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The Danbury Reporter (Danbury, N.C.) 1913-08-20 [p...

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DANBURY REPORTER " VOLUME XL. mom SPRINGS M*ny New Arrivals of Guests at the Hotel and the Cottages. GERMANTON PARTY May Riders Spend a Day at Pied- mont ?An Old-Fashioned Virginia Reel. Piedmont Springs, Aug 18 Tae next two weeks at this re- sort promise to be even more gay than the past two, as will be seen from this letter. Misses Josephine and Mary Watson Vaughn, Elizabeth Scales, of Greensboro, and Miss Maud Carnen, of Ckarlotte, ar- rived Saturday to spend two weeks. They were accompanied by Mr. E. W. Yergin and Mr. Bryan McCollum, of Greensboro. Misses Marion Moir and Mary Wiggins, accompanied by Mr.. Paul Montague, of Winston* Salem, came up Saturday in Mr. Montague's car. The ladies will spend two weeks. Mr. Montague returned home Sunday. Mrs. J. N. Watt and children. Mrs. Tucker and Miss Bovd, of Reidsville, will arrive here to- morrow to spend two or three weeks. They will probably be accompanied by some other Reidsville people. Misses Margarett Vaughn and Elizabeth Hill, of Winston-Salem,, and Miss Wright, of Wilmington, are expected here within a few days to be guests at a house party to be given by Miss Laura Noel, of Elkin, at the cottage of her aunt, Mrs. Galloway. Messrs. Grover McNair, Frank Cranford, Chas Dalton and Frosty Holt, of Winston-Salem, will arrive here Thursday to spend some time. Messrs Murphy McNair. Joe Rogers and Gregory Graham, of Winston-Salem, came up today to spend ten days. Mr. Cameron Mcßae, of Chapel Hill, who left today to visit rela-1 tivesat Winston-Salem, will re-? turn here next week to attend l the house party to be given by j Miss Noel. Misses Maybolle Thomas and' Stuart Hayden, of (ireensboro, i came up today to spend two J weeks at the hotel. Miss Dore Kerner, of Kerners- j ville, who has been spending some time here, left yesterday for Roxboro to attend a house partv at Lock Lilly Ledge. Miss Kerner will return here next week to join her mother who is spending several week 9 at Pied- mont. Maj J. E. Alexander and brother, Mr. W. S. Alexander, Messrs. J. Gilmer Kerner and -I. D. Wymbish, of Winston-Salem, came up Saturday in Maj. Alex- ander's car, returning home Monday. Mr. Peter Gorrell, of Winston- Salem, spent Saturday and Sun- day with his family, who are spending a month here. Mr. Peter J. Brame and family, of Winston-Salem, arrived here Thursday to spend two weeks. Mrs. E. J. Justice, aecompan- I ied by her daughter, Miss Justice, | of Greensboro, arrived here Fri- day to spend some time- Messrs. Paul Price, Lawson i Ivie, F. P. Patterson and Fred Shumate, of Leaksville, came up Sunday, returning the same day. They were traveling by automo- bile. Dr. K. B. Pace, of Maston, Dr. P. A. Petree, of Germanton, and Mr. Ralph Petree spent Satur- day and Sunday here. Messrs. G. C. McKaughan, W. W. McKaughan, and Miss Sallie McKaughan, of Greensboro, are among the new. arrivals here. Mr. B. S. Robins, of Greens- boro, and Mr. B. W. King, of Leaksville, are among the guests here now. The family of Dr. A. G. Jones, of Walnut Cove, came up last week to spend some time at their cottage here. Mr. H. H Dalton, of Winston-Salem, is a guest at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Dalton, of Winston-Salem, who are visiting relatives at Danbury, were here today visiting the guests. " Mr. John M. Galloway, of Madison, and Mr. Henry Conrad, of Winston-Salem, visited here this week, the former was with his mother in her cottage, while the latter was a guest at the hotel. Messrs. Joe M- of Winston-Salem, and J. M. Leak, of Greensboro, are registered at the hotel here. Miss Stella Reeca, of Yadkin- ville. is expected here this we£k to visit friends. ?? > Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Neal, of! Meadows, spent Sunday here, j Mrs. A. B Lajoie and child, of; Winston-Salem, came up Satur- day to join Mr. Lajoie. 1 1 Mr. -las. W. Walker, of Reids- I ville. is a guest at the hotel here. J ! Miss Minnie Allen, of Winston- ( Salem, will arrive here this week j to visit her sister, Mrs. Saunders . The uiual Sunday 1 morfting religious services were held at the cottage of Mrs. J. M. Gallo- | way yesterday at 11 o'clock. The \u25a0 service was conducted by Mrs ; 1 Laura Galloway, of Elkin, and i ! was attended by a large congre- : 'gation. Mrs. J. M. Galloway 1 presided at the organ, j After the usual dance at the i I dance hall here Saturday night | [an old fashioned Virginia reel or: j "square" dance was indulged in i by the guests together with many of the country people who reside near the springs. The occasion was a very enjoyable one. especially to many of the guests who had never seen these dances. A party of fourteen boys and girls from Germanton came over yesterday on a hay ride with a four-horse team and spent the day at the springs, bringing dinner with them, which was served picnic style at the spring in pavillion. In the party were Misses Una Ruttledge, Ella Gordon, Bertha Ferguson, Vada Rutledge, Gertrude Gordon, Minnie Hartgrove, Nannie Rut- ledge, an i Maggie Baker; Messrs. Lathe Gordon, John and Robert j Petree, Ive Gordon, Cicero Boles,' and Carlton Petree.' I UNION PICNIC To Be, Held Hero Next Saturday. BRASS BAND COMING Editor Poe to Address The Crowd-Large Crowd Ex- pected. The fourth annual picnic of the Farmers' I'nion will be held here next Saturday. President R. L. Nunn says this will be one of the best picnics ever held in Stokes county. They have secured the Winston-Salem brass band to play for the occasion. Several speakers will be plresent to address the people. Among them will be Mr. Clarence Poe. Editor of the Progressive Farmer, who has recently traveled around the world. It .will be very interest- ing to the people of Stokes county to hear Mr. Poe speak. There will probably be one or more games of ball played. The Danbury boys extend a cordial welcome to any team who wishes to play on Danbury's diamond. The Reporter has talked with people from several sections of the county and all of them say that they are coming to the Far met 8' Cnion picnic. One of the largest crowds is expected that ever attended a picnic of any kind to be here Saturday. Everybody is invited to comi and bring a full basket and help j to have a good time. iMr. Paul Montague and His Ford Machine Mr. Paul Montague of Wins- (ton-Salem came up to Piedmont j Springs in his 5-passenger Ford automobile last Saturday after- r * noon. Mr. Morttague said that he made the trip from Winston to Piedmont Springs in one hour and 55 minutes. This is the quickest any one has ever made, the trip i from Winston to Piedmont. Last Sunday a representative 'of the .Reporter was with Mr. I Montague on his return a* far as i Moore's Springs. We made the | trip from Piedmont, a distance ; of 4 miles of the roughest road in | the county, to Moore's Springs in 20 minutes. I i Teachers Examination. A teachers examination was ; held here Thursday and Friday of lust week by Prof. J. T. j Smith for the purpose of issuing! certificates to rhe puhlic school j teachers of Stokes county Those who took the examination were Misses Myrtice Simmons, of Pilot Mtn.; Dora Padj elt. May Martin, Dose Maze, of Peter's Creek, Va.; Louella Fulp, of Walnut Cove; Sadie and Mary Pringle, of Lawsonville; Annie Moore, of King, Susie Covington, of Pilot Mtn.; Beatrice and Ossie Pike, of Smith; Mr. Charlie Boyles, of King. Good milch cow for sale. J. I Wafter Tuttle. DANBURY, N. C., AUGUST 20. 1913. MOT COVE NEWS Work on New Ware- house Started. FARMERS' INSTITUTE Messrs. W. P. and M. N. Wheeler Returns From North ?Other Personal Items of Interest. Walnut Cove, August 19. Ground was broken last week for the new Warehouse and the work will be pushed as rapidly as possible. The Farmers' Institute that was held here last Wednesday, was not very largely attended owing to the very threatening weather. Prof. Gray spoke at the morning session on soil improvements and green fer- tilizers, and in the afternoon Prof .Shaw on fruit growing and treatment of tree diseases and fruit irnect enemies, and Col. John S. C&naingham on to- bftcco growing. A womans' inptitate waar afao Mrs. W. R." Hollowell and Miss Jane Ward, both meetings were very interesting and instructive. Rev. Mr. Mallet, of Mayodan, preached at Christ Episcopal church Sunday morning and at night to a large congregation. Mr. Lawrence Mcßae, of Winston-Salem, was in town last week. Mr. Pink Rierson and family, of Charlotte, came in last week to visit relatives. Mr. Rierson returned home Monday but Mrs, Rierson and children will re- main here for a while before re- turning to their home. Miss Sallie Crews, of Durham, is spending some time in town as the guest of Misses Myrtle Samuel and Mabel Petree. Misses Linda Gibson and Mary Matthews were in town last week from a visit to Stone- ville and other places. Misses Myrtle Samuel, Mabel Petree and Sallie Crews spent the week end with relatives near Germanton. Mrs. Inez Tuttle, of German- ton. was in town last week. Mr. J. Wesley Morefield, of Sandy Ridge, was in town Monday enroute to Winston-Sa- lem on business. Miss Mildred Blackburn, of Guilford College, is spending some time in town as the guest of Misses Claude and Stella Rierson. Mrs. Grace Matthews, of Ger- manton, spent the day in town last Thursday Mr. Poutney Bailey spent Sun- day night and Monday in Wins- ston-Salem. Miss Sallie Fulton returned Monday from a visit to friends at Mt. Airy. Miss Erna Teague returned to her home at Winston-Salem Monday, after spending the week as the guest of Misses Jettie and Bessie Morefield on Sandy Ridge Route 1. Mr. Pinnix Bailey, of Wins- ton-Salem, spent the day Sunday with relatives at the Vaughn hotel. Misses Jennie and Fannie Mecum, of Walkertown, spent the week end as the guest of Miss Flossie Lasley, west of town. Mr. J. F. Fulton, of Greens- boro, was in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. G, Dodson, of this place, left Tuesday for Baltimore and other northers cities. Prof. E. C. Byerly, of Mocks- ville. spent a few days in town this week shaking hands with his host of friends here who are always delighted to see him. Messrs. W. P. and M. N. Wheeler have returned home after spending some time at Detroit and Canada. They will resume their work at the N. and W. depot on Friday Aug. 22, and Messrs. W. H. Dunlap will return to Stanley, Va., and 0. G. Worley to Buchannan, Va., after relieving the Messrs. Wheeler. Sandy Ridge Route 1. Sandy Ridge Route 1, Aug. 18. ?Fanners are plowing wheat land and preparing to take care of a record breaking tobac- co crop. The protracted meeting closed at Delta Saturday night. Good crowds attends each service. There were several profession? and 10 accessions to the church. Mr. and Mr. C. D. Duncan visited at Mr. Davie Duncan's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. VV. T. Ward spent Friday night at Mr. W. R. East's. Mr. H. W. Hutcherson visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs J. M. Hutcherson at Mayodan Satur- day and Sunday. Born unto Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Ward a son. Whooping cough is raging around here at present. A lot of our people are expect- ito attend the Farmers' Union J picnic at Danbury Saturday. Aug. |23. J. E. W. | Danbury Route 1. 1 Danbury Route 1, Aug. 15. j Local Editor : Will you please allow me a ? little space in your valuable j paper for a few items from this ' section. Mr. Weldon Smith and family visited his father, Mr. (ieo. W. Smith, Sunday. Messrs. Tom Vaden, Monroe Fagg and Ed Smith and wife land little son, Lowel, took a ! flying trip to Alleghanv county last Monday, returning Satur- J day. They report a nice time. ' Miss Talia Shelton i j visiting her sister, Mrs. Sandy Tucker, this week. A KID. THE BEST PAIN KILLER. Bucklen's Arnica Saive when applied to a cut, bruise, sprain, burn or scald, or other injury of the skin will immediately remove all pain. E. E. Chamberlain of Clinton, Me., says:?lt robs cuts and other injuries of their terrors. As a healing remedy its equal don't exist." Will do good for you. Only 25c at all drug- gists, No. 2,039 MRS. tH. SHELTON Dies At Her Home Near Sandy Uidge. PROTRACTFJ>MEETING Begins ilSi m 111 ?Bapi.'injr On t<e Fi i ih Sunday ? Hems «. v ?. _ Sandy ilidge, .? William Henry ttheltor away Saturday at 3 o'clock, ? a long illness, and was laid rest Sunday at the family bur, ing ground. Rev. C. A. Wall closed a ve; successful meeting at Delta M. E. church Saturday night. Hp was assisted by Rev. John Fly- . of Tobaccoville. - A protracted meeting bega» . Snow Hill Sunday. Misses Ella and Ruth Wan, Clyde Hutcheraon, Nannie South- ern and Mary Steele and Mrs. J. J. Martin and Mr. Ott Wall left last Thursday to visit friends and relatives at Tobaccoville. Miss Edna Hawkins is visiting friends and relatives near Moore's Springs. Mrs. R. 0. Wood spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Murphy, last week. Mr. C. F. Boyles, who has been spending a few days with his father-in-law, Mr. G. W. Haw- kins, left Sunday morning for Pinnacle to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Boyles. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilson spent Saturday night witl\ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Vernon. Mrs. (t. W. Hawkins and daughter, Mrs. C. F. Boyles, spent a short while at Mr. J. D. Steele's Sunday. Mr. J. W. Murphy, who has been spending some time at Moore's Springs, is expected to return home this week. Miss Lillian Dodson spent Saturday night with Miss Ida Hawkins. Several people of this place are expecting to attend the Farmers' Union picnic at Danbury next Saturday. Miss Cirace Dodson spent Sat- urday night with Misses Fannie and Barner Martin. There will be a baptizing near the home of Mr. John Shelton's on Madison Route 3 the fourth Sunday at 3 o'clock. Among those that will be baptised are: Misses Quincy Shelton, Eva Duncan, Lula Dodson; Messrs. Russell Ward, Turner Dodson and others. A LONESOME,KID. Don't forget the special sale at J. Walter Tuttle's. SUFFERED ECZEMA FIFTY YEARS-MOW WELL. Seems a long time to endure the awful burning, itching, smarting, skin-disease known as "tetter" another name for Eczema. Seems good to realize, al- so, that DR. HOBSON'S ECZE- MA OINTMENT has proven a perfect cure. Mrs. D. L. Kenney writes : "I cannot sufficiently express my thanks to vou for your Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment.* It has cured my tetter, which has troubled me for over fiftyyears." All druggists, or bv mail 50c PFEIFFER CHEMICAL CO.
Page 1: The Danbury Reporter (Danbury, N.C.) 1913-08-20 [p ]newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn91068291/1913-08-20/ed-1/... · 2014. 2. 6. · resume their work at the N. and W. depot on Friday



mom SPRINGSM*ny New Arrivals of Guests

at the Hotel and the



May Riders Spend a Day at Pied-

mont ?An Old-Fashioned

Virginia Reel.

Piedmont Springs, Aug 18

Tae next two weeks at this re-sort promise to be even moregay than the past two, as will beseen from this letter.

Misses Josephine and MaryWatson Vaughn, ElizabethScales, of Greensboro, and MissMaud Carnen, of Ckarlotte, ar-rived Saturday to spend two

weeks. They were accompaniedby Mr. E. W. Yergin and Mr.Bryan McCollum, of Greensboro.

Misses Marion Moirand MaryWiggins, accompanied by Mr..Paul Montague, of Winston*Salem, came up Saturday in Mr.Montague's car. The ladies willspend two weeks. Mr. Montague

returned home Sunday.

Mrs. J. N. Watt and children.Mrs. Tucker and Miss Bovd, ofReidsville, will arrive here to-

morrow to spend two or threeweeks. They will probably beaccompanied by some otherReidsville people.

Misses Margarett Vaughn andElizabeth Hill,of Winston-Salem,,and Miss Wright, of Wilmington,

are expected here within a fewdays to be guests at a houseparty to be given by Miss LauraNoel, of Elkin, at the cottage ofher aunt, Mrs. Galloway.

Messrs. Grover McNair, FrankCranford, Chas Dalton and

Frosty Holt, of Winston-Salem,

will arrive here Thursday to

spend some time.

Messrs Murphy McNair. JoeRogers and Gregory Graham, ofWinston-Salem, came up today

to spend ten days.

Mr. Cameron Mcßae, of ChapelHill, who left today to visit rela-1tivesat Winston-Salem, willre-?turn here next week to attend lthe house party to be given by jMiss Noel.

Misses Maybolle Thomas and'Stuart Hayden, of (ireensboro, icame up today to spend two Jweeks at the hotel.

Miss Dore Kerner, of Kerners- jville, who has been spending

some time here, left yesterday

for Roxboro to attend a housepartv at Lock Lilly Ledge. MissKerner will return here nextweek to join her mother who isspending several week 9 at Pied-

mont.Maj J. E. Alexander and

brother, Mr. W. S. Alexander,

Messrs. J. Gilmer Kerner and -I.D. Wymbish, of Winston-Salem,came up Saturday in Maj. Alex-ander's car, returning homeMonday.

Mr. Peter Gorrell, of Winston-Salem, spent Saturday and Sun-day with his family, who arespending a month here.

Mr. Peter J. Brame and family,of Winston-Salem, arrived hereThursday to spend two weeks.

Mrs. E. J. Justice, aecompan-

I ied by her daughter, Miss Justice,

| of Greensboro, arrived here Fri-day to spend some time-

Messrs. Paul Price, Lawsoni Ivie, F. P. Patterson and Fred

Shumate, of Leaksville, came upSunday, returning the same day.They were traveling by automo-bile.

Dr. K. B. Pace, of Maston, Dr.P. A. Petree, of Germanton, andMr. Ralph Petree spent Satur-day and Sunday here.

Messrs. G. C. McKaughan, W.W. McKaughan, and Miss SallieMcKaughan, of Greensboro, areamong the new. arrivals here.

Mr. B. S. Robins, of Greens-boro, and Mr. B. W. King, ofLeaksville, are among the guests

here now.The family of Dr. A. G. Jones,

of Walnut Cove, came up lastweek to spend some time at theircottage here. Mr. H. H Dalton,of Winston-Salem, is a guest at

their cottage.

Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Dalton, ofWinston-Salem, who are visiting

relatives at Danbury, were heretoday visiting the guests." Mr. John M. Galloway, ofMadison, and Mr. Henry Conrad,of Winston-Salem, visited herethis week, the former was withhis mother in her cottage, whilethe latter was a guest at thehotel.

Messrs. Joe M- ofWinston-Salem, and J. M. Leak,

of Greensboro, are registered atthe hotel here.

Miss Stella Reeca, of Yadkin-ville. is expected here this we£kto visit friends. ?? >

Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Neal, of!Meadows, spent Sunday here, j

Mrs. A. B Lajoie and child, of;Winston-Salem, came up Satur-day to join Mr. Lajoie. 1 1

Mr. -las. W. Walker, of Reids-

I ville. is a guest at the hotel here. J! Miss Minnie Allen, of Winston- (Salem, willarrive here this week jto visit her sister, Mrs. Saunders .

The uiual Sunday 1 morftingreligious services were held atthe cottage of Mrs. J. M. Gallo-

| way yesterday at 11 o'clock. The\u25a0 service was conducted by Mrs ;

1 Laura Galloway, of Elkin, and i! was attended by a large congre- :'gation. Mrs. J. M. Galloway

1 presided at the organ,

j After the usual dance at the iI dance hall here Saturday night |[an old fashioned Virginia reel or:

j "square" dance was indulged in iby the guests together withmany of the country people who

reside near the springs. Theoccasion was a very enjoyable

one. especially to many of theguests who had never seen thesedances.

A party of fourteen boys andgirls from Germanton came overyesterday on a hay ride with afour-horse team and spent theday at the springs, bringingdinner with them, which was

served picnic style at the springin pavillion. In the party wereMisses Una Ruttledge, Ella

Gordon, Bertha Ferguson, VadaRutledge, Gertrude Gordon,Minnie Hartgrove, Nannie Rut-ledge, an i Maggie Baker; Messrs.Lathe Gordon, John and Robert jPetree, Ive Gordon, Cicero Boles,'and Carlton Petree.' I

UNION PICNICTo Be, Held Hero Next



Editor Poe to Address TheCrowd-Large Crowd Ex-


The fourth annual picnic ofthe Farmers' I'nion will be held

here next Saturday. PresidentR. L. Nunn says this will beone of the best picnics everheld in Stokes county. They

have secured the Winston-Salembrass band to play for theoccasion.

Several speakers will beplresent to address the people.

Among them will be Mr.

Clarence Poe. Editor of theProgressive Farmer, who hasrecently traveled around the

world. It .will be very interest-ing to the people of Stokescounty to hear Mr. Poe speak.

There will probably be one ormore games of ball played. TheDanbury boys extend a cordialwelcome to any team who

wishes to play on Danbury'sdiamond.

The Reporter has talked withpeople from several sections ofthe county and all of them say

that they are coming to theFar met 8' Cnion picnic. One ofthe largest crowds is expectedthat ever attended a picnic ofany kind to be here Saturday.Everybody is invited to comiand bring a full basket and help

j to have a good time.

iMr. Paul Montagueand His Ford Machine

Mr. Paul Montague of Wins-

(ton-Salem came up to Piedmontj Springs in his 5-passenger Fordautomobile last Saturday after-

r *

noon. Mr. Morttague said that he

made the trip from Winston toPiedmont Springs in one hour and55 minutes. This is the quickestany one has ever made, the trip

i from Winston to Piedmont.Last Sunday a representative

'of the .Reporter was with Mr.I Montague on his return a* far asi Moore's Springs. We made the

| trip from Piedmont, a distance; of 4 miles of the roughest road in

| the county, to Moore's Springsin 20 minutes.


i Teachers Examination.A teachers examination was


held here Thursday and Fridayof lust week by Prof. J. T. jSmith for the purpose of issuing!certificates to rhe puhlic school jteachers of Stokes county Thosewho took the examination wereMisses Myrtice Simmons, ofPilot Mtn.; Dora Padj elt. May

Martin, Dose Maze, of Peter'sCreek, Va.; Louella Fulp, of

Walnut Cove; Sadie and Mary

Pringle, of Lawsonville; AnnieMoore, of King, Susie Covington,of Pilot Mtn.; Beatrice andOssie Pike, of Smith; Mr.Charlie Boyles, of King.

Good milch cow for sale. J.I Wafter Tuttle.

DANBURY, N. C., AUGUST 20. 1913.

MOT COVE NEWSWork on New Ware-

house Started.


Messrs. W. P. and M. N.

Wheeler Returns FromNorth ?Other Personal

Items of Interest.

Walnut Cove, August 19.Ground was broken last weekfor the new Warehouse and thework will be pushed as rapidlyas possible.

The Farmers' Institute thatwas held here last Wednesday,was not very largely attendedowing to the very threateningweather. Prof. Gray spoke atthe morning session on soilimprovements and green fer-tilizers, and in the afternoonProf .Shaw on fruit growingand treatment of tree diseasesand fruit irnect enemies, andCol. John S. C&naingham on to-bftcco growing. A womans'inptitate waar afao Mrs.W. R." Hollowelland Miss JaneWard, both meetings were very

interesting and instructive.Rev. Mr. Mallet, of Mayodan,

preached at Christ Episcopalchurch Sunday morning and atnight to a large congregation.

Mr. Lawrence Mcßae, ofWinston-Salem, was in town

last week.Mr. Pink Rierson and family,

of Charlotte, came in last weekto visit relatives. Mr. Riersonreturned home Monday but Mrs,

Rierson and children will re-main here for a while before re-turning to their home.

Miss Sallie Crews, of Durham,is spending some time in townas the guest of Misses Myrtle

Samuel and Mabel Petree.Misses Linda Gibson and

Mary Matthews were in townlast week from a visit to Stone-ville and other places.

Misses Myrtle Samuel, MabelPetree and Sallie Crews spent

the week end with relatives nearGermanton.

Mrs. Inez Tuttle, of German-ton. was in town last week.

Mr. J. Wesley Morefield, ofSandy Ridge, was in townMonday enroute to Winston-Sa-lem on business.

Miss Mildred Blackburn, of

Guilford College, is spending

some time in town as the guestof Misses Claude and StellaRierson.

Mrs. Grace Matthews, of Ger-manton, spent the day in townlast Thursday

Mr. Poutney Bailey spent Sun-day night and Monday in Wins-ston-Salem.

Miss Sallie Fulton returnedMonday from a visit to friendsat Mt. Airy.

Miss Erna Teague returned toher home at Winston-SalemMonday, after spending theweek as the guest of MissesJettie and Bessie Morefield onSandy Ridge Route 1.

Mr. Pinnix Bailey, of Wins-ton-Salem, spent the day Sundaywith relatives at the Vaughnhotel.

Misses Jennie and Fannie

Mecum, of Walkertown, spentthe week end as the guest ofMiss Flossie Lasley, west oftown.

Mr. J. F. Fulton, of Greens-boro, was in town last

week.Mr. and Mrs. W. G, Dodson,

of this place, left Tuesday forBaltimore and other northerscities.

Prof. E. C. Byerly, of Mocks-ville. spent a few days in townthis week shaking hands withhis host of friends here whoare always delighted to seehim.

Messrs. W. P. and M. N.Wheeler have returned homeafter spending some time atDetroit and Canada. They willresume their work at the N. andW. depot on Friday Aug. 22,and Messrs. W. H. Dunlap willreturn to Stanley, Va., and 0.G. Worley to Buchannan, Va.,after relieving the Messrs.Wheeler.

Sandy Ridge Route 1.Sandy Ridge Route 1, Aug. 18.

?Fanners are plowing wheatland and preparing to takecare of a record breaking tobac-co crop.

The protracted meeting closedat Delta Saturday night. Goodcrowds attends each service.There were several profession?and 10 accessions to the church.

Mr. and Mr. C. D. Duncanvisited at Mr. Davie Duncan'sSunday.

Mr. and Mrs. VV. T. Wardspent Friday night at Mr. W. R.East's.

Mr. H. W. Hutcherson visitedhis parents, Mr. and Mrs J. M.Hutcherson at Mayodan Satur-day and Sunday.

Born unto Mr. and Mrs. J. N.Ward a son.

Whooping cough is raging

around here at present.

A lot of our people are expect-

ito attend the Farmers' Union

Jpicnic at Danbury Saturday. Aug.|23.

J. E. W.|

Danbury Route 1.1 Danbury Route 1, Aug. 15.

jLocal Editor :

Will you please allow me a? little space in your valuable

jpaper for a few items from this' section.

Mr. Weldon Smith and familyvisited his father, Mr. (ieo. W.Smith, Sunday.

Messrs. Tom Vaden, MonroeFagg and Ed Smith and wifeland little son, Lowel, took a! flying trip to Alleghanv county

last Monday, returning Satur-Jday. They report a nice time.

' Miss Talia Shelton ij visitingher sister, Mrs. Sandy Tucker,this week.


THE BEST PAIN KILLER.Bucklen's Arnica Saive when

applied to a cut, bruise, sprain,burn or scald, or other injury ofthe skin will immediately removeall pain. E. E. Chamberlainof Clinton, Me., says:?lt robscuts and other injuries of theirterrors. As a healing remedy itsequal don't exist." Willdo goodfor you. Only 25c at all drug-gists,

No. 2,039

MRS. tH. SHELTONDies At Her Home Near

Sandy Uidge.


Begins ilSi m 111 ?Bapi.'injrOn t<e Fi i ih Sunday ?

Hems «.v

?. _

Sandy ilidge, .?

William Henry ttheltoraway Saturday at 3 o'clock, ?

a long illness, and was laidrest Sunday at the family bur,ing ground.

Rev. C. A. Wall closed a ve;

successful meeting at Delta M.E. church Saturday night. Hp

was assisted by Rev. John Fly- .

of Tobaccoville. -

A protracted meeting bega» .

Snow HillSunday.Misses Ella and Ruth Wan,

Clyde Hutcheraon, Nannie South-ern and Mary Steele and Mrs. J.J. Martin and Mr. Ott Wall leftlast Thursday to visit friends andrelatives at Tobaccoville.

Miss Edna Hawkins is visitingfriends and relatives near Moore'sSprings.

Mrs. R. 0. Wood spent a fewdays with her mother, Mrs. J.W. Murphy, last week.

Mr. C. F. Boyles, who has beenspending a few days with hisfather-in-law, Mr. G. W. Haw-kins, left Sunday morning forPinnacle to visit his parents, Mr.and Mrs. Boyles.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilsonspent Saturday night witl\ herparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. K.Vernon.

Mrs. (t. W. Hawkins anddaughter, Mrs. C. F. Boyles,spent a short while at Mr. J. D.Steele's Sunday.

Mr. J. W. Murphy, who hasbeen spending some time atMoore's Springs, is expected toreturn home this week.

Miss Lillian Dodson spentSaturday night with Miss IdaHawkins.

Several people of this place areexpecting to attend the Farmers'Union picnic at Danbury nextSaturday.

Miss Cirace Dodson spent Sat-urday night with Misses Fannieand Barner Martin.

There will be a baptizing nearthe home of Mr. John Shelton'son Madison Route 3 the fourthSunday at 3 o'clock. Amongthose that will be baptised are:Misses Quincy Shelton, EvaDuncan, Lula Dodson; Messrs.Russell Ward, Turner Dodsonand others.


Don't forget the special saleat J. Walter Tuttle's.


Seems a long time to endurethe awful burning, itching,smarting, skin-disease known as"tetter" another name for

Eczema. Seems good to realize, al-so, that DR. HOBSON'S ECZE-MA OINTMENT has proven aperfect cure.

Mrs. D. L. Kenney writes :"I cannot sufficiently expressmy thanks to vou for your Dr.Hobson's Eczema Ointment.* Ithas cured my tetter, which hastroubled me for over fiftyyears."Alldruggists, or bv mail 50c

