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The Lord's Day - A testimonial booklet

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The Lord's Day is a publication about a dedicated Christian's testimony of faith on the Lord's day of rest, worship and building a better relationship with God.
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The Lord’s Day A heartfelt testimony about trusting in God
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The Lord ’ s Day A heartfelt testimony about trusting in God

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The Lord ’ s Day

We all have questions about what is written in the bible, but, we seldom ask God for answers.

We were told to believe by faith. Faith is believing in something that we don’t see. I go to church on Saturday

when others go to church on Sunday.

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In the Bible, it was God who told us, through the Ten Commandments to rest on the seventh day - just as He did.

I rest on the seventh day because it is what God asked his believers to do. Yet, I demanded an explanation, even though it was written in the

Bible. I asked God to explain it me.

Have you ever experienced God talking to you? I did. I will never forget that day as long as I live.

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I was praying about an important decision. For many days I prayed and prayed, asking God the same thing over and over again.

One day I was on my knees praying… What do you think I was praying about? You guessed it!

I was asking God about my same concerns again. All of a sudden I heard this stern voice speak, “Don’t you trust me”?

It was so real and shocking that I felt goosebumps. I replied, ‘Yes Lord, I trust you.’

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From that day forward, every decision or problem that I face, I go to God in prayer and I tell Him that I trust him.

What does that experience have to do with going to church on Saturday?

I’m getting to it.

Let me finish telling you about this experience. Afterwards, I was led by the Holy Spirit to do a little bit of research about trusting God.

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I decided to number how many times I could find the word ‘trust’ in the Bible. The Holy Spirit lead me to the book of Psalms. From Psalms 1 to

150, I highlighted the word ‘trust’ each time it was used. To my surprise, ‘trust’ is mentioned 48 times.

It is mentioned in sentences such as: Trust in the Lord, trust Him, Put your trust in Him or I trust you Lord,

just to name a few… That is so amazing!

From now on, no matter what is going on in my life, I tell God I trust Him. He has repeatedly told us to trust Him in the Bible.

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I hope you see where I’m coming from. If God tells us to do something, we should do it because He has a good reason for it. Ready now for the

explanation that God gave me about meeting with him on Saturdays?

God explained it to me in simple terms that I can understand. For example, let’s take a holiday like Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving Day is

a holiday that many people celebrate every year.

Thanksgiving is a happy day for most of us. We prepare a great feast for family and friends, as well as look forward to spending time together.

The host prepares a great meal!

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If the host is like me, she begins by cleaning the house 2-3 days in advanced. She plans a menu and even prepares a few dishes the day

before. When Thanksgiving Day arrives, everyone gathers together and we have a great time.

And don’t forget, everyone gets something to take home. With such abundance, nobody leaves empty handed!

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Let’s say I invited my sister to join me on Thanksgiving Day, however, my sister decides to visit me the day after. I love my sister, of course I will definitely welcome her!

I would also prepare something for us to eat, but it will not be the same as Thanksgiving Dinner - complete with the fixings, ambiance and


Saturday is the day that God set aside to meet with us. He has prepared a feast with a special blessing for us on that day.

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Of course, I can always meet with God on another day. He is a loving God, he will not turn me away because He loves me.

Nevertheless, meeting with Him on another day is not exactly the same.

When God revealed this to me, I was astonished. I wanted to share my revelation with everyone. The explanation is so clear and simple that I

could not believe how easy it was to understand. The sheer simplicity was mind-boggling.

If you are reading this and still unsure, here is another example: Let’s say that you normally attend church on a Sunday,

but one day you decide to go on a Tuesday instead.

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The church doors are open every day. When you arrive to your church on a Tuesday you may find there is no church service. If your Pastor or

Priest is there, he will talk with you and even pray with you.

However, the Pastor or Priest will not have a church service on that day. There is no choir, no other members, and no preparation for a Tuesday


I hope you see where I’m coming from… If you want a real church service like the one planned for Sunday,

you would have to come back on Sunday.

This is what God wanted me to tell you.

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Saturday is the day that God selected to meet with us; after all, He created us.

Why should He not choose the day that He wants to spend with us?

When Jesus came to earth over 2,000 years ago, He also went to church on Saturday. Jesus did not change the day. There is no place in the

bible that tells us that God has changed His worship day.

Man decided to change rest and worship to the resurrection day of Jesus. If we really want God’s best, we need to meet with Him on His

appointed day.

God has opened my eyes on this issue along with many other things. If you are still not sure, please ask God to open your heart and mind. He

will reveal the truth to you in the same way He did to me.

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Here are several scriptures from the Bible that clearly tells us why we should seek Him on Saturday.

The 4th Commandment God said in Exodus 20:8-11

Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy

God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day:

Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.

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God also said in Exodus 31:13

Above all you shall keep my Sabbaths, for this is a sign between me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I,

the Lord sanctify you.

Maybe you have been told that Jesus had changed the day to Sunday, here is what Jesus Himself said about it in Matthew 5:17-18

Do not think that I come to do away with the Law of Moses and the teachings the prophets. I have not come to do away with them, but

to make their teachings come true. Remember that as long as heaven and earth last, not the least point nor the smallest detail of

the Law will be done away with --- not until the end of all things.

Remember, Jesus Himself went to church on Saturday.

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This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! Ask God to open your heart and give you understanding,

find a Bible read it for yourself and ask questions.

Remember, you can ask God anything.

He will answer you. May God Bless you.

Remember Trust Him!

Would you like a printed copy of this booklet or to learn more about The Lord’s Day?

Feel welcome to email: [email protected] or visit The Lord’s Day video at: www.tangle.com/view_video?viewkey=96e928e042970dd113b5 or The Lord’s Day E-Book: http://issuu.com/thelordsday

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Would you like a printed copy of this booklet or to learn more about The Lord’s Day?

The Lord’s Day e-book: http://issuu.com/thelordsday

Feel welcome to email: [email protected]

or visit The Lord’s Day video: www.tangle.com/view_video?viewkey=96e928e042970dd113b5

Written by M. Pun 2010
