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The Key to An Optimized Facebook Business Page

Date post: 15-Aug-2015
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THE KEY TO AN OPTIMIZED FACEBOOK BUSINESS PAGE With 1.4 billion active users per month, Facebook is deemed as one of the most effective and popular social media sites to utilize as a part of your online marketing strategy. If you are aiming to generate leads and increase brand awareness through this social networking site , you must, therefore, make sure that your Facebook page is anything but dull and boring.


With 1.4 billion active users per month, Facebook is deemed as one of the most effective and popular social media sites to utilize as a part of your online marketing strategy. If you are aiming to generate leads and increase brand awareness through this social networking site, you must, therefore, make sure that your Facebook page is anything but dull and boring.

A good social media marketing strategy is more than just slapping together a business page with a regular profile photo, a not-so-amusing cover photo, and tediously unexciting social posts. Aside from quality contents, there are other essential elements that you need to consider to spice up your Facebook page. Make the most of your social media strategy by optimizing your business page. Here are some useful tips from peepJuice® that you can use for an amped-up Facebook page!


This one is as simple as it gets -- a no-brainer, indeed. If you want to incorporate a Facebook page to your marketing strategy, make sure that it has a distinct profile photo that genuinely represents your brand. What could be more unwise than having a Facebook business/fan page with a profile photo that is not recognizable to your target audience? An ideal photo that serves as your brand emblem could be your logo or a friendly, professional-looking photo of yourself if you are a solo entrepreneur. The ideal size of your profile picture should be 180 pixels by 180 pixels.

Your profile photo is the first thing that is seen by people when they are hovering around Facebook. So do not miss every precious chance to be noticed and recognized every time you post updates. Simply put, NEVER ever choose a low quality, irrelevant profile photo for your Facebook business page!


Just like your profile picture, your cover photo speaks volume about your brand. So make it look fabulous and smart. The suggested size of your cover photo is 851 pixels by 315 pixels tall. Try to keep the text to a minimum. Your cover photo needs to speak for itself. Just remember: do not go crazy over the text -- try to keep it visually stimulating and engaging. A good photo does not always mean a highly photoshopped one. Sometimes, simple and straightforward photos that express real stories are the way to go!


Even in Facebook elements, a call-to-action's importance is never underestimated. Good thing the said social media networking site launched their CTA button feature. Depending on the type of response that you want to get from your audience, you can choose to add one of the seven CTA buttons to your cover photo.


Some brands often fail to see the weight of this part of the Facebook page. Let your company's story be known by filling out wisely and optimizing the 'About' section. It is the place where people navigate to when they want to find out more about your brand. Make it short but sweet. You do not have to put a lengthy account of how your company started, what is your philosophy and values, etc. A brief yet informative description about your company and your purpose is sufficient. You can also add milestones and events to your 'About' section to keep your fans updated about your brand's achievements.

Till next time peeps!-

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