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THE EUROPEAN SEASON BEGINS AT SARNO€¦ · Ha seguito alla lettera le istruzioni per rimon-tare,...

Date post: 05-Oct-2020
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THE EUROPEAN SEASON BEGINS AT SARNO T he European Championship started last weekend in Italy at the Sarno circuit. It was predictable that the competition would be very tough and it was. The Neapolitan event however confirmed the potential of the Birel ART Racing Team and gave all its members additional motivation for the continuation of the Championship. BIREL ART 2017 - Press release n°9 BIRELART.COM The new CIK-FIA racing format contributed to the intensity of the competition by placing greater emphasis on Timed Qualifying and Qualifying Heats due to the disappearance of the Prefinals. The battles on the track were often vigorous throughout the meeting. Pressure was at its maximum among the young Junior drivers for their first European experience. The difficulty of Qualifying was confirmed again and Dexter Patterson, who was very active during free practice, learned it at his own expense. Forced to start from the middle of the grid during the heats, he managed to move up convincingly, but also suffered from the actions of his opponents which deprived him of racing in the Final. Even further back in Qualifying than his teammate Patterson, Alessandro Famularo did not miss out on qualification for the Final thanks to interesting heats and excellent times. Anthony Famularo took advantage of his promising 22nd in Qualifying to complete three good runs out of four and was able to start the Final. He regained 15 places and finished, before a penalty, at a 18th encouraging position in his first European meeting. Caio Collet perfectly fulfilled his mission in OK, starting from the 38th place in Timed Qualifying. He followed the instructions to move forward without taking risks and without making any mistakes to the 17th position after the heats before continuing in the same mode up to 12th position in the Final. It was difficult to hope for better in his situation, the main thing being to score some points in the championship. Michael D’Orlando started off with a good 16th time. He then managed to take two superb 5th places in the heats, but two retirements deprived him of access to the Final when a leading result was quite conceivable. Rasmus Lindh (Ricciardo Kart) made a good start and has alternated good results and disappointments. The fastest in his qualifying series, he managed to reach the Final, but the first laps of it put paid to hopes for a satisfactory result in spite of first class performance. In KZ, Marijn Kremers shone from Qualifying onwards with his 5th fastest time, after dominating in the free practices. He finished 11th in the heats in spite of a breakdown and close to the top 10 in the Final before being penalised for his unhooked spoiler. Felice Tiene moved up to 9th place before suffering the same fate. Ultimately, Rick Dreezen (KSW Birel ART Austria) scored 11th in the Final. «We have worked hard on our equipment, even though we are aware that the goal has not yet been achieved,» concluded the team manager Rickard Kaell Franchini. «We have relied on the latest developments from our technical partners TM Racing, Macháč Motors and GFR Engines to advance our Birel ART / TM karts and we don’t intend to relax!»
Page 1: THE EUROPEAN SEASON BEGINS AT SARNO€¦ · Ha seguito alla lettera le istruzioni per rimon-tare, senza prendersi dei rischi e senza errori, in diciassettesima posizione nelle manche


The European Championship started last weekend in Italy at the Sarno circuit. It was predictable that the competition would be very tough and it was. The Neapolitan event however confirmed the potential of the Birel ART Racing Team and gave all

its members additional motivation for the continuation of the Championship.

BIREL ART 2017 - Press release n°9


The new CIK-FIA racing format contributed to the intensity of the competition by placing greater emphasis on Timed Qualifying and Qualifying Heats due to the disappearance of the Prefinals. The battles on the track were often vigorous throughout the meeting.

Pressure was at its maximum among the young Junior drivers for their first European experience. The difficulty of Qualifying was confirmed again and Dexter Patterson, who was very active during free practice, learned it at his own expense. Forced to start from the middle of the grid during the heats,

he managed to move up convincingly, but also suffered from the actions of his opponents which deprived him of racing in the Final. Even further back in Qualifying than his teammate Patterson, Alessandro Famularo did not miss out on qualification for the Final thanks to interesting heats and excellent times. Anthony Famularo took advantage of his promising 22nd in Qualifying to complete three good runs out of four and was able to start the Final. He regained 15 places and finished, before a penalty, at a 18th encouraging position in his first European meeting.

Caio Collet perfectly fulfilled his mission in OK, starting from the 38th place in Timed Qualifying. He followed the instructions to move forward without taking risks and without making any mistakes to

the 17th position after the heats before continuing in the same mode up to 12th position in the Final. It was difficult to hope for better in his situation, the main thing being to score some points in the championship. Michael D’Orlando started off with a good 16th time. He then managed to take two superb 5th places in the heats, but two retirements deprived him of access to the Final when a leading result was quite conceivable. Rasmus Lindh (Ricciardo Kart) made a good start and has alternated good results and disappointments. The fastest in his qualifying series, he managed to reach the Final, but the first laps of it put paid to hopes for a satisfactory result in spite of first class performance.

In KZ, Marijn Kremers shone from Qualifying onwards with his 5th fastest time, after dominating in the free practices. He finished 11th in the heats in spite of a breakdown and close to the top 10 in the Final before being penalised for his unhooked spoiler. Felice Tiene moved up to 9th place before suffering the same fate. Ultimately, Rick Dreezen (KSW Birel ART Austria) scored 11th in the Final.

«We have worked hard on our equipment, even though we are aware that the goal has not yet been achieved,» concluded the team manager Rickard Kaell Franchini. «We have relied on the latest developments from our technical partners TM Racing, Macháč Motors and GFR Engines to advance our Birel ART / TM karts and we don’t intend to relax!»

Page 2: THE EUROPEAN SEASON BEGINS AT SARNO€¦ · Ha seguito alla lettera le istruzioni per rimon-tare, senza prendersi dei rischi e senza errori, in diciassettesima posizione nelle manche


Lo scorso week-end in Italia è iniziato sul circuito di Sarno il Campionato europeo. Si prevedeva una competizione molto agguerrita e lo è stata. La prova napoletana ha tuttavia confermato il potenziale del Team Birel Art Racing e ha dato a tutti i suoi

membri una motivazione supplementare per il proseguimento del campionato.

BIREL ART 2017 - Comunicato n°9


Il nuovo formato della gara pensato dalla CIK-FIA ha contribuito a rendere più intensa la competizione dando maggiore importanza alle prove cronometrate e alle manche di qualificazione con la scomparsa delle prefinali. Le battaglie in pista sono state spesso energiche nel corso di tutto il meeting.

La pressione tra i giovani piloti Junior, in occasione della loro prima esperienza europea, era ai massimi livelli. La difficoltà delle prove di qualificazione si è nuovamente confermata e Dexter Patterson, che era particolarmente in vena durante le prove libere, l’ha capito a sue spese. Costretto a partire a metà

griglia nel corso delle manche di qualificazione, ha realizzato delle rimonte straordinarie, ma ha anche subito la foga dei suoi avversari che gli hanno sbarrato le porte della finale. Posizionato ancora più lontano durante le prove cronometrate, Alessandro Famularo ha mancato di poco la sua qualifica in finale grazie a manche interessanti e tempi eccellenti. Anthony Famularo ha approfittato del suo promettente ventiduesimo tempo nelle prove cronometrate per fare tre buone manche su quattro e riuscire a prendere il via in finale. Ha guadagnato altre quindici posizioni e ha termi-nato in diciottesima posizione, prima di una penalità, il suo appuntamento europeo.

Missione compiuta per Caio Collet nella OK partito dal trentottesimo posto delle prove di qualificazione. Ha seguito alla lettera le istruzioni per rimon-tare, senza prendersi dei rischi e senza errori, in diciassettesima posizione nelle manche per poi continuare sulla stessa linea e giungere dodicesimo

in finale. Era difficile sperare di meglio nella sua situazione, ma l’importante era fare qualche punto in campionato. Michael D’Orlando ha iniziato bene con un sedicesimo posto nelle prove cronometrate. Successivamente è riuscito a conquistare due straordinari quinti posti nelle manche, ma due ritiri l’hanno privato dell’accesso in finale nonostante un risultato di rilievo era assolutamente alla sua portata. Partito bene anche lui, Rasmus Lindh (Ricciardo Kart) ha alternato buoni risultati, e delusioni. Il più veloce della sua serie durante il prove ufficiali, è riuscito a entrare in finale, ma i primi giri gli sono stati fatali per poter sperare in un risultato soddisfacente nonostante le performance di prim’ordine.

Nella KZ Marijn Kremers si è distinto sin dalle prove cronometrate con il suo quinto tempo, dopo aver dominato le prove libere. Ha terminato all’undicesimo posto nelle manche nonostante un guasto e si è mantenuto ai piedi della Top 10 nella finale prima di essere penalizzato per spoiler staccato. Partito da più lontano, Felice Tiene è rimontato fino alla nona posizione prima di subire la stessa sorte. Alla fine è stato Rick Dreezen (KSW Birel Art Austria) a ottenere il miglior risultato: undicesimo in finale. “Abbiamo lavorato bene sul nostro mezzo anche se siamo consapevoli che l’obiettivo non è ancora stato raggiunto”, ha dichiarato il responsabile del team racing Rickard Kaell Franchini. “Abbiamo fatto affidamento sugli ultimi sviluppi dei nostri partner tecnici TM Racing, Macháč Motors e GFR Engines per far progredire i nostri kart Birel ART/TM e non intendiamo mollare!”.

Page 3: THE EUROPEAN SEASON BEGINS AT SARNO€¦ · Ha seguito alla lettera le istruzioni per rimon-tare, senza prendersi dei rischi e senza errori, in diciassettesima posizione nelle manche


Le Championnat d’Europe a débuté le week-end dernier en Italie sur le circuit de Sarno. Il était prévisible que la compétition soit très rude et elle l’a été. L’épreuve napolitaine a cependant confirmé le potentiel du Birel ART Racing Team et donné à

tous ses membres une motivation supplémentaire pour la suite du championnat.

BIREL ART 2017 - Communiqué de presse n°9


La pression était à son maximum chez les jeunes pi-lotes Junior pour leur première expérience européenne. La difficulté des essais qualificatifs s’est une nouvelle fois confirmée et Dexter Patterson, qui était très en verve durant les essais libres, l’a appris à ses dépends. Contraint de partir en milleiu de grille au cours des

manches qualificatives, il a réussi de probantes remon-tées, mais aussi subi la fougue de ses adversaires qui le privait de finale. Pointé encore plus loin pendant les essais chronos, Alessandro Famularo n’a pas manqué de beaucoup sa qualification en finale grâce à des manches intéressantes et des temps excellents. Anthony Famularo

profitait de son prometteur 22e temps des chronos pour réussir trois bonnes manches sur quatre et pouvoir prendre le départ de la finale. Il regagnait encore 15 places et terminait, avant pénalité, à un encourageant 18e rang son premier rendez-vous européen.

Caio Collet a parfaitement rempli sa mission en OK en partant de la 38e place des essais qualificatifs. Il a suivi à la lettre les consignes pour remonter sans prendre de risques et sans commettre d’erreurs à la 17e position des manches avant de continuer sur le même mode jusqu’à la 12e position en finale. Il était difficile d’espérer mieux dans sa situation, l’essentiel étant de marquer quelques points au championnat. Michael D’Orlando a bien commencé par un bon 16e chrono. Il a ensuite réussi à prendre deux superbes cinquièmes places dans les manches, mais deux abandons l’ont privé d’accès à la finale alors qu’un

résultat de premier plan étant tout à fait envisageable. Bien parti lui aussi, Rasmus Lindh (Ricciardo Kart) a alterné bons résultats et déceptions. Meilleur temps de sa série chronométrée, il parvenait à atteindre la finale, mais les premiers tours de celle-ci lui étaient fatals pour espérer un résultat satisfaisant malgré des performances de premier ordre.

En KZ, Marijn Kremers brillait dès les essais chronos avec son 5e temps, après avoir dominé les essais libres. Il terminait 11e des manches malgré une panne et se maintenait aux portes du top 10 en finale avant d’être pénalisé pour son spoiler décroché. Parti de plus loin, Felice Tiene remontait jusqu’en 9e position avant de subir le même sort. C’est en fin de compte Rick Dreezen (KSW Birel ART Austria) qui obtenait le meilleur résultat, une 11e place en finale. « Nous avons bien travaillé sur notre matériel, même si nous sommes conscients que l’objectif n’est pas encore atteint. » concluait le responsable du team com-pétition Rickard Kaell Franchini. « Nous nous sommes appuyé sur les dernières évolutions de nos partenaires techniques TM Racing, Macháč Motors et GFR Engines pour faire progresser nos karts Birel ART / TM et nous ne comptons pas relâcher nos efforts ! »
