finances came to th e fore in debate over tho *300.- 000 centennial appropria tloa bill and the messure to give top ad - mlnistiaUve offlclaU a I I W Per year pay raise.

Although tho p a y boost biu, w h ic h -w o u ld -p rtm a rU y -b ja ^ t

hadpolitical overtones; I t also drew^ __ ..._IV_.» »h .. <■.-from those who in ­sisted the sU te ju s t .d idn 't h a re Ih e money to app roprla ta for

“ p t t ' membew o f th e legUla-

haa brought a d e e p e n ^ _ . to tha sUU'a im p o rta n t a « r ^ - tural' economy.-A nd lawmakers

the depressed condition of that lndu*try.

“ • •• th a t the-payraises a ijd the c _ ...................prlaUon would n o t have any «lg- n lflcant effect on th e budget fell

a deaf ears.- Bmylle a o ted th a t th e ........budget direc tor M d the board of exslmlnora, im der provisions of the standard ai»pr^>rlatlon« act of 1M0. ooiiJd m ake cu ts In ap- ptopriattw w .lf nece a a ry to keep ------------In UoowIlhTncome.—

V th a t a jeU iod,abeuld fall. U said, th o ’ legUlaUire' could be called back Into apeclal seaalon to deal w ith tho preOlem when the picture w as clear. ^

T lja t - w u »lso tho- ^ «|f Budget D lrortor Don T. W atter. --------" th o revenue and taxation

1 lathed

9r w _ a U o ^ k e .out

however, over m uch of Idaho ' and M ontana w hich h a d 100> plua reading* Friday .

ExpIosfdnaT ' Plant Causes Smoglajtu'y

INMAK. 8 . O.. AU|. 8 r - . Some 300 residen ts of t h b smaU

sta rted -m ov-r-back-lnto-

n l ty s ta r ted meL— J

day on word from h e a lth officials

a chemlcaf p la n t e :^loslon h ^ cleared the a rea;

'The se rlu o f esploalons 'I liura- day n ight a n d yesterday n o m ln g wrecked th e p la n t of th e Cali­fornia Chemical company, -a division of Esso Standard Ott comxMmyi-JMmM from a ,spee=^ lacular fire th a t followed the ex­plosion spread a poisonous smog oMr much o f th e area.

Seven-persons remained hoa- pitalued a ^ n e a rb y Spartanburg.


P s i« x - ^ I n 7U J. teatdeau generaUy favo r P r e a l d e n t Kennedy'a “g e t tough-" stand > on Berlin.

Fage ^ E d i to r ia l : 'P opu ­lation P re ttu re ,- -C aught In'

river forest blasea .; • - ,Fage «_O aasla fa ir results. Fiig* 7.^.Tlme8-Hews ?ubUe

d u b reelects o fflcen . .' F a ^ l l —FuUmer keepa.ttr;

ilal w etie.U onday . ,• r a g e 18-rT w ln F a iu ; .* a u ;

— 4

Page 2: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113

• p a g S t w oT IM E S -N E W S , T W I N F A L L S . ID A H O ' SUNDAY,. AUGUST 6. »„

Emily Adams TsXlhosen as -Fair Queen

(Fr«m F a ta One) polnU. Second Jun ior NM' but, Hooper, U u h , wlU> 332 polnli, th ird . R u u T ripp, Well*, Nev., 338 p a ln u ftnd fourth ........................1. Tw in y»lU. with

m a g i c VALLEV-F»rtljr cloBdr UNtoy *nd Moodajr. Cooler today. H lfh bath da ;* M-9S. Lew a t a lfh t &9<<S. lllf h S a tu rdaf 97,

1Z. M a t i ?M .

N O n n iS n N lO A H O -Partly cloudy with a few llsht xhowerx and cooler today. Pair tonight and Monday, coo ler tonight. gilRhtly warmer Mondny. High toflfty M-M, Low lon lah t « -5 J . HlRh Mon­day U to S3.

L rea Driver

Traffic CaseDrlbert U PowerJ, « ' 138 ^ h

street, w u a rm t« d Saturday on a charge of driving on a auspend- ed llceaie. He wa< held In county Jail when he did so t post a IfOO bond.

J i l a ^ Stat« Patrolman. S._D,

• r a ^ w n i tr c lm n tT ic la ^-ihrpiighQUfih»T«howr.-

•'Hlgh ButtoM ,- owned by E ..........................................Shelby, took fjrat place Jn IhelAdiiii*. ......... *•race to r J-yeM -old* during lll ''i7 ‘ t--H i.ud r~ r ' '«

>. Ckudf .......... 11

r-ind. fluudr------ »Second pj*c» w ent lo Herman ...

• Dedke-a “K lta String." I’lRfinn.- ■T h ird place w inner wa.< "aila

Mnld.” owned by Max Diirton. ti.t »iiinx. ri>ir IT '! 'mand fourth waa "B us Bell neld."U>*>r..ii. ......- *ubelonglnB to -WendMl Dailey. 7 . . , mThera were aeven horxe.5 enter* itonoiuiu, tinudit------»ed In the event. l"''!.*"®?,',';' l l ! " - - I!

In the JI5 yard free-for-all,firat place honors w ent to Nick v » « i ........ ........mi

•Funk'i "K athy Hoplcln*," O lhe ril '" '” " • ...... J1:— t . . i^ g _ e e r e —'•D e x te i^H lp p » fit-* ,„p h i,;- ,.T ri-r-rrr« i-

a=-by-n c n-H le lieti, aecund. ,---------

iv afternoon.

Jijb erly Jujtlee of the Peace Bay • Potter next w eek.' ^

I -Jack Bailey. 3!, Rupert. wa« I'c ited by J ta te . police’lo r drlvlns

■ i_cxlailog.

rjym bttU LfinfcuPow er«U »ched«it._^ Tvin k .«

™ ? ? ? ^ « l » e d the co m p « y a m onthly

conditions Saturday a f te r -------car acc lden t'at 13:45 p.m. Friday

jalz mllea no rth of M alta on hlgh> .way 30 louth.

Salley U reported to have drlv- len a IBM W hile truck and te* ment mixer Into the left lane of tratric. back a c ro a the road, onto- the a hq^der which had "

and "Idaho Dee," owned by Zay Crystal, th ird .

Quarlcr-m lla race resultj In­cluded “Clnego," owned by Hon NIeUen. Ilral; •‘Millie D.“ own-

- cd by Gary Crystal, second, and ' ‘Scooter Cellffbt,” owned by Ole FarrUh.event for two-year-olds, the win­ner was 'S p u d Queen" owned by Max Burtoo. O thers placing were "Friendly Beggar," owned by Roy Simonson, second, and -Heleo;* owned by R ichard Nell- scn.

I tiree -quartcr m ile race, free for all, “Tonis, Lad,* owned by Jack Fimk, took llr]il place. Other ho tte i placJnx were "Poker Chip," owned by Pud H ltl. second, and *-Dan Whiz.” owned by Kenneth MoaUs. ■

H alfm lli w inners were, f in t. *Ztpresaly," owned by Vic Crys>ta l: second. -F risky Biscuit,' owned by Roy SImonion, and

_UtinJ,_“ilflaute.'!_oicned try T sn yCronquUt.

FlvorClghUi m ile winners werei f ln t , “Uncle Ben." o w n e d by Budge Mlchelson: aeoond. Ur-:

...anlum Queen." owned by Max Burton, and th ird , “Fort Boise,'' owned by B. Blschoff.

One. and one-half mile relay w u won by horses owned by Jade Funk; second, horses owned by Bob J o h n a o n .~ a n d third,

- hoTsea owned by E arl Cook.in the cow*ou^tlng eren t. Slim

- T ren t won w ith a •JS^wlnt total. 'O th e rs placing were Glen P a ite .

second, 74 points, and third. ClKf H arris. TJ points._Prlday_**‘-

Magic Valley FuneralsTW IN FALLS — PuncraJ se rr-

Ices for HarrlMn O . Waddell will be held a t 11 a jn . Monday a t Reynold.i-ehapel. F inal rltca.wlU be conducted a t Sunset Memo­rial park.

.TWIN P A L L S-yunera l serv- tees for Harrison O . Waddell will be held a t 11 a jn . Monday a t Reynolds chapel w ith th e Rev. Donald L. H offmwi officiating. F inal rites will b« condueted 'a t Sunset Memorial park.

OOODINO — Funeral aertlces for A rthur O. Clemons will be held a t 10 a jn . Tuenday a t Thompson funeral chapel, Good­ing. with the Iter. Doilold Arnold,

pastor o f th e Gooding 'F irs tI ChrlJtlan church,. orficloUng.l Concluding rit&^ wilt be held aC Elmwood cemetery. P r le n d sm a y call MonSJay and u n llP lim e of icrvlces T uesday a t th e tuaeral home. T h e family suggests m e­morial donations to the F irs t Christian church building fund.

BUHL. Aug. 5—Funeral serv­ices for M rs. Eosle Womack. Buhl, wUi be held TueM ay a t 3 pm . a l the B u h l F irs t M ethodist church w ith th e Rev. W arren Mc­Connell officiating. Rebekah r i t ­ualist r ite s will be h e ld -ln -th e Quhl city cemetery. F riends may call a t t h e Albertson funerol home unU l tim e of services Tuesday.

-Correction^th a t Jam es Oehsner. IS, 344 Van Buren a^M t, Twin Falls, adm itted he was driving w ith­out a drivers license and a

yard race f o r 3 *year*o ld i,• -cum bertlnfc!' owned by Blane.. SchTaaeveldt w as l i n t . *”Bes-

Bell-Rled* ow ned by WendaU Bailey wa< second a n d th ird w u *aied Uoss* ow ned by L . Wllck-

• m i l l r B e V 'o w n ed by Cary Ct7*U1 won f irs t place In the 176-yard f re « -fo r> a l i r a c e ’■Scooter O ellght" owned by cel

• Parish w arae co n d and "Beth" owned by O len Funk was third.

I n the H<mlle raee. 'T on ta Lad* owned by Jack Funk won first place, “Clnenga" owned by Ron Nielson was second and third was “K athy Hopkins* o' ed by Nick Funk._ i n the S-mU » race, “Zxpn

Magic Valley Memorialvisiting hours in th e n\atem lty

worda a re from 3 to 4 and 7 to S p jn .: In *11 others, from 11 a m to B pm . .

ADMrZTED MH. Robert Hendrick*. Don­

ald W . McAlUster and Paul Ollne, a ll Tw in Falla: Bmll H ahn tn d G rady Spradlin*, both Buhl; M rs. N orm an Keealer, Kimberly, and M rs. William. Sm ith. Burley.

Mrs. H iorosa W alker,, Cordle N orthrup. D eborab Blaser. Wes­ley Blo0Qr. WUUam B onihart and M rs. Hanley Poyne, a ll Twin FalU; IsabeU e-LatU mer. Eden; I t a i a r a W atr. Burley; .M ary A nn M organ, H ansen; Carrie Wimaitis, OasUeford; baby girl Bailey, RORersoti; Mrs. Kenneth T m d y . Buhl, a n d Deborah Bohrooder. Deeth. N er.

BIBTIIS D auffhttfs w*w bom flatur-

day to Mr, and Mrs. ~

- ly - t-o w n e d -^ . v iO 'C rystal'-w as first, "Requte- owned, by Perry

. . Cronqulst was second and "Satin Boge" owned by B rian Thomp-

■' lon'Was third.IB the H -m lla blanket race,

------- *TTntty .Tne'^.owned by Ma« Bur^. ton idaced first. "Frisky BIscuU-

owned by Roy Simonson was see- cod and th ird v a s "Poker Chip*

___ owned b j Bud H i t t The blanketWO-doaatBdTjy.-Boyd-a-lounge.-

Ben* owned by Budfte Mlckelson and third was -p o u r Socks" i cd by Mlckelson.

J a ^ Funk vD n f irs t plsce In ..the ,.ii4 .m U e race.-Bob-John»oa

was second.Gleim Parke, r iding “Ole Yel­

low,” «as flrsf w ith 79 points In the cow cu tting contesL Sec­ond w u Slim T ren t, riding “Sw dhm C h a r lie ,* -w .ith 78 points., th ird <wu R en HaUey. riding “Dark Ooodhu." w ith 73

' poln ls ,fourthvas'B lll.A lexander riding "Shu Fly .- w ith 72. fifth

• wu_^Ren Hailey, riding. “Poco

man, riding “Cowboy." and Cllfl H arris, r ld ln g -G lb b s Mailman,- tied for sixth a n d seventh place w ith 70 p o in u each.

I n the ' bareback riding contest Prlday night, Doryle Hobdey, Pecit, rfdlng "HaU H itch" w u first with 171 points. Second w u J . T. Sm ith, Iona , tid ing “Coun­try Cousin,** 108 points, th ird w u

»-iIcD anlels^_H agatalf_A rlt.

r4 'a n tt-7 'to '8 T » Jn r . ADMnXED

M rs. FranquIIIno Oomes, R u ­pe rt: I r a D. M artin, Paul, and Mrs. F idel Villarreal, w llson '4a- bof cam p.

-------------DUMISSED.M rs. G ary M uoner and daugh­

ter, K ath ryn Chrb tensen and Mrs. FYanqulllno Oomes. aU Rupert; -M rs; R ichard Wolfley

Twins, a - son a n d daughter ere b o m to Mr. a n d Mrs. Fran-

quillno Gomes. R upert, and' daugh ter w u bom to Mr. a i.. Mrs. Ftcfel VUlarreal, Wilson ia-wtm— --------- ----------

riding “Lever Action,* 160 points,In th e . first go a round In the ,

• calf roplns'coHteslTBuddyTeSls; 1• L u Cruces, MAI, won first place In the time o f 11.7 sccondj. Sec­ond *M Bobby Ragsdale, Cald- weU, In l U aeconds. th ird was

' Mos Sager, Gooding. 13.1 sec- o n ^ and fou rth was Bob Juker, Buhl. I 3 i seconds. :

Larry Robinson. Tw in Falls, riding “Rooster" placed f i r s t w ith i n p o in ts 'in the saddle brone riding contest. Second w uOeorge WUUnms. Tulsa. Oklo,

' S ? ? * . 180 PolnU. andUed fOT th ird pUce were. Jim

. .Polk, F la p ta ff .. A rU . r l d l a s -Fla*-, and Bud Oodby. Good­ing. riding -P an ther* both le s

ondx ^ T O d w u ' Neia Arave. Idaho Fulls. 13.3 seconds, third .w u Blaine B ansen . Blaekfoot 3A.T seconds, and fourth was

■' ‘2 SBlaekfoot. rid-

.. Bom b- won flnrt pUee

itik r D elta. XTtah. rlcUnf. “Bob ,• ■WUter w a « , second wiih_ ^ 0

Magic Valley Hospitals

lerable slope,* arid cu t back to the left. T he truck rolled over u Bailey cu t back. Bishop Ready Mix company owned th e truck. I t w u loaded with seven yards of concrete,-welghlng-apr proxlmately 43,000 pounds.

I t took a Diesel wrecker and a small wrecker from sugar's

Minidoka MemorialV Ultlng hours a t Minidoka

' • kl hoipltal are from 2

ttor campT*"

Cassia Memorialv isiting hours a t .Cassia Me­

morial hospital a re from 3:3D to 4 and 7 to 8 p Jn . in the ma- tem ity w ard, and iO:SO a jn . to 8 p jn . In th e medical and leal w ard.

ADMITTED M rs. C lara Shy. Paul; Mrs,

Charlene JJajtley-aaa-M „,,-D ftr.lene Baloes. both Burley, and

A SMrs. ^ J e w Wllwn. all Bur-

Nttf; Mrs.Betty Wlnmlll, Heybum, and I t o . M axine Adams, Oakley

• BIRTHSwas born to i l r . and

RicHfield'Club Shows Calves

R IC H F m ,D . Aug. $-Twenty.

b e r a ^ k part In achievement day •m ursday nt RlchJlcld park C^VM were shown in fitting w d ahowlng _demotutn>tl0M with

St. Benedict’s, JeromeVlaltlng hours a t S t. .Bene­

dict's hosp ital a re from 2 to -4 in d 7 .to B p jn . In th e m aternity rnrd, a n d from noon to 4 and

to B p .m . In the medical and iurglcal w ard. .

ADMITTED Melvin Jones and Mrs. Roy

Stone, b o th Wendell; Onyle Kreltmon, 'Twin Falls, a n d Don­ald C enam isa . Richfield. '

JiM , L ea tu s Sm ith and M rs.P . C ha tfleld . bo th Richfield;

Mrs. C harles McBride. Twin FUlls, L eonard M artin , F lier: Mrs. A lan /tleffenegger and daughter. W endell; M rs. Daisy Lucas, Fallon , N ev, ond Parry Dixon, M rs. Cecil Moore and Mrs. T h o m u O ’Connor and all WendeU.

BIRTHS w as bom lo-M n and Mrs.

Roy S tone, W endell, and a w u bom to M r. And

Mrs. R obert Fields, Twlri Palls.

Oregon Man Is _T^enby_Death

KETCHUM , Aug. 6 — Clifford Adams. 69, Portland, -Ore,, died Saturday morning In the Sun Valley hosplliil after a llnRerlnR Illness. H e was vlaltlne h is par* en ts a n d olster fo r th e • ' -

He w aa' bom in H untington, O re . M ay 13. 1906. Ho m arried Helen R hoades In October. 1035, In Boston, Irfass.

S u rv lv in F b o s ld S 'lT lT lfld o w

- n e j j ^ h U r ^ M n. Mlehflgi’D ar- a i l , bo th Portland; h is parents. M r. and Mr*. Clarlc Adams and a sister, M rs. Olen McRoberts, a ll Ketchum.

Funeral services a re Dcndlns a f McGoldrlck fu n e ra l^ h o m ? Hailey.

Burley Firemen Put Out Blaze

BURLEY, Aug. 8 - T h e Burley lire departm ent w u called to the Slmplot po ta to cellar a t Onlty a t 1:25 a jn . yesterday to pu t out

Some boards, -straw a n d d irt will h ave to be replaced, O tb W llllanu, fire chief, said.

Bill a t c s , Declo, discovered the fire while on his way home.

Assistant NamedMary K awamoto h u been ap .

Ing to G eorge Porsehler. m an ­ager.

She h as been employed a t the club to r th e p ast several montlis a s hojt«fl.v Prevlouslj- she wos a t the R ice Bowl in Twin Pall*

a . V. 10,............ itreet, Twin Palls.

.. . cited fo r hanging out o f , ■a-car-wlndOK..wlien-they a p -, | peared Thursday before 'Twin Palls Polloe Judge Dale Ad­amson. Stayner w u the driver and O chaner w u the one hanging o u t th e car window. Ochsher was charged u oo aecesaorr before the facU Stayner'J d rlrera 'license was suspended fo r six m onths and O ehsner w as fined 116. Judge At^msOQ su ^ en d e d the fine.

Twin FaDs News in Brief I Death QaihisCOODCU to Meet

T w in Falls County CouocU for reta rded children will hold lU A ugust meeting a t 8 p jn ; T ues- da y -ln th e B its Ibdge basement.

A ttends COOTM - M rs/ Lillian Moran h u re tu rn ­

ed from PocaUllo where she a t ­tended a two-week tailoring course a t Idaho S tate college.

trophy f o r exceUence. reports Mrs. G lenn Simmons, m anager. G old Strike h u 33 s to res In the

B e la n i FftKB Viait M r. and Mrs. Lawson L od iha rt

re tu rned recently from a tr ip to W allace where they visited the ir son-ln-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n R. Matthews, a n d th e ir son, W. H. Lockhart. The famUlea traveled to scenic points In M ontana and Canada.

3 i > J t l E i 8 t i i Q E = =

Idaho Offer To Help Fete

T errito rial Centennial comnils- alon. . • -

“I t is a deplorable aham e th__ . . . __________ ould ad journ Itsspecial SMslon without providing funds w ith which to celebrate a n d develop our greatest, n a tu ra l resource — the tw irlst Industry." sa id Boise attorney V em oa K. Sm ith , president of th e group.

*-'lf th e legislature U ao 'penny wise a n d so pound foolish' tha^ It w ill n o t prc^de the funds w ith w hich to purchase th e seed to buy a fu ll year of tourist pros­p e rity for every b ' ' ------------

wrecker from Hansel's W recking service, R upert, and a D -4 C at­erpillar approxlm aUly 14 houra to tu m the truck up on Its wheels. T he cem ent had h a rd , ened. ta u s ln g difficulties In up< righting the truck.

Damages w ere estimated 113.000 to th e truck and mixer and Bailey w u taken to Cassia Memorial hospital, where he wa« trea ted and released.

He b scheduled to appear b e . rore^usU ce of the! Peace Alfred Crane. •*

MItehel M i>u*an, 19. Buhl, a s cited fo r failure to yield

right, of way following a c a r . truck accident a t 3:03 p m . S a t. urday In the 000 block of E ighth avenue north . Buhl.

W hen M aughan. driving a 1PM Dodge truck, pulled away from the curb and an oncoming 1SS7 OheYTOlet, d riven by Zllene Max- fleld. 37, Buhl, swerved to avoid a collWon, th e bumpers of boU» vehicles struck-each other. FoUowIng the Impact, the Chev. tolet ran across the street and onto a hvK-n and then swerved back and s tn ick a power pole before stopping, according to City Patrolm an Wesley Annts.InvcaURfttlng o f f ie e r .---------------

■DomoRcs to the Chevrolet $3S0 and $40 to the truck.

Three driver* were fined »10 and .costs and assigned 3S de­merits In Jerom e Justice court o t r s a tu r i t fy m is r w e r e charged w ith'speeding.

Fined were Oscar L. Cllmer,40. Gooding, a n d William D. R e- Jon, 37, S a lt Lake City, who were traveilng-70-m llea-an-hour-ln-a

30, Twin Falla, w u traveling OS ^ T nlie rjs irn ttu rir iT riS ^ nn irM ne: trei

Mrs. L eona -Riggs, 83. Craw­ford, Nebr., w u cited for falling to yield the righ t of. way after she was Involved In a two-car coUlslon a t 10:30 a m . Saturday a t F ifth avenue e u t and Blue Lakes boulevard. Twin l%Ils po' lice reported.

The other driver w u Identified as Ervin E. H and, route 3, Twin Falls. Damoge to both estimated a t |300.

Robert W . Bartlett, 37, 1S18 Elltabeth boulevard, was fined ts In Ketchum police court F rl- day for Improper backing froma-cu tb .-H rrw tts-c lted 'Ju lyai 'o ifhighway-Q3 In Ketchum by c ity M arshal Les Jankov.

Eyesight Funds To Be Extended

_ SHOSHONE, Aug. 6 -T h e pos­sibility of extending the eyesight fm ^ Bponsorcd. by the Rotary club was considered a t the W ed.nejday-noom neeunifr-= ------------

The club.'m ay also help w ith den u i work for underprivileged children and cooperate w i t h other organisations In purchaa., Ing an-audlomcWr for school use In Lincoln and Blaine counties.

A /imilKes of the«ttended and the

group held a noon picnic Vrior ^ P . u l J , a , b s o T v L m . ‘S i

aeeting of ihe club

t i ^ w l t h ' i M poinu.


R o b e r t T . W e s t o n■ " " MINISTER



t w i n f a l l s c it y h a l l — -AUDlfORJUM

Sponsored by Maglo Valley* U nitarian Fellowship

ta sp ay e r and -e lU sen - of - th is s ta te , o u r non-profAt nonparti­s a n BTOup' will TOlunteer to do th e Job," Sm ith said.' S m ith ’s group hopes to promote

oondldates for pubUo office who favor legallied gambling. Sm ith h im self is expected to be a candl- da to for goremor.

Berlin Crisis' (From Page One)

Foreign Wlnlater Maurice Couve do Murvllle; were O. S . Secretary of S ta te Dean Rusk, British Porel* Secretary Lord Home land Wesft German Foreign M inister H einrich ron Brentanol

T h e physical heat of a n August day contrasted with the political chill o f mounting Soviet threa ts against W est Berlin deep in the Soviet zone of Germany.

T h e foreign ministers, backed by s ta ffs T)t experta on Soviet policy, were reported determined to w ork ou t a unified strategy, w

Pair Injured in Galena Accident

HAILEV, Aug. 8 — Jack SlSCO, H ailey, a n d Merrill Hepworth, were Injured in a one*car acci­den t a t 4 pin^ Friday half way up on-thfl north side-of G alena sum m it.

T hey were going south, up the sum m it .when Sisco, driving a 10S8 Oidsmoblle, lost control of the ear. *rhe car w ent olf the

-lefm arorthe-rosdinto-rTfuiiy:The gully w u about so feet deep, according to State Patrolman W illard Baker, Investigating of­ficer,_ a isco _ re ce lv ed .a . b rokeojrlgh t

cuU and bruises end 'w u

jtttm e n trH e p wor^ 'T ccelved-L few cu ts bu t said, th a t he did n o t w on t medical trea tm ent.

T h e c a r w u demolished.

Shoshone Club Plans Judging

SHOSHONE. Aug. ^-M em bers r th e Wood River Uvestock 4-H

club will hold a Judging tour on Monday, Members are to m eet a t the fairgrounds a t 9 a jn . Judg ­ing will tw on sheep, dairy and

Marriage licenses w ere Isued by the Twin county re­corder's office Friday to Clyde R. Ramsey. W hite Swan, Washn

Ginger, Looney, W apatch, w ash., and Clarence Ralston Hunter. Buhl, and Lois Esther Dondho, T tt'In Falls.

Driver Fined

Fire Call A naw ertd The Twin F a ils fire depart­

m ent w u called about 7 pjn: iin g i .................

Ulcai fire a t the -hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Myer, 953 Sec­ond avenue west, * raln Falls. The fire Wftfl s ta rted by a sh o rt cir­cuit In an electrical cord. There were no damages.

Clob Has Meeting..T he F and M club m et a t the

home of Zella Blee Friday night for the annual sum m er potluck

W ins .In Show Susan P e ^ s , daughter o f Mr.

and M r s ^ . J . Peters, Twin Palls, won firs t plaee In the Jun ior E quitation English saddle seat class S a turday a t th e All- -Arablan-Horse .ahog_belng_held a t the Cow palace, S a n Francis* CO. Susan rode herJ pure bred A rabian m are, Fabnich.

a n l Beta M eetT he Unity club will m eet a t

3 p jn . W ednesday a t the home of Mrs. George W a rd Members are requestad to bring cookies.

flOO Damage Reported A drive-ln r e s ta iu « n t c u s tm e r

reported h is cckr h i t a cemcnt post when the gaa pedal Jammed

‘ 11:S0 a jn . Saturday , Twm ....................... *rbe driver was

M .-£ . S tafford ...l6 , 401 .Second: stTMt north. T lie-Incldent, which caused *100 dam age to Stafford's ear, occurred a t th e Bed and W hite D rlve-Inn, aiD W ashing­ton atreet.

Sewer Bond Bids Set for Opening

Bids for T w in P a ris ' •1,700.000 sewer revenue bonds will

commission I n the c ity hall.Bids for th e trea tm e n t p lant

and trunk lin e s -w ere -o p en e d July 28 and a one and one-half million d o l l a r con tract w u awarded to P o w e r Englneen, In c , Twin Falls, lowest of five bidders.

A public hearing on a M-mlll levy and th e recently completed city budget a re also Included “ Monday’s agenda, o rd inances the tax levy, salaries, g u ordl- naixce. am endm ent and beer - dinknce am endm ent will be 1 sidered. '

T he commission- will approve building perm lta, licensecations and any additional Items from the c ity m anager, city cleric or city a ttorney.

Parking FinesOvertlmb park ing bonds were

■ w ith Twin Falls police by W illiam Powell, Jay

E arl W. Riddle. Ellis K night, M arlene Fendrich, Sam Miller, B etty Snow, Clyde Bol- yard. Dale pow ers, Pau l Taber, Jr., Dale H anna, P a u f Pointer, A x t^udso n jL n d Jile n elS e rto c ta .

bonds were posted n-lday by M aiT W M aii, Mrs. R “ L T van ~ Z an t< rT crT y Lawrence. M rs. D an Stafford. T h o m u Hovenden (3). Larry Ev- erton. Ben Call. L. D. U pton, D. Kellon. W illiam NlchoU (3), John Bdck. Velma Saunders, Don Merrell, Tom W alk e t John Cron­in, John H ahn , A. w lrschlng, G. Callcn. F . H . Commons, M arian B ie r and H . E therton.

lemons-At Age of 79OOODINO; Aug. S — Arthur

G. Clemons. 79, a long-time Gooding resident, died Friday a ltem oon a t M agic Valley Me­morial hospital. Tw in Falls, a fter a brief Illness.,

,H e_w as b o m Sept,„37,_188I.

E W d t t t o , tank . . . Sharon Nuvbuhm^ Ing w ith stick and d!cc» I f f'’-- a t fish derby . “ taking gueaii u, swimming pool . . . M li« 0 , '^ ''

r f ~ i t ~ M 5 r l w r ^ ^ ^ * "T li^

f a n n e d ''s o u th ^ t o f ~ l S i ^ o r *” « cam ,so c ia l . . . Da^e"^,.^ *’ome from M ontana for e n d . Carol Jcn.«n In front of local drlve-i,, . . areslcy driving liporu V^. "Val PAfrislPrlxIng urc w ' bert Hendrfx mowing la*n-

hole ball game . . . Ernest f>.. planning watermelon Mrs. K eith . Wickham ^ o a d brimmed h a t . . Prochnow and R o n Heclt drmfi dopm M ain avenue In *msn 3

Richard Baun d S l l f If*.*."®* '» f - - . - A n 4 ovtthea«;

..lany years. H e w u a member of the Goodlnit F irs t Christian church. Mrs. Clemons died May 20, 1M7, and tw o brothers. Lo- rolne Cleiiions a n d vem on Clem-

also died.Survlvlr;g a re three sons. Em ­

m ett Clemons a n d Blythe Clem- ons, both G ooding, and D a l e Clemons, Boise: a sister, Mrs. Ina Boyer, Carlisle, Pa., and five grandchildren.: Funeral services will be held

a t 10 a jn . Tuesday a t Thompson funeral chapel w ith t h e Rev. Donald ^ 0 } ^ f » |c ‘aUng. Con-

wood cemetery. F riends moy call Monday and-untU tim e of serv­ices Tuesday a t th e funeral chap­el. The family auggesta memorial donations to th e F irs t Christian church bu ilding-fund.

Merchants Will —Hold-Drawings

SHOSHONE, Aug. 6—Members .1 the m esthanta* eotnmlttee will sponsor draw lnga a t ' th e county fair Aug. 3S-30.

Moat Shoshone bualneu houses will close F riday , Aug. 3S, from parade tim e u n til 1 p jn .


Rasmussen, Jr., *7, transient, w u fined $35 by Burley Police Judge John E . Bowen yesterday for disturbing the peace and Ordel Simper, Oakley, posted a (38 Dond-ln>Burley police.court yes-' terday oo the sam e charge.

Seen ...


Republic of S ou th Atrlcn'ji dm to lu re w hite ImmlRr.nt, , p ia in g up b u t ao U Uie Ho» ^ whites leaving. .-The ImmimuS f}ep«ttm ent e m f i j l l ^arrived during- the J i r ^ months o f. 1001 and 7.508 fc“

I f aomeone would inrenl a4 new m iracle drug Itu t m la -^ expensive,. (h a t wenld bi a miraele.


The Wishes o f th e fa m d v are fa i th fu l l v follow ed bu us tn every respect, includirtQ th o u p h t/u l considera tion /o r ■ fin a n c ia l ' clrcum stanccs.



Faitt Brand ' _

M inced Horn _ XFalli Brand

CHILI BRICKSFalli Brand Sllcod (Rind on)

BACON (« a l quality) ^


C L E A N SE R ^.., .40 Grein Pickling

VINEGAR (yourM ntalner) gal.------ ;<Rlgh»-«ii-e«-toe-barrel)-

Whito SoHn

SU GA R. 25^2.79PRO0U€E-B

^resh, Criip


POTATOES „Freah/ Green Slicing

CUCUMBERSLarge Freih |"AA''

StrawberriesFROZEN FOODS

W etchod« Freih Frozen 6 ex. can*

G rape Drink 9/$lb a k e r y d e p a r t m e n t

H ette it Ftngor or Jelly fill iR O L L S = X . 8 9 C




R b U N T i ^ E ^


NEW STORE, HOURS: Sundoyf 9 o.m. to7 p.m. — W «ik Doya Monday th ru Sahirdoy8 to 9 p.m.

Page 3: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113

I g B r v e y Reveals T.F. Residents AreBacking Tough” Policy for Berlin

A chfck of more r .lU reaWcnis revcnitrt ;.ho fen 'cn lly dlMKr«U . Ota cWcf cxccutifCn call Tor

■ ____S iltn rv buildup to couiUw Rus-■ “ ih rc iU 61 tt scvara'


A rpot «un-ey rcvesU ihn il a w nlor a t a t. John ’a eoUcBP.; lecttl rwldenl* >‘PP''p''ciM,,u,Motii. NUcJ.fttl O ruy *orkJi|o tm s W e n t John P . ,h^ monUw fori. , i i touRh". Berlin «tnml.

• T^o»9 Inlcrvlewod mcludtOennunoennm . tm lg n u it uj.A , „ f(

Services Held Thiu-sday tor Area Woman

oartv n l f f t l r s ' »AOEn.MAN. Aub. 5 -F u n e rn l| nom i -W c defJ fof M™-InUelv » h o u ld '^ ' '’f‘l'f"P **''*Wke 'iTainml, ‘nsThuMdny « Che lU iK rnw t irve f e l l n 1 churcli with th f nrv , Iftlotie—T hlA -r« .'^" 'R '» t E. W llcher of U»c Oood- lnlo.»R,_ThiA r . v . „ . "M,n,od||it-church-ottlelMmi;:

Snis^nl. owner of Sini.- '•■*1' Oflicf E(iiiipmcni coinpniiy.

nrine m locill Dfmncrnt

Local Recruiter ts-Top-Ratlng'lop rfcrtiltlng office” fl»81

,for WnliP, Utah and N ew l* « • icfnily unA ftwurdfd to 8/8gU .H . O. iDiul* r rrw n . Mr force re- Icnilier for Hip M ndc VMlcy ««»• He wiiA nAiiifU the lop recrtillw for July.

TJip « u ( i r d . Ii prc*:nl«l monUily to iIm- rrcrulllng offlcf I Mid rpcruitpr havlnK the h ljhw lI-------1. .

~ HlnH Sr.CfAur\ l l g n . PrrMdciiilUnUfrt ^ p ^ r .

Kcniitdy did lli f j llonorftry pnllijtftrcra .. . . . , rleJit jhlHc; if ‘j.ick ' i v o ^ n d . C w pcr smiOt.

V.C-V8 ROt to ’oiiy Lcromon. Hou'ard Cllffortl,

iOprn" lo rpRiMpred nurses, c®* I IlcRc Rrnduntm, nvlntlon cftdeUi I nnd per.'oiw with prior «crvlce.

f ‘rtiy '*V llh V om m unU l-conifoU iv. _ jdonuIX .lhe_W "l!^ A :u.vrar.o1,l *rcrrtnry. Non»jnfid R ia t Oermany nnd, p:rhftp*. - . m u s t I f t k r i» Filfr. rrcciuly nmiounccai^ W E of Allied “ccrj* to we should do It Uiere. Mr. Ju t m.ifnns,. 6rpC. Ifi to a 21-■ felB . whlcn |W 11» m lto

' ' ' w U “ l S u “ "r... b a t ' K- I W f '" ™ . T « ‘“

hnlrcd G erm an,w ho In innniiKer, of OrlCB'« Motor court nnd the

c lu b in .............. ...... .

» PalL'i Injiurnnee m an and r

llnunoi M n r^ . Will Tupper, John WnUh. John SlArk, .Ben TAy[or, Si»m Wood. Jolii^ W.

......- ............................. JniiM nnd ^ l FWh.N<'alr u \ \ \ -Of coursc. I don 'll Mr*. John W. Joom unj* pi-

hiis'aand to have- to ro nnlsi. She nccompftnled n qunrtci

. M t,^ jia a j> x iL cu ilca i.^ ta ;Jry Lc.Moynr. j r . And Mr». t

. iiiii 1 Mill ihink Mr.]or In the naUonal BUar^. 1» In* Kcmtrdy uu» r ish t in dolns jo r in tne n»uot«u — i K hruw ,.

[clii'v L’ irylnj to pujdt the newcrciwlngb' cerned ft America's.

lleuieiinnt in th e i. |U.S.Blr force

FofuchliTi Ispcnl World - . . codct lit. Ihe O erm nnm ll-, lllary wademy in I iPotadam,-----I p m

^ u S n to u ie XJSSn la. the re . ^ t x M d oa p m o M \ cw erl-

• *"wd3 Porschler. - I t * m hlRh UniB wa «topped pui^'fooUnK amund &nd le t them kncft ^ e

■' inwnd to s tand up for our ^ « h » .'Taro th liw s wJU happen: Eliher

or Kljruahchcv will lose in hi# «tolU le, empire

"■'fa ite r th a n th e communlala ,wotj i S em pire. W e ptvo Wm. Wiff redX t t r ta tm c jt .here (d ^m *tlie W v le t-p rem lc t'i.lW v ta lt to

I the U S . and confcretice with

-• -11 d id n 't do ua * blt;bf gp o a . . .-i *'D8onUal1yi ' ‘e've been a t

» i th Ui6 lUxasUna for 15 year*. w ’S c W c r ^ U O n e d . "pu rlM th a t tim e. O jh tlnc

§ them on ih rce jro n ta :* leal, technoloelcal and ld » lo a -

‘‘“ p l^ ld e n t Kcnnedy’f port on th is Juu# cnxwe* PoUOeaj 5ne«. Her# are «o«nmeiU« f r w TimubUcan County C lert T . W.

of m e Peace e rt E . Pcnco and Ii. Jamea KouU nii£ ft buslneasmim who la actfre

■ In O O P county political acUvlUea. Bllvera notod. “t m definitely to |

------ f a W -« r - * -» o r o poslUro a W d .I f w e ftToJd I t «* eerW tiiy thou ld n 't fUtht. b u t U no o the r recourw , we wUl. have

‘"■TWa^’ahould have been done ■even m onths aico.” Judeo PenceS i - w f »■« J .t U..eommunW * ««t *way w ith w hat

don* in Cuba. Anyway.i ^ S T a d i t 1.and 1 aupport R o d e n t Kofine-dy-« Btand." , ____

K outn lk aU ted. y m CM M r. Kennedy la flaaJ Inff u p w ith w hat tJ># P ,,

• itnown and b e llev ^, prove# one thin*, tn my opinion. i

^ Any poUtlcUxn, If h e hopes to" reelocted. Is eventuaUy l n « to I

oa teb iHUx tb a pubUo'a ceo- |

o t n

ndnilnLvr.ulon i ! hov Inr

course last sum- mer. .Major i lo r . cnden has de> voted much of hU own time speaking on tel-evlslon and be- . . . . . .— ,fore a wldo Tarlety oC civic clubn 4 U id _ o tiie c _ c « w ^ tlo n 3 about problems o t j»uo551 survlvM-ln" the atomic age.

Hovenden. who f o u jh t during World w ar 11 as on officer In ih# army's Xamcd th ird Infan- I try division, says, •‘My general feellnir 'l s he (Kenncdy> Mid som ethlns th a t should have been said a Ions time ago. i m nt)so- lutely In (« ror o ( h is s ta n d ; In fact. I 'm In lavor.ot tok ln s «very action pc«aU)Ie to w in th e cold war. by pu ttlnc Btiasla on th e de* fen*lve. U I have to (to boctc in the arm y to help do th is thins,

J U be * lad to ffo . .Mra. H eU a H enderson, mother

o tfc n-yeor-o ld h ie li school stu.dent, is juvenile;^--------------officer fo r t h e . r»,'in .Falls coun-5 ty p robate court.;* I 8h8 ftdmlU, worried about ' u -a ro n d c e r t^ ly don 't w anf.to . se* K en t (her sc(» fight. But] we m ust back tipl our s t » n d Inj BerJJn; th e onijth ln g -K h r tu h - ..............Cher believes In Is force. Mr,Kennedy did th e r i« h t thing,-

I Junes Bcoggtne. sa -yetr-o ii-. Tw in PalLi resident w ho Is a private first class In U^e national KUftrd, supports K ennedy’s stand, i" If wo don 't f ig h t in Berlin, w e lt have to figh t In Brooklyn."

hopr-llic R iiM li»i«~w ill~bacir'| ilc'.Mi, nccw,>ry. »ve inii*i 1flRtii.-

ProlMip JmtKe Zoo Ann War* ■rK <ia:fltKn lie r« )f a* a "con- I'nitvc Iii'publlcan." in UkIu of

ihw fliilliiJc, the ludBC endorses nn nejtf.Mlve cold wnr stjvnd, snylns. "1 feel we mw it make n *tnnd tieic..On th is l» u e . I su p- port Mr, Kennedy.’’ i

Mltlistl Leedji, 23. 380 Pierce, lAirfMrApFtrdJTBiirm- ‘ ' year worklne ,t

Icoiulxiins of Mnry Em,-in, M r*.,........Robert 0«ston. Mrs, Alfred Rnn* lOrlme.t, |rty nnd Mrs. Robert Tupper, iwlilch MOB tw o songs,

Awlsilns w ith the flower* were

illawell,' Ornve.tlde ritr.i were • hrtd by the Unlnn RebekMi lodge with Mr*, a ie n n limdrlclcMn as c h a p .. l.iln In chftfBe. luwWed by Mrs,' Jnck Divrd.<Iey nnd Mrs. Elwood



Jmoney to nllend the ColltKc of Idnho, Kampiv.Ho U . " v e ry , much In faror, of Mr. Kenne-I dy's B e r l i n epf«h; 1 hope ue ll W nble to lollow llirouRh.I'm Iliad the ;:oTigre»**up-IporU Ills Bland.- ,

OUier replies wer« sim ilar. AJJ In all. T»ln Pnlls' reuUdenu tten-l erally favored Kennedy’s' aUvnd, No one wanw w ar. bu t no one Is wlllln* to surrender Berlin to a\-old a direct ’conflict w ith th e ; communLiu, * '

Renf A New I n n r i f e ' R O N E R

For$2 .50 p e r W e e k


TwiD Falls — Buhl — Jerom e

Yc.i. it’a no.iaible -r- with tho Travel Agen­cy’s h e lp . Rcscrvn- 11 0 n H, tickctfl, pnflR- port, vlflns — «»’ de- tnilfl a t no extra cost

to nny foreign or __ United Stnte^pointn.

As direct repre.ienlnllve of tho nir lines and .steamship compnniea, hotels, tours, resorts, wo britijr all servicen to downtown Twin Fftlls. .

Of course, a trip is much nicer planned months in Advance and we caij make your travel dollars Ko further w hether you want ju s t transportation, or lodginfr, sightseeing, package tours, trip In- sursnce.etc.

Drop in »r-«^lLfor_dctatled information -r^'pny-—

. . _________: z =

tMctqic Carpet ‘Zfavcis2 2 0 S h e th o n t S t . E.

hudson'sTheft Reported

At Local StorellTfioTC5nviTtTrtorera<ft-AA'■

avenue west. T«-ln PalU, burslarlxed o t an estimated MO sometim e between a;30_and 11:45 p jn . T t ld a r by som K ne w ho h id m th s 's to re a t closbn (lm«, po-

_„Uc« report.-------trert-lfna;.

— - s a l d J b a J j u r i l W j i p p ^ t l y come In to th e s to re w hile h e WffTwlcir

~ l n e "CFUt-bnclrtor-about-ls-m ln- utes ju.1t before closing tim e.”.

T h e burglar, wno le f t aeveral i checks In th e «aah r««l8ter, took f oR lr cash , V nonder sold.

U noader dlscovcnd th * tiu tft w hen ho retu rned to th e « r — -*

I l i : « p jn . PWday to d o -------work. A t th a t tim e ho found the back doo r open. I t w as bolted sh u t w hen he le ft a t 6:30 p in ., he said, adding th a t h e bad to tise a ham m er to w td ^ in th e bolt.

"Th# p ttoon m ust have koerwn I r hab lta ." TJnaader rem arked., F

Historical Unit Trips Canceled

. C ontinued h o t w e a th tt and conflicting events fo r which date» have' boen set in other eommunltfes I t i tn m u l le d la ne}d trips Of tho T w in Palla County

' H istorical soclet7 being post­poned u n til S ^ te m b e r. onjioune-

--'t»-Or'A -<Ou*)-lCelker.:prM ldtnt,

- T c S ; ? ! J g 5 C . . _ : : z r . “a tu n d e d th e Borly Settler’s picnic I w hich 'Win be held a t ih e n i e r I

is aunday, Aug. is . a n d I

•’•Doth these events a re tmpor- ta n t ORM and m erit attendance by h istorical s ^ e t y members.’*

. K c U c f S d / I ^ c l c d t h « en Porterfield. 80cret«ry_ and program chairman, and W ayne W alker. Buhl, director *nd t©-

•pVogfam o h a l i ^ ^ , m ^ ■ r n n n m e n ts to r two trip* la 8 o p t« ib c r-a o d another to O eto- be


- A n t e n n a sC o m p le te tr

$ 1 0

j'rRadii i t ^ S w v i

. . J I E . W 5 9 0 ,


« 0 ('r/ie/**"

J^T O fFT ”See yow Busier Brown ieelcc today, nnd le t him show you the new trt Idea la eolee. Wo’»e actually f e i t « i theM,w]M OB mnac o t th e ha rdest p lay io t

b o y t la the country and ftmnd th a t V yly tootweaw b o th lostber a n d n ib b « .

mmax/n0 foafunst• euiW onedvw Ik• d u r 6 ^ e• sMfy'fetlihmt• Il9hlv«l9h»• flexible

. • oti reilifant . ■ . ' • beat end cold rwUlonl

A R E A L T R S A y

- f O R A C r i V E - f U U

Rugged cndToogh.......mode for the odlve boy.;

...wedge crepe »ol»» ond - "Swotrt.ProcrUofhof

Joto1e»,AII around nofl‘ leti cOMtrwcttoo for • .lO N G B W E A R

^ 'T te T r r B T ^ "T n fBmOaTGday.n



” ■

BIG B O Y S' SIZ E S. 2 V i to 6 .


BO Y S'S SIZ E S 1 2 V i t o 3 .........

b IG B O Y S' SIZ E S 3 W t o 6 ----------------

- FREE! Flying Satellite TopJ u s t s to p in . W in d it, p r e s s t h e bu tt& n , w o tc h it t a k e o f f In th e a jr . S p in s tik e a to p , to o .


l O ' / i 2 . . . . 1 1 ° ®


2 V . . , . . . 1 3 “

Hadson's have the iorgesf selection of |S H O E S E VER !

Page 4: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113

PAGE F O n S ’ T IM E S -N E W S , t w i n p a l l s , ID A H O SUNDAY, AUGUST 6 . i s jt


t w . lB«<

AtWESTKItOIUW UJWKLl'dICK WILtT DODDS CmlBm MkAMtr lb « « (lw tilu*

RAirrad M Meoad <Um m II ■•lUr April

----- ^ P o p a la tie n -P re ssu ;From the population speclolUta you c(in

collcct «ome p re tty wlld-sotindlng projec- Uons.' The trouble la. If something doesn;t happen soon to slow, halt or reverse world trends, w hat I3 wild today could become true In aamo d istan t tomorrow.

The p resent average ra te of poptUa- tlon growth fo r the world Is 1.7 per ceht

“ J f e r r y f f a r . - B u t l e t ’s - T je 'c o n B e r v a t lw a n d go back to th e one per cent rate which prevailed In the 1030>40 dccade.

If auch a ra te had existed lor the 5.000 years of recorded human history, and we had started with Just 100 persons on earth, the population right now would be 2.7 billion persona for every square foot of land surface.

Actually th e ra te over most of record­ed history was a good deal lower, which aw hy-lt-ha8-tak6n-untlU 0fil4o.put^ea.billion people on the globCi Note, however, that w hat took so very long to do the first time will be repeated In 40 years, We'll have alx blUlon by year 2000.

The curren t growth rate of 1.7 per cent could give us 60 billion people In less than another 200 years. T hat total Is the largest jin y scholar has dared to aay the earth could “carry," th a t Is, /eed and clothe ao9 house. ,

But the ra te la in foct higher for some parta of the globe.and may go atlll higher. United Nation* leporta suggeat the aver­age may rise to from 3.1 p e r cent to-2.6

- per cent by year 2000.Asia and Z^tin America and Africa al­

ready are well beyond the'world'avcrage, with L atin America reaching a growth rate, of 3,4JW!r cent_yettrly_Bnd_exp_ected

r^ '^ A a jiu .e x iiu n il irdffwhu t; thjstcanr m ton--------o n « -p o B u to U o n : n g m = X - O b .e t v i a J l m t J t

• “Mexlco-contlnuea to'expand a f l t s pres­ent rate, Its population in 300 years would bo 30 billion, o r 10 tlmea the world’s total today.

Wo hea r m any cheerful forecasts..that • adence will take care of everythlhg, th a t we'll mine th e se&s odd the a ir for raw natorlalT and accommodate the earth to fantastically larger numbers than we have now.

These'leavo out o t account the unas­sailable fact th a t mere space to live In will become a pressing problem unless trends are altered. One sclentiatl Prof. Phlllp Hauser ot the University o t Chl> cago, aay^ th is would be true even under the absurd as^ropU on th a t m an 'm lght try, a t g reat cost, to bunow into the

' earth, live In man-made layers above It, or live on the broad oceans.

........ •_ All of us now on, earth, who face .only, aQlmple doubling of the global poinilatlOQ In the next four decades, can look upon the longer range projections as quite Mn-

.. real. ._But.w hil6 jncst.o f-m an 's 'flnely-spun dreams Just vanish In air, th is '‘fantasy" Is different.-M an will have to act; con> aclously to make this one go away, by somehow changing the very hard facts of

■ growth th a t underllft It.

CAUGHT m CROSSFIRE wnen“ ic-com es’. to the -spendlng-of

money for th e 'h o m e front, President Kennedy is caught In a crossfire from those who say be Is doing too much and-

------those who aay-he doesn’t do enoughr


W H i i W b i e i GTttckar m rlfn ' oumKmii

......______________ " — ” ____ Illlktm' ’"wA«m iOT^M — -W hy.- «*k* L. s.. Jer*ey Cier. N . J .. "Isn’t P resldeot Kennedy wliUns to n i t down o a <lomeiUc tpendlni;. In vl;w o( the

------------------bimona he wwtui for bulldlnsth e Brmed forces? E*en -a h l f lc d ' from ‘Dr. New --------- Win the Waf." ~

W A S H D JO T O N -T ho m aate ri th e K nm U o ha re h a d .

ttlo a fo r rnenT m onth*

stronger economic suuctureand , social lyatem. In his opinion,

such things m Improved healUi. higher educailonnl standiirds

Kar t tiF'— m inimum o( ...............In short, a sound A merica - ure. definite mllllAry ssseU.

MoreoTcr, M cordln* to hU imanclal sdvUen. the tddlUonftl blUlons to be poured out for the m ilitary buildups, lo r lorelirn aid, for civil de> tens« InitallAtlons, lo r routme federal expendl* tures aod lo r "new Irontler" expansion will brine la a s re a t deal more of revenue 10 the treasury.

Otherwise. P resident Kennedy could not an* Uclpato a balanced bud(et lo r the 1«3 llscal

y w r -------------------------------------------

■- ; ^ E N A L - NOW. PROVOCATIVB — There U a lio the fac t th a t tranafonnlnB the t;nlted S U tes Into an "arsenal of democntt5“ a t thU early stoco would be too provocative. I t would h an d K h ru ih ch e r a line piece o t propaaandrv In th e s tn iss le lo r the m o r a n u p p o r t of neutral nations.'

D ^ t » p lenty of provocaUen on tlie p a rt of Uie a»ls powers. PD Il did no t sh ift physicians untU a fU r the a ttack on Pearl H arbor.

J ^ a l i y , i t m ay encouraRe allies and neutrals.

m ilitary and domesUc expansion on a tn m ^ ' p recedented scale.

CAUPOBNIA BEPUBLICAN8 AND NIXON • - -W hy do OalLfomla Republicans, Inquires H. 8h B alias. Te*.. “seem to object to th e nomination of the lo m e r r ice president lo r governor next year?“

Answer: OalUomla RepubUcana • seem to be divided on Uj Is quesUon. B ut thero Is a definite objeetlon to h is leen terlng na tional politics In th is way.

lU # opposition exists amontc m any Eepubllcoa re su la r elemeoU. Including Nixon's own friends and adm irers. T h e debate Involves n o t only his fu ture, and I f Is generally atrreed th a t h e has one. bu t bOso tho welUbeUij of th e OOP In Cali­fornia and this nation.

A Wl*on candidacy alone would tend to create ln tra*pnrty b itte m e u and Jealousies. There will be 'o thercftnd ldates-for-lhe-nom lnaU on.. possibly: Including lorm cr Oov. Ooodwin j . KnlRht. « I t loolu like a good BepubUcan year, there will

W A SH lN aTO N O iE A )- 'm ere are two m ino r cltt.vdcs o l poUUcal brdodCiutfnff hamtrn 'l n port ZIT of the reports from Sen. Ralph -Vorborousii's commenw-oubeom- mltlee on Ireo- dom ot

jh 8 tia m 6 ’" le U B itb a t re o a b Ie * ^ e m -to -d e f^ ^ le ^

■ H ie ^ iS a a 'ch S iig o - th a r th d lflrm etJV lco,Pr«l- den t was u slns th e gOTemorshlp a s a launching pad lo r th e W hite House.

VICTORY M IG HT IIUHT CHANCES — Tor th is reason, a victory m lglit rule Nixon out lo r th e 19M presidential nomination, opening Uie w ay fo r O orem or Rockerfellcr o r S ena to r Oold-

All in a ll. a Nixon try lo r BMramento would be a n upsetUhg a n d unsettling lec to r In bot}i Cali­forn ia and naUonal politics. A nd praeUcal poll- .tlelans don 't like such squalls.

(tUlMMd br UcClura N«wip>»*r 8rB<I>eit«)

V iew s o f o t h e r sLAKES COULD BE UTILIZED

Drowning of a 19-year-old youth loeussed ^ - munlty a tten tion on two lakes created by the

............. or th e

The first group, which Includes former President Elsenhower, m any other lead­ing Republicans and some conservative Democrats, argues th a t any deficit spend­ing Js.rccWess, tending toward inflation and lasting damage to the ecbnomy.

Kennedy’s programs, as projected, are said to Indicate a 3.5 billion doUar de- flclt for the next llscal year. This Includes

—the-recent-addltlons'to-space-plans-ando th e rs .

But whereas his conservative oppon­ents voice steady alarm a t thU outlook,- other critics say his assault on the ills of the economy—not to mention other matters—13 fa r too modest.

In support for their view, they point

The lakes in M inidoka county are aizeable and attrocUve wlUi rea l posslbUlUes lo r recreaUon. U nlortunately they also create a hasard.

T he Peter Klewlt C onstruction company which created th e 'la k e s by borrowlnir earth lo r IIIU on the In tersU to posted "no trespassing" signs a lte r th e tragedy.

T he lake In w hich th e youth drowned cootslns about e igh t «crds o l w ater w ith an average depth

p o n ^ .judg ing by th e num ber o l youths who used

them as swimm ing holes they h a d real attrac­tion fo r th a t purpose. P lan ted w ith a lew trees and g ta s i they would provide excellent sites *

In w inter.U ntil th e re - ls -a m ethod of supervising swim­

m ing for a g rea ter degree o f 'sa fe ty , •the lskes should be closed to fu rther use. There Is also th e question of w hether or n o t the woter Is tam lnated.

Those who live In th e area say th a t there Ti*v6-been-hiiir'» -do«n-near-«trownlngs.-N earby residents abo com plain th a t they are rendezvous fo r Juvenile beer parties. Even a fte r the one lake was posted and a barrier erected a carload of youths m oved 'the ba rrier a n d w ent swimming la te a t night. T he beer parties and others tres­passing should be controUed by law enlorcement agencies.

W hen construction Is completed In October and th e lakes are turned over to th e s ta te , they should be developed lo r recreational use.—Burley Uer- ald-Bulletln.

nation's unemployment ra te atlll ranges________ClQan-tO_sevgn per ct»nt o f thi> Inhnr fpfpg11 even though m ost fxperta'say the 1960-61 11 recession Is now over. They would attack ■ unem ploym ent-with a heavy blast of

apendlng, or a sharp tax cut.Some ot. thtf President’s friendlier

: _ critics th in k he agrees with tlTe “bigger Hellclt’' npproachrbut-fears It poUMrally: They say he doesn’t want the label ol

.1, . ^ "spender!! .pinned on h im ....................^ B ut men close to Kennedy pain t the

picture quite differently.- They say there Js aome tru th to the no-' tlon he w ants to avoid th e spending tag

"f • But they-inslst his broader concern Is to balance competing ecoiiomlc factors, that Ja, to offset the need to cure heavy un.

- employment against the need to block re- ; newal of th e harm ful gold outflow only } ■ retently checked.,i These m en re g ard ‘a 5 billion dollar

deficit as perhaps the peril point. They are happy th a t economic gains, yield the prospect ot » lower figure In the comlna llscal year. “

W hether you are crouched. In the Mn- sftrratlTO o r the liberal thicket* you can

prompted a police warning and admonlllon.In m ost Instances, youthtul bicyclists, and mo­

tor vehicles, have been Involved la these mlshsps.Happily, according to Lieut. R . j . Tucker's re­

port, “nobody h a s been oerlously hu rt yet. and we w an t to preven t I t from happening."

tney point Hence, th e police a re addressing to the young- '•'Sxar:' ••W hiit' Is the n«£Unn

d e te m ta td to itay in ths mlaaie I t Innn both sWes.

. I t i enUrely proper th a t the authorities should g lv e - th b w arning and so direct a ttention to tra l llc sjileiy reRuJstiwu tftnt hnve been Met down. In the ligh t of experience, lo r Ihe benefit o l all o t us.

I t Is desirable, too. th a t m otorists should be counseled, particularly a t th is time of year. \o m ake allowance lo r occasional aberrations of young blcj-ellsu In traffic.

An accidcnt In which n younw ler may be In­ju red Is none th e less previous If a motorist In- volveil in It te driving well w ithin hU legal rights, —Idaho Dally Statesm an.

. ^ SHOPPING 18 HER JOB TOe senators who have given themselves the

assignment of protecting American 'Molnsi the u;llea of psckARers and,labelers of loodstuffs ought to visit our superm arket.

The housewife we know best doesn't need n oenator to help her. W ith he r beody. Illtle rbbln

m toing nothing, she moves from shelf to Mudylnir labels and

prices. Click, click, rocs her electronic bmln. m P“ *'nRc.wlih the llnm-

bo jan t label and lucks onolher inio her carl. She P«r»«tion, 6he Is ef-

S . S . S ° b K r .

to Btt the r igh t pro-

often. As for th s housw lfo we know be*t-let

Beginnmg Countdown MARQUIS CHILDS WRrrEToN

T V A aT m jrvm M _ 'n .> ______ '

perhaps less Imporiant « d for us th a n ^ e l r Incentive or goal to produc?"* advance the cause of * munlsm both In the Sovln u ia t to u s n o u i t e

ptnnlngs of strong induftrm “ *

nomlc troubles th a t even th e iron c u rta in cannot conceal. T h e forced d ra l t fan n prog ram In Red c h in a , a n d to a lesser de»ree

faUgd to p ro . Vide su in c len t food. T h e de a th penalty has 'been resto red -ln the Soviet T nlon lo r specuUtors. and production managers w ho la ls l- ly statlsUc* a re threa tened Jail sentences.

W h a t we are seeing once again Is th e fam iliar ‘■crisis o l Incen- Uve." U nder th e dogma of M tirx and L enln. the hum an desire lo r personal rew ard Is ru led o u t. I t is as though a political surgeon h a d decreed th a t the Soviet clU-

m u st b reathe w ithou t his jrT h e-lo n p a n d -to rtu o u s-e x *

pe rim ent In th e a ttem p t to re - ^ v e by hiChless poUtfca! — gery a fundam ental h um an Uve Is entering a new phase.

T h e a pec tacu lu achievem ents of th e Soviet Union have re su l t, ed in p a r t because dogm a has been Ignored. The elite a t th e

In a reas other than thi- tacular. the ineenUve of pe4o?.i rew ard is being restored Soviet collecuve fnrmj distributed Irom top to

pr^uct|^ ,n "worth»‘‘

the -U n lted -S taus.- and' one-th lrd less la t,rm s Sf vs"?

•The concern of those Vns broad knowledge of the ^ m unlst bloc U tha t th . advertlsfcd economicS tir ? HSS ‘ Of cob" placency. There have been rTviri. lo r example, that u»e «

m ely by

W A S H I N G T O N“ B y P E T E R 'E D S O N ^

llcatlons lo r the h ighest ofllce in th e land? He boasts o l the w ay h e handled X h n u h ch e r In th a t Moecow .k itchen I n July, 1069.-D o you-rem em berhls'reply when Khrushchev crowed ol Russia’s superiority In rockets

- - - - roB T dtrw

_POTSh o t s

PHM U m>

n i l s voliune’e )0 pages con-

b O n . tran scrip ts of a ll th e rad io a n d television network a p p e a r, ances o l th e two presldentlA] c an ­didate*—Including the great de- ' a te»-<hirlne th e la st 20 weeks

t th s 1000 compnign.Tho purpose o l taking a ll those

SOO.DOO w ords O il tapes and p u t- ting thcn i In p r in t Is to let the congress look a t them in the cold gr;iy lig h t o l Uie year after and see w h at ought to be done to suppress m ore o f th s aams be- lo re 1»04.

T his IMO s tu f f seemed pretty im portant a t th e tim e, but It's cold com soup now, except ' two'jnemorable shows.

The t o t 1* v ice President R ichard 11. Nlxon'k appeaxance M the Jack P ita r show Aug. 39. T he seoond la TaUulah Bank­head’s In troduction of Sen. John T . Kennedy on the 'In te rna tiona l X ^ e s O a m e n t Workers show Nov. 7.

T here Isn 't space here to p rin t full texts of bo th . B ut a lew e x . cerpU will give you a sample o l w hat you m ay have missed. F irs t the P a a r show .

'R ussia m lght-top us InToekr e ts-and~ sa te ltltes .’—he-ehouted> ■ b u fln 'to lo rU le v le lo n - lt 'h in s 'a poor aecond.*


speaking to you from W oAlng- t o n ; . . I h ave a telegram In m y olflco-ln-N ew -Y crk-that-w lU -bo framed. T h is Is w hat I t says: T o R ichard N ixon, th e vice presi­den t o f th e U nited SUtes. In care o t Ja ck Poor.* T h e stock

b u t I t i M th r tu-C an I any w h at people soy—

In the n u tty circles th a t I move In? . . . T hey aay. 'W ell, what's the d lllerenco between Richard Nixon a n d J a c k K ennedy?'"

Nixon: “How much time ha re I got?-

P aa r: “Mr. Vice President. I watched bo th convenUons. In - cldcntolly, I was watching on tilevlaJon a n d » M end o t mine. Joey-B lahop.-ealled-and he said, 'I w ouhed Senator Kennedy. He came o u t of h is hotel and Jumped In a big black c a r and they drove off. N ixon Ju st came'O ut^Jump- ed in h is c a r sind drove ofi.' Joey

•"W e're voting lor tv?o who c a n 't d r iv e .'"

cult . . . O tir tw o g irls,are both sensitive . . . We. of course, do no t discuss th e political dtuaU on a t home."

Pftor; •:! hnve a feeling the Kennedys dlscus.Tlt a t home."

Nixon (At the end of the ahowt: "Could I ask you one la . vor. Jack ? -

P w : "You con osk any la ro r you'd like."

Nlxont “Could 1 autoirraph lo r our

Tho O orm ent Workers' show three days bclore election was a paid netu-orle broadcast to pre­sent n speech by Kennedy.

Bnnkhcftd; -ThU ts Tallulah Ban! head. Indies and gentlemen. I am on ac tress— momentarily unemployed, a long wlUi,flve m il- lion o the r Americans.—t-a m ~ a . southerner, a Prole.itant and I am a D em ocm t with a capital D. I am here , to Introduce John P. K ennedy who. as o f ,Jan . 20 will be a residen t of’ 1000 Penn< sylvonla avenue. T hat 's thi W hite H ouse. darUngs . .

•'B ut before I present John Kennedy. I would like to say a lew w ords about> hLi eonfavd

oiimea opponent. Mr. NCTj£ j t * d w S ‘ th a t everything M ' “W hat a ra 'il ir . 'M a c e V fluaiJ-

Washington Notebook

Soviet standards. Scientists, m ili­tary m en , artists, writers, p roduc­tion . m anagers get Umoualnes.aportm entsr summer h o u se s ,------p e n o n a l expense accounts.

W hen I t comes to th e 'f a ., a n d th e individual consum er, the vacuum o l Incentive-U a serious handicap. T h is ta e rld e n t above a ll In th e dUtrlbuUon system . Even If the Sovlet>Unlon should actually outproduce th e U nited

In Toiuma of b u tte r , m ilk - •• - •••■'unanswered

----------------------- ---------lUien •wouldget b is share In-good q u a lity a t a -falr-price m e o sw d In h o u rs .o l w o r t , . .

B u t am ong those wt)o h a v e ac­cess to a ll available Inlorm aU on. both pubUshed and


W ashington will be as socially dead as a ghost town during the A ugust dog days. Congress still .w ill be sw ea ting 'It ou t In alr-condltloned agony.

Vico Presldent-P riem ler Chen Cheng o l the RepubUo of China - th e season's la st official vlsl-

r. P resident a n d 'M r s . Ken­nedy will be In Hyannis Port. Mass., lo r longer and longer w eek-ends,' practically esUbllsh- ing a sum m er W hite House a t the bay s ta te reso rt town.

Reposing on' P resident K en­nedy's d ^ Is ii' book, bound In sober blue, containing a ll his u tterances In the lOGO la ll cam­paign. I t Is volume 1 In a series o l lo u r ■volumes prepared by the senate "Ireedom o l commutUca- tlons" aubcoAmlttee, covering virtually everything said by the presidentia l candidates la s t year.

T h e Presiden t also has his special copy of volume n . set-

m ents o l form er Vice President N Uon. B u t th is one Lin't or tho P residen t’s dcst.H e.IceepiOi In h is living quarters—to be ex­act. a t h is bedside.

N igeria 's Prim e M inister Sir Abubakar T afaw a Balewa had some salty"Observallons'~to make on th e International sltuaUon during h is W ashington visit

“I t is no t easy to change Irom colonialism to self-rule." he told a N ational Press club audience “You A mericans lived In a colony a long tim e ago. but you have forgotten about I t now.

‘W isdom Is n o t exclusively the a ttr ibu te of a big country with vast m ilita ry power. It_con come from a small country—nh — derdeveloped country—too.

“I t som ething happens to your linger, your whole b o d y sut­lers. T h e world as a whole should be regarded as th e body ot

Dr. L eonard W . Larson, new president o l American Medical ossoclaUon, w hich h u Just an­nounced I t will organize a politi­cal action program , says th a t

.ew Job will be dealing w ith 1 Instead o t tissues, mali­

cious -rum ors Instead o l malig­n a n t tum ors a n d Interpretive « - olysea Instead o f urinalyses.

M uch-decorated Adm. A rle l.- A. Burke, chief o f naval opera­tions th e p a s t slz< yearst, Is re ­tiring a l te r 43 y e a n In the navy.

Burke — w ho once remarked about th e ‘Pentagon, " m ere are a lo t o f poisoned wells In th is desert”—h a s contributed quite a lew "Burkelsm s" to naval lore:

"W hen you’re trying to get something done, don 't worry too much about s te p p ^ g on some­one etoe's toes. NoSody gets his toes stepped on unless he Is standing s till o r sitting down on tho Job."

•'Please don’t talk w h lli.P m

out o l th e communist';bloc,,there I tendency to dow ngrade

. . . . . . iu ts been accomplished andw hat m a y be achlerM u n d e r the drive o l th e new < p lan . I n a h ith e rto tm repotted speech to the a nnual business conference ol th e f ia rv a rd business school In June . Alien Dulles, head o f the ccn trn l Intellleenee: a g e n c y , speaking on Incentives In Soviet R ussia, h a d th is to »<w: . -

“I n sp ite o l whot m ig h t 'se em to be oerlous defects in t'th 'e In-

omy o l E ast Germany was iS l : to break down. ActMlly llrs t h a ll o l thU year^'thl S ' ' « « “« 10 Industrial produ«£w a s - 6 3 - ^ r - o e n t - a s - a t t t tm ^ r -

maUon Is th a t the averaoB

lood defic it Is made no br S i ports Irom W est Oennany. Dea. m ark a n d elsewhere In u j ia s J o n g , been ths e u s W .

^ e rea l food criilj ii in Chins.

erable period. Nutritional <11s « m ^ are reported In many cases. UerW much o f this Is due to dlsuuoui w eather and how much to thi f a n a t i c a l commune sntcn -*•'-•1 characterlxes the e t r i r

I o f communism no oni eu say.

The “crisis of Incentive" b the lo r more advanced Indueui' society of the Soviet Union Un.

to prices, .to Quality »ai



quantity of consumer goods, producUon tcchnlques-ln short to th e complexities ol a svlftl? developing econemy with eem. pletcly centrallted control.

C an th e new 30-year plan r^ solve th is crUta? w ith the Iset th a t Soviet steel output in th* llrs t h a l l o l this year was M per cent a t th a t In the United States, no^^21P)«SS.*Z «M W .trrcani5r

IHI. i f Ui>lt«4 n4l«»u. U$.) -

Wbiild Corners

National P ress club Prtaldent John Coegrove has discovered a n e tr« h i ln le tt« r gofng the rounds am ong hypochondriacs.

The sick person describes h is symptoms in a letter to live

them on, they soon s ta r t an epidemic. -

Anyone w ho breaks the chain gets well.

i n the U.S. army dispensary where officers go to get physlca' examinations, there’s a plcturi of a broken-down, obviously a il­ing middle-aged m an hardly able to hold him self up. Ke Is say . lng.’ “Ju s t 'f t cold now and then, doctor.’'

The doctor in charge explains th a t the picture typifies officers afraid to ad m it they have any diseases- a t a ll which would rjiln the ir chances fo r promotion.

— By PH IL NEWSOM-V P l F o rd g a News A nalystT h e prospectus presen ted a

rosy p ic ture o t the fu tu re —300 mlUlon people linked In a g rea t, new w orld pow.i e r . S t r o n g e r th a n th e United;S U tes. Stroo th a n Russia.

T h o chances oil I t becoming re<

le s s^ tS m - T h e post.week P i lm e _ * "Harold U . .Ian ended f o u .years of agonlt- ..................^ g reappra isa l of B r ita in 's de­clining position as a w orld pcpwer an d a n n o u n c e d th a t B r ita in would . a;^)ty lo r m em bership In th e E uropean Common M arke t.

As B ritish prime n iln lstcrs have been forcetl agaln it th e ir wlU to preside over the disso lu tion of th e B r iU ^ empire, so these name prim e ministers and th e ir ch an ­cellors of the exchequer h a d b " "

"BusinessiVIirrorS y SAM DAWSON

AP BotlDeM News AnalystN FW YORK. Aug. 5 tB -B o th

consumers and business are play­ing the Berlin crisis cool.

T he stock m arket, w ith Its eyes traditionally focused six months ahead, h a s placed 11s bets on an expected big rise In business ac­tivity. T raders fltnire th e build- - In • U.S. defense ’ spending

: s e d by Soviet P r e m i e r K hrushchev's th rea ts wUl give the - economy a n ex tra nudge along a n uphill p a th I t's already Uklng.

B u t ' buslneom en themselves haven 't rushed to place new or­ders. T h e y a re stHI pJeylng It safe on Inventories, although the cu t-back In stocks .which marked the recession has ended and been replaced by a very moderate up­tu rn.

i possibility of price rise:, from higher labor cosu

h a sn 't aflectea business ordering plans apparently.

.N or a re consumers rushing to buy. Most a re sophUUeated enough to know th a t eoodi aro ■iiM.n im i sh;.piEfltllUl fcHd.-wKol’. __ . . .Ihe capacity to make more goods U f a r .from h ued . . :

F o r m any th e i Berlin erisi* Is

J to t an o th er in a seemingly end ­less s tring o f crises tha t ths reds sUr up. M uch m ore d m a t hand Is w hat th e new military buUd-up here m ig h t do to plans ot ind i­viduals and companies If reserv­ists a re called up and more youths d rafted.. - ^ e busln< rushing to ploce new orders, they ore keeping a n eye on several de­veloping domestic conditions.

O ne Is th e outcome ol the wage negotiations In th e auto Industry. T his will a lle c t no t only th a t m ajor Industry, b u t also to some exU nt th e business of the m any industries th a t supply i t - ond also the.lndlvJdJ/flJs and firms th a t buy autoa and trucka

A nother b th e current uncer­ta in ty In th e steel Industry. O ut­pu t U Ugglng, as I t usually does a t thU -tlm e of year because of summ er vocaUons and the change-over lu ll In the au to In­dustry. ’

Most observers hold, however, th a t the presen t dlslncllnatlan of consumer and buslnm m an to be swayed by th e Berlin ■crisis

•priCT tn d V Tge- lB- cresses he re doesn't dim the pnxpeeta lo r a le n e n l, U orderly, rise ta i h t economy th e re s t of

and objections was the bellel that B rita in no longer could afford to . s tand aside as the six nations«f^ the Common Market gradually abandoned the ir own Internal ta rl lls while maintaining them a gainst British exports.

F o r th e worried'eommonwealth nations. Macmillan promised to

I.try to work out special arrange- ' m ents. L ast year, for example,

more th a n h a ll of New Zealand’s

forced to recognlie th a t B rita in 's economy since Ihe w ar h a d n o t kep t pace w ith th a t o f boomiHB W esiern 'Europe.

Forcing Macmillan's h a n d now was th e fac t th a t B rita in w as In th e m id s t of Its sixth economic crisis ilnce 1M6.

F o r days the -------------h a d been expected and a p p a ren t­ly m o st Britons were w illing to accep t It. Nontheless I t brought

■ T ortm oK »-T rf-p« te8 t-t» th-fromth e extrem e Tory rig h t a n a from tb e je f t . .

a ln . F o r her to lose that market would m ean economic disaster. _TtiB_Common Market presently Is compoerf b^ftaaccTIfaly.'West- Germany, Belgium, The Nether­lands and Luxembourg, all oper­a ting under the so-called ’Treaty of Rome. Greece Is an a ssociate^ m em ber.-------------------- ------- - 1

I t looks toward eventual po- llUcal as well as economle unity..

A t a summ it meeting of C o m -f mon M arket nations In Bonn last r m onth the desire was expressed " th a t o ther E u r o p e a n sUte* which are prepared to accept ths same responslblllUes and thi same obligations In all areas-miy also Join the European commun* fty."

T o acHleve Its success th i ' Common M arket h u had to over* come dUflculUes. Franco had to redealgn an antiquated Industrul system. Belgium closed dovm ua*

■ coal mine*. France

T h e Tory 's saw In It a loss of sovereignty In which B ritish voles w ould be a minority in a g rr-* -- Sluropean parliament.

^ t l s h labor feared a low ering of w age scales in com petition ag a in s t cheaper labor o n the

and G erm any had to comprombt a conflict o f agricultural Inter­ests. . .

J i rif B rita in comes Into the Com­m on M arket she must accept iH th«'obllgaUons,'ineludlng'thB-po- lltlcal.

B usinessm en Icared. -with the low ering of torills, a n InH ux of cheap cars U id textiles.. .' T here was admitted f e a r th o t m em berahlp In the C o m m o n M arke t m ust InevUtably w eaken th e B ritish commonwealth.

B u t overriding a lt th e se fea rs

tho year.T h e a rm s build-up w ith Its a t­

te n d a n t treasury defic it w ill be pouring, several more blU lon dol­la rs Into th e K onomlo stream ! T h is promises more o rd ers lor m any IndusUles, b o th 'th o s e In delense work and those who lu m lsh th e needed m a te ria ls , u th e stock :m arket a lre ad y ~Jus n o ted . I t also means m orejloU ars

I'clrculatlon a ^ pay roU srlse . Som e fea r a ll of th is w ill m ean

..floth er ^ u rge of InfltiMnn Tjiit th e calm er view li th a t In flation w on’t am ount to m u c h until

QUOTESf r o m th «


Have B etter Mottoes assoclatlon'i MlecUon a s th e winning moUo for A ugust:..; ,

•AU I w an t is an un fair ad­vantage.” - I.

B B R U N — East German m unlst bos?. Walter-U lb rich t.d e scribing th e heavy traffic o f ^ G erm an refugees fleeing » » W est Berlin: ..

ST . A tro u an N K . McCtJlough.- the blind ox a a ^ l t « ^ who h « given a eertlflcate to teach Ig Florida’s pubuc tcnools;

- I ’m so happy they ^ 2 _ ie -» c h a S ; x i l , t r j w i7 ^ to bMk good teacher.’' ,

Page 5: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113


Cantaloupe I


P e a r Tw1r/^»1I£ nlett, « h o « e t« f lrc tlc b tm on th* Salm on Mallor. Ilocton. Mas«^ % t««aM>7e>r medlemt stn d e n l a t T u turiT ir are* fire a n yT h* Challlt a rea . -d liouu <h«<r tsp c r ie a cn tinheriUy, :ittdtord. M *u.. JieJpfd fUhi Ibe Challla l ir t . Slallnyand locaU on the map where they were (lehlinc. Seated, from ha i hern llr ln r in Twin FalU during lh» Rummcr. S a r l i r ttu rn rdIcfL are Clarence McAdatnt John M atter and Don R. Davla. and from* ihr .Salmon fire M endar. Sallervrhlte a n d McABam* r t- ila n d " A e l l Saiterw hlte/M cA dam ., O a»li and S a tterw hlt.. a ll turned T hund .y . e «n ln it. and M.tlny re tu rned from Challl,Twin Fa lti , participated In erewt on .tha Salmon area btaae and T am far erenlnr. (S ta « phe<n-en*r»»}ncl

* • *

Firefighter Describes Forest Blaze » > -As SoundingLike “Roar of Airplane”

b f

-T he lira aounded like the ro ar o f k p lane-you could hear I f BOlnB from treo to tree." ta •what one cf four re tu m ca fire ­fighter* from the Salmon river area and Challl# Mca fore*t fires M id during a n Interview Friday.

T he? aro Don R. Davis, 3S. ■WMhlnston itre e f north ; Nell SniCcrwhJle, 18. *on x>t Mr*, n a n c e i Salterwm te. 15M Sev­en th avenue e u t ; Clarence Me- Adama. 10. u n of Mr. a n d M n . Z u l McAdonu, 307 O ardnor • ttee t. and John J . Malloy, » . BoatoD. M a»i, * medical i tu d e a t a t T ufU untverjItT. Medford. 2iu a .

DavlH. who rtlu m e d M onday -a f tem oon-ftpnu -th ft Salm on. tire Z J»eciajSft^rhVat:exniiw tJonrw B*

on« o l Ui9 f lB h te n -v to -h v lp ed plaeo Melvin LaughUn, « . Twin

- W J l i ; o ira -b o a t.ea rout* to Sal- moo. where h e died Tueaoay m om lo? l o j t hofolUl.

Satterw hlla and McAdams bo th retu rned Thursday evening Irom

I th e Salm on blaze and Matloy, who h as been Uvtnf, l a Twin Falla d u rln t ,th e sum m er, re* tu rned from tb s Ohallls tire Tuesday evenlnK.

Davis, Sfttterwhlte and McAd­am s le ft about 4 p .m . Ju ly 39 on K bus from th e Tw in T alU forest serrlee office. They rode th e bus

. throUKh Salmon to a p o in t on th e Salmon river about 10 miles upstream from a lire camp. Prom 3 a jn . to 4:30 a.m. they Waited to board boats, which took them

~ S . i t ' M v u r ip o ru U i . r . n t i i th t r arrived a t tha e am tt abou t ff a jn . Sunday thera were about

-300:m en-there.-ln tlud lng ,fever» l Ind ians recruited from a M on-

. tana reserratJon a n d smoke jumpers.

T hey were divided in to t«ams oC la to M m cn .and were given fltthtlng equipment (either ti shovel o r an axe) and eantcena o t water.

A fter receiving the ir equipm ent and sack lunches, D avis.reports, they hiked along a tra il about one mile down river from th e cam p. They *teopped up" h o t spota mionc th e tra i l before s ta r tin g to dig a .fire line up the m ountain.

Davis noted th a t th a te rra in Is ruffirad and several erew m em -

'K n were a rb T T o l l l n ^ f o c k s : Satterwhlla says th a t w hen the fira line' was about-th ree-fourths wmpfflted they mored back down the m ountain. 'Diey w atched tol

moke sure the fire wouldn’t Jump th e line before moving beck t a where they were to sleep.

Crews worked In U -h o u r shifts. O ne-half the m en worked from about 7 a m . to 1 p jn . a n d the o the r creH's worked iro m 7 p m . to 7 a.m. , ^

Sunday n ight. Davis notes, the w:e« slept ou t -on th e ground About a mile fr<m tha « r« »ne. T he men d idn 't -have sleeping bag i the first n ight.

M onday morning th e crews w ent about five.m iles u p R one creek to make a line from the top of the m ounu in to th a creek. DftvU reports th a t I t was a t this tim e th a t h s and several other

going on,

He said th a t LaughUn collapsed o n the-tra ll-ana-becam e hysteri­cal when some o f th a m en tried to heJp h im .' * — • •

*He sa id h e was a ll r ttb t," Davis stated.

Davis helped some of the . ut LaughJJn on »- boat and he was taken to where the buses had stopped. Later - Laughlln died a t 'K hospital in Salmon;-'

D avit moved to Tvrln Falls about three weeks ago with his family and h is brother, Marvin Davis. 37, who Is s tilt fighting (he Salm on fire.

Sttttffrwhlte report.1 th a t the fire-crossed Horse creek Tuesday and th e crews dug another lire line. H e said th a t he could hear th ^ m # in .th e nex t vallsy -llkB the ro ar of a plHne.^ Satterw hltt and McAdams both fought on the same crew. They said th a t sleeping bags were dropped U> ttiem Tuesday and h o t food and ralions were brought to ihs camp on boats.

" I t w asn 't too hard work, but 100 degrees In the sun and

...........«—« n o Jc e j^ an d ~ h a« l—tobreathe." says Satterwhlle.

McAdams ia id .~ ‘T ho~ food , th a t's the thing tli ' '

Ihpy knew w hat t)ut I aidn'l,''

McAdams and Satterw hlte said H ut Use first day was rough lor the crew members who smoked, Clgsrcites were dropped to the

Tuesday «ad Utey were ra ­tioned one pacic per person. Mc- Ad&mt nnd Satterw hlte, who don't vnoke, said they were paid 7i eenis by a firefighter to stand in line and give him th e cigar­ettes they received.

The crews were Riven sack lunches Sunday. HqI meals, pre­pared In Salmon, were brought down river to the camp Monday and Tuesday. C-ratlons were avid V/ednexday. Satterwhlte nntM. th a t the camp was_’'

average-of W’ to I* m ilts-p er day and th a t gelling-to and from the fire took most o f 'th e 'tim e .

•T he /orcst ten lce i t doing the best H can. I think they're doing » rea l great Job," Satterwhlte a u ted . H e.and McAdams left the camp alMUC 0 s jn . Wednesday and got into Salmon about noon. They arrived In Twin Palls T liursday evening. ' - • •

" I don 't know which I «(e the m ost of—emoke or dust." aaid Malloy, who left about S p jn . July 30 to help light tha ChMlls fire. . ' •

H e reported tha t the bus ar> I rived a t a farni house, where the I fire fighting headquarters were I located, about 3 a.m. and th a t he I

KOI to :th e f ire aboutsix -m lle hike from ihe

(arm to the. fire.The first day they p u t out hot

xpnLi nnd plnce.t th a t h*d been ml.'sed • by p lanes which had dropped bentonite.

CrcA’s f igh ting th a ChollU blnr« Also' fought In 13-hour shicis and Malloy notes tha t Sunday, evening they had bed rolls and a Challls restaurant sent meiils. T he sleep! _ and lood w ere dropped from plane*.

I t took abou t one 'hour for the rew to s e t to ond from the lire.

Mondny they tlug a fire line with shovels and nxes. Malloy notes th a t the firefighters were as­sisted by planes, which dropped 30a*g«llon "w ater bombs,'' H e ported th a t several m en w transierred M onday to the Sal­mon river fire. Malloy helped fight the Chntlls fire Sunday and Monday, re lum ing to T w in Kalb Tuesday.,

Rites Held for Buhl Resident

BUHU Aug. 5—Puneral s Ices /o r Mrs, Lilly Salisbury i held at 3 pm . T hursday a t the F irs t Christian church w ith the Rev. D elmar'Talley, pastor, ot- fielatmg.

Mrs. W. r . Chlsham aang two solos accompanied by M rs. Roy Smith, organist, Pallbearers were Shelby Williams. OrHn Freemsn. John Moyer, Olen Buckendorf. Ray Quigley and D ean Sm ith.

Concluding rtles were In the sunset Memorial pa rk . Twla Falls.

. iTnfM r-p^uIallon-lO CO l for Uio 50 Stales and <mtlylng a rrw und rr U. 8 . aoverelgnty JurltdlcUon. la.18ajBS.000,



ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . the Most BeauUfuI SalecUon In the NorthwestJ

• P e r s o n a liz e d Reception acceflsories, Bridnl Booka, Bibles Free Sam ples on request

The Hills o f IdahoPhene RE S-4Sn

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Just Arrived . . . 'S u p e r b l y l u x u r i o u s c o o t s b y •



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W e use only Nationally Adv tUed-ProducU. *-p eirefT type hsirl

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Shampoo and Hair Style

s p e c ia l S IFrom —

A r t is t ic B e a u f y S d lo iiOVER THE SAV-MOR DRUG STORE

—Convenient Pirk lsK la t b t R em r-

4 - 1 M 1 - ____________ 1 3 S M A IN W .



Try Ourb a r b e c u e d


iDXury- T he opulent undersleeves and superb . collar of-'lustrous mink fashioned to a full - circle of fla tte ry . Rothmoor craftcd to ex­acting standards.No. 8929 Custom sizes 4*16 .

Fur labeled for cou&trr o( orl<ln


A n o th e r A lb e r ts o n 's

Pride o f the Nest


.... Prices Effeejiyi^- ',;Starting Sunday 8 d.nis


Page 6: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113

p a g e S E C" f lM E S - N E W S , T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O -SU N D A Y rA T lduST -en

CMdren Win Praes in Burley Pairade

AbbmI klw^ n« rn t« Colbtit. t«d: w o d ’ano nutbitiom

« .« !» C .n5K oS drC .f^ Lw Nil;aB>i» T»7iof''?*i’! aiBpua,


5iirS;;rsrSiT;l'.iffi iS-S'"Uu.1 r.ii»..«Mt. cCoaal* Wlndu! blu*l IJo i. J« t e i l ' . - y i S - ' S ^ . ’ tS S i wZUIb* JehnM". blu*: 8u« Ann Chrlt*

Dralit Althlio. blu*: Judd, r»dJmbI« Ollminn. vhltt: Ktrtn C*m> Ull.blut; nuUn* Janx. • h lu : UuUt Unoi). rVl: ftolxru Ourcta. r*d.i Con lUnc* ITf.n, wg.: D«b« funk. n 4Ow.n H ..trd . Wu.: P«U, Ltnoft klut: CallMii M'trlll. blut

(.thiMBDprlo. blu*:;.-.,.. .........II*; 04OB Hull. W“»: Viol. D>rlf7

__; Cmrol K»I*on. r»d: Und> Duk»M: S'AWCW«.! D . t^ . r rt: M«I.i.lOodllr, blu*: (Jnd* Lanon, r*d : Cl*ad<

*d; 8h«r7l iUn<t*rMi>

______ _ pu»d* ml ih« C u t la conntT f* Ir held F rld«r m orn ln f. T b s chU<P *7flnw-‘* n » ^ ,T tn ^ 'i« * * irhA t a il tbe fn n w u Bbont w hen «lrea aUo won T in t u IniU kU In th e ooitume dlvliloiL T b s UtUeha'm nd b is brother Cbsd I tu ta , i , le ft. «od ftlitcr K ajIIb Jodm , felloir kepi taklnc off bla bnrU p beadbiDd, fo r b e w u **tlrcd ofrifbV w m . Jbo " l n « « of T o V * « d prW In Ib T e b lW ro S 11 ^ 1." bU molber .a id . (S taff pbo to -en raT tar)

Utm, blu*; X*rl* Worwood. blu«: Jud VirwMdTblu*: Trudr Wurweed. blot Xtra Oarriar*. r*dj >IbH«1 Blmtnmi* whit*! »u««nn«b Okl*b*rrr. whlt*j Lu.......................... ................., " K S :

8 u » KMm . r*4: X*r

sr.!BMfcs. Ua*. CoetiU Joa**. blut. .....- “"".vteaB*dk<. n i t PauUlt* Eriek»on. r*d|

L O W E S TB.rkVf:%Iu.*r C l.ln W -.rd .,

b l i j »Ur» ^


Skiumi Turatr. blu«i C«rQlra WttUn *w( rtd; BbtlU SiMki. r«l: 8*kn StMki. r*d: R*u Slmmont, r*4: X*r«a

...............flbtlU SiMki. r«l: 8*kn

8t«ki. rW: B*u Slmmoai, —'• - - - KSmtrit. Mu*! -« '•

~Crttnr'Mor:-ihnT\i~Uomi Htncr Sm'I*. r*d: fiirl* J*n«t amllh. T*d; DmcJudr W.rd, r*dt

; Bt»7 Ct^ . blu*: U*In< ZIIIi>*r, r*d:

; Ula Durf*«. bli... DJiU nd.

t.ii'WA'iTS’* M*rrlll.* W»*:. Z r tiS i LmI«* Hank*, blu*;

____ Wlfk«l.Dtind* Ifall. I

■ • Kra/u

D*lVi«” D*il7'"d!.blu*; Carol Burton,

m tlia* T k^lta*

■ ■ ...... -'nutili, r id ^ ^ ir r Jojc* lim an .

bl»»! Mallhywi.

Dorth/ Zoi BMr. r»oi vareijn o •*,.. r«i; Vlrtr Dur<*«.,ijd: LAmind*. blut: J*n*l »•«: *r«l; lUrbara Uln.*.^L.

Cassia Fair EesultsWhlM br*ad, JU(k>l CorriBi*. Wu*

ilut; Ids 9*r ««Bt «kol*’>b*at./. Tfvui. r*d; li*nh* —....

park*r huu>* rulli, Mar. bhi*: .Iilal«rn C'tiJniliaRU- s

olli. JaB* K«lch*r, klu*:'■a'- 5i;rblu*: dal* brtadi. Mttlon r*.l; Tb*IJ» J»n» Wajkt r.

r X banana brMd,'Tvrlla

blu*; dm t *B**akI*, RuU Tlll*r.SandV I>«k. l ^ : *uili, R««a Lt* __MO. >*d; Mra. John TlW . Mu*i Handy•■ ■'■srs/ffi-v'i'ws

T*d: fancr,,apiyni. ilulb Judd,

S ;‘Uomn Pu*. Wu»;

•„;Mra&'as»!is. Si.‘birvSM;

SS’: ii«fn n ,„ U . . . . .. . . . ...... n*dk*. blu*: <Mu. rb^liuWlUsn, Uu*; Naner Ward, r**

llor» ablrtj. Ootoibi^KI^ t

■S:b?Sis '......... -» K , " » f f - s r K ! s r■ Dwratad tak**. V SUrrXnektoA.r«I<; VrUaw Blanchard. r»: i K . * i _______________

>V »j iU t» n« i I«*r. Mb*.

. UR*« nalj.xiaVBVlWm. bl7a': >ur<^

]Iar«bb«mr, r*d| Loa Hunt. r*4 Qw*a SatM . blu*| drw> laokU*. Jm: M arw..bla*t J*aa Xlni, iM i.iU i EriakfMi. bill*; JasM CblU. n d i C< ]**n IV lor. r*d: Paulln* Umrmi..Um> M \y T ^'& . r i ’iS lU lA ’IS .a ^J .f .i.^ S U S rU K S ? :Um i B*th J><*rMn.,r*d| A«r *»d«f

— ______ ___I ptaaal bimi*.

Biaciaam**.sass 5 s ^ s ™ v . s w . ; s r . : ; ; f f iGlarfWd. blu*! Tb«Ida J. Walk*r, rtd i

bha i TrvUk MtadBf, nd t’' “" ■ “ “ ■bffiSi.vi

T*d i *«n. ZIU oierf1«Id, ■ ■ ■ •........

n a Sulton, b]u*i.suilt r*ik*U. I*d|tanato Jule*, Ballr T ..................Warr«B, rad.


More Than 150 Take Part In Area Children’s Parade

. . . jackfti unllBfd,__ _'i Jan Ulitmtr, r*d; «oaU. •Wu.iKar ------------

"lima Bsllen.

" ■ V u ^ , v

......... fNink*. fclu.i-LiH*-W.- Uak»r;blu*! Charl*B* C<up*rMB. rvdi Loulu '•Ibart, nd. and ilari* Antld, *’■—

CWUm VXallUd ivwiUr mu, Baaa L * .----

•*a, UiMi *roebM*d iw taun. Maty ErkkMO, Matl trMbfUd *w*tltr tM«. Carlbal Xltlnkepr. bin*; bal>r QUllb llmtia l^raen. b1u*| Ul««a II. Wrlc- l*r, rwJj Maw^Ktiopp. blu*i Fl«r*n*«

atebaa. Zlalat ToeW . nds a«**t*r. i'brlllt JohntoB. - ‘ -Ilot* Lm UiBwn. blu*|.rh>llU y a , ^ * I^llanM n^ kM >Knodl*. biMi aei. 11m* U* IUbmrT ....... . . . . . . t — •j

.............. . —.r - . »Ul!P*r».

M i'r^i"*A uM iri'l* 'aiij. “liS'iTab

DURLETf. A ui. a - - Over IM ehltd rtn pRrllelpated In the an« nuftl. CftAslft county cliildren'j parade held jresterday morning In downtownBurley. Plofttsrang* ed from » Jaek<ln»the>box to twlfler*. .

T he three «niBll children of Oory D. Jones received tlie over­a ll s n n d prize. They portrftyed Ind ian children, complete w ith braldeS^lKS and dark Akin, <ind costumea. made of burlap. The three were Dee Lon. Jonca, 18 months old, Chad <Iones, 4, and E aylln Jones, 8.

Cheryl Hansen and ICrlstlne H ansen ver« second a s the "Buardlan «nBel."A banner on the trlcycle sald, "U Is no t safe to drive in the street, even w ith a tuanUaa:an(eli5-Thinl-iiras.S7ls» teen.—Chitreh-'.dressed—a s . a n lD inan ..on ' a '^dny.

There. wer« nine dllferen t d i­visions w ith first, second a n d th ird prizes ciren each dlvlsloD.

WlnntTB In the hoiae (UtIbIoh ■rl, f irst: U ndo.

Il w H K J

h.ft. ,;d , r«M a, Mb.;

b*l XUlnkonf. blu*; ntltlBK, Clar*b*l XUInkopt, Uu*i balrplB, Ivy £U)*r>

s?iT ^SS;S

.1 .- ,

s"hV.‘:Turatr. blu*; Carolyn tlatlhawi. blu*: Sally^Caiilll. blu*^;^Ha^ r ” . - 7 - Durf**V'•*-•Vkky Qurf**, blu*; Ortflda lUtl.

I"*-;'.', ■■

Eames, second, and Leslie Eames, third. Ponies, KrUteen Church, first: Gordon Clark, second, and David Brown and D ean Bxovn, third. Doll bUBBles. lUionda Lee Bryan, daushter of M r. and M rs. Louis Bryan, Paul, f irst; J a n e t Hess, second.

Coatumes, the Jones children as Indians, K ins and a ttendan ts, nam ea no t available, a n d MUs a ittm-JoLSrM arllyo-PearsoowlUi ' IMrrot, first; Catherine Brow n

...... •M.r’r y 't t . i r i i i i 'b lw ? ^ 'iMulli«d, Canlll* Iteabar, nd

<ut w9tli.'Mi)Uarl<. XllBk..bIutt Xa- ma Thontwon, r*d| U n U ls in ^ bandcroeb*l*d. ABiy ABd*raoa, r«d; Cam* I‘l«k«t, Uu*i Clarah*- llonnl* All*n, r«l; r.

DitliiMi XII fli>*dlt>i «>*(vliir. band Uw*1 ter4*r, _]la Ulortlald. kla* and n d | ubi* ruik-

i)*r bordtr, Al»* JuM biw and n d i «mbroId*T«d. btb*r B?M<i*, bla*. As- nl* IlMk, r*d: fatwork. klr^ O. i p ! r»d*j *w.* a^Jb, An>

DitUaa XVI l.u»cb(«n clolbi or ••!*. •mbroU*T«d.

and a lamb, second, and Jimmy Janek and rabb it, th ird .

I n the tricycle division the “au iird lan 'ange l" was first, Lin­da LOU Bryan oa an Ind ian Birl, second, and T erry K rieger as Indinn boy, third.

Bicycles, Brenda Cox, first. La< Jean King and M arva Jacobsen, second, and S usan McMurray, th ird. D ojs, S co tt Ponton wUh a Cocker- In a cowboy outfit, first, Leonard Schawcher, second, and Brenda Cox, third.

“Miss Flxle o f 1891" w ith JuUe K ellh Mike K elly and Rodney Kelly, children of Mr. and Mrs. A\vln Kelly, w aa t » s t In th e WBRon float division.

T he “flln ts tones" w ith Dennis K arlson and K en t K arlson. sons 43f - K r.-and-*»a.-*Edd!e-KarUon; w cro se co n d 'ln ith e 'w m o n . floats a n d Bren t Kerba, T iekl Lynn K erbs, Larrj^-W olf and Oorden L am bert w ith “Old Daya Ir China" won th ird prise.; O U tcertlllcatw Irom local busi­nesses, prizes,' carnival tlcketaai)d c ash awards were slven the win­ners. All the children were (Iven trea li.

•Mra. Mabel P a tte n waa paradelalrm an. o th e r Judges were

Vivian Charles. Evelyn Cash, V era Wllllama, Pe rn Sm ith, Helen Johnson. Helen Thom as, Mrs.

*r. bluij Shill Rarrarii r».l;

_______ ___ ____ Adam*.Sharon C'aldwrll. blu*; " —

KhMk*r. btu«; <iay DaoB May. . V*Ida IMK.. «b iu ; Karilrn Aiarlin. law, blu*: Sandra k(ay*a. blue T'Itan ilodifr, r*d; [.orlc* fatktlt.l«la BltnBiom. imI : Carol SImi____« l: Hartka Jranlt. r*d| Judy Wafd. ilu*.

Dl>l>l.n IV Edllb.Uattb*i><. blu*; DobbI* Walk.

a v „ . “ ; s

■•r, r*il: Ctrolyn Uow*n,Irlcia nurtk, '*di' J*an blu*: S*Abb U*rrlll. r*1Um*b; blu*; Vlekl OU*B.._..........Lora U* Util, r*d: Jao*t Xdiar. blu*; Carvl DurUa. «M u; ilarbant Jllsn. r*d; KarU Braadhtad, r*d; CarolrB WhlftvU. Um s Caret S«h«a«tl*r,' ' Ja « .lIU ^ b lu ..

tiaklar „7.Vfraa_ Vnrf.


Usda Aid*<i. r*d: Tatty Kail, blue -oanl* WiBd**, blu*; J«ar-- - - biMi Jtoalna c! ' ‘ 'TbMM*. I*d: _____ ___Mary Leu XIauar. n d ; Uailon ..

^ CANNWfl AND n u a ilN O Uartlta* Nr*. T«irCan.IyB .....

r ^ : Ula Surf**, blu*: Vicky Sui

Pauy C.rrr>S!'wUut Unda Clark, lu* Janit Clark, blu*; Carol Scbwatf^ A"*'

' tiv

llS"''«hSnd^' 'wH«rn’r 'r*d ';" ‘ Xm *Corrlnt*. Uut: Jania C/ark, blu*: U b. da Clark, blu*; Vairlcia Kurth, blua; l(»b*na llurrh. blu*r Conilanc* Kean,


Cosal* ViBdra,'blu.. ^‘ ' • • . f e a y '* ' -

&7s3Hl ,Trvdy War>ood. blu*; nbmida Writ-

ry, t« l; Karla Warwood. blu*: Bb.rry J.^^Wawood,^T*di HtrUay Mabonty,Itaa'Oailt. blu*; flb*rryU'u*nd«r*or

L.u!.. »»nfc -b!u.: XtUiME

..........-.......... . . . i ; U«M Uaachlu*; IjouU* llrward, blu*;Srart*. blu*: Robin IHlty. blu*; Karol )>laiboul. blu*; Gonlan U oardi, rad: JIa Durf**. k)u«! Karald Wl<kal, blu*; *,l>~a blu*. Rhamn Rlxlaall.

blu.: n w n ll.lbn<.k.. btu.i DniMf f r f c t . \ £ V 3 U ”. " a t a ;Hartia Carr*il, blua: Maaey Caldwall, klua; klarela Aan'Sb*rldtn, blua: Bbar. ry Kay Sharldan,. blu*; JanK Lm llrutach,.blua: CoBal«Jsaaa..r*di Pa«|. *l(* Krlekaenrblsari^Iikl^'Diirf**. r*diT*an«y Kriekaon, blu*; Mary A u Jorct, blua; S « An& Durfa*. blu*:K™. te s s s . bKKar*B Zdwarda, n d l Jant* Taai

P R I C E S !^ *‘D r i v e O u t a n d S a v e ’

W a l k e r ’’s

make dining out a once'ct'week

- i^ a m ily r tr e a f l ^

this week enjoy s Jelicious rdtsiirant me«l togeihcfl

rjtcffl blend ol lb* world's . ' finest eoffei heetu, for 60 ytart roiultd frtjh daly."


O V E R l G r a n d * V u


M o to r-V u '


■UX.VD W lA N . RAVWAL8T0N . R ,C H A n D n « m A « T


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TMES-NEWS PUBLIC FORUM .— — ------ Are Ai’reslettAssistance With 14 Class Event Receives Praise

Reds in Trouble, War Isn’t Probable, Local Writer Says

ce Given rOOODINO. Aug. 5 — 'tw o 18- ycur-otd >-ouilu (rom Comptoo,

•A rrested 'niundty on

, Etliwr, TJmei.New*: | K drsrd Cran1wh»w repo ru in,kinrfl If we nre to be guided ^ t h f | l h r London O b.im er. thnt »lt iyiior.KlllO "•''-'la I .1.. . — *.ft tir in t Uic n « m « nfl'® ''** P-'trlclc H enry, "n w re I ftlotis the cn jtern Europe#n p rr- : PlfMc

aehool claaa who grftdunted trpm l»eht nf piTwrifnrf. fo r there lulmn'ip-t 'iiu~otHtr wuy ur iui?.7tiiir"ttir

'i /u iu re 'b u t My the poal." there t» nmnv,--------- li-w M -a greftt help toU'B were able to gel the nddre.vM of moat of th e living membprs.

.....but \>y the poat.”. m»ior w ar In sight.A year ogo. utider th e CUerw o do have m e fo llo ilne nanie.l “«“• ,H n « f

n 'lih nn o rid rcw ^ ' Everett M r. «dmlnl.ilmtlon. whenCullough. a n llo r ’ ■ McCullouqh,

' ftlry. Odessa Owlnss. Jennie Per* klHA Brfttner.

O ut of 43 membem pnd nftrr 47 ye«r«. we feel this la rniher xemarlcftbJe.'

The reunion ia scheduled for

If you will p r in t Uie.ie names w ith ft request,lo r Uiem to call H arry Musgmve or Mnry Sinn*, bury. It would bo grcaUy nppre* elated.


1.1.1..), nuiiEiiry. dccnMiovoKi*.: “‘i> ‘'n c « « » '60od eome out of Biikaria and wUhIn RuMla .lt-lU>l» he hlnwelf ndmU-tt lL ........ I led thntJcBtllo a re often *hot out

. The m ro ia r> -o f th e c)ihtquprj® f pure ■}«•»«.; - ; _____• nf Orrai Dritftln verified lh f | I I-Uk?a u lp i'y o u r rcporier bu t be held c

Urnde but he quieted down m ] the Uriiisli people ihn l ihtAvorld' Mon as Elsenhower signed the b corns im o o n e .o f ttie[m o« forelRn &ld blH. 1 eoM blooded economic wars thftt

neporls from W ashington s ta ts ’it h.u ever Kern. He sta ted fur* that ihe trouble In eastern E « -|ther ih.ii there Is nothlns In the rope u n o t K hrushchevs mill*; p.w to equal It.Ury strength, bu t h is military I Enclaiii Ir puUine her tri. weaknesa. The shortage of food om of C.ermnny and NATO, and

th a t we think thnt<................» lltetlme":

tiM dllnot'fhen ht'mL-oert "Am. ateur Pcfjy Ntiuon Ouiwlijt D.A."

MRS. I4AWHENCE 81LL ; l ’ , (CMtlefwdl

In East Germany baa forced Uohlng to the loeal level. The communUt prea# recently printed reports of m eetings of East Ocr- mans who p ro tesu d any eoni' rnutiUt action against Berlin.

Couple Charges Forest Unit With “Mutilation” of. Areas

---------- ^ ^ ' i ^ r ^ ^ f ' a t U n i l o n towhnt the forest service has done In the Chains and Sawtooth no­tional forest. Pcrliaps you are aware of the la rse rocks the for­est service hns placed around the dirty, dusty road, whleh no t only spoils the na tu ra l beauty of the landscape, b u t also mokes trail people stay In th e d ir t ond pre-

' v en u th e n (rom getting close to the river. All wo w anted from the forest ftervlce.was drinking water

' and rest rooms and we were glad

♦ to let I t go a t th a t.Everyone I talked to —

fiuated a t w hat wa* done at Mormon Bend, fire mllea below S ltnley, and m ost of them Just pulled ou t and w ent somewhere else where they could be cIom to the river. W e-stayed only be-

^ cates we had told some of i*- ▼. family where they could find

but we certainly d id n 't enjoy w hat Iwd been done there.

Those people who cam p out Ina trailer m ust pa rk I t c----------row. dirty tu rnout, and

• people w ltlt ten ts who can camp anyplace, still must* leave their cars Ip the d irty turnouts, which the forest w rrlce calls space.

The .forest aervlce claims thal v e kill th e trees by walking on th e grass and packing the soil, bu t to us. I t sound# very silly, <ts

■ everyone knows th a t groas can* no t be klUed lo r a n r length of •time.

* * *■ *

: = ^ M o o s e ^ L o d i p l s ^ -

... p p jea ^ v e of Help for Derby

rd lto r, Ttm es-N ew i:The Loyal O rder o t Moose.

Twin T a ils chapU r No. flia and Its auxlILary, W omen of tha

A Moose, w bh to express their y thanks to th e m any people who

n v e o t th e ir tim e, effort and______ d o n f lU o n j...to ,.th e _ a n r-’

A derby a t H arm on park .

Due ’to circumstances beyond . - *■ anyone’s control th e derby<late

was changed a t th e la s t m ln |te , t w t i t m i n a ll. WOTktog on such _

derby since 'the Moose lodge took over th t

The city o f Tw in r a lU can proud of the v a y Its m any line stores a n d btislnestes are so In- tfiTttnd In fh-.T U vitiM -flf-iiha

•children, and contribu ted - cheerfully and generously.

— M anr-thanka-to -E m l*-< and the parks and recreation de> partm ent fo r th e ir In terest and co-operation. M r. C raner and his

• sta ff a re w onderful people *- w ort w ith.

To th e Canyon T ro u t farm , the Pram e T ro u t farm ,, th e Greene

I , T rout rarm a n d th e Idaho tlsh■ and game departm ent, nothing ^ more c an be sa id , th a n without

them th e derby w ouldn't have been.

Every child a t Iho derby, t n a the age of 14 y e a n on down re­ceived some prize due to the

donations o f m any T w in Falla i w a . T hank*, folks, for -

^“ *PAUI, OARLSON (Oovemor. Loyal O lder or Moom)

- .. i-m oncr-that-w sA -epcnt-to muJllaJ< th e placo eoald M r t been spent to control diseases H ut kill th e pines ond for r - crete tobies th a t cannot moved, perm anently killing t}ie grtisi.

The thousands of dollars of tax money spen t there , succeeded only In cre»Ung th e leellng tha t wo were aUll In th e city, and most of th e people th a t were Uiere-wlll n o t go bock. 'n>ey will Uy to lln d a piece th a t hasn’t been muUlatod ao th a t they r - en)oy the ir TacaUon.

The fo re rt supenrlaor told - (hat the place v o u ld lo(« nice when th e rocka were covered with moes. T h a t we've got to seel Moas grows only In a. dam p cll- mtvle and generally on the coast.

The roads t h ^ g h the camp proved to be » spee<tway and — didn't n ^ th a t (o r racaUon,

We (eel th a t there Is no place

nl»o cutiln:; her m ilitary defense »P«nrtins 20 p e r cent. Recently Khriulichev adm itted defeat whfn he purposed th f tt we m m tveryihlns over to th e United Nntlnti tor settlem ent.

Tlili writer h as s ta ted before, ■oml will My ii again, the com- muuL i* t»rc In trouble and 1

trouble. The ‘ only thing ' tlini win unve communism Is (or

coiiRrew to surrender the •overeliiniy of-thU nation-to the .Utjltid-Nntlons- - - -hn» propo.iec'.

As tiKse Ib ea are-beIng w rit­ten. tlie communlitB are order- InK all hands on deck to lorcc the lorelRn a id b ill throuRh conRcni, hoplns th a t an over­dose ol foreign aid will revive tlie corpse. -

I t tctms. Incredible th a t .J n nation ot culture and ChrlsUan- Hy. men can be found who are wiUlnt 10 trade freedom for slav-

Due U) a typographica l. . . on th e lp a r t of the writer. .. le tltr p rin ted In the Public FV urajon l Ju ly IC listed the. adrtres.'ijpf 'p h l lllp P. Puohncr

the forest aervlce aeea Uiey surround w ith rocks. I t looks to us like t h » a re trying to con­trol people rathe# th a n diseases within tile forest.

We loved th e ctunplng grounds ) they were, and I t really spoiled ur vacation to ' see how the>-

were m utilated.MR. AND M RS. DELBERT

PR IC E (Wendell)

^ u e ^ F i i f f --------------BUHL,' A ur. 5 — Northrlew

O rangi received a « gUt prlte from the sta te d n o g e for having 00. per cen t o f memberahlp dues paid, reported W arren H art, mas­ter, a t the regu lar O range m eet Ing W ednesday n igh t. ’

Eugene Rutherford , chairman o t the agriculture committee.

• urged members' cooperaUon In preparing th e G range'# (air booth. -A resoluUoa _from the Idaho O range ooncem ln* e l a t ­ing tha prcM nt Inoome ta x i t r u ^ tu re law-wa* read a n d dUeuswd.

In plaoe of the procram. mam- ben wortod oa tra in iheaTet for the fair booth. - : • ^

r o s u n n u » D M -PIUER. Ang. 5 Robert Lee,

ee: f ^ e r ^ rM den t, died of a h eart a ttack recenUy a t his

- home In I t i e Dalles. O re. H li brother. R ay Lee. le ft to a ttend funeral eerrlcet.

. C Q n ' t G e f r A u t o I n s u r o n c e ?


.a g e n c y

Quality, fashion, s a v i n g s . . . new fabrics fo r

-Y our-fall-and—school s e w in g .. . .Reap savings when you.

~scw ♦.» getra~fall-harve8t— of fashion and value a t our fabric sale. Find news in. fabric, news in color and patterns.

( f '

P L E A T E b S K I R T K I T SN e w full patterns in box pleat and soft pleat styles, ready to cu t to ^ A O aizo and bow. F it alzes 10 to 18..- ^ 9 ^ 9

N E W F A L L W O O L E N SChoose from a wide selection of plains, plaids and fancies in all wool and wool-nylon blend. Mostly 60 inch width, in the-new fall and winter shades.'Dress, suit, fikirt and coat a . m A Aweighti. Yard t o 3 « ^ ®

D R E S S F A B R I C SBlends of rayon, acetate, dacron and cotton in fall’s newest prints. 46 Inches wide, hand, washable. Also 'Includes nylon sheer prin ts. /

SERRANO CLOTHA blend o t rayon and cotton in a 'Iinen*typa weave. Large selection o f plain shades to fill every need.46 Inches wide, machine washable, « 9 A

-erease-Tesistant.- Y a rd __________

Q U A D R I G A P E R C A L E SChoose from a 'la rg e selection of prints and pla(ds w ith the silky -

— n e e d l l E e d - f I n I e h l - I - n - c . l .u .d 4 > 8 - m a n j r - ^ . f % ^ ~ novelty patterns. Yard __ 4 9 ^

D R I P D R Y C O T T O N P R I N T SAll new fall patterns and' shades to f k your

•every need. Easy*carfl w ith striking color com- blnatioDS. 86 Inches wide. Select fro m thre* qualities.


7 9 c .a 9 8 c 'y d .

DRESS COTTONSB etter quality in woven and p rin t - patterns. Beautiful colors-in 86 and 46 Inch width. « a Only Yard ____ 1 * 2 7

C I N G H A M S -

1 . 7 9

TKrro'vvbnBsrful preparalions to battiB bl«iillshiis In ona handy hit. Round.Tha.Clock.Rit2.AIii Kit contains VELVET 'FOAM for non.dfylng. facial washas; DISASTpR'CREAM, 'for sp it drying and skin calmlnE MEDICATED LOTION. !(or. furthar healins and parfact concaallng. Rllz «! Aid Kit;J S.Valvat Foam, alona;H.50.B j ^ | S ^

- Medicitad Lotion, alonai S1.60. ' f , _ _ _ Dijastar Cream, alona; 52.^1 Plus 1 U—

A lw a y s p o p u la r g in g h a m c h e c k s i n t h e i ^ p u l a r s iz e s a n d c o lo rs . D r i p d v f i n i s h . . S6 in c h e s w id e ,

C O R D U R O YSixteen’wale washable corduroy In 86 Inch w idth. Beautiful colors.

9 8 C r d . P r in ts . l « 2 9 ; d .


Idaho Dept. Store of Twin Falls

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JangBrackm on, BurgessMarried In Church RitesBAI;B0A IS I^N D , CaUf.. AUR, T he MeUiodtJt church on DnU

bM Islftnd WM Uie Kcno of a m ll iu ry ^wcddlnir urUlins Jane M«rle Brackinan. dnuchu r of M rt. Hobert L w U Drwkmnn,

------ftwt th o UM Robori L n l s Drockrm M . Oomln«, N. Y.. *nd U euu (Jg) oo rd o n O. BurBwti. son ol Mr. » d Mr*. O. W . DurReas, Twin n a U . The doubto rlns ccre* many mu» performed by the Rev. Ohtrle# W . DobbcrUMi. mlnUUr

<• «rf the Oosl*odUt church, on Ju ly 1.

Th* ^ U r v u decomtcd wllh , <whlt« dftWen. Mr«. Dobberum

weddlns music.■niB bride. irlTen in marrU se

b r lU Jph NowmAn. aiend»]e,----- OiUfi-txnclB of th * brJdc.^wore ■

noor-lenaUi gown of *Hlco r n a u c re r toffelA. The lUt«d bodlM w u Atyled w ith * portrait neekUne u d dw p orcftnca coUftr

. trtnuned w ith ft bond of 8w ln r h o full Rothered

riclrt w#J dedwied wlUi tho aome cmbroldeiT In .tho cent«r and

-ended In « obapel train . Her fln- ■ Tell o f F rench Uliuloa w u

ftttM bed to •. p la teau o t pleated tuU* centered w tth a Imbo a lu eabba«« rooei trim m ed v lth brldid

Barry, Oomlng, N. T , a t honor, wore a itree t-

le n s th sow n Of m ln t Rrten nylon ih cer o te r ta ffe ta . She wore a ha lf h a t i t tiny (creen leaTta trim m ed v l th pearla lA d a d r - cutorTetl.

U eut. Cta rio OalL.. ___________________Doo Kentopp, Trenton. N .J» and l ie u t. <Jk) Bruea MarshftU, Long

n . v e re ushcra.A ieo<«>Uon waa held In the

ehunto parlor* a ft« r th# c w mony. 8ome 60 p iosta attended. Tha refTMhment table wna oor- « e d w ith a w hite cloth over whtta and woa decorated

' • w ith B naa j u m o f ^ t « bloft- t a d cardenlAA. The three*

tlo » d weddlns'.oakB woa serrad by th a women of th o church.

Oho b ilda’j m other wore a ' ih ea tti d re ss 'o f cham pagaa allk

w ith w h ite ’ embroidered luce

women, Coxenovln. N. Y . She re­ceived a bachelor desree In ip rech and elrmenUry education ftt O m irn collfse for women, El» mJra. N. Y. She h(ia been t4sach- inu klndcrdftrten In the Ma«no» llA acliool district, A naheim, Cftllf.

TJie brldfRioom w m graduated from Twin Fftll* high achool In IBM, He attended the University

- WanhlnRton and U In the til a

wrvlnif tow n ." '

T h e couple wUl re»ldo In 8an DlcRO, C alif, which will be hl» home po rL ’

O ut^f-A ta(« Kueitd included thOM from New York. Twin Tftlls. WiuhlnRton,' BolM. Oali« fomln, VlrRlnlft'and LouUlana.

Kimberly Units Conduct M eets,

Plan ProgramsKIM BH ILY . AW. 6 — Four

BTOupa of the Chrlatlin W omcn’a peUowAhIp of . the Kimberly Ohrlatlon ciiutch met laa t week.

O roup one m e t with M n . M il­ton Ballard. Mi>. Don McKlUlp irave th e program and Kira. Irw in K evan s a w devotlor*

ere sen t to ihu t-ln i.Oroup two m et a t the hom e of

Mra. M ary Walker. Mr». Del WrlBht, president, eoaduetM th e mceUns. Members d l a e u a a e dbrln;future moetlnjn. M i^ Loulae T ea te r B ate th e program, *Tho M i s s i o n a r y Nsture of th e Ohuroh." Mrs. Joe Itoeh lich lav® l i |

Oroup.ttaiefi.wlll h u t th e nex t RenenU meeUtk. The im lt m e t w ith M ra. Oftl Keper.tn th e T w in Falla po rk for a plenio and busl- n e a - meeUng. Mr*. Raymond K ennedy eava devoUons and M rs.

M rs. Wftlter Ian « n m et w ith group four. Mra. Charles Potucek gave dovotlona and Mra. Jack B ehm ldt presented tha-program . ‘H w u n it plana to send packaged deoaert m lxw to the Ind ian gohool in Brigham O ty. Utah.


M m .T I-FA B T MAOIO Peter P a n blouse, pop -t -

Jerkin, skirt—all eosy-to-sewl W hip up these separates In cot­to n fo r Just-around-the-coruer school days.' P rin ted P a tte rn MOS: -O lrls’ SU ta 6. e. 10, \X 14. 61U 10 blouse IH yards 3S-lnch: Jerkin M y ard ; sk ir t ITi yards.

se n d 36 cenU (coins) for this pa tte rn —add 10 cenU Xor each

their doughler. Zoo Ann. to noy O. Bhaub. Tw in Fnll*. H e Is the eon of Mrs. M adelalne Shaub and the late W elter J . Shaub. Oflden, Utah.

T he brlde-eleet U .a gm duate of Twin. Palls high school. She attended the College of Idaho *nd U nfleld college, McMinnville. Ore., where she was graduated In ISSO with a degree In business admlnlalratlon. She Is a 1050 gradunte of Btailford university law school and a-m em ber of th e California and Idaho sU te bor OMOelftUonw. M l« _ W a r^ rg ret>*_ r ^ r i t ^ Idaho In th e 1053 Amcrlca pageant.

Before naaumlng th e position < Twin Falls county probate.judge she was associated w ith tlie law firm of Raybom. R aybom . Ray- born and Webb. F o r th e pas year she hna boon aecre tary for the Fourth and S e v e n th Jud ic ia l B or aosoclatlon. She la a b o the Mlsa America legal consu ltan t for the .w estern sta tes.

Dr. Shaub a ttended W eberco llcge._O gdeD ._U tah.„and_theUniversity of U tah. H e was gradi- ualed from the Unlveralty of Maryland medical «cly)ol In 1058. Hla Internship wa.i ta k en a t the University of M ichigan. H e hsa been aBsoclated' w ith th e Tw in FalLi'Cllnlo hospital fo r the p a s t year.

No dat« has been se t fo r ,th e wedding.

* *

Leave for Com pBURLEY, Aug. »—Young peo­

ple o f the Burley F irs t C h ris tian churoh left Sunday afte rnoon to a tten d the ChrUUan Y outh y e l- owshlp camp being held ' a t Ca­thedral Pina canq> abova K etch - um.

S t a d i u m s t a n d o u t

t o s t o r e f o r y o u !

C«v« ymrMir lh« (irrs poM (er vp-lo> Ihfialnvli UihlonI That* sr* lha Ptr«l* M*|onn«i lh«l ge >(Mr fun. . . le t>Ml * • bmdl Ttrrirrc wlrtt ymT (tvorlU ipoflfClethtit t««ullful l«tlh>ri In prielieil all-whlK. All-

eheoM yoir'ew aKhool «©l9 ^


C orroH 's Summer C learance on co a ts , siiits ond d re sse s definitely ends S a tu rday . . . .and allItems not sold by then will be .packed up o n d ' shipped 1000 miles owoy. So make- sure you -get your shore of CorroH's beautiful bonofide bargains in fashion . . . many, many Items ot cost or

. less! ’ '

ng are Sharon Easton. Susan Ooodwln. D arlene V aU . .Joe K erbs and Mika D onnan. K ay Ekluod b helping In th e kitchen. T he Rev. m i l J . H elseth ts teaching classes o a a lcohoU m

Snurt iMkIng lor all the 6 H i. Worn in styllih drll fliU Md oa lU

w a tgmng—acceasOTlea.-«ni» —ePRINQDAIiBr

» a orchid laco aheath. m atching _ __ ____________ _ ____ .— " a blus hybrid pftH y^v»n -a t-theJiom e-O f.M r,

Tarda orchid.I h e new Mra. Burgeoa chose

and w hlta linen aheeth druB w ith block aooeesorles fo r a

a p t n ' f ^ u b la naUonoIpark.

■Rie bride was graduated from Com ing. N . Y.. h igh school and the CasenoTla Jun io r a l le g e for

were to 25.95 were .to 39.95 • were to 49.95

- *10 *15were to 69.95 .

^ 2 0

H A N D B A G S , Silk & N y lo n L IN G E R IE N O W 1/ 2 PRICE

SU M M E R H A T S N O W $1.00 an d $3.00

a n d M rs. Robert M. Bronson. Pictures were taken a n d colored slides were shown by th e B ron-

.Out-ofiW w i\_^“ — ------

I ;

famoos brands m MM U X S

entire stock

sizes 10 to 18^

. Regular 19.95 to 59.95


a P A R I SF L E IS C H M A N .O F C A L IFO RhU A , G L A S G O , T U D O R SO U A R E , B E R N H A R D A L T A M N N , L O U B E L LA , BO BBIE BROO K S, C O U N T R Y SE T , M R - 'M O R T

Page 9: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113

MisTKeiiywii . \Ved Wickmari

In A ugust Rrtg-

» ^ .W u « h t « r . K eith . Ann, lo . w ^ j n * n . Mti ot Cmdr.

- f f i W . CUIIOttI I* W l= ta .n , gjjj^jyiide. M d. I

Kelly u Bi-^^ rT p ilis w «h achool, She M-


£;* irtln ln * George WMhlnii- ] J S hosoiuu. She la ti member o t 1 fSii aanun* wrorJly und AI-; S i ' I ^ T a n d T r l . B e i a honor.

. 2 f weleUea.' ' .----- ^ickznsA— —Braduiiio—ol_

innMMllft h igh school. llM MTVcdin Uie n«vy «nd ua* . S5ci»Ud trom the Unlvcfsliy o t . I

^ i w d wlUi » dcBree In elee- | jrical enRlnecrln*. He U cm*

jK T e d by D ynw or. Inc.. Rock- ■ rlile. M d ■

' A W « *ummer wedding Is pluutedn-------

T IM E S -N E W S , T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O

Set's Date p S T i

Barbara Sonde, HohenertoWejd

l“ServiresA Srptrmbcr wrddlne la plnn- ,

nert tor. lilt mnrrl.iKe of Stirbnrn I M arlf s.uuJp, lUuKhirr of Mr. ■ anil M:x. Eiiiar Snndc. Twin P-.UIS to BrncM RelnJiarl Hohcn- er. fOix of N5r. nnrt Mr.i. Ernest V. Hiiliriirr. o.iklnnd, Calif.

I l l " bride-.,-Ii'ci Iji ft (tradunic I o t . IV:n F;ilU IiIkU m-hool nnd I ihe l.'iiiviT.\iiv o f.Idaho whrre . she ~iiinn6cr---------- '

Selects Date Church's Circle Conducts M eet

, Paul, were co-hQ.iteMC» U> the W8CS of the MeihodUt church Thursday.. Mia. C. C, KaMenbauder waa

I In charce of the buslneu leu lon .Mrs. Wrndcd M cLcui gAve the

I lesson ~ria)- of Words." M rs .E. HM jreavr.\ a represenU tlte lo the .MiMloit K hnol « t Caldwell this summer, reportedejcperlencM.thcrt.


« « «BETVRN f r o m CAMr

— SPniNQDALE. AU6i_5 . n J l e * ' inUflg hom e irom a lour-dny

ilX~euting-ln-U ie-*outh_U U la Wer* 8u» H*n»en. Betty Broad- head. CMOlyn Bowen. jonU Mor- - tn . flhMon Johnson, Sharon

• W at, Sherry Doylej-, Sue Ann Oirlslenscn. Elaine Johnson. S ^ { KUW . B w tsr* n ines. 0 «en Jensen. Dorothy Zollen- ecr Co&nle.Ost«rhout UKl Saun- 5r»' Maanlfl*- AecomponrJnff Uie

were. Mrs. Delbert Ens- mussen. Mra. Fred Johnson and Slldren. M rs. I tu lh K. W est and $oa, Loren.


Celebrate DayFILER. AUK. 5-M r.

Eftfl Crouse entertained wlUi family dinner a t their h o ^ «

lS iindny" ln -hono r~ o t-the-80 tl»birthday anniversary of Mrs,C»olI«’i- r a in e r;rP e tl* --T u ra ln .seed. T h lr ty fo u r members of Uie fiunlly and Irlends a ttended., Mr. and Mrs. Tom Doty. M rs. Curtis Sm ith and family. Mrs. ft. u TUrnJpseed, Mrs. X torw rel H arper and daughUr, Twin Kails, and Mr. and Mr*. Luls Alaatro. and r<miW>'. Hasellon, wera out* ot>town.guests.

school', i l i r Univrrsliy tornU <it DnvLt, nnd xmu iirnd uatfd from S.HI J 0.1C Stall- col lout. III- U ii:.-,oclatcd wlm E. V llotiriipr. Inc.----- ^ «

Club ConvenesUnion P

Tliurstlav.. Karl DonlrlKhl. Olfl.i

were slvcn tci Mr. and Mrs, Andy Aulbsch Miio nro moving 10 ArlT.wia.

Mr.v simw. nioUtfr o t Mrs. A,,Ii. nicliarflwn, and Mrs. May Rabi'rii u rre guesU,

BACK >T io« Al a s k a llAOERMAN. Aug. 5 - Carol

Ann On5Torc.~<laughter-of-Mr. nnil Mrs, Dana Ollmore, hiis rc- . turned from AneliorBgc. Aluska. whfro slip lias been employednnd aitcndisl the A nchorni:iri''"d p rl7« were i iComiiiuiiliy college. MIm Qll-f Slins'. l«sJle. Dana, ■more wa.1 Accompanied here by " " ........... ..Walter Davis, son of Mr. .ami ?

Shower HeldVIEW. AUB.’ S - A surprise

kticlici) sliDwer for Jenn Mc> . ;nrIiip' iTris’lfcJd 'S ftlu r« layarU ie I liomn o t Edwin Anderson, IIoa* tc.-uic.n were P a t Anderson. 1a> n n e -K c llr -B n d -M fa ._ W llU a m I Ktmj.liT. I

Kiteijcii games '•■ere played I - by M rs.1

- nnunciThe next »cheduled session Is

o be held St the homa of Anna llaekm nn. Tnut.

Retre.ihnirnia were served.* H- *

--------ENTKRT.MK-CCASS—JIEYBURN. Aug. 5 — Mr. and

Mrs. Dwalne Moo.v> entertained

Heyburn tlrs t ward LDS c . Tueaday evenlnft' a t their home, * Vollyball wm played and water*

- melon was aerred to the six eouples who attended.

Food for Americans\ - . B y G A YNOR M A D D O X ,

Inuee It im'ooth and thiek. R«> move trom heat. Beal egg yolki well. Into yolkts. s tu 4 Ublespoona of Muce, I tableapoon a t a time. Add to remaining sauce, mixing


LOBSTER K E C ll’KS In all good New Englnnd luns,

lobster Is «lhe p in -up Item on the menu. T h a t Is pnrllculatly true a t the I8 th century iniblick llovise In S turbrldee. eetitrnl 'M aasachusetui,(hrouRhout the U nited Stntra tor tu tine New E ngland food.

Loul.ir Coggesliall. tho dtdl. c.->icd innkeeper. Invtted «» toj - •

II bubbles c ■ - trom heat.Sluulv itl r In cream and wine

:e ll-p ac it^ lobster . meat '^ cup sherry <or cup waler

with I table.ipoOB o t lemon Juice)

3 UblMpoons buiier1 tablespoon flour

K cup thin cream2 rsB yoliu

, M rlt 2 lablenpoon.^ bu tler. Add :shcrry lo r, w ater and lemon

allow water to b o l l . 'I f - l t does, may curdle or break.

. . . . aauce constantly whlla heating, about 3 minutes. Re> move fr.om heat. Add loUter. T urn Into amall. deep p(e plate. Sprinkle with topping. Bake In slow oven 300 degrees. F . for 10 mlnulei.

Tsppinc for Lebaler PU ' i cup cracker meal"-------.

P i teaspoons Parm esan cheese 3 tablespoon* melUd bulU r

Mix first four Ingredients. Add melted butter and blend wfU. .Sprinkle on lobster pie. .

cxjwrleiice In Ntkssnchuseus lu l- iry.

T lie T u bllclc Hpuse Is-famo > for Its iifdivniUK nob.w in

rich and am azing dLsh, Individual LobaUr pie.

Publlek K euta a tablespoons bu tU r

Mrs, Ed Davis, who has been vL'Uilni; in Ancliorflge. Mlsa Oll-

_ ^ more plans lo enter Missouri U SE TIMES-NEW S w a n t a d s *uile eolleg# this fall.

Mr.'?. Scott Loveland and Deth| McBride. RefreflhnienU w e n served lo 23 gueata, Miss Mc­Bride. who la to be married Sept. i, opened h e r glXts.

T E A C H E R -W A N T E D ^P o r t H m a in t t ru c to r f o r

--------------- -------- b u iin e u lu b jec tt.p e g r e t e n d te o e h ln g e x p e r ie n c e

re q u ire d .


Someone New has been addedl

~Karan W interK olI^tkUted in the art o f hair design .. to n^Qke you took prettier!


---------------M ildreil'M eyer------ -well known .for her very special workmanship.

At The

Blue Lakes Beauty Salon -Open* Monday through* Saturdey 'T uvidey and Friday Evaningi

RE 3>4461

' ^ E X T R A S e m n g " s ^ e . o i o f r a d o a t {dr a f h » t fa can »mI.

E Y T p J i SalarAtsodertet recruited E /V I iv#% oU over tha *toreL.

m M M a Use Penney's Convenient Loy-AwoyJ E A T K A Plan! Salespersons Will Give DetoilsI

E Y T P A C a th ? « n - R o lo n g w xflH ns IlM S . . . . i o r t q o l e k s e i v i o r i - ^

Page 10: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113

-P A G B T B N —T IM E S -N E W S . T W I N P A L L S . ID A H O

Officers fo r T. F. G arden Club Chosen

O rdctra of th » Twin F«IU G arden club IniU lled Wednefdmr— nioniJn*“durIn r '* -U w n-ia fc« tir-«* -«h* -hon io -o f-M ri._ JlooeU -

JkHUer, i m Hpruc* Btenne. ate, from left, Mr*. U oya Joj>nw“.• p retlden tj Mnu l> o A ndm on, recordlnj »eereUTyj Mr*. A rthtir

* * * . ifr * ★ * * .

Officers Are ReelectedAt Garden Club Confab

cormponcxjnff ic c rc u r /f £*mitmuu_lrejuURr._Tt)t7 « « lobktnc « t a dried h rd r» n re» . which w«*

p a rt of » d lipU r o<'wInlirn>oiH|ueU.*M™.-MlHer-to-Ylo*-pre»l._ dent. (8U ff photo-enirartH f)


M m . Lloyd L. Johw on wm In- Bliklttd ptesldM il lor » Mcond

• te rm when th® Twin Falls O ar- don club m e t At the home o( Mr». Ilusaell M ilter l « t Wed- nesda]'. O ther offlccr* re.-elfcted a n d IruUttled nra M r^ Miller, Vico president; Mrn. Leo Antler- 8on, recording Bceretary. nnd Mr». A rthur MlrAcle. correspond- enco »eeTetarT. Mm. lUrlftnd C&rlson WM Inatftllfd treiuiurcr. M rs. Floyd Bandy. ]n.ilnlllnR of- I lc e r ,-p ru e n te d e & e h . oKlcer w ith k corsnRfl o f garden flowers.

M rs. Jo h n so a Announced, her _ e h o lc o - o t - com m ittees-io r.. Ute

new term. T hey a ra Mrs. Miller, proffram cbAlrman. luislsted by M rs. T . W . Hicks; Mrs. Carlson And Mrs. Johnson: Mrs. O. K. Lawson, tu ls te d by Mrs. Paul StAOdley Sind Mrs. Verne Routh, d n d Mrs. O. W . Dnlgh. yearbook chftlnnan.

O ther commltte® ehnlrmen Ate M rs. 8 . W . Sm ith. hOTUcuUuTc And publicity: Mrs. Homer lum seyer.'T ioatcM andTiouaintr: M rs. V ictor W. Nelson, librarian; M rs. Bandy membership; Mrs. S tandley. xuttlonal coundlbooks; M rs. Howard QUlette and Mrs. J . W. N ^ m u i . n se b u d and sa rd en tHeropy: Mrs. O. D. IteqUA, a o rA p h o o k .> a n d ' Mrs. OhTlatlnA Shearar, ulephom .

M rs. Kezmeth HoddeF and Mrs . M iller presented tha program

showing A wide VArlety of gri

dock, d ried flowers, seed pods, mcs. And o th e r m a teria l sult- ble for m alclns w inter bouquets.M rs. M iller stressed early

planllnir. early Ratherinu and d rylns and noled th a t flowers to bo-dried flhoiild bo alven wire stems for c w ler hcindllna. Mrs. Milter displnyed purple straw flowers, d ried hyd rangea ., zin­nias 'a nd clem atis. She aUo ex- ilalned how to mnka containers 'rom Roiirdn.-M ra ^ J Io d d e r showed cattails And noted th a t th e oest time (or RathitflnR ttiem ts J u n e ., She displayed—sam ples sprayedweeds and sa id th a t p i n k , -----and whlto everlaJtlnns: gold, and* copper strawflowers and Kreen a n d brown tones of dock supply na tu ra l color. She noted fu rth e r th a t copper color­ed seed h e ad s combine wetl w ith K affir c o m . a n d colored com and Rralna m ay be tised to make ThftnksgWtnR A m n s tm tn ls . She advised m em bers to collect cones while they-iiTB-BtUl-pllnble.--------

T he business meetUiR « opened w ith th e readlnK o( . collect by M rs. O . W . Bice. A garden club prayer was read by Mrs. Johnson . Mrs. H . R . Fisher was welcomed as a new member. Quests in trw luced w ere M « . O. D . CaH. Haxelton, president of th e M aslo Valley I ris society. Mrs. Z , J . Davidson, Eden, And Mrs. R. T . Campbell. Tw in Falls.

O . H sger. and . Mrs................_ # recognized a s beinglisted in the second edition o( •WhoXWho of A m erican Wom-

Rcports were given by Mrs. Anderson, secretary, a n d by Mrs. Sato P a tter, treasurer. Ancvual

s were Also pre­sented.

The club decided to sponsoi Christmas show for 1001. They will meet a t the YWCA during the fall and w inter months. Members adopted l» n rd recom­mendations to support A civic project to encourage local mer­chants to p lan t flow er boxes In fron t of downtown stores. The club will continue th e alrporl project and will support th e state Utter bug. contest. _M rs.-C all_Jnvlied-m cm bers-to Attend the Maglo Valley Iris society picnic and rhizom e sale Saturday In tha T w in Falls city park. Mrs. Sm ith announced th a t the handbook for flower shows Is the official U xt to b« used In th e flower show school. Sept. 21- J3 a t tha YWCA. T h e book may bo obtained from .M rs. Sm ith Mrs. PoTler displayed a copyxl lha inn Wilson flower arrange­ment ta len d a rw h lch pic tured an arhuigem ent by Mrs. jJ. D . Sin- ema, a member of th e M agic Val­ley Salntpaulla society.

Mrs. Ramseyer and M rs. Hod- der assisted tha hostess In serv­ing refreshments.'

Tha next meeting will be a pot- luck plcnlo Sept. 13 In th e city park. Mrs. Smith. M rs. OlUette and Mrs. Johnson wUI be In charge.

Social EventsaOODINO — Melody Squares

will not donee Aug. 19. A special dance will be he ld a t the Oood- Ing Orange h a ll Aug. 3S a t 8:30 p. m. Myron Bliss will call. Mem- Qers are asked to bring sand ­wiches or dessert.

¥ * *Seventh' w ard relief society -n-lll

hold A b reakfast Tue.iday a t the Twin Falls p icnic grounds. The women will m eet a t the church a t 8:30 am . Baby sitters will be provided a t th e church. Women are osked to b ring tab it service and a cup a n d saucer. Anyone needing a ride should contact Mrs. Orvel Thompson, relief socl«ly-prr-‘-‘ ............

Comp F lra Jun io r high cabinet r|]| meet a t l p.m . Monday a t

Uie home of M rs. Wiley Dodds. 208 Addison avenue. Ail repre­sentatives a re u rged to Attend ^ e meeting.

HANSEN — Royat Neighbors will meet-at__8 p.m . Tuesday ‘

Given Shower• FILER. Autf. & — Norma Neale was feted a t a mlaceilaneous bridal ehower elven for h e r by Mrs. Thomaa L ancaster and Mrs.

G i v e M e D o n s ^ H n d s o n , I H e a s ^ ,

We invite you to stop in arid see one of the most impTeissive dyed - to - m atch sweaters, sk irts and slacks groups th a t we've had the pleasure of

“ showing.^

Wools, wool and orlon, and novelty 100% orlon sw eaters with our all- wool skirts and slacks. These retail from $6.95 to $10.95 — os alwa ys . . . "Jun ior Fdshidris bh"¥^unior BudaeH

$1.00 wilj hold any item 'til school starts

First come, first satisfied!


BlackM ingBlue White Ginger

OrangePeel Green Red

PARISLynwood Shopping Center

Page 11: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113

tEUlM K R KEEPS TTTT .F ON SPLIT DECISIONC h a m p S u r v i v e s C u b a n ’ s

C o u n t e r a t t a c k i n L a s t

SUNDAY, a u g u s t 6.1061 T IM E S -N E W S . T W IN F A L L S . ID A H O , PAGE ELEVEN m

Blanchard Is Yanks’ Late-Inning Hero

By UnUed Pret* lnKm#tlon»t Maris and Jlnntle aro g re a t unci tfint Mcrrlwell was

. . . .o - ~ ....... .— -------- r . v A A tu r io t i . t ......-rise countcmttnck in the la»t two roiinila to tfeCcnt (.-iiim's Florentine Fernnn- H«, in a 15-round split (iecittioii for the Nntionnl Boxinfr n»soci:ition middleweight rrown toniffht. The 2r)-ycar-old Cuban, n converted southpaw, Midtlcnly reverted to Wi nft£ufaI"ICft-hnnd-Btance-in-the-Hth-round_aJ3£Lfl!n>oat_pMiie(j_th0_majar- *’>» . % * ♦ * ■ * * * upset of the year in a « ih t

th a t w a s p a c k e d w i th a c - l_tlf>n f rn n ' ff<

Tlie JO -ycftr-o ld ehnmplon rrotn Wr.n oordan. U U h. weighed *59\ tnd Ptrnandcz. in his tlr»t

. « i o i ............................................^ever Really Hurt• OGDEN, U tah. Aup. 5 never really hurt"me"'8aid-NBA-middl6WGiffht-champion.Genc_Fullmer

n» he ahowcd off an Already flwcllinjr r ig h t f is t afte r h ta brutal 15-round title battle with Cuban Floretitino F e m a n d ia tonight. Fullmer s a i d .he hurt th e f is t with

■ a rijcht to the head a t thes ta rt of the 14th round— which seemed to be Fernan* d e z ' best round.

"He fttarled throw ing hb bombs (left hoolu) * t me," Puli'

I p R p M f AIL* A N G V tSI Dr LARRY UOVKYI • Tt)» npldly declining »tiow ot

(porumuishlp In alt llcldii or (parU BDd particularly In hunt-

r 'in* »nd lUhlnB necnw to follow out'the desradallon o( coclcty.

The recent buknbaU.acatidals. which wouldn't surprUo If il>ey «pcead In t footbftll, a l o n

few 1 t h o t h e r l V thlnRs *re d e -g % lo •• -

th e r. „the call to arTn»i»j>\J /o r flthleilM w l .y ’y there *htmld b e^-

.......... ■

Gliding Into Pay Dirl-

1ST.,I world title , welRhed

lnic.Atmettci no t <

tlat.W «dlirean<lrexourcM ore.

C o m p l e t * eradication' ot fro u p ot compeUUve *ports, bad a« th a t M unds. v o u ld no t realUUctlly h u r t th e country, or pattlculM ly Idaho. Other* be moved Into th e ir places,

B u t once the wildlife Is Rone eompJeWy. ther# l i no recall,

-----B porU m anih lp-la-tha .llc ld_ofhuD tlo j and f ish ln j basically Is

• th ree thing*. Defined lo r hun t- ! In s and flshlns purposes aolely.

I t ■ appears f ro m - th ls * n f r ] « £5.^ iportsm ahshtp Is basically the ‘ ■'•••■mlllc of bum pn k i n d n e s s " *. ■-■aprlnUKl w llh common eenne

* *•««« responslbUlty — ''■'ft hcrltase.

W 01 »e us a m an w ith those basic .. ritundam en ta ls a n d you c an do '^ w i th o u t th e num erous sta tu te s

E goremSiig h un ting a n d llsh ln f.A iporU m an Is aware th a t In-

I creased hu n tin s pressure coupled ■ [ iw lth declining h n b lta t au tam at- ■ c a l l y means reduction In har> ■ 'v e s t. The fish a n d game depart*

\ m en t scIa Its dally bag ftnd pos- ilon lim its a s a a tanda rd for

and h e should realize any* thlnff more th a n th a t Is greed a n d jobbery o t th « peoples of th o 'iU te .

T he history of c lrlllta tlon also ihou ld teach everyone th a t where

.f Its n a tu ra l w ildlife and resource*. Even* w i t h caretul gam e m anascm ent, public h u n t­ing and fishing can n o t lo st on th e reduced scale we h a v e now,

‘ _____________1 em phaalta ~ '| - T “W Itn~ thnncrea*o li

hurt. I w asn 't In any real trouble,"

Fullmer said Pem ande* had lot ot su m ln a b u t w asn 't the bc.1t man he h a d fought. Ha didn 't e laborate.-

Whal'a next fo r PMIImer? *We will bo happy to f ig h t (Pwil) P cn d tr or iT ciry) Downes." m an­ager Marv Jenson *ald. D o ra fs Is the middleweight cham pion In New York. M assachusetts and Europe while P u llm er U the N a­tional Baxlrtg •a.Moelotlon kJnff. Pender Is the form er New York- Mruuachusetts cham pion.■ "But the way Pcm andeji fought tonlRhl, I th ink we will have to :on8ider him . too." Penson added.

TV Cameras Upset Famed St. Andrews

NEW YORK. Aug. 8 (WO — T he haughty royal and- ancient

Is trem bling Indignantly the day “Hollywood came to

B tr Andrewsr to fUm-ft teletlalon m atch between B ritish o p e n champion A rnold Palm er and

cham pion 0#ry..P14yer Scols, eyes popped a s camera-

..ten poUed beside th e players on t h e hallow ed old course. Tractors- a n d v a n s carrying photo equipm ent rum bled across the fabled fa irw ays where not even the p r e u da res tread. A frantic sergeant, figh ting to con­trol stam peding fa n s atfected by the holiday a ir . ciUled I t "tho worst day o t anjr life."

*'I wonder w h a t Andrew Kir* kaldy would have sa id about to* day's novel operations.” write? P rank M oran of th e Scotsman, “considering th a t h e once told a cameraman to (fe t.aw ay oot e, there wl,, y r bluldy maglo lan­tern."

Along these lines, Pred Cor­coran. th e m a n who made pro SoU a blK Umo business, Is na- TjoHatJng—foi— «fa«mpIonshlp television series between Ben Hogan and S am Snead. Tha slammer won th e ir one big head- jind-head m a tc h In the 1(154 masters cham pionship by one ....................... — ■ sUll

Cowboys Slate Twin-Billat----

neffrtB Ken Shul.ien decided the maitfr when he scorcd Pull. -iiicr.m .and-Fcrnandw i-H 2J J o r ' man Jorcensen h a d It for Ftillmer to n o fo r tho Cuban, while judRe o r l M arkham called It MS lor ^ rn a n d e s and H3 for Fulltner.

A crow destim atedatm orethan 12.000 wltntfued the fig h t In Og- dtQ iindliim.

I t WM Pullmcr’s six th success­ful delense ot the NBA portion

from Camifn Baslllo In 1959.It was the usual bruising,

brawling p u l l m e r who took charge a t ihe openJnir IJfW. Bui It wn.1 the xame usual Pullmer wlio quit Uie ring looking like the beaten nmii. H is le ft eyebrow ORttln had been bashed open ftnd he bled from the nose, the mouth and from u o sm all cuts tldjo ot hU m outh.

The poDulnr U U h .tltleho lde r :utmtiS wrli on h is way to a hard-fousht bu t comfortable vlc- Ipo’ when suddenly Pem andet came out a t the opening o t the 14th roimd and le t loose with Jefu •nd.rlRhts from h is abrupt­ly adopted nouthpaw attack.

Pullmer obviously was eonfu.v ed sndTeffeated a ro u n d tlie Mnj sttjnJngly h u r t In th e middle part of the round a s Pernahdei again and again landed long, looping lefts a n d righ ts to the head.

At one point, O ens was halt hit and half flipped, and ' h it head and shoulders w ent through the middle ropes. Pullm er atcm- intd m e Pem ande* burst with an overhand rig h t f lush on tho mouth, bill a f th6“ end“ or~tha round Fernandez was a g a i n stalking Pullmer abou t tho ring.

ta te r . It was said Pullm er hurt hli right hand.ln th e 14th round.

The young Cuban resimied his fast left-hand a ttack In the iSth i»t;{ pullm er w ivcd th e assault with a Uttle better bucccm.

Here are results of preliminary events:

WUfio Oreaves. 357, Ednson* ton. A lberU ,-C anada, knocked out Willla ROM, 1S4. Phoenix. Arlt.. 3:0« In 6lh o t scheduled 10, rounds.

Billy M urray. W . S a lt Lake City, outpointed Rocky A na. 163, Ogden. 4.

W ayman O ray. 120, W est Jor­dan, trtah . outpointed Bobby Herron, m . Richmond, Callt., 4.

d c k Stveronlca. 135,-Canai- tota. N .V , atoppcd Don A dan-

• Jordan. In seventh

Je rry Blms, 303. w es t Jordan, knocked ou t charlea Turner, a " Oakland. caU fn 1:34 In first scheduled 10 Tounds.

B llly \3 t< phan . les;' et. Louis,

Hank Aaron’s Bat Bdts Giants Again as Braves Cop 9-3 Win

By T bo AMoelated Press Slugging Henry Aaron tore Snn Francinco pitching apart again Saturday,

slumming two triples in a 9-3 MIhvnuIceo victory th a t boosted the Braves into a tio with th e Giants for third place In the National league. Aaron, who beat th e Giants 2-1 w ith a pair of homeruns Friday night; knocked in Milwaukee’s firs t

run Saturday and scor

dard o t living, p lus th e 40*hour I t a natural, week, thousands o f ang lers and hunters have been tu rn ed loose

pon A m e r i c a ' s recreational reas. I t 's - to o bad.

, Armed w lU »-» .-few -hund red dollars w orth o t new equipm ent

little o r no Idea abou t w hat ley were doing, these hordes ive r a v a g e d th e continent,

alJcRsted land lioU art a n d 1»' coma a m enace generally u everyone who knows how to en­joy the outdoors.

— E ac h - '-fa ll- th e —wire carry stories abou t a num ber o t

■ L oi“AnBeles,-'4.— -

Spain’s Top Bullfighter Is Gored

SfALAOA. Spain, Avg. t m - Antonlo Ordones, Spain's lead* Irig bullfliihtci7~:was~Berlou»ly gored tonight In h is sixth festival f igh t here In six days.

T he c to o friend of the late E rnest Hemingway w u gored In th e groin while fighting his sec* ond bull o t the aftemoon.-Doc- tor» said his condition, w “grave."

T h e handsome m atador. >.who has been regarded as the world's best fo r the past tw o .y e ^ , re­ceived hla wound when h s /ell as h e th ru s t hLi sword Into the bull fo r th e kill.

A ssistants carried the bull­f igh ter to the Infirmary while a no ther m aU dor killed the bull.

D octors worked over Ordones for m ore th a n an hour,:then sent h im tn an ambulance to a f riend’s hom e where ha usually resldea w hen In Malaga.

O rdones has appeared tn 37 buU flgbts th is season without suffering a n Injury.— Ordoncr-acZU cved—iMzMrjde fame In h is duels In 1060 and 1900 w ith someUme p l a y b o y f igh te r Lula Miguel Domlnguln.

Hem ingw ay p u b l i c i s e d the competlUon In "The Dangerous Sum m er," selections from an - -

-publtebed-booit-w hlch-appti In-a-w eU know n jsagaitne ..;.

Bowling Doesn’t Require Big Men or S ^ d ; Little Men Fit Lanes as Well

PARAMOS, N . J . <MEA)-Lll- tie Dick W eber, th e Alble Pear­son, of the lanes, h a s -a unldu« explaruttlon fo r th e growth of bowling.

'■It's a -s p o r t you « n dream

—tn m ip c t« r* w jm rw slm lliir lrra re apeclcs, being found In a remote reservoir. Since m any o t th e anl> mnl3 t n i birds killed iilegailj' a n left to ro t In th e field. I t only

'follows th a t some braggart: shoi them In fu ll knowledge o f w hat ha was doing, sim ply to be able to feed h is ego on th e f a c t th a t he killed a iid g o t away w ith It.

- :T m -nna-oL A _V £t?_f»w jln th is • country ever to kill B u d n H d

such a species.”— 6tanding-on>.tha-banks-«f_the

Snake river on a Sunday In an easily accessible area, you can count anywhere from one to. a dozen ducks someonoi h a s sho t

E’ the w ater w ith no way of levlng them . T hey f l o a t nstrcam, eventually coming

Into shore to become magpie meat.

Recall the ' num ber o f Umes you heard someone say "we bad good shooting down on th e river ye.flentay. W a knocked down b u t we could on ly get th ree ."

_ O r " t sho t a couple of hens (piy«a»ants).b7 aOstake yester­day . . . they got up In fro n t o f me and I ahoc before they got ®ut, ot range."

The m ost b ra ie n we have ever heard was a T w in P a lls trucker who boosted In 19M th a t ho had killed 103 deer In th ree years In th e Cassia dlvUlon of th e South HUls, H e Justified It b y saying trucking was alow tn th a winter «nd lie h a d - to teed h U family. T hen h e spoiled th a t , -^lobln Hood- ftUbl by no ting b e had been caught th ree tim es a n d paid »loo and costs-ekch-tlm e:---------

j-owselfUJto.'* J}» sa id ; -Take me, for Instance, r m no t built for football or b a i ^ e t t ^ o r any con­tact sport.''

Weber, w ho Is 31, atands flv« feet, n ine a n d weighs only 134 pounds w ith h is pockeU crammed with prise money.

As a kid I d ream ed of being __ athletio h e ro ,- cofltintjed the lD58-B9.top tournam ent money winner. “B u t o s I started to growanr<r......—______ r r n r o -portions. 1 rea lised I ’d never m akeJt In any o t tho sports thatwere then 13gneagtf«r ------- -

.-I’d been working after school as a p in boy since I was 11 and a ll o f a sudden I t downed oa me th a t some of th e good bowlers t was setting p in s fo r weren't built like Joe LouU o r Steve Van Bw-

I s ta rted rea lly learning ^ game." ,

“Nobody h a s to lose or gain weight fo r th » sport."-W ebet

day. Ducks w ill head for water with the ir dying Impulse and the m an w ithout a boa t or reW wer win lose 4orae;. However. D ^ DnJlmltsd e s th n a t« one out of every four ducks h it by h u n ^ becomes r a rm ln t m eat ra tte r than going on someone’s table. T h a t pcrceatago consfderlag th e decltee of Uw population a n d drought condl* tlons. id th e ir nesting g ^ d s .

Basically th e only W to throw some fo rm of « n t « » « this Is one of e eo n o m l^price of » h u n tin g and

>r'another. A o f pbeassint h u n t- t i' w iu ' fin d ’a way to .get l_.^_Jeffally.

pointed out. “Oeorge Howard, of Detroit Is five, e ight and he weighs o n lr 113 pounds. Look a t th s t new boy, Dick Downey,-

pounds d istributed unevenly over tt-slx -foo t-fram e.-H s-b ttsL lone legs, wears glasses and a crew cut. fac ia lly ho somewhat re­sembles W allr C o r portrf •— Mr. Peepcra,

W eber belleres coordination U the m a in fac to r In bowling.

"YotJ don’t e re a need speed,' said th e m an who Is known as Slingshot because he fires the

aLflUiI'm trying to c u t down on niy speed. X m ig h t pick up a lltUemoro-aoouraoy.*-!------------------------

Weber belleres th e m ost Im*

MedaGst Takes " ^ a h T o u m e y

SALT LAKE C IT Y , Aug. 9 m -M ed a lis t IDlxle Lorenant. Salt XiOke Olty, won th e women’s city parks ehamptODshlp 3-up over pto U arve PUUs Tw tttday.

Dixls got o ff to a n early lc«d and held U th roughout the match a t Forest S a lo golf course. .

8 h« w u 3-up -o re r FUlls after ]» hofes a n d ia o ea sed th s t “ «-up a fte r 37. M rs. PUUs m i- aged to tr im h e r opponent’s lead

the jtfth a s d Dorothy “W hltlag, Price, won

the eoo^tiaUoQ crown, S and X, orer A da Ketsoa. S a lt Lake City.

A ao th v s a l t la k e r — Mary - s u t h LorUn, Salt

•Jo c i^ -B in ’H a r t ic k T f l r s r r id r tn the Belm ont Stakes resulted in a Tlcto>7.- B e won th * IBM race w ith CelUo Ash.

po rtan t th ing * bowler can learn Is th e proper approach. Ho rec- om m esds th s generally approved four o r four*and-a*half step Ulp to th e foul line, although he uses the five-step approach, which he Uugh t h la 10*year*old son.

"Thftt’s a ll I taught Kim." odm ltt« l.j;A fter_he learned that, he w as o n h is own. He a:verages 118. w h ich U pretty good for a litUo boy, TTjst's another good th ing abou t bowling, you don't need Involved o r exUnslve les­sons, although they wuoUy

W eber b riev e s a beginner i*o^ulc^jsoncentrate on a straight b a ll. 'ro lle d ^ Q rU ir ih \im S -ln T i 13 o'clock IwafOon. "After th a t ho joan monkey around and find out from experience w h an i« '“ ~' ■j w ith fancy shots."

"T here 's Ju s t one more thing Z Would like to say about alse,** concluded Dick Weber. “I believe being ]itUe helps a bowler. He's closer to th e lone. Look a t the w ar D on C a rte r bends doira and slides th e ball onto the lane. He' p re tty cute. He*s cutUng himself down to site, ^ t .w a y . ’

three others. B o t h his triples came dff G i a n t sUirte'r and loser Sam Jones (7*7) a n d made a winner of Bob Buhl (0-B).

’The Braves collected U hits In beating the O lants fo r the fifth stra igh t time and seventh win In 13 meetings. T hey left ' I on base.

T h e Pittsburgh Plratca acorad six runs In the first two Innings w ith Bob Skinner driving in li»Tce-ot them , to «a ln -fln_Jl:7 victory over tho National league* leading ClnclnnaU Reds.

T he P ira tes shelled sta r te r Ken H unt 9*0 o u t o t the box with four ru n s 'ln th e opening Inning and th e n continued to ham m er a t relievers ja y Hook and Sherm J o n u . I tw a sH u n t's f l tth s t ra lg h t defeat. ,,

A fter spotting tho Pirates those six runs, th e Reds pulled Into contention a t 0-4 a fte r three Innings. B u t the P irates locke< It up w ith a three>run outburs In th e fifth .

Those come on a single by Robert Clemente, a walk, two otitfleld files and then a two*run hom er by P ira to reJlerer A1 Me Bean. M cBean had taken over for s ta r te r T om Stu rd ivan t afte three.Innings.

C urt Sim mons p ltched^n eight* h irsh u to u t> ^ l's ln g le s~ a n d -B in W hite smashed two hom ers In leading a l3 -h lt St. Louis Card InM a ttack for a 7-0 victory over the Philadelphia Phillies.

Simmons joined W hite as producer. W hite drove In

___ j —r u n s -^ n d —Slm m onsr-whohad tw o 'h l ts in -th ree tr lp s, b a t- ted In tw o 'w ith a double.

T he veteran southpaw , . . . . 0-7, picked up h is fourth stra lgh trium ph.

Slmmorts' shu tou t w as th rea t­ened in th e e igh th taiUng, when K en Boyer erred on a ground ball w ith two o u t to load the bases: B u t t h e .......................

Sir Gaylord Wins Sapling Stakes Race

- ln ^ h 'f f : 5 U i tc h p i iu t^ U = y o a i ................... ......................... ..- X&U- Vnrk_Vnnkt>ca do--and the rosilUa KO unbelicv-

iiblo. .Itihnny Blanchard Is - ™conMcientious but ra the r

undistinguished looking In- (lividunl, who wears a per- TBt^ml—\vidc*cyed—tfxprea-'•Ion. never kicks aboiib belnn

th ird .string cntctier and fre. qufn tly Is oveflooked by auto-

lor Roger Marls and Mickey Mantle,

P ro m jlrtu a lly ou t of nowhere, however, Blanchard haa emerg­ed w ith a fnnfsstlc flair fo r Inte- mnUiK heroic* th a t keep.i kill­ing the opposition white brlng- lng^j6y-to-U ».hearL .of_Y ankee M unngtr Ralph Houk.

Houk. stUl serving h b flve*day suiipentlon. Jumped up In'dcUght from the TV set he h a s In his clubhouw office a lter watching Bliuiehsrd b l a s t « thrte*rit7 homer in the 10th inning that RAVe the Yankees an B*& victory over tha MlnnesoU Tw ins Prl' day nlgtit.

T he homer, o ff soulhpsw BU Cltls^jiTuijiothing new for B lan- chtkrd.

O et a look a t how he 's been os^rating these past two m onths

June 8—H it a three-run pinch hom er to overcome a 3*0 M inne­sota Itad in the seventh Inning

June 15—His lU h-lnn lng pinch Mngle drove in the w inning run ‘1 a. :-a win over Cleveland.

June 38—Hit a tw o-run pinch hom er In the e lgh th -to tie the score Mtalnst Los Angeles; Y anki won In n inth.

Ju ly 31—Pinch h it irrandslam In ninth beat-Boston, 11-0. -

Ju ly 33—Pinch homer In n inth tied score a g a i n s t Red Sox Y anks w ent on to w in In Inning.

Ju ly 38—-Hit two successive homers In a B*3 vlctory.over th e W hite sox .'

Blanchard's - homer was h is 14th and brought rellevec Luis Arroyo h is ninth victory. I t also kep t the Yankees' lead In the American league Intac t and took th e play away from M arls, who h i t his 41st homer, from H arm an Klllebrew, who belled his 33rd w ith two on In tho e ighth to tie

a t 5.aH, and from E l­ston Howard, who h i t h l s - l l t h

........ - Valley Cowboys and IdahoP aILi Ru.virls wilt m eet In • doublehcftder here today to m ake up for a raln-out th a t occurred Saturday iilRht.

Idaho Palls holds an edge In th e —Ihree-gam e-serles,—having— nipped tlis Cowboys 4-3 Friday night.

Cowboy pitching, which se t n p a ll Idaho Falls' runs w ith bases on bolls. off*el the n ln th-lnn lng rally mounted by Magic Volley.

Trailing 4-0 going Into tho final Inning, the Cowboys came up with singles by Richle Allen, Vic Baron- and John Shockley and coupled them w ith two Rua*

.«ol_«rrori.and-a-sacrU lca-"____ three times. Joe S tin n e ttw ent doA-n.on strikes w ith tho potenUaj lyijjj run on second

U.VtlIrr *kr h blit. r>ll> Crkn4ISb4 » t < UcCah W ihrnii < 0 0 e.Vldmib

SindnU 4 C*rna«I S nh-»-ulrln :rncraff p I

■rot.u “ i r r i i*.<lrueV out for I>onem(r In Sth|

b-ll.M oi. .ttor J» tthjC*

t t - a F = S i ! !!!R-4tkki r MtCiii. ro-A —M«sl«

Vaiitr it.t . Idaho r4Ui 11.1. j>r— Cirno •nit Diron. LOD— Vol* • - ' I. *-Daffr. —

h r «r M M

0 '

rpncOTOtt I yMthonlont«' WP—renontt. U—1Mb, aubort.

A-MO (ML).

i i . i

Striking ou t Tony O onsales t( close ou t th e Inning.

J im OlUlam’s two*out alngle broke * 13th-lnnlng tie and brought th e Lios Angeles Dodgers a.7:0Jvktflnr.ovec_Chle*go.befqrt 85,020. 's,,

In th is section tor the lOQi Ken* tucky derby, drew off easily In C h«-finat-«lffhtli_of_*_m llo..st Monmouth park today and won tho (133,410 S apim g.stakea by 3% lengths. ' • ■ “

^ocky Ismael Valenzuela had th e M eadow'stable co lt w ell In hand as the favorite croaied the wire ahead of the Cain Hoy Stable's Bsttle Joined, second choice In the wagering. I t was five more lengths back to Mrs. Adela L> Rand’s O reen Ticket, who got third place by SK lengths over Townsend B. M ar­tin 's sunriw County in Oit of 11.

This was' the f i f t h _________victory for Sir Ooylord. The m ngy colt skipped th a six fur­longs In 1:10 3*8 on a trsc)c lUll drying out from recen t ralo .

Otto-Would— Like to Play Eagles ■

cmOAOO. Aug. 5 like to turn onfaifd an fl' play these guyi a g a i n tomorrow night," said s ls r coach O tto Ora* ham . “and on a dry fle ld .l think we'd beat ’em.”

O raham 's rem arks.F e rs made In the ho t and steam y college all- sU r dresslDg room a fte r the ................... Saglea h a d whack*

A U - A m e r i c i a n

B o w l e r s - N a m e d LOWOAOO. n i , Aug. 8 W —

Plve S t . lo u ls bowlers a n d a sixth from Detroit were nam ed today on tho lOSO-61 All*AmerIca bowling team selected by th e bowlers VToumsl magazine a n d members of th e Bowimg W riters AssoclaUon o t America.

Tbe No. I team is made up of R ay B luth, Don Carter, Bill Tucker. Dick W eber and Billy Welu. a ll ot S t. Joseph and D e- tro lty Jo e Joseph.

n with Sherluck, a 88 to i abot.

I•iifS A V E N O W

I — We’re -DIscounUng — Prices on nil

BOATS OlidM O T O R j"

T W I N P A l i s


B e s t L o o k i n g |:--------^Eyeglass-

B . e a r i n g A i d \

Raiders Run Off Final Practice

SANTA' CRUZ, Calif.. Aug. B (TJPI) — Coach Bddle Erdelatz se n t h U OaklahO R id e r s through the ir f in a l f u l l .................

i S im i ' H ourtTO-O Uerr-tir-Honolulu.— E rdelatx safd to d y 's h e a d -

knocking fea tured a semi-gome ty p e -o f fe n se -w lth -e a c h -s q u a d having th ree 4 °« n s to m ako 10 yards.

T h ree player* mtssed th e scrim ­mage because of Injuries. T hey are J im Pace, Jerry B urch and Tony Teresa.

ed the stars. 36*14 Prldsy night in Soldier field.

“Had we scored on th a t first ptay, we'd haMe had them o n the run."* continued ' O rabam , “and e y ea lh ea , don't. th lnk .thos« guys were relaxing out there .- _ T h e condlUon_pfJhe fleW, wet and soggy because o f an early evening rain, cost th e s ta rs dear­ly In th s serrices o t AlI-ABserJca ha innck. Joe BelUno of Navy. BclUno, going down for » pass In pre*ganie drills, slipped and pulled a leg muscle. .

Graham ssld .th e v e t ball made It tough on h is receivers.

•The ball kept allpplng ou t ot-thelr-fingsrs," h ifi .salil^ --------kids con catch and throw.

nd-EnsravMTrfn •ttylr^ight Colon •■steblngFrontg'

WEAR EVERYWHERE...SWITCH TO 8t^N OR READING QVA8SE8 IN 8 E C O N 0 8 . . . -Tho Sonotone “Sovcfciga 430” cyeglas?

beorjog aid combines smart styling with all'jjtw better hearing fea-

turcs. Enjoy sensitive telcpbone "pickup" (hold the phone like everyone else), Automatic Vol­ume Control • and-steieo. (blor.^ aunl) bearing.' Clarity, power

'fomdenflgeotbeaiinglosses.'^ Make a 4att wltk Sonotont to tee this tmart way to hear b e tle r -


833 Shoshont North RE 3*9038■ Vrlte for F*'**

P itch e r A rt Fowler of th e Los Angeles Angels compiled a U -10 record w ith S t. Paul in th e Amer­ican association la s t season.

MASONS ATTENTION!You 0 , . Inrll"! I» ««•"'< III. FIfffi Ollfrief I7 th Anniiol Ml. Horiion, How.ll C o n y o n r-. ____

MASONIC DEGREE W 0 r1<~T o b . - l » r ( I - H i l r i m t .......... - - ............

Soturdoy, A ugust 12th , 2 P.M.Lunch following MMflng . . . under dlncHcn of

. Burloy LoJg. No. < i A.F. ond A.M.

■ . T S a S S - a tS W S B B B T W l i r r


O k a y D e n t a l t a bN o * D o l« i f t i i ln e ii ti. T lii lr ^7


featuring fast, economicd,- D E i m j R E R E P A I R S !

LEE B A R N E S ' , -

O K A Y - D E N T A L LA B ■O K A Y - W O P M H O - C I K T E R .-^ P H O N R - 7 3 3 .1 9 8 7 _______ _

Page 12: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113


OPEN CRUCIAL WEEK MONDAYS h a l l o w P i t c h i n g S t a f f

F a c e s T o u g h A s s i g n m e n t

The week of dcclHion opens Monday n lsh t At Jnycec park and by next Sunday tlic Macic Valley Cowboys will know exactly where they are. For in the next seven niKhta, the Cowboys must play nine Rnmes against th e ir toughest competition. Thnv onon Mondny by_hostinff tjip ahvays dangerous Boise Braves, c u ^ e n t ly lurkinfT in th ird place' but definitely in the race, a t 8 p.m. in Jnycee park. The Braves will stay hero f o r ' ' ^three daya and then the (JowDoys move into ureat

To SayeTiger^in^ver IndiansFalls fo r a back-breakinjr siX'Rame eland in four days.

T he quHtlon&blo lU blllt? or th s Cowboy p llch tns lUiir, tlie Innblllty o t Anyone b u t Joel Olb' •on, Bob Bubush and Jim Ton-

— cerorrto'l»o"consUl«nlIy effective; put* Uie Cowboys squw ely behind the e lshtbni:.

DurInK th e week, two o t the oUier pitchers m iu t come up w ith * clutch perfornmnee. With roulc ROlnif performnncM from the Uiree establlAhcd boyi. man* «Rer Jack Phillips «»n • prc-ia ChMlle llenberiter Inlo » repot'' sU rtln s (LAslsnment. llenberRcr has been used m ainly In relief,

■ ISSVlng only two sCTrU.Ted Dillard, t h e strappins

rlKhthonder f r o m OKIahoma, may be nble to eome up with n •Irons st^nt PTovldtd TtRht elbow can s tand the prc«ure.

B rian Ross And Don Be,uey. both of whom w ent well in the early golna of the first half, h aven 't been able to iM t tfiore than four- In n in g 'since.' Joo Stinnett, the 'flreballln ii pllchcr converied from tho outfield, moy ptove « big fac tor w ith four or less Innlns relief a tlnti.

Based on performanc# of the . pnst six weekii, however, the

cowboys flgurs to have a tough weelc.

W ithout th a t tough fourth___ pitch er„ lo_ roun tt.ou t_ the .rq tn -

tlon, the Cowboys have been un- - abls to m ount a winning streak ' although the ir percentaRO In the

second ha lf has been ROOd.I n nddlUon, the Cowboys line­

up, once th e scourge of.Pioneer league pitching, h as tu rned from the boisterous hom erun hitting crew Into the singles tn d doubles brigade. T h e big punch has not been 'erlden t tloce the FourA of July. - .

A tw o-to-oae edge In the Boise series and on even sp lit a t Oceat Ptlla. Tlrtually U a m ust for the C o w b o y s . Followlns Sunday'- gome. th a Cowboys «U1 have m. c lf 'd ay to recoup, tbe lr pitching lorccs. B u t th e re wUl be only S3 games left in t)M aeoson.

Junior Golf Meet Reaches Semi-Finals

rraA C A , N .Y , Aug. 6 W — Otorge Boutell f r o m Phoenix. ArlL, and Jay Slgel, two-time Fennaylvsjila Jaycee Junior tl- UUt, teoched th e s e m l t^ U o(

■ the tournam ent atlli was for from

Blgel from -----------------hod to tu rn back » U te roUy by Jlffl Wlechers, L ot Alto*> CalU. to wla. S and 1.

Boutell,. a form er Arisona Jun -

f i i l m e r - e i t e d - “ M o s ( r

Valuable” All-StarCHICAGO. Auk. 5 (/P>—Quarterback Bill K ilm er of

UCLA edpred out.OrCRon S ta te end Anron Thomas for “mo8t-vaiuable-player’'-honor8-in-laHt-night’R-football (fame between tho college all-atars-and.thc Philadelphia Eat?le.s. Results of the balloting by sports w riters follow-

----------------— -------- Infr rhnadelphia’fl 28-14victory before a crowd 'Of C5,O00 in Soldier field were announced today.

No vole tally woa reported, bu t the pollsura said K ilm er edgei' Thomas by a "very few votes.

T his should mnke th e S an

Zarley Belts Hiskey for GoIf-Ciu)w.n-

TACOMA, w a sh , Aur. 5 » — K erm it Znrley, Jr., Seattle , ro u t­ed his University of Houston clBssmnte..Bnbe Hlskcy. 10 and 9 . today to win th e WashlnRton S tate am ateur golf cluunplon- ship.

Znrley. shoatlnit a flve-under- Ar M. was six up n t the end of

the first lA hole*, was • ' under par for the nex t nine.

Illskey, 23. from Pocatello, waii .KO over on the first 18 and fell steadily behind with a 'fo u r

»r on the afternoon'nine. Zariey crime' ou t In th e atler*

noon to w in the first hole and tile fifth , sIxUi and seventh, tnk- Inir th e seventh* with an CAglethrce“ on“ aro5ifoo t-pu tt.~ TH e7hAlved th e nex t two.

Beau Prince Wins Race iii Stretch Run

c in c A o o , in ;,’ A u g . 'V i f l '— Beau Prince, ca lum et farm 's ha rd -try ing bay colt, made a to r­rid s tre tch ru n to capture th e tllBJiOO American, derby a t A r­lington p a rk today.

B eau Prince, ridden by Stove Brooks, charged to a 3H length victory over the early pace setter. E ditorialist, to brlnR calum&t th e w inner purse of *71.400. Third in th a one and one«elghth-mlIe test fo r 9-year-olds over a m ud­dy trac k WAS riu tterby, a length behind EdltoriallsU

T ho favored Croder finished fif th in th e seven-horse field.

J u s t AS h e did In the Arling­to n OlAsslo on July 8, Editorialist th rea tened to run away with th e A m erican derby. He J u m p e d ahead n t th e s ta rt and led a ll tho way into- th e head o t the hom e stre tch . T here, Besu Prince re - sponded 'sharp ly to the urging of B ^ k s . a n d charged Into th e

B eau Prlnee w ent off a 3-1 pick a n d re tu rned *8.40, IS and (4.S0.

B eau P r l n e e , qirrylng 113 pounds, was the second Amerl-

Juntor cham plra o f Alabama, 3 and 3. '

W alling for a chance to knock over t h e favorites in Sunday maralng's Mtniflnals over Cornell

. university’s 8,803-yArd course aw two other s ta te trophy winners.

Charles S . McDowxU of Vir­ginia Beach. Va.. and Phillips E xtier Academy, la s t year's Vir­ginia Jaycee cham pion, chal­lenges BoutelT.

Colorado high school champion Bob HtUdeen. S terling. Colo„

- -m e e ls -B lg e l.---------------- ------------Haldeen b e a k O ordon Aden,

SpokAne. WAsh., 3 And 3. Me- DoweU b e a n im T ronca tty rsoc- nunento, CnllfM 3 And 3.

Brooks. H e piloted Ponder hgme to th e 1M» AmerlcAn derby tr l-, u m p u ; i : 7 r _ :

BeAU .w ince 's illTWO'triumph a lm ost m atched his entire p re ­vious earn ings' of I709B. The tim e w as 1:51 3-8-

Major League Leaders

Seattle Woman Is Golf Champion

PASADENA, ClUlf., Aug. S ITV- Ann Q uast Decker, Seattle, pu t together a brilliant stretch of subpar golf in the afternoon ro u n d -to d ay -an d -beat BArbara M cln tlre. Jupiter. F la , 3 and 3. fo r th e Oist Western Women's nm nteur-golf-cV

'F r a n c o '<i)ers. ofT lH eT ^illonal Pootball leaBue happy since both Kllmcr and Thom as a ro headed for the 40crs.

Kilmer enRlneered' th e AIV S tars f irst touchdown la te It the fourth quarter, a n d ' capped the drive wltli an 18-yard-scoring PM3 to Olynn Gregory of South-

m MethodlsLKilmer completed 11 of 30 pass

attempUi for a total of 173 yards and outdid Eagle s ta r te r Sonny Jurgensen who had 10 comple­tions In 10 attem pts fo r lOi yards.

Tliomos was the gam e's top pass receiver In yardage a l­though Phlladephla's Tom m y M c­D onald grabTjed th ree touchdown ttUMS. Thom as caught five pns.ies fo r 133 yards while M cDonald caugh t flv e 'fo r S3 yards.'

T h e Eagles, booed by m any of th e 05.000 fans as they tro tted onto the rftln-soaked sod o f Sol> dier field, showed th e ir d e tra c t­ors they could do i t w ithout the golden arm of Norm V an Brock- lin—the quarterback w ho led them to th e N F t crown la s t year, then qu it and becam e'Joach 'o 'f the M innesota Vikings. •_ The.oll-s tatfl suffered, fc-sevcre stroke..of,bad luek.during’ w arm - upn before the game. N avy's Joe Belllno, a key man- in the ir strKtegy of attack, slipped while going down for a pass a n d pulled a r ig h t leg muscle. T h e All. American halfback, who soon be gins a four-year s tin t In the

avy as an ensign, was to have lade h is last game a big one.

H e s a t i t ou t on the bench..B ill Brown dlllnois-C hleano

Bea*»> ra n back th a opening klckoff 39 yards, a n d N orm Snead (Wake Porest-W oshlngton nedskins) - h it A aron T hom as ( O r e g o n State-San F rancisco 40ers) w ith a 43-yard pass th a t w en t to the Eagles* 13.

I t looked as If tho A ll-Stars ere primed, bu t • th e y were

pushed back to the 17, a n d the quickie strike was dend.

M inutes later, the 'Engles got th e ball on their 30. Jurgensen . V an Brocklln's understudy.

T.F. Keeps Average But Power Declines

V/lth six men hitU ng over JOO. the Magic Valley Cowboys remain th ird 'in the Pioneer league b u t the ir slugging leads continued tc drop during tha week.

Statistics released by W illiam J . Weiss, official statistician, show the Cowboys havo lost th e ir to ta l baso lead to Pocatello and their once commanding hom erun lead h as dropped to 10. T h e Cowbayi have h it onl)^ six hom eruns in th e la s t IS ball games.

Bobby Sanders, who h a s n 't connected for th e circuit since Ju lj 18, tops all h itte rs w ith 30 hOmeruns and Jim Coggins, Pocatellomoved,to^within five o f th a t mark,, _ ___________ ___. John Shockley has fallen o u t o f the t« ta l baso and runs-balted-ic

lend he held fo r two weeks. J im Hicks, Pocatello, h as replaced Richie Allen in strikeouts, going down 113 times against Allen's 106

TEAM DATTINC 0 An n K {nsii UK Til n iiis iiR P n n itrf iD 80 Lon Pel

_.«« i : : t «:( « » n s :» loa t46» ess » m s: t : iis

a iobetro tter basketball player. P e te Rettlftff took i t fo r 13

yards. I t touched off a n 80-yard drive in seven plays, capped by Ju rgeav in 's 27-yard touchdowirlddan—lu : *‘»n{cn.v;n» 4<-yaro. iQiicnaown

McDonald _*nared_t«^'0_m ore m -t«M «s.- f acli-r f o r - 24

^ ------- - ........................

sSSs =’!!!!! ! 'iii!— ---------

n«llL — . ‘

Xlllibrfw. Ulna. -

holes Saturday.m orning, played th e firs t nine of the afternoon round In 34 shots to grab a 3-up advantage. She added another hole on the iflih with a pur and ‘ eld on for (lie triumph.

T h e vlctoo ' avcnsed her l<vw lo“ M isfl-M cim ir»“ ln ~ ili-n M 8 tournam ent. •

BifTtn, CbkM* - 1t e i b i i i - ; .........ciRK*nu. r iu . _ » ( a ttOteblnion. CIs. _ I0 « iKUo«li. I-Ill.-------*0 saa — . —

. Moon. UA. _ _ K7 SS9 t l .H . 13/-ilM on. Cln. ___lOJ »« ll»

t i ] S SCn>^4. A.n rr.n . lo: 400 ................Oa>*r, at. l ^ t j _ I 01 IM

Primonefta Wins Alabama Stakes

SARATOOA SPRINOS. N. Y.. ... A»*f. 8 — Prlmcnetta be- (1 c ^ e th e leading eandldate for

yards, for touchdowns, and Retz< la ff took one for 2S yard.t.

T h e Eagles led 21-0 a t ha lftim e and m a d e .lt 58.0 w ith the ir fo u rth TD with four m inutes le ft in the Rflme.

T hen Kilmer brought tlje colle­g ians to life with pa& tu from tho short punt, spread form a­tion. in «l* plays they surged 75 yards. Kllmcr capped i t w ith an 18-yard scoring pitch to O lynn Gregory iSMU-Dallas Cowboys^.

T hen guard Dick O rcchi .(Ohio U-Clcveland Browns) in tercepted a King Hill p.vu and lum bered57 yards)for_a..touchdow n__ _

-H ad we scored on th a t fir.it play, we'd have had them on the ru n .- said all-star head coatch O tto Graham. "I'd like to play them again and on a d ry field 1 think we;d beat them.'*

Conch Nick SIcorlch sa id : ’ Our guys were concerned abou t be- in s awnevfhht downgraded -while lliB-alnra-w ere-belng-toutedrw id we went out to Justify ou r cham ' plonshlp."

I t appears as though F ra n k l/m on t U being whacked «

14 a m i : : ■ :: 345 :o <1


Ci>rins,__ KhoeklfT ■ Wrchors .

.4 8 190 11 30

By The Assaelated Pre»sD etroit Manager Bob Scheffing. aoured on hia bull pett <______________

iC(TTHm“Bum iiiijr"in“a*Tcliuf role S iitun lu j' fu i Llic XirsL lim e th is sea.<<oii nml Ti n in g preseirvcd a 7-6 v ic to ry over th e C lev e lan d Ind ians. A fte r th e Timers Mb I 7-1 lead arid le t th e In d ia n s come w ith in o ne ru n of tyin;r tho sc o re Srhnfr H ------------------------- ----------------- Virft.iffht in S u n n in g to p itch --------------- ------------------ "^1

3-Way TieDeyelopsiii__Eastern Open

BAL'HMOIIE, Aug 6 W »-Kcn Venturi. Doug Sanders and Gay Brewer, Jr.. wound up a ll even today in the third round of the $35,000 E astern open golf tour*

Sanders and B rtw tr ahnved four strokes off pa r 73 on the ir th ird round while V cntiirl took

30 more shot.Venturi, the s e c o n d - r o i

leader, anagged birdies on . . . . o f tho la s t three hole# to ay»x on top. Brewer tapped in two birdies on the 17th and 18th to also catch Sanders who h a d en­joyed a two-stroke edge- on his compeUtors wlUi only th ree holes to play.

G e n e Llttler. th e defending cham pion who also s ta rted the th ird round one stroke back of Venturi, could carve ou t n o bct- te r-U ian -a -70 -desp lt« -an -eB g le th ree on the 507-yard 13th 'hole. Ho dropped two. strokes o ff the leaders In a tie w ith Bob Mc- AllUtcr and Joe Campbell.

T he ho tte st among the 81 pros, who will be reduced to oa for tho finals, was Mason Rudolph, ClorksvUle, Tenn. H e Equalled th e course record of 65 s J te r he was even p a r in the firs t 36 holest but_lt_nett« l.h lia .no .better_ than a tie. fo r seventh place.

T lje record was se t by LitUer In 1D50 w hen he.lost the E astern Open by one stroke, and he m atched i t la s t year w hen he won.

1 :iI u

hllj, C*rra K.IK. I ll I

lATTlNc'iXAnElisCr««l Kill), JTS: rum, Com*i. liolt*. IT:. Tr Cl»r«on. Jlnin*. 2»: Ulplw. Hob SImb. Cntl

ATfriit, Som Curraiqutl. Gr««l Kilii, nCtrraiqutl. 14! i dMblM,_Tr ]|at>>.

i. Holt*. IT

14 Hydros Qualify for Sunday Race

SE A T rL E, Aug. 5 tfl — A n a ft­ernoon of thunder Is in Seattle 's datebook for Sunday. Fourteen roaring unlimited hydroplanes will compete- in three racea ^ 0.000 in p rlte money.

Skimming the Lake W ashing­to n course a t straightaway speeds up- to 100 miles per hour, the l,500-hor8cpowcr giants will In­troduce a new idea in speedboat

r.RA. Jim Ward. C r» t K«IU. S.14i »ln>. Word. ]«: toim. nog r»rMi<, I4nl<o Kailt. und Jack llrUloI. I'oealfllo. 10; ilrlkMUU. Ward. U7: •■Iki, J m r

a<i4r. riM t roll*, las: fotnpM* ■•mn. Ward,.It; Innlnn rl»bH. Ward. ■lid HichH. John Wane». lloli». It. and hit balatnan, I*ai«naudf, li.

Ai-ea SoftbaU Tom-namenr” Set for T.F.

iuvid-thB-cnt:y..li5t inc ludea-8y- rlnga Life Insurance, K oto 's cnfe and Royal Lounge, nil Tw in r a lb : A m son's-M lits.-nii — •

T he S t. Louis C ardinals lost 18 of 20 one-run declMoa-* before Johnny Keane replaced Solly Hemus as manager.

Reese. Cnstleford; B u h l M er- clinnLi, and Fnt's R ichfield and K erb's Beeline, both Burley.

I n the opening round. K erbs III meet Allison's w hile Buhl

meets Syrlnna Life in th e top bracket. The lower brocket pits Bllek and Reese a g a in s t; P a t's Rlehfleld jind Ko|o's_Cafe-aga[mt Royal Lounce.

I t win be a double ellm lna- cnl_and-

. . »hc tto«s\cta iw6 others, including la.it year's 2-yFsr-old' flUy champion. Uowi of Flowers.' w ith record time in the ei«t run-1 n lng of the »54,700 Alabama' stakes a t Snratosn.

T h e fleet daiisMUr of Swaps from Jo h n W. Oalbreath's D ar­by D an farm led all the way and v « n by five lenKths from Andrew Crevolln's Mighty Fair. Bowl of Plowers Ju.i; got up to beat ou t' C. V. WhlUio"s C ounter.C all fo r tnK d.

Prlm onetta ran th« mile and

" I.VS NKT TITLE r England. Aug.

~ * \ ■‘■'J AustraUa, o -l.___ s a :*i; ' 'On a BrlUsh Pro-

'lfmn~H!Hmi unimuT'


Gibson Voted =Top Playerin— Pioneer Loop

Jo e ro ib o o n . a young right­hander off th e N orth Carolina S tate college campu-i who cs- lAbliahed him self a s the Magic Valley Cowboys ^ pitcher In- one m onth, haif been voted the ouLttandIng Pioneer league player fo r July.

A release from Claude Eng- '■— league president, saidO lbao n jiu n -th o Jo p p i-p la y er- of tho m onth award, spon­sored by a chewing gum com-

.pjiny, will receive an en­graved w rist w ata j; ~

GItoon w on six and lost one during Ju ly and h a d a'sparlc- llng earned n m average of


m«r>filngle<on-heId'enit-Lakirta five h its th is afternoon In p lu h - Ing Seottle's Ralnlers to a 10-2

■ iry-over-the-Beea.-------

I n th e p ast all entran ts have ru n In a slnele 'racc. which waa sp lit into.scctlons by draw when th e 'fie ld exceededtmnt<

W e’ll l a k e t h a t in s u rd n c e h o m e w o r k

i oflF y o u r h a n d s !We've made it our life's work helping folks with their insurance problems. If you’re interested m a prosram for your family. . . hom e . . . ca r . . . business, let o$ laww,' We'll be.£hd to pve yoo aO the help yon need!


EctablUKed 1908 Ti202 Sheaheoe Slreet East

For Seattle 's Senfalr derby the fastest seven will n m in a »15.. 500 championship race. A slow. ■eP-frr«up-wUl-eompete fo r" th e Seafalr trophy and SD.500; t slowest contingent will go in _ 15.000 race for the Queen's tro ­phy.\ Since Tuesday the H boats on th e en try list haVe been qual­ifying on the thrce-mllo o v a coune. w ith dally prise money for tho speediest. Total money Including. Uie qualifying aw ards and travel mllenge payments for ench e n tran t. Is 140,000.

MLis Seattle Too. topped the ,field,_jnflklng_tliree_clrcults_i tho buoy-marked course a t a ., average speed of 113.88 miles per hour. Slowest of the seven qunll- f tc rs - fo r- th e - tc a tu re 'T ac e 'W a a Miss Reno, which w h i p p e d around a t an average 107.712.

Action will s ta rt a t noon S un­day In A schedule which calls fo r th ree 15-mlle heats In each race. T lie Queen's trophy con­tingent will get away first, with

opening h eat of. the .cham pion­sh ip event a t . l . I t takes about

cs to complete a heat;

\L -O A N S -'B Y -IV IA IL ■ . . /

A Most Convenient Way To Borrow Money—And Practical,TooUniTer e u r ilm a-tovtns p la n , a laen transaction

* P p n e o ! lo « > final . poym ant.

teoniupto $1000

G . A . C . P I N T A K r C E—^ < ^ O R P O R A * i : . l O N "7 | T \ , Fenatfly Coniumer flnoae* Cerporwliow '

l 4y M o tn A v e n u ft/ t o o

u ro u g n k 4i> o u iu u i i ) ; lu p i ic n Liie last two in n in R S . The Innky riffht-handcr, who has a 12-8 rccofd in 25 starLs, came through with •.wiThiUess'frinrnga th a fh e lp c d .he Tigers stay w ith in P i games of the league-leading New York Yankees.

Phil Regan, the T igers ' starter.as belted ou t in the seventh in ­

ning w h ^ the In d ian s scored four times. G erry Staley, the 46- year-old reliever Ju st acquired from Kansas City, m ade h is De- fole debu t and allowed (wo runs

lo criA^ ~in th e ” aeventh” on“Ti double and an infield out.

Mickey M antle's elght-inning triple backed up J im Contes' faur-W t pitching lo r a 3-1 New York Yankee victory M innesota Twins.

M antle's triple followed a s in ­gle by Boger M arls and broke up A fin s p itch ing battle be­tween Contes .And left-handed Jaek Kraliek of th e Twins.

M innesota scored in the first Inning when Z o r r o Vcrsalles walked, moved to th ird on H ar­mon Klllebrew's single and scor­ed on Bob AW&on's ains\« pnst third bftsc.. T he Tfanks tied i t up In the second! W ith one out, E bton Howard beat ou t a alow boiiml^r behind second baso fo r a single and took second w hen Bill Tuttle threw out Bob Cerv. Bill Skow- ron 's looping double to ahort left, which fell betw een Jim Lemon and Versalles, drove in Howard.

Bostoir.8lugger Vie W ertz drove ocross lo u r runs w ith a triple, double and single. M i U l j e ^ d 8ox_defcnlfd:K naaaa-C lty.-l0-4. . Don Buddin, h itt in g h is fourth homer of the season w ith a m ate aboard, and rookie C arl Ya>

Towering Boston right-hander Gene conley was credited with h is fifth trium ph against 10 losses though h e cou ldn 't handle Athletics' rookie D ick Howser. H e lined his second hom er into the left field screen In the seventh Inning. H owser's sacrl- flco fly brought in the 'A 's 'M C - ond run in Uie f if th a fte r he had singled his f irs t two trips.

T tto-run homers by Jim Landis and Luis Aparlclo powered the Cljlcago W hite So* to an

23 College Grid Tilts to Be Airedcollege football games

L in . tn"!!""Sept, 10, It was a n n o u n c e d ^ Twelve be th e gainei wi i

tcleca.1t on S a turday i f i i z j ' and the -other on ' n , # & day. T hree regional K snS ^ be presented o n five of urdAT dates — O ct. 21. v - ,llH B -and-25.--------------

Tho University ef P1iw,hi and the U niversity of M lS ^ meet a t ' th e Oran## h MlamU P la., lo r game w hile th e A rm y^ clasalo doses o u t the ictf.

.in Philadelphia. Dec. a. ^

over th e 'Wuhiaji,

Landis’ iB th homer of tiie tm. hU bllghted a three-nm ra lly^ the seventh inning which b j a 3-3 tie a n d Aparlclo clubW his third hom er in the Ughu, t . nlng.

Chuck H in ton 's founh hca- H of the season the lop of il. sevenUi h a d lifted the S tn i i l into a 3-3 tie a fte r the Sotscorod-three-unenm ed'T uni'‘-~earlier innings.

Aparlclo collected four et Ci cago's 11 h its . H e alw ladj double and two ainRlt*.• The L o i Angeles Anwls tmal two Baltim oro mistakes iaui tw o-run w inning rally u ita scored a 4-a victory o fn e, Orioles.- Geoiige T hom as and £d b. d o w sk l-B ta rted -th e eigbtlii-' n lng rally, w ith singles, a l»s- ed bal^by c a tc h er Ous TYiuii on one of reliefer Hoyt WUbta

.knuckleballs b rought In odiis :and a throw ing e rro r by UKSi'I baseman Je rry D alr allowMCi o ^ e r giving th e Angels »H

Jfm G entll# knock?d in a 1’ i* Oriole runs, scoring th« h iV,';* on a hom erun in th e seeosdb nlng,

Gentile’s, hom er was hli M of the season a n d his tws to batted In boosted -his RBI rad to 09. His hom er mark tin club record se t by T rlan to ,1DS8 and his R B I producUoa lap th ^ c lu b record, ho set l u t j » .

Is ye^r lawn brown and »IelJ.If 10, . see—Globe S e e d ^ d r .

Don't Guess!Why Toke

Buy Your G. I. & Civilian

TRUCK PARTSI & AUTONew, Used or Re-Built---------

I from those who know PARTSI Lou Morton ond Jock Lesher, with o totol oF

over 40 years experience in tho handling juij selling of now, uted and re-built part* ondjoc-

|-eetiorlef,-wil|-bo'-ob!o-to-oiiirt-yoti'in-fiirding-- the belt, 01011- economieol w'oy to repair your

I car»and-truckt. _________________

> Come out and let us help you with I your automotive problems and


PARTS. for ail-your ear* and truckt— on hond*

o r with 24 hour ipeciol delivai^.




. . ; FLANGES . . . YOKES . . «tc.

PLENTY OF FREE PARKINGW t are open 8 am;' to 6 p.m.

Monday thru Saturday

T W I N F A L L S . A U T O P A R T SKimbariy Read ^ Eart. e f City

Page 13: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113


TF. GATNS STATE LEGION TOURNEYK e l l e r , R o u n t r e e P i t c h

L o c a l s t o D o u b l e h e a d e r


Twirv Fulls Amerinm Ia'Kioh junior baaebnll teum e«niL-»l n Ijorlh iu ihu slnle jmirnnment in Lcwislon next week when they swept n (iinililflifmlcr frotn Moun-

-f-iin Home 7-0 7-5 S:ili)r(liiy. Twin Fulls hud thinRs its own way in the first

itA buck to the wuU. Moiintuin Home Kftve Gary Roiinlroe !<evi.iul loii«li innings ,-----------------------Ihofore two Twin I'nUs Hui-l I

cido y(nifoy.e b u i i la n n il ( ttn iM in jr e r r o r le t tn c m , ru c k up t h r r a r u n s In the: c iK lith inn in ir.

Thp -IVin PnlLi cUib « m Urv*] fnr UwLiinn Wednesday morn-! Ins siirt fcin l«kc on ih rre o th f r ' dlMtict ttiuiiCM. T u'ln P«ll» U dflcnmtii: fnamplon.

Adrr rim chlns lh« dta trlel' UtiA i-tldnv iilKht « l lh ft vlclory j over VMiry. •I'wln Falls hnd to win t»o of three Jront Mouii* iRlu Home in a TtRlorBl.plnyolf-

• nvm VrtiLi liRd to come Irom brlilnd twice In the n lslilcap to cUlm the win.

MouniBin Home jum ped litlo! llie lead ln*tt)e Ural innlnR on! a RAlt (o Xen We.it folJoved b^J U rry Srradn'ii iln s le a n d • Br3uH <froi7t~T w m -:^ll.t-w fnl »hcad In the »eeond on a ulORle by Oery Je tt and .w allu to Gary Crtwfr *nd Jerry Riii>dolph. Two Kround oiit* *cored th e run».

In iJii* jw rd a waJle to W nynr Dean, An error and a lonz Ily by J r ft lPi Twin Palls Bo ahead 3-1. Bill Mnunlain Home tied II AEatn In the fifth on a walk to W en iinil SweArlnRcn’ii l o n e triple. SurarlnRcn brouRhl In the lylnB roimd on a ( jro u n i out.

Atier Twin Palls h a d »eored _n unearned run In ilte aliclli.i' Mouninln Home w ent ahead (or the Iwt lime. Weal and Swenr- InRfn, who Kored a ll Moiinlaln »omc'« run*, led o tf w ith ulnRlM

id Went 10 Mcond and third . nlfiilii. tjirry BwearlnRen Bln.-

cled tliem In.nouniree aleadied a fte r th a t

In bUnic the vlMUir.i b u t h e had to eet out or one URht aUuailon In the cishth.

T»’ln FnlU w rapped 11 up In IhB elshih when C rancr and Randolph walked, T erry Law­rence ie»i out a bun t to load the bnse.1 and two run* acorcd on iq u e ^ b u n U b y 'B o u m rc s 'sn d Keller. Tlien Schow lived on an error t h a t brouRht Lawrence home.

In the flrnt Rame. K eller w»» In eontroi except fo r th e «ee- ond InnlnR when M o u n t a i n Home loaded the banea w ith two out*. B u t he ROt M. Serofln — strikes to end th a t th rea t.

£pt 0« v c .h lt» but made *lm o8t .... of them count. They Rot two In the aecond-lnnlnB w hen Terry Low rtnce walked and acored on O a rr C ran rr 't doubts off the leftflcld wall. Dour Bchow lol- lowed w ith a klnglo .to Craner.

Tw in ra ils idtled single runs Jn the n e x t three Innings. Wayne Dean come home In the th ird on a 8lD«le, »acrlflce,.wlld p itch and ground out. In th e fourth , Boby O U phaat.K ored on Jim Blake' ly** single.

Tw in Palls wrapped H up In th e e ighth, tournam ent rules de» m andtng the end of a game If one tea{n Is seven runs ahead -or-farther-afU r-th# nlng.

H a g e r m a n Y o u t h C o l l e c t s

[ T r i c l r 6 h a m p i o n s h i p - f o r —

l A r e a W a t e r S k r T o u r n e j rHAdKRMAN, A ug. G—Ricky Folwell, HuRcrniun, won first pluce in the junior

boy. trick event for boys up to la yenrfl old, th is nflcntooii n t the Idaho' open ftkl tournnnient n t SligarR* ThouRnnd Sprinjra reso rt. The event ia sponsored by Thou* Band SprinRfv W ntcr Sports club. Folwell received 190 points. Second plnco in the

ScoresU E U C ^

tldl. Al!*n « ) . runk « ), 5cAi»«r. ■olh O), StlsmnB <S) tnd JloRiatisjR *f». it>I«T (1). il<ir<nln( K) •n<l BMtki. W—R«*i> (1»-T). ly-llill

'Clfii1.nJrT.mt.U-tlK Fhnilp* (11) lf»I<l (U). bttrDlU'-Wool

— ...... ....... __.C4bl>r. KIlppil.ia IT) OrMnt

ritu ro i» t Ctrncn. y f - T tu m (1.-4)-L-KllBpft«ln' (M ).

J k , nemtni>»-Wulilncl«>, nial8« (4),

BMUfl ____ 0« t«l 0«i-IO 11 Q

Clir. How.« (I).

S.W Y e A 'IH : 010 090 « x - 1 » « .t4. W -C#*l« I/-KV.Ilck (10.

i-.pp..*; w ibllm '(1). ni«k (I) Ttl»nd«. W—Kiln. (»•«).

BiUings TopsU ' • Y

Leaj°;u e Cella i’


ifuni (M ).

S . " . -Mill.

St !’i !■Til01.U (II)


Fallon Nips Boise in Semi-Pro Tilt

OLBNNS PBRRV, Au«. 8 IB — r a l lo a o l N eradii .won th e open- e r or th e regional «m l-pro b a « - ball playoffs tonight, de fea tog BoUe 0-4. Thd wta gH» one-»ajn# le««l 1“ best-o l- th ree series.

Sunday th e two teaiM c lash ag a in w ith the •tarU oB a t 3 pJn . A th W game. U QCMSsary. wlU sta rt a t 8 p jn .

PaUoo rallied In the tU M h In- , n lng to erasa a Bol»

four m a s . T h a Nerada nine ta l­lied th o m a s o a « « * * > ? £ « * ; * walk, a Boise error and two In-

- -

______ A u ff.-5 -W — —TheB itllags AtusCangs puKed ou t ol th e pioneer leagtie cellar to ­n ig h t by scoring three n u u In the n in th Inning, to beat Boise, 11-8. ■

B w ” Llndsey Jed o ti with double, and scored on Rogers Robinson's single. With two outs, Ohrla K rug doubled, driving Robinson In and Krug came home on Charlie Jennings' single.'R ob in son drove In three runs

w lth—a —»lnglO '-and-a-double. liowell Townsend drove in two w ith a sacrifice fly, a double and a_alnsJe._a raysan M er«h a iiodrove In a pa ir for Billings.-------

The. victory pulled Blltlngn Into fif th place and dropped Pocatello Into th e cellar.

BtfJsa had taken a S-O lead be­fore Billings' began lU scoring asauU. The Braves got a pair In the first Inning on a double - —- - • • '—Ethan

5d u p th ree runs In the t h l r i Cullum drove In a 'p a lr with

a tw o-run sUiRle. Cullun drove In another run 1 seventh with a sJorJe.DinilKt . b r b i ------Wlekr*. < t I I,ladi7<rs 1 t nbti.a rf « I t

■"9£Uir!|WA!;rWMB p « * • 0 ^If ‘ 1


wgy T w T » J • * J

I.to narboxa In Hamilton illii- plar* the llS 'Pound waboo whlfh broke a 26-year-old wnrlil record In the 20-pnund te»i line caU iory. The alx-foot,' tlirrr>lneh lU b was e a u th l a mile off Bermuda a fte r a flere# liatllp U itln r enly U mlnutea.

..(NKA photo).

Youth Has Fling Except Against Spahn

SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. S WPS— Youth will have Its fling un- I w you are 25-yc»r-old M ike Mc­Cormick facing an old niiu ter nnmfd Warren 6 phahn . Then you 'K d trimmed.

8 pAlm; 40. achieved th e 3 » th victory nf liLi ta re e r 'l a s t n lsh t when lie nltihed th e M ilwaukee BrA~VM to a j-1 ' squeafcly -O W y McCormlek and the Ban r r a n - ctico Olnnls.

Tlie RAme almost duplicated Spahn-McCoimlck duel he ld last June 20 In MUivaukee, w here the pecrlKM Southpaw nRSln prevail-

I over hU young coun terpart by- 3-1 moTRln. Benry A aron and F rank Bolling beat McCormick with homen In thM contest, Mike recalled ruefully In th e dress­ing room ntler Iruit n igh t's 'Rame In which Aaron provided th e dif­ference wltli two homers. H am ­merin’ Henry now h a s 30 for th e year and eight o i l a i s a f hurlers.

"Vou've gotta learn to accepi defeats like that." Mike said. guess I am doing ju s t good enough to hue."

T he loss lowered McCormtck’s season mark to fl-lO a n d was rendered even more, aggravating by the fac t Utat he struck o u t U batter*. Spahn went down os strikes four times.

C raner and Schow sU rted It w ith walks and took second and th lrd -o n -a -w lld -p » c h .-C ra n e r s c o re d -o n - a -p a s s e d -b a l l- a n dG ary Je ff laid down a suicide scueete bun t th a t brought Schow home w ith the clincher.

m n i «*mtj

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D Sw.rlnfn * J Rlch.rdi « •

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Tbuu si' ^ ' s ------ . .. ...

49ers Schedule- First Scrimmage

MOBAOA, CaUf, AUJt. 6 ( tw n —T he S an rtaoc lsoo Forty Nln-

s ho ld the ir f i r s t m ajor scrlm- a s « of the is e t pre-season

• ■ • (Jay w ith both— T * a n d the celebrated "shot­g u n ' offenses-scheduled for top blUlsg. .

T hree rookies m ay see limited action l a the scrim m age due to m inor Injuries. T hey .a re half- b a e f D tle M esser o l ftesno BUte. e nd 'T W am y-H acU er of T em iessa State, and halfback CharUa Fuller o f Ban Francisco 8 tat«.

H ie National FootbaU league club again trim m ed lU -ro tter yesterday by placing Sverlsto Ni­no, a 3S4-pound rookie tackle from X ast Texaa S ta te , on waiv­ers. Ooaeh Red B loker-*ald more cuts probably v o o h l fblioir to-> dajfa scrimmage. -

B*AT8 PBOVOSAN j o e r . C a lif , AU«. B tfl -

B in J o u ^ a ^ U U A r P m o r y t f ^

iunior-bovR-trick-cv'cnt wns Mike Goodwind. S alt Lnkc City, with 143 points nnd ~ ■ third was’ Doylo PuKmire.;

lIiiKcrmnn, w ith 132 points.All three'received trophie.'*.3. E. Folwell, HaKcrmnn,

r rated the boat th n t piill- the boyji. and ju,dfflnE u>e

was Ken K enllser. HnRer- . and Jim D urfee. Mountain

Home.tn the -boys slalom , Eddie

Hulme was f irs t w ith 30 consee- Utlve_buoy«, Dqyie Pugm lre was second wiilt.13 buoy s 'an d 'M ik e Ooodwlnd WAS th ird -w ith six buoys. Tl)ty had to ru n throuRh the course tiiree Umes w ith the speed varying each tim e. ITie f ln t time throtigh th e speed Ia 20 miles per hou r, second time.2B miles per hour and the third time la 30 miles per hou r. Judges for Utl# event were K enltzcr and Delbert Penton. Burley. Harold Ollmore, llagerm nn, operated t];ie boat.

Scott Panton, Burlcy..wAs first In -the ilAlom for ju 'nior boys.Junior Rirb and girls. Second: was Sherry H ulme, Hagerman. and third, Jim BIckson, Burley.Mrs. Dean Vade?. Filer, was the judRe and Folwell operated the boat.-

Great Falls Sneaks Past Pocatello 10-9

POCATELLO. Aug, 6 LfU-Oreat Falls chokert olf repeated Poca- tello‘ tnr«iU -!onlR htrretlrlng-the last man with the bases losded In the ninth to .take a ttf-s vic­tory over the Chiefs,

ElRhleen Chiefs V ere stranded <n the RAtiir, with men left on base In every Inning bu t one, the fourth.

For Great Palls ehucker Jim Ward. It was ht* n t h victory against three loues, despite the fact th a t Pocatello raked him for 13 hits, ilx walks a n d eight runs in InnlnRs.

G reat Falls ROt five h its olf starler Jock Hanes In th e second Innlnfr. good for three ru ru . The Electrics drove Hanes frot^i the mound wlih two more In thr hird._5lelleyer Ray Co*, w ho took his Irst lo i' Bfialnst'lw o'w lnns'wtu

loffiied for four runs In the fifth nnlng. 'J im Shlnn'A two-run homer hlRhllRhted th e outburst

Pocatello saw the la s t ou t with the bases loaded In th ree InnlnRS. he ninth, seventh a n d second.

In the nlnthl w ith one out. Chuck Bennett doubled and Ed

96-DayWaterfow: Season Suggesfec

RENO. Nev., Aug. 5 t^^—T h Paclfio f ^ a y council yestcrdaj recommehdtd ~ taking westerr M ontana inio the council a n d 'a l 80 proposed a BO-day season fo migratory waterfowl h u n tin g Ir the other eight western states.

T he council recommendatlor will be presented to the na tio n a flywoy council and the V 3 . fish and wildlife service In W ashing ton. 0 ,0 .

The reci

ilpfllffl) f>T>f ff^ rlng and Coggins out a t th e plate on a good'throw from Dick Mc­Laughlin to catcher Jo h n Van Omum.

T hen Jim Churohwell eame on fie walked Bob B eckner Inten- ilonally, then got Jo h n Bristol bouncing to th e p itcher for the final out.

ill. *brtiriil|r»e*Ulto >b i i r S 0 1 1 KnnjuiM -

___M S t t O V In tn tb 'RrrMltb I 1 t lUcCUner thlnnSb S I S S llm ndrf VflOm* 4 I 1 I Corlni lb

iMcClrIb i 1 t t IlMknrSb W.xfB t 9 0 a lhciMP

Mike Goodwin did a barefoot exhibition. He w ent about 300 yards on his bare feet.

Mike Goodwin w on the boyt Jump event w ith IM polnta.

O ther ludgeA w ere Dontad Hulme, Merle Schroeder, Filer, and Mrs. MKrian Pugm lre. Sun­day will be th e grownups events.

r ;i»

I K ' S ■TV>U1. 4. 1# I . I . ToUl. « *1


M Vn'd C « ln» fc L O B ^ W l f ' " ' V4tt Orsum. lUUaab-

•mirEimiie«r-8hiBer-i---------------- •saArs-iSrr. ,D«aB«tU Sb—Ut7<'r

— would be from Oct. 3, I9S1 to Jan . IS, i m , w ith opUoni of an 80- o r 10.doy season with votT lng .U m lta.accord lngJp the length of the season.

The Pacific council presently takes, la WashJngloa. a - Ca]tfom larN evado,-U tah.-: aad Alaska.

cfihiK..n — " U - « -

JZ Z L ji i i 0

’’'l ln ji^ flr ''S 4 rf (KcCltlnlV ‘ fl.BO, C«i. U —W.ntwertb. t erart. T—Sill. A—ISO

‘ • U n


^ — B tit 'for avcry "cencrM n««d.


Englishman Hits Shotput Record■ LbNDCW. Aug, 5 IR — Arthur Rowe, an English blacksm ith, set a. European m a rk fo r the shot pu t with n th row of « feet, 0 inches <10,431 m eters) a t Loh- ,don's White <?lty s tad ium today.

.Rowe eaUbllshed th e record during the E nglan d -H ungary meet. He reached 03 feet, IIU Inches (I9JM m eters) In break­ing the European record on his first throw. T hen h e bettered it yet again w ith h la nex t effort. The listed world re io rd Is 65 feet 10 inches he ld by America's Bill Nleder.

C A K E I i l f f i E


-R E ,3 .1 snore.5 5 9 0 -


BOWLERSNotice of leoguo mcetlngt, to be htold .««

' followi: —1q /.

Starlight League — Tuesday, ^ p.nu Valley League — Wednesdya, 7 p.m. General I^eague —> Wednesday, 9 p.m. Wonder League — Friday, 7 p.m.Early Show—Late Show — Friday, 8 p.m.Minor League—

Bowlers tntereited In\lolntfig ’ . . >,' a_teoflUB centocr Hie de«k a t

. :

g e t y o u r c a r r e a d Y N O W I----- Align----------- ^ - i ip o tk f i o n f l :V ftontind r- Vn,„lBMrinai

^ P m c l i l o n B olm e.----- IrwpKt andr All Four W hHU W T lghttn Fan B«A IIFaurW hH U ^ T n l Battiry W g n d Inspect Cabfot ^ . In ipert

- r — Cooling 5y»t«m—

Tighten Fan M* ^ A d j u s t Steering'

r - IfN tc e u a ry

AH this Work for O n ly ^ ^

Adlustment A re No> tnduiied

F R E E c a r a n d t i m S A F E T Y C H E C K

whtr. yout dollar buy«WllESm<« '

410 Main Ave.' So. >hoWe 733-5811

Page 14: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113

t>AGE FOURTEEN - ■ T IM E S -N E W S , t w i n f a l l s ,. ID A H O

Lions Leader

Burley QubB tm LEY, Autr. 9 — Rot>ert

- Bftkcr. U oni- dU trte t eovenw r. Twin m u , was » «peci»l g u u t of the Burley L lotu club du rln s JU >Vld&jr plenlo luncheon held a t SAimon TWtffc. 1x1 th o CMrioa

Tho conUAiant* a r« L e lU 'Jo Jacob*. Declo;. Em ily Ja n e Ad­am * Albion: CeclII* Pnxke. Mnl- ta : Dlone D*lley. ,O akley: U la Doan, U nda Oasklll a n d R aiue fimlUi. a ll B urler.

------W oodrow -K artxl-apoke-lo.theRTOUp on the propooed cxpruwlon of iho Burley m unlclpnl goK course from nine to 18 h o lu . He

h a d been purehaeed by. the city , and will be paid over n period of

10 yeanu He explained Uie lay­out of the course.

Kerbel, president of th e Mcn'A OoUlns auoclatlon. pointed out the Increased uae of th e preaent course.

SoRio JfforLr equipm ent had been collected for th e Idaho Ranch for Y outh, n e a r Rupert, b u t more l« needed, the club w u told. 'Hiose who h av e equip­m ent are wOied to con tac t Earl ReynoWa, chalrm aa of th e p ro j­e c t ■ ■ If


tl3S d a m an waa done to a IBOl VoUuwasen w hen It nlld lnt« an embankment n o r th w e s t ' of Shoshono and broke th e windows

Many Valley Persons Are Among 900 — I s & a e d ^ e r r a i t s l f o r H n n l i n g - A i i t e k ^

BOISE, Au(. 8 lu u a n c e of 900 antelope hunting pe rm lU for ihe IMl season was announced by the Idaho flnh and gam e de-parim M t Saturday. .....................

i:^e department aald th a t 3.000

401C in the s a m e - a V t in iM lO penniw avallble, Two o th e r-h u n t areas that failed to fill a re U n it «13 with four left and u n it 417 with three permltd a tlll available.

■Mni p<rmlit tfcm M ilk

•1)4 Oorolkr U Konl<«4i. •II Dubl. Cllffort M«nuen»rr. Kl!«r,

Hum *0T—W«rn» i- l)ohn>«. nuw l. •ltd DMid (S. WlldlKC. Koudlftf.

Itam <01 — T«mr S0rr«n 1l«i

Xnil U llunsihrM. U* llutnphL r»rl« Bllniifl ind Johnnr

il"Oitrtn, T»fr» l.fn......

_ Ui.*II pick. Huphfn

.iiinicik#Tiihiiil. -Mlh Klmtwrlf! J*r Il«»l«»:.lliimnn L. JUnllhn.

" " : Clnitf A. Wilon* and Archi* ,|on«. *11 Jtrom.; -WlllUm K.1 Ann^HolcnM.mu'bnlh^ uIiM* iTithVrln** John.

.I.llr.in; lUrfli J. Or»lll« •nd Ch«lmfr H. Ktrlin. lolK HKo«hon»J

nul^ KId»•Ofl n'tmiinn, both Coodlni.Hum 49J—AlUrt J. And*non and

: a ^ r r : . ^ ” h . ' K - r . s « a :Vtrdli L; Un«n. D*ni«l U Ur**n

...........Tr»pi>«, *” •------- -

'iltC in i h t ' iU n>]rhorn. Hnb

itn. K. l,«rnufl Inm^ii. Allrv . Arthur U lUlhbun. Ukh.rd

SS'"M , "

JLastHonDEflsIff! ti. Sniiih.jiiii v.ti Funeral *ervlce*-for Mrs. Ch.jjii

-M. -.Soblr. CK»rl»» I- rick«flnf. Jr.

•• lluptft; Cil'ln

both KImWHr. *nd I**'- , , v Kfl».|rlth tn^ Dnn»li !.»• »flfdrlth.

n b. MIIIm. bnlh T«ln A. Ca>l>r •ml IV Milhlioti.

bolh Kbothanr: »'r>nr» C. lUv^n1. Il>rliurn: D<in«

HUBI in -K uI. App.1 4nd AM..I :ini, bolh illthflrld: C.rU.« T .’Il.hi, nd WIMli K l'ir<»n. bath HliMhont, nd mil lIoMlRt. Il>ll>r.Hum 4]3-I)u>n* K. ll«T»«n. Ktrdn

)•)• ,Sl»»ni"t. lloWfl .A._T«rlDr jn.lI Klm»r

'fiinn, uunvrt. T.l>r.ird. >

. Ilh4 IS . " - •

JIum 4I«--Kl»r>nct I

II. titylrr. fcitA IturU/: AUnCuniUrion. Krtinflh ilh«rl*r an>1 Urt HK>r(fr. •!■ Il'rUurn;

dfttlfh. .ShMhoB*..'Hunt «IJ — » « " • —

; - . , r s cA»iliur n. IlMf. both FlUr.^


Bones Found lI S p a n is l iG kr.A Pt.ATA. Antenllnn. Aus. A • . _ 0

Schools Will OpenAug.28

________________ _______ .1 theFlrat U nited PentecosUl church with the Rev. J . L. Chandler

,ofIJclntlng._________ -M usical numbers IncJuded-a

solo by Afton Colder and a trio of Sharon Calder, Lena Hills'and

-u l lb e a r e r s --------------- --------Alfred H erron. Jo h n McOlnnU, C lurle-B aggett, J im Muse and Paul Messner.

Concluding rltea wen Twin- Falls cemetery.

Area Swimming Show Scheduled

JEROM E. Aug. 8 — The an ­nual swimming show, sponsored by thewilt be held a t 8 pjn..W ednes- diiy a n d Thursday.

T h e money raised will go to» ward, sending t h e swimming team to tho state. be held a t Nam pa this month. T ho show will include individ­

ual and group w ater ballet, dlv- ng-exhlblU onsrw lm m lng-races; . clown a c t and water carnival.

here 'w in open on Aug. 38. ac­cording to superintendent John Severson.

A complete faculty' has been securod - w ith ..the - exccpUon. of -a mathem aUcs teacher, a contract has been mailed to a prospect for th a t poalUon.

uat« of th e University of Idaho th is spring, has signed a contract to tkacli agriculture. ,• —

Crash Damages Auto, Kills Cow

SHOSHONE. Aug. ^ A IBSS - o p d staOonwogon ■ received about $800 damage and a cot valued a t tl63 was Ulled whei. It walked Into the path of the ca r a t 7:30 a.m. Thursday six miles east of Shoshone on s highway 30.

T h e cow belonged to H arry Baugh. Sho!i}>one. a smalt calf

broken leg bu t Isreceived being treated.

T h e owner o f the statlonwagon Li E rnest Zrlnuek, venetla. Pa- H l*~wlfennd”two'daughters'w ere n o t Injured,

Anxious forValley Visit

BURLEV. Aug. S — Magdalene T or. Burley h igh school exchange s tu d e n t- fro w Barcelona. Spain, who <3 to (UTive Ja New York C ity OQ Aug. a i . wrote a‘ letter to M r. and M n . K . Z . Baeh-

y tnM rloogP g .fo rw ard to__________________________my new family and I already greaUy desire to be w ith you and I th an k you w ith a ll my heart for tho ‘g reat In terest th a t you

re taking In me."Shs 'm enU onetf that'«Zi« is'aA

only child a n d th a t-h e r father owns a small sh lrt-m aklng busl- n fM. Hft al»o sells ready«made clothing.

Miss T or has finished her high school course a n d has prepared th e pre-unlversliy course. After she returns she plans to enter a university and study'eeonomle science and F rench and Ger­man.

"In thtf sports line* I haw been a keen excursionist and I hftva played balUvolly (sic) anc basketball.

I sw im . and like tennis al- though 1 have not' been able to practice It. B u t I hope to learn to play- some ‘good seu- with Jeanne .” (T h e ' B a c h m a ~ ‘ daughter)

She said Barcelona is a “very '■ jin tuid touristic city

and a sidecar, a BMW 780 with which we go out every Sunday on our excursloru to the beach and m ountains." she: wrote.

She said. “I feel an enormous •SgBtloB~tg~»ee~ m y p « o cg irrl^ i In a UJB. newspaper. How, I thank you all th e attention which you pay me. b u t soon I shall be wiih you a n d t sh a ll be able to repny all the kindness and although I shall n o t be very strong w ith the language I shall be able to ex­plain m ucb more and we shall understand each other.-


due Co lU ve;y mild climate.'“We do n o t have a car. Here

It-ls-dnanc lauy -du flcu iu to -ow n a car. bu t we have a motorcycle

Ing her **ncw dauehtpr**' ' ' '

Money lo bring MIm t ,s.

T e e n s^ n d Spanish c lub ,^* ' ^

loT D IE IN A rT ilr.


AUCTION---- aSO-lighl-yeorling-WlF. SteerF

250 light yearling W.K. Hoifcrj 150 Feeder Cows and Calves

Sale S tarts 12:30







O P E N I N G N E X T W E E K : F R I. & S A T .

BUD'S. Inc See Ad- In Thursday 's 'Paper for This Big Opening

Th« Shopping Censor for finer reel ettato buyi, ♦



Phone RE3 • 533 6 fo r ap p o in tm en t {

GEM STATE REALTY \"There'* no home Uko tho one you own."

Famous Brand


S I Z E S 40% 30% P R E T E E N ,



Page 15: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113

TVout M ust fee Thinned Out of Mountflin Lnkc5 . . . po rirn it. ; . W orker? in Cold Stnrnjre P lan t Envied . . . in Ma>:ic Valley . • • ‘‘Fnctor” Shows Twin Fnlls Hns Snperinr !ii.itrtii'tor.«.


P e o p l e F i n d W e e k l ; ^

■ Memlien of th« BCcorillDn band prcMnt nn hou r lone eoncerl ii( iwipular and ever7 olher S atiinU ; r<ir practice sCMloni. Tiiejr a lio prenenl'tnimlhlr concerU a t>;)lrJt>)sl mu»le tar the peeiile a t llorton 'i Nursing home. The elch t hand nifmbenc. Sky View Mannc. Menilirra of the croup plcliireil aliove are, rrom left In riKhI,formed pearly , Iwo yearn a^n under Iho dlrecUon of Mm. II. K. rntljohn, own Cliarlene Ornvei>, l.oren; Kenny, Mlllon Ireland. Dentine Walker and l-'rancti Ire-their own aecordtom and Mke IndUldual leiwena. They cet tocelhtr a* a irnup land. M n. I'eltIJnlits dlrecti the band. (Staff pholo-cnEravliiK)

A c c o r d i o n B a n d E n t e r t a i n i n g f o r

P a t i e n t s ; M u s i c i a n s A l s o B e n e f i tSoma pw enU m tuht n o t know

whnl to do to keep the ir tc f- • se '.c lilld rcn interM tw l Jn worthwhile aubjcet. b u t Mr*. H. r . Pettljohn ceruilnly doci.

Per over two yctini *he hM one e l un-

uiunl band.1 In the area. 31 IV-nn ' tecordlon band thnC work.i

many rt&IIs hours tt year enter*

talnlnR older-fo lks In two 1ocnI|the .lurroimdlnR territory^ nuralntt home.-i—H orton’a home; When they first Mnrwd plny- And Skyvlew M anor. . Inc » i llorton'n Ihey played once

She xiArted the bnnd In March,i every tvo weckjt, bu t now they 1D59. w ith elRht member*, tlitlplny once a month bccnuse of normnl *lro of th e band, bu t the dllllcmty ot KclilnR the bandMmetlmea m m any os 13 youUvi plAy-Txv'.the band. Thfc avernRe ftRC la 14 or 15. All the mem­bers come from Twin l^ill* and

lOBcthtr morn ollcn.Mrs. Pctiljohn nay* they be­

gan playlntt a t Horton's because ahe W04 Informed of how ]one>

vLill by ft youth band would entcrU ln them.

"They arc thrilled to death when we come." *he iwys. "Wc piny for nboui an hour for nil the perMns who ore able to leave the ir rooms. We play for them I n ' th e dInlnR room and then.

.la ter, vl.ilt the o ttim In the lr rooms. We don’t pirty In the rooms bcenjue It.m lRht no t nl- wny* be for llie bc« purpose."

Everybody necnix to enjoy the event. Not only do the patlenla like the cniertulnment.- b u l the band members, who were a little

,shy n t first. Iinve grown to like th e concerui nnd Mr*. P e ttljohn ndd« th a t It h iu slven them selt- confldenee n* mutlelans. .

DurlnK the hour concert, the band pinys n crou-sectlon of mu.ilc thn t hns been .w ritten during the p u t 100 years. 8te> phnn ro ste r melodys arc popu-

. ... I'nlte VWCA lirts , n (Inner thnipopular wllli ymniurr \imu;ivin'(l' coili'li--' '!> *l"» nit’'' ' C .'llrcl.lhr' C«-v(i C.rf'iiii, iho daiJfr t» iitlil rnrn-W Ptlnr.'day-nt-O io-Y w CAbui1iliii>;.

'I'Uc rnnsu if:' tu nuefrom IR ii> 3S, mrol.i Hip yr.ir

uMi.iUy niirnri.Mri>. Willium J . Willinuis.

h ia lyiri'inr of ih r YWUA, pMJiw iHir n! ih r purjm so nf nie Rruup. "W r fcrl ihiii ilii.* npe croup, u liu li Ltoulfll hlsltK houl. Is a liru ^ltul of( Irom Ih r iiorniitl MK-inl ncilvlnes tUnt nrr ab lr In ni(v.t hlsh acIiuo drni.i, .»y »i)0iui0rliiR the Brmip we *uin>ly lliem with nn nllna^• p lic rr thn t thry cnn’l llnd rUe- w hrrr nnd li Riyrs then) a pUce whcrp ih ry can meet nnd dnuce

vrry WcUnc.'dny iiljthl Dnnrm Are O re

l l i r dunce* stn rt nt 0 p. ni. nnd rn d nt I2;30 n. m. H ie dmieca n r r Irrc to nnyone In the ngi Briuti) wUn wishes in ntiritd. Re- •lre;*hm fnt.Tnm rr\Ta"Surm niTe'

'enliiR.'VlK' Miemberfl can dnnce ' rrcoi'ds or play AlihnuKh nuut of the pnrilrs 'c hrUI nl the YWCA butldlne,

sp rd iil dniirr.* and pnrtlts nrfl held nl <«hrr p ln w rturhiR the ypnr--lhpy have pienle.s. roller aknilnR parilp.'', nnd other »pe- eUil pnrilr* during the holldnys.

22 Is Averace Age Mrs. Wlllmms e.uimntes the

avcrnRn nKc of the pcnwiu triulUm llie (Iniicrs Is 3} years. She .iiiilr.1 (hr blRKe.it nInKle Bcaup-iit-pcr^iiiw.idiQ-ftUcaiLUtt daiice' iirr .«udfnt« Ironv T v in ^ l l s Bualnr.M cDllegc. She w tl* mlue.^ Ihey cnmpoK about one- third or tile averasc-Wedneadny nlRht group.

S ha sirtMM It Isn't necessary th n t people hiive dates to attend. In fac t mo. i of the boya and e lrb come <Chr.

Itnmancea Started More thsn one romance ho*

sta rted llirre. and recentlycomplAlned'to Mr*.

Cooking Is Done on Wood Stove at Station

examples 'of songs' popular « t the nursing homes aro 'T ennes­see Walt*," “Sweet H our of Prayer.” oid-TIm e Rellgfon,’* "Rock of Ages," "Deer B arrel Polkft." "Comptown Races," "L it­tle Brown Jug." "Vour 'CheatlnR H eart." oncf "Redwing.''

don 't play most of those songs. Utey will request them," Mrs. Pettljohn says. "And oni song. T h e Old Rugged Cross,' we had to learn for them."

During the concerts they us­ually ploy from 30 to 40 nongs. Mo.1t of the concerts are- Jn the late nltcrnoon.

She snys the crowds th a t a t- tcnd"tne~cQ ncerts-are-som e-o t the most demonstrative. H iey applaud vigorously, praise the

Wllllam.1 th a t the Wednesday n iah t dancM had led to marrlaae for three o( his good secretjulrs.

AJtfiough Wednesday n igh t miRht seem an odd n lsb t to have such a dance, M r i W illiams snys the group recently voted to keep m e e tln fo n Wednesday n ig h t She snys she bellevea thU Is because It doesn’t Interfere with week-end activities.

S S oo ren .of fia fp o tt T he danc# Is supported by

funds from three d ifferent sources—membership due* of the ISS mem ben of tlio lo u t aaao- elation, the annual fund drive and the "kitty** th a t the sroup members eonUlbuto eAch week. AetasUy. ihe tnoner Irom the "kitty" mannRcs to delray m ost of the cost of the donee. The only real cost Is refreshment/i. end Mrs. WJJlJams says m any of the Rroup members bring ;e(re.sh- m enu each week,

Mrs. Williams polnU out thn t members aren’t necCMartly per­sons Irom Twin Ealls. Young people from Filer, Buhl. Klmber-

Rlrfc A. F. iii tid y ahow. a baked cream pie. Ireth from Ih . a re eonpletely modern. The Lundy, live a t Ihe station durin* theran rer itaU en wood »lOY« In the baekjronnd, to three of her m onths th a t sthool Is out, and Mr*. Londy and the » x ehtldrenehlldrcn. They a re , from left, Lynn. 1; Mike, <. and. Todd. S. re tu rn to their home In Kimberly w hen school bejlns In the Except for the wood ito»e, dwelUnn a t th e Bock Creek slatlorf W l (HUfC photo-eniravlnj) .

* * * * * ! > * . * ■ * * * . * * * * * - _

R o c k C r e e k R a n g e r S t a t i o n I d e a l

S u m m e r H o m e f o r F o r e s t e r F a m i l y

cieonlnsr &nd a iring, and (or the next few m onths the slmple.-but pracUcol, living <)uarters show ihe touch of A wonsan'rs b and and the normally quiet w-oods are filled w ith the w und or chil­dren's voices—seven of them ' b f exact., As sooQ os-scbocfamilies move in to the quart«» H the stAtion. .They ^ there until school s ta r ts once a«*Jn in acptcmljer.

They o re .th e fomlUe* of Mr. and t i n . Ned M illard \a q d Mr.

~ l jlU ard % ^ ? S ^ ’fOTeat m w the Ooss!& d is tric t'ao d Lundy is

the general district aaalsUnt. ~ T h 8 'UrtflBr-afW0{ton-at-niriB« su tlo n s has changed radically In the la st 20 to 30 yew*. Now many of the ran je r sWtlons are readily wcesslbJe by outcmoblie on good <or a t least above aver­age) roads, and In many cas« the families can live a t the s ta­tions with th e ganger during the a tm m er tnonthL U 'ls s ’t Uke Ihe okl doys, w hen the 's ta llon i were Inhabited only .by the and posalblr a crew of OCC «-orkers.

W hen school Is out. the Millard and Lundy famUlea move to the

-■ran .Iff iil v ' v ‘.yS u id rtn ; the MlUardsbut only th e youngest. Mary

iJeanne, 11. lives with them now. ;The Luncly children vary In a«e from 3 to 13l

A c t i n g to the parents, th e children lead a somewhat Idyllic life In the mountains durlni ‘ summ er. W ith the exception .. few chores th a t are required of the older children, they spend th e day flahlng. swimming In beaver poDdi. hiking and exptor- lo r - th e ireods and ----------

the b a t of all possible places to live a n d none of them looks forw ard to the U m e'w hen they have to retu rn to their winter bom et. T h e Lundy's m aln ta la a

la Tw in pallfc

T iie p aren ts agree It b a won­derful place for Uie children In tfto-summer.'andTwU* Mr«..A£il- la rd a n d . Mr*. Lundy say living In the mountains, where It U m uch, cooler than In the valley, la som ething of real value.

T ^ e wives spend m ost of the Week a t the station and ttsuaUy come down once a week for pro­visions. BccfOt for a wood stove, th e Lundy home is completely m odem . B u t Id spite of th e wood stove Mrs. Lundy mana«es to e a a dozens of cans of fru it a n a vegetables during the summ er.

Thl»' la Ihe second sum m er th eM i u ^ ift^V

Richard. Oroves: Oayle Love. 15. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Love; nuO i Kenyon. 14. dauffh- te r 'c f Mrs.'E lsie K e n y o n r lo r m Kinney. 15. son of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Kinney: Prances Ireland, J3. and Mttlon JrelAnd, Ifi. dnughur and son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ireland; Joe Oliver, 15. son of Mr. and Mrs, WlUlam Oliver, a n d Deeann W alker. J4, dnuRhtcr o t Mr.- and Mrs. I t Walker.

Mrs. Pettljohn says th e con­certs are a tonic for the youths and the patlenLi a t the nurtang

tltcy ROt over .their shyness, be- Kftn* to h im - a feeling o f Impor- tance as a result of the.concerts, she 'snys.

"Kids are wonderful,*' aays Mrx, Pettljohn, .w)to has•Rrown-olmdren.-8he-Bay8-'-------T M T Ttrew Tip-Bne-rjuse-aortrw i adopted a band-full o f them .

"T h ey need plenty of hom e M e and en tertainm ent a t home to keep them together and I t la th e responsibility ot the pa ren ts to provide .this and keep them to­gether aa a family.

•T here are many waya of do­ing this, music la one way. b u t there a re others, such aa swim­ming parUes, dAnclng, o r «ny o ther th ing the young people lllce to do. I f the parents will take an Interest in the ir acU rtU ei they won’t h av e . trouble w ith their children.

"If th ^ paren t Is Interested In the -chU d . a o d -n u k e s . J tlm . feel like an 'ad u lt, he w on't have any trouble with him., M aking . a yourg person feel Im porU nt and adult I j Im porunu

- t ,» a l‘s why the band helps them . I t makes them leel Im ­portan t, because they can do aomethlng for th e older iIn the ni^alng homes t h a t ______else haa-trled to d o - a n d th is Is entertain ' them. They get the tf thaolLs and bands pa tted . I t gives them th is needed sense of Importance. “Some d idn 't h ave much confidence in themselves » h e n they t i n t rtarted . b u t they

and Mrs. Merkley regularly attend the danee. Mra. Merkley. a form er dance Instructor, teaches dancing steps to anyone a t tbe danee whe wUhe* to impreve dancing talent. Mra. Merkley also U a board member of the YWCA..The dances a re held on W td- netdaya a t the YWCA bulldlnc anil U it from 0 p.m: to 12:30 vm . (HUff phsln>cniravlni|

ly, Hansen, Jerome and V/endell regularly attend. Some have been attending foe as long

to addition to providing place to m eet -ottifr young per­sons, members also can leam -not only how to dance, bu t also learn new danee stepa. M n . Ken M erkley, a board member of the YWOA and a former danclnn Instructor, regularly attenda and Instructs those Interested In the newest dancing steps,

During Hie summ er the attehd- ftflce a t th e , dances -------

thnt the danee Is open to any­body In the age group and she points ou t th a t students from the area who ore hame from colleges and - universities and those working In .TRln..FaUi are weloome to a tten d . ‘

Youog people .p a rtid p a tlo ; td the YWOA program are oot » . • qulred to buy membership in the orsanliatlon.' a lthough ' they. •

Refresliments Provided at YWCSDance

W. 3. Williams. aoU ac dtrec tor of the Twin raUa-YWCA. peort l e t i u h a e a U ta r 'a t U>e Weekly yw C A danee. B . M. MetUey, Twin Falla, and Iwdy Pradek, BnW , H gh t tbe I tth year tb e YWCA ha# apensored the daneea. T he. grenp TUgea In ago f r m U to tK . meeU the year round and f r o n U to 4ft perw ns naoally a ttend the free daaee. Althengh s t r t r t the parties are-held a t th e baUdlog, many specUl partlea are held asring tb e year a t n e l t :Bs San Valley, the aen tb hlU i a n d dinner daneea a re aoae tlaea h d d a t p r tra U elaba.r .

Page 16: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113

. PAGE S m f e E N T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N P A L L S , I D A H O SUNDAY, AUGUST 6, ij,,

Mothers Are Honored by

Thft w ijr coal l i m ined now near Zane‘i|vllle, 0„ ft fo r cry from th e wav i t used to be done In the' days when U t . Carter. HANSBK. a n d Ed McCarty. KIMBBRLV, did I t wlien they were In the m lnlnit bualneu m any jcnra bro. Two new »hoveli .wJll be

_:^ :^lnieper«tloii.ia.M arch.Jl»2.-tiiat_w llLm oY e_U 5_cul>lc_y»rtl3 and f/III be used In o the r areofl Ktiere coat Is mined ncnr the surface. Tlie shoveU "s trip '' % hllUlde, and when Ihn coal. U removed, the nex t “a trlpp lna" cover* the

—first J:atrlpplB •

^[erome ClubJEROME. Auic. 5 - T he Com­

m unity Clovers 4*11 i)ub, led by Mr*. James Sloat and Mrs. Rex 3¥lrihU n.entertalned the irm oth-

Elalne Jacluon . K euy Jacluon. Etc\'e H asler, V lvU n W ard and K aren K ulm are on tba com* m liue. A second m eetln t was held a t ' t h e R a n d y p ia la home. Randy showed his ducks. A '........ p arty was planned. ___next meetlnK will be a u j . 8. a t Vlvlnn W ard's.

The K asota Deserettea 4-H ;Iub. led by M rs. Steve Oood- » ln ."m et a t Beverly Saundera home. Members discussed the fair and also achievement day Monday.

S usan Kaiworm And Honey R e ir served refreshments.

P in s an^ Pons 4-K club com* p le ted 'p lan s for a ewlmmlng p a rty a t Banbury'a Wednetday.____ 'UlSy 'W et ■ nt-.M r*. TJllfD arling 's. Marilyn Hit* save a dem onstration on vttam lru. Mary l a n c e s K laas save a demon* straU on on hemmlnit and K ath­leen SlemoQs, how to m ake cin­n am on toast.

C a thy Benttlnger gave an lllu s tra u d talk on ho w .to eon-

■ununer camp. Susan Coup* led group punes.

Boll ca ll of th e Las CablUltas club w as answered with th e nam e of colon of horses, when they m e t . a t th e .Magle Vnlli cafe. A Ji meeting.

Shady Orove Uveitoek 4-H club of p leasan t Plains, led- by Mr. a n d Mrs. Archie Malone m e t to Judge dairy «ows.

Archie M alono gave a demon- straUon on now to shear a daU? cair. I t was announced L arry

the fa ir waa discussed. I t wbs suggested a sm all separate box be m ade fo r each member with a large Jo in t box for hnlters, brushes a n d .sim ilar equipment.

M em bers' dUcu a e d achleve-

'Tlje Jerom e Jewels held, e special m other's n igh t a t Mrs Lois pleU tlck's Debbie Cham- ber»*ond L inda B arU ett itU the------I---ion led the group singing. Several demonstraUons were

given Including Linda B artlett, oatm eal cake; K athy Simpson.


Three Illustrated talk., ’ by Linda Dentz1n«f

tiie purpose of the reeo rj

S f . r ’-*nie foods three of the

Jewels girls held „ the ir mothers on the liun W aller BenWnger's home »na y d l t . sM Ion , „ and-reil

The "lead- valuable.

Tl»e reaAona for iislng dog.i w»« the coal velna ra h about 33 inch- es'h lgh, sometim es even leiw than ttt-o feet. T h e m en could not stand up. ftnd burros, mule* or donkeys would have been too tall

- r p r o n r .' Tlie m lnera themselves had to furnish everything except the cart and trticK. I ^ e y had their

. own tools, blasUng powder for blowing and th e dogs. T he dogs, all known varieties o r mixture*, were usually about 40 to 60 pound.1 In w eight, n o t large and not small.

Th# velna of coal tunnels went back Into Uie hlllaldm usually about twi e igh th to a quarter of a mile, b u t oometlmea extended back ft h a lf mile. T h e miners had to work on th e ir knees In rooms nometimes 20 le e t wide which «in from th e m a in entrance. The dogg, a fte r tAUnlng, aeldom made an error In retui . . . . . . . . room, tn <tp[to o f th e da rk except fo r\an oil lam p burning on the

. mlner'd h a t. L a te r they used ctur* bide llghta.

The cartd w hldh the dogs pulled w ere six fee t long, 30 Inch , cs a t th e bottom and 18 to 30

—Inches decp. T h e r f lw c d w lde r'af

. paratlvo ease.• However. In .tljo "room*’ e u \tf - v tn Buidod on a - by 6- inch looeo Inylng planks a n d had to be held o n th e tracks by Uie help of th o m iner. Sometimes they allpped off hnd the miner had dU llculty -getUng them back on the truck . T ho carta were equipped w ith "horn*- a t the back end, w h im th o m iner could use to hold a n d guide It. and there ' wo* a "la^y" board one to one and & h a lf fee t wide which the m iner couUt lay on w ith one h ip and push wlUi h is heels to help th e dofts hAUt a. load of coal, o r sometimes I f - th e goln« waa

.easy for th e dogs, hd could coast along.

The eartfl he ld about IB busheU when lu ll. A bushel of ooaj weighs 80 pounds and they re­ceived th ree cen ts a bushel or IS cenlA a ton . T he miners could

' earn $3 a day, oonaldered very good >,'agcs. bcoaiu>c for oulaide work, they reeclred from » l to I1J3 ft day.

Sometlmca th o re in s had to be blsjited, bu t If th e llra t bla.it ............. m—lt-m otiR nr* there

I t takes courage for a person: to do th is t>iM mining, and Car-

, te r states th a t one would alm uit have to grow iq> w ith I t to_doJL

—W o rU n j-w n a iU o n a rtS ia ca be- b ig In ft b e n t poslUon lo r hours each day, wero m ost uncom forta. We In o the r ways, too. W ater dripped constnntly and some. UmtB th e m iner cftme ou t com­pletely soaked and h is clothes

•would f r te ja on Wm before he could get back In to th e mine. There wns very lltUe oxygen In tho mines and tho a ir was very poor.

In order to keep matchea dry for blasUng, they were p u t Into ahotgun shells a n d kept In the tight shallow pocket a t the front of the miners’ trouser*. They tried to keep dry by t^nK -oU '

—cloth-corerr'O t’c r'T Jieirbacks U protect them against tho con­stantly dripping water.

In spite o f th e . cramped quar-

m ust make, there were few accl‘ —d en ta i i n d -O arter-and -M cO nrt y —«ii-reeaU -

cave-ln during their years •there. T hey h a d some narrow

I escapes and c a r te r remembers one particularly.

S o m e t i m e ® ti "false" roof, caused w hen blasting took out

, too much of th e coal and rock which would ordinarily > cause a good stu rdy roof, losened by » little too m uch .w ater and prc.i- aure of th e soli nbove. would sudi

. denly fall.-McOarty aa tn o “tm eeler'’ who

emptied th e c a rls w as outdoors. <?arter, on h is knees after, a blast, h a d ' loosened th o “faM " roof unaware of h is danger, and aa h e reach'ed under..lQ ,.cet a t the coal, th e roof fell on h is back, pinning h im . the re . ' .

Fortunately tw o o ther miners---------working—otjier—‘'fooms"—heard

■ h im yell ond ru shed to h b as- Blstance. Everytlm o h e yelled the

. weight oamo down hearler. but they got h im o u t. C arter says he couldn't have he ld o u t much

. longer.. H e w en t homo under his . own power a n d w as off only a

h a lf day.C arter m ined In th is m anner

from about 1899 untU around - 1018. He w orked mostly In slack

seasons of su m m cr'a n d a ll wln- .ter. At f irs t h e worked

. . . lonttlm e reatdent o f (hs E iqerton dUtrJet n e a r Jleyburn who recently obw rved ber 80lh birthday a n n lv e tta rr. She has been ocUve In cbar«h and clvie affairs alnee h e r arriva l la the community In 1R13. 8be was the f ln t prealdent o f the Paul M1A and headed th o Itellef so­ciety fo r m any yeftrs. (Staff photo-engraving)

ISOa and worked untU ISIO. Tliey s ta ted th a t many fim ners had veins on the ir lands and worked them In tftU m anner, also.

Tlie coal veins were discovered by-'‘bl6flfloms.'*-a*llttt«-atreaJei>er- haps one-half Inch w ide In a hllU Bide, then as i t w as dug the s treak would widen lu id th o coal would ge t harder, b e tter and i ketable. I t was used by local brick works, tile; po ttery and glass m anufacturers In the

i.well as.fof.domestlo-UM .-T he mines were Infested with

m any rat.i. and as th e m en ate the ir lunches th e rat« could circle and circle a round them , staying their dLitance but v>^en the lunch palls w ere p u t down, the ra ts would try to gnaw the ir way through them . The m e n learned to p u t rocks on tho lids' to keep the ra ts from eating th e contents. A legend of m lnera like the legend o f th e rnU leaving a doomed ship, seemed to apply to the mines. They s ta te d tliat when a cave-ln or hlllsllde was Immi­nent: X ho 'rata would leave tho

Illustrated .talk .on- health-foods, Nancy Williams dcmonstfaicd how to make place m ats. Joy

on buttons, K aty P e tm demon- fltrated'm nlctng'itlKSrThe group visited Uie hospital to look a t tho arts and crafts Items, R e- freslunents were served grounds.

Orandvlew B and B club, led by Hugh Nelson, met a t Kelly Jackson's, Layne Jack.ion demon­stra ted his Iamb a n d gave oplnloa'< and pointers on raising sheep, Kelly Jackson showed his dairy heifer,

Carol P|>lk spoke on t h e IPYB proKram. K arl NeLion was elected vice president and Vivian W ard was elected secretary. She replaces Susan Ward, who moved to Salmon.

All dairy members of the club •w lll-deeoralo-tho-*arT «-durlnp the fa ir Uils year. K arl Nelson,

13 Drivers Are Fined by Judge

-HO LU STERrA U g.-S^TlilrU fen m otorists wero fined by Justice of tho Peace E. H eaitock th is week for violations of th e m otor vehicle act.

John Senn. Edmonton. Alberta, Canada, waa fined t20JS for

' Olen O . Bates.

C arter oald th is s to ry o f rats a a 'h a rd to believe, bu t I t hap-

penc4-to h im . 'Wlien (hey used oll 'lam pa-on the ir heads, they kept th e ir surplus o il. (Inrd oil) in jugs w ith corks to seal them O netday. while C arter was eat­ing nla lunch a largo ra t cami ou t o f w aste m ateria l (o one o tlie Jugs. H e chewed th e cork oui o t th e ]UR and aVutk h is uU Intc the Jug then licked I t off and re­peated tho proce.ts continuously

C arter who wos sitting abou 13 feet away from th e m t antL had only the light of h is ol iam p to aee by, w atched him foi

)me tim e.A t one time the m en recalled

...... - m ine, bu t they wero undeirem arkable control ond there________ __ -while

there would be quite a mlxup

te n t to be In th e m ines where li was w anner, a n d th e y wero ouiof the severe weathetU:________—C orM rrih 'ougn retired now ai a farm er. Is s ti ll m ining v ita­mins and minerals from the earth Into the crops o n hls'farm Ho came to Idaho In loio and in the fall of th a t year he boush the acreage n o r th of H ansen and has resided there since. Me Is

9w 18 years.McCarty came to Idaho In IfitO

to the Rock creek a re a nnd In 1038 he s ta rted his gravel pits mlnlng no t for coal, b u t for sand and gravel. He, too. i5 retired.

Being 80 year* of nge may be a dUadvantage for m ost peopje b u t-n o ^ - fo r-M r« rtU lu Corlesi long Ume resident of the Emer- »on district near HBYBURN w ho recently celcbated her b irth ­day anniversary with open house

n the lawn a t her counuy home She waa bom June 0. IBBl. In

Benjam in. Utah, and In 1900 ahe marrl»d-Roben-B ,-oorleM .-They ------------ -------- -and In *11)13 came to Uie Mini- ■doka project where sh e has re­sided since, Mr. Corle.v died In 1D53 a fte r a long lllne.u.

Mrs. Corlejis has been' active in church and civic affairs In her community since h e r arrival. W hen the West End Cinmge was first organised she served cis lec­tu re r for five -years. She was th e 'll ra t prealdent ot the PAUL tdiA and was president of the

Relief society, for niniiy years, ■When sch o o rw as he ld In the W aah tn^on distric t sh e v,m very active In PTA work. Recently she was elected president ot the Emerson home Demon.itratlon club. .

Mrs. O orleu loves and drives her Own car, making trlps-all-oTei-ldahOTinaTJtnh“cr any place ahe wishes to ro. Lost year when she was 79 year.t old she accompanied her son and her daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrt. Howard' Corleas to Mexico City:

She doc* her own house work, takes care of h e r flower garden and has planted nnd Kroun dlf- ferent kinds of lovely trees on' h e r fam i.

M r. and Mrs. Cocle5.' hw e six children. Robert. J r , Sunny.ilde. W ash., where h e U ngrieultural aUBcrYlw-ffir th r miitff^notuid., Moscow. « .v lsta«t mnnagcr, of

A. P. Skeel, Bluings, J io n U $3. s gross,weight; H arry Hob.wn.

Nara visa, Ni M„ »10, no mud flaps: Robert Welch, Spokane. Wa-ih., ,»10, folluro to purchase overweight perm it.

George W elb, Rogerson. S3, driving on,an expired dlrvcr's 11- cenae; Jaoob Williamson. Nor­land. $3, no driver's licenae; H . M. Peteraon,.W ellton. Arlx„ and Ruben jonee, Jr., Rogerson, <7 each, failure to register onoually.

P en y Young, Piler; WlUls P. Weub, B llu , and Lloyd -D. Day, Boise, »3-each. failure to pro­duce TcgUtratlon, nnd K . M. Schow. Premont, N ebr, |3 , no reglstra tloa on trailer.

Cruelty Charged In Divorce Case

M rs. Nancy Hager filed a di- sree ault in T*-ln Fallji district

court Friday, charging phllllp W . lLA.K.e«_wlth-oxtrem »—mentn} cruelty.

They wero married In- Twin P a lls -j ■ ' — -------------------------------J T T o n n —no children, according to the d c -

Mra. Hager requests th e court to aw ard her poMeialon of hehold-ftmilshms»'ah'd ''an“auG___bile now the couple's community property. She also aska VetiA h e r husband be ordered to pay a tto r . ney’s fees and ecata of th e acUon. She Is represented by th e Twin Falls law flmi of Raybom , R ay- born, Roi-bom and Webb.

Sentence Levied On Check Count

Mra, w . E. Gayer w as — . tenced to tiiree years In prison Friday when ahe pleaded guUtj' to to u in g a cheek wlUiout fundsIn— th fr-b B n lc r-D is tf lc t'^ u d g c T heron 'W ..W ard commuted U»e aentenco to six m onths W the Tw in RilL» county Jail."

M rs. Oa>-er was charged ......Issuing a *55 check On July 17, draw n on the Jerome office of the P lrs t Security bank.—L aw -enfofeem ent-offlcialrsU ll

t-for-hi ■ ' •who has been a t large alnce the check «-as pa.ued. a court official noted.

4-H Girls MeetS e w i n g dem<

Jackie powles ond S h a r o n S tcam a highlighted a meeting of tlje Merry Maids 4-H club Wednesday a t the home of Mrs. Prcd Britt.

.Mias p o w l e s dem onstrated ^ w ln g .n n d turning an apron tie and Miss Steam s allowed how alie mode her sewing baaket and wiiat to pu t In aen'lng baskets. Mrs. B r itt gave th e members in- « ruetlons,on how to finish the ir aprona. Plans were mado for n faslilon show , and m others tea■w -be-heid 'A ugni:---------------- ---■Mra. Marvin Custer was ..

guest. Gomes wero played dur- ng th e noon hou r under th e d i­

rection of Beth Britt. T h e next meeting will be held Wednesday, when project books, will be com­pleted.

pony; John. Idaho Palis , m an­ager of the federal land bank; tow ard and. Seth-are lo rm ers In

the Emerson-district and th e only Iftughtei*,. Uutoe^ <Nlr»_.

>nd h e r husband are In th e ^ i r y

WIENERS-M o rre llV P rid e“ A lhM ea1~~


IzfiA N X A taU P E£resh„..SolidSweetLocals

7 lb.Miss M u ffe tt Bakery Special


2 9 Each



RIPE O LIV E S..................... 4 89c

GRAPEFRUIT . . . . . . . 5 LOOl a d i e s c a n v a s ■

OXFORDS ,2.49'Holland Du^ch


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-SUNDAY.a u g u s t 6 ; 1061 T IM E S -N E W S , T W IN F A I.L S . ID A H O PAGE SEVENTEEN

Cold Storage 'Room WoAikers Pay After Horn’s for Worlung Comfort MAGIC VALLEY PORTRAIT

Theodor Rangen\ Buhl, Believes U.S. las

nU H t., A«t. » - l.cftvlUK •< ..i i iv f couiiir)' of Norwav.’riiro . • ritir nntiECH. Buhl, uii.ililc in -vponk n word of Eiiulbli. arrivi-,l •• hiTi- 111 1022 lo *Pck 1ii> liiriiiiip :

-A m rrlcn the lnn<l <'( ojijxir- ♦

m y .

Nim- 30 yn lir

h n r . h r fi'Clv ' r ir UiTOr"—xvlin wiiiii. lo till!!' nclvitiitnKr I’l ilu'iu. UaiiKi'n tiiiw heiid* UiiiiKrn’.' Inc . niir « t th r Inriic.H Imlt'ppimnii It-i'd itiul M'cct (irmx In lOnliii.

!!:in«oiV wnx born K»-l>, T\ 1H9.’in -

wui* Uifl »veraKB person w ork i in - the heal. 4hete fellowa don tli tir ' w fn ttf th e day, hu l admit th r r c c rU ln Ir p a r rrlce (or ih e ir triKlil eomrorl a t (he «ndtb lh u u id work itt th e coldett pouibJo pUe« daring th e jium tncr mnnlht—> cold of th e d a r i*hcn' H it; leftve vorh i and- face (he h e a t, l-'ram le d are Clarenc«•UnM roctn. If I t help* a n ; , moat of theae workera I t la wntiderlul durinc S eh tie ld tr. RoKcr Aiidrewa « n d Tom Ferniinn. (S taff pho(o>cnrravltig)■WniV___ — ... ... j . a. ^ j . j . a. a. ----

TluperrGiWs" Contract for

“ CityPfojectsRUPERT. Aug. &-Contrftcl3

were swarded for th e rerooflng of Ui« city (T«r«Bff and to r « /J n - lihlnj the floor of th e Civic nu- dltorlum by. the R u p e r t, city council a t their Tuesday n ight DttUnt.

B ut Way Builders were award- td Ui« Job of re-shlnttllng the

buJWljw a t »8.fl0 per iquirt. Other firm s a n d their bids Included. Badger brothers. II0J5 per aquare; ThompsotJ C ah yardi, t m i . and Anderson Uifflbcr eompanr. *10.75.

John BIlllnB. R upert, in « W the eon trsc t fo r relln -

'•bM at the auditorium floor w ith a bid of »100. Hyder's F loor «erv' lee, T*'ln PalU. entered th e «ec' ODd bid of ( l ^ .

The council voMd to Install i two>way radio system for the electrics) deportment truclcs, and funds to send delegaiea from th e fire department lo the aU te fire school to be held a t Idaho Falls Aug. IT through ig also were protfd.

Fire Chief William Cowell porled tha t the Southern Idaho Fireman's convention will be held In Rupert In September.

Approval for bloclclns off the square for O o-K art

SunasyTAuSns:--------------Riven lep- resenUtlvefi of the Q o -K ir t asso xtatjonrM em bers-of-lh».natlonal cusrd mill assist w ith pollclns

Workers in Cold StoTage Plants-Are- Envy of Others on Hot Summer Days

How m nny’ tim es during the sum m er have you lontied for the iool winter days—thone . days vhen you probably longed for the w arm sum m er days?

W hen the tem pera ture soars, like It h as many tim es th is ' m cr. ooe sm all group of me: doubtedly hoId.i th e m ost envl- -us Jobs In T w in Palls.

Tlicy are the m en who work . » those frigid rooms w here much o t the community's food is stored.

While the farm er perspires atop his combine, and th e of* flee worker Jnbora over hl» desk w ith visions of sw imm ing twoli danclns In h is head , the.^e men

' IS and work In the cool________ refrigerated rooms. AJ*though they m ight bo plUed In th e w inter, they a r e , envied In th e summer.

A Rood example of such a plaee Is the Tw in Falls F eed and Ice company.' T here a re about at* employes a t the company who regularly "work In th e —

In adilltlon. th c re a re about 7S I too ptrM us H-ho visH the p lant

(l.illy to use abou t 3JOO private .itornne iKkers. A lthough It would seem ibnt tlie persons w ith priv­ate lockers would-go o u t o f the ir way lo visit thorn on extremely hot dny«, P. F . Snnde. president

Jerome Chooses New Demo Head


aU d areas. They go about .. kinds of work Itt' th e cold—toad lee. work wlift the vast tuiekii of stored frozen foods and work In the cheese storage a

While the rest o f th e lives in July, these men spend about e ight hours a day In Jnnu*

. . the je ro m t county l>emocrotlc central commlttce a t a meeting held recently a t th e homo of Mr. and Mrs. J . E m m ett Qmlth. M er­rill Summers, th e fo rm er chair­man, resigned In May. after serving aa county chairm an for five years.

TltUs appointed M rs. T itus, Mrs. J . Emmett Sm ith and Mrs. Frank Davte to m ake arrange* m e n u for the Democratic dls-

wlll be held

they a ■n'l.the only o

-iU U cC oapart of the city m e t w ith the council to request th a t the ir be hooked Into the now sewer

. W»lem. Robert H am ilton, of

t JlUBllton and Voller, Pocatello, reported th a t In order to give eMWrnt service to th e area, a

j Be* line would ne ed to be built, f U tn esUmated cost o t *19300,

Hli firm has draw n u p a plan for a storm d ra in system for the

PetlUons requeaUng th e sewer Jioe addltJon and fo r th# oiling 01 ihe streeU were draw n Up. ac» eofdlnrf lo spokesm en -for th e

A report «& bulldlnR perm its waned by the c ity recently llsU » dselhng for R uel H ansen in me Countryside addition, *26,- OM; val Toolson. Countryside ad- Jlllon. *18*00: ■ Jo h n ' McKevltt, ipin H street, fo r-a *10.000 dwel- ilng; tittd to Eugene Wolf, a *430

A beer license wa» uran ted U LaMont K eister w ho plans to open a U v«m In R upert soon.

Members oC th e p a rk commit- '" m e t with council members a f-

the regular business meetlnn ‘0 show a plan of lighting the center of the city park . Plans were approved . by th e councl member?, and four futuristic , u t jnn down, ligh ting-fix tures wli:

■ M purchased to lig h t ih e /lowej beds and Other p lan tings In the

, The cult o f Wit. w h ich 'p rom - l« d im m ortality a n d bodily r » - wrteUon. apread fro m I ^ P t to prceee, BoraD a s d B rtta lo ; chal* Sensing C hristian ity for • tim e.

ra f t ot companies and processors _who store product-i In the'^com- jany's storage a fe isn S u c ln J i ty

bevy of workers from com- iniM w ho-prorfM froten vegc-

lables, poultry, fl.m and dairy liroduct»r«lso-don-hoftvi!.-£aaia and spend hours working In the

About 30 of them can be found -1 an average day enjoying the winter temperatures.

of llie com pany, says vlsUors'ac- liMlJy avoid th e place on hoi clsyx. T h e c o n tra st In tempera-

e Is too m uch. I f they vLMt hot days, h e says, they uau-

fllly wnit u n til th e erenlni; hours when 11 Is cooler.

Clarence Schneider, nn ploye of the Feed and Ice pnny, notes th a t working in the

Is n « e during the day.

hent, to them , seems Idaie w hen they leave.


sented Include Tw in FalU. _ .. coin, Blaine, Camaa, Ooodlng,

' doka, Cassia a n d Jerome,

JFinal Services Paid Mrs. Fish

Among the survivors Vera Wooley; Tw in FalLi, daugh­ter. and a sLiter. Mrs. L>'dla Sterner, Twin Falls.

thework in vary -from about 20 de­grees below zero, which Is i quick lrccr« un it. the storage aren.> th a t a re foom five to 10 degrees abovo zctb.

To the v isitor these men look like they a re working In aver­age aprJns o r fall temperatures, for. the regular employes become so used to th e cold th a t they seldom wear coals, even In ex­trem ely cold wireas. The cold Is a very dry cold and If they keep moving and working, they seldom chill. T hey can work lo r hour# In th is low temperature without becoming uncomfortable.

Cars Collide) JEROM E, Aug, 5-D am age ' esUmaUd dC ttO In a two-car ildent Tuesday. Jerome police

Ethnr-K sh-R w -i>eW .-T Jiur»day waa dr ivin g - a JS58_EdKl._t5ld ■ police ho glanced up a t a pedes­

tr ia n a n d h is car collided w ith a rkrri_innn Ford owned by Jack Blxler. 27. T ain

ajley behind the Smoke shop. T here was *00 damage to the Edsel a n d *10 damBga to the Ford.

Bliss-Group_Notes Event

BL ISg. Aug. 6 -A style.iihow ondm othert-luncheon-w as-hold by th e sew and Oo 4-H club a t tho home of Uiclr Junior leader. Beverly Hnnsten. daughter of M r. and Mrs. Lloyd Hanstcn.

T h e Aunciieon v tu prepared a n d scrved'by the club members. A sty le sho*' modeling Uie Items m ade UiU year featured Beverly Kan-Mcn and Oecky Sue Bucier. th ird year sewing, and Mary Stoke.1 and Marilyn.Orave.v lOnd year sewing.

T h o program under Uie direc­tion of Linda Stroud, consUried o t ft piano duet by U nda S t« u d a n d Peggy MlUer, the Lord's

•ayer led by Miss Hiuwien and ..:iss B utler, with the third year food claA.n girls )>lnglng "Amer* lea th e B e au tifu r In the back­ground. U nda Oraves accom* panled th e singing.•FJoral nrrangeroents w e r e

m ade by Mrs. Herbert Stroud a n d M rs. Charles Hobdey. '

Leaders for the clubs are Mrs, Lloj'd H oflsun. Mrs. Bbhop, Jr., and Mrs. Charles Ratke.

Water Club Sets Pollution Meet

HAQEBMAN'. Aug. 5 -A '.com - m ltteo was appointed by Don H ulme. commodore of the Thou* sa n d Springs W ater ^p o rts club, a t a recent meeting to Invest!'

x\ny. whuU W ihc rpiilrr nf ihi- . crrni Nnnve;lnn Inilun.':

tUn f.tftrilf wrce tarineiA bih} r i' imum'UlIl! lil.t- r r tn c a rimr

h r iHirclinscd a .Miinll farm In- 1013. H r m r ra n d mnrriM Mnrin Joii, Oct. 24. lOH.

Both Rnngen nml hi* wile hurt ft keen clcAlrc to come lo Amrr- Irn nnti felt there much of- Crrrd here for a prrKon uilUn: :o s r rk 11 out. So by .muiiinl •M:i('(’m f n i~ th p — Rnnsen's—iioUl iliclr In'tm and Itavlng hM .u llr

rhilrircn a t home umil hr ronUl itft settled hrre. Ranuen ntnriPd out for America,

ni.^'p'IrinK 'n i'.il“calfed-for-h(m I Ko.io North Diikota where he

lind relnilvr.i l i v i n g ; bu t he ch:ini:p(l his mind and decided lo

•llrM lo Twin FalU where .iiiveUiiK companion. Arne

noinincivedl. who whs also from' Nrinvny. hnd a job promlgc.

arrival In Tw in Pulls. RiinRcn was able lo ge t a Job with th r Inie A. M. Sande, own- er-m nniirer of the Twin* Fiiils Feed and Ice company, worked with the company lor th ree year* until he became ac­customed with the language and work. To familiarize him self with th e language he a ttended nightschool fo r two w in te r* .............._

Rangen’s wife and family Joined him In the fall o f 1032. In 1029 Rangen and sa n d e went Into-partncrsh lp .am t s ta rted the B uhl Feed and Ice company 'wlth Rangen serving as m anager ot tho company. The p la n t pur­chased was a former canning p la n t and Is located a t ll>13lh, avenue-south;-----------------r

H onsen recalls the local pany. using two wagons, supplied the community with Ice lor m any years and was th e f irst to IdstAil 'frozen food lockera west of th e Mtal.«lppl- In 1030. w ith the advent of the home freeier. R angen said tee delivery soon dwindled down and w as.discon­tinued.

T lie same was true of food lockers alUiough m any people s till need additional freezer space for the home-IrcMcr overflow. T h u s w ith modern day units, Ice hfw become one of the l « « t Im­po rtan t phases of the business operatlon.1.

Sande died In 1054 and Rangen berught hla partner's sha re In the company In 1056. W ith th e aid of his son. Thorlelf. who has been w ith thfc company since he came out o f the service In m a and haa been a partjier In the corporation since 1B54. Rangen says the busl-

e u has expanded and grown. Rangen through the years has

a im ed to help commtmlty prog* r e u and ho« strived to m eet the changing devstopcnents 'o f tho

rea and farmers demands.Kard work and experlmentlns

c la l meeting scheduled th is week A mem ber o l ’lh e health depart­m e n t will a ttend the meeting.

expensive to use and . hetier la e t-g rovth results, i) now being U M d'by-ntate.-federal and many private hatcheries In the weetem au tea .

Building expansions through le yeeirs include a new seed

. arehouse_and.',.«ed._cleanlnB plant loeated In the 100 block i 13lh s tre e t souUi, as well os .. new bean «,ivrehousa and bean cleaning p lant. Both units have the tntent a n d m w t modem etiulpment In the field; Rangen says.

The main' p lan t which started IS an 60 by lOO-foot building has expanded lo 100 by 250 feet, and UUIlZcs a . p a rtia l ■basement and upper floors totaling some 200.» 000 square feeU I t contains of> llces. feed mill. Ice manufactur­ing a n d frozen food, storage fiv- cUIUes.

In lOOO-Rongen putchlLied the foroier Homo Lumber-and Coal company a n d two new eo-foot sleel g rain storage Unks, each holding a 4S.OOO<bushcl capacity,

> e n c te d on the site. These . . . . ta n k s a re la addlUon to four other slm lf»r stonge tm lts In the i r e a w ith each holding a MJ»0 to 35Wl^»ushel capacity.

Rangen po in ts out that 30 peo­ple a re employed on a year- round basis w ith more men.add> (d durlrig th e harvest'Moson. In addition several tn ieken a re kept

th roughout the year doing

T h e Buhl Peed and Ice com­pany w a«-o(fIelalIy-changed..toU - Rangen's. Inc.. In 1860, Mem­bers of the corporation Includs Rangen. his wife. Afsrfa, «ad '

T h o r le lf .. ._ R B n g e a _ b c c a m e _ * jll l« n _ o f_ _ the United States in 1MB. He noted h e finally did mako th a t tr ip lo N orth Dakota 17 y e a n ' a fte r b is arrival here. T h e Halo­gen's children Includes two daughUrs. Mrs. Vem Lassen and Mrs. W alter M atthlesen, who both reside In (he C torer com­munity. and their son. Thorlelf. Buhl. Rangen is active In the Buhl Chamber of Commerce and Is a member of St, John 'a Lu­the ran church.

During his 30 years he re h a . has 'm ade four tr lp i back to Norway to visit relatives, bu t to him this wtU alw ays be •■home.''

VISITS MOTHER BUHU Aug. 6—M /S gt. Robert

;. M cCluskr Is ^ s itin g w ith h u .nother, Mrs. Loulso O. McOlus- ky, Buhl. McOlusky was stationed . w ith th e United States a rm y post engineers In Brem erhaven, G er­m any, for two years, a n d will b* assigned to the Q uarterm aster’ Trolnlnff command. F t. Lee, V a, when h e returns.

. _ ..itandlng de­velopment/! fo r;th e area dluov-

....... ..................- .......... ,e red In.JOSS w is Rangen's "fishLKcT^eyOrtroim ni-ppnQtluif^T^ . -’ Tnn-plwmerr«clenHtlcally

of the Snake river. developed dry food which Is less


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Don’t let those extra earnings dollars slip through your fingers. Where you save do*« make a diHer* enee . . . a cash difference! If your savings are earning only 3% , . . Mov« up lo Idoho SovJini* end loan and 4Vi% . . . »•»*»»’• S0% MOREI Save Where saving really counts . . , then count your extra earnings. We invite you to join o o r growing (amify of happy saver*.

SAVE BY WAIt. . . We want to make sav.Ing a happy habit for you. That's why we offer postage-paid, save-by-mail senrice.

W hir offlcM Ini Idflhi Fi


Page 18: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113


Rock Creek Ranger Station Is-Ideal(F ro n PM 0 19)

for tho Lundy*. N eith er ot the women worry About th e children lOMlne (hemsetvea In th e woods, and Mrs, Lundy% adds th s t she depends on h e r o ldest boy, F rank (Skip), 13. to U ke e v e of the younger children.

Durlnit the sununer, the chll' drcn's trlenda from Kimberly

-----Mld-TH’ln -JS jlll-O ft^n vM t the

Lundy stays *1 th e st*tlon----- shout June t to e a r ly -D s-

ccmber, and speiids week>ends •ttlli* W» fam ily a l te r school KUtrti, Millard spends most ol

. • thn'week, « t Ih e .sU tlo n durlns

port work, thoush , a t h is office III Twin p u ts . M illard su r ta

' ^pcndlns most o f th e week Inlh>» h liu hv forlv April ni- w hrnthe weather c lears . And In the Vinter he emends week>cnds a t tho sUUon. he lp lne adm inister tliB s)cl area.

Pretently. th e Rock Creek

regularly Inhsb lta ted du rlne the . ._ M im m cr._ T h crc ,,a re j.tw o ,p th er

hUiUons — Shoshone Creek and BoiMtter, ne ither of which hM been uaed for m any years.

New and better roads Into the MUlh hllts have led to the con* nnlldatlon of th e ncUvltlea a t

— nock-C reek . ilA tlon. T he . first rnnRei* sta tion In th e south hills wfts the ShOAhone Creek staUon.

■ It was t}^lt ohorUy a fte r the tu rn of Uie century. T he Bostetter sUtUon WM built abou t the time or World w ar I. T h e firs t bulld-

. lug w u a b sm a n d la te r It wm rem edied aa a dwelling. I t lost was used 04 a sum m er dwelling for a rsnger In 1M<. Presently, tlie Shoehone C reek range r s ta ­tion Is under a «peclal use per­m it to the Idaho fish w id gune

Both tAe* B oetetU r and Sho­shone Creek s ta tio n s now used only for temiM rory houslns for Improvement crew s or fire fighters. ■

Millard SAjA th o t when rond WM constructed along

— creele-lit-theM e30».-the nuw er sUtlon ocUvlty woa cowiolldated lit Rock Creek n tn c e r sta tion . In Ute old days Uie rond Inlo the.

•south hills led th rough Shoshone — busln-by-W A y-of-BO Berson.-or

OoUry. I t now takca only half the time to get ft crew o t fire

Clyde PiTiess > g , A n t i o i n' 3 “

ASC PositionRUPERT Aug. .6 - Clyde

P rueu. NorthsJde farmer, - iiu named this ' week to the county committee of th e farmers home odmlnliilr»non. according 10 Rob­e rt J. HsrrlM n, supervisor of the agency's R upert office.

P ni^^ took over Aiig „ » lW = y « i= w n iK = » e=Wilbert Nfoller, Rupert,

Life goes on a t th e Rock Creek ranger lU tlo n <inrlng the summ er months, J u it a s I t does In m ost hom es In th e caunlry. Here Mrs. A. P . Lundy Irons clothes fo r h e r bu iband and her

- r n r - R « i r - c r e e i r - a ia i o i r w 5 s Started In IM l, w hen th e garA«e from Shoshone Creek stntlon was moved there. T lie office wos buUt In IM l and th e m a in dwell­ing later.- T he MlllardB make their home In the o f f ic e ..........

wonderful plaee to raise cblldren during th e sum m er months. They swim In beaver ponds; go hlklne, explore the woods and perform m inor chores around th e -ila tlo n . T he children ssy they don’t ge t lonesome for lown life and they add t i n t they would prefer lo live there the year round . (SU ff phote- encravlng)

Principal Quits Post at Jerome

JEROME, Auk; i — Max Thompson, principal of t h e junior high school, p resented his resignation a t n special board

' meeting th is week.' TbompMQ b u accep ted a

tion teaching In n o rth e rn ___fomla. lie has ta u g h t in th e Jerome school system for 10 years, the la st five h a aerved os principal. Mrs. A rth u r oh a tb u m , th ird grad# teacher a t WoshlnB- ton school, also subm itted h e r resignation.

The board h ired th ree new teachers, W ayne B u rk e .'H o tu s. who wlU be the ban d Izutructor. Sruce Rafferty, w ho h as been

— «lc n flln riu m m e r-8 ch M l-flt th e College o t Idaho , ivlll teaeh Uie seventh grade a n d M rs. K a th ­leen Orr, Jerom e, will w ach

—^ m a th e m a tlc i_ ln __ ^^e__ seventhgrade.

Attend Wedding Last Rites Held For Clyde MullHAOERMAN, AUK. S — Mrs.

Samuel T ate and sons relum ed Wednesday from D enver, where they* a ttended th e wedding ot Mrs. T ate 's niece. T hey hlM vis­ited h e r paren ts, M r. and Mrs. Pred von Kaenel.

M r. and M rs. J . R . Pcacock and daughter, SftlC lAke City, visited a t th e Lea sevcy home and w ith 'M rs . Peacock's mother. Mrs. C arrie Ellason. who ccle. b rated h e r 83rd birthday anni­versary la st week. M rs. Mora Pal< ten, Mrs. Les Sevey and ^Us. Peacock are olalcrs. CUier g u u u a t th e Sevey home a re Mr. and Mrs. O arl Owsley a n d two chil­dren, ■Walla W alla. Wash., who also a re visiting h li parents, Mr. and H enry Owsley.

:— rSENTENCE BU8PKNDKDJEROME. Aug. 5—Evelyn paye „

Butler. Jerom e, waa fined $25 nnU ^ sentenced to five days In lull Thursday by Police JudRc Fred E b« rtiard t-fo t—b e ln R -d n m k - '

OOODINO. Aug. s — punera l servlccs for Clyde W. Mull were were held T h u r s d a y morning n t T h o m p so n chapel with the Rev. Pa rk Reed, of th e Assembly o t Qod church, Boise, officiating aulsted by th e Rev. Jim Davis, Qoodlng.

S0I06 were sung by Mra. Jim Davis and Mra. Sheldon Slagel. Mrs. DavLi a n d Mra. Slagel sang a duet. Accom panist was Mrs. S tar U m phcnour.

Pallbearers were S t a r Umphen- jr . Pau l D aniel, K enneth P eter-

son, FVank Lone. D ean Rogers, J r . and D ean O uthrle. Honorary pallbearers were Fred W inters. Harr>- shoup . A rt McOhee, Elmer PftftoM. Lee Moora and O . R.

) he ld a t Etm-

School District Tea chers Given Ratings

Merle Masoner and LaMar Nef. He operates a ISO acre fahn 13 mlle.i northw est of nupe rt where he homateaded In 19SS.

cattle feeder, to the committee working o u f o f the !>aul FHA office. He replaces Eller Watson, Paul.

Other members of the wesiend committee a re T ad .Abo, Hey- bum , and E rn est fiUtt, Paul. Lynn Bradshaw, manager of the Paul office, announced Moller's appointment*_

H irrlson sa id the many faml- lle. have benefited from the servlees offered by the ageney, which enabled them to reor- gan lu the ir farm program and to Increase th e ir outpuL Irriga­tion systems have.been imlalled. land cleared a n d pu t Into pro­duction. homes built, farm ma­chinery brought o r replaced,-to

of the benefits de-

The Paul office covert the cst end of M inidoka eounty and

the east end of Jerome county. Harrison said, while his office covers the eas t end ,o( Minidoka county Including the Northslde project. The volume of business Increased to th e point where two offlcM were needed. In order to give proper service to all pUcanta. he sold.

Purpose of th e committees Is to review applications for loan

Teacher “Factor” Shows Twin Falls Schools Have Superior Instructors

ported, and to make recom­mendations to th e FHA super- visors.

— PA8TOR-VACATION8-------WEfJDELL', Aug. 6 - The Rev.

and Mr.i. J. A. Jennings and son le ft this week .fo r Portland, to visit Mr. and Mra, Edwin Y ai^. parents of th e m inister. During Ills atoence th e pulpit will be

Sunday, and by the Rev. Jon Dullock. fldslstant pastor of the Twin Palls P resbyterian church, Aug, 13. • • .

A rthu r Klelokepf.. left, a ss lsU n t sapefintendent of sehoola. nam eric il'.ra tln n In the t ta te . and indleaiing superior ouallit and E rnest lU iland, superintendent of school*, point to th e ef Twin FalU teachers. T he figtiro is determined a fte r rsllnr num erical number recently assigned teachers In e U a A school' the teaehers on the ir cdncalioti and teaching expnlenee.

-dUUiei-Nor<n.-AeeoTdlnrto=KJelnkopf-thU Is-one of-tho-hlghest----- <Staff-phoUireiJgniTlnx)___

"Tho paren ts In this community should reallxe Ujcyre being serv­ed by a s good, or better, tn ln e d teachers than any oUier system In Idaho."

ThLi is an ob-iervatlon made leccntly by Artluir Klelnkopf. a<i- s ls tan t superintendent of schools, class A school dbtrlct No. 411. T he resu lts of a recent survey of

VisifChildPAUL. Aug. s — Robert Clark

and Mra, Floyd Clark, all Paul, visited Robert Clark's son. Den- nls. a . who "Is a paflent a t the tD S 'P r lm a ry Childrens hospital. S a lt lA ke City. His mother is staying w ith him there.

Mr. and Mrs. Uwrence Hoppe, form er residents, now of Ontario, c a l i r m r e '

teachers In the . d istric t prompted this remark.

Each year the amount o f 'S ta te funds apportioned to a school arc baaed on a survey of the teachers ' pnrllally Ixued cn a survey of th e teachers' , educitlon a n d teaching experience. ' —

T h e result of the 1001 survey revealed the Twin Falls teachers

dly arc some of the f ln - 1-re su lU -aro

friends here.

I .


MONEYfor Clothes, Books, Ttiirlon, old billi and other fall expeniet,

RELIANCE CREDIT CORP.. “ T h e M o n e y S t o r e ”

137 2nd Sin tt W « t — RE 3-7202--------TWIN FALLS----------------

system'r^By rating the teacheral according to education and years of experience, then apportlonlnR more funds for higher figures, the schools are encourascd to hire, and maintain staff members who are well educated and exporlenov cd.

......................... - .............sysl_____rating each, teacher and. subse' quently. the teachers as a group.

Klclnkupf says he th inks th e foe tor-of.the-Twl& .Falls.teachers Is one of thq highest in th e s ta te . Tills Is very Important, fo r tlie higher the total factor th e larger tlie shore ‘

two years of college and no < perlence to a teacher with masters degree and a t least 12 years o f experience. —T w la-P alls -teachcrs .h a d _ n n average of 1.38, whleh Is very high. The to ta l actually was 1J10. which m ust be rounded to 1.28. T his lltUe-boost helped the school by tS.llOiO, enough to pity the salaries o t two more teachera.

■ -tota l'csttm ated-am ount-the

dU trlet will receive In «tate snd c ounty a id , according Ern«t Ragland, auperlntende^^ is

T h is am ount will be Increnied by the addition of funds'dra*n from local taxes and some fedeni old. T he above figure fcomprlie, about one-half of the toU l bud. get. T he final figure will be know n a fte r July 16.

Klelnkopf says one ren.via Tw in .Fnlis has such a hiRli icnch- e r . f a c to r Is Uiat. tiirougii Ilie years school authorttlej have ta- ed a respectable percentage of th e budget to employ better ' teachers.

employed a single noti.ecrimed teacher alnee 104D. He mys the - figure varies, but lie c«lmalM th a t about 300 such tcachcrs nto cm pIoyedJa.the.B tnle-cacli-i’enr__

H ie preM nt system of lUTlviin; a t th e teacher factor was set up by a study group th a t was started by th e lOSO state legislature. ■HiLn m ethod was reeommended by tha Id ah o s ta te d e p a i^ e n t of edu-

Here’s Hemingway to say. DulilonI ABD piclur* tubti, i t n« tx tn c«st, teluallir gi«« you two yaits of proleetion Intleid ol on*. Thi oldist and most raspaelad nima in tilav ls lon ... OtiMont ABD piclura tubes can ofdr this ‘doubii* IIU' fvirantH bKsuse of *bulU-ln' Quallly malatl* all and erafitmanihlp.*'■ Be juts ll)s( you, loo,-get the moJl for youf moneyl

. . , II you hsvt picture tube probltmr, latitl on s DuMont . ABD 1960 Plelur* Tube. Exact replKemenU (or every model (nd s in s e t . . .p in 2-jtar r tr tn lM tliisf m 100% rtplaeinitnl af yaur DbMidI Inbi Uii tin t y i i r . . .

. tiia iicend year It pre-ntid la four qurttn . Hera It iitri prilicUin at a t a itri catti


ON T.V. PICTURE TUBES" Nothlnx dotni, lJU a week on approved ertdlt.

oUMOHt«.2 y e a r g u a r a n t c k

Newtcatlar Frank Htmintwa/ ol T.V. and radio lama— ■nd a man. who leally knows iaitvltion, uys; "Tha new 2-y2ar CusranUa on Ih* OuMonI ABO 'Goldan-

.tlni'-ef-l«0-Pictuca-Tubas-*hows ■ quality lha't no other wtll-known manuraclurar ollartl

Page 19: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113

^ A Y >TJG TJST6,1961 T IM E S -N B W g . T W I N F A L L S , ID A H O

Firm’s Founder Noted Demand for Untreated Water, Giving Rise to Unusual Business Buhl Woman,Age 72, Dies Atter illnessBU IIU AIIB. 5-M r«. E » le Wo-

mnck. “i: . Dull), died Inst evenlniT lit Mflsic Vnl!cy Mfnjorinl hCspU tal tiftrr nn «xicndetl lllnM ,

M n. Wtjjjinr;^ n:,» )x>,7i Ijj B it- l)0r. Cnllf., oil July 3, IBflO, She

0 10 In ifioo-flixl---------married to Ucrl \Vo:n-;k c

Sept. 5. in n . •• —


111 oc it »vo:ii-;k oil ;i.. i\C l»ociUi’ll0,yTh0 f | | 3 |!

{|H8 PIL'i fliiircli ftnd Uie , :

___ tt n . i .f Huuen. nnlokilt one of hU wnUr conUlnen In pound*. The bnilne«f w m il*rled 14 ytaM aRo by F. J. Slphint,fM t« ra p r l» le >»»»« >» '!'«■■* deliver wbo iipcnt (he w ar y n n (n louthern Catffarntft M d notieei/ lh»•M l 110 bottles. 11 U n 'l eaey work for cach bottle w clih t .M demand for pure, untreated water. (S ta f ' phnto-encraTlnc)

------- j . •' t- . a. *x. .1. .1. a. j . ^ ^

^Divorces Are

Four diTorceg were frnnU d rrtitr br Juige Theron Word in T«ln Fall* dUlrlel court.1 II. iCark Simmons was dl-

a Rcund* ot extreme erucUy. Stamww WM gnxnted control

ind custody o( Uie couple’s four thWcen, *nd possession of u i cemmunlty property. He w m rep- rutnud by the Tv.ln PaUa bw

■_ilHa.DLM«>y «md May.Mr*. MuJn# M u llln r^ ro w e r

v ts giMted a divorce from nUln Brovrer. T h e court con- led a prior property Bcttle- it and rwtored he r ^Jrevlous e of iUxUio Mullins. She

Supplying Pure, Bottled Water FromJR.ocl£€reelLAreaJkJJjmsuaLBiisine_s_a|£

IIANSEIN, AUR. S — One o ( |K a a ic n ' on the old townslte of when »omo aurf&ce wftter aecps the m ost unusual businesses In'R ock Creek. H ie presen t bottling Into the lower ground water. A th e TQllcy is the one conducted plnnt Is plnced nex t to the-slte bu.<dne&i of t4ila type h a s la dc- by Don H eter, owner of the P u r-‘o t the old Hoclt Creek blaekimlthjpcnd on n .’Wjurce th a t consUt- '■ ......... - ----------- ------ ................... *v.- —......... — ,cntly_uroduCM_pure water.

It »tV»me}'._[rt. C«dUi..V. A ren t received

_ jTcre* fnra Charles M. Arent. vlio n s cbtrftd -with, extreme

city. Tile court confirmed a X pniperty setU emtnt. Mrs.

j l n j reprtsented by Robert N. W. Ballelsen, Tw in Falls a t­torney. .

itrs. IhiMela Ann Jooes re- eelred a divorce from Jam es

' HwTlson Jones. The court reatar> (d her former nam e ot Patricia

^Ann Brosan. She was represent* >ud by L. B. Quinn.

JEROME. Auff. 6—The'Jerom e LDS second ward held Its annual eoafcrcnee last week with Presi­dent Rou <7. Lee presldlnir over

-ttiD-«aIon*.an<t-BUhop-Heirlck K. Drake conductlnj the meet- Inr.

In the first session ta lks were •Il«n by the officer* of th e quo- . rums, teacher*, supervisors, ward

uid teachers spoke a t the aocond lealon. Ivan H epworth and Ray­mond Jont* also sp<*e a t the •econd session,

Missionary Talks At Jerome Meet

JERO M E. AUB. S — M argaret TooU rm nhTTeram cd-m lsslonary from Bolivia, spoke Tutadny evening a t th e Jerom e Methodist church. M iss T oothm an Is now w orklns w ith th e : Bed Cross bloodmoblfe ond speaks where th e bloodmoblle visits.

M lss .Toothm an told the sroup th e te n c h u nurslnE .M ..the ttve .w omen and acts up

y pTosrnsnx She and........ Bolivian woman wert .charge o t an eo-bcd hospital In ~ oz, BoUvbi. She Illustrates

speech w ith colored slides, las T oothm an spent three

years on h e r mission. She re­ceived h e r nurslns and BS de- Rree from Idaho s ta te college In 10&7. She was reared in the JV ultland-Payette area and re­ceived h e r mission trolHInf and learned th e Spanish lonsuage In Cosla R ica.,Ward at Jerome _________

Holds Conclave Judge Will RuleOn Cattle Theft

G O ODINO, AuB. 5 — Probate J u d « e _ Ja m c a _ P —.aoM etl_has taken u nder advisement ■to dism iss cattle the ft charges again st Jo h n Hopple and Wil­liam Hopple, sr., bo th Buhl; Al­b e rt Sm ith , Wendell, and''Con- AtancA Choates, BiUs. He will inakc £^TuUn8 n«iil-WHli.._L

the Kcncr^l store.IfeU r Mils w ater, and plenty

of It. He sells It to th e ecRRient of the population who. In his word, '‘npprcclate p u r e water w ithout chemicals, a n d who have fl itenaltlvc palate."____________

Quite a few persons fall in this category in Uils a rea . Each day he hau ls “about 110 bottles to customers. And I t isn 't «osy work for th e botUes welgK M pounds apiece.

Tho business w os s t a r t e d ra the r casually n years ago bi a form er Twin T a m man. P ."J SIpklns. H e spent the war year In sou the rn California,-always t stronghold of th e boiiled watei business. SIpklns noted the wate tnlcka In the communities down there a n d decided 'that, again In UeUr'a worda. " t h e 'b u j j a e s * would be a success In an area no t blessed'W lth a sulUble quality w ater.'’

S Ipk ln s chose to return to Twin P a lls a n d s ta r t a bottled water business.

H q f i r s t Intended to try to tap th e w ater th a t flows into the Blue L akes are», bu t he was ad­vised by the director of the so u th cen tra l distric t department Of h e a l th th a t, altliough Uiat w ater severally w u pure. It often w ouldn 't. PMS health standards

th e IrrlRatlon . season.

Slpkln.1 wus advised to get iils nlcf Uom a -g rav e l l?ed nearer

the mountnlns, so he could get awny from th e surface Irrlita- Uon water. H e w m aw are of the terrain t>etwecn th e old town site of Rock Creek and tlie ■; n O T n ia lm rn n d n h c -B T « T c lT r tra t s tj^ ^ ^ f^

F irs t Mctho<ILM fhiirch and Uie

8 urvlv^'r.^ liVcliutc her hiubnnd. Buhl; one i-oii. u.irol Womnck, DuhJ; two bmiJji-r?, Jiwivn Crovi'*Icy. Hrrrln'jtftn, Wn»li., and J . N. Crowlc}'._‘IV ^ l-> iU ,-a n d _ o o o . priuidson.

Funcr.'.l iiervlfr.i will be held lit 2 p.in. Tur.'dav at the Buhl

Rov. W arren McCaiiiiell offlcU ' nllnf;. Rrbelcnh ritunlUdr rltr.i will bP unrtfr the direction of - • Mr*. Floyrt BceRliley, n o b l e

■ sm nd .Final rltf* will Ije held In the

Buhl city ermeterj'. Frlfnds m«T call a t the Albert'on funeral

I" hem oun tir tim co f 'sc rv lcrsT uei- dfty.

Water Rates for Filer Increased

FILER, Au«. 5-O rdInances In­creasing the lax le>7 a m ill-and a half over liist year and h ik ­ing the monthly water rate were 8pprored-by-tli*-jnicr-elly.coua=. cll thU week. Tlie ncv,- water ra te will be effective Sept. 1. .

However, officials pointed out In re tu rn for the Increase In water rates, free garbage hauling Mrvlce will be provided for all re.il(fent.f living within Uie city

D onald Ileter, owner o t the Purity W ater company, H ansen , til ls a five-gallon w ater J u r iba t ..B will deliver to a custom er in Tw in Falls. Tli# corapaw ylia* been In builaest for 14 years and H eter has owned It aince IDSI. He supplies pure, un trea ted w ater to home and business aocouDts.

Ing. b u t t .............. .....................bago will be picked up on regular schedules and hauled away free.

T lie tax levy is more th a n the Boo figure but Is still » mill and k half loner than the 1000 rate.

Council members also decided to '

from door-to-door and soliciting customers. He liiid p lenty of luck ond soon hnd a Uirlvlng buslncs.'. . Jy_J051.hc-dccldcdJie_w anicd to ''g e t out. from under Uie bot- tJcs." Hcler had knoH'n h im lor years aiid eventuallythe business, slncc tlien Heter has been carrying th e bottles.

T h e p lant ‘th a t supplies the flier to ra ther sim ple an d —


Its own large distillery. T h e d is­tilled water Is used, prim arily, by housewives for such things as. tteam_irons. Laboratories use It for laboratory experiments and m nny phyAlelans use IL in their

' and for use in the lrsterlUnere.

T he p lan t’s distillery ]s only commercial one In Magic Valley, according to Heter.

He risked buying land there and drilled a 130-foot well. Ho was lOcky. for H eter points out th a t the well has produced boc- t«rh ffrcc w ater du ring the en­tire hUiory of .the company. Checks on the- w ater’s -purity are made and th e samples arc turned over tc the health d e­partm en t for testing.

SIpklns- s ta r ted out by goins

___ tlie w ater Is al-. This Wkcs tim e and . All bottles a re ster- rlwied, as a re o il the

............... - piping in th e bottlingplant, Each"day before th e bot­tles aro filled, the pipes are fluslied so only- fresh w ell water Is botUed.

In addition ta th e 'reg u la r well water, the company also sv

distilled water, produced

du ring

T lie 'fo u r , who arc accused of th e fU In several counties, ap­peared ' before judge Oossett;

• r.,::;;' . ../W ed n e sd ay morning a t a pre-

ipeakeni a t the third session.'Robert Wllllnnw was the organ-


OAKLEY. Aug. S — M rs. Mel-'i »ln Paskett a n d Mrs. Cecil Usycs. leaders o f the Kltehen Elves i .H club, have coi inelr summer program Mei

-6trs-db l)liiyed-lfierr W r ic T t - l . - , ^ l a county fa ir , which end­ed today.

LOT FOR SALELocated la st fot on west end of Slgrid avenue on north side.

1 Prce fence, curb and gutters. I Buy d irec t and save -realtors

$1495I Loo t e d In a n FHA approved


Del Butterfield


ATTENTION!Your Bestway Building Center can now offer to our customers the NEW F.H.A. t i t l e 1 LOAN PROGRAM FOE HOME IMPKQVEMENTS.

Just Im ogine - You eon now borrow up to $10,000.00 fo r 20 years a t 6% simple^ interest,

f o r further information see your near-by


TWIN FALU, M 3 A<(clh«. Aw. W .tf Al«> oh BUHL FILER, KIMBERLY,



A t i ’e n t i o n G r o w e r sW e o r e n o w r e a d y t o h a n d l e w h e a t o s

w e l l a s l e n t i l s a n d b e a n s . '

A. J. TILLMAN & Son Whse.'2 mifet East on East Adcffion

formerly W. J. Peters WHse.

H e l p Y o u r s e l f

T o A D e a lNew Ford Baler

% ^ i;8 r ^ N o w ... . .^ l5 0^^NewFprcf Rakes— -

N o w . . . . . . * 4 5 0Dinner Bulk Beds

15 Ft. with lights16 Ft. with lights




•’'Where e rv ice Is Our Sa^svian'*

accounts in privato homes, but some businesses, bars tu id res­taurants also use lU

Selling tlie service o t supply' Ing'iftjlrciitwirbUt pUre'w aW r,'U ra ther new In Utls area, b u t He­te r points ou t th a t It 1a one of the oldest buslneAsea In the «,-orld. For even In the days be* tore Christ, the m an w ith the well In the vlllago wa» always

red -o f-a -th rly |ng -hu«mw«-

tlilstles.I t W03 . .

purchased a .................................Williams Troctor company for M;4S4rThe*equlpfnBnt‘U-used la — construction work and trenching.

... .......... estlmaU - t h a tInsecta 'ruln a t least one ten th ot man's cropa and destroy more timber each year than forest fires a n d Ju n gug roU.

i B iA liA « S B R '& I ST O E & eW 8& lg

O ^ S S S e i"Nifty" 3-hore

(195 iheets)FILLER PAPER90c volue Solo ot ..... 6 7 ‘

Infant's Reg. 1.29SUN SUITS

10 .only going a t . 5 9 '

Toddler's Reg. 1.00SUN SUITS

6 - le f t C Q c fa go 8^ ...........

W s ' ^ e g r i r o ' o '

Pedal PushersSizes 3 to 6 x 2 0 - ot-only ........ 2 9 'Giris' PanH, R«g. 1.00

SLIM JIMSSizes 3 to 6 x

12-IeH C A c to soil a t ........ W 7

------ Giris'-Reg. J .79,,.___Pedal Pushers

Sizes 3 to 6 x 30-only 1 19 going ot ............... ILadles'R«g. 89c 8k 1.89

-Pedal-Piishers-Broken Sixes

___ JO _s_on ly J e f f - r __

r ." ...; 5 9 \ i ‘®L o d /c s ' R «0 . 7 . 4 9

SLACKS^ l e t t O O C 90 ing a t ------- V O

Lodles* Reg. 1.33 .SKIRTSStee* 22-28 •

14-onlyselling f o r ------ V #

U diM ' All NylonUNIFORMSW hite/ slzet'10^20

R«.- 4 .9 5 _ .__ _ 0 9 38-enly a t ---------- <9

Lodfes' SufflmarCASUALS

-Reg. 1.99, ilzes 5-10 72 poir ^ 7 9 going for ............. I

Girls* Fur-THmmedJACKETS

with hood, klxes 5 ond 6 Reg. 6.95 C 4 9 10 at j u s t ..... . 3 .

Boys' Reg. 1.49SHORTS

Sizes 8 -12 . g p c

Boys' SummerJACKETS

------ -2v99tt left ^ a 4 1.39 & 2.09


size 16x26, » 'g . 1.00 35 only X A cwhile th*y-los»..-,0 0 _

Rocking Chairs(Reg. 14.95 value)

Sturdy hardwood, colonial styles. 4 only going for ]ust . 12®®

ScoHer Rugs^ ( R . 9 U I o r _ M » LSize 44x58 2 o n ly ..........

3 9 9

■ R eg . lUM) C o m fe rtflb fo

CHAIR PADS1 1 -o n ly t e l l in g • y f % C DMT f o r ^ # 7


' ' Xnr^uoiM and B elg t B ep riar 2 9 . 9 5

I Z _____23.33Slralght Bock Swl>.l

-CHAIRIbg . j | . 9 5 2 4 SOO n « e n ^ a t . . <

TV or AJr ’.CoBdJtJontr

STANDSR.g. 4.69, 4-o.llf. * 3 4 ' going o t ............. H

Swedish ModemCHAIR

T-onty, reg. 27.95Now going . 2 4 “

T S B C E D V M P S -

8.97J _ T J 9


^ I M POOLS8-onIy-_----- :____ C l 9 -

I tilo r 9 .7 5 -----0

2 0 " V ik in g R o ta r y

MOWER4 c y d e , 2 V i h .p . B r ig g f -

Reg. 49.95 One only ..... 4 2 ”

-Fisli™**' 2 ”

Reg. 3.59 10-left at

11 Vi ex. decorated'TUMBLERS"

Rc0 . 1.80 d » . Now 1 2

Close Out &McIolt . S U M M U

JEWELRY______ 13c___ - 25c

Grab Bog SpeclollRECORDS—

R ^ . ^ 6 .9 5 v o I h i ^ 0 0

I n f a n t 's R o« . 6 9 e

SUN SUITS2 9 on ly t o g o etf 3 9 ^

L W O R T H ’S ^ ^

- i l

Page 20: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113

• T IM E ’S -N E W S, T W I N F A L L S , ID A H O ■

T i m e s - N e w s C o m i c sR e a d in g F u n fo r t h e E n tire F a m ily

b a n ' l

Page 21: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113

6,1061 _ T I J I E S - N E W S , T W I N P A L L S , I D A H O

^eal, Ry® Other


Auto Industry Labor Talks |l(lalio Wool Heat up; Strike Mentioned (Jiower Unit


® hHe. erftliu

' wjUi .Iwt rrWny

.negotlfl ioiM m IKIT — . - induairy h c (v t« t,u p weclc. cM ilns ImpllcaUoM thn l could h n \e n p rofound effce t on Uie economy.

F o r the flM t tim e UiMC wn* lalK ih n i U « U nited Auto W ork- 6ra union m ig h t mrllce If 4 t does not Rcc new contrnctf by Die time e u rrcn t nsrccm enU wlih

Ford and Chry-

fr«n•a •'^r.imortera. A hold- « i ' f f l w d - o n U,e pari

TlJi'AJiuajjoij.jjju, bfpn conif)!}' cfticil by Amcrcliin Motor.v un- prccc-di'ntc'il nltvr to Incorpornie'

prnl;t.,vhftrins provision in iw

in wr»t<nm Caniv- iilrwdy BUfferlnK

* forecii*!^ fo r more

i« 3 »upporU were


B ^ * ? ^ ^ U i c ? B n d iin'lTcl- ^ r f i p r l v f t l a repo rt «ul)*

P*‘ b o e i t m esttmoCM on “ “ ®Sj (oybean production

l itS ttw in thwB jtraln.1. S ru ^ W d e p en d e n lly firm

' trend.buTlxw followed report*

»nd may have aXrect-

J S r in com and aoybeftns, * S J « re #2» h u r t by declln- Z ?S ind meiil price*. A prlvnte SL rtoOTt ye»t*rdtty^U m ated SflteMproducUon a t » record S ^ i ^ n busheU.W«t prices tor hoea and *pot

liri oused (lelllnR-ln drummed

“ a i ^ r ^ h irrftlM eloiied Oie r .Kk CTd»l Aur. 3 w ith .whcftl f m t o 2^ «n t« h ishw . com ine to I ' i cenw. onta '.4 to

-ffBl-towW-ftnd dou'n!i «nU.


TliB union nnd O cnem l Motor* advLv.-d ench oUier Uiey will te r- m inute th e ir c on tm ct Aur .' 31. Ford'nwt'U A 'W -Bave-cach-oU .or*uch notlcM » m c n tn a«o. Cliry- Mer (vnil th e union huve .until

uc, 21 to tnko «uch Mtlon. O fllcers ..............


MilnerettesHold AchievementDay;

M ILNER. Alls, 5 — ‘The Mll- nerc»ft< ^ • ll cIkIj heJd I ts an* nutU ftchifvenient d»y the

B rune.



f ..'•Ini M.Ii *t hi. Ctrl'., I:...

VI! KR. AUR. 5—M aurtrc K In»■rv.'d ii« m uster of cfrcmonlM Mrs. Mnrjwli! 01lle»ple, Cam Ir ,

„ , ......................- .............. - 'r lUc niinuftl Inmb baiiqiift Kiv.j C ounty iimiit DemonatrttUon. . Wool Ormv<Ts fls-;nRcnt. m o th ffi pf the memb«r».

In. ■ [,y iM Fllrr KWnnlA.niKl th e yrifiKlxliip Circ]e, *pon-mtctiM m in,, nir^ (jm h w n ’t cUiii ’n irsdny evenlns. noucriljtor.i, werp Kur.'ui of the club. Mprcw.<l ;ii)pro\ifl of (he l^rm!>,iCll;lv.■^, Kiwanl.i prcsUlcni. Riivrl e - .« i W n-r !ai< i»i'« i Jt nioHci*

................... isjuS'is ?ss.'ni All MticiM

---------------- ‘ fiml~ino-mi'iul><'ri« ■

irlf nll6 ifln- ''riHllli* - .......... -Nuitnnal

,‘radii>-i'fl llic1ii(1f(l • gpron.^.

..V, Col. E, 0 , 'w n t-,nd nroiv ot p r lc '.v ,,.,; .,,,„ j.ne jp ,. rcDriMnUnilvcnnd jirf.Iiuv

) l^ihLs lUKulnB wnvflKiilnH .niui M.-i c b n r . *ecrct:irv of the liHpiKroiind of ^ M ntrmcnr idinirTAVour GrowBRi-ftNiocinHon.

K nt.-ri„imiient durlns ihc-.ctc- thfi Rovernmciit;,,!,,..: presented b>- Mr.v Dnv-

n t the lair Bnd'''helped'*tL ulrU w ith tlifir modeling. Mary Ilrune. ’Looivi Slmpaon. Lenny W'l'bb. njid Afin Sejm our served rclreshm cnn.

would fll! ll f■ a «rJke •'luiolrra.

UAW a Intem ftU onat txecutlve

Stocks Soar To Peakson

Good News' ^NEtV YORK. Aug. 6 m — stoclM fiOnred to all*Umo pcftka ihU weclc na ravorable cconortilc

nlnga. corporate dc-

________OGDE.S .

OCOCf. Aiir, IW hl«ti«*:In«»oM« ttKot! liull*

■ r» tBJ f*«l"» n « a rlUr ilrm bulk y*ai InwJh. J»JO.II,JOj

.r i i’/l.n"*(Mi MW.OS# IK M.Btl-iJ.OCI: «!>-• HJk xnnm K i : l>ulU ulll-lir >b1 <o«ii>*ftl*l i:.V>-»».90: »tcKk. «ra >1.4 Mr«t« nod »<<d cbole* £Q(U -Wlb.7«KlM •W'f ■

B m h s ta n d a rd <ind P o o rs dtock Index a n d Dow-Jonw Indu-itrlau clo.wd out th e week nt, record hlglw on contlnuou* bui'lng wiivea broken only on WcrtnesiSny w hen Am«ficon T e l­ephone w as th rea tened w ith o n t l- tr iu t AuH.

W hile trad ing volume over th e flve-diiy AcMlon was U to.best In more th a n two m ontha, It well u nder th e May volume peaks »h en ffpecuJntlvo lever ran ra m ­p a n t luid provoked a federal In* vM tlcatlon of th a m arkets.

And' nlthough a w hopplnff-6,5 billion do llars waa added to big board p a p e r valuen. th * cJlmb had little In common -with the {•lmllnrl.v largo m arket ‘gains ot lan.sprlnB::___ .


- ............................... .^Tnunrry-Is pullln;: out of ft reces'lon.

ptm^enRer car pro« duclliiii *Uimpcd In 11a lowest lev­el oJ.Dir » ; i r ihifl week—an Mil- m ntnl np.oon — ns plnnt 5hui- down^ tni tiifxlM changeovrr In- erca.s«Hl. Production of 10tl3 mod­els uiirirr wny week,—Tlio*j<-<i| J«dujtfr-cpntlnu '‘d lo fCfl ih r efri-ct.1 of the labor nrRo- lliitlmM 111 tile auto Inila 'try . Caniitiktrx *hoved steel orders back Irnin Aiijaist to September wfilJp «niciits to se t u 'hat hnp- pea<,

Ouii)iit declined • during the 'ct'k fur tlip spcond cotttcciitlvc

week, indlc.itlni; Uiut the «ummrr siowciown mnv Ituit loncer cJinn expoctcd. O iitput totaled 1,81B,- ---- innsrc

TljLn tim e, w ith *..............from th e e ln.«lcr defaw o surckn, m arket IcaderM Upcame from In-- dustry 'a m o st distinguished b lue- blood.n.

Nam es like DuPont. Alcoa. U .8, Steel; f ^ r d Oiirysler, O enem l FoodJi a n d R . J

the prt'VltnLi week.lloftcvcf, lnduirtr>- sources p re .

dieted It lilgijer-l^ian«expectrrt level of production late In the y ear—prr)jj»pj 75 to BD per cen t of u.-ipnctiy In tlio fourth quiir- tcr.

Employment imd unemploy- mvni di-clincd In July bu t the ratio Dl liie Idle to the toU>J work .forcL* vdced up from 6.8 per In June to C.9 in July.

T lie n u m b e r of employed dropped by 2QS.000 to 08.400,000 while Uie total c f unemployed

cm down 440,000 to 6.140,000;. .The' Imrd-core unemployment problem worsened with the num ­ber of workers Idle six m onths or

Increiwing by nearly 100,000 - ■ i.onc_mill!pm


lloct M t *nd sllu >i-iOle»«; M»« t» M Iow«rl ml»d 14 ]»«■>» lb. 1»,>0 te .M*i M »&IM Ik. 14.0I>.|S,10.

ll,m ; •erlni aUuihttT Unix

• nni* ]>mU M.iO'I7.»;

a t Die to p or JlAt wltii the jo h n - n y - c o m e - l a t e ly speculations ,meekly following tlie lead* of Ui InduRtrlnl kingpins.

T r e n a u r y Sccrctar? DlUon'itA U m cnl IJmI JJiuuue tl xeve- n U M 'from » ’ proJect^d fu rth e r buaaiew u p t u ^ oiigh^ to cover P rc.ildent K ennedy’s stepped-up defenso program w ithout », tax boost v-Ar7R< d Wnli s tre e t hearts sWco I t m ade on up tu rn In cor­po ra te p ro fltA -ttfte r toxes-secm o\*en m ore Ukely th a n before.

T lieR too, th e eftmkngs reports kept pouring In and, except ib r

• nesvrn^ PRTVEll. A«». ( (AI-.USOfc>-Com.

Caiilo-SIttiihirr •lrTr>?.:» Ih. !!• }? . •’I*''"' »>»l*hu. to.1.00Jllh.r; hfltfn «nd tew. —Jrlthrr: MU mate!/- tltnJr• n and (njtn itronc ilaufhur

a hlik Uilllir u.:s* moilr <hn1(* tlMhr• - - II.«.> m.Mk.r cnni«« xiMn *?■k.lf.r t.lm s»W« *1* r,00‘.it5(Sh..t.-<,holf. and hrlmt iltui

•n tit Iimla :s.sj Hgh.f; xeo,| fWj, »o.tir >it«dr la tlrono fMdtr linU «nd ««n (ullr tUiilT; ' '


Iliit>-n>rro>t mid il*“ ■’■tiwi-fnllr'lift-lnw-w^l,.nfollrM -ki. ■I 1»M<0 lb. II i. U.tlt.17.00. -/US',

_ j p«AHA. Au«?MAr.tJ8DAl-C«ltl»

.Vi”*sn»v a,;‘;S KIH®*'"'’''-

i» » t*""* ' ■ ‘ ‘i ’i •'*<*>"'’ «,0Mi.S0'

fjjli «««dir! not ranuBhJ.l7 •"''"‘f tliuiihwrrn-j. .0.117 Ih, n.5ft.iit,B0'Mw 'r«

1»« n.. N», t b»ii

•1 d«lln» nn vilchU ISO 11>«. nnd ui'< Svwt Inwtp. On th* elnte

lion,lay, wr>k*> hml Uin>. ihMt

" lu. 1UHII.II). Uli*d H«. \.iinl.«l h5: ' t e

loM. Uhmi

iS'te ran>lll<rr. cholK* >,..1 h*Iru(ht*r k

"lih-r. «hol» .ndU W ;” efcus hUW.» r . 'l *hof ® “”<i ‘"’l

>>rh.f. bulti tlMdr U tltonr. <Xb«r tetrr*. B f n l liudt hteh

»'•, but v» 1

PrlraW ■ - -i"tdi '•v.iii'r* heleJliuKl food »ao.f,»M n lom. Kith KO«d MM.O

” >{*d chnic* and rclmi htlCtra ll.SIk. .euo . built «holt« l*U with


•till <iiolc. vMi.n 2>,oo.ii.oo:'lydM; lu t »wli—

tn ^tTYieh^TwhuTtow in d n .tDv r."*' >9 '•«»

the l l r s t (tuorter, l a addition, d ividend dM loratlona began re­flec ting th e rise In Industiy prof* ll«,

C onaum er cash purd iosca In Ju n e were tlie h ighest In seven m onU u nnd Installm ent debt alio waa o n th e rise. Ju ly au to sales for som e concerns were th e best since 3 P55 n n d hopes v/ere m ount­ing a t th e week-end th a t th e In­dustry v o u ld settle «-age con- trac ti.th ls.i-car-W lthout a a tr lk e .

Severa l atee l m agnates le ft the door open thla week for «• /nil p rice Increase, suggesting possi­ble in fla tion which always bodes

Slock.*!.—A lso th a governm ent s ta rted ttOklng ab o u t.d lrec t fedeml'.ntd gm m t» -ta.lhn n lU n y ^ lroftdsjU th e Ja n u a ry congressional 'fle.i- slon n n d ' carloadlngs, electclcty ou tpu t, coaj production, eonatrve- tlon activ ity and prlvnte Indus- tr if tl.p roduetlon Indexes contin­ued to clim b. •.

T h e re su l t was ft robust 1533 ga in fo r tiie Dow-Jone.^ Indujilrl- ax average which clascd a t 720,00 a n d b D.07 rise In th e S a n d P &00 w hich finished n t 67.00. Dow- Jonea m ils tacked on 1.31 to 140JT a n d D ow Jone.i utilities Jum ped 340 to a new portfioao peak or 117,70.

Volume for the period swelled to 18.B32.710 fclinres from 17J0O.- 3W -ft-woct-carIlcr-nnrt 13.843.600 In th e sam e week of.lQCO;

A vco corporaUon, still a- vorltfl In th o m arket letters, waa th e w eek's moat active ls.<rue m anagthff n Ti-polnt ga in oh 4384)00 sha res despite aome prof- It-tAklnff In Uj# two f in a l ses­sions.-G hryB lcp—«orporailon_jrftn8edsecond fbMng point* on 3T6.- 000 shares. H was followed by Je rse y S ta n d a rd .u p S sued th e Rovemment ■ for Tellei from Mie prc.icnt ayst«n of oil Im port allocations.

F o u r th among th e M tlv i's was a e n c n iJ S e c trlo up 3?» a fte r a rea lignm en t of cxecuUve poat- Uons. a n d fifth , CJeaenU Tele­p hone off H . ' .

T h o tw o issues wUldi «kttr*cted m o s t m arke t atten tion ranked fu rth e r dow n tho ocUve ll* t-D u­P o n t. alw ays know n os a g ^ t m unlU ons m aker. Bcored a ^ r lw of n ine , reflecting tho emphasis investors are plnclmr on « * » - pan lea w ith a natlonftl tdefeose flavor. ■ ~ ■ _

T h e o th e r woa A T and T w hich rose to a high of 129^ on W ednesday morning, only to p lum m et to a low of 120« a few hours la te r ^t^hw new* arrived from W ashington th a t tho Jus­tice departm ent t» considering forcing I t to sell It* 40-milllon- doU ar overm ts

;'M^i-cLWns irum ■ Urtrndflom^ roiuicl." ‘'Annie Get You

r .im " nnd ••Porglo find Bcm, Mrs. V incent was accoiiipatUM.

Ori-Ulc. B acketl, O nvR f Er- hftrilt. A. K . 'R eed nnd N, V. Slm rp bonauet eommiiKeinrmliers; R obert BlMlOck. nr,: Curl Nicholson. Botw; Firfl i-:i!cIJ.i«'...-Mtildoon and WaiSn, Wi'Us. University of Idnlm.'wcro' liitriidiici'd n.s members of tlie

•1p committee.Uimbs for th e banau fl wore

(loniitfil by O eorge ErhartJt ftiid Hill HiTrctt 6t tho Acme Mn- chine Works.

Tile fttnntc passed a record

nnd Roffer Vlnrwit who

4-11 Groups

would give bUAlneM a tremendou-i sho t In the arm, the stock m arket rocketed to nn all-time h igh as

:d by ihe-D ow -Jonea.In­dustrial average.

Volume on tl)e stock m arke t during the week rose to 16,832,-* 710 SIJWCS from 17,300,300 th e prevloai week. Bond sales, how- - c r , declined from $30,000,000

S33,030,000.-------------The commcrce departm ent r e ­

ported spending on nmv con- fltrucUon row to a new h igh a n ­nual rate of SS,7 billion dollars in July, up two per cent from Juno and fWo per cent from Ju ly . 1800.

ilanttfacturcr* *»1M rw o one per cen t to a o i billion dollars In Ju n e b u t new orders were down nearly ono per ccnt to 31 billion dollars.

C onsum ers went deeper In to d eb t In June , outauindlng I m u l - m en t c red it going up by 100 m il­lion dollars to 42.4 billion dollars.

T ho Bovcrnmenfs an titru sl d i­vision disclosed It was consider­ing w hether to crder American Telephone and Telegraph com­pany to Bhed 45*mllllon-dollar8- » -yea r overseas opemtiona. T h e company sold thcM operations accounted for 1m* than or/;-ha lf o f ono p e r ccnt of its reve« i


FILER, Aug, &—Home econom- lc.1 tlcmonstrallons were glvi-:i a t Uio- Pllci;4-K Achievement day.

D m oiw tratora were S u s a ; . Flecnor of tho Salmon Tract Chi-r,% vanilla pudding: Shirley Inglo and Vicky K lrkman, Busy Bcr.i, nu t breod: Oary Dougherty a n d Uoyd Ilardesty, F iler Chief Chcfd. m uffins ond p a rty sand- wlchcs; Jcann le Blakeslee and D .irlf»e J^endrlck, Bui^r Bees, po­ta to Mlad.

JatiU Diunon, Klnssle Lassle.s, raw vcgeiAblo pla te: David Chad­wick,- fU lm on-T rac t_C he l^ _cs5 nog; Stti^hftnle Piutoor, soim on T rac t Chefs, p tn c h surprl-w, and Sharon O nrnand, T w in Palis Slock Raisers and Thlmblettcs, m ake It with lamb,

Robert O arnand ' and Jerry Kuykendrtll were In -c h arg e of cold 'drink conWlncTA Sharon O arnand. Oayle Cobb, Larry M e. Cauley; Sue Loughmlller, and l/^ llo Mai . were on tho lunch o leon-up committee,

Tw in-PaIi9-0

PHA Aide Listed ■To Jerome Unit

JEROMETAug. 5 — Hermai> C; Hall, Jerom e f sm e r, h a s been appointed to the farm ers homo aflm lnU trallon io u n ty -c o m m it- tte , according to LTlW .'Sanbent; county supervisor. T he • three.- j-ear appointm ent became ef- fecUve Ju ly l .

T he threo-mnn committee r e ­views applications for FHA loans. H all r e p l a c e s F rancis Boyd whose three-year te rm expired Ju ly 1. Harvey L. Davis, rou te 1, Jerome, and Dean H, W eathcr- wax. route 4, Jerome, a re th e other two members of th e com - m ltu e . H all farms two a n d one - ha lf miles northwest o f Jerom e.

Meeting Held~T lio ''B u tto iis~ o n d -B o w a-4 -M c lub^no t a L the home of S tep h ­an ie Emberton, p resident, W ed­nesday afternoon. Roll c a l l -----

___ group correJCedTntstaitcs'made on their gorm enta n n d sta rted new projects. R efresh '

netw ork. The stock came bock In th o fina l ' r a s lo n s bu t clo«ed a t 133, o ff 1 ^ on 104,000 shores.

A to ta l of I ,4 « fMUCStrodedrth ts-w eek—4 0 - n u j r o J h ^ a week earUer._Advances outT num bered declines by -830 to 407

— • ;losing a t 'new

r Ice cream

Payments on Wool Noted

Rtn*ERT. Aug. 5—Wool pro- g rtun poyments totaling tl01,‘ 871J1 have been made In Min^ Idoka county for the 1000 period, oooordlng to Richard D. B lin- coe, chairm an of the agrlcuUunU a tab lliu itlon and conservation committee.

Bllncoe reported th a t from th is to ta l amount. <124,143,00 waa p a id to 200 producers on 07S,80S pounds of wool, and the rem ain­ing *37,727.02 wa.1. paid to 103 prM ucers on 4,71S,9S2 pounds of lambs.

O n- sho 'm -w ool,-the .r a to . of paym en t Is 47.0 per cent o f th e do llar rc tum a the producer re ­ceived from tlie solo of shorn wool during , the jw r , or ♦47.60 for -'every' | I W reccUtdrOn~tflr-- ahom lam bs.H he.rate L> 80 centa per hundrodweUht of th e Jive anim ald told,' “ P unda-forodverllaing- prom o­tion and other related m arket de­velopment oellrltlM are raised through deductions of ono p e r c en t.fro m ahom wool pojinenta and five cents per 100 pounds of llveweight from lambs sold tm der tho program. BlJncoc saJd.

T ho m anager explained th a t th is je lf he lp progrom w » a u th ­orized by th e national wool act, ond Is carried out by. tho Amer­ican Sheep Producers council. Inc.. organized for th a t purpose. Producers approved the deduc­tions in A referendum held In lOSO. Deductions In Minidoka are *0.780.05 for wool,.and ♦238T.73 f6r'lam bs,"B lln

Incentive level f o r . ISSl tor ahom wool Is 02 cen u per pound, ho BAliL..the same a« for la s t year. \ • ________

m ents were served by BaH toni P ife and EUoibeih Porter. T h e nexe-ffleetinft'Wlll.beJield.^rnt:

The Elko County School District, ELKO, NEVADAIt in need of quolified

T E A C H E R Sto fill th« fellewing vqconclec

1—Instnsm enU l M u le .E L K 6 SO U m S IO E SCHOOL: l - 4 l h Grade.E lX b OBAMJUAB. SCHOOL No. i s l i 7 t b O n d * . BLKO OBAMMAR SCHOOL NO. Z: t —Publlo Beboel M a-

» e la fT » d « K inderga rten through Sixth. OWTBBEs 1—C onm ereU I (Including shorthand)

J^ E n g llsh1—M atbeaaU eo-Sclenec.X -«tti G rade. .

B C R A ti 1 -C te ta e n U rr C««cbef fo r N orth Fork, J^erodj. CKNTEAL OFFICES X—Systemwide U brarU n

. S f l l in i t i t t o r t a t $ 4 8 7 5 .0 0 p e r y e o r e n d « 6 n - l i n u e - t o 0 . m o x im u m o f $ 7 8 0 0 .0 0 e x c lu iiv e o f

j o x t r a i t i p e H d * . fo r « x » ro d u ty .

K kphoae REpBbUo 8-5186.

i t ' s j u s t p l a i n

HORSE SENSEV ^ h e n Y o u H a v e S o m e t h in g to S e l l ,

B e P r a c t ic a l - U s e O ii^ r W a n t A d s—

Timcs-News W an t Ads soli th e goods quickly- and for just pennies per ad!

I t ' s j u s t p l a i n g o o d h o r s e s e n s e t o g e t r i d o f t h o s e u s e a b l e i t e m s

t h a t y o u r f a m i l y n o l o n g e r n e e d s - f o r c a s h ! A n d i t m a k e s e q u a l -

J y g o o d s e n s e t o a d v e r t i s e y o u r w a r e s w h e r e ' m o r e p e o p l e , w h o

a r e l o o k i n ^ f o r T t e i ^ i n y w i l l ' s e e ' w h a t - y o u - h a v e - t o - o f f e r . _ i --------

T h e t h o u s a n d s o f p e o p t e w h o r e a d t h e T i m e s - N e w s W a n t A d s

a r e i n o b u y i n g f r a m e o f m i n d . T h e y V e r e a d i n g t h e w a n t a d s

- h p r n i i M - t h p ' Z r e l o o k i n Q f o r w h o t y o u h o v e t o s e l l ! -

" S o , - u s e y o u r h o r s e s e n s e - s e l l . o l d . D o b b i n ' s . s t i l l r U s e q b J e t e r s e - - - -

c o l l a r , o r w h a t e v e r y o u h a v e , f o r , Q t o p p r i c e . A n d , s p e n d j u s t

p e n n i e s f o r t h e o d t h a t b r i n g s y o u t h i s e x t r a c a s h - a T i m e s -

N e w s W a n t A d ! ' ■ - ' '



P H O N E 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1 T O D A Y !

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& e t p\ac^~^W M K TH m \S BANNER ARE T H E WORLD'S BEST R ^ S ,

of i K ^ ^ T ' B T ' i r ' K ' D


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AUGUST 6 .1561 T I M E S - N E W S , t w i n f a l l s , - I D A H O

M a r k e t P l a c e

o f ■

- M o 9 i c _ y o l l e y

ben ea th t h is ba n n er a r e t h e WORLD'S BEST BARGAINS

I R E 3 - 0 9 3 1

j H I S i l " ! ! . " "'* A p p l i i n t c . I T .u c k , o n d T t o i l t t . A u to i F o r S a le.vimi.M

M c 'V E Y ' S , I n c .

r r c K W S -


'^W ECT MAGIC , o A is r R ^ n o N

- 1 0 = " ' V

o{ T«i» r«ii*. »#«*" f t t >011


-= = nfif aOPPI-X-CENTER_ JIB 8lre«r South— --

o n J f o u l tm---- srsa ff" '* , ‘T»ih n il.._______

S y ? « l .n ,u r . ««_.«»■ _KM».

.... » MMf. >'•’! 1

---- Ttkix WI to't. *wW* wneeri. Worth M»ln t. rb°n«»MW.


tfolittlB » »»>'*''• "li- I’l’on* . . . . ^ , : - i.-i7. . .

IttDcH' Ur to !t 'iMHtbi.' Contmct! % £ . : W S / A . f t « S S ’.a,wi.-wa-•«»»<«>

iiccllonOTUr-Fer-So!«-----— morso:—fo r" .

1 n)M i'ii»asou:---------r». Ta.VJOit. <tf 731.39H.

lilr b ’S ior tr>df. »>)> or lir**>*7

...m*. ttnli Trtillei* rmt. L MT LCTKm M

uprlxht loul (he<i. M*inu< <

1-AINt TMlSNKIt. 4Ve B»Uun. your ■illicr,-1 Sniill'.

\y.r. l l|f-.VIIOt,CT «5D0, I IV.H

i(!i ;tril A v e r WcMtI'lnil'S , Itriniiiuiitrimllun iinii iwmMtic, >nr

giiirk InitallOlun. Kllllncir

llanntr Kurnllurr,

lUtlr* KupDl(r»> Sn'l ArtnucHmilh. plx.nr ___________

ITK tuiuHhlnil IbU n»>.Hrot Kluai (Inlih tur vinrl linulniin ftouri. Krrns*r< Hi

♦••^HISlll.Krhgb^ei— >:irclrlc° PliimiiliiE SubpluV.

E ; S S , i


_____Spceiol Scrvicei_____^ rr^ ic rA\K c'lMn(n«. c .irc h fu ir


K~«rjil MWtr iinrTfl ri, »}.lrr>-. /<oto Iirr. sic.ina, Fit.

Rodio o n d M u s ic

-...'bat »oof kwf «iiJ /—a r f c a ^ a t s i - ■’'"■•

S i S , S % S K ' i s S . S!=»«.» «r<»« Ug. A (•'* JfT, , r

ttnrnf. C^>M llutlin. ^ >>M J.rei»«. Fb«i>»

..V ... — — — ___ • ®f •*»♦»d.lrr or M ktH-ii. tl!0% srw l tin*. AU M built ptrform- iknet sWvti Incladlnc

LigUIUM'IU.V >1. : loc ohlm.

a s ; ITlMIIKIt AN1>- rn in frnm i;u Ci>ui (».. t

10 rrara iil.l. llulU Uriii- h.mll. .,ml .n.f I...IU

..... ^ )'^ 'l‘l» ~r,f • ofCettd. Cliudr

SM.Kt S|^n»l i.lunn .....lUina niitni1i1> I'orm.'nU KZ.in.' l( ttflM . wriu Ctirllt DfPI,. JJoj

A u to t F o r Solo

JJICE CHEVUQLIST O lG - V A h h E Y - ^ S — -


PMIKWOOD V8 BUtlon wae* oil. R.'Kllo. tie a te r ,' overclrlvt trniiMnlsslon. tin ted rIim , low mllcnge.


^CATAT.TNA 4 <1. .. _<llo. (iciiccr, auconutOe ........miMinn. a (one pain t, white wall ilnr.v Qelonffcd (o locnl businm m nn.


R I C E ,

. C H E V R O L E T


Mll.ixii .>»Al.K8I. ___ «'


B.v Lincoln Air Condltiourr. power iicer- me and bmkcs. eteclrlo wln> dowi and Mni.

C - A - R - L - E - S - O - N - ’S

got Main Avc. Enut 733-1B23 PONTIAC “ cA D IL L A < n3S C ~ '



A u to i F o r S o lo

NOTICE! ;FljHlrf Aii«uil^1lh. m u


. S P E C I A L $ 1 1 9 5

1 9 5 9 P L Y M O U T H

- S S r V O - e ednn. V 8 moi

, . n*mlMlon. »c _(ln(sli. Rood rubber.

G L E N G . . J E N K I N S


«n Kv«nlnn • CIm *i1 Sunilir*

\ " O L K S W A G E N


1360 VOLKS\VAGEN_ _~-4— irflntiHi'»i''i


A u to i F o r Sola"]^v'>UiirlV.''''^ S-lon !pI«i.i)P..'m0J.1

1 9 5 5 C A D I L L A C " "

63, 4 door Rcrtftn. Power iteer- Inu. jwwcr brnktj. power lea t,

■T owt i ■wln<lowi>,-r»(llOr-hwry- hyrtrnmnilc irans m 1 a a 1 o n. bcau tllu r blue and while 2- tono finish. Locally owned. P cr/cc t coiitlhlon.

IDiifi CADlLLAC-,r.-<'.m>rrill.lr. Kullr riiuli>i>*.l «llh

, Jtnirnnji. JinuillulM (Inlili with mauhlnt whlif:>l»rk li-alhrr InOrlor. I lu nrw

Kimibic. 4 upecd transmi»ion. Kwil iirivi. new motor, new li.iiiATuKsiont New ear Kiinr- Bhice.

19G0 VOLKSWAGEND ouble 'cnb 'plclcup. 4 speed trflnAmlMlOH. new car guat-

1£)5G PICKUP VoikswnKcn. 4 »peed trims-- niiMton. one owner. Caiivoi covered canopy.


M O T O R C O .

601 MbJji Soullj - 733-0811 Yuur AvlhsriiM] VclliiKMcn Di«l«r



dLb'ii' - UllK ~ osio-^

’6 1 M O D E L S a t


DODGE b«rt.i ^ODGB-L-nncei

CHRYSLERSi m p e r i a l s .DODGE Pickups DODGE Trucks

T hese Cara m i Trueka M UST MOVE . . . RegardlcM

oC Prlcel

COME IN NOW!For the best b u y

of Uie yearl


•l»»rlnf, >ir .......... !.... |ie (i

m> citF.vnoi.CT : ii,M t. ahtrr.

■ ................................IHS nr.DSMOtllt.K ~f*“ >«<1<

Kuilr «,ulin^i. K.ewtr «........... ,-tuti

IK ) >'()lin « .Inir. VKlrline inO. Slurp S<>ll>i<> whlU. >:qulp-- .......

'i ro itn will) mllror* makfr IJtBifjo, h«At-

rr. bUNcl n»Ioa I'


l-tnU ir»«itd t.KOU'SMIK- *nd altbbcil pott.IluM f«/»B"pol»(^,r^.? >"______ -HbW <m Ctitlclori n U . Pboar 6«J.5in*.

*•• SIKIILK huh, ■<

S>IAU. OI>U .Nvl.im uprichl I<l.ni>. Wilnul (Inlih and briuiKul tnn.llilmi. j'tlccl rlilhl. Whll.'* »jn . to O p j n . .



r!*!* nj"* U'1«’ blit brt'


CD nAKIII.Kft t diMr <l«(k>R , WMon. Uiilln, hMt«r, o«tN

—------ilr)r». _fhrom« luiMi* ritli.llcul bckkI llrr*rNlCK.-.-.|im-

i»tl »KUCVnV 4 iW »litlon wuson. Kullr «iuliipe.l. Oi<> locil nwnrr. KXTin*.MKI.YNICK ........................ .,1 JM

oLtrr » ii«r. « r»W.r Mrrtlnf. -s


H Tos J'Jfiup.


i t Dtlnr r*rm ... Wtlwr A. Uulu riinii -Ihl. 41b r»ur. Ftoci* 1IMK1.

POT Prompt

REMOVALot Dead tDd Dtelea*


T>liir>Ili.Tl>.(M(-{;i.]ll|I, Durlf7IDAHO HIDE

- & TATXQiy,C.O.G ooJ-Th> n< ii-^o-E aK

I ti»» r<4 »otkio<i

k»n«, WMhlmtan. •


DoIIrtrM dinct from mill JlU CAIINT. IH-ISJI :

Used 0.1. Om Cftns ».0S in.l. WATKIl CANS

5 Gallon ........................... *6^5a Oftllon

S p o r tin g G o o d i

“k s r s ’ .

. m.VIt. L<Ir«t nMel l« orgitn at dl.- t.B ■•tutnr •nail

Claud* nrowB


New RUftranice* on tha ie » e ls ..11* CArRHAHT ConmU____■

} ip<ak«ri.:i* M1II.C0 Con..i|»....... .

IT llAI.UCKAJTKIt ..With bt.-.- ill} seVi hav« New

Picture T ubes

nUiInK b«it

r md tilckUlns

ritSil I'*""*

R(M>.!~«»ndli1on.— LlcfB**a. , MVf.KH. •

' T . s y >I«rt. Cutlam.bulU trtlhr. Can /Inane*. 7U.KM<

UIIMS—A Rrrat irltrlUin of n««. u.»i| .l»<-r rlflrt. I’leV nn« oul. Ci

tarmi, tarawajr. Wnt ( i'olnU Si Inr CmcI€.14' UUHrUT—tnai:>'mo<vr.-.«untrW,

.................... ' ■ (onilHlon, JIOO.U kn Tralltr

and ~tralfcrt~........... ... .*ai<r akit and

Smi« cuiboan) and 1-ona bnil ilaalrr. Dran '•Twin Kallt. Idaho.

m » IMPEIUAt. 4 door haidlep. Ukt ntw. St* Ihla btauUfultaf vxfar •( onI»------ .!« «

1900 ro n o c:ala>l> 4 dnor hardtop. '

H flovy E q u ip m e n t

tool .trilllni tls; TmiIi anil.

l>rak«. . . . __ ...al»». kJatk and ;r)b« IlaUh-.

—aUAHT---------- !-------- U1II_IK« Clt^ROLGT ntlAi

a*dan. U lh l Un t «nilor.' ro«*rilU«al«». po4«r «lr«rln(. Onlr

- IIH.DODOE VK t tnn. t tp -J . J ■»n<l. Dio<ar



»S | UlTt INTmNATtOSAU ti »m4, Z tpt«d, lon(







”Wh«f» «uilocn«n Mad 0>*lr frkm

~ I9 b U i'K 0 ttD -^ ----------$20!

1957 FORD $1150Vt. yalrUnc »W. 4 Aw

JJa^o.^^ haaltf and I'ordotnalle..

htaOr. CRAfiVWICfS

T H E I S E N ’S .

M O T O R S701 M ain Avc E as t 733-77W

Lincoln Mercury. Comet



195G FORD 1895* Tudor. V». e«*rdrU«. Tu.u>0i bl»«k

•nit whllt paint.

1956 FORD . $1095Tudor harduip. Tu-lent. w valt* and <plnn«m.

1955 BUICK $795-Tudor hafdlop. Droaflow. black.

Aulharliad Cb»»ro1«t D<al<n

M A G I C - V A L L E Y

“ M O T O R S ~IC-U91 BuM IlS-MSl

- ’B O B - R E E S E -

. M O T O R C O *

G L E N G . J E N K I N S



1061CHEV. $57954 Joor nation waien, VI ustor. •tandar.i irantmluioa.

1959 F O R D " “ r^ l2 9 5Cuiiom 100. 4 door Md«n, VI nowr.

1959 PLYMOUTH $1195Sa.or 4 door Mdan. VI neter «l»P')»r,r trammlHton. galld whli

W I R T H L I N ' S

f c i O O D U S E D C A R S

’54 FORD ' $4-15t Door Hardtop. (Itral Bbarp)

“ ?1D95“1M A r 4 d»0f hai^^p^iport •ihllrwall' tirra. V nr »hars"

10^4 PLYM0OTB -M 9 64 door aadan.

I953-PONTTAC___ $896__1 door hardtop Cauilaa. llrdi*. made (noftnlwloa. Vtrr (tiarv.

1950 PLYMOUTH f lMJ tSoor •tailen vafoa. V4rr toa i

1952 DE SOTO 1 6 0

«nilna aod po»tr tlnrlnl.

.'60 FALCON ?1695-i A ■'60 FORD

^C alu la i Door. Cruluxnatle, ih .i«rfinraB(rjMni— .............

8pr«la 1 Thi- latf«l In

..... .......... . »•WIU. TItAUK f.|Ul(r In nice b<

------- Int Jor a irallrr boiut.........7H.4air,.____________

HU.'fl- StiUU nr trail* mullr l< .lUl'r* Cofth.- CaS. Klmtijrlr.'*'



STILL AVAILABLE . in ,b o th •

New and Usc(T £IU Boots And Motors

ixiund bar toll a«t. ~

.£«» Klta Poinu

i l i u v railbl* prlcH palJ for dl lt^MVig

VOCJR ■ Ju n k baw,tl«. a<rap aluminum' »'•*». eoppr, win. r tjh ta n , leoa.


P«H>. Kltnb*rl‘,. i.

TRY Before you buyl

T W I N F A L L S . B O A T C E N T E R

North lllu* U knD ealer tor M ertury

Outbo&rd G utter Boata

Purnlturo ond AppHancosJ-KIUIDAIKK ran*..

UKV1I.LK Ts-winr or wllliiiiil hratcri.l :0'. 3: ’. 24' modern Travrlei*. Stutl’a Trailer Sato. J»9 AiMlion A'rnia*

~mt~«Uflu:UK tn il fr hoait. I • Udroom. U ihi. Want..n* In lak* o»»r pajmrnli,nr writ* Tnl Lanman,

Anadui. tJaihua and noln.Arn. Ka. CItrtne* at Maile Valirr Uobllt wMt ct eltr n»«_lOgl‘«rel.um Cai. hl(bwir JD.

» t i ciiEviioi.>rr niio^Bf 1 loorwith ( crllndrr •nflnt ami ataodard trnaimlMlOB.-tllll

Uh. NICCI Onlr-------tUPi» U VOLVO 4 ,p tti iraatnlMlon.

Ilaal clean ______ - _ I U P | .HH CltRVSLKR N,w y ctk ir 4

• door har.llop. Os* own.r.Onlr 4J.OIIO Blln. 8«« Ihli_ . ' «..«r

3957 CHEV $1195VI, 4 door, JIO atdaa. Ilidio, htal- *r. «n4 alaadard tran<mt»lun. - Atad7 to so.

1957 OLDS. $1495t l , I door batdlop. Itadlo. htaUr all jK>»*r, r*frli*ratloo and hydta-


W l PLYMOUTH I crljlndrr^wllh ovfrhaulad. ntw a**t co*«r«*Coi»d threuihout--------IIOM

1»5J nAMUtiwil 4 door »a*cn. VI


_ puppl*a. “" wJh

r.H' "riM n iioua^. a 1*o I’anilioni!

- lUli.i. Jl«**''«nt » a t« b ^ a . 'Will

<rp*. lak*. ar*r pjrnrn:Iluhl, atUr«P.n,.

pj/nrnla. Fhoni

ehrom. .^a. blink W«. ^ ro a aVura^l* r« Cw>Mnr.*lfl 8»>

■bona 6tr**i Kbrth.

a'rcailjr In so wUh Iwi, tto<k adlo and h*al*r. '• d Ar*nu* fUil. '

C - A - R - L - E - S - O - N - ’S

1 9 6 1

G M C P I C K U P .

' D E M O N Sm A T O R 4 apeed — W ldetlde box

6»ply t l f c s — signals l l ' l n c h clutch

O il J l l te r— Mlrrora B is h e a te r — Detroster .

N O W ? 2 1 9 7 .

C - A - R - L - E - S - O ^ - ’S


O pen Qvenlnss

» » i m rm iA L 4 door *«d>D. na. dlo, b*a(*r, lull poxr <«ulp>}n**r‘(o?*"s«*'"al«*fc»*B'HS!«ar al only .... ..............tU tt


IICI CHBVROlXr 4 door iUlloB waaon. Vh, tundard Irana-' mUalon. Onlr SI.W mil**. BEE Tina ONE--------- IIM

-1955-MERGURY— $695-3 door aadan. Radio, htaUr asd Uarcemalla tranimlMloti.

1955 FORDVlelorla. Itadlo. haaUr and Told- ecnalle. Ooo o( tha aharp**k

zS E E jgH lS O yETOD AYl-

. $1295

1958 FORD $1495 •Knrdnr wason. VI, roidomatU and ia-lon» /lnl«h. ‘

.. 1D56.CHEV. ■ $i095prIAIr for.l«r Kardtopr^».~p»,lld,. tu.ionr.

1959 GOLIATH $795TUdor ilallon wttoa..

3968 VAUXHALL $795Fordcc »<dan.

1956 FORDFalrlan* fordor. VI. Fordomatlc. tie Ion f.

1356 CHEV. .IklAIr fordor. VI. p (an* llnM . ■

1955 CHEV. $795Tvdor itatlen waion. Fo««nlld>.

'57 CHEVROLET $9954 t>oor. eTllnd» iijW, iUBd*rd

•67 .CHEVROLET $11754 noor SuUon Wuon. I erllndtr with I*ow«nllda traoimlMloB.

$795'52 PONTIACCaullna }!*rdls


'60 PONTIAC $2495

lU t IIUICK Sorclal .


>41 JEE1> 4 «h*tl drir* pltltn*.

i ! : S « S ; £ S ' S ; . r ‘»TKKMS lor'Erarroo*


M O T O R C O .

< 4 S " ^ ' ' ^ S s P

1963 CHEV. 53t door .K l... R . 4 f . , . n d »«rr «I*an.

1951 CADILLAC • $395Ila'rdtof) coup*, be tllm l lira*.

. Itaadjr to (O.


S E E o u i i P I N E


— JE E P S — . — PICKUPS—



U s e d Q a i : p e p t

~i952"AVIEDYS------ -Tudor hardlop. 0»*rdH»*.

TRUCKS — PICKUPS .-1956-FORD— — - $1596.- - ................................,a*.-l.*9« ■

paint Ji

1956 FORD $1195m ^ n . V* .ntln*. Good ruM.«r.

ig s^FO R D $1196'I un. VI., dual wfcrttr. K*«- pafnt

I Door. Standard tian>ni(it<on.

1949 DODGE

3959 INTERN’TL, $1995■i ion. 4 wh**ldrl>». K«« motor nfrhauL Hn> tu-tona palau

Sa lnnn 'a bom* pkoat for aHarh-ooT

S s - * , r i - ■Dick QlllanwaUr . TI1<U— j^nard n>b*r T»-22«d

Phone 783.1019 *■150 3 rd -Avenue East

'54 INTERNL. $395>A l^ a Pickup.

'fiS FORD $695

'57 GMC $11954,tp*«l. .(Top cCBdKIool

'S8 FORD $1295H Ton. Sirtnid*. lost boi. VI. 4

'66 FORD- ■ $1395lloavr Dutr t Toa. '

'57 INTERNL. $1645'l laa»» Duly 1 Tea.

'59 ^ORD • $2795c.««, Tfll Cib. 1 •TVa.

Open E venlnfi TjnQl'8 p jn . ' ' Moilttliy TlnumtU P|iid»

W . I R T H L I N

. F O R D S A L E S .


L ot Phone 33t-S3iSH om e Phont 733.0isg

Ir» Brooki, MaooBcr •

G L E N G . J E N K I N S

C H E V R O p y r

Op*B ET»ntnn' 'Claaal S n ia r f

HOME PHONESColl: . ■Del Cook TO-07SXD on W elch, w a^ seB■mdcaettnwa 638-Moa

. T H I S M O N T H

. S P E C I A L S


F O R ' 6 2 ’a -

I 8M CHSnmOLET 4S04 door

1SS3 OLD8M0BILS fSB 4 door


1M3 FORD 4 door



1093 OLDSM08ILB i door II. ttdan

tSSi OLDSMOBILS »4M 4 door a«SaB. 8u»*r II

nOH-OLDSMOBILE— — 1 7 » -

loss OLDSMOBILS 4 doer Svp*r II

1056 OLDSMOBILE $609 1 door Sup*r t l

1056 OLDSMOBILE »09S Supir M. llolldar 4 doer

m ? OHBVBOLBT 11098 4 dotr tadao .

I« T CHEVROLET |» W t i t tutlOB »aio»

1057 BTUDEBAKER, -----*9i54 door r m ld n t

1957 BUICK #1018SpMla) 4 doo» Mdan

19N OHEVROLCT fU M H t n *u»-*ld* ^ B j>

1960 ?ORD «31MOalaih 4 * m • • iu i------- -—

I960 caCVROLST «2U9 . B*lilr bardwp m p a

19S0 DCDOE »698- Polara 4 doer batdlop

1900 PO im A O « 3 M^ 4 door Mdaa. Air opadltlnaA -



Page 24: Tfie 2m tra//lcnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...Tfie 2m tra//lc de.dth of 19CI (n Magic Va lieu oc* result of an acci dent In Casxla countUi you 43, NO. 113

expanded p a c k - a n d - p la n e - 'p lnnU nu opemllnn.n to raeei m ailiroom lnff IIrIUhb prcaaurc.

M nny of Ihw e InkM Indeed nr Uio k ind of sccrcl pIncM lUiRleH boiwl flboHt lo budiUca who «Mrr-- n o t to icU nnybody elM Bcl there , n i l s no doubt I* the rcw w n 90 m any .o f Uiem carry jiucli unlm n«lnfttlvo nm iiti m • U t d d c j V lake, o r "Lost." ••Ohwit." My*t*r>-" Rnd-the.Ulte.

Spornnien. tmwUllnttly defeat Miclr own purpoaw wlUi fttU- tuilr.i of cIou>mouUicd ullence. W h c n '* e c rc t plMffi a rc found Where Bcxucd HuhtnlnK U awllR- blB in llio mulU-pound claw, the \^'ord nuw t bfl n>re«id to mnln- tftln Rood ftiiRllnK. Unle.« fisher­m en keep them thinned out. tro u t population* inulUply be­yond food rind «p«ca HnnwtIo/w.

. TliLi lower.t the quAllt'y of the IW iery throuKh underfeedingAnd ovcrcrowdlntt.

A lm ait ha lf of Idftho'ji lilRh • la k e .t 'a re In thn 8Mmon river

dralnnKP. T hey nre nil the w«y In --- ftiwi- frf lm -n -h n lt-n e r« 'lo - UOO,

from -. a.ooo-Jooi e lem lon iieftrly 10,000, and from half

illp to 20-Qft_Uie_benLcp-trncK> -_'nic.'o_i're_t}Tiiciil of himdrcds of remotfi loJee.t i l ^

trolLi. fW i Btoeklna: tecorda and Ups to iWRlcrs, tlio-lxoklet now Ui due for revamping ajtaln be­fore belns reissued.

Alrcmtv Li used these daya to p lan t liUcFA In a re tu im remote lh a t BtocklnR by pack stflnRS would lake week* of co.Uly work. T he finderllnR]! are ROod Jump­er*. too. T hey wtIbrIo downward from About 300 feet, arch m ^ e> fully (Old en ter the water w ith, a Rrcftt ahow of Indlfferenco and virtually no mortality,

n a h e tn ie n plniinlnR a Jaunt lo high lakea should plan carefully, alw ays mindful tha t two miles or lesa In roush countr>‘ can burn more cnerRy than five ordinary mlle.1. T he aversRe perMn, ni llieleM. can walk lo » tnke more than tliree to live nUlcs by un ll. fipend the day lUlilnE. and hike back ou t durlnR the late afternoon nr evenlnR. Or h e c- .............overnlRhtfr > im i_baclT pacK 'of 40 pounUi or 1cm.

atocked throuKhout tliti years by puck atrlnRfl and iwrlnl drops In JUBRed sectloiw of the BoL'e. ChallLt. Ner. Pcrre, I^yetU , Sajw-

— lontti“tlnfl”Sali»t)U‘'naTIoniil for- MW. M any other excellent trout llshlnR lake* are located In the xipper panhandle (ore.it reRlon and In cnAtem Idaho, '

OfCluinb rc.sponslble lor Idaho j fiAl)vrie» mimaRFmeiit realized'

li a f i r r the clone of World wiir .11 lh a t a iivvrlad of new iL.^hcrtuc» would lake up Uiclr rods and demand Uio lesion of old tImerA lo make room. De- pnrtmcnL ncldnicn who had' In­ventoried hundred.'t of lakM real- ouMy believed th a t anRlliiR liorl- r.oTU could be pu.\hcd buck a Ut­ile cach year by slocklnR fomo of the ba rren waters a.i ntnncyj^nd.

— mitTjpowfnRrdKcu- nilovted.S o m e Inkc.v however,

rlius.scd n.t uiusuiuible (nr maln- • u ln ln c trout, while o ih m arc

Ib led in Uie survey books under •'iivsufllclent d.ilft'’ becaujc o(

depetMllDR—on—U»e—emoiint—e(-<w-the-mcom fort he wniiLi.

FILER.. Aur. s — n i c r qjieen coniM ianls will hold tryout.i a t the falrnround a t 2 p .m . Sunday AUR. 20. announced M rs. Robert Dlaslock. )r„ a l th e Tiie.idny meellnR of ihc Filer W ranRler- etle.1. Tlie contest U sponsored by the Filer Klwanin club.

T h r contc.Mant chosen on th a t day will be Filer's /ju^en for the (a ir and rodeo. Tlioso dc.ilrlnR to try out for ihe'.lUle.'nre-h.sked to call or notify Mr.i. Blostock.

_<^niM yyuaj'U !_flakctL llL K cnc pair o( levis and a cotton nhirt

SHOSHONE,' fourth dW rlc t PTA meellnR held Monday afternoon a t the LcKlon hnll here, p lans were made for a workshop to be held AuR. 24 a t the L incoln school cafelcrla.

Tlie workshop will bCRin with rcKl.'ir,iUion a t 0 ftJn, PTA units .10 Atttiid the worksho]>-Include' r,ilrticld. Hailey, K etchum . Car-.i ey. Bfllfvup, D ietrich, niehfleldj

.Mrs, Floyd O. K tsllns. fourth

it least H xenrs old a n d sInRle.

unti-crlni; valuable (ir.tt>hand biowlcdRC. F\5r exnnjple. a Bol.ie pilo t who mnkcs nmtual pllRrlm- n c fs u i lh hU wife (o nun)crous hlRh lakes recently reported ncA' one in tlie Stanley ba.sln country th a t never has been p lo tted on eny map. He had no­ticed lh« lake earlier this sum ­m er while IlyhiK over the arc.i.

• a n d la tr r hiked in to cet a clw cr look. It. Is barren but appears capablc of m alnkilnln; IlMi, On comlnK out. h r Invelsled a friend to provide animals for a pack

• (iirlnR 1 0 tr a irp o r t tb n to the name'.CM lake If the dtpnrtmenl provided them.

wltl» thU am ount of spade, u o rk a lready done. Uie sport.^- 'trian '-p llo f phoned the fWt and i;amo departm ent and offered to

. fly an>* qualified person lo tlic lake (o r tin aerial survey.



O f fe r s m o r e t o f h e h a r d - o f - h e a r i n g !

More Qualify! M orcQuantitylA Troir»cd Consultonf Using a Pre­cision Hcoring Test Instrument Ills you wiih G hearing oid ihot is de­signed to give you the best possible hcoripg, most conn'fbrt. in weoring and most ottroclive cppcoronce.

The iorgest selection of makes, models, types ond styles avoiloble in Magic Volley! , , . assuring you of on Instrument best suited to your in­dividual need. .Complete stock of Botterics, Cords ondAccessories. .

MORE SERVICE 't h e Only Estoblished Heoring Aid Office in Magic Vallj^y! Conveniently

.located to provide service when you necd">t. Constantly reody.'to help you- with any hcoring problem, providing "In Home" service for those who cro unable or find it inconvenient to come in.

-C H A R C O A L _ B J J £ K E T S _

cLosioSfiE n t i r e S t o c k o f F o m o u s

N a m e , F i r s t Q u o l i t y


FRUIT PIESLarge, oven freih

- S ! « ^ b ^ u e l l t y - P « o i f — ^


• ■ Delightfully Tosty

HARD DINNER ROLtSIncludes Rods, Reels, Tockle Boxes, Lures, Hooks, Lines and others! All must go!

T W / / V r A L L S

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