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AGCSOF – TEXTS March 12, 2015 The AGC Statement of Faith and Explanatory Papers



March 12, 2015  

The AGC Statement of Faith and

Explanatory Papers



March 12, 2015  



March 12, 2015  


Table of Contents      

Section   Page  Introduction   ii  The  AGC  Statement  of  Faith   1  The  Scriptures   4  God   6  

The  Father   9  The  Son   11  

The  Holy  Spirit   13  Angels   15  Mankind   17  Redemption/Salvation   19  The  Church   22  The  End  Times   24  



March 12, 2015  



The  following  pages  are  intended  to  explain  and  support  the  AGC  Statement  of  Faith.    In  them  we   intend   to   provide   a   brief   explanation   of   the   Statement   of   Faith   in   terms   of   [1]   what   it  means,  [2]  why  we  believe  it,  and  [3]  why  it  is  important.  

The  entire  Statement  of  Faith  is  located  on  pages  1  –  3.    Beginning  on  page  4,  each  section  of  the  Statement  of  Faith  will  be  divided  and  numbered  so  that  the  explanations  can  be  directly  related  back  to  the  appropriate  statement  in  the  Statement  of  Faith  for  ease  of  reference.  

All  Bible  citations  are  from  the  NIV  [1984]  unless  otherwise  noted.  

It  is  important  for  us  to  recognize  that  we  in  the  AGC  are  not  the  only  ones  who  believe  these  truths,   and   that   we   have   brothers   and   sisters   in   Christ   who   do   not   agree   with   all   that   we  believe.    Our  Statement  of  Faith  defines  us  as  an  organization;   it  does  not  set  out  what  every  Christian   believes.     Nor   is   it   intended   to   criticize   those   brothers   and   sisters   who   believe  differently  in  some  areas.    We  well  recognize  their  interpretations  and  love  them  as  part  of  the  Family  of  God.  

It   is  our  prayer   that   these  pages  will  help  our  churches  to  understand  the  Statement  of  Faith  and  encourage  them  to  teach  it  systematically  to  their  congregations.  





March 12, 2015  


 Statement  of  Faith  

for  the  


The  Scriptures  

The  Bible,  both  Old  and  New  Testaments,  is  the  complete  Word  of  God.    As  originally  given,  it  is  verbally   inspired,   without   error,   and   entirely   trustworthy.   The   Bible   constitutes   supreme  authority  in  all  matters  of  faith,  teaching,  and  behaviour.      The  Bible  has  Jesus  Christ  as  its  focus  and  fulfillment.  

2  Peter  1:16-­‐21,  2  Timothy  3:16-­‐17,  Luke  24:27,  Matthew  5:17-­‐18  


God  is  the  Creator  and  Sovereign  Lord  of  all.  The  Lord  our  God  is  one  God  who  eternally  exists  in  three  persons:  the  Father,  the  Son,  and  the  Holy  Spirit.      These  three  have  the  same  perfect  nature  and  attributes.      Each  Person  of  the  Godhead  is  worthy  of  the  same  worship,  confidence,  and  obedience.  

Genesis  1,  Psalm  8,  Psalm  2,  Romans  8:28-­‐30,  Deuteronomy  6:4,  Matt.  28:19-­‐20  

• The  Father–  God  the  Father  loves  the  world.  He  sent  His  Son  into  the  world  to  save  sinners.  He  raised  Jesus  from  the  dead,  exalted  Him  –  putting  all  things  under  his  power  -­‐-­‐  and  together  with  Him  has  sent  the  Holy  Spirit.    

 Luke  3:22,  John  3:16,  1  John  4:14,  1  Peter  1:21,  Philippians  2:9-­‐11,  John  14:26  

• The   Son–  God   the  Son  became  God   incarnate  as   Jesus   the  Messiah.   Jesus   is   fully  God  and  fully  man.   He  was   conceived   by   the   Holy   Spirit,   born   of   the   virgin  Mary,   and   lived   a  sinless   life.    He  was   crucified,   raised  bodily   from   the  dead,   and   ascended   into  heaven  where  He  reigns  as  King  and  serves  as  our  High  Priest  and  Advocate.  

                     He  will  return  as  King  of  kings  and  Lord  of  lords  to  set  up  His  earthly  Kingdom.  

 John  1:1,  John  1:14,  Matthew  1:22-­‐23,  Isaiah  7:14,  2  Corinthians  5:21,  1  Corinthians  15:  3-­‐4  Hebrews  1:3,  Hebrews  7:25,  Revelation  22:12-­‐13  

• The   Holy   Spirit–  God   the  Holy   Spirit   glorifies   the   Lord   Jesus  Christ   in   all   that  He  does.    He  convicts  the  world  of  sin,  righteousness  and  judgment.  At  the  moment  of  salvation  He  regenerates,  baptizes,  indwells,  gifts  and  empowers  for  Christ-­‐like  living  and  service.  

 John  16:8-­‐15,  Titus  3:5-­‐6,  

1  Corinthians  12:11,13,  Romans  8:9-­‐14,  Galatians  5:22-­‐25  



March 12, 2015  



God   created   angels   for   His   glory   and   service.     Some   rebelled   under   the   leadership   of   their  fellow  angel,  Satan,  and  are  opposed  to  God  and  His  purposes.    Though  Satan  is  still  active  he  has  been  defeated  by   the  Lord   Jesus  Christ  and  will  be  committed   forever   to   the   lake  of   fire  with  all  the  fallen  angels.  

Hebrews  1:14,  Jude  6,  Hebrews  2:14-­‐15,  Revelation  20:10;  Ephesians  6:12  


Human   beings   are   created   in   the   image   of   God.     The   first   humans,   Adam   and   Eve,   were  disobedient  to  the  will  of  God  with  the  consequence  that  every  aspect  of  their  human  nature  became  sinful  and  corrupt.    Thus,  being  spiritually  dead,  they  became  subject  to  physical  death  and  the  power  of  Satan.    The  image  of  God  is  distorted  in  all  humanity,  with  the  exception  of  Jesus,  as  we  inherit  a  sinful  nature  at  conception.    Therefore  we  are  sinners  by  nature  and  by  choice,  alienated  from  God  and  under  His  condemnation.  

 Genesis  1:27,  Genesis  2:16-­‐17,  Genesis  3:6,  Ephesians  2:1-­‐3,  Romans  3:9-­‐10,  Psalms  51:5,  John  3:36;  Romans  5:12-­‐14  


Redemption  is  accomplished  solely  by  the  blood  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ.  He  was  made  to  be  sin  and  died  in  our  place  as  an  acceptable  sacrifice  to  God.  His  atoning  death  is  sufficient  for  all  and  effective   for   every   person   who   repents   and   believes   in   Him,   resulting   in   a   reconciled  relationship  with  God.  

Salvation  is  available  by  grace  through  faith.  This  salvation  is  not  our  own  doing.  It  is  the  gift  of  God.  

Salvation   includes  being  declared   righteous  by  God   [justification],  being   transformed   into   the  likeness  of  Christ   [sanctification],  and  being   fully   restored   to   the   image  of  God   [glorification].  This  Salvation  which  includes  our  new  birth  and  eternal  inheritance  is  kept  by  God’s  power.    It  is  therefore  impossible  for  the  saved  to  lose  their  salvation.  

Ephesians  2:8-­‐9,  Romans  5:6-­‐10,  Galatians  3:13,  1  Peter  1:18-­‐19,  1  Peter  2:24,  2  Corinthians  5:21,  Romans  5:1,  John  17:17-­‐19,  1  John  3:2,  John  5:24,  John  10:27-­‐30,  

Romans  8:28-­‐39,  1  Peter  1:3-­‐5;  1  Timothy  4:10  




March 12, 2015  


The  Church  

The  Church  consists  of  all  the  redeemed  who  are  united  by  the  Holy  Spirit  in  the  Body  of  Christ,  of   which   Jesus   is   the   Head.     Local   assemblies   of   believers   are   visible   representations   of   the  Church  that  gather  regularly  for  the  purpose  of  worship,  which  includes  instruction  in  the  Word,  fellowship,  the  breaking  of  bread,  and  prayer.  

The  Lord   Jesus  mandated   two  ordinances:  Believer’s  Baptism  and   the  Lord’s  Supper.     Though  not  the  means  of  salvation,  these  ordinances  testify  of  the  gospel.  

The   Church   has   been   entrusted   with   the   task   of   global   discipleship   as   found   in   the   Great  Commission.  

Matthew  16:17-­‐18,  1  Corinthians  12:13,  Acts  2:42  1  Corinthians  11:23-­‐28,  Luke  22:19-­‐20,  Romans  6:3,  Matthew  28:19-­‐20  

End  Times  

At  a  time  known  only  to  God  the  Father,   the  Lord  Jesus  Christ  will   return  bodily  and   in  glory,  receive  His  own,  and  establish  His  earthly  thousand  year  reign.  

God  will  raise  the  dead  bodily  and  judge  the  world.  

The  unsaved  will  be  cast  into  the  lake  of  fire  to  suffer  eternal  conscious  punishment.  The  saved  of  all  ages  will  be  forever  with  the  Lord.  

God  will  rule  over  His  Kingdom  in  the  new  heaven  and  the  new  earth  for  all  eternity.  

Matthew  24:36,  Acts  1:7,  Mark  13:26,  1  Thessalonians  4:16-­‐17,  John  14:1-­‐3,Revelation  20:1-­‐15,  Revelation  14:11,  1  Corinthians  15:50-­‐54,  Revelation  21:1  Revelation  22:1-­‐5  

June  2013    




March 12, 2015  


THE SCRIPTURES [1]  The  Bible,  both  Old  and  New  Testaments,  is  the  complete  Word  of  God.      

[2]  As  originally  given,  it  is  verbally  inspired,  without  error,  and  entirely  trustworthy.    

[3]  The  Bible  constitutes  supreme  authority  in  all  matters  of  faith,  teaching,  and  behaviour.      

[4]  The  Bible  has  Jesus  Christ  as  its  focus  and  fulfillment.  

2  Peter  1:16-­‐21,  2  Timothy  3:16-­‐17,  Luke  24:27,  Matthew  5:17-­‐18  


 [1]  The  Bible,  both  Old  and  New  Testaments,  is  the  complete  Word  of  God.      

We  believe  that  the  Bible,  consisting  of  the  39  books  of  the  Old  Testament  and  27  Books  of  the  New  Testament  is  God’s  special  revelation  to  humanity.    This  does  not  suggest  that  God  is  now  silent  nor  does  it  deny  that  God  still  speaks  today.    Very  simply  it  states  that  what  God  deemed  necessary  for  humanity  to  know  about  Himself  and  His  creation  has  been  recorded  for  us  in  the  Bible.     The   idea   of   the  word   “verbal”   is   not   to   suggest   in   any  way   the   concept   of   dictation;  rather   it   emphasizes   that   inspiration   goes   right   down   to   the   very   words   that   have   been  employed.  

According   to   2   Timothy   3:16   and   17,   God   gave   it   to   us   so  we  would   know  what   to   believe  [“teaching”]  and  how  to  behave  [“rebuking,  correcting  and  training  in  righteousness”]  so  that  we   would   be   fully   prepared   for   all   the   demands   of   life   and   ministry   that   cross   our   paths  [“thoroughly  equipped  for  every  good  work”].  

 [2]  As  originally  given,  it  is  verbally  inspired,  without  error,  and  entirely  trustworthy.    

The  Bible  speaks  about  both  the  process  and  product  of  Inspiration.    The  process  involved  the  Holy  Spirit  superintending  the  writing  of  Scripture  [both  Old  and  New  Testaments]  in  a  way  that  prevented  human  interference  with  what  God  wanted  recorded  for  His  people.    This  is  affirmed  by  Peter  when  he  wrote  “above  all,  you  must  understand  that  no  prophecy  of  scripture  came  about  by  the  prophet’s  own  interpretation.    For  prophecy  never  had  its  origin  in  the  will  of  man,  but  men  spoke  from  God  as  they  were  carried  along  by  the  Holy  Spirit”  [2  Peter  1:20-­‐21].    This  process   guaranteed   that   the   product   would   then   be   called   “inspired”   or   “God-­‐breathed”   [2  Timothy  3:16-­‐17].    This  last  expression  teaches  us  that  the  Bible  is  really  the  product  of  God’s  creative  work  and  therefore  we  believe  that  the  original  manuscripts  were  without  error.    Some  would  argue  that  since  we  do  not  have  the  originals  today,  this  is  not  important.    Nothing  can  be   further   from   the   truth.     The   doctrine   of   inerrancy   is   intricately   tied   up   in   the   nature   and  character  of  God  Himself.    To  deny  inerrancy   is  to  suggest  that  God  does  make  mistakes,  and  elevates  the  interpreter  to  the  level  of  determining  when  and  where  He  did  so.      



March 12, 2015  


[3]  The  Bible  constitutes  supreme  authority  in  all  matters  of  faith,  teaching,  and  behaviour.      

Since  the  Bible  is  the  Word  of  God,  it  is  tantamount  to  God  personally  speaking  to  each  of  us.    When  we  read   it,   it   is  as   though  we  are  standing   face   to   face  with  God,   listening   to  what  He  wants   to   say   to   us.   Its   authority   is   the   authority   of  God  Himself,   and   therefore   the   supreme  authority  for  all  matters.     In  it,  God  teaches  us  what  to  believe  and  how  to  behave.    To  reject  any  or  all  of  it  is  to  reject  Him  and  refuse  His  rule  over  our  lives.    

Since  these  things  are  true,  we  can  emphatically  state  that  the  Bible  is  …  

ð Accurate  [Inerrant,  infallible]  –  Comprehensive  –  Authoritative  -­‐-­‐  It  is  accurate  in  all  that  it  presents.        This  is  an  outgrowth  of  its  inerrancy.    Charles  Ryrie  in  Basic  Theology  says  inerrancy   "means   that   the   Bible   tells   the   truth,   which  may   include   approximations,  free   quotations,   the   language   of   appearances,   and   different   accounts   of   the   same  event  as  long  as  these  do  not  contradict."  

This  is  our  understanding  of  the  phrase  “As  originally  given,  it  is  …  without  error.”    

ð comprehensive   in   that   it   touches   on   every   area   of   life.     The   Psalmist  wrote   in   Psalm  119:96  “To  all  perfection  I  see  a  limit;  but  your  commands  are  boundless.”    There  is  no  aspect  of   life   that   is  not   covered  by   the  Bible.     This   is  not   to   say   that   it   speaks  about  every  possible  specific  detail  of   life.   It   is   to  say   that   there  are  precepts,  principles  and  parameters  that  address  every  life  situation  that  one  might  face.    

ð authoritative  for  all  and  to  its  authority  all  are  accountable.  

[4]  The  Bible  has  Jesus  Christ  as  its  focus  and  fulfillment.  

The  primary  focal  point  of  the  entire  Bible   is  Jesus.  Jesus  Himself  stated,  “You  diligently  study  the  Scriptures  because  you  think  that  by  them  you  possess  eternal  life.    These  are  the  Scriptures  that  testify  about  me”  [John  5:39].    

From  Genesis  to  Revelation  He  and  His  work  as  the  Incarnate  God  is  its  theme.      

ð The   Old   Testament   prophesies   His   entry   into   the   world   as   the   Redeemer   King   [the  Messiah].    

ð The  Gospels  highlight  aspects  of  His  life  and  teaching.    ð Acts  teaches  us  about  His  ongoing  ministry  as  He  continues  to  build  His  Church.    ð The  Epistles  set  out  His  teaching  for  His  Church.    ð Revelation  looks  to  encourage  His  Church  in  the  face  of  tough  times  with  the  truth  that  

He  will  come  again  and  wrap  up  history  as  we  now  know  it.  




March 12, 2015  



 [1]  God  is  the  Creator    

[2]  and  Sovereign  Lord  of  all.    

[3]  The  Lord  our  God  is  one  God  who  eternally  exists  in  three  persons:  the  Father,  the  Son,  and  the  Holy  Spirit.      These  three  have  the  same  perfect  nature  and  attributes.      Each  Person  of  the  Godhead  is  worthy  of  the  same  worship,  confidence,  and  obedience.  

Genesis  1,  Psalm  8,  Psalm  2,  Romans  8:28-­‐30,  Deuteronomy  6:4,  Matt.  28:19-­‐20  


 [1]  God  is  the  Creator    By  faith  we  believe  [as  clearly  stated  in  Hebrews  11]  that  God  exists  and  has  created  absolutely  everything.      Genesis  1:1;  Exodus  20:11;      God,  the  Creator,  has  revealed  Himself  to  us  through  creation  itself  [called  natural  revelation]  and  through  the  Scriptures  [called  special  revelation].    Through  both  of  these  means  we  get  to  know  about  God.    For  example:    Natural  Revelation    Psalm  19   describes   for   us   very   poetically   the   truth   that   creation   testifies   to   the   existence   of  God.     The   initial   assertion,  “The  heavens  declare   the  glory  of  God  and   the   skies  proclaim   the  work   of   His   hands,”   echoes   through   the   corridors   of   time.     It   screams   out   ‘God   is   and   has  spoken  in  creation!’    Verse  2  tells  us  this  revelation  is  a  daily  experience  and  verse  3  reminds  us  that   it   is   available   to   every   people   group   on   earth.     The   conclusion   comes   in   verse   4,  which  affirms  there  is  no  place  on  earth  that  does  not  have  this  testimony  to  God’s  existence.    But  this  revelation  is  limited  in  what  it  teaches  us  about  God.    In  Romans  1  Paul  teaches  us  that  two  things  can  be  known  from  creation:  [1]  that  God  exists,  and  [2]  that  He  has  the  power  to  create  all  that  we  see.    He  then  argues  that  these  truths  are  clearly  seen.        Special  Revelation    God  has  not   left  us   to   this   limited   revelation  of  Himself.    He   took   the   initiative  and  provided  special  revelation  so  that  we  could  in  fact  know  more  about  Him,  but  even  greater  than  that,  so  that  we  could  be  reconciled  to  Him  and  know  Him.    This  special   revelation   is   found   in  the  66  books  of  the  Bible,  which,  as  noted  above   in  the  statement  on  the  Scriptures,  contains  all  we  need  to  know  about  what  He  wants  us  to  believe  and  how  He  wants  us  to  behave.    King  David  in  Psalm  19  also  addressed  this  special  revelation  in  verses  7-­‐11.    



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Through  this  special   revelation  we  understand  much  more  about  the  nature  and  character  of  God.    It  is  in  the  Bible  that  we  learn  of  His  eternality,  His  sovereignty,  His  holiness,  His  justice,  His  mercy,  His  grace,  His  goodness,  His   love,  His  covenant   loyalty,  His  redemptive  activity,  His  care  for  His  people,  etc.    [2]  and  Sovereign  Lord  of  all.    

The  Bible  teaches  that  He  is  the  sovereign  Lord  over  all.    In  His  wisdom,  He  has  put  together  a  plan  that  is  designed  to  bring  Him  maximum  glory  and  is  presently  unfolding  day  by  day.    That  plan  includes  everything  that  is  and  all  that  occurs  in  the  universe.    Nothing  occurs  that  is  not  part  of  the  overall  plan  or  of  which  He  is  unaware  –  nothing  takes  Him  by  surprise.    Consider  the  statement  of  Nebuchadnezzar  in  Daniel  4:35:  

34  At  the  end  of  that  time,  I,  Nebuchadnezzar,  raised  my  eyes  toward  heaven,  and  my  sanity  was  restored.   Then   I   praised   the   Most   High;   I   honored   and   glorified   him   who   lives   forever.   His  dominion  is  an  eternal  dominion;  his  kingdom  endures  from  generation  to  generation.  35  All  the  peoples  of  the  earth  are  regarded  as  nothing.  He  does  as  he  pleases  with  the  powers  of  heaven  and   the  peoples  of   the  earth.  No  one   can  hold  back  his  hand  or   say   to  him:   “What  have  you  done?”  

[3]  The  Lord  our  God  is  one  God  who  eternally  exists   in  three  persons:  the  Father,  the  Son,  and  the  Holy  Spirit.      These  three  have  the  same  perfect  nature  and  attributes.      Each  Person  of  the  Godhead  is  worthy  of  the  same  worship,  confidence,  and  obedience.  

Scripture  teaches  us  that  there  is  only  one  true  God.    Deuteronomy  6:4  declares  “Hear  O  Israel.    Jehovah   is   our   God;   Jehovah   is   one.”       At   the   same   time,   it   affirms   that   The   Father,   often  referred  to  simply  as  God,  is  God,  that  the  Son  is  God  [John  1]  and  that  the  Holy  Spirit   is  God  [Acts   5].     At   this   point   there   are   seemingly   two   alternatives:   [1]   that   God   simply   refers   to  Himself  and  appears  in  three  different  ways  at  different  times  [referred  to  as  modalism]  or  [2]  that  God  is  a  tri-­‐une  Being.    The  first  of  these  alternatives  does  not  square  with  the  Scriptures.    There  are  a  number  of  instances  in  which  all  three  are  involved  in  the  same  event  [consider  the  baptism  of   Jesus,   or   the  Great   Commission].     This   teaching   is   hard   to   get   our   heads   around.    While  we  have  difficulty  understanding   this   tri-­‐unity,   or   explaining   it,   the   Scriptures   teach  us  that  there  is  only  one  God  and  at  the  same  time  it  teaches  us  that  this  one  God  is  a  composite  Being  consisting  of  three  separate  and  distinct  persons.    These  three  persons  are  revealed  to  us  as  Father,  Son  and  Holy  Spirit.    These  are  not  three  modes  in  which  He  appears.  Rather,  it  is  the  truth  that  He  is  one  God  existing  in  three  Persons.        If  the  human  eye  could  look  on  each  of  these  separately,  the  mind  would  immediately  register    “That’s  GOD!”  and  fall  down  in  worship.    Each  possesses  all  the  same  characteristics  and  each,  while  having  a  distinct  personality,  possess  all  the  nature,  rights  and  prerogatives  of  deity.        



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ð What  one  knows  –  they  all  know  ð What  one  sees  –  they  all  see  ð What  one  understands  –  they  all  understand  ð What  one  loves  –  they  all  love    ð What  one  hates  –  they  all  hate  ð What  one  is  capable  of  –  they  are  all  capable  of  ð What  one  is  –  they  all  are  

 One  of   the   things  we  need   to   understand   is   that  God  has   sought   to   tell   us   about  Himself   in  terms   that  we   can  understand.     The  designations  of   the   Triune  God  as   Father,   Son   and  Holy  Spirit   are   for   our   benefit   and   are   not   eternal   designations.     They   set   out   for   us   the  working  relationship   that   exists   between   them   in   terms   of   the   outworking   of   His   sovereign   plan   of  redemption.    There  are  a  couple  of  things  that  often  tend  to  cause  people  to  question  this  doctrine.  The  first  is  that  the  term  “Trinity”  is  not  found  in  the  Bible.    This  is  true.    The  second  is  that  we  just  can’t  comprehend  the  Three-­‐in-­‐One  concept.    At  that  point,  we  must  simply  acknowledge  …    

ð the  word   Trinity   is   a   term   that  was   coined  many   years   ago   to   explain  what   the  Bible  does  teach  about  God.    

ð while   we   may   not   be   able   to   fully   comprehend   the   concept,   that   should   not   overly  concern  us.      

 Since  the  Bible  is  God-­‐breathed,  and  is  God’s  revelation  to  us  about  what  to  believe  and  how  to  behave,  and  it  sets  out  teaching  that  tells  us  there  is  only  one  God,  and  that  those  spoken  of  in  its  pages  as  Father,  Son  and  Holy  Spirit  are  each  God  then  our  only  recourse  is  to  believe  what  God  has  said,  whether  we  can  fully  understand  it  or  not.      



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[1]  God  the  Father  loves  the  world.      [2]  He  sent  His  Son  into  the  world  to  save  sinners.      [3]  He  raised  Jesus  from  the  dead,  exalted  Him  –  putting  all  things  under  his  power  –      [4]  and  together  with  Him  has  sent  the  Holy  Spirit.    

 Luke  3:22,  John  3:16,  1  John  4:14,  1  Peter  1:21,  Philippians  2:9-­‐11,  John  14:26  


 The  term  Father  certainly  is  one  that  helps  us  understand  truth  about  God.    The  Bible  says  that  He   created   us   and   in   that   sense   He   is   the   Father   of   everyone.   Jesus   calls   Him   “Father”   and  speaks   of   Him   as   “your   Father.”     The   term   Father   speaks   of   responsibility   and   authority   in  virtually  every  culture  on  earth.      As   the  Father,  He  exercises  wisdom  and  sound   judgment,  plans  His  work  and  works  His  plan,    loves,  cares  for,  provides  for,  teaches,  directs,  encourages,  exhorts,  rebukes,  disciplines,  etc.  -­‐-­‐    all  the  things  that  we  discover  are  part  of  our  own  expectations  and  roles  as  fathers.    There  are  several  significant  roles  He  has  that  are  highlighted  in  our  Statement  of  Faith.    These  are  not  the  only  things  He  does,  but  do  represent  His  role  as  Father.    [1]  God  the  Father  loves  the  world.      John  3:16  makes  this  abundantly  clear  –  “For  God  so  loved  the  world  he  gave  his  one  and  only  Son,  that  whoever  believes  in  him  shall  not  perish  but  have  eternal  life.”    The  idea  here  is  that  God  has  committed  Himself  to  work  for  the  spiritual  and  eternal  well-­‐being  of  those  who  are  alienated  from  Him,  hostile  toward  Him  and  bound  for  an  eternity  apart  from  Him.    In  love  He  provided  the  means  by  which  the  world  could  be  reconciled  to  Himself.    [2]  He  sent  His  Son  into  the  world  to  save  sinners.      Part  of  God’s  commitment  to  work  for  the  spiritual  well-­‐being  of  the  world  involved  Him  setting  in  place  a  plan  of  redemption  that   involved  His  Son  [the  Second  Person  of  the  Trinity]   leaving  His   heavenly   dwelling   place,   and   entering   human   history   as  God   Incarnate   in   order   to  make  salvation  for  sinners  possible.        Jesus  said  “The  Son  of  man  came  to  seek  and  to  save  the  lost”  [Luke  19:10].    For  this  reason  He  is  called  “the  Savior  of  all  men,  and  especially  of  those  who  believe”  [1  Timothy  4:10].  “Here  is a  



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trustworthy   saying   that   deserves   full   acceptance:   Christ   Jesus   came   into   the   world   to   save  sinners—of  whom  I  am  the  worst”  [1  Timothy  1:15].      [3]  He  raised  Jesus  from  the  dead,  exalted  Him  –  putting  all  things  under  his  power  –      Following  Jesus’  death  on  the  cross,  having  paid  in  full  the  penalty  for  sin  and  having  been  put  in  the  grave,  the  Father  raised  Him  up  and  subsequently  answered  Jesus’  prayer  of  John  17:1  by  glorifying  Him  and  exalting  Him  by  means  of   the  Ascension   to   a  position  of   power  which  He  maintains   to   this   day.   In   this   position   He   is,   “far   above   all   rule   and   authority,   power   and  dominion  and  every  title  that  can  be  given,  not  only  in  the  present  age,  but  in  the  one  to  come.    And  God  placed  all  things  under  His  feet  and  appointed  Him  to  be  head  over  everything  for  the  Church  …”  [Ephesians  1:21-­‐22]    [4]  and  together  with  Him  has  sent  the  Holy  Spirit.    The  Bible  teaches  that  Jesus  asked  the  Father  to  send  the  Spirit  [John  14:16]  and  that  Jesus  then  affirmed   that  both  He   [John  15:26]   and   the   Father   [John  14:26]  would   send   the   Spirit   to  His  followers.  




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THE SON  [1]  God  the  Son  became  God  incarnate  as  Jesus  the  Messiah.    Jesus  is  fully  God  and  fully  man.    He  was  conceived  by  the  Holy  Spirit,  born  of  the  virgin  Mary,  and  lived  a  sinless  life.      

 [2]  He  was  crucified,  raised  bodily  from  the  dead,  and  ascended  into  heaven  where  He  reigns  as  King  and  serves  as  our  High  Priest  and  Advocate.  

 [3]  He  will  return  as  King  of  kings  and  Lord  of  lords  to  set  up  His  earthly  Kingdom      John  1:1,  John  1:14,  Matthew  1:22-­‐23,  Isaiah  7:14,  2  Corinthians  5:21,  1  Corinthians  15:  3-­‐4  

Hebrews  1:3,  Hebrews  7:25,  Revelation  22:12-­‐13  

[1]  God  the  Son  became  God  incarnate  as  Jesus  the  Messiah.    Jesus  is  fully  God  and  fully  man.    He  was  conceived  by  the  Holy  Spirit,  born  of  the  virgin  Mary,  and  lived  a  sinless  life.        Our  use  of  the  term  “God  the  Son”  is  a  reference  to  the  eternally  pre-­‐existent  Second  Person  of  the  Tri-­‐une  Godhead.    John  chapter  1  refers  to  Him  as  the  Word,  and  makes  several  clear  and  strong  statements  about  Him.    

ð At  the  time  of  Creation  He  continually  existed  (“in  the  beginning  the  Word  was”)  ð At  the  time  of  Creation  He  continually  existed  as  God  (“The  Word  was  God”)  ð The  Word  created  anything  and  everything  that  has  ever  been  created,  pointing  to  the  

fact  the  He  is  not  a  created  being  (John  1:3)  ð He  is  self-­‐existent  (“In  Him  was  life”)  

 As  a  result,  being  both  deity  and  humanity,  He  is  100%  the  God-­‐Man.    The  Old  Testament  Scriptures  spoke  of  a  coming  Redeemer-­‐King   [though  not  always   in   those  terms]  from  Genesis  3:15  forward.    In  the  spirit  of  progressive  revelation,  more  information  and  detail  was  given  over  time.    At  the  outset,  He  was  only  referred  to  as  “the  seed  of  the  woman”  [Genesis   3:15],   and   in   time  He  was   subsequently   revealed   as   prophet,   priest,   and   king.    We  believe  that  Isaiah  7:14  [cited  by  Matthew  in  1:25]  teaches  us  that  this  Redeemer-­‐King/Messiah  would  be  born  supernaturally  by  means  of  a  virgin  birth  and  that  the  child  born  would  be  God  with   us   [Immanuel].     His   description   in   Isaiah   9:6,7   tells   us   six   things   would   be   true   of   this  Messiah.        

ð Wonderful  –  that  is,  beyond  human  comprehension  ð Counselor  –  full  of  wisdom  and  insight  ð The  Mighty  God  –  a  clear  reference  to  the  Child  being  God  incarnate  –  compare  Isaiah  

10:20-­‐21  where  the  term  The  Mighty  God  is  used  to  refer  to  Jehovah    ð Everlasting   Father   –   (literally   translated   as   Father   of   Eternities)   which   is   a   clear  

reference  to  Him  being  the  Creator  



March 12, 2015  


ð Prince   of   Peace   –   The   one   who   alone   is   able   to   transform   the   chaos   of   our   world,  created  by  sin,  into  true  and  full  shalom  

ð King    –  He  would  reign  on  David’s  throne  forever  with  justice  and  righteousness    [2]  He  was  crucified,  raised  bodily  from  the  dead,  and  ascended  into  heaven  where  He  reigns  as  King  and  serves  as  our  High  Priest  and  Advocate.    These  descriptions  describe  Him  as  fully  God  and  fully  man.    The  patriarch  Job  cried  out  [Job  9]  for  a  mediator,  one  who  could  bridge  the  gap  between  God  and  man  by  reaching  out  with  one  hand  and  touching  God  because  He  is  God,  and  grabbing  man  with  the  other  hand  because  He  is  also  man.    In  1  Timothy  2:5  Paul  describes  Jesus  as  that  mediator.        As  that  mediator,  Jesus  laid  down  His  life  on  the  cross  of  Calvary,  submitting  Himself  not  only  to  the   will   of   the   Father,   but   to   the   will   of   sinful   humanity   for   the   sole   purpose   of   making  reconciliation  with  God  possible  for  the  human  race.      On   the   third   day   after   His   crucifixion,   Jesus   was   raised   from   the   dead,   following   which   He  ministered   to  His   disciples,   showing  Himself   to  be   alive  by  many   convincing  proofs.     40  days  later   they   watched   as   the   heavens   opened   to   receive   Jesus   as   He   ascended   to   His   present  position.     Acts   13:32   cites   Psalm   2,   which   speaks   about   the   enthronement   of   the   Messiah  [compare   the   parallelism   with   Psalm   2:6     -­‐   “I   have   installed   my   King”],   indicating   that   the  ascension  was  part  of  His  enthronement  ceremony  at  which  time  all  things  were  put  under  His  power.        From   that   throne   He   also   serves   as   the   believer’s   Advocate   and   High   Priest   [1   John   2:2,  Hebrews  7:25],  a  ministry  by  which  He  defends  His  people  before  God  when  we  sin,  and  at  the  same  time  guarantees  our  security  as  His  people.    [3]  He  will  return  as  King  of  kings  and  Lord  of  lords  to  set  up  His  earthly  Kingdom    When   this   age   has   run   its   course,   Jesus   will   return   and   transition   the   present   form   of   His  kingdom  into  an  earthly  kingdom  over  which  He  will  reign  in  righteousness  and  justice.    At  the  close  of  that  kingdom  period,  He  will  hand  the  kingdom  over  to  the  Father  who  will  transition  it  into  its  eternal  form.                        



March 12, 2015  


THE HOLY SPIRIT    [1]  God  the  Holy  Spirit  glorifies  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ  in  all  that  He  does.    [2]  He  convicts  the  world  of  sin,  righteousness  and  judgment.      [3]   At   the   moment   of   salvation   He   regenerates,   baptizes,   indwells,   gifts   and   empowers   for  Christ-­‐like  living  and  service.  

1  Corinthians  12:11,13,  Romans  8:9-­‐14,  Galatians  5:22-­‐25  


 [1]  God  the  Holy  Spirit  glorifies  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ  in  all  that  He  does.    When  Jesus  was  ready  to   leave  earth  and  return  to   the  Father,  He  told  His   followers   that  He  and  the  Father  would  send  the  Holy  Spirit  to  them  [John  14:16,26].    He  would  be  referred  to  by  different   titles,   among   them  The   Counselor   [parakletos]   and  The   Spirit   of   Truth.   Among   the  many   things   that   the   Holy   Spirit   would   accomplish   is   the   task   of   testifying   about   Jesus   [the  same  root  term  as  Jesus  used  about  His  followers  in  Acts  1:8  that  speaks  about  telling  what  we  know  to  be  true  about  Jesus].        John  16:13-­‐14  carries  that  idea  further  and  teaches  us  that  in  doing  that,  He  will  not  promote  Himself,  but  will  glorify  Jesus  in  all  that  He  does.    [2]  He  convicts  the  world  of  sin,  righteousness  and  judgment.      Another  of   the  Spirit’s   significant   roles   that   Jesus  highlighted   in   the   John  14-­‐16  passage   is   to  present  the  truth  in  a  powerful  way  that  will  bring  people  to  the  point  of  understanding  their  sinfulness,   as   He   impresses   God’s   standard   of   righteousness   on   their   hearts   and  minds,   and  their  accountability  to  God  for  every  aspect  of  their  lives  [John  16:8-­‐11].        [3]  At   the  moment  of   salvation  He   regenerates,   baptizes,   indwells,   gifts   and  empowers   for  Christ-­‐like  living  and  service.    There   are   a   number   of   other   ministries   the   Holy   Spirit   carries   out.     While   this   is   not   an  exhaustive  list,  these  are  extremely  important  in  the  life  of  the  believer.    

ð He   regenerates   –   Jesus   spoke   to   Nicodemus   [John   3]   about   his   need   of   being   “born  again”   or   “born   from   above.”     He   was   speaking   about   the   need   of   spiritual   birth,  sometimes  referred  to  as  regeneration.    This  regeneration  is  accomplished  by  the  Spirit  of  God.     Paul  wrote   in  Titus  3:4-­‐6  “But  when   the  kindness  and   love  of  God  our   Savior  appeared,  he  saved  us,  not  because  of  righteous  things  we  had  done,  but  because  of  his  mercy.    he  saved  us  through  the  washing  of  regeneration  and  renewal  by  the  Holy  Spirit,  whom  he  poured  out  on  us  generously  through  Jesus  Christ  our  Savior.”  



March 12, 2015  


 ð He  baptizes  –  Jesus  informed  His  disciples  in  Acts  1:5  that  they  would  “be  baptized  with  

the  Holy  Spirit.”    This  first  occurred  on  the  Day  of  Pentecost  [Acts  2]  and  subsequently  occurs  whenever  a  person  comes  to  faith.    The  Apostle  Paul  teaches  us  in  1  Corinthians  12:13  what  this  really  means  when  he  writes  “For  we  were  all  baptized  by  one  Spirit  into  one  body  –  whether  Jews  or  Greeks,  slave  or  free  –  and  we  were  all  given  the  one  Spirit  to  drink.”    The  baptizing  ministry  of  the  Holy  Spirit   is  what  unites  all  believers   into  the  Body  of  Christ.  

 ð He   gifts   and   empowers   for   Christ-­‐like   living   and   service   –   There   are   a   number   of  

passages   in   the   New   Testament   that   speak   to   the   fact   that   the   Holy   Spirit   grants  enablement  to  the  believer  for  life  and  ministry.    Acts  1:8  –  Jesus  promised  that  when  the  Holy  Spirit  arrived  and  baptized  believers  into  the  Body  of  Christ,  they  would  be  empowered  to  be  His  witnesses.    Romans   12   –   Paul   teaches   that   God,   in   His   grace,   has   provided   a   variety   of   gifts   to  believers  for  ministry  to  and  in  the  Body  of  Christ.    1   Corinthians   12   –   Paul   provides   a   more   extensive   listing   of   gifts   that   have   been  provided  by  the  Holy  Spirit  and  in  verse  7  affirms  that  these  are  for  the  common  good  of  the  Body.    Ephesians   4   –   Having   called   the   Body   of   Christ   to  walk   in   unity,   Paul   teaches   us   that  Christ  has  done  two  things  to  make  that  unity  possible.    [1]  He  has  given  gifts  to  people  [vv.  7-­‐8]  and  [2]  He  has  given  gifted  people  to  the  Church  [v.  11].    These  are  designed  “to  prepare  God’s  people  for  works  of  service,  so  that  the  Body  of  Christ  may  be  built  up  until  we  all  reach  unity  in  the  faith  and  in  the  knowledge  of  the  Son  of  God  and  become  mature,  attaining  to  the  whole  measure  of  the  fullness  of  Christ”    [vv.  12-­‐13].    1  Peter  4:10  –  Peter  reminds  us  that  we  are  given  these  gifts  “to  serve  others,  as  faithful  stewards  of  God’s  grace  in  its  various  forms.”    




March 12, 2015  


ANGELS  [1]  God  created  angels  for  His  glory  and  service.      [2]  Some  rebelled  under   the   leadership  of   their   fellow  angel,   Satan,  and  are  opposed   to  God  and  His  purposes.      [3]  Though  Satan  is  still  active  he  has  been  defeated  by  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ  and  will  be  committed  forever  to  the  lake  of  fire  with  all  the  fallen  angels.  

Hebrews  1:14,  Jude  6,  Hebrews  2:14-­‐15,  Revelation  20:10;  Ephesians  6:12  


 [1]    God  created  angels  for  His  glory  and  service.      God,  as  the  eternal,  sovereign  Creator,  has  created  all   things  for  His  own  purposes  and  glory.      This  includes  what  the  Bible  calls  “angels.”    What  we  know  from  the  Bible  is  that  angels  are  real  beings  created  to  worship  and  serve  God.        

ð Isaiah   6:1-­‐3   pictures   angelic   beings   surrounding   the   throne   of   God   in  worship,   crying  “Holy,  holy,  holy  is  the  LORD  Almighty.”    

 ð Revelation  4:8  describes  similar  beings  who  “never  stop  saying  “Holy,  holy,  holy   is   the  

LORD  God  Almighty,  who  was,  and  is,  and  is  to  come.”      

ð Hebrews  1:14  presents  them  as  “ministering  spirits  sent  to  serve  those  who  will   inherit  salvation.”    

 Their   ministry   can   be   seen   throughout   the   pages   of   Scripture   as   they   communicate   God’s  revelation,  protect  and  deliver  God’s  people,  escort  the  dying  to  heaven,  etc.    [2]  Some  rebelled  under  the  leadership  of  their  fellow  angel,  Satan,  and  are  opposed  to  God  and  His  purposes.      Among   these  angelic  beings  was  one  who  deemed   that  he  would   replace  God   in   the   lives  of  other  created  beings.    He   is  known  by  several  names   in   the  Scriptures,  among  which  are   the  Devil,   Satan,   Lucifer,   that   Old   Serpent,   the   Destroyer.     Whether   Isaiah   14   and   Ezekiel   28  describe   his   rebellion   or   not,   they   do   in   fact   describe   a   situation   very  much   like   his.     In   his  rebellion,   he   convinced   a   number   of   other   angels   to   follow   him   as   their   leader.     They   are  described  in  the  Bible  as  “angels  who  did  not  keep  their  positions  of  authority  but  abandoned  their  own  home  …”  [Jude  6].    Of  these,  some  are  described  as  “rulers  …  authorities  …  powers  of  this  dark  world  …  and  …  spiritual  forces  of  evil  in  the  heavenly  realms”  [Ephesians  6:12].    Some  are   referred   to   as   “evil   spirits   and   demons”   and   others   are   “kept   in   darkness,   bound   with  everlasting  chains  for  judgment  on  the  great  Day”  [Jude  6].      



March 12, 2015  


 [3]  Though  Satan  is  still  active  he  has  been  defeated  by  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ  and  will  be  committed  forever  to  the  lake  of  fire  with  all  the  fallen  angels.  

Satan  is  alive  and  active.    He  and  his  henchmen  are  constantly  seeking  to  undermine  the  Word  of   God,   destroy   the   Church   of   God   and   engage   in   battle   against   the   people   of   God.     He   is,  however,  a  defeated  foe.    The  Lord  has  set  in  motion  the  crushing  of  his  head  [see  Genesis  3:15  and  Romans  16:20]  by  His  own  crucifixion.    Revelation  20:10  describes  his  final  doom  with  the  words  “And  the  devil,  who  deceived  them,  was  thrown  into  the  lake  of  burning  sulfur,  where  the  beast  and  false  prophet  had  been  thrown.    They  will  be  tormented  day  and  night  for  ever  and  ever.”    This  lake  of  fire  is  described  by  Jesus  as  “the  eternal  fire  prepared  for  the  devil  and  his  angels”  [Matthew  25:41].      




March 12, 2015  



[1]  Human  beings  are  created  in  the  image  of  God.      [2]  The  first  humans,  Adam  and  Eve,  were  disobedient  to  the  will  of  God  with  the  consequence  that   every   aspect   of   their   human   nature   became   sinful   and   corrupt.     Thus,   being   spiritually  dead,  they  became  subject  to  physical  death  and  the  power  of  Satan.      [3]  The  image  of  God  is  distorted  in  all  humanity,  with  the  exception  of  Jesus,  as  we  inherit  a  sinful  nature  at  conception.    Therefore  we  are  sinners  by  nature  and  by  choice,  alienated  from  God  and  under  His  condemnation.  

Genesis  1:27,  Genesis  2:16-­‐17,  Genesis  3:6,  Ephesians  2:1-­‐3,  Romans  3:9-­‐10,  Psalms  51:5,  John  3:36;  Romans  5:12-­‐14  


 [1]  Human  beings  are  created  in  the  image  of  God.      During   creation  week   as   recorded   in   Genesis   1,   we   discover   that   there   was   something   very  unique  about  the  creation  of  mankind.    That  uniqueness  lay  in  the  purpose  for  which  mankind  was   created.     Genesis   1:26-­‐28   tells   us   that   God   had   chosen   to   have   mankind   serve   as   His  representatives  on  earth,  and  to  exercise  authority  and  dominion  over  the  created  order.  All  of  that   is  wrapped  up   in  the  phrase  “created   in  the   image  of  God.”      That   tells  us   that  men  and  women  –  as   the   representatives  of  God  –  were  created  as  equals,   fully  capable  of  accurately  and  consistently  representing  God  in  the  way  they  thought,  spoke  and  acted.    [2]   The   first   humans,   Adam   and   Eve,   were   disobedient   to   the   will   of   God   with   the  consequence  that  every  aspect  of  their  human  nature  became  sinful  and  corrupt.    Thus,  being  spiritually  dead,  they  became  subject  to  physical  death  and  the  power  of  Satan.      Genesis  3  records  for  us  our  first  parents’  act  of  walking  away  from  God.    God  had  given  them  specific   instruction   and   they   violated   that   command.     God   had   told   Adam   that   the   day   they  disobeyed,  they  would  die,  and  die  they  did.    Instantly  they  died  spiritually  [Romans  6:23  –  “the  wages  of  sin  is  death”]  and  began  to  die  physically.    Spiritual  death  alienated  them  from  God  “in  whom   is   life.”     Their   sinfulness   affected   every   area   of   their   lives   to   such   an   extent   that   in  Genesis  6  God  said  “every  inclination  of  the  thoughts  of  his  [mankind’s]  heart  was  only  evil  all  the  time”  [Genesis  6:5].    God  Himself  later  described  it  this  way  “The  heart  is  deceitful  above  all  things  and  beyond  cure”  [Jeremiah  17:9].    Given  the  general   rule  of  nature  within  God’s  creation,  everything  reproduces  “after   its  kind”  and  so  we  read  that  Adam  and  Eve  produced  sinful  offspring.    This  is  in  keeping  with  what  Paul  says   in   Ephesians  2  when  he  writes   about  us  being  “dead   in   trespasses  and   sins  …  and  …  by  nature  objects  of  wrath”   [Ephesians  2:1-­‐3].    Paul  summarizes  this  teaching  by  saying  “through  the  disobedience  of  the  one  man  the  many  were  made  sinners”  [Romans  5:19].  



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 As  spiritually  dead  people,  we  are  enemies  of  God  [Romans  5:6-­‐10]  and  under  the  direction  and  rule  of  the  Devil  [1  John  2:19;  Ephesians  2:2].      [3]  The  image  of  God  is  distorted  in  all  humanity,  with  the  exception  of  Jesus,  as  we  inherit  a  sinful   nature   at   conception.     Therefore   we   are   sinners   by   nature   and   by   choice,   alienated  from  God  and  under  His  condemnation.    Due   to   the   deliberate   disobedience   and   rebellion   of   Adam   and   Eve,   mankind’s   ability   to  accurately  and  consistently  represent  God  as  “the  image  of  God”  was  severely  hindered.    This  does  not  mean   that  humanity  was  no   longer  God’s   representative,   only   that  humanity   could  not  longer  do  it  accurately  and  consistently.        David  understood  and  confessed  that  he  was  a  sinner  from  the  moment  of  conception  [Psalm  51:5].    Paul  understood  and  taught  that  all  humanity  is  born  with  a  sinful  nature  [“by  nature  objects  of  wrath”  –  Ephesians  2:3]  who  lived  “gratifying  the  cravings  of  our  sinful  nature”  –  Ephesians  2:3]  alienated   from   God   [“Once   you   were   alienated   from   God   and   were   enemies   in   your   minds  because  of  your  evil  behavior”  –  Colossians  1:21],  under  the  rule  and  dominion  of  Satan  [“As  for  you,   you   were   dead   in   your   transgressions   and   sins,   2  in   which   you   used   to   live   when   you  followed  the  ways  of  this  world  and  of  the  ruler  of  the  kingdom  of  the  air,  the  spirit  who  is  now  at   work   in   those   who   are   disobedient”   –   Ephesians   2:1-­‐2],   and   therefore   is   “condemned  already”  [John  3:18].    Mankind  has  a  bent  toward  evil,  such  that  our  sinful  nature  causes  sinful  thoughts  and  actions  as  noted  in  the  passages  cited  above.        Paul  says  “All  have  sinned  and  fall  short  of  the  glory  of  God”  [Romans  3;23].    Mankind  is  under  condemnation  because  of  both  a  sinful  nature  and  the  sinful  choices  they  make.    The   only   exception   to   this   is   the   Lord   Jesus   Himself   who   was   born   of   a   virgin   [Isaiah   7:14;  Matthew  1:25]  and  from  contamination  –  “she  was  found  to  be  with  child  from  the  Holy  Spirit”  [Matthew  1:18b,  cp.  Luke  1:35].    Of  Him  we  read  in  the  Bible  that  He  was  tempted  in  every  way,  just   as  we   are   “yet  was  without   sin”   [Hebrews   4:15].     Paul   declares   very   emphatically   “God  made  him  [Jesus]  who  had  no  sin  to  be  sin  for  us  …  “  [2  Corinthians  5:21a].    These  verses  teach  that  Jesus  had  no  sinful  nature  and  committed  no  sin.          



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REDEMPTION/SALVATION  [1]  Redemption  is  accomplished  solely  by  the  blood  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ.  He  was  made  to  be  sin  and  died  in  our  place  as  an  acceptable  sacrifice  to  God.  His  atoning  death  is  sufficient  for  all  and   effective   for   every   person   who   repents   and   believes   in   Him,   resulting   in   a   reconciled  relationship  with  God.  

[2]  Salvation  is  available  by  grace  through  faith.  This  salvation  is  not  our  own  doing.  It  is  the  gift  of  God.  

[3]   Salvation   includes   being   declared   righteous   by  God   [justification],   being   transformed   into  the   likeness   of   Christ   [sanctification],   and   being   fully   restored   to   the   image   of   God  [glorification].  This  salvation,  which   includes  our  new  birth  and  eternal   inheritance,   is  kept  by  God’s  power.    It  is  therefore  impossible  for  the  saved  to  lose  their  salvation.  

Ephesians  2:8-­‐9,  Romans  5:6-­‐10,  Galatians  3:13,  1  Peter  1:18-­‐19,  1  Peter  2:24,  2  Corinthians  5:21,  Romans  5:1,  John  17:17-­‐19,  1  John  3:2,  John  5:24,  John  10:27-­‐30,  

Romans  8:28-­‐39,  1  Peter  1:3-­‐5;  1  Timothy  4:10  


 [1]    Redemption  is  accomplished  solely  by  the  blood  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ.  He  was  made  to  be  sin  and  died  in  our  place  as  an  acceptable  sacrifice  to  God.  His  atoning  death  is  sufficient  for   all   and   effective   for   every   person   who   repents   and   believes   in   Him,   resulting   in   a  reconciled  relationship  with  God.        God   originally   created   mankind   with   the   purpose   of   being   His   representatives.     When   they  sinned  and  walked  away   from  God,   they  were   in  need  of   reconciliation   to  God.    God  already  had  a  plan  of  salvation  in  place  that  would  pay  the  wages  of  their  sin  [redemption]  and  provide  reconciliation  to  Himself.    The  patriarch  Job  struggled  with  how  it  might  be  possible  for  sinful  man  to  be  right  with  God  [Job  9:2]  and  realized  that  what  was  needed  to  make  it  happen  was  a  mediator  –  someone  who  could  bridge  the  gap  between  a  holy  God  and  sinful  humanity  –  someone  who  could  reach  out  with  one  hand  and  take  a  hold  of  God  because  He  was  God,  and  reach  out  with  the  other  hand  and  grasp  man  because  He  was  human.    As  the  God-­‐Man,  Christ  could  be  that  mediator.    In  1  Timothy  2:5  the  Apostle  Paul  declares  “There   is  one  God  and  one  mediator  between  God  and  man,  the  man  Christ  Jesus.”    God,  says  the  Apostle  Paul,  “was  reconciling  the  world  to  himself  in  Christ”  because  “God  made  Him  who   had   no   sin   to   be   sin   for   us   so   that  we  might   become   the   righteousness   of  God”   [2  Corinthians  5:19,  21].      The  new  birth,  which  produces  this  salvation  grants  to  the  believing  sinner  “eternal  life”  [John  3:3,5,16]  which   Jesus  defined   for  us   in   John  17:3  when  He  said  “This   is  eternal   life:   that   they  



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may  know  you,  the  only  true  God,  and  Jesus  Christ,  whom  you  have  sent.”    This  eternal   life   is  really  a  reconciled  relationship  with  God.        [2]  Salvation  is  available  by  grace  through  faith.  This  salvation  is  not  our  own  doing.  It  is  the  gift  of  God.  

Paul  makes  it  very  clear  that  there  is  absolutely  nothing  any  person  can  do  to  earn  or  buy  his  salvation.     It   is  totally  “by  grace  …  through  faith.”       It   is  not  deserved,  and  ONLY  appropriated  through  faith.    It  is  “not  from  yourselves  …  not  by  works,  so  that  no  one  can  boast”  [Ephesians  2:8-­‐9].    But  when  the  kindness  and  love  of  God  our  Savior  appeared,  he  saved  us,  not  because  of  righteousness  things  we  had  done,  but  because  of  his  mercy”  [Titus  3:4-­‐5].    [3]  Salvation  includes  being  declared  righteous  by  God  [justification],  being  transformed  into  the   likeness   of   Christ   [sanctification],   and   being   fully   restored   to   the   image   of   God  [glorification].  This  salvation,  which  includes  our  new  birth  and  eternal  inheritance,  is  kept  by  God’s  power.    It  is  therefore  impossible  for  the  saved  to  lose  their  salvation.  

There   are   three   important   terms   in   this   section   that   summarize   different   aspects   of   the  salvation  that  God  has  provided  for  us  in  Christ.    

ð Justification   –   the   term  used   for   justification   is   a   bookkeeping   term   that   tells   us   that  when  a  sinner  repents  of  sin  and  trusts  Christ’s  work  at  Calvary,  God  puts  it  down  in  His  accounting   ledger   that   this   person   is   declared   to   be   just   and   treated   by   Him   as  righteous.      This  essentially  means  that  God  no  longer  sees  the  long  list  of  sinful  activity  this  person  has  done  in  the  past,  but  sees  the  person  through  Jesus  –  the  Righteous  One  –  who  paid  for  that  sin.    He  has  been  reconciled  to  God  and  has  a  right  standing  before  Him.    

 ð Sanctification  –   is  the  work  of  the  Spirit  of  God,  using  the  Word  of  God  [John  17:17  –  

“Sanctify  them  by  the  truth,  your  word  is  the  truth”]  and  the  people  of  God  -­‐-­‐  to  bring  about  those  changes  in  the  believer’s  life  that  will  conform  him  or  her  to  the  likeness  of  Christ.  

 ð Glorification  –   is   the   final   stage  of  our   salvation  when   the  work  of  God   in  our   lives   is  

fully  accomplished.  This  occurs  when  we  appear  in  His  immediate  presence.    John  wrote  that  we  can’t  really  comprehend  all  that  is  entailed  in  our  future  but  that  “we  know  that  when  He  appears  we  shall  be  like  Him,  for  we  shall  see  Him  as  He  is”  [1  John3:2].  

 Peter   helps   us   understand   that   the   new   birth   grants   us   an   unending   hope   …   and   eternal  inheritance  that  can  never  perish,  spoil  or  fade”  because  we  are  “shielded  by  God’s  power”  and  that   inheritance   is   reserved   in   heaven   for   us   as  we   await   the   completion  of   our   salvation   [1  Peter  1:5].    While   there   is  a   lot  of  debate  over   the  matter  of  eternal   security,  1   John  2:2   teaches  us   that  Jesus   is   our   Advocate,   covering   for   us   when  we   sin.     Hebrews   7:25   reminds   us   that   staying  



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saved  has  no  more  to  do  with  us  than  getting  saved  in  the  first  place.    We  are  saved  eternally  [“completely,”  “to  the  uttermost”]  because  Jesus  is  at  the  right  hand  of  the  Father  praying  for  us  24/7.    An  interesting  passage  of  Scripture  to  ponder  in  this  regard  as  well  is  Romans  8:28-­‐30.    “And  we  know  that   in  all   things  God  works   for   the  good  of   those  who   love  him,  who  have  been  called  according  to  his  purpose.  For  those  God  foreknew  he  also  predestined  to  be  conformed  to  the  likeness   of   his   Son,   that   he   might   be   the   firstborn   among   many   brothers.   And   those   he  predestined,   he   also   called;   those   he   called,   he   also   justified;   those   he   justified,   he   also  glorified.”    This  passage  teaches  us  that  salvation  is  a  package  deal  with  God  from  beginning  to  end.    He  starts  it  and  finishes  it.    Paul  reiterated  this  same  thought  in  Philippians  1:6  when  he  wrote  …  “being  confident  of  this  very  thing,  that  he  who  began  a  good  work  in  you  will  perform  it  until   the  day  of  Christ   Jesus.”    The  Apostle  had  that  confidence,  and  so  should   the  believer  today.    Another   passage   that   emphasizes   this   great   truth   is   1   Thessalonians   5:23-­‐24.     “May   God  himself,  the  God  of  peace,  sanctify  you  through  and  through.    May  your  whole  spirit,  soul  and  body  be  kept  blameless  at  the  coming  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ.  The  one  who  calls  you  if  faithful  and  he  will  do  it.”          



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The  Church  

[1]  The  Church  consists  of  all   the   redeemed  who  are  united  by   the  Holy  Spirit   in   the  Body  of  Christ,  of  which  Jesus  is  the  Head.    Local  assemblies  of  believers  are  visible  representations  of  the  Church  that  gather  regularly  for  the  purpose  of  worship,  which  includes   instruction  in  the  Word,  fellowship,  the  breaking  of  bread,  and  prayer.  

[2]  The  Lord  Jesus  mandated  two  ordinances:  Believer’s  Baptism  and  the  Lord’s  Supper.    Though  not  the  means  of  salvation,  these  ordinances  testify  of  the  gospel.  

[3]  The  Church  has  been  entrusted  with  the  task  of  global  discipleship  as  found  in  the  Great  Commission.  

Matthew  16:17-­‐18,  1  Corinthians  12:13,  Acts  2:42  1  Corinthians  11:23-­‐28,  Luke  22:19-­‐20,  Romans  6:3,  Matthew  28:19-­‐20  


 [1]  The  Church  consists  of  all  the  redeemed  who  are  united  by  the  Holy  Spirit  in  the  Body  of  Christ,  of  which  Jesus  is  the  Head.    Local  assemblies  of  believers  are  visible  representations  of  the  Church  that  gather  regularly  for  the  purpose  of  worship,  which  includes  instruction  in  the  Word,  fellowship,  the  breaking  of  bread,  and  prayer.  

Matthew  16  records  for  us  the  first  announcement  of  the  future  Church.    In  that  passage  Jesus  addresses  the  following  facts:    

ð It  is  HIS  Church.  ð HE  will  build  it.  ð HE  will  build  it  on  the  basis  of  divine  revelation.  ð All  the  Satanic  attacks  to  stop  HIM  will  fail.  

 Shortly  before  His  ascension,  Jesus  instructed  His  Apostles,  who  would  form  the  foundation  of  the   Church   [Ephesians   2:20-­‐22]   that   their   new   marching   orders   meant   to   penetrate   every  people  group  on  earth  with  the  Good  News  from  God,  the  Gospel  of  Jesus  Christ.    Following   its   birth   [Acts   2],   the   Holy   Spirit,   who   formed   believers   into   the   Body   of   Christ   [1  Corinthians  12:13],  began  to  work  in  and  through  the  Church  and  cause  spiritual  and  numerical  growth.     Persecution   aided   in   accomplishing   the   mandate   that   Jesus   had   given   them,   as  missionaries  were  sent  out  to  new   locations  to  preach  Christ  and  establish  churches   [book  of  Acts].    As   these   local   churches  grew  they  put   in  place  godly   leaders   [Elders],  and  other  godly  people  to  assist  in  the  varied  needs  that  arose,  so  the  Elders  could  focus  on  their  primary  role  of  leadership.    



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In  the  Book  of  Ephesians,  which  is  primarily  about  the  Church,  Paul  speaks  of  the  Church  as  a  community  of  blessed  people  [Ephesians  1:3-­‐14]  who  have  been  formed  into  the  Body  of  Christ.    These  blessed  people,  who  were  all  previously  dead  in  trespasses  and  sins  but  have  now  been  made  alive  in  Christ  [i.e.,  they  were  saved!],  came  from  a  varied  ethnic  background  [Ephesians  2:11-­‐15].   It   is   in   this   same   letter   that   Paul   affirms   Jesus’   headship   over   the   Church  when   he  wrote  “God  placed  all  things  under  his  feet  and  appointed  him  to  be  head  over  everything  for  the  church,  which  is  his  body  ….”    Right  from  the  start,  the  Church  discovered  that  a  framework  was  needed,  and  they  committed  themselves  to  “the  apostles’  teaching,  fellowship,  breaking  of  bread  and  prayer”  [Acts  2:42].      [2]  The  Lord  Jesus  mandated  two  ordinances:  Believer’s  Baptism  and  the  Lord’s  Supper.  Though  not  the  means  of  salvation,  these  ordinances  testify  of  the  gospel.  

There  are  two  very  special  occasions  in  the  Gospels  on  which  Jesus  gave  specific  instruction  to  His   disciples   that   pertained   to   symbolic   practices   to   be   carried   out   by   them  and  His   Church.    Each  of  these  practices  relates  back  to  Jesus  and  His  cross  work  at  Calvary.    These  are  what  we  refer   to  as  ordinances.    The   first  of   these   is  baptism.     Jesus   instructed  His  disciples   to  do  this  when   He   issued   the   Great   Commission.     Baptism   is   a   mark   of   identification   in   which   an  individual  identifies  with  Christ  in  death,  burial  and  resurrection  [Romans  6:3].    

The  second  is  Communion  [The  Lord’s  Table,  The  Lord’s  Supper,  Eucharist].    It  is  a  proclamation  that   an   individual   is   in   right   relationship   with   Jesus,   having   appropriated   the   cleansing   and  forgiveness  available  through  Jesus’  death.  

 [3]  The  Church  has  been  entrusted  with  the  task  of  global  discipleship  as  found  in  the  Great  Commission.  

The  Great  Commission  [Matthew  28:1-­‐20]  was  given  on  the  authority  of  Christ  to  His  followers  giving  them  instructions  to  follow  as  Jesus  built  His  Church  through  the  ministry  He  entrusted  to  them.    The  Commission  involves  moving  out  on  Jesus’  authority  to  every  people  group  on  the  face  of  the  earth  …      

ð Evangelizing   unbelievers   by   being  witnesses   of   Christ   –   telling  what  He   has   done   and  what   He   will   do   for   them   if   they   believe   –   and   proclaiming   repentance   for   the  forgiveness  of  sins  

ð Embracing  those  who  believe  and  welcoming  them  into  the  local  church  [in  those  days  through   baptism]   through   the   integration   of   these   believers   into   already   existing  churches  or  through  church  planting  

ð Equipping   those   believers   by   providing   an   environment   to   prepare   them   for   all   the  demands  of   life  and  ministry  that  God  may  bring  their  way  and  where  [1]  worship,  [2]  growth   [through   education,   encouragement,   and   accountability]   and   [3]   service   can  occur    

ð Enlisting   them   into   ministry   roles   in   keeping   with   their   giftedness   as   they   live   as  Kingdom  People.  



March 12, 2015  


THE END TIMES  [1]  At  a  time  known  only  to  God  the  Father,  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ  will  return  bodily  and  in  glory,  receive  His  own,  and  establish  His  earthly  thousand  year  reign.  

 [2]  God  will  raise  the  dead  bodily  and  judge  the  world.  

 [3]  The  unsaved  will  be  cast  into  the  lake  of  fire  to  suffer  eternal  conscious  punishment.  The  saved  of  all  ages  will  be  forever  with  the  Lord.  

 [4]  God  will  rule  over  His  Kingdom  in  the  new  heaven  and  the  new  earth  for  all  eternity.  

Matthew  24:36,  Acts  1:7,  Mark  13:26,  1  Thessalonians  4:16-­‐17,  John  14:1-­‐3,Revelation  20:1-­‐15,  Revelation  14:11,  1  Corinthians  15:50-­‐54,  Revelation  21:1  Revelation  22:1-­‐5  


[1]  At  a  time  known  only  to  God  the  Father,  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ  will  return  bodily  and  in  glory,  receive  His  own,  and  establish  His  earthly  thousand  year  reign.  

The  Scriptures  are  clear  that  Jesus  will  return.    He  promised  His  disciples  that  He  would  come  [John   14:3].     The   angels   proclaimed   “This   same   Jesus,   who   has   been   taken   from   you   into  heaven,  will  come  back  in  the  same  way  you  have  seen  him  go  into  heaven”  [Acts  1:11].    On  that  point  there  is  very  little  disagreement  among  believers.  He  left  bodily,  He  will  return  bodily.    He  left   visibly,   He   will   return   visibly   [Matthew   24:   27,30].   He   left   gloriously,   He   will   return  gloriously  [Matthew  24:  30].  

At  the  time  of  His  return  [which  no  one  knows  except  the  Father]  [Matthew  24:36;  Acts  1:7]  He  will  gather  His  people  [Matthew  24:31]  and  establish  His  earthly  kingdom  [Revelation  20:1-­‐6].    While   there   is  disagreement  over   the   timing  of  His   return  and  over  whether   there  will  be  an  earthly  kingdom  or  not,  all  believers  can  and  should  rally  together  on  the  fact  of  His  return.  

It   is   clear   from  Scripture   that  when  a  person  believes  he   is   transferred   from   the   kingdom  of  darkness   into   the  kingdom  of   light  –   the  kingdom  God’s  Son   [Colossians  1:12-­‐13].    There   is  a  present  form  and  reality  to  Jesus’  kingdom.    

At  the  close  of  the  present  form  of  the  kingdom,  Jesus  will  return  to  earth  and  bring  history  to  its  final  chapter,  culminating  in  His  literal  reign  on  the  earth.    The  only  place  in  Scripture  where  the   length  of   this  period   is  designated   is  Revelation  chapter  20  where   it   is   specified  as  being  1000   years   in   duration   [hence   the   name  millennium   is   used   to   describe   it].     While   a   lot   of  discussion  has  occurred  specifically  over  this  period  of  1000  years,  we  believe  that  an  earthly  kingdom  is  in  keeping  with  the  overall  teaching  of  the  Bible  and  is  essential  to  God’s  plan.            



March 12, 2015  


It  is  important  to  realize  the  fact  that  God  …      

ð will  bring  to  realization  all  the  hopes  and  expectations  in  His  original  promise  to  Abraham    

ð will  demonstrate  His  faithfulness  to  His  character,  His  Word  and  His  People    

ð will  bring  history  to  a  viable  end.    [2]  God  will  raise  the  dead  bodily  and  judge  the  world.  

At   the   outset   of   earthly   history,   God   established   the   fact   of   His   creation’s   accountability   to  Himself   [Genesis   1:31].     He   speaks   about   judgment   throughout   the   pages   of   the   Bible.    Following  the  millennium  will  come  a  time  of  judgment.    This  will  involve  the  resurrection  of  the  dead  [Revelation  20:11-­‐15]  and  appearance  before  God’s   judgment  throne.    The  dead  will  be  judged  out  of  God’s  eternal  ledger,  which  serves  as  evidence  of  the  lives  that  had  been  lived.  

[3]  The  unsaved  will  be  cast  into  the  lake  of  fire  to  suffer  eternal  conscious  punishment.  The  saved  of  all  ages  will  be  forever  with  the  Lord.  

The  outcome  of  God’s  judgment  at  that  time  will  be  allocating  people  to  their  eternal  destiny.    To   Daniel   it   was   revealed   that   “Multitudes   who   sleep   in   the   dust   of   the   earth   will   awake  [resurrection]:   some   to   everlasting   life,   others   to   shame   and   everlasting   contempt”   [Daniel  12:2].      

The  Bible  indicates  that  there  are  two  eternal  destinies:  one  for  the  righteous  and  one  for  the  unrighteous.    There  is  a  principal  truth  expressed  by  Jesus  in  Matthew  25  that  the  righteous  will  “inherit  the  kingdom  prepared  for  [them]  since  the  creation  of  the  world”  [Matthew  25:34]  and  the  unrighteous  will  be  delivered  “into   the  eternal   fire  prepared   for   the  devil  and  his  angels”  [Matthew  25:41].  

That  lake  of  fire  is  described  as  “the  second  death”  for  all  those  whose  names  are  not  written  in  the  Book  of  Life  [Revelation  20:15].    It  is  a  place  where  the  inhabitants  “will  be  tormented  day  and  night  for  ever  and  ever”  [Revelation  20:10],  and  “the  smoke  of  their  torment  rises  for  ever  and  ever”  [Revelation  14:11].  

The   lake  of   fire   image   is   used   to  describe   the   intense  painfulness  of   eternal   separation   from  God.  The  use  of  the  term  ‘torment’  speaks  of  pain  and  suffering,  which  points  to  an  awareness  and   consciousness.     The   torment   is   said   to   last   forever   and  ever   –   eternally.     This   is   not   the  language  of  extinction  or  annihilation.     It   is   the   language  of  ongoing  suffering   for  all  eternity.    Some  would  argue  that  ‘eternal  conscious  punishment’  seems  inconsistent  with  a  God  of  love.    It  is,  however,  consistent  with  a  God  of  holiness  whose  very  holy  character  governs  all  that  He  does.    In  love,  He  offered  an  alternative.    In  holiness  He  demands  and  will  carry  out  justice.      




March 12, 2015  


[4]  God  will  rule  over  His  Kingdom  in  the  new  heaven  and  the  new  earth  for  all  eternity.  

Following  the  millennial  reign  and  the  judgment,  Christ  will  turn  His  kingdom  over  to  the  Father  [1  Corinthians  15:24-­‐28].    “Then  the  end  will  come,  when  he  hands  over  the  kingdom  to  God  the  Father  after  he  has  destroyed  all  dominion,  authority  and  power.    For  he  must  reign  until  he  has  put   all   his   enemies   under   his   feet.     The   last   enemy   to   be   destroyed   is   death.   For   he   ‘has   put  everything  under  his  feet.’    Now  when  it  says  that  ‘everything’  has  been  put  under  him,  it  is  clear  that  this  does  not  include  God  himself,  who  put  everything  under  Christ.  When  he  has  done  this,  then   the  Son  himself  will  be  made  subject   to  him  who  put  everything  under  him,   so   that  God  may  be  all  in  all.”    At  that  point,  the  new  heavens  and  new  earth  will  be  established  [Revelation  21:1]  and  time  as  we  know  it  will  be  transitioned  to  eternity  where  “the  righteous  will  shine  like  the  brightness  of  the  heavens  …  like  the  stars  of  heaven  for  ever  and  ever”  [Daniel  12:3].    
