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The Camden Chronicle (Camden, S.C.). 1917-10-19 [p ]. · 2017-04-29 · Mr*. Kate McXauTleft...

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B&. ^-V* m'v- £v FT Camden Chronicle VOLUME XXIX. CAMDEN, SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY; OCTOBER 19, 1917. NUMBER 27. " Ill-mil NK NKW8 NOTKH. rhr*Hiiclo of Happenings From Our KegulAi' <Iorre«poiHltMil. "iWMM. «M «'. J A PP* Mi I. N Kink' loft Wednesday Z NVWIK"1 N('ws ,n WO,k for (lu* kio eminent. \j, W. K. I "i vis and Mr. luring j m vis s|M>nt Thursday In Columbia. yjr. and Mrs J. M. (Myburn, MImm Hettle Mmc n.\lnirn and Mrs. A.' M, tianluer motored to ItiHhopvlIle Fri- (J|V. Mi*. Sehna Punish of ( 'iiuuleil o»s pni/i-1 a Home l>emoiiHtratlon Club ler,. i .11 Friday afternoon at Klntfw Hotel Ain>ut twenty- three ladles were prvsfiit Tl»* next mooting will be held *,ux> Him- in N«»v»'inl>er with the pres¬ ent Mrs A is. MeLaurin. Miss Sue Anderson siH'iit the week «<] In Chora w with her sister Mr«.; Funis. Mr. MeZenzif. eotinty superintendent! tl Education v lid ted the w-bool Friday b the Interest of Hie corn elftbs. |ir. ami Mrs. 10. '/. Truewdale, Mrs. j, M. Forliis and Miss Stella liethunoj totorwl to Camden Friday. Mihx Lueil" Williams spent the week-j |», with lier |>a rents in Columbia'. Mr. I.. '5 Smith of ItiHhopvlIle wasj town Sunday. . Mr*. Kate McXauT left Monday morn- to resume her duties as teacher in it, Tiiu rod school. Mrs. IV I.. Norwood of MeBee s|*»nt mday In town with relatives. Mr. John ilethune. who 1h stationed it Camp Jackson. *i>ont Saturday 'night ft Sunday at home. Dr. J. I>. Ingram and syns of McBee rerr in town Friday. Messrs. li. S. and <». K. King went fc'Nwes Monday. Mr. and Mr-. Leon a rd Yarbrough of lirtsville were visitors here Sunday. Prof. J. c.ary Allen s|>ept the week- id in Columbia. ^ Mr. c,. I?. Clyhum has gone to Co-j idiIhu to attend business school. Mr J. I.. Kin^' left Sunday afternoon n a business trip to Aurora, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. ,j. M. Clyburn spent iandav at Ashland with relatives. Mr. Douglas Mays, who for some time is Ikh*ii working in Columbia return- I boine Saturday to engage in busi-( ss with his- father Mr. C. L. Mays. Mr and Mrs. Ix»roy Davidson of UBiIt'ii. and Mrs. Wilkes of Laurens sitod nt tlic hotiu* of Mr. W. M. Bftp-fiis Sunday Rf'v f">'1 Mrs. .1 M. Forbis. Mrs. ILMays aii Mrs. M. o. Ward went > t anid«Mi l-riday on a shopping ex- fOition. AMERICAN' 110 AT HIT kw Man Was Killed and Five Were Wounded. iWaxliiimt-ni. < K*t . 17. . An Amer- ¦n tli'stroyor on ]»atrol duty in the ¦ r Knilf W .t^ tor pcdoed by an eji- fc submarine y»»sterdliy and one man ¦feci am! five wounded. She idmhmH Inijikt |kh( hi spite of severe dam- I*.' v iTVv Admiral Sims (Hl)lP(l a brief ¦Htft of thi> iin i'li*nt to the navy de- IrtiDeiit liitt* i inlay.. He gave few de- I»ut i! iv ;<«suinfid there was no Pt tuil tin- u Uiat made good her ¦^1*' iifii-i l.i i ! i In n if a torpedo, with- it Show i|,_- v(»lf. B'Uinn Osmond Kelly Ingram nil; L.i.i'il, He whs blown JtIkkiM !.\ u,(. explosion and his ¦v recovered. Ingram s ¦^er. Mr- I .«.! i y Ingram, lives a< ¦It City \ r[ ¦' awur.laiH <. with t lie policy of Vfcy : : i 1 1 cr American naval op¬ tions. tli« iiipartmeiU did not dl- the Mi-- of nie destroyer oK ¦ ('Xa''t i 'lit f the encounter. ."no of ih<< wounded was seriously ¦ l l",> n Herman H. Pankratz. mat,.. <t. ix>uis ; William E. wr>tt. watiiHii. New York " City ; W. Kruz fireman, Toledo; Pat- -ltiitleds»>. .liipr. New York City, "liliam Sriiucr. fireman, Dpndas, Bn L Marriage. Pr- ' Min MoMitn* F.argle. of Ooluni- l »' inni Miss Annie J a unit a piau-. ,,f \v»»*t ville. S. C\. were rrtal y<st»M , , morning, the 18th b I*r«.l»atr» |Ul)e,. \v. I.. McDowell r*'i"- The l»rl«le is the* youngest I tr "f Mr "niorin'v Thiesdale, of our \ J 1 Twe|\e Ship* Sunk. ri'Wi. i., j- . TwelTc British F*1;! vmm-u <»f over 1,000 tons ^ *tink |»\ mine or Kuforoarinc* hi ¦.m according to tlie wtldtfr- tta* KritlNb admiralty tonight, f T(-"»eU under 1.000 toh« ftn<l one vp»s»-i were sung. ' I * .Bl'V A LIBERTY BOND "Fowl uikI .Money Will Win The War" lh Slogan. Columbia, S. <\, (M-t. 15. . "Food and Mdney Will Win Tin- War". This Is the slogan, which ha* hwn adopted h.v the l ulled States fimd ail ministration and the central Lilterty I^ofell Committee in the drive to self $15,000,000 worth of Liberty bonds and register 250,000 homes in the food .sav¬ ing movement. Ul»e allotment for eaeh county for the Liberty Ivoan has been announced hy the central committee. Charleston ihu»t subscribe the greatest amount of all the counties. The eapmulgn for the registration of all homes in the food saving move¬ ment as prescrlltod by Heritor! Hoover, national food administrator will be held during the w<n»k of October 28 to No¬ vember 4. The forces that are now Killing Liberty Bonds jwljl be used \4itli ' -tJhe'^food administration workers lh registering every homo in South Carolina. The jteople are urged to save food alul ptH M\eir surplus money in Lilterty Bonds. Bapoctal appeal is made to the farmers of the State to invest in thdne ltomds. The bonds are non-tax¬ able. Then, too. the Itonds can be used as security In financing the «ext crtop.. The leaders point out that hard tithes may follow Nio war. The Lib¬ erty bonds will prove the l>est kind of '"nest, eggs" to drive awayf hard times. Heady cash can always be rained on the bonds. The campaigns are being pushed rap¬ idly throughout the State and there Is every indication of success. The soldiers at Camp Jackson, the men who have already offered their lives to tilielr country, have to date subscribed . more than $150,000 for i Liberty Bonds. Every man in the state is urged to I appoint himself an ageiit and sell at least one Lilterty Bond. J The bonds must Ite sold if America is to will the war. The bonds must be sold to protect the men who have already lteen called to the colors. The ap|>eal is made to all jtatriotic citizens of South Carolina to get ItehJnd the ^movement and help oversubscribe the issue. i Died While at Work. Mr. T. fyon Smith, aped 50 yea rs^ a workman employed by the Hardaway: Company > at their construction work! at the Watereo dam. drop|ted dead' while at work last Friday afternoon about <5 oclock. His body was brought ! ti» Camden and prepared for burial.; It was shipped the following day to Blacikslmrg. liis fttriner home. Mr." Smith was at one time employed by the Southern railway, and leaves a sisy*r, Mrs. M. S. Dempse v at Blacks- burg. Chero-Cola Plant Sold. The plant of the Camden Oliero-t \da plant. recently owned and oj»eruted by Mrs. Victoria Lipscomh. was sold last week to Messrs. \V. I.. Jackson and Usher X. Myers. The plant will be continued under the same name with Messrs. Jackson and Myers as proprie¬ tors. The new company has Just put on a new liopuhlic truCk and expect in the near future to add another to keep up with the increase in their trade. The comimnv luix recently dis¬ carded the gasoline engine in their plant, and installed electric- motors which -adds to the efficiency ^>f the plant. Mr. Jackson will renin in l»» the transfer business, while Mr. Myers will luive charge of the lHittling plant. .* ?' " Oh You Kid! The title above miggests that there will lie something doing in "the line of fun at the <>i»era. Houae next .Mon¬ day when 'the farce of the above title is seen. There is no serious story in this play. It b< Just a series of char¬ acter tyi*»« drawn together by cliVum- .ftances. and held together by numerous songs, dances and spe<4alty features introduced. "It is to laugh" is the m^itfo of- the clever farceurs who will be seen and they devote two hours and a Ivalf to seeing that those who extend their patronage comply with the requirements of their motto. It's a funny -play< and we are promised a lot of clever fnn iiMjccr* in its char¬ acters. I v Mr*. Peak Dead. Mrs. Mary Peak, of the Pine (J rove section at West Wateree, died at the Camden hospital Saturday morning, where she had been undergoing treat¬ ment for two weeks. She Is survived by Iter huf4>and and several children The burial was at Pine Grove church Sunday 11 o'clock. \ * .. ' f IKKt'KN I IUIKM AITEAl Chairman del.oach Name* of Conupittee in County. To Hu* people of Kershaw '(N>unt> . J have Ikhmi appointed by the United States Fooif Administrator for South Carolina, as Chairman of the *ood Administration for Kershaw Count j. have been InfornnMl that Kershaw couu- ty ami one other county In the State are the only two counties that are be¬ hind in the organisation work for the food registration. This we greatly de¬ plore and earnestly ho|>e that we can remedy this matter at onee. I au» calling ni>on you, my fellow el t liens to aid me In this work of organising, «nd to this end l have appointed a Captain of a committee in each school district in the County. 1 have done thl»* with the aid and assistance of ltev. J. 11. Uarves and Mr. I. J. Me- Kenzie. County Su|>erlutendent of Nd li¬ gation. We have selected men whom we thought would he i>atrlotlc enough to give their time ami, attention to the matter. For the colored people, with the assistance of Rev. J. >V. Boy- kin of this place, I have appointed, a number of Captains for this registra¬ tion who will endeavor to obtain the registration of the colored people in their respective community. 1 am very much afraid that we do not realize the importance of this or¬ ganization. No one is asked to make a contribution of any money, nor will anyone to paid any money for the work which they are expected to do. If they are not patriotic enough to do this work without pay they will make it known at once or forever here¬ after hold their peace. Our country is at war, as you know, and in the very near future a large number of tin- soldier boys will be among our allies in Kurope lighting for us who remain at home; fighting for the honor of this country : lighting to protect the women and children of this country awl the homes in this country, and it certainly is as little as we ejin do to get to work and perform these duties which the government is ask ing us to perform, and do It cheerful- j ly and without murmuring. These Captains and Lieutenants who! will visit your home will ask you to( sign a card in which you will agree to. as near as you can. follow the lnstruc-, lions which the Cnlted States Food Administration will mall you in regard j to saving food. The government does not expert you to give them anything, j but they do expect you to save as. much as you possibly can so that that j which you do not need can go to those starving people in Europe, who greatly, need it. This matter is urgent, more; urgent possibly than you can at pres-j 0i, t roiicelve, and I again urge upon | those who have been appointed, or will Ik* apiM>liited. to lay aside for a short time their private business and, jrjV(. f., the government a few days ofj "their time. Tills must Ik- done at once We are going to have a meeting i. Camden, at the Comity Court House llt one-thirty o'clock, Saturday next, and I want all of the Captains wlio( have been appointed to be present at. that time and to bring with them every Lieutenant who will engage in this work and receive full Instructions at that time. There will be several speeches made at that time and I lu>l»c to have present some other members connected with the United States Food Administration. We would urge upon the teachers in Kershaw County to take an interest in this matter und to he at the meeting on Saturday if it is possible for them to do so. We would also urge upon the ministers in this County to have something to say in regard to' this matter at their ser¬ vices on Sunday next. During the com¬ ing week we hope to be able to make something of a campaign throughout the County, but we must depend upon the individuals appointed to do this work and do it at the very earliest possible moment. We want to regis¬ ter the names of every head of every familv In Kershaw County. Please do not treat this appeal with indifference, lmt come on Saturday and bring with you whoever you can who will take part in this campaign. W. BTdeTioacli. Those who have been named to serve in their communities: White K. M. Workman, Boykin FT. C. McLewlon, Caihdon O. Fundertrark, Oaxsatt \V . H. Ratcllff, Lncknow Z. I*. fJordon, Bethnne D. M. Kirltley, Kershaw R. L. Bell. We*triltt? S. TV. Hornahy, Can toy v , R. C. Jon**. Mherty Hill J. («etty*. Lasroff E<1 Hinsott. Blaney HKATII OF KRV. htKTKK # Passed Awaj a! Columbia Hospital and Interment at Charleston. We\ TIhmhIoic Atkinson I'orter. for years a resident of Charleston where lit* was rector of t tit* Church of t In* Holy ( 'ommunlon and connected with Porter Military Academy. died in a Columbia hospital ihsi Saturday and the hurlal wa*» at Magnolia cemetery at Charleston on Sunday. 1 l'|i until his health failed him a year ago he had resided in Camden but was last reetor of a church at Suiuinerville. He was 01 years of aw and had l>een twice married. Hy his first marriage he Is survived by live children . A. Tooiner Porter, of Atlanta: K. l«\ Porter, of Athens, (»a. ; Mrs. T. S. Waring. of Charleston; Mrs. Porcher (Srogory, of Charleston. Ills second wife wa« Miss Louise Salmond, of Camden, who together with two | sons. Harry and John Porter, both <if this 'city, survive. He is also sur¬ vived by one brother. Mr. C. K. Porter, of Columbus, (Ja. Movie Prices To increase. Manner Little of The Majestle The¬ atre telfc< us that lie will soon have to go up on the price of udmlsslon to his theatre. The present prices are child¬ ren 5 and and adults 10 cehts. But when the new tax on amusements goe« luto effect he will raise the prices to 10 and 15 cents. This is brought about by the heavy increase in the cost of films. Tlie raw material makers are cltarged a tax, then the producers are charged a tax. and lastly the gov¬ ernment will exact 10 i»er cent of the receipts by exhibitors. Mr. Little fig¬ ures that with the service he is now giving the Increase in cost to him will be around $7.25 per day or $4.41.50 per week, which means that the theatre- going public had Just as well look out for the ratne in price. It's either a ralf*e In price at The Majestic or go out of business. . M Court House JSaturday. . J A meeting in the interest of l«'oo<l Conservation will 1h» held at the County- Court House Saturday next at 1:30 o'- clock. I want t«» urge upon the i»eo- pie of the County to be present on tlint date. I exi>ect to have present j a prominent s|>eaker from one of the; other counties in the StHte. Men. and I women of Kershaw County come out and help. W. B. deLoaoh, County Chairman. Cotton Market. Cotton was sold on the local mar¬ ket yesterday for 'JK cents. .1. Uol>t. Majxill. Kershaw ('. A. Johwpon. Kershaw W. K. West, Kershaw It. T. Mickle. I/on«U>wn J. S. Itoss, Pontine .T. K. Brannon, Cassatt N, H, Workman, Kalli M. II. Horton, Bethune T. F. Iiorton. Kershaw T. B. VarhorouKlK Bethune F. F. Yorlwroutfh, Bethune Luther Raley, Bethune fJeo. FT McCoy. Lucknow A. C. Orejiory. Kershaw T. S. Bell, Kershaw < ). H. Watson. Kershaw James Team, Lupoff C. T. Falkenl>erry. Kershaw A. J. (Jrepory. Kershaw S. M. Carncs, Kershaw L, H. Speers, Kersjiaw 1.. X. Baker, Beth tine T. B. Blyther, Camden \V. 1'. Copeland. Camden Joe Fletcher, Kershaw W. II. Tiller, LURoff A. E. Kenned.v, Logoff .J. T. Stevens, Kerslwiw K. B. Iyoriek, Camden I.. J. ""Trailers*, Cussatt , t). Hammond. Stonehoro I). \y. Ogburn, Kershaw Colored. * Rev.T. J. Williams, Camden ReVr'R. C. Dow, Camden Rev. K. Berry. Cassaft Rev. I). I). (Jalther. Kershaw Iter. H. I* Izard, Kershaw Rev. J. E. Peters. Bethune Rev. John Butler, Boykln Rev. W. I'. Price. Cantey Rev. J. T. Murphy, Ixmjftown Rev. R. K. Boykln, Boykln Rev. H. Mayrant. Rembert Rev. L. Belton, Rlaney Rev. F. If. Harriott, Camden Rev. E. S. Jones, Klljfo Rev. I. X. Taylor, Rcralnrt t Rev. W. F. Km i tli. Camden Rev. A. Pontic, Camden Rev- M. J. Porter, lAifloff Rev. M. B. Eady, Txwl/ftown Rev. E. W. Stratton, Camden , Rev. B. J. UcftanlQl, Ca mdott^ I *TT C'ATTLK NIIUTKI) IIKKK I One Hundred and Thirty llcml Shipped J to ConHolldated Fnrnw Company. I »r. Wail or Sorrell returned Inst \\(H*k from a trip into North Carolina where In* wont to look after the shlp- luon t of lWiuyid of rattlo from (iiat section to i. ho Coiii<%d4datcd Farm* Company of Camden. In tlu» hot wore l>- head of steers weighing a total of lOl.iKtt imiuiiiIm, averaging IKK) pounds ihm animal. Thoro were also MS Imad of heifers, weighing L&i,.'llft pounds anil averag¬ ing ,"V'»7 innnuls |«» tlio animal. These oat tl»» have a I road y boon plac- oil In tlio jmsturos below Camden ami will Ik- fattened for lieef , to ho ship IhhI to nort hern markets. Thoy were gathered around Ashe and Wautaugu counties and placed on cars at l<enolr, N. ('. Mr. W. M. llell. from Hartavllle, also interested in rattle raising ne- companled I>r. Sorrell on the trip. The Charlotte Obesrvcr'a Asheville eorresiK»hdent tells of the movement of cattle in that section of the state un¬ der date of Ootol>er 18, as follows: "The Recent shipment of nearly one hnndred head of steers from the weigh* lug station of the Nonth Carolina ex- perlment station at Clyde was a dis¬ tinct revelation . to the many visitors pre.-ent who had been Invited to the occasion by Mr. It. S. Curtis. Ajh proximately $S(),(X)0 worth of cattle left the mountain pustules on that date to l»e tlulshe<l during the coming winter by feeders in other states. "The arrival of the droves of Hue steers made one think of tJie by-gone days of the western ranges. As the steers were driven In the calls of the drivers, the bellowing of the cattle as they were herded in the jhmis and the slow -moving stream of varicol¬ ored animals up the runs to the cat¬ tle cars formed a picture which made one wish that more farmers In the state would thus combat the growing scarcity of good lteef. "Modern method* were also fti evi¬ dence. The moving picture photog¬ rapher wax on hand. The cattle were all carefully weighed on large scales. were divided pocordtug to weight and condition, and careful records made in order tluit they might he of fu¬ ture value. , I 'Jamaica Ginger Seized. *' Sheriff 1. C. Hough has in liis jkw- session at the court house one box of, Jamaica ginger- weighing about 1<X) pound*. The goislx were consigned to K. S. Villepigue"at Camden ami were shipped from K. M. Matthews & Co., druggists, of Florence, S. C. Tills ex¬ tract contains IW |>er cent alcohol and the city police had knowledge that »i| like shipment had been received by. Vllleplgue Just a day previous. Officer Latta seized the goods from Willie Nel¬ son. a negro, who was acting as dray¬ man. 'Hie fmllce turned It over to the Sheriff who will keep It for thirty days when it will be destroyed. .Smokers Now Paying Tax. Cigar hi id cigarette dealer's of ('am den ix kiM this week to put an addi¬ tional price 011 cigarettes. Package* formerly selling for 5 cents are now selling for 0 cents. The ten .cent pack¬ age brings 12 cent*, and the fifteen rent package. sells for IK cents. This price .will only last until the manu¬ facturers dispose* of the present si ze iwckages on luind, then the packages will lie made smaller and the -old price will he restored. » Camden Hoys Make Fine Record. The Greenville Daily IMedinont of Octolier 1.1th ron tains an account" of fine day'« work among* the soldier# of Camp Hevler In the matter of Lllierty liond Hales. The following reference in made to the men of*' k Camden Com¬ pany : "In this reiH>rt, the subscription of the First South Carolina regiment is placed at $85,550. TIiIk figure was greatly increased thl# morning, how¬ ever, and up to noon today, I the regi¬ mental subscription, as compiled by Lieutenant Col. Spratt, was $05,100. There are 1,400 enlisted men in the regiment, and the subscription there¬ fore averages $07.49. or well, above one fifty dollar bond for each man . an unusual record. , "A surprising record was made by company M, of Camden, in tills regi¬ ment. With only 8fl men, the total subscription of this company waa $10, 550, or an average of fttlT.88 per man.] Another btgti record was itoade by com¬ pany O, of FYirt Mill, with 06 men, who . subscribed .for a total of $9,680. or *Kni.YJ per man." V- .. ' CHRISTMAS MA II. AIWOAI> j Instructions For Mailing Holiday Pack¬ ages to Soldiers In Knrope. The following bulletin dated Oeto bor .'I, lias lieen received at tlu» local postottice relative to Hooding packages i»y mail to sokliers abroad : "The (hue is approaching t»» give thought to bringing Christ max cheer to the Aineriean Kohilers and sailors abroad. Arrangements have been i>e.rfeoted »v hereby tin- Christmas mall to the 'Aineriean Kx|»cdltlonary Forces in Ku rope is t « » bo delivered by Christinas uioriilug. Without the fullest coopera- tlou on the part of the public it will Ik* lm|Mm>dhlc to accomplish \his re¬ sult. The three essential rex|iects in which the public can aid In assuring a happy Christmas at the front are: Mall early, address Intelligently, and pack secure¬ ly. For this reason it is urgently re¬ quested that all jiersonx having Christ¬ mas mail for the soldiers and sailors and the civilian units attached to the army In Eu rope observe closely the fol- lowing directions : 1. Mails to reach the soldiers in France by Christ max ihornlng must he posted not later than November 15. 2. Every jmckage must boar con- xplclously the words "Christmas Mail/' the complete address of the i>crBOti for whom It Is intended and. in the up- I>er left-hand corner, the nutne ami ad¬ dress of the sender. !l. Every par<'el must lie so packed ami wrapped as to admit of easy In- xpectlon by the iiwstmaster: No par¬ cel will be dispatched to France which lias not tin* js>st master's certificate that it contains no prohibited articles." Change In Postage. IN*stmaxter Shannon of the Camden I'ostoftice has received the following bulletin relative to the change in pox tal rates effective November 2: "1'nder the Act of Congress approved October H, 1017. changing the rates of ixistagc. the Itaitaptment will begin issuing 2-cent postal cards and .'i-cent isxstagc stamps and stamped enve¬ lops as soon as a supply can l»e man- ufactured. It will not be possible, however, to provide them In sufficient quantities to exchange stocks of 1-cent liostal cards, 2-cent stamps, oi* 2-cent envelopes hrtd by the public or by postmaster*. It will therefore be nec¬ essary. beginning November 2, 1017. when the new postage rates become effective for postmasters to continue the sale of L-cent cards and. 2-cent en¬ velopes while their stocks last, and for the public to fix adhesive stamps to cards and envelopes to the amount of the increase of postage." Services For Colored Men. Rev. J. W. Boykln pastor of Ml. Morlah liaptlxt Church, requests us to announce that there will be a fare¬ well service held at his church on Fri¬ day evening for the eighteen colored men to leave soon for Camp Jackson. The progrum will l>e similar to the one held several weeks ago and the public Is cordially invited. >, A Nervy Thief. A ihief hist week stole the Rambler bicycle belonging to Chief of Police A. a. Whitaker. The wheel was In itM accustomed place at. the jpoliee head-, (juarrt-rs and It was evidently n bold radfral that copped it. It wa» a black frjnme Humbler nvheel and anyone notic¬ ing a bicycle of thin description would re<*eive the thanks of the cliJef If no¬ tified. Another prominent citizen lost bis Idcycle in the upi>er section of the citj' one night last week, hnt fortunately a friend recognized the wheel the follow¬ ing morning and returned it to him. Aecepta Pastorate. Kcv. ^1. Mi' Ifeiifton, former pastor of the ltaptist Church IMH.iopv.lie. announced to the members of the Rip- fist church here la«t Sunday evening that he would accept the pastorate of the Camden church. He and his wife and two children will move to Cam don soon ;and he will bv,* 'n his pastorate on the first Sunday in Noveml»er. Mr. K. J. Lewi* and* family who hav«» lH*en occupying f lie Baptist parsonage have moved to the Kbbertxon cottage on Lyttleton Street. Boy HcouIn To Help. *' Chntrman W. If. ' deLoach of the County Food Administration committee request* us to state that the Boy Scouts of Camden, hAvc consented to help him make the canvass of tbedty -ttrtu (Friday) afternoon in the matter of having the pledge cards signed. Ha ask* that the citizens help the boya in any way they can.

B&. ^-V* m'v-

£vFT Camden Chronicle



Ill-mil NK NKW8 NOTKH.

» rhr*Hiiclo of Happenings From Our

KegulAi' <Iorre«poiHltMil.

"iWMM. «M «'. J A PP*Mi I. N Kink' loft Wednesday

Z NVWIK"1 N('ws ,n WO,k

for (lu* kio eminent.\j, W. K. I "i vis and Mr. luring

jm vis s|M>nt Thursday In Columbia.

yjr. and Mrs J. M. (Myburn, MImm

Hettle Mmc n.\lnirn and Mrs. A.' M,tianluer motored to ItiHhopvlIle Fri-

(J|V.Mi*. Sehna Punish of ( 'iiuuleil o»s

pni/i-1 a Home l>emoiiHtratlon Club

ler,. i .11 Friday afternoon at KlntfwHotel Ain>ut twenty- three ladles were

prvsfiit Tl»* next mooting will be held

*,ux> Him- in N«»v»'inl>er with the pres¬

ent Mrs A is. MeLaurin.Miss Sue Anderson siH'iit the week

«<] In Chora w with her sister Mr«.;Funis.Mr. MeZenzif. eotinty superintendent!

tl Education v lid ted the w-bool Fridayb the Interest of Hie corn elftbs.

|ir. ami Mrs. 10. '/. Truewdale, Mrs.j, M. Forliis and Miss Stella liethunojtotorwl to Camden Friday.Mihx Lueil" Williams spent the week-j

|», with lier |>a rents in Columbia'.Mr. I.. '5 Smith of ItiHhopvlIle wasjtown Sunday. .

Mr*. Kate McXauT left Monday morn-

to resume her duties as teacher in

it, Tiiurod school.Mrs. IV I.. Norwood of MeBee s|*»ntmday In town with relatives.Mr. John ilethune. who 1h stationed

it Camp Jackson. *i>ont Saturday 'nightft Sunday at home.

Dr. J. I>. Ingram and syns of McBeererr in town Friday.Messrs. li. S. and <». K. King wentfc'Nwes Monday.Mr. and Mr-. Leon a rd Yarbrough oflirtsville were visitors here Sunday.Prof. J. c.ary Allen s|>ept the week-id in Columbia. ^Mr. c,. I?. Clyhum has gone to Co-jidiIhu to attend business school.Mr J. I.. Kin^' left Sunday afternoonn a business trip to Aurora, N. C.Mr. and Mrs. ,j. M. Clyburn spent

iandav at Ashland with relatives.Mr. Douglas Mays, who for some timeis Ikh*ii working in Columbia return-I boine Saturday to engage in busi-(ss with his- father Mr. C. L. Mays.Mr and Mrs. Ix»roy Davidson ofUBiIt'ii. and Mrs. Wilkes of Laurenssitod nt tlic hotiu* of Mr. W. M.

Bftp-fiis SundayRf'v f">'1 Mrs. .1 M. Forbis. Mrs.ILMays aii Mrs. M. o. Ward went> t anid«Mi l-riday on a shopping ex-



kw Man Was Killed and Five WereWounded.

iWaxliiimt-ni. < K*t . 17..An Amer-¦n tli'stroyor on ]»atrol duty in the¦ r Knilf W .t^ torpcdoed by an eji-fc submarine y»»sterdliy and one man¦feci am! five wounded. She idmhmHInijikt |kh( hi spite of severe dam-I*.' viTVv Admiral Sims (Hl)lP(l a brief¦Htft of thi> iin i'li*nt to the navy de-IrtiDeiit liitt* i inlay.. He gave few de-

I»ut i! iv ;<«suinfid there was noPt tuil tin- u Uiat made good her¦^1*' iifii-i l.i i ! i Inn if a torpedo, with-it Show i|,_- v(»lf.B'Uinn Osmond Kelly Ingram

nil; L.i.i'il, He whs blownJtIkkiM !.\ u,(. explosion and his¦v recovered. Ingram s¦^er. Mr- I .«.! i y Ingram, lives a<¦It City \ r[¦' awur.laiH <. with t lie policy ofVfcy : : i 1 1 cr American naval op¬tions. tli« iiipartmeiU did not dl-

the Mi-- of nie destroyer oK¦ ('Xa''t i 'lit f the encounter.."no of ih<< wounded was seriously¦ l l",> n Herman H. Pankratz.

mat,.. <t. ix>uis ; William E.wr>tt. watiiHii. New York " City ;W. Kruz fireman, Toledo; Pat-V -ltiitleds»>. .liipr. New York City,I "liliam Sriiucr. fireman, Dpndas,Bn

L Marriage.Pr- ' Min MoMitn* F.argle. of Ooluni-l »' inni Miss Annie Jaunitapiau-. ,,f \v»»*t ville. S. C\. wererrtal y<st»M , , morning, the 18thb I*r«.l»atr» |Ul)e,. \v. I.. McDowellr*'i"- The l»rl«le is the* youngest Itr "f Mr "niorin'v Thiesdale, of our\ J1 Twe|\e Ship* Sunk.ri'Wi. i., j- .TwelTc BritishF*1;! vmm-u <»f over 1,000 tons^ *tink |»\ mine or Kuforoarinc* hi¦.m

according to tlie wtldtfr-tta* KritlNb admiralty tonight,f T(-"»eU under 1.000 toh« ftn<l onevp»s»-i were sung. ' I *


"Fowl uikI .Money Will Win The War"lh Slogan.

Columbia, S. <\, (M-t. 15.."Food andMdney Will Win Tin- War".This Is the slogan, which ha* hwn

adopted h.v the l ulled States fimd ailministration and the central LiltertyI^ofell Committee in the drive to self$15,000,000 worth of Liberty bonds andregister 250,000 homes in the food .sav¬

ing movement.Ul»e allotment for eaeh county for

the Liberty Ivoan has been announcedhy the central committee. Charlestonihu»t subscribe the greatest amount ofall the counties.The eapmulgn for the registration

of all homes in the food saving move¬

ment as prescrlltod by Heritor! Hoover,national food administrator will be heldduring the w<n»k of October 28 to No¬vember 4. The forces that are now

Killing Liberty Bonds jwljl be used\4itli ' -tJhe'^food administration workerslh registering every homo in SouthCarolina.The jteople are urged to save food

alul ptH M\eir surplus money in LiltertyBonds. Bapoctal appeal is made tothe farmers of the State to invest inthdne ltomds. The bonds are non-tax¬able. Then, too. the Itonds can beused as security In financing the «extcrtop.. The leaders point out that hardtithes may follow Nio war. The Lib¬erty bonds will prove the l>est kindof '"nest, eggs" to drive awayf hardtimes. Heady cash can always berained on the bonds.The campaigns are being pushed rap¬

idly throughout the State and thereIs every indication of success.The soldiers at Camp Jackson, the

men who have already offered theirlives to tilielr country, have to datesubscribed . more than $150,000 for

i Liberty Bonds.Every man in the state is urged to

I appoint himself an ageiit and sell atleast one Lilterty Bond. JThe bonds must Ite sold if America

is to will the war. The bonds mustbe sold to protect the men who havealready lteen called to the colors. Theap|>eal is made to all jtatriotic citizensof South Carolina to get ItehJnd the^movement and help oversubscribe theissue. i

Died While at Work.Mr. T. fyon Smith, aped 50 yea rs^

a workman employed by the Hardaway:Company > at their construction work!at the Watereo dam. drop|ted dead'while at work last Friday afternoonabout <5 oclock. His body was brought

! ti» Camden and prepared for burial.;It was shipped the following day to

Blacikslmrg. liis fttriner home. Mr."Smith was at one time employed bythe Southern railway, and leaves a

sisy*r, Mrs. M. S. Dempsev at Blacks-burg.

Chero-Cola Plant Sold.The plant of the Camden Oliero-t \da

plant. recently owned and oj»eruted byMrs. Victoria Lipscomh. was sold last

week to Messrs. \V. I.. Jackson andUsher X. Myers. The plant will becontinued under the same name withMessrs. Jackson and Myers as proprie¬tors. The new company has Just puton a new liopuhlic truCk and expectin the near future to add another to

keep up with the increase in theirtrade. The comimnv luix recently dis¬

carded the gasoline engine in theirplant, and installed electric- motors

which -adds to the efficiency ^>f the

plant. Mr. Jackson will renin in l»» the

transfer business, while Mr. Myerswill luive charge of the lHittling plant..* ?'


Oh You Kid!The title above miggests that there

will lie something doing in "the line

of fun at the <>i»era. Houae next .Mon¬day when 'the farce of the above titleis seen. There is no serious story in

this play. It b< Just a series of char¬

acter tyi*»« drawn together by cliVum-

.ftances. and held together by numerous

songs, dances and spe<4alty features

introduced. "It is to laugh" is the

m^itfo of- the clever farceurs who willbe seen and they devote two hours

and a Ivalf to seeing that those who

extend their patronage comply with

the requirements of their motto. It's

a funny -play< and we are promised a

lot of clever fnn iiMjccr* in its char¬

acters. I

v Mr*. Peak Dead.Mrs. Mary Peak, of the Pine (J rove

section at West Wateree, died at the

Camden hospital Saturday morning,where she had been undergoing treat¬

ment for two weeks. She Is survivedby Iter huf4>and and several childrenThe burial was at Pine Grove churchSunday 11 o'clock.\ * .. ' f


Chairman del.oach Name* of

Conupittee in County.To Hu* people of Kershaw '(N>unt> .

J have Ikhmi appointed by the UnitedStates Fooif Administrator for SouthCarolina, as Chairman of the *oodAdministration for Kershaw Countj.have been InfornnMl that Kershaw couu-

ty ami one other county In the Stateare the only two counties that are be¬hind in the organisation work for thefood registration. This we greatly de¬plore and earnestly ho|>e that we can

remedy this matter at onee. I au»

calling ni>on you, my fellow el tliensto aid me In this work of organising,«nd to this end l have appointed a

Captain of a committee in each schooldistrict in the County. 1 have donethl»* with the aid and assistance ofltev. J. 11. Uarves and Mr. I. J. Me-Kenzie. County Su|>erlutendent of Ndli¬

gation. We have selected men whomwe thought would he i>atrlotlc enoughto give their time ami, attention tothe matter. For the colored people,with the assistance of Rev. J. >V. Boy-kin of this place, I have appointed, a

number of Captains for this registra¬tion who will endeavor to obtain theregistration of the colored people intheir respective community.

1 am very much afraid that we donot realize the importance of this or¬

ganization. No one is asked to makea contribution of any money, nor willanyone to paid any money for thework which they are expected to do.If they are not patriotic enough todo this work without pay they willmake it known at once or forever here¬after hold their peace.Our country is at war, as you know,

and in the very near future a largenumber of tin- soldier boys will beamong our allies in Kurope lighting forus who remain at home; fighting forthe honor of this country : lighting to

protect the women and children of thiscountry awl the homes in this country,and it certainly is as little as we ejin

do to get to work and perform theseduties which the government is asking us to perform, and do It cheerful- jly and without murmuring.These Captains and Lieutenants who!

will visit your home will ask you to(sign a card in which you will agree to.as near as you can. follow the lnstruc-,lions which the Cnlted States FoodAdministration will mall you in regard jto saving food. The government doesnot expert you to give them anything, jbut they do expect you to save as.

much as you possibly can so that that jwhich you do not need can go to thosestarving people in Europe, who greatly,need it. This matter is urgent, more;urgent possibly than you can at pres-j0i, t roiicelve, and I again urge upon |those who have been appointed, or

will Ik* apiM>liited. to lay aside for a

short time their private business and,jrjV(. f., the government a few days ofj"their time. Tills must Ik- done at

once We are going to have a meetingi. Camden, at the Comity Court Housellt one-thirty o'clock, Saturday next,and I want all of the Captains wlio(have been appointed to be present at.

that time and to bring with them everyLieutenant who will engage in thiswork and receive full Instructions at

that time. There will be severalspeeches made at that time and I lu>l»cto have present some other membersconnected with the United States FoodAdministration. We would urge uponthe teachers in Kershaw County to

take an interest in this matter und tohe at the meeting on Saturday if it

is possible for them to do so. Wewould also urge upon the ministers inthis County to have something to sayin regard to' this matter at their ser¬

vices on Sunday next. During the com¬

ing week we hope to be able to makesomething of a campaign throughoutthe County, but we must depend uponthe individuals appointed to do thiswork and do it at the very earliestpossible moment. We want to regis¬ter the names of every head of everyfamilv In Kershaw County. Please do

not treat this appeal with indifference,lmt come on Saturday and bring with

you whoever you can who will take

part in this campaign.W. BTdeTioacli.

Those who have been named to serve

in their communities:White

K. M. Workman, BoykinFT. C. McLewlon, Caihdon

O. Fundertrark, Oaxsatt\V . H. Ratcllff, LncknowZ. I*. fJordon, BethnneD. M. Kirltley, KershawR. L. Bell. We*triltt?S. TV. Hornahy, Cantoy v ,

R. C. Jon**. Mherty HillJ. («etty*. LasroffE<1 Hinsott. Blaney


Passed Awaj a! Columbia Hospital andInterment at Charleston.

We\ TIhmhIoic Atkinson I'orter. for

years a resident of Charleston wherelit* was rector of t tit* Church of t In*

Holy ( 'ommunlon and connected withPorter Military Academy. died in a

Columbia hospital ihsi Saturday andthe hurlal wa*» at Magnolia cemeteryat Charleston on Sunday.1 l'|i until his health failed him a

year ago he had resided in Camdenbut was last reetor of a church at

Suiuinerville. He was 01 years of

aw and had l>een twice married. Hyhis first marriage he Is survived bylive children.A. Tooiner Porter, ofAtlanta: K. l«\ Porter, of Athens, (»a. ;

Mrs. T. S. Waring. of Charleston; Mrs.Porcher (Srogory, of Charleston. Illssecond wife wa« Miss Louise Salmond,of Camden, who together with two

| sons.Harry and John Porter, both<if this 'city, survive. He is also sur¬

vived by one brother. Mr. C. K. Porter,of Columbus, (Ja.

Movie Prices To increase.Manner Little of The Majestle The¬

atre telfc< us that lie will soon have togo up on the price of udmlsslon to histheatre. The present prices are child¬ren 5 and and adults 10 cehts. Butwhen the new tax on amusementsgoe« luto effect he will raise the pricesto 10 and 15 cents. This is broughtabout by the heavy increase in the costof films. Tlie raw material makersare cltarged a tax, then the producersare charged a tax. and lastly the gov¬ernment will exact 10 i»er cent of thereceipts by exhibitors. Mr. Little fig¬ures that with the service he is now

giving the Increase in cost to him willbe around $7.25 per day or $4.41.50 perweek, which means that the theatre-going public had Just as well look outfor the ratne in price. It's either a

ralf*e In price at The Majestic or goout of business.

.M Court House JSaturday. . JA meeting in the interest of l«'oo<l

Conservation will 1h» held at the County-Court House Saturday next at 1:30 o'-clock. I want t«» urge upon the i»eo-

pie of the County to be present on

tlint date. I exi>ect to have present ja prominent s|>eaker from one of the;other counties in the StHte. Men. and Iwomen of Kershaw County come outand help.

W. B. deLoaoh,County Chairman.

Cotton Market.Cotton was sold on the local mar¬

ket yesterday for 'JK cents.

.1. Uol>t. Majxill. Kershaw('. A. Johwpon. KershawW. K. West, KershawIt. T. Mickle. I/on«U>wnJ. S. Itoss, Pontine.T. K. Brannon, CassattN, H, Workman, KalliM. II. Horton, BethuneT. F. Iiorton. KershawT. B. VarhorouKlK BethuneF. F. Yorlwroutfh, BethuneLuther Raley, BethunefJeo. FT McCoy. LucknowA. C. Orejiory. KershawT. S. Bell, Kershaw< ). H. Watson. KershawJames Team, LupoffC. T. Falkenl>erry. KershawA. J. (Jrepory. KershawS. M. Carncs, KershawL, H. Speers, Kersjiaw1.. X. Baker, BethtineT. B. Blyther, Camden\V. 1'. Copeland. CamdenJoe Fletcher, KershawW. II. Tiller, LURoffA. E. Kenned.v, Logoff.J. T. Stevens, KerslwiwK. B. Iyoriek, CamdenI.. J. ""Trailers*, Cussatt ,

t). Hammond. StonehoroI). \y. Ogburn, Kershaw

Colored. *

Rev.T. J. Williams, CamdenReVr'R. C. Dow, CamdenRev. K. Berry. CassaftRev. I). I). (Jalther. KershawIter. H. I* Izard, KershawRev. J. E. Peters. BethuneRev. John Butler, BoyklnRev. W. I'. Price. CanteyRev. J. T. Murphy, IxmjftownRev. R. K. Boykln, BoyklnRev. H. Mayrant. RembertRev. L. Belton, RlaneyRev. F. If. Harriott, CamdenRev. E. S. Jones, KlljfoRev. I. X. Taylor, Rcralnrt t

Rev. W. F. Km i tli. CamdenRev. A. Pontic, CamdenRev- M. J. Porter, lAifloffRev. M. B. Eady, Txwl/ftownRev. E. W. Stratton, Camden ,Rev. B. J. UcftanlQl, Camdott^I *TT


I One Hundred and Thirty llcml ShippedJ to ConHolldated Fnrnw Company.

I »r. Wail or Sorrell returned Inst\\(H*k from a trip into North Carolinawhere In* wont to look after the shlp-luon t of lWiuyid of rattlo from (iiatsection to i.ho Coiii<%d4datcd Farm*Company of Camden.

In tlu» hot wore l>- head of steers

weighing a total of lOl.iKtt imiuiiiIm,averaging IKK) pounds ihm animal.Thoro were also MS Imad of heifers,weighing L&i,.'llft pounds anil averag¬

ing ,"V'»7 innnuls |«» tlio animal.These oat tl»» have a Iroady boon plac-

oil In tlio jmsturos below Camden amiwill Ik- fattened for lieef , to ho shipIhhI to nort hern markets.Thoy were gathered around Ashe

and Wautaugu counties and placed on

cars at l<enolr, N. ('.Mr. W. M. llell. from Hartavllle,

also interested in rattle raising ne-

companled I>r. Sorrell on the trip.The Charlotte Obesrvcr'a Asheville

eorresiK»hdent tells of the movement ofcattle in that section of the state un¬

der date of Ootol>er 18, as follows:"The Recent shipment of nearly one

hnndred head of steers from the weigh*lug station of the Nonth Carolina ex-

perlment station at Clyde was a dis¬tinct revelation . to the many visitorspre.-ent who had been Invited to theoccasion by Mr. It. S. Curtis. Ajhproximately $S(),(X)0 worth of cattleleft the mountain pustules on thatdate to l»e tlulshe<l during the comingwinter by feeders in other states."The arrival of the droves of Hue

steers made one think of tJie by-gonedays of the western ranges. As thesteers were driven In the calls of thedrivers, the bellowing of the cattleas they were herded in the jhmis andthe slow-moving stream of varicol¬ored animals up the runs to the cat¬tle cars formed a picture which madeone wish that more farmers In thestate would thus combat the growingscarcity of good lteef."Modern method* were also fti evi¬

dence. The moving picture photog¬rapher wax on hand. The cattle were

all carefully weighed on large scales.were divided pocordtug to weight andcondition, and careful records madein order tluit they might he of fu¬ture value. , I

'Jamaica Ginger Seized.*'

Sheriff 1. C. Hough has in liis jkw-session at the court house one box of,Jamaica ginger- weighing about 1<X)

pound*. The goislx were consigned to

K. S. Villepigue"at Camden ami were

shipped from K. M. Matthews & Co.,druggists, of Florence, S. C. Tills ex¬

tract contains IW |>er cent alcohol andthe city police had knowledge that »i|like shipment had been received by.Vllleplgue Just a day previous. OfficerLatta seized the goods from Willie Nel¬son. a negro, who was acting as dray¬man. 'Hie fmllce turned It over to theSheriff who will keep It for thirtydays when it will be destroyed.

.Smokers Now Paying Tax.Cigar hi id cigarette dealer's of ('am

den ix kiM this week to put an addi¬tional price 011 cigarettes. Package*formerly selling for 5 cents are now

selling for 0 cents. The ten .cent pack¬age brings 12 cent*, and the fifteenrent package. sells for IK cents. Thisprice .will only last until the manu¬

facturers dispose* of the present sizeiwckages on luind, then the packageswill lie made smaller and the -old pricewill he restored. »

Camden Hoys Make Fine Record.

The Greenville Daily IMedinont ofOctolier 1.1th ron tains an account" offine day'« work among* the soldier# ofCamp Hevler In the matter of Llliertyliond Hales. The following referencein made to the men of*' k Camden Com¬pany :

"In this reiH>rt, the subscription ofthe First South Carolina regiment isplaced at $85,550. TIiIk figure was

greatly increased thl# morning, how¬ever, and up to noon today, I the regi¬mental subscription, as compiled byLieutenant Col. Spratt, was $05,100.There are 1,400 enlisted men in theregiment, and the subscription there¬fore averages $07.49. or well, aboveone fifty dollar bond for each man.

an unusual record., "A surprising record was made bycompany M, of Camden, in tills regi¬ment. With only 8fl men, the totalsubscription of this company waa $10,550, or an average of fttlT.88 per man.]Another btgti record was itoade by com¬

pany O, of FYirt Mill, with 06 men,who . subscribed .for a total of $9,680.or *Kni.YJ per man."

V- .. '


j Instructions For Mailing Holiday Pack¬ages to Soldiers In Knrope.

The following bulletin dated Oeto

bor .'I, lias lieen received at tlu» local

postottice relative to Hooding packagesi»y mail to sokliers abroad :

"The (hue is approaching t»» givethought to bringing Christ max cheer

to the Aineriean Kohilers and sailors

abroad.Arrangements have been i>e.rfeoted

»v hereby tin- Christmas mall to the'Aineriean Kx|»cdltlonary Forces in Ku

rope is t « » bo delivered by Christinasuioriilug. Without the fullest coopera-tlou on the part of the public it willIk* lm|Mm>dhlc to accomplish \his re¬

sult.The three essential rex|iects in which

the public can aid In assuring a happyChristmas at the front are: Mall early,address Intelligently, and pack secure¬

ly. For this reason it is urgently re¬

quested that all jiersonx having Christ¬mas mail for the soldiers and sailorsand the civilian units attached to thearmy In Eu rope observe closely the fol-lowing directions :

1. Mails to reach the soldiers in

France by Christ max ihornlng must

he posted not later than November 15.2. Every jmckage must boar con-

xplclously the words "Christmas Mail/'the complete address of the i>crBOti forwhom It Is intended and. in the up-I>er left-hand corner, the nutne ami ad¬dress of the sender.

!l. Every par<'el must lie so packedami wrapped as to admit of easy In-

xpectlon by the iiwstmaster: No par¬cel will be dispatched to France whichlias not tin* js>st master's certificatethat it contains no prohibited articles."

Change In Postage.IN*stmaxter Shannon of the Camden

I'ostoftice has received the followingbulletin relative to the change in poxtal rates effective November 2:

"1'nder the Act of Congress approvedOctober H, 1017. changing the rates of

ixistagc. the Itaitaptment will beginissuing 2-cent postal cards and .'i-centisxstagc stamps and stamped enve¬

lops as soon as a supply can l»e man-

ufactured. It will not be possible,however, to provide them In sufficientquantities to exchange stocks of 1-centliostal cards, 2-cent stamps, oi* 2-cent

envelopes hrtd by the public or bypostmaster*. It will therefore be nec¬

essary. beginning November 2, 1017.when the new postage rates becomeeffective for postmasters to continuethe sale of L-cent cards and. 2-cent en¬

velopes while their stocks last, and forthe public to fix adhesive stamps tocards and envelopes to the amount ofthe increase of postage."

Services For Colored Men.

Rev. J. W. Boykln pastor of Ml.Morlah liaptlxt Church, requests us

to announce that there will be a fare¬well service held at his church on Fri¬

day evening for the eighteen coloredmen to leave soon for Camp Jackson.The progrum will l>e similar to theone held several weeks ago and the

public Is cordially invited. >,

A Nervy Thief.A ihief hist week stole the Rambler

bicycle belonging to Chief of Police A.a. Whitaker. The wheel was In itMaccustomed place at. the jpoliee head-,(juarrt-rs and It was evidently n boldradfral that copped it. It wa» a blackfrjnme Humbler nvheel and anyone notic¬ing a bicycle of thin description wouldre<*eive the thanks of the cliJef If no¬

tified.Another prominent citizen lost bis

Idcycle in the upi>er section of the citj'one night last week, hnt fortunately a

friend recognized the wheel the follow¬ing morning and returned it to him.

Aecepta Pastorate.Kcv. ^1. Mi' Ifeiifton, former pastor

of the ltaptist Church IMH.iopv.lie.announced to the members of the Rip-fist church here la«t Sunday eveningthat he would accept the pastorate ofthe Camden church. He and his wifeand two children will move to Camdonsoon ;and he will bv,* 'n his pastorateon the first Sunday in Noveml»er.

Mr. K. J. Lewi* and* family who hav«»lH*en occupying flie Baptist parsonagehave moved to the Kbbertxon cottageon Lyttleton Street.

Boy HcouIn To Help. *'

Chntrman W. If. ' deLoach of theCounty Food Administration committeerequest* us to state that the BoyScouts of Camden, hAvc consented tohelp him make the canvass of tbedty-ttrtu (Friday) afternoon in the matterof having the pledge cards signed. Haask* that the citizens help the boyain any way they can.
