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THE FOREST HILL NEWS · 2017-10-05 · THE FOREST HILL NEWS Forest Hill Church of Christ 3950...

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Volume 44 September 26, 2017 Number 39 THE FOREST HILL NEWS Forest Hill Church of Christ 3950 Forest Hill-Irene Rd Memphis, TN 38125 Office: 901-751-2444 Info Line: 901-531-8849 www.foresthillcofc.org [email protected] Elders: Anthony D. Callahan Warren Davenport Gregory D. Mangrum Harold D. Mangrum Keith B. McAlister Ministers: Barry M. Grider, Pulpit Evangelist Matthew Jones, Personal Evangelist Garrett Olney, Youth Sunday: Bible Study………… 9:30 A.M. Morning Worship.10:30 A.M. Afternoon Worship.1:30 P.M. Wednesday: Bible Study ……….. 7:00 P.M. HOME OF THE MEMPHIS SCHOOL OF PREACHING www.msop.org Missions Supported: Far East/World Evangelism Good News Today Gospel Broadcasting Network House to House, Heart to Heart Kakinada, India Murmansk, Russia Four Seas Bible College Truth for the World Free Bible Correspondence Course Email: [email protected] David was not a liberal; he loved God’s law (Psalm 119:97). Liberals do not love law. They think law is too authority oriented, and “grievous” (1 John 5:3). Liberals have a name for those who love law; they call them “legalists.” Liberals like to think they are too spiritual to be bound by any law. They are progressive, or so they call themselves. David loved the law of God because he loved God; liberals love themselves. They say they love God, but like idolaters of old, the gods they love are gods of their own imaginations. They love a god that lets them do what they want to do. They do not love the God of law (Gal. 6:2), or the God of commandments (John 14:15), or the God that will judge them by his words in the last day (John 12:48). David loved God’s commandments because they made him wiser than his enemies (Psalm 119:98). Liberals think they are smarter than commandment keepers, and some of them are in some things, but they are not wiser. Wisdom comes through humility; “with the lowly is wisdom” (Prov. 11:2). In Psalm 111:10 David sang, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments.” The devil himself is among our enemies and we cannot outsmart him, but we can be wiser if we have the humility “to fear God and keep his commandments” (Eccl. 12:13) David loved God’s testimonies because they gave him more understanding than his teachers (Psalm 119:99). Teachers know many things and we should learn all we can from them, but they do not understand the things they know if they do not believe we need to fear God and keep his commandments. Anytime you hear a teacher teach anything that is contrary to God’s law you know he does not understand what he is talking about. Those who know God’s word know how to weigh the value of what they are taught; they know what to accept and what to reject. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom:and the knowledge of the holy is understanding” (Prov. 9:10). David loved God’s precepts because they gave him more understanding than the ancients (Psalm 119:100). We like to think that wisdom comes with age, but that is not always so. In Job 32:9, Elihu said “Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand judgement.” While it is foolish to lightly dismiss the counsel of the aged, it is even more foolish to follow their counsel when it is contrary to God’s law. The young prophet believed the lie of the old prophet, and God said to him, “Forasmuch as thou hast disobeyed the mouth of the Lord, and hast not kept the commandment which the Lord thy God commanded thee…thy carcass shall not come unto the sepulcher of the fathers” (1 Kings 13:21-22). David knew God’s laws would keep him from evil ways (Psalm 119:101). He resolved that he would not depart from them (Psalm 119:102). To him, they were “sweeter than honey” (Psalm 119:103). He knew that the mercies and salvation of God would come according to the word of God (Psalm 119:41). The entirety of Psalm 119 should be read as the psalm of a man on his knees seeking God through his word. It is because David loved God’s law that he said “therefore I hate every false way” (Psalm 119:104). Show me a man that does not hate every false way, and I will show you a man that does not love the law of God. It does not surprise me that David would sing, “O how love I thy law” (Psalm 119:97), for he had already said, “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the council of the ungodly…his delight is in the law of the Lord” (Psalm 1:1-2). The Psalms of David are powerful and bold and challenging and beautiful because David loved God’s law. I hate to think what insipid lyrics and deceitful ditties they would be if they had been written by a liberal. (from Seek The Old Paths, August 2017) Oh How Love I Thy Law! Bill Boyd
Page 1: THE FOREST HILL NEWS · 2017-10-05 · THE FOREST HILL NEWS Forest Hill Church of Christ 3950 Forest Hill-Irene Rd Memphis, TN 38125 ... Elihu said “Great men are not always wise:

Volume 44 September 26, 2017 Number 39


Church of Christ 3950 Forest Hill-Irene Rd

Memphis, TN 38125

Office: 901-751-2444 Info Line: 901-531-8849

www.foresthillcofc.org [email protected]

Elders: Anthony D. Callahan

Warren Davenport Gregory D. Mangrum Harold D. Mangrum Keith B. McAlister

Ministers: Barry M. Grider, Pulpit Evangelist Matthew Jones,

Personal Evangelist Garrett Olney, Youth

Sunday: Bible Study………… 9:30 A.M. Morning Worship.… 10:30 A.M. Afternoon Worship….1:30 P.M.

Wednesday: Bible Study ……….. 7:00 P.M.


OF PREACHING www.msop.org

Missions Supported: Far East/World Evangelism

Good News Today Gospel Broadcasting Network

House to House, Heart to Heart Kakinada, India

Murmansk, Russia Four Seas Bible College

Truth for the World

Free Bible Correspondence Course Email: [email protected]

David was not a liberal; he loved God’s law (Psalm 119:97). Liberals do not love law. They think law is too authority oriented, and “grievous” (1 John 5:3). Liberals have a name for those who love law; they call them “legalists.” Liberals like to think they are too spiritual to be bound by any law. They are progressive, or so they call themselves. David loved the law of God because he loved God; liberals love themselves. They say they love God, but like idolaters of old, the gods they love are gods of their own imaginations. They love a god that lets them do what they want to do. They do not love the God of law (Gal. 6:2), or the God of commandments (John 14:15), or the God that will judge them by his words in the last day (John 12:48). David loved God’s commandments because they made him wiser than his enemies (Psalm 119:98). Liberals think they are smarter than commandment keepers, and some of them are in some things, but they are not wiser. Wisdom comes through humility; “with the lowly is wisdom” (Prov. 11:2). In Psalm 111:10 David sang, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments.” The devil himself is among our enemies and we cannot outsmart him, but we can be wiser if we have the humility “to fear God and keep his commandments” (Eccl. 12:13) David loved God’s testimonies because they gave him more understanding than his teachers (Psalm 119:99). Teachers know many things and we should learn all we can from them, but they do not understand the things they know if they do not believe we need to fear God and keep his commandments. Anytime you hear a teacher teach anything that is contrary to God’s law you know he does not understand what he is talking about. Those who know God’s word know how to weigh the value of what they are taught; they know what to accept and what to reject. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom:and the knowledge of the holy is understanding” (Prov. 9:10). David loved God’s precepts because they gave him more understanding than the ancients (Psalm 119:100). We like to think that wisdom comes with age, but that is not always so. In Job 32:9, Elihu said “Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand judgement.” While it is foolish to lightly dismiss the counsel of the aged, it is even more foolish to follow their counsel when it is contrary to God’s law. The young prophet believed the lie of the old prophet, and God said to him, “Forasmuch as thou hast disobeyed the mouth of the Lord, and hast not kept the commandment which the Lord thy God commanded thee…thy carcass shall not come unto the sepulcher of the fathers” (1 Kings 13:21-22). David knew God’s laws would keep him from evil ways (Psalm 119:101). He resolved that he would not depart from them (Psalm 119:102). To him, they were “sweeter than honey” (Psalm 119:103). He knew that the mercies and salvation of God would come according to the word of God (Psalm 119:41). The entirety of Psalm 119 should be read as the psalm of a man on his knees seeking God through his word. It is because David loved God’s law that he said “therefore I hate every false way” (Psalm 119:104). Show me a man that does not hate every false way, and I will show you a man that does not love the law of God. It does not surprise me that David would sing, “O how love I thy law” (Psalm 119:97), for he had already said, “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the council of the ungodly…his delight is in the law of the Lord” (Psalm 1:1-2). The Psalms of David are powerful and bold and challenging and beautiful because David loved God’s law. I hate to think what insipid lyrics and deceitful ditties they would be if they had been written by a liberal.

(from Seek The Old Paths, August 2017)

Oh How Love I Thy Law! Bill Boyd

Page 2: THE FOREST HILL NEWS · 2017-10-05 · THE FOREST HILL NEWS Forest Hill Church of Christ 3950 Forest Hill-Irene Rd Memphis, TN 38125 ... Elihu said “Great men are not always wise:

It does not take long to know that this life can be filled with hurt, disappointment and pain. It is often the case that those closest to us can be the source of such hurt. Failure to forgive, exalted expectations, and reluctance to reason can result in a terrible emotional poison called bitterness. Bitterness has been defined as "anger and unhappiness because of unfair treatment" (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary). Usually, bitterness is not an instant emotional response. On the contrary it often starts as anger or disappointment and over time it simmers and festers into resentment and bitterness.

Many marital relationships are rendered loveless and emotionally bankrupt because of bitterness. Wives become cold. Husbands become distant. Where there was once a bride and groom united by love, convenience now holds two roommates under the same roof. Though there could be many sources, here are just a few things that can lead to bitterness. 1. Saying things that hurt deeply. 2. Dishonesty. 3. Holding grudges. Though not directly speaking of marital relations, Paul gave directions for defeating bitterness among other things (Ephesians 4:22-32). 1. To those that would say things that cause deep pain, he

says, "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers."

2. To those that would be dishonest, he says, "Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another."

3. To those that would hold grudges he says, "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath."

Following these instructions, Paul says, "let all bitterness...be put away from you..." (Ephesians 4:31). By using the words "put away" Paul seems to indicate that there must be effort exerted to achieve the desired results. So then one must first make the decision to act, then respond appropriately.

Yet the true key to this passage comes in verse 32. "And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." No matter what has been done to us, it is not worse than what we did to God in committing sin and being the reason for Christ having to die on the cross (Isaiah 53). Yet His love for us is so great, that He still offers forgiveness through Christ (John 3:16; 2 Peter 3:9). How could one who has been offered forgiveness refuse to offer it to another? In experiencing the great love of our Lord, one should happily express that love to his fellow man, especially if that happens to be his or her spouse.

How is bitterness defeated? First by acknowledging the great gift of forgiveness that has been offered to all men through Christ. Refusing to do so only hurts oneself (Matthew 6:15). Second, by choosing to let the pain, hurt, and disappointment go. Believe it or not, a person can choose to have a healthy and loving relationship. The recipe for such is set forth in a clear and concise passage of Scripture (Ephesians 4:22-32). No matter the issue, God has provided an answer through His divine Word. "According as his divine power hath given unto us ALL THINGS (Emph. mine SWF) that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue” (2 Peter 1:3).

(Steven Ford is a 2013 graduate of the Memphis School of Preaching. He is married to Carlisa and they have two daughters, Savannah (8) and Summer (5). Steven preaches for the Highway Church of Christ in Benton, AR.)

Page 2 The Forest Hill News September 26, 2017

Defeating Bitterness Steven Ford

Page 3: THE FOREST HILL NEWS · 2017-10-05 · THE FOREST HILL NEWS Forest Hill Church of Christ 3950 Forest Hill-Irene Rd Memphis, TN 38125 ... Elihu said “Great men are not always wise:

HEARTS AND HANDS TEAM “D” (RANDY ELLIOTT) will have a covered dish luncheon in the fellowship hall after morning service Sunday, October 1. TEAM “E” (JIM WOODY) and TEAM “F” (STEVE ALLMOND) will have a covered dish luncheon in the fellowship hall after morning service Sunday, October 15.


LADIES AND MEN’S CLASSES meet each Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. PARENTING SEMINAR Saturday, September 30 8:30-11:30 a.m. Child care is provided. Please see bulletin board for sign-up sheet. LADIES EVANGELISM BAG ASSEMBLY Sunday, October 1 following morning service/lunch. TENNESSEE CHILDREN’S HOME FALL FOOD DRIVE is underway and will continue until Sunday, October 8. There is a listing of items needed on the church bulletin board. YOUTH RETREAT at Chickasaw State Park October 13-15. WORLD EVANGELISM SEMINAR October 13 and 14. KIRBY PINES Retirement Community worship service each fourth Sunday 8:00-8:45 a.m., conducted by Forest Hill. Our next service will be Sunday, October 22.


HURRICANE HARVEY RELIEF FUND: Donations may be made through Forest Hill Church of Christ. Please earmark your checks for flood relief. Total amount raised is $9,605.00.

Page 3 The Forest Hill News September 26, 2017

Ty Phillips John Connell Daniel Manning Wayne Sanders


Harold Mangrum Kalon Brown Andrew Knipple Houston McClure



240 305 200


OUR SICK  Sheila Doll, sister of Sherry Brown, recovering from a stroke in Greers Ferry, AR. John Hanel is having surgery to remove kidney stones. Helen Palazola is at home suffering from a blood clot in her right lung. Carol Stover, sister of Helen Sharp, in a nursing facility for rehab, Union City, TN.

ILL AT HOME: Joe Baxter

MEMORIAL SERVICE honoring Denise Barnett, daughter of Jim and Sherry Brown, Saturday, October 7 at 2:00 p.m. at Getwell Church of Christ.



If you are unable to lead prayer or serve at the Lord’s table, please contact Cedric Huff or Paul Connell.

RECORD, WEEK of September 24, 2017


Last week’s solution: Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Hebrews 10:23-24

Bessie Berry Ann Castleman Virginia Ditto Hazel Eskew Tommy & Nell Herndon Anita Hopper


Albert & Ruth House Clarine Justice Ryan McCullar Helen Palazola Jerry & Betty Robbins

Keith McAlister Terry Champagne Jackson Greer Buster Rogers

Page 4: THE FOREST HILL NEWS · 2017-10-05 · THE FOREST HILL NEWS Forest Hill Church of Christ 3950 Forest Hill-Irene Rd Memphis, TN 38125 ... Elihu said “Great men are not always wise:

The Forest Hill News Forest Hill Church of Christ 3950 Forest Hill-Irene Road

Memphis, TN 38125

Address Service Requested

Page 4 The Forest Hill News September 26, 2017

1 Joe Baxter Vada Grider Jessica Manning Isaac McLaurin

2  Jerry  Manning  Pati  Wright

3  Steve  Ulrich

4 5 6 7  Haritha  Gootam  Harry  Green  Jr.  

8  Peggy  House  Towana  Hoard

9  Hatton  Allen  Aspen  White

10 11  Jason  House

12  Julia  Ferguson  Fritzi  Rickles

13 14  Andrew  Berch

15  Celicia  Grider  David  Richardson

16  Halle  Phillips

17  Kendall  Barnes  Katie  Frederick  Josiah  Kennedy  Helen  Newson

18 19 20  Leta  Fay  Anderson  Sam  Rickles


22 23  Marylon  Green  Clarine  Justice

24  Pat  Allmond  Helen  Sharp

25  Charles  Cordon  Mike  Reed

26  Karen  Fairley

27  Daniel  Hayes  Marlene  Latimore


29  Harold  Mangrum

30 31  Billy  Bland  Mary  Elliott  Makenzie  Jones

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

October 2017 Coordinating Elder-Warren Davenport
