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The Donaldsonville chief (Donaldsonville, La.) 1879-09-27 [p ] · 2017. 12. 13. · Cyrus Field is...

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-Two Dollars a Year Our Broadbrimn Letters. NEw YoRK, Sept. 20. 1879. EDITOR CoIle': I sometimes think that there is not a people on the face of the earth as easily gulled as the people of New York. They arc about as easily taken in and done for as King Cetewayo was when Sir Bartle Frere made him a present of a set of brass buttons, assuring him that they were jewels from the crown of Her Most Gracious Majesty, the Queen. Deception, to the average New Yorker, is very mucli like skinning to the eel ; and it is recorded of the eel, that after being skinned five or six times, at last lie begins positively to like it. No amount of disastrous experience seems to profit the New Yorker the * value of a hair. Take him in to-day with the most flagrant and transpar- ent humbug, and you can catch hin' to-morrow just as easily if you will only alter the bait: If there is any- thing that a New Yorker likes, it is a Count, a Lord or a Duke. Dukes, Earls and such-like game, are rather scarce at presei't, but Lords and Counts are plenty, without there be- ing a positive glut oi the market. In the abselice of titled personages, we 'Akre satisfied with the younger eons of nobility, who sign their names "J. Fitzboodle, S. Takemin, Fitzboo- die Hall, Hertz, Eng.,"or " H. Augus- tus Shortwejl Pump, Pump Abbey, Wilts." There is a style about this sort of signature which is positively charming, and our licn hunters, who make it a business to watch the hotel registers 24 hours after a new arrival, can give you his pedigree, certainly as far back as Noah. It is marvelous, after the number of times that New York has been taken in by titled hum- bugs, that its eyes are not opened at last, but every week furnishes a new example and a new warning, but still the ball rolls on. If it were merely the humbugging of some old fool, and ria wife, having an itching for fashion- able notoriety, it would be a matter of very small moment, but unfortunate- ly it has too frequently resfilted in the ruin of whole families, the blighting of young lives, and the wrecking of ambitious hopes, built on a foundation of sand. To show the facility with which this thing is done : about five years ago,' a'distingnished looking in- dividual made his appearance at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, claiming one of the proudest titles in Scotiand. The man was known to be a charlatan to every one of vit liolice, but it took aver six moote to root him out of our faisbiotable society. Nor did lie leave till lie had swindled his confiding friends out of fifty thousand dollars, when he fled to Manitoba, where lie was killed. The very next week af- tar his flight, the entire Fifth Avenue `ware a blaze, of excitemuent, caused by the arrival of a distinguished Russian Count, the last syllable of whose en- pronouneable nane was whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, itekskey. His name and his titles filled nearly half a page oft4 hotel register. He had fourteen trunks and a vitlet de place. He took'a magnificent suite of rooms opposite Madison.Square. The rarest of :wines-washed down his -oliovies and oysters, and altogether he ap- peared like a most distinguished ;tussian nob... He had scarcely been twenty-four hours in the hotel, when lie had received a basket-full of cards, proffering the most friendly atten- tions. Husbands, whose wives had ! traveled from St. Petersburg to Mos- cow, were urged to call on the Count and offer him their hospitality. His English was vile, his French was ex- ecrable, his Russian was good, and he cou&d read the German. Within a week of his arrival, a grand party was given in his honor, and several hundred guests were bidden to the feast. A number of designing mama's, with eligible daughters, made a dead- set at him in hopes of securing a lieu on his magnificent castle of Kirtz- mettswotskuxffsky on the banks of the Volga. Next morning after the party, his Countship suddeiily disappeared, and it then trauspired that he was a valet, who had irobbed Wis master at St. Petersburg, and the timely araival of a Russian detective had possibly saved a lot of ambitious tools from *ruin and disgrace. ' We had hardly got rid of the Ens- siamn valet, when we caught a Turk, a bashaw with three tails, Abdul Ha- fez Ibriam Mulytzkan. He was adig- n8 et omer, with a coal black lKe da curly head, and a skin tbout t color of old parchment. Hle gave out contracts for one hundred ' thousand rte eating mifles, forty thou- saed sabers, twenty- two thousand re- volvers, and two million of cartridges. The Fifth Avenue was excited once more, and I verily believe that fifty =young ladies were ready to marry him, taking their chances of the bow-string , .and a sack in the Bosphorus. But i after running on the top nst wave of 1 prosperity for a few months, feted d ohd triited~ aid fed on the best, lie I i-aiiished one night, leaving a lot of T nourning creditors behind himi, andI the'places ;that knew him once shall know him no more forever. - The latest revelation fe that of an Italian .Coumt, who arriwedl in New York in the latter part of.Jane. The Count himself seemed modest enouh, but his courier, a loquacious scoun drel, told every body about the hotel ot of the wonderful wealth and standing of his master. The reporters soon got hold of it, and the new sensation en was a mine of wealth to them. In fo less than two weeks, he was on the m inside of the charmed circle, and like 1, another Claude Melnotte, he told Is them about his palace on the Lake of i Como, fond liiaestates at Rome and to Florence. On Monday last, he was `' recognized as a notorious swindler Id from Paris. At that night, he left the or city accompanied by the daughter of it a wealthy banker, whose hospitality t. lie had ihared ever since his arrival e in the city. A respectable family is ie plunged in grief, and the wretched IS girl who is the victim of this villainy, r- if she escapes him, can only look to a life darkened by clouds of grief and 11 shame, tIll death shall close the scene, Cyrus Field is out with another a complimentary card on Uncle Sammy ' Tilden. According to Cyrus, Uncle r Sammy only made a million by sell- d ing out whereas, if lie had held on, he would have made two millions. When I read that passage it made me feel badly. If uncle Sammy had only had that extra million to put in his har'l. I think I should have gone for a keg full ; but now that the old man feels so poor after his frightful loss, I think I'll strike Uncle Cyrus, who kept his i stock, and consequently must feel y liberal. o What are we coming tot A noto- 1 rious thief, eight years old, committed to the City Prison for ten days for y stealing six jack-knives. The boy's mother, a respectable looking young woman, attended this juvenile ruffian at his trial. When the sentence was it pronounced, she gave a wild scream, W and throwing her arms around the 11 child fell fainting to the floor. A couple of brutal policemen endeavor- d ed to tear him away, when the Judge i interfered, and for a time at least, al- lowed him to remain with his mother. On Wednesday, a poor mechanic e from Union Hill, was around the dif- g ferent police precincts looking for two lost daughters, one seventeen n and the other fifteen. Both had been h spirited away from home, and it is to e be feared that both are lost forever. After a weary search, the poor old e man turned away to his desolate f home, where lie shall see his lost dar- Slings nevermore, nevermore. 0 We are all excitement now over k the coming walking match, which is r expected to come off for the Astley 1 belt, at the Madison Square Garden, on I entember 99.1 MTH. e. theo les.e ng September 22d. Mr. Hess, the lessee rs, till the first of October, says that the he match will positively come off. Mr. f Vanderbilt, who is the owner of the ne place, and who has leased it to by O'Leary for the month of October, aII says jnst as positively, that it will n not. Meanwhile the walkists and Y, runnists have put up several thou- [is sand dollars for the privilege of en- Ilf tering, and all of them are taking ex- td ercise to fit themselves for the com- e. ing trial. Rowell takes his practice a 18 every day on the course where he st expects to run, pud the other day he es ran six miles without. stopping to P- take breath. A great many thousand ,d dollars are already put up on the n race, and if it comes off as adver- Stised, we shall see what we shall see. I 8, By-the-by, a colored brother who wished to enter the race, and who I d was willing to put up his five hun- t s died dollars, has been ruled out by t it the managers of the walk, I presume, 1 on account of his complexion. Go - for 'em, Sam, on the Civil Iights d bill, and if they don't let you walk, n you make them trot-that's whiat's I T the matter. l The middle of September brings t Ie back our truant minigters, our newly r 8, engaged organists, and our re-organ- c 1- ized choirs. After a season of rest Luand peace, everybody looks pleased I - with everybody else, and for one .e Sunday at least, there is quiet. We have to give brother Beecher an extra t, I, four weeks on accoliot of his inty 8 a fever, but when lie does come back, E Lt lie is not to be sneezed at, I assure d Li you. We ark all on the tip. toe of ex- it Y pectation for the arrival of brother a n Talmage. The manner in which lie t has dispensed the Bread of Life to a tJhe heathen in Great Britain has V w, on o.ur unqualiged ,admiration, anul 21 - we intend to give biia an ovation. - Arbuckle will toot his cornet; we k have a brass band and a steamboat gi i engaged; there will be fireworks in IV, e front of the Tabernacle at night, and w I everything worthy of a first-class tb - mtnisterial reception. ly - lotrs truly, BROADBRIM. all Objections have been found to Go-- a< eraor Ridclwls because lie did not act 't , with the ferce and determined spirit to of Hawpton of South Carolina in managing his affairs of State; and the people of South Carolina have cow- plained at Governor Hampton because tro lie has hot the cool, collected and co F resolute disposition of Nicholls o f Louisiana.-&raJl ,2'fimes. j ge II News from the Pazishes. DESOTO. in Mansfield Decnocriti: Capt. Bob w Hatcher, was .so .unfortunate as to hlve Asis reskidence, and all of his out- ehousan destroyed by fire a few days I ago. 'The family was absent at the time, and nothing but a sewing ma- ,j chine ant, two quilts were saved. A very large amount of bacon and other g provisions were destroyed.-..ITe _ a- It loon helonging to Mr. L. U. Hiuson n was broken open and sxb4ed of about D one hundred dollars worth of ,pop- erty-__.J. M. Mcirey, a colored e youth who is charged with both bnr- e glary and larceny, was arrested a few A days ago, and safely lodged in jail. f IBERIA. 1 New Iberia Sugar-Bowl: The body , of Mr. A. DeLaGreve, a- prominent Splanter of St. Mary parish, has been found in the woods near Cypremort B Prairie. It is 'supposed that the un- f fortunate gentlemaii was killed by a limb falling from a tree during the great storm of the first of the month. . .... We have not-heard of any locali- a ty that suffered more severely from I the effects of the destructive cyclone, that visited 'is two weeks ago, than the town of Jeanerette. Many of its houses and public buildings were lit- l erally torn to pieces by the tempest, and scarcely a building of any- kind escaped being more or less injured. OUACHITA. Monroe Telegraph: Mr. Ed. Rills killed in the renr of this ofice on the river two pelicans, one of which measured eight feet fromn tip to tip of Swings. Some eight or ten were seen on the same day. Doctor has stuffed a brown weasel killed by Mr. Morris I in rear of Sanders', the first one of the little animals we have seen here. As it preys mostly on rats, and not on fowls as some suppose, the little fel- S low certainly met an undeserved fate. --.. The receipts of cotton at Monroe since the 1st, have been 500 bales, which is 338 bales in excess of the re- 1 ceipts for the same month of last year. -.-. Within ten days three gentlemen have had their hands lacerated by gin saws-Andrew Madden, Mr. Hansel and F. B. Ludeling. The injuries, r we learn, will not be permanent. S NATCHITOCHES. Vindicator: The U. S. anagboat 0. G. Wagner has remoyed a large amount of obstructions in Prud- hoinme's bend and other points along the river. The boat is at present at s work between Tessiei's and Grand Ecore and will this nummuer clean lower Red river of snags.. .While Victor Flenry, a young and hard working citizen, was hauling wood on Cane. river, a short distance frown this city, he was assaulted by -a colored man named Albert Roquier, with a stick, and shockingly beaten about the head, face, arm and side. He was left senseless and bleeding by his as- sailant, who fl~ed.....Last Saturday, Brooks Freeman was found on the road near the Baxter Plantation dead, and with his skull fractured, the re- sult of a blow with a rail. The Cor- oner's jury rendered a verdict that Freeman came to his death by having his head fractured by on) Eloy Wal- lace. The parties (both colored) had been previously quarreling, and meet- ing in the road a fight ensued, result- ing in the killing of Freeman. Wal - lace has not been apprehended up to this time. Morgan's Texas Railroad. The bridge over English Bayou is finished, and the road bed is ready for the ties and rails to Pine Island, thirteen miles east of Lake Charles. The convict force until recently employed west of the Mermentan has been removed east of that river. The grading is finished between Lake Charles and the Mermentan, about forty miles, except about one mile near Welsh's on thel Lacasine, which will be finished in ten days. The track is laid one mile west from Lake Charles. The steamer Col. Hookes discharged 650 steel rails at the rail- road dock here two days ago, and has returned to Calcasien Pass for more. The steamer Pearl Rivers left Inst Tneasday for Orange, with a cargo of steel rails, and will return at once with trucks for twenty flat cars to be used between Lake Charles and Or- ange. Several schooners are engaged in bringing steel rails from Calcasien Pass. The company has erected a new and conuinodious blacksmith shop near the depot here, and the depot has telephonic communication with the telegraph office in town. Every thing going ahead smoothly. The safe arrival of Prof. Nordensk- jold at Yokohama, Japan, proves be- yond ques.tjon he existence of a Northeast passage. The Professor left Gothenburg on the 4th of July, 1878, in the Vega, and reached the extreme northern point of Asia on the 10th of August. There a short rest was taken. The Vega then pro- ceeded along the peninsula to the mouth of the Lenna river, and from thence eastward to the mouthl of the Kolwya river. On the 27th of Sep- tember Kalintzhm Bay was crossed. The Vega wintered in this bar. near a Tshltechi settlement. She was de- tained in tiae ice two h aulaes and sixty four days. On the 18th of July, 1879, she was released, and passed East Cape into Behrings Strait two days afterwards. The ship's crew re- mained healthy throughout the voy- age. The shortest day was three hours long. The Professor made many important discoveries, and collected much valuable information. The Vega arrived at Ytohbama on the and day of September. Bentley says that it would be a good thing for the Honma Courier ind a better one for readers, if it could rid itself of its " Rupert 1%e 1- rood " column. We must admit that he suggestion strikes us as eminumat- y proper.-Meridionaa. MuM'S THE WARD.-We beg to uggest to those persons who bare tot advertised thmemseves that it is needless to button-hole us in regard o their candidacies. In such cases re are good listeners and mum as an 'yster.-Marksville lulletin. A learned doctor in a sanitarian reatise upon wakes, emphatically ondemims " the disgusting habit of issing the (lead," as one of the causes lhich occasion the spread of dan- erous diseases.-N. O City Item. PILLS are extracted from Vegetable produob, lumbining is thesi Meadrake or May Apple, whichis recognised by physicans zs a substitute for calomor, poebessing all the virtues of that mineral, without its bad after-efects. AS AN ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE he are inoomparable. They stimulate the T lIPID LIVER, invigorate the NERVOUS SYSTEM, and give tone to the DIGE2TIVL ALTf8,creatirigper- Sect digestion and thorotghiasaimllatlili of food. They exerm a powerfi intfiuence h i DNES and LIVER, and through these organs remove all um *i. ties, thus vitalising the tissuesofthe body and causing a healthy 'condition of the system. AS AN ANTI-MALARIAL REMEDY They have no equal; and as uresult act as a preventive and cure for Bilioue,Re- mittent, Intermittent, Typhoid Fevers, andFeverandAgue. Upon thehealthy action of the Stomach ! depends, almost wholly, the health of the human race. DYSPEPSIA IS THE BANE of the present generation. It is for the Cure of this disease and its attendants, lICK-I ADACEL NERYOUSNB8B, D. POIIENCY, CONSTIPATION, PILES, that TUTT'S P LLS have gained such a wide spread reputa- tion. No Remedy has ever been discov- ered that acts so syeedilyand gently on the digestive organs giving them tone and vigor to aessimilato food. This being accoipplished, of course the NERVOUS SYSTEM IS BRACED, THE BRAIN IS NOURISHED, AND THE BODY ROBUST. Doing composed of the juices of plnts extracted by powerful chemical agen- aiLu iprc pared ino a conucccrated fo-m, tl y ore gua ranteed free from any thing tnet can inaire the most del- icate peracn. A noted clhemii t who has analyzed them, says *' TREY IS MORE VIRTUE IN ONE OF TUTT' PILLS, ThAN CAN BE EOUND IN A PINT OF A.l YOTfl.R." We thbrerirc say t. the al ileted Try this Romody fairly, it will not harm you, you have nothing to loso,but will surely gain aVigo- rous Cody, Pure Ellood, Strong Nerves and a Cheerful Mind. Principal 3i5, 13 iarry St., N. Y. P71C! 25 CENTS. Sold by Druggihts throughout the world. TUTT'S HAIR DYES CRA HAR ~t . $~ras h~n'dto a GLOssY BLAK wiby aseegl appi stinn t this DY It in. parts aNaturalii rolorats Iatne 'is ,y, and ss as Harmeles s sp rng waiter Sold by 1)rodgisuor seinb byezpru n Wcep oO $1. Offce b M rra StNew Yorlc. St. Joseph's Academy, Donaldsonville, La. T HE annual session of this Institution will commence on Monday, November II, 1878. The Academic class will continue unchanged. The preparatory classes will be reorganized. Instruction in military tac ties givou.thire time8,ja weaek, gratis, For terms of tuition. board. or other infor- mation, apply at the Academy or Catholic Preshytery. D'E.1 ONES, Principal. SPOOL COTTON. ESTABLISHED 1812. GEORGE A. CLARK, SOLE AGENT, 400 Broadway, New York, The distinctive features of this spool cot- ton are that it is made from the very finest Sea Island Cotton. It is finisned soft as the cotton from which it is mnade; it has no waxing or artificial finish to deceive the eyes; it is the strongest, smoothest and most elastie sewing thread in the market: for machine sewing it has no equal; it is wound on White Spools. The Black is the most perfect ever produced in spool cotton, being dyed by a system patented by ourselves. The colors are dyed by the NEW ANILINE PROCESS, rendering them so perfect and brilliant that dressmakers everywhere use theru inutead of sewing silks. A Gold *ledal was awardeii this spool cotton at Paris. 1878. fur "great strength," and " general exeellenam "being the highest award given for spool cotton. We invite comparison and respectfully ask ladies to give it a fairu ,isl and convince themselves of its~ eperiority over alt ohur-s. To be had at wholesale and retail at Mrs. M. Israel & Co., G. Feitel. And at retail, of Ail the leading mer- hants inthe town. City totel, Cor. Railroad Avenmie and Iberville Street Donaldsonville, La. P. LJFEJBRE, - - - Proprietor. The bar is always supplied with the best Wines and Liquors. je2^-ly H. WILLERS, Boot and Shoe Maker, tfississippistreet near corner of St. Patrick. DONALDSON VMLLE. First-class work on shortest notice. Satis- action guaranteed. Terms moderate. Sewing Machines repaired. Give me a call. Home School. ITHE undersigned respectfully announces L to the inhabitants of Donaldsonville nd vicinity that her school will be opened I )r the reception of pupils, boys and girls, t her residence on Iberville- street, Septemn- er 1. As hitherto, every effort will be lade for their progression. Patronage so- I cited. ELIZA O. HANSON. ( Donaldsonville, August ?2, 1879. IMPORTANT! THE S1NGER MANUFACTORING COMPANY have opened an oftice in Donaldsonville for the sale of their justly celebrated Sering M1l dines, that their numerous friends in Ascension and vicinity may be better accommodated than heretefore. Beware of WorthleB5 imitation machines differed by second-hand dealers and others as the IMPROVED SINGER MACHINE Don't be de- SINGER MA- ceived into buy- CHINE, made ing a Machine by a responsible just like the SIN- Company of thir- GER, made by tyyears standing irresponsible (with agencies in parties, who are every town in the here to-day, and United States), no one knows which has seen where to-mor- 116 different sew- row; and whose ing machines of guarantee so fered to the pub- readily given is lic as possessing worthless. But superior advan- get the genuine tages out of which there remains but two or three entitled to any-consideration. 356,432 Genuine Singer Sewing Mac/tines were sold in the year 1878. Three quarters of all the Sewing Machines sold in the whole world are GENUINE SINGER. Waste no woney on inferior counterfeits. Call and examine our stock. Machines sold on the installment plan. Attachments, Oil and Needles for all kinds of Machines at greatly reduced prices. NEW OFFICE OF THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY : Cor. Lessard and Mississippi sts., DONTALDSONVTIILLE, LA. 75 TOWN 75 LO'PSi FO2R SAILE IV ThEt Projected Town of Darrowville, (Opposite Donaldsonville,) At prices ranging from $33 to $75 ea(h, *-AND- 6 LARGER LOTS, Containing nearly 17 arces each, for $5OO per lot. The site of the town is opposite Donald- sonville, left bank Mississippi river, the River Ferry Lauding being located near the centre of the town front, and the proposed - New River Road forming the Western or upper boundary line. A plan of the Town can be seen at the Recorder's oflice. For further particulars, apply to DR. A. C. LOVE, at (libsou's Hotel, Durrow-ille, r or to the undersigned at Gem Plantation. mar2 BEN. GIBSON. 1- BOARDING SCHOOL -FO R- 3T 0, g .n a a Conducted by the SISTERS OF CHARITY, Donaldsonville, La. The course of instruction is the same as that pursued at ST. JosEph's ACADEMY, EMIMITTSntIRG, MARYLAND, of which this Institution is a branch. The Terms have been reduced near- ly to half-price, In consideration of the changed condition of the South. Academic Year commences the 1st of October, ending the last day of July. t e Terms-Payable in Advance.: Board, Tuition, Washing, Mending, Bed and a Bedding, per annum...........$150 Op c Or, per session. ...........-- ...... 75 00 h French Language, per annum....... 20 00 Music at Professor's prices. Books and Stationery at current prices. Sheriff's Sale. i State of Louisiaua-Fourth Judicial District Court-Parish of Ascension. Louisiana Equitable Life Insurance Co. vs. No. 1995, a Louisa Blouin. BY virtsie of and in obedience to a writ of fleri facius issued by the Hon. P Fourth Judicial District Court in and for the parish of Ascension, under (late of the - 30th day of July, 1879, and to me directed, in the above entitled and numbered cause, I have seined and will offer for sale at pub- lic aetjo, . at the Court-house dosr, in the town of Donaldsonville, in the pariah of Ascension, on s Saturday, the 4th day of Octoier, 1879, at 11 o'clock A. M., the following described fe property, to-wit: A certain tract of land situated in the par- ti ish of Ascension, on the left bank of the ti Mississippi river, at about five miles above ' the town of Donaldsonville, measuring seventy (70) feet front more or less on said river, by whatever depth to it belongs, to- gether with all the buildings and improve- ments thereon and thereunto belonging and appertaining; bounded above by lands of tt Valery Jones and below by the " Gem Plan- ci tation," belonging to Messrs. Gibson and m Irwin. il Seized in the above suit i ai Terms and conditions: eA Cash, in United States currency, with ben- st efit of appruisimeut. th Parish of Ascenaiop, August 23, 1879. cc P; A. JONES, Sheriff. Dwelling House to Rent. as A DESIRABLE DWELLING HOUSE on Lessard street, in the town of Don- w, aldsonville, may be rented on favorable Id terms by application to the Undersyined. ca jy-19-;f Al. N. SIMS, DR. SOITTIWICK, d O~NE of the most successful Specia4ts of tl privatemattero uMen and Women1.7 Thos in trouble eqll or write. Cures guaranteed and Be zmedicines pureiy vegetable sent to all parts vii of ntl~ i cu tri- Dcard and nursing for ar OraicE AxD lIE~SDECE : Corner Robinson and Gasquet Streets ~ New Orleans, La. f 15-1y tie BR AUD SAW MILE -AND- L UMBER YARI Right Bank Mississippi River, Half-Mi Below Donaldsonville. Lumber oratl kinds constantl on Hand or Sawed to Order, Thanking our customers for the favi heretofore shown we respectfully ask for continuance of patronage, as we intend 1 spare no effort to give satisfaction. % propose to UNDERSELL AND D CHEAPER WORK than 1 ANY SAW MILL IN THE STATE Try the Braod Mill before purchasir elsewhere. jun, Purgnt ive Pills make New Rich Blood will ~aeiey hana the blood in theentiresys ,i n threormonths. Any person wh'o will take ipil , night i wrun iteo1eks m alyborestoredto sona "*+1th,i oosh athing he possible. Sent by mail for tertamis 4.1 JONS ON &CO., Bangor,Me MAILO' DNS DAYNE An Engish Veterinary Surgeon and Chemist n m travehin i this conutry. says that most of the Hrss mand Cattie iwdera cold here are worthleeetrash. H s that Sheridan's Condition Powders are absongtel pake hnd laylie ehhrdnes, eondtit Pn o hwder. eno teaspoon` a to,, ,' rd. JOHTN-S-ON'XS- ANODYNE Foy internal n.u,,i Erxtesrnai Use. CURES-\ - U-111 ga. Diphtheiria, Croutp.Asth- ma,Bru~nchiiri,Iuiocizan,iortri Lango,Iir ding at the Luings, Cli conic fioirasnites, liackinig Cough, Diarrhiaa, C(Ionic bvnientery, Cholera Miorbus Kidney Troubles, lJ'sea.,s of the Spine anot Lame Back. Sold everywhere. JOSEPH FERRIER, Blacksmith, WHEELWRIGHT & OACIllIAKER, Donaldsonville, La. Mr. Joseph Ferrier informs his friends ano the public, that the partnership heretofore existing between Mr. Jos. Icard and himsel has been dissolved by mutual consent. lie will continue the Caine kind of busines at the old stand, where he is ready to exe cute at shortest notice all work entrusted tI him, pertaining to the trades of Gunsmith, Locksmith, Blacksmith, Wlheet wright and Coachmaker. Buggies, Carriages, Wagons and Carti repaired in a workmanlike manner, at price to suit the times. Old Vehicles takenin .Exchange for new The Manufacture of Plantation Cartel and Wagons a specialty. Inspection and comparison of work and prices with those of other maker, will show a difference of from ten to tweny, per cent All work guaraateed Donaldsonville, La., Ma th 15, 877. American & Foreign Patents, GILNORE, SMITH & CO. Successors to Chipman, Rosmer & Co. Patents procured in all countries. No fees in advance. No charge for services un- til patent is granted. Preiminaryexamina- tlops free. Our valuable pamphlet sent free upoa receipt of stamp. Address GILMORE. SMITH & Co., Washington, L. C. Arrears of Pay, Bounty &c. Federal Officers, Soldiers, and' Sailors or the late war, or their heirs, are in many cases entitled to money from the Govern- ment which has been found to be due since inal payment. Write full history of service and state amount of pay and bounty re- ceived. Certificates of Adjutant General U. S. A showing service and honorable discharge therefrom, in place of discharges lost pro cured for a small fee. , pro Enclose stamip to Gilmeore & Co., and full reply, with blanks, will be sent free Pensionws: Pensions!! All Federal Officers, Soldiers, and Sailors wounded, ruptured, or injured in the line ot duty in the late war, and disabled thereby, can obtain a pension. Widows and minor ch'!dren of Officers Soldiers and Sailors, wha, have died since discharge, of disease contracted, or wounds and injuries received in the service and in te lin ofduy a procure pensions by Increased rates tor Pensioners obtained. lare no warrants granted for service in the Send stamp to GIL3Iouu; & Co. laosigto, b. C., for full usine-r a Standid Family eBthedy for of the Liver, Stonl cl . Vegetable... It never ebilitates-It is Cathartic and, S oni. e elo 02+Liv `+++ has been use fa in b y practic nd by the public, for more than 85 years, with unprecedented results. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. S. T, W. SANFORD, M.D., s osc At DRreOIsT WILL TELL Tor ITS REuxrtrThTft DR. i. DELGARDO'S SPECIFIC REMEDIES. The Sick Man's Friend. For regulating the Liver and Kidneys, Purifying the Blood, Ulcerated Sore Legs and Sait Rheum, Crritnps in the Stomaec. Erysipulas and Dropsy. West India Island Bitters, One bottle if properly taken will cure Bilious Fever, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Heart and Kidney Diseases and Cholera Morbus. The Great Medical Weader; Regulator of the Liver and Kidneys, It cures Salt Rheum, Ulcerated Sore Legs, Biliousness, Sick Head Ache, Scrofula, Cs- tarrh, Torpid Liver, and purities the Blood. Mexico White Rose Syrup, Cures every kind of Disease' resulting from neglected coli. such as Coughs, Hoarseness, Influenza, Typhoid Pneumonia, Whooping Cough, etc. All-Healing Balsam, For Rheumatism, Back-Ache, Side-Ache and all Rheumatic Pains. The Wonderful Fever Cure For Chill: and Fever, Yellow Fever, etc, The Npanilh Pile Salve and Tape !roran Vermnlfuge, sovereign preparations, guaranteed to effect perma- nent cures. Apply to or address, DR. J. DELGAR3O, Railroad Avenue; between Claiborne and Conway streets, Donaldsonville. Office hours-from 8 A. H.. to 5 P. )1. Keating's Academy, Corner Chetiuaaches and Attakapas streets, UonaldsoenvIle, La. Mas. M. KEATING returns tlnxiks to the people of Donaldsouville and vicinity for the liberal patrounge heretoforie bestoereq -upon the Aeudleui ', and legs leave. to say that no effort will be spmared to merit a con- tinuance of public favor. A limited number of pupils from noroad will be rec(eivedl and furnished with board and lodging. For terms of tuition, etc., ap- ply to or address MRS. C. KEATING, mar24 Donaldsonillt. La. Ayer's Cheny Pectoral Por Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronohitis, Asthma, and Con. sumption. The reputation it has attained, In consequence of the marvellous cures it has produced during the last hale qen. tury, is a sufficient assurance to the public that it will continue to realike. the happiest results that can be deslie4 In ali.ost every section of country there are persons, publicly known, whG have been restored from alairming and even desperate diseases of the lungs,, by its use. All who fiave tried It ac- knowledge its superiority; and where. its virtues are known, no one hesitates: as to what medicine to employ to re- lieve the distress arb suffering pec to Pulmonary affect tidns. Cuniuty TORAL always aie jrd instant relief, mnd performs rapid Cures of the milder vs. rieties of bronchial disorder, as well as the more f'midable d eso t lungs.leaeofti As a safeguard to children, amid the Tihrtr lng diseases which beset th hotand Chest of Childhood, It is invaluable ; for, by its timely use, multitudes are rescuel d andrestored coe a ydic ot t oThis medicine gains frlemr at evaerytaj, as the 'cures I sc forgodtten are too ftlmarkble to be out it, and those who shav ih it never winl. once used Eminent Physicians thron lout the country prescribe It, and vui yer oenrecommend it from teirgyme~l edge of its effects. PREPARXp 8y Dr. 1. C. AYER & CO., Lowe1t,.M . l'raatlc d and AsalYtjesi C~ai~ BOLD Br ALL. DRUGGiST uxx
Page 1: The Donaldsonville chief (Donaldsonville, La.) 1879-09-27 [p ] · 2017. 12. 13. · Cyrus Field is out with another a complimentary card on Uncle Sammy ' Tilden. According to Cyrus,

-Two Dollars a Year

Our Broadbrimn Letters.NEw YoRK, Sept. 20. 1879.


I sometimes think that there is nota people on the face of the earthas easily gulled as the people of NewYork. They arc about as easily takenin and done for as King Cetewayowas when Sir Bartle Frere made hima present of a set of brass buttons,assuring him that they were jewelsfrom the crown of Her Most GraciousMajesty, the Queen. Deception, tothe average New Yorker, is verymucli like skinning to the eel ; andit is recorded of the eel, that afterbeing skinned five or six times, atlast lie begins positively to like it.No amount of disastrous experienceseems to profit the New Yorker the

* value of a hair. Take him in to-daywith the most flagrant and transpar-ent humbug, and you can catch hin'to-morrow just as easily if you willonly alter the bait: If there is any-thing that a New Yorker likes, it is aCount, a Lord or a Duke. Dukes,Earls and such-like game, are ratherscarce at presei't, but Lords andCounts are plenty, without there be-ing a positive glut oi the market.In the abselice of titled personages,we 'Akre satisfied with the youngereons of nobility, who sign their names"J. Fitzboodle, S. Takemin, Fitzboo-die Hall, Hertz, Eng.,"or " H. Augus-tus Shortwejl Pump, Pump Abbey,Wilts." There is a style about thissort of signature which is positivelycharming, and our licn hunters, whomake it a business to watch the hotelregisters 24 hours after a new arrival,can give you his pedigree, certainlyas far back as Noah. It is marvelous,after the number of times that NewYork has been taken in by titled hum-bugs, that its eyes are not opened atlast, but every week furnishes a newexample and a new warning, but stillthe ball rolls on. If it were merelythe humbugging of some old fool, andria wife, having an itching for fashion-

able notoriety, it would be a matter ofvery small moment, but unfortunate-ly it has too frequently resfilted in theruin of whole families, the blightingof young lives, and the wrecking ofambitious hopes, built on a foundationof sand. To show the facility withwhich this thing is done : about fiveyears ago,' a'distingnished looking in-dividual made his appearance at theFifth Avenue Hotel, claiming one ofthe proudest titles in Scotiand. Theman was known to be a charlatan toevery one of vit liolice, but it tookaver six moote to root him out of ourfaisbiotable society. Nor did lie leavetill lie had swindled his confidingfriends out of fifty thousand dollars,when he fled to Manitoba, where liewas killed. The very next week af-tar his flight, the entire Fifth Avenue`ware a blaze, of excitemuent, caused bythe arrival of a distinguished RussianCount, the last syllable of whose en-pronouneable nane was whiskey,whiskey, whiskey, itekskey. Hisname and his titles filled nearly halfa page oft4 hotel register. He hadfourteen trunks and a vitlet de place.He took'a magnificent suite of roomsopposite Madison.Square. The rarestof :wines-washed down his -olioviesand oysters, and altogether he ap-peared like a most distinguished;tussian nob... He had scarcely beentwenty-four hours in the hotel, whenlie had received a basket-full of cards,proffering the most friendly atten-tions. Husbands, whose wives had

! traveled from St. Petersburg to Mos-cow, were urged to call on the Countand offer him their hospitality. HisEnglish was vile, his French was ex-ecrable, his Russian was good, andhe cou&d read the German. Withina week of his arrival, a grand partywas given in his honor, and severalhundred guests were bidden to thefeast. A number of designing mama's,with eligible daughters, made a dead-set at him in hopes of securing a lieuon his magnificent castle of Kirtz-mettswotskuxffsky on the banks of theVolga. Next morning after the party,his Countship suddeiily disappeared,and it then trauspired that he was avalet, who had irobbed Wis master atSt. Petersburg, and the timely araivalof a Russian detective had possiblysaved a lot of ambitious tools from

*ruin and disgrace.

' We had hardly got rid of the Ens-siamn valet, when we caught a Turk,a bashaw with three tails, Abdul Ha-fez Ibriam Mulytzkan. He was adig-n8 et omer, with a coal blacklKe da curly head, and a skintbout t color of old parchment. Hlegave out contracts for one hundred' thousand rte eating mifles, forty thou-saed sabers, twenty- two thousand re-volvers, and two million of cartridges.The Fifth Avenue was excited oncemore, and I verily believe that fifty

=young ladies were ready to marry him,taking their chances of the bow-string ,.and a sack in the Bosphorus. But iafter running on the top nst wave of 1prosperity for a few months, feted d

ohd triited~ aid fed on the best, lie Ii-aiiished one night, leaving a lot of Tnourning creditors behind himi, andI

the'places ;that knew him once shallknow him no more forever.

-The latest revelation fe that of anItalian .Coumt, who arriwedl in NewYork in the latter part of.Jane. TheCount himself seemed modest enouh,but his courier, a loquacious scoundrel, told every body about the hotel

ot of the wonderful wealth and standingof his master. The reporters soongot hold of it, and the new sensationen was a mine of wealth to them. In

fo less than two weeks, he was on them inside of the charmed circle, and like1, another Claude Melnotte, he toldIs them about his palace on the Lake ofi Como, fond liiaestates at Rome andto Florence. On Monday last, he was`' recognized as a notorious swindlerId from Paris. At that night, he left theor city accompanied by the daughter ofit a wealthy banker, whose hospitalityt. lie had ihared ever since his arrivale in the city. A respectable family isie plunged in grief, and the wretched

IS girl who is the victim of this villainy,r- if she escapes him, can only look to a

life darkened by clouds of grief and11 shame, tIll death shall close the scene,

Cyrus Field is out with anothera complimentary card on Uncle Sammy' Tilden. According to Cyrus, Uncler Sammy only made a million by sell-d ing out whereas, if lie had held on, he

would have made two millions. WhenI read that passage it made me feelbadly. If uncle Sammy had only hadthat extra million to put in his har'l.

I think I should have gone for a kegfull ; but now that the old man feelsso poor after his frightful loss, I thinkI'll strike Uncle Cyrus, who kept his

i stock, and consequently must feely liberal.o What are we coming tot A noto-

1 rious thief, eight years old, committedto the City Prison for ten days for

y stealing six jack-knives. The boy'smother, a respectable looking youngwoman, attended this juvenile ruffianat his trial. When the sentence was

it pronounced, she gave a wild scream,W and throwing her arms around the

11 child fell fainting to the floor. Acouple of brutal policemen endeavor-

d ed to tear him away, when the Judgei interfered, and for a time at least, al-lowed him to remain with his mother.

On Wednesday, a poor mechanice from Union Hill, was around the dif-g ferent police precincts looking for

two lost daughters, one seventeenn and the other fifteen. Both had beenh spirited away from home, and it is toe be feared that both are lost forever.

After a weary search, the poor olde man turned away to his desolate

f home, where lie shall see his lost dar-Slings nevermore, nevermore.0 We are all excitement now overk the coming walking match, which isr expected to come off for the Astley

1 belt, at the Madison Square Garden, onI entember 99.1 MTH. e. theo les.eng September 22d. Mr. Hess, the lessee

rs, till the first of October, says that thehe match will positively come off. Mr.

f Vanderbilt, who is the owner of thene place, and who has leased it toby O'Leary for the month of October,aII says jnst as positively, that it will

n not. Meanwhile the walkists andY, runnists have put up several thou-[is sand dollars for the privilege of en-

Ilf tering, and all of them are taking ex-td ercise to fit themselves for the com-

e. ing trial. Rowell takes his practice a18 every day on the course where hest expects to run, pud the other day he

es ran six miles without. stopping toP- take breath. A great many thousand,d dollars are already put up on the

n race, and if it comes off as adver-Stised, we shall see what we shall see. I

8, By-the-by, a colored brother whowished to enter the race, and who I

d was willing to put up his five hun- ts died dollars, has been ruled out by tit the managers of the walk, I presume,1 on account of his complexion. Go- for 'em, Sam, on the Civil Iights

d bill, and if they don't let you walk,n you make them trot-that's whiat's I

T the matter.l The middle of September brings tIe back our truant minigters, our newly r8, engaged organists, and our re-organ- c

1- ized choirs. After a season of restLuand peace, everybody looks pleased I

- with everybody else, and for one.e Sunday at least, there is quiet. We

have to give brother Beecher an extra t,I, four weeks on accoliot of his inty 8

a fever, but when lie does come back, ELt lie is not to be sneezed at, I assure dLi you. We ark all on the tip. toe of ex- itY pectation for the arrival of brother an Talmage. The manner in which lie t

has dispensed the Bread of Life to atJhe heathen in Great Britain has Vw, on o.ur unqualiged ,admiration, anul 21

- we intend to give biia an ovation.- Arbuckle will toot his cornet; we

k have a brass band and a steamboat gii engaged; there will be fireworks in

IV,e front of the Tabernacle at night, and wI everything worthy of a first-class tb

- mtnisterial reception. ly-lotrs truly, BROADBRIM.

allObjections have been found to Go-- a<eraor Ridclwls because lie did not act 't, with the ferce and determined spirit toof Hawpton of South Carolina inmanaging his affairs of State; and thepeople of South Carolina have cow-plained at Governor Hampton because trolie has hot the cool, collected and coF resolute disposition of Nicholls o fLouisiana.-&raJl ,2'fimes. j ge

II News from the Pazishes.DESOTO.

in Mansfield Decnocriti: Capt. Bobw Hatcher, was .so .unfortunate as to

hlve Asis reskidence, and all of his out-ehousan destroyed by fire a few daysI ago. 'The family was absent at the

time, and nothing but a sewing ma-,j chine ant, two quilts were saved. A

very large amount of bacon and otherg provisions were destroyed.-..ITe _ a-It loon helonging to Mr. L. U. Hiuson

n was broken open and sxb4ed of aboutD one hundred dollars worth of ,pop-erty-__.J. M. Mcirey, a colored

e youth who is charged with both bnr-e glary and larceny, was arrested a few

A days ago, and safely lodged in jail.

f IBERIA.1 New Iberia Sugar-Bowl: The body

, of Mr. A. DeLaGreve, a- prominentSplanter of St. Mary parish, has beenfound in the woods near CypremortB Prairie. It is 'supposed that the un-

f fortunate gentlemaii was killed by alimb falling from a tree during thegreat storm of the first of the month...... We have not-heard of any locali-a ty that suffered more severely fromI the effects of the destructive cyclone,that visited 'is two weeks ago, thanthe town of Jeanerette. Many of itshouses and public buildings were lit-l erally torn to pieces by the tempest,and scarcely a building of any- kindescaped being more or less injured.

OUACHITA.Monroe Telegraph: Mr. Ed. Rills

killed in the renr of this ofice on theriver two pelicans, one of whichmeasured eight feet fromn tip to tip ofSwings. Some eight or ten were seenon the same day. Doctor has stuffeda brown weasel killed by Mr. Morris

I in rear of Sanders', the first one of thelittle animals we have seen here. Asit preys mostly on rats, and not onfowls as some suppose, the little fel-S low certainly met an undeserved fate.--.. The receipts of cotton at Monroesince the 1st, have been 500 bales,which is 338 bales in excess of the re-

1 ceipts for the same month of last year.-.-. Within ten days three gentlemen

have had their hands lacerated by ginsaws-Andrew Madden, Mr. Hanseland F. B. Ludeling. The injuries,

r we learn, will not be permanent.S NATCHITOCHES.

Vindicator: The U. S. anagboat0. G. Wagner has remoyed a largeamount of obstructions in Prud-hoinme's bend and other points alongthe river. The boat is at present at

s work between Tessiei's and GrandEcore and will this nummuer cleanlower Red river of snags.. .WhileVictor Flenry, a young and hardworking citizen, was hauling wood onCane. river, a short distance frown thiscity, he was assaulted by -a coloredman named Albert Roquier, with astick, and shockingly beaten aboutthe head, face, arm and side. He wasleft senseless and bleeding by his as-sailant, who fl~ed.....Last Saturday,Brooks Freeman was found on theroad near the Baxter Plantation dead,and with his skull fractured, the re-sult of a blow with a rail. The Cor-oner's jury rendered a verdict thatFreeman came to his death by havinghis head fractured by on) Eloy Wal-lace. The parties (both colored) hadbeen previously quarreling, and meet-ing in the road a fight ensued, result-ing in the killing of Freeman. Wal -lace has not been apprehended up tothis time.

Morgan's Texas Railroad.The bridge over English Bayou is

finished, and the road bed is readyfor the ties and rails to Pine Island,thirteen miles east of Lake Charles.The convict force until recentlyemployed west of the Mermentan hasbeen removed east of that river. Thegrading is finished between LakeCharles and the Mermentan, aboutforty miles, except about one milenear Welsh's on thel Lacasine, whichwill be finished in ten days. Thetrack is laid one mile west from LakeCharles. The steamer Col. Hookesdischarged 650 steel rails at the rail-road dock here two days ago, and hasreturned to Calcasien Pass for more.The steamer Pearl Rivers left InstTneasday for Orange, with a cargo ofsteel rails, and will return at oncewith trucks for twenty flat cars to beused between Lake Charles and Or-ange. Several schooners are engagedin bringing steel rails from CalcasienPass. The company has erected anew and conuinodious blacksmith shopnear the depot here, and the depothas telephonic communication withthe telegraph office in town. Everything going ahead smoothly.

The safe arrival of Prof. Nordensk-jold at Yokohama, Japan, proves be-yond ques.tjon he existence of aNortheast passage. The Professorleft Gothenburg on the 4th of July,1878, in the Vega, and reached theextreme northern point of Asia onthe 10th of August. There a shortrest was taken. The Vega then pro-ceeded along the peninsula to themouth of the Lenna river, and fromthence eastward to the mouthl of theKolwya river. On the 27th of Sep-tember Kalintzhm Bay was crossed.The Vega wintered in this bar. neara Tshltechi settlement. She was de-tained in tiae ice two h aulaes andsixty four days. On the 18th of July,1879, she was released, and passedEast Cape into Behrings Strait twodays afterwards. The ship's crew re-mained healthy throughout the voy-age. The shortest day was threehours long. The Professor made manyimportant discoveries, and collectedmuch valuable information. TheVega arrived at Ytohbama on theand day of September.

Bentley says that it would be agood thing for the Honma Courierind a better one for readers, if itcould rid itself of its " Rupert 1%e 1-rood " column. We must admit thathe suggestion strikes us as eminumat-y proper.-Meridionaa.

MuM'S THE WARD.-We beg touggest to those persons who baretot advertised thmemseves that it isneedless to button-hole us in regardo their candidacies. In such casesre are good listeners and mum as an'yster.-Marksville lulletin.

A learned doctor in a sanitarianreatise upon wakes, emphaticallyondemims " the disgusting habit ofissing the (lead," as one of the causeslhich occasion the spread of dan-

erous diseases.-N. O City Item.

PILLSare extracted from Vegetable produob,lumbining is thesi Meadrake or MayApple, whichis recognised by physicanszs a substitute for calomor, poebessing allthe virtues of that mineral, without itsbad after-efects.


he are inoomparable. They stimulatethe T lIPID LIVER, invigorate theNERVOUS SYSTEM, and give tone tothe DIGE2TIVL ALTf8,creatirigper-Sect digestion and thorotghiasaimllatliliof food. They exerm a powerfi intfiuence

h i DNES and LIVER, andthrough these organs remove all um *i.ties, thus vitalising the tissuesofthe bodyand causing a healthy 'condition of thesystem.


They have no equal; and as uresult actas a preventive and cure for Bilioue,Re-mittent, Intermittent, Typhoid Fevers,andFeverandAgue. Upon thehealthyaction of the Stomach ! depends, almostwholly, the health of the human race.


of the present generation. It is for theCure of this disease and its attendants,lICK-I ADACEL NERYOUSNB8B, D.POIIENCY, CONSTIPATION, PILES,


TUTT'S P LLShave gained such a wide spread reputa-tion. No Remedy has ever been discov-ered that acts so syeedilyand gently onthe digestive organs giving them toneand vigor to aessimilato food. This beingaccoipplished, of course the


AND THE BODY ROBUST.Doing composed of the juices of plnts

extracted by powerful chemical agen-aiLu iprc pared ino a conucccrated

fo-m, tl y ore gua ranteed free fromany thing tnet can inaire the most del-icate peracn.

A noted clhemii t who has analyzed them, says*' TREY IS MORE VIRTUE IN ONE OFTUTT' PILLS, ThAN CAN BE EOUNDIN A PINT OF A.l YOTfl.R."

We thbrerirc say t. the al iletedTry this Romody fairly, it will notharm you, you have nothing toloso,but will surely gain aVigo-rous Cody, Pure Ellood, StrongNerves and a Cheerful Mind.

Principal 3i5, 13 iarry St., N. Y.P71C! 25 CENTS.

Sold by Druggihts throughout the world.

TUTT'S HAIR DYESCRA HAR ~t . $~ras h~n'dto a GLOssYBLAK wiby aseegl appi stinn t this DY It in.parts aNaturalii ro lorats Iatne 'is ,y, and ssas Harmeles s sp rng waiter Sold by 1)rodgisuor

seinb byezpru n Wcep oO $1.Offce b M rra StNew Yorlc.

St. Joseph's Academy,Donaldsonville, La.

T HE annual session of this Institution

will commence on Monday, November

II, 1878. The Academic class will continueunchanged. The preparatory classes willbe reorganized. Instruction in military tacties givou.thire time8,ja weaek, gratis,

For terms of tuition. board. or other infor-mation, apply at the Academy or CatholicPreshytery. D'E.1 ONES,




400 Broadway, New York,The distinctive features of this spool cot-

ton are that it is made from the very finestSea Island Cotton.

It is finisned soft as the cotton from whichit is mnade; it has no waxing or artificialfinish to deceive the eyes; it is the strongest,smoothest and most elastie sewing threadin the market: for machine sewing it has noequal; it is wound on

White Spools.The Black is the most perfect

ever produced in spool cotton, being dyedby a system patented by ourselves. Thecolors are dyed by the

NEW ANILINE PROCESS,rendering them so perfect and brilliant thatdressmakers everywhere use theru inuteadof sewing silks.

A Gold *ledal was awardeii this spoolcotton at Paris. 1878. fur "great strength,"and " general exeellenam "being the highestaward given for spool cotton.

We invite comparison and respectfullyask ladies to give it a fairu ,isl and convincethemselves of its~ eperiority over alt ohur-s.

To be had at wholesale and retail at

Mrs. M. Israel & Co.,G. Feitel.

And at retail, of Ail the leading mer-hants inthe town.

City totel,Cor. Railroad Avenmie and Iberville Street

Donaldsonville, La.P. LJFEJBRE, - - - Proprietor.

The bar is always supplied with the bestWines and Liquors. je2^-ly


Boot and Shoe Maker,tfississippistreet near corner of St. Patrick.

DONALDSON VMLLE.First-class work on shortest notice. Satis-

action guaranteed. Terms moderate.Sewing Machines repaired.Give me a call.

Home School.ITHE undersigned respectfully announces

L to the inhabitants of Donaldsonville

nd vicinity that her school will be opened I

)r the reception of pupils, boys and girls,

t her residence on Iberville- street, Septemn-er 1. As hitherto, every effort will belade for their progression. Patronage so- Icited.

ELIZA O. HANSON. (Donaldsonville, August ?2, 1879.

IMPORTANT!THE S1NGER MANUFACTORING COMPANYhave opened an oftice in Donaldsonville for the sale of their justlycelebrated Sering M1l dines, that their numerous friends in Ascensionand vicinity may be better accommodated than heretefore.

Beware of WorthleB5imitation machines differed by second-hand dealers and others as the


ceived into buy- CHINE, madeing a Machine by a responsiblejust like the SIN- Company of thir-GER, made by tyyears standingirresponsible (with agencies inparties, who are every town in thehere to-day, and United States),no one knows which has seenwhere to-mor- 116 different sew-row; and whose ing machines ofguarantee so fered to the pub-readily given is lic as possessingworthless. But superior advan-get the genuine tages out ofwhich there remains but two or three entitled to any-consideration.

356,432 Genuine Singer Sewing Mac/tineswere sold in the year 1878. Three quarters of all the Sewing Machinessold in the whole world are GENUINE SINGER. Waste nowoney on inferior counterfeits.

Call and examine our stock. Machines sold on the installmentplan. Attachments, Oil and Needles for all kinds of Machines atgreatly reduced prices.


Cor. Lessard and Mississippi sts.,DONTALDSONVTIILLE, LA.

75 TOWN 75LO'PSi


Projected Town of Darrowville,(Opposite Donaldsonville,)

At prices ranging from $33 to $75 ea(h,*-AND-

6 LARGER LOTS,Containing nearly 17 arces each,

for $5OO per lot.The site of the town is opposite Donald-

sonville, left bank Mississippi river, theRiver Ferry Lauding being located near thecentre of the town front, and the proposed

- New River Road forming the Western orupper boundary line.

A plan of the Town can be seen at theRecorder's oflice.

For further particulars, apply to DR. A.C. LOVE, at (libsou's Hotel, Durrow-ille,

r or to the undersigned at Gem Plantation.mar2 BEN. GIBSON.



3T 0, g .n a a

Conducted by the

SISTERS OF CHARITY,Donaldsonville, La.

The course of instruction is the same asthat pursued at ST. JosEph's ACADEMY,EMIMITTSntIRG, MARYLAND, of which thisInstitution is a branch.

The Termshave been reduced near-

ly to half-price, In consideration ofthe changed condition of

the South.

Academic Year commences the 1st ofOctober, ending the last day of July. t

eTerms-Payable in Advance.:

Board, Tuition, Washing, Mending, Bed and aBedding, per annum...........$150 Op c

Or, per session. ...........-- ...... 75 00 hFrench Language, per annum....... 20 00

Music at Professor's prices. Books andStationery at current prices.

Sheriff's Sale. i

State of Louisiaua-Fourth Judicial DistrictCourt-Parish of Ascension.

Louisiana Equitable Life Insurance Co.vs. No. 1995, a

Louisa Blouin.

BY virtsie of and in obedience to awrit of fleri facius issued by the Hon. P

Fourth Judicial District Court in and forthe parish of Ascension, under (late of the -30th day of July, 1879, and to me directed,in the above entitled and numbered cause,I have seined and will offer for sale at pub-lic aetjo, .at the Court-house dosr, in thetown of Donaldsonville, in the pariah ofAscension, on s

Saturday, the 4th day of Octoier, 1879,at 11 o'clock A. M., the following described feproperty, to-wit:

A certain tract of land situated in the par- tiish of Ascension, on the left bank of the tiMississippi river, at about five miles above 'the town of Donaldsonville, measuringseventy (70) feet front more or less on saidriver, by whatever depth to it belongs, to-gether with all the buildings and improve-ments thereon and thereunto belonging andappertaining; bounded above by lands of ttValery Jones and below by the " Gem Plan- citation," belonging to Messrs. Gibson and mIrwin. il

Seized in the above suit i aiTerms and conditions: eA

Cash, in United States currency, with ben- stefit of appruisimeut. thParish of Ascenaiop, August 23, 1879. ccP; A. JONES, Sheriff.

Dwelling House to Rent. as

A DESIRABLE DWELLING HOUSEon Lessard street, in the town of Don- w,

aldsonville, may be rented on favorable Idterms by application to the Undersyined. cajy-19-;f Al. N. SIMS,

DR. SOITTIWICK, dO~NE of the most successful Specia4ts of tl

privatemattero uMen and Women1.7 Thos introuble eqll or write. Cures guaranteed and Bezmedicines pureiy vegetable sent to all parts vii

of ntl~ i cu tri- Dcard and nursing for ar

OraicE AxD lIE~SDECE :Corner Robinson and Gasquet Streets ~

New Orleans, La. f 15-1y tie



L UMBER YARIRight Bank Mississippi River, Half-Mi

Below Donaldsonville.

Lumber oratl kinds constantlon Hand or Sawed to Order,

Thanking our customers for the faviheretofore shown we respectfully ask forcontinuance of patronage, as we intend 1spare no effort to give satisfaction. %propose to UNDERSELL AND DCHEAPER WORK than

1 ANY SAW MILL IN THE STATETry the Braod Mill before purchasir

elsewhere. jun,

Purgnt ive Pills make New Rich Bloodwill ~aeiey hana the blood in theentiresys,i n threormonths. Any person wh'o will take ipil, night i wrun iteo1eks m alyborestoredto sona

"*+1th,i oosh athing he possible. Sent by mail fortertamis 4.1 JONS ON &CO., Bangor,Me

MAILO' DNS DAYNEAn Engish Veterinary Surgeon and Chemist n m

travehin i this conutry. says that most of the Hrssmand Cattie iwdera cold here are worthleeetrash. Hs that Sheridan's Condition Powders are absongtel

pake hnd laylie ehhrdnes, eondtit Pn o hwder.eno teaspoon` a to,, ,' rd.

JOHTN-S-ON'XS- ANODYNEFoy internal n.u,,i Erxtesrnai Use.

CURES-\-U-111 ga. Diphtheiria, Croutp.Asth-ma,Bru~nchiiri,Iuiocizan,iortri Lango,Iir ding atthe Luings, Cli conic fioirasnites, liackinig Cough,

Diarrhiaa, C(Ionic bvnientery, Cholera MiorbusKidney Troubles, lJ'sea.,s of the Spine anotLame Back. Sold everywhere.



WHEELWRIGHT & OACIllIAKER,Donaldsonville, La.

Mr. Joseph Ferrier informs his friends anothe public, that the partnership heretoforeexisting between Mr. Jos. Icard and himselhas been dissolved by mutual consent.

lie will continue the Caine kind of businesat the old stand, where he is ready to execute at shortest notice all work entrusted tIhim, pertaining to the trades ofGunsmith, Locksmith, Blacksmith, Wlheet

wright and Coachmaker.Buggies, Carriages, Wagons and Cartirepaired in a workmanlike manner, at priceto suit the times.Old Vehicles takenin .Exchange for new

The Manufacture ofPlantation Cartel and Wagonsa specialty. Inspection and comparison ofwork and prices with those of other maker,will show a difference of from ten to tweny,per cent All work guaraateed

Donaldsonville, La., Ma th 15, 877.

American & Foreign Patents,GILNORE, SMITH & CO.

Successors to Chipman, Rosmer & Co.Patents procured in all countries. Nofees in advance. No charge for services un-til patent is granted. Preiminaryexamina-

tlops free. Our valuable pamphlet sent freeupoa receipt of stamp. AddressGILMORE. SMITH & Co.,

Washington, L. C.

Arrears of Pay, Bounty &c.Federal Officers, Soldiers, and' Sailors orthe late war, or their heirs, are in manycases entitled to money from the Govern-ment which has been found to be due sinceinal payment. Write full history of serviceand state amount of pay and bounty re-ceived.Certificates of Adjutant General U. S. Ashowing service and honorable dischargetherefrom, in place of discharges lost pro

cured for a small fee. , proEnclose stamip to Gilmeore & Co.,

and full reply, with blanks, will be sent freePensionws: Pensions!!

All Federal Officers, Soldiers, and Sailorswounded, ruptured, or injured in the line otduty in the late war, and disabled thereby,can obtain a pension.Widows and minor ch'!dren of OfficersSoldiers and Sailors, wha, have died since

discharge, of disease contracted, or woundsand injuries received in the service and in

te lin ofduy a procure pensions by

Increased rates tor Pensioners obtained.

lare no wa rrants granted for service in the

Send stamp to GIL3Iouu; & Co.laosigto, b. C., for full usine-r

a Standid Family eBthedy forof the Liver, Stonl cl .

Vegetable... It neverebilitates-It is

Cathartic and,S oni.




`+++ has been usefa in b y practic

nd by the public,for more than 85 years,

with unprecedented results.SEND FOR CIRCULAR.

S. T, W. SANFORD, M.D., s oscAt DRreOIsT WILL TELL Tor ITS REuxrtrThTft


The Sick Man's Friend.For regulating the Liver and Kidneys,

Purifying the Blood, Ulcerated Sore Legsand Sait Rheum, Crritnps in the Stomaec.Erysipulas and Dropsy.

West India Island Bitters,One bottle if properly taken will cure

Bilious Fever, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia,Heart and Kidney Diseases and CholeraMorbus.

The Great Medical Weader;Regulator of the Liver and Kidneys,

It cures Salt Rheum, Ulcerated Sore Legs,Biliousness, Sick Head Ache, Scrofula, Cs-tarrh, Torpid Liver, and purities the Blood.

Mexico White Rose Syrup,Cures every kind of Disease' resulting

from neglected coli. such as Coughs,Hoarseness, Influenza, Typhoid Pneumonia,Whooping Cough, etc.

All-Healing Balsam,For Rheumatism, Back-Ache, Side-Ache and

all Rheumatic Pains.The Wonderful Fever Cure

For Chill: and Fever, Yellow Fever, etc,The Npanilh Pile Salve and

Tape !roran Vermnlfuge, sovereignpreparations, guaranteed to effect perma-nent cures. Apply to or address,

DR. J. DELGAR3O,Railroad Avenue; between Claiborne and

Conway streets,Donaldsonville.

Office hours-from 8 A. H.. to 5 P. )1.

Keating's Academy,Corner Chetiuaaches and Attakapas streets,

UonaldsoenvIle, La.Mas. M. KEATING returns tlnxiks to thepeople of Donaldsouville and vicinity forthe liberal patrounge heretoforie bestoereq-upon the Aeudleui ', and legs leave. to saythat no effort will be spmared to merit a con-tinuance of public favor.A limited number of pupils from noroadwill be rec(eivedl and furnished with boardand lodging. For terms of tuition, etc., ap-ply to or address

MRS. C. KEATING,mar24 Donaldsonillt. La.


Cheny PectoralPor Diseases of the

Throat and Lungs,

such as Coughs,

Colds, Whooping

Cough, Bronohitis,

Asthma, and Con.

sumption.The reputation it has attained, Inconsequence of the marvellous cures ithas produced during the last hale qen.tury, is a sufficient assurance to thepublic that it will continue to realike.the happiest results that can be deslie4In ali.ost every section of countrythere are persons, publicly known, whGhave been restored from alairming andeven desperate diseases of the lungs,,by its use. All who fiave tried It ac-knowledge its superiority; and where.its virtues are known, no one hesitates:as to what medicine to employ to re-lieve the distress arb suffering pecto Pulmonary affect tidns. Cuniuty

TORAL always aie jrd instant relief, mndperforms rapid Cures of the milder vs.rieties of bronchial disorder, as well asthe more f'midable d eso tlungs.leaeoftiAs a safeguard to children, amid

the Tihrtr lng diseases which besetth hotand Chest of Childhood, Itis invaluable ; for, by its timely use,multitudes are rescuel d andrestored

coe a ydic ot toThis medicine gains frlemr at

evaerytaj, as the 'cures I scforgodtten are too ftlmarkble to beout it, and those who shav ihit never winl. once used

Eminent Physicians thron lout thecountry prescribe It, and vui yer

oenrecommend it from teirgyme~ledge of its effects.PREPARXp 8y

Dr. 1. C. AYER & CO., Lowe1t,.M .l'raatlc d and AsalYtjesi C~ai~

