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The Cold War

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The Cold War. Two Superpowers Emerge. Preview and Processing. Who are the main characters in the cartoon? What is the cartoon implying about the United Nations? What is the cartoon saying about communication between democratic and communist countries? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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The Cold War Two Superpowers Emerge

The Cold War

The Cold WarTwo Superpowers EmergePreview and ProcessingWho are the main characters in the cartoon?What is the cartoon implying about the United Nations?What is the cartoon saying about communication between democratic and communist countries?How did the Iron Curtain contribute to the Cold War tensions?What was the Cold War?

Two SuperpowersUS & USSR: different philosophiesUS demobilized after WWII; peaceUSSR maintained; protection wh/ = buffer zoneDominate E. Europe: 100 mil more people

Page 966 in textUnited NationsSan Francisco June 1945Two DivisionsGeneral Assembly: every member nation could vote

Security Council: GB, FR, US USSR & China=permanent6 other members chosen from G.A. & serve 2 yrs (now up to 10 other members)5 perm. Ea. w/ veto powerNo major power can refuse to joinPeace keeping forceSocial & economic issues: Ed, food healthUniversal Declaration of Human Rights

Making the ConnectionWhy is the security council made of five specific nations?How has the UN been used in negotiations?What is the ultimate goal and/or purpose of the UN?Why is the UN often viewed as ineffective?Atomic and Nuclear WeaponsUSSR w/ bomb by 1949Hydrogen bomb

Europe After WarEmpires fell: GB gave up IndiaClement Atlee (Who is he?)GermanyYalta Conference: GER divided into 4 occupation zones controlled by GB, FR USSR & US; Capt. City of Berlin also divided

Making the ConnectionFrom the photographs, compare the relationship between the Big Threes.Why is deciding on a peace agreement so important after WWII?What lessons did the Allied powers learn from WWI when negotiating peace?1949 3 democratic zones joined wh/ = Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)

USSR wh/ = German Democratic Republic (East Germany)

Berlin AirliftJune 1948 Stalin blocked entry to W. Berlin35 days of foodMassive airlift: 4,500 tons of food & supplies every day (toys)60 bombers to GBMay 12, 1949 Stalin ended blockadeVideo ClipIron CurtainSatellites: Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Hungary, CzechoslovakiaBuffer zoneTruman DoctrineHelp countries resist communismContainmentGreece & TurkeyMarshall Plan$ to W. Europe: 13 bil to 16 countriesRival AlliancesNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)Warsaw Pact

USSR & Eastern EuropeMarch 5, 1953 Stalin diedNikita KhrushchevSon of a metal workerRose through the ranksDe-Stalinization: Stalin had killed & jailed many loyal Soviet citizensBuried outside Kremlin WallStalingrad renamed VolgogradBegan the building of the Berlin WallCuban Missile Crisis

The Berlin WallWhat was the purpose of the Berlin Wall?Why did the citizens of Berlin not challenge the wall?Who was Hans Conrad Schumann?In what year was the Berlin Wall built and what year did it come down?Name the Soviet leader who ordered it built and the Soviet leader who ordered it torn down.

August 15, 1961: Leaps over a barbed wire barricade at the Bernauer Street sector into West Berlin

Video clip: Berlin WallThe Berlin WallWhat was the purpose of the Berlin Wall?

Why did the citizens of Berlin not challenge the wall?

The Berlin WallWho was Hans Conrad Schumann?Hans Conrad Schumann (March 28, 1942 June 20, 1998) was an East German soldier who famously defected to West Germany during the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961

The Berlin WallIn what year was the Berlin Wall built and what year did it come down?April 16, 1961November 10, 1989

The Berlin WallName the Soviet leader who ordered it built and the Soviet leader who ordered it torn down.Nikita KhrushchevMikhail Gorbachev

Cuban Missile Crisis

Making the ConnectionWhat was the Duck and Cover Program?Why would the US tell the public that by doing this, they could save their life?(Video: Duck and Cover)Leonid BrezhnevBrezhnev Doctrine: Keep counties fr. Turing away fr. Communism
