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The Fairfield herald (Winnsboro, S.C.).(Winnsboro, S.C...

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lu fJ I _ VOL. 11JI S OO .CW D EDi MORNING, JUL , 16.[O FAIRFIELD HERALD IS PULT.ISiI:1) WJ:IFKLY lY 41&iltlgard E1nos1portet & 00 I'rms.--Ti.: iilia.ln is publisheod Wooli ly in the Town of Winnshoro, at 13.00 in varcabiy in advance. g All tramsicut advertiseinonis to b pati in advance. Obituary Notices and Tributes $1.00 p sqitare. [Fail 'nwF lI~iiAl-P.) "'The shields of the earth helong uito (h4 Lord." 11palins 17th. Strange thought, most comforling, That. o'er tlie spirit sicIls With awe, inmastirable, Ch'.ming each liitidein ftear ilach niotioni of unrest; The thought, that mnighty shields Catellitig celestii light, Fb From that white throtte Whereon, tlio King of Kings, Rleigns, Lord Ominipotent, Aro ever held by Hlim Ani llis bright. messengers Twixt. ts and iemon ill! Ho-o'on tie tilly babe Upon Whose nnowy brow Tie cross baptismsal, glows A'rVsh-has slhdicl iot ecl ing All his owni-and dying- Pa~sses the jewell'd gates Of leavonly lIoiue--:ts safe, As Christian olh-whoso Rest Is won, by l'aith inl Those same Shields rerllgenitL Upon nitose shiling face The cross of sut'ering Christ is sIan pel-'oreverl -The shields of nil the (artl Unto fihe lord belong," 'l'ake heart ye wari-riors, i i 1110 Stril' ilulilliolt!Z, It'God abuve iti he, IllIding Wlli .rm111 o rl eh41cli'd The if '4' his Love, Yulre baitle mu1.st hlk" won, And yotra ill' extiltant cry, "Oh Der th! where is iby siing And Orave -I i y Viet ory ! Siy La W. Mr. Stephens llaintliaed, tat te lawhpstponliing the) purIld -(i for~ n&m y. and sale of property unde41r exnmotin, wias of fhte naiture o' a1 statuto oe imita- tion. Its constituitionlity w .i to be tested upoll the salic prinoip IS. If the time was reasonable and defnito it clld iot be ,aid to interfero yith or impair the obligation of cgitracts. This was a law regulating thotniuedy. The obligation of i t ra isone thinig, anid the remeldy an1othet. The obligiationi of a coitiati ill(tIe in itse If. It springs froll its rddity, with it proi-ii ilterpretat-ion f its terms under tile laws regulatill) cn tracts tlcmilIselves, whlOe it is mado aid not the laws regllatiig .Tdicial lroceellngs for holding parios to tilriv legal respolsibilities foj their breaches. The latter class 91 laws are known everywhere as the 1hws of reelidy. Theso latter vary with eve y State or nation. Tlicy never enter into or with it under the "leox loci COntractus" whlerever it goes or in whiatovit fornmw it seeks redress for a birc. I [ ombattod b iroadly and ilorogily the idea that the obligation of contrac included in tihe least degroo tile lawt mado to enforce themi. Stictl~ Jspeakinlg, thero is and~ can be nO 8such thing as enforcing contracts by Judi mll proceedings of any sort. All that thte courts and that class of laws known as remedies can do, is to provide compensation for contracts brok-en b-e fore the courts or remdies arc appeal- ed to. The chligation of a eontract i as counscl whio hlad proceeded hiun (Hion. Linton Stephens)haud wellstat. ed, "the liability which the law at. tacihes to the terms used by the 'par tics." This liability or responsibili ty, tis "juris viclm as Judge Sto ry styles it, or this "legal tic," a1s tih< French term it exists separately ahil diistinoetly in every valid contract with, out anly reference or colnetion wht. over with the laws or judicial proceed igs instituted for tihe purpose of hold ing parties to their responsibilitiest fo breaches of contracts, Rvory perfov and valid contiract has not oly~a le unity, but, in the language ot Story, legal uebbq'ity of obligation, whiel Founid ntot he if the remoldi41 laws e the place where it is made entereda ~* 4 all into the egsonce of its obligat10o which, bly the Constitution of tih UnIitedl States,.no State can impair. Ifonco an~y dealing with the remeid~ any chango in tile language of 8tom as to the "times and modes" of givin redress for broaches of contracts wi (lees niot imupair this obligation stat d, does not come within the pri hib on of the Constitution of th United States. The Logisaturo-na 4say, thlat no. suit shall be brought on noto after six years from its maturit1 Nio ono has ever contended .thatnti an act mpairs.the obligation of th righit ai ptnefIt theyr sa i1 to' clare by 1a1r Ahij no suit should bo ir stitnted on piromlsory notes 'rfter tw yeara from. their maturIty, eor on 3ea, 01o ay shr11or time, provided it wIS reasoImibly long in (l jidlgmenciit (f (lie Courts for parties iterested , to look after their right s. 8th an-t ion of tho leg"islatuire it i., aohitted onl all sie v oul aff1ect noeMnade befolre, as well ats t r. It-, i: also aOnittel that sur-h actio would heinstitutiou- al0. W ell, if" it is- con)S1tiutional fr the legilature in providig reitelici for broken contriacs, to dieniy all remt- edy after six years, or two years, or one year to the holder ofta ;pto witl- out Mipairing the obligation of the contract, is it not just as constitutioi- al to provido that whon parties Comle into Court to sock redressfo rtr breaches of contracts, that an o-eually reasoina- ble timie slIlI be allowed, before final execution shall be awvardted without, impairing the obligation of the eoi- t ra I That certainly reizainis as in- fact by the logislature in the one in- stance as the othor. If the oh iga t ion is unimpaired when all remiedy is barrod in the one ease, equl:ly so is it in the othelr when there i only a revs- ontable postponement of (he e unpena- dion awarded for. its broech. If lie was right inl showing that this a4t of the iegisititure fell properly withi that Class of ltvS as remedies, Ithe he quoted 31artsha.. ; remarks as nit only applicable but potent oi the questin, when li said : "Witoiuit impairing ile obligation if the coitract, the remdy itiy cut- tiinly lie Itodified ais the wixiloi of the nation tmay direc." lie also quoted as pertiinent and having force on this <uiestion, inl his opinion, the remlark ot . ustico dohn- sNO t Ae U. s. Suprei Court in, a a casa where he Said: "The rigt1. then of creditors to the aid or the jmblic .11arm for tie recovery ot contracts, is not absolute anid mi- inited, but may be tdilied by ie necessities of society." The poiciy of this att of the legisla- ture, .11 ..StephiIs vindientel at great longth, 11111 tilailied that it was es- seitial Oilr the c.red iitrs as a elks as it wa.t for (the dtbt>r.. Without it, or soiethi ing like it, (he obligation of the eintrict. tlofirkdi.. tors I:, at ebza- 1hog:h pao feet'wouldI be aliimost worthe. while unatvr the pro- vi.ion of the nct the oligation e- inming unimupairedo, full coipenc.iat iol miLt 1, h et (Ieneral Cobb held the act of ilie logisla ture, called tAy laws and in-. stalnent. Iaws," impaired the obliga- tioni of contracts, anid onusequently miii- constitutiona l and void. 'he true doctrin'! to be drawn fronm all tie nrgument and authorities he said, is this: That the Legisl4at ire hld nto authority to in t rere w i ti the COn- tracts ot parties neither directly by changing them, noriiirectly biy legis- lating onl thle mode of entforcinlg thema. IThlie begisltIare i; an for tite urpi -e t g ivinlg llicaet t) ~ntriact, rald thert- y IavIee the Sms of justice, deal1 with the remedy ; but this itwer' can neve be exercisel with the view ant for (le purpose of relieving the par- ties frow the legal elfocts of the von- tracts Which they have voluntarily as- sumed. Where there is just e.ise of coinpli t by eitier party, that tlie existing remetly promtitsed b~y tho law fails to afford the bonefit or reliet to wIlich ho is Ontitled by his contract, lhe can call upon thlie Legislituiire so to nodify te remey, as to arn ishi the benei t, or relietf to whichl hiis con triact ent itles him i, andi the LIegislature tenn constitut iona lly respond to sutch an tiispeal. hit where (lie compltaint is not atgtainst the remedy which thle- law gives, hat against (lhe clontratct which te p iartylhasimade, te there tecomplaint. (Gen. (Cobb quoted lairgely -from the oinions ofC Judlges Marshall andi Story in defence otf his p~ositions. i~e argued1 in exdtns'o that the Legislature of the State, imipairs (lie obligation of cimtracts., . lat. Because in thie mfodificaition1 of remedies for (lie collection of debt, the . colletion of the samo is ito ha mperedi with conditions and1 postponieents as11 to greatly lessen their value, and al- Imost renders (lie collection imipracti- Icable. 2d. Because it gave an unijust ad- vatage to new over old1 creditors. - . d. Because it gives pr'ocodentce to -- foreign over domiestie oredlitors, as; the former can collect their dlebts through the Federal Courts, whilst the hands 1 I of' the latter tire t ied uip.------.illedg~e- r vilelo Rcorder. S!Gust av Doriet', ihn' wvoinderfuil illustram'- lor of cltassics, is st ill a friequenit sublj'ct ao(i conver'isat iont ini Prisi. 110 was born iSrsbrg it 1832, andlt so may he regar'ded nas half Ge'rmnan in his oniym, Il jticommienedt bia marvelons hahors blin only 1 6, on the1( Journad pourt Rirt iwhr histlL~1 ti ca rc itres gatined him i tt' flirt beiginninigs of lame. This braunelF of' arta eorems to be his torte. i s woike arc cireoady mor'o .nimerons than any h lalf-doze.of the oldest artiste in the whlole course of thirlives. a A lump ofokttkenfrotthe North1 Ai Carolina gold mines, treighiing five h poonds, is on exhibitionitt $taitesville, C Not aoia It is the largest lump foruid ini LJio Stato sincq 182'8. 1'Nineteen thousana me~n have beet1 0 reocruited for tfie regular armiy sinot Later from1 Europe. Alf1CR VALL 0.V WIS-E13R EIY3.EN. CO31 A E NQuI IN' TOF1 lt08FlO l.lT l'l-S. NcinY Yoiix, July 2.-The vltenmhip lire- men has arrived wi-th dantes to Junte "0. 'russia and liily had formally deolired wall. againtst Au.s triak. The Pi tusians entered DIresden June 1.), Ihe I King ol' Saxony witiirawing to Itlle. mia. Ilis army etfected a junction with he Ausx'reins. Diplomnatic relations have been broken between Prttssia and Bavaria. The lArussiansoccu py Hanover and throat- tin Fra nk furt An eitng:gee)int. look place betwon the 1rn1Ssians am11i 1lssi-ina neiar Frankfort, in Which I a iegiicit. oI 'he latter were almiiost, entirely anntililttted. The Austrians are hourly OxpOOted in Saxony. The States of Oleidlnirg and AnMai-.havo withid fi i roim tie Coi federa "ioln. A bat t oe is expect e: near Franktort, be- tore which place atre assembled Wtirty to liity thousatd Federal troops. Tle Federal plan o oprtions is sild to be tar he re- oiprest. of Iloiatein. Tho Austrians commenced hostjilties, June 18, by 0trossing the Silesiant froUt ier at, Guitlimla, and( firing onI thle Prustiansl-. The ittter have not crossed the Ausriani frontier but, the repot 411- ate lit, Ihey are pithilug to. wa'rds; Ikhem~jia. Tlirlty tliousanl I'rassi.ins o.cupied Ilo- olern, Iwo miles fron Leipsic, and subse- quently the Wuritzen and Kisa ltailroad. The B-itish .\inistry hias beent dutecid On11 ana menitidilment, to lie Itelorim Bill, which was cailed igainst the (loveriient. by eleven majoiiy. G lalstone coumniIcated i n coniseqiuence wit I Ithe Qteen it ilnoltn1n. hate.L (rr0l El lropc. AI\IVAL OF Tili-' CU11A. NHw Yottx, Jully 2. --The steantship Cuba has arrivd firomn Liverpool .lune 23 via Quteenstevwn .lnitle 21, wit hi three dtys's later newsi. No collision of iaignititeo imd occured be- tweca tile bitlligerents, butl battles wero ex- pected near l-atklfort, attdl in Saxony and Silesia. Tle first, stock of aris will piobably take placo in Silesi. Th Prussitis have entered Anstrian Silesia Tho Italian ar- my crosed t Iho Minio .inno 2:1 withoitt. op. position, having given three days' notice to the Atstriatt cotmiander.i that littly would, ont that, d-ty int:lttl'ntte hostililties. The italian Mitnistry has been reorganized tnl- der lieasol:t. At is tat ited that, Cardinlal Antionelli has resigned, anil that he will be rttceedal'el by Citrilnal Altieri. wNArisa-ro::, .Inly 25-. Tho Coniferenco Coittiittee of bot1it-tous 'ngreed on the, l'arii Exposition il, only substituting etrrency lot' coin. h'Ilto 1ilt goos to 1t Pre.,ide:. . 'The tuse passed a re'..lt ion reques ting the President to inform thke llouso whet her the poerons of loyal citizens of the bniteti States are stinliciet ly protected in 41le soul'tirin State.), and whether any addition- al legislation was ilecessary to cloth him with sullicient anthority to protect till loyal itwizens of snues recently itn rebeliin in tit eij'.ymleitt of the constittiinal rig .is Tile Confreit nlte CoimltmitItee amtiged the diiferences btWetee tie two HIouses ott til! Freedmiiient's Bureauk Bill. ant the Pill goes to I lie Presidentfi approvil or rejceedona. Wuilligtll .\fWS, Wa.sninrox,.luly 2.-The Senato has counmed Joseph M . i1Iitnphreys as Collet- tor of CtuIt omis ft' 1ichntltd, Va. Thle Clhie of Ordnance, it a coinitatiijon to Congress, ssays ti.at the retention of lIar- pr's Ferry is not necessary or advania- goous to the publio ittierostt, and advisos that all pthlio lands. buildings, and other property thero he sold, altil hat I te pro- coedsotthese lliho applied to the con- struction of the Western armory. Repori Of the ltoscall-rifilnell Ollilit- tee, W.xiatutros, July 2. -epesetative Spahllintg, lankth andt 'tayer, I Io maijitiy 01' the Spec~ial (Comitttto ont thte Itasseau-. G rinnioll atl'air', maele a recpot t o-d ty. 'IThe it tondlemn louseant f'ot' cariing Grintnell, on the gr'otund t htat atn act. of' I iolence againist. a llepret'ottive itsi ancnt. of insurrtcti joy agiitst tho poaplo Ito represents, aind t hat llosseaut oumittitedl an intexcutsable broach 'df thIt pii'ltgesa of' tho louse. 'Tihoy, tereforo, off'nt resolution for hIs expail- siin. wIlj they t'ecomndl antothter reso. itt ain sayintg that I th petrsonail t'efleciIons of tlrintnol I ott ltnsseaui, in debtato, mterius the dlisappritoval of i toe tins. Th'Io mi notily, lhaymtond and Ittigunt, while contcutrrintg gen- eratlly in the vjews of ihe majority, ptroposo Itht Ilosseaut be only t'ept'imanded. Tihe re- port1 will Ite heren tem' contshleed. Sydney (Clarke this inornting received a lo-. gram from Leoavensviorth, Jkansas, say Ing thtat Sotialor Litno, of that Slate, shot hitm- se.lf thlrought th6o headl lasi. nigh, and died( it nino o'olock to-daty. Sonatr Latto left. Washington eight or tort d'ays ago, anid at iho limo cotmplaiined ot' being untwell ; sutffering fromt ntervotus debtIlity. NEW ORIC, *iunto 30.-All appros htensiotmnlaot chiolora here' havd' ceats- od. Thoro is a cas.o occasionally, but 11 t xcitos ontly local attention. Quar- anitino is also fro'cofrom thto scourge. No donths 01r ad ditiona8 yesterdtiy from Bill Proposing thle Anneration of the British Provilldes WV.itmrnorox, July 2.-Mr'. Bannka initroduceod a bill ini tha H~ouse of' Rep. bresentative~s to-day, e'stablishuing conidi- tionis by which thei States or Nova Sco- hin, Now Brutnswick, Oahanda Est rnd West and the Territories .of- CJolumbia,- Solkork and Saskotehum could I be ani Inexed to the Ulnited Statos. As-an ir-~ ducoment (or theso provinces to lannex themselves to (te United States, the' hill proposes to pay the debt of each1 which amounts 'in the aggregate to $85,000,000, bosidegs pledging'tho .Uni- ed States to pay the, Hutdsoi Bay Comn. panl~y $100,000,000 for cortain posses- ionts.' Late from Europe. HALIFAX, July 2.--h0e prepnra-- tions for war continuo night and day. The Federal troopsat Frankifort are much dimsatisfied, complaining that Alustria pats thei in dlanger before she call oilor protection. The Prussians took the Fletor of Hesse and his Primo Minister of War. The Prussians left a sinall garrison in Dresden, and advanced into Bohic- ii without resistane. A slight collision occurred between the belligerents in Silesia, and the Austrians retreatod. Concerning the conunnication of. Franco to Austria the Vienna Presse says that Franco denies. any agree- nicit with Prussia. If Austria is sue- cessful and does not menceo the exist- ing Kingdom of Italy, auf does not ad- vance beyond Milan, Frince will not inteorfere, but will assist in concluding peace on a permanent. basis, and further, she proposes for Italy to pay indemnity to ,i.stria's renunciation of the fruit of victorv? St. Petersburg advicoq deolare that 110 troops have been mnoved to the frontier and her policy is noii-iii-Ldr- vention. A revolt broke out in Madrid oni the 23d. The insurgents furnished the populace with arm.-%, barricades were erected and fighting comminced. After an obstinate reisirtance the in- iuirgeits surrenidered at disuretion. Narvaes was woinded. (oncral Prim had been alrested at Bayoinne by the French aitholrities. The London O>scrver- sys that a mo- tionl-will be iado in the House of Commons expressivo of confidence in the ministry, and promising the favor- able consideration of the teform mear- ures nextsession, if the. ministers do not announce the dissolution of Parlia- mnn t. News Items. WASnINGTON, Juno 30.-It is be- lieved the Prosidelnt will Neto the now Froodniis' Bureau and Tarifl' Bills if they pass in the form aA reported by the Committee. Tie amendments adopted are even more prohibitory (han the original bills. Gon. '11. Grimes, of Nojhm Carolina, has been pardoned byth4 'reidmt. A Ril bef'oro tie Sonate fixes the c0111oensation of the Collectorsof Gal- veston and Brazos Santiago, at fifteen hundred dollars. MONTr.F.in, VT., June 30.-The Democratic State Convention nomina. -d Chas. A. Davenport for Governor, an0d reaflirmed their trust and confi- dance in the principles of the Demo- era tie party and endorsed President J~luin's restoration policy amid de- Ima ndel the taxationi of thle United Satesbol. WASnINGTON, .June 30.-The Sen- ate confirmed the nominations of Mar- tin F. Conway, of Richmond, Va., Ex- Member of Congress from Kaisas as Comnsil to Marseilles, France : Chas. Davis, of Nashviillc, ' Temnesseo, and Joel Grossard, at Windsor, N. C., as Collector of Customs; I'liomas L. Cutlhbert as Naval Officer, Charleston, South Carolina. Pm.Anr.iru, June 30.-The Con- mittee of arrangements for the recop- tion on th h of Jily,have provided aecomtimodat ions for the President and Cabinet, and Generals Grant, Meade and Ihancock, at Lapierre House. WASH5IINGTON, June 3O.-Maj. Genm. Johni ltopo~ succeeds U~ooker', at iNew York, relieved in "conseqjuence of con- tinued ill health. Uancock takes Popes place in thme West. The Special Committee of the Sen- ate have agre to reota billapr- priating four mnillionsa f~r' temporary repairs on tihe Mississippi Levies. The bill will past the Senate, andl several of the most prominent Members of the H~ouse inadicate their intenltion to vote for it. The 4total receipts from initernial reveinno customs, miscellaneous sour- cos, sales of public lands and direct taxes from sales of public Ilnd for the fiscalyeaf mding & will it is esttd mted t theo Treasury Department, foot up over five hund red agd fifty,' million d61la'r; reeiins frominmiernal revenue, as estimated, will be three humndred and seventy million dollars. Di~rect talx about two million. From miscellaneous souroo', sixty4vo' mild lion, and from- sales of publ lands about six hundred thousand dollars. ITh roe persons wore pardoned to-d ny jby tho President, Mrs. Mary Cali, Mrs. Mar'y WV. Anderson and 0. P. Daniel, of Green county, Ga. All of thesn opplicants como1 under the $20J, 000 dlauto' of thv Anehty ProdIaina- tion. I WAsnINoeToN, June 80.-The gen- ate adopted a resolution instruoting the Committee on Pubilo Buildings and to itiquirn . into toe propriety of pwi~eliasing grou~ds, not less~than .n' hundred acred, for a jubio park and site for the Prosident al Mansion. Thp Albay Argusr says that some sforting mn OnUs onty-oti6 a citIdn of aom0predes tisstnding.'- ha4' beej hold in 1l000 bonade for th& effenee of poisonIg a race-horao of a ,rival.- The nob!o animal- withstood the effoects of the drug long enough to win the race, and fell doid at the judgewi stand. Up to the 27th ult,, 119,624 omi- grants arrived lat the port Of New Vork. The tinher to theiame dite last year was 70,10-.1 ,-It is reported that Glovernor Fair- child, of Wisconsin, will not call an1 extra session of the Laegislaturo of that Stat-e, untilessl there is it unitan mimity of action itn lil the States. On the 2?tlh nit., in the Connecticut Legislaturo the liose, concurred with the Senate in ratification of the Con- stitutional Anendnit, by a straight party vote. A hundred guns were fired on the G reen in ionor of the oe- casion. Connectient is the first Stato to ratify the .mA enldinelit. Senator Lanie did not die immedi- ately. A Leavenlwortlh Dispatch says he was alive ait the latest accounts, but liuconscious and without hopes of recovery. Tejoillt resoliution alttiorzing lie )urchase for $50,000 Oh a law library bas passed the Sonate. There is tmuch excitement in Nicara- !o over discovering orglid in, Chieritals District. ,The Gve . 'f Chili 11:1ve forbidden 3panlish sulljiect tIo Ctri' the ITerritory If tle l H-pi~ilie anid ordred those resi'd ig to leave widim Liiinry day.4, There will be aniother revotltioli jeLha ps inl Ltili. PresidentL Perez's imo.3nge was re- ceived with hisses a i' exclaimations of division. A letter has been recei ved here frmil Major-Generd Magriidtr, lato of le Confiderato army, asking a friend to inltece(lo witth the 1iiitedi States Gov- ernment in his behaf, written from die city of Mexico. Magntler says "I want permlission t return to ho ti Unitled States -th liipervial Governinit as gone to hill, and tins io toIlney, and111 we tave to get. away fromti here. \t ay have already left. 'ric, Imyelf, ait a few olers yet rel ait, bt n eill mus \ 11it look olnt soue tp.ice to go Io. Tli'-. ii Io hop1)( tor anlyth ing mor-e hlere." The stene.or Matlie an.] tihe 4teiior Herot, With tw . e n t gers al a hirge mail1, Itine day1*s- from1,0z11 Hanl- Liago, arrived hen-. at. thiwne . M., in) distrest. The . vanwr Matt ie is a wreck and the stvamer I I erot oit. of coal. Mattamoras was sitrren'drel on the 24th of June by Imperial General Mejia to (eneral Garsen, of t tie Libera I a rmy. Genii. Mejia Al'erez a1,l sta 1, with portion of their couii:l are enroito to Verit Crniz. atii nt ali M wat- tamloras quliet. The E batol of cot u '.t sa0te who is; (n hlis m .. inl t; - : , ty ;. "Thllree -forthsI! of the landi :it eetton Which I have sVeen e ulot, lr br t most favoyable fm-ntan1ft to s more tihn ane third do an onr ie I ;aIwv olli in ib kt e1 m m11 1y, qff1of b tr 120 or 1.30 acrev, which aii I am suei na lae no bale of cotto. ThIle satoev land I havo seen i il cot ton befor "th War, wile it, yieldei from fitly to sixty bales. Onl another ploaition in the slate county I noit a ic liIhl of, 40 or 50 aicres which I ai 9s. a'lo make a Single bale. 1. do not, protenid to saty tha thas twoi i cre ..rf ir1. exam- ohsoe3 of oat-e ost't f t chrote, f dto wilt hownever, th at ere bynioa n~uters o~ nch cases."i uati.~n DIsliS P hed B 0. Peri lt EM t I ttro- A I~s~rialt r 1.. iil ' W taI ~ llC, i hely llowing arittbr if decriptions ofsome r~o tg ms ale 0caacgtos whofiiir figur in49 the at eolt guion Thale Aet STind at ofn LS., il uto av THEr Ai ncv r.I cse ofar.- Thoe woallya distinneit Leidterso tte rAut rn marmy are itcfolling:mbr and Pnelalwell avnc enr dgo Tey SchatenbuStrgmaethol ctuitpaign.o Mfnaryha dn li840, isat of talyagainst. yearls fAge, pard itht ofr89, ntheo tise whon apea d'tne t1 tiso cprec- datesommndsr the l owiVan: The wAichduoke Albrt, ben of ths imorta Pr~ince vCharyeera linry de iieso, Masl' al de aso i set veyte frctivermind antd habts., ai arertv d.at irn the battle 'Noa Wagram, 'Iin l wiihe t ook artnbeing ins s~ eln. Ju e~sent~w years. In b h 164idetie Antuand iy o thvlt PIdmn ts lyrt 1.itingebuised Novasr at The bItl tas egar him'as i auvo'ry fomby e en- engf,-andll adivtht, h wilive urto rie ScArt noburgo is Mata well ~nddeiki'h tir' ors'ouinoamtwithd fwhtt'dtbo chinge o.th0 ight~ bakof the D~ntbe? A t h# 'att44f agena h Austrians. At.8 >lferino Ito was in the left. wing, opposed to Glen. O'Neill. 1[o is ono of the most brilliant oflicers of the Anatrian army, and is, morover an au- thor. Marslial llendick is only fliity vighit. WA hile a colonel, in Is18, Its fought in the campaign against, thi l' icitontese. In 1859 ho commanded i (te Eighih Corps at San Martino. Sinco 1blet sky's death ho has been firat warrior ci A ntstria. It is probable that Ito will bo charged to oppose ti Prussians. The life of Count 01amu-Gallas has been very activo ; ho Ias shared in nil wara of Austria since 1848. Ili Luigary- how. ever, he only succet.ded itn vanqItisling Gon. 1lInc through lio aid of the Russiatns. At tit, preson'. he conuands the First Corps of the Austrian army of Prague. We tuust not onit to mention G en. Gablentz, who commnantded tho Ausi ans in tio war against lenmark, anl Gen. Ramming, to whom Aust ria wa inde~te4d in thoe Ilungarianl canmicgnl for the decisive success obtained an Teme.. var---Sa(/kit /'ie', 1 /,.i *. Tin.:Ir'ut. G i-:n.---A.: lelt froni llorence says:-"Since nothg. bIt war now is talked of, the following skettch of the pneipl Ita ian generals may not, be uninteresting. (en. La A artmora is in person a tall thin man ; his face displays a very deciddil no ,o almost always surmotutted by ih inhion. able princoe.-.. lie has 4 pas o n fOr the military art, alul! iinflexiblo tn ill points of disciplin. Ie niiot tiider. tAt any favorlitimttsm, :all, iktol U '1w: . un!1 s:tys j'a'tinigly th1:1t 'ho 11m1 n1". crosiit enouhY to 11111n1 at drtinnmerv inl his ownl armv\.' Aier Uenl. I,, all-mon, the mIoSL conspliCuous1 Soldivr lA Gnentl Cialinti. Iie is a stma, w(-li lookinqg Inatll, witdt a <tic a tli (tlll gilt', t'ye, wezars a glrteat tiott.St ell :1 a .11i n belt like ti (hafsseurs do Vineotinns. lie is tie otl imllivi-liml ol ilie (I aliant [rimy to wItott (I eral ima lar Itora perttnit Itli: eceutrtlicity, for hoie littise il is i ll3 Isel'lcoill'ormialy) to tll(! Itgtlatioti, (it-neral Cialblinli is, voery popular ill 1ta- ly, :Wtel p 'm'es ftrn it n it o 'titi an(I rOi"cIT, well kttiowinig Inn to win hi 11)(e11 an11l pg -iv el all c Illfi'l. 11e.. 'l' I t:1iIa ar l Y "l ,1 <-;' 1 \\*4- (011-1.' Gilpt' ri-1 ;.ne as ih auio:u i D"1 M I 1t l -o a. T lo rmt'et is a vo'ien of Lilt I iliat ildi'peteitto, atid i , e t-i tell h Y evrrv- body tih !iaui er, It the fir i ai i caiip Lo 1ile liMli, is A 0i1' o 1l 11,'iixty, wit Nvilite i'1 allitl i lilutach oth;tbod bemitg very dlist ini.a rtihed flieerv. Potrest-d the l'ruer to arm 1ie'r Prince l ieritch ('.ath- L iyw It ittiv*.' nIo Iry rImot-tble l r, e inee leII ittrinles.L is tly Ii' ied rcel ly Ie In 1 a 1. f QueIWn \ :e ltna, :1e 1; i sai d ( h grllt wi~fite nmatsta-~ it .\ i Io ttc eat I et i l 'Irulsmo t pi.e :ritn It will nie....uvily , I :m rounleld I1n ttei \vyry able Stall, :uk-i menv~ ol militalf ;p titus will com inal A I ns corp 1. 1 Iut, wh envt h< coea to coi tiit l aral titnedek Ihte. will havea tu (ri lId it) lie to o ito withl andt( P.'rnia wvil need all0he re sources and her best general. to ho ne.. cessful. ribaldi is representedto o in l ex. Cellenhel. Iyttrl' I ce is calmor anti ahePerfl and1 walks mile: every dlay, in order, as he ny, to aicsto m leg'i to lon, llarehol. o ifs brother died recntly. 18ng tt titracee-ts h> itt faie adpar thetitmgro rtt's t. lai, hsr been mfdowIt ot t chplintnthe o hiemy Thi: prtt ith ret bys ch ingi the I llian~i war volu159ary wasooto ati- tho bal t ol Mtageilnt and Soriha nd isgs a Wolt;th ugts "Trichilimsis" ei, 'bi nows wonli otimot guiNg, tii U If N ItM scig flr.h Wner's ect. workooughl conti s to kit- pe u.the unp I myeant rivintiastisu itnt- eythe hmn sntoct worm Trihnhe Spirli wicha proessorwn fttound's tiaong ag. asyt 1805, infmusles tanto imatr from the s sootinge flots oft buy'oang gron. larthl mitotw's thopias of' ti.oon. sins t Itow te otr mutsntle mso. a uow autililat fac.nhat i tIto, (ionnrcted bleasoawit oret alby sect the vlhumtarn tvoarmusolese oftci at iwoed, toea will ht'a aon. l'or1k is thoangerfos prts ond t hera aubao, and ith pigSf lyes oefs th'laosrcegly vc'oed it.i thoworms t(it mayttu carsiigihno ge~~yae into they smansfotach, whenceitt that itrcy akhhir way teiuotly' byig, as Wyntr pbritto~r fin'ds-hitst brodspingtoud, at 18br oinefoth galensle nubersbofh yong, whcmdatofleoftelPy eg i l maou-th at. the ro thdeiroat f othe antetsn mgrao diato btoe mutsiovelen.ypit blie dnto uase electrd th voluntary musolth, ori thoe whetilhu oed atssour, will Thohardt tandw koind, wands thsp ptarts of' visorawhoh ct ionden ly, of te will, aoIsonrelyoerefetdt is, id, a matter of isu lo owth worms ge pitrbuedio gory 1 overt fatey som~pietnaomisse asrt4 9vtfi hatie shporm bores~ tyIihr0 oh piof timzibr but r. Tudioum, ho ws apointd i 180toinvstgat th sujet~ byth mdi vell've elot oootno ion, enter the Circlat0ionk a% eCCOtd tiMo. afind untimely 1eisfh in tho ituig, or nrrivo in somo mus. el h o olain a lato asylum."1 This h1y.ohlesis certainly seens the most, re:soilble, as It, isl In agroomoiet. *Ith tho k n)own imeans by which other entoza migrate. Arrived at Iho mus1101unl tissues, IU 8 en agi viltiestiolablo whether the worm, at- ctks te niuseltes. Lettekhart says thley nlet t1"Iho seolomina, and oat the must, ettr fihbre i self. Dr. Thludiehuin says thay he his iever seen but oneo the worm in the- uuiwele, but always outside of it. It is ger-6 tinly a strango fact, thil, in many oases, persons attoked with triehlilnis, havo not, only per'ectly recovered fromt its effoots, btt have becoio as s rong as over. It,coulI sarely have 1p11pened that Like mutsles of the0so paliellts ias been lcd upon by vatL colonies of worns, which would lnvo Inevi- (ably ilestroyed them beyond repair. 'The probability 1.1 that the worm id 4 Its way. i l t litho e tissues. B u t woce t ie third anid' t'iir It weel after immigriati, tlhe trichiuim I:w becomo full-grown, andf now It begins to priare its Capsule. I, becomes fixed to the spot, inl which it, is, Sol; I. matter is deposited arlounid it, andt, Cu~rled1 Up, it lies immotvablo' ill its plast o capstil, and diem unless ro- eeied lgain ilto the alimentary canal of anloth1 1n11iml1, which in this caso of Course itnever doesi. I the pres-ence of theso one.apsuled trichind inl ho licimtselt-s many cauiso irritation. bt.t 111111 Ii ed ily )ubsite ; and it is pretty clear thit noiny persons suffer little hari from Chem whilst thiius ourled ip, as they have been f)uId ill Ilo bodies of subjects that, have licn dissected, and wyhoso previous histiy gave 1o ovblence of thuir exist once. On iho ot hn dm1, flho malady, whon iSOvei, puits (onl many of the charnoteristic yimptom of ut'1,oll known disunoies. Thi l'ever enutise1) hby 1110 preseln(o ofthe parent aII'mlts ill lie inktesiiies may be, a Inde0d ito) len iv hbeeni, taken for gastrio fever. Then,g2 nill, whenI file youing wolls Aro i;,11161 a1-1t ing itto 111l 11111 10 .4, tie m1ost ox. C aItW1ing agony seizes the palient; lr: lin- - not mo)ve I llllSo Witvhout the u o1110st pain, 2nid he lic4 gt'enrally upon his back, with Ibis legs a lit (tl apar1it, covered with plerspira- tiin. The .ftei nid l neck becomo hIumid wi i a ih -opical eoffusion, which gradually exlentds to 11he legs and abdomen. An .nck oflrheu natio fever appears to have neized the ildivillual, but for the want of the heart sypltor.s. Again, the diseago .ilt'lllhlles cholera and atyphus, and indeed jiiolling ill minany of its symptolls, but, tho' who havo Seen a golluilno case of richininsis cann1ot be deceived, ns the wholo ryllptomlls4 lre1'(!It lro c0onsistent, with no other diseas1 . hi cuses 1' doubt, a picco of ilth li'ilig 1111100 11118 been OxOised from lihe biceps mu111sclo of' 1tho armtm; and this test is all)mnt. cort ain to ie coiolusivo, as the votllm isI distribtted, in severO Cases, In pro-. ilsiont tilrough overy voluntary 11144ote3 of ho etilrlIe bodsy. ll'. 'uIllhltllul, speaking of a clild 'lk tlicl of (lhu dilsonso, - says in ii 'ty%5- to"- Mr. Shon: - $10I "On ppnrhlton from the 1,ieeps mits14001 of a lihlt four aind a Ialf 3 rir' of lge, wh11ich1 died 0 the soyeut.y- illh diay, coitinedi the astoilhdhg number ofi' fillyight. 811011 a >rOphraion11 Wa s 1 - 111tntI.'dtto %weigh onle-l11111 of a grain, and there'trite 'every graint or musol contained n11 2) nterflgo 4un10hundred trichinto. Now, a) ltmg heitilt, weight, of he 11mu1oies on an :,11111 to be n1111Y for'fy polnds, and assutm- ing him to be tlie viCtimn of trichilliasis, and' I I 1arosit s Clally dista'ritd through- otitl hi body, he would contain uiwards of N ienly eight illilhiolns of these aninfmls.' Cohliltinlg Ilicrests. Till e1nphis .Avilanche lias an ablo art(- C 0n New Enliglanl, 1h0r interests. and her plicy. It remanr'ks (ihat ovory Country has. winl ifl 101 coilicting interests, and very properly'13' any4 fliat. tiu staleteslmasiPeon. lk in har1nlonizing these inltol'osts as far 113 it 1111y be poibt1lle to do so. In a ounn- I'y of' uch1 ill oxtensivo area as tile United Stti e;, having sucl diversity ofolimate, soil atll I rovlutiot h.11s, fihk apparent illolisistenoy wil forlevr exist, iml a greater or loss degree. T'he Atvalomche lnlyl : '"Thc cold cliaol a nd barren eoil of Now Ig'lan1d renlor'ed it unlikely that her pe - 1:1e coubtl over he extensivo lagriculturlalistB but21 her l'lloharmbor's madilo It oortain that1 shle could1 becomle powerful as a maritime and naval1 1ic~tion, alld to train bor1 sons1 f'or the a)tiduouls and1 dan11g0orous servico niecessarly to bu11 ill)'e up inl that1 respeot, f'ishiing bonn- ties, t'rolm tile COmm~lonl trensury, w~ere gr'ant- oil themll. A hter populatlidn Incrensed, her peopl0 o gan to tui'n their attentlin to man- ulfactures, as2 im'ro romnunerativo than agri-' cultutre ; and tho war of 1812 gave an impel- 112 to is ranc lIofll cin dustry whlich has sintC)) become so frunitfuil of wealth to thme New Enigla nd manufnIt'Ioturer. When the war was1i ovOr, that. itOrot,t asked for proectiop for the firist in (lie history of thmo Govern- mtenlt, and1 Mr.Cathioun, of Soutle CarolIna', advocated 11.1as a measure ofjuil 9 to a peo- 1110, wh'lo, durming (lhe war, had'4 largely In- vesltod i nanufncerlias, and who woul sulor on Its su~ldden close, if they had to COntCend aga ist Europen n mportations- lie thIou~ght thlis irotection shoumld have at limnl. tation ; (lint It should( extondl to but a fow years, so as to enable the factories to adopt all tlho modern Improvements in machinery; and( pla)ce them on footing to stanid 4A un. pr'ot 0(21 ed comipolitionwith thme world. Thas It, wars thlat lthis system began, and it, was so palatable to tile Yankee tf 0 thmat 4' rma. nont b~oun~ty of proteetion at limo oxppnso of (the rent lumtorosts of the otlier sqdtionms of henIi deemed by the Yattlno a matter of right. What wets byt, a tetsipoary hndui, gence, Now Englandt deles shall be a per- manent111 system, for a furtherm inflatin of' iI bloatedl prosperity,. Thiiesp Now E~ngla)Idet's knmow full well that, If the o Wdik ;shall gyer- regain hoe- power in Congress, she een wiml the Notth-west, cheek~miato them- fry' dil th' future plaits for fInMseial aggraidlioe. ment ;and this Is the rpasoihy thA Septh' lIs denied robhabilhIation~ iion thytln, Thler' Is doubtloss more truthi In th{1 > view of the preset, atti'udo of the radi4 '~ par'ty., They dread a unmiou of-these natifat ajlion in logislatten, whlh Woduld nisa4 ion~ably be dirVOted pgainpt .ih h and 'all otheor, niocatros IonidId to *r9 Now 1England at' the dtgened 1 Jl bO Weet n th' Soul tenOnhlf of repdLi ps~ ait deAt fii the Od)~m hemfl posof 11Vi ~ )d0ty1 ind
Page 1: The Fairfield herald (Winnsboro, S.C.).(Winnsboro, S.C ...historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn84026923/1866-07-11/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · (Ieneral Cobb held the act of ilie logislature, calledtAy

lufJ I_VOL. 11JI S OO .CW D EDi MORNING, JUL , 16.[O


41&iltlgard E1nos1portet & 00I'rms.--Ti.: iilia.ln is publisheod Wooli

ly in the Town of Winnshoro, at 13.00 invarcabiy in advance.

g All tramsicut advertiseinonis to bpati in advance.

Obituary Notices and Tributes $1.00 psqitare.

[Fail 'nwF lI~iiAl-P.)"'The shields of the earth helong uito (h4

Lord." 11palins 17th.Strange thought, most comforling,That. o'er tlie spirit sicIlsWith awe, inmastirable,Ch'.ming each liitidein ftear

ilach niotioni of unrest;The thought, that mnighty shieldsCatellitig celestii light,

Fb From that white throtteWhereon, tlio King of Kings,Rleigns, Lord Ominipotent,Aro ever held by HlimAni llis bright. messengersTwixt. ts and iemon ill!Ho-o'on tie tilly babeUpon Whose nnowy browTie cross baptismsal, glowsA'rVsh-has slhdicl iot ecl ingAll his owni-and dying-Pa~sses the jewell'd gatesOf leavonly lIoiue--:ts safe,As Christian olh-whosoRest Is won, by l'aith inlThose same Shields rerllgenitLUpon nitose shiling faceThe cross of sut'ering Christis sIan pel-'oreverl-The shields of nil the (artlUnto fihelord belong,"'l'ake heart ye wari-riors,i i 1110 Stril' ilulilliolt!Z,It'God abuve iti he,IllIding Wlli .rm111 o rleh41cli'dThe if'4' his Love,Yulre baitle mu1.sthlk" won,And yotra ill' extiltant cry,"Oh Der th! where is iby siingAnd Orave -I i y Viet ory !

Siy La W.Mr. Stephens llaintliaed, tat telawhpstponliing the) purIld -(ifor~ n&my.

and sale of property unde41r exnmotin,wias of fhte naiture o' a1 statuto oe imita-tion. Its constituitionlity w .i to betested upoll the salic prinoip IS. Ifthe time was reasonable and defnito itclld iot be ,aid to interfero yith or

impair the obligation of cgitracts.This was a law regulating thotniuedy.The obligation of i t ra isonethinig, anid the remeldy an1othet. Theobligiationi of a coitiati ill(tIe initse If. It springs froll its rddity,with it proi-ii ilterpretat-ion f itsterms under tile laws regulatill) cntracts tlcmilIselves, whlOe it is madoaid not the laws regllatiig .Tdiciallroceellngs for holding parios totilriv legal respolsibilities foj theirbreaches. The latter class 91 lawsare known everywhere as the 1hws ofreelidy.Theso latter vary with eve y State

or nation. Tlicy never enter into or

with it under the "leox loci COntractus"whlerever it goes or in whiatovit fornmwit seeks redress for a birc. I [ombattodb iroadly and ilorogily theidea that the obligation of contracincluded in tihe least degroo tile lawtmado to enforce themi. Stictl~Jspeakinlg, thero is and~can be nO 8suchthing as enforcing contracts by Judimll proceedings of any sort. All that

thte courts and that class of laws knownas remedies can do, is to providecompensation for contracts brok-en b-efore the courts or remdies arc appeal-ed to. The chligation of a eontract ias counscl whio hlad proceeded hiun(Hion. Linton Stephens)haud wellstat.ed, "the liability which the law at.tacihes to the terms used by the 'partics." This liability or responsibility, tis "juris viclm as Judge Story styles it, or this "legal tic," a1s tih<French term it exists separately ahildiistinoetly in every valid contract with,out anly reference or colnetion wht.over with the laws or judicial proceedigs instituted for tihe purpose of holding parties to their responsibilitiest fobreaches of contracts, Rvory perfovand valid contiract has not oly~a leunity, but, in the language ot Story,legal uebbq'ity of obligation, whielFounid ntot he if the remoldi41 laws ethe place where it is made entereda

~* 4 all into the egsonce of its obligat10owhich, bly the Constitution of tihUnIitedl States,.no State can impair.

Ifonco an~y dealing with the remeid~any chango in tile language of 8tomas to the "times and modes" of givinredress for broaches of contracts wi(lees niot imupair this obligationstat d, does not come within the prihib on of the Constitution of thUnited States. The Logisaturo-na4say, thlat no. suit shall be brought onnoto after six years from its maturit1Nio ono has ever contended .thatntian act mpairs.the obligation of thrighit ai ptnefIt theyr sa i1 to'clare by 1a1r Ahij no suit should bo irstitnted on piromlsory notes 'rfter twyeara from. their maturIty, eor on

3ea,01o ayshr11or time, provided itwIS reasoImibly long in (l jidlgmenciit (f(lie Courts for parties iterested , tolook after their right s. 8th an-t ion oftho leg"islatuire it i., aohitted onl all

sie voul aff1ect noeMnade befolre,as well ats t r. It-, i: also aOnittelthat sur-h actio would heinstitutiou-al0. W ell, if" it is- con)S1tiutional frthe legilature in providig reitelicifor broken contriacs, to dieniy all remt-edy after six years, or two years, orone year to the holder ofta ;pto witl-out Mipairing the obligation of thecontract, is it not just as constitutioi-al to provido that whon parties Comleinto Court to sock redressfortr breachesof contracts, that an o-eually reasoina-ble timie slIlI be allowed, before finalexecution shall be awvardted without,impairing the obligation of the eoi-t ra I That certainly reizainis as in-fact by the logislature in the one in-stance as the othor. If the oh iga t ionis unimpaired when all remiedy isbarrod in the one ease, equl:ly so is itin the othelr when there i only a revs-ontable postponement of (he e unpena-dion awarded for. its broech.

If lie was right inl showing that thisa4t of the iegisititure fell properlywithi that Class of ltvS as remedies,Ithe he quoted 31artsha.. ; remarks asnit only applicable but potent oi thequestin, whenli said :

"Witoiuit impairing ile obligationif the coitract, the remdy itiy cut-tiinly lie Itodifiedais the wixiloi ofthe nation tmay direc."

lie also quoted as pertiinent andhaving force on this <uiestion, inl hisopinion, the remlark ot . ustico dohn-sNO t Ae U. s. Suprei Court in, aa casa where he Said:"The rigt1. then of creditors to the

aid or the jmblic .11arm for tie recoveryot contracts, is not absolute anid mi-inited, but may be tdilied by ienecessities of society."The poiciy of this att of the legisla-

ture, .11 ..StephiIs vindientel at greatlongth, 11111 tilailied that it was es-seitial Oilr the c.rediitrs as a elks as itwa.t for (the dtbt>r..Without it, or soiethiing like it,

(he obligation of the eintrict. tlofirkdi..tors I:, at ebza- 1hog:h pao feet'wouldI bealiimost worthe. while unatvr the pro-vi.ion of the nct the oligation e-inming unimupairedo, full coipenc.iat iolmiLt 1, h et

(Ieneral Cobb held the act of ilielogisla ture, calledtAy laws and in-.stalnent. Iaws," impaired the obliga-tioni of contracts, anid onusequently miii-constitutiona l and void.

'he true doctrin'! to be drawn fronmall tie nrgument and authorities hesaid, is this: That the Legisl4at ire hldnto authority to in t rere w i ti theCOn-tracts ot parties neither directly bychanging them, noriiirectly biy legis-lating onl thle mode of entforcinlg thema.IThlie begisltIare i; an for tite urpi-e t

g ivinlg llicaet t) ~ntriact, rald thert-y IavIee theSms of justice, deal1with the remedy ; but this itwer' canneve be exercisel with the view antfor (le purpose of relieving the par-ties frow the legal elfocts of the von-tracts Which they have voluntarily as-

sumed. Where there is just e.ise ofcoinpli t by eitier party, that tlieexisting remetly promtitsed b~y tho lawfails to afford the bonefit or reliet towIlich ho is Ontitled by his contract,lhe can call upon thlie Legislituiire so tonodify te remey, as to arn ishi thebenei t, or relietf to whichl hiis con triactent itles himi, andi the LIegislature tennconstitut iona lly respond to sutch antiispeal. hit where (lie compltaint isnot atgtainst the remedy which thle- lawgives, hat against (lhe clontratctwhich te piartylhasimade, te there

tecomplaint.(Gen. (Cobb quoted lairgely -from the

oinions ofC Judlges Marshall andiStory in defence otf his p~ositions. i~eargued1 in exdtns'o that the Legislatureof the State, imipairs (lie obligation ofcimtracts.,. lat. Because in thie mfodificaition1 ofremedies for (lie collection of debt, the

. colletion of the samo is ito ha mperediwith conditions and1 postponieents as11to greatly lessen their value, and al-Imost renders (lie collection imipracti-Icable.

2d. Because it gave an unijust ad-vatage to new over old1 creditors.

- . d. Because it gives pr'ocodentce to-- foreign over domiestie oredlitors, as; the

former can collect their dlebts throughthe Federal Courts, whilst the hands

1 I of' the latter tire tied uip.------.illedg~e-r vilelo Rcorder.

S!Gust av Doriet', ihn' wvoinderfuil illustram'-lor of cltassics, is st ill a friequenit sublj'ctao(i conver'isat iont ini Prisi. 110 was born

iSrsbrg it 1832, andlt so may heregar'ded nas half Ge'rmnan in his oniym,Iljticommienedt bia marvelons hahors

blin only 1 6, on the1( Journad pourt RirtiwhrhistlL~1ti ca rc itres gatined himi tt'flirt beiginninigs of lame. This braunelFof' arta eorems to be his torte. i s woikearc cireoady mor'o .nimerons than anyhlalf-doze.of the oldest artiste in thewhlole course of thirlives.a A lump ofokttkenfrotthe North1

Ai Carolina gold mines, treighiing fiveh poonds, is on exhibitionitt $taitesville,C Not aoia It is the largest lump

foruid ini LJio Stato sincq 182'8.

1'Nineteen thousana me~n have beet10 reocruited for tfie regular armiy sinot

Later from1 Europe.Alf1CR VALL 0.V WIS-E13R EIY3.EN.

CO31 A E NQuI IN' TOF1 lt08FlO l.lT l'l-S.

NcinY Yoiix, July 2.-The vltenmhip lire-men has arrived wi-th dantes to Junte "0.

'russia and liily had formally deoliredwall. againtst Au.s triak.

The Pi tusians entered DIresden June 1.),Ihe I King ol' Saxony witiirawing to Itlle.

mia. Ilis army etfected a junction with heAusx'reins.

Diplomnatic relations have been brokenbetween Prttssia and Bavaria.The lArussiansoccu py Hanover and throat-

tin Fra nk furtAn eitng:gee)int. look place betwon the

1rn1Ssians am11i 1lssi-ina neiar Frankfort, inWhich I a iegiicit. oI 'he latter were almiiost,

entirely anntililttted.The Austrians are hourly OxpOOted in

Saxony.The States of Oleidlnirg and AnMai-.havo

withid fi i roim tie Coi federa "ioln.A bat t oe is expect e: near Franktort, be-

tore which place atre assembled Wtirty toliity thousatd Federal troops. Tle Federalplan o oprtions is sild to be tar he re-oiprest. of Iloiatein.

Tho Austrians commenced hostjilties,June 18, by 0trossing the Silesiant froUt ier at,Guitlimla, and( firing onI thle Prustiansl-. Theittter have not crossed the Ausriani frontierbut, the repot 411- ate lit, Ihey are pithilug to.wa'rds; Ikhem~jia.

Tlirlty tliousanl I'rassi.ins o.cupied Ilo-olern, Iwo miles fron Leipsic, and subse-quently the Wuritzen and Kisa ltailroad.

The B-itish .\inistry hias beent dutecidOn11 ana menitidilment, to lie Itelorim Bill, which

was cailed igainst the (loveriient. byeleven majoiiy. G lalstone coumniIcatedi n coniseqiuence wit I Ithe Qteen it ilnoltn1n.

hate.L (rr0l El lropc.AI\IVAL OF Tili-' CU11A.

NHw Yottx, Jully 2. --The steantship Cubahas arrivd firomn Liverpool .lune 23 viaQuteenstevwn .lnitle 21, wit hi three dtys's laternewsi.No collision of iaignititeo imd occured be-

tweca tile bitlligerents, butl battles wero ex-

pected near l-atklfort, attdl in Saxony andSilesia.Tle first, stock of aris will piobably

take placo in Silesi. Th Prussitis haveentered Anstrian Silesia Tho Italian ar-my crosed t Iho Minio .inno 2:1 withoitt. op.position, having given three days' notice tothe Atstriatt cotmiander.i that littly would,ont that, d-ty int:lttl'ntte hostililties.Theitalian Mitnistry has been reorganized tnl-der lieasol:t. At is tat ited that, CardinlalAntionelli has resigned, anil that he willbe rttceedal'el by Citrilnal Altieri.

wNArisa-ro::, .Inly 25-. Tho ConiferencoCoittiittee of bot1it-tous 'ngreed on the,l'arii Exposition il, only substitutingetrrency lot' coin. h'Ilto 1ilt goos to 1tPre.,ide:. .

'The tuse passed a re'..lt ion reques tingthe President to inform thke llouso whet herthe poerons of loyal citizens of the bnitetiStates are stinliciet ly protected in 41lesoul'tirin State.), and whether any addition-

al legislation was ilecessary to cloth himwith sullicient anthority to protect till loyalitwizens of snues recently itn rebeliinin

tit eij'.ymleitt of the constittiinal rig .isTile Confreit nlte CoimltmitItee amtiged the

diiferences btWetee tie two HIouses ott til!Freedmiiient's Bureauk Bill. ant the Pill goesto I lie Presidentfi approvil or rejceedona.

Wuilligtll .\fWS,Wa.sninrox,.luly 2.-The Senato has

counmed Joseph M . i1Iitnphreys as Collet-tor of CtuIt omis ft' 1ichntltd, Va. ThleClhie of Ordnance, it a coinitatiijon toCongress, ssays ti.at the retention of lIar-pr's Ferry is not necessary or advania-goous to the publio ittierostt, and advisosthat all pthlio lands. buildings, and otherproperty thero he sold, altil hat I te pro-coedsotthese lliho applied to the con-struction of the Western armory.

Repori Of the ltoscall-rifilnell Ollilit-tee,

W.xiatutros, July 2. -epesetativeSpahllintg, lankth andt 'tayer, I Io maijitiy

01' the Spec~ial (Comitttto ont thte Itasseau-.G rinnioll atl'air', maele a recpot to-d ty. 'IThe it

tondlemn louseant f'ot' cariing Grintnell, onthe gr'otund t htat atn act. of' I iolence againist. allepret'ottive itsi ancnt. of insurrtctijoyagiitst tho poaplo Ito represents, aind t hatllosseaut oumittitedl an intexcutsable broach'df thIt pii'ltgesa of' tho louse. 'Tihoy,tereforo, off'nt resolution for hIs expail-siin. wIlj they t'ecomndl antothter reso.itt ain sayintg that I th petrsonail t'efleciIons oftlrintnol I ott ltnsseaui, in debtato, mterius thedlisappritoval of i toe tins. Th'Io mi notily,lhaymtond and Ittigunt,while contcutrrintg gen-eratlly in the vjews of ihe majority, ptroposoItht Ilosseaut be only t'ept'imanded. Tihe re-port1 will Ite heren tem' contshleed.

Sydney (Clarke this inornting received a lo-.gram from Leoavensviorth, Jkansas, say Ingthtat Sotialor Litno, of that Slate, shot hitm-se.lf thlrought th6o headl lasi. nigh, anddied( it nino o'olock to-daty. Sonatr Lattoleft. Washington eight or tort d'ays ago, anidat iho limo cotmplaiined ot'being untwell ;sutffering fromt ntervotus debtIlity.

NEW ORIC, *iunto 30.-All approshtensiotmnlaot chiolora here' havd' ceats-od. Thoro is a cas.o occasionally, but11 t xcitos ontly local attention. Quar-anitino is also fro'cofrom thto scourge.No donths 01r ad ditiona8 yesterdtiy from

Bill Proposing thle Anneration of theBritish Provilldes

WV.itmrnorox, July 2.-Mr'. Bannkainitroduceod a bill ini tha H~ouse of' Rep.bresentative~s to-day, e'stablishuing conidi-tionis by which thei States or Nova Sco-hin, Now Brutnswick, Oahanda Est rndWest and the Territories .of- CJolumbia,-Solkork and Saskotehum could I be aniInexed to the Ulnited Statos. As-an ir-~ducoment (or theso provinces to lannexthemselves to (te United States, the'hill proposes to pay the debt of each1which amounts 'in the aggregate to$85,000,000, bosidegs pledging'tho .Uni-ed States to pay the,Hutdsoi Bay Comn.panl~y $100,000,000 for cortain posses-ionts.'

Late from Europe.HALIFAX, July 2.--h0e prepnra--

tions for war continuo night and day.The Federal troopsat Frankifort aremuch dimsatisfied, complaining thatAlustria pats thei in dlanger beforeshe call oilor protection.

The Prussians took the Fletor ofHesse and his Primo Minister of War.The Prussians left a sinall garrison

in Dresden, and advanced into Bohic-ii without resistane.A slight collision occurred between

the belligerents in Silesia, and theAustrians retreatod.

Concerning the conunnication of.Franco to Austria the Vienna Pressesays that Franco denies. any agree-nicit with Prussia. If Austria is sue-cessful and does not menceo the exist-ing Kingdom of Italy, auf does not ad-vance beyond Milan, Frince will notinteorfere, but will assist in concludingpeace on a permanent. basis, andfurther, she proposes for Italy to payindemnity to ,i.stria's renunciation ofthe fruit of victorv?

St. Petersburg advicoq deolare that110 troops have been mnoved to thefrontier and her policy is noii-iii-Ldr-vention.A revolt broke out in Madrid oni

the 23d. The insurgents furnishedthe populace with arm.-%, barricadeswere erected and fighting comminced.After an obstinate reisirtance the in-iuirgeits surrenidered at disuretion.Narvaes was woinded. (oncral Primhad been alrested at Bayoinne by theFrench aitholrities.The London O>scrver- sys that a mo-

tionl-will be iado in the House ofCommons expressivo of confidence inthe ministry, and promising the favor-able consideration of the teform mear-ures nextsession, if the. ministers donot announce the dissolution of Parlia-mnn t.

News Items.WASnINGTON, Juno 30.-It is be-

lieved the Prosidelnt will Neto the nowFroodniis' Bureau and Tarifl' Bills ifthey pass in the form aA reported bythe Committee. Tie amendmentsadopted are even more prohibitory(han the original bills.

Gon. '11. Grimes, of Nojhm Carolina,has been pardoned byth4 'reidmt.A Ril bef'oro tie Sonate fixes the

c0111oensation of the Collectorsof Gal-veston and Brazos Santiago, at fifteenhundred dollars.

MONTr.F.in, VT., June 30.-TheDemocratic State Convention nomina.-d Chas. A. Davenport for Governor,an0d reaflirmed their trust and confi-dance in the principles of the Demo-era tie party and endorsed PresidentJ~luin's restoration policy amid de-Ima ndel the taxationi of thle UnitedSatesbol.WASnINGTON, .June 30.-The Sen-

ate confirmed the nominations of Mar-tin F. Conway, of Richmond, Va., Ex-Member of Congress from Kaisas asComnsil to Marseilles, France : Chas.Davis, of Nashviillc, ' Temnesseo, andJoel Grossard, at Windsor, N. C., asCollector of Customs; I'liomas L.Cutlhbert as Naval Officer, Charleston,South Carolina.Pm.Anr.iru, June 30.-The Con-

mittee of arrangements for the recop-tion on th h of Jily,have providedaecomtimodat ions for the President andCabinet, and Generals Grant, Meadeand Ihancock, at Lapierre House.

WASH5IINGTON, June 3O.-Maj. Genm.Johni ltopo~succeeds U~ooker', at iNewYork, relieved in "conseqjuence of con-tinued ill health. Uancock takesPopes place in thme West.The Special Committee of the Sen-

ate have agre to reota billapr-priating four mnillionsa f~r' temporaryrepairs on tihe Mississippi Levies. Thebill will past the Senate, andl severalof the most prominent Members of theH~ouse inadicate their intenltion to votefor it.The 4total receipts from initernial

reveinno customs, miscellaneous sour-cos, sales of public lands and directtaxes from sales of public Ilnd for the

fiscalyeaf mding & will it is esttdmted t theoTreasury Department,

foot up over five hund red agd fifty,'million d61la'r; reeiins frominmiernalrevenue, as estimated, will be threehumndred and seventy million dollars.Di~rect talx about two million. Frommiscellaneous souroo', sixty4vo' mildlion, and from- sales of publ landsabout six hundred thousand dollars.ITh roe persons wore pardoned to-d nyjby tho President, Mrs. Mary Cali,Mrs. Mar'y WV. Anderson and 0. P.

Daniel, of Green county, Ga. All ofthesn opplicants como1 under the $20J,000 dlauto' of thv Anehty ProdIaina-tion.I WAsnINoeToN, June 80.-The gen-ate adopted a resolution instruotingthe Committee on Pubilo Buildingsand to itiquirn . into toe propriety ofpwi~eliasing grou~ds, not less~than .n'hundred acred, for a jubio park andsite for the Prosident al Mansion.

Thp Albay Argusr says that somesfortingmn OnUsonty-oti6 acitIdn ofaom0predestisstnding.'-ha4' beej hold in 1l000 bonade for th&effenee of poisonIg a race-horao of a,rival.- The nob!o animal- withstood

the effoects of the drug long enough towin the race, and fell doid at thejudgewi stand.

Up to the 27th ult,, 119,624 omi-grants arrived lat the port Of NewVork. The tinher to theiame dite

last year was 70,10-.1,-It is reported that Glovernor Fair-child, of Wisconsin, will not call an1extra session of the Laegislaturo of thatStat-e, untilessl there is it unitan mimity ofaction itn lil the States.On the 2?tlh nit., in the Connecticut

Legislaturo the liose, concurred withthe Senate in ratification of the Con-stitutional Anendnit, by a straightparty vote. A hundred guns werefired on the G reen in ionor of the oe-casion. Connectient is the first Statoto ratify the .mA enldinelit.

Senator Lanie did not die immedi-ately. A Leavenlwortlh Dispatch says

he was alive ait the latest accounts,but liuconscious and without hopes ofrecovery.

Tejoillt resoliution alttiorzing lie)urchase for $50,000 Oh a law librarybas passed the Sonate.There is tmuch excitement in Nicara-!o over discovering orglid in, Chieritals

District.,The Gve . 'f Chili 11:1ve forbidden

3panlish sulljiect tIo Ctri' the ITerritoryIf tle l H-pi~ilie anid ordred those resi'd

ig to leave widim Liiinry day.4, Therewill be aniother revotltioli jeLha ps inl

Ltili.PresidentL Perez's imo.3nge was re-

ceived with hisses a i' exclaimations ofdivision.A letter has been recei ved here frmil

Major-Generd Magriidtr, lato of leConfiderato army, asking a friend toinltece(lo witth the 1iiitedi States Gov-ernment in his behaf, written from diecity of Mexico. Magntler says "Iwant permlission t return to ho ti UnitledStates -th liipervial Governinit as

gone to hill, and tins io toIlney, and111 wetave to get. away fromti here. \tayhave already left. 'ric, Imyelf, ait a

few olers yet rel ait, bt n eill mus \ 11it lookolnt soue tp.ice to go Io. Tli'-. ii Io

hop1)( tor anlyth ing mor-e hlere."The stene.or Matlie an.] tihe 4teiior

Herot, With tw . e n t gers al a

hirge mail1, Itine day1*s- from1,0z11 Hanl-Liago, arrived hen-. at. thiwne . M., in)distrest. The . vanwr Matt ie is awreck and the stvamer I I erot oit. of coal.Mattamoras was sitrren'drel on the24th of June by Imperial General Mejiato (eneral Garsen, of t tie Libera I a rmy.Genii. Mejia Al'erez a1,l sta 1, withportion of their couii:l are enroito

toVerit Crniz. atii nt aliMwat-tamloras quliet.

The E batol of cot u '.t sa0tewho is; (n hlis m .. inl t; - : , ty ;."Thllree -forthsI! of the landi :it eettonWhich I have sVeen e ulot, lr b rtmost favoyable fm-ntan1ft tosmore tihn ane third do an onr ieI ;aIwv olli in ib kt e1 m m11 1y, qff1of btr120 or 1.30 acrev, which a i i I am suei

na lae no bale of cotto. ThIle satoevland I havo seen i il cot ton befor "th

War, wile it, yieldei from fitly to sixtybales. Onl another ploaition in the

slate county I noit a ic liIhl of, 40or50 aicres which I ai 9s. a'lo make

a Single bale. 1. do not, protenid to satytha thas twoi i cre ..rf ir1. exam-

ohsoe3 of oat-e ost't f t chrote,f dto wilt hownever, th at ere bynioa

n~uters o~ nch cases."i uati.~n

DIsliS P hed B 0. Peri lt EM t I ttro-

A I~s~rialt r 1.. iil ' W taI ~ llC, i

hely llowing arittbr if decriptions

ofsome r~o tg ms ale 0caacgtos

whofiiir figur in49 the at eolt guionThale Aet STind at ofn LS., il

uto av THEr Ai ncv r.I cse ofar.-Thoe woallya distinneit Leidterso tterAut rn marmy are itcfolling:mbr and

Pnelalwell avnc enr dgo TeySchatenbuStrgmaethol ctuitpaign.o

Mfnaryha dn li840, isat of talyagainst.yearls fAge, pard itht ofr89, ntheotise whon apea d'tne t1 tiso cprec-datesommndsr the l owiVan: ThewAichduoke Albrt, ben of ths imorta

Pr~ince vCharyeera linry de iieso,

Masl' al de aso i set veytefrctivermind antd habts., ai arertv

d.at irn the battle'Noa Wagram, 'Iin l

wiihe t ook artnbeing ins s~ eln.Ju e~sent~w years. In b h 164idetieAntuand iy o thvlt PIdmn ts

lyrt 1.itingebuised Novasr at The bItltas egar him'as i auvo'ry fomby e en-engf,-andlladivtht, h wilive urto

rie ScArt noburgo is Mata well~nddeiki'h tir' ors'ouinoamtwithd

fwhtt'dtbo chinge o.th0 ight~ bakof theD~ntbe? A t h# 'att44f agena h

Austrians. At.8 >lferino Ito was in theleft. wing, opposed to Glen. O'Neill. 1[ois ono of the most brilliant oflicers of theAnatrian army, and is, morover an au-

thor.Marslial llendick is only fliity vighit.

WA hile a colonel, in Is18, Its fought inthe campaign against, thi l' icitontese.In 1859 ho commanded i (te EighihCorps at San Martino. Sinco 1bletsky's death ho has been firat warrior ciA ntstria. It is probable that Ito will bocharged to oppose ti Prussians. The

life of Count 01amu-Gallas has been veryactivo ; ho Ias shared in nil wara ofAustria since 1848. Ili Luigary- how.ever, he only succet.ded itn vanqItislingGon. 1lInc through lio aid of the

Russiatns. At tit, preson'. he conuandsthe First Corps of the Austrian armyof Prague.

We tuust not onit to mention G en.Gablentz, who commnantded tho Ausians in tio war against lenmark, anlGen. Ramming, to whom Aust ria wainde~te4d in thoe Ilungarianl canmicgnl for

the decisive success obtained an Teme..var---Sa(/kit /'ie', 1 /,.i *.

Tin.:Ir'ut. G i-:n.---A.:leltfroni llorence says:-"Since nothg.bIt war now is talked of, the following

skettch of the pneipl Ita ian generalsmay not, be uninteresting. (en. LaA artmora is in person a tall thin man ;

his face displays a very deciddil no ,oalmost always surmotutted by ih inhion.able princoe.-.. lie has 4 pas o n fOrthe military art, alul! iinflexiblo tn illpoints of disciplin. Ie niiot tiider.

tAt anyfavorlitimttsm, :all, iktolU'1w: .un!1 s:tys j'a'tinigly th1:1t 'ho 11m1 n1". crosiit

enouhY to 11111n1 at drtinnmerv inl his ownl

armv\.' Aier Uenl. I,, all-mon, the

mIoSL conspliCuous1 Soldivr lA GnentlCialinti. Iie is a stma, w(-li lookinqgInatll, witdt a <tic a tli (tlll gilt', t'ye,wezars a glrteat tiott.St ell :1 a .11i n belt

like ti (hafsseurs do Vineotinns. lieis tie otl imllivi-liml ol ilie (I aliant [rimyto wItott (I eral ima lar Itora perttnit

Itli: eceutrtlicity, for hoie littise il is i ll3

Isel'lcoill'ormialy) to tll(! Itgtlatioti,(it-neral Cialblinli is, voery popular ill 1ta-

ly, :Wtel p 'm'es ftrn it n it o 'titi an(IrOi"cIT, well kttiowinig Inn to winhi

11)(e11 an11l pg -iv el all c Illfi'l. 11e.. 'l'I t:1iIa ar l Y "l ,1 <-;' 1 \\*4- (011-1.' Gilpt'ri-1 ;.ne as ih auio:u i D"1 M I 1t l -oa.

T lo rmt'et is a vo'ien of Lilt I iliatildi'peteitto, atid i , e t-i tell h Y evrrv-body tih !iaui er, It the fir i ai i caiipLo 1ile liMli, is A 0i1' o 1l 11,'iixty,wit Nvilite i'1 allitl i lilutach oth;tbod

bemitg very dlist ini.a rtihed flieerv.

Potrest-d the l'ruer to arm 1ie'r

Prince l ieritch ('.ath- L iyw It ittiv*.'

nIo Iry rImot-tble l r, e inee leII

ittrinles.L is tly Ii' ied rcel ly

Ie In 1 a 1. f QueIWn \ :e ltna, :1e 1; i

sai d ( h grllt wi~fite nmatsta-~

it .\ i Io ttc eat I et i l 'Irulsmo t pi.e :ritnIt will nie....uvily , I :m rounleld I1n ttei\vyry able Stall, :uk-i menv~ ol militalf ;p

titus will com inal A I ns corp 1. 1 Iut, wh envth< coea to coi tiit l aral titnedek

Ihte. will havea tu (ri lId it) lie to o itowithl andt( P.'rnia wvil need all0he resources and her best general. to ho ne..cessful.

ribaldi is representedto o inl ex.Cellenhel.Iyttrl' Ice is calmor anti ahePerfland1 walks mile: every dlay, in order, ashe ny, to aicsto m leg'i to lon,

llarehol. o ifs brother died recntly.

18ng tt titracee-ts h> itt faie adparthetitmgro rtt's t. lai, hsr beenmfdowIt ot t chplintnthe o hiemy Thi:

prtt ith ret bys ch ingi the I llian~iwar volu159ary wasooto ati- tho bal t olMtageilnt and Soriha nd isgs a

Wolt;th ugts "Trichilimsis" ei, 'binowswonliotimot guiNg, tiiU IfN ItMscig

flr.h Wner's ect. workooughl conti s tokit-pe u.the unp I myeant rivintiastisu itnt-eythe hmn sntoct worm Trihnhe Spirliwicha proessorwn fttound's tiaong ag. asyt

1805, infmusles tanto imatr from the ssootinge flots oft buy'oang gron. larthlmitotw's thopias of' ti.oon. sins tItow te otr mutsntle mso. auow autililat fac.nhat i tIto, (ionnrctedbleasoawit oret alby sect the vlhumtarn

tvoarmusolese oftci atiwoed, toeawill ht'a aon. l'or1k is thoangerfosprts ond t hera aubao, and ith pigSf

lyes oefs th'laosrcegly vc'oedit.ithoworms t(it mayttu carsiigihno ge~~yae intothey smansfotach, whenceitt that itrcyakhhir way teiuotly' byig, as Wyntr

pbritto~r fin'ds-hitst brodspingtoud, at18br oinefoth galensle nubersbofh yong,whcmdatofleoftelPy eg i l maou-th at.the ro thdeiroat f othe antetsnmgrao diato btoe mutsiovelen.ypitblie dnto uase electrd th voluntarymusolth, ori thoe whetilhu oed atssour,will Thohardt tandw koind, wands thspptarts of' visorawhoh ct iondenly, of te will, aoIsonrelyoerefetdtis, id, a matter of isu lo owth

worms ge pitrbuedio gory 1 overtfatey som~pietnaomisse asrt4 9vtfi hatieshporm bores~ tyIihr0 oh piof timzibr

but r.Tudioum, ho ws apointd i180toinvstgat th sujet~byth mdi

vell've elot oootno ion, enter theCirclat0ionk a% eCCOtd tiMo. afind untimely1eisfh in tho ituig, or nrrivo in somo mus.el h o olain a lato asylum."1This h1y.ohlesis certainly seens the most,

re:soilble, as It, isl In agroomoiet. *Ith thok n)own imeans by which other entoza migrate.Arrived at Iho mus1101unl tissues, IU 8 en

agi viltiestiolablo whether the worm, at-ctks te niuseltes. Lettekhart says thley

nlet t1"Iho seolomina, and oat the must,ettr fihbre i self. Dr. Thludiehuin says thayhe his iever seen but oneo the worm in the-uuiwele, but always outside of it. It is ger-6tinly a strango fact, thil, in many oases,persons attoked with triehlilnis, havo not,only per'ectly recovered fromt its effoots,

btt have becoio as s rong as over. It,coulIsarely have 1p11pened that Like mutsles of

the0so paliellts ias been lcd upon by vatLcolonies of worns, which would lnvo Inevi-(ably ilestroyed them beyond repair. 'Theprobability 1.1 that the worm id4 Its way.

ilt litho e tissues. B u t woce t ie third anid't'iir It weel after immigriati, tlhe trichiuimI:w becomo full-grown, andf now It begins topriare its Capsule. I, becomes fixed to thespot, inl which it, is, Sol; I. matter is depositedarlounid it, andt, Cu~rled1 Up, it lies immotvablo'ill its plast o capstil, and diem unless ro-eeied lgain ilto the alimentary canal of

anloth1 1n11iml1, which in this caso of Courseitnever doesi.I the pres-ence of theso one.apsuled trichind

inl ho licimtselt-s many cauiso irritation. bt.t111111 Ii ed ily )ubsite ; and it is pretty clearthit noiny persons suffer little hari fromChem whilst thiius ourled ip, as they havebeen f)uId ill Ilo bodies of subjects that,have licn dissected, and wyhoso previoushistiy gave 1o ovblence of thuir exist once.On iho ot hn dm1, flho malady, whoniSOvei, puits (onl many of the charnoteristicyimptom of ut'1,oll known disunoies. Thi

l'ever enutise1) hby 1110 preseln(o ofthe parentaII'mlts ill lie inktesiiies may be, a Inde0dito) len iv hbeeni, taken for gastrio fever.

Then,g2 nill, whenI file youing wolls Aroi;,11161 a1-1t ing itto 111l 11111 10 .4, tie m1ost ox.C aItW1ing agony seizes the palient; lr: lin-- not mo)ve I llllSo Witvhout the u o1110st pain,

2nid he lic4 gt'enrally upon his back, withIbis legs a lit (tl apar1it, covered with plerspira-tiin. The .ftei nid lneck becomo hIumid

wi i a ih -opical eoffusion, which graduallyexlentds to 11he legs and abdomen. An.nck oflrheu natio fever appears to haveneized the ildivillual, but for the want of

the heart sypltor.s. Again, the diseago.ilt'lllhlles cholera and atyphus, and indeedjiiolling ill minany of its symptolls, but,tho' who havo Seen a golluilno case of

richininsis cann1ot be deceived, ns the wholoryllptomlls4 lre1'(!It lro c0onsistent, with no

other diseas1 . hi cuses 1'doubt, a picco ofilth li'ilig 1111100 11118 been OxOised fromlihe biceps mu111sclo of' 1tho armtm; and this test

is all)mnt. cort ain to ie coiolusivo, as thevotllm isI distribtted, in severO Cases, In pro-.

ilsiont tilrough overy voluntary 11144ote3 ofho etilrlIe bodsy.

ll'. 'uIllhltllul, speaking of a clild 'lktlicl of (lhu dilsonso,- says in ii 'ty%5- to"-Mr. Shon: - $10I "On ppnrhlton from the1,ieeps mits14001of a lihltfour aind a Ialf3 rir' of lge, wh11ich1died 0 the soyeut.y-illh diay, coitinedi the astoilhdhg numberofi' fillyight. 811011 a >rOphraion11 Wa s 1 -

111tntI.'dtto %weigh onle-l11111 of a grain, andthere'trite 'every graint or musol containedn11 2) nterflgo 4un10hundred trichinto. Now,a) ltmg heitilt, weight, of he 11mu1oies on an

:,11111 to be n1111Y for'fy polnds, and assutm-ing him to be tlie viCtimn of trichilliasis, and'

I I 1arosit s Clally dista'ritd through-otitl hi body, he would contain uiwards ofN ienly eight illilhiolns of these aninfmls.'

Cohliltinlg Ilicrests.Till e1nphis .Avilanche lias an ablo art(-C 0n New Enliglanl, 1h0r interests. and her

plicy. It remanr'ks (ihat ovory Country has.winl ifl 101 coilicting interests, and very

properly'13' any4 fliat. tiu staleteslmasiPeon.lk in har1nlonizing these inltol'osts as far

113 it 1111y be poibt1lle to do so. In a ounn-I'y of' uch1 ill oxtensivo area as tile UnitedStti e;, having sucl diversity ofolimate, soilatll I rovlutiot h.11s, fihk apparent illolisistenoywil forlevr exist, iml a greater or loss degree.T'he Atvalomche lnlyl :'"Thc cold cliaol a nd barren eoil of NowIg'lan1d renlor'ed it unlikely that her pe -

1:1e coubtl over he extensivo lagriculturlalistBbut21 her l'lloharmbor's madilo It oortain that1 shlecould1 becomle powerful as a maritime andnaval1 1ic~tion, alld to train bor1 sons1 f'or thea)tiduouls and1 dan11g0orous servico niecessarly tobu11 ill)'e up inl that1 respeot, f'ishiing bonn-ties, t'rolm tile COmm~lonl trensury, w~ere gr'ant-oil themll. A hter populatlidn Incrensed, herpeopl0 o gan to tui'n their attentlin to man-ulfactures, as2 im'ro romnunerativo than agri-'cultutre ; and tho war of 1812 gave an impel-112 to is ranc lIofll cin dustry whlich hassintC)) become so frunitfuil of wealth to thmeNew Enigla nd manufnIt'Ioturer. When the warwas1i ovOr, that. itOrot,t asked for proectiopfor the firist in (lie history of thmo Govern-mtenlt, and1 Mr.Cathioun, of Soutle CarolIna',advocated 11.1as a measure ofjuil 9 to a peo-1110, wh'lo, durming (lhe war, had'4 largely In-vesltod i nanufncerlias, and who woulsulor on Its su~ldden close, if they had toCOntCend aga ist Europen n mportations- liethIou~ght thlis irotection shoumld have at limnl.tation ; (lint It should( extondl to but a fowyears, so as to enable the factories to adoptall tlho modern Improvements in machinery;and( pla)ce them on footing to stanid 4A un.pr'ot 0(21 ed comipolitionwith thme world. ThasIt, wars thlat lthis system began, and it, was sopalatable to tile Yankee tf 0 thmat 4' rma.nont b~oun~ty of proteetion at limo oxppnso of(the rent lumtorosts of the otlier sqdtionms of

henIi deemed by the Yattlno a matterof right. What wets byt, a tetsipoary hndui,gence, Now Englandt deles shall be a per-manent111 system, for a furtherm inflatin of' iIbloatedl prosperity,. Thiiesp Now E~ngla)Idet'sknmow full well that, If the o Wdik ;shall gyer-regain hoe- power in Congress, she een wimlthe Notth-west, cheek~miato them- fry' dilth' future plaits for fInMseial aggraidlioe.ment ;and this Is the rpasoihy thA Septh'lIs denied robhabilhIation~ iion thytln,Thler' Is doubtloss more truthi In th{1 >

view of the preset, atti'udo of the radi4 '~par'ty., They dread a unmiou of-these natifatajlion in logislatten, whlh Woduld nisa4ion~ably be dirVOted pgainpt .ih hand 'all otheor, niocatros IonidId to *r9Now 1England at' the dtgened 1 Jl bO

Weet n th'Soul

tenOnhlf of repdLi ps~ait deAt fii the Od)~mhemfl posof 11Vi ~

