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The Athlete’s Guide to Workout Supplements

Date post: 11-Jul-2015
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THE ATHLETE’S GUIDE TO WORKOUT SUPPLEMENTS If you’re a serious athlete, chances are you’ve used workout supplements to boost the results you get from your exercise routine. From building up strength to developing stamina, supplements can help you achieve many things you may not have gotten without them. You’re probably aware these supplements should be used responsibly over time rather than as a quick fix, as taking too many or in the incorrect doses can actually harm your health. That’s why it’s so important to learn not only about the benefits of workout supplements, but also the possible side effects, safety concerns and correct usage so you can be a responsible user of supplements.
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If you’re a serious athlete, chances are you’ve used workout supplements to boost the results you get from your exercise routine.

From building up strength to developing stamina, supplements can help you achieve many things you may not have gotten without them. You’re probably aware these supplements should be used responsibly over time rather than as a quick fix, as taking too many or in the incorrect doses can actually harm your health. That’s why it’s so important to learn not only about the benefits of workout supplements, but also the possible side effects, safety concerns and correct usage so you can be a responsible user of supplements.

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While supplements can have an impact on athletic performance, it’s still important to eat right, as most supplements provide one specific benefit to one type of athlete.

You can get the majority of protein and amino acids from a diet that’s rich in these components, providing a natural boost comprised of a complex mix, says WebMD. That doesn’t mean sports supplements can’t come in handy for situations where you need to build up your strength and endurance. While they don’t always work in the same way for all people, many choose to take supplements because they want to build up their muscle mass and get a stronger body, such as through the use of protein, says WeightTraining.com.

For a boost in energy efficiency, carbohydrate-based supplements can aid in muscle repair after an intense workout.




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It’s important to be diligent about what supplements you put into your body.

Because these aren’t regulated by the FDA like other medications are, it can be very easy to take too much or in a dangerous combination. That leaves a lot of the research up to you, the consumer. Many supplements contain a lot of caffeine, and when you consider taking in that much caffeine throughout the day -- especially when in conjunction with other sports drinks, soda or coffee, you could experience jitters and shakes at the very least. Even so-called natural supplements can contain stimulants and decongestants which can interact with other drugs you may be taking, points out WebMD.

Many supplements have positive side effects for those who use them, such as increased stamina and energy, and the ability to repair and build muscle.

But be careful, as some supplements, such as creatine for example, can have side effects you didn’t know about. These can include weight gain, fatigue, difficulty breathing, anxiety, headaches, rash and upset stomach.




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Be cautious when taking supplements, as they are not required to be tested for safety and effectiveness under government law, says the National Institutes of Health.

Safety is at the forefront of any supplement use. You should always talk to your doctor before using them to ensure you’re healthy enough for them and that they don’t interfere with any medication you’re currently taking. Research every supplement you consider and know exactly what its purpose is. Find out the best way to use it and in the correct dosages. Make sure you check out the manufacturer thoroughly so you can have peace of mind in the quality of your supplement. As such, they should be certified by reputable labs.

Lastly, don’t use supplements as a substitute for healthy living and eating. Use them in conjunction with a healthy diet that incorporates plenty of all the food groups for a well-rounded approach. A fitness routine should be used in complement to supplements for the best results.


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Not only can taking too much waste your money, it can be dangerous, so always keep your doses in check.

Know when you should take certain supplements and when not to take them. Some can be used in conjunction while others are best left separate. Timing your usage is key. For instance, it’s best to take whey protein a half hour before lifting and right afterwards. Keep a list of when to take each supplement if you find it confusing. Eventually, you’ll know automatically when to take each one for the best benefits.

Always read the labels and fully research all supplements you decide to ingest. Putting safety first is the best way to be a responsible supplement user.


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