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The Charleston daily news.(Charleston, S.C.) 1873-01-28. · Great closing out saleof our...

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Wno knows tn e secret of tbe rose t Deep in ber ellene beare lc slows: The san alone, from np per air. Discerns the heavenly mistery lhere. Is there one haman sonl that knows The sacred secret of the rose? Rot he who sad and daunted stands, Afraid to reach bis trembling hands, Afraid to grasp the bliss tn-1 Hes Deep in those golden mysteries, Lest men or angels shout in scorn Tue legend of the rose's thorn. Not he who wastes his listless hours. Like Idle moths, on a ay flowers: High on the rose's -rom Berene Blazes the crown that marks the queen; No soul that dares that sign deny Snail in her fragrant bosom lie. Not he who knows no more delight Than dwells wubin his fickle sight: For blush and bloom may pass away In compass of a summer's day: Bat atm the rose's heart is sweet. Though all its outward glow be fleet. But he who meeta its keenest thorn With gracious strength and tender scorn; Who knows the royal heart that stands Wal lng the touch of royal hands ; Who trusts to love's eternity WMfb love's own blossoms fade snd die; Who waits with passion's natl-nt strength For passion's peace, that comos at length- Be only conquers, for be knows The sacred secret of the rose. THE CHARLESTON NRWS FOR 1873. The general favor with which THE CHARLESTON NEWS is regarded by the read¬ ing public of Sooth Carolina and the adja¬ cent States, has given it an unrivalled circu¬ lation throughout this section of the coun¬ try. We are resolved that nothing shall be left undone io the future to keep it ap to the highest standard of modern journalism; and In order to place oar varions editions within the reach of every Southern household, we will famish the paper to clubs on very libe¬ ral terms. The friends of THE NEWS every¬ where are Invited to assist us in extending its circulation. The following are oar CASH BITES TO CLUBS, FOB 1873: TES DAILY NEWS. One copy, one year.$8 001 Five or more copies, one year, each. 7 00 j THE TRI-WE2KLT NEWS. One copy, one year.$ 4 00 Five copies, at $3 60 each.1750 Ten copies, at $3 each. 30 00 THE WEEKLY NÏ.W9. Bingle copy, one year.$ 2 00 Five coplea. 7 oo Tea copies.12 00 Twenty copies. 20 00 And larger clubs at the last named rate. THE WEEKLY NEWS will contain all the leading editorials of the DAILY; a care¬ ful and completaaanimary of the Foreign and Domestic news; latest news by Tele¬ graph from all parts of the world ; fall and reliable Stock, Financial and General Mar¬ ket Reports; a synopsis of the proceedings of Congress and State Legislatures, when in session ; proceedings of Scientific, Agri¬ cultural, Religions and Literary Societies; all important Legal Decisions of State and Federal Coarta; reviews of the most inter¬ esting and important New Books; and, indeed, everything of interest to the Family Circle, the Merchant, Farmer, Professional Man, Mechanic and Laborer. Srjirts ano irnmistjing Q3oob». R E S H AR B I Y A LSI LATEST STYLES I COMFORTABLE FIT I LOWEST PRICES v S .r ss s s s s s s S S 8 S 8SSSSSSS SCOTT'S SS S S S S S S 8 S 8 STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS. S 8 S S Ready-made and made S 8 to Order. 8 8 _ S s - s 8 MEN'S S 8 S S FURNISHING S S S 8S8SSSSS GOODS. SSSSSSSS S S 8 S 8 8 S 8 S S 8 S S AT THE GREAT SHIRT EMPORIUM ! LOOK FOR THE (STAR SIGN, MEETING .STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE MARKET HALL. Geming ÍKcurjirus. IMMENSE SUCCESS OF THE CELEBRATED Mil SEWING MACHINES. 131,260 SOLD IN 1871. «2,784 HOBE THAN ANY OTHER CO« THE SINGER MANUFACTURING- CO,. NO» 186 KING STREET. CHARLESTON, S. C. deolO-tnthaSmo rnHB NEW IMPROVED WHEELER A WILSON SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. We are now Belling hese superior MACHINES on Ten Dollar monthly payments. Adjusting and Korainng done promtly. WHEELIE, A WILSON MASUF'G CO., apr*-'yr Na soo King street iHrans and ÜHeomn«. s Ü6AR-C0ATED PILLS RELIABLE, SOLUBLE, PERMANENT. WILLIAM R. WARNER A CO. We are prepared to claim for our Sugar-coated Pills the indispensable qualities, Solubilhy and Permanency. These Plus are prepared of the purest materials, and are warranted to be per¬ fectly reliable. Our method or sugar-coating pills without the application or heat, as employed by os only, avoids tue necessity or drying so hard as to renaler them Insoluble. These Pills are constaatlv kept on hand and sold wholesale and retail by DR. H. BA ER, Sole Agent for Sooth Carolina. Send for Catalogne and Price List._ "^yrARNER'S PIL IODOFORM ET PERRI. Each containing Iodoform.One Grain. Fen um Red.One and a quarter Grains. A POWERFUL GENERAL TONIO AND ALTER¬ ATIVE. Valuable as a remedy In Scrofula, Anaemia, Neu¬ ralgia, Chlorosis, Rheumatism, Phthisis, Ac. We make special mention of the3a Pills e.f our manufacture, as the medical journals throughout the country contain contributions from reilab e authors who have made wonderful cures, ari er having used, without success, all ether known remedies. Each label bears the formóla-Dose, 2 Pilis three times a day. I We give below a brief extract from a report or the Lelilí h County Med cal Society, as published In the Transactions or the Medical Society or Pennsylvania. Jane, 1868: "Internally, I give quinine and Iron and a good nourishing diet. Still I round great tronv'jic keeping up healthy granulations; they wo^.d be¬ come sluggish. I tried a non ber or alteratives, as iodide or potassium and lime. Still the case progressed veiy slowly, until my attention was attracted to an article In the Me Heal and Surgical Re Dort er, -Oa Iodide andiron.' I at oncee in¬ cluded to give this remedy a fair trial. 1 discon¬ tinued ali other constitutional treatment, and gave three pills three times a dav. manufactured by W. R. Warner A Co., or Philadelphia. 1 soon had the satisfaction of seeing a rapid improve¬ ment. The pain at once len her Hmo, with which she had surfered continually; the granulations became more healthy and more abundant, and I now have the satisfaction of seeing my patient ongagmg in all her household duties. Not a ves¬ tige or the disease is to be seen. The patient ls enjoying perfect health, ls active and lively. "Since, I have treated two other cases, one of three and one of four years' standing, with the same good result I reel convinced or the efficacy of the remedy." P. L. REICH ARD, Chairman sanitary Committee. Forsaleby DB. ti. BAER, Charleston. "YEARNER'S PIL. PHOSPHORUS COMP. Each containing Phosphorus.One-hundredth Grain. Ext. Nnx Vómica.One-fourth Gram. Phosphorus ls an Important constituent of the animal economy, particularly of the brain and nervous system, and ls regarded as a valuable remedy for diseases common to them-as In cases or Lapse or Memory, Softening of the Brain, Loss of Nerve Power, Phthisis, Paralysis and Impo tenoy. The plUuiar form has been deemed yje most desirable for the administration of Phos¬ phor us. It la in a perfect state of subdivision, as lt ts incorporated with Glycerine, Ac. in solution. Price $2 per hnndred. sent by mall. For sale by DR. H. BAER, Charleston. ABNER'S NEW REMEDIES. BEEF, WINE AND IRON. Beer, Wine, Iron and Cinchona. Elixir of Bark, Iron and Strlchnla. Elixir Pipsln, Bismuth and Strlchnla. Elixir Valerian ate of Ammonia. Elixir Valerlauate or strlchnla. Bitter Wine or Iron. Elixir Taraxacum comp., (a new and valuable combination of the medicinal properties of the Dandelion, Wild Cherry and Gentian, with aro¬ matics.) Elixir Bromide or Potassium. Comp. Syrup or the Lacto-Phosphates. All the above constantly kept on hand, and for sale, wholesale and retail, by DR. H. BAER, No. 181 Meeting Street, nov7-tn Charleston. Druyo at tDliolesale. QRAY'S INVALUÁH¡É~~IMPROVED OINTMENT. This Ointment ls not the thing or a day, nor has lt been fanned into notice by artificial means. Its high reputation rests upon its real intrinsic merit, based upon truth, derived from many years experience by the Faculty, and the expe¬ rience of all who have used or told lt. It has been longer In use (more than forty years,) and ls bonght by Druggist! in larger quan¬ tities than any medicine of the kind in the world. More than ten thousand certificates caa be pro¬ duced of Its elli ca cy. DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Wholesale Agents, charleston, 8. C. The trade supplied at manufacturer's prices. Jan21-tn_ yyrE EARNESTLY INVITE THE AT- TENTION of Physicians, Druggists and the public generally to the ELEGANT AND RELIABLE PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS OF MESSRS. JOHN WYETH A BRO., PRACTICAL CHEMISTS, PHILADELPHIA, PA., which have become so deservedly POPULAR for their INTRINSIC worth, the ELEGANT manner In which they are prepared, and the RELIABILITY of the QUALITY or EACH UPKCIFIC article they are said to contain. First among them ie their COD LIVER OIL WITH PHOSPHATE LIME, a most valuable remedy In the large class or was ti cg diseases caused by IMPAIRMENT or PERVER SION or NUTRITION, the too rapid TISSUE TRANS- POSMATION and the want or certain substance es¬ sential to the organism, and lt ts offered with the utmost confidence as an IMPORTANT addition to the resources or medicine against the diseases which, In this country, are the most namerous, and formidable, say .- CROFOLA In children and PULMONARY COMPLAINTS in a.. ni ts. "Eac ti ounce of the mixture contains io grains or the Phosphate of Lime" BEEF, WINE AND IRON. T-..B delightful nutritive tonic has been so uni¬ versally used and approved, lt ls unnecessary to say more than that lt ts kept up to its usual stand¬ ard of excellence. ..Each tablespoonful contains l ounce of Beef, half ounce or Sherry Wine and 2 grains of Citrate of iron." BEEF, WINE, IRON AND CINCHONA. The combination or Callaaya Bark with onr pre¬ paration or Beer, Wine and iron adds the nerve tonic and anti-periodic effect or cinchona to the nutritious and stimulating properties or the other ingredients. We doubt IT a more efficient combi¬ nation of tonic, nutritions and stimulating agents could be prescribid, and esk the attention o phy¬ sicians to its use, as a protupt and reliable remedy In the many cases In which it would naturally be Indicated. Each tablespoonful contains l ounce of Beef, 2 grains Citrate of Iron, and half ounce of Wine of Calisaya Bars. SHERRY WINE AND BEEF. The davantage of administering Beer with Wine to patients requiring both nutriment and stimu¬ lant, will te readily appreciated-the sustaining and nutritious effect ol the beer orten enabling delicate aad sensitive Invalids to take the wine with benefit, when ordinarily they would be un¬ able to take lt even In small quantities without occasioning headache, Ac. Each tablespoons contains one hair ounce of Sherry Wine and one ounce of beef. We also call attention to the following as some among these preparations most In use: Elixir Calisaya Bark, Iron and Strychnine. Elixir Phos¬ phate Iron, Quinine and Strychnine. Elixir Va- lertcnate Ammonia. Elixir Pepsin, Bismnth and Strychnine. Bitter Wine or Iron. Elixir Gentian, Ferreted. Wine or Wild Oherry Bark Ferreted. Syrup Lacto Phos. Lime. Tasteless Cod Liver OH. Wholesale Agents for Marvln'sPure Cod Liver OIL DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, novo-tnr Agents ror South Carolina. T iX ere sp ap er 5. HE MA^TOIPSTAB ls the only newspaper published at Marlon Courthouse. Merchants and dealers In fer tl la- ers should remember this at the beginning of the season II they desire to extend their business in the Peedee section, ine of the best agricultural districts in the State. Address JaKMl W. J. MoKERALL. Emue, Cqiouais, ff t. DR. FTTLER'S-VEGETABLE RHEU¬ MATIC SYRUP. Warranted ander oath never to nave failed to care. 38,600 Certificates or testimoníala or cnre, including Rev. 0. H. Ewing, Media, Pennsylvania; Rev. joseph Beggs, Falls of Schuylkill, Philadel¬ phia; the wife or Rev. J. B. Davis, Hlghtstown, New Jersey; Rev. Thomas Murphy, Frankford, Philadelphia; Doctor Jennings and Doctor Walton, Philadelphia; Hon. J V. Greeley, member Don. press from Philadelphia; Bon. Judge Lee, cam¬ den, New Jersey; ex-senator stewart, Baltimore; ex-Governor Powell, Kentucky, and thousands or others. Warranted to cure or money refunded. I J . OJ C. CACM KU. Agent, nlvl-lvr iiharlMtrtn. S.O. QEijina, Crockcrg, &z. JUST ARRIVED DIRECT FROM ENGLAND PER BARKS FILLE DE L'AIR AND ONWARD, Plain White and Decorated CHINA TEA SETS, FORTY-FOUR PIECES, $7 50 TO $30 PER SET. FM CUPS il SALTERS AT ALL PRICES. ALSO, CHINA AND GRANITE DINNER & BREAKFAST SETS AT NEW YORK PRICES. CALL AND EXAMINE. AT THOMAS & LAOEAU'S, OPPOSITE NEW MASONIC TEMPLE. novl6-itnth3rr.os No. 375 King Street, ARE OFFERING EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN'S FOR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS. Great closing out sale of our extensive stock of BOT GOODS AND CARPETS. To make room for our Spring Stock we will now offer CARPETS- io pieces 4-4 HEMP CARPETING, only 30 cents. 25 pieces 4-4 Wool and Cotton Carpets, only 60 canta. 25 pieces 4-4 Wool Carpeta, only 75 and 85 cents. 26 pieces all Wool Ingrain, only BOC. and $1. 60 pieces English Brasaels, only Si 50. Full lines or Rags, Mats, Oil Cloths and Matting. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 6 cases 3 4 Bleached at o cents. 6 cases 4-4 Bleached at 12* cents. 6 cases 4 4 extra one at 16 cents. 2 cases 4-4 Wamsutta, at 20 cents. 6 cases 10-4 bleached Sheeting at 42 cents. loo dozen Towels at $1 26. 200 dozen Towels at $176 and $2. Foll lines of better quality Hack and Damask Towels at $2 and $6. Fnil lines of Linen Sheding, Linen Pl lowcaslng. Shirt Linens, Napkins, Doylies, Table Damasks. Ac Blankets, Flannels, Shawls, Cloaks have been greatly reduced In price. DRESS GOODS. 20 pieces SILK VALOUR, all colors, 85 cents, formerly $123. 6 cases Dress Goods, all styles, 25 to 40 cents, formerly 35 to eo cents. 26 pieces »lack Silk, $1 25, $1 60, $1 76, $2, $3, reduced 20 per cent. Oar entire Mourning Stock has undergone a re¬ daction of from 50 to 25 per cent. Black Alpaca, only 60 cents, worth 65, ihe best in the city. Full lines or Satins, Silk Valours, Silk Velvet, Ac, are offered at great bargains. CLOTH DEPARTMENT, The best selected stock In this market, consol¬ ing ot Foreign and Domestic manufactures, has been marke i down, and we offer great bargains to purchasers. NOTION DEPARTMENT. Full lines of Ladles, MlsseF.' and Gents* HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR. Full lines or Kid Gloves at following prices: 1 button Kid Glove, ft. 2 button Kid Glove, $1 26. Also, sole Agents ror the celebrated Chellly's Kid Gloves, each pair guaranteed. Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Corsets,and Hand¬ kerchiefs in great variety. See specials. Respectfully, PCRCHGOTT, BEIVBD1CT & CO., SPECIAL NOTICE DRESS GOODSREDUCED. J. R. READ & CO. will offer the remainder or their WINTER DRESS STOCK At great Bargains to purchasers, selling the same for the balance ot the season at and below coat. J. R. READ& CO. BLACKSILKS. RICH GROS GRAIN BLACK SILKS, BONNET'S and other makes, this day received, in all prices, from $2 to $5 per yard. J.R. READ & CO. GLOVES & HOSIERY. HARRIS'S " SEAMLESS," AND OTHER KID» GLOVES just opened. HOSIERY! HOSIERY! ENGLISH AND GERMAN WHITE COTTON H03IERY, " Balbrlggaaa," Children's White and Fancy Striped Colton Hose, Ac, Ac. J. R. READ & CO. Jan22 Son BÏS^ËL1?S~C FORTY PRIZES. 200 CHANCES, S CURING THE DRAWING or thia Grand GON RAFFLE wi FE UH OAKY, Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, nnder Hutsou Lee, Den ry T. Peake, Esq., Edvard B. Mei First Prize, double centre-Ore breech loading gun, complete, vaine.«loo Second Prize, doobie flne muzzle loading gan. 80 Third Prize, double centre-Ore breech loading gun. 70 Fourth Prize, donble One muzzle loading gun. 60 Fl th Prize.double breech load'ggun.plncart'g 60 Sixth Prize, double muzzle loading gan. 40 seventh Prize donble muzzle loading gun....' 85 Eighth Prize, donble muzzle londing gun. 35 Ninth Prize, double mozze loading gnu. 30 Tenth Prize, double muzzle loadlnv gan." 30 Eleventh Prize, doable muzzle loading gan... 26 Twelfth Prlz», donble muzzle loading gun.... ¡25 Thirteenth Prize, doable muzzle loading gun.". 26 Fourteenth Prize, donble muzzle loading gun. 26 Fifteenth Prize, double muzz 0 loading gun.. 20 Sixteenth Prize, double muzzle loading gun.. 20 Seventeenth Prize, double muzzle loan'* gun. 20 Eighteenth Prize, double muzzle load'g gan. is Nineteenth Prize, double muzzle loading gun', is Twentieth Prize, donble mnzzle loading gan., is Twenty-flrst Prize, double muzzle load'g gun. 16 Twenty-second Prize, double m'zle load'g gun. ie Twenty-third Prize, doable muzzle load'g gan. 16 AU parties who have taken chances and have no Raffle. If not patd for they will be stricken on. j omce, curner King and Beàufaln streets. Stole Notices. ROOMS JOINT SPBCIAL INVKSTIOATING COM., ) COLUMBIA S. C., January 22,1873 J All persons holding Pay certificates, Issued by the General Assembly of 1870-71 and 1871-72, or bills payable, Issued by N. G. PARKER, late State Treasurer, are hereby requested to present the .ame at the Rooms or the Joint Special Investi¬ gating Committee, appointed by the General As¬ sembly, January 21st, 1878, for the purpose of ex¬ amining into the same, on or before the lat Feb¬ ruary, 1873. 1 he Committee will be In session every day, be¬ tween the honra of 10 A. M. and 12 M. CHARLES Mi SORT. Chairman Committee. ALFRBQ WILLIAMS. Clerk._Jan24 6 Si tm illnblir anons. Edmond Yates'! Story, A Bad Lot WILL BE COMMENCED IN NO. 276 OF THE New York Fireside Companion OUT NEXT MONDAY, JANUARY 27. TE «..M5- Onr Copy, One Year...$3 OO Two Coplea, One Year. 5 00 Address GEORGE MUNRO, New York Fireside Companion, 84 BBEKMAN STREET, NEW FORK. lutta ulrrigs at Wholesale. SIMMONS' RECULATOR For over forty years this PURELY VEGETABLE LIVER MEDICINE ha<i proved to be the GREAT rjNFAILINO SPECIFIC for Liver Complaint and ita painful offspring, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Jaundice, Billons at¬ tacks, Sick Headache, colic, Depression of Spirits, Soar Stomach, Beare Burn, Cblls and Fever, Ac, Ac After years or careful experiments, to meet a great and urgent demand, we now produce from our original and Genuine Powders TUE PREPARED, a Liquid form of SIMMONS' LIVER REGULA¬ TOR, containing all Its wonderful and valuable properties, and offer lt In ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES. The Powder*, (price as before,) $1 ppr package; sent ny mall $1 04. CAUTION.-Buy no Powders or PKEPARED SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR nnlem In our engraved wrapper, with Trade mark, stamp and Signature unbroken. None 0: her ls genuine. J. U. ZE1L1N A CO., Macon, Ga, and Philadelphia. SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS. ang8-th8tun*w6mon Doors, Sosljefl ano jBiinba. DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, WOOD MOULDINGS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS. AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY GLASS. LARCE STOCK-LOWE8T RATES ORDER WORK SOLICITED. SEND FOR ESTIMATE AND PRICE LISTS. KEOGH & THORNE, 254 AND 256 CANAL STREET dcc9-lyr New York City. iFnrnitare, rilRST-CLASS FURNITURE, AT REASONABLE PRICES. MILLING'S FURNITURE STORE, NO. 444 KING STREET, NEAR JOHN, Is the place to get handsome and snbstantlal FURNITURE of the latest and most elegant de¬ signs at prices to suit the times. This establish¬ ment ha9 just received a large supply of superior Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room Sets in Oak, Walnut and Imitation, which are offered at prices tee or flfteen per cent, lower than those charged elsewhere for less substantial Furnltnre. SUPERB BURIAL CASKETS A SPECIALTY.! Call and examine the stock and prices. BIGN OF THE MAN AND ROCKER, No. 444 KING STREET. decl8-3moBOAO Baffle. ¡UN RAFFLE. 55 PER CHANCE-ONE UN FIVE SE- A PRIZE. ll tace place at the Pavilion Hotel, on the 2d day of the supervision of the following gentlemen : Major ms, Esq. Prizes are as follows: Twenty-fonrth Prize, double m'zleload'g gun. 16 Twenty-fifth Prize, double nuzzle load'g gan. 16 Twenty -sixth Prize, doable muzzle load'g gun. 16 Twenty-seventh Prize, muzzle loadli g gun... 16 Twenty-eighth Prize, double m'z e lo v u gan. 16 Twenty-ninih Prize, doable muzzle load'g gan. lfi Thirtieth Prize, one one single bov's gan.... 16 Thirty-first Prize, one flue single boy's gan... io Thirty-second Prize, one flue single gan. io Thirty-third Prize, one fine English Bhot pouoh and powder flask. 6 Thirty-fourth Pr ze, one Une English shot pouch and nowder flask. 6 Thlrty-ofth Prize, English shot pouch and pewder flask. 6 Thirty-sixth Prize, English shot ponch and powder flask. 6 Thirty-seventh Prize, one English shot poach and powder flask. 0 Thirty-eighth Prize, line shot pooch and pow¬ der flask. 5 Thlny-nlnth Prize. No. 1 home shuttle sewing machiue. 26 Fortieth Prize, No. 2 home shuttle sewing ma¬ chine. 43 t settled fur the aime will please do so prior to the L few chances can be obtained at T. L. BISSELL'B J anu-1us panos, Organs, Ut. Furnished at factory prices for Cash, or by Monthly Payments, on the most liberal terms. CHARLES L. McCLENABAN, Plano and Music Store, JanO No. 191 King street. Uoots, 5I)0CG, Ut. BOOTS AND SHOES. ELI AS & BROS., WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALERS nt BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, &C, 368 KING STREET,! .CORNER OF GEORGE STREET, Respectfully solicit the continuance or the patronage so liberally bestowed on them by the citizens of Charleston and surrounding country. One or the Arm has Jost returned from the Nortb, and purchased in Boston jost before the largs Ure there; all of which we offer to the Wbolesale Bayers at great ad¬ vantages and guarantee them a saving of at least 10 to 16 per cent. We are offering all of our purchases now at less than former prices, and regardless to the advance of prices now. To our Retail Customers we would say that as heretofore we shall do our best to please them by polite attention and cour¬ teous salesmen No trouble to show goods. We keep only a good quality of Boots and Shoes, and prices that defy competition. Our motte ls, LARGE SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. AS A SPECIALTY I To Mothers we would say that we con¬ tinue to keep a large stock of that celebra¬ ted SILVER TIPPE O SHOE, of Philadel¬ phia make. Constantly on hand and receiving by every steamer from Philadelphia a fine and well selected stock of Band-sewed Bootsand Shoes, for Ladles, Genta, Misses and children, of the best Philadelphia manufacture, all of which we guarantee to give satisfaction, and would respectful¬ ly solicit a call at ELIAS & BEOS., No. 868 KING STREET, CORNER OF GEORGE STREET. J. FINLEY, CHARLES NEWHOUSE, R. H. MÜCKENFOSS, will be pleased to walt on their friends. nov2S-taths Cigars, Soo acta* Ut. WM. SCHRODER, MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER . IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, &C, No. 19 HAYNE STREET. Sign of the Emperor William. TRADE SUPPLIED. mch7-lyrnoAw_ (Groceries, Liquors, Ul. H. KLATW&Tca AC. NTS FOR CHARLESTON. We have appointed Messrs. H. KLATTE A 00 Sole Agento for Charleston for this Celebrated Brand of PURE KENTUOKÏ WHISKEYS, both RTE3 and BOURBON._" These Whiskeys are guaranteed pure KENTUCKY COPPER DISTILLED, free from all compound Im¬ purities, and highly recommended by eminent chemists for medical use. The Brand ls patented to prevent infringements. BARKHOÜSE BROS. A CO., Louisville, Ky. we respectfully inform our friends andÇusMBl- era that we keep constantly on band a [uM supply or the above already favorably we 1 known Whls- Keys and offer same to T$¡g&£$¡?' P Si-stuth6mo No. 186 East Bay. STEFFENS, WERNER & DUCKETT" 1T7ILL SELL THIS DAY BEFORE Y? heir store». Vendue Bange, at 9 o'clock, 15 kegs Roll BUTTER GO kegs and tuba Butter 29 tiercts Magnolia Hams -J boxes D. 8. shoulders 10 linds. D. S. Be lies 26 boxes and barrels S, 0. Strips 16 boxes Cheese 60 tierces Pig Hams io drums coo, Hase and Onsk loo boxes Canvassed Shoulders, ic Jan28 RIECKE & PETE RMAN WILL SELL THIS DAY, AT ll o'clock A. M on Brown's Wharf, foot Vendne Range, One Large BATTEAU SLOOP, with all the Rig- gin* sails, Anchor, > c.; also cooking utensils be¬ longing to the Boat-ad to be in lump. Terms cash._ * Janj8 By W, Y. LEITCH & R, S, BRUN», Auctioneers« DWELLINGS, STORES AND VACANT LOTS. In various paru of the etty: Will be sold at Auction, IHls DAT. suth In- staut, at the east end of Broad street, at ii o'ciook, The following pieces of PROPERTY: L The two scot y BRICE! DWELLING, No. 81 Middle street. Lot measures 43 by 120. 2 The two story WOODEN DWELLING, No. 22 Mngbzlne street. Lor. rn-asures 40 by 160. 3. The one-siory eui LUI *O, NO. 24 Magazine street. Lot measures 40 by 164. 4. The VACANT LOT, soma side of Horlbeck's alley, No. 2<>. Lot measures 30 by 00. 6. The two-story WO JDKN DWELLING, No. 0 Inspection street. Loi measure-" 80 by 120 6. The tw .-story WOODh'N STORE AND DWEL¬ LING, at northeast corner church and chalmers street. Lot measurer 18 by 67. 7. The two-srory BRICK STORE AND DWEL¬ LING adjoining the above, and known as No. 106 Ohnrch street. Lot measun s 10 by 67. 8. Toe two story WOODEN KANGE, NO. 22 Chalmers street. Let measur s 23 by 34. 0. The two-story WOODEN STORE ANO RESI¬ DENCE, northeast corner of Alexander and Cal- bonn streets. Lot measures 40 by 60. 10. The VACANT LOT, south side of Ashton street. Lot measures 36 by 116. 11. The VACANT LOT, north Bide of Spring street, adjoining former residence of J. D. Mitch-4 ell, Esq.. meas u rm s 35 by li 8. ia. Four VAOANT LOTS In President (per plat,) each Lot measures 20 ry loo. 13. The TENEMENT BUILDINGS, Nos. 6 and 6)£ Amherst street. Lot m easnree 80 by 140. 14. The one story BUlLnING In Reid street, known as No. 2. Lot measures 40 by 140. Terms-Half cash; balance In one year, with In¬ terest, secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises; insurance upon hold¬ ings and assignment of Policy. Purchaser to pay us for papers. Jan28 W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. REFEREE'S SALE. Jenes E. Beape vs. A. G. Crane. iHIS Day, the 28th Instant, at ll o'clock, at PcBtofflce. by order of Judge Graham o: May 2d, 1872, will be sold, AH that PLANTATION containing six hundred and seventy-nine acres, pita ito m Charleston und Colleton Countks. near Ladson's Road; bounding north on laud late or South Carolina Railroad Company, east on same, and tn the Fifty-eight and Hundred and Thirteen Acre iracts la-o or A. G. Crane, sooth on W. B. McKewn. and west on land formerly or Dr. Evely, excluding the house anti lot claimed by Predmore, and another lot adjoining, each five acres. Terms-One third cash; balance in one and two years, secured by bona and mortgage, with in terest annually. CHARLES H. SIMON! ON, JanzS h efe ree. By LOUIS D. De SAUSSURE. PROVE PLANTATION, ON COOPER IX RIVER. THIS DAY, the 28th last., at ll o'clock h. M., will be sold, near the Postofflce, on Broad street, by order of the Trustee, The PLANTATION on Cooper River known as the "Grove," contamina 3364 acres, or which- acres »re Rice Land. The tract in heavily wooded, and ls more particularly described by tue plat made by R. Q. Plnckney, snrveyor. In April. 1-36. On the place H a Dwelling Hon e with ten rooms, surrounded by handsome oak trees, a Steam Thrashing MIK, Ba n, and neg' o homes. Cond tions.-One third cash, balance "by bond, payanle In one and two years. «Uh inteaest an¬ nually from day of sale, to be secured by a mort¬ gage or the properly. Purchaser to pay for pa¬ pers, lan28 By ALONZO J. WHITE & SON. WILL BE SOLD TDIS DAY. THE 28TH instant, at ll o'c.ock A. M., near Post. office, That desirable HOUSE AND LOT, No. 42 Society street next west Shirrs'a Dispensary, containing in front on Society street 40 feet, by 148 feet deep, be the s <me more or less. House of wood, con¬ taining Ave rooms; brick Kitchen, well of water, Ac. conditions-One-fourth cash; balance in one, two anti three years, secured by bond and mort gage of premises, with Interest from day of sate; property to be insured and pulley assigned. Pur¬ chaser to pay A. J. White A Son for papers. JaozS By ALONZO J. WHITE & SON. FOR DIVISION, will be sold THIS DAY, the28th Instant, near the rostcfllce. at ll o'clock A. M., That desirable PROPERTY well known as the residence or Nathaniel Hey ward, deceased, front¬ ing on East Bay. Society and Wentworth streets, as divided Into six lots by plat made by E. B. White October 26,1866: No. 1, measuring 107 feet 8 Inches on East Bay, 210 feet 4 Inches on Society street, 180 feet on south line, and 108 feet 2 Inchrs on west line, ue the same more or less, on this lot ls an elegant Mansion of wood, an extensive tange or brick buildings on Society street line, a large cistern and well of water, enclosed on three aides with brick. No. 2, next west or above, measuring 40feet 6 Inche-i In front on Society street by 103 feet 2 Inches deep. On this lot Is a substantial two story brick building. No. 8, next sonth of No. 1, measuring 62 feet 4 Inches on feast Bay ny 78 feet 3 lnche* deep. No. 4. next south or No. 3, measuring 62 feel 4 Inches on East Bay by 78 feet 8 lnohes on Went¬ worth street, corner of East Bay and Wentworth 81TOGÜ No. 6, next west of No. 4, measuring 39 feet front on Wentworth street, 104 feet 8 inches In depth. On ihls lot ls a two story brick building. so. 6, next weit or No. 6. measuring 38 feet fron: on Wentworth street by 104feet 8inches oe p. on this Lt ls a portion of a brick shed. Conditions-One-third cash; balan:epayable in one, two, three and four years, wit interest from day or sale, payable annually, secured by bond and mortgage of property sold; buildings to be kept insured and policy assigned. Purchasers to pay A. J. White A Son for pape s. Put of this Property can ue Been at our office, No. 68 East Bay. Jan28 "Auctioneers' flriuate Gales. Sfe. 2TJÍ Broad Street. HOMES FOR THE PEOPLE. About 400 BUILDING LOTS, at from $16 to Sss apiece, la the Town or Pf tlgrn, lying on the western tide of the Great Plank Road, opposite the Quarter House; Beding rapidly. Call at 27X Broad street and see plat. Jamté1* Statiion Bato~~Jmsr« Want. ~Bj W. Y. LETÎcll^RrsTBRUNS, Auctioneers. STORE IN MEETING STREET, OPPO¬ SITE Charleston Hotel; Farm at Mount rle. sm;; Lots In Hilliards ville; Residence In Hanover street. wm be sold at Auction, on THURSDAY, 30th instant, at the east end of Broad street, a' ll o'olock. That eligible and desirable three-story BRICK STORE, opposite ( barleston note and known as No. 167 Meeting street. Lot measures 20 feet 8 Inches on Meeting street, by 122 feet 6 inches in depth. ALSO. A FARM, of 20 acres, about three-quarters of a -.'le from the Village or Mount Pleasant. On tins place ls a small Residence, with two rooms, barn and kitchen. This Farm Is well suited for a Track farm. ALSO, TWO LOTS In BIlllardBVllle, 85 by 86 feet on plat of said village. ALSO. The two-story WOODEN RESIDENCE and out¬ buildings, on east side or Hanover street, one door north or Columbus street. Terms-One-third cash; balance In one, two and three years, with interest, secured by bond or the purchaser and mottgageef the property; Insurance and assignment of policy. Purchaser to pay na for papers. jan23-thtn3 By F. P. SALAS, Aactlonccr. SPANISH JACKS, OF DIRECT IMPOR- TATION. on THURSDAY, the 6th or February next, at ll o'clock, A. M.. will be sold at A'DO;d's stables, corner of Meeting and John streets, Charleston, S. c., where thev can be seen up to day of sale. Twelve SPANISH JACKS, from 14X to 16* hands high, and from 4 to fix years old. raised rom the best stock in Spain, and Imported direct per spanish Bark "Providencia. Terms cash. For further particulars apply to W. P. HALL. Brown A Oo.'s Wharr, Jan20-mth6 Charleston, S. 0. Bj LOWNDES A GRIMSALL. ATHBEE ST0B7 BBICK RESIDENCE, on ibe north side or Society street, near King. wm be sold at auction, THURSDAY, February fl, 1873, at the Old P< atofHce, at ll o'clock, ) All that LOT OF LAND, with the Bolldlngsthere¬ on, ali nated north side of ¡society street, known by the No. 64. butting and bounding measuring and containing north, on land of J -un L. Faber, 28 feet fl inches; weat, on land now or lat« of charlen VveiBseoger, 182 feet 10 Inches; east, on land now or late or Qeraty, 182 feet io laches- sooth, on Society street, 28 feet; be the said di¬ mensions, more or lesa. Terms-One-third cash; balance in one and' two years, TO be secured ny a bond of the par- chaser and a mortgage of the premises, bond to bear interest at the rate of 7 per cent per aa norn from day of sale nntu tue whole be paid ; build¬ ings to be Insured and kept insured, and poller assigned. Purchaser to pay L. A 0. for papers. Jan28-tuth4 By LOWNDES & GRIMBALL. HOUSE AND LOTS ON RADCLIFFE and Line streets, wm be sold at Auction at the Old Postónico, TBURSDAY, Feoruary e. 1873. at ll o'clooc, All that LOT OF LAND with tb« three story Wooden Residence aud Outbuildings thereon, situated on the sooth side of Radclifio street; butting and bonndlng.measurlngii.^ containing In front to the north on Kadcilffe .- vest M feet? to the east on Lots 74, 76 and 7S in plat of John Diamond, of Lands ot.'l'homas Kadcilffe, 146 reet, to the west, on Lot 84 in said plat 146 feet, to ina sooth on Lot No. 70 In said plat 60 feet, be the said dimensions more or less. ALSO. All that LOT OP LAND on south sid« of Lin« street, butting and Doonding, meunrlng and containing tn the north on Line street 41 feet, to the som li nn Lands of Estate-B>nerey, 41 feet to the east on Railroad avenue, 248 feet to tue west ou Land of Estate - Welssmger; said di¬ mensions according to a plat made by R. K. Parné, mhJane, 1839, be the said dimensions more rr less. ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND on south side of Line street batting and bounding, measuring and containing, »ccordlng to above mentioned piat, north on Line street 41 feet, south on Lands of - Henerey 41 feet, to the east on Land of - w'eisslneer 248 feet, to the west on Land of - bWelsslnger 248 feet. Terms-one-third cash; balance In one and two years to be secured by bond of the por¬ chac er and mortgage of the premises; bond to bear interest at the rate or seven per cent, per annnm from day of sale, payable annually outil trie whole amount be paid. Buildings to be In¬ sured and kept lu<rared and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay L. A 0. for papéi s. jMtt-tOtM STATE OP 3 O U T H 0ABOLINA, CHARLESTON COUNTY-Toney Gibbes va. Caleb Nelson-In Trial Justices' Court. By virtue of authority to satisfy a lodgment ha favor of the plaintiff. I will proceed to sell at Pub¬ lic ornery, on WEDNESDAY, the 29th instant, at 12 o'clock M., All the right, title and Interest of the defendant in one BAY MULE, by consent of the parties. " Terms cash. J. M. HART - R. Jan28 B alb ff. Bj W. T. LEITCH & B. S. BRUNS, Auctioneer*. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, District of Sooth Carolina.-Ia Banfrtrpsey. In re Chas. Kerrison, Jr., Bankrupt, ex parta Charles Kerrison Huranant to a decree In the above ease I win offer for paie at auction on TUESDAY, the 11th day of February, at the east end of Broad street, at U o'clock, All that PIEOE OR PARCEL OF LAND, with the Two and a Half story Wooden Residence and Outbuildings, situated on the north side of Van- derhorst street, and known as No. 26, between st. Philip and Coming streets, measuring and coa- talking lu front oa Vanderborst street ¡ss feet, on the back line 36 feet 6 inches, and In depth 100 feet, be the sa.u dimensions more or len. Terms-One third cash; balance In one and two years, with interest, secured by bond of tho parchaspr and mortgage of the property, losar* ance and poller assigned. Purchaser to par ano« tloneers for papers. W. H. WIOQ, jan28,febs,8,ii Assignee. Bj W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE bv order of A. P. CALDWELL, Assignee of N M PORTKR Will tie sold on TBURSDAY, the 6th or Februa- « ry, at ll o'clock, at the Postoffloe, by order of A. P. CALDWELL, Assignee, the following desirable Property: . itt. That spacious and Commodious Tbree- story Brlok STORK on the east side of King street, known as NO. 236, with extensive Brick Back Stores, now occupied as a grocery ; measur¬ ing in iront on King street 80 3-12 by 232 feet in depth, more or leaf». 2d. That Delightfully Situated Three and One- calf Mory Brlok RESIDENCE, with double piazzas, slate roof, cistern. Aa, with brick KU den, frame carriage-house and stables, on the south side of Cai non a street, (opposite Un Or« pb an Asylum,) containing eight, tqaare rooina, oesides dressing-room and pantry, with bath¬ room and waterworks. Lot measures 106 feet fronr, on the east line 126 feet, on the weat line ut 6-12. and on the sooth Uno in feet, be the Bald dimensions mora or leu. 3d. Tnat Eligibly situated Two and One-half Story Wooden RESIDENCE, on brick foundation, with extensive brick outbuild lugs, on East Bat* tery, one door north of Water street, adjoining the e dd en ce of B. H. Raymond, Esq. command¬ ing an extensive view of the harbor. Tn«» Dwel¬ ling contains eleven rooms, including basements; has pan'ry. ci-tern, s ta bits and cai riage house, with bervanta' rooms above them. Lot measures 36 feet front, on the back line 29 e-12, on the north Une 108 feet, on the sooth line 96 6-12 feet, be Ute said dimensions more or less. 4th. Those Twelve Desirable BUILDING LOTS situated at the northwest corner of Rutledge aven ne and Line street, on the hue of the City Railway. These Lots wilt be sold ai per plat, which can be seen at No. 86 Broad street. The entire Property measures al2io-ia feet on Rot- ledge avenue, by 248 .eec on Line street, be the said dimensions more or less. -z:. 6th. Those Two Valuable LOTS OF LAND on the weat side of King street, second door sooth of the ««.y li » H way Depot, «ach Lot mêaS3«*if in front 81 feet, by icc-iee* la ueptn, be the same more or less. (On north line of whole Lot Vii, on soot Rue 118K feet.) 6lh. That Pleasantly Situated BUILDING LOT on tne north side of oreen street, one door tv-eat of College stn ec; measuring in front 46 8-12 by 174 leet in depth, be the same more or less. 7th. All those Thrte LOTS OF LAND on the south side of Hampstead Mall, said Lots facing public Mall: each Lot measuring 83H feet front, by 200 feet in depth, more or leia. 5th. All those Two LOTS OF LAND on the weat side of Aiken street, near the Colored Burial Ground, opening on Hampstead Mall; etch Lot measuring 33 feet front, by 97 feet In depth, more or less. 9th. That Desirable LOT OF LIND situated on the sooth tide of Line street, between Laurel and Coming, west of Naoan's Row; measuring 40 feet front, by 96 feet In depth, more or less. loth. That VACANT LOT on the east aide of Banover street, bounded north on Landa of James Dunning, eat lartlyon Landa of. J. 0. Blum and J. M Rason, south on Lands or Francis Smith, and west on Hanover street; L t measures 82 6-12 feet in front, by HO feet lu depth, more or less. lltb. Those Two LOTS OF LAND on the west side of a 0 ort running north rrom Borgara street, known as Nos. 18 ana 16 Porter's Row; measuring 26 feet front, by 416-12 foot In depth, more or less. Teims-One-third cash; balance lu one and two years, with Interest, secured hy bond and mortgage. Douses to be Insured and policy as¬ signed. Purchasers to pay for papen and also three-quarters or City Tax for 1878. Jan28-tnstnth4 Bj W. T. LEITCH & E. & BRUNS, Auctioneer«. EXTENSIVE AND DESIRABLE PROP¬ ERTY, with Genteel Residence and Water Privileges on cooper River, between the Property or the Sooth Carolina Railroad Oempanr and the Ch aries ton Oas 0 mpany, in Washington Street. Wul bj sold at the Cid Postofflce, on THURS¬ DAY, 3oth instant, at ll o'clock. That a PAC 111 Cs L >T OF LAND, With dwelling and outbuildings, situate lu Washington street, east side, formerly known as tte "Prothro Mill" site, con tale mg ia front 122 fee-on wa-iblngton a reet, and in depth to the channel of cooper This location offers peculiar advantages ai a alto for elthor mechsnlcal or mano'acturing purposes, and being sdjacent to the Depot of the North¬ eastern Railroad may be arranged as a depot for some of the Phosphare or Fertilising Companies. Terms-One hair cash; balance in one year, with Interest, secured by bond and mortgage, prop¬ erty to be insured and poUcy assigned. Purcha¬ ser to pay for papers. Jan28-thtaS BJ A. C. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. VALUABLE PLANTATION OF 900 acres, with good landing on Goose Creek, wm positively be aoM on THURSDAY, the seth day or January, instant. All that DESIRABLE TRACT OF LAND recently belonging to the estate of the late B. C. Gadsden, lying tn tne Parish or sc. James's Goose Creek, together with Dweil'ngand outbuildings there¬ on, bounded north by lands of John James Bee, ea-1 by lands of estate or Wm. Tennent, sooth by Goose Cree*, and west by lands of Bee; located about eue aad a half miles rom forchsr'sSttHon, on the Northeastern Radio id, which ls abosa roarteen miles rrom the city ; about 66 aoresnoe land, loo high land, oleare ;balanc» well wooa« with pine and oak. The anest facilities1 for^bunt- lng an « AB ung. The plat can be seen at toe Auc¬ tioneer's office, No 27X Broad streit Terms-One-half cash; the one year, secured as usual. Purchaser to w auc¬ tioneer for papers. jaa24-rstuwth6
Page 1: The Charleston daily news.(Charleston, S.C.) 1873-01-28. · Great closing out saleof our extensivestockof BOTGOODSANDCARPETS. TomakeroomforourSpring Stock wewill now offer CARPETS-io

Wno knows tn e secret of tbe rose tDeep in ber ellene beare lc slows:Thesan alone, from np per air.Discerns the heavenly mistery lhere.Is there one haman sonl that knowsThe sacred secret of the rose?

Rot he who sad and daunted stands,Afraid to reach bis trembling hands,Afraid to grasp the bliss tn-1 HesDeep in those golden mysteries,Lest men or angels shout in scornTue legend of the rose's thorn.

Not he who wastes his listless hours.Like Idle moths, on a ay flowers:High on the rose's -rom BereneBlazes the crown that marks the queen;No soul that dares that sign denySnail in her fragrant bosom lie.

Not he who knows no more delightThan dwells wubin his fickle sight:For blush and bloom may pass awayIn compass of a summer's day:Bat atm the rose's heart is sweet.Though all its outward glow be fleet.

But he who meeta its keenest thornWith gracious strength and tender scorn;Who knows the royal heart that standsWal lng the touch of royal hands ;Who trusts to love's eternityWMfb love's own blossoms fade snd die;Who waits with passion's natl-nt strengthFor passion's peace, that comos at length-Be only conquers, for be knowsThe sacred secret of the rose.


The general favor with which THECHARLESTON NEWS is regarded by the read¬

ing public of Sooth Carolina and the adja¬cent States, has given it an unrivalled circu¬

lation throughout this section of the coun¬

try. We are resolved that nothing shall be

left undone io the future to keep it ap to the

highest standard of modern journalism; and

In order to place oar varions editions within

the reach of every Southern household, we

will famish the paper to clubs on very libe¬

ral terms. The friends of THE NEWS every¬where are Invited to assist us in extendingits circulation. The following are oar


One copy, one year.$8 001Five or more copies, one year, each. 7 00 j


One copy, one year.$ 4 00Five copies, at $3 60 each.1750Ten copies, at $3 each. 30 00


Bingle copy, one year.$ 2 00Five coplea. 7 ooTea copies.12 00

Twenty copies. 20 00And larger clubs at the last named rate.

THE WEEKLY NEWS will contain all the

leading editorials of the DAILY; a care¬

ful and completaaanimary of the Foreignand Domestic news; latest news by Tele¬

graph from all parts of the world ; fall and

reliable Stock, Financial and General Mar¬

ket Reports; a synopsis of the proceedingsof Congress and State Legislatures, when

in session ; proceedings of Scientific, Agri¬cultural, Religions and Literary Societies;all important Legal Decisions of State and

Federal Coarta; reviews of the most inter¬

esting and important New Books; and,indeed, everything of interest to the FamilyCircle, the Merchant, Farmer, Professional

Man, Mechanic and Laborer.

Srjirts ano irnmistjing Q3oob».R E S H AR B I Y A LSI




v S.r ss

s ss ss sS S8 S


8 to Order. 88 _


- s8 MEN'S S



S S8 S8 8S 8S S8 SS




Geming ÍKcurjirus.



131,260 SOLD IN 1871.









THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST.We are now Belling hese superior MACHINES

on Ten Dollar monthly payments.Adjusting and Korainng done promtly.

WHEELIE, A WILSON MASUF'G CO.,apr*-'yr Na soo King street

iHrans and ÜHeomn«.



We are prepared to claim for our Sugar-coatedPills the indispensable qualities, Solubilhy andPermanency. These Plus are prepared of thepurest materials, and are warranted to be per¬fectly reliable. Our method or sugar-coatingpills without the application or heat, as employedby os only, avoids tue necessity or drying so hardas to renaler them Insoluble.These Pills are constaatlv kept on hand and sold

wholesale and retail by DR. H. BA ER,Sole Agent for Sooth Carolina.

Send for Catalogne and Price List._"^yrARNER'S PIL IODOFORM ET


Each containingIodoform.One Grain.Fen um Red.One and a quarter Grains.


Valuable as a remedy In Scrofula, Anaemia, Neu¬ralgia, Chlorosis, Rheumatism, Phthisis, Ac.We make special mention of the3a Pills e.f our

manufacture, as the medical journals throughoutthe country contain contributions from reilab eauthors who have made wonderful cures, ari erhaving used, without success, all ether knownremedies.Each label bears the formóla-Dose, 2 Pilis

three times a day. IWe give below a brief extract from a report or

the Lelilí h County Med cal Society, as publishedIn the Transactions or the Medical Society orPennsylvania. Jane, 1868:

"Internally, I give quinine and Iron and a goodnourishing diet. Still I round great tronv'jickeeping up healthy granulations; they wo^.d be¬come sluggish. I tried a non ber or alteratives,as iodide or potassium and lime. Still the caseprogressed veiy slowly, until my attention wasattracted to an article In the Me Heal and SurgicalRe Dort er, -Oa Iodide andiron.' I at oncee in¬

cluded to give this remedy a fair trial. 1 discon¬tinued ali other constitutional treatment, andgave three pills three times a dav. manufacturedby W. R. Warner A Co., or Philadelphia. 1 soonhad the satisfaction of seeing a rapid improve¬ment. The pain at once len her Hmo, with whichshe had surfered continually; the granulationsbecame more healthy and more abundant, and Inow have the satisfaction of seeing my patientongagmg in all her household duties. Not a ves¬tige or the disease is to be seen. The patient lsenjoying perfect health, ls active and lively.

"Since, I have treated two other cases, one ofthree and one of four years' standing, with thesame good result I reel convinced or the efficacyof the remedy." P. L. REICH ARD,

Chairman sanitary Committee.Forsaleby DB. ti. BAER,



Each containingPhosphorus.One-hundredth Grain.Ext. Nnx Vómica.One-fourth Gram.

Phosphorus ls an Important constituent of theanimal economy, particularly of the brain andnervous system, and ls regarded as a valuableremedy for diseases common to them-as In casesor Lapse or Memory, Softening of the Brain, Lossof Nerve Power, Phthisis, Paralysis and Impotenoy. The plUuiar form has been deemed yjemost desirable for the administration of Phos¬phor us. It la in a perfect state of subdivision, aslt ts incorporated with Glycerine, Ac. in solution.Price $2 per hnndred. sent by mall.For sale by DR. H. BAER,



BEEF, WINE AND IRON.Beer, Wine, Iron and Cinchona.Elixir of Bark, Iron and Strlchnla.Elixir Pipsln, Bismuth and Strlchnla.Elixir Valerian ate of Ammonia.Elixir Valerlauate or strlchnla.Bitter Wine or Iron.Elixir Taraxacum comp., (a new and valuable

combination of the medicinal properties of theDandelion, Wild Cherry and Gentian, with aro¬matics.)Elixir Bromide or Potassium.Comp. Syrup or the Lacto-Phosphates.All the above constantly kept on hand, and for

sale, wholesale and retail, byDR. H. BAER,

No. 181 Meeting Street,nov7-tn Charleston.

Druyo at tDliolesale.


This Ointment ls not the thing or a day, nor haslt been fanned into notice by artificial means.Its high reputation rests upon its real intrinsicmerit, based upon truth, derived from manyyears experience by the Faculty, and the expe¬rience of all who have used or told lt.

It has been longer In use (more than fortyyears,) and ls bonght by Druggist! in larger quan¬tities than any medicine of the kind in the world.More than ten thousand certificates caa be pro¬

duced of Its elli ca cy.DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS,

Wholesale Agents, charleston, 8. C.The trade supplied at manufacturer's prices.Jan21-tn_yyrE EARNESTLY INVITE THE AT-

TENTION of Physicians, Druggists and the

public generally to the



PHILADELPHIA, PA.,which have become so deservedly POPULAR fortheir INTRINSIC worth, the ELEGANT manner Inwhich they are prepared, and the RELIABILITY ofthe QUALITY or EACH UPKCIFIC article they are

said to contain. First among them ie theirCOD LIVER OIL WITH PHOSPHATE LIME,

a most valuable remedy In the large class or wasti cg diseases caused by IMPAIRMENT or PERVERSION or NUTRITION, the too rapid TISSUE TRANS-POSMATION and the want or certain substance es¬sential to the organism, and lt ts offered with theutmost confidence as an IMPORTANT addition tothe resources or medicine against the diseaseswhich, In this country, are the most namerous,and formidable, say .- CROFOLA In children andPULMONARY COMPLAINTS in a.. ni ts. "Eac ti ounceof the mixture contains io grains or the Phosphateof Lime"

BEEF, WINE AND IRON.T-..B delightful nutritive tonic has been so uni¬

versally used and approved, lt ls unnecessary to

say more than that lt ts kept up to its usual stand¬ard of excellence...Each tablespoonful contains l ounce of Beef,

half ounce or Sherry Wine and 2 grains of Citrateof iron."

BEEF, WINE, IRON AND CINCHONA.The combination or Callaaya Bark with onr pre¬

paration or Beer, Wine and iron adds the nervetonic and anti-periodic effect or cinchona to thenutritious and stimulating properties or the otheringredients. We doubt IT a more efficient combi¬nation of tonic, nutritions and stimulating agentscould be prescribid, and esk the attention o phy¬sicians to its use, as a protupt and reliable remedyIn the many cases In which it would naturally beIndicated. Each tablespoonful contains l ounceof Beef, 2 grains Citrate of Iron, and half ounceof Wine of Calisaya Bars.

SHERRY WINE AND BEEF.The davantage of administering Beer with Wine

to patients requiring both nutriment and stimu¬

lant, will te readily appreciated-the sustainingand nutritious effect ol the beer orten enablingdelicate aad sensitive Invalids to take the winewith benefit, when ordinarily they would be un¬

able to take lt even In small quantities without

occasioning headache, Ac. Each tablespoonscontains one hair ounce of Sherry Wine and one

ounce of beef.We also call attention to the following as some

among these preparations most In use: Elixir

Calisaya Bark, Iron and Strychnine. Elixir Phos¬

phate Iron, Quinine and Strychnine. Elixir Va-lertcnate Ammonia. Elixir Pepsin, Bismnth and

Strychnine. Bitter Wine or Iron. Elixir Gentian,Ferreted. Wine or Wild Oherry Bark Ferreted.Syrup Lacto Phos. Lime. Tasteless Cod Liver

OH.Wholesale Agents for Marvln'sPure Cod Liver

OIL DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS,novo-tnr Agents ror South Carolina.

TiX eresp ap er5.

HE MA^TOIPSTABls the only newspaper published at Marlon

Courthouse. Merchants and dealers In fer tl la-ers should remember this at the beginning of theseason II they desire to extend their business inthe Peedee section, ine of the best agriculturaldistricts in the State. AddressJaKMl W. J. MoKERALL.

Emue, Cqiouais, fft.


Warranted ander oath never to nave failed tocare. 38,600 Certificates or testimoníala or cnre,including Rev. 0. H. Ewing, Media, Pennsylvania;Rev. joseph Beggs, Falls of Schuylkill, Philadel¬phia; the wife or Rev. J. B. Davis, Hlghtstown,New Jersey; Rev. Thomas Murphy, Frankford,Philadelphia; Doctor Jennings and Doctor Walton,Philadelphia; Hon. J V. Greeley, member Don.press from Philadelphia; Bon. Judge Lee, cam¬den, New Jersey; ex-senator stewart, Baltimore;ex-Governor Powell, Kentucky, and thousands orothers. Warranted to cure or money refunded.

I J . OJ C. CACM KU. Agent,nlvl-lvr iiharlMtrtn. S.O.

QEijina, Crockcrg, &z.



Plain White and Decorated











Great closing out sale of our extensive stock of


To make room for our Spring Stock we will now


CARPETS-io pieces 4-4 HEMP CARPETING, only 30 cents.25 pieces 4-4 Wool and Cotton Carpets, only 60

canta.25 pieces 4-4 Wool Carpeta, only 75 and 85 cents.26 pieces all Wool Ingrain, only BOC. and $1.60 pieces English Brasaels, only Si 50.Full lines or Rags, Mats, Oil Cloths and Matting.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS.6 cases 3 4 Bleached at o cents.6 cases 4-4 Bleached at 12* cents.6 cases 4 4 extra one at 16 cents.2 cases 4-4 Wamsutta, at 20 cents.6 cases 10-4 bleached Sheeting at 42 cents.loo dozen Towels at $1 26.200 dozen Towels at $176 and $2.Foll lines of better quality Hack and Damask

Towels at $2 and $6.Fnil lines of Linen Sheding, Linen Pl lowcaslng.

Shirt Linens, Napkins, Doylies, Table Damasks.AcBlankets, Flannels, Shawls, Cloaks have been

greatly reduced In price.

DRESS GOODS.20 pieces SILK VALOUR, all colors, 85 cents,

formerly $123.6 cases Dress Goods, all styles, 25 to 40 cents,

formerly 35 to eo cents.26 pieces »lack Silk, $1 25, $1 60, $1 76, $2, $3,

reduced 20 per cent.Oar entire Mourning Stock has undergone a re¬

daction of from 50 to 25 per cent.Black Alpaca, only 60 cents, worth 65, ihe best

in the city.Full lines or Satins, Silk Valours, Silk Velvet,

Ac, are offered at great bargains.

CLOTH DEPARTMENT,The best selected stock In this market, consol¬

ing ot Foreign and Domestic manufactures, hasbeen marke i down, and we offer great bargainsto purchasers.

NOTION DEPARTMENT.Full lines of Ladles, MlsseF.' and Gents* HOSIERY

and UNDERWEAR.Full lines or Kid Gloves at following prices:1 button Kid Glove, ft.2 button Kid Glove, $1 26.Also, sole Agents ror the celebrated Chellly's

Kid Gloves, each pair guaranteed.Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Corsets,and Hand¬

kerchiefs in great variety.See specials. Respectfully,



will offer the remainder or their

WINTER DRESS STOCKAt great Bargains to purchasers, selling the samefor the balance ot the season at and below coat.



and other makes, this day received, in all prices,from $2 to $5 per yard.



GLOVES just opened.


H03IERY, " Balbrlggaaa," Children's White andFancy Striped Colton Hose, Ac, Ac.

J. R. READ & CO.Jan22




FE UH OAKY, Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, nnderHutsou Lee, Den ry T. Peake, Esq., Edvard B. MeiFirst Prize, double centre-Ore breech loadinggun, complete, vaine.«loo

Second Prize, doobie flne muzzle loading gan. 80Third Prize, double centre-Ore breech loadinggun. 70

Fourth Prize, donble One muzzle loading gun. 60Fl th Prize.double breech load'ggun.plncart'g 60Sixth Prize, double muzzle loadinggan. 40seventh Prize donble muzzle loading gun....' 85Eighth Prize, donble muzzle londing gun. 35Ninth Prize, double mozze loadinggnu. 30Tenth Prize, double muzzle loadlnv gan." 30Eleventh Prize, doable muzzle loading gan... 26Twelfth Prlz», donble muzzle loading gun.... ¡25Thirteenth Prize, doable muzzle loading gun.". 26Fourteenth Prize, donble muzzle loading gun. 26Fifteenth Prize, double muzz 0 loading gun.. 20Sixteenth Prize, double muzzle loading gun.. 20Seventeenth Prize, double muzzle loan'* gun. 20Eighteenth Prize, double muzzle load'g gan. isNineteenth Prize, double muzzle loading gun', isTwentieth Prize, donble mnzzle loading gan., isTwenty-flrst Prize, double muzzle load'g gun. 16Twenty-second Prize, double m'zle load'g gun. ieTwenty-third Prize, doable muzzle load'g gan. 16AU parties who have taken chances and have no

Raffle. If not patd for they will be stricken on. jomce, curner King and Beàufaln streets.

Stole Notices.


All persons holding Pay certificates, Issued bythe General Assembly of 1870-71 and 1871-72, or

bills payable, Issued by N. G. PARKER, late StateTreasurer, are hereby requested to present the

.ame at the Rooms or the Joint Special Investi¬gating Committee, appointed by the General As¬sembly, January 21st, 1878, for the purpose of ex¬

amining into the same, on or before the lat Feb¬

ruary, 1873.1 he Committee will be In session every day, be¬

tween the honra of 10 A. M. and 12 M.CHARLES Mi SORT. Chairman Committee.


Sitm illnbliranons.Edmond Yates'! Story,


New York FiresideCompanionOUT NEXT MONDAY, JANUARY 27.

TE «..M5-Onr Copy, One Year...$3 OOTwo Coplea, One Year. 5 00

Address GEORGE MUNRO,New York Fireside Companion,



ulrrigs at Wholesale.


RECULATORFor over forty years this


LIVER MEDICINE ha<i proved to be the


for Liver Complaint and ita painful offspring,Dyspepsia, Constipation, Jaundice, Billons at¬tacks, Sick Headache, colic, Depression of Spirits,Soar Stomach, Beare Burn, Cblls and Fever, Ac,AcAfter years or careful experiments, to meet a

great and urgent demand, we now produce fromour original and Genuine Powders

TUE PREPARED,a Liquid form of SIMMONS' LIVER REGULA¬TOR, containing all Its wonderful and valuableproperties, and offer lt In


The Powder*, (price as before,) $1 ppr package;sent ny mall $1 04.CAUTION.-Buy no Powders or PKEPARED


engraved wrapper, with Trade mark, stamp andSignature unbroken. None 0: her ls genuine.

J. U. ZE1L1N A CO.,

Macon, Ga, and Philadelphia.SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS.


Doors, Sosljefl ano jBiinba.







KEOGH & THORNE,254 AND 256 CANAL STREETdcc9-lyr New York City.





Is the place to get handsome and snbstantlalFURNITURE of the latest and most elegant de¬

signs at prices to suit the times. This establish¬ment ha9just received a large supply of superiorParlor, Chamber and Dining Room Sets in Oak,Walnut and Imitation, which are offered at pricestee or flfteen per cent, lower than those chargedelsewhere for less substantial Furnltnre.


Call and examine the stock and prices.BIGN OF THE MAN AND ROCKER,

No. 444 KING STREET.decl8-3moBOAO


¡UN RAFFLE.55 PER CHANCE-ONE UN FIVE SE-A PRIZE.ll tace place at the Pavilion Hotel, on the 2d day ofthe supervision of the following gentlemen : Majorms, Esq. Prizes are as follows:Twenty-fonrth Prize, double m'zleload'g gun. 16Twenty-fifth Prize, double nuzzle load'g gan. 16Twenty -sixth Prize, doable muzzle load'g gun. 16Twenty-seventh Prize, muzzle loadli g gun... 16Twenty-eighth Prize, double m'z e lo v u gan. 16Twenty-ninih Prize, doable muzzle load'g gan. lfiThirtieth Prize, one one single bov's gan.... 16Thirty-first Prize, one flue single boy's gan... ioThirty-second Prize, one flue single gan. ioThirty-third Prize, one fine English Bhot pouohand powder flask. 6

Thirty-fourth Pr ze, one Une English shotpouch and nowder flask. 6

Thlrty-ofth Prize, English shot pouch andpewder flask. 6

Thirty-sixth Prize, English shot ponch andpowder flask. 6

Thirty-seventh Prize, one English shot poachand powder flask. 0

Thirty-eighth Prize, line shot pooch and pow¬der flask. 5

Thlny-nlnth Prize. No. 1 home shuttle sewingmachiue. 26

Fortieth Prize, No. 2 home shuttle sewing ma¬chine. 43

t settled fur the aime will please do so prior to theL few chances can be obtained at T. L. BISSELL'B

J anu-1us

panos, Organs, Ut.

Furnished at factory prices for Cash, or byMonthly Payments, on the most liberal terms.

CHARLES L. McCLENABAN,Plano and Music Store,JanO No. 191 King street.

Uoots, 5I)0CG, Ut.






Respectfully solicit the continuance orthe patronage so liberally bestowed onthem by the citizens of Charleston andsurrounding country.One or the Arm has Jost returned from

the Nortb, and purchased in Boston jostbefore the largs Ure there; all of which weoffer to the Wbolesale Bayers at great ad¬vantages and guarantee them a saving ofat least 10 to 16 per cent.We are offering all of our purchases now

at less than former prices, and regardlessto the advance of prices now.To our Retail Customers we would say

that as heretofore we shall do our best toplease them by polite attention and cour¬teous salesmenNo trouble to show goods. We keep

only a good quality of Boots and Shoes,and prices that defy competition.Our motte ls, LARGE SALES AND



To Mothers we would say that we con¬tinue to keep a large stock of that celebra¬ted SILVER TIPPE O SHOE, of Philadel¬phia make.Constantly on hand and receiving by

every steamer from Philadelphia a fineand well selected stock of Band-sewedBootsand Shoes, for Ladles, Genta, Missesand children, of the best Philadelphiamanufacture, all of which we guaranteeto give satisfaction, and would respectful¬ly solicit a call at



MÜCKENFOSS, will be pleased to walt on theirfriends. nov2S-taths

Cigars, Soo acta* Ut.





Sign of the Emperor William.

TRADE SUPPLIED.mch7-lyrnoAw_

(Groceries, Liquors, Ul.


We have appointed Messrs. H. KLATTE A 00Sole Agento for Charleston for this CelebratedBrand of PURE KENTUOKÏ WHISKEYS, bothRTE3 and BOURBON._"These Whiskeys are guaranteed pure KENTUCKYCOPPER DISTILLED, free from all compound Im¬

purities, and highly recommended by eminentchemists for medical use. The Brand ls patentedto prevent infringements.BARKHOÜSE BROS. A CO.,

Louisville, Ky.

we respectfully inform our friends andÇusMBl-era that we keep constantly on band a [uM supplyor the above already favorably we 1 known Whls-

Keys and offer same to T$¡g&£$¡?'P Si-stuth6mo No. 186 East Bay.

STEFFENS, WERNER & DUCKETT"1T7ILL SELL THIS DAY BEFOREY? heir store». Vendue Bange, at 9 o'clock,

15 kegs Roll BUTTERGO kegs and tuba Butter29 tiercts Magnolia Hams-J boxes D. 8. shoulders10 linds. D. S. Be lies26 boxes and barrels S, 0. Strips16 boxes Cheese60 tierces Pig Hamsio drums coo, Hase and Onskloo boxes Canvassed Shoulders, ic


WILL SELL THIS DAY, AT llo'clock A. M on Brown's Wharf, foot

Vendne Range,One Large BATTEAU SLOOP, with all the Rig-

gin* sails, Anchor, > c.; also cooking utensils be¬longing to the Boat-ad to be in lump.Termscash._


By W, Y. LEITCH & R, S, BRUN»,Auctioneers«

DWELLINGS, STORES AND VACANTLOTS. In various paru of the etty:

Will be sold at Auction, IHls DAT. suth In-staut, at the east end of Broad street, at iio'ciook,The following pieces of PROPERTY:L The two scot y BRICE! DWELLING, No. 81

Middle street. Lot measures 43 by 120.2 The two story WOODEN DWELLING, No. 22

Mngbzlne street. Lor. rn-asures 40 by 160.3. The one-siory eui LUI *O, NO. 24 Magazine

street. Lot measures 40 by 164.4. The VACANT LOT, soma side of Horlbeck's

alley, No. 2<>. Lot measures 30 by 00.6. The two-story WO JDKN DWELLING, No. 0

Inspection street. Loi measure-" 80 by 1206. The tw .-story WOODh'N STORE AND DWEL¬

LING, at northeast corner church and chalmersstreet. Lot measurer 18 by 67.

7. The two-srory BRICK STORE AND DWEL¬LING adjoining the above, and known as No. 106Ohnrch street. Lot measun s 10 by 67.

8. Toe two story WOODEN KANGE, NO. 22Chalmers street. Let measur s 23 by 34.

0. The two-story WOODEN STORE ANO RESI¬DENCE, northeast corner of Alexander and Cal-bonn streets. Lot measures 40 by 60.

10. The VACANT LOT, south side of Ashtonstreet. Lot measures 36 by 116.

11. The VACANT LOT, north Bide of Springstreet, adjoining former residence of J. D. Mitch-4ell, Esq.. meas urm s 35 by li 8.

ia. Four VAOANT LOTS In President (per plat,)each Lot measures 20 ry loo.

13. The TENEMENT BUILDINGS, Nos. 6 and6)£ Amherst street. Lot measnree 80 by 140.

14. The one story BUlLnING In Reid street,known as No. 2. Lot measures 40 by 140.Terms-Half cash; balance In one year, with In¬

terest, secured by bond of the purchaser andmortgage of the premises; insurance upon hold¬ings and assignment of Policy. Purchaser to payus for papers. Jan28

W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS,Auctioneers.

REFEREE'S SALE.Jenes E. Beape vs. A. G. Crane.

iHIS Day, the 28th Instant, at ll o'clock, atPcBtofflce. by order of Judge Graham o: May 2d,1872, will be sold,AH that PLANTATION containing six hundred

and seventy-nine acres, pita ito m Charleston undColleton Countks. near Ladson's Road; boundingnorth on laud late or South Carolina RailroadCompany, east on same, and tn the Fifty-eightand Hundred and Thirteen Acre iracts la-o or A.G. Crane, sooth on W. B. McKewn. and west onland formerly or Dr. Evely, excluding the houseanti lot claimed by Predmore, and another lotadjoining, each five acres.Terms-One third cash; balance in one and two

years, secured by bona and mortgage, with interest annually. CHARLES H. SIMON! ON,

JanzS h efe ree.


M., will be sold, near the Postofflce, on Broadstreet, by order of the Trustee,The PLANTATION on Cooper River known as

the "Grove," contamina 3364 acres, or which-acres »re Rice Land. The tract in heavily wooded,and ls more particularly described by tue platmade by R. Q. Plnckney, snrveyor. In April. 1-36.On the place H a Dwelling Hon e with ten rooms,surrounded by handsome oak trees, a SteamThrashing MIK, Ba n, and neg' o homes.Cond tions.-One third cash, balance "by bond,

payanle In one and two years. «Uh inteaest an¬nually from day of sale, to be secured by a mort¬

gage or the properly. Purchaser to pay for pa¬pers, lan28


WILL BE SOLD TDIS DAY. THE 28THinstant, at ll o'c.ock A. M., near Post.

office,That desirable HOUSE AND LOT, No. 42 Society

street next west Shirrs'a Dispensary, containingin front on Society street 40 feet, by 148 feet deep,be the s <me more or less. House of wood, con¬taining Ave rooms; brick Kitchen, well of water,Ac.conditions-One-fourth cash; balance in one,

two anti three years, secured by bond and mortgage of premises, with Interest from day of sate;property to be insured and pulley assigned. Pur¬chaser to pay A. J. White A Son for papers.JaozS


FOR DIVISION,will be sold THIS DAY, the28th Instant,

near the rostcfllce. at ll o'clock A. M.,That desirable PROPERTY well known as the

residence or Nathaniel Heyward, deceased, front¬ing on East Bay. Society and Wentworth streets,as divided Into six lots by plat made by E. B. WhiteOctober 26,1866:No. 1, measuring 107 feet 8 Inches on East Bay,

210 feet 4 Inches on Society street, 180 feet on

south line, and 108 feet 2 Inchrs on west line, uethe same more or less, on this lot ls an elegantMansion of wood, an extensive tange or brickbuildings on Society street line, a large cisternand well of water, enclosed on three aides withbrick.No. 2, next west or above, measuring 40feet 6

Inche-i In front on Society street by 103 feet 2Inches deep. On this lot Is a substantial twostory brick building.No. 8, next sonth of No. 1, measuring 62 feet 4

Inches on feast Bay ny 78 feet 3 lnche* deep.No. 4. next south or No. 3, measuring 62 feel 4

Inches on East Bay by 78 feet 8 lnohes on Went¬worth street, corner of East Bay and Wentworth81TOGÜNo. 6, next west of No. 4, measuring 39 feet

front on Wentworth street, 104 feet 8 inches Indepth. On ihls lot ls a two story brick building.so. 6, next weit or No. 6. measuring 38 feet

fron: on Wentworth street by 104feet 8inchesoe p. on this Lt ls a portion of a brick shed.Conditions-One-third cash; balan:epayable in

one, two, three and four years, wit interestfrom day or sale, payable annually, secured bybond and mortgage of property sold; buildings tobe kept insured and policy assigned. Purchasersto pay A. J. White A Son for pape s.Put of this Property can ue Been at our office,

No. 68 East Bay. Jan28

"Auctioneers' flriuate Gales. Sfe.

2TJÍ Broad Street.

HOMES FOR THE PEOPLE.About 400 BUILDING LOTS, at from $16 to

Sss apiece, la the Town or Pf tlgrn, lying on thewestern tide of the Great Plank Road, oppositethe Quarter House; Beding rapidly. Call at 27XBroad street and see plat. Jamté1*

Statiion Bato~~Jmsr« Want.~Bj W. Y. LETÎcll^RrsTBRUNS,


STORE IN MEETING STREET, OPPO¬SITE Charleston Hotel; Farm at Mount

rle. sm;; Lots In Hilliards ville; Residence InHanover street.wm be sold at Auction, on THURSDAY, 30th

instant, at the east end of Broad street, a' llo'olock.That eligible and desirable three-story BRICK

STORE, opposite ( barleston note and known asNo. 167 Meeting street. Lot measures 20 feet 8Inches on Meeting street, by 122 feet 6 inches indepth. ALSO.A FARM, of 20 acres, about three-quarters of a

-.'le from the Village or Mount Pleasant. Ontins place ls a small Residence, with two rooms,barn and kitchen. This Farm Is well suited for aTrack farm.

ALSO,TWO LOTS In BIlllardBVllle, 85 by 86 feet on

plat of said village.ALSO.

The two-story WOODEN RESIDENCE and out¬buildings, on east side or Hanover street, onedoor north or Columbus street.Terms-One-third cash; balance In one, two

and three years, with interest, secured by bondor the purchaser and mottgageef the property;Insurance and assignment of policy. Purchaserto pay na for papers. jan23-thtn3

By F. P. SALAS,Aactlonccr.


on THURSDAY, the 6th or February next, at llo'clock, A. M.. will be sold at A'DO;d's stables,corner of Meeting and John streets, Charleston,S. c., where thev can be seen up to day of sale.Twelve SPANISH JACKS, from 14X to 16*

hands high, and from 4 to fix years old. raisedrom the best stock in Spain, and Imported directper spanish Bark "Providencia.Terms cash.For further particulars apply to

W. P. HALL.Brown A Oo.'s Wharr,

Jan20-mth6 Charleston, S. 0.


ATHBEE ST0B7 BBICK RESIDENCE,on ibe north side or Society street, near

King.wm be sold at auction, THURSDAY, February fl,

1873, at the Old P< atofHce, at ll o'clock, )

All that LOT OF LAND, with the Bolldlngsthere¬on, ali nated north side of ¡society street, knownby the No. 64. butting and bounding measuringand containing north, on land of J -un L. Faber,28 feet fl inches; weat, on land now or lat« ofcharlen VveiBseoger, 182 feet 10 Inches; east, onland now or late or Qeraty, 182 feet io laches-sooth, on Society street, 28 feet; be the said di¬mensions, more or lesa.Terms-One-third cash; balance in one and'

two years, TO be secured ny a bond of the par-chaser and a mortgage of the premises, bond tobear interest at the rate of 7 per cent per aanornfrom day ofsale nntu tue whole be paid ; build¬ings to be Insured and kept insured, and pollerassigned. Purchaser to pay L. A 0. for papers.Jan28-tuth4



wm be sold at Auction at the Old Postónico,TBURSDAY, Feoruary e. 1873. at ll o'clooc,

All that LOT OF LAND with tb« three storyWooden Residence aud Outbuildings thereon,situated on the sooth side of Radclifio street;butting and bonndlng.measurlngii.^ containingIn front to the north on Kadcilffe .- vest M feet?to the east on Lots 74, 76 and 7S in plat of JohnDiamond, of Lands ot.'l'homas Kadcilffe, 146 reet,to the west, on Lot 84 in said plat 146 feet, to inasooth on Lot No. 70 In said plat 60 feet, be thesaid dimensions more or less.

ALSO.All that LOT OP LAND on south sid« of Lin«

street, butting and Doonding, meunrlng andcontaining tn the north on Line street 41 feet, tothe som li nn Lands of Estate-B>nerey, 41 feetto the east on Railroad avenue, 248 feet to tuewest ou Land of Estate- Welssmger; said di¬mensions according to a plat made by R. K.Parné, mhJane, 1839, be the said dimensionsmore rr less.

ALSO,All that LOT OF LAND on south side of Line

street batting and bounding, measuring andcontaining, »ccordlng to above mentioned piat,north on Line street 41 feet, south on Lands of- Henerey 41 feet, to the east on Land of-w'eisslneer 248 feet, to the west on Land of-

bWelsslnger 248 feet.Terms-one-third cash; balance In one and

two years to be secured by bond of the por¬chac er and mortgage of the premises; bond tobear interest at the rate or seven per cent, perannnm from day of sale, payable annually outiltrie whole amount be paid. Buildings to be In¬sured and kept lu<rared and policy assigned.Purchaser to pay L. A 0. for papéi s.



Caleb Nelson-In Trial Justices' Court.By virtue of authority to satisfy a lodgment ha

favor of the plaintiff. I will proceed to sell at Pub¬lic ornery, on WEDNESDAY, the 29th instant, at12 o'clock M.,All the right, title and Interest of the defendant

in one BAY MULE, by consent of the parties. "

Terms cash. J. M. HART - R.Jan282« B alb ff.

Bj W. T. LEITCH & B. S. BRUNS,Auctioneer*.

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,District of Sooth Carolina.-Ia Banfrtrpsey.

In re Chas. Kerrison, Jr., Bankrupt, ex partaCharles KerrisonHuranant to a decree In the above ease I win

offer for paie at auction on TUESDAY, the 11thday of February, at the east end of Broad street,at U o'clock,

All that PIEOE OR PARCEL OF LAND, with theTwo and a Half story Wooden Residence andOutbuildings, situated on the north side of Van-derhorst street, and known as No. 26, betweenst. Philip and Coming streets, measuring and coa-talking lu front oa Vanderborst street ¡ss feet, onthe back line 36 feet 6 inches, and In depth 100feet, be the sa.u dimensions more or len.Terms-One third cash; balance In one and

two years, with interest, secured by bond of thoparchaspr and mortgage of the property, losar*ance and poller assigned. Purchaser to par ano«tloneers for papers. W. H. WIOQ,jan28,febs,8,ii Assignee.

Bj W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS,Auctioneers.


N M PORTKRWill tie sold on TBURSDAY, the 6th or Februa- «

ry, at ll o'clock, at the Postoffloe, by order of A.P. CALDWELL, Assignee, the following desirableProperty: .

itt. That spacious and Commodious Tbree-story Brlok STORK on the east side of Kingstreet, known as NO. 236, with extensive BrickBack Stores, now occupied as a grocery ; measur¬ing in iront on King street 80 3-12 by 232 feet indepth, more or leaf».2d. That Delightfully Situated Three and One-

calf Mory Brlok RESIDENCE, with doublepiazzas, slate roof, cistern. Aa, with brickKU den, frame carriage-house and stables, on thesouth side of Cai non a street, (opposite Un Or«pban Asylum,) containing eight,tqaare rooina,oesides dressing-room and pantry, with bath¬room and waterworks. Lot measures 106 feetfronr, on the east line 126 feet, on the weat lineut 6-12. and on the sooth Uno in feet, be the Balddimensions mora or leu.

3d. Tnat Eligibly situated Two and One-halfStory Wooden RESIDENCE, on brick foundation,with extensive brick outbuild lugs, on East Bat*tery, one door north of Water street, adjoiningthe e dd en ce of B. H. Raymond, Esq. command¬ing an extensive view of the harbor. Tn«» Dwel¬ling contains eleven rooms, including basements;has pan'ry. ci-tern, sta bits and cai riage house,with bervanta' rooms above them. Lot measures36 feet front, on the back line 29 e-12, on the northUne 108 feet, on the sooth line 96 6-12 feet, be Utesaid dimensions more or less.4th. Those Twelve Desirable BUILDING LOTS

situated at the northwest corner of Rutledgeavenne and Line street, on the hue of the CityRailway. These Lots wilt be sold ai per plat,which can be seen at No. 86 Broad street. Theentire Property measures al2io-ia feet on Rot-ledge avenue, by 248 .eec on Line street, be thesaid dimensions more or less. -z:.

6th. Those Two Valuable LOTS OF LAND onthe weat side of King street, second door soothof the ««.y li » Hway Depot, «ach Lot mêaS3«*ifin front 81 feet, by icc-iee* la ueptn, be the samemore or less. (On north line of whole Lot Vii,on soot Rue 118K feet.)6lh. That Pleasantly Situated BUILDING LOT

on tne north side of oreen street, one door tv-eatof College stn ec; measuring in front 46 8-12 by174 leet in depth, be the same more or less.

7th. All those Thrte LOTS OF LAND on thesouth side of Hampstead Mall, said Lots facingpublic Mall: each Lot measuring 83H feet front,by 200 feet in depth, more or leia.

5th. All those Two LOTS OF LAND on the weatside of Aiken street, near the Colored BurialGround, opening on Hampstead Mall; etch Lotmeasuring 33 feet front, by 97 feet In depth, moreor less.

9th. That Desirable LOT OF LIND situated onthe sooth tide of Line street, between Laurel andComing, west of Naoan's Row; measuring 40feet front, by 96 feet In depth, more or less.

loth. That VACANT LOT on the east aide ofBanover street, bounded north on Landa ofJames Dunning, eat lartlyon Landa of. J. 0.Blum and J. M Rason, south on Lands or FrancisSmith, and west on Hanover street; L t measures82 6-12 feet in front, by HO feet lu depth, more orless.

lltb. Those Two LOTS OF LAND on the westside of a 0 ort running north rrom Borgarastreet, known as Nos. 18 ana 16 Porter's Row;measuring 26 feet front, by 416-12 foot In depth,more or less.Teims-One-third cash; balance lu one and

two years, with Interest, secured hy bond andmortgage. Douses to be Insured and policy as¬

signed. Purchasers to pay for papen and alsothree-quarters or City Tax for 1878.Jan28-tnstnth4

Bj W. T. LEITCH & E. & BRUNS,Auctioneer«.

EXTENSIVE AND DESIRABLE PROP¬ERTY, with Genteel Residence and Water

Privileges on cooper River, between the Propertyor the Sooth Carolina Railroad Oempanr and theCh aries ton Oas 0 mpany, in Washington Street.Wul bj sold at the Cid Postofflce, on THURS¬

DAY, 3oth instant, at ll o'clock.That aPAC 111Cs L >T OF LAND, With dwelling

and outbuildings, situate lu Washington street,east side, formerly known as tte "Prothro Mill"site, con tale mg ia front 122 fee-on wa-iblngtona reet, and in depth to the channel of cooper

This location offers peculiar advantages ai a altofor elthor mechsnlcal or mano'acturing purposes,and being sdjacent to the Depot of the North¬eastern Railroad may be arranged as a depot forsome of the Phosphare or Fertilising Companies.Terms-One hair cash; balance in one year, with

Interest, secured by bond and mortgage, prop¬erty to be insured and poUcy assigned. Purcha¬ser to pay for papers. Jan28-thtaS

BJ A. C. MCGILLIVRAY,Auctioneer.

VALUABLE PLANTATION OF 900acres, with good landing on Goose Creek,

wm positively be aoM on THURSDAY, the sethday or January, instant.

All that DESIRABLE TRACT OF LAND recentlybelonging to the estate of the late B. C. Gadsden,lying tn tne Parish or sc. James's Goose Creek,together with Dweil'ngand outbuildings there¬on, bounded north by lands of John James Bee,ea-1 by lands of estate or Wm. Tennent, sooth byGoose Cree*, and west by lands of Bee; locatedabout eue aad a half miles rom forchsr'sSttHon,on the Northeastern Radio id, which ls abosa

roarteen miles rrom the city ; about 66 aoresnoeland, loo high land, oleare ;balanc» well wooa«

with pine and oak. The anest facilities1 for^bunt-lng an « AB ung. The plat can be seen at toe Auc¬

tioneer's office, No 27X Broad streitTerms-One-half cash; the one

year, secured as usual. Purchaser to w auc¬

tioneer for papers. jaa24-rstuwth6
