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The - Link Community Charter School – New Jersey · measure student's ability to compute math...

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\ The Scientific Method and Mathematics Summer Assignment - Rising gth Graders I. AIMS: SWBAT . 1. review ste.ps of the scientific method 2. apply the scientific method and use critical thinking to solve word problems 3' review mathematical cornputation: operations with fractions, decimals and integers 4. measure student's ability to compute math word problems 5. use fractions, decimals and integers in solving and anatyzing math problems 6. read a passage on the scientific method, and use critical thinking to answer questions 7. complete a project that involves creating a problem that is solved using the scientific method II. RESOURCES: Websites: http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project scientific_method.shtml http://pa n pipes.n et/ed it6200/ Texts: Handouts: Scientific Method Passage / nnath worksheets (Mixed problem Solving & Review Games & Activities I1I. ASSTGNMENTS: l. Review of the Scientific Method Students will read the attached'passage on the scientific method and use critical thinking skills to answer questions. 2, Applying Scientific Method in solving Math probtehs students will coryplete math worksheets: 1 Math Game Review & 2 problem Solving Sheets (apply the scientific method and SHOW ALLWORKIII) 3. Reinforcement: Students will create and solve a problem using the scientific method. The solution will be presented as a comic strip {minimum of 2 pages), flyer, commercial, newspaper ad, skit (minimum of 2 pages} or persuasive essay. - Students create their own problem. BE CREATIVE ! 4. Formal Assessment by Math & Science Teachers Students will complete Quiz - Start of School in September

\The Scientific Method and Mathematics

Summer Assignment - Rising gth Graders


1. review ste.ps of the scientific method

2. apply the scientific method and use critical thinking to solve word problems

3' review mathematical cornputation: operations with fractions, decimals and integers

4. measure student's ability to compute math word problems

5. use fractions, decimals and integers in solving and anatyzing math problems

6. read a passage on the scientific method, and use critical thinking to answer questions

7. complete a project that involves creating a problem that is solved using the scientific method



http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project scientific_method.shtml

http://pa n pipes.n et/ed it6200/


Handouts: Scientific Method Passage / nnath worksheets (Mixed problem Solving & Review Games

& Activities


l. Review of the Scientific Method

Students will read the attached'passage on the scientific method and use critical thinking skills toanswer questions.

2, Applying Scientific Method in solving Math probtehs

students will coryplete math worksheets: 1 Math Game Review & 2 problem Solving Sheets (applythe scientific method and SHOW ALLWORKIII)

3. Reinforcement:

Students will create and solve a problem using the scientific method. The solution will be presented

as a comic strip {minimum of 2 pages), flyer, commercial, newspaper ad, skit (minimum of 2 pages} orpersuasive essay. - Students create their own problem. BE CREATIVE !

4. Formal Assessment by Math & Science Teachers

Students will complete Quiz - Start of School in September

What is the scientilic method?

If you have ever seen something going on and wondered why or how it happened, you have

started down the road to discovery. If you continue your joumeY, You are likely to guess at some

of your own answers for your question. Even further along the road you miglrt think of ways to

find out if your answers are corect- At this point, whether you know it or not, you are followinga path that scientists call the scientific method. If you do some experiments to see if your answer

ijconect and write down what you leam in a report, you have pretty much completed everything

a scientist might do in a laboratory or out in the field when doing research. In fact, the scientific

method works well for many ttrings that don'tusually seem so scientific.

Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow'

The fl ashliglrt mYstery...

Like a crime detective, you can use the steps in the scientific method to find the answerto

everyday problems. Foi example, you pick up a flashlight and hrn it on, but the light does not

*otk. You have observed thatthe light does not work. You ask, *Why doesn't it work?" With

what you already know about flashlights, you might guess that the batteries are dead. You say to

yo*r.6 if I bui new batteries and replace the old ones in the flashlight, the light should work-

To t rt tirir, yoo replace the old batteries with new ones from the store. You flip the switch on.

Does the flashliglrt work? No?


l. Identify the steps of the scientific method by uniting the sentence and stating which step it is

addressing.2. What else could be the answer?

3. If this were a scientific project, you would also have written down the results of your tests

and a conclusion of your experiments. Give an example of the conclusion in the passage



' Problem Solving Wor,kshoP:Mixed Problem Solving

Multi€lep Probtem -While walking around

the mall, you noticed tlrat the movie store is'advertising the latest.rnovie release on Dl/Dfor $17.99. You buy the movie anf naI$19.0?, because sales tax was aifded to the

purchase price. How much i.s th.g sales tax?

a. Copy and cornplete the verbal model:

Price * = Total cost

b. Spbstitute numbers and variables in the

verbdl model to write an algebraic model'

c. Solve the equation from part O) to frnd

the amouni of sales tax..a

2. Multl€tep'Problem Yoq anp your ftiends

decide to have a'submarine sandwich saleas

a fundraiser for $e school band. You spend

$83 on supplies ar$ charge $5 per sandwich'

At the bnd of the !.ay your profit is $962'

How many sandwiches did you and your'friends


' a. Write a verlal model.

b. Translate your verbal model into anl

algebraic model.

c. Solve the equation.

d. .Check'thu, ro* answer is reasonable'

3. Short Besponse For a standardized test;

: 350 #2 pencils will be needed to distiibute

3 pencils to every eighth grader. Ifoneboxcontains 12 pgncils, how many boxes ofpencils witl.be needed for the sundardized

test? Write and solve a multiplicationequation to answer the question' .'

4. Short Response The disc jocltey {or the

school dance charges $100 per hour for 3

hours plus $50 for each additional

, .. ,20 minutes.If the disc jockey sends a billfor $450, how many additional minutes did

the disc jockey continue to play past the first

3 hours?

5. Ope*Ended Write turo different two:step

eguations that botb have 12 as d solution'

46 McDou6al Llttetl'.Math, Gourse 3ChaPter3 Resdrrce'Book



7. Extended Response A cell phone plan

consists of a monitrly charge of $39'99 with

the first 200 minutes'fue each month' An fi'' additional charge. of $'05 per gri4ute occurs li

for each minute over 200. The bill last

month.was' $85 99. How rnany additional

rqlnutes were used over'the first 200?

a. Read the problem. What is ttre main idea?

What Ao You know and what do You need

to find? .!

, b.. You can use thi equation

39.9 + 0.05n = 85.99 to find 'the

number of additional miirutes used over

the first 200. Sglve the equation and

cUec.k Your answer. :

8. Grldded Answer The eighth grade clxs. received surveys regardrng Internet access

in ttreir homes. Ttriee-fourths of the eighth

grade class has.access to the Intemet in their

.ho*"t. If t20 sttldents have access to the

Internet, how many students are in the eighth

grade class?


corydsht o MeDouer unerr/n**.L,r$$l Hf#,


Real-Wortd Problem Solving

Student Council r'

In many schools, the-r*U"rr."rrcil sponsors Olrr"r"n, types of events during aschool.year. The council usually has a budget to manage. Some student councils +.

' even do fundraisers ttroughout thg yeT to help fund student council activities. .

Use the followlng lnformation ln Exerclses 1-5.

Conner is the heasurer of his school's student council. At tire first meeting,'the

students decided on a variety of activities they would like to sponsor in theupdoming year. Conner has to decide whettrer or not all tbe activities'fit into the

' budget. The budget for this year is $200 without any fundraisers. These are theactivities the shrdent council would like to sponsor:

* 1, Pep rally with pompoms for atl ttre snrdents

2,. A float in the high school homecoming paradg . .. fl

3. Collect canned goods fbr the local food bank

4. Aschool cleanup day

. As Connei anatyzeA the list, he decided it would be easy to estimate a cost forso\ne of the activities. The school cleanup day and collecting canned foods


.wouldn't be very expensive. They needed garbage bags and posters.'Conner decided to budget $14 for the canned goods collection and $30.for school

cJeanup day. Conner then decided to splitr the remaining money gvenly between

: the pep rally and the float.

1, Write and solvc a two=step equation to find how much money is budgeted' for the pep tdly. .

. 2. How much money is budgetbd for the float? .:. .

For the pep rally, thestudent council'w-ants to buy pompoms for all &estudenB in the school. The pompoms cost $.10 each. They also need to spepd

$12 on posters.

' 3. Hoy many pompoms can the student council purchase with the amountbudgeted?

4. Will'there be enough for 800 students?

.5. How much mgre money Ooei tfre shrdent council need for pompoms?

Copyrisrt O lrtigougat l,IttelyHoughton Mlfflin ComparryAll,ddhts ,€6eHed.

McDougbl. Uttell Math, Courso 3'Chapter 3

, Resorirce'Book.



Chapter Review Games and Activities S,

Math BingbUse your answer to get a bingo. Choose and solve any one of m iO pioblems.Look for your answer on the Math Bingo card. If it's there, place an X ovir it.Whe.n you have 4 X's in a row, horizontally, diagonally or vertically, you have aMatb Bingol For morb fun, play wittr a paflner. Whoever gets a bingo fust is thewinner!

?LO. ix ='12

13. 11.32 - 8.51 :16. 15.7 . (-5.31 :

M A T H1 -6.38 _1

3 -o.79

2, _ 3e-40

2.8L s0

-83.21 19 gq.8


13.48 16 -2-5- 716

Li2, 10.7 + 2.78 = j

15. -12 + (-0.24) : -

5 +.2 -.6 6 ..-/ r\

.l--l =l\+/

= (-;) =

2: :4+ +

s. -i-9.a. f,+3=

o *r:i








fn Exerclses L7-2o;use the fotlowlng data. '-8, 7, 5, -10, -3,9, -9, 5.

17. Find the mehn. ' 18;. Find the median.

19. Find the inode. - . 20. Find the range.


MbDougat Uttell Math, Gourse 3Chapter 5 Resource Book

' Copydglrt @ McDougal tiuel[Houghton l,llfflir Company

. : ' All lighb tescled.
