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The Bookof Theoggam v2

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  • 7/30/2019 The Bookof Theoggam v2







  • 7/30/2019 The Bookof Theoggam v2



    CONTENTSTHE GENESIS OF THE OGGAM...................3

    EVOLUTION OF THE OGGAM......................7

    OGGAM APPEARANCE & CULTURE............8THE PLANET AND MOONS..........................9

    THE ECOLOGY OF OG113..........................10

    THE WARRING FACTIONS..........................12


    THE LEAGUE OF ANTHRACKS...................15

    THE UGGARAM IRON LEGION....................18

    THE SCROFA TRIBES..................................20

    OTHER SIDES AND NATIONS.....................22

    This publication is to support the 15mm Oggam war pig campaign, to get these figures produced foruse in wargaming. All contents within are the property of Will Grundy, and Grinning skull. This PDFMay be reproduced and distributed for personal use only, unless written permission from the authorIs given. He may be contacted either through his blog at http://www.thegrinningskull.wordpress.com

    Or via direct email at; [email protected].






  • 7/30/2019 The Bookof Theoggam v2




    Many years ago, the Omega Gamma sector was the centre of a thriving governmental research colony,

    the heart of the operation centred around the star system of OG113, the most fertile and earthlike, being best

    suited for their purpose. It was a large effort, taking up many locations on the fourth planet, and it's two moons,

    had grown large fast, due to the copious amounts of money ploughed into it by various governmental agencies and

    private corporation funds. It housed a large population of scientific staff, security forces, civilian administration and

    many family members of the full time personnel It had been equipped and furnished to the highest quality and

    standards of agricultural science. Genetically manipulated crops and livestock were the order of the day, the funds

    kept rolling and payed mostly by high level contracts and grants, agreed by secret handshakes behind closed doors.

    Life was good.

    In general, hardly anyone was party to the knowledge of what was being done there, this had an official status,

    stamped with official tick and heralded as an important duty to all mankind. The feeding of the human race.

    The project, if the groundbreaking work was successful, would end hunger, suffering and an end to all the empty

    bellies for many a human on many worlds and colonies. The whole planet had been systematically turned literally

    into a science lab, with its various subsections researching each aspect of agriculture, plant and animal, probing

    the secrets of nature in the attempt to feed billions, all in the virtual safety of anonymity. The solitary nature of

    this clandestine scheme may have been the first mistake the directors had made.

    The entire operation was overseen by a board of science directors. these were a set of individuals, who while

    appearing to be unblemished high level career status government administrators, were instead a rather corrupt

    and unsavoury group, with links to criminal organisations, terrorist cells and warring planetary nations.

    Their pomposity and arrogance made them think that nothing could touch them, no one could do them wrong,

    they were untouchable. Petty rulers in a lonely kingdom.

    Safe to say, they were unliked. This was not a concern for them, they had the colony how they wanted it.

    Under the thumb. This was not the case however, other people had a different idea.

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    Amongst the scientific community present there, was a very clever man, Dr Ivan Monroe,

    a skilled and gifted geneticist recruited as the head of an experimental breeding project involving life stock and cattle,

    to increase the size and yield of meat and muscle on the creatures, therefore allowing better and cheaper food for the

    masses. These super beasts were truly enormous, sometimes twice or three times the size of its domestic counterpart.

    the genetic tinkering made these animals extremely docile, which as a good thing really as they really couldn't afford any

    mistakes that close to a breakthrough in stabilising any fickle, rogue genes that could effect the intentions of the work.

    Dr Monroe too had his secrets. As much as he had a fine reputation, he also had many vices, gambling, drinking and drugs

    to name but a few were his forte, things he would have been dismissed for in the blink of an eye, if anyone had known!

    It comes as no surprise, he had managed to rack up a long list of debts, gambling losses and drug bills from a whole host

    of nasty types. Among them was Alfonso Tartare, a crimelord of repute and considerable power. He had an unhealthy

    obsession with the creation of chimeras, hybrid creatures that share DNA with both man and beast. in return for his huge

    debts cleared, the good doctor would have to run a few little side tasks for Alfonso. So, funded by governmental grants and

    additional help from Alfonso's cash, he set up the plans parallel to the sanctioned ones.

    Alfonso thought he would soon be the owner of some hybrid creatures, intended for his plans for a private army, subservient

    to his wishes, stronger and deadlier than a human and combining the best attributes of both man and beast. Hundreds of vat

    grown strongarms to aid him in his criminal empire. Samples from the deadliest creatures in the animal kingdom would ensure

    him the ultimate killing machine. Monroe, had other plans.

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    Since the only way Alfonso would know how things were progressing was through deep space encrypted transmissions.

    Contact was few and far between as it was, especially regarding the highly secretive nature of the whole planet. The

    understanding was that he would get an update every six months, as this work would take him many secret years of

    growing and experimentation, so he was left alone to develop countless mutant creatures, sometimes unsuccessfully,

    that were ejected into the ecosystem of the planet to fend for themselves. Since the stock DNA most available to him

    was the blood from the human patients in the medical facilities and the livestock from the breeding project, so he used

    what he had. Alfonso would never know...

    in this time, his experiments would never be questioned, never discovered. His network of labs and complexes dotted

    #the landscape in secret, each one a new strain of mutant beast was being incubated in droves. Any suitable candidates

    were educated to use simple machines and allowed to do tasks, some even could be taught to operate computer

    consoles and other complex machines. Many of those who failed to meet the criteria for a successful hybrid were again

    cast out into the wild and the rest were kept for Alfonso, and it was around this time it was found that out of all species,

    pigs were best suited to the task, showing higher intelligence, an increase in strength and endurance, as well as a handy

    ability to derive nutrition from the widest range of organics. Bovines had been trailed, but tended to go psychotic andsuccumb to a variety of inherited genetic illness. The sheep proved to be erratic when hybridised and many escaped or

    had to be destroyed.

    Within three years, Monroe had replaced his human staff at a number of labs with the pig hybrids, all but the loyalist

    human staff remained. A chance visit from an envoy of the directors would see that Monroe be asked for an explanation

    of his actions, and he was called in front of a tribunal of the science council, stripped of his authority pending a full

    investigation. His work in ruins, his career about to be pipped in it's prime, Monroe ordered the rest of his loyal staff to

    #eliminate the evidence and destroy his creations and leave no trace. they began by torching the locations and

    slaughtering the hybrids. The frightened creatures ran for their lives, some escaping into the wilderness, some would

    die in the extermination, while some would fight back. These hybrids overpowered the death squad, fleeing the burning

    laboratories, with weapons, equipment and several virulent strains of disease used in tests.

    There was uproar, not only had crazed mutants destroyed parts of the colony, but now the threat of contamination.

    Following the first incident, another facility fell, then another, and more and more daily. The aggressive and well organised

    hybrids were fighting back, betrayed and angry, they armed for war against their creators. Soon the meagre planetary

    defence force that had kept peace on the world and moons, was in all out warfare. They struggled to defend what parts

    of the colony were left in human control. A call went out to the nearest military outpost, but it would take six months

    before any reinforcements would arrive to help, as the distances between star systems were great. The idea of solitude

    to protect them now worked as a disadvantage. They could not escape, they were stranded here with nowhere to run.

    Roughly six months previous, having had no contact with Monroe for many months, Alfonso decided to take an armed

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    But what of the good doctor? In Oggam legends he is known as The Keeper, and his fate was

    to be devoured by Anthracks the first kin, when they were betrayed. Anthracks in a crazed rage,fled into the desert wastes never to be seen again. Anthracks figures in Oggam lore as a great

    warrior figure, made saintly by his tragic story. (More about Anthracks later)


    contingent of his men to visit OG113, to check up on his investment. At the time of the unrest,

    Alfonso turned up at Mainstay, the largest settlement on the planet. But he would find the world

    on fire, devastated by a savage war on a grand scale, the creatures had almost total run of the

    surface, and razed the once shining colony. He and his men landed right in the middle of a battle,

    while having put up a good fight, he was captured with some survivors, and was never seen

    or mentioned again.


    When the troops arrived, there were no colonists left and the whole planet was infected with

    contagious diseases.

    The soldiers never got off the battleship, it was deemed a quarantine zone and anyone or thing

    that might have survived, would not live long anyway. Being as this had begun as a classified

    project, it was systematically scrubbed from all data in the archives, and no one was allowed

    to discuss it, it had never happened, and humanity would have to find another way to feed itself.

    The area of space was locked down, that and tens of other stars nearby were out of bounds

    and perimeter beacons set in a relay that told anyone passing to avoid the zone due to terrible

    contagion (as well as possible violators would be shot if caught in the area)This would keep straying starships, explorers and other would be visitors away.

    It was forgotten like a bad dream.

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    With space sealed off, the system was left to fend for itself.

    Thought by most to be a dead place, with nothing but disease.

    Down on the surface, the creatures were alone, surviving on what they

    Could. As they had been engineered, developed for a life of harsh servitude,This had made them extremely adaptable, able to survive and thrive in

    Their new order. Some of the clever ones taught themselves to use what

    other machinery the humans had left behind, this included the powerful

    Food replication facilities, which produced an algae rich vitamin mush in

    The mass feeding project. Not being too fussy, this stuff was lapped up

    By every available hybrid. Along with the atomic replicators and fusion

    Reactors, these things would allow the first kin to survive the testing times

    Ahead. Within thirty years, the population had bred, producing a large number

    Of generations in a short time. During this breeding, it had been known forSome of the more feral ones had interbred with the now wild pigs from the

    Experiments, and ultimately led to a more hardy, and highly mutable pig hybrid

    Species. Given that the surface of the planet had been exposed to viruses

    That had been released from the labs by the first kin, this by itself should have

    killed any life on the world, but nature found a way and instead of killing them off,

    They resisted, and the altered DNA in their code fought off any contagion in all

    But the weakest of mutant creatures. In this time they were evolving.

    And also at this time, all knowledge of what had passed, the human occupation,

    And the legend of the keeper and the first kin passed into myth. No longer wouldThey know the truth of their heritage. Over the next two centuries, they would

    Build upon the foundations of the old colony and its wondrous holy machina,

    They would create nations, wage warfare and create divisions and factions over

    The right to control the resources of the planet. Thus the Oggam were born.

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    The Oggam are a varied lot. Their appearance differs greatly amongst them, but most fall into three main

    strains. Ferals, Snorts, and Blanders.

    There are no limits to the Oggam form when cross breeding occurs between the racial branches, usually

    they will be classed by each other by their appearance nearest to how they look like. Ferals are of the wild

    strain and display a lean and hairy aspect, in the male a pronounced hump and razorback is noted as an

    attractive feature, the bigger the better, and will tend to be most popular with females. colouring is varied,

    with natural colours, black to reddish brown. Markings are not unusual either, sometimes a throwback to a

    previous generation or past bloodline. Such divides exist within tribal families as heritage governs the

    ruling elite and the control of each tribal sounder. They can be cunning and cruel, but as far as education

    goes, they are often savage and shun the rest of civilised Oggam society.

    Snorts are the most numerous, taking their lineage from domestic stock, Snorts also tend to be of a bigger

    frame, having less visible hair on their bodies and usually a pinkish skin tone. Skin variation exists within

    the more noble houses who can be seen exhibiting reddish all over tones, piebald and even albino ism.

    A tendency of all Snorts is to develop a few chins over time with age. This is considered a huge turn on by

    the opposite sex and represents the male as a more successful potential partner as he obviously has more

    opportunity to acquire and consume more food. It also makes them large and solid and a more formidable

    opponent when in battle. Snorts make up about 50% of the whole race, so it makes sense that the strains

    sensibilities account for the general cultural attitude and fashions.

    Finally, Blanders are the smallest size strain, more slender and even more hairless than the snorts.While they still can become corpulent and obese as the others, blanders exhibit more dexterity and forward

    planning and all round smarts. While many choose a military career, they are more likely to take up a post

    in engineering or intelligence. These are the thinkers of the species. Many of the Doomsayers are blanders,

    More than happy to send the big dumb snorts and ferals to their end, fighting in the next new wave of death,

    prophesied by the black pig himself.

    Females of this strain are highly prized as trophy brides by Oggam males of all kinds. This way a female

    blander may court a high status within society if she marries right.

    What drives males of any type is the size and presentation of the tusks, while present with all oggam, male

    or female, but traditionally speaking, bigger is better. They can be augmented with metal, carvings and any

    Manner of adornment. Warriors see it as a good measure of battle prowess when a good story can be

    attributed to a lost tooth or damaged one. In all but extreme circumstances, a lost tusk will simply grow backwithin a few months. Also as mentioned, the pronounced hump on the back of the neck is classed as fine

    breeding and combined with large well proportioned tusks and a collection of scars would do well for any

    Oggam to get a step up in society. Oggam love to tell tales of past victories, even a missing or replaced limb

    or organ will give much respect and notoriety to its owner (or looser) Survival is to be applauded.

    Firstly, there is not a typical

    Oggam, they come in many

    Different combinations and

    Shapes and sizes, so diverse

    is the species, even a insularsmall tribal clan (or sounder)

    can appear to resemble a

    totally different racial profile

    for such tribal members.

    As they are a very earthy and

    physical race, it is no surprise

    that appearance is a priority

    in most social and cultural

    rituals and exchanges.

    Oggam tend to stylise them

    Selves to create their ownIdentity within society and

    Make themselves stand out.


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    The OG113 system consists of 5 planets. The first and closest to its parent star (which is named the Divine

    Light of life by the Oggam) is the planet TUUR, a place of fire and lava, It is inhospitable to life as its so

    close to the oggam sun. Next is the Oggam home world, smaller in size than our own Earth and occupying

    A similar habitable zone as terra. It has two moons, GAR and TOR, both these lack oxygen on the surface,

    But make up for this with rich mineral seams and deposits. Further out is a ring of asteroids, whimsically

    Dubbed Nogglas Bits, no doubt the remains of an ancient planet laid waste by catastrophe in the past.

    The gas giant of GYRF comes next on our tour, followed by the smaller, but still massive ice world of

    BRUUR, it is seldom visited due to its harsh environs, then in the far reaches of the system, is the tiny world

    Of IKL. A mysterious world no bigger than Earths own moon.



    While it has been said that both of Oggams moons lack a breathable atmosphere to support life, they do not

    Lack inhabitants. The largest moon GAR is the home of the Uggaram Oggam and their feared Iron legion.

    When humans once inhabited the system, this place was used as a vast mining and manufacturing operation

    To supply the equipment and additional materials that were needed for the colony. This centuries old complex

    Stretches for hundreds of miles beneath the surface of the moon, with myriad of tunnels and huge city like

    Dwellings. Over years of occupation, the Uggaram Oggam have adapted, added and made the place their own.

    TOR, the other moon does have a form of atmosphere, although it is a thin and poisonous one, but is deadly

    Without adequate survival suits or sealed systems. It was once in the process of being terra formed by the early

    Settlers and was the source of power from rich methane and other radioactive rare minerals used in the

    Manufacture of starship engines. As with GAR, the surface is too hostile, so the previous inhabitants created

    City like complexes in domes and tunnel systems, away from the deadly surface. It is prone to great fire storms

    When a build up of methane occurs, that can sweep the entire world. The main settlement is the kingdom of

    Skreeel. The dreaded fire worshipping oggam here are allied in the League of Anthracks, and form one partOf the Council of the Chosen. The underground factories still churn on, creating weapons of war of nightmarish

    Design, at the whim of the Primarch


    Oggam has a varied and comfortable climate, no doubt the reason it was chosen for the colony in the first place.

    It has a similar yearly cycle to Earth (except the year is 14 days less) It has a north and south pole, the north

    Is known as the white wastes (the majority controlled by the Uggaram Oggam), while the south is largely

    Uninhabited (by the oggam, not wildlife!) While the oggam might be the primary species, they are not alone.

    The planet has two continents, the largest is known to oggam scholars as Ungalatees, while the smaller is

    Not really named, other than the two nations that live there (Su-I-Rashon and Notocheros)There are theories that the smaller split from the main landmass at the end of their last ice age, but oggam

    Scholars and the establishment have bitter arguments with science and flaky religious views at opposite ends,

    And little real progress is made with any research of value, unless it is for the purpose of war or survival,

    Science has to wait. The oggam dont tend to value science beyond those things.

    There are several island archipelagos and clusters, these too have oggam living there, but not in huge numbers,

    This could be due to the other creatures that occupy these remote places. The isles of gore, Island of Mu and

    Isles of barh are not places the oggam dare go without a large force of troops, the things there especially

    Dislike the pig things and most oggam never return from there.

    On the continent of Ungalatees, the conflict over the city of Styx has continued for many years. This concerns

    The control of the holy ruin or the Womb of creation. This site is regarded to be the site of the place the

    First born were conceived or to some, where the First kin started the original conflict that lead the world toChaos. The difference of opinions of the oggam lords over the years has led to this area being constantly

    Contested for centuries. Those who control the city, would kill to own the knowledge of their forefathers,

    Or seek to hide the truth from the rest of the oggam for fear of death.


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    THE ECOLOGY OF OG113The Oggam are not the only creatures that inhabit the world, many other creatures were created in Monroes

    Bizarre experiments on livestock. The island of Mu and Isles of gore are the home of the insane Mugals.

    These hybrids are the descendants of the cattle that were hybridised in the early days. The Mugals as they are

    Known, resemble what we might call Minotaur, except they are creatures of insanity, twice as large and evil.

    They have little more than animal intelligence and are prone to cancerous mutation. They burrow beneath the

    Ground, only venturing out at night so their eyes can cope with the light. Their skin is pale, and eyes large

    Black ovals. Many an Oggam has ended as food for them. The oggam fear these creatures and do not dare to

    Visit anywhere they are found.

    Another race of hybrids, while not as insane, but just as dangerous are the Baahl. They are found in the Isles of

    Barh mainly. Tribal and barbaric, these creatures again were part of the original experiments, this time sheep and

    Goats had been used as genetic stock, but had proved to be too chaotic in their temperament, leading to themEscaping captivity and fleeing to remote and unforgiving areas away from danger. They live in crude wooden

    And stone dwellings, worshipping the elements and cycles of the planet. While the oggam do not fear them

    As they do the Mugals, they are cautious of them and their heathen ways. Many an Oggam expedition has led

    To the Baahl sacrificial altar, and eaten in ritual feasts. Invasions have been unsuccessful also, and the Oggam

    Have finally learned to leave them be. Sometimes the odd civilised Baahl can be found in a mercenary force,

    Specialists in long range weapons, as they can be extremely handy with a sniper rifle.

    A myriad of other creatures inhabit the home world, examples of which range from the super sized wild pigs on

    The plains, often employed as work animals and mounts by them, to seriously dangerous predators like

    The seven toed Nutgrinder, an enormous apex predator resembling a snapping turtle headed giant hyena

    (with seven toes on each paw.) Bird species include the black sleek, a pigeon sized blackbird with a razor

    Sharp beak, that when threatened fly at accelerated speeds of up to 200mph, en mass at a threat or predator.While there are some species that were imported from earth (such as parasites and pests, rabbits, rats,

    cockroaches and several fish species, trout and cod are common.) lots of other animals prevail, especially in

    The seas and oceans. The oggam are fearful of the great wet, so tend to leave it alone, as sea creatures here

    Resemble saurian monsters from earths past and tentacles from below eat the unwary oggam sailor!


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    OF MOK



































    SEA OF





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    War is rife within oggam society, it has been forged in the heart of

    battle since the beginning, and will do so until they are no more.

    It seems as though the urge to fight each other is so deeply

    imbedded in their DNA, ogglets sometimes will fight each other as

    soon as they are born.

    It is probably down to the genetic programming that Monroe and his

    teams engineered into the original hybrids at the request of Tatare

    at the beginning, but we could never be sure that it was just a sideeffect of Monroes poor judgement or drug induced states during his

    time in charge of the experiments.

    As the population of oggam rises, year after year, it is no big surprise

    that resources, territory and finding a suitable mate is what causes

    most of the aggravation, but add to this the centuries of feuding,

    There are countless rival forces at war on the homeworld, but

    firstly we are going to deal with the main four big players in the

    oggam theatre of war, The great and glorious golden empire of Og,

    The League of Anthracks with their death cult, The Uggaram and

    their Iron Legions of Gar, and the tribes of the Scrofa.

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    Oggam factions and fighting forces:



    When the first kin started the revolt against their masters several centuries ago,

    the revolution was led by the first born kin, namely Anthracks, Scrofa, Ugg,and Ogi,

    the strongest and most intelligent oggam born to the program. Anthracks, the mostaggressive and violent, Scrofa, cunning and untamed, Ugg, the practical and vigilant

    one, while Ogi had the inventive and clever. There were others in this circle, Toch,

    Rasu, Clem and Okk to name a few, but the first four organised the rebellion as revenge

    to the keeper and his people in retaliation for their attempts of betrayal in trying to erase the secret

    experiments, and hide it from the authorities. After the humans were killed and the warring had ended,

    the first kin parted their own ways along with their followers, into a new world they would have to forge


    THE FIRST EMPIREOgi, had great vision for an oggam, probably the best for all those oggam in those days,

    and took his people to the main administration sector complex of the planet and startedfrom scratch, he had long studied the strange and complex machines of the keeper andthought it best to take shelter amongst the ruined buildings to make them their own.

    Having been taught to read, write and other skills, gave him much to pass on to his kin

    for the continued survival now the keeper was gone. Luck was in the favour of these first

    oggam, and what resources had been left behind, Ogi and his people were able to survive the

    first few harsh years, due to the vast dried food stores held under the complex, and the

    food algae replicators used for deep space travel. After many years of successful living,

    Ogi was hailed as a hero and crowned emperor and king. This he held for many years, loved

    by the swelling population, basically educated from old earth knowledge, and taught to be


    He was venerated to almost godhood by his followers by the time he died.This tradition is still continued by the fore barers, although with scarce recorded data

    kept only by the elite of the faction, he is held in legend and lore and portrayed as a

    giant morbidly obese golden pig, serene and buddha like in statues and art. While his

    rule was kind and benevolent to the oggam, the empire of today is a totally different place.

    TODAY'S EMPIREThe empire that exists now is far removed from the vision of Ogi. Years of good living,

    overly productive breeding and expansion, has caused on more than one occasion to create

    war and unrest within their society. When Ogi died, they were lost, electing leader after

    leader to take them forward. Without direction, the oggam began to change the system,

    introducing new laws, different ideas and rules each time an emperor was ordained. Sectionsof the community waged secret and underhand ways to gain control of the empire, leading to

    a tradition of assassinations and murder. As a result, the title of Emperor is a job that

    changes frequently as the machinations of the golden council members play out, intrigue and

    corruption for control mean the Emperor is not a career choice that lasts long....

    This does not seem to put potential candidates off wanting to become supreme leader and the

    bad karma that goes with the job is almost treated like a usual occupational hazard!


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    THE FORCES OF WAROggam belonging to this faction are distinguished from other sides by many cultural differences

    than the others. Firstly they are made up from a majority of snorts and blanders, the snorts

    are the politicians, community and battle leaders, due to their size and heft and supported by

    a large proportion of Blanders, filling the roles of technicians, learned types and intellectuals,

    few blanders get the chance to fulfil the ambition of supreme leadership, but many emperor's previous

    have been of the breed, with skill, cunning and resourcefulness key traits admired by the empire and

    its citizens.

    Since the start of the great wars of Ungalatees and Styx, the Empire has become concerned with the

    greater good of all oggam, awaiting the second coming of Og(i) to lead them to the coming together

    of the peoples of Oggam. The great wars gave the empire a reason to stop the fighting between themselves

    and go forth in force to combat "The Enemy" (Basically anyone who would differ in opinion from the

    Og philosophy) With many past generals, experts in the art of war and battle, it has left a great

    tradition of military organisation and the faction is probably the most ordered force on the planet.

    Pecking order is important, so a good soldier learns to know how to be a master by first learning to

    be a slave. The Royal guard are the vanguard of the faction, well armed and armoured, drilled in weapons

    and combat, one day they may rise the ranks and may well become Emperor if they behave in a way that

    inspires the populous. Many will die on the battlefield, forgotten and lost in the endless fighting over

    disputed territory. The Royal guard wear the standard green body armour and helm with a characteristic

    slit visor. They are respected and feared by the past achievements in war. The other main bulk of troopsis made up from irregular part time troops, these oggam live usually productive lives farming and breeding,

    called up to service when needed. They accompany the guard into battle, armed with basic rifles and

    handweapons and little armour.

    Other warrior sects exist in the empire, among them, the Imperial Golden guard take priority only second

    to the golden council. With polished golden armour and ornamental crested helms, they serve unquestioning

    to their masters, trained in many skills of war and savage warriors to boot. The guild of eternal happiness

    boast more deadly trained killers than the Golden guard, only they work in secret, sent to do the dirty jobs

    no other oggam would dirty themselves with. The Mechanog, with their invaluable knowledge of machinery, both

    of oggam manufacture and salvaged vehicles accompany every Imperial force, giving heavy artillery support and

    logistics for battle. Known best for their "Longsnouts" (Oggam tanks and guns) and sometimes insane Cybog

    battle scarred commanders with an insatiable appetite for combat, food and seeking thrills!While some might see the Empire as one of the most noble and organised forces of Oggam, do not be fooled.

    They are as savage and dangerous as the rest, especially when it comes to any foreign visitors to the world.

    Many stranded or lost off worlders who get captured venturing into the boundaries of Oggam space and territory,

    tend to either wind up in prison work camps to toil away the rest of their lives, or simply just killed for

    sport or fun. Sometimes an imperial general will employ Baahl mercenary units, famed for their sharpshooting

    skills, or even the odd human or alien in his retinue. All non Oggam are regarded with suspicion and tend to

    end employment by the faction's treacherous ways and traditions, but unlike other factions, will tolerate

    other races for a time without trying to eat or sacrifice them!

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    THE LEAGUE OF ANTHRACKSAnthracks was the first kin that slaughtered Monroe. His story is one of tragedy according

    to many Oggam scholars. It is true that he killed Monroe, how he did it is another matter.

    Opinions are divided in Oggam circles. The real truth is that while he was among the original

    three from the very first program, he was far from perfect. He was clever, a fast learner and

    loyal at first. having been exposed to the most virulent strains of foot and mouth, he gained

    the nickname Anthracks for this reason. His constitution repeatedly fought off infection,and earned him a permanent place in the program. His DNA had some other unforeseen glitches.

    He had a secret condition, a habit of wild psychotic behaviour which he managed to hide in

    peacetime. When he witnessed Monroe give the order personally to terminate the first kin,

    his world came crashing down, how could his beloved keeper do this to his children?

    Anthracks betrayed escaped by causing damage to the facility and released many deadly

    strains of disease from the lab, and took many sealed canisters of pathogens with him

    and his rescued kin. He would later track down Monroe and murder him in revenge for his

    actions against the kin. The tragedy according to Oggam lore is that Anthracks loved his

    keeper as he would his father, Monroe did create them after all, maybe with his own DNA.

    Anthracks was so wracked with guilt, he went insane and fled into the wastes, never to be

    seen again. His return is anticipated by the Oggam, but Oggam religion is full of returning

    heroes and gods, so any potential arrival of a fated champion in the theatre of war, is

    usually interpreted as Ogi or Antracks, or any other legendary persona!

    THE FOUNDING OF THE LEAGUEAnthracks had gone and all the Oggam were free to go their separate ways, Ogi took his people,

    Ugg his, Scrofa and the others departed. Life was left to return to a world where the Oggam ruled.

    Over the years in the south, kingdoms and tribes evolved and grew, rose and fell. The largestsettlement to arise was the kingdom of Kru, a dangerous place, originally a busy port that supplied

    transport to the various islands and moons with their labs, factories and complexes. Now it had become

    a notorious city, the worst and most dangerous Oggam resided there, criminals and thieves. The other

    noted kingdom was Holgus, it had once been prosperous and lush, but years of constant plague and wild

    weather had began to take its toll and it's people were dying. Out of this devastation came a religious

    movement that gave these Oggam any hope. The cult of the Black pig of death. It had a doctrine, thatin order to save them from death and despair, that one should become one with it and become it, then

    the black pig would reward you with life. Desperate to believe a way out, the cult spread through the

    kingdom and within ten years, they had risen enough to replace the old guard with the order.

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    After another ten, it had become the city of the black pig. Soon after this, it's influence had swallowed

    up most of the southlands right up to Kru. The guilds that ran the kingdom behind the royal family

    would advise the city to allow a presence of the order to work in Kru without obstruction, or may

    fear the same fate as Holgus, so over time the state religion had adapted to the same philosophy

    and worked in old Oggam lore of legends of Anthracks, having become the incarnate black pig of death,

    and delivered the Oggam from destruction and betrayal from the keeper. Allied the two cities started

    a campaign of expansion and soon more smaller kingdoms and settlements would be absorbed by the army

    in the name of Anthracks, the tragic folk hero. The moon of Tor was next to be cleverly converted tothe insidious cult by having their lore interwound and stories of Tor the pig of fire written in as

    the brother of the black pig, even the land of Okva, with its primitive Oggam barbarians converted by

    missionaries, preaching the word. Their spirits and ancestors would become part of the religion's

    pantheon of brother and sister lesser deities. Whilst still independent states, they would eventually

    sign a pact and create the league with its council of the inner kin, a representative of each highest

    member states and kingdoms presiding over the law of all allied countries.

    THE LEAGUE OF TODAYThe league of nations under Anthracks stands a tough and determined faction, many under one symbol.

    The structure of law is roughly the same overall, but with regional variation. The cult's holy priests

    and brotherhood are in charge of everything from daily life to the main army. The philosophy is so

    ingrained on society, young oggam must serve in the army as holy emissaries of the brotherhood.

    Brainwashed and initiated in varying layers of ritual and rank, they become fanatical and are quite

    willing to die on the words of the masters, some may rise up the ladder and occupy authority in the

    many levels of training, but most will throw themselves at the enemy to martyr themselves in the name

    of Anthracks. The inner circles of power thrive on this, and scheme and formulate new ways to assimilate

    the rest of Oggam to the ideal of totality, this reality will end in armageddon if they achieve the aim,

    the masses fight without question. Only the factions of the Empire of Og, the Iron legion and smaller

    countries stand in the way. This is probably because they have not experienced the harsh history they have,

    and the beliefs held oppose the league so much fundamentally. It would be fair to say that the long war over

    the holy place of Styx will wage for as long as each stand to give breath. There is a more sinister tone to

    the war. The league seeks to make sure that no one finds the truth of what happened at Styx and how the real

    history of the Oggam would be revealed. The cult would loose it's control and they would be no more. That'swhy the war rages still.

    THE STRUCTURE OF THE LEAGUEThe forces of the league are mainly made up from converted fanatic Oggam who have something to prove. Most are

    armed with what they can get their hands on, wearing dark colours and face coverings or cowls. these Oggam are

    un-anointed until they have proved the black pig of death has saved them from destruction. Once they have survived

    long enough, they are then given a uniform consisting of robes, body armour, respirator and a black hood with

    Anthracks' glyph emblazoned upon it. They are then branded with his symbol and join the ranks of the holy army.

    Unusually all breeds of Oggam fight side by side with the order, even sometimes females, all are equal when the

    black pig comes calling. If an Oggam is raised beyond the general brotherhood, they may find them self being

    promoted to any of the more specialised circles. The hand of Anthracks are the secret police, deadly assassins

    and cruel torturers of those deemed an enemy of the state. The Heart of Anthracks are the faithful, missionaries,doomsayers and prophets, while the hoof are the heavy support, engineers and fabricators of the wargear used by

    the armies. The mechanised divisions whilst small compared to the golden empire and Uggaram, make use of nightmare

    weapons, like Black Stanks or "Stink tanks" designed to carpet bomb entire areas with poisoned gases and smoke.

    Spewers are tracked vehicles with huge silage containers attached to turreted hoses, that spray the enemy with

    toxic, corrosive or diseased waste. Many an Oggam parent has told stories of these terrible contraptions to their

    ogglets to make them behave, they bring fear untold that would make even the most grizzled cybogs nervous.

    The Hoof maintain other salvaged and stolen vehicles taken in battle and reused. A quick lick of black paint and

    the triangle mark of the faction, and they are ready to serve the order, in fact if they can re purpose anything

    for destruction, they will use it and it will march along side the fanatical army. Forged in factories that pollute

    the skies every day and night, ceaselessly churning weapons of war for the cause.

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    More specialist troops from other areas will fight with the main faithful, the Fire warriors of Tor, for example

    are a strange but deadly force, known for their bizarre worship of the core of the moon of Tor as a deity,

    regularly sacrificing captured enemies by burning them alive. They wear pointed asbestos hooded flame retardant

    battle gear to withstand the heat from the temperatures of the burner cannons they traditionally carry.They also are the only league member states that own any short range attack craft (They live on a moon, so it

    is essential for transport) These burn spitters as they are called, provide air support to the league's fighting

    capability. The Korsairs of Kru, bring movement in the form of a large navy of steamships and boats. Little more

    than pirates, they are fast and know the seas well, transporting troops and supplies over the globe. Finally the

    Okvan beastmasters, and their trained mugal beasts sometimes are used to flush out the enemy, by poking and tauntingthe huge savage beasts, they can be sent to panic enemy troops as well as eat them. There are many beasts these masters

    employ, such as spike wyrms, and packs of huge wild boar like beasts called "Pigdog".

    With the Oggam population rising each day, it could be said the attempted strategies of the League might not really

    make a dent in the overall numbers. But, given chance to enact the end game, the oggam would be no more......

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    IRON LEGIONTo call an Uggaram, an Oggam is a foolhardy and

    dangerous thing, these Ogs do not class themselves as the

    Other hybrids, looking down on their inferior cousins from

    Their cold industrial moon of Gar. When the first kin split

    Company, Ugg and his brood chose to take advantage of the

    Small fleet of short range spacecraft and seek their fate

    In the sky. It is thought that Ugg had obtained knowledge

    Of the vast manmade out posts and factory forges there,

    And the locations of several S.W.I.L. refining tanks housed there. With this he set forth to the stars and a

    New start. Most of the humans there had already fled, and those who hadnt were quickly rounded up

    and killed. Ugg declared himself king and ruler of his new world, and his new order was to follow.Ugg was hard and cold, a ruthless creature who stood by what he ordered and was swift to keep discipline.

    Those of his following who stayed loyal were rewarded, while those who did not were mercilessly

    Disposed into the vacuum of space. For the kin of Ugg, times were not as hard as that for those on the

    Homeworld, given that the facilities on Gar were designed to house thousands of factory and security

    staff for long periods of time, the dark days were not dark but a time of plenty. There was a great sense of

    Security and gratitude by these Ogs, that Ugg was revered as the saviour, lord and master of the world of

    Gar. Hence over time they developed as the Uggaram (Ugg-Gar-Am meaning Uggs children of Gar

    in the Uggaram dialect)

    Ugg set out a way for these Ogs to live, and with life being so good, he could do nothing wrong.

    His people bred and obeyed the strict marshal law, each generation accepting the militaristic status quo,and a growing xenophobic attitude toward anything they classed as Un-Uggaram. Gars factory machines

    Were put to good use by the technical minded blanders

    And snorts, arming and equipping the most loyal Ugs

    That were devoted to the cause of Gars defence and the

    Uggaram way of life.


    Until the last 100 years, the uggaram were quite happy

    Living on Gar, food was plentiful and peace was the

    Norm. That was until intrusion from a group of Oggam,who had acquired a vessel from lost spacefarers who had

    been stranded below in Kru. Led by a rogue warlord, the

    Oggam strayed into Gar orbit, and when challenged by

    several small Uggaram flyers shot them from the sky.

    The Uggaram took this act as open war upon them and

    Began to mobilise for war. The then Iron King was an

    Uggaram named Ikarug, and it was his almost fanatical

    Philosophies that keep hostilities alive to this day.

    His orders were to destroy the invaders and declare war

    Upon anything that was not Uggaram.

    They would know the wrath of the Uggs as each week,New and more damaging raids on the homeworld were

    Visited on the unaware oggam below. Even today the

    hostilities remain and the Uggaram and Oggam are

    Deadly enemies.

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    The Uggaram are a hardy and stalwart people, often misunderstood, often cruel and

    violent. While the general population of Gar and the Uggar wastes generally tend to

    lead simple and humble agricultural lives, there are a large section of the populous that

    devote their lives to the art of war. Below are some of the main warrior castes thatexist in the uggaram society.

    Uggaram Raiders: The majority of Uggaram males that set themselves to the continual

    assault on other Oggam settlements are raiders, these make up to 75% -90% of an

    Uggaram attack force. Wearing the symbolic spiked silver grey shoulder pad, they use

    shock and sheer numbers to overwhelm the enemy. Skilled in hand to hand fighting

    and brutality, their main objectives tend to be loot and pillage, then make a swift retreat

    with any stolen swag. They are classed as savages to the more disciplined Uggars, whosee them as a necessary evil.

    IRON WARRIORS: The elites of the Uggaram are the armoured Iron Legion. Wearing

    their dark silver body armour from head to trotter, this section of warrior Uggar are

    well trained and well drilled in the art of war. Iron warriors believe they are the chosen

    breed to take control back of the homeworld. Resolute in their aims, and with a zeal

    almost unmatched by the cult of the Black pig, they scheme to take back what is theirs.

    The machine god of Gar is their master, the endless mechanical system that lies at the

    centre of the complex of the Gar colony. It provides all things for life to exist there andit is imagined as a huge robotic Uggaram or pig. The Iron warriors are seen as the

    protectors of the Uggaram, proud and disciplined, they defend the ideal of an Uggaram

    way of life.

    ORDER OF IKAR-UG: The Ikar-Ug are the caste that concern themselves with the

    maintenance and creation of weapons of war. They maintain a fleet of short range

    orbital attack craft and shuttles, used to transport raiders and Iron legion troops back

    and forth on their missions. Several divisions exist within the order, from thousands ofblander technical crews to highly specialised units, trained in aerial combat and special

    operations. Special teams include, Sharooms (Heavy artillery weapon support teams),

    Mattir (Suicide assault teams), Santyr (Heavy assault jump troops) and the all female

    Brunild (Fast attack assault). All Ikar-ug devotees worship the ancestor spirit of the

    sainted Ikar-ug, a winged and hallowed Uggaram warlord of lore, he was the first to

    reign down terror from above upon the Oggam. It is said that the Santyr still keep his

    preserved body within the heart of the machine god of Gar, and one day they will

    revive him to take his place as Rex Mundi of the homeworld.

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    Scrofa was another of the first kin, that when the days of conflict was ended,He took his loyal followers to the wastes to start a new life and return to nature.

    Some say that he pined for his lost brother Anthracks, but more realistically felt

    The need to find a place away from the rubble of what the humans had left.

    These Oggam longed for a natural way of life and shunned the discarded technology, opting to scrape a

    Good living from the already bountiful harvests of wild food and resources on the planet.

    This well meaning idea was short lived, as the dark times came upon the kin, and Scrofas lot were forced

    To survive in an even worse situation than the other splintered groups over the world.

    Again the mutagenic properties both rampant in the atmosphere and in their DNA made a way through the

    Harsh situation and allowed them to adapt, taking more bestial survival features, within a few generations

    the sub species of the Feral was born.

    The joining of the Clans

    Over time, Scrofas kin diversified, spread and populated the lands north westerly, now that Scrofa had died

    And gone, in typical Oggam style, they began to fight and squabble. Now they had split into hundreds of

    Regional small sounder clans, each still taking the lead from Scrofas teachings, yet interpreting them in

    A different way. This was until the northern expansions of the empire of Og and raids from the Uggaram in

    The north. The clans were hit over and over, forced to give up generations old territory or forced to move

    Whole settlements by the invaders. Tribal clan leaders were pushed to call a truce and a Razorback warlord,

    Warrugg united the clans one day, in the shadow of the Steel Cages, a place where Monroe had once kept

    Thousands of livestock in cramped conditions. It now had been adopted as a symbol of the wilds power over

    Oppression. The clans next went to war with the empire, driving them back out of Scrofa lands.The Empire, not wishing to waste endless amounts of valuable resources fighting this new organised force

    Withdrew and entered into diplomacy, eventually

    Signing an uneasy treaty that would save their lands.

    This peace remains today with the empire.

    The same cannot be said of the Uggaram.

    The League of Anthracks never successfully made

    Any notable incursions into scrofa tribe areas, and

    As a result of this, as well as allying with the Og

    Imperialists, Scrofa tribals can sometimes be seen

    With League troops as well, however these bandsOf mercenary Scrofa tribals, will NEVER enter into

    Direct combat with other Scrofa.

    Tribal issues are always played out in the arena once

    A year at the Steel cages, where the biggest and the

    Meanest Scrofa champions fight out honour feuds

    To settle scores. This is the Scrofa way.

    There are other contradictions that exist, that being

    The Hoggit clan are exempt from the treaty with the

    Empire, whilst the Wylder clan despise the Okvan

    Forces within the league.

    All that is sure, is that in times of great conflict,

    The entire Scrofa clans (of which there are hundreds)

    Will come together and raise hell just as much as

    Any other Oggam.

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    The four major clans



    The razorback clan are what the other clans aspire to. Ruled by the largest and most

    Dangerous feral males, they have made for the most desirable clan for other Scrofa Oggam to breed with as

    They have a heritage they claim goes right back to Scrofa himself. They were also the clan to devise the

    Coming together of the other clans, so as much as other clans may admire or envy them, the rules which theyLaid down for all of Scrofa clan members, holds them a title of justicar and lawmakers. This is why the clans

    Meet up every year, to iron out conflicts and set new things in place, as well as trade, eat, breed and bond.

    The Razorbacks are mainly nomadic, moving from one place to another each year to allow areas to regrow

    And replenish natural resources. They claim the Steel Cages as their house of pain, but only return for the

    Big meet as the other clans do, but will come back to the place if it is in danger of occupation or strife, to

    Defend it from invaders. Only the sayers of the Law remain there and maintain the endless corroding shells

    Of metal until they return annually.

    The Razorbacks are well organised, keeping many salvaged and antique weapons and vehicles that double

    As a makeshift city when they move. They are quick to adapt anything they find to make life easier for them,

    Thus their equipment is quite random at best, but the members are cunning enough to trade up when the

    Opportunity allows.


    Clan Swinehart are a vicious and almost primitive clan that shun technology in the attempt

    To return to the glory days, they carry no guns, nor maintain any vehicles, opting for blades, clubs, chariots,

    Riding beasts and leather armour. Given that they seem the more simple cousins, this can be a serious error

    Of judgement to a force facing them. They are deadly and savage barbarians that have no fear of death, it

    Is even said they worship dark things that transform them into hideous creatures in battle.


    These are the mystics and spiritual thinkers of the clans, well known for the great midsummer

    Rites and their skills with animals, plants and the natural world. It is said that a Wylder can tame the mostSavage of beasts and are sought out by many an aspiring Oggam general to add one to his retinue.


    The Hoggits are not so much a clan, but a haven for outlaws, villains and disreputable sorts

    Of the Oggam world. Any Oggam may become a Hoggit, that is if they are cast out from usual Oggam or

    Uggaram society. The wandering oggam may opt to join with a Hoggit gang living on the fringes just

    Outside that of the norm, and as soon as this happens, they will be considered a Hoggit, even so this is not

    Strictly true a non Hoggit will only be classed as a true clan member until they actually marry into the

    Clan. The whole clan is overseen by the current Ma and Pa hoggit, who devise the latest big operations on

    Behalf of the rest. It is also noted that due to the acceptance of any unsavory oggam into their ranks, there

    Are many non feral oggam in this clan, giving rise to many other Scrofa to call them names pertaining toThe mixed culture often calling them hairy snorters or other derogatory remarks.

    OTHER CLANS: There are quite literally hundreds of other smaller Scrofa clans that exist, but as they

    Either arent war like enough, or are too few in numbers, are not important enough to take part in the major

    Politics of the bigger and meaner clans. They are expected to obey the lists of the Law Sayers or risk facing

    The judicial champions in the steel cages arena to air their differences.

    Other mid sized clans of note include, The Brass Crab Clan (Mainly concerned with coastal fishing), TheOogwose Clan (Forest dwellers), Rootsniffer clan (Mainly farmers and truffleminers),


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    other sides and nationsThere are many other smaller and just as deadly forces in the oggam

    world, as the hybrid race has populated most areas and over breedingmeans that they will inevitably be forced to fight more and more for

    space and resources.

    Other key players include the rashon oggam who reside in the smaller

    continent in the cities of Hokai and Kwoh. The two rival clans of

    Gatsu and Butu tend to concern themselves with battling each other

    rather than wide scale war. Meanwhile south from Su-I-Rashon lies

    the Republic of Notocheros, a den of revolutionaries and traitors,

    founded by legendary oggam freedom fighter Cheros. Regarded asterrorists by other oggam, they target areas in which they claim that

    oggam are suffering oppression and cruelty.

    Then there are primitive tribes such as the the Inog and Eeog who lie

    in the northern Uggar wastes, who when feeling threatened will form

    war parties to counter the supposed threat. While the weapons of these

    primitives are no match for more advanced oggam tech, braves from

    the tribes are known to hunt vicious polar mugal and dreaded beras

    for sport.

    As well as the threat of other oggam, the baahl sometimes have been

    known to raise a grand war horde on the whim of their pagan gods.

    This is something that even the hardest hearted oggam fear, the

    baahl are known to devour their captured enemies in order to gain

    advantage over them. It is a fate that an oggam would not want to

    suffer, especially as it usually is the ogs who do all the eating!

    Even the seas and space are not free from roaming bands of renegade

    oggam. Many steal sea vessels or orbital ships and operate as pirates,

    known as Aarghum to terrorise and plunder settlements.
