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The Cannon That I Modernized - University of...

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THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA AUGUST 211909 rm r r4 a r rz r r 7- I 6 S- Lj y > = = > AN IMPRACTICAL JOKER SH Thought It Was Very Funny the Hayrick Practical Jokter the meanest form ef wit It la Hungary For merljr the pranks used to be coarse if sot bragero M but that te cuangisf new TIle only aavlng grace of tie Vftgyariaa practical jokes says W B- P Bonn la nugary and the Can garlaa to that they are not perpe traced la a ef Mttcraes- aOtteCtto met faBew Jokers of aid acheel was Joaaa Gynri ta ef the neat teacceaslbte ef the great slate ke tad prodigal tad a bvffeea A etory k teN ef JOBS going t- apead a alit with a Coaat Keglcrlch- WMtlag te be impressive be joaraey- d thither la a beaBtifal aew coach which he wa very proad Oa bete- ahewa ever the greaad by the his atteattoa was directed to a remark- ably ae hayrick Hay was tbei- vtaadlag at a good price After sup per Josef drew together some frieada sad the rick was sooa nothing bat i keep ef sakes The seat taoralBg wbea JosH his Journey his woa- 4erfal carriage was sot to be seen anywhere Why my friend said the coast Myos yourself burnt It last night TIle fact Is ay ceacb house wants repair lag and as the evening tbreatcped fee wet we put your carriage ender the rick to keep It FOR SILVER SERVICE Beard ef Trade Takes Actlen te Se- cure Funds At the BBggestloa of Mayor Davis tile Galaesvllle Board of Trade kayo taken p the matter of raising funds tor the purpose of a silver service fa the battleship Florida Parties desiring to contribute tile twig ca aotlfy Hampton Wile ta secretary and the amounts will be credited Following Is the list of contributions up to last night F Hamptoa 500 B R Cefeea IM- ShkWr Warm 100 H 8 CkBbb 100 H E 100 H a Araold 100 W R TboMiB 100 W V Hampton Jr 100 JS D Turaer 100 H P Robinson 100 A R Harper 100 T W Saaads 100 W IL Anderson 100 R O Zetrouer 100 J W BteBdlns 100 E G Baxter 100 Dr Geo 8 Waldo 100 Phlfer Bret lOC Geo K Broome 100 CoatribHtlons to the above fund will be received from parties residing at any point In Alachua county Take Netlce All persons are recommended tc take FoJeys Kldiioy Remedy for back- ache rheumatism and kidney bladder trouble It will quickly urinary Irregularities which I neglected may develop Into a nerloi- ulllucss It will restore health anc strength Do not neglect slgna of kid- ney or bladder trouble and rll- Drifihfl disease or diabetes J W aicCcllura Co Java V ttr Wherever u l In preparing lilcflrhe It nil MM lrt f TM Hsi M- in bard water Hfftrt nil bawl l atflnrro Jnvrilo water H MtMiuuml stud removing ftnln It nut uut luurli colored urfju Ti make It dlwolve halt a pound wf vunh lux soda In a iM f bolllue watts nuil mix It with a quarter ouml of ehlurlde of lime tlHitfllved Iu H quart of Iwlllnn water Stir well kt wttlr fiuur off the near liquid k M cI weV eorkttl In a dark A Weakling Is the only way to diworlbe the poor child that I a llctd with worm No ntatter how imtch or U w often It oats all the ntwrtoh- TO Rt from lh foed tht clilM yraotloally itene Yklt Cr Ni- iVwrwifuge s K4 nil uf worms lulelljr awl with aft MffeoU IHrkii li rata n InMtW 8t W- liy W M JuhniMHt- 8M t QfttfU H Fire co mOB ant Ute Exiled parts lived diet of want- ed te to dry to D F II CaB BOB and cor- rect 14 I J1rllItrnllon fur shuts amt but nut or sort guilt the bail Tn raoa road Rant srery dayad sons ii L m t sae a x coast costume r k water sub hlsebitw whlir tklrrr and dart s sadly ire iwska p Ike de aaeaere at Gt i w BL- S1 tel k1tt111ttR < < > SHERIFFS SALE Notice Is hereby given that under and by virtue of the execution issued out of and under the seal of the Cir- cuit Court of Marion county Florida- on the 21st day of July A D 1 OS In a certain cause therein pending wherein Mcllwalue Knight and Walter G Dun nington copartners doing business under the and style of ilc- Ilwalne Knight Sc Company are and Orlando S Clyatt and V copartners doing business un der the and style of Clyatt te Rush are defendants I have levied upon and will over for sale at public outcry before the front of the County Court House la Gainesville Alachua county Florida on the first Monday in September A D 1909 the same being the 6th day of said month and a legal sales day within the le- gal hours of sale the following de- scribed property said property having beea levied upon as the property of the said Orlando S Clyatt towlt Lots 2 and 3 Block 14 Lot 5 Block IS Lots 2 3 and 4 Block 19 of the town of Trenton Alachua county Florida as per plat of said town duly recorded In the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said county Also SH of and NEV4 of SW and SE of Section 10 Town- ship 10 S Range 15 E 280 acres Alachua count Florida Also N of NW 4 Section 2S Town- ship 10 S Range 15 E SO acres Alachua county Florida Terms of sale cash Purchaser to- y for title P G RAMSEY Sheriff Alachua County Florida Notice f Application fir Tax Deed Under Sectlan 8 af Chapter 48M Laws ef Florida Notice Is hereby given that J L and R D Medlln purchasers of Tax Certificate No 214 dated the 3rd day of July A D 1903 have tiled said certificate in my office and have made application for tax deed to Issue in accordance with law Said certificate embraces the following described property situated in Alachua county Florida to wit Commence at Intersection of N line of Sec 29 with N line of Fernandez Grant run S 89 degrees W 1435 ft S 5 ft degrees W 995 ft S 6 Hi de- grees W 758 ft S 6 degrees W 230 ft S 67 degrees E 5050 ft to SW corner of Hagues land and N 2125 ft and N 60 degrees V 3528 ft Tp S9 to beginning R 1811 250 acres The said land being assessed at the date of the Issuance of such certifi- cate In the name of J H Stanley Unless said certificate shall be re- deemed according to law tax deed will Issue thereon on the 6th day of September A D 1909 Witness my official signature and seal this the 3rd day of August A D 1909 8 II WIENGES Clerk Circuit Court Alachua County Florida PETITION FOR ELECTION- To the Honorable Board of Public Instruction Gainesville Alachua Coun- ty the undersigned voters and taxpayers residing In the Trenton Special District petition your Honorable Body to call an election the urK e of changing the boun- daries of the said S eclai District so as to embody the hereinafter territory and to elect trustees for the same and to name the rnllhiKf that shall he astested on said terri- tory Beginning at the SW corner of She 1 Tp 10 It 15 and running North 4 tulles thence East tulles thence North 3 i tulle thence 3 tulle thence South 3 inllea thence West 1 mill thence South 1 thence Kast 1 milq thence North MJ mile thence East 1 mile thence South K miles thence Wtfct mites thence South- to the Levy county line thence Wet ward along till county line to begin nits point Signed W A Hrawnelf 8 G Gay J R- Heach W A Llndxey J Watson XV K fell II F Vllllittn R Tlon H F Hrooker W II Jones A Sawler W F lunch Nut Thi above lltiu4l will IH petal upon by the Board of Public In rtruetionof county meeting to t ltM awe September SHERIFFS SALE Notic I urvl y gtvin that under and lijr virtue of an fxerulUm ls July 1 l the rirk rf th Circuit Cotirt of Al bua county Flor tea direct to all and lnKuliir t rltf4 of the State uf FUiiid U4Mi ii cwttaiM u iKmnt n MA Ml Circuit Court in tanr of I J WllllttNU plNlMtlff against M It UAVh rtfUMlMiK I I 0 aMcr- fbvrtff i f Aluvbwi Horld tin Maid dttfttlMlftttl M IMVIH the 0 towing Urrlb l ta l tf l Ilk Akckwa M mv larhia lowH S aid 4 I 11 l roll IH tk Tnwn irf lla M nrm rillH aNal will btUM n tk W- f ml IM M m U th- uf i twH4Wr A U IMMI 41 MkMr wtlvr IM tk Hluk dM4 f tkr f tf f r with tk urn MM MI tkl i It KUMt Ml- AH HM ir fIr NE FloridaWe for toile t P I 1 lad Florida at Ith I SIt st the tIt Dud Mae t II ltd f lot lOUt to Z tI It I rvptHIHta SII I 11 I WI It IWW- tI JL J firm name plain- tiffs C- Rush flrm name 4 34 describ- ed 3 East the rt cards haft levkl rpolc a the Irtil rtr of rod Ikt rraurthad ihat tkrrrteI difr- artkaaal If4 Ilse 1p N t- it is aro11 HHrr sir w kuHrt 4th- iii Ibu 4 Iisi host rr data Ilk skMWa Is a1WY ttw i4IIMH tad s t i i1111tIN1- hwfl U akt t datt rewNia IaIHtf- fIargi w I it rwart rtl re Mwt ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > > > > > < > + + + + + BUSINESS CARDS TJR GEO S WALDO DENTIST raham ulldinf East Main Strut H Phtn SI Ala Olstai- MJE DiVXRK B MOBKI- bOteMllle NftttoMS QE J H DENTISt Oale ever Dutton A less W E BAKER ATTOKNEYATLAWS- OLICITOR IN CHANCERY GAINESVILLE AlMboa Co FL4 OOce ia HaiBiaas Block PERDINAND BAYER ATTORNEY AT LAW PtOBIBA Oaa soil jour city f ta proved ud InwklBg aad fanalBg laid 1 ef wktt yon of er Hi3m J A OAELI8LE ATTORNEY AT LAW Lad Solicitor ia Eqaltj Ret Estate ml Prectiee All att Bild to Oflee aeit e OAIVBBTILLX FMXIBA FRANK CLARK TUOS W HELDINC CLARK FIELDING LAWYERS practice la all Courts State ami- Ofticea Over GAlaesTille Natloaal Bank OalnesTtlle Florida Dr A Dolan Magnolia Hotel Gainesville i n Take Heed Be sure to have an ab- stract of the farm or lot you are con Hldiring purrhaliiK before you Invest You will know thou to the mtralleet detail fast what the history of tin imrrel If It you have us draw up the ul i met Absolutely accurate work and ALACHUA COUnTY ABSTRACT CO Klorxla VOYLE VOYLE REAL ESTATE UUXrsVII IK Farms Dwellings Lits Far Sale IIT YOrit IKUrKKTV XVITU tb- of Title MMe TM nil U U IM U hU4 Cwtui- lytnl r DENTIST Ogee Pkae HI ALDL2Msi GtlaesvWe r tAlHnLf8 roped II tonal door Ai VETERINARIANRe- sidence 2 tt I I I toe Aitracts M I I m Mil Bill Long Ts sell Steil- Phose IBA a Bread hint lies aid 0eat bush to San ieAersL 4 warn 1J runt t t b H u t dtt- ws N1NC- Wtilia seats t7timp44lh > ABOUT ADVERTISING NO 7 The Cannon That Modernized Japan V 4 By Herbert Kaufman Business is no a man to man con- tact in which the merchant and the patron establish a bond more bat tie is a handtohand grapple where bone and muscle and sinew outcome Trade- as well as war has changed in its aspect both now fought at long range Just as a day army of heroes would have no opportunity to display the individual valor of so a merchant who counts upon his personal acquaintanceship for success is a changed her policy of exclusion to foreigners a fleet battered Satsuma fortifications The Samu rai who had hitherto considered their blades and bows discovered that one cannon was mightier than all the swords in creation if not near enough to use them Japan profited by the did not wait further ramparts were battered to but was one experience and proceeded to modernize her me The merchant who doesnt advertise is pretty much in the same position as that in which Japan stood when her eyes were opened to the fact that times had changed The long range publicity of a competitor will as surely destroy your business as the cannon of the foreigners crumbled the walls of Sat- suma Unless you take the lesson to heart unless you realize the importance of advertising not only as the means of extending your business but for defending it as well you must be prepared to face the conse- quences of a folly as great as that of a duelist who expects to survive in a contest in which his adversary bears a sword twice the length of his own Dont think that its too late to begin because there are so many stores which have had the advantage- of years of cumulative advertising The city is It will grow even more next year It needs increased trading facilities just as its hungry for new neighborhoods- But it will never again support neighborhood stores Newspaper advertising has eliminated the strength of being locally prominent and five cent street car fares have cut out the advantage of being around the corner A store five miles avuy can reach out through- the columns of the daily newspaper and draw your next door neighbor to its aisles while you sit by and see the people on your own block enticed away without your being able to retaliate or supply new customers- to take their place- It is not a question of your ability to stand the cost of advertising but of being able to survive without- it The thing you have to consider is not only an extension of your business but holding what you have Advertising is an investment the cost of which- is in the same proportion to its returns as seeds are to the harvest And it is just as preposterous for you to consider publicity as an expense as it would be for a farmer to hesitate over purchasing a fertiliser if he discovered that he could increase his crops by employing it Copyright 190S by Tribune Company Cbloate That Which Is Worth Having Is Worth Advertising For j The ohl adage that what u worth having is worth ask 8 tug for is still true truo of the wore intricate Ufo of today n The thiiiK you want whether it is a used piano or ft 8 home whether it is a rendynmde Mum or a lout pocket i bookis obtained readily through advertising and with I difficulty or not at all through other means I- PJIB SUN WANT tl r j entmol I pasta the grow- ing t r i OOO DOnru GiJ t1 tHJu 1 i HII U It RHINO R j I d y 1 y- are al- ready t1 tP AfS IJLT ¬ ¬ °


r m r r4 a r rz r








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SH Thought It Was Very Funnythe Hayrick

Practical Jokter the meanest formef wit It la Hungary Formerljr the pranks used to be coarseif sot bragero M but that te cuangisfnew TIle only aavlng grace of tieVftgyariaa practical jokes says W B-

P Bonn la nugary and the Cangarlaa to that they are not perpetraced la a ef Mttcraes-

aOtteCtto met faBew Jokers ofaid acheel was Joaaa Gynrita ef the neat teacceaslbteef the great slate ke tad

prodigal tad a bvffeeaA etory k teN ef JOBS going t-

apead a alit with a Coaat Keglcrlch-WMtlag te be impressive be joaraey-d thither la a beaBtifal aew coach

which he wa very proad Oa bete-ahewa ever the greaad by thehis atteattoa was directed to a remark-ably ae hayrick Hay was tbei-vtaadlag at a good price After supper Josef drew together some frieadasad the rick was sooa nothing bat ikeep ef sakes

The seat taoralBg wbea JosHhis Journey his woa-

4erfal carriage was sot to be seenanywhere

Why my friend said the coastMyos yourself burnt It last night TIlefact Is ay ceacb house wants repairlag and as the evening tbreatcpedfee wet we put your carriage enderthe rick to keep It


Beard ef Trade Takes Actlen te Se-

cure FundsAt the BBggestloa of Mayor Davis

tile Galaesvllle Board of Trade kayotaken p the matter of raising fundstor the purpose of a silver service fathe battleship Florida

Parties desiring to contributetile twig ca aotlfy HamptonWile ta secretary and the amountswill be credited Following Is thelist of contributions up to last night

F Hamptoa 500B R Cefeea IM-ShkWr Warm 100H 8 CkBbb 100H E 100H a Araold 100W R TboMiB 100W V Hampton Jr 100JS D Turaer 100H P Robinson 100A R Harper 100T W Saaads 100W IL Anderson 100R O Zetrouer 100

J W BteBdlns 100E G Baxter 100Dr Geo 8 Waldo 100Phlfer Bret lOCGeo K Broome 100

CoatribHtlons to the above fund willbe received from parties residing at

any point In Alachua county

Take NetlceAll persons are recommended tc

take FoJeys Kldiioy Remedy for back-

ache rheumatism and kidneybladder trouble It will quickly

urinary Irregularities which I

neglected may develop Into a nerloi-ulllucss It will restore health ancstrength Do not neglect slgna of kid-

ney or bladder trouble and rll-Drifihfl disease or diabetes J WaicCcllura Co

Java V ttrWherever u l In preparing

lilcflrhe It nil MM lrt f TM Hsi M-

in bard water Hfftrt nil bawl l

atflnrro Jnvrilo water H MtMiuuml

stud removing ftnln It

nut uut luurli colored urfju Timake It dlwolve halt a pound wf vunhlux soda In a iM f bolllue watts nuil

mix It with a quarter ouml of ehlurldeof lime tlHitfllved Iu H quart of Iwlllnnwater Stir well kt wttlr fiuur off

the near liquid k M cI weV eorkttlIn a dark

A Weakling

Is the only way to diworlbe thepoor child that I allctd with wormNo ntatter how imtch or U w oftenIt oats all the ntwrtoh-

TO Rt from lh foed tht clilMyraotloally itene Yklt Cr Ni-

iVwrwifuge s K4 nil uf wormslulelljr awl with aftMffeoU IHrkii li rata n InMtW 8t W-

liy W M JuhniMHt-

8M t QfttfU


co mOB



lived diet


want-ed te



toD F







J1rllItrnllon furshuts amt but

nut or sortguilt


Tn raoa road Rantsrery dayad sons ii

L m t









hlsebitw whlir tklrrr



sadly ire

iwska p Ikede aaeaere


Gt i wBL-

S1tel k1tt111ttR




SHERIFFS SALENotice Is hereby given that under

and by virtue of the execution issuedout of and under the seal of the Cir-cuit Court of Marion county Florida-on the 21st day of July A D 1 OS In acertain cause therein pending whereinMcllwalue Knight and Walter G Dunnington copartners doing businessunder the and style of ilc-Ilwalne Knight Sc Company are

and Orlando S Clyatt and Vcopartners doing business un

der the and style of Clyattte Rush are defendants I have leviedupon and will over for sale atpublic outcry before the front of theCounty Court House la GainesvilleAlachua county Florida on the firstMonday in September A D 1909 thesame being the 6th day of said monthand a legal sales day within the le-

gal hours of sale the following de-

scribed property said property havingbeea levied upon as the property ofthe said Orlando S Clyatt towlt

Lots 2 and 3 Block 14 Lot 5Block IS Lots 2 3 and 4 Block 19of the town of Trenton Alachuacounty Florida as per plat of saidtown duly recorded In the office ofthe Clerk of the Circuit Court of saidcounty

Also SH of and NEV4 ofSW and SE of Section 10 Town-ship 10 S Range 15 E 280 acresAlachua count Florida

Also N of NW 4 Section 2S Town-ship 10 S Range 15 E SO acresAlachua county Florida

Terms of sale cash Purchaser to-y for title P G RAMSEY

Sheriff Alachua County Florida

Notice f Application fir Tax DeedUnder Sectlan 8 af Chapter 48MLaws ef FloridaNotice Is hereby given that J L

and R D Medlln purchasers of TaxCertificate No 214 dated the 3rd dayof July A D 1903 have tiled saidcertificate in my office and have madeapplication for tax deed to Issue inaccordance with law Said certificateembraces the following describedproperty situated in Alachua countyFlorida towit

Commence at Intersection of N lineof Sec 29 with N line of FernandezGrant run S 89 degrees W 1435 ftS 5 ft degrees W 995 ft S 6 Hi de-grees W 758 ft S 6 degrees W230 ft S 67 degrees E 5050 ft toSW corner of Hagues land and N2125 ft and N 60 degrees V 3528 ftTp S9 to beginning R 1811 250acres

The said land being assessed at thedate of the Issuance of such certifi-cate In the name of J H StanleyUnless said certificate shall be re-deemed according to law tax deedwill Issue thereon on the 6th day ofSeptember A D 1909

Witness my official signature andseal this the 3rd day of August A D1909 8 II WIENGES

Clerk Circuit Court Alachua CountyFlorida

PETITION FOR ELECTION-To the Honorable Board of Public

Instruction Gainesville Alachua Coun-ty the undersignedvoters and taxpayers residing In theTrenton Special District petition yourHonorable Body to call an election

the urK e of changing the boun-daries of the said S eclai District soas to embody the hereinafter

territory and to elect trustees forthe same and to name the rnllhiKfthat shall he astested on said terri-tory

Beginning at the SW corner of She1 Tp 10 It 15 and running North4 tulles thence East tulles thenceNorth 3 i tulle thence 3 tullethence South 3 inllea thence West 1

mill thence South 1 thence Kast1 milq thence North MJ mile thenceEast 1 mile thence South K milesthence Wtfct mites thence South-to the Levy county line thence Wetward along till county line to beginnits point Signed

W A Hrawnelf 8 G Gay J R-

Heach W A Llndxey J WatsonXV K fell II F Vllllittn RTlon H F Hrooker W II Jones A

Sawler W F lunchNut Thi above lltiu4l will IH

petal upon by the Board of Public Inrtruetionof county

meeting to t ltM awe September

SHERIFFS SALENotic I urvl y gtvin that under

and lijr virtue of an fxerulUm lsJuly 1 l the rirk rf thCircuit Cotirt of Al bua county Flortea direct to all and lnKuliirt rltf4 of the State uf FUiiid U4Mi

ii cwttaiM u iKmntn MA Ml Circuit Court in tanr of I

J WllllttNU plNlMtlff against M

It UAVh rtfUMlMiK I I 0 aMcr-fbvrtff i f Aluvbwi Horld

tin Maid dttfttlMlftttl M IMVIH the0 towing Urrlb l ta l tf l Ilk

Akckwa M mv larhia lowHS aid 4 I 11 l roll

IH tk Tnwn irf lla M nrm rillH

aNal will btUM n tk W-

f ml IM M m U th-

uf i twH4Wr A U IMMI

41 MkMr wtlvr IM tk HlukdM4 f tkr f tf f r with

tk urn MM MI tkl

i It KUMt Ml-

AH HM ir fIr








lad Florida at

Ith I SIt




Mae t


flot lOUt

toZ tI It I

rvptHIHta SIII






firm nameplain-

tiffs C-

Rushflrm name






rt cards

haft levkl rpolc a the Irtil rtr of

rodIkt rraurthad ihat tkrrrteI difr-

artkaaal If4 Ilse 1p N t-

it is aro11 HHrr sirw

kuHrt 4th-

iii Ibu4Iisi host

rr dataIlk skMWa Is a1WY ttw i4IIMH

tad s t i i1111tIN1-hwfl U akt t datt rewNia


fIargi w I it rwart rtl re Mwt














> >






++ +




raham ulldinf East Main Strut HPhtn SI Ala Olstai-


bOteMllle NftttoMS


DENTIStOale ever Dutton A less




GAINESVILLE AlMboa Co FL4OOce ia HaiBiaas Block




Oaa soil jour city f taproved udInwklBg aad fanalBg laid1 ef wktt yon ofer Hi3m


ATTORNEY AT LAWLad Solicitor ia Eqaltj

Ret Estateml Prectiee All

att Bild to Oflee aeite OAIVBBTILLX FMXIBA




practice la all Courts State ami-

Ofticea Over GAlaesTille NatloaalBank OalnesTtlle Florida

Dr A Dolan

Magnolia Hotel Gainesville

i n

Take Heed Be sure to have an ab-

stract of the farm or lot you are conHldiring purrhaliiK before you Invest

You will know thou to the mtralleet

detail fast what the history of tinimrrel If It you have us draw up theul i met

Absolutely accurate work and





Farms Dwellings Lits


of Title MMeTM nil U U IM U hU4 Cwtui-




OgeePkae HI


GtlaesvWe r








tt I I






m Mil

Bill Long

Ts sell

Steil-Phose IBA a

Bread hintlies

aid 0eatbush

to San


4warn 1J

runt t t



u t dtt-ws


Wtilia seats t7timp44lh



The Cannon ThatModernized Japan

V 4

By Herbert Kaufman

Business is no a man to man con-tact in which the merchant and the patronestablish a bond more battie is a handtohand grapple where bone andmuscle and sinew outcome Trade-as well as war has changed in its aspect both

now fought at long rangeJust as a day army of heroes would

have no opportunity to display the individualvalor of so a merchant whocounts upon his personal acquaintanceship forsuccess is a

changed her policy of exclusion toforeigners a fleet battered

Satsuma fortifications The Samurai who had hitherto considered their bladesand bows discovered that onecannon was mightier than all the swords increation if not near enough to usethem Japan profited by the didnot wait further ramparts were battered to

but was one experienceand proceeded to modernize her me

The merchant who doesnt advertise is prettymuch in the same position as that in which Japanstood when her eyes were opened to the fact thattimes had changed The long range publicity of acompetitor will as surely destroy your business as thecannon of the foreigners crumbled the walls of Sat-suma Unless you take the lesson to heart unless yourealize the importance of advertising not only as themeans of extending your business but for defendingit as well you must be prepared to face the conse-quences of a folly as great as that of a duelist whoexpects to survive in a contest in which his adversarybears a sword twice the length of his own

Dont think that its too late to begin becausethere are so many stores which have had the advantage-of years of cumulative advertising The city is

It will grow even more next year It needsincreased trading facilities just as its hungry for newneighborhoods-

But it will never again support neighborhood storesNewspaper advertising has eliminated the strength ofbeing locally prominent and five cent street car fareshave cut out the advantage of being around thecorner A store five miles avuy can reach out through-the columns of the daily newspaper and draw yournext door neighbor to its aisles while you sit by andsee the people on your own block enticed away withoutyour being able to retaliate or supply new customers-to take their place-

It is not a question of your ability to stand thecost of advertising but of being able to survive without-it The thing you have to consider is not only anextension of your business but holding what you


Advertising is an investment the cost of which-is in the same proportion to its returns as seeds are tothe harvest And it is just as preposterous for you toconsider publicity as an expense as it would be for afarmer to hesitate over purchasing a fertiliser if hediscovered that he could increase his cropsby employing it

Copyright 190S by Tribune Company Cbloate

That Which Is Worth Having Is

Worth Advertising For j

The ohl adage that what u worth having is worth ask 8tug for is still true truo of the wore intricate Ufo of today n

The thiiiK you want whether it is a used piano or ft 8home whether it is a rendynmde Mum or a lout pocket ibookis obtained readily through advertising and with Idifficulty or not at all through other means I-









iOOO DOnru GiJ t1 tHJu




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