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The Assurance Society. - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7msb3wtm0t/data/1055.pdfit Uk.;...

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BOOTS ' SFIVES VEURVt'-,- r n- - re tba.iks to the ' i find t'io ..-.- , ip pn lie in eenerai mr uie liberil 'im-r- t rr eJ since they comnenc fj it Uk .; e- - bli il stand, on Main treet, LtMigtii', ,1'it e they contmue to manutac-tuie- , and have now on hand A !ar an I elegant assort u i ' of Boots ; ghoes, Tiade o"fh- - est Fhihdelphia leather in the leweit fcA'o i ALSO, Ladies Shoes, tftht neatest and latest fashion. All of which tiiey offer at v Solesale or retail. Leinjt n K Nov 8, 1813 45--t- f To Journeymen C VB'NCT-MAKETC- 'WaT-!'''- 1 ' nmediately, tluee or sour V j lunevTci, to whom the highest wa- res, in C'us' w ill be given, and constant em-i- i. lament None need apply but those that -- ie good woikmen. JAMES MEGOWAN. 23, 1813. 47-t- SLAT IS IRON WORKS. rj 11E FURNACE is now in full blast, mak- - ing from three to sour tons a day. Ordeis forwarded shall he executed with up tness and dispatch, patterns forwarded to Wj Iron Store in Lexington, will meet a ready conveyance to the Works. MAR J A FORGE Is also now at work all the sires are well ynanned and making Iron of a superior qua- - SLATE FORGE Ts also in h.gh operation, and making a ton per day. A constant supply of Iron will be kept at my store in Lexington of a quality not inferior to any made in the United States, and will be wai ranted as such by THOMAS DEYE OWINQS. tf ingon, 10th Dec. 1813. Doctor Walter Brashear HAS just taken up his residence in, Lexing- ton, and will practice Medicine & Surgery in conjunction with Doctor E. Warfield. Calls on them at their shop will be particu larly attended to by one or the other of them 19-t- f May 10, 1813. TOR SALE, 110 Acres tif first rate Land, Vour miles and a half from Lexington. Tor .particulars enquire of ' JAMES DEVERS Lexington, Dec. 13, 181S. 50-t- f JR. Megowan & Co. Cive filur dollars in cash, for good merchantable HEMP, At their Rope walk, in the suburbs of the o'w n, on Russell s road. tf February 7, 1814. J. 11. sc? L. HAWKINS 'Have just receioed from Philadelphia a large assortment of GOODS. They were well laid in at cash prices, and ill be sol ! low for cash. 'I hey In a. f jr sale about g5000 worth goods by the Piece or Package. COFfEE, 5y the barrel. 'I E VS, ly the box A general assortment of GROCERIES. T hev give Cash for Featheis a.id Lmsey. In addition to oiu- - piesent stock of goods, hive iu,t iLceived an elegant assortment of Lou-nti- ne Silks and Sattens, of all colours, for Laclj's Pel.ecs and Dreses. Also T' ity Sales PRIME COTTON, at 27 cents. November 8, 1813. 45 THE HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH oivrs roil Water-rotte- d Hemp, delivered at John Hart's rope-wal- k R MEGOWAN & Co. I exuigton, Dec 6,1813. 4P THE TAILORING BUSINESS TS earned on bv the mb'-cibe- r on Main Stuet, iiil door to Holloway, Bain & Steel's Hat Manus iclorv vvherekevery attention will see ten en to those vvlio mav savour me with th work JA'MES DEVERS. Deccmoer 6 1313. 49-t- f COCHRAN iff OVERTON. "jr&OCIOR COCHRAN has removed his le-a- v sidence from Ins late habitation to the house lecent'v bni't by Mr Samuel Redd, on I unestorr Mieet, a ser doors frm Mr. Pos lk.thvi .ut ill, i.early opposite the Jail and iij ml' of t' e Hole', where he w. 11 continue to tictice P.HSh-- , SURGERY & MIDWlFE-JlY- , '.i all such cases as may he entrusted to I is care in t wn and in the adjacent country. Having commenced a paitnership with Doctor It kls Oie-to- n, eithei of them mav he consult- ed at any time at their shop, in the loner sto-r- of the above described dwelling. Doctors Cochran and Oveitnn pledge themselves to be- stow their undivided attention upon the du- ties of their piofession, and to mnke it as ser- viceable to society as its nature and their best c l uons ci produce. IX c ;8, 1813 1- -tf II IB highest puce in CASH will b; gien for tJlean Linen or Cotton Rags Delivered to me in Lexington, at die corner of Main C oss street, opposite to Mr Patteison Uain's hatter's shop. JVMES DEVERS Ltington, January 4, 1814. 2 DOMESTIC GOODS. K MEGOWAN &. Co. No 44, Jlamalrcrt, HAVE just r eivcd 24 packages of fiTJUPES, I ClfAMlSRAYS, ClILAS, SIIIIITINGS, &c. flc The vvho'e ot w hich are offered far sale on reasonable terms, by the PACKAGE. 6 S'lP"YhDOR STOLEN TJMtOM tl c plantation of T "ith..n lien nson jun in V nodford coun . mil mileln.u, crsailles, on the road to i, rem. c.e full blood, d MERINO EWL, email, .b liK. l,vntha ,jmsli b awl on the right jaw Anj pcis - ulio rn fcivcsuehinformationih.it the may be sound Iw ine or AI Julin bcott, r ot Len ,1 m, shall mcewe Twentv Doliais rtwaid auu all r asoiiahle expenst . Iiom JON T1IAN ROMNSOY, AVOOll 0. U CulMUV Januurvli, 18' 4 tf Ellis Trotter, Sits s -- eceived, and a.e noi? opemnf.it .h Jinch House, fuo daori above Sam'l ,. & Geo. Trotter. t ' ' iA LArtOZ tff ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. Which they will sell low for CASH, either by wholesale or retail. They have just received a quantity of COP- PER. 31.'-i2- tf. Lexington, Oct' 1, 1813. Morrison, Bo swells & Suttbn, Havejust received a large Jissortnient of GOODS, In addition to their former stock ; which will he disposed of on reasonsble terms for Caslt. ALSO ow HAsn A targe quantity of SAIL DUCK & SEINE TWINE. Nov. 15, 1813. LEXINGTON PORTER & riNE ALE BreAvery. COLEMAN intends to commence JOHN this week, and will shortly have ready for delivery FINE DRAUGHT ALE, in hogsheids, barrels and half barrels, which on trial, lie hopes will please. It is his intention as soon as his Porter and Ale are in proper or der, to have an extensive and regular supply oi each m bottle. FRMSH GRAINS AVill be constantly on sale during the Brew ing season. The advantage of using Brewer's Grains as food for jatlle in general, and more particularly for milch cows, is so well known as to render comment unnecessary. YEAST Will be daily on delivery for domestic use 5c for the distillery. The scientif and experi- enced distiller is so well acquainted with its preeminent superiojity over every other spe cies of ferment that any remark on the sub ject would be supeifluotis. " Lexington, January 10, 1814. 2 tf NOTICE. ALL THOSE indebted to Lo-wr- & Shan; either by bond, note or bock account, are re quested to come forward and make immediate payment those excepted having running ac counts under special agieeinent. The busi- - noss will continue to be conducted under the firm of LOWRY ti SHAW. June 29, 1813. 26-- tf Soap and Candle Manufactory. PjnHE Subscriber will give the highest price A in cash, for Tallow, Hog's Lard, and all kinds of Soap Grease. Also will pin chase any quantity of good clean Ashes ; for which, I will give nine pence per bushel, and take them away from the houses in any part of Lexington, or within sx miles of said town. Persons wishing to sell or contract for any of the above articles, will please to call at my house on Main-stree- t, early opposite the In- surance Bank, where I keep a constant supply of Soap and Candles, to sell by wholesale and retail. JOHN BRIDGIS. Lexington, Nov. 22, 1813. 47-t- f. Forty )oKars Steward. TJANAAVVY from the subsciiber in Clark county, Ky. on the 8th msl. a MULATTO MAN SLAVE, by the name of TIAI, twenty one years of age, about five feet ten inches high, and lias a large scar on one ot Ins thighs, (I think the right) occasioned by a burn. It is supposed that he rode off a sorrel mare, with a blaze face, about fourteen hands three in ches high, with nearly all the hair trimed off her tail ; branded ifn the near shoulder or but- tock, thus : I S; he took away with him two broad-clot- h coats, one a black that has been torn on the back and mended, the other a light grey two ruffld shirts, two pair of panta- loons, one pair of country linen, the other a dimity, several country cloth waistcoats, and an old brown cloth surtout coat, lmed with yellow flannel and paded blue cape. It is like- ly he may have obtained a pass or may attempt to pass as a free man, and will aim for the state of Ohio, some of the Territories or Can- ada. I will-giv- e the above reward to any per- son that will deliver hint to me, or secure him In any jail so that I get him again. EDWARD SHROPSHIRE. January 22, 1814. f New Book 5 Stationery Store. Wm, ESSEX, Jun. & Co. IP ESPECTFULLY inform their friends an the public that they have opened anex-tensiv- e establishment in the above business in Lexington at the Franklin Head No 70 qn the south-eas- t corner of Main and Upper-street- s opposite the Court-hous- e square. Wholesale dealers and public Libraries will be supplied on the most libepl terms, and pi ivate purchasers of books furnished at the Philadelphia and New-Yor- k retail prices with- out carriage. The literati are informed that they intend keeping a valuable collection of all works of general science and literature, and that any books which are rare, will be pro- cured by their orders, is to be obtained in the United States, as they have appointed corres- pondents m the eastern and northern states to send on new publications so soon as printed. A catalogue will be published immediately aster the new supplies arrive. George G. Ross, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, WILL attend the courts ot r.nette, and adjacent clients. He mav be met with by those who should be di .posed to employ him, at his residence, in Lexington. rebruaryT, 1814. s I'A I K OK KhN rUCKY, Taytte Cucmt, set Jinuarv 1 erm, 1814 Math i w It Wi rnns, cjmpt. ' III ChancertJk Jonv Enwuins and Jonrr ( " irjKiis, defendants, J This dav came the conpliinant by his attor ney, and the aefendant Edwards havin sailed to enter his appearance heiein according to law and the rules of this court, and it ap- pearing to tre sitisfrrtmn of the court that the said deftndant Edwards is not an inhabi- tant of this cimmnnvealth , therefore it is ordered that urless he shall appear heie on or b'lore the first diy ot the next luno term of ill is couit, and answer the conipUiiuia':, bill, the same will betaken for confessed against linn and it is further ordered, that n wmv ns Pthis order be inserted in someaullionsed paper lor eignt veeiis successively agreeably to law, and on motion leave is given the complainant to t .ke out a copy ot this order immtdiatel) A cup. At teste, It THO I10DLEY, c f c s .. The Subscriber- - HAVING COMMENCED THE Tanning Currying Business, HAS a quantity'of LEATHER on hand, which lie will ilispose Si" Upon moderate Jerms. He wants two Boys as apprentices to the above business. ' JOHN HULL. Lexington, January 19, 1814. Brass Foundery. . I. iff E. WOODRUFF, V Co. pONTINUE the above business a,t their for J nier stand, and by airangentents lately made, they are enabled to conduct it on a more extensive scale, and to execute every species of casting in Brass or Copper in the best man- ner and on short notice. A supply of CLOCK WORK, GUN MOUNTING, ANDIRONS, SHOVELS & TONGS, BELLS, &c. always reidy. Two or three apprentices, about 16 orl7years of age, will be taken. f January 22, 1814. David Todd Has opened a handsome &generalaortment of JIERCIIANVIZE Consisting ot DRY GOODS, HARD WARE, & QUEENS-WAR- GLASS-WAR-E, In Anderson's Stone-hous- corner ne&r the Alarket-hous- which he will dispose of on lnw tprms. The business of the firm of David and Sim'h B. Todd, has devolved upon him The part nership haviner been dissolved by consent? Lexington, Nov. 23, 1813. 47-t- f Coach and Harness Making AfeHTON, BEACH & NEILL AR,RY on the above business on Main-Gros- s street, and flatter themselves from their experience in the first shops in New-Yor- Philadelphia and Baltimore, to be able tofinish their work in a style not inferror to any here tofore finished in the western country Orders respectfully solicited. Lexington, December C, 1813. 49 tf I'ritiic Spanish Poal Leather. njlHE Subscribers havinp made snr.h arrannft. il ments to the Eastward as will enihle them to have constantly oiCtiand a large supply of the above article, offer it for Sale on a liberal .ere-di- and at the lowest price, the advance of car- rage only added to the prices in Philadelphia and Baltimore orders for any quantity, will be immediately attended to end forwarded without delay. CROMWELL & ROBINSON. Pittsburgh, January 23, 1814 James B. January, Has removed hij office to the lower house ift Frazier s new row, two doors below the Col lector's office, on Upper-street- .' Lexington, January 31, lSi. 5 ripHE Subscriber has on hand at his Smith Shop, formerly occupied by Wm. Hart, an assortment of the follow'insr irticles of a supe rior quality, ll of which will be sold on reason- able terms for cash or the usual credits, viz : warranted Jixt3 Hatrtners Steeled Hues Ifeilges Carey Ploughs iiraving Shive's Common ditto, Chu.n of all lands Grubbing Hon Shove a and'Tings Mattocks Crane Rmgcs of all descriptions Pothooks Carpentcrt, Hatchets Skimmers Hand Axes Ladles jfceshforbs. t The subscriber havinsr sire Forrres. will hp able to execute large jobs on the thortest no-ti- Horse shoeing will be particulrly and carefully attended to. R. D0WN.ING. Lexington, Feb 2, 1814 JMf JWEJtt. ryHE Subscribeis continue to give one dol-la- r per bushel for merchantable wheat, delivered at the'r Steam Mill, Lexington, payable at90 days aster delivery. Those Who expect to make sale of their wheat to the subscribers, are requested not to hdrry in with it, as it will be more excepta- - mc lo.iuii. uius uuicc owing 10 tne garrets being full. JOHN U. MORTON SJ Co. March 7, 1814. lQ.tf" T the Fnffic. rpHE Trustees of the Transylvania. Universi- - m aware ot tmrwant ol an institution competent to train the youtli of the country in the studv of law. and solir-.itn.- in furnish every facility to its advancement, have'j appoiuieu John foer, esq professor of that: branch. Whilst the acknowledged talents of nir. rope in me profession ot law, improved by the experience of twenty yearsr of success- ful practice, promise to aid the student emi- nently m the commencement of a 3ience, full of intricacy, his known morality and legular habits of life, guarantee to the parent, that the morals of the son will be the anxious care of his tutor. These considerations comb.ned with the ease of obtaining good and cheap invite the student to spare himself the unnecessary expense and trouble of seeking in distant institutions, that aid which we venture to say he can obtain in an equal de-gi- in his own countrv. The terms ns tmtmn will be twenty-fiv- e dollars for each session of nve monuis, paid in advance, all necessary book3 to be furnished by the University.. The sessions to commence on the first Mondays of .., ..m uu.uuucr. oy oiuerpi tne Hoard, ALEX. PARKER, Chm. Lexington, March 5, 1814 10 MR HAGGIN & Ma. CRITTENDEN, will attend to my business in the Fay. ette and Jessamine Circuit Courts. Mn. MILLS in the Bourbon and Montgonie-r- y Courts. . Client's pjpers will be sound with Mr Hag. o,n- - JOSEPall HAWKINS. Ma,-c- 0, 1814, 11 NOTICE, A LL persons indebted to the estate of the late J D. Manley, dee'd. are requested to settle their accounts immediately ; and those who have any demands against the same are desiied to presuit their accounts for adjust- ment. A. MANLEY, Adm'x. March 13, 1314. ji-fi- J'e7v Millinery. "f,JR3" BROWN has just received from US. Philuiklp'na an assortment of the most fashionable S I .W H I S& BONNETS, t V RRY'S v. .th cockades, 1)L( I Vli'i Do. , It I KING, Do &c. Lc U March 28, 1814. Kentucky Mutual XJ. the followmjr persons were elected for the v ear JAMES MORRISON, President JAMES COLEMAN LEWIS SANDERS IUCH'D. I1IGGINS PAVID DODGE, (Winchester) SAM'L. TROTTER JOHN BRAND Applicatibns for insurance on houses and roods, to the board ot directors. Persons willing to join the association and make a permanent insurance, can efltct sse ranceS on buildings which they hold 1.1 see simple, upon the following scale . RATES OF HAZARDS, IF On buiidinfs which are not designated other rateot rislc hereatter mentioned, nor equal- ly hazardously situated. On buildmes wherein are workshops ot ters, coopers, wheel-wright- s, joiners, cabinet ma- kers, hatters, hook-binde- also, on smoke- - i i houses, stables, barns, tobacco manufactories, j stemanes, tobacco ware-house- merchant mills, I saw mills, and other buildings exposed to equal Uiazard. co f On sugar refineries, paper-mill- distilleries, J elaboratories, Also, on the workshops ot soap 2 i boilers, candle makers, bakers, tope and sail " (makers. "C On buildings in which are usually deposited 5 considerable quantities of hemp or flax. Additional premium will be added is contigu ous lo one building) Contiguous to one and not more than five, Contiguous to mote than lh e & not exceed- ing fifteen buildings, For any risk on one building to an amount equal to 5000 dollars, and not exceeding 10 000. there shall be paid an additional premium of one half per cent, for a risk on one building greater t&an 10,000 dollars and not exceeding 15,000, there shall be paid an additional premr-u- m of one per cent ; and for a risk on one building greater than 15,000 and not exceeding 20,000, there shall be paid an additional premium of one and one half per cent. A like scale will be applied in insuring property. The annual assurance on goods, wares and merchandize, in buildings above specifu J, i?l be one third of the above premiums annually. A credit is given to such as join the association, as follows Above 20 not exceeding 30 a credit on 3 for 6 months 12 montfre 30 d. 50 do. 14 6 months 4 ,18 do. Q do. 100 do. J-- 5 6 months 121824"' 100 do. 200 do. 1.6 612182430. By order of the Hoard of Directors, WILLIAM MACDEAK, Ciihk, March 30th, 1813. c: Silver Plating se J5rass Foun dery. I. bf E. WOODRUFF, TJESPECTFUULLY inform their friends JM and the public in general, that they still continue to carry on the above business in all their branches at their former Stand opposite Lewia Sanders, on Mam-stree- t, Lexington. Thev return their sincere thanks for past pa tronage, alukhope by their strict attention to business, to merit its continuance, THEY 1IATS ASH IHrHKD KKEl'IXG OS UA3S, An elegant assortment of Plated Brtdle But, Stirrufi Irons, iffc. Or TUB 08T rASJIIOSMBLS rATTEKSB, Which they will sell much lower than has ever tifeen sold m the western country. Coun try merchants csn be supplied at the Phlladel plua prices all xinds or Carriage and Harness Mounting, Carriage and Gig Sfirmgs, Coach Lace, fringe and Tassels. A1SO, A OZ.VIUAX ASORTlir.5T or Brass Candlesticks, Andirons, Shovels iff Tongi, Door Knockers, Iffc. Which they vyill dispose of very low for Cash, all kinds or Brass Werk for Machinery, Clock Work, iffc- - cart ojc tiui MiourrsT Sotce. Still Conts, 'Rivets, Gun Mountings, iffc ALWAYS O.T nAND. They have, just received ail extensive assort, ment of Saddlery, fije. All of which will be sold on the most reasona- ble term? for Cash q3Two or thiee Journeymen wanted im- mediately to work at the white-smit- h husiness. Also, two or three Apprentices wanted to the above business. Two or three apprentices wanted to learn the Silrer Plating business. The highest price in Cash will be given for old COFPiSU, BKiSS & FEW J Ell. Lexington, April 4, 1814. 14.tf TO SADDLERS ff COACH-MAKER- S, FlntlCULARLT. Silver Plating OT EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECU- TED BY 110 BERT STEEL, ij Co. OF FUILAIIELPIIIA. wl.n nnw pstnblUhmo- - tbp 5iKrpr. PloCno- - business on Main-stree- t, in the house lately occupied by Mr. Bridges, the second door abovj R.obei t Trazer, where they intend keep- - ing for sale a constant and general assortment of the most fasflfonable SADDLERY, COACH & HARNESS MOWTIAG "tlie subscribers having an establishment in Philadelphia, where the principal part of their goods will be manufactured they have no hesitation in stating to the public, that their articles will be executed in the best and ne. test manner, and of the most elegant kind, which they will sell precisely at the Philadel- - phia cash prices, with the addition of the car- - nage. Orders from the country punctually attended to. 14-- Five Dollars Reward. IIANA WAY from the subscriler since the first inst. a negro gill, named HANNAH, l4 years old, tolerably well shaped, about 4 feet six or 7 inches high. She has amiddiing sharp nose, and somewhat prominent mouthy her complexion rather jellow. She is very talka- tive, though she has an inward s'mv way ot speaking. She had on an old b'ue lmsey frock with patches on it befuie, was b ire tooled, bale beaded, and had no handkerchief on when sin, lest home. She was foimerly the property of Mr. Adams of Maryland, and may go to Mount sterling, as she has a sister liv ing there 1 he above leward vi ill be given ?nd a'l laliona1. cha'gefl paid, it taken in the uunt, a, id ten dollars is taken out ol the coun iv, md biough' safe to the subscribtr in I xin 'inn, or reurd many proper jail. .SIMO.N HICK Lexington, AptU 2, 1811. 1 1 a Assurance Society. tif; ensuu tr- - JAMES WEIR CHARLES WILKIN3 JAMES MACLOUN THOMAS BODLEY-JOH- H MORTON VALENTINE PEERS, (Pan- - may be made to William Macb- - m. clsir THE WALLS ARE BUILT OF o S e n. 33 fri S- - s a i $,$ s. c r s. s t S - 5'- in any ri.n cesst. ii 24 carpen H ?i 2i 10 i j 25 toff IGff ro"b IS 25 45 ro 20 35 65 106 On the lQth of May next, is the weather in Mr. Robert Hat r 'a lul, Mr. Gaston TT5 ESPECTFULLY infoims the inhabitant of Lexington and its vinn ty thathe will (exhibit a Grand Display of TIRE WORKS, 5c the ascent of a BALLOON, 60 feet in cironT- - (Terence, which will sire a brilliant salute in the air. The hre-wor- win De composed oi iie following pieces: 1. A Double Sun of different coloured sires, turning vertically. 2. The Lady's fancy in grand Chinese firo, turning horizontally in different forms. 3. A Chinese Voitex, turning iound a table in brilliant file. &. A Combat of sour Bullet flies, of differ- ent colors, turning vertically ma largfe circle of Chinese sire. 5 A Grand Chinese Chandelier, turr'rig horizontally, forming the rns- - ot a watei-in- g engine. The cascade and parasol I u -- nished with Roman candles ai.d brn'ionl sheaves of G. 1 he Combat ot the Suit and Moon in dar- ling sire, terminated with the Pol i Star, and several fixed stars in t;hinee sire and illumination, with a brilliant gloiy ot fuev The ascent of the Balloon w ill lake piac. a quarter of an hour before and be an- nounced &y the siring of a cannon The fire-woi- willbeprectdedb" three sir- ing rockets and ended with a general illumina- tion of the Temple of Love, siinounded with a rich tolonade, and dtdicated to the ladies. The colonade turning in biniiant liiej, sheaves, and other attributes. 'I lie bower ct Venus in Mosaic woik of Chinese sire. The whole terminated with a Cannonade ot hrepotsj with a large bunch of flying rockets Sevtrat flying rockets between each piece of the en- tertainment. Jin. GAS TON will spaie neither time no- - expense to render his exhibition as enleiun -- ing as possible, and deserve as much encou- ragement from the inhabitants of tins town ac he has experienced at Louisville, wheie hii sire-wor- have been twice exhibited with suc- - An enclosure and benches will be construct- ed for the purpose ; and every attention paid to the spectators. A bar and refreshments will be sound within-- . Admittance one dollar Children halt price Tickets to be had at Mr. John l'istlethwait's, 'Mr Wm Essex's Bookstore, Mr. Mentell's store, at the office of tile Kentucky Gaett- -, and at the bar of the enclosure. No adm" tance without tickets no money received ..t the door , 11 Lexington, 14th Ma, "', 1&4. ., r lOWM Ot YCaV. ripHOSE persons who have purchased inlof i in the 1'ownof Vevaj, I T. at t.is public saie ast fall, the price ot wh.cu was forf dollars or upwards, are hereby notified tli r Monday, the 16th day of May next, is appoint ed for them to meet, in said town, a id p.i " chaSe at puvate sale the out-lots- , on the c .rt dition3 heietofore made known ; nd the p i IC generally are informed, that on tie i,i jay tne remainder of said out lots w ill be c' fered to the highest bidder, the pi ice to be 'i t less than twenty dollars pr acie, oiij- - tourii' paid in hand, the balance in 6, 12 1 18 tioiu! . JOHN FRANCIS LlIOLll, At'orney in factfoi John J -- me Iiuium April 2, lbl4. Ii4p fiobert "Warden TB"AS rtmoved his Baking L-- hlishmpn iH to tin. buck house net d r to Hob ic Homes's Chair manutactoiv, aid adoni'i ? Oliver Kcene, wheie lie w.U consiautlv Ivei) a suppl of the best llltEVD ALsO a coustint suppU ofC itrm ir,' bi ,' AI l i... Eiory article in li s In t or ' ,, 's sm-d- i CAKES, CUACKLIl-- , 1,1 i ), i.L will be kept bv him t jr sj! 13-u- p i. t i. - T4 t, U M f 'i i, J .J j'


VEURVt'-,- r n- - re tba.iks to the' i find t'io ..-.- ,

ip pn lie in eenerai mr uieliberil 'im-r- t rr eJ since they comnencfj it Uk .; e- - bli il stand, on Main treet,LtMigtii', ,1'it e they contmue to manutac-tuie- ,

and have now on handA !ar an I elegant assort u i ' of

Boots ; ghoes,Tiade o"fh- - est Fhihdelphia leather in theleweit fcA'o i ALSO,

Ladies Shoes,tftht neatest and latest fashion. All of whichtiiey offer at v Solesale or retail.

Leinjt n K Nov 8, 1813 45--t- f

To JourneymenC VB'NCT-MAKETC-

'WaT-!'''- 1 ' nmediately, tluee or sourV j lunevTci, to whom the highest wa-

res, in C'us' w ill be given, and constant em-i- i.

lament None need apply but those that-- ie good woikmen.

JAMES MEGOWAN.23, 1813. 47-t-

SLAT IS IRON WORKS.rj 11E FURNACE is now in full blast, mak- -

ing from three to sour tons a day.Ordeis forwarded shall he executed with

up tness and dispatch, patterns forwarded toWj Iron Store in Lexington, will meet a readyconveyance to the Works.

MAR JA FORGEIs also now at work all the sires are well

ynanned and making Iron of a superior qua- -

SLATE FORGETs also in h.gh operation, and making a ton

per day.A constant supply of Iron will be kept at my

store in Lexington of a quality not inferior toany made in the United States, and will bewai ranted as such by


tf ingon, 10th Dec. 1813.

Doctor Walter BrashearHAS just taken up his residence in, Lexing-

ton, and will practice Medicine & Surgery inconjunction with Doctor E. Warfield.

Calls on them at their shop will be particularly attended to by one or the other of them

19-t- f May 10, 1813.


110 Acres tif first rate Land,Vour miles and a half from Lexington. Tor.particulars enquire of '

JAMES DEVERSLexington, Dec. 13, 181S. 50-t- f

JR. Megowan & Co.Cive filur dollars in cash, for good merchantable

HEMP,At their Rope walk, in the suburbs of theo'w n, on Russell s road.

tf February 7, 1814.

J. 11. sc? L. HAWKINS'Have just receioed from Philadelphia a large

assortment ofGOODS.

They were well laid in at cash prices, andill be sol ! low for cash.'I hey In a. f jr sale about g5000 worth goods

by the Piece or Package.COFfEE, 5y the barrel.'I E VS, ly the box

A general assortment of GROCERIES.T hev give Cash for Featheis a.id Lmsey.In addition to oiu-- piesent stock of goods,

hive iu,t iLceived an elegant assortment ofLou-nti-ne Silks and Sattens, of all colours, forLaclj's Pel.ecs and Dreses.

Also T' ity Sales PRIME COTTON,at 27 cents.

November 8, 1813. 45


Water-rotte- d Hemp,delivered at John Hart's rope-wal- k

R MEGOWAN & Co.I exuigton, Dec 6,1813. 4P

THE TAILORING BUSINESSTS earned on bv the mb'-cibe- r on Main

Stuet, iiil door to Holloway, Bain & Steel'sHat Manus iclorv vvherekevery attention willsee ten en to those vvlio mav savour me withth work JA'MES DEVERS.

Deccmoer 6 1313. 49-t- f

COCHRAN iff OVERTON."jr&OCIOR COCHRAN has removed his le-a- v

sidence from Ins late habitation to thehouse lecent'v bni't by Mr Samuel Redd, onI unestorr Mieet, a ser doors frm Mr. Poslk.thvi .ut ill, i.early opposite the Jail and iijml' of t' e Hole', where he w. 11 continue totictice P.HSh-- , SURGERY & MIDWlFE-JlY- ,

'.i all such cases as may he entrusted toI is care in t wn and in the adjacent country.Having commenced a paitnership with DoctorIt kls Oie-to- n, eithei of them mav he consult-ed at any time at their shop, in the loner sto-r-

of the above described dwelling. DoctorsCochran and Oveitnn pledge themselves to be-

stow their undivided attention upon the du-

ties of their piofession, and to mnke it as ser-viceable to society as its nature and their bestc l uons ci produce.

IX c ;8, 1813 1- -tf

II IB highest puce in CASH will b; gien fortJlean Linen or Cotton RagsDelivered to me in Lexington, at die cornerof Main C oss street, opposite to Mr PatteisonUain's hatter's shop.

JVMES DEVERSLtington, January 4, 1814. 2


No 44, Jlamalrcrt,HAVE just r eivcd 24 packages of


The vvho'e ot w hich are offered far sale onreasonable terms, by the PACKAGE. 6

S'lP"YhDOR STOLENTJMtOM tl c plantation of T "ith..n lien nson

jun in V nodford coun . mil mileln.u,crsailles, on the road to i, rem. c.e

full blood, d MERINO EWL, email, .b liK.

l,vntha ,jmsli b awl on the right jawAnj pcis - ulio rn fcivcsuehinformationih.itthe may be sound Iw ine or AI Julin bcott, rot Len ,1 m, shall mcewe Twentv Doliaisrtwaid auu all r asoiiahle expenst . Iiom


Januurvli, 18' 4 tf

Ellis Trotter,Sits s --eceived, and a.e noi? opemnf.it .h

Jinch House, fuo daori aboveSam'l,. & Geo. Trotter.


GOODS.Which they will sell low for CASH, either bywholesale or retail.

They have just received a quantity of COP-PER.

31.'-i2- tf. Lexington, Oct' 1, 1813.

Morrison, Bo swells & Suttbn,Havejust received a large Jissortnient of

GOODS,In addition to their former stock ; whichwill he disposed of on reasonsble terms forCaslt.

ALSO ow HAsnA targe quantity of SAIL DUCK & SEINE

TWINE.Nov. 15, 1813.


COLEMAN intends to commenceJOHN this week, and will shortly haveready for delivery FINE DRAUGHT ALE, inhogsheids, barrels and half barrels, which ontrial, lie hopes will please. It is his intentionas soon as his Porter and Ale are in proper order, to have an extensive and regular supply oieach m bottle.

FRMSH GRAINSAVill be constantly on sale during the Brewing season. The advantage of using Brewer'sGrains as food for jatlle in general, and moreparticularly for milch cows, is so well knownas to render comment unnecessary.

YEASTWill be daily on delivery for domestic use 5c

for the distillery. The scientif and experi-enced distiller is so well acquainted with itspreeminent superiojity over every other species of ferment that any remark on the subject would be supeifluotis. "

Lexington, January 10, 1814. 2 tf

NOTICE.ALL THOSE indebted to Lo-wr- & Shan;

either by bond, note or bock account, are requested to come forward and make immediatepayment those excepted having running accounts under special agieeinent. The busi- -

noss will continue to be conducted under thefirm of

LOWRY ti SHAW.June 29, 1813. 26-- tf

Soap and Candle Manufactory.PjnHE Subscriber will give the highest price

A in cash, for Tallow, Hog's Lard, and allkinds of Soap Grease. Also will pin chaseany quantity of good clean Ashes ; for which,I will give nine pence per bushel, and takethem away from the houses in any part ofLexington, or within sx miles of said town.Persons wishing to sell or contract for any ofthe above articles, will please to call at myhouse on Main-stree- t, early opposite the In-

surance Bank, where I keep a constant supplyof Soap and Candles, to sell by wholesale andretail.

JOHN BRIDGIS.Lexington, Nov. 22, 1813. 47-t- f.

Forty )oKars Steward.TJANAAVVY from the subsciiber in Clark

county, Ky. on the 8th msl. a MULATTOMAN SLAVE, by the name of TIAI, twentyone years of age, about five feet ten incheshigh, and lias a large scar on one ot Ins thighs,(I think the right) occasioned by a burn. It issupposed that he rode off a sorrel mare, witha blaze face, about fourteen hands three inches high, with nearly all the hair trimed offher tail ; branded ifn the near shoulder or but-

tock, thus : I S ; he took away with him twobroad-clot- h coats, one a black that has beentorn on the back and mended, the other a lightgrey two ruffld shirts, two pair of panta-loons, one pair of country linen, the other adimity, several country cloth waistcoats, andan old brown cloth surtout coat, lmed withyellow flannel and paded blue cape. It is like-ly he may have obtained a pass or may attemptto pass as a free man, and will aim for thestate of Ohio, some of the Territories or Can-ada. I will-giv- e the above reward to any per-son that will deliver hint to me, or secure himIn any jail so that I get him again.

EDWARD SHROPSHIRE.January 22, 1814. f

New Book 5 Stationery Store.Wm, ESSEX, Jun. & Co.

IP ESPECTFULLY inform their friends anthe public that they have opened anex-tensiv- e

establishment in the above business inLexington at the Franklin Head No 70 qn thesouth-eas- t corner of Main and Upper-street- s

opposite the Court-hous- e square.Wholesale dealers and public Libraries will

be supplied on the most libepl terms, andpi ivate purchasers of books furnished at thePhiladelphia and New-Yor- k retail prices with-out carriage.

The literati are informed that they intendkeeping a valuable collection of all works ofgeneral science and literature, and that anybooks which are rare, will be pro-cured by their orders, is to be obtained in theUnited States, as they have appointed corres-pondents m the eastern and northern states tosend on new publications so soon as printed.

A catalogue will be published immediatelyaster the new supplies arrive.


WILL attend the courts ot r.nette, andadjacent clients. He mav be

met with by those who should be di .posedto employ him, at his residence, in Lexington.

rebruaryT, 1814.

s I'A I K OK KhN rUCKY,Taytte Cucmt, set Jinuarv 1 erm, 1814

Math i w It Wi rnns, cjmpt.' III ChancertJkJonv Enwuins and Jonrr ( "

irjKiis, defendants, JThis dav came the conpliinant by his attor

ney, and the aefendant Edwards havin sailedto enter his appearance heiein according tolaw and the rules of this court, and it ap-

pearing to tre sitisfrrtmn of the court thatthe said deftndant Edwards is not an inhabi-tant of this cimmnnvealth , therefore it isordered that urless he shall appear heie on orb'lore the first diy ot the next luno term ofill is couit, and answer the conipUiiuia':, bill,the same will betaken for confessed againstlinn and it is further ordered, that n wmv ns

Pthis order be inserted in someaullionsed paperlor eignt veeiis successively agreeably to law,and on motion leave is given the complainantto t .ke out a copy ot this order immtdiatel)

A cup. At teste,It THO I10DLEY, c f c s

.. The Subscriber- -


Tanning Currying Business,HAS a quantity'of LEATHER on hand, whichlie will ilispose Si" Upon moderate Jerms. Hewants two Boys as apprentices to the abovebusiness. ' JOHN HULL.

Lexington, January 19, 1814.

Brass Foundery.. I. iff E. WOODRUFF, V Co.

pONTINUE the above business a,t their forJ nier stand, and by airangentents lately

made, they are enabled to conduct it on a moreextensive scale, and to execute every speciesof casting in Brass or Copper in the best man-

ner and on short notice. A supply of CLOCKWORK, GUN MOUNTING, ANDIRONS,SHOVELS & TONGS, BELLS, &c. alwaysreidy. Two or three apprentices, about16 orl7years of age, will be taken.

f January 22, 1814.

David ToddHas opened a handsome &generalaortment of


In Anderson's Stone-hous- corner ne&r theAlarket-hous- which he will dispose of onlnw tprms.

The business of the firm of David and Sim'hB. Todd, has devolved upon him The partnership haviner been dissolved by consent?

Lexington, Nov. 23, 1813. 47-t- f

Coach and Harness MakingAfeHTON, BEACH & NEILL

AR,RY on the above business on Main-Gros- s

street, and flatter themselves from theirexperience in the first shops in New-Yor-

Philadelphia and Baltimore, to be able tofinishtheir work in a style not inferror to any heretofore finished in the western country Ordersrespectfully solicited.

Lexington, December C, 1813. 49 tf

I'ritiic Spanish Poal Leather.njlHE Subscribers havinp made snr.h arrannft.il ments to the Eastward as will enihle them

to have constantly oiCtiand a large supply of theabove article, offer it for Sale on a liberal .ere-di-

and at the lowest price, the advance of car-rage only added to the prices in Philadelphiaand Baltimore orders for any quantity, willbe immediately attended to end forwardedwithout delay.

CROMWELL & ROBINSON.Pittsburgh, January 23, 1814

James B. January,Has removed hij office to the lower house iftFrazier s new row, two doors below the Collector's office, on Upper-street- .'

Lexington, January 31, lSi. 5

ripHE Subscriber has on hand at his SmithShop, formerly occupied by Wm. Hart, an

assortment of the follow'insr irticles of a superior quality, ll of which will be sold on reason-able terms for cash or the usual credits, viz :warranted Jixt3 HatrtnersSteeled Hues IfeilgesCarey Ploughs iiraving Shive'sCommon ditto, Chu.n of all landsGrubbing Hon Shove a and'TingsMattocks CraneRmgcs of all descriptions PothooksCarpentcrt, Hatchets SkimmersHand Axes Ladlesjfceshforbs. tThe subscriber havinsr sire Forrres. will hpable to execute large jobs on the thortest no-ti-

Horse shoeing will be particulrly andcarefully attended to.

R. D0WN.ING.Lexington, Feb 2, 1814 JMf

JWEJtt.ryHE Subscribeis continue to give one dol-la- r

per bushel for merchantable wheat,delivered at the'r Steam Mill, Lexington,payable at90 days aster delivery.

Those Who expect to make sale of theirwheat to the subscribers, are requested notto hdrry in with it, as it will be more excepta- -mc lo.iuii. uius uuicc owing 10 tne garretsbeing full.

JOHN U. MORTON SJ Co.March 7, 1814. lQ.tf"

T the Fnffic.rpHE Trustees of the Transylvania. Universi- -

m aware ot tmrwant ol aninstitution competent to train the youtli of thecountry in the studv of law. and solir-.itn.- infurnish every facility to its advancement, have'jappoiuieu John foer, esq professor of that:branch. Whilst the acknowledged talents ofnir. rope in me profession ot law, improvedby the experience of twenty yearsr of success-ful practice, promise to aid the student emi-nently m the commencement of a 3ience, fullof intricacy, his known morality and legularhabits of life, guarantee to the parent, thatthe morals of the son will be the anxious careof his tutor. These considerations comb.nedwith the ease of obtaining good and cheap

invite the student to sparehimself the unnecessary expense and trouble ofseeking in distant institutions, that aid whichwe venture to say he can obtain in an equal de-gi-

in his own countrv. The terms ns tmtmnwill be twenty-fiv- e dollars for each session ofnve monuis, paid in advance, all necessarybook3 to be furnished by the University.. Thesessions to commence on the first Mondays of.., ..m uu.uuucr. oy oiuerpi tne Hoard,

ALEX. PARKER, Chm.Lexington, March 5, 1814 10

MR HAGGIN & Ma. CRITTENDEN,will attend to my business in the Fay.

ette and Jessamine Circuit Courts.Mn. MILLS in the Bourbon and Montgonie-r- y

Courts. .

Client's pjpers will be sound with Mr Hag.o,n- - JOSEPall HAWKINS.

Ma,-c- 0, 1814, 11

NOTICE,A LL persons indebted to the estate of the

late J D. Manley, dee'd. are requested tosettle their accounts immediately ; and thosewho have any demands against the same aredesiied to presuit their accounts for adjust-ment.

A. MANLEY, Adm'x.March 13, 1314. ji-fi-

J'e7v Millinery."f,JR3" BROWN has just received fromUS. Philuiklp'na an assortment of the mostfashionable S I .W H I S & BONNETS, t

V RRY'S v. .th cockades,1)L( I Vli'i Do. ,

It I KING, Do &c. LcU March 28, 1814.

Kentucky Mutual

XJ. the followmjr persons were elected for the v earJAMES MORRISON, PresidentJAMES COLEMANLEWIS SANDERSIUCH'D. I1IGGINSPAVID DODGE, (Winchester)SAM'L. TROTTERJOHN BRAND

Applicatibns for insurance on houses and roods,to the board ot directors.

Persons willing to join the association and make a permanent insurance, can efltct sseranceS on buildings which they hold 1.1 see simple, upon the following scale .


On buiidinfs which are not designatedother rateot rislc hereatter mentioned, nor equal-ly hazardously situated.

On buildmes wherein are workshops otters, coopers, wheel-wright- s, joiners, cabinet ma-

kers, hatters, hook-binde- also, on smoke- -

i i houses, stables, barns, tobacco manufactories,j stemanes, tobacco ware-house- merchant mills,I saw mills, and other buildings exposed to equalUiazard.

co f On sugar refineries, paper-mill- distilleries,J elaboratories, Also, on the workshops ot soap

2 i boilers, candle makers, bakers, tope and sail" (makers.

"C On buildings in which are usually deposited5 considerable quantities of hemp or flax.

Additional premium will be added is contiguous lo one building)

Contiguous to one and not more than five,Contiguous to mote than lh e & not exceed-

ing fifteen buildings,

For any risk on one building to an amount equal to 5000 dollars, and not exceeding 10 000.there shall be paid an additional premium of one half per cent, for a risk on one buildinggreater t&an 10,000 dollars and not exceeding 15,000, there shall be paid an additional premr-u- m

of one per cent ; and for a risk on one building greater than 15,000 and not exceeding20,000, there shall be paid an additional premium of one and one half per cent.

A like scale will be applied in insuring property.The annual assurance on goods, wares and merchandize, in buildings above specifu J, i?l

be one third of the above premiums annually.A credit is given to such as join the association, as follows

Above 20 not exceeding 30 a credit on 3 for 6 months 12 montfre30 d. 50 do. 14 6 months 4 ,18 do.

Q do. 100 do. J-- 5 6 months 121824"'100 do. 200 do. 1.6 612182430.

By order of the Hoard ofDirectors,WILLIAM MACDEAK, Ciihk,

March 30th, 1813. c:Silver Plating se J5rass Foun

dery.I. bf E. WOODRUFF,

TJESPECTFUULLY inform their friendsJM and the public in general, that they stillcontinue to carry on the above business in alltheir branches at their former Stand oppositeLewia Sanders, on Mam-stree- t, Lexington.Thev return their sincere thanks for past patronage, alukhope by their strict attention tobusiness, to merit its continuance,THEY 1IATS ASH IHrHKD KKEl'IXG OS UA3S,

An elegant assortment ofPlated Brtdle But, Stirrufi Irons, iffc.

Or TUB 08T rASJIIOSMBLS rATTEKSB,Which they will sell much lower than hasever tifeen sold m the western country. Country merchants csn be supplied at the Phlladelplua prices

all xinds orCarriage and Harness Mounting, Carriageand Gig Sfirmgs, Coach Lace, fringe

and Tassels.A1SO, A OZ.VIUAX ASORTlir.5T or

Brass Candlesticks, Andirons, Shovels iffTongi, Door Knockers, Iffc.

Which they vyill dispose of very low for Cash,all kinds or

Brass Werk for Machinery, ClockWork, iffc- -

cart ojc tiui MiourrsT Sotce.Still Conts, 'Rivets, Gun Mountings, iffc


They have, just received ail extensive assort,ment of

Saddlery, fije.All of which will be sold on the most reasona-ble term? for Cash

q3Two or thiee Journeymen wanted im-mediately to work at the white-smit- h husiness.Also, two or three Apprentices wanted to theabove business.

Two or three apprentices wanted to learnthe Silrer Plating business.The highest price in Cash will be given forold COFPiSU, BKiSS & FEW J Ell.

Lexington, April 4, 1814. 14.tfTO SADDLERS ff COACH-MAKER- S,




wl.n nnw pstnblUhmo- - tbp 5iKrpr. PloCno- -

business on Main-stree- t, in the house latelyoccupied by Mr. Bridges, the second doorabovj R.obei t Trazer, where they intend keep- -

ing for sale a constant and general assortmentof the most fasflfonable SADDLERY,COACH & HARNESS MOWTIAG"tlie subscribers having an establishment inPhiladelphia, where the principal part of theirgoods will be manufactured they have nohesitation in stating to the public, that theirarticles will be executed in the best and ne.test manner, and of the most elegant kind,which they will sell precisely at the Philadel- -

phia cash prices, with the addition of the car- -nage. Orders from the country punctuallyattended to. 14--

Five Dollars Reward.IIANA WAY from the subscriler since the

first inst. a negro gill, named HANNAH, l4years old, tolerably well shaped, about 4 feet sixor 7 inches high. She has amiddiing sharpnose, and somewhat prominent mouthy hercomplexion rather jellow. She is very talka-tive, though she has an inward s'mv way otspeaking. She had on an old b'ue lmsey frockwith patches on it befuie, was b ire tooled, balebeaded, and had no handkerchief on when sin,lest home. She was foimerly the property ofMr. Adams of Maryland, and may go to Mountsterling, as she has a sister liv ing there 1 heabove leward vi ill be given ?nd a'l laliona1.cha'gefl paid, it taken in the uunt, a, id tendollars is taken out ol the coun iv, md biough'safe to the subscribtr in I xin 'inn, or reurdmany proper jail. .SIMO.N HICK

Lexington, AptU 2, 1811. 1 1 a

Assurance Society.

tif;ensuu tr- -



may be made to William Macb- - m. clsir



3 3fri

S- - s a i$,$ s.

c r s. s tS -


in any ri.n cesst.ii 24


H ?i


10 i j 25toff IGff ro"b

IS 25 45 ro

20 35 65 106

On the lQth of May next, is the weatherin Mr. Robert Hat r 'a lul,

Mr. GastonTT5 ESPECTFULLY infoims the inhabitant

of Lexington and its vinn ty thathe will(exhibit a Grand Display of TIRE WORKS, 5c

the ascent of a BALLOON, 60 feet in cironT- -

(Terence, which will sire a brilliant salute in theair. The hre-wor- win De composed oi iiefollowing pieces:

1. A Double Sun of different coloured sires,turning vertically.

2. The Lady's fancy in grand Chinese firo,turning horizontally in different forms.

3. A Chinese Voitex, turning iound a tablein brilliant file.

&. A Combat of sour Bullet flies, of differ-

ent colors, turning vertically m a largfecircle of Chinese sire.

5 A Grand Chinese Chandelier, turr'righorizontally, forming the rns- - ot a watei-in- g

engine. The cascade and parasol I u --

nished with Roman candles ai.d brn'ionlsheaves of

G. 1 he Combat ot the Suit and Moon in dar-ling sire, terminated with the Pol i Star,and several fixed stars in t;hinee sire andillumination, with a brilliant gloiy ot fuev

The ascent of the Balloon w ill lake piac. aquarter of an hour before and be an-

nounced &y the siring of a cannonThe fire-woi- willbeprectdedb" three sir-

ing rockets and ended with a general illumina-tion of the Temple of Love, siinounded witha rich tolonade, and dtdicated to the ladies.The colonade turning in biniiant liiej,sheaves, and other attributes. 'I lie bower ctVenus in Mosaic woik of Chinese sire. Thewhole terminated with a Cannonade ot hrepotsjwith a large bunch of flying rockets Sevtratflying rockets between each piece of the en-

tertainment.Jin. GAS TON will spaie neither time no- -

expense to render his exhibition as enleiun --

ing as possible, and deserve as much encou-ragement from the inhabitants of tins townac he has experienced at Louisville, wheie hiisire-wor- have been twice exhibited with suc- -

An enclosure and benches will be construct-ed for the purpose ; and every attention paidto the spectators.

A bar and refreshments will be sound within-- .

Admittance one dollar Children halt priceTickets to be had at Mr. John l'istlethwait's,

'Mr Wm Essex's Bookstore, Mr. Mentell'sstore, at the office of tile Kentucky Gaett- -,

and at the bar of the enclosure. No adm"tance without tickets no money received ..tthe door ,

11 Lexington, 14th Ma, "', 1&4.., rlOWM Ot YCaV.

ripHOSE persons who have purchased inlofi in the 1'ownof Vevaj, I T. at t.is publicsaie ast fall, the price ot wh.cu was forfdollars or upwards, are hereby notified tli rMonday, the 16th day of May next, is appointed for them to meet, in said town, a id p.i "

chaSe at puvate sale the out-lots- , on the c .rtdition3 heietofore made known ; nd the p i

IC generally are informed, that on tie i,ijay tne remainder of said out lots w ill be c'fered to the highest bidder, the pi ice to be 'i tless than twenty dollars pr acie, oiij- - tourii'paid in hand, the balance in 6, 12 1 18 tioiu! .

JOHN FRANCIS LlIOLll,At'orney in factfoi John J -- me Iiuium

April 2, lbl4. Ii4p

fiobert "WardenTB"AS rtmoved his Baking L-- hlishmpniH to tin. buck house net d r to Hob icHomes's Chair manutactoiv, aid adoni'i ?Oliver Kcene, wheie lie w.U consiautlv Ivei) asuppl of the best llltEVD

ALsO a coustint suppU ofC itrm ir,' bi ,'AI l i...

Eiory article in li s In t or ' ,, 'ssm-d- i CAKES, CUACKLIl-- , 1,1 i ), i.Lwill be kept bv him t jr sj!

13-u- p i. t i. - T4t,







