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The Leon reporter (Leon, Iowa). 1919-07-31 [p ]. · Dwight Snyder and family. Henry Coontz...

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THE LEON REPORTER, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1919. % $V^' V •* ! .\ ' Pleasant Kiuge. DeKalb. •w "•/ I Age NINE ) 'C t- Threshing is now the order of the day. ack Lee and Delbert Ramsey are threshing for Walter Cox; H. D. DeKalb returned home from Grand River Tuesday, after about a two weeks visit with his sister Rose, and daughter Emma Landes, and friends. They are loading two cars with wheat at DeKalb this week. Fred Beers is doing his threshing on the DeKalb farm this week. Mrs. Helen VanWerden was a business caller in DeKalb Wednes- day. Miss Nora Johnston called on Misses Mae and Clyta Anderson Monday night and Tuesday. Harry and Delbert Wilsuu «uu Jink'Wells helped Charley Wilson put up hay Monday and Tuesday af- ternoons. . . . Miss Nora Johnston spent from Saturday until Monday with Mrs. Nina Miller. Charley Wilson and Jink Wells helped Harry Wilson put up hay Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday. Mrs Lucy Wells was helping Mrs. Fred Beers cook for threshers Wed- nesday. Mrs. Rose Wilson called on Mrs. Mary Wilson Monday. Mrs. Atherton and children spent Sunday with Mrs. George South and cbildrGH* Mrs. Mary Housh and Grace South spent Saturday niglit with Mr. and Mrs. Charley South and children. Mrs. Rose Wilson and Airs. Jack Young called on Mrs. George South and children Sunday afternoon. Delbert Wilson called on Cecile, Eddie and Roscoe Wilson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lack Harger and children called on Mr. and Mrs. Jink iWells Sunday. Mrs. Rose Wilson helped Airs. Harry Wilson and Mrs. Lucy Wells cook for threshers Friday. Port Woodard and sons Everett and Jim. of Lamoni, called on Chas. Wilson Friday. r ' Mrs. Mary Wilson, Mrs Lucy Wells and Mrs. Jane Young helped Mrs. Rose Wilson cook for threshers Saturday. . Mrs Fred Beers called on Air. and Mrs Ed Beers Saturday evening. Delbert Wilson, George Cox and Clarence Anderson were Grand Riv- er callers Saturday evening Claud Wilkie of Van Wert, work- ed for Roy Hawkins one day this week.k Redmari delivered wheat to Van Wert Saturday afternoon to J. M. Halstoad. Charley Wilson and Jink wells were Van Wert callers Saturday ev- en Mr.' and Mrs. I. M. Fry Air. and Mrs. Charley Cox, Air. and Mrs. P. G. Harris called on. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Wilson and family. . Earl Frv, of Van- Wert, is helping his uncle George South this week. Earl Anderson arid Miss Marjory Woodard attended tlie movies at Grand River Saturday night. Franklin. The Baker threshing machine be- gan threshing wheat in this vicinity last week. , Frank Davenport spent Monday night of last week at the Glenn Pentticord home. Mrs Jessie Muck spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott. Charlie Christensen, of near Leon, assisted his brother Pete with his haying the past week. . E. V. Teaney has been on the sick list the past week Mrs. Laura Porter and son How- ard of Preston, Oklahoma, visited last week at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Boyd. Lester Clark, who has been visit- ing with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Jack Kentner returned Tuesday afternoon to his home near Garden Grove. '' * Mb Airs. Maggie Keim and Miss Edna Sears spent Sunday at the, Glenn Petticord home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Plummer and family, former residents of this neighborhood, returned on Monday of last week from Dale Creek, Wyoming, where they have been re- siding since they moved from this community last February. We are all certainlv glad to have Mr. and Mrs. Plummer back in our country a&ain Mr." and Mrs. Wilse McCullough and daughters Edrie and Audrey spent Sunoay with Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Snyder and family. Henry Coontz surprised thfe neighborhood last week by purchas- ing a Ford touring car. Mr. and Airs. Simon Goodman and Mrs. Abe Goodman and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Teeter, of Jasper, Mo., called in this vicinity Tuesday of last vv eek Harry Kendall spent Saturday night at the Carl Kendall home. Mr. and Mrs. John Ramsey and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Alvice Ramsey, of Tennessee. Grandma Brammer spent Satur- day night with friends in Grand River. Edward Gale, of Grand River, who has been sick for some time, is no better at this writing. Joseph Crees, of Lineville, came the past week to visit at the home of his daughter Mrs. Ellsworth Brammer of Grand River. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brown spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Brown. Mrs. Martha Adams and son Ray have moved to Grand River. Ray will work in Mr. Needham's garage. Mrs. Isaac Poland spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. John Acton. Mrs. Walter Trowbridge is one among the sick the past week. Mr. and Mrs. James Adams, of Van Wert, came Saturday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. David Snook. Mr. and Mrs. Ezw. Wycoff, of Humeston, came Saturday to visit with Mrs. WycofTs parents, Mr. and Airs. Charles Bryant and Airs. Sarah Wycoff of Grand River, and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Pete AlcCarl went to Kellerton last Sunday to see his neice Airs. Dick Pray's daughter who has been sick for some time; she is in a critical condition. Mr. and Mrs. James Munyon spent Saturday night with Air. and Mrs. Ray Alunyon. Mr. and Airs. H. L. Brammer spent Sunday with Airs. Brainmer's moth- er Airs. Sarah Wycoff, of Grand River. The garden and late potatoes ana corn are suffering greatly in this neighborhood for the want of rain. The corn is already damaged some. David Snook, who has been sick for some time with heart trouble, is no better at this writing. Miss Alartha Brammer and her brother Rolla were visiting last Sat- urday at tlie home of their uncle Marion Brammer near Westerville. Air. and Airs. Joseph Bohall and family spent Sunday at the home of their daughter Airs. Forest Poland. Airs. Charles Foland and daugh- ter spent Saturday with Airs. Bird AlcKee. Air. and Mrs. S M. Foland called at Pete AlcCarl's last Sunday. Airs. Sarah Wycoff went to Hum- eston AJonday to visit her grandson, Ezra Wycoff. White Oak. Rolla Leonard, who is home on a furlough, visited Tuesday night and Wednesday with his brother Carl Leonard and family. Airs. Clarence Hedges went to Humeston Wednesday to have den- tal work done. Airs. 'Walter Quayle returned -Mon- day from Guthrie-Center where she lias been visiting relatives. Airs. Hedges, of Atlantic, came Wednesday for a visit with her son Clarence and wife. B. S. Aliller and family and A. T. Bemis and family spent Monday ev- ening with Air. and Airs. H. E. Sar- gent. Alessrs. Guy and Pearl AIcCul- lougli left Thursday for Colorado Springs, ueing called there by the serious illness of James Gallager. Mr. and Airs. Ira Luce and chil- dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Charles Luce. Born to Air. and Mrs. Guy McCul- lough Sunday morning, an eight pound girl. .. Russell McGuire spent Sunday with Walter Sargent. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Campbell, Air. and Mrs. Lee Horney and daughter, of Leon, and Aliss Lucile Sargent visited Sunday at the F. M. Rosen- grant home. Misses Ruth and Gladys Wagner went to Alarengo Thursday for a few davs visit with friends and relatives. Little Nonene Jenkins, who has been visiting at the 1 lines home in Grand River, returned home Satur- day. Union. Van Wert. J. W. Waterman, of Cedar Rapids, and his mother Airs. Waterman spent Sunday at the home of Airs. Waterman's brother W. S. DeVore. Air. and Airs. Jess Holt and little daughter were Osceola visitors Wed- nesday evening. Airs. E. O. Stearns and A'Irs. C. G. Jones drove to Osceola Wednesday. Air. and Airs. Piatt Harris visited Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Airs. Charles Wilson of near DeKalb. E. O. Stearns and AI. F. Thompson sold their 280 acre farm southeast of town to Air. Haisch, of Bonsteel, South Dakota. Mr. and Airs. Claude Pierce and children were calling on the latter's mother Airs. Davis, Friday evening. E. O. Stearns and family left Fri- day evening for Lake Okoboji. They will make the trip in their new Hud- son car. Aliss Elnora Davenport visited with Aliss Ethel Webb Sunday. .Mrs. Eliza Thompson and sister Mrs. Church were week end guests at the home of Airs. Will Wise and family of Decatur. Aliss Louva Hannah of Decatur, was a Sunday gnest at the home of Aliss Margaret Houck. J. W. Waters left for Des Aloines Monday morning to attend to busi- ness. Arthur Fierce, who is attending summer school at Indianola, came Friday for a short visit with his parents Air. aud Mrs. E. B. Fierce. He returned to :iis school worit Mon- day. Aliss Gladys Campbell left for her homo in Decatur Tuesday after an over Sunday visit with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. George Barr of Des Aloines, came Saturday for a short visit with friends here. Airs. Ed Newton, of Anita, lias been spending the past week at the* home of .Mr. and .Mrs. Houck. Airs. Stella Arnold is visiting wi a her sister Airs. C. A. Walker this week. Will Tiedje made a business trip to Des Aloines Tuesday evening. Airs. Holgar Rasmussen and chil- dren were Wednesday visitors at the home of her parents Air. and Airs. L. D. Keiley. I. Al. Frcy and daughter Golda were Grand River visitors Friday. Aliss Vesper Fierce, of Tinglev, came Wednesday for a short visit with her grandmother Airs. Anna Fierce. She left Saturday for Des Moines to visit, at the home of her aunt .Mrs. Ralnh Hoad'.ey and tam- ily. Garden Grove. Costs less"to use this paint Cheap paints cover only 200 to 250 square feet per gal- lon, two coats. HIGH STANDARD LIQUID •.PAINT" covers 800 to 400 square feck, two coats. Measure jour house; then fignre how much less it will cost you to use HIQH STANDARD—the investment paint. Ask at ow store for eolor eaid. Si Leon, Iowa Aliles AlcCarty and Dug Moore spent Saturday morning with Char- ley Bright. Aliss Hulda Wasson, of Lineville is visiting this week with her friend Gladys Beavers. Happy Hawkins, of Lineville, is visiting this week with his father Freeman Hawkin3. Charley Bellows and wife spent Sunuay in Lineville. Air and Airs. Cecil Duncan spent Sunday evening at the Ernest Kea- ton home. Hardy Wasson and family spent Sunday at the Freeman Hawkins home. Charley Bright, wife and daugh- ter Irene were Leon callers Friday. Mr. and Airs. Oliver Bright spent Sunday at Powersville visiting Mrs. Brieht's mother Airs. Jacob. Those who spent Friday evening at the P. R. Barr home were Air. and Mrs. John Gates and son Rob- ert, Dean Gates and wife and Aliss Gretchen Teale, of Davis City; Air. and Mrs. Earl Calbreath, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Mullinnix, of Lineville. Joe Keshlear came Friday to spend a few weeks visiting his grand- father C. W. r Barr. Joe was dis- charged at Chicago; he had been in France for some time. Miss Sazie Barr and Miss Fairy Bright called on their friend Dor- otha LaFollette Thursday evening. Orphan Ridge. Charley Leahy helped his brother G. E. Leahy with his harvesting last week Mrs. C. E. Poush spent Wednes- day with Mrs. Ann Ellis. Mrs. J. W. Fitch was called Mon- day to the bedside of her mother at Decatur, who is very poorly but is some better at present. Miss Pauline Poush spent Monday with Miss Frances Durrell. The Christensen brothers helped their brother with his harvesting last week Milt Truitt went to Davis City Sunday to have his finger dressed, which was cut off a couple of weeks ago while mowing. While mowing last week John Piper's team got scared at an auto and ran away, breaking up the mow- er, They were stopped by running in a wire fence. Neither horse was hurt, only a few scratches. H. J. Statzell was here Tuesday looking after his interests. C. E. Leahy stacked wheat last week for the Barlean boys. Several from here spent Sunday on Grand River fishing. They re- port a fine time and plenty of nsh. Fred Jones and family and Milt Truitt spent Sunday at uavis City at the G. M. Stephens home. We learn Fred Jones bought the A. J. Piper farm last week. If your appetite is poor and your stomach and bowels are out of or- der the remedy you need is Prickly Ash Bitters. It cleanses the system Angell's Comedians, a tent the- atrical company, arrived here from Leon Sunday and are playing a week's engagement. Rolla Leonard, who has been here on a furlough visiting with his par- ents and friends, left for Ft. Sheri- dan, 111., the last of the week. Word has been received that Dr. Ward, Frank Mallette and .1. Al. Smith have landed in this country. Arnold Gaunt, who has been in the ordinance department in France, arrived home the last of the week. Mrs. Cole, who has been visiting at the home of her daughter Airs. Teaney returned to her home at Aliltonville, Kan., Alonday. Jess Glassburner of Aberdeen, North Dakota, came last week to vis- it with his sister .Mrs. Lew Watson and family. Airs. AIc-Cov, of Humeston, came Alonday to visit with her sister Airs. C. P. Bartlett. Airs. C. C. Waters left last we'.-K for Bloomington, 111., to visit with her mother who is poorlv. Airs. Leo Sullivan, who has been visiting her parents, Air. and -Mrs. R. D. Young, returned to BIythedale Alo., Alonday. Bert Stiles has bought a 140 acre farm joining Decatur City on the north for $2. r >0. .Mr. and Airs. Walter Adams, of Tingley, were here Sunday visiting with her parents, Air. and Airs. W. II. Jennings. Airs. A. AI. Stevens went to Har- wood, Alo., to visit with relatives last Saturday. Willis Aten, of Chariton, -visited over Sunday with his mother Airs, .loon Aten. Dan Stearns, of Des Aloines, was here over Sunday visiting with his parents. Air. and Airs. A. W. Stearns. ____________ Brush College. John Flynn and family and Aliss Nettie Hamilton spent one evening last week at the Clyde Waller home. Willie Hubbard helped David Rob- ison with his threshing a few days last week. Ode Vanderpool was a Leon vis- itor Thursday. Aliss Virgene Griffin called on Airs. C. C. Campbell Friday. Airs. Walter Rumley visited Thursday with her parents, Air. and Airs. David Hubbard. E. J. Evans and daughters Alinnie and Edith and son Roy spent Satur- day at Zack AIcDaniel's. Clarence HubDard spent one ev- ening last week with home folks. Aliss Alinnie Evans spent Saturday with her sister, Airs. Zack AIcDaniel. John Garner and family spent Saturday at Ray Garner's. John Hubbard purchased a new Ford one day last week. Mrs. Mike Griffin spent Tuesday with Mrs. Charley Campbell. Gene Gammon and wife were Leon visitors Friday. Quite a number of relatives and friends gathered at the Walter Rumley home Sunday with well fill- ed baskets, in honor of Airs. Walter Rumley's 19th birthday and in honor of her four brothers, John, Herbert. William and Clarence Hubbard, who were in the service, and all receiv- ing their discharges, and the day was well spent and all leaving at a late hour, regretting the day was no longer. R. F. D. No. 3. f Y T ? T •> WILSON'S DEPARTMENT STORE Final clean up prices on white oxfords and pumps at one-half price. We have a small stock of good numbers in white oxfords and pumps which we will put ;| on sale at one-half price. We also are giving big reductions on ladies' | leather oxfords and on our line of ladies', children's and men's tennis shoes, oxfords and pumps. One special lot of children's tennis oxfords in sizes ll' 4 to 2, at only, a pair, 48c. *Z* f f r r t T T t r T t I *1* T t X t i* y T f T T V T i i y y y t Y T y y ? Y •> VOU ARE ASSURED YOUR MONEY'S WORTH AND MORE IN ALL OUR OFFERINGS i I t y y f y y y y y f y y y t y Will Amnion and wife of north of town, visited Sunday at Harve Mor- gan's. Threshing is progressing fine, fall wheat is averaging 15 to 20 bushels per acre. Walter Barlean called on Henry Brannon Sunday. H. H. Bell sold his farm last week to parties from Atlantic. We understand Air. Alerritt has bought his farm back from the parties he sold to last spring. Mrs. Vera Brothers and son Bobhy came back from Des Aloines where she had been staying. , We are glad to see Leon getting some factories. What helps Leon, helps the country. Everybody is getting ready to at- tend the Davis City reunion. Ed Burnison, of Worthington. Mo., passed through here Sunday, being called to Mt. Ayr by the death of his mother Mrs. Sam Burnison. Ollie Reed is completing his new house near the Little river bridge; it will be as good 'a house as there is in the township. In the death of Wm. Bruner this community loses a good citizen; he had a good word for everybody and he, will he missed. II mm a i % $ '„•> fjfc -'•* •' u '-'i ® V"! I nil i a m w \% %3%*l I F it works all the time it is worth all you pay for it. You can keep it working all the time by using; the right kind of lubricating oil. One burned out bearing will offset the cost of a year's supply of lubricating oil. The Standard Oil Company has prepared three oils ww i ElitS 1 : 4™* i/ P&lmm® Years of experience and study have developed that one of these three oils is the correct oi' for you to use. The nearest Standard Oil representative has a chart pre- pared by our Engineering Staff, which indicates the correct oil for you to use to get the best results in yocr particular tractor. We have just published a 100- pas;° b'>ok, "Tractors and Tractor Lubrication," prepared by our Engineering Staff, which you will find a valuable reference book, and we believe it will save you many days of tractor idleness with the resultant money loss. It's free to you for the asking. Address Standard 05! Company, 910 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III 1762 (Indiana) Xew Rudit. Threshing is the order of the di&y Hazel Fetty helped Cora Kauff- man cook for threshers one day last Mrs. Roy Wood and children and Mrs. Jack Johnson and son visited one day last week with Mrs. Ben K&uffman. . , J. F. Hagan and wife and granrt- son visited Sunday with their daugh- ter Mrs. Bert Fetty. Mrs. Ed Bailey visited one evening last week with Mrs. Argvle Hagan. Mrs. Roscoe McDaniel visited one day last week with Mrs. B. F. Mc- Daniel. , . ., , Leota and Lucile Hagan visited one day last week with their grand- ma. J C. Hagan and family spent Sun- day afternoon with T. W. Daniels and wife. Special irnt Lillard. H. L. Northrup and W. S. Rosen- grant went to Chicago with stock Saturday. , ,, . Helen and Ruth Morgan spent Saturday with Audrey Rosengrant. Mr. and Mrs. Clure Curry and daughter Marjorie went to Indian- ola Saturday for an over Sunday visit. Miss Gladys Muck was a Sunday guest of Miss Mae Scott. Mr and Mrs. McKinley Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Morgan re- turned to their home Sunday after spending a few days with each of the latter's parents. Elizabeth Trisler, of Ellston, vis- ited a few days lastweek with her oovsin Miss Myrtle Gamble. Tom White and A. T. Benico went to Des Moines Saturday to get re- |dn for their threshing machine. DR. DAVI0 D. VAUGHAN, FRIEND OF THE LABORER Who Made Great Chicago Church Famous-—Not Afraid of Work. j Probably few men in the country! have done more to develop the institu- tional church Idea than Dr. Davhl D. Vaughnn through his work in the Halsted Street Institutional Church in the congested district on the South ten trie story in a nutshell. The up- per one shows part of I>r. Vaughan's parish while pastor of the church mentioned above with a population of fifty thousand per square mile. It was /•WVI; Side, Chicago. Dr. Vaughan is a man of ready sympathy and boundless en* ergy. The two illustrations btsiwlib . along the alleys and over the roofs of this district that Dr. Vaughan got out In his overalls and strung telephone wires so that the man of the lower picture, who was discouraged because be had been told that his disease was incurable and downcast because he could no longer attend the church services, might enjoy every service of the church through the telephone in- struments which Dr. Vanghan pro- vided. The Doctor, now the pastor of one of the wealthiest churches in Chi- cago, has lost none of his interest In those who struggle, and hi* present poslton shows that he is not only and brotheriy, but broad &n£ brainy^ I ;s
Page 1: The Leon reporter (Leon, Iowa). 1919-07-31 [p ]. · Dwight Snyder and family. Henry Coontz surprised thfe neighborhood last week by purchas ing a Ford touring car. Mr. and Airs. Simon

THE LEON REPORTER, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1919. % $V^' V •* !.\


Pleasant Kiuge. DeKalb.

•w "•/

I Age NINE )



Threshing is now the order of the day.

ack Lee and Delbert Ramsey are threshing for Walter Cox;

H. D. DeKalb returned home from Grand River Tuesday, after about a two weeks visit with his sister Rose, and daughter Emma Landes, and friends.

They are loading two cars with wheat at DeKalb this week.

Fred Beers is doing his threshing on the DeKalb farm this week.

Mrs. Helen VanWerden was a business caller in DeKalb Wednes­day.

Miss Nora Johnston called on Misses Mae and Clyta Anderson Monday night and Tuesday.

Harry and Delbert Wilsuu «uu Jink'Wells helped Charley Wilson put up hay Monday and Tuesday af­ternoons. . . .

Miss Nora Johnston spent from Saturday until Monday with Mrs. Nina Miller.

Charley Wilson and Jink Wells helped Harry Wilson put up hay Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday.

Mrs Lucy Wells was helping Mrs. Fred Beers cook for threshers Wed-nesday.

Mrs. Rose Wilson called on Mrs. Mary Wilson Monday.

Mrs. Atherton and children spent Sunday with Mrs. George South and cbildrGH*

Mrs. Mary Housh and Grace South spent Saturday niglit with Mr. and Mrs. Charley South and children.

Mrs. Rose Wilson and Airs. Jack Young called on Mrs. George South and children Sunday afternoon.

Delbert Wilson called on Cecile, Eddie and Roscoe Wilson Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lack Harger and children called on Mr. and Mrs. Jink iWells Sunday.

Mrs. Rose Wilson helped Airs. Harry Wilson and Mrs. Lucy Wells cook for threshers Friday.

Port Woodard and sons Everett and Jim. of Lamoni, called on Chas. Wilson Friday. „r '

Mrs. Mary Wilson, Mrs Lucy Wells and Mrs. Jane Young helped Mrs. Rose Wilson cook for threshers Saturday. .

Mrs Fred Beers called on Air. and Mrs Ed Beers Saturday evening.

Delbert Wilson, George Cox and Clarence Anderson were Grand Riv­er callers Saturday evening

Claud Wilkie of Van Wert, work­ed for Roy Hawkins one day this

week.k Redmari delivered wheat to Van Wert Saturday afternoon to J. M. Halstoad.

Charley Wilson and Jink wells were Van Wert callers Saturday ev-enMr.' and Mrs. I. M. Fry Air. and Mrs. Charley Cox, Air. and Mrs. P. G. Harris called on. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Wilson and family. .

Earl Frv, of Van- Wert, is helping his uncle George South this week.

Earl Anderson arid Miss Marjory Woodard attended tlie movies at Grand River Saturday night.


The Baker threshing machine be­gan threshing wheat in this vicinity last week. ,

Frank Davenport spent Monday night of last week at the Glenn Pentticord home.

Mrs Jessie Muck spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott.

Charlie Christensen, of near Leon, assisted his brother Pete with his haying the past week. .

E. V. Teaney has been on the sick list the past week

Mrs. Laura Porter and son How­ard of Preston, Oklahoma, visited last week at the home of her par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Boyd.

Lester Clark, who has been visit­ing with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Jack Kentner returned Tuesday afternoon to his home near Garden Grove. '' * Mb

Airs. Maggie Keim and Miss Edna Sears spent Sunday at the, Glenn Petticord home.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Plummer and family, former residents of this neighborhood, returned on Monday of last week from Dale Creek, Wyoming, where they have been re­siding since they moved from this community last February. We are all certainlv glad to have Mr. and Mrs. Plummer back in our country a&ain

Mr." and Mrs. Wilse McCullough and daughters Edrie and Audrey spent Sunoay with Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Snyder and family.

Henry Coontz surprised thfe neighborhood last week by purchas­ing a Ford touring car.

Mr. and Airs. Simon Goodman and Mrs. Abe Goodman and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Teeter, of Jasper, Mo., called in this vicinity Tuesday of last vv eek

Harry Kendall spent Saturday night at the Carl Kendall home.

Mr. and Mrs. John Ramsey and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Alvice Ramsey, of Tennessee.

Grandma Brammer spent Satur­day night with friends in Grand River.

Edward Gale, of Grand River, who has been sick for some time, is no better at this writing.

Joseph Crees, of Lineville, came the past week to visit at the home of his daughter Mrs. Ellsworth Brammer of Grand River.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brown spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Brown.

Mrs. Martha Adams and son Ray have moved to Grand River. Ray will work in Mr. Needham's garage.

Mrs. Isaac Poland spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. John Acton.

Mrs. Walter Trowbridge is one among the sick the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. James Adams, of Van Wert, came Saturday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. David Snook.

Mr. and Mrs. Ezw. Wycoff, of Humeston, came Saturday to visit with Mrs. WycofTs parents, Mr. and Airs. Charles Bryant and Airs. Sarah Wycoff of Grand River, and other friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Pete AlcCarl went to Kellerton last Sunday to see his neice Airs. Dick Pray's daughter who has been sick for some time; she is in a critical condition.

Mr. and Mrs. James Munyon spent Saturday night with Air. and Mrs. Ray Alunyon.

Mr. and Airs. H. L. Brammer spent Sunday with Airs. Brainmer's moth­er Airs. Sarah Wycoff, of Grand River.

The garden and late potatoes ana corn are suffering greatly in this neighborhood for the want of rain. The corn is already damaged some.

David Snook, who has been sick for some time with heart trouble, is no better at this writing.

Miss Alartha Brammer and her brother Rolla were visiting last Sat­urday at tlie home of their uncle Marion Brammer near Westerville.

Air. and Airs. Joseph Bohall and family spent Sunday at the home of their daughter Airs. Forest Poland.

Airs. Charles Foland and daugh­ter spent Saturday with Airs. Bird AlcKee.

Air. and Mrs. S M. Foland called at Pete AlcCarl's last Sunday.

Airs. Sarah Wycoff went to Hum­eston AJonday to visit her grandson, Ezra Wycoff.

White Oak.

Rolla Leonard, who is home on a furlough, visited Tuesday night and Wednesday with his brother Carl Leonard and family.

Airs. Clarence Hedges went to Humeston Wednesday to have den­tal work done.

Airs. 'Walter Quayle returned -Mon­day from Guthrie-Center where she lias been visiting relatives.

Airs. Hedges, of Atlantic, came Wednesday for a visit with her son Clarence and wife.

B. S. Aliller and family and A. T. Bemis and family spent Monday ev­ening with Air. and Airs. H. E. Sar­gent.

Alessrs. Guy and Pearl AIcCul-lougli left Thursday for Colorado Springs, ueing called there by the serious illness of James Gallager.

Mr. and Airs. Ira Luce and chil­dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Charles Luce.

Born to Air. and Mrs. Guy McCul­lough Sunday morning, an eight pound girl. .. Russell McGuire spent Sunday with Walter Sargent.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Campbell, Air. and Mrs. Lee Horney and daughter, of Leon, and Aliss Lucile Sargent visited Sunday at the F. M. Rosen-grant home.

Misses Ruth and Gladys Wagner went to Alarengo Thursday for a few davs visit with friends and relatives.

Little Nonene Jenkins, who has been visiting at the 1 lines home in Grand River, returned home Satur­day.


Van Wert.

J. W. Waterman, of Cedar Rapids, and his mother Airs. Waterman spent Sunday at the home of Airs. Waterman's brother W. S. DeVore.

Air. and Airs. Jess Holt and little daughter were Osceola visitors Wed­nesday evening.

Airs. E. O. Stearns and A'Irs. C. G. Jones drove to Osceola Wednesday.

Air. and Airs. Piatt Harris visited Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Airs. Charles Wilson of near DeKalb.

E. O. Stearns and AI. F. Thompson sold their 280 acre farm southeast of town to Air. Haisch, of Bonsteel, South Dakota.

Mr. and Airs. Claude Pierce and children were calling on the latter's mother Airs. Davis, Friday evening.

E. O. Stearns and family left Fri­day evening for Lake Okoboji. They will make the trip in their new Hud­son car.

Aliss Elnora Davenport visited with Aliss Ethel Webb Sunday.

.Mrs. Eliza Thompson and sister Mrs. Church were week end guests at the home of Airs. Will Wise and family of Decatur.

Aliss Louva Hannah of Decatur, was a Sunday gnest at the home of Aliss Margaret Houck.

J. W. Waters left for Des Aloines Monday morning to attend to busi­ness.

Arthur Fierce, who is attending summer school at Indianola, came Friday for a short visit with his parents Air. aud Mrs. E. B. Fierce. He returned to :iis school worit Mon­day.

Aliss Gladys Campbell left for her homo in Decatur Tuesday after an over Sunday visit with friends here.

Mr. and Mrs. George Barr of Des Aloines, came Saturday for a short visit with friends here.

Airs. Ed Newton, of Anita, lias been spending the past week at the* home of .Mr. and .Mrs. Houck.

Airs. Stella Arnold is visiting wi a her sister Airs. C. A. Walker this week.

Will Tiedje made a business trip to Des Aloines Tuesday evening.

Airs. Holgar Rasmussen and chil­dren were Wednesday visitors at the home of her parents Air. and Airs. L. D. Keiley.

I. Al. Frcy and daughter Golda were Grand River visitors Friday.

Aliss Vesper Fierce, of Tinglev, came Wednesday for a short visit with her grandmother Airs. Anna Fierce. She left Saturday for Des Moines to visit, at the home of her aunt .Mrs. Ralnh Hoad'.ey and tam-ily.

Garden Grove.

Costs less"to use this paint Cheap paints cover only 200 to 250 square feet per gal­lon, two coats.

HIGH STANDARD LIQUID •.PAINT" covers 800 to 400 square feck, two coats. Measure jour house; then fignre how much less it will cost you to use HIQH STANDARD—the investment paint. Ask at ow store for eolor eaid.

Si Leon, Iowa

Aliles AlcCarty and Dug Moore spent Saturday morning with Char­ley Bright.

Aliss Hulda Wasson, of Lineville is visiting this week with her friend Gladys Beavers.

Happy Hawkins, of Lineville, is visiting this week with his father Freeman Hawkin3.

Charley Bellows and wife spent Sunuay in Lineville.

Air and Airs. Cecil Duncan spent Sunday evening at the Ernest Kea-ton home.

Hardy Wasson and family spent Sunday at the Freeman Hawkins home.

Charley Bright, wife and daugh­ter Irene were Leon callers Friday.

Mr. and Airs. Oliver Bright spent Sunday at Powersville visiting Mrs. Brieht's mother Airs. Jacob.

Those who spent Friday evening at the P. R. Barr home were Air. and Mrs. John Gates and son Rob­ert, Dean Gates and wife and Aliss Gretchen Teale, of Davis City; Air. and Mrs. Earl Calbreath, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Mullinnix, of Lineville.

Joe Keshlear came Friday to spend a few weeks visiting his grand­father C. W. rBarr. Joe was dis­charged at Chicago; he had been in France for some time.

Miss Sazie Barr and Miss Fairy Bright called on their friend Dor-otha LaFollette Thursday evening.

Orphan Ridge.

Charley Leahy helped his brother G. E. Leahy with his harvesting last week

Mrs. C. E. Poush spent Wednes­day with Mrs. Ann Ellis.

Mrs. J. W. Fitch was called Mon­day to the bedside of her mother at Decatur, who is very poorly but is some better at present.

Miss Pauline Poush spent Monday with Miss Frances Durrell.

The Christensen brothers helped their brother with his harvesting last week

Milt Truitt went to Davis City Sunday to have his finger dressed, which was cut off a couple of weeks ago while mowing.

While mowing last week John Piper's team got scared at an auto and ran away, breaking up the mow­er, They were stopped by running in a wire fence. Neither horse was hurt, only a few scratches.

H. J. Statzell was here Tuesday looking after his interests.

C. E. Leahy stacked wheat last week for the Barlean boys.

Several from here spent Sunday on Grand River fishing. They re­port a fine time and plenty of nsh.

Fred Jones and family and Milt Truitt spent Sunday at uavis City at the G. M. Stephens home.

We learn Fred Jones bought the A. J. Piper farm last week.

If your appetite is poor and your stomach and bowels are out of or­der the remedy you need is Prickly Ash Bitters. It cleanses the system

Angell's Comedians, a tent the­atrical company, arrived here from Leon Sunday and are playing a week's engagement.

Rolla Leonard, who has been here on a furlough visiting with his par­ents and friends, left for Ft. Sheri­dan, 111., the last of the week.

Word has been received that Dr. Ward, Frank Mallette and .1. Al. Smith have landed in this country.

Arnold Gaunt, who has been in the ordinance department in France, arrived home the last of the week.

Mrs. Cole, who has been visiting at the home of her daughter Airs. Teaney returned to her home at Aliltonville, Kan., Alonday.

Jess Glassburner of Aberdeen, North Dakota, came last week to vis­it with his sister .Mrs. Lew Watson and family.

Airs. AIc-Cov, of Humeston, came Alonday to visit with her sister Airs. C. P. Bartlett.

Airs. C. C. Waters left last we'.-K for Bloomington, 111., to visit with her mother who is poorlv.

Airs. Leo Sullivan, who has been visiting her parents, Air. and -Mrs. R. D. Young, returned to BIythedale Alo., Alonday.

Bert Stiles has bought a 140 acre farm joining Decatur City on the north for $2. r>0.

.Mr. and Airs. Walter Adams, of Tingley, were here Sunday visiting with her parents, Air. and Airs. W. II. Jennings.

Airs. A. AI. Stevens went to Har-wood, Alo., to visit with relatives last Saturday.

Willis Aten, of Chariton, -visited over Sunday with his mother Airs, .loon Aten.

Dan Stearns, of Des Aloines, was here over Sunday visiting with his parents. Air. and Airs. A. W. Stearns. ____________

Brush College.

John Flynn and family and Aliss Nettie Hamilton spent one evening last week at the Clyde Waller home.

Willie Hubbard helped David Rob-ison with his threshing a few days last week.

Ode Vanderpool was a Leon vis­itor Thursday.

Aliss Virgene Griffin called on Airs. C. C. Campbell Friday.

Airs. Walter Rumley visited Thursday with her parents, Air. and Airs. David Hubbard.

E. J. Evans and daughters Alinnie and Edith and son Roy spent Satur­day at Zack AIcDaniel's.

Clarence HubDard spent one ev­ening last week with home folks.

Aliss Alinnie Evans spent Saturday with her sister, Airs. Zack AIcDaniel.

John Garner and family spent Saturday at Ray Garner's.

John Hubbard purchased a new Ford one day last week.

Mrs. Mike Griffin spent Tuesday with Mrs. Charley Campbell.

Gene Gammon and wife were Leon visitors Friday.

Quite a number of relatives and friends gathered at the Walter Rumley home Sunday with well fill­ed baskets, in honor of Airs. Walter Rumley's 19th birthday and in honor of her four brothers, John, Herbert. William and Clarence Hubbard, who were in the service, and all receiv­ing their discharges, and the day was well spent and all leaving at a late hour, regretting the day was no longer.

R. F. D. No. 3.

f Y T


DEPARTMENT STORE Final clean up prices on white oxfords and pumps at one-half price. We have a small stock of good numbers in white oxfords and pumps which we will put ;| on sale at one-half price. We also are giving big reductions on ladies' | leather oxfords and on our line of ladies',

children's and men's tennis shoes, oxfords and pumps. One special lot of children's tennis oxfords in sizes ll'4 to 2, at only, a pair, 48c.


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Will Amnion and wife of north of town, visited Sunday at Harve Mor­gan's.

Threshing is progressing fine, fall wheat is averaging 15 to 20 bushels per acre.

Walter Barlean called on Henry Brannon Sunday.

H. H. Bell sold his farm last week to parties from Atlantic.

We understand Air. Alerritt has bought his farm back from the parties he sold to last spring.

Mrs. Vera Brothers and son Bobhy came back from Des Aloines where she had been staying. ,

We are glad to see Leon getting some factories. What helps Leon, helps the country.

Everybody is getting ready to at­tend the Davis City reunion.

Ed Burnison, of Worthington. Mo., passed through here Sunday, being called to Mt. Ayr by the death of his mother Mrs. Sam Burnison.

Ollie Reed is completing his new house near the Little river bridge; it will be as good 'a house as there is in the township.

In the death of Wm. Bruner this community loses a good citizen; he had a good word for everybody and he, will he missed.

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IF it works all the time it is worth all you pay for it. You can keep it working

all the time by using; the right kind of lubricating oil.

One burned out bearing will offset the cost of a year's supply of lubricating oil. The Standard Oil Company has prepared three oils —

ww i

ElitS1: 4™* i/ P&lmm®

Years of experience and study have developed that one of these three oils is the correct oi' for you to use. The nearest Standard Oil representative has a chart pre­pared by our Engineering Staff, which indicates the correct oil for you to use to get the best results in yocr particular tractor.

We have just published a 100-pas;° b'>ok, "Tractors and Tractor Lubrication," prepared by our Engineering Staff, which you will find a valuable reference book, and we believe it will save you many days of tractor idleness with the resultant money loss. It's free to you for the asking. Address

Standard 05! Company, 910 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III 1762 (Indiana)

Xew Rudit.

Threshing is the order of the di&y

Hazel Fetty helped Cora Kauff-man cook for threshers one day last

Mrs. Roy Wood and children and Mrs. Jack Johnson and son visited one day last week with Mrs. Ben K&uffman. . ,

J. F. Hagan and wife and granrt-son visited Sunday with their daugh­ter Mrs. Bert Fetty.

Mrs. Ed Bailey visited one evening last week with Mrs. Argvle Hagan.

Mrs. Roscoe McDaniel visited one day last week with Mrs. B. F. Mc­Daniel. , . ., ,

Leota and Lucile Hagan visited one day last week with their grand­ma.

J C. Hagan and family spent Sun­day afternoon with T. W. Daniels and wife.

Special irnt


H. L. Northrup and W. S. Rosen-grant went to Chicago with stock Saturday. , ,, .

Helen and Ruth Morgan spent Saturday with Audrey Rosengrant.

Mr. and Mrs. Clure Curry and daughter Marjorie went to Indian­ola Saturday for an over Sunday visit.

Miss Gladys Muck was a Sunday guest of Miss Mae Scott.

Mr and Mrs. McKinley Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Morgan re­turned to their home Sunday after spending a few days with each of the latter's parents.

Elizabeth Trisler, of Ellston, vis­ited a few days lastweek with her oovsin Miss Myrtle Gamble.

Tom White and A. T. Benico went to Des Moines Saturday to get re-|dn for their threshing machine.


Who Made Great Chicago Church Famous-—Not Afraid of Work. j

Probably few men in the country! have done more to develop the institu­tional church Idea than Dr. Davhl D. Vaughnn through his work in the Halsted Street Institutional Church in the congested district on the South

ten trie story in a nutshell. The up­per one shows part of I>r. Vaughan's parish while pastor of the church mentioned above with a population of fifty thousand per square mile. It was


Side, Chicago. Dr. Vaughan is a man of ready sympathy and boundless en* ergy. The two illustrations btsiwlib


along the alleys and over the roofs of this district that Dr. Vaughan got out In his overalls and strung telephone wires so that the man of the lower picture, who was discouraged because be had been told that his disease was incurable and downcast because he could no longer attend the church services, might enjoy every service of the church through the telephone in­struments which Dr. Vanghan pro­vided. The Doctor, now the pastor of one of the wealthiest churches in Chi­cago, has lost none of his interest In those who struggle, and hi* present poslton shows that he is not only and brotheriy, but broad &n£ brainy ̂


