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The Eden Magazine is a free online magazine focuses on spreading compassion to all sentient beings Living in a healing and peaceful world
T h e MAGAZINE August 2012 Volume 2 Issue 7



August 2012 Volume 2 Issue 7

Front Cover by Brian Exton


Eden Magazine is an independent monthly online magazine. Our aim is to create a better environment where we live among other living being in peace and harmony. We support artists that their work match our criteria. If you would like to submit your artwork, article or/and your

Photography For our future issues please contact Maryam Morrison at;[email protected] or www.theedenmagazine.com

EditorMaryam Morrison

spreading compassion to all sentient beings and Living in healing and peaceful world




4A Bump in my......By; Debra J. White

8Katerina Kostaki


Falling ApartFalling TogetherBy; Ellen Heller


Maestro ConstantinoBy; Sally Moringstar

22Creating empowering

love..By; Heather Auria Gaines

26A message from God

By; Elliot EliJackson

30Przewalski Horse

32Communing with natureBy: Michele Rabbitt Billman


Brian ExtonAn Psychedelic artist


Psychedelic vision-ary art is what Brain describes his art-work; his creation is base on Psychedelic art which started on 60s and early 70s.

“The pictures are created digitally and built up like an ar-chitectural structure. They start with the creation and explo-ration of a fractal,

which then becomes the foundation and background of the picture. But what is a fractal? It is a mathematical representa-tion of chaos - well not exactly - it is more like a computer generated tree that just keeps branching out again and again into infinity.” Brain says.

The interesting point of Brain’s artwork is about the fractal that never ends, as we look at his artwork the repetition of the design takes a viewer to endlessness of shapes.

His interest in the arts began in the 70s,

when he choice to attend to college and learn Graphic Design. Bob Ross was his mentor which he followed his method at the beginning. As Brain says about Bob Ross; “He was a wonderful man, close to nature and a fantastic landscape and seascape artist and gave me a lot of inspiration which I still use in my art today. Sadly no longer here, he brought a unique style of oil painting to TV viewers in the US and other countries around the world with his half hourly painting classes.”

Later on Brain interest shift to digital arts using Amiga 500 computer at the begin-ning of his career. Now with the advance technology his creation is also develop and improved from years ago.

Digital art is not only Brain’s interest and talent, he also enjoy capturing digital photos of landscapes, coastal scenes, villages, historic building and monuments. To see more Brain’s artwork visit;



“My work is a demonstration of how art and technology

can come together and be used to express

the imagination of the artist.”





Astra projection

Cosmic energy



A Bump in My StrideBy Debra J. White

“Take my number and run?” Nancy said over lunch of veggie burgers and yam fries.

The New York City marathon was less than two weeks away, always the first Sunday in November. “No way,” I said. “I haven’t trained. Besides taking your number violates club policy.” “What else do you have planned that day?”Nancy asked. “Nothing, really besides reading the Times,” I said.“Then go for it.”

I woke up around 5 a.m. on marathon morning in 1986 after a jittery night. What was I thinking? Most runners trained months for the big day. I trained barely two weeks. Ah, what the heck. Even though I was unprepared for long distance running, I was determined to finish. I slipped a subway token into my running bra just in case I fizzled.

The race started at 10:40 a.m. but preparations for the huge race began in the wee hours. Runners assembled at the main branch of the New York City public library on 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue where several hundred city buses ushered the nearly 25,000 eager runners to the starting line at the foot of the

Verrazano Narrows Bridge in Staten Island. The race touched all five boroughs.

I arrived at the staging area with my friend Leonora and other running buddies by 7 a.m. To pass time, we huddled in one of the hundreds of tents set up for the runners. We stretched, drank coffee and joshed about the 26.2 miles that lay ahead.

Excitement built around 10 a.m. when the massive sea of runners swarmed to the starting line. Not only was I surrounded by athletes from across the US but there were people from across the globe. I met runners from Ireland, France, Albania, Iran, Kenya, Egypt and Haiti. The mood was electrifying.


For people like me it was their first marathon. Seasoned runners like Leonora were about to run their fourth or even fifth marathon. One man was on his tenth. As news helicopters hovered overhead, nervous bodies jammed to-gether and removed their sweat suits anticipating the start. It was only about 40 degrees so runners jumped up and down to keep warm. A canon boomed and off we went. The elite runners started first. Leonora and I hung in the back.

As throngs of lean bodies darted across the huge suspension bridge, it swayed back and forth. Always terrified of heights, I picked up my pace, worried that the bridge might cave in. I wanted to reach Brooklyn as quickly as possible. When my small group rounded the curve and jogged off the bridge onto Fourth Avenue, a main drag, thousands of fans greeted us with cheers and well wishes. This was show time, one of New York City’s most celebrated events and I was in it. School bands played uplifting music, such as the theme from the movie Rocky along the way. People handed out water and orange slices to thirsty runners. Medical stations were set up to heal the wound-ed warriors. Almost everyone applauded runners. Whenever a spectator called out my number and said, “Go F214,” I rejoiced. Fellow runners encouraged me to keeping going. At 24 miles people said, “Looking good.” They lied. How could narcolepsy gray skin look good?

Competing in my first marathon should’ve been one of the most thrilling days of my life. It was not. By the time I reached the 20th mile, my legs were like wet spong-

es. Even my eyelashes ached but quit-ting wasn’t an option. How I crossed the finish line still conscious was a miracle. My official time was six hours and nine-teen minutes. By then, the winner was probably home, taken a nap, eaten din-ner and was ready for the disco the Road Runners Club sponsored for all the marathon runners. I don’t remember how I got home but when I opened the door, I said to myself, oh no. My dog Scottie needed a walk. Make it quick boy. Scottie must’ve known I was ready to collapse. He took care of business right away.

I rested on my couch after soaking in a warm relaxing bath. I skipped dinner. My friends asked me to meet them at the run-ner’s disco but I conked out by 7 p.m.

The next morning my body barely moved. My knees were so sore it was like they’d been beaten with jackhammers. But I smiled, knowing that I completed every mile of the marathon, even if it was under someone else’s name and it was almost dark when I finished.

In 1987, I started training in May when I submitted my marathon application. Chicken pox at the age of 33 crimped my weekly training, however. That summer, I had volunteered in a homeless family shelter. An outbreak of chicken pox didn’t concern me. I assumed I had the disease in grade school. I did not. Adults weren’t meant to contract childhood diseases, which can make them violently ill. The viral disease ravaged my body with a high fever, an uncontrollable itchy rash and pock marks covering most of my skin.


For nearly a week, I was miserable. Neighbors walked my dog. I barely ate. Then the itch faded. The fever broke. Pock marks lingered as if I had a paint by number face but I felt well enough to resume training. I finished the marathon in 1987 just over five hours, a vast im-provement over the year before. Again, I faded after soaking in the tub and never made it to the runner’s disco. Maybe next time.

In 1989 I did the unthinkable. I gave up my rent-stabilized Upper West Side apart-ment and moved to Boston. No great loss. The studio was infested with cock-roaches, huge flecks of paint peeled off the ceiling, and without air-conditioning it was like a sauna during the summer.

The marathon bug bit me again in 1990. Entrants to the Boston race had to qualify with fast times from previous races. Un-less there was divine intervention or a significant bending of the rules, I would never qualify for the Boston Marathon. So I set my sights on New York again. I trained hard all summer with a combina-tion of running and biking. By November I was pumped up and ready.

The weather was less than ideal. Mother Nature sent us sunny warm temperatures for early November. Maybe it was the start of global warming or just an unusual day. I drank so much water that my official time was bogged down by frequent port-a-potty use along the route. I stepped the finish line in a tad under six hours, smiling and not reeling in pain.

The challenge of triathlons, a race com-

posed of swimming, biking and running, always tempted me. I wanted to complete one just for the heck of it but I only got as far as a biathlon. There would be no more biking up mountains or long dis-tance running because a careless driver plowed into me on January 6, 1994, leav-ing me with disabling injuries. I’m stuck with rubbery legs and a painful spine for life. That mishap squashed my love affair with jogging. No more rolling out of bed at 4:30 a.m. to squeeze in a few miles before work with whatever faithful canine companion I adopted or sailing around the park at night to unwind knotty nerves.

Since then, I’ve pushed myself through several short races in a wheelchair. Push-ing is rougher than running because I don’t have a light-weight racing chair. Just the fact that I competed in races gratified me, even though part of me wanted to rip through it like everyone else with sweat dripping down my face.Years of smoking plus hereditary factors caught up to me when I was diagnosed with pulmonary disease. During the 2007 Race for the Cure I huffed through the one mile portion of the race, down from the usual three miles I’d done for the past five years. A few bumps broke my stride but as long as I still have a stride, I’ll move ahead. Giving up isn’t an option.



I walked up enough to get to the front gate.

I could not even remember the starting point of this promenade nor how I got myself up there .

I was only heading to an unknown des-tination.

Miraculously, the gate was open, and I crossed it with increased curiosity.

A magnificent garden was unfolding before my eyes.

In the far distance a male figure was distinguished , becoming more familiar to me as I was coming closer to it.

Indeed, the figure was of a man with short brown hair and prescription glasses reminded me of George, friend of mine, writer and historian in profession.

Intuitively, I recognized my spiritual (astral) teacher in this familiar face, who

makes a habit of affiliating the facades from persons familiar to me , especial-ly the one of intellectual George (who happened to be my advisor on how to present my books for a specific period of time).

He led me to a huge tree, an apple tree laden with red apples.

-How beautiful red apples, I exclaimed.He shook his head with condescension.Then he led me to the back side of the tree, but the picture was just the oppo-site.The apples were yellow, shriveled and almost ailing .

-Look up those apples here! I was confused.

He did not reply. His silence reminded me that it was time for my own spiritual research.

That incident was simply food for the thought.

The Tree of Gnosis - Knowledge in the Garden of EdenBy; Katerina Kostaki


We walked together along a narrow path and we reached a glade. The view was unique and absolutely magical!

On the right and left side of a sacred path huge trees were soaring high up to the sky.

The top of the trees, unknown how much high enough they were rising , were touch-ing - better saying- embracing each other.

A soft wind was shaking the trees in an ethereal, magical dance.

I remained motionless, almost magne-tized by the spectacle.

-Would you like to cross the path? He asked me.

What is the definition of the red and yellow apples?

The tree, the apple tree is the invaluable Gnosis/Knowledge. The Tree of Gnosis/Knowledge. It’s fruit is unique, but forbid-den.

The Apples of Eden are the gifts inherited to humans .They are gifts offered to us to come to fruition upon the Tree of Knowl-edge.

They are our precious thoughts nourished by Love in order to bear fruit as Sacred Knowledge.

The back side carried also apples, but wilted and damaged apples.

Could it be two sides carrying with different grades of fruits on a single tree?

I think this applies to humans too.All people have two sides, a positive and a negative one .

We think positive, but also think negative.

Our beautiful thoughts are alike juicy apples.

How many times have we create thoughts that look like the wrinkled apples on the dream tree?Additionally ,how many times have we thought with love, compassion, and un-derstanding? (I hope those positive, heartfelt thoughts are not fewer than the negative ones...)

Trees of Heavens

We are people-trees. Our roots are hidden in Earth .The branches spread out on Heavens. The fruits are our energy.

Two different energies: The positive and negative ones.

The balance of both carries the progress.

However we should not abandon the dark side. We cannot overlook the neg-ative, dark side of us, existing for one simple reason: to show us how important the positive side is for us.

And how much important is to provide our society with healthy fruit -gifts.


The Path of Self-Realization

The road to Eden, the Higher Sphere of Gnosis/Knowledge and Self-Realization is a lonely path.

The thoughts, our creative children lead us accordingly to the emitted vibrations closer or far away to or from our Path , our destination.

Nevertheless, Eden abides within us, be-cause it’s our creation .We mold Eden using as material our positive thoughts.

The Magic , Inner Garden, our Eden is our world, we create around us.

It’s depiction upon the physical reality is a creative action as well.

So ,would you like to cross the Path to the Heavens ?

Copyright Katerina Kostaki Spirtual and visionary author, poetess and mentor

Owner of Academy of Inner Light –NetworkAuthor of Cosmic Light (Spiritual-metaphysical poetry book)

Katerina Kostaki is a visionary artist, spiritual author, poetess, freelance article writer ,mentor and video creator. She was born in 1966 in Athens , Greece. She was awarded as Mentor for participating to the European Union Program entitled “Implement” (May-October 2006) in contribution with two International Universities: Institut Technik Undbildung and Deis-Cork Institute of Technology. She attended lessons on Counselling on 2007.

She took a distant learning course on “ALCHEMY OF TRANSFORMATION ” by Classic Insight Org. (former Online Humanities Org.) on 2010. Her work related to spirituality, spiritual coach-ing/ counselling, mythology, esoteric research, self esteem, relationships, self improvement, historical reviews, Nature protection, New Age, mystery and meta-physics has appeared in several publica-tions (trade –union, local and cultural) both in print and online. She writes and translates her books/articles /poems/newsletters from Greek to English lan-guage herself.

e-mail: [email protected]

www.academyofinnerlight.net http://www.facebook.com/authorkaterinakostakiTwitter:@katerinakostaki







BY: Ellen Heller


I remember somewhere I had heard the expression, “....When things are falling apart, they are really falling together.” That was a wonderful statement to hear, as long as nothing was falling apart. But (and this is crucial) WHEN things feel or seem to, or ARE falling apart, how many of us can pull ourselves away, even for a moment, and think this way? Not many. And the question is.....WHY?

Why do we let ourselves get wrapped up in the drama? Why do we let ourselves get caught up in emotional trauma that is not our ‘doing?’ Answer: it IS our doing. We create all of it, with our thoughts, and everything on the outside of you, is a re-flection of what is TRULY going on within.

Hard to accept at times, isn’t it? Well un-less we take responsibility for all of it, we cannot change ANY of it. We are pure re-flections of God; we are Spirit, not matter. We are an Intelligent Idea in the Sacred Design of the Universe/One Mind/God/ All that Is. We come here for a purpose and everything that comes into our reality is because on some level, we desire to experience it.. When someone is in trouble, it is our nat-ural state to wish to help. For the Truth is, what blesses one, blesses all. What you do for someone else, you do for you, for we are all connected....We are All One.

This is not to say that we choose ‘con-sciously’ to suffer or to be victimized. It is rather a decision, a Soul decision, in or-

der to decide what we wish to be in rela-tion to it all...that is why all holy collabora-tions are called “relationships.” (This is all explained in depth in a wonderful book, called Conversations With God, Book 1, by Neale Donald Walsch).

If we look around us, many of us see that things are not the way we wish; we some-times wonder how others even handle their lives, if it appears more challenging than our own; we often day dream about a better life than what we have, no matter what we own or whom we have to share our moments with.

In truth, usually things appear as if they are falling apart because we have been trying to manipulate the Universe. We, within the confines of our physical struc-tures, do all we can to ‘get our way.’ Of-tentimes, we really don’t know what ‘our way’ really leads to. We sometimes marry the wrong person, and live in quiet des-peration, waiting to die, but afraid to. We choose a job we do not like because we went to school for it, and feel we cannot change at this late stage of our lifetime. We also close off those around us, think-ing that we can just numb ourselves by using either legal or illegal substances.

And we will do this until we do not.

But the Truth of who we Really Are is Pure Perfection; There is nothing we have to do, and no where we have to go; we cre-ate every rule and regulation that we live by. We so often do this to stop ‘Things from Falling Apart....’


Only problem is that it doesn’t prevent that at all. LISTENING with your heart; FEELING with your Soul; DECIDING what you wish to be in your GREATEST and GRAND-EST version and vision of yourself, of Who You Really Are (which is Spirit)...that is why we are here….and that is what causes it all to finally“fall together.”

And, if you cannot do this for yourself, do for another, and it will be done onto you as well, for we truly are all One Mind/Spirit. Remember, ...’Everything’s ok in the end; if it’s not ok, then it’s not the end.’ Blessed Be.

Ellen Heller received a B.A. in Education in 1978; four major fields of study: English, Art, Social Studies, and Psychology. Received her M.S. in Clinical Psychology in 1997. Has treated patients in a locked psych ward, held a two office private practice, and currently is starting a private practice in Arizona.

Taught Psychology classes at a University in the Chicago area, and has just completed a children’s book. She is currently writing another book for young adults and the general public. Her company was honored in Entrepreneur Magazine, March, 2003, for her business, Mother Earth Coffee Company, Inc., for cause related Marketing. 10% net profit was pledged to a different charity each month to give back to our community/Planet. She currently resides in Arizona, and is in the process of placing Mother Earth Coffee Company locations in the state of Arizona. She presently writes a successful blog called “Spirit-Minded; from the Inside---Out.” You can find her blog website located at: www.spirit-minded.comYou can also contact her through her email: [email protected]

Kind Guidance for Creating and Accepting Spiritual Health

Spirit-Minded (Advice Column)

Q A&Ask Ellen Heller

We will do our best to answer as many questions as we can. If you wish for a question, answered personally, please request this and attach your email address. We will do the best we can to provide an answer, based on our volume of correspondence.


[email protected]“All questions can be sent to:


Question: Dear Spirit-Minded:I have an opportunity to go overseas, doing the work I love. I have healthy grown children, to which I am so thank-ful,

and cannot imagine not seeing them each week or so. They are supportive of whatever I want, but I feel I am aban-doning

them....how do I decide? From Mom-my-Guilt

Answer: Dear Guilt,

First of all, please realize that guilt is a wasted emotion that does nothing for anyone. You have raised what you say are healthy children whom are inde-pendent. You have done what a good parent is suppose to do....raise healthy independent children that can live their lives without you. We are only here to enhance each other, and the most loving and highest thought and feel-ing is for growth and evolution, which is always about Love of Self. This is not Self-Centered....it is taking care of Self. If nothing else, do you imagine that YOU will be happy if you pass up this opportunity? Do you imagine your children will not be able to pick up that vibration of sadness or regret? Know that God/Universe is always directing us and taking such good care of us all; be grateful for that, and do what you Love. Money, good health, and possi-bly Children, will follow you wherever you go!


Question: Dear Spirit-Minded: When is it ok to give up in a relationship? When do you say, ‘I have had enough,’ and when do you continue and not give up on that person?’ From Taken Too Much

Answer: Dear Taken: Your last state-ment answers your question. You obviously feel that there has been so much unhappiness that you want out. I do not know what your statement of ‘taken too much means,’ but if it means abuse, then the answer is to do what you would tell your child to do. Even if you have never experienced being a parent, we all inwardly know what Love feels like, and automatically do know what is the most Loving advice. The whole concept comes full circle when asked that question, ‘what would Love do now?’ Now everyone usually thinks this means that it’s about loving someone else, but in truth this ques-tion is about Loving Self. What would Love do now, IF I LOVE MYSELF? To ask this and follow the thoughtful, Loving advice is the highest answer. (For a more in depth answer to this question, read “Conversations With God, Book 1, by Neale Donald Walsch, in which the chapter on Relationships is a wonderful tool to help with ques-tions such as this). Blessings!



By Sally Morningstar

It was on 26th April 2012 that I first met Mexican healer, Maestro Constantino, on

the first of three visits I made to him whilst he was travelling through the UK.

Maestro Constantino, doctor of the heart, is also known as ‘The Wandering Healer’ because he travels all around the world giving healings by donation to anyone

who comes to him. He is an extraordinary being, someone of great compassion and kindness. He has an otherworldly pres-ence – a radiance that affects anyone open to its touch. By open, I don’t mean one has to “be” anything to receive the healing of-fered. I mean that in simply being ‘open to receive’ something, most definitely, will transpire.

Maestro Constantino


He does not speak about himself, and one is advised before he comes into the room not to ask him personal questions – the reason being that you are there for the healing - not the healer. Here is the story of my healing experience; which will explain how the greetings cards you see through-out this article and my visits to Maestro are so intimately entwined!

Almost from the day I was born I have had a strange and difficult life with many strug-gles to overcome – many of which have broken other people, but for some reason I didn’t break. I did, however, create cer-tain barriers that didn’t let in many outsid-ers. Too many people from my past had proven themselves to be harmful; and as a result, I didn’t much care for the human race by the time I had reached adulthood. My heart was with Mother Nature, with the wild child within me, with Planet Earth and all its trees, flowers and creatures. That was my heart.

But niggling away at the back of me, calling for its healing, was this distrust of human-ity, this quiet disgust at their behaviors; this dislike of most of them which I’m sure didn’t help my cause in developing friend-ships or, indeed, a career! About 30 years ago a gypsy lady turned up on the door-step and amongst other things, she men-tioned that she sensed an ancient curse upon my family…..one could say she was just ‘making it up’ but something inside me jumped with recognition and I felt she had come into my life for very good reason as I had always felt there was something about certain aspects of my family that didn’t quite hang straight!

I am not going to share personal details, but I will share that my life until 26th April had some kind of shadow hanging over it and, despite me being capable of help-ing others with this kind of issue, I had not been able to shift my own, despite many different attempts and approaches, so on some level one could call it a ‘curse’.


On my last visit to Maestro I had decided beforehand that if it was appropriate for me to share my ‘issue’ with him that a private opportunity would present itself – and it did. By a series of unfolding events some im-promptu personal moments occurred and I have not been the same since. He gently touched a necklace I was wearing, held my shoulder for a few moments, looked into my eyes and nodded. That was all it took. Something flowed into me, something touched me; something enfolded me with a sense of ‘timeless safety’. It seems that many people approach Maestro with the same issue – that of sensing some kind of curse upon them. However, Maestro’s healing is for all ailments, be they physical, mental, emotional or spiritual in nature. Whatever the complaint, his vibrations will lift the being to a higher dimension where dis-ease does not exist. He heals with his heart, a very rare and pure heart.

A few days after my meeting with him, I found myself drifting in a timeless space,

perfectly content and open to the will of the universe. I sensed ‘change’ around my life, I didn’t know what, but I felt no anxiety. It was then that these greetings cards began to emerge. I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that these cards come from my heart and soul, that they are a direct testa-ment to Maestro’s healing touch, because I had no idea they were there within me, waiting to be born!

I have had the privilege and the honour of meeting Maestro Constantino and know that my connection to him will remain throughout my lifetime. He has cleared an ancient shadow from my heart – some-thing I will be eternally grateful for. The reason I have shared this story with you (one which is so very personal to me) is because I would like you to know of this wonderful being too. If you feel something is holding you back, or that your life is full of struggle, if you have a physical illness or perhaps mental depression or stress, if you are carrying old wounds or scars, or if, like me, you feel your life is blocked, I recommend that you go to visit him – you will never be the same again!

If you would like to make a connection with Maestro until such time as you can get to see him, please go to his Facebook page athttps://www.facebook.com/pages/Mae-stro-Constantino-UK/315238911854575

If you feel moved to contribute towards Maestro’s mission to heal as many people as possible throughout the world, please do so by following this link. Thank you!http://maestroconstantinouk.yolasite.com/make-a-contribution.php


Sally M. is a photographer, writer and natural living coach. She has also just become a creator of greetings cards! Please go to her Etsy shop at;http://www.etsy.com/shop/sentimentos to view the collectionor go to www.wix.com/magicalnature/natural-living for more details on her Natural Living Coachingor go to www.sallymorningstar.com to view her services.You can mail her personally at [email protected]


Practice mindfulness transforms false beliefs and replaces them with truth.

When we are going about our everyday life, we many times are just living off programming. Just like a computer have certain programs like Mozilla Fox and Internet Explorer for a Regular Computer and Sa-fari for a Mac Computer. An ice cream machine makes ice cream. When we were young we did not know how the world worked. We listened, watched and learned from those around us. Especially in our young-est years and this formed our view of the world, along with how we learned and then we re-created what we saw. This is all a very psychological process.

What we forget some-times is that we live off

these conditions and hab-its most times conscious-ly and when we become aware of it then we are attempting to shift our-selves from the conscious level. What is essential is also to get to the roots of the challenge you are facing to see what it real-ly is. We can have some-one get mad because someone cut them off on the road, but then they are really stressed out because their boss yells at them a lot.

Then when you go deeper it goes into that they feel guilty and take things per-sonally. Go even deeper and we see that they are basing their value and view of themselves based off of what other people see them. The solution would be to work on how they see and value themselves

Creating Empowering and Loving Relationships

By: Heather Auria Gaines

Part Two


They can indeed get help with friends and positive music and reading etc but they now know that they can go back to the truth.

The truth really is that we are already whole, perfect and in a space of perfect love. God, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and others knew this. It is just a matter of going back to that. They want the best for us. We too also want the best for us and to be happy and healthy.

Once we learn that our happiness and joy do not come from others or ma-terialism we can truly learn how to feed our soul appre-ciate and value ourselves and cherish our heart in many ways.

Mindfulness works for our benefit by helping us to be aware of when we are

having false thoughts and feelings about love, happi-ness, joy and abundance. The way it works is you be-come understanding that our thoughts are always in flux. Just like a river it is constantly moving. Have you noticed how it flows? It just keeps moving. When a dam is built then it stops the water and creates re-sistance and eventually the water will find a way through. It is the same with love. Love will always find its way back and it is up to us. You can see your thoughts and feelings like clouds going by. They come and then move on. We are not the clouds and we are not our thoughts and feelings. If we were then how did the people that recover from drugs or unhealthy relationships transform and become motivational speakers.

Creating Empowering and Loving Relationships

By: Heather Auria Gaines

Part Two


At some point they woke up and saw just this. We are not the culminations of thoughts, feelings and beliefs that we have and others have about ourselves. We are much more than that. Here is a simple mindful practice for you:

*Note you can read it first then prac-tice it in your heart and mind with your eyes closed in a quiet space

Start by taking a few deep breathes. Every time you breathe you get more and more relaxed. Take another deep breath and feel the peace surrounding you. You are now even more peaceful and at ease. Now just let you breath just become natural and just breathe for a few more moments. Breathe in and breathe out. Breathe in and breathe out. Now start to notice how your body is feeling. Just notice. Notice any thought you have and just see them float on in a river or as clouds passing you by. Breathing in….. Breathing out……. Just notice…….

In this place we can become aware of if we are in a place of love, trust and con-nection or not. If you realize you need to go back to the peace and connection with your heart focus on allowing the feel-ings and thoughts to come and go with compassion. This is a chance for you to be gentle on you. You can use this technique to learn what you need to work on or for forgiveness or for inspiring you to redirect your vehicle.

From there after you give the experience some peace and compassion. You can begin to focus on bringing in positive and loving thoughts and feelings and energies

to begin to redirect and transform the en-ergy and yourself.

Use affirmations and visualization to manifest your new way of living.

Now that you understand the working be-hind healthy relationships and what will help you to get to an open and receptive place for change now is the time to rewire yourself to transforming your relationships in becoming healthy and vibrant.

The next step is to use the power of mind and heart to reconfirm your new prac-tice. Affirmations are a statement made in present tense and are said as if they are already happening right now. For instance if I want to have a healthy and positive re-lationship with all of the people in my life than I would say something like this:

“I am joyful as I have complete, nurturing and compassionate relationships with ev-eryone in my life!”

“I am safe and protected!”

I added the safe and protected part be-cause in the past I was co-creating un-healthy relations with people where I did not feel safe. I feel it is better to not have it be specific to one person since if you do that you may start be bringing up un happy feelings around that situation and it will neutralize the affirmation and it may not work. Also, it usually has to do with something you are a part of creating.

The Law of Attraction brings to us what we focus on. If someone has a reputation


for getting taken advantage of their focus is on that very act, fear of it, or pondering it over and over in their head or stressed out about it so it just creates more and more of that energy. The mind and uni-verse also does not understand the word “No” How many of you do not like to hear “No” I am sure most of you do not like that. Why? Because we want freedom and anything that is not expansive and free-ing makes us feel imprisoned or denied. To be honest the universe does not know the word “No” because it is expansive and inclusive. So if you say “I don’t want to eat that cheese.” The universe hears “I want to eat that cheese.”

Just like a small snow ball going down a hill or when something starts to go wrong for instance if you are throwing an event and stuff starts to go wrong and you freak out then most times it keeps getting big-ger and bigger. But if you stay calm and intend that you can manage it and resolve it first you will be able to step in with con-fidence, trust and faith that it will work out. Secondly, you will be able to be calm no matter what happens which will give you the upper hand to redirect the ener-gy. Lastly, you can attract the energy you need to steer the situation to flow back into harmony.

Using mindfulness settles the mind to find out what specifically the issue is and then you take that issue and flip it around to becoming a fulfilling statement of what you want and as if you already have it right now.

When we calm ourselves and move into a still or slowed down pace we can learn

what it is that we need and we can tap into the sea of potentiality to create what we want. See the universe has the void/still-ness/feminine and the expansion/move-ment/masculine energy. The universe can be imagined as an ocean. At the bot-tom of the ocean there is stillness on the floor. The waves represent our thoughts, feelings and energies in play. So an ex-perience, emotion or thought can be seen as a wave that will eventually return to the ocean as that moment passes. The waves are our present experience and when they return to the ocean so does the moment become the past and a new wave becomes the present moment.

Now that you understand even deeper, again you really want to add empowering, assertive feelings and if you can visual-ization. It helps the affirmation become stronger. While you are stating your af-firmation imagine what it will feel like to have that be your reality. Imagine what it would be like to be in relationships that are nurturing and compassionate! Imagine what it would look like in your in-teractions and what it would feel like and look like to be safe and protected!

When you state your affirmation you have to really state it with all of your heart and genuinely believe in it. Then you have to let it go to the universe believing that it is manifesting right now.



A Message From God

All things in the known and unknown universe have reason and purpose, even those things you think you do not under-stand, as they are occurring. Think about your life on Earth. Many times, when things are happening, you question why.Why is this happening? What reason could there be? What purpose could there be? However, you find out later the reason. You are a creator, therefore all that occurs in your life was, in fact, caused by you, even those things you may consider to be of a negative nature, or something that seemed to be unnec-essary, or something that could or should have been avoided.

Ofttimes, when you look back in ret-rospect, you are able to see the gift or gifts received by you. You are able to see your God given ability to discern the gifts that were given to you by self. This is a creative action of the spirit. Your spir-it knows and understands that there is nothing wrong. Your spirit understands

that all things are for your evolution, that all things occur to benefit your being, even the death of a loved one or some kind of accident. Many times it is for you to find the strength within your wonderful self to accept and surrender to the universal fact that, “It is what it is until it is not.” Once this acceptance occurs, the fourfold being is catapulted to a new vibrational level, another step towards the mastering of self.

You hold within your fourfold being the ability to deal and function productively in the face of all that may occur. There is nothing you can’t handle, there is nothing you can’t deal with. This is what WE, All there is, was, and ever shall be wish and desire for you to remember. When you are able to accomplish this mastering of the spiritual self, you will look at life differently. You will be able to fight and fend off depression and anger.


A Message From GodReason and Purpose Do All Things Have!

You will be able to see your others in a different light. You will be less judg-mental and prone to more forgiveness. Fore, know and understand that you are forgiveness. Know and understand that you are LOVE Know and understand that things are not as complicated as they may seem.

All the information that WE send to you, all the things that occur on any given day, are all for your refining and for your personal growth. Fore, great are You! Wonderful are You! Marvelous are You! Capable are You! Think about the pro-cess of living life. Think about why you are able to walk and talk. Ponder on the scientific truth that these functions cannot adequately be explained. Yet still they are possible. Yes, a miracle are You. And you are, in and of yourself, reason and purpose. The reason is for you to create, the purpose is for you to feel and process a full range of feelings and emotions. Fore, this is what you

came to this planet for – to be Human, of the earth, subjected to the wind and the rain, the storms and the Sun, and the emotions attached to being in the physi-cal. Additionally, you are subjected to the decisions of your others that may and most times do affect you. Yet they are all gifts - gifts from yourself to yourself. WE desire for you to meditate upon the above information, pray upon it, seek within your spiritual self, the personal epiphanies attached to the very understanding of such.

Above all, know and understand that you are a part of All there, is, was, and ever shall be, no less than the stars that line your midnight sky.

WE love YOU!

By Elliott Eli Jackson



Przewalski horse

From the edge of EXTINCTION


We have all heard about Mountain Goats, but a Mountain Horse?! The Przewalski’s horse was native to the steep slopes of Central Asia and mainly in Mongolia. The Przewalski or Dzungarian horse is a rare and endangered subspecies of wild horse (Equus ferus).

In the 15th century, Johann Schiltberger recorded one of the first European sight-ings of the horses in the journal of his trip to Mongolia as a prisoner of the Mongol Khan. Johann a German nobleman whose Reisebuck (Travel Book) described his many journeys. The horse is named after the Russian colonel Nikolai Przhevalsky (1839–1888) (the name is of Polish origin and “Przewalski” is the Polish spelling). He was the explorer and naturalist who first described the horse in 1881, after having gone on an expedition to find it, based on rumors of its existence.

The Przewalski horse had become extinct to its native lands and only the last remain-ing horses lived in captivity. In 1966 the last know sighting of a Przewalski horse was recorded and thus lead to the horse

being placed on the endangered species list. The slopes of Mongolia and Central

Asia lost a beloved animal.

Despite for keeping animals in captivity and in cages, for the Przewalski horse zoos were a safe place. Around 1900, Carl Hagenbeck internationally known German animal dealer and trainer had captured and placed the horses in zoos. The world population of these horses are all descended from 9 of the 31 horses in captivity in 1945. After 1945 only two captive populations in zoos remained, in Munich and in Prague and the group in the USA had died out. These nine horses were mostly descended from approximately 15 captured around 1900.

As the world has become more involved with species on the edge of extinction, A cooperative venture between the Zoo-logical Society of London and Mongolian scientists has resulted in successful rein-troduction of these horses from zoo’s into their natural habitat in Mongolia; and as of 2011 there is an estimated free-rang-ing population of over 300 in the wild. The total number of these horses according to a 2005 census was about 1,500.


Communing With NatureBy: Michele Rabbitt Billman

Summer is here, Nature is in it’s prime season to spend time with us. The trees flourish, flowers bloom, water sparkles with delight under the hot summer sun. Nature calls to personally invite us into it’s world by the warm weather and soft cloudy skies. Accepting this invitation takes effort on our part to slow down our

busy lives and allow ourselves to commune with Nature.

Spending the time and the energy among Nature can both benefit us and the Natural setting. Our bodies are a natural energy generator that gives out waves of energy into the Universe through the physical, mental and spiritual levels of

our being.


Nature can cleanse and reorganize our energies when we feel scattered, scram-bled, confused, tired, and cranky. Every-thing in the Universe is made of moving atoms that gives off energy waves too. The energy waves from our bodies in-teract and connect with everything andeverybody we meet. We are constant-ly being bombarded with energy waves all day long, some energies in the Uni-verse work well with us and some ener-gies work against our natural flow. It is no wonder we all feel tired and edgy by the end of the day. Nature is a great way to smooth and cleanse our energy field. It can also help unlock our energy blocks, so our energy can flow freely through our bodies. When our “juices” are flowing, we can think quicker, we feel less stressed, and our intuition is louder and easier to understand. Everyone has a unique energy signature that has been assigned to us by our Higher Power Source, we all have to discover our own clarifying tool that has been provided for us by Nature. For people who can not go outside be-cause of health reasons, they can bring the Nature inside to visit with them in-stead. A houseplant, favorite rock, or pet works nicely to help realign their energy. People can also look outside at their fa-vorite tree, bush, flower, or bird and con-nect energetically from afar.

My favorite way of communing with Nature is by visiting trees. My skin burns super easy, so I prefer to stay in the shade of the trees while being out-side. Trees have such a giving spirit, they provide us with shelter, shade, food, and oxygen. They also stabilize the Earth by

grounding and rooting themselves into the soil to help prevent erosion. I figured, if trees can keep the ground from slipping off a cliff, then stabilizing me energetically should be a breeze.

Trees absorb our negative energies like a sponge, they refilter it through their being and give it back to us in a positive form of energy. The same way they thrive on our carbon dioxide and give us oxygen in exchange. If we can do this on a physical level, then it makes sense, that we can exchange energy on a spiritual level too. All trees are different and each person responds differently to each tree. One person may feel revived and ready to take on the world while another personmay feel relaxed and calm under the same tree. Allow your intuition to show you which tree, plant, mineral, or ani-mal is right for you at that moment.

Usually it is the tree or plant that catches your attention first by flashing their big leaves in the sunshine or the appealing smell from their beautiful blooms, just be open to the experience of connecting with the natural setting around you. I have noticed that the trees in the cemeteries are very good listeners, they seem to want my company. Their energy seems to welcome me with open arms or should I say open branches. Recording your experiencesin a journal can be helpful for you to remember which tree or plant made you feel happy, relaxed, inspired, etc. Some trees have a comforting motherly energy that is calming, while other trees have a fatherly protective energy that makes you feel safe. Remembering your “happy” tree can be beneficial, you never know when you may need a quick solution for fixing a bad day.

Everyone has the natural ability to con-nect with Nature, we all live in the same world so we are all composed of similar waves of energy. To connect on an en-ergetic level, you have to tune into their frequency and allow Nature to tune into yours. The connection is a two way street, you both have to agree to participate. It may take a few practice sessions to start feeling the energy exchange, be patient with yourself and have faith that the con-nection is happening even though at first you don’t feel anything. To communeenergetically with Nature, you can do this simple exercise to help you heighten yourenergy awareness around you.

1. Place your hands in prayer position or place your hands somewhere on your body. You may say a quick prayer of

protection if you feel the need.2. Inhale slowly through your nose for 3 counts, hold your breathe for 3 counts, exhale slowly for 3 counts. Do this breathing rhythm until you can feel your own pulse through the palms of your hands. You may feel light headed at first since more oxygen is circulating through your body.3. Slowly breathe in and out to keep your energy flowing freely through your body while you connect with your new Nature friend.4. Ask your Nature friend’s permission to connect with them. I have not found a tree or plant that has turned me down. It’s always best to ask, it’s the polite thing to do.5. When you feel your Nature friend is ready to connect energetically with you, you can place your hands about an inch above or directly on their trunk, or you can stand/sit on their roots. I like to visualize a golden bubble around myself merging with their golden bubble around them. I am sure there are a million ways to connect with your Nature friend. Try one of these suggestions or create your own way of connecting energetically.6. It may take a few minutes to feel your energy merging with theirs. Keep inhaling slowly through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Visualize one large golden bubble surrounding the two of you.7. Listen to your intuition about the way you feel, what images come to your mind, what you can smell, what words or phrases you can hear, or just take a power nap with your Nature friend to help you relax.


8. When you want to end this energy exchange session, tell your friend goodbye and be sure to thank them for spending time with you. Visualize your golden bubble disconnecting with their golden bubble of energy.9. Give yourself a few minutes to unwind from the session before moving, you may feel a little light headed from being surrounded by their positive energy.10.You may want to write down your experience of your communing session.

Everyone’s experience of communing with Nature should be as unique as their own energy signature. Some people will have a warm feeling all over their body, some will feel being gently touched, some will see colors flash in their minds eye, some will hear a whispered message that they may or may not understand at that time. After your energy exchange you may find that your energy has increased, you are able to focus on projects longer, or your attitude towards life is brighter. Value these experiences as somethingspecial and sacred between two spiritual beings. Do not worry if your plant dies or your tree gets chopped down, you can still communicate spiritually with your Nature friend. Their spiritual energy can not be destroyed, they will only be a thought away if you need to commune with them again.

Your first session may be a success or you may feel like you did not feel any-thing, do not get discouraged if you feel your connection did not happen. Move to a different plant or tree, do it on a differ-ent day where you have more time and are able to be more relaxed, perhaps be

more consistent on your deep breathing or maybe your energy just did not mesh well with theirs. The more you prac-tice, the better you will feel the energy exchange during these sessions. Your Nature friend’s energy may feel differ-ent as the seasons change. Have fun experiencing the seasons change on a whole new level. If your friend is outside and you can not connect personally with them because of the weather or they live far away, you can use a photo or mental image of them. Place your hand(s) on the photo when you start your deep breath-ing exercise and connect with them energetically like normal. As yourfriendship matures the connection will become easier and feel like second nature to you. You may even feel like a child again by having a animal, tree, plant as your friend. As you gain each others trust you can ask for solutions to prob-lems, inspiration for creative projects, in-sights on future decisions, etc.

They may not have all the answers to your questions but at least you mentioned your specific wants and needs to the Uni-verse, this way it can all get sorted out naturally. Nothing in Nature is too small or insignificant to connect with during an energy exchange, everything has a pur-pose and place in the natural world. The next time you take a walk or drive, be sure to notice the natural setting around you.

Allow your intuition to guide you to your potential Nature partner. You never know, you may be only a few yards, a park, or beach away from discovery a life long friend.


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