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THE CHALLENGES OF INTEGRATING DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT (DRM), INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (IWRM) AND AUTONOMOUS STRATEGIES IN LOW-INCOME URBAN AREAS: A CASE STUDY OF DOUALA, CAMEROON A thesis submitted to The University of Manchester for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy In the Faculty of Humanities Jessica Roccard 2014 School of Environment, Education and Development





A thesis submitted to The University of Manchester for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

In the Faculty of Humanities

Jessica Roccard


School of Environment, Education and Development



List of Appendices ........................................................................................................................................ 6

List of Boxes .................................................................................................................................................. 6

List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................ 6

List of Images ................................................................................................................................................ 7

List of Maps ................................................................................................................................................... 8

List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................. 8

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms ...................................................................................................... 10

Abstract........................................................................................................................................................ 12

Declaration ................................................................................................................................................. 13

Copyright Statement ............................................................................................................................... 14

Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................. 15

Chapter 1: Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 17

1.1. Problem definition ..................................................................................................................... 17

1.2. Aim of the research ................................................................................................................... 19

1.3. Research hypothesis, questions and objectives ..................................................................... 20

1.4. Geographical focus and target group of the research .......................................................... 21

1.5. Methodological approach ......................................................................................................... 23

1.6. Structure of the thesis ................................................................................................................ 24

Chapter 2: Water risk and climate change in low-income urban communities .......................... 27

2.1. Water-related vulnerabilities of the urban poor .................................................................... 28

2.1.1. Defining vulnerability to climate change ....................................................................... 28

2.1.2. Factors of water-related vulnerability of the urban poor ............................................ 31

2.1.3. Climate change impacts on water-related vulnerabilities of the urban poor ........... 34

2.2. International and national responses to climate change in urban areas............................ 36

2.2.1. Prevailing response: Disaster Risk Management (DRM) ............................................ 36

2.2.2. Alternative response: Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) ......................................... 38

2.2.3. A tool for CCA: Integrated Water Resource Management framework (IWRM) ... 40

2.2.4. Linking DRM and CCA trough IWRM ......................................................................... 42

2.3. Autonomous adaptation to climate change impacts on water ........................................... 45


2.3.1. Defining autonomous adaptation ................................................................................... 46

2.3.2. Differences between autonomous adaptation and coping strategies........................ 47

2.3.3. Water-related autonomous strategies of the urban poor ............................................ 49

2.4. Conclusion: linking DRM, CCA and adaptation strategies of the urban poor ............... 52

Chapter 3: Research methodology ...................................................................................................... 55

3.1 Methodological approach ......................................................................................................... 55

3.1.1 Theoretical approach ........................................................................................................ 55

3.1.2 Mixed methods strategy in a case study design ............................................................ 57

3.1.1 Mixed methods paradigm challenges ............................................................................. 58

3.2 Case study approach and research design .............................................................................. 60

3.2.1 Aim and objectives of fieldwork ..................................................................................... 60

3.2.2 Regional, national and city selection ............................................................................... 60

3.2.3 Douala’s low-income settlements selection .................................................................. 62

3.2.4 Delimitation of low-income settlements ....................................................................... 67

3.2.5 Ethical issues ...................................................................................................................... 68

3.3 Methods of data collection ....................................................................................................... 69

3.3.1 Transect walks and field observations ........................................................................... 69

3.3.2 Survey and sampling methods ......................................................................................... 72

3.3.3 Completion of the questionnaire .................................................................................... 72

3.3.4 Semi-structured interviews ............................................................................................... 75

3.3.5 Document analysis............................................................................................................. 76

3.4 Summary of data collection and data analysis ....................................................................... 77

3.4.1 Positionality of the researcher, reliability and validity of results................................ 77

3.4.2 Preliminary results of the fieldwork research strategies .............................................. 81

3.5 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 84

Chapter 4: Douala: a city profile ......................................................................................................... 86

4.1. The city’s history and current economic characteristics ...................................................... 86

4.2. Climate variables ........................................................................................................................ 89


4.2.1. Temperature variability ..................................................................................................... 89

4.2.2. Rainfall pattern ................................................................................................................... 90

4.3. Douala’s water resources and population in a context of climate change ....................... 92

4.3.1. Douala’s water resources and climate change impacts ................................................ 92

4.3.2. Douala’s population and climate change impacts on water ....................................... 94

4.4. Institutional arrangements influencing climate change policies, programmes and

measures ................................................................................................................................................... 97

4.5. Community profile: the district of New-Bell, Douala ......................................................... 98

4.5.1 Three poor urban communities in New-Bell .............................................................. 100

4.5.2 Number of persons per family and types of housing ................................................ 102

4.5.3 Education .......................................................................................................................... 103

4.5.4 Monthly spending and employment ............................................................................. 105

4.5.5 Land and housing tenure status .................................................................................... 107

4.6. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 109

Chapter 5: Hazards and Disaster Risk Management in Douala .................................................. 111

5.1 DRM framework and national institutional arrangements ............................................... 111

5.2 DRM and local institutional arrangements .......................................................................... 113

5.3 Hazards in Doula’s low-income communities .................................................................... 115

5.3.1 Frequency, causes and consequences of flooding ...................................................... 118

5.3.2 Water-related epidemics and its consequences ........................................................... 123

5.3.3 Water-borne diseases: lack of sanitation system and water contamination ........... 129

5.4 Institutional responses to two main hazards impacts affecting Douala ......................... 132

5.4.1 Institutions involved in flood management ................................................................ 132

5.4.2 Institutions involved in managing biological hazards ............................................... 134

5.5 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 136

Chapter 6: IWRM, water access and institutional water-related strategies in Douala ............. 138

6.1 Water management policies .................................................................................................... 138

6.1.1 Public-private partnership in the water sector in Douala ......................................... 139


6.1.2 Institutions involved in the sanitation sector in Douala ........................................... 143

6.1.3 Implementation of the IWRM in Cameroon .............................................................. 144

6.1.4 Challenges in the implementation of the IWRM ....................................................... 147

6.2 Water in the low-income communities in Douala .............................................................. 149

6.2.1 Water access, usage and costs in low-income communities ..................................... 149

6.2.2 Contamination of water sources ................................................................................... 153

6.3 Institutional water-related strategies in low-income communities .................................. 155

6.3.1 Institutional strategies identified by members of the communities ........................ 155

6.3.2 Institutional projects and climate change responses ................................................. 158

6.4 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 160

Chapter 7: Autonomous adaptation strategies to climate change ............................................... 163

7.1 Adaptation strategies of the urban poor .............................................................................. 163

7.1.1 Autonomous strategies concerned with water quality and quantity ....................... 168

7.1.2 Autonomous strategies concerned with flooding ...................................................... 177

7.1.3 Limits and benefits of the different actions taken by the inhabitants of the

communities ...................................................................................................................................... 180

7.2 Linking autonomous strategies to DRM and IWRM ........................................................ 182

7.2.1 Coping and adaptation strategies .................................................................................. 182

7.2.2 Reactive and anticipatory strategies .............................................................................. 185

7.2.3 Effectiveness of the autonomous strategies................................................................ 186

7.2.4 Impact of institutional strategies on autonomous strategies .................................... 187

7.3 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 189

Chapter 8: Conclusion: the challenge of integrating DRM, IWRM and autonomous strategies

in low-income urban areas ....................................................................................................................... 192

8.1 Linking DRM, IWRM and the autonomous strategies of the urban poor .................... 192

8.1.1 Water-related vulnerability in urban poor communities ........................................... 193

8.1.2 Impacts of the DRM and IWRM frameworks on water-related vulnerability in

urban poor communities ................................................................................................................. 194


8.1.3 Relationships between DRM and IWRM institutional frameworks, and their link to

autonomous strategies of the urban poor .................................................................................... 195

8.2 Contributions to theoretical debates on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk

Management and autonomous adaptation ....................................................................................... 198

8.3 Methodological limitations ..................................................................................................... 199

8.4 Opportunities of autonomous-based adaptation measures and policies ........................ 200

8.5 Future research and conclusion ............................................................................................. 202

References .................................................................................................................................................. 205

Appendices ................................................................................................................................................. 224

Word count: 60,120

List of Appendices

Appendix 1 Glossary ................................................................................................................................ 225

Appendix 2 Map of Nkolmintag used for sampling purpose............................................................ 229

Appendix 3 Semi-structured interviews with policy makers.............................................................. 230

Appendix 4 Semi-structured interview with community leaders ...................................................... 234

Appendix 5 Survey questionnaire ........................................................................................................... 238

Appendix 6 Transport system in the Douala economic area ............................................................ 245

Appendix 7 Correspondence analysis of water usages and water sources per community.......... 247

Appendix 8 Water treatment and sources per community ................................................................ 250

Appendix 9 Autonomous strategies depending on the water sources used per community ....... 252

List of Boxes

Box 2.1 IWRM principles .......................................................................................................................... 40

Box 6.1 IWRM implementation phases and stages ............................................................................. 146

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 Linking DRM, IWRM and adaptation strategies of the urban poor ............................... 54

Figure 3.1 Research process ...................................................................................................................... 80

Figure 3.2 Age range of the respondents (aggregated and per community) ..................................... 81

Figure 3.3 Population structure according to gender and age group of interviewees. ................... 83

Figure 3.4 Head of family and non-head of the family aggregated and per community ................ 83


Figure 4.1 Monthly temperatures in Douala .......................................................................................... 90

Figure 4.2 Douala’s mean annual temperature....................................................................................... 90

Figure 4.3 Average monthly rainfall in Douala ...................................................................................... 91

Figure 4.4 Douala’s mean annual rainfall ................................................................................................ 91

Figure 4.5 Douala’s population growth between 1915 and 2020 ....................................................... 95

Figure 4.6 Families monthly spending rank (aggregated and per community)............................... 106

Figure 5.1 Hazards identified by community members (aggregated)............................................... 117

Figure 5.2 Malaria cases in New-Bell as a percentage of patients seeking medical attention ...... 124

Figure 5.3 Individuals recently affected by one or several water-related diseases in the house

(aggregated and per community) ............................................................................................................ 128

Figure 5.4 Type of latrines built on the plot in Tractafric ................................................................. 130

Figure 5.5 Contamination cycle .............................................................................................................. 136

Figure 6.1 Water management system in urban areas of Cameroon................................................ 142

Figure 6.2 Water supply sources in the three neighbourhoods (aggregated) .................................. 150

Figure 7.1 Correspondence analysis of households activities and water sources (aggregated). ... 166

Figure 7.2 Methods of water purification used aggregated and per community............................ 168

Figure 7.3 Percentage of households storing water (aggregated and per community). ................ 173

Figure 7.4 Type of water containers to store water (aggregated and per community). ................ 173

Figure 7.5 Autonomous strategies depending on the water sources used (aggregated) ............... 176

Figure A7.1 Correspondence analysis of households activities and water sources in Nkolmintag

...................................................................................................................................................................... 247

Figure A7.2 Correspondence analysis of households activities and water sources in Tractafric 248

Figure A7.3 Correspondence analysis of households activities and water sources in Newtown

Airport 5 ..................................................................................................................................................... 249

Figure A9.4 Autonomous strategies depending on the water sources used in Nkolmintag ........ 252

Figure A9.5 Autonomous strategies depending on the water sources used in Tractafric ............ 253

Figure A9.6 Autonomous strategies depending on the water sources used in Newtown Airport 5

...................................................................................................................................................................... 254

List of Images

Image 5.1 Collapsed building caused by the rain in Tractafric.......................................................... 122

Image 5.2 Children playing in a natural drain in Tractafric. .............................................................. 126

Image 5.3 Simple latrine built over a stream at the back of a house in Newtown Airport 5 ....... 130

Image 7.1 Public borehole filter in Newtown Airport 5 .................................................................... 169


Image 7.2 Low wall in Tractafric........................................................................................................... 178

Image 7.3 Household members in front of their raised house in Nkolmintag .............................. 178

Image 7.4 Individual drain in Newtown Airport 5 .............................................................................. 179

Image 7.5 Handmade street drain in Nkolmintag ............................................................................... 179

Image 7.6 Drain maintenance by community members in Nkolmintag ......................................... 179

List of Maps

Map 3.1 The Republic of Cameroon ....................................................................................................... 62

Map 3.2 Delineated map of Nkolmintag drawn by a community leader .......................................... 67

Map 3.3 Areas where transect walks were carried out .......................................................................... 71

Map 4.1 Administrative districts of Douala............................................................................................ 99

Map 4.2 Location of the settlements selected in the districts of Douala II .................................... 101

Map 5.1 Natural hazards and flooding risk areas in Douala .............................................................. 116

Map 5.2 Areas of Douala prone to flooding ........................................................................................ 119

List of Tables

Table 1.1 Research objectives and research questions ......................................................................... 21

Table 3.1 Slum characteristics and indicators of UN-Habitat ............................................................. 64

Table 3.2: New criteria established to identify low-income communities of interest for this

research ......................................................................................................................................................... 65

Table 3.3 Weighting and ranking of Douala’s sub-districts. ................................................................ 66

Table 3.4 Methods selected to answer the research questions ............................................................ 69

Table 3.5 Interviews with institutions and organisations ..................................................................... 76

Table 3.6 Average age of interviewees (aggregated and per community). ........................................ 81

Table 3.7 Gender of interviewees (aggregated and per community) ................................................. 82

Table 3.8 Head of household (aggregated and per community) ......................................................... 84

Table 3.9 Average length of residence in community (aggregated and per community). .............. 84

Table 4.1 Average number of individuals per family (aggregated and per community). .............. 102

Table 4.2 Average number of individuals per house (aggregated and per community). .............. 103

Table 4.3 Education level of individuals interviewed (aggregated and per community) .............. 104

Table 4.4 Average monthly spending per family (aggregated and per community). ..................... 106

Table 4.5 Average number of persons working per household (aggregated and per community)

...................................................................................................................................................................... 106

Table 4.6 Types of employment in the three neighbourhoods ......................................................... 107


Table 4.7 Security of land and housing tenure (aggregated and per community) .......................... 108

Table 5.1 Main hazards identified by community members (per community)............................... 117

Table 5.2 Frequency of flooding (aggregated and per community) ................................................. 118

Table 5.3 Main physical consequences of floods (aggregated and per community)...................... 122

Table 5.4 Malaria cases in New-Bell as a percentage of patients seeking medical attention ........ 124

Table 5.5 Water-related diseases affecting families (aggregated and per community) .................. 125

Table 6.1 Water supplies sources (per community) ............................................................................ 151

Table 6.2 Average monthly water spending per family (aggregated and per community). .......... 152

Table 6.3 Institutions working in the communities identified by surveys (aggregated and per

community) ................................................................................................................................................ 156

Table 6.4 Focuses of projects identified by surveys (aggregated and per community) ................. 156

Table 6.5 Details of the focuses of projects in the three communities (aggregated) .................... 156

Table 6.6 Planned adaptation strategies in the three communities .................................................. 160

Table 6.7 Community members’ awareness of water projects, campaigns or measures (aggregated

and per community).................................................................................................................................. 160

Table 7.1 Cross tabulation between households activities and water sources (aggregated) ......... 167

Table 7.2 Water treatment and sources (aggregated). ......................................................................... 170

Table 7.3 Strategies to face water scarcity (aggregated and per community) .................................. 172

Table 7.4 Length of time of water storage per household (aggregated and per community) ...... 174

Table 7.5 Autonomous strategies related to flooding (aggregated and per community). ............. 178

Table 7.6 Main autonomous coping strategies to water-related issues ............................................ 184

Table 7.7 Main autonomous adaptation strategies to water-related issues ..................................... 184

Table 7.8 Autonomous adaptation strategies ....................................................................................... 185

Table 7.9 Linkage between institutional and water-related autonomous strategies....................... 189

Table 8.1 Summary of research findings ............................................................................................... 197

Table A8.1 Water treatment and sources in Nkolmintag. .................................................................. 250

Table A8.2 Water treatment and sources in Tractafric. ...................................................................... 250

Table A8.3 Water treatment and sources in Newtown Airport 5..................................................... 251


List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

CCA Climate Change Adaptation

CDE Camerounaise des Eaux

CUD Communauté Urbaine de Douala

Urban Council of Douala

DCP Direction of Civil Protection

DMS Disaster Management System

DRM Disaster Risk Management

Fcfa Central African CFA franc

GWP-Crm Global Water Partnership-Cameroon

IMF International Monetary Fund

INSC National Institute of Statistics of Cameroon

IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

ISDR International Strategy for Disaster Reduction

IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management

JMP Joint Monitoring Programme

LLINs Long-Lasting Impregnated Mosquito Nets

MAETUR Mission d’Aménagement et d’Equipement des Terrains Urbains et


Mission of Equipment Planning and Equipment of Urban and Rural


MINATD Ministère de l’Administration Territoriale et de la Décentralisation

Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization

MINDUH Ministère de l'Habitat et du Développement Urbain

Ministry of Urban Development and Housing

MINEE Ministère de l'Eau et de l'Energie

Ministry of Water and Energy

MINEP Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Protection de la Nature

Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection

MINIMIDT Ministère de l'Industrie des Mines et du Développement Technologique

Ministry of Industry, Mines and Technological Development

MINRESI Ministère de la Recherche Scientifique et de l'Innovation

Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation


MINSANTE Ministère de la Santé Publique

Ministry of Public Health

RNO National Risk Observatory

SSIP Small-Scale Independents Providers

UN United Nations

UNDP United Nations Development Programme

UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

UNW United Nations inter-agency coordination mechanism for all freshwater

and sanitation related matters


Jessica Roccard, 2014: The University of Manchester, Doctor of Philosophy

The Challenges of Integrating Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Integrated Water

Resources Management (IWRM) in Low-Income Urban Areas: A Case Study of Douala,



Climate change affects water resources suitable for human consumption, transforming water

quality and quantity. These changes exacerbate vulnerabilities of human society, increasing the

importance of adequately protecting and managing water resources and supplies. Growing urban

populations provide an additional stress on existing water resources, particularly increasing the

vulnerability of people living in poor neighbourhoods.

In urban areas, official responses to climate change are currently dominated by Disaster Risk

Management (DRM); however, more recently Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)

has emerged to support the integration of climate change adaptation in water resource planning.

Based on a case study of the city of Douala, Cameroon, the thesis examines the operational

implementation of both frameworks, combining observations, semi-structured interviews with

different stakeholders and a survey carried out in three poor communities. The research

highlights the challenges of improving the joining of both frameworks to adequately reach the

urban poor, whilst being alert to, and responsive to, the autonomous adaptation strategies the

poor autonomously implement and develop.

At present, the IWRM and DRM frameworks are implemented separately and do not clearly

reach the urban poor who face three major water-related issues (flooding, water-related diseases

and water access). Other institutional water-related measures and projects are carried out by

authorities in the low-income communities, but the institutions still struggle to manage the

delivery of basic services and protect these communities against hazards.

The lack of effective outcomes of the institutional water-related measures and projects has led to

a strong process of autonomous adaptation by inhabitants of poor communities. Driven by their

adaptive capacity supported by the abundance in groundwater resources, they use coping and

adaptive strategies to reduce their vulnerability to water-related issues, such as alternative water

suppliers. Similarly, the frequency of the flooding hazard has led the urban poor to develop

practices to minimise disaster impacts. However, the autonomous strategies developed face

limitations caused by the natural and build environment. In this context, the autonomous

strategies of the urban poor and the strategies appear to have a strong influence on each other.

While institutional projects have initiated spontaneous strategies, other strategies reduce the

willingness of the low-income neighbourhoods to participate in the implementation of official,

externally derived development projects.



No portion of the work referred to in this thesis has been submitted in support of an application

for another degree or qualification for another degree or qualification of this or any other

university or other institute of learning.


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I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr Alfredo Stein, for his support, advice and incredible

patience. I would also like to thank my co-supervisors, Prof Caroline Moser, Dr Ian White and

Prof Graham Haughton. Their guidance throughout the PhD, support and critical advice have

been integral to shaping and refining my ideas, research, and writing.

I would also like to thank my family, Michel and Martine Roccard, for their financial and moral

support, their patience and trust in every project I have undertaken; and my brother, Thibault

Roccard, who had to improvise jokes to cheer me up during the difficult times of this process.

I would like to thank my research assistants Jerry Koua Koua and Leopold Mboa, who

welcomed me in Douala and significantly supported my work. I would like also to thank Ms

Koua Koua, and Mr and Ms Moukouri for their warm welcome, smile, and kindness. Moreover,

I am very grateful to Prof Meeva’a Abomo and his students, Rodrigue, Zoue, Blandine, Jihanne,

Cesaire and Wilfrid for their precious help during fieldwork. I am also grateful to the Pan

African Institute for Development, particularly to Mr Eyambe Ekalle, and the students for their

help in supporting me carrying out surveys in Tractafric. Moreover, I would like to thank the

inhabitants of the communities of Nkolmintag, Newtown Airport 5 and Tractafric and the

institutional actors in Cameroon who received me, shared their thoughts and experiences with

me even amidst their challenging life and work. I hope that even on the smallest-level my work

will contribute to face the ongoing struggle of the city.

I am also grateful to Ligia Yvette Gomez and her team, Tania, Karla, Rolando and Francisco in

Nitlapan in Nicaragua, who showed me how amazing research and social sciences are.

I am also very grateful to my many friends for their support and kindness. I name: Jaime, Esther,

Eleni, Abby, Aurelie, Sarah, Ana Sofia, Claire, Alban, Mathaios, Elina, Gemma, Marcela, Feras,

Anthony, Vianney, Sarah and Adrien. Among those, I would like to particularly thank Alice

Raingeard, who told me off when I complained too much.

Finally, but not least, I would like to thank Dr Jairo Quiros Tortos, who has been sharing my life

during these 4 years. You have been an incredible and amazing support and work example for

this PhD. This is just the start of our life together.


To the women’s example of my life, my mother,

Martine Roccard, and grand-mother, Jane Page;

and to my brother, Thibault Roccard, father,

Michel Roccard and my future husband, Jairo

Quiros Tortos, who respect the woman I aim to



Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1. Problem definition

Water is crucial for life and ecosystems, and is also fundamental for people’s livelihoods, well-

being and development. However, water resources are currently under serious threat as they have

been heavily exploited by human activities, leading to significant modifications in quality and

quantity. For instance, groundwater levels of many aquifers around the world have decreased

over the last few decades due to extraction exceeding recharge rates (Bates et al., 2008).

Moreover, scientists have established that climate change is affecting surface and groundwater

systems with change in annual run-off (Milly et al., 2005). Freshwater ecosystems have also

shown changes in species composition, organism abundance, productivity and phenological

shifts. The frequency and intensity of floods and droughts have changed, generating further

stress to existing water resources and their impacts are already experienced in many regions of

our planet (Bates et al., 2008).

In this context, urban areas in developing countries are of particular interest because climate

change impacts are predicted to be more severe in nations with limited capacity to cope (IPCC,

2007a). Cities within these nations have proven to be particularly vulnerable to these impacts and

this population growth is predicted to increase during the next decades, increasing demand for

water (Martine, 2007; IPCC, 2007a). Moreover, these urban areas also include concentration of

the people most vulnerable to climate change due to the fragility of their physical, financial,

social and human assets (IPCC, 2007a; Feiden, 2011; Moser and Satterthwaite, 2008). The water-

related vulnerability of these populations lead them to experience a variety of direct and indirect

impacts: direct impacts such as more frequent and more hazardous floods; less direct impacts

such as reduced availability of freshwater supplies that may reduce supplies available to poorer

groups; and indirect impacts such as the increase of water-related diseases (Dodman and

Satterthwaite, 2008).

Worldwide, responses to climate change in urban areas have been dominated by the Disaster

Risk Management (DRM) approach. This approach is being implemented to help vulnerable

communities face natural disasters, aiming to decrease vulnerability by supporting the inclusion


of risk assessment, sustainable projects and initiatives implementing preventive, mitigation1 and

preparedness measures (ISDR, 2009).

More recently, the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) framework, which is

presented as a powerful tool for Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) approach, has been

implemented (Cap-Net, 2009). The IWRM framework aims to support the integration of CCA in

water-resource planning (Agnew and Woodhouse, 2010; Wilk and Wittgren, 2009; Slootweg,

2009) by increasing the sustainability of water-resource management (Cap-Net, 2009). It includes

in its approach, technical, economic and environmental aspects in specific social, cultural and

institutional contexts (Agnew and Woodhouse, 2010). The framework also aims to promote a

holistic approach to water and a balance between top-down and bottom-up management,

strengthening community-based organisations, associations of water users and other stakeholders

to enable them to take a greater role in management decisions (Xie, 2006).

Although both DRM and IWRM focus on reducing vulnerability while increasing resilience to

the potential adverse impacts of climate extremes (IPCC, 2012), when it comes to climate change

these approaches were developed and implemented separately (Sperling and Szekely, 2005).

Their divergence include real or perceived differences in knowledge production, time and spatial

scales, and the actors involved, as well as the proposed policy strategies (Biesbroek et al., 2009).

Nevertheless, they share a common set of stakeholders, goals and actions (Kirby and Edgar,

2009), and their joint development would improve their efficiency to face climate change

(Sperling and Szekely, 2005). Likewise, at the institutional level, uncoordinated mainstreaming of

adaptive and mitigation strategies in existing and new sectorial policies accentuate their

differences (Biesbroek et al., 2009), although both approaches to climate change appear to be

interdependent measures (Sperling and Szekely, 2005) and should be implemented in an

integrated way within urban settlements to face climate change impacts (Kirby and Edgar, 2009;

IPCC, 2012).

The difficulties of implementing and linking both DRM and IWRM approaches are exacerbated

by the accumulation of vulnerabilities within low-income communities. Living in settlements

located in physically hazardous environments with little or no protection against extreme weather

events, these settlements are exposed to climate change and their vulnerabilities exacerbate

1 Mitigation defined in the context of this thesis as “the lessening of the potential adverse impacts of physical hazards (including those that are human-induced) through actions that reduce hazard, exposure, and vulnerability” (IPCC, 2012, p. 561).


insecure land tenure, the lack of building regulations and the poor quality of housing (Feiden,

2011; Moser and Satterthwaite, 2008). These conditions challenge the successful implementation

of both strategies at community level. The accumulation of vulnerabilities and lack of efficient

responses by national and local government, also leads the urban poor to implement

autonomous strategies to minimize the risks to climate extremes and water scarcity (Budds and

McGranahan, 2003; Conan and Paniagua, 2003; Garcia-Bolivar, 2006).

The involvement of governments in autonomous adaptation strategies is discussed in the

literature. For instance, Malik (2010) argues that considering autonomous adaptation as the

optimal adaptation solution to climate change without any government involvement is unrealistic

because the information and resources that governments manage can play a very important role.

Moreover, the relationship between development and adaptation emphasises the importance of

governments’ actions. While adaptation can contribute to development “with the specific goal of

ensuring survival of livelihoods, lives and cultures during environmental change, and can thereby

be seen to aid progress in development by enhancing resilience to environmental fluctuations”

(Schipper, 2007, p. 7), development can also lead to better adaptation (IPCC, 2007a). Finally, the

literature shows that “insufficient attention is paid to autonomous adaptation and the supportive,

facilitating role of government (as opposed to government itself as the implementer of

adaptation) in the process” (Malik et al., 2010, p. 18).

1.2. Aim of the research

As previously stated, DRM and IWRM strategies focus on reducing vulnerability while increasing

resilience and adapting capacities to the potential adverse impacts of climate extremes (IPCC,

2012). However, the accumulation of vulnerabilities within low-income communities,

underpinned by factors such as inadequate water management, land use changes, unplanned

urban growth, and under-investment in, or even lack of, drainage infrastructure (Feiden, 2011),

challenges the possibility of implementing both strategies in these communities.

In this context, the dual impact of water makes it a suitable instrument to critically understand

the issues involved in DRM and IWRM. Vulnerability increases while water demand grows, and

more assets and lives are affected by flooding, but both can be reduced through enhanced water

resources and water-related hazard management, and improved ability of communities to recover

from extreme events. However, the lack of understanding of what urban poor communities are


already doing to minimize risk and increase their adaptive capacity to climate extremes can

hamper the possibility of integrating both strategies at the local level. Therefore, the overall aim

of this research is to explore the autonomous strategies that urban poor communities are

developing in jointly implementing both DRM and IWRM frameworks.

This thesis aims to contribute to two main debates. First, the dichotomy of the DRM and IWRM

as a tool for CCA is addressed as the theoretical relationship between the two approaches needs

further exploration to identify the possible ways of linking both to the autonomous strategies of

the urban poor at a local level (IPCC, 2012). The IPCC (2012, p. 11) argues that “closer

integration of disaster risk management and climate change adaptation, along with the

incorporation of both into local, sub-national, national, and international development policies

and practices, could provide benefits at all scales”. This suggests the potential significance of

linking both approaches. Secondly, the thesis attempts to contribute to the autonomous

adaptation debate (Smit et al., 2000; IPCC, 2001; Malik et al., 2010) with a focus on water access

and water-related disasters. In this context, recent research on the urban poor’s vulnerabilities in

sanitation and water supply argues that “the real service delivery routes that poor people use […]

have not historically been well documented, understood or embedded in policy” (Evans, 2007, p.

13). By identifying the actions taken by the urban poor to face climate change impacts on water,

the thesis explores the relationship between DRM and IWRM policies, projects and measures

and autonomous strategies, and also attempts to address the need for more research into

alternative water supplies (Carmichael et al., 2013).

1.3. Research hypothesis, questions and objectives

This thesis was initially based on the assumption that the DRM framework is not a sufficient

response to climate change regarding water management, and that the joint development of the

IWRM and DRM frameworks would improve the response to climate change impacts on water

resources. However, the reproductive logic used in this thesis enabled an opening to revision,

and accepted theories may be rejected in favour of more convincing alternatives (further

explained in Chapter 3) (Sayer, 2002 cited in McEvoy and Richards, 2006). As a result, the thesis

assumption has been modified, and is finally based on the hypothesis that both formal

institutional responses, such as DRM and IWRM, and local autonomous strategies have a role to

playing reducing water-related vulnerability of the urban poor. The thesis, thus, explores how the

goal of integrating both approaches to increase resilience at the local level is affected by the


autonomous strategies that the urban poor communities are undertaking to manage water-related

risks and adapt to climate extremes. To explore this assumption the following research questions

will need to be answered (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1 Research objectives and research questions

Research Objectives Research Questions

- To examine water-related vulnerability

to face climate change impacts in urban

poor communities.

- What are the water-related exposure,

sensitivity and adaptive capacities of the

low-income communities to climate

change impacts?

- To analyse the impacts of the DRM and

IWRM frameworks on water-related

vulnerability in urban poor


- Do the DRM and IWRM policies,

measures and projects implemented to

face climate change impacts on water

resources reach the urban poor?

- To explore the relationships between

DRM and IWRM institutional

frameworks, and their link to

autonomous strategies of the urban


- Are the DRM and IWRM institutional

frameworks implemented to face water-

related issues operationally linked?

- Do DRM, IWRM and the water-related

autonomous strategies implemented by

the urban poor influence each other?

By potentially facilitating or incorporating spontaneous adaptation actions in the implementation

of the DRM and IWRM frameworks to protect populations from future extreme water scarcity

and water-related disasters due to climate change, this approach could provide potential

solutions based on existing autonomous strategies, avoiding the design and implementation of

counterproductive policies, measures and projects, and maladaptation. Overall, this investigation

aims to better understand the actions still needed to increase the frameworks’ effectiveness in

responding to climate change and support low-income communities to face climate change

impacts and access safe, clean water.

1.4. Geographical focus and target group of the research

Water stress is one of several current and future critical issues facing Africa (see definition

Appendix 1) (Bates et al., 2008). The population at risk of increased water stress in Africa is


estimated to be 75 to 250 million by the 2020s, rising to 350 to 600 million by the 2050s (Arnell,

2004). Water supplies from rivers, lakes and rainfall are already characterised by their unequal

natural geographical distribution and accessibility, and unsustainable water use that is severely

impacting water availability (ibid). Moreover, climate models project a modification in runoff in

eastern Africa and parts of sub-Saharan Africa, the region that contains the highest concentration

of poor people with close to half the population living on less than $1.25 a day (Arnell, 2004;

World Bank, 2013).

Among sub-Saharan countries, the Republic of Cameroon possesses one of the largest quantities

of available water (Xu and Usher, 2006). However, the resource is not uniformly distributed due

to variations in topography, rainfall patterns and climatic changes: the south of the country is

mostly supplied by surface water, while more of the north’s supply is from groundwater coming

from permeable sedimentary rocks (Molua and Lambi, 2006).

Although Cameroon has changed dramatically in recent years and information on trends is very

limited, poverty in Cameroon’s urban areas has significantly increased since the mid-1980s

(World Bank, 2011a). The incidence of urban poverty rose particularly quickly in the country’s

two main cities of Yaoundé and Douala, rising from less than 1% of households classed as below

the official World Bank poverty line in 1983 to more than 25% in 1993 (ibid). These cities have

also witnessed very heavy population growth (Ako Ako et al., 2009), pressures that add to the

current challenges the country faces with regard to climate change impacts on water.

In Cameroon, the city of Douala appeared to be an appropriate case-study to investigate the aim

and objectives of the research. The city is built on swamps on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea.

Made up of five districts, it is the main economical city of the country (INSC, 2010). Douala also

faces severe urban planning problems (Barbier and Granjux, 2009) and its population growth is

estimated to be between 5% and 8% per annum (Asangwe, 2006). The constant expansion of

numerous poor settlements on physically hazardous land adds to the already critical conditions

experienced by many in the city.

More importantly, Douala possesses abundant water resources and the urban water supply

network is said to be satisfactory throughout the city (IMF, 2010). However, the World Bank

(2010) estimated that only 25% of households in Doula had direct connections to the network,

thus revealing a paradoxical situation and showing the need for greater institutional and


organisational action to speed up the current rate of individual connections. Finally, the city is

also prone to disasters due to natural and anthropogenic characteristics such as its location and

climate (Tchangang, 2011). Amongst the numerous natural hazards occurring in the city,

flooding takes place regularly and is increasing in frequency and magnitude.

To respond to increasing disaster risks and drinking water stress/scarcity issues as a result of

climate change, the DRM and IWRM frameworks are both currently being implemented in

Cameroon. While the DRM has been implemented to face natural disasters, including mass

movements, earthquakes, volcanoes, gas emissions, drought, violent winds, heat waves, cold

snaps, desertification and floods (Bhavnani et al., 2008), the IWRM has more recently been

introduced in fulfilment of the 1996 laws on environment and water (Ako Ako et al., 2009).

Within the city of Douala, three low-income communities within the Douala II district, also

called New-Bell, were chosen for investigation. The first community, Nkolmintag, is located at

the north of the airport and was developed during the 1950s. The second community, Tractafric,

formed in the 1960s and is located at the northern edge of Nkolmintag. The third community,

Newtown Airport 5, started being settled in 1985. It is located at the peripheral area of Douala

between the airport and one of the main motorways of the city. The method of selecting the

three communities is further explained in Chapter 3 where maps of their locations are also


1.5. Methodological approach

To test the research hypothesis and answer the research questions, a mixed methods approach

was selected. This methodology combines qualitative and quantitative methods, allowing the

triangulation and complementation of the data (Bryman, 2008). This choice improved the

validity of the outcomes of the research, and allowed the verification and validation of data

collected by different methods (Brannen, 2005; Bryman, 2008). Applied in the case study, the

mixed methods permitted investigation of the concrete implementation and possible impacts of

the DRM and IWRM frameworks, examining their effectiveness in a low-income urban context

and their reciprocal interactions.

Due to their crucial role in defining the conceptual basis of this research, and building on

relevant critical appraisals of previous research, the DRM and IWRM approaches, benefits and


criticisms are examined. During fieldwork, theoretical and empirical identification and analysis of

the policies emanating from the DRM and IWRM frameworks and water management policies,

measures and projects from key organisations and institutions were analysed through 34 semi-

structured interviews with institutional and organisational actors. During these interviews,

institutional documents related to those policies, measures and projects were collected. The

methodology also used 15 transect walks in 13 sub-districts and 609 surveys carried out in the

three low-income communities, complemented by direct observations to understand the

characteristics of the communities. These methods aimed at building up the profile of the

communities with regard to water-related issues, and identifying the inhabitants’ autonomous

strategies concerning water access and water-related hazards. The quantitative data collected

from 609 questionnaires allowed understanding the everyday activities and household and

community organisation surrounding water and to identify the impact of the policies, measures

and projects carried out by formal institutions and organisations on the inhabitants’ autonomous


Working with institutional and organisational actors, and poor urban communities was a

complex and sensitive process that raised many ethical issues. In order to facilitate different

perspectives on familiar situations, and to enable participants to draw valuable conclusions that

have positive impacts on those involved, the research techniques adhered to the principles of

anonymity and confidentiality. Thus, personal data such as the names and addresses of the

individuals who participated in this study are not disclosed (Miller and Brewer, 2003). The wish

of participants to decline from answering the questionnaire, or parts of it, was respected; and if

participants provided evidence that could be considered possibly damaging to them or to others

if disclosed, it was carefully used in such a way that it could not connect to the source.

1.6. Structure of the thesis

The remainder of this thesis is structured as follows:

Chapter 2 presents a review of the literature in which the research is embedded. The purpose of

this chapter is to explore the different debates in the policy and academic literature to which the

research contributes. The chapter starts by examining the debates on the water-related

vulnerability of the urban poor in cities of the global South and the impact of climate change on

this vulnerability. The chapter also provides a critical examination of the discussion about


prevailing current climate change responses, Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and climate

change adaptation (CCA), and especially through the tool used for its implementation: Integrated

Water Resources Management (IWRM). An overview of the debates on the linkages between

these approaches follows. Finally, the chapter discusses the autonomous adaptation strategies

and adaptive capacities of low-income urban communities in confronting water both as a hazard

and as a resource at risk in the context of the debates on climate change, DRM and IWRM.

Chapter 3 presents the methodology used to answer the research questions and test the research

hypothesis: the DRM and IWRM approaches have different interpretations, methods, strategies

and institutional frameworks for addressing the vulnerabilities associated with climate change,

and largely continue to follow independent paths without reciprocally influencing and

strengthening each other. In this context, the autonomous strategies of the urban poor to

manage water-related risks and adapt to climate also have an influence on the implementation of

both frameworks. Thus, several variables are considered: vulnerability, water resources, water-

related hazards, urban poverty, DRM and IWRM. Each of these variables requires a particular

way to understand both theoretically and empirically.

Chapter 4 introduces the key features of the city of Douala. It first provides an overall

description of the climate variables of the Republic of Cameroon and Douala that are

contributing to increased exposure to climate stresses. Next, it examines the vulnerability of

Douala’s water resources and population to the impacts of climate change. The chapter also

focuses on the institutional arrangements that influence the climate change policies, programmes

and measures affecting the city. Finally, it explores the dynamics influencing the three low-

income communities of the city of Douala selected for this research – Nkolmintag, Tractafric

and Newtown Airport 5 – and investigates the urban poor profile in relation to the city.

Chapter 5 identifies and examines the national and local policies, measures and projects related

to DRM implemented to face water-related hazards and disasters. Their effectiveness in dealing

with these challenges is investigated by examining the causes and impacts of the disasters and

hazards that affect these communities. This chapter is divided into five sections. Section 5.1

introduces the way the Disaster Risk Management framework for natural disasters is

implemented in Cameroon. The next section analyses the most common hazards identified by

the inhabitants of the low-income communities. Then follows a discussion of the causes of these


most commonly identified hazards. Finally, the chapter examines the institutional arrangements

and actions put in place to cope with water-related hazards.

Chapter 6 focuses on the context and implementation of the Integrated Water Resource

Management framework (IWRM) and the alternative water resources used by the low-income

communities in the city of Douala. Focusing first on the current legal framework in which water

and sanitation management is embedded, it then describes the institutions involved. This section

also provides an analysis of the current implementation of the IWRM framework. The second

section presents how the poor access water, and the costs implied for low-income communities

of Douala, as well as the problems associated with the use of these water resources. Finally, the

last section examines other institutional water-related adaptation strategies, already implemented

or being implemented, in the poor neighbourhoods outside the IWRM framework.

Chapter 7 discusses the implementation of water-related autonomous adaptation strategies in the

three low-income communities of Douala. First, it looks at the way these communities access

drinking water and water for other daily activities. It then describes their strategies for coping

and adapting with flooding, providing an analysis of the benefits and limitations of the

autonomous adaptation strategies. In section 7.2, the difference between coping, adaptive,

reactive and anticipatory approaches is examined, and the effectiveness of the urban poor

strategies is then discussed. Further analysis of the water-related issues faced by the urban poor

demonstrates that the autonomous and planned actions have a strong influence on each other.

The concluding chapter summarises the key findings of the thesis. First, the chapter reviews the

findings in relation to the research objectives. It also describes the dimensions of water-related

vulnerability of urban poor communities to face climate change impacts on water identified in

this research. Then, the impacts of water-related national and local policies, measures and

projects implemented to face climate change on the urban poor communities, the relationships

between DRM and CCA institutional strategies, and the link between autonomous strategies and

institutional strategies are presented. Finally, the chapter examines the possible theoretical and

policy implications of the findings, the limits of the study and indicates future research



Chapter 2: Water risk and climate change in low-income urban communities

The purpose of this chapter is to explore the main debates in the policy and academic literature

to which the research contributes. The chapter starts by examining debates on the water-related

vulnerability of the urban poor in the cities of the global South and the impact of climate change

on this vulnerability. The chapter also provides a critical examination of the discussion about

prevailing current climate change responses, Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and climate

change adaptation (CCA), through its tool used for implementation: Integrated Water Resources

Management (IWRM). An overview of the debates on the linkages between these approaches

follows. Finally, the chapter discusses the autonomous adaptation strategies and adaptive

capacities of low-income urban communities in confronting water, both as a hazard and as a

resource at risk, in the context of the debates on climate change, DRM and IWRM.

Climate change impacts on water have become a development and environmental concern. As

climate models and socio-economic information demonstrate, the frequency and intensity of

floods and droughts are modified, generating further stress to existing water resources and their

impacts are already experienced in many regions of our planet (Bates et al., 2008). As a result,

current water stress and/or scarcity experienced by a large proportion of the world’s population

is increasing in many regions (Vörösmarty et al., 2000; Alavian et al., 2009), while the

consequences of increasing flooding and drought will cause a supplementary range of health

impacts and risks (Bates et al., 2008).

In this context, urban areas in developing countries raise a particular interest because “cities by

their very nature concentrate people and their homes, impermeable surfaces, physical capital,

industries and wastes” (Bicknel et al., 2009, p. 19), as well as infrastructure, economic activity and

wealth (Loftus, 2011). In addition, these cities experienced a global rapid growth of the urban

population during the twentieth century, which is predicted to increase on an unprecedented

scale over the next decades (Martine, 2007). They also tend to be home to a significant

proportion of those who are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, i.e.,

households and individuals excluded from accessing formal services and located in urban areas

that are characterised by poor or absent planning, high density or poor quality housing, lack of

tenure and limited access to basic urban services (Evans, 2007; Bates et al., 2008).


To face climate change impacts and address water stress, two approaches are being promoted by

the international community: DRM and IWRM. On the one hand, the DRM grew from localised

and specific response measures to include broader preventive measures that aimed to address the

various underlying environmental and socio-economic aspects of vulnerability to disasters

(World Bank, 2011b). On the other hand, the IWRM occurs in a context where, at national and

international levels, private-sector participation was strongly promoted to face vulnerability in the

water and sanitation sector during the 1990s (Allouche and Finger, 2002 cited in McGranahan

and Satterthwaitte, 2006). The view that privatisation is the way forward for water management

in poorer countries has been particularly promoted by the World Bank (Haughton, 2002). As a

result of the different focuses of the IRWM and DRM frameworks, the two strategies have

tended to place emphasis on different aspects and scales of the problem, as well as on particular

populations (Universitas 21, 2011), and, so far, water issues have often tended to be considered

and managed as a risk (in the DRM approach) or as a resource (in the IWRM approach).

However, addressing current water issues has been recognised as a crosscutting theme as water

resources affect a wide range of human and non-human features at different scales (Vörösmarty

et al., 2000).

2.1. Water-related vulnerabilities of the urban poor

In order to understand the water-related disasters and water scarcity issues experienced by the

urban poor, it is necessary to begin by defining the key concepts of vulnerability and adaptive

capacity in the current context of water management approach (see definition in Appendix 1),

and these are presented in the following section.

2.1.1. Defining vulnerability to climate change

A number of traditions and disciplines, from economics and anthropology to psychology and

engineering, use the term vulnerability. It is only in the area of human–environment relationships

that vulnerability has common, though contested, meaning (Adger, 2006), although it is a

concept in which analysis of the risks arising from climate change to low-income urban

households and communities is grounded (Moser and Satterthwaite, 2008).

According to Wamsler (2007, p. 58) vulnerability is the “degree to which systems are susceptible

to loss, damage, suffering and death in the event of a ‘natural’ hazard/disaster”, while the IPCC


(2007a, p. 883) defined vulnerability as “the degree to which a system is susceptible to, and

unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change, including climate variability and extremes.

Vulnerability is a function of the character, magnitude, and rate of climate change and variation

to which a system is exposed, its sensitivity, and its adaptive capacity”. In both definitions,

perturbations or external stresses are stated; however, the IPCC (2007a) defines components of

vulnerability. In a context of policies, measures and programmes implemented in international,

national and local communities, these features allow a more concrete understanding of the

degree to which a system is more likely to be impacted by climate change to formulate and

design responses to climate change. More recently, the IPCC (2012, p. 564) defines vulnerability

in the context of climate change as “the propensity or predisposition to be adversely affected”,

where the negative impact of climate change is emphasised similarly to the previous definition.

Nonetheless, it also introduces the pre-existing inclination or the tendency of “the vulnerable” to

suffer from a particular condition, hold a particular attitude, or act in a particular way.

Research has also highlighted generic features of vulnerability. These are the resources available

to cope with exposure, the distribution of these resources (both social and natural) across the

system, and the institutions that mediate resource use and coping strategies (Adger, 2006). Where

institutions fail to plan for hazards or for changing social conditions and risks (see definition in

Appendix 1), system vulnerability can be exacerbated. Therefore, a comprehensive definition of

vulnerability needs also to account for a range of risks, thresholds and institutional responses and

resources, given that vulnerability will manifest itself differently at different scales (ibid).

The diversity of these factors is encountered in the definition of vulnerability by Moser and

Satterhwaite (2008). They argue that it represents “multidimensional aspects of changing

socioeconomic wellbeing" (Moser and Satterthwaite, 2008, p. 6), including environmental and

social factors, and determined by physical, social, economic, environmental, organisational and

institutional factors that are the result of human conduct (Wamsler, 2007; Jabeen, 2012). As a

result, vulnerability is understood in this research as multidimensional aspects of changing

socioeconomic wellbeing in which a system is susceptible to, and unable to cope with, adverse

effects of climate change, depending on its adaptive capacity in specific institutional and natural

condition and setting. The different aspects of vulnerability are defined by criteria such as the

exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity, measurable by factors of physical hazards, social

relations, and individuals.


Among the three parameters defining vulnerability, exposure is defined as “people, property,

systems, or other elements present in hazard zones that are thereby subject to potential losses”

(ISDR, 2009, p. 15). It is the nature and degree to which a system experiences environmental or

socio-political stress (Adger, 2006, p. 270). The second parameter, sensitivity, is the degree to

which a system is affected, either adversely or beneficially, by climate-related stimuli. The effect

may be direct (e.g., a change in crop yield in response to a change in the mean, range, or

variability of temperature) or indirect (e.g., damages caused by an increase in the frequency of

coastal flooding due to sea-level rise) (IPCC, 2007a). These definitions, although they might also

be debated, will be used as such in this thesis.

The last characteristic, adaptive capacity in relation to climate change impacts, is defined by the

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (2007a, p. 869) as “the ability of a system to

adjust to climate change (including climate variability and extremes) to moderate potential

damages, to take advantage of opportunities, or to cope with the consequences”. Thus, practical

initiatives that adequately address and improve societal adaptive capacity can help reduce

vulnerability (Kelly and Adger, 2000; Smit and Wandel, 2006). However, adaptive capacity is also

defined by Brooks and Adger (2005, p. 248) as: “the property of a system to adjust its

characteristics or behaviour, in order to expand its coping range under existing climate variability,

or future climate conditions”. Adaptive capacity thus refers to the actions that may be taken to

reduce vulnerability to climate hazards that can lead to adaptation, improve a system’s coping

capacity, and increase its coping range (ibid).

In an urban context, adaptive capacity has also been defined as “the inherent capacity of a

system (e.g. a city government), population (e.g. low-income community in a city) or

individual/household to undertake actions that can help avoid loss and speed recovery from any

impact of climate change” (Satterthwaite et al., 2007, p. 5). Accordingly, adaptive capacity is

characterised as a condition for individuals and communities to organise and modify their

behaviour and practices to transform climate change impacts into opportunities to improve their

wellbeing and/or economic power. Therefore, drawing on the different definitions, adaptive

capacity is understood as the intrinsic capacity of a system expressed through actions based on a

set of national or local resources and knowledge. Adaptive capacity decreases the vulnerability of

the system by reducing both the likelihood and the magnitude of harmful outcomes resulting

from climate change. It allows a system to adapt to, cope with, recover or develop from any

impact of climate change.


2.1.2. Factors of water-related vulnerability of the urban poor

Several dimensions of the urban poor’s water access vulnerability have been identified by Mason

(2009), who emphasises the responsibility of a lack of financial resources. He argues that water

utilities face the unwillingness of the well-off to pay, leading to reliance on subsidies from

government and few funds for extending coverage and finally worsening levels of service for

existing users, thereby decreasing the unwillingness of the non-poor to pay still more. This first

cycle intensifies the reliance of the urban poor on expensive alternative providers. This then

generates higher water costs, leading to reduced productivity and continuing poverty. As a result,

the poor cannot afford the fees for connection to the network, increasing reliance on expensive

alternative providers and creating a second cycle.

However, this approach ignores the problems the water utilities have in reaching poor urban

areas, often leading to additional financial burdens for the utilities investing in these

neighbourhoods (Evans, 2007). Moreover, this model considers water utilities to be fully

working utilities, which is not always the case. Indeed, Evans (2007) argues that, in addition to

the often poor data access and quality of services, these populations may live far from trunk

infrastructure, making the unit costs of both wholesale and retail services unattractive to the

utility/city service provider, or in areas which are technically difficult to serve, often prone to

flooding or on steep hillsides. She also states that these populations may experience constraints

on self-provisioning in the absence of trunk infrastructure, and often face legal barriers to access

tenure, failure or inability to meet building regulation requirements, and/or reside in areas which

are targeted to be used for purposes other than residential. They may also be priced out of

accessing formal services, usually due to high and unclear connection fees and excessively

bureaucratic processes for gaining an official connection (ibid).

In both approaches, it can be noted that the reliance of the urban poor on alternative providers

is not only caused by their inability to afford connection fees but by their reluctance to subscribe

to the formal network owing to its deficiencies, contradicting the traditional views of the poor

only not being able to pay. Moreover, both approaches also attribute the reduction of

productivity and continuing poverty to the theoretical greater cost of water, although it has also

been shown that the alternative water providers are sources of employment for members of the

poor community, and may often provide a greater quantity of water than the formal network

(McGranahan and Satterthwaitte, 2006).


To overcome these vulnerabilities, at national and international level, private-sector participation

was strongly promoted to face vulnerability in the water and sanitation sector during the 1990s

(Allouche and Finger, 2002 cited in McGranahan and Satterthwaitte, 2006). Indeed, a general

agreement that public utilities have been too slow in extending access to services, and that they

can be inefficient and corrupt, led to the promotion of private-sector involvement to address

these problems (Budds and McGranahan, 2003). Based on a broad economic critique of public-

sector enterprises, this collaboration would have actually benefited populations living in poverty

(McGranahan and Satterthwaitte, 2006).

Although “this opening-up of water systems to private involvement is not a uniform process:

rather these pressures have been interpreted in different ways in different countries, each

developing its own model for the regulation and management of water services” (Haughton,

2002, p. 798), debates about the public-private partnership in the water and sanitation sector

moved from whether the role of the private sector should be expanded or suppressed to focus

on what changing the share of the urban water and sanitation market supplied by private

operators means in practice (McGranahan and Satterthwaitte, 2006). Nevertheless, controversies

over private-sector involvement has focused attention on the large piped-water networks,

although a large part of those without adequate water and sanitation will probably be unable to

access these infrastructures for the foreseeable future (ibid). Progress in achieving the

internationally-agreed on targets on water and sanitation could be furthered through more

understanding of how private enterprises active in the sector can be made to become more

responsive to the needs of households (ibid).

Sanitation policies and strategies for the urban poor rarely analyse the diverse heterogeneity of

the urban poor: “who they are; where and how they live – as illegal, quasi-legal or, in rarer

instances, as legal residents of the city; and what they perceive, need and mostly lack as sanitation”

(Joshi et al., 2011, p. 91). Hence, although the private sector in water provision has been

recognised not only to refer to multinational companies but also encompasses local domestic

companies, small scale vendors, user associations and community-based organizations, the gap

between sanitation targets and the wider social, cultural and political conditions and settings

create lags. “In the absence of inclusive urban policies, the proposed approach to “promoting a

demand for toilets” grossly simplifies the complex social–environmental issue that makes for

appropriate sanitation” (Joshi et al., 2011, p. 109). As a result, effective private sector

participation can only succeed in serving the poor if the necessary regulatory capacity and a pro-


poor governance framework is in place, taking into account the heterogeneity of the urban poor

communities. Therefore, the importance of a bottom-up vulnerability approach for an adequate

implementation of sanitation systems is emphasised.

Regarding the vulnerability of the low-income communities to water-related disasters, most often

identified as vulnerability to flooding, it is most often described in the literature through physical,

environmental and financial vulnerability factors. Indeed, in cities of the global South, growing

urbanisation is subject to little control or rational planning (Evans, 2007), resulting in the

creation of settlements, frequently located at the periphery of the city or in risk areas such as

coasts, steep slopes and floodplains. Thus low-income communities develop on dangerous sites

because housing on safer sites is too expensive for them, they lack risk-reducing infrastructure

such as functioning storm drains and are more exposed to the impact of climate (Satterthwaite,

2013). Moreover, slum areas are associated by definition with a high number of substandard

housing structures, often built with non-permanent materials unsuitable for housing given local

conditions of climate and location (ibid). Thus, houses in these settlements are also often poorly

built, and more liable to collapse when hit by storms or floods (ibid). It is also very uncommon

for people living in these neighbourhoods to have insurance for their homes, health or

possessions, and no business will insure someone who faces very high risks and has very limited

capacities to pay (ibid).

Few (2003) claims that the capacity to cope with flooding is increasingly seen as a key

component of a household’s or community’s level of vulnerability and the literature on hazards

and disasters has increasingly paid attention to such attributes. Hence, households and

communities bring differential resources to face this environmental hazard. In their framework

for analysing vulnerability and capacities, Anderson and Woodrow (1998) identify three factors:

physical and material resources; social and organisational structures; and motivational and

attitudinal factors. Morrow (1999) sees the risk as socially constructed. Therefore, starting with

economic and material resources, the argument is extended to include human and social asset.

The same year, Adger (1999) emphasised access to and rights to resources. Lastly, Pelling (1999)

employs similar thinking of rights to resources and the consequent ‘ownership’ of assets,

analysing the processes that create vulnerability to flooding in an approach that includes the

understanding of power and social relations.


To face these issues, the Disaster Risk Management (DRM) framework was developed and

implemented to avoid, lessen or transfer the adverse effects of hazards through activities and

measures for prevention, mitigation 2 and preparedness (ISDR, 2009) and will be further

explained in 2.2.1. In the literature on Disaster Risk, the terms Disaster Risk Management and

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) are often used to indicate similar actions, processes or

frameworks, and “considerable confusion remains as to the exact difference between these terms”

(Mork, 2009, p. 8). Nevertheless, definitions of the two approaches show differences. While

DRM describes a process, DRR defines actions. “In other words, a DRM programme will focus

on research, preparation and planning for DRR interventions, while a DRR organisation will

actively intervene and create projects to reduce disaster risk” (ibid, p 8). As this research

investigates the impacts of disaster approaches on water-related vulnerability in urban poor

communities, as well as the components of this vulnerability, it seemed necessary to understand

how these concepts were translated into a disaster risk approach, and how the approach was

designed and translated into an institutional framework. Therefore, this thesis uses the term

Disaster Risk Management.

2.1.3. Climate change impacts on water-related vulnerabilities of the urban poor

Parallel to the existing water-related vulnerabilities of the urban poor, evidence is mounting that

climate change is occurring and that it is further altering the water cycle (see definition in

Appendix 1) (Alavian et al., 2009). When simulated by climate models, these modifications

indicate an acceleration and intensification of the hydrological cycle, shown by an increase in

precipitation and evaporation, albeit with considerable spatial and temporal variations (UNDP,

2006). More specifically, scientists have established that it affects runoff and river discharge,

groundwater, water quality and floods and drought (IPCC, 2007a; Bates et al., 2008; Alavian et al.,


In the large cities of low latitude countries, it is common for much of the low-income population

to live in areas at risk from flooding (Hardoy et al., 2001), which is most likely to also be affected

by climate change impacts (IPCC, 2007a). In this context, flooding caused by rainwater and

environmental conditions is aggravated by anthropogenic factors that have shifted the definition

of flooding events from a natural hazard to a socio-natural hazard (see definition in Appendix 1),

2 Mitigation defined in this context is as “the lessening or limitations of the adverse impacts of hazards and related disasters” (ISDR, 2009, p. 19).


of which their consequences will intensify in a context of climate change. Hence, although

climate change is driven largely by modernisation and development, all human activities

contribute to environmental change (Douglas et al., 2008). Flooding in urban areas is not just

related to heavy rainfall and extreme climatic events; it is also the consequences of modifications

in the built-up areas themselves. Urbanisation prevents the full discharge of rainwater by

covering large parts of the ground with roofs, roads and pavements, and obstructing natural

channels and by building drains (ibid).

The stress caused by climate change on the global water system also imposes an overall stress on

water and can lead to poorer water quality and quantity (Bates et al., 2008), which will be added

to already existing considerable pressures on water resources. Further threatening water

availability, it will make water security even more difficult and costly to achieve. It may also

reintroduce water security challenges (see definitions in Appendix 1) in countries that have had

reliable water supplies for a century (Bates et al., 2008).

In this context, the multi-dimensional vulnerability of the urban poor is exacerbated. Feiden

(2011) identifies three aspects to the vulnerability of the low-income communities to climate

change impacts. The first aspect of vulnerability is due to ineffective or non-existent planning,

and underinvestment in water and sanitation infrastructure. As many low-income settlements in

coastal cities are in low-lying areas or on steep slopes, as seen in the previous section, the areas

are more subject to the effects of increased storm activity in the immediate term. In the longer

term, these areas will be more affected by sea level rise, storm events and a decrease in quality of

water resources with the anticipated rise in extreme weather. Moreover, as spontaneous

settlements often lack appropriate infrastructure, during flooding, mobility is reduced, shelter is

put at greater risk and, during both flooding and water scarcity, public health impacts are

amplified. The second aspect of vulnerability is similar to the existing vulnerability presented in

section 2.1.2. It is based on low quality housing with poor disaster resistance. Indeed, much low-

income housing is of poor quality, resulting from inappropriate design, materials, and

construction methods to face increasing exposure to extreme weather and flooding. Finally, the

third aspect of vulnerability is based on low-income and insufficient financial and legal resource.

Ideally, the growing threat from climate change should decrease the cost of vulnerable housing

and increase the construction of more appropriate affordable housing in safer areas but it is

often not the case.


In his approach, Feiden (2011) also argues that low-income residents often have sparse

information on climate change impacts and that poor urban residents usually lack the resources

to effectively respond in a crisis, creating greater dependency on the poorly funded public and

non-profit sectors. Nevertheless, the necessity of some of these infrastructure elements, such as

roads, drainage, water, and sewerage, encouraged the creation of alternative strategies as different

studies show (McGranahan and Satterthwaitte, 2006; Jabeen, 2012). Moreover, others have

shown that a strong awareness exists of the already occurring changes in weather. From their

research carried out in Estelí and Mombasa, Moser et al. (2010a, p. 55) state: “people in local

communities — despite their urban location — know about weather, perceive variations in

weather patterns and have reasonable knowledge as to how it is affects assets and well-being (at

the household, community and business levels)”. Hence, even if not directly expressed as

“climate change impacts”, low-income communities’ members perceive the incremental changes

and take action to face those changes: “small business and community groups were resourceful

at developing a range of resilience measures” (Moser et al., 2010a, p. 17). Hence, while Feiden

(2011) approached the sensitivity and exposure of the urban poor, their adaptive capacity plays a

strong role in their vulnerability associated with climate change. This shows that more attention

must be paid to the strategies implemented in these areas.

2.2. International and national responses to climate change in urban areas

2.2.1. Prevailing response: Disaster Risk Management (DRM)

Typical responses to climate change in urban areas have been dominated by Disaster Risk

Management (DRM), which originated in humanitarian relief efforts and the accumulated

experiences of exposure to disasters (see definition in Appendix 1), and has increasingly

incorporated scientific advances (Sperling and Szekely, 2005). As seen previously, it grew from

localised and specific response measures to include broader preventive measures that aimed to

address the various underlying environmental and socio-economic aspects of vulnerability

(World Bank, 2011b). DRM involves many actors and stakeholders, such as public authorities,

research bodies and businesses, non-governmental organisations and the wider general public

(UNISDR, 2004; Wamsler, 2007).

The definitions of DRM illustrate how it has developed through the gradual integration of many

new parameters with the realisation that disasters are generated not only by the hazards


themselves, but are also influenced by many underlying factor, and where anthropogenic

activities, cultures, values and beliefs all play a crucial role in the mitigation of those disasters. In

2011, DRM was defined by the World Bank (2011b) as a “process aiming to decrease

vulnerability by supporting the inclusion of risk analysis, sustainable projects and initiatives

implementing prevention and mitigation measures”. However, in their approach, Garatwa and

Bollin (2002) emphasise the concepts of disaster and mitigation with little consideration of the

various underlying environmental and socio-economic aspects of vulnerability. More recently,

the IPCC (2012, p. 34) defined DRM as

the processes for designing, implementing, and evaluating strategies, policies, and measures

to improve the understanding of disaster risk, foster disaster risk reduction and transfer,

and promote continuous improvement in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery

practices, with the explicit purpose of increasing human security, well-being, quality of life,

and sustainable development.

Hence DRM, which initially appeared to focus on disasters associated with extreme events, has

been recognised to also incorporate the concept of anticipated interventions in the overall and

diverse patterns, scales, and levels of interaction of hazard (see definition in Appendix 1) and

vulnerability (IPCC, 2012).

DRM strategies for confronting water-related impacts of climate change have emerged around

mitigation measures (Agnew and Woodhouse, 2010). Indeed, the DRM framework has tended to

focus on the mitigation of the hazards themselves (ibid), and on the increase in magnitude and

frequency of short-term extreme weather, as short-term extreme weather has become an

international perception of climate change of global importance (Moser et al., 2010b). As a result,

DRM responses mainly concentrate on disaster relief rather than on building resilience (Moser et

al., 2010a), and on the human settlements’ physical vulnerabilities (Sperling and Szekely, 2005).

Embedded in a top-down disaster resilience process during or post extreme climatic events in

numerous urban areas of low-income countries, the framework mostly addresses related

scientific and structural aspects and solutions, considering water as a luxury and not as a resource

that must be adequately managed (Sperling and Szekely, 2005). Indeed, numerous authors claim

that, as a response to the impacts of climate change, DRM does not appropriately address water-

resource analysis, management and policy formulation (UNDP, 2006). For instance, recent


works have come to associate disasters with lesser-scale physical phenomena (IPCC, 2012). This

approach implies addressing the underlying social, economic and environmental vulnerabilities to

reduce the probability of a disaster occurring (Sperling and Szekely, 2005) and would compel the

involvement of all actors, including bottom-up businesses. However, a slow-developing

phenomenon engenders less local concern in many places (Feiden, 2011). Indeed, considering

climate change as an invidious and sometimes imperceptibly slow incremental change in long-

term trends of increasing extreme weather frequency, also including its indirect consequences, is

more challenging (Moser et al., 2010a). Hence the recent shift towards lesser-scale physical

phenomena, associated with concepts such as exposure, vulnerability and adaptive capacity,

shows that supporting water security involves the sustainable use and protection of water

resources and protection against water-related hazards (floods and droughts) (Schultz and

Uhlenbrook, 2007). Therefore, to fully understand the vulnerability of water resources to climate

change and to develop a successful water management strategy, it is essential to take into account

numerous interactions between climate change and climate variability, land surface and

groundwater hydrology (see definition in Appendix 1), water engineering and human systems,

including societal adaptations that DRM does not fully consider (Vörösmarty et al., 2000).

2.2.2. Alternative response: Climate Change Adaptation (CCA)

As seen in the previous section, understanding adaptation beyond the common DRM approach

is crucial. In this context, the climate change adaptation (CCA) approach, which prioritises the

building of long-term resilience over planning for dramatic climate shocks (Van Aalst et al.,

2006), has been developed. This approach is argued to significantly improve the capacity of

communities, governments or regions to deal with current climate vulnerabilities and with future

climatic changes (Sperling and Szekely, 2005).

CCA is defined by the IPCC (2007b, p. 76) as the set of “initiatives and measures to reduce the

vulnerability of natural and human systems against actual or expected climate change effects”.

However, the focus on the reduction of climate change vulnerability is later redefined by the

IPCC (2007a) who introduce the notions of benefit and opportunities in its definition. These

latter concepts also appear in the CCA definition of the United Nations Development

Programme (UNDP), described as: “a process by which strategies to moderate, cope with and

take advantage of the consequences of climatic events are enhanced, developed and implemented”

(Lim, B. and al. , 2005 cited in Levina and Tirpak, 2006, p. 7). The actions carried out to face


climate extremes are argued to be going beyond the “survival” strategy and to improve people’s

well-being or/and economic power. More recently, the IPCC (2012, p. 556) includes the term

“expected” about climate and its effects which stresses the importance of the prediction of

climate change impacts. In spite of these differences in the definitions, Smit et al. (2000) suggest

that there is general agreement in the interpretations of adaptation which includes adjustments in

a system in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli. The differences are mainly

encountered when the definitions connect adaptation to who or what to adapt, and how the

phenomenon occurs (Ayers, 2010). Thus, while there is a seemingly broad consensus that

adaptation to climate change should reduce vulnerability to climate change risks, assumptions

around “adaptation to what?” differ widely and depend on “how vulnerability” is understood


Amongst the different features to adapt to climate change, the water is sector critical. Currently

planned adaptation initiatives concerning water are often not undertaken as stand-alone

measures but are embedded in broader sectoral initiatives, such as water-resource planning,

coastal defence and disaster management planning (Kristensen et al., 2009). In this context, while

addressing these issues in the urban poor areas, the CCA strategies have mainly focused on

vulnerability by analysing the role that adaptation plays in enhancing people’s capacity to

anticipate, cope with and recover from the impacts of climate change (FAO, 2007) along with

major investment for the successful introduction of adaptation measure into water management

strategies (Kristensen et al., 2009).

The IPCC (2008, p. 61) claim “adaptation to changes in water availability and quality will have to

be made, not only by water management agencies but also by individual users of the water

environment”. Hence, water management in CCA involves actors at many different levels, from

industry and agriculture down to households and individuals. Nevertheless, this approach is still

unable to demonstrate how water management can be adapted at the bottom level in these

particular urban areas (Moser and Satterthwaite, 2008). This argument is supported by

Kristensen et al. (2009), who state that, in fact, adaptation does not necessarily require the

development of new measures or technologies but can consist of the appropriate application of

existing instruments, taking into account the right parameters and characteristics. Hence more

investigation at a grassroots level is necessary to further understand how adaptation should be

operationalised without the need for major funding, as well as the ways organisations and

individuals will be able to adapt to the impacts of climate change.


2.2.3. A tool for CCA: Integrated Water Resource Management framework (IWRM)

In 1992, at the International Conference on Water and Environment in Dublin, the IWRM

framework was presented as a successful adaptive response to face climate change impact on

water resources that included technical, economic and environmental aspects in a specific social,

cultural and institutional context (Box 2.1) (Agnew and Woodhouse, 2010; Wilk and Wittgren,

2009). The framework is regarded as a significant tool to implement adaptation measures in

response to climate change (Bates et al., 2008).

Box 2.1 IWRM principles

In 2007, IWRM was defined by the United States Agency for International Development

(USAID) (no date, cited in Xie, 2006) as “a participatory planning and implementation process,

based on sound science that brings stakeholders together to determine how to meet society’s

long-term needs for water and coastal resources while maintaining essential ecological services

and economic benefits”. It is also defined by the Global Water Partnership (GWP) (2012) as “a

process which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and

related resources, in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable

manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems”. Hence, both definitions

agree that the IWRM framework promotes the development and sustainable use of water

resources, allocating water resources among competing human activities and answering the

challenge of ensuring water security and associating water supply and demand within the

“frontiers of ecological sustainability” (UNDP, 2006, p. 15). Although USAID (no date) specify

IWRM is based on four principles:

Freshwater is a finite and vulnerable resource essential to sustain life, development

and the environment.

Water development and management should be based on a participatory approach,

involving users, planners and policy-makers at all levels.

Women play a central part in the provision, management and safeguarding of water.

Water has an economic value in all its competing uses and should be recognised as

an economic commodity

Source: GWP, 2012; WHO, 2014a.


a participatory planning and implementation process, both definitions involve complex situations

of decision-making and cautious planning and analysis to support such decisions (Slootweg,


Despite IWRM being introduced as a crucial strategy in supporting the integration of the climate

change adaptation approach to water resources by planning coordinated and targeted measures

(Slootweg, 2009), critiques of the IWRM approach have emerged, focusing primarily on the

usefulness of a generic management approach to water resource management, the complexity of

the proposed approach and the feasibility of its implementation, and whether the models being

implemented reflect the original concept (Muller, 2010). Nevertheless, even before addressing

the implementation of the IWRM, the first question is: integrated to what? Funke et al. (2007, p.

1238) answer: “the integration of both natural and human systems amongst themselves and with

each other, in a way that allows a balance to be attained between resource use and resource

protection”. In a context where water and sanitation already face serious backlogs in urban poor

communities, the balance between resource use and resource protection will, therefore, have to

overcome the many barriers mentioned in 2.1.2. This, combined with the claims that IWRM is

hard to implement (Muller, 2009), and lacks a of criteria for assessment (Biswas, 2008), create

serious uncertainty in the feasibility of its implementation in urban poor areas.

Many have also commented that the framework has a narrow perspective. Merrey et al. (2005)

argue that IWRM does not emphasise livelihoods of people, nor approaches ‘natural resources’

as a holistic system. These two aspects render “IWRM counter-productive as an analytical

framework from the perspective of poor people” (ibid, p. 2). Nonetheless, there is no coherent

analysis of the relationship between poverty and water access and use, and an analysis based on

an IWRM framework can allow equity considerations to be given a higher level of attention than

has usually been the case.

The IWRM allow considerations to go beyond drinking water and sanitation service

provision. Issues relating to the degradation of soils, forests, biodiversity, and water

quantity and quality have been analysed in relation to environmental costs and protection

measures, but the interactions between these phenomena and livelihood systems based

primarily on the natural environment have been insufficiently noticed (GWP, 2003, p. 13).


Although Lautze et al. (2011) argue that incorporating water governance within the IWRM

paradigm might also dilute the conceptual clarity of water governance, undermining its value,

confusing practitioners and closing development options, it can also be included in broader

initiatives concerned with poverty alleviation. Indeed, the IWRM framework also allows the

formulation of specific strategies which would allow addressing the issues of at-risk and

vulnerable groups, especially those living in marginal, drought- or flood-prone environments,

and those already suffering from exclusion, such as indigenous groups and those in dwelling

settlements (GWP, 2003).

In spite of these challenges, Funke et al. (2007, p. 1238) also argue that “it seems unfair to label

the process as ‘‘unrealisable’’, since this implicitly advocates a return to the situation where the

different water-related sectors work independently of each other”. Indeed, the lack of effective

integration has had negative impact on previous water resource management practices, which

actually encouraged the adoption of the IWRM as an alternative. Furthermore, since water

poverty (see definition in Appendix 1) is generally an important component of poverty, and the

lack of access to water resources and adequate services is integral to the disadvantaged situation

of the vast majority of the poor, a concerted effort should be made to promote a paradigm shift

in thinking about poverty (ibid). If the parameters of the role of water in poverty were extended

beyond drinking water supplies and sanitation, the case for IWRM as part of poverty reduction

would become self-evident (ibid).

2.2.4. Linking DRM and CCA trough IWRM

As seen previously, the reality of global warming was first primarily perceived as an

environmental problem. Later, political and mass media attention shifted from discussing the

reality of climate change to its impacts and the measures needed to mitigate or adapt to them

(Grundmann, 2007). This modification of the way climate change is perceived increased in

importance within the political agendas (Biesbroek et al., 2009), and mitigative strategies have

resulted in various measures, methods and approaches beyond the single measure of the

reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases towards mitigating the long-term impacts of

climate change (Yohe, 2006). The DRM framework was, thus, remodelled and the production of

knowledge on climate change shifted away from a strategy with emphasis on the natural sciences

towards a trans-disciplinary research strategy involving natural and social scientists, policy-


makers, and society to support political decisions in the context of sustainable development


Similarly, the more recent adaptation strategies have been recognised as trans-disciplinary

because of the diversity of actors involved in adaptation processes at varying scales (Biesbroek et

al., 2009). These strategies are also recognised to be positioned in a broader context of socio-

economic processes which require carefully designed policy strategies in regard to their context

of application, the integration of adaptive strategies with other climate-sensitive policy domains

and coordination with non-climatic drivers for sustainable development (ibid).

Drawing from the evolution of the emphasis within DRM and CCA more recent approaches, a

close relationship between both approaches was recognised. A multi-disciplinary approach to

climate change impact on water is established (Few et al., 2006) and a stronger acknowledgment

of climate change concerns in DRM is promoted (ISDR, 2007). Indeed, both DRM and CCA

attempt to understand and mitigate anthropogenic risk created by physical and biological systems,

and both seek appropriate allocations of risk reduction, risk transfer, and disaster management

efforts by focusing on reducing exposure and vulnerability while increasing resilience to the

potential adverse impacts of climate extremes (IPCC, 2012). The resulting frameworks also share

a common set of stakeholders, goals and actions (Kirby and Edgar, 2009), and their features

often overlap, providing important insights into the state of the knowledge base and its gaps,

creating interfaces that complement each other (IPCC, 2012). In theory at least, the

complementary strategies used by adaptation and disaster risk management can support

mitigation of the risks of climate extremes and disasters, of which reinforcement helps increase

resilience to future changing risks (ibid).

Moreover, water also requires consideration of many parameters to be understood and managed.

It must include the numerous interactions between climate change and variability, land surface

and groundwater hydrology, water engineering and human systems, including societal

adaptations. Hence, the efficacy of both approaches to reduce, transfer and respond to current

levels of disaster and water risk could be vastly increased by exploiting the potential synergies

between the DRM and CCA literatures (IPCC, 2012).

However, DRM and CCA were developed and implemented as separate approaches (Sperling

and Szekely, 2005) and differences, including real or perceived dissimilarities in knowledge


production, time and spatial scales, and the actors involved, have appeared. Furthermore, the

proposed policy strategies (Biesbroek et al., 2009) use different viewpoints, vocabularies,

approaches, and goals for different communities (IPCC, 2012). Indeed, mitigation strategies have

been formulated using information from a limited number of mainly technological and economic

scientific disciplines, and embedded in sectoral policy domains (Biesbroek et al., 2009).

Subsequently, for instance, DRM and CCA do not show signs of convergence when considering

the traditional focus on vulnerability and physical exposure or community-based processes.

Besides the fact that there are differences of how mitigation and adaptation approaches are

produced and used, their differences are strengthened while being framed by policy-makers

(Biesbroek et al., 2009). At the institutional level, uncoordinated mainstreaming of adaptive and

mitigation strategies in existing and new sectorial policies also strengthen the dichotomy. There

are at least three factors that strengthen the adaptation–mitigation dichotomy: differences in time,

space and the stakeholders involved (ibid), although both approaches to climate change appear

to favour interdependent measures (Sperling and Szekely, 2005) and should be implemented in

an integrated way within urban settlements facing climate change impacts (Kirby and Edgar,

2009; IPCC, 2012). Moreover, mitigation has been shown to have predominantly been managed

by international and national policy agendas, and has focused on a few energy intensive sectors

(UNRISD, 2010). By contrast, adaptation has typically been more locally focused, involving a

wider range of sectors and actors, operating across a range of timescales from emergency disaster

relief to long term investment decisions (McEvoy et al., 2006).

Vocabularies, approaches, and goals by both communities must therefore be harmonised for

inclusion in an overall climate change water approach to reach water risks and water resources,

due to their reciprocity and very close influence on each other. Sperling and Szerkely (2005, p. 31)

claim: “such enhanced cooperation will help to ensure the sustainability of efforts aimed at the

alleviation of poverty and human suffering”. DRM can help practitioners of climate change

adaptation learn from studying current impacts, and reciprocally, CCA can encourage DRM

actors to give greater weight to future conditions (IPCC, 2012). However, the need to

understand and recognise the instruments that can be put into motion to achieve disaster risk

reduction is an essential prerequisite (ibid). Hence, the linkage of both approaches cannot be

carried out without previously examining the mechanisms of the programmes, measures and

policies of both the DRM and CCA trough the IWRM framework.


The inclusion of technical preventive measures and aspects of socio-economic development

designed to reduce human vulnerability to hazards and the reduction of human vulnerability

under changing levels of risk must also be considered (Few et al., 2006). This inclusion would

allow for the homogenisation of the frameworks and clarification of the interface between DRM

and integrated water resource planning or programming. It would also allow both specific water

issues and integrated water management to be addressed, which are, for the most part, currently

not applied within an urban context (Tearfund, 2005). It would fill the gap of how the water

sector could, in concrete and practical terms, reduce disaster risk and achieve a sustainable

process of integrating DRM.

These considerations are even more necessary in the context in which the urban poor live.

Indeed, the current linking of DRM and IWRM impacts is further challenged by the

accumulation of vulnerabilities in low-income communities. Underpinned by factors such as

inadequate water management, land use changes, unplanned urban growth and under-investment

in, or even lack of, drainage infrastructure, and often relying on parallel water system accesses,

these vulnerabilities create additional difficulties to the possibility of implementing both

strategies at the local level. Moreover, autonomously implemented strategies to minimise risk and

increase their adaptive capacity to climate extremes and water scarcity might counterproductively

interact with the national and local policies, measures and projects.

2.3. Autonomous adaptation to climate change impacts on water

As seen in the previous sections, DRM and IWRM are closely linked. However, urban poor

practices also appear to play an important role in facing climate change impacts on water. In this

context, these actions, also referred as autonomous adaptation strategies or coping strategies in

the climate change literature, have been identified as a category of climate change adaptation.

As adaptation to climate change and variability has been subjected to more intensive

inquiry, analysts have seen the need to distinguish types, to characterize attributes, and to

specify applications of adaptation. For example, adaptation refers to natural or socio-

economic systems and be targeted at different climatic variables and weather events. Based

on their timing, adaptation can be reactive or anticipatory; and depending on the degree of

spontaneity, they can be autonomous or planned (Smit et al., 2000, p. 224).


Accordingly, adaptation to climate change can be anticipatory adaptation that takes place before

impacts of climate change are observed (IPCC, 2007a, p. 869), or reactive adaptation takes place

after impacts of climate change have been observed (IPCC, 2007a). Moreover, adaptation to

climate change can also be autonomous (also referred to as spontaneous) or planned. Planned

adaptation is the result of a deliberate policy decision, based on an awareness that conditions

have changed or are about to change and that action is required to return to, maintain, or achieve

a desired state (IPCC, 2007a, p. 869). The importance of autonomous adaptation, seen as a

normative aim or as a process of policy modifications or concrete actions, is growing with the

international development agenda (Nelson et al., 2008). These definitions, although they might

also be debated, will be used as such in this thesis.

The following section defines autonomous adaptation to climate change and its related concepts.

It develops an understanding of the role of the phenomenon in minimising climate change

impacts in relation to water in low-income communities, and how this in turn affects the

implementation of the formal institutional frameworks.

2.3.1. Defining autonomous adaptation

Autonomous adaptation is defined by the IPCC as “adaptation that does not constitute a

conscious response to climatic stimuli but is triggered by ecological changes in natural systems

and by market or welfare changes in human systems” (IPCC, 2007a, p. 869). However, “not

constituting a conscious response” is questionable as it refers more adequately to a natural

system than to a human system, which would be aware of the actions it undertakes to confront a

particular issue, shaped by its natural and non-natural environments. Therefore, autonomous

adaptation to climate change in this work is understood, in a human system, as the processes or

actions people implement autonomously through which they reduce their vulnerability to the

impacts of climatic stimuli on their well-being and take advantage of the opportunities that they

might provide depending on their adaptive capacities.

In this context, constraints with respect to information, resources, etc., generate the potential

need for the involvement of governmental and non-governmental institutions and organisations

(see definitions in Annexes 1) in autonomous adaptation (IPCC, 2007a). Indeed, autonomous

adaptation is argued to be effective when the population has the knowledge, resources and skills

to implement successful adaptive strategies. Accordingly, the governmental role is to provide “a


conductive environment” for adaptation, and its actions are a guarantee of the successful

implementation of adaptation strategies (Fankhauser et al., 1999 cited in Malik et al., 2010, p. 5).

Collecting and providing scientific information such as meteorological data would also be the

responsibility of government in its role of supporting autonomous strategies (ibid).

In another approach, two institutional methods to be involved autonomous adaptation, building

adaptive capacity or delivering adaptation actions are distinguished:

“building adaptive capacity involves creating the information and conditions (regulatory,

institutional, managerial) that are needed before adaptation actions can be taken;

‘delivering adaptation actions’ involves taking actions that will help to reduce vulnerability

to climate risks, or to exploit opportunities” (UKCIP, 2005 cited in Malik et al., 2010, p. 6).

In other words, government support for autonomous adaptation is closely linked to the relations

between government, the private sector and the population, the legal context, and the

effectiveness of state institutions, national wealth, economic autonomy, and other factors that

might challenge the implementation of such approaches. Autonomous adaptation is therefore

also a process built on adaptive capacity and is driven by the way in which environmental scarcity

and climate change impact on livelihoods (Forsyth and Evans, 2013).

Government, policy-makers and the private sector have a strong influence on autonomous

adaptation, which is strongly shaped by people’s education, access to information, and financial,

natural, and social assets. Consequently, planned forms of adaptation should acknowledge the

relationships between environmental change, livelihood risk, and how socio-economic barriers

limit both livelihoods and adaptive responses. Building adaptation policy on the nature of

physical risks alone might fail to acknowledge these linkages to livelihoods, and could even

restrict autonomous adaptation if the actions of planned adaptation inhibit livelihood

diversification (Forsyth and Evans, 2013).

2.3.2. Differences between autonomous adaptation and coping strategies

In defining and identifying autonomous adaptation approaches, a distinction between coping and

adaptation strategy must be made. Clarifying the difference is crucial because without clearly

distinguishing the differences and similarities between the concepts, “it is difficult to fully


understand a wide range of related issues, including those concerned with the coping range,

adaptive capacity, and the role of institutional learning in promoting robust adaptation to climate

change” (IPCC, 2012, p. 51), but also because these responses are argued to be an effective start

to facing climate change and extreme weathers in a context of implementation of planned

adaptation strategies.

An immediate distinctive characteristic is the efficient period of the action undertaken (Davies,

2009). “The difference between coping strategies and adaptation strategies is that the latter

implies activities with longer-term implications, more likely to involve more fundamental

changes in the type of livelihood activity or location” (Nelson et al., 2008, p. 3). According to

IPCC (2012), coping strategies also present a shorter-term vision and often precede adaptation


Overall, coping focuses on the moment, constraint, and survival; adapting (in terms of

human responses) focuses on the future, where learning and reinvention are key features

and short-term survival is less in question (although it remains inclusive of changes

inspired by already-modified environmental conditions) (IPCC, 2012, p. 51).

Another difference is that coping strategies tend to be based on the assumption that an event

will follow a familiar pattern and that previous coping actions are a reasonable guide for similar

events (Wisner et al., 2004). However, their recurrence shows their lack of sustainability. “Too

much coping implies that livelihoods are not sustainable; and short term responses can ultimately

lead to depletion of assets, which can lead to increased vulnerability to hazards” (Schipper and

Burton, 2009 cited in Jabeen, 2012, p. 36 ). As a result, adaptation strategies are described as

being more proactive than coping strategies, more emergency-oriented and less structured.

Adaptation strategies have a longer-term vision and may also create new opportunities for the

population undertaking them.

Relationships between coping and adaptation strategies are also stated. Shipper (no date) argues

that “the practical difference between coping and adapting is that coping strategies of today are

likely to undermine opportunities for adaptation in the future, through unplanned and

unstrategic use of resources, including social networks” (Shipper, no date cited in IRIN, 2013),

while Jabeen (2012) states that coping strategies can be considered as precursors for adaptation

strategies. Even if the link between the two types of strategies is controverted, this show that


further investigation is necessary to understand the part that each of these strategies play in the

water related-vulnerability of the urban poor.

2.3.3. Water-related autonomous strategies of the urban poor

Although the water-related spontaneous strategies of the urban poor have not been approached

as autonomous adaptation strategies to climate change, the actions implemented by those

communities have been studied in the context of water and sanitation and coping strategies to


As stated previously, in urban poor communities, the formal water supply and sanitation

provisioning of urban settlements in low- and middle-income countries already witness poorly

functioning systems and low population coverage (Kjellen and McGranahan, 2006). This has

forced poor populations to rely on parallel systems, allowing small-scale private water providers

to flourish (Conan and Paniagua, 2003). These alternative water supplies have been studied and

their suitability discussed, even though their efficacy is incontestable as 95 per cent of the urban

poor worldwide is estimated to use such parallel supplies (Budds and McGranahan, 2003). The

“typical” type of private initiative appears to be “direct” vendors or resellers who sell water to

consumers from standpipes or household connections, and distributing vendors who deliver

water to people’s homes (Kjellen and McGranahan, 2006). These small enterprises are often very

competitive (McGranahan and Satterthwaitte, 2006).

Mason (2009) argues that these strategies are inadequate as the unserved poor rely on local

private providers who supply water by tanker, cart or bucket and charge highly for it, qualifying

this process as “a vicious circle of lack of affordability for the unserved poor”. He states that the

unregulated nature of parallel supply chains leads to a more expensive water litre. He adds that

non-regulation also often results in low-quality water, which impacts on communities’ health,

while there is a cost to convenience as more time has to be spent on accessing water. These

factors, therefore, increase the vulnerability of the urban poor to water poverty, and prevent

them from accessing the health, dignity and increased productivity that clean water brings (ibid),

following the common stereotype of water vendors as exploiters of the poor by providing over-

priced, low-quality access to a natural resource (Albu and Njiru, 2002). These vendors are also

commonly accused of damaging mains systems, of coming into conflict with the main water


utilities and public health authorities, and of serving as a barrier for the urban poor to access

clean water (ibid).

However, the failure of water system privatisation (McGranahan and Satterthwaitte, 2006;

Bakker, 2008), promoted to achieve a greater efficiency and expansion in the water and

sanitation sector, actually revived interest in small-scale private entrepreneurs (Budds and

McGranahan, 2003), who can also be considered as a way of reaching the urban poor and

providing drinking water (McGranahan and Satterthwaitte, 2006). Meanwhile, there are many

innovative and inspiring examples of locally driven initiatives that improve water and sanitation

provision in deprived urban areas, including some that have reached considerable scale (IIED,

no date). Hence this practice might also be seen as providing a more suitable water supply than

the main water utilities, and collaboration with small-scale independent water providers may

actually be positive, even if requiring regulatory arrangements (Albu and Njiru, 2002). Albu and

Njiru argue (2002, p. 16) that “partnership between providers and the public sector may ensure a

degree of control while avoiding full-scale regulation that might undermine the sustainability of

existing [small-scale independents providers (SSIP)] practices”. This partnership would also

reduce the technical and business inefficiencies that currently exist and support poverty-

reduction projects by helping the SSIP to provide a more efficient service (ibid).

Regarding water related hazards, which can be various, flooding is acknowledged to be the most

common threat for the urban poor (Douglas et al., 2008; Satterthwaite, 2013). In this context,

some strategies autonomously implemented to face flooding by the affected population have

already been identified. The urban poor are claimed to use blocks, stones and furniture to create

high places upon which to put their most critical valuables (Lula da Silva et al., 2003); to put

goods on top of wardrobes and in the small spaces between ceilings and roofs; they shared such

high places with others who had no similar “safe” sites; to temporarily move away from the area

to stay with friends and family; and bail water out of houses to prevent damage to belongings

(Douglas et al., 2008). They were also identified as placing the children initially on tables and later

removing them to nearby unaffected dwellings; to dig trenches around houses before and during

floods; to construct temporary dykes or trenches to divert water away from the house; securing

the structures with waterproof recycled materials; to relocate to the highest parts of the dwelling

that residents think are secure; and to use sandbags to prevent the ingress of water (Satterthwaite,

2013; Douglas et al., 2008).


Some residents of urban poor communities might undertake collective work to open up drainage

channels; some permanent residents temporarily moved to lodges and public places such as

mosques and churches until the water levels receded; many residents constructed barriers against

water entry at doorsteps; and some created outlets at the rear of their houses so that any water

entering their homes flowed out quickly (Satterthwaite, 2013; Douglas et al., 2008). However,

although people build temporary plank bridges between houses across the wetlands to be able to

move about during flooding, efforts at the community level appear limited due to a lack of

coordination and the significant backflow of water from the direction that the floodwater would

naturally take (Douglas and Alam, 2006; Douglas et al., 2008).

Literature on flooding and the urban poor seem to agree on the necessary actions to undertake

to reduce its impacts.

Flood warning systems are necessary for people living on floodplains; that human

settlements should be planned to avoid flooding as far as possible; and that adequate

evacuation procedures should be in place to assist flood victims. Integrated river basin

planning, incorporating flood storage into reservoirs, is recommended for most large

African river basins (Douglas et al., 2008, p. 201).

They also argue that flash floods would require a specific vulnerability approach as their impacts

can be very high (ibid). However, these actions show that there is little or inadequate response to

water-related hazards in urban poor communities and that further efforts are necessary to

adequately address these issues.

As a result, many strategies have been identified in urban low-income communities to face

water-related challenges. As people may engage in defensive behaviour when hazards are

perceptible, such behaviour might change the effects of certain hazards that need to be taken

into account when designing policies (IPCC, 2012). Thus, the accumulated vulnerability of the

urban poor has generated the design, development and implementation of parallel strategies to

access water and face hazards, which may drastically modify the expected outcomes of many

policies, measures, programmes and projects related to climate change, such as the current

implementation of both DRM and IWRM frameworks. Therefore, the importance of the

autonomous strategies carried out by the urban poor in the implementation of the frameworks is

highlighted, although it still remains true that “insufficient attention is paid to autonomous


adaptation and the supportive, facilitating role of government (as opposed to government itself

as the implementer of adaptation) in the process” (Malik et al., 2010, p. 18).

The close relationship between the different natural water resources (rainwater, groundwater,

water streams and sea water) emphasises the need to analyse the underlying causes of water

scarcity and water-related hazards. Those actions must be identified and analysed to create a

sustainable and holistic water approach, plan or scheme to implement the policies, projects and

measures to confront water-related disasters and water scarcity. The identification and analysis of

the autonomous strategies of the most vulnerable coping with climate change are crucial in

facilitating and coordinating the strategies for building long-term resilience.

2.4. Conclusion: linking DRM, CCA and adaptation strategies of the urban poor

As seen in this chapter, human activities and climate change are severely impacting on the

hydrological cycle. In this context, cities in developing countries are experiencing increasing

numbers of people settling in areas with greater risk of exposure to hazards, which are only

poorly, if at all, served by basic services, and experience an intensification of demand for water.

As a result, the changing availability of water, and the increasing need for it, accentuate water

stresses, challenge current water management strategies and deepen the risks of exposure of

urban low-income communities to water scarcity and water-related hazards.

Overall, to face climate change impacts including water hazards, the DRM framework was

introduced as a response based on climate change mitigation. Likewise the IWRM framework

has been presented as a powerful tool for CCA and water resource management (IPCC, 2007a).

Both frameworks have been developed with the aim of facing climate change impacts and are

being implemented in numerous cities worldwide. Both frameworks are also recognised to share

a common set of stakeholders, goals, actions (Kirby and Edgar, 2009), and to have overlapping

features (IPCC, 2012). Thus, both approaches appear to be interdependent measures that should

be developed and implemented in an integrated way within urban settlements coping with

climate change impacts (Kirby and Edgar, 2009) to provide important insights into the state of

the knowledge base and its gaps, creating interfaces that complement each other (Bates et al.,

2008). This linkage is further supported by the fact that water hazards and water resources have a

strong influence on each other.


However, policy responses concerned with climate change mitigation and adaptation are argued

to have been developed along different tracks, and the gap between the two is clearly shown in

their approach to water management (Sperling and Szekely, 2005). In the urban poor areas, the

current implementation of both the DRM and IWRM frameworks is also challenged by the

autonomous adaptation strategies implemented by the low-income communities’ members.

Indeed, people may engage in defensive behaviour when hazards are perceptible, in itself

changing the effects of certain hazards, or may implement strategies for accessing water,

changing the water supply approach. As a result, these actions might interfere or

counterproductively work with the frameworks, and, when designing the projects, programmes

and policies for the implementation of the frameworks, these autonomous strategies must be

taken into consideration (IPCC, 2012).

Drawing from these debates, this research has been schematised as shown in Figure 2.1. In this

research, the autonomous adaptation strategies of the urban poor and the DRM and IRWM

frameworks are examined to understand their reciprocal influence and highlight the linkages of

the three around water based on the methodology explained in the following chapter.


Figure 2.1 Linking DRM, IWRM and adaptation strategies of the urban poor



Water cycle

Climate Change

Risk of water


Limited water


Urban poor vulnerability

exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity

Autonomous adaptation strategies

Disaster Risk Management Integrated Water Resource


Climate change mitigation* Climate change adaptation

Reduction of the


Increase in intensity and


National responses

National Disaster Risk Management

policies, measures and programs

National Integrated Water Resource

Management policies measures and


Source: Author, 2014


Chapter 3: Research methodology

The first section of the chapter presents the theoretical approach, as well as the combination of

quantitative and qualitative methodologies used during the different phases of the research. The

second section examines the aims and objectives of the fieldwork, the process for selecting the

poor communities, and the ethical issues involved in study. Next, the chapter describes the

research methods for collecting the data applied in Douala, the positionality of the researcher,

and reliability and validity of the data. Finally, some preliminary results are presented.

3.1 Methodological approach

3.1.1 Theoretical approach

Historically, the two main ontological approaches that have influenced social science research

have been positivism and interpretivism. While positivism holds that the way to produce

knowledge is simply to describe the measurable and observable phenomena that we experience

from the methods and practices of natural sciences (Trochim, 2006), interpretevism is a term

that usually denotes an alternative to positivist orthodoxy that has held sway for decades

(Bryman, 2008). From the positivism perception of research, different post-positivist approaches

have been developed (Trochim, 2006). Rejecting the central tenets of positivism, one of them is

a philosophy called critical realism, to which this study is committed.

The ontological assumptions of critical realism derive from the belief that research is based on

the presence of a social and natural world independent of our knowledge of it (Grix, 2004;

Baabereyir, 2009). In other words, we can only see it through concepts and discourses, and we

accept that there is a reality independent of our thinking that science can study (Trochim, 2006).

It adopts a critical position towards what can or cannot be known (Grix, 2004). Therefore, the

information collected by researchers is subjective, depending on their perception of the world

(Miller and Brewer, 2003). Hence, this approach recognises that observations are fallible,

emphasises the importance of context, mechanisms and evolution, and supports the position

that the social world can only be understood by understanding the structures that generate such

unobservable events and that unobservable events cause observable events (Wamsler, 2007).


The logic of inquiry that underpins critical realism is called retroduction (McEvoy and Richards,

2006). Retroductive reasoning is “a mode of analysis through which events are studied with

respect to what may have, must have, or could have caused them” (ibid, p. 71) because, in reality,

the logical processes of generating and eliminating hypothetical explanations never goes as easily

as diagrams and research texts describe (Miller and Brewer, 2003). As a result, explanations are

potentially open to revision and accepted theories may be rejected in favour of more convincing

alternatives that are better able to explain a phenomenon. This involves moving from the level of

observations and lived experience to postulate about the underlying structures and mechanisms

that account for the phenomena (Sayer, 2002 cited in McEvoy and Richards, 2006). In this

research, retroduction allowed exposure of the significant role that autonomous strategy play in

the implementation of the DRM and IWRM frameworks. During fieldwork, data collected

showed the difficulties the DRM and IWRM have in reaching the urban poor, with the selected

low-income communities appearing to experience limited impacts from them in respect of water-

related issues. Their coping and adaptation strategies, therefore, were further investigated to

understand their significance.

Within the framework of this research, mitigation and adaptation to climate change by the urban

poor are both development and environmental problems. This has become more evident since

the environment has become considered as a critical parameter in development. Therefore, a

critical realist approach appears to be the most appropriate to understand the correlation

between the policy-makers’ approach and the urban poor community’s perception and actions

when facing climate change. On the one hand, analysing the roles of the national, regional and

local institutions and organisations involved in climate change mitigation and adaptation, and

understanding their priorities concerning water resource protection, generates an understanding

of the mechanism and context of the implementation of both frameworks. On the other hand,

this approach also allows the investigation of the deeper structures and relations that are not

directly observable but lie behind the surface of social reality, such as the influence of urban poor

autonomous strategies and their impacts on the IWRM and DRM frameworks. Following this

philosophical approach, this research seeks to provide a better understanding of the linkages and

influences between the DRM and IWRM frameworks and autonomous adaptation strategies

facing the external driver of climate change, rather than an extensive assessment of the benefits

of the framework.


3.1.2 Mixed methods strategy in a case study design

The methodological approach followed in this research project is closely related to the

ontological and epistemological assumptions we have about reality (Grix, 2004). As noted

previously, the critical realist approach questions our ability to know reality with certainty

(Trochim, 2006). Because all measurement is fallible, the critical-realist emphasises the

importance of multiple measures and observations, each of which may possess different types of

error, and the need to use triangulation across these multiple sources to try to better understand

reality (ibid). In this context, critical realists argue that the choice of methods should be dictated

by the nature of the research problem (Campbell and Fiske, 1959), and that the most effective

approach is to use a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods or techniques (Olsen,

2004). Consequently, in addressing the research questions, the “general orientation to the

conduct of social research” (Bryman, 2001, p. 20) has been defined as a mixed method

subsumed within a case study design, combining the same observations in different settings

(Hammersley, 2005 cited in Brannen, 2005) under the logic of triangulation (Denzin, 1989), was

selected as a research strategy. Thus, the association of both methodologies provides the

opportunity to obtain in-depth information from the different categories of participants,

avoiding the loss of some data (Baabereyir, 2009).

Mixed-methods research is defined as the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods at

all stages of data collection and analysis for stronger monitoring and evaluation, or the adoption

of a research strategy employing more than one type of research method (World Bank, 2007

cited in Brannen, 2005). It is often referred to as multi-strategy research, implying the application

of a number of different research strategies related to a complex range of research questions and

complex research design (Bryman, 2001). Capturing the different features of the research, this

methodology also allows the verification and validation of data collected by different methods

(Brannen, 2005).

Furthermore, the multi-layered approach to investigating allows a layered case study approach

(Patton, 2002). “This gradual analysis of the cases’ broader surrounding environment at global,

national, municipal and household levels allowed a holistic multi-perspective analysis that

included the voice and perspective of the various stakeholders, as well as the interaction between

them” (Wamsler, 2007, p. 41). Hence, this approach addresses the different levels of analysis

implied by the research objectives and questions in a case study. The case-study approach was


also a useful instrument for making a study from different perspectives (Feagin et al., 1991), in

this context, the national, regional and local institutional and urban poor views. This argument is

also supported by Moser and Stein (2010, p. 7) who argue that a case-study approach recognises

the importance of listening to “the voices of poor people” and helps to identify the reasons for

the emergence of autonomous strategies to face climate change. This approach also allows a

better understanding of the causes of a social phenomenon within a concrete context, as well as

for providing insight into the setting of related problems (Yin, 2003). The social phenomenon –

the autonomous adaptation strategies of the urban poor, their causes and mechanisms – was

consequently effectively identified and analysed. Thus, this approach allows identifying the

characteristics and regularities of the entire issue, by establishing “the world both holistically and

realistically” (Lamnek, 2005 cited in Wamsler, 2007, p. 42).

Within the framework of this research, the unit of analysis or case to be studied are the policies,

programmes or measures that target urban low-income communities settled and integrated in the

implementation of the DRM and the IWRM frameworks. The selection of policies, programmes

or measures as the case is in accord with the proposed research design, and is a recognised

instrument for project evaluation (Patton, 2002; Yin, 2003). Therefore, the main constituents of

the case to be investigated are: (1) the selected programmes and programme measures; (2) their

beneficiaries; (3) the implementing organisation (ibid).

3.1.1 Mixed methods paradigm challenges

One issue with choosing a mixed methods approach involves concerns that the ontological

dichotomy creates epistemological distinctions between quantitative and qualitative research

approaches (Olsen, 2004). Some authors, such as Sarantakos (1993), argue that there is a

significant difference between these methodologies and that they are incompatible, often taught

and written about separately (Alvesson and Skoldberg, 2000; Dey, 1993; Holstein and Gubrium,

1995 cited in Olsen, 2004). Bryman (2008) also points out that it is important in the field of

social sciences to be careful of the difference in the epistemologies and ontologies of both

approaches and to avoid incoherencies. Moreover, Guba and Lincoln (1985) disapprove of the

combination of the two research strategies in a single project research because the use of any

data collection technique is not only an issue of collecting data but is also a commitment to

either positivism or interpretivism; hence, quantitative and qualitative studies rest upon two

incompatible epistemological principles. Finally, they also claim that the use of any data


collection method involves commitment to the approach with which it is usually associated; this

makes method combination inappropriate as it fails to distinguish between a paradigm and a


However, in social science, the idea of “multiple operationism” is not a new concept. It was first

developed by Campbell and Fiskel in 1959, who argued that one method should be used in the

validation process to ensure that any divergence reflected that of the trait and not of the method.

The use of complementary methods leads to more valid results, and the use of multiple measures

may uncover unique arguments that otherwise may have been neglected by single methods (Jick,

1979), thereby capturing a more complete and contextual representation of the community

studied (ibid). Moreover, according to Bryman (2001), the combination of different

methodologies generally tend to involve a leading strategy when starting out the research and a

follow-up strategy for rounding out and widening the enquiry. Olsen (2004) also supports the

combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, observing that empiricism, realism and

constructionism can each provide a philosophical starting point and can each offer an edge of a

triangular viewpoint.

Therefore, the methods themselves should be considered as tools for gathering data, “serving

each other”, instead of being automatically committed to epistemological and ontological

approaches (Olsen, 2004). “Qualitative and quantitative methods should be viewed as

complementary rather than as rival camps” (Jick, 1979, p. 602). Mixing of these different

approaches improves the quality of the data collected and reduces the chance of biased results.

Bryman (2004) states that “combining different methodologies in a single study enhances the

researcher’s claim for the validity of his or her conclusions if they can be shown to provide

mutual confirmation” (Bryman, 2004, p. 131). Moreover, according to Grix (2004, p. 84) “as

long as you are aware of how you are employing a specific method, and what this method is

pointing you towards, and how this relates to the ways you employ other methods, there should

be no problem”. Consequently, quantitative and qualitative approaches can also be considered as

complementary to each other in a single study of social phenomena (Grix, 2004; Bryman, 2008).


3.2 Case study approach and research design

3.2.1 Aim and objectives of fieldwork

In this research, the case study aims to explore the autonomous strategies that urban poor

communities are developing in implementing jointly both water-related DRM and IWRM

frameworks. As the DRM and IWRM theoretically involve a large range of institutional and non-

institutional actors, the collection of the different viewpoints and identification of the levels and

mechanism of implementation are crucial. Furthermore, the frameworks studied are intended to

be implemented in poor urban communities, therefore it was also deemed necessary to examine

the organisation and practices of poor communities to gain a deeper understanding of the links

between DRM, IWRM and the urban poor autonomous adaptation strategies regarding water

provision and water-related disasters. Examining the mechanisms of the poor around water and

water-related disasters allows the assessment of the frameworks’ impacts, if any. This

information permits the proposal of concrete solutions or strategies to improve the effectiveness

of both frameworks if needed.

3.2.2 Regional, national and city selection

In order to select the case study, it seemed most appropriate to base the research within a region

where water stress/scarcity and urban poverty affects large portions of its population. Africa is

the second driest continent in the world after Australia, and millions of people living in this

continent suffer from water shortages. In 2002, approximately 51 per cent (300 million people)

of sub-Saharan countries were estimated to lack access to a supply of safe water (Newby, 2002).

Given the research aimed to understand the efficiency and effectiveness of the IWRM and DRM

frameworks in a low-income urban context, Africa appeared to be the most suitable continent to

carry out the study. Furthermore, a third of Africa's one billion inhabitants currently live in urban

areas, and by 2030 that proportion will have risen to half a billion (Maseland and Kayani, 2010),

and 61.7% of the inhabitants of African cities are estimated to be slum-dwellers (UN-Habitat,


In sub-Saharan Africa, water resources appear to have a particularly crucial role and degree of

importance, in view of the fact that, by 2025, at least 50 per cent of Africa’s predicted population

of 1.45 billion people will face some type of water stress or scarcity (Newby, 2002). Moreover,


abundant water resources are a powerful natural capital in the region because African economies

depend greatly on a reliable and adequate supply of water and on achieving water security to

support growth and build climate resilience (Dankova et al., 2010). If adequately protected and

managed, water resources can create a substantial asset for a country. As a result, the selection

process for this case study turned towards a country in Africa where water is an abundant

resource. Among the sub-Saharan African countries, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

is the one that possesses the most abundant water resources (Mafany and Fantong, 2006 cited in

Ako Ako et al., 2009; FAO, 2013). However, when selecting the area of study, the DRC was

experiencing increasing security issues, and British and French Ministries of Foreign Affairs

recommended against travel there. Consequently, the Republic of Cameroon, which possesses

the second largest water quantity of the African continent (ibid), was selected as the country to

undertake research.

Cameroon is located in the central African sub-region between 2° and 13°N, extending for a

distance of about 1,200km from the Gulf of Guinea to Lake Chad, and between 8° and 16°E,

extending for a distance of 800km at its widest point (between West and Central Africa at the

extreme north-eastern end of the Gulf of Guinea) (Map 3.1) (Ako Ako et al., 2009). The surface

area of Cameroon is 475,650 km2, with a mainland area of 466,050 km2 and a maritime area of

9,600 km2 (National Institute of Statistics, 2001).

The Republic of Cameroon has two major cities: Douala, the economic capital, and Yaoundé,

the political capital. Comparing both cities, Douala has experienced the most rapid expansion in

the country with a population annual growth rate between 5% and 8% per annum (Asangwe,

2006). The consequences of this rapid urban growth included, among others, a wide spatial

expansion, the development of numerous slums and wetland transformation, leading to

observable environmental damage such as contamination of surface water and groundwater

sources, public health hazards, subsidence and flooding (SOGREAH and ECTA-BTP, 2004).

Furthermore, Douala is defined by Asangwe (2006, p. 2) “as a disaster zone”. The recurrence of

water-related disasters is also increasing the urgent requirement for more institutional and

organisational responses to shift the current situation towards more sustainable urban

development. Benefiting from abundant local water resources in a region threatened by water

scarcity, the city’s rapid expansion and extensive vulnerable settlements have created an

environment where water is a crucial asset that needs to be carefully managed. Vulnerability to

water-related disasters, rapid population growth, and increasing demands on water resources


provided the critical context for the adoption of both DRM and IWRM frameworks to support

the city’s population. Further information about the city, its population, natural characteristics

and disasters are presented in Chapter 4.

Map 3.1 The Republic of Cameroon

Source: TV5MONDE, no date.

3.2.3 Douala’s low-income settlements selection

In order to identify the potential poor settlements to be studied in Doula, the criteria established

by the United Nations for defining a slum were first followed (Table 3.1). These criteria are

recommended to policy-makers and international bodies as an effective means of improving the

implementation of programmes and resolving the physical and legal problems faced by slum

dwellers (UN-Habitat, 2007). However, as no formal data related to the UN criteria exists for the

city of Douala, these criteria were weighted as a result of the researcher’s own observations

during the transect walks undertaken in the poor neighbourhoods (further detailed in section

3.3.1). However, it proved difficult to use these parameters to define specific areas as their


breadth led to the selection of too many zones in the city. In order to overcome this problem,

five new criteria, outlined in Table 3.2, were created. These criteria were defined according to the

research topic, and were developed based on discussions carried out with local contacts and the

coordinator and employees from the NGO, DUCA. As no formal data was available for these

criteria either, they were also weighted according to the researcher’s own observations during the

transect walks, as well as dialogue with local inhabitants of the communities and local contacts.

The additional criteria helped reducing the number of settlements under consideration. These

numbers were further decreased after discussions and the completion of the first semi-structured

interviews with a representative of local government, an academic, two NGOs employees, and

local contacts. The low-income communities of Douala identified were located in the sub-

districts of: Bependa (Douala 1), New-bell (Douala 2) and Village (Douala 3). In order to

triangulate this information, 15 transects walks were carried out (further explained in section

3.3.1). This method led to the elimination of four communities from the selection process, due

to the evident presence of better infrastructure quality and better housing quality. As a result,

eleven communities were preselected.

Qualitative information collected during the transect walks, observations and discussions with

local residents was transformed into quantitative data that was ranked on a scale from 0 to 10 (0-

inappropriate; 10-appropriate) by the researcher (Table 3.3). The lowest scores determined which

communities were the most the most appropriate for the purposes of the research. Thus,

according to Table 3.3, the districts of Douala 2 and Douala 3 were highlighted. However, only

one district of the city was selected, so as not to exceed the number of semi-structured

interviews which had to be carried out and increase the validity and reliability of the data, as

explained in section 3.4.1.

Visits to both districts’ city halls and the local government in charge of the community (further

explained in Chapter 4) suggested that it would prove more problematic to gain physical and

personal access to the city hall of Douala 3 due to the local political and physical context. On the

contrary, the actors of the city hall of Douala 2 were interested in discussing the issues addressed

in this research. Moreover, the particular history (explained in chapter 4), and the fact that two of

the three communities with the lowest scores were located in the district, led the researcher to

choose Douala 2. As a result, the communities selected were Nkolmintag, Newtown Airport 5,

and Tractafric.


Table 3.1 Slum characteristics and indicators of UN-Habitat

Criterion Slum characteristic Indicator

Access to


Inadequate access to drinking

water supply

Proportion of households with access to improved water supply. A settlement has an inadequate

drinking water supply if less than 50% of the households have an improved water supply.

Access to


Inadequate access to sanitation

and other infrastructure

Proportion of households with access to adequate sanitation facilities. A settlement has

inadequate sanitation if less than 50% of the households have improved sanitation.


quality of


Poor structural quality of

housing :

- Location

- Permanency of


Proportion of households living in a house considered as ‘durable’, i.e. built on a non-hazardous

location and having a structure permanent and adequate enough to protect its inhabitants from

the extremes of climatic conditions such as rain, heat, cold, and humidity. Proportion of

households residing on or near a hazardous site. Proportion of households living in temporary

and/or dilapidated structures.


living area Overcrowding Proportion of households with three persons or more per room.

Security of


Insecure residential status of

land and housing

Proportion of individuals who have secure tenure, i.e. who have:

1. evidence of documentation that can be used as proof of secure tenure status (with formal title

deeds to home or/and residence);

2. either protected (but not necessarily ordained by law) or perceived protection from forced


Source: elaborated from UN-Habitat, 2003.


Table 3.2: New criteria established to identify low-income communities of interest for

this research

Criterion Characteristics Indicator



Predominance of water-related


Proportion of people in the settlement

suffering or have suffered from water-

related diseases.



Poor solid waste management


Predominance of solid waste on streets

and in drains.



Presence of institutional and

organisational water and

sanitation projects within the


Presence of NGOs’ water and sanitation

projects in the community.

Presence of governmental water and

sanitation projects in the community.

No governmental or NGOs water and

sanitation projects in the community.

Crime and



Predominance of crime and

physical violence within the


Proportion of households or individuals

vulnerable to robbery, assaults and

mugging, or perceived vulnerability to

robbery, assaults and mugging.



Strong impact of extreme

weather events.

Proportion of households affected by

extreme weather events.

Source: elaborated from discussions carried out with local contacts, 2012.


Table 3.3 Weighting and ranking of Douala’s sub-districts*

District Douala 1 Douala 2 Douala 3







Marche Youpwe






Aéroport 5 Tractafric Nkolmintag


10 Bonabamawo


Marche Bonaloka

Water access 3 5 9 7 0 1 1 0 8 2 8

Sanitation 0 0 2 5 2 0 1 0 2 2 0

Housing qual. 5 5 4 5 6 5 5 7 7 7 10

Overcrowding 10 10 10 5 5 10 10 2 0 10 4

Sec. of tenure 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Security 6 6 5 6 8 4 3 5 8 8 8

Waste Mgmt. 0 0 8 8 3 3 4 3 7 6 0

Inst. presence 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 5 5 5

Epidemic pr. 3 3 5 5 3 3 4 5 8 7 5

Disasters pr. 8 8 5 5 4 3 4 5 8 8 8

Overall score 42 44 55 53 38 36 39 29 55 57 50

Ranking 4 5 8 7 3 2 4 1 8 10 6

*0-inappropriate; 10-appropriate Source: Author, data derived from 15 transect walks realised in 13 communities of Douala in 2012


3.2.4 Delimitation of low-income settlements

As part of this research also seeks to identify the impacts of the DRM and IRWM frameworks

on low-income neighbourhoods, the borders of the communities were chosen to follow the

administrative limits of the sub-districts, although the term “community” is widely debated

(Crowm and Mah, 2012). However, because no available maps exist of the communities’

administrative limits, the participation of the leader and/or key actors of the communities was

sought in drawing these boundaries (for example, see Map 3.2).

The settlements are further divided into “blocs”, for which the boundaries were selected by the

main community leader in each case. These sub-zones were also identified with the participation

of the leader and/or key actors and have been used to carry out the sampling method and survey,

and is further explained in section 3.3.2.

Map 3.2 Delineated map of Nkolmintag drawn by a community leader

Source: Author and community leader elaborated from CUD (2012).


In order to be authorised to work in a sub-district, the researcher first asked the approval of the

main community leader. This was done during the semi-structured interview, which took place at

a time appointed by the leader, in his office called a “chefferie”, located in the community. This

provided an opportunity to delineate the general characteristics of the area, validating and

completing the information the researcher had already collected during the transect walks

through observations and discussions with local inhabitants.

3.2.5 Ethical issues

The research was designed, reviewed and undertaken to ensure the integrity of the communities

and individuals involved. Following Robson (2002), as well as the ethical guidelines of The

University of Manchester, the investigator informed all participants of the objectives of the

research and all aspects that might reasonably be expected to influence their willingness to

participate, and to answer their questions concerning other aspects of the study.

Working with vulnerable communities of marginalised status is a complex and sensitive process.

Miller and Brewer (2003, p. 95) argue that “adhering to the principles of anonymity and

confidentiality are therefore imperative ethical considerations when undertaking any social

research”. For this purpose, the confidentiality of information supplied and the anonymity of all

respondents is respected. Personal data such as names and addresses of the individuals who

participated in the study are not revealed. Moreover, if participants provided evidence that could

be considered potentially damaging to themselves, or others, if disclosed, care was taken to

ensure the information was used in such a way that it could not be connected to the source.

With regards to consent, research participants were asked to participate in a voluntary manner,

free from coercion. Miller and Brewer (2003, p. 95) state that “voluntary consent is considered

by many as the central norm governing the relationship between the researcher and the

participant”. Moreover, obtaining the authorisation to undertake the research implies access and

acceptance (Bell, 2005), allowing the researcher into a given physical space (Homan, 2001). For

this reason, consent forms were completed during the semi-structured interviews. Oral consent

was also asked during the completion of the questionnaire and the respondents had the choice

not to answer questions if they did not want to.


3.3 Methods of data collection

In this research, the qualitative methods of field observations and semi-structured interviews,

and quantitative method of questionnaire, were selected to answer the research questions, as

presented in Table 3.4 and further explained below.

Table 3.4 Methods selected to answer the research questions

Research Questions Methodology Methods Selected

What are the water-related exposure,

sensitivity and adaptive capacities of the low-

income communities to climate change



Field observations

Quantitative 609 questionnaires

Do the DRM and IWRM policies, measures

and projects implemented to face climate

change impacts on water resources reach the

urban poor?


Field observations

33 semi-structured interviews

Document analysis

Quantitative 609 questionnaires

Are the DRM and IWRM institutional

frameworks implemented to face water-

related issues operationally linked?


33 semi-structured interviews

Do DRM, IWRM and the water-related

autonomous strategies implemented by the

urban poor influence each other?


Field observations

33 semi-structured interviews

Document analysis

Quantitative 609 questionnaires

Source: Author, 2012.

3.3.1 Transect walks and field observations

Transect walked are defined by World Bank (2012a, p. 1) as “a tool for describing and showing

the location and distribution of resources, features, landscape, main land uses along a given

transect”. Transect walks have also been defined by USAID (2009, p. 2) as “a path along which

one observes and records environmental attributes of interest”. This tool is argued to be

appropriate for a pragmatic approach for both preliminary and extensive fieldwork that bridges

human and physical geography. It supports the investigation of the cause and effect relationships

among topography, soils, natural vegetation, cultivation, and other production activities and


human settlement patterns (World Bank, 2012a). Moreover, it allows identifying major problems

and possibilities perceived by different groups of local analysts in relation to features or areas,

and learning about local technology and practices (ibid).

As explained previously, the transect walks undertaken in the sub-district of Douala aimed to

help in the selection of the low-income communities and to triangulate data collected through

the other methods. The 15 transect walks were carried out between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm over a

period of a month, along with observations and discussions with residents of the settlements.

Each lasted between 3 and 5 hours depending on the size of area (Map 3.3).

Field observation is considered a powerful tool for research as it involves verbal behaviour and

allows the researcher to directly observe the phenomenon studied. This “form of evidence”

(Baabereyir, 2009, p. 128) has been categorised into different types by Miller and Brewer (2003).

Among these types, “unobtrusive observation” and “participant observation” are based on the

degree of participation by the researcher. In this research, observations are “unobtrusive

observation”, presumed to avoid the problems caused by the researcher presence (Lee, 2000). In

this purpose, the PhD researcher did not take part in events occurring in the urban poor

communities. Moreover, she did not intervene when observing meetings between agencies, local

authorities and community members. Public accesses to water, water-related impacts on houses

and infrastructures, sanitation infrastructures, and the criteria described in Table 3.1 and Table

3.2, were the researcher’s main observations during the transect walks.


Map 3.3 Areas where transect walks were carried out

Source: elaborated from a map of the CUD, 2012.


3.3.2 Survey and sampling methods

Surveys can use qualitative or quantitative measures. There are two basic types of survey: cross-

sectional surveys and longitudinal surveys (Babbie, 1973). This research, investigating the

relationship between the implementation of the two frameworks, used cross-sectional surveys,

meaning that the information gathered on a population is reflects a single point in time (Trochim,

2006). Furthermore, surveys can be divided into two broad categories: questionnaires and

interviews. Questionnaires are often associated with paper-sheets to be completed, while

interviews are completed by the interviewer based on the interviewee’s answers (ibid).

On the one hand, questionnaires allow the collection of qualitative and quantitative data. This

method of data collection is one of the most commonly used techniques in social surveys (Miller

and Brewer, 2003). The use of questionnaires offers numerous advantages: the ease of collecting

a large amount of data in a small time period, the high reliability of the data collected and the

minimisation of possible bias by the researcher (ibid). As the characteristics of the information

are similar, a questionnaire allows systematic coding for quantitative analysis. The questionnaire,

therefore, appeared to be an appropriate tool to collect primary data about people and their

perceptions, approaches, views, actions and consciousness of specific issues (Baabereyir, 2009).

3.3.3 Completion of the questionnaire

The questionnaire allowed the researcher to collect quantitative data about the participants’

perceptions of water accesses, as well as the inhabitants’ water resources, practices and actions

with regard to its management at household and family level. A total of 200 questionnaires were

undertaken in each community, in part reflecting the time and financial limits of the PhD


The sampling method was based on systematic sampling, which is a random method of sampling

that applies a constant interval to choosing a sample of elements from the sampling frame (Cox,

2008). Using systematic sampling also aimed to reach statistical significance, the

low probability that an observed effect would have occurred due to chance (Coolidge, 2013).

To implement this technique the following steps were taken. First, due to the lack of a city

census, the number of houses in each community was estimated using a .pdf file of a Google


Earth© air cover picture from 2003 collected at the urban council of Douala. The settlement

area was located on the map and then zoomed-in on to obtain a clear visualisation of the build

environment. The number of building N was then counted for the whole area and per bloc (see

map in Appendix 2). The percentage of building a bloc represents to the whole area was

calculated. For instance, a population of size N=1539 and N2=45 (randomly chosen for this

example) was identified. The percentage of housing of the whole area N2 represents is identified:

x = N2

N∗ 100

In this example:

x =45

1539∗ 100 ≈ 2.92%

Then, the number of questionnaires n2 to be carried out per bloc was established. For instance, a

sample of size n is desired (in our case n=200 questionnaires per community) from the

population of size N:

n ∗ x = n2

In this example:

200 ∗2.92

100= 5.84

As a result, 5.8 questionnaires (approximated to 6 questionnaires) have to be carried out in bloc 2.

At that point, the sampling interval k was calculated by dividing the number of buildings

estimated by the amount of questionnaires desired. For instance, a sample of size n is desired (in

our case 200 questionnaires per community) from a population of size N. Following the previous

example, the sampling interval k is then calculated:

k =N


In this example:

k =1539

200= 7.695

Thus, one questionnaire had to be carried out every 7.75 houses (after approximation every 8

houses), randomly choosing the first house to survey. Therefore, 6 questionnaires were carried

out in bloc 2 every 8 houses.

Five pilot questionnaires were carried out in Nkolmintag. These pilots raised three issues. First,

some questions were unclear and confusing, or local residents were unable to answer them. For

example, the initial questionnaire suggested water access to be single access, however the

inhabitants generally differentiate between the water they drink and the water they use for

everyday activities. Secondly, asking about formal or informal tenure was confusing. Due to the


law legalising settlers if occupation of the land took place before 1974, the year of major land-law

reform in Cameroon, the families who had settled more than 40 years ago hold the right to ask

for formal tenure (Alden Willy, 2011). However, the complicated process through which the

regularisation of their status can be achieved prevented many households from embarking on

this procedure. Therefore, these questions were modified to include the different water accesses

identified during the completion of the pilots and land tenure was considered based on the

perception of the interviewees.

The last issue concerned the alteration of answers by interviewees during the pilot questionnaires

due to the researcher’s different ethnicity and being an outsider. Local residents tended to

modify, for example, their monthly spending, their names or/and the ownership of their land.

Consequently, for the completion of the overall questionnaire, five students from the University

of Douala were chosen, from among 20 volunteers, to support the researcher in carrying out the

survey in the first two poor communities. The number of students was chosen in order for the

researcher to be able to monitor more easily the completion of the questionnaire and minimise

security risks. Six days were spent in Nkolmintag and Newtown Airport 5, where a goal of 12

questionnaires was decided to be undertaken by the group of students per day. In Tractafric, the

PhD researcher benefited from the help of 20 students from the Pan-African Institute of

Development. It proved necessary to recruit this number of students so that the survey could be

carried out rapidly before the onset of the rainy season made it difficult to gain access to the

community. This amount of students enabled the full amount of questionnaires to be conducted

in one day. One research assistant supported the researcher to monitor the completion of the

questionnaires by the students.

While working with 5 and 20 students, the same process of training and security was applied. In

order to minimise the possibility of bias in completing the questionnaires, and to train the

students, the research topic, methodology, objectives, and their significance were explained

during an initial meeting. Questionnaires and sampling method were detailed, and an exercise

where students administered the survey to each other in groups of two or three was carried out.

This preparation helped to clarify and standardise the understanding of each student about the

questions. The questionnaires were carried out in the communities from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on

weekdays and during weekends. During the implementation of the survey, the students were

divided into pairs, staying in the same bloc, in order to minimise security issues. The researcher

monitored the implementation of the methods by joining each group of students for thirty to


forty-five minutes. Finally, a debriefing was held to list and discuss the difficulties and advantages

of the questionnaires, as well as the answers collected.

The data collected were then transposed and analysed in Windows Excel and Statbox6. Row data

collected from physical questionnaires were copied into an excel sheet. From this sheet, basic

percentages of each category of responses were calculated and to create the figures overall and

per community. Statbox6 was employed to undertake cross-tabulation and correspondence


3.3.4 Semi-structured interviews

Interviews are an introspective form of collecting data that allow the respondents to expose their

perceptions, beliefs, practices, interactions and concerns regarding the topic being discussed

(Freebody, 2003). Moreover, interviews facilitate communication between the researcher and the

community; most people are more disposed to talk in an interview than to write or fill out a

questionnaire (Miller and Brewer, 2003). More particularly, the semi-structured interview

technique is associated with a number of advantages over questionnaires (summarised by

Trochim, 2006), collecting complementary data. Moreover, they allow the interviewee to further

understand the researcher’s area of study and to ask for clarification when the question is unclear.

They also allow the researcher to ask for more clarification on an answer (Baabereyir, 2009). An

interview also guarantees that all the questions are answered (or are attempted to be answered)

with a high response rate and allows verification of the reliability of the semi-structured interview

if the question is repeated later during the exercise (Freebody, 2003).

Semi-structured interviews allowed the PhD researcher to collect the interviewees’ perceptions,

beliefs, practices, interactions, and concerns regarding the topic discussed, from the

implementation of the frameworks to the community’s history. The semi-structured interviews

were performed with key actors from the institutions and organisations involved in the

implementation of the IWRM and DRM frameworks under study. They used predetermined

questions, but were modified when the researcher wished to deepen investigation of a particular

topic. Explanations were given; questions that seem to be inappropriate for particular

interviewees were not asked and additional ones were included (Robson, 2002). This technique

elicited understanding of the mechanisms used by the institutions to implement the frameworks,

together with their priorities, focuses, and knowledge of the frameworks studied. During the five


months of fieldwork, 33 semi-structured interviews were carried out, taking place in the key

informants’ offices and lasting from 25 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Snowball sampling was then applied (Trochim, 2006). Snowball sampling is a nonprobability

sampling technique that can be applied in survey contexts which involve studying mutual

relationships among population members, helping to identify members of the rare population

(Given, 2008). This technique involves identifying one or more members of a rare population

and asking them to name other members of the same population. The two first interviewees

were chosen from the analysis of recent grey literature on the implementation of the frameworks

in Douala and according to their responsibility and role in the implementation of the DRM and

IWRM. The snowballing process continued until an adequate sample size had been obtained,

and an appropriate number of institutions and organisations involved in the implementation of

the frameworks in Douala had been included. When applying the snowball sampling, one refusal

was faced, argued to be due to his inappropriateness to answer the questions. He then referred

us to other actors from the same organisation who agreed to be interviewed and, as a result,

findings were not affected. Among the 33 semi-structured interviews, one interviewee was

informally met before the interview. Table 3.5 sums up the interviews conducted with

institutions and organisations.

Table 3.5 Interviews with institutions and organisations

Institutions or Organisations No of interviews Interviewees index*

Academics 4 From IA1 to IA3.

Local government 12 From ILG1 to ILG12.

Ministries delegations 6 From ILM1 to ILM6.

National institutions and ministries 4 From IM1 to IM4.

Local emergency agency 1 ILEA

Local NGOs 3 From INGO1 to INGO3

Infrastructure provider 3 From IIS1 to IIS3

* Interviewees have been indexed according to the type of institutions or organization they depend on. In order to differentiate the interviewees from the same type of institutions or organisations, they have also been randomly attributed a number. Source: Author, 2012.

3.3.5 Document analysis

Focusing on the documentation of the policies, programmes and measures resulting from the

DRM and IWRM approaches, local institutional reports provided a useful complement to the


primary information gathered through surveys. These grey literature sources can help researchers

to determine both facts and interpretations, capturing key aspects of data about the phenomenon

studied (Yin, 1994). Document analysis also permits the confirmation and strengthening of the

information gathered using other tools, as well as shortening the period of the study (Robson,

1993). Finally, Creswell (2003) argues that document analysis has the advantage of giving the

researcher the opportunity to extend their understanding of “the language” of the actors of the

phenomenon, leading to a deeper understanding of the situation. During fieldwork interviews

with the different institutions, internal or external reports and additional relevant documentation

were collected, when available.

3.4 Summary of data collection and data analysis

3.4.1 Positionality of the researcher, reliability and validity of results

The positionality of the qualitative researcher vis à vis the topic studied and the informants is

influenced by their identity, background and experience, impacting on the data gathered and

therefore affecting the results of the study (Burgress, 1984). Coteerill and Letherby (1994) state

that the participants’ perception of the researcher significantly influences the information they

provide. Some authors argue that being familiar with the research environment might enhance

the outcomes of the research (ibid). However, the researcher’s knowledge of the field is subject

to debate. Burgress (1984) argues that there is a predisposition for a researcher who is familiar

with the research context to affect the research negatively, failing to subject known behaviours

and issues to in-depth investigation. The researcher’s background and experience have a serious

influence on the research topic, and for this reason many authors argue that it is preferable for

the researcher to be unfamiliar with the research context.

During fieldwork, the researcher was aware that being a white woman of a European country

created a specific dynamics between the interviewer and interviewees during the completion of

both semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. Being a French national in a former French

colonial country facilitated access to institutions and organisations. However, it also had an

influence on the reliability of the data. Therefore, in order to maximise the relevance and

consistence of the data, the researcher always presented herself as a PhD student, to associate

her with an unthreatening, but serious, status, having “nothing to offer”. However, during these

interviews, to also create an environment of seriousness, business cards, politeness and


professional behaviour were significant factors contributing to the quality of this method. The

same process was applied during the interview with communities’ leaders. In the urban poor

communities, potential power imbalances associated with the researcher’s position was further

minimised by the collaboration of local students with the PhD researcher, as explained in section


Gender dynamics also influenced the application of the methods. Being a white western female

certainly facilitated further access to institutions and organisations, due to the perception of the

researcher as non-threating, and the curiosity of respondents to the non-usual presence.

However, it sometimes also created ambiguous gender dynamics, which was avoided by the

presence of a male researcher during some semi-structured interviews.

The reliability of data is defined by Bryman (2008, p. 700) as a “concern with the question of

whether the results of a study are repeatable. It refers to the consistency of measure of a

concept”, while he defines the validity of the results as “a concern with integrity of the

conclusions that are generated from a piece of research”. In their definition, Miller and Brewer

(2003) identify three type of validation.

Checking one’s interpretations by their power to predict member’s future behaviour; trying

out one’s interpretations by engaging in behaviour that passes as a member of the setting;

and directly asking members to judge the adequacy of one’s interpretations, either by

evaluation of the final report, or getting them to comment on the interpretations (Miller

and Brewer, 2003, p. 163).

To ensure an adequate validity, Miller and Brewer (2003) advise corroborating the verbal reports

of respondents with other sources to validate the outcomes of the study. However, as Moser and

Stein (2010, p. 7) point out, “the process of results validation depends on the level of

commitment by different social actors”.

To ensure the best data reliability, several sets of questions in semi-structured interviews were

defined: information on the institution or organisation in which the interviewee worked; IWRM

policies, measures and projects regarding water and sanitation; DRM policies, measures and

projects regarding water-related hazards and disasters (see Appendix 2). These were then

modified after the completion of the first pilot semi-structured interview. In the case of the semi-


structured interview with the community leaders, the questions were further modified and a new

questionnaire was created due to the lack of awareness of the leaders about the policies and

measures and their extensive knowledge about the community. Thus, the community leaders

were asked about the community’s history, water access, sanitation, water related hazards and

disasters (Appendix 3). Finally, the external validity of the semi-structured questionnaire was

maximised with the selection of the snowball sampling.

During the completion of these interviews, vocabulary was carefully chosen to avoid creating

gaps and build trust between the researcher and the interviewees. Moreover, the researcher

carried them out alone or accompanied by only one research assistant to avoid pressure on the

key actors. The research assistant also attended the semi-structured interviews with the

community leaders for safety reasons. To create an environment of respect and trust, a

presentation about the PhD researcher and the research were carried out first. Moreover, contact

details were handed to the interviewee for them to be able to contact the researcher in case they

would like to have more details about the research or withdraw their participation from the study.

These actions also eased the snowball sampling. The future interviewees were easily identified

and chosen among the different individuals depending on the institutions they work for and their

involvement in the frameworks.

Likewise, the surveys’ questions followed the variables addressed in this research. The sets of

questions included: general information about the house and household, water-related diseases,

water consumption and water access, hazards and impacts, institutions and organisation working

in the community (see Appendix 4). During the completion of the pilot questionnaires, although

carried out after the introduction of the PhD researcher to the community by the community

leader, an evident lack of trust appeared and answers were distorted by the respondents as

explained previously. However, working in collaboration with local students helped to overcome

this lack of reliability. The pilot questionnaires also helped to re-define the questions when

lacking or using inadequate vocabulary. The system of sampling chosen helped to ensure a

maximum external validity.


To ensure a maximum reliability and validity, the various strategies explained in the previous paragraphs have been carried out the research process

shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 Research process

Region and city selection

Qualitative and quantitative data

Data analysis triangulation

Pilot questionnaires

Modification of the questionnaires

Pilot semi-structured interviews

Field observations

Communities selection

Identification of institutional actors involved in DRM and


Households selection

Identification of actors involved in IWRM and DRM

Selection of poor areas following UN criteria

Selection of poor areas following PhD researcher criteria

Selection of poor areas after first semi-structured-interviews and discussion with local


Grey literature analysis

Transect walks

Final questionnaires

Systematic sampling

Modification of the semi-structured interviews

Snowball sampling

Analysis of qualitative data with NvivoAnalysis of quantitative data with Excel and Stats6

Answers to research questions

Validation of the Research hypothesis

Semi-structured interviews Documentation collection

Snowball sampling

Source: Author, 2014


3.4.2 Preliminary results of the fieldwork research strategies

A total of 609 questionnaires were carried out in the three selected communities: 204 in

Nkolmintag, 203 in Tratafric and 202 in Newtown Airport 5. Overall, the average age is

identified to be 36 years, and is quite similar in the three communities (Table 3.6; Figure 3.2).

The modal average is 25-34 years old, overall age median and age mode were calculated as being

respectively 33 and 30, corresponding to the age situated in the middle of the set of ages

collected and the one appearing most often in a set of data. In the three communities, these

values are similar, with a small difference in Nkolmintag where the average, median and mode of

the interviewees’ ages are slightly higher than the other two communities.

Table 3.6 Average age of interviewees (aggregated and per community)*

Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5 Overall

Average age 39 35 35 36

* No answer NA=7.1%. Nkolmintag NA=5.4%; Tractafric NA =9.9%; Newtown Airport 5 NA=5.9%. Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

Figure 3.2 Age range of the respondents (aggregated and per community)

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.









15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ No answer




ts (


Age range in years

Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5


Among the respondents, 61% of the people interviewed were women, traditionally more likely to

stay at home during the day to carry out their household chores (Table 3.7).

Table 3.7 Gender of interviewees (aggregated and per community)

Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

Male 38.6% 46.1% 32.0% 37.6%

Female 60.3% 52.9% 66.0% 61.9%

No answer 1.2% 1.0% 2.0% 0.5%

Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

Figure 3.3 shows the breakdown of interviewees by age and gender. Overall, 49.7% of the

interviewees claimed to be the head of the household: 52.0% in Nkolmintag, 45.3% in Tractafric

and 52.0% in Newtown Airport 5 (Figure 3.4). When looking more closely at this status, the

majority claiming being the head of the household were male in all three communities (Table 3.8).

Finally, the average time the correspondents had lived in the community varied between the

three communities from 18.7 years to 11.4 years, with an overall average of 14.3 years (Table 3.9).

However, it is possible to note that the average length of residence of most individuals in the

three communities was 18 years. This time period is lower in Newtown Airport 5 and can be

explained by the fact that this settlement is the youngest of the three. Hence, most of the

interviewees have been living in the low-income areas for a long period of time, increasing the

validity and reliability of the data presented in this thesis.


Figure 3.3 Population structure according to gender and age group of interviewees*

* No answer NA=7.5%. Nkolmintag NA=5.6%; Tractafric NA =10.0%; Newtown Airport 5 NA=5.9%. Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

Figure 3.4 Head of family and non-head of the family aggregated and per community

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.










Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5




ts (



Household head Non-head of household


Table 3.8 Head of household (aggregated and per community)

Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

Female Male Female Male Female Male

Head of household 19.61% 32.35% 21.18% 24.14% 22.77% 29.21%

Non- head of household 30.88% 13.24% 42.86% 7.39% 38.61% 7.43%

No answer 3.92% 4.43% 1.98%

Total 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

Table 3.9 Average length of residence in community (aggregated and per community)*

Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

Years 14.73 18.73 14.10 11.39

* No answer NA=9.4%. Nkolmintag NA=10.8%; Tractafric NA=7.9%; Newtown Airport 5 NA=9.4%. Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

3.5 Conclusion

To summarise, a mixed methods approach was selected to answer the research questions. This

approach aimed to overcome the weaknesses of both methods and enabled multi-level analysis

(individual, household, community, organisation, etc.) (World Bank, 2007).

Rich data was generated in a short period of time through the objectives of the fieldwork, the

chosen research tools and techniques, and a targeted and professional approach to data

collection and use of key informants. Following a selection process, three low-income

communities, Tractafric, Nklomintag and Newtown Airport 2, were investigated. Based on the

analysis of water-related policies, programmes or measures that target urban low-income

communities, autonomous strategies and the implementation of the DRM and the IWRM

frameworks, semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, field observations and documentary

analysis were chosen. The completion of the questionnaires and semi-structured interviews

allowed the researcher to collect data on participants’ perceptions about the projects carried out

in the area, as well as inhabitants’ water resources, practices and actions and its management at

household level, and to collect perceptions, beliefs, practices, interactions, and concerns

regarding the implementation of the frameworks. The results were validated via triangulation to

supplement the shortcomings of the tools and techniques, allowing answering of the research



The research strategy, research approaches and techniques discussed in this chapter guided the

empirical work, and the main findings from the data analysis are discussed in chapters four, five,

six, seven and eight. The following chapter, Chapter 4, reviews Cameroon and Douala’s climate

patterns, the city’s water resources, and provides a summary of the main institutional

arrangements of the city and the profile of the urban poor in the three specific settlements.


Chapter 4: Douala: a city profile

This chapter provides an examination of the context to support the rationale for the first

objective of this research: to examine the water-related vulnerability to face climate change

impacts of urban poor communities. First, it describes the climate variables of the Republic of

Cameroon and Douala. Next, it examines the vulnerability of Douala’s water resources as well as

its population. The chapter also focuses on the institutional arrangements that influence the

climate change policies, programmes and measures affecting the city. Finally, it explores the

urban poor profile in relation to the city through the main characteristics of the three low-

income communities of the city of Douala selected for this research – Nkolmintag, Tractafric

and Newtown Airport 5.

As seen in the Chapter 2, the autonomous adaptation strategies of the urban poor influence the

relationship between water-related issues and national frameworks. Guiding these strategies,

exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity have been recognised as key factors that must be

closely investigated to gain a better understanding of how this works. Hence, an examination of

climate-induced stresses and climate-related extremes, identified through observed trends and

projections derived from climate models and regional downscaling, is required. Moreover, the

susceptibility of being exposed to risks through the general characteristics of a city – for example,

geographical location, water resources, development, population, and poverty characteristics –

must also be considered (Rosenzweig et al., 2011; Jabeen, 2012).

Among these three factors, the assessment of institutional elements and actors is significant

because an efficient implementation of regulatory and legal frameworks concerning the water

sector, like that of any other, depends heavily on the strength and organisation of its institutions

(Ferragina et al., 2002). Moreover, institutional arrangements and the formal and informal

context within which actors operate can provide an enabling environment, either blocking or

facilitating the implementation of adaptation strategies of the urban poor (Malik et al., 2010).

4.1. The city’s history and current economic characteristics

No documentary evidence exists about the pre-colonial time, and the history of Douala has been

narrated orally (Gouellain, 1975). From this oral tradition, population in South-Cameroon is

considered as relatively recent. The city of Douala was first a settlement of the Duala tribe before


the interactions with the Europeans. Its site was used as a location for exchanges between the

costal tribes of Duala and Basa, and tribes located inside the Cameroonian territories such as Beti.

From this period, three eras must then be distinguished. The first era, from Antiquity to the end

of the Middle-Ages, is characterised by the emergence of urban commercial bourgeoisie of

Europe. The second era, from the 15th century to the beginning of the 19th century, is

characterised by the geographical discoveries and inventions improving the manufactured

products, their circulation and commercialisation, and the improvement of navigation technics

and ships construction. The last epoch began with the wish of the Duala tribe for the protection

and help of a foreign power (Gouellain, 1975).

The western “discovery” of the Cameroonian coast occurred in 1472, although a first description

of the coast was only given at the beginning of the 16th century by Joao de Lisboa (Gouellain,

1975). Douala was at this stage used as an international trade site, first by the Portuguese and the

Spanish, then by the rest of European colonialist countries. The relations between the European

nations and the local tribes were intensified by the Atlantic slave trade (Schler, 2008). These

exchanges were operated by the Duala and Bassa tribes, acting as intermediary between the

Europeans and other tribes inside the territory (ibid). The trade continued increasing, even after

the prohibition of slave trades, due to the growth of industrial sites in the area (Gouellain, 1975).

However, the city site was not “properly occupied” by the European nations carrying out

commerce, rarely leaving their ships, with no European settlements existing until 1800 (ibid).

Because of the intensive trade carried out in the Douala’s estuary, the Duala tribe faced social

and political difficulties and sought the protection of a foreign power to conserve their position

of privileged intermediary (Gouellain, 1975). Therefore, in 1884, a colonial annexation treaty was

created between the Dualas’ leaders and the Germans. This agreement expressed the transfer of

sovereignty from the Duala to the Germans, although the implicit consequences of the treaty,

such as the loss of the internal dynamism and intervention in the development process, were not

immediately considered by the local tribe (ibid). Once established, the German administration

chose the city as a colonial headquarters and planned Douala’s extensive development. They

initiated the creation of a proper urban area, although Douala was only slowly transformed from

a Duala village to a city because of the delay generated by the contestation of the Duala and

Bassa (Schler, 2008).


German occupation ended after World War I and the city was divided into six quarters: Joss, Bali,

Akwa, Deido, Bonaberi and New-Bell (Gouellain, 1975). In 1919, after the signature of the

Treaty of Versailles, Douala became part of the French Cameroons, handing over the territory of

Cameroon to the French nation, who attempted to continue the work of the German colonialists

(Nguéhan, 2007). Following this, the then first economic city of the country grew with the

development of plantations, mostly palm plantation, forestry development, harbour activities and

industrialization and fishing (ibid). The city experienced a period of prosperity until World War

II, when a period of economic hardship ensued (Schler, 2003).

The economic growth of the city developed along with demographic growth. In 1935, the first

spontaneous settlements were recorded (Gouellain, 1975), and, by 1947, Douala was composed

of 100,000 inhabitants, attracted by the economic opportunities the city offered, but also

requesting a new administrative organisation from the one carried out since the beginning of the

French mandate (ibid). The first plan after the war proposed several urban schemes for

simplifying and remodelling the existing settlements but soon proved to be inadequate due to the

rapid population growth (ibid). The final plan included improved water access and sanitation

systems but neither programme was fully implemented due to the complicated legal situation that

the colonialists were facing regarding ownership rights (ibid).

In 1955, French Cameroon became a French trust territory and on the 1st of January 1960, the

country gained its full independence (Droz, 2006). The country became the Republic of

Cameroon, immediately recognized by the United States and the Soviet Union and elected

Ahmadou Ahidjo as president of the Republic. Cameroon established a constitution which

provided a pluralistic multiparty system, later re-established as a one-party system in 1966 (ibid).

Ahmadou Ahidjo remained as president of the country until November 1982, when he resigned

and was replaced by former Prime Minister, Paul Biya, who is still president (Pigeaud, 2011; BBC,


Today, the economic area of Douala is connected by of an important maritime port, an

international airport, a railway and two international roads towards West and East, which

converge and extend towards Northern Cameroon, Chad and Central African Republic (Barbier

and Granjux, 2008). Therefore, although the performance of its port and land transport system is

low, the city retains its status as an exclusive gateway (see transports of Douala’s economic area

in Appendix 6).


4.2. Climate variables

Cameroon comprises three main climatic zones: the humid equatorial climate zone; the

equatorial transition climate zone; and the tropical climate zone (Ako Ako et al., 2009).

According to climate models of global warming, the mean annual temperature for Cameroon is

projected to rise by 1.0 to 2.9oC by the 2060s. Projections of mean annual rainfall averaged over

the country from different models present wide ranging changes in precipitation for Cameroon

(from +12 mm to +20 mm per month by the 2090s) (UNDP, 2011). Until now, climate models

concerned with climate change are broadly consistent in indicating increases in the amount of

heavy rainfall events (ibid).

The city of Douala, is located in the humid equatorial climate region with a particularly abundant

single, long rain season (Ndjama et al., 2008, p. 423). The dry season in the city extends from

December to February, and the rainy season from March to August, with maximum precipitation

occurring between the months of July and September (Ndjama et al., 2008, p. 423). In the

following section a review is made of the general data on temperature and rainfall pattern for

Cameroon and Douala from different research and national data sources. The available climate

data so far experienced by the city of Douala makes it possible to track the slow and incremental

change in the weather conditions faced by the local population.

4.2.1. Temperature variability

Temperatures in the southern regions reach heights of 20o to 25oC, with little seasonal variation.

However, since 1960, the mean annual temperature in Cameroon has increased at an average rate

of 0.15.oC per decade (0.7oC overall from 1960 to 2008), in spite of the lack of day-to-day data

from which to infer changes in daily extremes of temperature. The increased rate has been more

rapid in March, April and May, at 0.19oC per decade (McSweeney et al., 2012).

In Douala, the average temperature is 26.4°C a year, and temperatures range from 22°C to 39°C

(Figure 4.1) (Moudi Igri et al., 2011, p. 720). Data provided by the Cameroon Meteorological

Department and reported in two studies (Guevart et al., 2006; Roger et al., 2011), record a

general increase in temperature over the past six decades (Figure 4.2).


Figure 4.1 Monthly temperatures in Douala

Source: elaborated from Weatherbase, 2014.

Figure 4.2 Douala’s mean annual temperature

Source: elaborated from Roger, 2011; Guevart et al., 2006.

4.2.2. Rainfall pattern

Unlike the pattern of change for temperature, the different sources on rainfall variability agree on

a pattern of decreasing rainfall. Mean annual rainfall over Cameroon has observably decreased by

approximately 2.9 mm per decade since 1960 (McSweeney et al., 2012). Overall, the average

annual rainfall of Cameroon is 1,684 mm (Sigha-Nkamdjou and Sighomnou, 2002 cited in Ako

Ako et al., 2009, p. 875), and the amount of rainfall gradually decreases from a maximum of















Average temperature High temperature Low temperature
































Annual Means Temperature in Douala Trend in annual mean temperature in Douala


9,000 mm per year on the coastal region in the south to less than 300 mm per year on the Chad

plain in the north (Ako Ako et al., 2009, p. 875). However, the lack of day-to-day precipitation

data makes it impossible to determine the trends in daily rainfall extremes (ibid).

A similar pattern is observed in the city of Douala, which typically receives approximately 4000

mm of rainfall per annum (Bruneau, 1999, cited in Ndjama et al., 2008, p. 423) with a monthly

rainfall average varying from 78.0 mm to 1215.0 mm (Figure 4.3) (Moudi Igri et al., 2011, p. 720).

According to the Cameroon Meteorological Department data, rainfall in the city has been

progressively decreasing (Figure 4.4).

Figure 4.3 Average monthly rainfall in Douala

Source: elaborated from Weatherbase, 2014.

Figure 4.4 Douala’s mean annual rainfall

Source: elaborated from the data of the Cameroon Meteorological Department, 2006.

Although it might be concluded that some data explicitly point to recent changing temperature

and rainfall patterns in the city, the rainfall data also illustrate uncertainty and the possibility of

severe conditions and extreme events as rainfall patterns are influenced by temperature variability.







Average montlhy rainfall in Douala











































Douala's Rainfall Trend in Douala's Rainfall


The combined effect of temperature and rainfall variability determines the overall seasonal cycle

of the city. In addition, the findings indicate the limitations of comprehensive local data for all

the climate variables in predicting local variants for Douala city. However, those changes are very

likely to impact the city, and can be dependent on factors such as vulnerability, exposure and

adaptive capacities. The sensitivity of the city and its water resource are examined in the

following sections.

4.3. Douala’s water resources and population in a context of climate change

4.3.1. Douala’s water resources and climate change impacts

In the context of these changing weather patterns, the topography and location of Cameroon,

and Douala within it, make the city affected by water-related hazards. Indeed, it has been noted

that the central African sub-region where the country is located, is the region most likely to

experience the strongest climate change impacts when considering the key vulnerable sectors

identified by IPCC (2007a) including agriculture, food and water (Osman-Elasha, 2009).

In addition, Douala is also vulnerable to sea-level rise. The city is located in the coastal lagoon of

the southern lowlands of the country, 30 km from the Gulf of Guinea, influenced by the River

Wouri and its tributaries, which contribute to the high level of surface water in the city (Asangwe,

2006, p. 4). Although the city’s continued spatial growth has already altered the hydro-

geomorphic attributes of the area, as a result of the increase in residential housing structures and

infrastructure development of highways, industries and wetlands conversion, the hydrology of

the area is still dense (Ako Ako et al., 2009). Intersected as it is by numerous rivers, Douala is

colonised by mangrove swamps. Wetlands and mudflats along the lagoon’s marginal depressions,

creeks and tidal inlets make it vulnerable to climate change impacts on water (Asangwe, 2006).

The city also possesses an important network of groundwater, present at several levels, of which

both deep groundwater and superficial aquifers are widely used by the population and industries

(IA1, March 2012). The lack of available data on the overall water resources prevents greater

precision regarding the exact quantity and quality of Douala’s water and predictions of its

exposure to climate change impacts, in spite of its intensive use by the urban communities. “We

don’t even have the map of the groundwater. [To manage water resources] we must have this

map, but we don’t have it” (IA2, June 2012). Although the presence of the oil industry and


numerous other exporting industries, all using groundwater resources, creates a strong suspicion

from the PhD researcher that such information exists, it is extremely difficult to gain access to

any documentation or even to obtain confirmation of its existence.

In spite of this lack of data, it is clear that any modification to one water resource will impact on

the others. Indeed, the water network created by surface water, groundwater and tides is closely

linked through the soil constitution of the area:

“The natural streams and rivers are connected to the groundwater because Douala has

complicated subsoil. There are at least three superimpositions of groundwater. There are

the alluvial groundwaters, which are really close to the surface and are directly connected

to the water of the rivers, thus, once this water is contaminated, it directly contaminates

the groundwater. […] Because we are in a sand basin dating from the end of the Tertiary

[…], these sands have a very bad structure and are not completely consolidated. Water

infiltrates rapidly […]. And at the level of the port, there are other uses of the water, but

this water is also connected to the water inside the city because we are in an estuary, and

when the tides are high, it influences the level of the water in the ground and also impacts

on superficial aquifer” (IA1, March 2012).

In this context, the future scenario for the hydrological processes in Cameroon, including

Douala, suggests that the country and the city are vulnerable to climate change impact on water

and water-related hazards. The quantity of water available will decrease significantly because of

the shifting of drier climatic belts southward, with associated increasing variability in the rainfall

pattern. Hence, climate change will further impact the quantity of water available, as well as the

timing of when it is available for use (Molua and Lambi, 2006). The decrease in the mean annual

rainfall over this highland will lead to a corresponding decrease in the discharge of the Sanaga

(ibid). This could affect economic activity, hydro-electric power, urban development and

manufacturing in the industrial zones of Douala (ibid). This impact is especially significant

because Douala is today the economically most important in Cameroon, accounting for 31.2% of

the national gross domestic product (GDP) (Barbier and Granjux, 2009, p. 10).


4.3.2. Douala’s population and climate change impacts on water

Climate change impacts on water explained in the previous section are exacerbated also by the

rapid growth of Cameroon’s urban population and poverty. In the country, the urban population

was estimated to be only 52.7% in 2012 and is predicted to rise by an average of 3.2% a year

from 2010 to 2015 (UNSD, 2014a). Along with the increase in population, in 2001, 6.2 million

people out of a total population of 15.5 million were considered poor, in both rural and urban

areas. By 2007, the population of the country had risen to an estimated 17.9 million, with 7.1

million being considered poor, corresponding to a poverty rate of 39.9% (IMF, 2010, p. 38). In

2007, only 12.2% of those living in urban areas were deemed poor, while more than half the

population living in rural areas were poor (ibid). Nevertheless, the main sources for assessing

poverty in Cameroon are the Cameroon Household Surveys (ECAM1, ECAM2, and ECAM3)

conducted by the National Institute of Statistics of Cameroon respectively in 1996, 2001, and

2007. The main purpose of these surveys was to create an updated poverty profile and various

indicators of living conditions of Cameroonian households, identifying certain aspects of poverty

and assessing the impact of major policies and programmes implemented in the framework of

the fight against poverty (Granjux, 2008). Thus, the irregularity of their completion, their

national focus, the time gap between surveys, and the more global debate about the choice of the

indicators to measure poverty (Maxwell, 1999; Satterthwaite, 2003), permit questioning the

reliability of the poverty data in Douala.

In 2005, Douala’s population was officially estimated to be approximately 2 million inhabitants

(UNSD, 2014a). However, recent figures for the city's population are not considered reliable, as

they have been modified to serve political purposes.

These are numbers we don’t really know about for certain because they are political

numbers; we must reduce or increase the numbers because the people who carry out the

census sometimes state these numbers according to their political view and agreement with

the political party currently in charge. […]. Otherwise the population almost doubled, if

not tripled (LLM6, March 2012).

Consequently, the city’s population has most likely been underestimated: “more concretely, if

you look at the current population of Douala in the 1980s, the estimated rate is approximately 1

million inhabitants. And today, we are close to 3.5 million inhabitants” (LLM6, March 2012).


As with Cameroon’s global urban growth, this increase has generated a rise in the numbers of

the urban poor. Even though the city of Douala is claimed to have lowered poverty rates due to

the proximity of public and private services and providers of well-paid employment (IMF, 2010,

p. 38), 5.5% of the population is identified as poor (Granjux, 2008). However, this rate seems

extraordinarily low when viewed within the context of national and regional poverty rates

presented in the previous paragraph.

Douala’s rapid population increase is recent. Figure 4.5 compiled by different organisations make

it possible to plot its approximate growth, and shows a major increase in population since the


Figure 4.5 Douala’s population growth between 1915 and 2020

Source: elaborated from UNDP, 2011; Gouellain, 1975; Granjux, 2008; UNSD, 2014.

As a result, the growth of the urban population is also exacerbating the sensitivity of stress on

water resources. In addition to the impacts of climate change, the increasing demand for water is

a supplementary factor in exacerbating the predicted water scarcity and stress due to climate

change, but two further impacts of urban growth, described below, further aggravate the issues,











ts (





Douala's Population


increasing the city’s sensitivity to climate change impacts on water resources and worsening the

vulnerability of the urban poor.

Local institutions draw attention to the way the rapid growth of the city has impacted

infrastructures, habitat and basic services. Transport infrastructure issues are highlighted as

current institutional priorities. “From an infrastructural point of view, when you have a look at a

map [of the city of Douala], the road infrastructure is divided into squares in the residential areas,

and in the spontaneously built neighbourhoods, there are no roads, there are paths” (ILM6, March

2012). Because of the city’s important role in the national economy, the lack of an urban plan is a

major concern.

The city of Douala, being the main economic city of Cameroon and not having a road

infrastructure allowing easy mobility is highly prejudicial not only for the development of

the city, but also for the development of the country. It is the reason why the upgrading

and the development of roads are the second priority of the urban council of Douala with

[…] an emphasis on the creation of urban planning documents and sustainable

development such as a new urban master plan, which did not exist in the city of Douala

for forty years, a local agenda 21 complying with the recommendations of Rio as well as an

urban migration plan (ILM6, March 2012).

Likewise, settlement pattern and urban services and utilities are serious issues stemming from the

development of numerous additional spontaneous settlements.

Currently, due to the crisis Cameroon experienced, which impacted on the state’s capacity

for intervention, and which happened unfortunately when urban growth was high, the city

is confronted with a double issue; first the issue of upgrading the infrastructure and

services and also the issue of adapting the rhythm of development of these infrastructures

to that of the city’s demographic and spatial development, which remains of concern. To

summarize, to make up for accumulated delays and face increasing demand, the projects

being carried out are focusing on what might be called the primary infrastructure, to adopt

a hierarchical approach […] (ILG3, June 2012).

The city authorities of Douala have, therefore, been struggling to cope with the exponential

growth of the urban population and the accumulated delays in developing and implementing an


urban plan for improving the water and sanitation system of the city. Moreover, governmental

authorities, faced with the impossibility of demanding or providing decent housing, have

renounced attempts to intervene in the scheduling of construction. However, to further

understand how strategies are implemented the institutional arrangements that influence climate

change policies, the programmes and measures must first be examined and explained.

4.4. Institutional arrangements influencing climate change policies, programmes and


The 1960 constitution approved after the independence of France divides Cameroon into 10

regions, each under the administration of an elected regional council. However, the Constitution

came later and in 1984, the country’s name and the line of succession to the presidency were

changed, but more importantly, the lines of the provinces were redrawn (Rosenzweig et al., 2011).

Each region is headed by a governor, appointed by the country’s president. These governors are

responsible for implementing the “will of the president”, reporting on the “general mood and

conditions of the regions”, administering the civil service, “keeping the peace”, and overseeing

the heads of the smaller administrative units, and also have broad powers, including to order

propaganda in their area and call in the army, gendarmes, and police (Ferragina et al., 2002). All

local government officials are employees of the central government’s Ministry of Territorial

Administration, from which local governments also get most of their budgets. The regions are

then divided into 58 departments. These are headed by presidentially appointed divisional

officers (prefects), who perform the governors' duties on a smaller scale. These regions are

further divided into “arrondissements”, headed by assistant divisional officers (sub-prefects)

(Rosenzweig et al., 2011).

In the context of administrative division, Douala is an urban council, a decentralized public body

and a key governmental authority (CUD, 2008). Under the supervision of the state, it manages

local economic, social and cultural development of its population. More specifically it is in charge

of urban planning, provision of equipment and infrastructure, the maintenance of main roads,

public lighting, water supply, traffic, and transport. The urban council is also responsible for

public parks and parking lots, markets, the implementation of land policies, granting state and

private building permits, and health and safety.


The city is divided into five urban districts, numbered from 1 to 5 (see Map 4.1), and one rural

district. Each district is managed by a city hall (ibid). Although the city halls have their own

prerogatives, they are held responsible for budgetary allocations, the preparation and execution

of the budget, and the generation of a plan for public works and sanitation. They are also in

charge of the allocation, management, and maintenance of public property, and street

maintenance (ibid).

4.5. Community profile: the district of New-Bell, Douala

The district of Douala 2eme, also called New-Bell, is of particular interest for the purpose of

understanding climate change and its relation to urban planning in the context of this research.

New-Bell was an area imposed on the local population, which was originally cleared for

settlement by German colonialists in 1913, who levelled it and built roads, ramps, and wells.

After Cameroon became a French protectorate, French urban planners restructured the city

“within certain limits, so New-Bell could develop outside colonial scrutiny. French policy

sanctioned this status when in 1925 the formal borders of the city were established, excluding

New Bell from Douala” (Schler, 2003, p. 56). As a result, the area developed without technical

assistance or administrative control from national and local governments until 1974, when the

population of New-Bell reached 150,000 inhabitants and the Cameroonian government declared

the area to be in the public domain (Mainet, 1986, cited in Nguéhan, 2007; Schler, 2008).

However, the area’s long exclusion from formal urban planning had serious consequences: it not

only had a higher population density but also was disease-ridden. Indeed, because of the lack of

infrastructures, “New-Bell’s issues” became a commonplace (ibid). Nowadays, New-Bell is a

central area due to Doula’s continuous spatial expansion. Divided into 33 sub-districts, New-Bell

suffers from a negative reputation; TV news and newspapers constantly carry stories of crimes or

natural disasters in the area.

This New-Bell district concentrates numerous poor sub-districts associated with low-income

communities, among which are the three cases of this research (shown by numbers on the Map

4.1, Nkolmintag (2), Tractafric (1) and Newtown Airport 5 (3)). Each sub-district is managed by

a community leader. The prefects, responsible to the Ministry of Territorial Administration and

Decentralisation, appoint and manage the community leaders. Their appointments are usually

carried out with the agreement of the local inhabitants and they hold the position until they die,

continuing rural traditions (fieldwork notes, 2012).


Map 4.1 Administrative districts of Douala

Source: elaborated from CUD (2008).


4.5.1 Three poor urban communities in New-Bell

Three urban communities from among the 33 sub-districts of New-Bell – Nkolmintag, Tractafric

and Newtown Airport 5 – were selected for this study. These settlements are located centrally

and at the borders of the city (Map 4.1; Map 4.2). During the transect walks, they were identified

to experience confused residential status of land and housing, overcrowding, poor structural

quality of housing, inadequate access to drinking water supply and sanitation. They were also

acknowledged to suffer from water-related diseases, lack of waste management, high level of

insecurity, and impacted by extreme weather events (explained in 3.2.3).

Nkolmintag is the oldest of the settlements. Located at the north of the airport, it developed

during the 1950s (ILG11, March 2012). Tractafric was initially built in the 1960s close to the

railway (ILG9, June 2012). The third community, Newtown Airport 5, started to develop in 1985

at the peripheral area of Douala, between the airport and the river Wouri. It began as a military

area and was later sold to civilians. Migrants began to move in large numbers into this area in the

1990s. All three areas are built on swamplands reclaimed by the population to expand the living

area, a practice still carried out in Newtown Airport 5 (ILG7 May 2012).

A very high population density is found in these communities. In 2011, the population density of

Cameroon as a whole was 42.1 inhabitants/km2 (UNSD, 2014a). In Douala, the density of

population was 11,000 inhabitants per km2 (Jacobsen et al., 2012). More specifically, the

estimated population density of the three communities is 37,594/km2 in Tractafric; 34,743/km2

in Nkolmintag and 29,240/km2 in Newtown Airport 5., densities calculated according to the

number of inhabitants data collected during fieldwork and an approximation of the size of the

areas estimated with Google maps. In other words, these poor communities contain more than

three times the mean city density.


Map 4.2 Location of the settlements selected in the districts of Douala II

Source: elaborated from a map of the CUD, 2006


Densely populated urban areas are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change

(Dodman, 2009). Where there are dense concentrations of households and economic activities,

the effects of climate change can affect large numbers of people and have a major impact on

urban economies (ibid). In the context of Douala, this vulnerability is exacerbated by the

predicted global sea-level rise. As the global population becomes increasingly coastally

concentrated, it is important to assess the implications that will arise from increasingly dense

populations in an increasingly vulnerable physical environment (ibid). Moreover, the dense

concentration of urban populations increases sensitivity to the disasters that are predicted to

become more frequent and more intense as a result of climate change. Thus, economies,

livelihoods, physical infrastructure and social structures are all important components of urban

systems and are vulnerable to disasters and climate risk in different ways (ibid). Finally, climate

change might also generate public health issues, which are accentuated in densely populated

urban areas (ibid). This is of particular concern in low-income communities of Douala, which

already experience a high burden of water-related diseases.

4.5.2 Number of persons per family and types of housing

The high density described in the previous section is often argued to be due to the prevalence of

large families. For example, Granjux (2008) argues that Douala’s poor households are composed

of at least six members compared to rich households that are composed of three members. He

also states that the average family size was composed of 4 persons in 2008, against 4.4 at national

level and 5.2 in 1996 (ibid). However, throughout the three communities, families appear to be

composed of 2.5 persons (Table 4.1) although an average of 6 individuals are found to live in the

same house with this average being constant in all three communities (Table 4.2).

Table 4.1 Average number of individuals per family (aggregated and per community)*

* No answer NA=0.5%. Nkolmintag NA=0.0%; Tractafric NA=0.5%; Newtown Airport 5 NA=1.0%. Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5


Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

Average number of

individuals per family 2.54 2.54 2.55 2.54


Table 4.2 Average number of individuals per house (aggregated and per community)*

Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

Average number of

individuals living in the

same house

6.18 6.56 5.95 6.03

* No answer NA=0.2%. Nkolmintag NA=0.0%, Tractafric NA=0.0%, Newtown Airport 5 NA=0.5%. Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

The small family size identified in the communities contradicts the common idea of large

families in urban poor communities. However, it corresponds to the indicator of social change in

Douala and the official decrease in the average size of families that has already been observed

(Granjux, 2008). Indeed, the proportion of family comprising only one-person in Douala was

20.2% in 2007 compared with only 9.8% in 1996 (ibid). Nonetheless, housing units are normally

composed of 1 to 6 rooms and are shared by two to three families. These percentages explain the

large number of individuals living under the same roof. This higher average confirms the high

density established in the previous section.

4.5.3 Education

The education system in French speaking Cameroon, such as in the city of Douala, is based on

three main levels: primary, secondary and tertiary. The primary level of education covers six years

of instruction (from 1 to 6 years of schooling). Then, the first cycle of secondary school is made

up of four years (from 6 to 10 years of schooling) and the second cycle is made up of three years

(from 11 to 13 years of schooling). Three certificates are awarded: the BEPC at the end of the

first cycle, the Probatoire at the end of the Première Class (year 6) and the Baccalauréat at the

end of the second cycle. The tertiary level corresponds to higher education, such as University

(more than 13 years of schooling) (Echu, 2003).

The education level in these areas contradicts the commonly portrayed image of poorly educated

low-income communities. Indeed, in Douala, children have guaranteed access to school,

including those from poor households. Overall, 88.2% of people interviewed attended school

(Table 4.3) and dropped out during or after secondary school (corresponding to 5 to 9 years of

schooling. These percentages are approximately the same in the three communities, except in

Newtown Airport 5 where only 4.0% did not receive any education at all and 52.5% attended

secondary school.


Table 4.3 Education level of individuals interviewed (aggregated and per community)

Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown

Airport 5

Tertiary* 7.4% 4.9% 10.8% 6.4%

Second cycle of secondary level 12.8% 14.7% 14.3% 9.4%

First cycle of secondary level 40.7% 34.3% 35.5% 52.5%

Primary level 21.8% 24.5% 20.7% 20.3%

Apprenticeship 5.4% 6.9% 3.5% 5.9%

None 7.7% 10.3% 8.9% 4.0%

No answer 4.1% 4.4% 6.4% 1.5%

Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

* This includes completed and not completed university degrees. Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

The expected years of schooling in the communities comprised between 5 to 9 years, slightly

below the national expected years of schooling of 10.3 years. However, it is above the national

mean, estimated to be 5.9 years (UNDP, 2011). This difference is explained by the proximity and

easy access of schools located close or in the neighbourhoods (fieldwork notes, 2012). These

percentages also bear out the literature: the efforts carried out by the Cameroonian authorities in

the education field have had significant impact, resulting in widespread access to education

(Granjux, 2008). For example, primary school education has been free since 2000, although the

cost of uniforms, books and tuition fees at secondary school level is beyond the means of many

families (ibid), and the need for additional income explains the fall in numbers attending

secondary school and higher education.

Moreover, it is possible to suggest that, in the context of climate change, the achievement of the

Cameroonian government in education is likely to be negatively impacted by climate change

impacts, as evidence of the “supply side consequences of extreme weather” events is already

emerging from other countries such as Bangladesh and Cambodia (UNESCO Bangkok, 2012, p.

2). Climate change impacts are seen through their effect on educational provision associated with

an increase in severe weather events. Over the longer term, incremental environmental changes

are also likely to result in deteriorating livelihoods, which impact upon both household

expenditure on schooling and the nutritional status of children (Bangay and Blum, 2010;

UNESCO Bangkok, 2012).


4.5.4 Monthly spending and employment

In 2007 in Douala, the poverty monetary threshold, corresponding to the minimum required to

meet basic needs, was evaluated at 269,443 CFA franc (Fcfa)3 per adult per year, or 22,454 Fcfa

per month (Granjux, 2008, p. 68). Because of its leading economic role as an important wealth

producer in the country, Douala has a high cost of living (INSC, 2010). The average consumer

spending of households in Douala is estimated to be 216,000 Fcfa per month (2.6 million Fcfa

per year), against a national average of 150,000 Fcfa per month (1.8 million Fcfa per year) (ibid).

In the low-income communities in this study, monthly spending per family is estimated to be an

average of 87,055 Fcfa per month (1.0 million Fcfa per year), considerably less than Douala’s

average living standard (Table 4.4). It can also be noted that a majority of families spend between

30,000 Fcfa and 150,000 Fcfa, except for Newtown Airport 5, where family spending is between

60,000 Fcfa and 150,000 Fcfa (Figure 4.6).

According to official data, the unemployment rate in Douala is 16.3% (Granjux, 2008). Because

of the years of economic hardship and the difficulties of finding employment in the formal

sector, and in some cases its decline, the role of the informal sector in generating sources of

household revenue has increased (ibid). In the absence of a true "economic engine", the

population have adapted and developed an important informal sector. However, the informal

sector is characterised by low salaries and is often the primary source of income for Douala’s

households. Average incomes in the informal sector vary from 8,000 Fcfa per month in the

industrial sector to between 14,000 Fcfa and 20,000 Fcfa per month in the trade and services

sector (Granjux, 2008).

In Douala, the informal sector is thought to employ 73.8% of the city’s population, representing

the main source of employment, although the city’s formal sector dominates economic activity

and represents 63% of the national wealth produced (Granjux, 2008). “The region of Douala is

an industrial area. Including the technological sector and the mines, the industrial sector is the

main activity as Douala is where 70.0% of Cameroonian industries are located. Therefore, a lot

of activities are focused on the industrial sector” (ILM5, April 2012). Consequently, the city’s

formal employment accounts for approximately 10.0% of jobs at national level, and, in the city

itself, the formal sector employs 26.2% of the working population.

3 CFA franc is the national currency used in Cameroon, and £1 corresponded to 761.6 Fcfa the 1st of March 2012


Table 4.4 Average monthly spending per family (aggregated and per community)*

Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

Average in Fcfa 87,055.00 80,250.00 83,562.18 97,421.1

* No answer NA=15.6%. Nkolmintag NA=21.6%; Tractafric NA=17.2%; Newtown Airport 5 NA=7.92%. Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

Figure 4.6 Families monthly spending rank (aggregated and per community)*

* No answer NA=15.6%. Nkolmintag NA=21.6%; Tractafric NA=17.2%; Newtown Airport 5 NA=7.92%. Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

In the low-income communities, of the 6 individuals identified as occupying the same housing

unit, 1 to 2 individuals carry out a professional or trade activity (Table 4.5), representing a

percentage of 30.8% of individuals in work.

Table 4.5 Average number of persons working per household (aggregated and per


Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

Average 1.8 2.0 1.9 1.6

* No answer NA=2.0%. Nkolmintag NA=1.50%; Tractafric NA=2.00%; Newtown Airport 5 NA=2.5%. Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

Informal activities in Douala are said to be mainly in the fields of transport or trade. These jobs

are easier to create than other trades and require few qualifications: 37.3% are engaged in a

"trade" industry and 37.7% in services (Granjux, 2008). The central issue associated with the lack

of formality of the jobs in the urban poor is insecurity; workers in the informal sector typically

earn less, have an unstable income and lack access to basic protections and services (UNRISD,








< 15k 15k – 30k 30k – 60k 60k – 150k < 150k




ts (


Monthly spending range (in Fcfa)

Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5


2010). Informal businesses might also lack of opportunities for growth, although this sector

allows a large proportion of the population to escape extreme poverty and earn an income that is

satisfactory for survival (Garcia-Bolivar, 2006). When affected by disasters and diseases, a likely

outcome is the loss of the informal employment activities. Hence, families living in poverty

might then deteriorate into extreme poverty. From the surveys collected in the three

communities, over 609 interviewees, 119 claimed to be sellers (trade) and 131 parts of the service

sector (Table 4.6). However, the ambiguous difference between formal and informal in such

communities does not allow us to clearly classify the nature of the urban poor employment.

Table 4.6 Types of employment in the three neighbourhoods

Types of employment


Baker, building worker, phone credit seller, cook, craftsperson, decorator,

dress maker, electrician, farmer, hairdresser, lessor, maintenance man, feather

worker, mechanic, carer, porter, sailor, seller, shoemaker, silkscreen printer,

taxi driver, welder, pastor, cashier, factory worker, government employee,

police officer, private sector employee, secretary, security guard, soldier,


Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012.

4.5.5 Land and housing tenure status

In Douala, 56.6% of the inhabitants are estimated to live in rented accommodation, and

approximately 36% of households own their own property (Granjux, 2008, p. 66). The remaining

7.4% are individuals who live with parents or friends (ibid). In the low-income communities,

59.1% of the interviewees report being settled on legal property (including land- and house

tenure) (Table 4.7), a figure that is approximately the same in the three communities; and the

percentage of tenants has been identified as 32.7% overall.

However, the housing issue is embedded in the challenging problem of land title, which makes it

difficult to assess the security of land tenure. More than half have settled on insecure land with

no land title (Granjux, 2008). Indeed, the land has been declared in the public domain and is

officially owned by the MAETUR, the public company responsible for developing and

commercializing land, divided into lots, throughout the national territory. In theory, the plots are

then sold to the inhabitants. However, the superimposition of several administrative decisions


has led to confusion over land-owning status and, as a result, land transactions are often carried

out informally, leaving the landowner in an unsafe position.

Table 4.7 Security of land and housing tenure (aggregated and per community)

Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

Secure tenure 59.1% 59.8% 56.2% 61.4%

Insecure tenure 6.7% 7.8% 2.0% 10.4%

Renting 32.7% 27.9% 41.8% 28.2%

No answer 1.5% 4.5% 0.0% 0.0%

Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

From an institutional view, the confused legal status of these areas also affects the

implementation of projects. “The absence of formal property rights constitutes a severe

limitation for the poor” (Galiania and Schargrodskyb, 2010, p. 700). The lack of a cadastral plan

contributes further difficulties by preventing the institutions in charge of the tasks from finding a

suitable location to implement water related-projects. These zones might be illegal to be built on

or inhabitants might have claimed ownership of the plot, issues faced by the local government

while attempting to implement a public latrine project in Nkolmintag. This issue also appeared in

relation to the question of the financial compensation that would be paid when a project,

measure or programme is carried out by governmental institutions, with planned demolition of

houses or structures such as shops. Because of the uncertainty over ownership, the inhabitants

of the poor communities find it difficult to access these payments.

Local governments claim that they do not have the capacity to provide plots for the poor at

affordable prices, nor to provide them with progressively planned areas, which would offer them

security of tenure (Granjux, 2008). Thus, the issue of land tenure is still a very sensitive topic in

Douala, affecting the implementation of all programmes, projects or measures, especially those

concerning water access (IM4, May 2012). Although the underlying reason for current

shortcomings is largely economic, they are also caused by inadequate standards and the

abandoning of areas considered to be precarious by government and destined to disappear in the

short term (Granjux, 2008).

However, having a majority of housing owners living in the communities has an influence on

household’s responses to climate change impacts. By having housing and land tenure, inhabitants


would have more concern, will and power to adapt to protect their assets (Mycoo, 2014),

although much low-income housing is of poor quality and it would require major investment for

the urban poor to build housing resistant to the increase of extreme weather. Moreover, even if

adaptive capacity seems to be improved by housing and land tenure, design, materials, and

construction methods might also be inappropriate given the increasing exposure and sensitivity

to extreme weather (Feiden, 2011). Thus, land-tenure seems to have an influence on adaptive

capacity, however, their exposure to climate change impacts still prevents further reduction of

the vulnerability of the urban poor.

4.6. Conclusion

This chapter provided basic information about the context of the study area where the research

was undertaken to support the rationale for the first objective of this research. While recognizing

the challenges in which the DRM and IWRM frameworks are implemented, it has been also

necessary to describe institutional arrangements in the city to understand that the

implementation of frameworks and autonomous adaptation to climate change do not occur in a

vacuum. Moreover, the examination of the consequences of the city’s rapid development that

contribute to the vulnerability of poor urban households help provide a contextual

understanding of the autonomous adaptation strategies employed by individuals and households

to transform their problems into opportunities.

The chapter showed that Douala is a post-colonial city that, as the main economic city of

Cameroon, has a highly strategic role in the country. It has abundant water resources. Situated on

a lagoon system influenced by plentiful surface water, it possesses an important network of

groundwater, present in several soil layers. However, these resources are severely threatened by

climate change and by anthropogenic exploitation leading to the urgent need for sustainable

water management responses facing climate change.

The need for improved water management also takes place in areas where intensive development

processes are occurring. The district Douala 2eme, where the three poor communities studied are

located, developed without urban planning and, as a result, is bogged down in land tenure and

titling problems that impact on the provision of basic services and infrastructures. The

superimposition of several administrative decisions has led to confusion in terms of land-owning

status, hindering the provision of road access, water and sanitation, while delays accumulated


over past decades challenge the implementation of projects and programmes by governmental

and non-governmental national and local institutions and organisations.

This chapter also provided the socio-economic characteristics of the communities that are

composed of small households living under the same roof. The majority of inhabitants attended

school until secondary level, with many going on to high school. However, in spite of being

educated, the level of unemployment is very high. Although monthly spending per family is

higher than the lowest poverty rates in the country, it is considerably less than the amount

considered as the average household living standard. These characteristics diminished the state’s

capacity for intervention. As a consequence, more people rely on parallel water systems outside

formal institutional arrangements.


Chapter 5: Hazards and Disaster Risk Management in Douala

The key objective of this research is to understand national and local policies, measures and

projects relating to water-related hazards and climate change, and how they impact on poor

urban communities. This chapter identifies and examines the national and local frameworks,

policies, measures and projects put in place to face climate change impacts on water resources.

Their effectiveness in dealing with these challenges is investigated by examining the causes and

impacts of the disasters and hazards that affect these communities. This chapter is divided into

six sections. The first section introduces the way the Disaster Risk Management framework has

been implemented in Cameroon. The next section analyses the most common hazards identified

by the inhabitants of the three low-income communities. Then a discussion of the causes of

these most commonly identified hazards follows. Finally, the chapter examines the institutional

arrangements and actions put in place to cope with water-related hazards, and concludes.

5.1 DRM framework and national institutional arrangements

In order to reduce the impact of hazards and to manage disasters, Cameroon has implemented a

Disaster Management System (DMS). Since it was first introduced in 1986, the DMS has been

modified several times: relating to Law No. 86-16 of 6 December 1986 that calls to reorganise

civil protection; Law No. 98-15 of 14 July 1998, relating to establishments classified as dangerous,

unhealthy, or obnoxious; Decree No. 98-31 of 9 March 1998, to determine the organisation of

emergency and relief plans; Decree No.96/054 of 12 March 1996, to determine the composition

and duties of the National Council for Civil Protection; and Decree No. 2004/99 of 26 April

2004, to reorganise the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation (Ayanji, 2004).

The DMS has been implemented to face natural disasters, including mass movements (landslides,

rock slides, subsidence, and mudflows), earthquakes, volcanoes and gas emissions, drought,

violent winds (gales, storms, and tornadoes), heat waves, cold snaps, desertification and floods

(Bhavnani et al., 2008). The DMS national strategy is based on three complementary actions:

before, during, and after disasters (ibid). A large range of institutions are theoretically involved in

the implementation of the DRM framework: the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Public

Health (MINSANTE), the Ministry of Town Planning and Housing (MINDUH), the Ministry of

Transport, the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Scientific and Technical Research and

its research institutions and others, but responsibility mainly belongs to the Direction of Civil


Protection (DCP) in the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation (MINATD),

created specifically for this purpose in 2004 (Ayanji, 2004) .

The body with overall responsibility for the decentralisation process, MINADT is also

responsible for the development, implementation, and evaluation of the government's policy on

land administration (ILM1, June 2012). Its other activities include the organisation and functioning

of the administrative districts and local territorial administration, the preparation and

implementation of laws and regulations, the organisation and monitoring of traditional

leadership, the monitoring of charity activities, political movements, organisations and NGOs,

the maintenance of public order, the development, monitoring, and implementation of the

regulations concerning the organisation and operation of regional and local authorities, and

regular evaluation of the decentralisation process (ILM1, June 2012). Therefore, the role of the

MINADT is critical in the governance of Cameroon. It is responsible for key functions in the

urban communities such as the nomination of the community leader, therefore, having a strong

influence on one of the lowest levels of governance of the cities. Also in charge of the

decentralisation process regulations concerning the organisation and operation of regional and

local authorities, it is able to formulate pro-poor policies and measures, as well as empower local

government, which has already been shown in studies to have a significant role in climate change

adaptation and mitigation responses (Moser and Satterthwaite, 2008).

With regard to the DRM, MINADT is in charge of developing and implementing the regulations

and standards for preventing and managing risks and natural disasters in collaboration with the

other authorities concerned, and it coordinates the institutional response to facing national and

international disaster (IM4, June 2012). The ministry is divided into three departments, each of

which has responsibility for a specific area, of which the Directorate of Civil Protection (DCP) is

specifically in charge of implementing the framework (IM4, June 2012).

The DCP’s main office is located in Yaoundé, and responsibility for the framework’s

implementation in Douala is delegated to the regional representatives of MINATD as part of the

Cameroonian decentralisation reforms (IM2, April 2012). The MINATD regional delegation is

consequently the main institution in charge of the DRM strategy in Douala, although no specific

team has been allocated to the task within the delegation. The DCP was created to implement

the measures and projects of the DRM framework, with a three-prong strategy, and its main

mission is to ensure the permanent protection of people, assets, and the environment from


serious accidents, risks, disasters. Under the coordination of MINATD, the DCP is organised

into four units: research and prevention, the sub-direction, the permanent secretariat, and the

National Risk Observatory (RNO). Although the DCP benefits from its own intervention team

in Yaoundé, in Douala, the DCP is supported by the fire services.

The RNO aims to collect, manage, and disperse information about natural, technological,

industrial, and anthropogenic risks, as well as rationalising the lasting prevention of major risks

and promoting understanding of risks, accidents, and disasters (IM1, April 2012). It is responsible

for the national implementation of a monitoring network for sites and high-risk plants, as well as

a network for collecting and distributing data and information concerning risks (IM1, April 2012).

It is also in charge of creating a database and setting up awareness information campaigns. It has

a coordinating function between the authorities and the national, international, public, and

private organisations involved in preventive risk management (IM1, April 2012). It is tasked by

MINATD with setting up a system linking the central headquarters with several regional

observations and monitoring centres. At the moment, there is no national database of disasters,

and producing one is the main priority of this institution (IM1, April 2012).

5.2 DRM and local institutional arrangements

As noted previously, a large number of institutions should be involved in implementing the

Disaster Risk Management framework under the responsibility of the MINATD. However, the

framework falls within the scope of the decentralisation reforms set in motion by the

Cameroonian government after 1996. Thus, institutions at provincial, departmental, district and

city level are involved in the implementation of the DRM. Among the list of actors, institutions

and organisations that should be involved in Disaster Risk Management in Douala, six were

identified as playing a major role in the majority of water-related disasters affecting the city: the

delegation of MINATD, the departmental delegation of the MINDUH, Douala’s fire service and

MINSANTE, CUD and city hall. At the time this research, the institutions and organisations

specifically in charge of the DRM framework, such as the DCP, were not identified. Hence, the

responsibility of the framework is thereby attributed to be the divisional officer. The DRM

framework appears to be implemented with a top-down approach, although local institutions

and organisations appear to have a key role in the implementation of the mitigation measures.


Although the role of local authorities is not explicitly stated in the legislation, they are also

heavily involved in water-related emergency prevention and small-scale mitigation measures in

the city, such as the disinfection of public water accesses and its shut down when considered as a

high public health risk, or the cleaning out of drains. They play a key role in disaster prevention

and management, often acting together (ILG5, March 2012). A typical measure adopted by Douala

Urban Council for fighting cholera is to disinfect wells (definition see Appendix 1) and ensure

the affected communities have the knowledge and equipment to continue the disinfection

programme themselves (ILG2, April 2012). Small drains are cleaned out regularly by the city hall

services, and tools can be borrowed from the city hall of Douala II to help the inhabitants of

inaccessible areas carry on the fight against cholera and malaria and also against flooding (ILG1,

April 2012). Hygiene awareness campaigns are also carried out, with the city hall distributing

pamphlets to explain how to build permeable latrines (ILG2, April 2012). Other awareness

campaigns also give advice on the action to take in case of flooding (ILG2, April 2012). However,

as local authorities do not manage large amount of resources, their impact on communities is

limited, and the inhabitants may also not be able to follow their advice (ILG2, April 2012).

The fire service is the crucial arm of the DRM in Douala (ILM1, June 2012). Indeed, this

institutional body is one of the primary physical structures, technical facilities and systems that

are socially, economically, or operationally essential to the functioning of a society or community,

both in routine circumstances and in the extreme circumstances of an emergency. The fire

service in Douala is a military section attached to the Ministry of Defence (ILEA, April 2012).

Although commanded by the general in charge of the ministry, it is employed by MINATD and

answers emergency calls from the public from car accidents to flooding (ILEA, April 2012). Whilst

possessing equipment to face water-related disasters, its main activity is to deal with fire

emergencies (ILEA, April 2012). In Douala, it is the first response unit of the city and can be called

upon in all cases of disaster or emergency, including flooding, though the lack of road access to

the city’s low-income communities and of a water discharge system seriously reduces their

capacity to fight such disasters (ILEA, April 2012). Moreover, the frequent occurrence of floods

generates a feeling of “normality” and the settlements, in the main, do not call upon the fire

service for help at such times (fieldwork notes, 2012).

In Douala, the DRM framework concentrates on the increase in magnitude and frequency of

short-term extreme weather and accidents through the intervention of the fire brigade prepared

to answer emergency calls from the population (ILM1, June 2012). As a result of this focus,


bottom-up strategies implemented by low-income communities and local governments are rarely

integrated within the implementation of the framework. While addressing pre and post disaster

actions, the framework mostly addresses related structural and expensive solutions. However,

financial resources for implementing the system in the city are also an issue as national funding is

often delayed and might not be accessed locally (ILM1, June 2012). The mobilisation of

complementary resources from other partners to implement the national disaster management

system is challenging, especially in carrying out prevention and mitigation measures and

programmes, in spite of the regular occurrence of disasters. ILM1 (June 2012) states: “I would ask

for a vehicle to facilitate our work on the field, and communication means, and a functioning

budget”. This deficiency is acknowledged as a major obstacle in the effective implementation of

the DRM at a local level, despite the cooperation of local intervention actors such as the fire


5.3 Hazards in Doula’s low-income communities

Tchangang’s (2011) map of the natural hazards that occur in the city of Douala shows that they

are not restricted to a particular district but affect the entire city, among which flooding appears

to be the main and not a new issue. Indeed, Tchangang (2011) also reminds us that eight major

floods have been recorded since 1990, growing in frequency and intensity (Map 5.1). However,

the city of Douala is exposed to both natural and industrial hazards, among which surface water

and groundwater contamination, water-related public health hazards, and flooding are recognised

as the most threatening. Illustrating this problem, the Head of Planning at the city hall of Douala

2 also states: “In these areas, when it rains, there is very widespead flooding. […] And there is no

drainage system in these areas. You know, Douala is located on a plain. The city is flat so water

does not drain easily away. When water stagnates somewhere, you need sun and time for it to

drain off” (ILG6, May 2012).

More particularly in the three low-income neighbourhoods of this study, the inhabitants of

Nkolmintag, Tractafric and Newtown Airport 5, are subject to several natural hazards, including

flooding, storms, drought and heat waves (Figure 5.1, Table 5.1). Of these, flooding was

identified as the main hazard by 69.6% of interviewees, varying from 90.6% in Nkolmintag to 42%

in Tractafric.


Map 5.1 Natural hazards and flooding risk areas in Douala

Source: elaborated from Tchangang (2011)


Figure 5.1 Hazards identified by community members (aggregated)

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609.

Table 5.1 Main hazards identified by community members (per community)

Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

Floods 90.7% 42.0% 76.2%

Heat waves 0.9% 3.2% 5.1%

Droughts 0.0% 2.3% 0.9%

Storms 2.4% 0.9% 0.0%

Mudslides 0.9% 0.9% 0.0%

Other 0.5% 0.0% 8.5%

No hazards 3.3% 22.8% 7.7%

No Answer 1.3% 27.9% 1.6%

Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5


Of the four types of flooding Douglas (2008, p. 191) describes, three have been found to affect

the low-income communities in Douala. The “coastal flooding from the sea” affecting Newtown

Airport 5 appears to be mainly the consequence of its location. The “localised floods due to

inadequate drainage and flooding from small streams whose catchment areas lie almost entirely

within built-up areas” that affect Nkolmintag and Tractafric, are caused by a combination of

anthropogenic and natural factors such as high precipitation, highly compacted soils and



1.1% 1.1%

0.6% 3.0%




Heat waves





No hazards

No answer


pathways, the waterproof quality of the soil, and the lack of adequate natural or built drains. The

fourth type, flooding from major rivers on whose banks towns and cities are built, does not

apply to these communities.

5.3.1 Frequency, causes and consequences of flooding

Flooding is the main hazard pointed out by the inhabitants of the three communities. Although

flooding has been classified differently according the four types defined by Douglas (2008), the

differences between the communities are clear when focusing on their frequency. Overall,

flooding affects 29.9 % of the low-income community inhabitants every time it rains in both the

dry and rainy season; 34.6 % every rainy season (from June to October) and 5.4 % when it rains

during high tides (Table 5.2). Nkolmintag experiences flooding every time it rains, and very

strongly during the rainy season, while Tractafric experiences flooding mainly during the rainy

season. However, in Newtown Airport 5 flooding takes place only when rain coincides with high


Table 5.2 Frequency of flooding (aggregated and per community)

Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

Every time it rains* 29.9% 43.3% 9.8% 25.7%

Every rainy season 34.6% 38.1% 37.0% 29.6%

High tides and rain 5.4% 0.0% 0.0% 14.0%

Rarely 4.1% 4.1% 2.2% 5.0%

No Answer 26.0% 14.4% 51.1% 25.7%

Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.00%

* during both dry and rainy seasons Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

This finding is not unforeseen. Indeed, a reason for these differences between the communities

is their location in (Nkolmintag and Newtown Airport 5) or out of (Tractafric) areas prone to

flooding (Map 5.2).


Map 5.2 Areas of Douala prone to flooding

Source: elaborated from Olinga (2012).


As noted in Chapter 4, the city’s coastal location in terms of alluvial soils, rainfall intensity, and

geographical localisation at the interface of continental and maritime hazards influences the

dynamics of flooding. Moreover, the broad embayment opening into the Gulf of Guinea

amplifies tidal movements into Douala’s urban area, which is consequently at high risk of


At an ecological level, there are natural factors such as rainfall, which averages 4100 mm

per year. This intensive rain is already a factor [of flooding] in itself and we note that in the

second period of the year, the monsoon reaches us and it rains continuously for 2 to 3

days. […] The city is built on a swamp, which has been occupied. Soil has been used to fill

the swamp but the substrate is not solid, therefore there is a high risk of flooding (IA1,

March 2012).

The geography of the city thus creates an environment naturally prone to flooding, added to

which the uncontrolled urbanisation of Douala, has led to the development of poor settlements

on former swampland or in dwellings built on stilts in tidewater areas such as Newtown Airport

5. This also explains the fact that when high tides occur, or when they coincide with heavy rain,

flooding occurs, affecting as many as 14 % of the households as seen earlier in Table 5.2.

Although Newtown Airport 5 is also located in the area most at risk of flooding, Nkolmintag

appears to be the area most affected by floods. Recent drainage projects carried out in the

neighbouring sub-district, which empty their rainwater and water waste into the drains crossing

Nkolmintag, have exacerbated the existing issue of water discharge and led to an observable

increase in the amount of floodwater (ILG11, March 2012). Moreover, built and natural dams are

often blocked by solid waste, sediment or vegetation. Indeed, the stream channels contain a

significant amount of urban waste, reducing flow efficiency, in spite of regular dredging of the

main streams and drains. As a result, streams rise rapidly after rainfall and regularly overflow in

spite of the preventive measures taken by local authorities.

Moreover, even when a drainage system exists, it is not extensive enough to allow the full

discharge of rainwater, as seen in Nkolmintag. Many streams were diverted into underground

pipes during the post-colonial period without consideration for the future growth of the city.

Building construction has reduced the amount of permeable land and added a large amount of


wastewater to the original streams. As a result, the water discharge system is unable to cope with

the increased volume of water needing to be evacuated.

Water does not infiltrate normally any more due to the spatial demographic expansion and

the expansion of built areas on these impermeable soils; and flooding occurs. Moreover,

constructions have minimised the possibility of water infiltration as streams were

transformed in the 60s without taking into account the expansion of the city. Numerous

water streams have been buried, or diverted into gutters without taking into account their

flow increase (IA1, March 2012).

However, this factor is not fully addressed by the DRM framework. MINDUH has responsibility

for dealing with the issue, but finding a workable solution requires a large amount of financial

investment as well as scientific data that the local authorities do not possess. The delays

accumulated over past decades challenge the implementation of projects and programmes by

governmental and non-governmental national, and local institutions and organisations noted in

chapter 4 exacerbate the problem.

Flooding has serious consequences for low-income communities, as listed in Table 5.3. Some

29.1% of interviewees had lost their household furniture as the result of flooding, and 16.1% had

damage to their buildings – to the point that houses might collapse and become uninhabitable

(see Image 5.1). However, it is striking that although all three communities are impacted,

Newtown Airport 5, which is the most vulnerable to flooding in terms of location, appears to be

the least affected in terms of material damage.

During flooding, as one community inhabitant commented: “everything is swimming”

(Community Member, fieldwork notes, April 2012). Nevertheless, their housing conditions

typically remain functional and residents rarely migrate to other areas – often an impossibility

due to the neighbourhoods’ low incomes and the lack of other places to settle (ibid). In “other”

in Table 5.3, electricity outages and the destruction of roads, paths and bridges were the

predominant answers. However, Table 5.3 also shows that 24.1% of the interviewees claimed to

be unaffected by the flooding. Water inundates the streets and paths, but does not reach their

houses. Hence, these impacts do not directly affect the house, but have an influence on carrying

out everyday activities. This percentage prompts two observations: first, as floods occur so

frequently, community inhabitants perceive them to be normal events, an argument that is also


supported by the high number of “no hazards” answers at first (11.2%) (see Figure 5.1); second,

they lead local inhabitants to put in place autonomous strategies to minimise their impacts,

similar to other observations in other African cities (Adelekan, 2010). This will be further

explained in Chapter 7.

Table 5.3 Main physical consequences of floods (aggregated and per community)

Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

Loss of the entire house 7.6% 9.0% 11.5% 3.7%

House partially inhabitable 6.4% 5.3% 11.5% 5.0%

Damages to house walls 16.1% 14.6% 16.8% 17.6%

Loss of furniture 29.1% 35.6% 27.5% 21.8%

Not affected 24.1% 17.6% 16.8% 36.4%

Other* 12.7% 13.3% 9.9% 13.4%

No Answer 4.0% 4.7% 6.1% 2.1%

Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

* In “other” were mainly identified electricity outages and the destruction of roads, paths and bridges. Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

Image 5.1 Collapsed building caused by the rain in Tractafric

Source: Author, 2012


5.3.2 Water-related epidemics and its consequences

Douala’s environment also generates suitable conditions for the spreading of water-related

diseases. These biological hazards are recurrent events among the poor communities.

“Epidemics are a major problem. [During the completion of the IWRM framework reports], we

assessed the major issues […] and we found out that epidemiological risks are one of the main

problems of the five [water] basins. […]” (IA2, June 2012). Amongst the water-related diseases,

malaria and cholera were chosen as focuses for this research4. Epidemics and endemics of both

diseases pose a serious public health problem in Douala during both the dry and rainy season,

and there is available data about the preventive action currently being undertaken by institutions

and organisations at national and local level. Both diseases are widespread, with high death rates,

especially amongst the poorest communities (ILM3, June 2012).

Cholera is also not a new disease in Cameroon. The first recorded epidemic of cholera in

Cameroon peaked in 1970. Since then, significant cholera cases were reported in 1971, 1991,

1996, 1998, 2004 (strongly affecting Douala) and 2009 (MSF, 2012). More than 2,000 cases were

reported in 1971 with a high case fatality rate (CFR) of 15% (WHO, 2012). Today, this rate is

significantly reduced, showing an improvement in the institutional responses to the epidemics.

However, recurrent outbreaks of the disease show that deeper causes are involved, and even if

epidemics have been seen to decrease in incidence during the last decades (MSF, 2012), the

eradication of the disease is still a major challenge (ILM5, June 2012). “[In Douala], cholera is

endemic with epidemiological outbreaks. Epidemics mean that it is permanent, and we often

have epidemiologic upsurges, which indicate that the water factor is crucial. Although several

ministries intervene in the water issue, but we don’t know who intervenes in what” (IA2, June


Malaria is also a major public health concern throughout the whole city of Douala. Although

malaria occurs regularly in urban areas, only a limited number of studies have addressed the

epidemiology of this vector-borne disease in these settings. Indeed, Douala, the largest city in

Cameroon, has, paradoxically, received the least attention (Antonio-Nkondjio et al., 2012).

4 Although both diseases are linked to water, they have different causes. Malaria is an endemic vector-borne disease, transmitted by mosquitoes breeding in stagnant water and water discharge. Cholera is an epidemic waterborne disease, caused by pathogenic microorganisms most commonly transmitted in sewage-contaminated freshwater (WHO, 2014a; WHO, 2014b).


Nonetheless, using MINSANTE data, it is possible to examine the disease’s progress in New-

Bell (Table 5.4; Figure 5.2). This suggests that fatalities have fallen while the number of people

affected by the disease remains high and public awareness of the causes of infection has also


Table 5.4 Malaria cases in New-Bell as a percentage of patients seeking medical


Year Uncomplicated

malaria cases


malaria cases



Death linked

to malaria

2008 15.8% 13.9% 29.7% 15.1%

2009 21.1% 17.5% 38.6% 5.1%

2010 8.3% 4.8% 13.1% 11.0%

2011 10.3% 2.1% 12.4% 5.7%

First semester of 2012 9.2% 2.1% 11.3% 0.0%

Source: Data extracted from records of MINSANTE, 2012.

Figure 5.2 Malaria cases in New-Bell as a percentage of patients seeking medical


Source: Data extracted from records of MINSANTE, 2012.

Thus, according to official records, both malaria and cholera are decreasing in incidence in two

out of three of the communities studied. However, only 8.5% of interviewees in the low-income

settlements claimed not to have been affected by water-related disease, showing the

predominance of this issue within the three urban poor communities. Overall, of the individuals

interviewed, 6.4% had experienced at least one person in their household falling sick with

cholera, 8.4% with dysentery, 12.4% with typhoid fever and 35.1% with malaria (Table 5.5).











2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 (S1)Pati


ts s











Malaria cases in Newbell Simple malaria case Severe malaria case Death linked to malaria


Table 5.5 Water-related diseases affecting families (aggregated and per community)

Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

Vector-borne diseases

Malaria 41.4% 38.0% 42.4% 43.6%

Feaco-oral diseases

Typhoid Fever 14.6% 12.9% 12.4% 18.2%

Dysentery 9.9% 14.1% 5.2% 10.2%

Cholera 7.6% 16.9% 4.8% 1.5%


Other diseases 10.8% 11.0% 12.0% 9.5%

No diseases 10.0% 5.9% 7.2% 16.4%

No Answer 5.8% 1.2% 16.0% 0.7%

Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

From these outcomes, it is also notable that incidences of typhoid fever and dysentery are higher

than cholera, but these diseases do not receive the same amount of attention from the public

health authorities. Moreover, the responses to the epidemics by the Cameroonian authorities

appear to follow international support. The high percentages overall show the size of the

problem with regard to all water-related diseases in the poor urban communities. The regularity

of epidemics also demonstrates the need for more thorough on-going institutional responses if

they are to be eradicated completely. As efforts to do so are often carried out when epidemics

break out, the further causes explained below are not adequately addressed.

Among the causes pointed out by authorities, socio-cultural habits are argued to impact the

spread of water-related diseases: “In our society and in the city of Douala, disasters and

epidemics like cholera are mainly due to the lack of knowledge of the existing rules and socio-

cultural habits” (IM3, April 2012). This cause is claimed to be attributable to the pool of

knowledge low-income communities possess brought by the large number of rural migrants to

the city (IM3, April 2012). Indeed, traditional practices such as the farming, the collection and

disposal of excrement, and cooking and eating habits might exacerbate the spreading of water-

borne diseases. During transects walks it was also possible to observe children playing in a

potentially contaminated stream (Image 5.2). However, the subject of the lack of knowledge is

controversial and is further discussed in the following chapters.


Image 5.2 Children playing in a natural drain in Tractafric.

Source: Author, 2012

The propagation of vector-borne diseases is also due to the inadequacy of the water discharge

system. To discharge rainwater from the city, three types of drains are used: modern concrete

drains located at the side of roads, large open drains, and hand-dug ditches crossing the poor

neighbourhoods. However, even though modern drains often work adequately, the low gradients

and small size of the open drains and ditches are less efficient. They are frequently blocked with

rubbish and solid waste from the settlements, and are used for urban agriculture. As a result, they

retain water in numerous places, encouraging the proliferation of the mosquito vector of the

malaria epidemics (IA1, March 2012; ILG11, March 2012). In this context, flooding increases the

rate of both vector-borne and water-borne diseases. Indeed, floods indirectly intensify vector-

borne diseases by increasing the amount of stagnant water in which the vector microorganisms

live and create breeding sites for the mosquitoes that transmit the vectors to humans, thereby

increasing the potential exposure of the disaster-affected population to infection. The causes and

role of flooding in the spreading of the water-borne diseases will be explained in 5.3.4 as it

involves supplementary factors: the urban poor communities’ water access and sanitation


The financial costs of vector control are particularly burdensome for households living in poor

urban districts. At a national level, the annual private per capita expenditure on health (measured

by dividing the overall annual private household expenditure on health by the number of

inhabitants (IMF, 2010)) was estimated to be 12,774 Fcfa in 2010, a fall of approximately 9,261


Fcfa since 2001(ibid). In 2012, low-income communities were found to be spending a monthly

average of 29,625 Fcfa on health, more than twice the amount claimed by the IMF (2010).

However, Douala’s inhabitants do not always have access to a medical practitioner (Granjux,

2008). A survey showed that nearly 63.0% of respondents had used an informal health service

and this proportion rose to 81.4% among the poorest (ibid). When lack of funds makes it

impossible to seek formal medical treatment, poor individuals tend to turn towards traditional

medicines and traditional healers, or buy medicine from illegal vendors (fieldwork notes, 2012).

These diseases have, therefore, a financial cost, but also a heavy human cost. Malaria has been

singled out as the main cause of mortality and morbidity among Cameroon’s most vulnerable

groups (IMF, 2010). Accounting for approximately 38% of the overall number of deaths in

health facilities, malaria is responsible for 50% of morbidity among children younger than 5 years

old, 40% to 45% of medical consultations, and 30% of hospitalisations (ibid). In the three low-

income communities, the individuals identified as being most affected by water-related diseases

were women (15.6%) and children (31.3%) (Figure 5.3). However, 32.0% of those surveyed

indicated that the whole household had been affected by water-related diseases, a figure that

seemingly contradicts the common view that children and woman are the most affected and

reveals the true extent of the problem.


Figure 5.3 Individuals recently affected by one or several water-related diseases in the house (aggregated and per community)

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.















Individuals recently affected by one or several water-related diseases in the housing




Newtown Airport 5


5.3.3 Water-borne diseases: lack of sanitation system and water contamination

Among the factors having an influence on the rate of water-borne diseases, the widespread use

of wells in Douala and the lack of a sanitation system create a suitable environment for their

spread. In 2006, national and industrial companies were estimated to produce approximately

100,000 m3 of drinking water per day, against the city’s estimated needs of 250,000 m3 per day

(Guevart et al., 2006). As a result, the provision of safe drinking water is estimated to cover only

40 % of the city, leading to the construction of many unsuitable wells, often of insufficient depth

(further explained in chapter 6). These traditionally built wells are widely used by the poor

communities, regardless of water contamination, helping the spread of waterborne diseases.

If you walk around the city, you observe large amount of wells. All these traditional wells

capture superficial aquifer, the water that is closest to the soil. This groundwater in some

areas even shows on the surface. […] This water is very likely to be polluted as in many

other countries and is an endemic vector (IA2, June 2012).

Moreover, demographic pressure in the low-income areas has led to the random and often dense

occupation of the territory with dwellings irregularly crowded together. The lack of any sanitary

infrastructure also aggravates the precarious state of the environment. In Tractafric, 91.6 % of

the respondents claimed having latrines on their land plot, while only 8.4 % claim no latrine

possession (fieldwork survey, 2012) 5 . Without adequate sewerage system, in all three

communities simple latrines are built in backyards, or over drains or rivers, or ‘flying toilets’

(plastic bags) are used to dispose of excreta (fieldwork notes, 2012). Wells, which are often

located close to waste outlets and latrines, are heavily contaminated in both the rainy and dry

seasons. Image 5.3 illustrates one type of simple latrine, consisting of a wooden structure built

directly above a stream. “Numerous houses do not have modern latrines. People pass their waste

straight into the stream or through a system of pipes into the open drain. This encourages the

spread of cholera” (ILG11 March 2012).

Among the types of latrine used by the urban poor, three kinds are identified by the

communities’ members: simple, semi-modern, and modern (Figure 5.4). A simple latrine, or pit

latrine, consists of a hole dug into the ground, bringing excreta into direct contact with the soil.

5 Source: Fieldwork Survey, 2012. Surveys in Tractafric N=203. No answer =0%.


In both semi-modern and modern latrines, the hole in the ground has reinforced walls (a septic

tank) with or without ventilation. The differences between the two are the upper structures: a

semi-modern is a squat toilet, and a modern toilet has a seat (fieldwork notes, 2012). However, in

both cases, lack of access to the latrines often leads to the overflow of waste during flooding,

causing excrement to escape into the drains, or the direct emptying of the tank into the drains by

the communities’ members.

Figure 5.4 Type of latrines built on the plot in Tractafric

Source: Fieldwork Survey, 2012. Surveys in Tractafric N=203. No answer =4.3%.

Image 5.3 Simple latrine built over a stream at the back of a house in Newtown Airport 5

Source: Author, 2012.




Simple Semi-modern Modern


Of similar significance is the fact that floods also exacerbate the low quality of local water by

mixing contaminated water and freshwater resources. Inhabitants have more difficulty in

accessing clean drinking water and the conditions allowing water-borne diseases to develop are

increased, a point stressed by a city hall official:

To attain adequate provision of water, flooding must be controlled. Whatever project we

carry out, if flooding is not managed, the project fails because most of the population still

obtain their water from wells, which are just below the level of the floodwater. Once the

latrines are flooded, everything mixes together, aggravated by the sandy soil of Douala

(ILG1, April 2012).

Floodwater is also used to discharge water waste by community members, increasing the

concentration of contaminating agents into the environment (fieldwork notes, 2012). Indeed, the

lack of sewage system and roads, limiting truck access, constrains the poor population to

discharge the latrines directly into the nearest drain or in the running water during flooding to

ensure the disposal of waste and avoid paying disposal services (Community member, fieldwork

notes, 2012).

The link between water availability, the lack of basic services and infrastructure in poor areas and

the incidence of diseases has long been recognised, and health is shown as a significant indicator

of quality and quantity of water (Hardoy, Satterthwaite and Mitlin, 2001; Thompson et al., 2000;

Stephens 1996, cited in Mitlin, 2002). Alcazar, Xu and Zuluaga (2000) state that, “…waterborne

and water-related diseases are a major cause of morbidity and mortality especially in the poorer

neighbourhoods […]. The medical costs and lost wages from such diseases were a high part of

household income for the poor […]” (Alcazar, Xu and Zuluaga, 2000, cited in Mitlin, 2002). The

level of water-related diseases encountered in the low-income communities of Douala support

this argument. Whilst the abundance of water resources potentially could lead to the reduction of

such diseases, the lack of proper sanitation and the prevalence of contamination of the water

resources impact the exposure and sensitivity of the urban poor communities to water-borne

diseases (ILM4, June 2012).

As a result, these unsanitary conditions expose the urban poor to a higher risk of infections by

both vector-borne and waterborne diseases, including malaria and cholera. Because of the

predicted increase of flooding, which have already been observed in other parts of Africa


(Douglas and Alam, 2006), and its resulting growth in mixing of waste water and clean water and

permanence of stagnant water, a rise of the water-related diseases would be expected.

5.4 Institutional responses to two main hazards impacts affecting Douala

As stated previously, the low-income communities in Douala are severely impacted by two main

hazards: flooding and weather-related epidemics. The measures and projects implemented by the

national and local authorities to minimise their impacts in these neighbourhoods are presented


5.4.1 Institutions involved in flood management

At a national level, the Directorate of Civil Protection (DCP), part of the Ministry of Territorial

Administration and Decentralisation (MINTAD), addresses flooding through the

implementation of a sanitation master plan. This includes: projects to address emergency

rainwater drainage through the study of landscape design; the implementation of a monitoring

system; the building of water channels; the construction and maintenance of paths and access

ramps; underground construction; the cleaning out and renovation of parts of the drainage

system; and, the building of footbridges. The administrative authorities also aim to increase

awareness of the urban planning and settlements pattern norms. As a result, the authorities have

focused on corrective and preventive action.

In Douala, flood management is dealt by the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing

(MINDUH), under the responsibility of the MINTAD. Among its priorities are urban

regeneration, the renovation of road and canal networks and the electrical supply system, and the

improvement of public health care. The ministry is involved in several major drain construction

projects in the city of Douala, aimed at solving the problem of flooding (ILM6, March 2012).

Nevertheless, the scale of the work to be done is immense and is under continuous challenge

from the expansion of spontaneous settlements, irrespective of building construction regulations

inside and at the periphery of the city (ILM6, March 2012).

The local institutional actors, the city hall of Douala 2 and CUD, are also involved in managing

flooding. In 2011, a new plan for the city was designed and presented by the CUD, identifying

the city’s options for expansion until 2025. In this plan, two main objectives of development


were defined: the creation of a central business district and a logistics area close to the port,

airport and city centre, and the planning of infrastructure and equipment. However, the

implementation of these programmes and projects is threatened by the city’s pressing problems,

of which the taking over of non-building zones for spontaneous settlements by slum dwellers

and new migrants appears to be of a great concern for institutional actors (ILG4, May 2012). The

city hall also acknowledges that urban development has taken place with little respect for the

ecological dynamics, and that the construction of dams modifying river flows has changed the

use of land and introduced modifications upstream while offering protection to the city itself.

However, their impact is extremely limited. In this sense, ILG1 (April 2012) stated:

The city [Douala] is built on swamps, the population and the urban area are constantly

growing, people are coming but there is no space and freedom to settle everywhere. It can

be flooded or swampy, they don’t mind. As long as it is in an empty place, they will settle

there. […] However, life has rules. We say that nobody should ignore the laws even on

infrastructure; there is a minimum to respect. It is impossible to know that a place is

flooded and settle there. It is for your own good, not for mine. These are the issues we

encounter. In these areas, drains have to be cleaned out frequently because we encounter

difficulties in building them with concrete.

As a result, administrative authorities propose to reduce the vulnerability of the poor

neighbourhoods by relocating the population and rehabilitating the flooded areas, or by requiring

the sanitation departments to clean the drains. Nevertheless, evictions from high-risk areas to

minimise the impact of flooding are particularly unpopular and rarely possible due to the lack of

new land to give to the evicted and the large number of families settled in those areas. The lack

of alternative land and housing and basic infrastructure to offer to uprooted population, coupled

with the city’s on-going problem of land-titles, rules out any offer of compensation to the evicted


From these discussions, it is possible to assume that the issue of flooding in Douala is not

integrated within a holistic framework and is mainly dealt with on its own. Moreover, they

support the argument that “the state allows such risks to exist as part of the politicised nature of

urban planning and control” (Douglas et al., 2008, p. 204) and that there is an urgent need to

increase the adaptive capacities of the urban poor to face these problems.


They need help at the local community level to improve their options for emergency

action and evacuation. They need help at the municipal level to improve drainage, to

regulate developments upstream and elsewhere that increase flooding in their communities,

and to give them greater security of tenure so that they can invest in making their homes

more flood resistant. They need help at the national level – particularly to ensure that their

needs are included in national disaster reduction plans and that these and other impacts of

climate change are included in poverty reduction strategies. They also need international

help to see that funding for adaptation to climate change is directed towards their

problems (ibid, p. 204).

5.4.2 Institutions involved in managing biological hazards

At a national level, the DCP also identifies recurrent water-related epidemics as disasters. The

main objectives of its public policies are to identify the ecological and environmental factors that

influence the spread of transmissible diseases and to implement measures to prevent and deal

with them (IM2, April 2012). In this context, the monitoring of water access and hygienic

conditions, air and water pollution, and control of food quality are primary concerns for

developing and coordinating measures to cope with epidemics. Other aims are the distribution of

information about endemic water-related diseases and methods of preventing them, and the

organisation of technical assistance through the pooling of knowledge and experience to allow

communities to take action themselves (IM2, April 2012). Multidisciplinary research into ways of

reducing the effects of tropical diseases locally is being intensified and expanded. This should

make it possible to base preventive action on epidemiology data and evaluate the efficiency of

other options. Similarly, investigation of local sanitary arrangements is currently being supported

and encouraged to determine the influence of cultural, behavioural and social factors on

preventive action (IM2, April 2012).

The severity of water-related epidemics in Douala’s poor neighbourhoods has also generated

responses from a number of institutions. At national and local level, epidemics are chiefly dealt

with by the Ministry of Public Health (MINSANTE) which is responsible for public health

services in the country (ILM3, June 2012). MINSANTE aims to promote the social and mental

health of the population. In Douala, MINSANTE focuses on monitoring and managing disease,

and undertakes numerous actions to attempt to minimise the epidemics (ILM3, June 2012).

Among the actions currently being undertaken by the ministry in collaboration with WHO,


Doctors without Borders, and UNICEF, is free treatment for cholera. Available since 2011 for

the entire population, the aim of this campaign is to reduce the death rate (ILM3, June 2012).

Moreover, the Centre for Coordination, Control against Cholera, was established in Douala to

improve the efficiency of the fight against the disease (ILM3, June 2012). A programme called

LLINS (Long-Lasting Impregnated Mosquito Nets), organised by MINSANTE with

international collaboration, has been distributing mosquito nets to combat malaria since 2011,

but at the time of this research its impact still needed to be assessed.

Finally, local institutions involved in the fight against water-related diseases include the city hall,

which runs campaigns designed to increase public awareness of the issues surrounding flooding.

Beginning in schools, awareness campaigns focus on good hygienic practices such as the

appropriate disposal of human excreta, the collection and disposal of domestic waste, protection

against disease vectors, and the discharge of waste-water. The city hall also works alongside the

local population to maintain small drains.

From these findings, it can be noted that the traditional focus of the health sector, which has

been on the response to emergencies (WHO, 2011), is no different in Douala. Authorities do not

appear to address the underlying causes of the spread of disease and the recurrence of epidemics,

which are the lack of basic and proper sanitation and access to clean water. In this context shows

the “cycle of contamination”, presented in Figure 5.5, remains unbroken. This cycle shows that,

in spite of the efforts of the institutions, the eradication of the diseases is still a challenge,

requiring the implementation of more thorough, on-going preventive, current and post-epidemic

measures and actions. MINSANTE’s activities appear to focus on treating the sick and

containing infection, and the deeper underlying causes such as the presence of stagnant water

and reliance on contaminated wells are overlooked. In this context, while health care systems are

argued to provide core capacities for disaster risk management for health, the urban poor have

limited access to basic health services and infrastructure, and benefit from help during epidemics.

Nevertheless, community-based actions are argued to be at the front line of protecting health in

emergencies case (ILM3, June 1012). Local knowledge of risks is used to identify the actual needs

of the community, and awareness campaigns are carried out by local institutions. This approach

is also encountered in the communities by the involvement of the community leader in some of

MINSANTE projects, such as vaccination campaigns (fieldwork notes, 2012).


Figure 5.5 Contamination cycle

Endemic vector-borne diseases

Epidemic water-borne diseases

Flood water

Water for cooking, domestic

use, washing and bathing

Diseased person

Groundwater wells


Stagnant water

Development of water-related

diseases vector and/or

contamination of water by bacteria

Human waste in modern

and/or traditional



Source: Author elaborated from Meva’a Abomo (2010) and analysis of fieldwork data, 2014.

5.5 Conclusion

As seen in this study, the poor urban neighbourhoods in Douala are exposed to hazards,

regularly leading to disasters. Predominant among them are flooding and water-related epidemics.

The causes of both hazards are closely linked and associated with the city’s natural features such

as location, soil and climate, added to which are anthropogenic factors including inappropriate or

inadequately maintained infrastructure, lack of access to adequate basic services, and high

population density in the poor settlements. As both natural and anthropogenic factors are

connected, making the low-income communities more vulnerable to flooding, this allows us to

define the phenomenon as a socio-natural water-related hazard. As a result, the inhabitants suffer

damage to houses, loss of furniture, electricity cuts and isolation from the rest of the city due to

the destruction of bridges, roads and paths, and water contamination, although the recurrence of

these hazards generates a feeling of normality so the poor settlements do not call upon the

official intervention teams when faced with flooding.


In this context, the DRM framework is designed and implemented to also face water-related

disasters. However, the framework appears to be a top-down system, hardly taking into account

the bottom-up strategies implemented locally, and focused on post-disaster responses. Hence, in

attempting to minimise the impacts of different hazards, the institutions in charge of dealing with

them appear to focus on emergency situations and so the underlying causes of the flooding and

the spread of water-related epidemics such as the lack of sanitation and access to clean water are

not addressed. This generates a supplementary difficulty in the implementation of mitigation and

prevention measures and projects at a local level. The reorganisation of the DCP and the

creation of the RNO to monitor the risks and impacts of disasters were beset by delays and

therefore records are poor, information is often incomplete, and there is a problem in defining

the priorities of the institutions and implementing specific sustainable solutions to local disasters.

This, along with the lack of a specific role for the local institutions, intensifies the challenges of

sustainably implementing the framework. Finally, even if these water issues are acknowledged by

authorities, the emergency actions taken in collaboration with the fire service do not reach the

poor communities due to the lack of road access and of a water discharge system.

The features preventing the DRM from having a good efficacy, typical of poor neighbourhoods,

increase the challenge of building long-term resilience. However, these findings also show the

gap between water-related hazards and water-access measures, projects and programmes. Indeed,

the intrinsic linkage between water disasters is often ignored. The failure to coordinate measures,

and the focus on a single water-related issue, leads to a series of temporary fixes that reduce the

effectiveness of the projects and programmes. Finally, the findings of limited impact on the

hazards and the lack of efficiency of DRM strengthen the link between the theoretical debates

discussed in chapter two with autonomous adaptation in urban poor communities.


Chapter 6: IWRM, water access and institutional water-related strategies in Douala

Chapter 6 focuses on the context and implementation of the Integrated Water Resources

Management framework (IWRM) and the water resources used by the low-income communities

in the city of Douala. Focusing first on the current legal framework in which water and sanitation

management is embedded, it then describes the institutions that should be involved. This section

also analyses the current implementation of the IWRM framework. The second section presents

the water access and costs for the low-income communities of Douala, as well as the issues

associated with the use of these water resources. Finally, the last section examines the

institutional water-related adaptation strategies already implemented or being implemented in the

poor neighbourhoods outside the IWRM and DRM framework.

The city of Douala is no exception to Cameroon’s drinking water and sanitation issues. As

already seen in Chapter 5, its population and institutions are facing major water-related problems

leading to significant health risks that may arise from consumption of water contaminated with

infectious agents and toxic chemicals. Although Cameroon transferred the water distribution

system from public services to a semi-private system, following the strongly promoted private-

sector participation of the 1990s, the challenges accumulated due to its population growth have

generated great difficulties in upgrading and managing the water and sanitation system in Douala.

In 2009, these issues were proclaimed by the institutions of the city as a priority in the agenda for

the development of the urban area of Douala (ILG4, May 2012). Nevertheless, in spite of their

attempts to improve the system, access to drinking water and proper sanitation still remains

difficult in the low-income communities.

6.1 Water management policies

In Cameroon, water policy is based on the law of 1998 which is still in effect today. “The 1996

law on the environment and the 1998 law on water are the cornerstones of the current legislation

on water”(Ako Ako et al., 2009, pp. 877-878). This policy framework makes provision for the

protection and conservation of water resources by creating participative management and

emphasising the economic value of water. Although Cameroon appears to have completed the

implementation of a sustainable water policy, the outcomes relating to the institutional

framework are “still below the average of its peer-group countries”, composed of the Sub-

Saharan countries (De Waal, 2010, p. 16).


The law is, indeed, very vague, and to correctly manage water, a framework is essential, a

law, but you also must have precise legislation and an effective implementation. However,

in Cameroon, legislations are not precise enough, they are copied from France, and the

implementation is lax. For example, everything regarding water catchment governance is

very lax. The security perimeter around the boreholes and public tap water are not

respected. These legislation and regulatory frameworks need to be developed (IM4, May


Regarding sanitation, the need for institutional strengthening of the legal framework for Douala

region’s sanitation system is also stressed because the existing policies only concern collective

urban sanitation and are generally not enforced (ILM2, April 2012). Indeed, in spite of the

institutional efforts carried out, analysis of the current legal policies concludes that there is a lack

of a specific corpus of laws regarding the regulation of liquid waste. This waste, which has

suffered from little interest from government and donors until recently, is not specified in the

existing policies, and rainwater drainage and wastewater are often not distinguished (ILM2, April

2012). Moreover, the objectives in the field of liquid waste are not appropriately specified and are

not defined according to the different environments (urban, rural). Finally, responsibilities are

often overlapping and not properly defined, and capacities of the different actors are not always

adapted to their mandates.

Similar to the DRM framework, water supply and sanitation regulations are also subjected to

decentralisation reforms. As a result, local institutional actors such as Douala Urban Council and

the city-halls are also involved in the implementation of the policies, programmes and projects

regarding water supply and sanitation access. However, their responsibilities in term of projects

undertaken are not properly defined.

6.1.1 Public-private partnership in the water sector in Douala

The water management system in Cameroon implemented a public-private partnership in the

water and sanitation sector, as promoted by World Bank Group and the International Monetary

Fund (Haughton, 2002; Budds and McGranahan, 2003). The institutional context of Cameroon’s

water sector is characterised by the central role played by the Ministry of Water and Energy

(MINEE) (ILM2, April 2012). The MINEE is responsible for the implementation of projects on


managing and controlling pollution, water supply, and sanitation in both urban and rural areas.

More specifically, the MINEE undertakes supervision of Camwater’s area of concession, and

thus that of the operator, Camerounaise des Eaux (ILM2, April 2012).

The management organisation between Cameroon Water Utilities Corporation (Camwater) and

Camerounaise des Eaux (CDE) is quite recent as the Cameroonian water management reform

took place in 2003. “The organisation of the water supply and sanitation subsector, its targets,

resources, and strategies, are essentially determined by the terms of the contract between the

state and Camwater, and by the terms of the lease contract between Camwater and CDE” (De

Waal, 2010, p. 14). A national company that was formed in 1967, called “Société Nationale des

Eaux du Cameroun” (SNEC), was privatised in 2008 with the establishment of a leasing contract

for the management and operation of urban facilities (IIF2, May 2012). This shift took place in

2005 with the creation of the parastatal company “Cameroon Water Utilities Corporation” and a

private company “Camerounaise des Eaux”.

In this context, CDE, born of the reform of the water sector undertaken by the Government of

Cameroon in 2005, was incorporated under Cameroonian law in December 2007 (IIF1, May 2012).

The CDE effectively started its activities in May 2008 with responsibility to provide drinking

water services to 110 urban and suburban centres during the lease period of ten years. The

company operates within the framework of a public-private partnership in tight collaboration

with other major national actors such as the MINEE and the Camwater (IIF1, May 2012). The

CDE aims to provide a public utility within the concept of sustainable development, aiming to

ensure continuity of drinking water supply, whilst improving the quality of the drinking water

services to customers and the efficiency of production, transport and distribution. The firm also

aims to increase the level of access to drinking water (IIF1, May 2012).

Camwater is a semi-public company with public legal responsibility and financial autonomy (IIF2,

May 2012). Under the technical supervision of the Ministry of Water and financial supervision of

the Ministry of Finance, Camwater manages water resources and property rights on behalf of the

State (IIF2, May 2012). The company is responsible for the planning, studies, research and

management of funding for all infrastructure and facilities, the production, transportation and

storage, the distribution and quality control of drinking water. The company is also in charge of

the construction, maintenance and management of the production infrastructure of drinking


water, as well as its storage and transportation. Camwater must inform the population about

drinking water and liquid sanitation in urban and suburban areas (IIF2, May 2012).

Thus the State appears to still strongly monitor and manage Cameroon’s water resources

management. The water management system between the CDE, Camwater and MINEE is

schematised as in Figure 6.1. While the private sector has a direct relationship with customers

and is contractually responsible for installing new connections, the public asset-holding company

is responsible for financing investment, carries infrastructure assets and decides when and where

to expand the network. In this context, Camwater appears to have a higher influence on design

and implement of pro-poor projects in the water and sanitation sector. Nevertheless, incentives

for the private operator to expand access are stronger because the operator does not invest its

own money in system expansion, so “it has every interest in pushing for more coverage” (Marin

et al., 2010, p. 2).

Between 2003 and 2008, the water management mechanism has been focusing on the sharing of

responsibilities (IIF2, May 2012). In 2008, the last agreements between the government and CDE

were signed, officially starting the new management mechanism. Water management of the

urban area of Douala was finally entrusted to the two companies - Camwater and the CDE -

under the supervision of the Minister of Water and Energy. However, by focusing on creating

favourable conditions for privatisation and private investments, the CDE has not been able to be

fully operational during the implementation of this partnership, and the backlogs already faced

by the previous public company have been accumulated (IIF2, May 2012). In 2012, Camwater was

still providing only approximately 35 % of the water supply from rivers and groundwater

resources to households living in the city (IIF2, May 2012). Moreover, this focus might also

continue as Camwater have to look for private investments for the implementation of projects.


Figure 6.1 Water management system in urban areas of Cameroon

Implementation of the


Operational and functional assessment

Ministry of Water and Energy

- Definition of sectorial policy

- Drafting of the legislative and regulatory


- Management of water resources


- Mobilizing financial resources for the

execution of developments projects

- Construction, rehabilitation and management

of potable water infrastructures


- Production, transport and distribution of

potable water within the area under lease

- Maintenance work on capital assets

- Replacement of assets under its care

- Improving the service ratio




Lease and performance


Concession and

scheme contracts

Source: Camerounaise des Eaux, 2012

Also of particular importance is the question of which institutions or organisations provide the

private investment for the implementation of projects. Indeed, a number of multinational water

companies have asserted that low-income populations do not represent an attractive market

because they are too poor to be profitable and represent too great a financial risk (Budds and

McGranahan, 2003). Thus, in order to provide water and sanitation to the urban poor, some

development agencies, and reports funded by them, argue that private sector participation must

be made more “pro-poor” (ibid), which could be required by the funding agencies. In Douala,

pro-poor projects are already being implemented, such as the project planned by the CDE and

the World Bank which provides half price connection to the water network. However this

project is challenged by the identification of the indicators of the benefiting households (IIP1,

May 2012), and the strategies autonomously implemented by the low-income communities will

also impact on this project (further explained in chapter 7).


6.1.2 Institutions involved in the sanitation sector in Douala

According to the existing sanitation policies, the responsibility of project management and

project investments appear to overlap between the MINDUH and the MINEE (MINEE, 2011).

The MINDUH aims to improve the urban development sector, working in collaboration with

decentralised regional communities and other actors from civil society. In Douala, it is involved

in numerous attempts to solve the issues of water discharge through the construction of a series

of major drain systems. While the term “sanitation” is present in the texts allocating

responsibilities to the MINDUH, potentially generating a conflict of responsibilities, the MINEE

appears to concentrate on water access (ILM2, April 2012).

Camwater, as well as CDE, are also entrusted with the operation of wastewater sewerage systems

and rainwater drainage (IIF2, May 2012). The lease contract specifies several norms and standards

pertaining to service provision, and there is a joint investment plan shared between the operator

and the asset-holding company that defines the use of the lease fee. However, the current

contractual requirements are still not being entirely respected, particularly concerning the

investment programme and sanitation activities (IIF2, May 2012). Indeed, the two entities are not

active in the sanitation area, and they have neither carried out an inventory of existing facilities

nor monitored the access rate as they wait for a more favourable context regarding the financing

of projects, national policy and operational strategy (IIF2, May 2012). Due to the delays already

accumulated in the distribution of the water resources, sanitation systems are not currently the

institutions’ priories (IIF2, April 2012).

Douala's Urban Council and City-Halls are also involved in the sanitation system management.

However, they face the same time constraints as the central departments: imperfect definition of

responsibilities, insufficient skills in sewerage, lack of qualified staff and lack of resources.

Moreover, the capacities in the field of communication, education and training have largely still

to be strengthened (MINEE, 2011). As a result, sanitation in urban areas remains largely

managed by the communities and the private sector without technical or financial assistance, and

with consequent low sustainability of actions. The work of NGOs in the areas around

promotion and appropriate technology recognises these issues and has to be taken into account

in the future.


The limited number of stakeholders involved in the sector, and their lack of coordination,

generates isolated actions by the ministries, which is already absorbed in the implementation of

the national investment programmes, regardless of where the funds for these come from the

national budget or elsewhere (De Waal, 2010). Despite the first concrete steps required for the

institutional framework of the sector already being in place, there is still no operational

programmatic approach (IIF2, May 2012). Such an approach is urgently necessary as it would lead

to a more refined assessment of needs being conducted, and would make possible a plan based

on priority criteria. Such a programme would also generate better organisation and use of the

finances. An urban sanitation policy, which is currently being prepared, should resolve this issue

and is awaited by the governmental delegates and coordinators of local institutions.

6.1.3 Implementation of the IWRM in Cameroon

As seen previously, the IWRM framework is regarded as an important strategy to reduce poverty

and to achieve the Millennium Development Goals in Cameroon (De Waal, 2010). In spite of

the abundant freshwater resources that Cameroon has, the country faces slow progress and

severe water challenges as a result of management, legal and institutional deficiencies and the

important fragmentation of the water sector. Hence, the IWRM framework appears in a context

where urgent actions are needed. It is intended that the IWRM framework is implemented within

the existing water policy framework. Although no policies are directly linked to the IWRM

framework, water legislation in Cameroon already follows some of the IWRM principles such as

the consideration that water is a finite asset (Ako Ako et al., 2009).

The national IWRM planning process was divided into three phases further distributed into 14

stages (Box 6.1) (GWP-Cmr, 2010, p. 4). So far, Cameroon has completed the first two phases

of the country’s IWRM planning process (IM3, April 2012). The first phase started with

implementing the IWRM framework in June 2005, with the setting up of the Global Water

Partnership Cameroon (IM3, April 2012). This entity was created in order to provide a neutral

platform aiming to facilitate the planning process and bring together all water sector actors of the

whole country (IM3, April 2012). During the implementation of this phase, the GWP-Cmr

focused on capitalisation and coordination with the existing initiatives and projects was carried

out. In 2007, planning for IWRM was included as an activity in the public investment budget for

the ministry in charge of water (IM3, April 2012). This illustrated the government’s agreement to

proceed with the IWRM approach and was further supported by the creation of management


structures for the planning process by the MINEE and its incorporation as a strategic activity in

the Economic, Financial, Social and Cultural Programme of Cameroon for the year 2010 (GWP-

Cmr, 2010, p. 1). Also, it instigated further training about IWRM to water sector stakeholders,

ensuring that the main water actors could effectively participate in the national IWRM planning

process. Overall, it is estimated that over 311 people from about 126 partner institutions were

trained in 2010 (GWP-Cmr, 2010).

Phase two, conducting the inventory and situation analysis of the water sector, was divided into

four themes as follows:

1. Knowledge and use of water resources: an evaluation of the current situation of water

resources in terms of quantity and quality, and the use of water resources.

2. Water and environment: a diagnosis of the water sector with respect to environmental


3. Economic, financial and social framework of the water sector: an inventory of the

current economic, financial and social framework of the water sector in Cameroon.

4. Legislative, institutional and human resources framework of the water sector: an in-depth

analysis of the water sector management framework (GWP-Cmr, 2010).

As a result of the first two phases, the foundation for the elaboration of an IWRM Strategy and

Action Plan has been recognised. Strategic options were also identified by the GWP-Cmr,

currently organising the third phase of the IWRM implementation (IM3, April 2012). These

strategic actions consisted of the consolidation of the thematic reports, which coincided with the

end of the project through the organisation of regional and national participative workshops to

improve and validate the analysis of the studies of the water sector (GWP-Cmr, 2010). Now the

plan needs to be approved by the GWP-Cmr partners (IM3, April 2012). This phase is argued to

have lasted approximately eighteen months due to difficulties in obtaining data and information

on the fourth report theme presented above (GWP-Cmr, 2010). The following activities are

identified for the continuation of IWRM: the creation of the national IWRM action plan; the

carrying out of regional participative workshops to improve the plan and a national workshop to

validate it; the adoption of the plan by the Government and by the institutions financing the

national IWRM action plan (ibid); and finally, the implementation the national IWRM action

plan. Therefore, from these findings, it can be seen that the concrete implementation of the

IWRM is still at a very early stage.


Box 6.1 IWRM implementation phases and stages

The national IWRM planning process was divided into three phases further distributed into 14


Mobilising political will;

1. “Preparing the National Water Policy Paper (additional stage that was replaced by the

Policy Paper).

2. Putting in place the Project Steering Committee.

3. Putting in place the multidisciplinary Project Team.

4. Organising workshops for starting the IWRM Action Plan preparation process”.

Analysing the state of the water sector:

5. “Organising information and awareness-raising workshops on IWRM.

6. Conducting complementary thematic studies for carrying out the first version of the


7. Harmonising the existing legislative and regulatory framework and drawing up the

implementation instruments of the water code”.

Preparing the national IWRM action plan:

8. “Organising consultation and validation workshops of the “inventory”.

9. Drawing up an outline plan (first draft) of the “Integrated Water Resources

Management National Action Plan”.

10. Organising consultation workshops on the outline plan (first version) of the

“Integrated Water Resources Management Action Plan”.

11. Drawing up the “Integrated Water Resources Management Action Plan” project (2nd


12. Implementing the process of adopting the final version of the “Integrated Water

Resources Management Action Plan” by the Government.

13. Organising consultations with donors for financing the “Integrated Water Resources

Management National Action Plan”.

14. Starting the implementation of the “Integrated Water Resources Management Action


Source: GWP-Cmr, 2010, p. 4


6.1.4 Challenges in the implementation of the IWRM

While collecting data to create the GWP reports, challenges in the implementation of the IWRM

were identified by the GWP-Cmr actors (IA3, May 2012). In the economic, financial and social

framework of the water sector, identified issues are the limited access to water and sanitation, the

low funding of the water sector and limited access to investment funds (GWP-Cmr, 2009a). This

lack of funding is due to the divergence between the budget cycle and the cycle of projects (ILM3,

April 2012). This deficiency is then intensified by the non-operational state of the trust fund, set

up to finance sustainable development projects in the water and sanitation sector (GWP-Cmr,


Along with the poor communication between institutions, another limitation identified by the

GWP-Cmr (2009b) is the inefficiency of the water sector reform in urban areas, which has

already been delaying the implementation the IWRM Strategy and Action Plan. Indeed, a real

necessity for water legislation reform is shown by lack of formal national water policies, the weak

and uncoordinated institutional framework and the shortcomings of legislative and regulatory

framework, the absence of a legal status of the river basin and water point, and the absence of

laws in some sub-sectors (GWP-Cmr, 2009b). Similarly to the adaptive strategies which have

been studied in Europe, South Africa, rural India and East Africa to minimize water scarcity and

insecurity (Wilk and Wittgren, 2009), the measures within the IWRM framework are not

intended to be undertaken as stand-alone, but are embedded in the current water regulation.

Hence the IWRM is being implemented in challenging conditions and settings, and as the GWP-

Cmr in charge of the framework has been created as neutral platform aiming to facilitate the

planning process, its power for action in relation to this concern is limited.

The reduction in stream discharge and change in hydrologic regime are also presented as national

challenges in the GWP-Cmr reports (2009d), but the city of Douala first faces an insufficient

monitoring and evaluating of water resources (IA2, June 2012). This insufficiency becomes even

more significant as the water resources in the Douala are strongly impacted by the various

physical, chemical, biological and organic contaminations caused by human activity, which stem

from an increase of waste water from households, industries and transport generally being

discharged in rivers without any treatment (ILM5, April 2012). This limitation is attributed to the

poor financing, monitoring and evaluation of the activities, the lack of human resources, and an

inappropriate organisational structure (GWP-Cmr, 2009c). In Douala, the financing factor is


argued to be the main reason for the inability to carry out hydrogeological studies (IA2, June

2012). As a result, scientific information at a local level must first be well developed enough to

be able to implement the framework’s action plan. It is very likely that IWRM strategies

implemented might be ineffective or counter-productive if this data is missing (Comprehensive

Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture, 2007 cited in Muller, 2009).

Finally, although the IWRM is internationally presented as a tool for CCA (Bates et al., 2008),

both approaches are dealt with by different Ministries. While the IWRM is managed by the

MINEE, the responsibility of implementing CCA has been given to the Ministry of

Environment and Nature Protection (MINEP). In 2012, a first draft of a vulnerability and

climate change adaptation report was established by the MINEP, of which the overall objective

was to conduct a vulnerability assessment of all agro-ecological zones of Cameroon and all

development sectors dependent on climate and proposed solutions to adapt to climate change

impacts. The eutrophication of water bodies with the development of colonies of macrophytes

has been also identified and is currently also the main concern of the Ministry of Environment

of Cameroon in Douala’s region (ILM4, June 2012). Therefore, the challenges concerned with

CCA are understood and translated as an environmental issue by Cameroonian authorities, and a

gap between the two approaches is noted.

Due to the early stage of the framework, the strategies to enhance urban poor well-being are still

unable to demonstrate how water management can be adapted at the grassroots level in urban

areas as was argued by Moser and Satterthwaite (2008). Nevertheless,

in the absence of clear methodology supported by more detailed information, it remains

difficult to determine whether the adoption of IWRM approaches has contributed to

environmental sustainability or whether it has helped or undermined the resilience of

livelihoods in the community concerned (Lenton and Muller, 2009, p. 206).

Thus, careful indicators and strategies will have to be selected to assess the framework in the



6.2 Water in the low-income communities in Douala

6.2.1 Water access, usage and costs in low-income communities

The Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation (JMP) (2010) estimated that,

in Cameroon, “92 per cent of the urban population had access to an improved water source in

2008, compared to 77 per cent in 1990” (JMP, 2010 cited in De Waal, 2010, p. 22). The IMF

(2010) estimated that 50 per cent of households had access to safe drinking water. They also

argue that the network of urban water supply built in Douala is argued to be satisfactorily

covering the agglomeration, in spite of the CED employees’ statements presented earlier.

Moreover, there is a very low rate of individual connections, estimated by the World Bank to be

25% for Douala (UN, 2010; De Waal, 2010), insufficient production capacity, and major

difficulties seem to persist. “If we define management, you must know before managing. In

Douala, there is water distribution but no water management” (IA2, June 2012).

The low-income communities experience a general lack of adequate drinking water, clearly

contrasting to the high percentages presented by the JMP (2010). Direct tap water accesses reach

only 8.8% of the interviewees’ housing (Figure 6.2; Table 6.1). From this water supply, water

might be sold to neighbouring households, representing 8.2% of the urban poor's access to

water. The low rate of tap water use by the urban poor in Douala can be explained, first, by the

lack of water pipes reaching the communities and, when reaching them, the pipes are typically

located at the edge of the settlement. Secondly, the frequent water shortages reduce the

population's willingness to connect their property to the water network. Moreover, the water

provided by tap is often coloured red due to the oxidation of the pipes that serve the city, having

strong repercussions on the perception of the community regarding the purity of the water and

often causing confusion regarding the purity of the well water. Many community members turn

therefore to boreholes (definition see Appendix 1) for drinking water, used by 28.6% of the

respondents as water supply sources. However, the limited opening times of the industrial

boreholes, the frequent water cut-off and the price of the water compel the inhabitants of the

community to heavily rely on wells. Water wells are widely built and extensively used in the

settlements, although wells are built without technical specifications and most of them provide

contaminated water from the superficial aquifer (31.9%).


Figure 6.2 Water supply sources in the three neighbourhoods (aggregated)

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609.













Well Borehole Bottled water Water streetvendor

River Rain Water Other No answer




ts (


Water supply sources


Table 6.1 Water supplies sources (per community)

Source Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

Private tap water 8.2% 12.9% 4.4%

Private neighbouring tap water 13.7% 7.5% 3.0%

Public tap water 24.8% 12.9% 0.6%

Private and public well 29.6% 31.2% 34.9%

Private and public boreholes 12.4% 26.3% 48.2%

River 0.3% 0.5% 0.0%

Rain water 7.9% 7.3% 6.4%

Water street vendor 1.6% 0.2% 0.8%

Bottle bought outside the community 0.8% 1.2% 0.8%

Other 0.0% 0.0% 0.8%

No answer 0.8% 0.0% 0.0%

Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

A supplementary factor in the use of the water wells by the community members is the access to

free water, giving them the opportunity to spend their financial assets on other necessities such

as food. Indeed, regarding water spending, the national average of the cost of water have been

identified to be 7,854 Fcfa in 2010 (GWP, 2010). In the three communities, the cost of water in

the three low-income communities represents only half the national average with an estimated

monthly average of 3,687.25 Fcfa (Table 6.2). However, access to free water in Douala is


I think water must not be free. We must research how to provide water at a lower cost, but

it cannot be free as studies are costly, transport is costly and treatment is costly, if it occurs.

Water cannot be a free resource but in people’s mind water must be free. They prefer

having a phone but not paying for water (IA2, June 2012).

Hence, not paying fees for the water consumed leads to fewer funds to be re-invested in the

water research and infrastructure, although to implement a system that would convince the

urban poor to pay fees is a challenge. Free access to water places the urban poor in the cycles

affecting the urban poor and water utilities developed by Mason (2009) (see Chapter 2 section



Nevertheless, the observations of Granjux (2008), that the non-served households pay

significantly more than households connected to the network for the failures and inadequacies

regarding extension of the drinking water system, is valid as the poor still pay more for tap water,

but the abundance of water and the numerous alternatives that community members can access

allow them to minimise its overall average cost.

Table 6.2 Average monthly water spending per family (aggregated and per community)*

Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

3,687.2 Fcfa 4,239.5 Fcfa 2,747.3 Fcfa 4,022.2 Fcfa

* No answer NA=16.3%. Nkolmintag NA=14.2%; Tractafric NA=26.6%; Newtown Airport 5 NA=7.9%. Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

Finally, these findings challenge the definition of improved water sources:

The improved drinking water source includes piped water on premises (piped household

water connection located inside the user’s dwelling, plot or yard), and other improved

drinking water sources (public taps or standpipes, tube wells or boreholes, protected dug

wells, protected springs, and rainwater collection) (World Bank, 2014).

In the low-income communities in Douala, access water through protected and unprotected

wells, of which some can be defined as improved water resources, are used. However the level of

water-related diseases presented in Chapter 5 shows that the use of some of these sources is still

not adequate. Hence, the issue with the contamination of wells in Douala is not only due to its

protection, but also its depth. As a result, this indicator used to assess the Millennium Goal

Development (MGD) does not seem to fully measure the actual percentage of people using clean

water. This supports the position of Satterthwaite (2003), who argues that some indicators

developed to assess development are based on inappropriate assumptions, as the definition of

improved water sources does not reflect the reality of the urban poor. Without revising this

definition and include the vulnerability and its related concepts, the authenticity of the statistics

presented by government and international organisations and institutions will continue to be



6.2.2 Contamination of water sources

The issue of water resource contamination in Douala is significant. Moreover, Douala has to face

particular environmental issues which differ from the other Cameroonian regions. The high

concentration of industries in the city adds to the challenge of water management. Indeed, the

Littoral region groups constitute 85% of the industrial activities of Cameroon (ILM4, June 2012).

In this context, the recent environmental legislation and institutional efforts have been

developed with a focus on industrial wastes, and the development of tools such as impact studies,

audits and environmental management plans (ILM4, June 2012). The decree which regulates,

controls and monitors industrial waste was implemented in 2005, requiring the achievement of

environmental impact studies or environmental audits within a period of three years for every

industry (ILM4, June 2012). As a result, a calendar of waste treatment actions, particularly focusing

on waste water, was agreed and implemented by many industries with the help of the MINEP

(ILM4, June 2012). Efforts have to be carried out by industries and the city to move towards an

appropriate regulation of liquid waste. However, not all industries conformed during the period

required, due to the financial burden the new regulation generated (ILM4, June 2012). Moreover,

the legislation is limited and needs to be improved. Environmental impact studies of many large

industries have indeed been performed; however, the regulation only focuses on a certain

category of firm. Thus, it neglects the smaller enterprises, such as garages, which are not part of a

regulated category and are free to discharge wastes, such as waste oil, in the gutters and drains.

These small enterprises are still not included in the decree and strongly contaminate the

surrounding watersheds, drains and rivers of the city (ILM4, June 2012).

Household waste water is also pointed out as a major source of contamination. “Regarding water

contamination, we also observe a large contamination from the households” (ILM4, June 2012).

Associated with the expansion of Douala’s urbanised area, this source is argued to cause a

contamination due to their high volumes and lack of channel system (IA2, June 2012). Indeed, the

sewage system is not suitable in relation to the size of the city, as shown by the recurrence of

cholera epidemics that the city regularly experiences. It is composed of two “types” of public

sanitation. The former network of the city centre was originally composed of 5 km of pipes and

is discharging through a single outlet in the Wouri, supported later by networks built by the

Mission of Equipment Planning and Equipment of Urban and Rural Lands (MAETUR) and the

Cameroon Real Estate Corporation (SIC) (MINEE, 2011, p. 17). Since their creation, the

sanitation networks have undergone major restructuring with additional new concrete pipes of


wider diameters (ibid). However, the network is still subjected to permeability problems

generating a poor effluent collection and problems of excessive dilution by runoffs, due to the

lack of buffers (ibid). In addition, obstructions are also experienced because of the low flow

velocity, the presence of bulk solid waste and lack of maintenance (ibid). Overall, this network

was qualified as “largely non-functional” by the MINEE. As a result, the majority of the

population rely on traditional latrines with stabs, unimproved latrines or, in some cases, a septic

tank, contaminating the groundwater resources used by the low-income communities, as seen in

5.3.3 (ILM4, June 2012).

Closely linked to the issue of contamination explained in the previous paragraphs, water

management in Douala is also challenged by the existing link between the different water sources.

Indeed, the alluvial groundwater is very close to the surface and is directly connected to the

water of the rivers (IA1, March 2012). Thus, if any of these resources are polluted, the whole

water network is very likely to be contaminated. This phenomenon has already occurred and,

nowadays, “to have drinking water in Douala, you must dig at least 65 meters” (IM4, May 2012).

Indeed, when mixed into the surface water, where liquid wastes are discharged, the city’s

groundwater has become inappropriate for human consumption (IM4, May 2012).

Finally, the flooding identified in Chapter 5 exacerbates the contamination of groundwater.

During the floods, the infiltration of waste water into clean water is intensified, contaminating

the natural resources (IA1, March 2012). When water rain penetrates the soil, it carries and

spreads further polluting agents to water accesses such as wells, boreholes and rivers already

threatened by the lack of sewage system, the high density of population of the poor areas and the

short distance between latrines and wells. As seen in 5.3.3, flood water is also used to discharge

water waste by community members, increasing the concentration of contaminating agents into

the environment (fieldwork notes, 2012).

Superficially, Douala appears to be a city blessed with abundant water resources. Benefiting from

vast surface water and groundwater resource, and a coastal location, the city’s communities have

a large choice of water supplies for the different needs of its population. However, a substantive

of these resources are heavily contaminated, reducing, quite significantly, the range of

possibilities for drinking water supply. In fact, in spite of the apparent abundance of water and

the efforts of the water company to supply water to the majority of people, Douala’s urban poor

have a limited choice clean water accesses. “I call Douala a humid desert. We are surrounded by


water but we are in a desert: the paradox of one of the rainiest cities in the world where 70 % of

the population do not have access to drinking water and where cholera epidemics occur at all

time” (IA2, June 2012). Thus, the contamination of the water wells increases the urban poor’s

exposure to health risk, as well as their vulnerability to water-related diseases exacerbated by the

flooding occurring in these areas. Whilst their adaptive capacity due to the abundance of

groundwater is leading to diverse strategies to face water scarcity and minimise the cost of water;

it increases their vulnerability in parallel.

6.3 Institutional water-related strategies in low-income communities

6.3.1 Institutional strategies identified by members of the communities

To face water-related issues in low-income communities, surveys were able to identify several

institutions and organisations. Among these, the most common institution working in the low-

income areas is the Ministry of Health (MINSANTE). Table 6.3 also reveals that the community

leader can play an important role in addressing these problems. For instance, in Newtown

Airport 5, 12.6 % of the respondents have identified the community leader as being a support

for the community. However, such percentages are not found in the two other communities.

The presence in the three communities of the CUD and City-Hall can also be observed, as well

as NGOs, but the percentages of respondents identifying these institutions and organisations do

not exceed 7 % in each case.

The focuses of the projects undertaken outside the DRM and IWRM frameworks implemented

in the low-income communities by the institutions and organisations identified previously are

described in Table 6.4. Table 6.5 presents the focuses of the projects. Among these projects’

target areas, 60.9% are aiming to improve health. The next highest percentage is 7.3%, for

projects aiming to improve sanitation. These strategies are implemented by three main but

different institutions: MINSANTE is involved in vaccines campaigns, mosquito nets, and well

disinfection, and the local institutions, and the CUD and the city hall, who are involved in

dredging drains and well disinfection.


Table 6.3 Institutions working in the communities identified by surveys (aggregated and

per community)

Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

MINSANTE 53.9% 31.6% 55.3% 53.9%

CUD 7.6% 7.0% 6.4% 3.9%

City hall 3.1% 3.2% 2.3% 1.5%

Community Leader 4.8% 0.2% 2.3% 12.6%

MINTRANS 0.3% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0%

Fire Brigade 0.3% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0%

ONG 2.4% 0.7% 5.0% 1.0%

None 9.7% 4.6% 7.3% 14.6%

Local Organisation 1.3% 1.7% 0.9% 0.0%

MINEP 0.3% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0%

No answer 16.4% 49.5% 20.6% 12.6%

Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

Table 6.4 Focuses of projects identified by surveys (aggregated and per community)

Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

Health 60.9% 60.9% 56.5% 66.4% Water source and supply 5.6% 6.6% 5.3% 4.8%

Sanitation 7.3% 6.2% 11.0% 4.0%

Other 1.6% 3.1% 1.0% 0.8%

No answer 24.6% 23.3% 26.2% 24.0%

Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

Table 6.5 Details of the focuses of projects in the three communities (aggregated)

Health Water source and supply Sanitation

MILDA, vaccines campaigns,

hygiene awareness campaigns,

house disinfection, free cholera


Water awareness campaign,

well digging, well

disinfection, water


Drain digging, latrines

disinfection, sanitation

awareness campaign

collection of solid waste

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012.


The predominance of the MINSANTE in the surveys is due to the MILDA project: the

distribution of mosquito nets to fight against malaria epidemics in the communities (fieldwork

notes, 2012). The vast popularity it enjoys is due to the recent achievement of the Long-Lasting

Impregnated Mosquito Nets (LLIMN) project carried out in 2011, along with the regular

campaigns of vaccinations and cholera awareness carried out in the sub-districts. For the former

purpose, the country received a financial support from the Global Fund and the European

Union for the distribution of Long-Lasting Impregnated Mosquito Nets (LLINs) in order to

increase the use of LLINs by the entire population, particularly among children under five years

and pregnant women. Despite initial difficulties facing corruption, the re-selling of mosquito nets

or distribution discrimination, the LLINS project was successfully carried out and most of the

inhabitants of the poor neighbourhoods had access to mosquito nets (fieldwork notes, 2012).

The second institutional measure encountered in the communities was identified as being

conducted by the district city hall and Douala Urban Council and consists of dredging drains and

the disinfection of wells. However, these actions were seen as very irregular and the disinfection

of wells was mostly carried out when a cholera epidemic had occurred.

The transect walks also demonstrated that the three communities benefit from other projects

from different organisations. In Tractafric, transects walks showed development agencies are

involved in the settlement. For example, public latrines and water access projects were carried

out by the European Union and the French Agency for Development. Nevertheless, the

structures built by these organisations were abandoned following the breakage of water pumps

and the filling of latrines (fieldwork notes, 2012). In Newtown Airport 5, the community does

not seem to currently receive extra support from institutions apart from the MINSANTE’s

projects. Finally, Nkolmintag is currently the pilot area for the Urban and Water Development

Support Project (UWDSP), a governmental project in partnership with the World Bank that

follows a bottom up approach supported by the IWRM. This project is considered as a first step

towards an integrated water resources management system. “The development objective of the

Urban and Water Development Support Project for Cameroon is to increase access for the

urban population, particularly those living in low-income settlements, to basic infrastructure and

services, including water” (World Bank, 2012b).

Applying a community based approach, this project has the objective of facilitating those living

in low-income settlements to access basic infrastructure and services, including water supply.


Therefore, the inhabitants of this pilot area are currently collaborating with the city hall and the

urban council to identify and work on improvements to their settlements.

These findings show the importance of the local government and the community leader in the

implementation of projects in urban poor communities, and their importance to strengthening

their capacities for IWRM and DRM.

Pro-poor local governments can support low-income groups to obtain safe, legal land sites

for housing, can improve access to justice for poorer groups, and can ensure that

marginalised and disadvantaged groups are able to access and influence local political and

bureaucratic systems – all of which have important implications for improving the

resilience of the urban poor. They can also embrace a more systematic consideration of

whose voices should be heard, and how different opinions should be included in the

process of governance (Dodman and Satterthwaite, 2008, p. 70).

Moreover, effective urban authorities and other local institutions have been shown to be key to

providing the context in which individuals, households and communities are able to make their

own adaptations to a variety of issues, including socioeconomic risks, disaster risks and climate

change risks (ibid). In Douala, although local institutional actors in the city hall were trained by

NGOs or national GWP on IWRM, the community leaders are not involved in these processes.

A lack of financial, human and physical capacities prevent their actions from being regularly

carried out, resulting in difficult conditions in which to implement the future IWRM Action


6.3.2 Institutional projects and climate change responses

When relating the projects to the IWRM and DRM frameworks and the definition of adaptation

strategies explained in 2.3, analysis of the fieldwork data shows that most of the measures are

anticipatory, and most of them impact on water-related epidemics (Table 6.6). On the other hand,

when considering these strategies in the context of the DRM approach, drain construction and

maintenance, MILDA, vaccines campaigns, infrastructures construction and awareness

campaigns can be considered as “pre-disaster” actions, with the free cholera treatment and the

diverse disinfections as “during disasters” measures. “Post-disaster” classification, however,

remains ambiguous. Indeed, some pre-disaster projects, such as MILDA, are implemented to


prevent malaria epidemics, but can also be associated with reactive and post-disasters projects as

they also represent responses to existing risks. However, these projects are officially presented as

preventive measures in the city of Douala and are, therefore, appointed here as anticipatory and

pre-disaster measures.

Among the three factors noted by Biesbroek et al. (2009) that strengthen the adaptation-

mitigation dichotomy in the low income communities – differences in time, space, and the

stakeholders involved – differences between the planned strategies in time and stakeholders are

encountered. Nonetheless, in spite of the ambiguity explained earlier around the post-disaster

response, a correlation can be made between anticipatory strategies and pre-disaster strategies, as

well as reactive and during-disaster strategies. Additionally, the reciprocal influence on the

effectiveness of their outcomes shows that the strategies are linked. The close linkage between

water resources, water flooding and water-related diseases strengthens this argument. Integration

of these actions in a linked DRM and IWRM appear, therefore, possible and necessary, and

enhanced coordination between the actions would enable reaching improved effectiveness in

these particular urban settlements facing climate change impacts. For instance, the coordination

of the improvement of drainage and building water wells would also improve water access and

help to reduce socio-natural and biological hazards. In this context, the local institutional

responses would need to be associated with national actions and reinforce the participation

approach promoted by both DRM and IWRM frameworks.

Overall, only 8.2% of the community members took part or are aware of their participation in

water-related projects, programmes campaigns or measures implemented in the neighbourhoods

(Table 6.7). This low percentage also illustrates that their participation in water-related projects is

not clear and the strategies should be further designed to improve the implementation of

community bottom-up approach.


Table 6.6 Planned adaptation strategies in the three communities

Planned strategy Reactive or anticipatory

Pre-, during and post-disaster response

Reactive Anticipatory Pre- During Post-



Vaccines campaigns X X

Hygiene awareness campaigns X X

House disinfection X X

Water sources and supply

Water awareness campaign X X

Well and borehole

construction X X x

Well disinfection X X

Water supply disinfection X X


Drain construction X X

Drain maintenance X X

Latrines disinfection X X

Sanitation awareness X X

Source: Author interpretation from the analysis of fieldwork data, 2013.

Table 6.7 Community members’ awareness of water projects, campaigns or measures

(aggregated and per community)

Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

Yes 8.2% 8.3% 10.3% 5.9%

No 81.8% 84.8% 81.8% 78.7%

No answer 10.0% 6.9% 7.9% 15.4%

Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

6.4 Conclusion

The discussion in this chapter highlights some of the key issues to be considered for climate

change adaptation in the water sector within the low-income settlements. The discussions on the

vulnerabilities induced by development of the water sector in the three low-income communities


emphasise the significance of considering the alternative water access strategies of the urban

poor. Indeed, water legislation in Cameroon is based on the law of 1998 which is still applied

today. However, there is a lack of a specific body of laws regarding the regulation of liquid waste

in the application and implementation of the water policies. Added to difficulties in water

management due to the modifications generated by previous water policy reforms, there are also

challenges in the expansion and improvement of water distribution and addressing the poor and

insufficient network state of the sanitation system. Moreover, the alternative water sources are

strongly contaminated and flooding exacerbates the issue of water access in the poor settlements.

In this context, the IWRM framework is being implemented through the Ministry of Water and

Energy, and is based on existing national water policies. Currently undertaking the third phase of

its implementation and consisting of preparing an IWRM national action plan, the framework

has been spread among the city’s water actors. Nevertheless, its implementation faces additional

challenges to those already in existence and no action plan has yet been implemented.

However, projects and programmes exist to face the water-related issues in these areas, and

could be considered as part or precursors of recognised mitigation and/or adaptation actions.

The integration of those projects into a linked DRM and IWRM framework could benefit the

actions by generating additional funding, collaboration and coordination from the different water

actors of the city. Nevertheless, in spite of the projects and programmes, the low-income

communities have been shown to continue to experience the impacts of water-related disasters

and water access issues, which are most likely to intensify due to climate change.

In this context, vulnerabilities evaluated through the water accesses used and the cost of water

reveal the urban poor’s dependency on groundwater resources. As a result of a lack of formal

water supplies, the urban poor do not benefit from regular and adequate water access supplied

by the national water company and alternative water supplies are used. Indeed, in the low-

income communities, direct tap water access only reaches a few per cent of the interviewees’

properties and water is often re-sold to the neighbouring household. Thus, inhabitants of the

community strongly rely on wells and industrial boreholes, minimising the cost of water, but that

are often heavily contaminated.

The issue of water access must be addressed in parallel with water-related hazards. By focusing

on only one phenomenon, responses to water issues have had a limited efficiency and no


sustainability. The close link between the different water-related issues shows the necessity of

developing an integrated approach to water management, including both mitigation and

adaptation measures. The need to limit the adverse impacts of hazards and related disasters

cannot be addressed over the long term unless all factors are considered. This includes the

consideration of water access and flooding to eradicate water-related epidemics, while flooding

and epidemics must also be considered to address access to clean water.


Chapter 7: Autonomous adaptation strategies to climate change

Chapter 7 discusses the implementation of water-related autonomous adaptation strategies in the

three low-income communities of Douala and explore the relationships between DRM and

IWRM institutional frameworks, and their link to autonomous strategies of the urban poor. First,

it looks at the way these communities access water for drinking and for other daily activities. It

then describes the communities’ strategies for coping and adapting with flooding, providing an

analysis of the benefits and limitations of autonomous adaptation strategies. In section 7.2, the

difference between coping, adaptive, reactive and anticipatory, and the effectiveness of the urban

poor strategies, is discussed. Further analysis of the water-related issues faced by the urban poor

demonstrates that the autonomous and planned actions have a strong influence on each other.

While the role of national and local governments in the adaptation processes has been widely

discussed in the literature, existing efforts to evaluate adaptation seem to emphasise programmes

and activities by international organisations and national governments (Malik et al., 2010).

Moreover, they often do not address medium- and long-term policies for providing an enabling

environment and not enough attention is given to autonomous adaptation and the supportive,

facilitating role of government in the process (ibid). As a consequence of this focus, little is

known about the water-related autonomous adaptation strategies implemented by urban

populations in poor settlements. Greater understanding of these autonomous strategies could

contribute to the implementation of both DRM and IWRM frameworks. This knowledge could

support the establishment of adaptation priorities, including explicit explanation of the difference

between planned and autonomous adaptation, as well as the creation of appropriate policy

instruments for addressing the different types of adaptation challenges.

7.1 Adaptation strategies of the urban poor

Previously, Figure 6.2 showed that wells play an important role in the provision of water. They

are often the result of traditional knowledge brought from rural areas of “digging until you reach

water” (Community member, fieldwork notes, April 2012). Community members build wells

widely due to the lack of a formal water network that reaches the communities, the abundance of

groundwater resources, and the authorities’ tolerance towards these structures and their

insufficient resources to supervise and control their construction (ILG1, March 2012). Overall,


23.6% of households in all three communities benefit from a well built on their property, usually

shared with the neighbouring households (fieldwork survey, 2012)6.

Nonetheless, strong differences appeared between the communities regarding the public, private

tap water and boreholes (Table 6.1). This difference is also found in the rate of well ownership

between the three neighbourhoods. Nkolmintag has the lowest rate of well owners, 13.7%, with

19.8% and 37.4% in Tractafric and Newtown Airport 5 respectively (fieldwork survey, 2012). In

part, this difference is explained by the presence of a formal water system reaching the

communities, and is also illustrated in the different percentages of private and public tap water

used. The communities’ members are forced to rely more on wells and boreholes when not

benefiting from the formal supply (fieldwork notes, 2012). For instance, in Nkolmintag, public

tap water is set up in the communities’ public spaces. The action of local authorities also impacts

on this use. Indeed, local authorities regularly seal some of these wells, occurring predominantly

when water-related diseases epidemics spread (fieldwork notes, 2012). On the contrary,

Newtown Airport 5, which is also located in a high risk flooding area, has the widest rate of wells

due to the confused legal status of this area which prevented actions of the local authorities in

the neighbourhood, and the lack of main pipelines reaching the community.

When analysing the different supply sources, a strong difference between drinking water and

water used for daily activities is observed. While water from wells and rainwater are widely used

for baths and showers, toilets and washing clothes, 94.8% of the urban poor’s drinking water is

from boreholes and taps (Table 7.1). This is clearly visible in the correspondence analysis7 based

on data from the overall respondents. In Figure 7.1, the red diamonds represent households

activities that require water (drinking, cooking, washing clothes, bath, toilets, cleaning, and dish

washing), and the blue dots correspond to the different sources of water supply (private tap

water, public tap water, wells, bottled water, street water vendor, tap water from neighbour, river,

rain water, and boreholes). By measuring the distance between the red diamonds and the blue

dots, it is possible to determine what source of water is predominantly used for what type of

activity. The closer a dot is located to a diamond, the likelihood of that particular water supply

6 Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202. No answer NA=6.1%; Nkolmintag NA=7.4%; Tractafric NA=7.9%; Newtown Airport 5 NA=3.0%. 7 Correspondence analysis is a statistical technique for visualising the associations between the levels of a two-way contingency table that provides a graphical representation of cross tabulations (Yelland, 2010 359). In this study, the cross tabulations are between uses of water and source water supply in the three neighborhoods and for each community.


being used for the specific activity increases. For example, communities’ members tend to mostly

use tap water and water from borehole for cooking and drinking, while water for showers,

washing clothes, dish washing, toilets and general cleaning mainly comes from wells and

rainwater. Drinking water and cooking water are predominantly provided by public and private

tap water (directly accessed in the house or from a neighbouring house).

A comparison between the correspondence analyses of water-related activities and water supply

for all three communities shows a similar pattern for the use of different water supplies sources

(see Figure A7.1; Figure A7.2 and Figure A7.3 in Appendix 7). In Nkolmintag, the diamonds

representing washing clothes, bath, shower, toilets, cleaning, and dish washing are positioned

close to the dots representing wells and rainwater, meaning that these supplies are favoured to

carry out these particular activities. The drinking water diamond is positioned close to boreholes

and street water vendor dots, and cooking diamond is located close to water coming from tap

dot. This means that drinking water mainly comes from boreholes and street water vendors in

this community. In Tractafric, the same configuration is observed, except for bottled water

which is more used as a supply for drinking water. Finally, in Newtown Airport 5, drinking water

also comes predominately from tap and boreholes. It can be noticed that, across these three

cases, river water is rarely used.

The practice of shifting sources depending on water use reveals the communities’ awareness of

the contamination issues. Several factors have an influence on this awareness. First, public

information campaigns carried out by the authorities have increased understanding of the

adverse health effects of using unsafe water, and on the households’ choice of improved water

sources in Cameroon, although little research has been carried out on the impact of these

awareness campaigns (Totouom Fotuè, 2013). Secondly, local knowledge also plays a significant

role. A lack of trust in the water quality of wells is noted. The interviews revealed that this water

is often malodorous and discoloured and people have more confidence in tap water, although it

may also be discoloured due to oxidation of the water pipes as explained in 6.2.1. This is

reinforced by the impact of school education in the low-income communities: “we learnt at

school that water has to be clear and odourless” (Community member, fieldwork notes, June

2012). In this sense, formal and informal education plays a key role in the choice of the water

resource (PIDE, 2010; Totouom Fotuè, 2013).


Figure 7.1 Correspondence analysis of households activities and water sources


* The axes are interpreted by way of the contribution that each element makes towards the total inertia accounted for by the axis (Bendixen, 2003). It is reasonably clear from the loading of the statements that the horizontal axis represents the clear difference made between the community members between water for everyday activities and to cook and drink. The vertical axis can be associated with the representation of the “formal and informal” water sources. Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.


Table 7.1 Cross tabulation between households activities and water sources (aggregated)

Drinking Cooking Washing clothes


Shower Toilets Cleaning Dish Washing Total

Private tap water 10.1% 9.0% 7.1% 7.9% 7.9% 7.2% 7.4% 8.1%

Public tap water 21.1% 17.5% 8.7% 9.9% 9.5% 8.6% 9.0% 12.0%

Well 1.7% 33.3% 53.5% 51.1% 53.1% 54.6% 54.6% 43.1%

Bottled Water 1.3% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.2% 0.0% 0.3%

Street water seller 1.3% 0.3% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.4%

Neighbour tap water 13.0% 8.4% 5.0% 5.7% 4.2% 4.0% 4.1% 6.3%

River 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.1%

Rainwater 0.6% 5.7% 10.4% 9.1% 9.4% 9.9% 9.6% 7.8%

Boreholes 50.6% 25.3% 14.8% 15.9% 15.4% 14.9% 15.1% 21.7%

Other 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2%

Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Source: Fieldwork Survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. No answer NA=0.49%.


7.1.1 Autonomous strategies concerned with water quality and quantity

When using water from wells and from taps, various forms of water treatment are employed to

minimise health risks. Amongst these, the most common is disinfection through chlorination,

used by 25.1% of the respondents (Figure 7.2). This strategy appears to have been adopted by

poor households after it was introduced by national and local authorities during cholera

epidemics. However, the effectiveness of chlorination techniques is debated, and it is still not

known if chlorination should be done once, or if it should be daily or continuous (Thompson et

al., 2003; Rowe et al., 1998; Hellard et al., 2002). In Douala, similar issues are encountered in

spite of the majority of communities’ members carrying out this type of purification.

Filtration is the second most popular method, used by 14.2% of the communities’ inhabitants.

This practice is effective for improving water quality and reducing diarrheal diseases, not only in

Douala but also in other developing countries. However, the controlled intervention studies that

document such positive impacts typically last only for a period of months and do not address

critical issues of long-term sustainability and continued technology performance in homes and

communities (Sobsey et al., 2008).

Figure 7.2 Methods of water purification used aggregated and per community*

* No answer NA=9.0%. Nkolmintag NA=15.6%; Tractafric NA=6.4% ; Newtown Airport 5 NA=5.3%. Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.








Filtration Boiling Disinfection None Other




ts (


Water purification process

Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5


A significant difference is also observed in the techniques and the price of the filtration process

in the same community. We were able to establish that filters vary in price and quality. Artisanal

filters, consisting of two buckets separated by one to three layers of plaster, are sold for between

5,000 and 25,000 Fcfa. A manufactured filter costs from 5,000 to 10,000 Fcfa, but must be

changed regularly. The wide range and varied cost of the different filtration methods explains

why, in the same community, many techniques are carried out in the same household. In

Newtown Airport 5, a purification strategy is also undertaken at the household level by filtering

water through a simple piece of cotton, although this technique is not effective enough to

minimise bacteria contamination. At the community level, groundwater from private boreholes is

transported through small pipes and is freely distributed or sold to the community members

through taps with manufactured filters (Image 7.1).

Image 7.1 Public borehole filter in Newtown Airport 5

Source: Author, 2012

While filtration is applied equally to all water sources, water coming from wells and boreholes is

overall treated more thorough chlorination (Table 7.2). However, a total of 48.2% of the

inhabitants of the three communities do not treat water, indicating that many households do not

treat water at all, even when water comes from resources at great risk of contamination. Overall,

13.6%, 28.9% and 26.8% do not take actions when using public tap water, water wells and

boreholes, respectively. The main reason for this high percentage relates to the high cost of


disinfection products and manufactured filters (Community member, fieldwork notes, June

2012). Nevertheless, the decision to not treat publicly distributed water resources is not only

caused by the communities’ members lack of economic capital, the lack of treatment is also due

to the refusal of well and borehole owners to purify water (Community member, fieldwork notes,

June 2012). As other members of the community give the water supplies to poor households, the

providers do not agree to take upon the full cost of the water treatment as they are not the only

users and water is distributed for free. In Nkolmintag, the lower percentage of community

members treating their water supplies is also due to the actions of the local authorities. Indeed,

local government regularly carried chlorination out during the recent cholera epidemics, leading

the community members to consider supplementary actions as unnecessary.

Table 7.2 Water treatment and sources (aggregated)*

Filtration Chlorination None Other

Private direct tap water 5.3% 3.9% 8.0% 0.2%

Public tap water (fountain) 2.5% 6.1% 13.6% 1.0%

Well 7.1% 20.2% 28.9% 0.5%

Water street vendor 0.0% 0.3% 1.1% 0.0%

Private neighbouring tap water 3.3% 3.6% 6.6% 0.2%

Rain water 2.3% 4.3% 6.7% 0.3%

Boreholes 6.4% 18.2% 26.8% 0.5%

* No answer NA=9.0%. Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

When comparing the three communities, it appears that in Nkolmintag, the different water

sources undergo the least treatment, while in Tractafric, there is equal distribution of community

members who carry out chlorination as those who do not administer purification of public tap

water, water wells and boreholes (see Table A8.1, Table A8.2 and Table A8.3 in Appendix 8). In

Newtown Airport 5, while households tend to chlorinate water wells, they mainly do not treat

water when coming from boreholes. This non-purification of borehole water is due to the

organisation of the small water businesses, where the responsibility of providing clean water is

appointed to the water vendor and not to the customer (fieldwork notes, 2012).

Overall, at a household level, the water purification strategies applied to overcome water quality

issues have a short-term impact and need to be renewed frequently. Moreover, they can lose

effectiveness by being an imperfect replica of the strategies implemented by institutions due


community members’ unwillingness and lack of financial resources. Prices, in fact, depend on the

quality and quantity of chloric powder sold, varying from 100 FCfa for 15 to 25 grams for a

manufactured product, and from 25 to 1,000 FCfa for half a kilogramme for artisanal product.

Chloric water costs 1,200 Fcfa for a litre but is sold with an average quantity of 200 millilitres per

bag. Thus, even if disinfection and filtration are promoted as efficient strategies, and the regular

awareness campaigns have the desired impact on local knowledge, there are still significant

limitations in them as methods regarding their level of effectiveness at a community and

household level that prevent them being regularly undertaken.

Another problem with water, apart from its quality, is the irregularity of its availability. Indeed,

we found that the three low-income communities face water shortages, or partial water scarcity,

on an almost daily basis. This relates to the daily drying of wells, shortage of tap water, electricity

cuts and closure hours of the industrial boreholes (fieldwork notes, 2012). To avoid a complete

lack of water, households have provision strategies (Table 7.3): reducing the water quantity used

for one or all domestic activities, buying small quantities of water for drinking, and shifting to

free or non-free water supplies. Waiting for the end of the tap water cut or well dryness, driven

by the local knowledge of groundwater abundance, is also a widespread short-term practice.

Among these strategies, the reduction of water quantity for different domestic activities, buying

water bags and water bottled outside the neighbourhood also appear to be short-term strategies.

Changing water provider implies both a short-term and long-term vision at a household level,

depending on the type of the water sources used. Indeed, the abundance of groundwater

resources generates an extensive choice for the selection of water suppliers with very different

prices, and shifting from one well to another when a well dries up is a common practice

undertaken to carry out domestic activities in Nklomintag and Tractafric. With a similar shorter

term implication, moving water provider for drinking water supplies occurs when industrial

boreholes or tap water become unavailable. In this case, poor households turn to water well, or

buy water bags and water bottled outside the neighbourhood. However, in Newtown Airport 5,

shifting water provider has a longer term implication for community members. To overcome

water scarcity, Newtown Airport 5 community members created small water businesses similar

to the national system of water distribution, transforming private boreholes into a major source

of income. One household builds the structure in its backyard, and then connects the

neighbouring houses to the borehole. The neighbours then pay a subscription fee to the provider,

who installs water meters, thereby considerably increasing the providers’ financial resources.


Competition between the different providers brings down water costs for individual consumers

and minimises the risk of water shortages as they occur only during electricity cuts. Hence,

changing water provider in this community implies a longer process than that which occurs in

the other communities, as it implies new agreements between the client and the old and new

provider, as well as infrastructure modifications.

Table 7.3 Strategies to face water scarcity (aggregated and per community)

Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

Reducing the water quantity used for one or all domestic activities

Do not wash clothes 2.8% 4.4% 1.9% 1.7%

Do not wash dishes 1.3% 1.4% 0.7% 1.7%

Reduce water use 12.8% 8.8% 20.7% 8.6%

No house cleaning 1.1% 2.0% 1.1% 0.0%

Shifting to free or non-free water supply

Buy water in neighbourhood 5.6% 4.8% 9.3% 2.6%

Change of wells 6.8% 8.1% 8.5% 3.0%

Change of water vendor 13.3% 14.6% 5.9% 20.2%

Use water provided by

agencies 1.3% 0.3% 2.6% 0.9%

Buying small quantities of water for drinking

Buy bottled water 5.0% 4.4% 6.3% 4.3%

Buy water bags 10.2% 11.9% 6.3% 12.5%


Wait 20.8% 19.7% 19.6% 23.6%

Change use of water 1.8% 2.4% 2.2% 0.4%

No answer 17.2% 17.2% 14.9% 20.5%

Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

In parallel to the previous strategies, water storage is also widely undertaken to face water

scarcity issues. Because of the difficulties in accessing a constant water supply inside the housing,

water is collected and kept for a certain length of time in and outside the shelter. Amongst the

interviewees, 82.4% store water (Figure 7.3), predominantly in closed barrels and buckets (open

or closed). The large number of closed receptacles (76.5%) supports the previous argument that


most householders in these communities are aware of the risk of contamination of water and

transmission routes (Figure 7.4) (see sections 7.1.1).

Figure 7.3 Percentage of households storing water (aggregated and per community)*

* No answer NA=3.5%. Nkolmintag NA=4.9%; Tractafric NA=2.5%; Newtown Airport 5 NA=3.0%. Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

Figure 7.4 Type of water containers to store water (aggregated and per community)*

* No answer NA=3.5%. Nkolmintag NA=4.9%; Tractafric NA=2.5%; Newtown Airport 5 NA=3.0%. Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport N=202.












Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5




ts (



Storing No Storing No Answer












Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric NewtownAirport 5




ts (




Open bucket

Open barrel

Closed barrel

Water bowser

Closed bucket




Overall, 60.6% of the inhabitants keep stored water for one to two days. In general, it is not

stored for more than a week, avoiding stagnation and the spread of water-related diseases (Table

7.4). The percentage of households storing water and percentages of water containers used are

similar in the three communities. However, the length of storage varies. In Nkolmintag, a higher

percentage of households keep water for 1 to 2 days. This difference can be explained by the fact

that this settlement is the only of the three of benefiting from a public water fountain in addition

to being surrounded by industries distributing groundwater resources.

Table 7.4 Length of time of water storage per household (aggregated and per


Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown Airport 5

1 to 2 days 60.6% 70.6% 58.4% 52.8%

2 to 3 days 14.5% 14.7% 10.1% 18.6%

3 to 6 days 12.1% 4.9% 20.2% 11.2%

1 week 5.7% 3.1% 7.3% 6.8%

2 weeks 1.6% 1.2% 1.7% 1.9%

More than 2 weeks 0.4% 0.0% 1.1% 0.0%

No answer 5.1% 5.5% 1.1% 8.7%

Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

Water storage is therefore the most widely used strategy by the three communities, and the

variety of water sources allows the households to store water for periods of up to a week and no

more. In addition, the disinfecting and filtering of stored water minimises the development of

epidemic water-related diseases at a household level. As a result, the high rate of water-related

diseases noted in Chapter 5 is not simply due to the practice and daily activities of the people

who live in the communities. Other factors play a key role in their diffusion. For example,

cholera is epidemic and mitigated through improved sanitation and, in some cases, water

treatment, while endemic disease and vector-based such as malaria are primarily mitigated

through improved drainage. Nevertheless, water storage is a controversial practice. Although

allowing the poor to face water scarcity, this strategy is argued to add considerably to the burden

of accessing water in low-income settlements (WaterAid, 2011). The high and recurrent levels of

water-related diseases in the poor areas of Douala would tend to also consider this practice as an

additional factor for the spreading of those diseases. Indeed, keeping water stored in containers


not sufficiently protected and sterilised increases the risk of the development of biological

hazards (Mintz et al., 1995).

In the three low-income communities, applying two or more strategies in parallel is common.

From Figure 7.5, it can be noted that households using water wells and boreholes tend to use

other water sources too. These same households also tend to store water and to treat it. They

also tend to change water provider in periods where water is unattainable, or wait for the

resource to be available again. When comparing the three communities a similar pattern is

observed, varying depending on the predominant supply used (see Figure A9.1, Figure A9.2 and

Figure A9.3 in Appendix 9).

Finally, the very low percentage of interviewees (1.0%) who consider water to be less available

when a source supplier is cut off, shows the efficiency of the strategies implemented to face

water scarcity (fieldwork survey, 2012). Moreover, similarly to the study of Kjellen and

McGranahan (2006), many poor households decide on a daily basis, which sources to use,

depending on how much time and money is available in the household, and on where water is

available. However, in contradiction to their study, in Douala, the poor are choosing between

accessing free or healthier sources. The issue of total water scarcity is almost non-existent,

although water shortage still represents a supplementary burden for the households due to the

contamination or price of the alternative water supplies.


Figure 7.5 Autonomous strategies depending on the water sources used (aggregated)

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.












ts (


Autonomous strategy

Private tap water

Public tap water


Water StreetVendor

Tap water fromneighbour

Rain Water



7.1.2 Autonomous strategies concerned with flooding

In relation to flooding, households within the three communities implement strategies to

minimise the impacts of floods (Table 7.5). For the purpose of this research, these are divided

into measures taken pre-, during- and post- flooding, although the classification by the

community members is often blurred. Amongst the during-flooding strategies, the main action

taken is placing household goods at a height above water (including furniture) (22.8%). In the

pre-disaster strategies, the construction of low walls around houses, digging individual drains or

gutters, and raising the height of the house by adding layer of sands or soil to raise the ground of

the house are also popular (35.3%). During flooding, household members may move temporarily,

although it is not often possible (3.2%), and place goods at a height. This latest strategy is

popular and undertaken by 19.6% of the interviewees. However, 3.2% of respondents have also

developed this strategy further and implemented a lifting system where the households’ goods

are lifted with ropes, showing the habituation of the community members to such events. The

post-disaster measures mainly consist of replacing the household goods (36.7%). The use of

several strategies to face flooding is also widely encountered in the three low-income

communities, based on the pre, during and post-disaster strategies classification.

In Image 7.2, it is possible to observe the wall around the house in concrete, built to protect the

housing from flooding. Image 7.3 shows household members in front of their housing. It is

possible to observe that the house is raised with soil. In Image 7.4 and Image 7.5, different types

of drains are presented. Image 7.4 shows a drain located in front of the house to discharge water

flooding and stop it to reach the housing. Built in concrete, it allows for better protection against

floodwater than the drain presented in Image 7.5, which is hand dug and often of poor efficiency

during flooding, and is also used to discharge waste water from the housing.

The fact that only 2.0% of the population rebuild their house exactly as it was before and that

few individuals move out show that the urban poor adapt to the water-related hazards. Although

the difference between the strategy axes of the DRM is blurred, by modifying and reinforcing

their housing to reduce the consequences of the recurrent flooding on their goods, they also

reduce their water-related vulnerability.


Table 7.5 Autonomous strategies related to flooding (aggregated and per community)*

Strategy Overall Nkolmintag Tractafric Newtown

Airport 5


Raise height of house and building of

gutter and low walls around of the


35.3% 28.5% 32.9% 44.9%

During disasters

Place households goods at a height 19.6% 24.6% 4.6% 19.8%

Lifting household items with rope 3.2% 4.2% 4.6% 1.5%

Move out temporarily 3.2% 3.9% 4.6% 1.9%


Rebuild as it was before 2.0% 3.1% 3.4% 0.0%

Replacing housing goods 36.70% 35.70% 49.90% 31.90%

* No answer NA=17.0%. Nkolmintag NA=15.7%; Tractafric NA=23.5%; Newtown Airport 5 NA=14.9%. Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys N=609. Nkolmintag N=204, Tractafric N=203; Newtown Airport 5 N=202.

Image 7.2 Low wall in Tractafric

Source: Author, 2012.

Image 7.3 Household members in front

of their raised house in Nkolmintag

Source: Author, 2012


Image 7.4 Individual drain in Newtown

Airport 5

Source: Author, 2012.

Image 7.5 Handmade street drain in


Source: Author, 2012

Similar strategies have already been identified in other urban poor communities in Lagos,

Nairobi, Accra, Kampala and Mombasa (Conan and Paniagua, 2003; Adelekan, 2010; Moser et

al., 2010a). The actions are essentially strategies implemented to protect only one housing unit.

However, while Douglas and Alam (2006) argue that spontaneous community action to unblock

drainage channels is relatively rare (ibid), in Nkolmintag, members organise around flooding by

meeting every Sunday morning to empty drains from solid waste and facilitate water discharge to

prevent flooding (Image 7.6).

Image 7.6 Drain maintenance by community members in Nkolmintag

Source: Author, 2012


7.1.3 Limits and benefits of the different actions taken by the inhabitants of the


Autonomous adaptation strategies to water-related issues take many forms in the low-income

communities studied. Some actions, such as the maintenance of the main drain, take place at the

community level while others, such as the raising of a house, occur at the household level.

However, while these diverse strategies ease people’s access to water and reduce the impacts of

water-related disasters, it also presents drawbacks. Depending on the particular issue the

communities are attempting to deal with, the strategies require a vast range of material and

financial resources that are not always available, leading to the slowing down or desisting in

implementing these measures. Interviewees stressed that these limitations are due to three main

factors: a lack of financial resources, a lack of proper infrastructure and a lack of hydrogeological


Low-income is one of the major reasons why houses are not connected to the national water

network, as the cost of a basic connection to the network is approximately 150,000 Fcfa, and is a

major obstacle to accessing drinking water (IIF1, May 2012). This price increases according to the

length of the pipes needed to connect the house to the main pipelines. As pipelines mainly

follow paved roads located around the settlements, a house located at the centre of the

neighbourhood will have to pay more for connection to the network. Few houses are connected

to the water network and the system reaches those that are usually positioned at the edge of the

community (ILG11, March 2012).

Another factor expressed by the community members, agency workers and the authorities is the

technical feasibility of introducing the network within the community (ILG6, May 2012). Major

action is required to address the lack of urban planning, non-availability of large pipes, instability

of the ground, and the extensive and rapid growth of the settlements, enmeshed as they are in

land titling complexities. All these factors escalate the cost of the projects and further multiply

the legal, social and engineering complexities (ILG6, May 2012). Moreover, taking action at

household level is often problematic as the status of the tenant does not give the occupier the

sufficient authority and legitimacy to take positive steps to protect their homes (ILG6, May 2012).

Thus, in spite of experiencing major difficulties, to take individual actions to minimise the

disasters’ impacts increases in complexity.


Additionally, the autonomous strategies of low-income communities are rendered unsustainable

by their failure to coordinate their actions. “When my neighbour raised the height of his house

and built the small drain in front of his house, the water flooded my house, and I had to save

money to raise my house too” (fieldwork notes, 2012). Thus, although the strategies of raising

houses and constructing small drains in front of the housing effectively reduce the impact of

flooding, the failure to coordinate these measures renders them unsustainable.

Actually, this is what the population does: you raise your house height, and when it is

higher, mine is down and I have to stay in the hole. The neighbour fills in, and you, who

do not have the resources to raise yours, you stay in the floodwater. If you dig into my

ground here you will see at least three layers of cement. All the money of inhabitants of

Nkolmintag is invested in embanking the house. During the dry season, everyone looks for

small truckloads of soil to raise his house. Whoever does not have the resources is left in

the floodwater, and so it goes on. And when he too has enough resources, your neighbour

raise his home higher and the water comes back to flood yours. It's like that. It is like a

shell game going on (ILG1, April 2012).

Thus, the housing newly equipped with these small infrastructures passes on the water flood to

the less well prepared or more precariously equipped neighbouring house. Although these

strategies might actually solve some of the problems the inhabitants encounter, they are

temporary solutions and have to be renewed regularly due to the poor quality of the construction

material used in many cases, and the lack of tools.

In this context, the current proximity of wells and boreholes to human activities and sources of

contaminated water such as drains and latrines is not perceived as a major issue, or else is

justified by the non-existence of other alternatives. Indeed, as seen in chapter 4, the

overcrowding of built areas leads to a very short distance between wells, boreholes and latrines,

with little consultation with surrounding households. As a result, pit latrines are located close to

the groundwater sources, despite Douala’s existing digging norms of a 20-metre security zone

around a well that prohibits such human activities (ILG1, March 2012). The transfer of

contaminating agents from the latrines to water well is, therefore, higher than in areas where this

rule is respected.


The water contamination, added to the lack of clear hydrogeological and technical information,

creates a critical situation. The absence of this knowledge by the community members and

national and local institutions has led to an unmonitored use of groundwater and an unawareness

of its impact. Although they are aware of water contamination, the digging of wells and

boreholes cannot be not properly controlled by the authorities without this information, and it is

common to find abandoned boreholes that have run dry. Besides, boreholes are often confused

with wells and are dug only 4 to 15 metres deep, leading to an imprecise use of these small

structures, further increasing the risk of contamination. The impact of this confusion is also

shown by the water-related diseases rates in the three low-income communities.

This limitation is, however, not new. It has already been reported in many studies. In relation to

on-site sanitation, the factors controlling transport of microbial and chemical contaminants in

the subsurface have been the subject of several reviews (WHO, 2006), and there is extensive

literature that more broadly quantifies contaminant transport processes in groundwater (Schijven

and Hassanizadeh, 2000). Soil/rock type, natural and human-altered groundwater flow rates and

paths, and the biogeochemical environment of the subsurface all govern contaminant travel

distances and rates. The potential for widespread groundwater contamination from pit latrines is

also affected by social factors, such as latrine use, latrine densities, maintenance, and

groundwater pumping. Latrine type, design, materials, and construction quality also influence

contaminant containment and leaching from pit latrines. Thus, to effectively evaluate the safety

of pit latrine and groundwater source proximity, both environmental and anthropogenic factors

must be considered (Graham and Polizzotto, 2013).

7.2 Linking autonomous strategies to DRM and IWRM

7.2.1 Coping and adaptation strategies

For the purposes of this research, the strategies implemented within the low-income

communities for dealing with water-related disasters and scarcities are classified according to the

division and definitions given by the ICPP (2007a) (see 2.3.2). The distinction between coping

strategies and adaptation strategies is analysed, in which the difference is based on the period of

effectiveness of the strategy and whether the strategy is repeated at least once a year. In the three

communities studied in Douala, more adaptation strategies than coping strategies are identified

(Table 7.6, Table 7.7). While, autonomous coping strategies for water scarcity and water-related


disasters were identified, such as changing clothes at the entrance or exit to the community when

raining, pumping out water from houses (fieldwork notes, 2012), or storing water in case of

water shortage, informal infrastructural constructions are mostly classified as adaptation


When analysing both above Tables 7.6 and 7.7, a significant difference is observed in term of

effectiveness period between both types of strategies. Most of the coping strategies need a more

frequent renewing than the adaptation strategies or do attempt not address the deeper causes of

the water issue being addressed. For example, coping strategies include: changing clothes,

pumping out water out, water storage, reducing the amount of water that will be carried out

every time the water issue occurs. Differently, low-walls, well and borehole construction, and

water well disinfection will be carried out less regularly as these strategies’ outcomes last longer

than the “immediate responses” to which the coping strategies can be assimilated. However, the

difference between coping and adapting strategies is not always straightforward. For instance, the

difference between the treatment of the small water supplies of the households and treatment of

public water supplies is difficult to distinguish, although their impact level and complexity of

implementation are discernible.

Data analysis also shows that adaptation strategies involve a larger amount of community

members than coping strategies. For instance, changing clothes, pumping out water, water

storage, lifting or replacing households’ goods, reducing the amount of water and purification of

household water supply and water storage all involve the participation of one individual to the

household. However, building a low-wall, well and borehole construction, water well disinfection,

and changing water supplier involve the participation of the household to the neighbouring

houses. The outcomes of adaptation strategies are, therefore, quantitatively wider than coping

strategies, although adaptation strategies also appear to require a stronger adaptation capacity as

they require more material and tools.

In the context of integrating the bottom-up strategies in the institutional frameworks, the

existing water contamination, which is likely to be exacerbated by climate change impacts, lead to

an inadequate sustainability of the autonomous adaptation strategies. Nevertheless, coping

strategies are presented in the literature as a precursor of adaptation strategies, which is

supported by the findings here. Indeed, there is a noticeable link between adaptation strategies at

a community level and coping strategies at a household level. For instance, the disinfection and


filtration of the water supplies initiated and promoted by local authorities are copied by

communities’ members. The construction of wells can be considered as a precursor for borehole

construction, or the creation of small water businesses.

Table 7.6 Main autonomous coping strategies to water-related issues

Strategies Issue Addressed

Changing clothes Floods

Pumping out water Floods

Lifting up households’ goods Floods

Replacing households’ goods Floods

Wait for the end of the water shortage Floods, water scarcity

Purification of household water supply Health, water scarcity

Water storage Water scarcity

Reducing amount of water Water scarcity

Moving out/Evacuation Floods, water scarcity

Source: Author interpretation from data analysis, 2012.

Table 7.7 Main autonomous adaptation strategies to water-related issues

Strategies Issue Addressed

Low wall construction Floods

Raising the house’s height Floods

Drain construction Floods, health

Drain maintenance Floods, health

Lifting up household goods with rope system Floods

Filtration of public water supply Floods, water scarcity

Creation of small water companies Water scarcity

Well construction Water scarcity

Borehole construction Water scarcity

Well disinfection Floods, health, water scarcity

Changing water supplier Water scarcity

Filling in of puddles containing stagnant water Health, water scarcity

Source: Author interpretation from data analysis, 2012.


7.2.2 Reactive and anticipatory strategies

In the climate change adaptation literature, differences have also been made between reactive

and anticipatory strategies (IPCC, 2012). While reactive adaptation takes place after the initial

impacts of weather related disasters have occurred, anticipatory adaptation takes place before

impacts become apparent (see 2.3). In a context of the IWRM and DRM frameworks and

climate change, if following strictly the definition of the IPCC (2001), autonomous adaptation

would be seen as strictly reactive to external environmental stimulus – climatic or non-climactic.

Table 7.8 Autonomous adaptation strategies

Strategies Type of adaptation strategy

Low wall construction Reactive and anticipatory

Raising the house’s height Reactive and anticipatory

Drain construction Reactive and anticipatory

Drain maintenance Reactive and anticipatory

Lifting up household goods with rope system Reactive

Creation of small water companies Reactive and anticipatory

Well construction Reactive

Borehole construction Reactive

Filtration of public water supply Reactive

Well disinfection Reactive

Changing water supplier Reactive

Filling in of puddles containing stagnant water Reactive

Source: Author interpretation from data analysis, 2012.

Despite the clear distinctions defined by academics and researchers, some autonomous

adaptations remain ambiguous as some of the strategies appear to have a long-term vision and an

anticipatory approach to future changes. Among the adaptive strategies, the construction of wells

and boreholes can be seen as anticipatory since it derives from households’ need water for

drinking water and daily domestic activities. However, they can also be seen as reactive due to

the frequent water shortages and the lack of water network reaching these settlements. Similar

ambiguity can also be found when it comes to raising houses. When these measures are taken

after the floods to prepare for the next rainy season they are reactive, but they are also

anticipatory as the location of the neighbourhoods are in highly risk areas and prone to flooding.

Taking into account this ambiguity among the strategies identified in the three poor settlements


of Douala, the analysis of data fieldwork led to the identification of the strategies as being mostly

reactive, although both reactive and anticipatory are also identified as these are implemented with

the purpose of responding to flooding and water scarcity but anticipating the next event (Table


7.2.3 Effectiveness of the autonomous strategies

In general, an approach to estimate both the costs of implementing a measure and the potential

benefits from doing so is needed. Benefits can be thought of as climate change impacts avoided

or positive effects taken advantage of (Feenstra et al., 1998). However, adaptation, whether

analysed for purposes of assessment or practice, is intimately associated with the concepts of

vulnerability and adaptive capacity (Smit and Wandel, 2006). In this sense, Schipper (2007)

argues that the “vulnerability reduction approach” to development is more desirable than the

“adaptation approach”. For the purpose of this research, a strategy is, therefore, considered

effective if it reduces sensitivity and exposure, and increases adaptive capacities, as it appears to

address more adequately the fundamental reasons for vulnerability, many of which are about

broader development. This argument is supported by the fact that many of the strategies

examined are implemented by the urban poor, making the estimation of both the costs of

implementing a measure and the potential benefits not fully appropriate.

Drawing from this discussion, the strategies related to the built environment implemented by the

communities’ members to face flooding are effective. Indeed, as seen in chapter 5, floods occur

so frequently community inhabitants perceive them to be standard events, an argument that is

also supported by the high number of “no hazards” answers given. Most autonomous adaptation

strategies to deal with flooding are carried out by community members, showing the diversity of

actions undertaken to minimise direct flooding impacts. However, the adaptive capacity of the

household themselves is limited due to the lack of financial resources. Communities’ members

claim that most of their income is spent on the purchase of building materials (sand) to raise the

housing height and to build the low walls. The adaptive capacity of other actions such as drain

maintenance is said to be limited by the lack of tools such as shovels and rakes.

With regard to autonomous adaptive water access strategies, the measures taken generally lead to

the exploitation of groundwater. For instance, the creation of small water businesses is an

interesting evolution from the creation and treatment of groundwater selling. These strategies,


only present in Newtown Airport 5, benefit from the legal confusion around local governance

and the legality of titling of the land. The adaptive capacity of the communities to the supply of

water is shown to be resilient due to the numerous alternative water sources they can fall back on

and the actions they undertake to access this vital resource. As a result, the adaptive capacity is

important due to the abundance of resources. Money earned by selling the groundwater is

invested later in managing this same resource (buying disinfectants, for example). The limitation

of the adaptive capacity is the lack of scientific information and data about groundwater. Indeed,

the emergence of profitable water distribution businesses generated an increase of this type of

enterprise in the community, with the result that boreholes were built without proper knowledge,

leading to the unforeseen consequences such as extraction, distribution, and management of

contaminated water.

Although a particular strategy may be implemented specifically to cope with one of the three

major issues, flooding, water-related epidemics and water scarcity, encountered in the low-

income communities, it can indirectly impact on one of the others. For instance, the

construction and maintenance of drains was implemented to cope with flooding, however it also

have an influence on malaria rate. Moreover, the diversity of strategies shows the strength of

their adaptation capacity, although the strategies are generally focused on only one hazard/issue.

The amount of strategies the communities use to cope with water scarcity reflects the larger

choice of resources available to them. The strategies used to tackle flooding are mostly structural

but face major difficulties due to lack of financial resources and coordinated action. This

situation is well known to local officials and arises from the fact that a large number of the

community members are tenants, restricting the opportunity for legal action.

7.2.4 Impact of institutional strategies on autonomous strategies

“Institutions are the rules of the game in a society or, more formally, are the humanly devised

constraints that shape human interactions, and they consist of both informal and formal

constraints” (North, 1990, p. 5). Autonomous adaptation refers to adaptive actions by

individuals and communities without deliberative government planning or intervention, but they

do not act in isolation from the existing social, political, cultural and market institutions.

Therefore, the role of institutions is touched upon in many studies on climate change adaptation

(Eakin, 2005).


Diverse institutional measures and programmes are implemented to deal with the three major

issues - flooding, water-related epidemics and water scarcity - experienced by the low-income

communities in Douala. As climate change impacts on water are likely to occur more intensively

and frequently, this increases the importance of these strategies. Identified planned strategies

such as well disinfection and the construction and maintenance of drains may be replicated by

the community members. For instance, Douala Urban Council and Douala II City Hall intervene

by disinfecting wells during cholera epidemics. Low-income communities were then expected to

repeat these measures, monitored by the chief of the community in his role as intermediary in

the implementation of this policy. Disinfectants, offered at no cost by the city hall for a limited

period, were regularly poured into the wells. Once distribution of the products ceased, a number

of people continued disinfecting wells themselves. In Newtown Airport 5, the creation of water

businesses with a similar mechanism as the formal water company, CDE, which metered and

charged for groundwater brought by pipe to the taps of neighbouring houses, led to regular

treatment of the water supply. This careful management was carried out to avoid discussions and

disagreements with local customers and also to deal with local competition.

Fankhauser et al. (1999) discussed the linkage between planned and autonomous adaptation as

either a substitute for or complementary to each other. If autonomous adaptation increases the

marginal benefit of planned adaptation and vice versa, they are considered complementary. On

the other hand, if autonomous adaptation reduces the need for planned adaptation and vice

versa, then they are substitutes. In Douala, the urban poor strategies often replace the

inefficiency of planned adaptation, substituting institutional programmes, measures and projects

in order to answer to the demand for basic services (Table 7.9). By finding alternative solutions,

communities are reactive to the environmental changes but also reactive to the lack of

institutional projects’ efficiency.


Table 7.9 Linkage between institutional and water-related autonomous strategies

Strategies Planned Autonomous Impacts

Disinfection of wells X X Imitate institutional

emergency response to


Disinfection of household water

supply X

Changing water source

X Refusal of formal

water supply systems from

the communities’ members Water storage


Drain construction X X Copy of institutional flooding

response Drain maintenance X X

Well construction X X Refusal of the communities’

members to connect to

formal water supply systems

Borehole construction X X

Development of small water

companies X

Source: Author interpretation from data analysis, 2012.

7.3 Conclusion

This chapter has shown that urban poor individuals, households and communities in Douala

autonomously implement multiple and diverse strategies to minimise the impacts of water-

related issues. Their adaptive capacity concerned with water access is mainly based on the

abundance and proximity of groundwater resources. In parallel, they attempt to minimise

hazards impacts by modifying the build environment when possible. Finally, in some cases, they

take opportunities of the water-related issues they experience and improve their well-being.

On the one hand, community members rely on their ability to access multiple alternative water

sources. Among these water sources, a difference is made between drinking water and water for

everyday activities, showing their awareness of regarding water contamination and its impacts.

However, public boreholes and wells are still widely used. Indeed, the restricted hours of access

to boreholes, frequent shortages in the national water company’s supply and high water costs,

mean that inhabitants are forced to rely on heavily contaminated superficial well water. Shortage

of money also limits action to improve and disinfect the wells. In Newtown Airport 5, these

alternative strategies were developed even further with the creation of small water companies

that transport water from backyard boreholes through small pipes to neighbouring houses. By

charging lower prices than the national company, these businesses generate extra income for the


household, and their success has been emulated by others in the community, repeating and

expanding this trend to other households.

On the other hand, concerning flooding, the communities’ strategies for anticipating and

minimising the impacts of flooding are mostly building informal infrastructures. They are limited

by financial and infrastructural constraints, combined with lack of knowledge. The first major

limitation, lack of financial resources, is also one of the main reasons why their housing is not

connected to the national water network. The second major limitation is the lack of

infrastructure and unfeasibility of construction. Indeed, they lack effective drainage system, the

soil constitution, and the complex land tenure conditions make the construction of

supplementary drains challenging.

As a result, autonomous actions reduce the vulnerability of the urban poor. The effectiveness of

these strategies concerned with flooding, water-related diseases and access to water supply is,

however, limited by many factors. Many of these limitations could be overcome if community

efforts are better supported by authorities through enhanced responses and investments in

appropriate infrastructure at the city level. For example, the building of new drains could support

the communities channel localised flood water. Hence, the role and actions of the institutions are

also of a great importance in the reduction of the vulnerability of the urban poor.

In the literature, autonomous strategies are classified into copying/adaptation and

reactive/anticipatory approaches (IPCC, 2007a; Davies, 2009; IPCC, 2012). Although a strong

difference is observed in terms of period of efficiency between both types of strategies, the

distinction between coping and adapting strategies is not straightforward. Coping strategies have

a shorter time period of efficiency than adaptation strategies, are individual, and appear to be an

immediate response to the water- related issue. Adaptation strategies, however, reach a larger

amount of households than coping strategies and imply more complex processes of

implementation that require a broader adapting capacity. Likewise, the classification of the

strategies between reactive and anticipatory is ambiguous. If strictly following the definition of

the IPCC (2001), autonomous adaptation would be exclusively reactive. However, as seen, the

vulnerabilities of the urban poor are embedded within deeper external environmental stimulus –

climatic or non-climactic. Therefore, they might be implemented to anticipate water discharge

but also in reaction to flooding.


Finally, the adaptation processes and policies are shown to be necessary and demonstrate a

requirement to move further towards risk reduction and adaptation activities in advance of flood

events (Few et al., 2004) and water-related epidemics. The improvement and better monitoring

of infrastructure and services will play a major role in reducing the specific risk from water-

related issues and, therefore, seem indispensable to facing climate change impact. Although the

lack of urban planning adversely impacts on flood risk, and consequently water access and

epidemics for the urban poor, the analysis of the autonomous adaptation process taking place in

the communities shows it should be investigated with adaptation policies, as they are shown to

have a strong influence on each other. More effort is needed to identify and communicate best

practice in flood risk measurement, water access, and health risk response, and a deeper global

commitment to implement these best practices is required.


Chapter 8: Conclusion: the challenge of integrating DRM, IWRM and autonomous

strategies in low-income urban areas

This concluding chapter summarises the key findings of the thesis. First, the chapter returns to

review the findings against the objectives of the research. It also describes the dimensions of

water-related vulnerability of urban poor communities to face climate change impacts on water

in Douala. Furthermore, the impacts and the relationships between DRM and IWRM

institutional strategies, and the link between autonomous strategies and institutional strategies are

presented. The chapter finally examines the possible theoretical and policy implications of the

findings, as well as the limitations of the study and indicates future research opportunities.

The research explored the linkages between DRM, IWRM and autonomous adaptation in urban

poor communities. It identified the operational implementation of the DRM and IWRM

frameworks in Douala, Cameroon. Moreover, the study has examined the strategies implemented

within the poor neighbourhood facing water-related issues and their linkages with institutional

projects, programmes and measures carried out in the city.

8.1 Linking DRM, IWRM and the autonomous strategies of the urban poor

The study sought to validate the following hypothesis. The thesis was based on the hypothesis

that both formal institutional responses, such as DRM and IWRM, and local autonomous

strategies have a role to playing reducing water-related vulnerability of the urban poor.

Integrating both frameworks to increase effectiveness of approaches to climate change at the

local level requires an appropriate conceptual and operational understanding of the autonomous

strategies that urban poor communities are undertaking to manage, sometimes simultaneously,

water-related risks and to adapt to climate extremes. To validate the hypothesis, there were three

key objectives to examine: a) To examine water-related vulnerability to face climate change

impacts in urban poor communities. b) To analyse the impacts of the DRM and IWRM

frameworks on water-related vulnerability in urban poor communities. c) To explore the

relationships between DRM and IWRM institutional frameworks, and their link to autonomous

strategies of the urban poor.


8.1.1 Water-related vulnerability in urban poor communities

Overall, the low-income communities of the city of Douala face three main challenges regarding

water: major flooding, water-related epidemics, and limited access to drinking water. These

findings are foreseen. Flooding has already been identified among the most common causes of

disasters in cities (Satterthwaite, 2013). Moreover, drinking water scarcity has already been

stressed and appears in the Millennium Goal Development developed by the United Nations

(UN, 2012). Finally, during both flooding and water scarcity, the intensification of public health

impacts has also been recognised (Feiden, 2011). While these three issues strongly affect the city

of Douala, their consequences have greater impact in poor communities.

In order to face water stress and scarcity issues, the Ministry of Water and Energy, the city’s

industrial concerns and the inhabitants themselves are extensively building boreholes and wells,

making groundwater the main source of water supply in the low-income communities of Douala.

However, water wells and private boreholes are often heavily contaminated and flooding water is

not well discharged. The impact is made clear by the recurrence of water-related diseases Douala

suffers. Outbreaks of cholera and malaria occur regularly and increase during the rainy season.

Every year the city experiences numerous deaths attributed to these diseases, mainly prevalent in

poor communities. Even though little data on the rate of disease is available, discussion with

community members and agency workers confirmed that the lives of the city’s poorer

inhabitants are profoundly threatened by water-related diseases. Thus, flooding, epidemics, and

water scarcity are closely linked, and the close relationship between water-related disasters and

water resource management has crucial consequences that are detrimental to peoples’ health and


In spite of this adverse context, the impacts of water-related hazards appear surprisingly limited

when considering their frequency and intensity. As explained in Chapter 5, when impacts occur

outside the house unit, many households are not directly affected. Similarly, water scarcity does

not appear to be a major issue in the three communities, and these limited impacts can be

explained by the autonomous strategies already implemented by the urban poor to face water

scarcity and water-related disasters. As seen in Chapter 7, these strategies take many forms both

at community and household levels, showing the extent of the adaptation capacities of the urban



The low-income communities’ members rely substantially on alternative water sources. Among

the options for accessing water, buying formal supplies from houses with direct tap water at the

periphery of the communities is commonly presented in the literature (Kjellen and McGranahan,

2006). However, in the poor communities of Douala, this is limited to a few houses. Instead, the

main autonomous strategies for accessing water focus on the exploitation of groundwater by the

low-income communities, present in abundance and easily reachable. Although common wells

are often shared with neighbouring housing for free, in some cases the water exploited through

private boreholes is re-sold to neighbouring house and a supplementary income is generated,

which is then reinvested into tools and materials. For instance, the financial assets accumulated

by selling the groundwater are then invested into managing this same resource and improving

the quality of the water distributed (buying disinfectants, for example). This action, along with

the important differentiation the community members make between drinking water and water

for everyday activities, shows their awareness regarding the issues associated with water

contamination. Hence, these findings supports the argument of Moser et al. (2010a) of the

reasonable knowledge of the urban poor. Although they focused on the variation in weather

pattern, this research showed that the low-income communities’ members are aware of the

overall water-related issues in their area and how it affects assets and well-being.

8.1.2 Impacts of the DRM and IWRM frameworks on water-related vulnerability in urban

poor communities

In cities of the global South, responses to climate change impacts have been dominated by the

Disaster Risk Management framework, which is based on three complementary types of action:

pre-disaster, during disaster, and after disaster (Bhavnani et al., 2008), similarly to the strategy

identified in in the Republic of Cameroon. When focusing on Douala, the leading institutions

involved are: Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation, Directorate of Civil

Defence, Emergency services and local authorities. However, the top-down hierarchical structure

of the framework has been shown to put more emphasis on emergency response to flooding,

although the causes of flooding require more specific and joint pre- and post- disaster strategies.

This finding supports the argument of Agnew and Woodhouse (2010): the DRM has tended to

focus on the mitigation of the hazards themselves, and on the increase in magnitude and

frequency of short-term extreme weather. Moreover, the role of local governments is not well

defined despite their substantial knowledge of difficulties at grass-roots level. Douala’s struggle

to implement the DRM framework in a sustainable manner is made worse by the absence of a


locally based civil protection team. When having to carry out emergency responses in the low-

income communities, the lack of urban planning and improvement of infrastructures in the

settlements hampers intervention measures during and after emergencies, and support rarely

reach the urban poor communities.

In addition, the IWRM, presented as a powerful tool for climate change adaptation, is seen by

the Cameroon government as an important strategy to reduce poverty and achieve the

Millennium Development Goals (De Waal, 2010). The framework’s implementation occurs in a

context where the water framework of Cameroon has been recently reformed to create a public-

private partnership, while facing slow development and severe water challenges as a result of

mismanagement, legal and institutional deficiencies and significant fragmentation of the water

sector. However, the IWRM does not directly impact the water policies of the country and the

MINEE stays in charge of the design of possible national and local water governance; and the

framework is still at an early stage of its implementation; and its action plan will define if the

process is counter-productive as an analytical framework from the perspective of poor people

(Merrey et al., 2005, p. 2).

8.1.3 Relationships between DRM and IWRM institutional frameworks, and their link to

autonomous strategies of the urban poor

The Disaster Risk Management and Integrated Water Resources Management frameworks are

hypothetically linked. Adaptation to climate change is a necessary and complementary aspect of

the mitigation approach supported by the DRM framework (IPCC, 2012). Moreover, as seen in

this study, flooding water-related diseases, and water scarcity experienced by the low-income

communities are closely linked, and water-related disasters and water-resource management have

significant consequences on people’s health and well-being.

Despite these linkages, no strategies have clearly been implemented at an operational level to

connect both frameworks, and none fully reach the urban poor in Douala. However, other

water-related measures and projects concerned with water-related issues are already implemented

in the low-income communities. These strategies are not officially recognised as adaptation

strategies or mitigation strategies and they are implemented by different ministries. All the

strategies are then supported by smaller-scale projects and measures undertaken by the city hall

and urban council. Little coordination is encountered between the institutions, although the


association of national and local institutional responses to national actions could reinforce the

effectiveness and the participation approach promoted by both DRM and IWRM frameworks.

The research also showed that the planned institutional strategies and the autonomous

adaptation strategies of the urban poor influence each other in a number of ways. For example,

as presented in section 7.2.4, households have been found to replicate some of the planned

measures and projects such as the disinfection of the water sources and supplies. On the other

hand, where there is extensive implementation of autonomous strategies such as the setting up

of private businesses selling borehole water, bringing private tap water accesses may be rejected.

Hence, when considering water-related issues, careful attention must be paid to autonomous

adaptation strategies. They strongly influence the institutional measures and programmes taken

to address those issues and can be presented as precursors of adaptation programmes. In this

context, the role of the government in providing the two institutional adaptation methods -

building adaptive capacity or delivering adaptation actions (UKCIP, 2005 cited in Malik et al.,

2010, p. 6) - appears crucial. In building adaptive capacity, they can support the actions of the

urban poor by providing an adequate water governance framework and water quality and

quantity data. In delivering adaptation actions, government can coordinate supplementary

actions in drain construction to further minimise flooding impacts.

The research findings are summarised in Table 8.1.


Table 8.1 Summary of research findings

Research Objectives Research Questions Findings

To examine water-related

vulnerability to face climate

change impacts in urban

poor communities.

What are the water-related

exposure, sensitivity and adaptive

capacities of the low-income

communities to climate change


The low-income communities of the city of Douala face three main

challenges regarding water: major flooding, water-related epidemics, and

limited access to drinking water. A close relationship between water-

related disasters exists. However, the impacts of water-related hazards

appear limited which can in part be explained by the autonomous

strategies already implemented by the urban poor.

To analyse the impacts of the


frameworks on water-related

vulnerability in urban poor


Do the DRM and IWRM policies,

measures and projects

implemented to face climate

change impacts on water resources

reach the urban poor?

The DRM rarely reaches the urban poor communities. The DRM has

tended to focus on the mitigation of the hazards themselves, and on the

increase in magnitude and frequency of short-term extreme weather. The

IWRM does not directly impact the water policies of the country and the

framework is still at an early stage of its implementation.

To explore the relationships

between DRM and IWRM

institutional frameworks, and

their link to autonomous

strategies of the urban poor.

Are the DRM and IWRM

institutional frameworks

implemented to face water-related

issues operationally linked?

Do DRM, IWRM and the water-

related autonomous strategies

implemented by the urban poor

influence each other?

The DRM and IWRM institutional frameworks implemented to face

water-related issues are not operationally linked. However, the existing

planned institutional strategies and the autonomous adaptation strategies

of the urban poor influence each other in a number of ways.


8.2 Contributions to theoretical debates on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk

Management and autonomous adaptation

The findings of this thesis contribute directly to the theoretical debates on the linkage between

Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation (Few et al., 2006; IPCC, 2012)

through its tool, the Integrated Water Resources Management. While most discussions on DRM

and CCA emphasise the issues of linkages between the frameworks (Sperling and Szekely, 2005;

Biesbroek et al., 2009; IPCC, 2012), this thesis incorporates the urban poor autonomous

strategies related to water access and water-related disasters into the discussion. The thesis also

formulates arguments from the findings that autonomous adaptation strategies driven by the

adaptive capacity of the urban poor must be factored into the implementation of the climate

change approaches. Building a bridge between the two climate change approaches, DRM and

CCA, through the IWRM framework can be achieved by promoting bottom up approaches in

urban poor communities.

Focusing on climate extreme impacts highlights two facts. First, in urban areas, water resources

and poor households’ access to water are exposed to and impacted by climate extremes. Poor

households are able to make spontaneous adjustments to reduce risks and vulnerability in

response to observed and expected changes. Thus, the empirical work highlights the significance

of access to formal or informal safe water infrastructures (McGranahan and Satterthwaitte, 2006)

to enhance the potential of an individual or a household to adjust their strategies to face climate

extremes. Second, emphasis on the link between extreme weather and the water resources used

by the urban poor consequently also contributes to the arguments for an integrated system in

cities that advocates addressing the socioeconomic well-being of urban poor households

alongside climate vulnerabilities (Vörösmarty et al., 2000). Since DRM and IWRM emphasise

urban poor vulnerabilities, in terms of water and sanitation, the approaches imply the need to

assess water and sanitation access, the management and maintenance of overall infrastructures,

and a consideration of the processes for accessing these infrastructures by the urban poor.

This thesis also showed that there are differences between autonomous adaptation strategies and

coping strategies (IPCC, 2012). While the division into reactive and anticipatory strategies (Smit

et al., 2000) might be ambiguous, differences between their period of efficiency (Nelson et al.,

2008; Davies, 2009) were identified. Similarly to the argument of the IPCC (2012), coping actions

were also found to have a shorter-term vision and often precede adaptation actions. Finally, this


work also revealed that adaptation strategies involve a larger amount of community members

than coping strategies. Therefore, by analysing both types of strategies with a quantitative

approach, a supplementary distinction was made.

8.3 Methodological limitations

This research used a mixed methods approach, with the use of quantitative methods permitting

statistical analysis which understands the frequency of problems across space, and qualitative

methods offering insight and critical detail on why these patterns may be occurring. Semi-

structured interviews enabled understanding of the national design and implementation

processes which were carried out to respond to international agreements which sought to

address climate change and water impacts. The questionnaire permitted exploration of the range

of behavioural approaches to water access and water-hazards at the local scale. Following the

logic of triangulation, the methodological approach was able to make sense of the relationships

between different scales of water risk management.

During the implementation of this methodological strategy, three main challenges were faced.

Firstly, as the researcher is of Western European ethnicity and an outsider of the communities, it

created a power dynamic which generated difficulties in access to the settlements, and potentially

reduced the reliability of data collected in the low-income communities. However, working with

local students helped to overcome this and limit the constraints it placed on the validity of data.

Secondly, little data about the communities was available for the researcher to examine and gain

a contextual understanding prior to working in those neighbourhoods. To overcome this issue,

semi-structured interviews were carried out first with the community leader, where collaborative

mapping of the areas helped to gain a better understanding of the institutional mechanisms and

structures. On this basis, a systematic sampling could be formed. Thirdly, from a more

theoretical view, working with the UN criterion proved challenging. Although these criterions

define a slum, they are – by their necessary applicability to a range of spatial contexts – quite

abstract, and proved very vague when applied to a real case city. As a result, in future studies it

may be helpful for additional criteria to be developed according to the specific focus of the

research, project and programmes of research.


8.4 Opportunities of autonomous-based adaptation measures and policies

The changes in hydrology as a result of climate change clearly require more immediate and

determined efforts. In Cameroon, current policies are top-down and focus on the optimum

exploitation of available water resources, or else express themselves as vague needs that have to

be adjusted and strengthened to meet the current principle that views fresh water as a limited

resource. Governments also urgently need to find and implement alternative and adaptive forms

of urban planning to face the increasing probability of extreme weather events and their related

impacts. To implement such policies, a legal and institutional framework needs to be in place

that will allow all stakeholders to become part of the process and manage the resources

according to agreed rights, powers and obligations.

As adaptation solutions for the water sector have experienced climatic conditions in the past, and

these conditions are now expected to become commonplace elsewhere, they should be a driving

principle of adaptation planning (Björklund, 2009). Moreover, adapting to climate change

impacts and integrating climate issues into policies does not involve many entirely new processes

or techniques (Kristensen et al., 2009). Indeed, policies such as the water law in Cameroon allow

the implementation of community-based projects and the application of the IWRM principles.

Based on the broad aims and principles of IWRM, the policies should integrate the autonomous

adaptation strategies of all users and create resilient solutions to the expected impacts of climate

change and population growth that are already transforming land-use and livelihoods.

By taking into account communities’ autonomous actions and current strategies to mitigate

water-related risk, city, regional and national initiatives can be more effective. Indeed, developing

joint adaptation procedures and disasters risk-management practices for the water sector,

including autonomous adaptation strategies, would permit the management measures to reduce

the situations of water stress in low-income urban areas. This approach would allow to improve

water pricing, seasonal water rationing during times of shortage, increased capture and storage of

surface run-off, reuse or recycling of waste water after treatment, and a better use of

groundwater resources (Cap-Net, 2009). In a situation of water-quality risks, the measures could

include improvements to drainage systems, the upgrading or standardising of water treatment,

better monitoring and emergency measures during high-precipitation seasons (ibid), and could

significantly improve water access for the poorest of society, and support autonomous actions

carried out in the low-income communities, helping the development of such areas.


In different socioeconomic and environmental contexts, these technological, structural and

management instruments, methods and measures implemented to face climate change impacts

on water may vary. However, with an adequate analysis, these proposed actions might be

introduced at different speeds and implemented at different scales. Moreover, by integrating

communities’ autonomous actions, current strategies to mitigate water-related risk, these

measures would be adapted to the needs and socio-cultural habits of the low-income

communities and increase in effectiveness. For example, reservoirs are pinpointed as providing

the most robust, resilient and reliable mechanism for managing water access under a variety of

conditions (Cap-Net, 2009). Therefore, if adequately supported by national and local authorities,

the storage strategies available to communities at the household level could be transformed into

an efficient and sustainable response to the issue of water contamination and cholera by

facilitating access to water treatment assets. Finally, to face local water-related issues, adaptation

intervention can be included through the IWRM and DRM frameworks at the household level to

increase water availability, in a situation of water stress, and in a situation of water-quality risks.

This distinction highlights the issues that might be undertaken under framework projects,

measures or programmes.

Although the development of joint planned and autonomous strategies may improve their

implementation, the lack of basic “scientific” data also plays a key role in their effectiveness.

Indeed, this lack prevents the water-related frameworks and autonomous strategies to be fully

effective. For instance, the lack of hydrogeological information impacts on the development of

water access projects and measures by preventing their sustainability. Similarly, the lack of

topographical and infrastructures maps impacts on water discharge and sanitation actions. Hence,

the importance of making available simple “scientific” data is stressed and would improve

planning capabilities.

Based on the basic “scientific” data, at the household level, projects or measures to increase

water availability could be divided into two lines of action: the reduction of water waste, and

saving water in domestic use (Cap-Net, 2009). These measures would support the actions carried

out to eradicate the epidemics of cholera that the cities regularly face. In a situation of water

stress, measures such as water pricing, water rationing during times of shortage, adaptation of

industrial production to reduce water wastage, increased capture and storage of surface run-off,

reuse or recycling of waste water after treatment, and the better use of groundwater resources,

could be introduced. In a situation of water-quality risks, the actions of adaptation which might


be supported are: improvements to drainage systems, upgrading or standardising of water

treatment, better monitoring, and special measures during high-precipitation seasons.

At a community level, or even at a river-basin level, the possibilities of intervention for IWRM

and DRM are: water allocation, strengthening of pollution control, close monitoring, basin

planning, economic and financial management per river basin, strengthening of information and

communication management, the organisation of stakeholder participation, and a strengthening

of flood management (Cap-Net, 2009). These projects and measures, already carried out at a

national level, might greatly benefit from implementation at a community or river-basin level.

They would thus be adapted to the environment, and human activities carried out locally, and the

development of the spontaneous settlements, would be facilitated. The process of the LLINs

project could be followed as it has been proven to reach most of the urban poor in the three


Finally, the research showed the need to define indicators to measure the “success” of

institutional frameworks such as DRM and IWRM and their impact on vulnerable

communities. From the research findings, a quantitative approach is proposed. The assessment

of the amount of individuals and/or households reducing water-related risks and improving their

well-being could be a method of measuring the effectiveness of the institutional frameworks.

However, great care must be taken while defining these indicators as they might be misleading as

it has been shown by World Bank indicators top assess improved water access. Therefore,

metrics should be based on the water-related issues identified in the low-income communities.

8.5 Future research and conclusion

Cities in developing countries contain many of those most vulnerable to climate change.

Moreover, their rapid population growth leads to the increase in importance of their sustainable

development to minimise current water-related issues and their predicted intensification caused

by climate change. In this context, the urban poor are already suffering from a lack of assets, and

are the section of the population most likely to suffer from climate change impacts. Therefore,

focusing on low-income communities becomes crucial to the sustainable development of cities.

Autonomous adaptation is a key point of the implementation of adaptation frameworks.

Initiating and supporting the strategies implemented and carried out by the communities’


members would facilitate the sustainable development of spontaneous settlements. The

monitoring of the actions first initiated by the national and local governments show the extent of

the impact of such projects and measures. Adaptation policies, measures and projects have been

shown to have a better efficiency in the fight against climate change impacts. The adaptive

measures, adequately implemented, would significantly support the urban poor development and

improve the well-being of low-income communities. The current adaptation projects are already

attempting to improve the life of the population, but the difficulties faced by the national and

local governments are delaying the impacts of the measures taken, shown by the perception

among the low-income communities that they have been overlooked.

Future research could focus on the further investigation of the consequences of the IWRM and

of the future adaptation policies, measures and projects implemented to face climate change

impacts. On the one hand, the research could be further extended to other urban areas. A

comparison study with cities in other developing countries would allow the further

understanding of adaptation worldwide. On the other hand, further gender studies would allow

the understanding of the role of women in water access in urban areas and would facilitate the

implementation of the policies, measures and projects concerning the IWRM principle 3:

““Gender”: The approach emphasises the important synergy that exists between gender

equity and sustainable water management. Worldwide, women play a key role in the

collection of water for domestic – and often agricultural – use, but in many societies,

women are excluded from water management decisions. IWRM includes an emphasis on

empowering women in its focus on participatory management and capacity building” (Xie,


Therefore, several studies could be undertaken to improve knowledge concerning the IWRM

and the implementation of adaptation measure to sustainably build long-term resilience and

protect water resources.

In spite of what is often reported about DRM and IWRM frameworks in theoretical and policy

debates, in practice they have only offered potential solutions to the prevailing and persistent

poor household vulnerability. The more recent debates about their linkage have been argued to

increase the frameworks’ effectiveness, however, the concrete implementation of their linkages

around water have been shown to be very challenging. The case study of Douala demonstrates


the already existing challenges to implement both frameworks both separately and in

coordination in low-income communities.

In this context, autonomous and planned adaptation strategies regarding water have been shown

to be a strong factor hampering the frameworks’ joint implementation. The projects,

programmes and measures implemented in those areas are copied by the communities’ members

and reproduced with limited scientific knowledge about the water resources they utilise.

Therefore, integrating communities’ adaptation strategies into the frameworks concerned with

climate change can be beneficial for both community and institutions. By doing so, the adaptive

capacities of the urban poor would be increased, while their exposure and sensitivity would be

decreased, and, as a consequence, the frameworks would become more efficient.



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Appendix 1 Glossary

The following definitions are drawn from different sources. However, some have been adapted

or newly elaborated by the author of this thesis to reflect related research outcomes and to

represent the practices of the target group.

Borehole is a particular type of well - a narrow hole in the ground constructed by a drilling

machine in order to gain access to the groundwater system. Boreholes are usually narrow.

Modern drilling machines use compressed air to drive a rotating hammer that smashes up the

rock (IGI, 2008). In the case of Douala, boreholes are also associated with the use of a pump to

extract deeper groundwater.

Climate variability is defined as the way climate fluctuates yearly above or below a long-term

average value (Dinse, 2011, p. 1).

Disaster is understood in this thesis as severe alterations in the functioning of a community or a

society triggered by a hazard leading to adverse human, material, economic, or environmental

effects. A disaster occurs when a hazards interacts with vulnerable social conditions in exposed

and sensitive areas where inhabitants have little adaptive capacity to overcome the disaster

impacts (elaborated from Wamsler, 2007; IPCC, 2009, ISDR. 2012).

Exposure is defined as people, property, systems, or other elements present in hazard zones that

are thereby subject to potential losses (ISDR, 2009, p. 15).

Global water system is defined as the suite of physical, chemical, biological, and human

components of the global water cycle and their interactions (ESSP, 2005, p. 9).

Groundwater hydrology is understood as a subdivion of the sciences of hydrology which deals

with the occurrence, circulation, distribution, and properties of any liquid water residing beneath

the surface of the Earth’s surface. It is interdisciplinary in scope in that it involves the application

of physical, biological and mathematical sciences (Heath, 1983, p. 1).

Hazard is defined as an event, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss of life,

injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and


economic disruption, or environmental damage. A hazard may also cause a disaster (of both

small and large scale) (elaborated from Wamsler, 2007; IPCC, 2009, ISDR. 2012).

Improved water source is an access to an improved water source refers to the percentage of

the population using an improved drinking water source. The improved drinking water source

includes piped water on premises (piped household water connection located inside the user’s

dwelling, plot or yard), and other improved drinking water sources (public taps or standpipes,

tube wells or boreholes, protected dug wells, protected springs, and rainwater collection)”

(World Bank, 2014).

Institution is a system of established and embedded social rules that structure social interactions

(Hodgson, 2006, p. 18). In this work it is understood in this work as a governmental agency or

structure that advises, manages, monitors and controls the practices of a set of individuals within

a given community.

Mitigation in the disaster literature is defined as the lessening or limitation of the adverse

impacts of hazards and related disasters (ISDR, 2009, p. 19), and is keep as such in this work.

Organisation is a special institution that involve (a) criteria to establish their boundaries and to

distinguish their members from non-members, (b) principles of sovereignty concerning who is in

charge, and (c) chains of command delineating responsibilities within the organization (Hodgson,

2006, p. 18).

Risk is the combination of the probability of an event and its negative consequences (ISDR,

2009, p. 25).

Sensitivity is the degree to which a system is affected, either adversely or beneficially, by

climate-related stimuli. The effect may be direct (e.g., a change in crop yield in response to a

change in the mean, range, or variability of temperature) or indirect (e.g., damages caused by an

increase in the frequency of coastal flooding due to sea-level rise) (IPCC, 2007a, p. 993).

Socio-natural hazard is defined as the increased occurrence of certain geophysical and hydro-

meteorological hazard events such as landslides, flooding, subsidence, and drought that arise

from the interaction of natural hazards with overexploited or degraded land and environmental


resources. The term is used to describe situations where human activity is increasing the

occurrence of certain hazards beyond their natural probabilities (ISDR, 2009, pp. 27-28).

Water cycle is the total amount of water on the earth and in its atmosphere does not change but

the earth’s water is always in movement. Oceans, rivers, clouds and rain, all of which contain

water, are in a frequent state of change and the motion of rain and flowing rivers transfers water

in a never-ending cycle. This circulation and conservation of earth’s water as it circulates from

the land to the sky and back again (FWR, 2010).

Water engineering or hydraulic engineering is branch of science of water in motion, and the

interaction between the flowing fluid and the surrounding environment, also concerned with the

design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures which specialise in water-based

projects (Chanson, 2007, p. 291).

Water governance relates to the range of political, social, economic and administrative systems

that are in place to develop and manage water resources and the delivery of water services at

different levels of society (Rogers and Hall, 2005). In other words, water governance is the set of

systems that control decision-making with regard to water resource development and

management (IIED, 2007, p. 5).

Water management is the set of political, socioeconomic, administrative and technical actions

defined by water policies and regulations that are concerned with the use of water resources.

Water management involves the control and monitoring of water quantity (including flooding)

and quality (including water contamination) (elaborated from Ramade, 1998).

Water poverty is defined as the condition caused by water stress or water scarcity of not having

simple access to sufficient water quality or water of an adequate quality to meet basic needs.

Water risk refers to the probability of an entity experiencing a deleterious water-related event.

Water risk is felt differently by every sector of society and the organizations within them and

thus is defined and interpreted differently (even when they experience the same degree of water

scarcity or water stress). That notwithstanding, many water-related conditions, such as water

scarcity, pollution, poor governance, inadequate infrastructure, climate change, and others, create

risk for many different sectors and organizations simultaneously (Schulte, 2014).


Water scarcity is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the demands of water

usage within a region. On the one hand, economic scarcity is argued to be caused by a lack of

investment or a lack of human capacity to reach water demand (Comprehensive Assessment of

Water Management in Agriculture, 2007b). On the other hand, physical scarcity “occurs when

there is not enough water to meet all demands, including environmental flows” (Comprehensive

Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture, 2007b, p. 11). This type of water scarcity is

generally associated with arid regions; however, when water resources are overcommitted to

various users due to overdevelopment of hydraulic infrastructure, both human demands and

environmental flow needs are not reached and physical water scarcity also occurs (ibid).

Water security is defined as the reliable availability of an acceptable quantity and quality of

water for health, livelihoods and production, coupled with an acceptable level of water-related

risks (Gey and Sadoff, 2007, p. 545), over a long-time period.

Water stress occurs when the demand for water exceeds the available amount during a certain

period of time or when poor quality restricts its use (EEA, no date).

Well is a man-made excavation, constructed for the purpose of drawing water from the

groundwater system. Wells are often dug by hand and relatively shallow, the depth being limited

by the ability of the diggers to pump or lift water out of the hole as they deepened it - it was not

possible to dig by hand under water (elaborated from IGI, 2008).


Appendix 2 Map of Nkolmintag used for sampling purpose

The number of houses in each community was estimated using a pdf file of a Google Earth© air

cover picture from 2003 collected at the main city hall. The settlement area was located on the

map and then zoomed-in on to obtain a clear visualisation of the build environment. The

number of building was then counted per bloc. The division in square were used to ease the

process of approximation.

Map A2.1 Map of Nkolmintag used for sampling purpose

Source : Author, 2012


Appendix 3 Semi-structured interviews with policy makers

Interview semi-structurée avec les acteurs institutionnels

Information basique concernant l’informateur

1. Pourriez-vous m’indiquer votre nom et votre position au sein de l’institution ?

2. Quelles sont vos responsabilités et votre domaine d’expertise ?

3. Depuis combien de temps travaillez-vous pour cette institutions ?

Informations générales concernant l’institution/l’organisation

4. Quel est le nom de l’institution pour laquelle vous travaillez ?

5. De quelles autres institutions dépend-elle?

6. Est-ce une institution gouvernementale ?

7. Quel sont les priorités de cette institution ?

8. Quels sont les projets de l’institution?

9. Quand ont–ils été débuté ?

10. Comment sont-ils concrètement mis en application ?

11. Comment ces projets sont-ils financés ?

12. Quels sont les résultats attendus de ces projets ?

Mesures, programmes et projets de l’institution concernant l’eau et les catastrophes

13. L’institution est-elle impliquée dans des projets concernant l’eau ou les catastrophes?

14. Qui est à l’initiative des projets ?

15. Qui est en charge des projets ?

16. Comment ces projets sont-ils financés ?

17. Quels sont les résultats espérés de ces projets ?

18. Quelles sont les personnes qui bénéficient des projets ?

19. L’institution est-elle impliquée dans un projet relatif à la Gestion des Risques et Catastrophes?

20. Quels sont ces projets ? Pouvez-vous me décrire le projet ?


21. Qui est à l’initiative des projets ?

22. Qui est en charge des projets ?

23. Comment ces projets sont-ils financés ?

24. Quels sont les résultats espérés de ces projets ?

25. Quelles sont les personnes qui bénéficient des projets ?

26. Comment sont-ils concrètement mis en application ?

27. L’institution est-elle impliquée dans un projet relatif à la Gestion Intégrée de l’Eau ?

28. Quels sont ces projets ? Pouvez-vous me décrire le projet ?

29. Qui est à l’initiative des projets ?

30. Qui est en charge des projets ?

31. Comment ces projets sont-ils financés ?

32. Quels sont les résultats espérés de ces projets ?

33. Quelles sont les personnes qui bénéficient des projets ?

34. Comment sont-ils concrètement mis en application ?

35. Mettez-vous en place des stratégies afin de développer jointement ces deux approches ?

36. Quelle sont ces stratégies ?

37. Comment sont-elles concrètement mises en application ?

38. Afin de mettre en place ce projet, bénéficiez-vous de la coopération d’autres

institution(s)/organisation(s) ?

39. Travaillez-vous en collaboration avec les communautés/quartiers bénéficiant des projets ?

40. Quelles sont ces communautés/quartiers ?

41. Pouvez-vous nommer quelles sont ces institutions et les personnes avec lesquelles vous

coopérez ?

42. Pouvez-vous décrire la manière dont ce fait concrètement cette collaboration ?

43. Avez-vous remarqué des changements dans les priorités de ces institutions concernant ces

sujets ?

44. Quel sont ces changements ?

45. Quel est votre opinion personnelle concernant ces projets ?


Semi-structure interview interviews with policy makers

Basic information about the informant

1. Could you tell me your name and position within the institution?

2. What are your responsibilities and field of expertise?

3. For how long have you been working for this institution?

General information on the institution / organisation

4. What is the name of the institution you work for?

5 Does it depend on another institution?

6. Is this a governmental institution?

7. What are the priorities of this institution?

8. What are the projects of the institution?

9. When did they start?

10. How were they implemented?

11. How are these projects funded?

12. What are the expected results of these projects?

Measures, programmes and projects of the institution on water and disasters

13. Is the institution involved in water-related or disaster-related projects?

14. Who initiated the projects?

15. Who is responsible for the projects?

16. How are these projects funded?

17. What are the expected results of these projects?

18. Who are the people who benefit from these projects?

19. Is the institution involved in DRM?

20. What are these projects, programmes or measures? Can you describe them?

21. Who initiated these projects?

22. Who is in charge of the projects?

23. How are these projects funded?


24. What are the expected results of these projects?

25. Who benefit from these projects?

26. How are they implemented?

27. Is the institution involved in IWRM?

28. What are these projects, programmes or measures? Can you describe them?

21. Who initiated these projects?

22. Who is in charge of the projects?

23. How are these projects funded?

24. What are the expected results of these projects?

25. Who benefit from these projects?

26. How are they implemented?

38. Do you cooperate with other institution (s)/organization(s)?

39. Are you working in collaboration with communities benefiting from projects?

40. Which communities / neighbourhoods?

41. Can you name what the institutions and the people you work with?

42. Could you describe how is concretely applied this collaboration?

43. Have you noticed any changes in the priorities of these institutions on these issues?

44. What are these changes?

45. What is your personal opinion on these projects?


Appendix 4 Semi-structured interview with community leaders

Question Chef de Quartier


1. Pourriez-vous m’indiquer votre nom et votre position au sein du quartier ?

2. Quelle est l’institution dont vous dépendez?

3. Comment avez-vous accédé à cette position?

4. Depuis combien de temps?

5. Quelles sont vos responsabilités et votre domaine d’expertise ?

6. Avec quelles institutions ou organisations travaillez-vous le plus fréquemment ?


7. Comment définiriez-vous votre quartier ? Pourquoi ?

8. Quelles sont les communautés les plus aisées et les plus défavorisées ?

9. Localisez sur la carte ?

10. Pourriez-vous délimiter les sous-quartiers de votre quartier sur la carte ?

11. Quels changements avez-vous observé durant ces 10 dernières années ?


12. Quelles sont les catastrophes qui touchent votre quartier (inondations, glissement de

terrain, etc..) ?

13. Depuis combien de temps ?

14. Quelle sont les stratégies des communautés afin de faire face à ces catastrophes ?

15. Que font-ils avant, pendant et après les catastrophes ?

16. Quelles sont les intuitions ou organisation présentes dans le quartier travaillant sur les


17. Quelles sont les aides qu’elles apportent avant, pendant et après les catastrophes ?

18. Depuis combien de temps ?

19. Quelles sont les difficultés rencontrées ?

20. Quelles sont les facilitées rencontrées ?

21. Existe-t-il des campagnes de sensibilisation aux catastrophes ?

22. Par quelles institutions ?

23. Avez-vous observé des changements durant ces 10 dernières années concernant les



24. Connaissez-vous le programme de la GRC ?

Accès à l’eau

25. L’eau de la SNEC arrive-t-elle dans toutes les maisons ?

26. Quel pourcentage de la population de votre quartier à accès à l’eau dans les maisons ?

Quel pourcentage utilise les robinets communs ? Les châteaux d’eau? Les forages privés?

les forages publics?

27. Combien y a-t-il de forage, puits et robinets communs?

28. Quel pourcentage sont autorisées/contrôlées par les institutions? Quelles sont leurs rôles?

29. Pourriez-vous localiser les forages et robinets communs sur la carte?

30. Quelles sont les intuitions ou organisation présentes dans le quartier travaillant avec

l’accès à l’eau?

31. Depuis combien de temps ?

32. Avec quelles communautés travaillent-elles?

33. Depuis combien de temps ?

34. Quelles sont les difficultés rencontrées ?

35. Quelles sont les facilitées rencontrées ?

36. Existe-t-il des campagnes de sensibilisation à la protection des ressources en eau?

37. Par quelles institutions ?

38. Avez-vous observé des changements durant ces 10 dernières années concernant le rôle

des institutions quant à l’accès à l’eau?

39. Quelles institutions travaillent avec les communautés?

40. Quels sont généralement les prix de l’eau, y a-t’ il beaucoup d’eau gratuite?

41. Existe-t-il des stratégies de protection des ressources en eau par les communautés?

42. Existe-t-il des stratégies de protection des ressources en eau par les institutions ?

43. Avez-vous observé des changements durant ces 10 dernières années concernant l’accès a

l’eau de la population?

44. Le rôle de la femme dans la gestion de l’eau occupe-t-il une place particulière, est-elle

mise en valeur quant à l’accès à l’eau?

45. Avez-vous observé des changements durant ces 10 dernières années concernant ce rôle?

46. Connaissez-vous le programme de la GIRE?


Semi-structures interviews community leader


1. Can you tell me your name and position within the community?

2. Do you depend on an institution?

3. How have you attain this position?

4. For how long have you been leader of the community?

5. What are your responsibilities?

6. Institutions or organizations with which you work the most?


7. How would you describe your neighbourhood? Why?

8. What are the most advantaged and disadvantaged communities?

9. Can you locate them on the map?

10. Could you delimit the sub-districts in your neighbourhood on the map?

11. What changes have you noticed over the last 10 years?


12. What disasters affect your neighbourhood (floods, landslides, etc. ..)?

13. For how long has this phenomenon occured?

14. What are the strategies of communities to cope with disasters?

15. What do they do before, during and after disasters?

16. Which intuitions or organization present in the area working on disasters?

17. What kind of support do they provide before, during and after disasters?

18. For how long?

19. What are the difficulties?

20. What are the solutions?

21. Do you benefit from awareness campaigns regarding disaster?

22. Through what institutions?

23. Have you noticed any changes in the last 10 years for disasters?

24. You know the DRM?

Access to water

25. Does the formal water network reach every house?


26. How many people in your neighbourhood have direct water access in homes? What

percentage is using public taps? Private wells? Public wells?

27. How many people drill wells and public taps?

28. What percentage are authorized / controlled by institutions? What are their roles?

29. Could you locate the wells, boreholes and public taps on the map?

30. Which intuitions or organization present in the area working on water access?

31. For how long?

32. With which communities do they work?

33. For how long?

34. What are the difficulties?

35. What are the solutions?

36. Do you benefit from awareness campaigns regarding the protection of water resources?

37. Through what institutions?

38. Have you noticed any changes in the last 10 years regarding the role of institutions in

access to water?

39. Which institutions work with the communities?

40. What is the common price of water?

41. What are the strategies for the protection of water resources implemented by the


42. What are the institutional strategies to protect water resources?

43. Have you noticed any changes in the last 10 years regarding access to water?

44. Is the role of women in water management important?

45. Have you noticed any changes in the last 10 years on this role?

46. Do you know IWRM?


Appendix 5 Survey questionnaire








Appendix 6 Transport system in the Douala economic area

Douala possesses different type of transports supporting its economic area:

Maritime Port of Douala

The Autonomous Port of Douala (APD) covers an area of 1000 hectares, of which only half is

currently in operation. It is connected to the sea by an access of 50km long divided into two

sections; an external channel 25 km and 250 m wide, and a 25 km internal channel, which needs

to be continuously dredged to maintain its 7 meters depth (Barbier and Granjux, 2008). This

constraint excludes vessels carrying more than 20,000 to 25,000 tonnes from entering during the

periods of dredging, and often also excludes vessels of 14000 to 17000 tonnes due to the non-

continuity of this activity (ibid). This issue leads increases the cost of maritime freight because

the APD directly supports the maintenance of the canals (ibid). Often vessels leave a part of

their cargo in the deepest port of the region and enter partially loaded in Douala’s channel (ibid).

International Airport

Located on a plot of 250 hectares, Douala International Airport (DIA) is able to receive all types

of commercial aircraft (Barbier and Granjux, 2008). Its traffic, after a period of difficulties, has

increased since 2005, reaching 17,452 aircraft movements in 2007 and 633,000 passengers (ibid).

This trend is particularly strong regarding international flights and regional lines with other

CEMAC countries (ibid). However, national traffic has significantly declined due to the

difficulties and the cessation of activity Cameroon Airlines. In addition, air freight traffic is

approximately 15,000 tons per year (ibid).


Two railway lines serve the hinterland of Douala (Barbier and Granjux, 2008). The main railway

connects the station of Bességué to Yaoundé then to Ngaoundéré. The traffic between Douala

and Yaounde is exclusively assigned to freight, which was built between 1914 and 1928,

underwent a major modernisation as part of a realignment operation conducted at the end of

70’s (ibid). As part of its investment programme for the next 12 years, CAMRAIL plans to

rehabilitate degraded tracks, which have an average life of 30 years, and to restore a commercial


speed compatible with the requirements of this link between the two metropolises of Cameroon


Road Infrastructure

Products coming from the port of Douala are largely carried out by road (Barbier and Granjux,

2008). The road network, apart from the urban area itself, is composed of two main roads: the

eastern road (linking the cities of Douala-Yaounde-Ngaoundere) and the western road (linking

the cities of Douala-Bafoussam-Banyo Ngaoundéré). The central axis starts with a motorway

going to Yaoundé, and then continues via Bertoua and Garoua Boulaï towards the northern

Cameroon network and its neighbouring countries. The distance between Douala and

Ngaoundere is 925 km which also serves Central African Republic and Chad. The east and north

of this axis are being improved with the support of international cooperation (ibid). The West

axis is much shorter with approximatly 200 km but less well equipped. The road is well made

until Bafoussam and Foumban, but the part Douala-Bonabéri is difficult due to the high density

traffic (ibid).


Appendix 7 Correspondence analysis of water usages and water sources per community

Figure A7.1 Correspondence analysis of households activities and water sources in


Source: Fieldwork Survey in Nkolmintag, 2012.


Figure A7.2 Correspondence analysis of households activities and water sources in


Source: Fieldwork Survey in Tractafric, 2012.


Figure A7.3 Correspondence analysis of households activities and water sources in

Newtown Airport 5

Source: Fieldwork Survey in Newtown Airport, 2012.


Appendix 8 Water treatment and sources per community

Table A8.0.1 Water treatment and sources in Nkolmintag*

Filtration Chlorination None Other

Private direct tap water 2.5% 1.5% 9.8% 0.0%

Public tap water 3.4% 5.4% 29.4% 2.0%

Well 6.9% 9.3% 29.9% 1.0%

Water street vendor 0.0% 0.5% 2.5% 0.0%

Private neighbouring tap water 5.4% 3.9% 11.3% 0.5%

Rain water 1.5% 2.0% 10.3% 0.0%

Boreholes 3.4% 5.4% 11.3% 0.0%

* No answer in Nkolmintag NA=15.6%. Source: Fieldwork survey in Nkolmintag N=204, 2012.

Table A8.0.2 Water treatment and sources in Tractafric*

Filtration Boiling Chlorination None Other

Private direct tap water 13.3% 0.5% 7.9% 9.9% 0.5%

Public tap water 3.9% 1.0% 12.8% 10.3% 1.0%

Bottle 0.5% 0.0% 2.0% 0.5% 0.0%

Well 8.4% 1.5% 26.1% 27.1% 0.5%

Water Street Vendor 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 0.0%

Private neighbouring tap water 3.9% 0.5% 5.4% 5.4% 0.0%

River 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% 0.0%

Rain water 4.4% 0.0% 5.9% 5.4% 1.0%

Boreholes 6.9% 0.5% 20.2% 25.1% 1.0%

* No answer in Tractafric NA=6.4%. Source: Fieldwork Survey in Tractafric N=203, 2012.


Table A8.0.3 Water treatment and sources in Newtown Airport 5*

Filtration Boiling Chlorination None Other

Private direct tap water 0.0% 0.0% 2.5% 4.5% 0.0%

Public tap water 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% 0.0%

Well 5.9% 1.5% 25.2% 29.7% 0.0%

Bottle 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 0.0%

Water street vendor 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 0.5% 0.0%

Private neighbouring tap water 0.5% 0.5% 1.5% 3.0% 0.0%

Rain water 1.0% 0.0% 5.0% 4.5% 0.0%

Boreholes 8.9% 2.0% 29.2% 44.1% 0.5%

* No answer in Newtown Airport 5 NA=5.3%. Source: Fieldwork survey in Newtown Airport 5 N=202, 2012.

Appendix 9 Autonomous strategies depending on the water sources used per community

Figure A9.4 Autonomous strategies depending on the water sources used in Nkolmintag

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys in Nkolmintag N=204.







60.0% Private tap water

Public tap water


Water Street Vendor

Tap water from neighbour

Rain Water



Figure A9.5 Autonomous strategies depending on the water sources used in Tractafric

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys in Tractafric N=203.









80.0% Private tap water

Public tap water


Water Street Vendor

Tap water from neighbour

Rain Water



Figure A9.6 Autonomous strategies depending on the water sources used in Newtown Airport 5

Source: Fieldwork survey, 2012. Total surveys in Newtown Airport N=202.








70.0% Private tapwater

Public tap water


Water street vendor

Tap water from neighbour

Rain water

