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The basque case a comprehensive model for sustainable human development

Date post: 19-Jun-2015
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“The Basque Case offers a model for 21st Century development, a merger of Keynesian and Schumpeterian approaches; enhanced social change and entrepreneurship.” - Diogo Vasconcelos, Founding Chair of the Social Innovation Exchange “This fascinating Basque case study demonstrates the power of a holistic approach to development, one that simultaneously and creatively engages with economic, social, political, environmental and cultural elements and the potential for them to be aligned to faciltate self-reinforcing positive change.” - Dr. Jacqueline Klopp, Columbia University ´7KHUH KDV EHHQ D ZLGH GLYLVLRQ LQ WKH ÀHOG RI HFRQRPLFV EHWZHHQ WKRVH ZKR VHH WKH ÀQDQFLDO PDUNHWV DV SDUW RI WKH SURGXFWLYH HOHPHQWV RI DQ HFRQRP\ DQG WKRVH ZKR VHH WKLV DV D VHULRXV ÁDZ WKDW KDV EHHQ GHPRQVWUDWHG E\ WKH FXUUHQW FULVLV Dr Ibarretxe!s report comes at a critical moment, offering an alternative model based on a record of success when other experiments have not been as successful.” - Dr. Kenneth Melchin, St. Paul University !"#$"%"&' )#*"%$+,%- .&"#/&0- &%1 2&3,% 4567 89:;<<:;=:99 36&#"%/,>$?@A51@ 36&#A$?@A51@ !"# %&'()# *&'#+ Executive Summary %\ -XDQ -RVp ,EDUUHW[H 0DUNXDUWX , *-./0#"#1'23# 4-5#6 7-0 8)'9&21&:6# ;).&1 <#3#6-/.#19
Page 1: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development

“The Basque Case offers a model for 21st Century development, a merger of Keynesian and Schumpeterian approaches; enhanced social change and entrepreneurship.”- Diogo Vasconcelos, Founding Chair of the Social Innovation Exchange

“This fascinating Basque case study demonstrates the power of a holistic approach to development, one that simultaneously and creatively engages with economic, social, political, environmental and cultural elements and the potential for them to be aligned to faciltate self-reinforcing positive change.” - Dr. Jacqueline Klopp, Columbia University

Dr Ibarretxe!s report comes at a critical moment, offering an alternative model based on a record of success when other experiments have not been as successful.”- Dr. Kenneth Melchin, St. Paul University


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Executive Summary


Page 2: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 3: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development

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Page 4: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 5: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development

The Basque Case! !!!!!!!!!"#$%&'()$*&#! !!!!!!!!!+!,-.%/'!0*1*&#! !!!!!!!!!2-%//!,$%.$/3*)!+4/1

Economic Strategy! !!!!!!!!!"#$%&'()$*&#! !!!!!!!!!5/.%#*#3!$&!6&78/$/! !!!!!!!!!5/.%#*#3!$&!6&78/$/!*#!6&&8/%.$*&#! !!!!!!!!!5/.%#*#3!$&!"##&9.$/!*#!6&&8/%.$*&#

Social Cohesion Strategy! !!!!!!!!!"#$%&'()$*&#! !!!!!!!!!:'().$*&#! !!!!!!!!!;/.<$-!.#'!,&)*.<!6.%/! !!!!!!!!!,&)*.<!"#)<(1*&#!! !!!!!!!!!=/#'/%!:>(.<*$?! !!!!!!!!!+!6(<$(%.<!"'/#$*$?!@8/#!$&!$-/!A&%<'

Environmental Strategy ! !!!!!!!!!"#$%&'()$*&#! !!!!!!!!!B/'*(7C$/%7!,$%.$/3*)!D<.##*#3E!FGGF!C!FGFG! !!!!!!!!!H*3-$!+3.*#1$!6<*7.$/!6-.#3/! !!!!!!!!!,(1$.*#.I</!:#/%3?E!2%.#18&%$!.#'!B&I*<*$?

Results! !!!!!!!!"#'*).$&%1!&J!:)&#&7*)!=%&K$-! !!!!!!!!"#'*).$&%1!&J!,&)*.<!6&-/1*&#! !!!!!!!!"#'*).$&%1!&J!:#9*%&#7/#$.<!,(1$.*#.I*<*$?! !!!!!!!!,(77.%?! !!!!!!!!6&#)<(1*&#

Keys to Success! !!!!!!!6&#)/8$*&#!.#'!0*1*&#! !!!!!!!D(I<*)CD%*9.$/!,-.%/'!5/.'/%1-*8! !!!!!!!6&77*$7/#$!$&!$-/!L/.<!:)&#&7?! !!!!!!!+!,&)*.<!,$.$/! !!!!!!!,/<JC=&9/%#7/#$

A Road Map for New Governance! !!!!!!!M/K!=&9/%#.#)/! !!!!!!!M/K!,/<J!=&9/%#7/#$


Page 6: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 7: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development

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Page 8: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 9: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 10: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 11: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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The Technology Park of Zamudio2)8!#$%!#:2)0+%:!2)8!8(00%6()2#(*)!*+!#%5$)*9*'7!2)8!())*>2#(*)?

Society for Industrial Promotion and Reconversion<! 2)! ()0#(#4#(*)!0;%5(29(N()'!()!#$%!;:*6*#(*)!2)8!200%006%)#!*+!#2D%*>%:0<!6%:'%:0<!2)8!#$%!2534(0(#(*)!*+!)%=!#%5$)*9*'7?

The Plan for Exceptional Relaunching<!#*!;:*6*#%!#$%!8%>%9*;6%)#!*+!06299!2)8!6%8(46A0(N%8!&40()%00%0?!

Euskadi Europa<!#*!;:%;2:%!#$%!5*4)#:7!+*:!()#%':2#(*)!()#*!#$%!I4:*;%2)!J)(*)?!

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Page 12: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development



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Page 13: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 14: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development

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Page 15: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 16: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


! "#$$%&$'(&! &#! )! $#*'+! #,! *'-'+#.$'(&! /)0'*! #(! %((#-)&%#(! )(*!*%,,'1'(&%)&%#(! 1'23%1'0! &4'! %(&'(0%-'! 30'! )(*! 3.*)&%(5! #,! $)&'1%)+! )(*!43$)(!1'0#316'07!84'!9)023'!"#3(&1:!4)0!$)*'!&4'!23)+%&:!#,!6#$.3+0#1:!'*36)&%#(;! #663.)&%#()+! )(*! 3(%-'10%&:! &1)%(%(5! )! .1%#1%&:<! 0#! )0! &#! .1#*36'!61')&%-';!'(&1'.1'('31%)+!.'#.+'!)/+'!&#!#.'1)&'!%(!)!5+#/)+%0'*!=#1+*7!>(!&4'!?@0&!6'(&31:!.'#.+'!)(*!&4'%1!'*36)&%#(!)1'!&4'!/)0%6!6).%&)+!#,!)!()&%#(7

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A school for everyone! D! &4'! 6#(6'.&! #,! )(! %(6+30%-'! '*36)&%#(! .1#6'00!)&&'(&%-'! &#! &4'! (''*0! #,! 0&3*'(&0! &4)&! '$/1)6'0! &4'%1! 63+&31)+! )(*! 0#6%)+!*%-'10%&:;!)(*!.1#$#&'0!5'(*'1!'23)+%&:7

A better school!D!%(-'0&$'(&!%(!&4'!+')*'104%.!)(*!$)()5'$'(&!#,!'*36)&%#(!&#!.1#$#&'!23)+%&:!#,!+')1(%(5;!43$)(!1%54&0!)(*!.')6',3+!6#'E%0&'(6'7!

A school for the 21st century!D!&4'!%(&'51)&%#(!#,!$3+&%F+%(53)+%0$;!%(,#1$)&%#(!


! >(!@GGH@G!)(*!?BBI?B!&4'!9)023'!"#3(&1:!+)3(64'*!.+)(0!&#!/1')J!&4'!6#(6'.&!#,!&'1$%()+!'*36)&%#(!,#++#='*!/:!)!0'.)1)&'!.1#6'00!#,!'$.+#:$'(&7!!>(0&')*;!#663.)&%#()+!&1)%(%(5!%0!6##1*%()&'*!=%&4!&4'!(''*0!#,!&4'!'$.+#:'1;!)(*!4)0!/''(!%(&'51)&'*!%(&#!&4'!=#1J%(5!'(-%1#($'(&!)0!)(!#(F5#%(5;!+%,'F+#(5!.1#6'007

!!!!!! >(! @GGK?@! )(*! ?BBI??;! &4'! 9)023'! L#-'1($'(&! .)00'*! +'5%0+)&%#(!&#! .1#$#&'! 23)+%&:! %(! 4%54'1! '*36)&%#(;! )(*! '0&)/+%04! )! 0&1)&'5%6! .1#6'00!#,!)*).&)&%#(!&#!/1%(5!&4'!3(%-'10%&%'0!#,! &4'!9)023'!"#3(&1:! %(! +%('!=%&4! &4'!1'23%1'$'(&0!#,!&4'!9#+#5()!0:0&'$7!

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Page 17: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


!"#$%&"!'!"!(#$ ")*%+,#$ "-($)./(&"!'($)0$ !1&+(%#!12$ "-($3(%+#$)0$ 4!'!12$ 0+(($ 0+)5$




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I6%+%1"(($ %&&(##!.!4!"3$ ")$ %$ 96%4!"3$ -(%4"-&%+($ "-+)62-$ &)1"+%&"!12$$

B)1"+!.6"($ ")$ "-($,('(4)G5(1"$)0$ "-($A)&!)>:(%4"-$J+(%$ !1$&)>)+,!1%"!)1$


L),(+1!M($ %1,$ %,%G"$ N#%O!,("M%$ .3$ !5G+)'!12$ "-($ #)&!%4$ %1,$ -(%4"-$



J&"!'(43$ G%+"!&!G%"($ !1$ "-($ P6#O%,!$ ;4%1$ 0)+$ "-($ Q10)+5%"!)1$ A)&!("3$ .3$$


B)1"+!.6"($ ")$ "-($ 2(1(+%"!)1$ %1,$ %GG4!&%"!)1$ )0$ +(#(%+&-H$ ,('(4)G5(1"H$


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Page 18: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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

Quality of Employment:!!"#$!9&1:6$!;+6,*%0!#&1!.&11$'!*#%$$!>,1*(*6*(+,&5!J3.5+03$,*!@5&,1


&55! L+7! 1$$M$%1E! (,)56'(,8!3&%8(,&5(I$'! 1$83$,*1! +-! *#$!.+.65&*(+,! &,'! *#$!)#%+,()&550!6,$3.5+0$'=

Integration of immigrant population: "?+!9&1:6$!>33(8%&*(+,!@5&,1HN!?$%$!

'$1(8,$'! *+! (,*%+'6)$! *#$! %$&5(*0!+-! (33(8%&*(+,! (,*+! *#$!'&02*+2'&0! *&1M1!+-!.675()! &'3(,(1*%&*(+,=! "#$1$! .+5()($1! #&/$! 7$$,! 86('$'! 70! .%(,)(.5$1! +-!$:6&5(*0E!.&%*()(.&*(+,E!.675()!%$1.+,1(7(5(*0!&,'!)+2%$1.+,1(7(5(*0=!!

Support for families:!O$8(15&*(/$!*++51HP!#&/$!7$$,!'$/(1$'!*+!-+1*$%!%$1.$)*!-+%! *#$! '(/$%1(*0! +-! *#$! -&3(50E! &,'! .%+*$)*! *#$! %(8#*1! +-! &55! -&3(50!3$37$%1=!Q+*&750E! *&M(,8! (,*+! &))+6,*! *#$! 1.$)(&5! )#&%&)*$%(1*()1! &,'! 5$/$5! +-! ,$$'!+-! 7+*#! 5&%8$! &,'! 1(,85$! .&%$,*! -&3(5($1=! ! @%$/$,*(+,! .+5()($1! #&/$! 7$$,!


Reconciling work and family life:!"#$1$!-&3(50!.5&,1!&51+!1$$M!*+!%$3+/$!*#$!7&%%($%1! *+!$3.5+03$,*!&%(1(,8! -%+3!.&%$,*#++'E!&,'!1(365*&,$+6150!)+%%$)*!*#$! 5(3(*&*(+,1! *#&*! ?+%M(,8! 5(-$! (3.+1$1! +,! -&3(50! 5(-$=! R$&16%$1! (,)56'$! &!


Social focus of housing policy:! "#$! O&,'! &,'! S%7&,! @5&,,(,8! <)*HT! #&1!7$$,!86('$'!70!&,!+/$%%('(,8!.#(5+1+.#0!+-!&))+33+'&*(+,!&1!&!7&1()!,$$'E!


Page 19: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development





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Page 20: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 21: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Ethical code:%R-7%@!9%&'% ()#/A#/8>%5!1-*$>% 1#'*$(91*%!/=%<&/$-36(#&/%)!0#($%

Social cohesion and participation:%S11%$*<(&7$%&'%$&<#*(9%)!5*%!%7&1*%(&%61!9%#/%()*%(7!/$#(#&/%(&@!7=$%$-$(!#/!0#1#(9:

Principle of precaution: T*%3-$(%67&3&(*%!<(#&/%*5*79%(#3*%()*7*%#$%!%()7*!(%&'%=!3!8*%(&%()*%*/5#7&/3*/(:

Comprehensive focus:% B)*%*/5#7&/3*/(% 5!7#!01*% $)&-1=%0*% #/<1-=*=% #/%!11%6&1#<9%$*<(&7$:

B)*7*% 3!9% !/=% 3-$(% 0*% !% 7*=-<(#&/% #/% ()*% -$*% &'% /!(-7!1%7*$&-7<*$>%@)#1*%#/<7*!$#/8%67&=-<(#5#(9:

Strategic planning:%G/5#7&/3*/(!1%&0U*<(#5*$%3-$(%0*%()*%'7-#(%&'%()*%67&<*$$%

Page 22: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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/#! *! 2/334&3(#&! &/! *2&49(! 2//D(0*&4/#! E(&A((#! D-E742! 4#+&4&-&4/#+! *#5!

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Page 23: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 24: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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!@.(0!)#!).+! ($! %'&4*.#>!'#'%>=!*$#/4+,(.$#! .#!


Increase renewable sources of energy@.#&9!)#&!5.$D24'-/K

Invest in energy infrastructures! ($! .+,%$8'! (0'! /'*4%.(=! $2! (0'! /4,,-=9!

*$+,'(.(.8'#'//! )#&! ;4)-.(=! $2! (0'! '#'%>=! /=/('+K! L.(0! %'>)%&! ($!!

'#8.%$#+'#()--=! /'#/.(.8'! ,%$&4*(.$#! 5=! +')#/! $2! *$+5.#'&! *=*-'! ,$@'%!


Promote research and development!.#!(0'!:)/;4'!'#'%>=!/'*($%!($!.+,%$8'!

! 3.+.-)%-=9! ,$-.*.'/! (0)(! ,%$+$('! /4/().#)5-'! (%)#/,$%()(.$#! )%'! )#!

'//'#(.)-! *$+,$#'#(! $2! (0'! (%)#/.(.$#! )@)=! 2%$+! )! 0=&%$*)%5$#! &','#&'#(!



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Page 25: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 26: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 27: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 28: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 29: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 30: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 31: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 32: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development



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Page 33: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development

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Page 34: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 35: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 36: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development


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Page 37: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development

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I - The “Basque case”: an integral model based on principles ! "#'!A4(%56'!)(%'B!$%!1#'!&'%681!+3!1#'!-','8+*:'.1!+3!(!%+)$+9*+8$1$)(898'0(89')+.+:$)! :+-'8! /6$81! +.! 1#&''! *&$.)$*8'%C! 1#'! '1#$)(8! *&$.)$*8'?! 1#'!

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6.-'&%1(.-!*&+0&'%%G!M0($.%1! 1#'!*&',($8$.0!I$.-%!+3! .'+98$/'&(8$%:?! (! 12*'!+3!*&+0&'%%!I(%! 3(,+&'-! $.!I#$)#! 1#'!%6/P')1!(.-!36.-(:'.1(8!'.-!I(%! 1#'!(-,(.)':'.1!+3!1#'!*'&%+.!$.!#(&:+.2!I$1#!1#'!'.,$&+.:'.1G

II – The Ethical Principle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Page 39: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development

III – The Democratic Principle

!"#$%&'()#$*+),!-.$/)'!$0#$-#1+2,34#56$7"31"$+,8.$%&'()#$'+13#!.$&,5$3!'$9+83!31&8$-#9-#'#,!&!3:#'$1&,$!&1;8#<$="#!"#-$9+83!31&8$&2-##/#,!'$&-#$-#&1"#5$+-$ ,+!6$ !"#$ :3+8#,1#$ +>$ ?@A$/)'!$ 53'&99#&-<$ $ A!$ !"#$ '&/#$ !3/#6$ 7"#!"#-$ +-$,+!$?@A$#B3'!'6$&2-##/#,!'$/)'!$0#$-#&1"#5$>+-$!"#$1+#B3'!#,1#$0#!7##,$!"#$%&'()#$*+),!-.$&,5$!"#$C9&,3'"$C!&!#<

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$ F-+/$!"#$'!-31!#'!$-#'9#1!$>+-$!"#$5#/+1-&!31$#''#,1#6$!"#$-#1+2,3!3+,$+>$!"#$-32"!$+>$!"#$%&'()#$E#+98#$!+$5#135#$!"#3-$+7,$>)!)-#$&,5$!"#$1+//3!/#,!$!+$#B#-13'#$!"3'$-32"!$!"-+)2"$9&1!$&,5$,#2+!3&!3+,$3'$!"#$;#.$!+$!"#$'+8)!3+,<

IV – Identity and Innovation$ @"#$5#>#,'#$+>$!"#$%&'()#$35#,!3!.6$,+!$3,$+99+'3!3+,$!+$+!"#-$35#,!3!3#'$0)!$3,$9&-!,#-'"39$73!"$!"#/6$3'$0#"3,56$,+!$+,8.$&$8#23!3/&!#$9+83!31&8$18&3/6$0)!$&8'+$&$'+),5$/+5#8$+>$#1+,+/316$'+13&8$&,5$9+83!31&8$5#:#8+9/#,!<$$@"#$8&'!$!"3-!.$.#&-'$"&:#$'"+7,$)'$ !"&!$'#8>D2+:#-,/#,!$ DG0)-)H&0#!4&I$ 3,$%&'()#$J$1&,$0#$&$'.,+,./$>+-$7#88D0#3,2<

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Page 40: The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development

V – Self-government and Sustainable Human Development! "#$%&'()#*+,#+-! ./! -0#!1#2! -(!(3*!4(3+-*25/! /-*6-#'27!83.$-! (+!#-0.46$!6+9!9#,(4*6-.4!:*.+4.:$#/;!.-!./!6+!3,<*#$$6!()#*!-0#!*#/-!(%!-0#!#$#,#+-/!-06-!#=:$6.+! -0#! 640.#)#,#+-! (%! /3/-6.+6<$#! 03,6+7! >0#! #).9#+4#! .+! -0./! :6:#*!


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