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The Epy Awards: May Issue

Date post: 31-Jul-2016
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theepyawardsAisha A.

Perla Park

Suzy B.

Tig F.






Editor-in-chief Aisha Ayesha

Creative Director

Graphic Designer

Art Director

Staff Writers

Staff Editors

TheEpyAwards is published by the Epy Journaling Team


Epy NewsBY T IG F .

This month has the 13th of May falling on a Friday! Friday

the 13th is known to be unlucky and has had numerous

thrillers and horror films / stories based around it. So in

spirit of this, our May issue of the magazine will be

focused on Thriller stories within the Episode Community!

Thrillers have an exciting plot and are guaranteed to be

full of suspense, tension and cliff-hangers to keep every

reader on the edge of their seat! A racing pulse and

sweaty palms; both of these are symptoms of a good


The Epy Awards genre categories are filling up quickly.

Romance, Drama, Fantasy and the Romance/Drama

categories are now all closed! There are five spots left in

Mystery and seven in the Fantasy/Adventure category. The

rest have around 15 spots so make sure to enter your story

if you haven’t already done so and still desire to. We love

reading your stories and we will always provide you with

suitable, constructive and encouraging feedback when

required! If you have entered your story and are not sure if

your story has been accepted use this link to

check: http://epyawards.weebly.com/story-entries-


Really think about which category your story is best

suited to, as that is included in the points system for how

it relates to the category you choose to enter under!

Consider what factors contribute to each category. For

example: Thrillers will end on cliff-hangers. Romances will

include dates and relationships. This will really impact

how well your story is rated!

When you enter the contest make sure that you meet

all the rules and regulations:

You must be 13 years old or above to participate.

You must have at least 4 completed episodes.

Your story must be of your own intellectual property.

Your story must be available on the app.

You must submit your story properly, following the

instructions on the form.

Failure to do this will result in your story not being


If you are looking for a good story to read, check out

our library on the website. We feature stories from

each genre, so there is something for everyone! Use

the link here for seeing what stories are featured!


We are also hosting a competition! The Epy Awards

team are currently looking for new ways to promote

the contest, so we want you to create a promotional

video for the Epy Awards! It has to be 60 seconds

long, include the rules and regulations as well as

display all the award categories and the judging

criteria! You will also need to have the website

featured at the end of the video. You have the

freedom to add any other information, so try and be

creative - but informative! Upload your video to

YouTube or any other video platform and include the

link to the video in your Instagram bio until the

contest ends.


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The winners will have their video featured on

the homepage of the website. The contest will

close on the 1st of June, so have fun with it and

show us what you can do!

We also wanted to thank you for helping us

reach 1000 followers on Instagram! We really

appreciate all your support and wishes. We are

truly ecstatic at how recognised the Epy Awards

are becoming! We are still communicating with

Episode about a potential partnership so make

sure to check our Instagram or forums for any

further updates on that matter!

We are also still using the #epyfeatureme to help

recognise the amazing stories that are in the

Episode Community. If you want yours or

someone else’s story to be featured, check out

our Instagram for further information. Please

note: If you use #epyfeatureme and are featured,

you impressed a member of the Epy News /

Journaling Team. It is in no way related to the

actual Epy Awards or those whom judge for the

Epy Awards.

Thanks again for your backing and kind words,

it’s great to see such encouragement!


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A Defrightful Thriller:The Fairy Slayer


Our story is by A. Thomas, who is not only a teacher

with an interest in old murder mysteries such as

Columbo, but evidently, a mastermind of writing

stories of the thriller genre, too. A. Thomas teaches

various subjects and multiple grade levels, which gives

them the perfect knowledge to tell a contemporary

tale that is perfect for readers with an avidity for


Taking inspiration from the 90s show, Twin Peaks, and

various other dark tales, A. Thomas crafts a mysterious

mix of twisted murders and supernatural abilities. For a

tale that you won’t easily forget, we are eager to bring

you – The Fairy Slayer.

You play as Gabriela, a cheerful, blue-eyed belle

starting an unforgettable junior year at Anderson High

School. All seems to be well and normal, until the local

police department locate the body of Tabitha Madsen,

a senior who was murdered under strange

circumstances. Stranger yet, evidence gives her murder

link to The Little Mermaid.

The news shocks the students of Anderson High School

(did you notice the reference to Hans Christian

Anderson?). The effects of the news especially takes its

toll on Gabriela, who begins suffering from headaches

which lead to blackouts. During these blackouts,

Gabriella is shown horrific visions of the recently

deceased students. As the body count grows, Gabriela

must face an increasing number of spirits who are trying

to warn her of Them… The mysterious terrors who are

murdering students as if they are fairy tale characters.

After numerous blackouts, riddles to solve, and creepy,

ghostly messages from former students, Gabriela starts to

realise that she might just be the next victim. Yet, so many

questions remained unanswered… Which character is

Gabriela, and why is she able to see the dead students?

Are there others like her?

Meanwhile, the case is growing and becoming stranger

and stranger. Soon, the FBI is called in when it is realised

that each of the murdered teens are found with tokens

that are symbolic of a fairy tale character. The facts are

undeniable: There’s a serial killer on the prowl at

Anderson High School. A Serial killer with a certain liking

and interest for the characters of our favourite childhood


This haunting thriller leaves you with countless twists and

clues, and uses your beloved childhood characters to

create a nightmarish tale that will haunt you at night. The

Fairy Slayer is not for the faint of heart! A. Thomas

carefully uses sounds and enticing language to capture

your attention… And fear. You’ll be at the edge of your seat

reading this creatively creepy story. We hope you enjoy

The Fairy Slayer as much as we do! Don’t read it alone...

This month, the Epy Awards Journaling team has been sifting through story after story on the Episode app to bring

you the creepiest Episodes we can find. You’re in luck, because we’ve found a memorable mystery for you to enjoy,

and it is guaranteed to send chills down your spine!


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Thrills and Chills BY ARDEN C .

This gripping tale follows the stories of sisters

Leanna and Breanna whose lives have suddenly

become more perilous than they ever expected.

They are catapulted into a reality surrounded by

uncertainty; the world as they know it has changed

drastically and danger in the form of “Biters” now

lurks around every corner!

We follow Leanna as she attempts to locate her

family, and especially Breanna, after being

separated from them following the initial

realization that these zombie creatures were taking

over their world. Leanna is a force to be reckoned

with, a fact that is obvious from the beginning of

the story but becomes even more clear as we see

the way she initially treats Frederick, the man she

stumbles upon who could potentially lead her to

her sister. We don’t want to reveal too much of this

thrilling tale, but it goes without saying that the

character and plot development in this story is


This story is also one of the few we have found that

does an incredible job of utilizing sound in its

episodes. If you are one who loves to crank up your

volume while using the app and become truly

absorbed in your narrative of choice, then we highly

suggest that you do just that while reading this

story! Plus, the sounds certainly add extra suspense

while reading this tale that already proves to be a


Though the apocalyptic, zombie theme is not

one that is new to the entertainment world,

“The Unknown” puts a whole new spin on the

classic tales of the past and present; and with

only six episodes published, it will undoubtedly

leave you craving more and more!

Things are certainly not as they seem as this

story progresses and you will surely find yourself

questioning what in the world might happen

next. The directing, grammar, and spelling are

virtually flawless, leaving you free to focus on

the depth of the story’s plot! Choices are also

abundant, although none necessarily seem to

have a profound effect on the outcome of the


The overall plot and character development of

this story truly blew us away and we certainly

think that it will have the same effect on you all!

Be prepared to be in awe of Hannah Rose’s

ability to draw you in and keep your attention

from the very first scene. Suspense, tension, and

uncertainty are emotions carried throughout all

six episodes, keeping you on the edge of your

seat and uneasy about the one thing these

characters fear as well… the unknown!

Some of the most compelling narratives are the ones that send chills down your spine while also keeping

your tush right at the edge of its seat. One of these hidden gems that we’ve uncovered is none other than

the apocalyptic thriller/harrowing adventure story, “The Unknown” by Hannah Rose.


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Every PuzzleHas Its Pieces


Plot twists keep the reader guessing as well as

keeping them on their toes. This is good when writing

thrillers and horrors because it creates mystery and

suspense. If a mystery was simple to solve then it

wouldn’t create any pressure and suspense, as well as

this, it wouldn’t be very thrilling! One method that

surprises the audience is a false protagonist. This is

when they start the story as the main character, but

then you dispose of them, usually killing them off. This

is known as a ‘red herring’.

Another thing that is useful when writing thrillers is to

consider using flashbacks, this can help give readers a

clearer understanding of each character and seeing

drama happen through different characters’

perspectives. E.g. The Hero will have a different

perspective on crime than a Criminal would! Near the

end of a story you could show how the Villain did what

they did. Think of it this way – every puzzle has its

pieces! Draft your story from each characters’

viewpoint, so that when you do flashbacks it makes

the reader think back, and then realise something

they might not the first time they read it! Making the

audience re-read a story is a difficult task, and doing

this can make the reader notice a trail they previously

may not have…

Consider starting your story with an action packed

scene. This shows the reader immediately what the

story will be like. Show crime and introduce your

hero and villain through it. This will make the reader

consider what obstacles they might have to face

throughout your story. This means you’ll have to

think about what your Protagonist wants and what

they fear. Doing this will aid the reader in

connecting with your main character. Having a

connection between your readers and main

character will help them to form a bond

emotionally and cause more significant reactions to

scenes where danger occurs, or romance! For

example, Cinderella – Her main ambition is to go to

the ball. She wants to feel liberated. And when she

gets to the ball, she truly feels free.

What I’ve noticed in many thriller books is that the

main character starts off miserable in some way.

Give them grief, false hope, anxiety or maybe a near

death experience. You don’t want your main

character to win too soon. This means the reader

can watch your character progress and change into

a stronger, tougher being. Think realistically, no one

has a perfect life, everyone will have their problems,

use this in your story.

Thrillers are seen as the most exciting and suspenseful of all genres. They can be problematic to master, as they

require you to leave your readers with a racing pulse and sweaty palms. Thrillers have various sub-genres

including: Psychological, Mystery, Science Fiction, Spy and Military. Along with Thrillers there is the Horror genre

– which is also challenging. Successful horror stories chill your blood, and raise your goose bumps!


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They are my favourite way to leave a reader wanting

more! Finishing each chapter with a cliff-hanger will

create a sudden surprise or turn of events. It will leave

the reader questioning what has happened. Including

this will enable the reader to really think about what is

going on. And because of this, each scene should

reveal something new, even the slightest, finest detail.

The villain is always at work, so there’s no time to

waste on impractical information. But ensure that you

give the reader a background of each character to

allow them to understand each character personality

and issues and behaviour.

When cliff-hangers and suspense are used, readers are

agitated by fear or curiosity. Their hearts are thumping

and their palms are sweating. This means they are

powerfully devoted to what happens next. Examples

of this are in work of the Author Dean Koontz. Read

some of his work for inspiration! Reading other

people’s writing can really help spark your inspiration,

just ensure that you don’t copy the story, but take

ideas from it and make it your own.

So when you write a Thriller, make sure to consider

what I have covered above for an award-winning

Thriller story!


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