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The Lion's Roar - Oct 2013

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O The Lion’s Roar 4th Quarter - 15 October 2013 580th Ruck Marches in Memory of a Fallen Sailor n the 3rd of August, the 580th Signal Company participated in a 5K Ruck March/Run on Bagram Airfield in honor of Hospital Inside this Issue: 580th Ruck Marches in memory of a fallen Sailor Commander’s Corner Ping-Pong Challenge Command Sergeant Major’s Corner NCO/Soldier of the Quarter Board Results 160th SIG BDE Leadership Conference 160th Signal Brigade Noncommissioned Officer Induction Ceremony Egyptian Hospital Humanitarian Project Running through Kandahar 580th Org Day a huge success News from Salerno Alpha 67th Adjusts to PT at FOB Shank Welcome 1SG Renteria Stay Army! Family Readiness Group
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The Lion’s Roar4th Quarter - 15 October 2013

580th Ruck Marches in Memory of a Fallen Sailor

n the 3rd of August, the 580th Signal Company participated in a 5K Ruck March/Run on Bagram Airfield in honor of Hospital

Inside this Issue:

580th Ruck Marches in memory of a fallen Sailor

Commander’s Corner

Ping-Pong Challenge

Command Sergeant Major’sCorner

NCO/Soldier of the QuarterBoard Results

160th SIG BDE LeadershipConference

160th Signal Brigade Noncommissioned Officer Induction Ceremony

Egyptian HospitalHumanitarian Project

Running through Kandahar

580th Org Day a huge success

News from Salerno

Alpha 67th Adjusts to PT atFOB Shank

Welcome 1SG Renteria

Stay Army!

Family Readiness Group

Corpsman (HN) Aaron Ullom who was KIA in Afghanistan on 12July 2011.

Nearly 20 Soldiers from the TCF and OSP participated in the event, pushing themselves physically in honor of a fallen service member. During the event, members of the 580th Signal Company carried a plaque with a picture of HN Ullom, passing it to each Soldier so that they could individually pay their respects.

Aaron’s Gifts From Home is a foundation, established in HN Ullom’s name, which has sent numerous care packages that have been distributed throughout the 580th Soldiers on Bagram. Participating in the 5k Ruck/Run was an excellent way of saying thank you for the support as well as honoring a fallen service member and his family.

The 580th Signal Company will continue to find way to honor HN Ullom and carry on his memory as well as finding ways to say thank you to his familyfor their support.

580th Signal Company Soldiers after participating in a 5K Ruck March/Run in honor of HN Aaron Ullom

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Commander ’s Corner

fter 90 days in command, I want to share with the team and families how impressed I am with the professionalism, dedication and sense of duty I have

observed across the formation. It is such an honor to have the opportunity to lead this great battalion of Leaders, Soldiers, and Civilians. I look forward to our continued success as we continue the transition and right-size the communications support structure across Afghanistan. Our efforts remain critical to enable our supported units to execute their respective missions in theater.

I would like to extend my thanks to the Leaders and Soldiers of the 16th TIN Company from Fort Hood, Texas. As an attached unit, the 16th TIN came into Afghanistan on a 9 month deployment, quickly took charge at five Base Camps across Kabul, and professionally executed every mission they were assigned.

The legacy of a good unit is the reputation they leave behind and 16th TIN can be proud that they put a stamp of excellence on everything they were involved in. Great work andthanks again for representing the 25th Signal Battalion in such an outstanding fashion! We wish you the best as you transiti on back to your families and friends.

With the 16th TIN returning to Ft. Hood, we are excited to have their replacement force. The 490th TIN Army Reserve stationed in Columbus, Ohio joined our formation. The 490th TIN, joined by skilled personnel from across the nation, arrived and ready for action. During the relief-in-place, it is apparent that the 490th TIN Soldiers and leaders are motivated, highly skilled, and a well-trained group of Signaleers. We welcome you and your families to the 25th Signal Battalion team. I look forward this unique opportunity to work with a unit from my home state.

As the weather changes and it has started to cool off in the evenings, we have seen the tempo of our operations increase. Regardless of what you are involved in, I encourage each of you to enforce the battle buddy system. Our decentralized footprint makes it imperative that we look out for each other and use our collective resources to ensure everyone remains vigilant and safe. I challenge every member of the team to establish personal and professional goals that will enable you todepart knowing both you and the organization are better than when you arrived.

LTC JOSEPH A. SCHAFER25th Signal Battalion Commander

Ping-Pong Challenge

he 25th Signal Battalion Commander, Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Joseph A. Schafer, posed a challenge throughout his ranks that any Soldier to beat him

3 out of 5 in Ping-Pong would be recognized with a Commander’s Coin of Excellence for their professionalism and gamesmanship. While on Battlefield Circulation, he accepted the challenge against several avid ping-pong players both enlisted and officer. Within three months of his arrival to Afghanistan, it was a 16th Signal Company TIN Soldier from Camp Eggers, Specialist (SPC) Armando Sanchez thatfinally had the Battalion Commander meeting his match. For the first time since 2006LTC Schafer was beat 3 of 5 from someone within his unit. SPC Sanchez displayed humility and maturity, and was just proud to have a challenging opponent. In the photos above LTC Schafer and SPC Sanchez play a second game of Ping-Pong on Bagram Airfield with his commander and peers in audience at which time he

received a Battalion hat. Also in the photo, SPC Sanchez receives his Coin of Excellence in front of his command and peers during their awards presentation.

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SPC Sanchez received a Battalion Hat from LTC Schafer.

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Command Sergeant Major ’s Corner

he Army Profession

To the Officers, NCOs, and Soldiers of the Mighty 25th Signal Battalion I cannot express my gratitude to your dedicated service, which you provide to this great nation. AsI continue to conduct my Battlefield Circulation (BFC) I realize there are many of our Soldiers who are currently on their third or fourth deployment. The wealth of operational knowledge and experience these fine Soldiers have are insurmountable.

As we continue to draw-down the forces in Afghanistan it is even more important for our leaders to be even better. To become a stronger and better organization we need to share our operational knowledge and experience across our formation and ensure our junior Officers and Soldiers are the best trained Signaleers in the Army. With this all being said, to better educate our Warriors we need to reinforce the basic fundamental of the Army Profession.

In 2012 the Army published Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 1, which is known as the "The Army". This ADP is 34 pages and outlines the posture of the United States Army. The Warriors which serve our great nation are agile, flexible, and ready to combat the nation's 21st Century threat. In ADP-1 it discusses the Army as a profession. But in your own mind what is the Army profession? In the ADP there are four characteristic to the Army profession which is military expertise, honorable service, Esprit de Corps, and stewardship.

Overall, the Army profession is built on trust. This includes trust between Soldiers and their families. Currently, the Ar my has a problem with sexual assault. As a result, we need to get serious about this problem in our formation and protect the t rust between our Soldiers. The trust which Soldiers build between one another can either strengthen our formation or create a divide. As leaders we need to take the time and speak with our Soldiers and express the importance of ethics and Army Values.

For the past 238 years the Army has been an all volunteer force and we need to preserve this sacred honor to serve our nation . We are professionals and we are prepared to defend our nation by air, land, or sea globally.

Richard M. Meadows25th Signal Battalion CSM

NCO/Soldier of the 4th Quarter Board Results

NCO of the QuarterSGT David T Durand

Soldier of the 4th QuarterSPC Ishmael N Pulczinski

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160th Signal Brigade Leadership Conference

he 160TH Signal Brigade, Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, hosted its quarterly Leadership conference from 28 July through 2

August. The conference brought together 36 senior enlisted leaders from across the Brigade to foster professional development and improve Esprit de Corps. The conference consisted of professional development classes, ceremony practices, a change of responsibility, a Noncommissioned Officer Induction Ceremony, several dinners, physical training sessions, and a Noncommissioned Officer panel. The Senior Noncommissioned Officers participated in Sexual Harassment/Sexual Assault Prevention, Equal Opportunity, The Command Relationship, and Training Management classes to name a few. Morning physical training consisted of Zumba fitness, Team Building, A land navigation run, Soccer, and an enlisted run. Theevent culminated with a Senior Noncommissioned Officer Panel,where Junior Noncommissioned Officers were afforded the opportunity to ask questions to and receive purpose, direction, and

Team Building as a physical training session.

guidance several of the Command Sergeants and Sergeants Major from across the Brigade.

160th SIG BDE NCO Induction Ceremony

n 1 August 2013, thirty-six newly promoted Sergeants were inducted into the Corps of Noncommissioned Officers. The

Noncommissioned Officer induction ceremony is a celebration of the newly promoted joining the ranks of a professional noncommissioned officer corps and emphasizes and builds on the pride shared by members of such an elite corps. The ceremony began with a reading of “What is a Sergeant”, an inspirational and touching piece explaining the vital role that each of the inductees will play in their soldiers lives followed immediately with sections of “The History of the NCO since World War II”. The ceremony continued with thesetting of “The Table of Remembrance”, a solemn tribute to our fallen brethren. Each aspect of the table, most commonly found in Dining Facilities around the world, was elaborated upon. This aspect is set to remind all those in attendance that the ones who came before us arethe reason we are able to be here today. Being founded in tradition,

Noncommissioned Officer Induction Ceremony the Induction Ceremony continued by paying tribute to the origins of the ceremony with a skit about the 4 Watches. The tradition of

commemorating the passing of a soldier to a noncommissioned officer can be traced to the Army of Frederick the Great. Before one could be recognized in the full status of an NCO, he was required to stand four watches, one every four days. Upon completion of the skit a member of each Noncommissioned Officer rank from Corporal to Command Sergeant Major spokeabout the duties and responsibilities of their respective rank. The poem “Boots of the NCO” was then read and the NCO candle s were lit each with a portion of the Creed of the Noncommissioned Officer recited before telling what each candle symbolized. After being inducted, the 160th Command Sergeant Major issued each of the inductees a charge. This charge, issued to all Noncommissioned Officers directs them in the discharge of their duties and responsibilities. Before leaving, the Junior Enli sted members in the audience issued a request to the newly promoted Noncommissioned Officers; asking for respect, guidance, training, and most importantly the knowledge required to be called Sergeant.

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Egyptian Hospital Humanitarian Project

he Egyptians Hospital at Bagram AirField provides Medical Services for LocalNationals just outside the wall. Local villagers who need medical treatment will

request care from a secure intake system and be admitted into the Hospital for treatment or Family Medicine. Red Cross worker, Clark Swenson who recently redeployed, was visiting the Hospital, noticed many kids in a holding room waiting for their parents being treated at the hospital. Clark thought to himself, "this would be a good time to spend with the children." Often the children will sit hours waiting for the parents. Clark went to the hospital one day and started talking to the kids about germs and how to wash their hands, it was a big

hit. Clark was scheduled to redeploy so he asked me to take the project and see where it would go. Since then the "Egyptian Hospital Humanitarian Project" (EHHP)has taken off. We have three teams that meet either Tuesday, Thursday, or Sunday. We provide hygiene and dental supplies for the children. Also, we are excited that coloring books, crayons and art supplies are due to arrive soon. It is absolutely amazing what is happening! The children will sit and listen to some training on various topics from dental hygiene to obeying parents, saying "thank you," and being nice to each other and other topics. It is fantastic!Of course we also pass out cookies and goodies for the children to enjoy as well. Last week I taught on cleaning up messes, and one volunteer SPC Rosette Stewart from the 160th SIG BDE arrived withgoodies and the children screamed so loud you had to cover your

Chaplain (CPT) Thomas G. Dyer playing with magnets. ears. It was a great moment! We had great fun that week playing with magnets. It was wonderful to see the kids respond to the

negative and positive poles of magnets. I suspect they have never seen this before. Next week we plan to have a Soldier come in and show the older kids how to make paper airplanes. It is going to be a great time! It is awesome to see their smiles and hear their laughs. The parents have come to trust us to the point that we can hold the babies and hug the children. It is awesome ! This hands down has been the most meaningful project that I have done on my deployment. It is absolutely amazing to make the children smile and laugh, give them some experiences they never had before, and teach them some life skills. No matter where you are around the world, if you love children, they always love you back, there is not much better than that. CH Thomas Dye r

Final remarks, we are taking donations for the EHHP and we will take almost anything, but we are requesting healthy snacks, school supplies, art material, and hygiene supplies even toys would be great.

Information for donation: CH (CPT) Thomas Dyer DSN: 481 6699Roshan: 079 753 7151email: [email protected]

Or send donations to : Chaplain office580th SIG COI APO AE 09354 email:

SPC Rosette Stewart from 160th SIG BDE is explaining how to use the mix drink.

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HRunning through Kandahar

ere in the 550th Signal Company at Kandahar AirField, there are many reasons why the sections andSoldiers participate in the various 5k and 10k runs. There have been at least 23 runs that I have

participated in since I first arrived in Afghanistan in December. 550th Soldiers and Civilians have participated in running events that have sponsored everything from the Wounded Warrior Project to the fallen comrades of EOD units. We have run in every holiday event, which includes Cinco De Mayo, St Patrick’s Day, and the 4th of July. During some of these runs, the participants receive t-shirts to show support. Although the t-shirts are nice to receive, we run to support the cause. All these runs have helped us bond as a unit and as a family.

One of the reasons the proud Soldiers of the 550th participate in the 5k and 10k runs is to go beyond our physical fitness standards and improve our health. Some of the Soldiers are running because they want to avoid the health problems of diabetes and heart disease that impact many of their loved ones back home. Health problems are a big issue here in Afghanistan where the air quality is worse than in America. These runs help our bodies to acclimateto our climate in order to run easier.

550th Soldiers and their race T-shirts

Another reason we run is to meet and interact with other units and our NATO and civilian counterparts. It’s hard notto admit that working day in and day out with the same individuals gets tiring. Participating in these 5k and 10k events gets us out of our normal routine. We also get to interact with other likeminded individuals that are involved in running. It is always nice to get a perspective of this environment from other individuals besides those you normally work with on a daily basis.

Participating in these long distance runshelps some Soldiers reduce stress. It gives them time to clear their minds. While jogging along in these long events and concentrating more on your breathing, Soldiers can put things in perspective. While running, it’s possible to temporarily forget all the problems of your job and think of nothing but the event.

There are also those individuals that are just arriving to the 550th who will experience their first 5k or 10k run. It can give those Soldiers a chance to evaluate the physical aspect of being in Kandahar. Because of the environment here, even the best long distance runners may find that they cannot run as well as usual. In America, some individuals can run these 5k and 10k runs without problems. Here it is harder on the lungs to process the oxygen. Some individuals that are new to the country experience problems breathing and have nose bleeds. After time they get used to running and get into the physical shape that is needed while deployed here in Afghanistan.

To end this report, I want to give you a great statement to remember. “When you are not training, there is someone out there that is and when you meet that someone, they will beat you.”

SPC Coleman, FredrickTaskings/Movement NCO550th Signal Company

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580th Org Day a huge success

n the 12 July 2013, the 580th Signal Company held their Organizational Day for 3rd Quarter 2013. It had been a long three months since OSP crushed their competition and in the process became the 580th Signal Company Organizational Day Champions. Unfortunately for OSP, a lot has changed since then.

With Headquarters, Help Desk and the TCF (Technical Control Facility) Platoons being more than ready to contest for theCommanders Cup, it was all but promised to be a successful and enjoyable “O Day” for all.

Defending Champion’s, OSP (Outside Plant), rubbed a little salt in the wounds of their opponents for the last time by taking aChampionship Photo prior to the start of the festivities.

With Captain Smith (580th Signal Company Commander) and 1SG Treadway (580th Signal Company First Sergeant) kicking off the festivities with athorough safety brief, the O Day started off fast with a relay around Warrior loop. The catch was that everyone on BAF had an increased uniform posture so the event would be conducted in what Soldiers often refer to as “full battle rattle”, adding an increased level of difficulty to the event. Taking off at a high rate of speed, OSP quickly sprinted to victory withHeadquarters and Help Deskright behind them and all of whom left TCF in the dust.Upon the announcement of the

OSP Soldiers taking a Championship Photo prior to start of the festivities

final scores, all teams laughed upon hearing that the TCF was in last place. Unfortunately for them, this was their last opportunity to do so.

The next events were Basketball, Dodge Ball, Tug-o-war, Volleyball, Soccer and a Push-Up competition. Help Desk must have had some key personnel on R&R as they never scored higher than 3rd place in any event. OSP was unable to regain the success of the previous Org Day and Headquarters platoon managed to get 2nd place in every single event with the exception of Dodge Ball which then won in a highly contested match that ended up being one of the most entertaining and fast paced events of the tournament. TCF dominated their way to a decisive victory, earning 1st place in 5 of the 7 events. The highlights were nearly giving their opponents rope burn in the tug-o-war event and surprisingly winning the Volleyball Tournament.

CPT Smith announced TCF as the victors and handed the TCF OIC 2nd Lieutenant Mustin the Commanders Cup, marking the end of the festivities. All who participated thoroughly enjoyed Org Day. The general consensus is that everyone is looking forward to the next Org Day and that TCF will be unseated as Champs. We will see…

SGT Martinez-Paz, Carlos580TH SIG CO, OPS NCOIC25TH RNCC-EAST LNO NCO,R&R Leave and Movement NCOIC

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News from Salerno

t has been a productive month for the Salerno Direct SignalSupport Team (DSST). From conducting everyday

operations to providing site tours to our VIPs, the Salerno Vipers get things done with greatness. In the past month, the team has cleaned out years worth of garbage and old equipment from the technical control facility (TCF) compound here on FOB Salerno. The team also had two Soldiers awarded Coins of Excellence during a visit from the 67th Signal Battalion Command Team. The team finally commemorated their time in combat with a patching ceremony, where they were officially granted the privilege of wearing their 35th Signal Brigade combat patch.

During the first week of August, the DSST set out on a mission to clear the tech control facility compound up of all excess garbage and equipment that had accumulated since the setup of the facility many years ago. By the end of that week, the team had successfully removed over 15 loads worth of scrap metal, wood, and old broken equipment as well as packaged several large containers worth of excess equipment. These hardworking motivated Soldiers got the job done through excellent teamwork and professionalism.

he 67th Signal Battalion Command Team, LTC Fortson and CSM Frye, visited the DSST this month.

They received a tour of our site, a brief from the Officer and NCO in charge of the team on the operations at the site, and spent some quality time with the Soldiers. Two of the team’s outstanding Soldiers, PFC Hairfield and PFC Thigpen, received recognition for their hard work and were awarded67th Signal Battalion coins of excellence from the command team.

or the many first time deployers on the DSST,14 August 2013 will be a day to remember.

On that day, the Soldiers of the DSST commemorated their service in combat with a patching ceremony conducted by 25th Signal Battalion CSM Meadows and Alpha Company 1SG Davis. This ceremony was conducted to officially authorize the Soldiers of the DSST to wear their 35th Signal Brigade combat patch. To the utmost of our ability, we are the LION BRIGADE!

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Alpha 67th Adjusts to PT at FOB Shank

hirteen Soldiers in PTs turn their heads and cough through a wave of desert dust as a truck drives past

on the dirt road they are running down. The action costs them precious, muscle-fueling oxygen and the runners lungs gasp desperately at the air around them, but always seem to come up short. Indeed, in Afghanistan, and even more so at the mountainous FOB Shank, air is in short enough supply as itis, even without the dust. Any amount of sustained exertion can leave those not acclimated to the region's high altitudes panting with the exhaustion and numbness of oxygen deprivation.

Still, the Soldiers of Alpha 67th push through undeterred. No one wants to lose sight of the team OIC, First Lieutenant Shawn M. Damm—already half a mile ahead of the group's bulk. Besides, their month at Shank has driven home the lesson that the only way to make running easier in these conditions is simply to run until it's easy.

At seven-thousand feet above sea level the density of oxygen in the air can be low enough to induce symptoms of altitude sickness in people unaccustomed to such heights. In mild cases these symptoms can include headaches,

dehydration, dizziness, shortness of breath, loss of appetite and nausea. Severe cases—largely relegated to heights in excess of ten-thousand feet—can be fatal. Generally speaking, however, high altitudes are more commonly known for their ability to rapidly accelerate the rate at which exercise becomes exhaustion.

At Shank, sitting nearly seven-thousand feet above sea level, the altitude isn't quite enough to give most people a full-blown case of the sickness. However, it is more than adequate to amplify the difficulty of the Shank team's six- times-a-week, morning PT several times over.One Soldier remarked that running at Shank felt like having a ice cube sizzling inside his headas his lungs struggled to meet the increased demand for oxygen.

Despite this, Alpha's Soldiers are eager to meet the challenge presented by their environment. Altitude training has a long history amongst professional athletes for the potential gains it offers. The Soldiers here—whether aiming simply to pass the next PT test, or sitting on the cusp of a '300'—all seek to seize the unique opportunity for improvement so as to return from this deployment better than they were.

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Welcome 1SG Renteria

he 550th Signal Company would like to welcome1SG Alma L. Renteria. She was born on 14 March

1981 in El Paso, Texas, and raised in Los Angeles, California. She was raised by Irene and Antonio Renteria along with two younger brothers: Marco and Jose Renteria. She graduated from Baldwin Park High School in June of1999 and enlisted in the Army on the 2nd of September 1999.She’s the first person in the Renteria family to join the military. 1SG Renteria’s first duty assignment was atStuttgart, Germany where she worked in a message center for two years, four years as an alternate COMSEC Custodian in a

CSM Meadows is passing the Saber to the new 550th 1SG.

COMSEC vault, two years as a platoon sergeant, and one year on the AFRICOM Communications team. Her second duty assignment was in Fort Leonard, Missouri where she was selected to work as a Drill Sergeant for two years. Her third duty assignment was in Fort Lewis, Washington, where she served as the HHC First Sergeant and then served as a COMSEC Custodian. While in Washington she married Antonio Marrero, he is currently attending a school in Fort Bragg. Her present duty assignment is the 550th Signal Company First Sergeant, where she will continue to push the young Noncommissioned Officers to excel, and ensure the Soldiers are taken care of. She is a great addition to the 550th family, and again, we would like to welcome her.

The new MEVA team

ost Soldiers already have a set idea of what their jobs are going to be once they arrive to their next duty location. As

for one group of Soldiers, little did they know, they would be performing an extra duty throughout their deployment. They would now be the new MEVA team. MEVA, which stands for Mission Essential Vulnerable Area protection team, is a special group of Soldiers who guard and pull security for operations and TCF during any type of attack toward Camp Eggers. As soon as the 490th Signal Company (TIN-E) Honey Badgers arrived to their new location, therewas no hesitance to get started on the job.

Since their arrival, the team has trained diligently by learning their roles of how to react in the event of an attack. Additional duties include tracking and knowing the status of their Soldiers as well as the protection of the contractors who work alongside them. In the meantime the Soldiers are busy performing their own jobs ranging from

SPC Baird (one member of the MEVA Team) is greeted by leadership from the 335th Signal

Command and the 359th Theater Tactical Signal Brigade as she boarded the flight on Sept. 3 2013

operations and training to supply and TCF. MEVA is just an additional duty these Soldiers were willing to perform on top of their own. The team consist of ten Soldiers which include: SFC Sparks, SSG Borja, SSG Meiners, SGT Brown, SGT Jackson, SGT Rivera, SPC Baird, SPC Lindsey, SPC Stillwell and SPC Robbins.

SPC Baird, Matasha A490th Signal Company(TIN-E) Camp Eggers

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Stay Army!

reetings to all. I am SSG Brittain the new Career Counselor for the mighty 25th Signal Battalion. I just arrived in theater 20 September 2013

from FT. Bragg NC, where I served as the Career Counselor for Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion XVIII Airborne Corps. I look forward to serving alongside the fine Soldiers of 25th and I hope you all take advantage of having an in house counselor.

It takes commitment to reenlist and to continue serving on Active Duty while deployed. This is not an easy decision to make when you are not with your family, and also knowing that your additional commitment could cause another separation from your family in the future. I want to thank all of the Soldiers that have made this commitment and to the future Soldiers who will do the same. It is your dedication and duty that keep this Army the strongest in the world. Please contactme with any questions you may have in regards to the ever changing Retention world, it is my pleasure to assist you.

SSG Jerrold A. Brittain25th Signal Battalion Career CounselorBagram Airfield, AfghanistanDSN 318-431-3025CELL 079-788-7918

Resiliency Conference25th Signal Battalion’s LTC Schafer and CSM Meadows meet with the participants of the resil- iency training on Bagram. After a week of training, these Soldiers learned many useful skills in helping to identify and cope with life circumstances, for both themselves and others.

SGT Johnson, Charity was presented with a coin from LTC Schafer for her notable efforts in keepingthe class highly motivated and participating during the training.

SPC Haling, Crystal

25th Sig BN


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Family Readiness Group

s I write my last FRG article for the battalion newsletter, I sit back and think about the very

first article I wrote for 1st Quarter’s January 2012 edition of The Lions Roar and it’s a bitter sweet memory. I am finally at the end of my journey with the 25th Signal Battalion, in which many say time flies when you’re having fun, but it also flies when you’re busy. Fortunately for me, I’ve experienced both and I can now look backand think about all the good times we’ve had together andwhat we’ve accomplished in the last 29-months. Iremember during the 4th of July, we hosted a farewell and welcoming cookout for A/72nd ESB and A/67th ESBrespectively. We recently produced Back-2-School videos

SSG Reid and her husband in the last FRG Christmas Party

for the Soldiers and their Families so that they could enjoy their children’s return to school, while deployed. The most current event has been farewelling the 16th TIN Signal Company, who have worked tirelessly in partnership with us for the past 9-months, and welcoming the 490th TIN Signal Company.

To our families at home, thank you for all you do. My mentor once stated, “It is your love and support that motivates us”. I would like to thank our Soldiers for all they do every day; completing each task with accuracy while maintaining a great attitude because this mission can be somewhat trying at times! I leave you in good hands and I will humbly say that “all good things must come to an end in order to truly have new beginnings. I’m SSG Tiffany-Autumn Reid and until next time “Je vous dis adieu!”

ello 25th Signal Battalion! I am SPC Jasmine Rowe, 25th SIG BN Chaplain Assistant. As SSG Reid transitions back to the States, I take

strong interest and pride in being your new Family Readiness Group Leader! I am full of fun and challenging ideas for morale boosters, and would appreciate your suggestions as well. Our families should know that we are okay over here; while working hard we still do things to keep our positive attitudes and make the best out of our deployment. I will make time and I hope that you all will too!

There are projects that I am working on such as a Basketball/Spades Tournament, a Football theme activity day, and care packages for the Soldiers. I already have FREE ITEMS that are located in my office (S3 Battalion area) that you are more than welcome to take at any time. As I continue to get these packages in, I will send out emails to all supervisors to pass along to their Soldiers.

I look forward to working with all! I know you hear this all the time, but THANK YOU ALL FOR SERVING OUR COUNTRY!!! We are here together and will get through the challenges we face together as an ARMY STRONG family! Please feel free to email me directly with any questions or concerns at [email protected].

SPC Rowe, Jasmine M.25TH SIG BN Chaplain AssistantFamily Readiness Group Leader
