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The Consumer Consulting Board: Leveraging the Impact of Market Research Through Structural...

Date post: 17-Nov-2014
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The economic downturn and several global trends are re-shaping the market research business. Based on IMD’s and Dynamics Global trends study and Trendwatching, here are just a few that make a difference for applied marketing research: Social everything technologies are part of consumers’ daily lives and they shift their mindset to “made with me”. Over 2/3 consumers are willing to collaborate with brands. They value experiences and things they can share as much as possessions. Consumers want “flawsome” brands and services. The ones that care, go the extra mile and evolve … even with a little flaw from time to time. Dealerchic relates to consumers having a sense of mastery when finding that best price, price-quality or even luxury deal in whatever they do. It is a new sense of accomplishment. “Distributed everything”. Not only production but also value creation becomes broadly distributed. As researchers we need to ask ourselves what in our process delivery cannot be distributed (not what can) and focus on those. We want professional participants as technology allows amateur consumers to deliver content up to professional standards. Information is still power, but accessing and sharing it is “powerful”. Knowledge provides advantages but it now remains more and more with consumers. The challenge is to get control and access with increasing mobility and democratization of everything. The ever rising screen culture impacts the type and format of touch points people can be reached with. And with all of this brands and marketers are forced to deliver better, faster and stronger results while the reality is that many executives are still operating in silos and one shot market research operations. Research needs to influence management decision making, but even more basically just stimulate their thinking and inspire them. If we are completely honest, a lot of the research that is commissioned by clients does not have the necessary impact and there remains unused potential. We overly focus on data, analysis or technicalities, reliability, representativity, etc. Sure these are important, but they often lead to numbers that are exactly wrong rather than approximately right (to quote J. Tukey). Research as we have been doing it for decades has commoditised – clients search for ‘more and cheaper’, not true transformation or added value. In short, market research is in a state of ‘limbo’. If we do not act and change the way we run our profession, we will be held up and not much progress can be made. We are missing out on the huge opportunity that consumers are amongst the best consultants a company can hire. We will show how consumer consulting boards (aka online research communities) can help and generate impact at three levels by means of a variety of case illustrations.
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2. Reality= TECHNOLOGY TAKESOVER WHAT SOCIAL &HUMAN ISALL ABOUT@niels_insites DATABASES COMMUNITY PANELS BIG DATA 3. @niels_insites 4. START FROM THEIROWN EXPERIENCEIMPROVING TRANSFERFLIGHT EXPERIENCE@niels_insites 5. InsightmentIdeation &Concept DevelopmentValidation3 Phases@niels_insites 6. Connecting the dots@niels_insites 7. Insightment communityInsight Activation communityOBSERVATIONFollow passengerson their journeyCROWDINTERPRETATIONGet in-depth insightsDISCUSSIONShape theinsights@niels_insites 8. @niels_insitesMY STORYMY OBSERVATIONMY INTERPRETATIONMY EVALUATION 9. The results?@niels_insites 10. @niels_insites 11. @niels_insites 12. subscribe to consumernewsStay tunedDear,The co-creation transfer project started justover a week ago and have gathered a lot of valuable inputfrom your transferring passengers.We hope you enjoyed the consumer news!The first phase is coming to an end and we are crafting our insights.In the beginning ofnext year. We arestarting with the co-creation of new ideas.So justfor the holidays we would like to ask you one hour of your time. We want you to play an onlinegame together with the frequent flyers in this study.The goals ofthe game is to analyse the needs from the transfer passengers. We will show you 5consumer stories and its your goal to describe as accurate as possible whatthe needs is from thispassenger.Your inputwill be showed to the passenger who posted the story. The customer will give you points: thebetter you have analysed their needs,the more points you can collect!No competition withouta price!Beside the honour you can also win this KLM sportbag:You can play the game until the 15thof December.We will announce the winner of the gam e on the 23th ofDecember!Let the game beginHungry for more consumer stories: Read more and complete customer stories on our Transfer newsweblog: (username: AFKL | password: AFKL2011!)ADDITIONAL INFORMATION@niels_insites 13. @niels_insites 14. Consumerinsights inspirethe nightlifeexperience oftomorrowHow to create the club of tomorrow? 15. Making the final selection on Pecha Kucha nightsin Milan, New York, Sao Paulo & TokyoCrowdsourcing emerging designersvia social media 16. The bar is interactive and allows you to order a beer,it even keeps track of who is next in line. 17. Leave your drink on the numbered shelfand go crazy on the dance floor. 18. H BUILDS CREDIBILTY IN DESIGN WORLD13.000 + V I S I T O R S3 MILLION + V I E W S O N V I C E T V ; 2 1 . 0 0 0 + V I E W S O F O D E M O V I E S- C O O L H U N T I N G + 250.000 VIEWS- W A L L P A P E R + 70.000 VIEWS + 600.000 print533 C O V E R A G E P I E C E S O N T H E C L U B + 1 4 I N D E P T H I N T E R V I E W S I thought Heinekens Milan concept club project was a real highlight of the Milan furniture fair.Ambitious in scope and extremely well executed,it really moved the brand forwardand positioned it as a defining forcewithin the design world.I was particularly impressed by the brands approach to mentoring and nurturing new design talent.Sunday Times: Style 19. What you DO to people isequally important aswhat you ASK@niels_insites THROUGH NOT TO 20. It is about HUMANS, not technology or panelsUse them as PARTNERS 20 to 40% UNIQUE insights@niels_insitesRESEARCH IS ABOUT ACTIVATIONKnowledgeTouchpointInternalThey do not pay attention to BORING things.We need to ENGAGE, and relate with our audiencesCreate IMPACT withinMake research a CONVERSATION starter 21. www.insites-consulting.com@niels_insitesEngagement inConsumer ConsultingBoards leads to howmany more on-topicdiscussions?Crowd interpretationleads what % of uniqueinsights? 22. linkedin.com/in/nielsschillewaert@niels_insitesniels@insites-consulting.comwww.insites-consulting.comNew York I London I Ghent I RotterdamManaging Partner
