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THE MADELEINE · thedral of Notre Dame de Paris. Rev. Diaz said, “The Choir of the Cathedral of...

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In This Newsletter Letter from the Pastor . .. . . 2 Cathedral to Cathedral .. . . 3 At Home with Mary . . .. . . 4 Rosary Group .. . . .. . . .. . . 6 Calendar . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . 7 En este Boletín Carta del Párroco . .. . . .. . . 2 Catedral a Catedral .. . . .. . . 3 En Casa con María. . . . .. . . 5 Grupo de Rosario . .. . . .. . . 6 Calendario . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . 7 Issue Eighteen - Edición Dieciocho THE MADELEINE The Mission of the Cathedral of the Madeleine, the seat of the Diocese of Salt Lake City, is to believe, celebrate, and live the redeeming love of our Lord, Jesus Christ, in and through our parish community. May - Mayo 2019 The Month of May and Mary El Mes de Mayo y de María
Page 1: THE MADELEINE · thedral of Notre Dame de Paris. Rev. Diaz said, “The Choir of the Cathedral of the Madeleine has had the honor of cele-brating Mass in the Cathedral of Notre Dame

In This NewsletterLetter from the Pastor . .. . . 2

Cathedral to Cathedral .. . . 3

At Home with Mary . . .. . . 4

Rosary Group .. . . .. . . .. . . 6

Calendar . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . 7

En este BoletínCarta del Párroco . .. . . .. . . 2

Catedral a Catedral.. . . .. . . 3

En Casa con María. . . . .. . . 5

Grupo de Rosario . .. . . .. . . 6

Calendario . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . 7

Issue Eighteen - Edición Dieciocho


MADELEINEThe Mission of the Cathedral of the Madeleine, the seat of the Diocese of Salt Lake City, is to believe, celebrate,

and live the redeeming love of our Lord, Jesus Christ, in and through our parish community.

May - Mayo 2019

The Month of May and MaryEl Mes de Mayo y de María

Page 2: THE MADELEINE · thedral of Notre Dame de Paris. Rev. Diaz said, “The Choir of the Cathedral of the Madeleine has had the honor of cele-brating Mass in the Cathedral of Notre Dame


Dear Parishioner,

Commencement, graduation, Confirmation, and first Communion all point in the way of endings. However, with each ending is a beginning. To give an example, often when I talk with first communion students I ask them, “What comes after first communion?” The answer? Second communion. Then I tell them I am on number 18,000. An ending always leads to a new beginning.

In June, we will celebrate the Ascension. Just before ascending, Jesus sends his disciples into the world to baptize, to instruct the newly baptized in the commandments of Jesus, and promises to remain with them until the end of time. This event could easily seem like an ending to the story, but the story is just beginning. It is the time for the disciples to truly begin living to two greatest commandments: to love God with your whole heart, your whole soul, and all your being, and to love your neighbor as yourself. The mission of the disciple is clear: learning to be loved and to be loving.

In May, the Church encourages us to enter more deeply into our devotion to Mary. Jesus gave His Mother to John while still on the cross, so that in this ending, we would not be left alone in the new beginning. We would be guided by her own example of saying yes to the Holy Spirit, and allowing herself to be loved by God and to love others. Our Blessed Mother is mentioned in the Scriptures among the early church community in chapter one of the Acts of the Apostles. God, perhaps, wanted to remind us that she was with them then, and she has remained with us now.

It has happened to me often enough in my priesthood, and even more while at the Cathedral, that people visiting the church ask about the various images and devotions of the Church. They ask about Mary. They point to the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe and ask, “Who is she?” She is a woman who, time and time again, has shown up when the world has needed her, and her message of love, most. From whom better to learn love than from a mother. Mary has been given to us to grow in the love God has for us. Mary helps to grow in love of self and love of all. Let us be thankful for the Mother God has given to us, and take her with us as we begin new seasons.


Fr. Martin DiazPastor

Queridos feligreses,

La ceremonia de graduación, graduación, Confirmación y primera Comunión todos indican el camino de finales; sin embargo, con cada final se encuentra un principio. Para dar un ejemplo, muchas veces cuando estoy hablando con los estudiantes de Primera Comunión, les pregunto, “¿Qué viene después de la Primera Comunión?” ¿La respuesta? Segunda comunión. Luego les cuento que estoy en Comunión número 18,000. Un final siempre nos guia a un nuevo comienzo.

En Junio, celebramos la Ascensión. Justo antes de ascender, Jesús envió a sus discípulos al mundo para bautizar, instruir a los recién bautizados en los mandamientos de Jesús, y promete permanecer con ellos hasta el final de los tiempos. Este evento podría parecer un final a la historia, pero la historia acaba de comenzar. Es hora para los discípulos comenzar vivir verdaderamente los dos mandamientos más grandes: amar a Dios con todo su corazón y con todo su alma, y amar a su prójimo como a sí mismo. La misión del discípulo es clara: aprender como ser amado y como amar.

En Mayo, la Iglesia nos anima entrar más profundamente en nuestra devoción a María. Jesús le dio a su Madre a Juan cuando estaba en la cruz, en manera que en este final, no nos deja a solas en el nuevo comienzo. Estaríamos guiados por su propio ejemplo de decir “sí” al Espíritu Santo, y permitiéndole ser amada por Dios y amar a los demás. Nuestra Santa Madre es mencionada en las Escrituras entre la primera comunidad cristiana de la iglesia en capítulo uno de los Hechos de los Apóstoles. Dios, quizás, nos quería recordar que ella estaba con ellos en ese tiempo, y ella ha permanecido con nosotros ahora.

Me ha sucedido muchas veces en mi sacerdocio, y aún más cuando he estado en la Catedral, que las personas que visitan la iglesia me preguntan sobre las imágenes y devociones de la Iglesia. Me preguntan sobre María. Hacen referencia a la imágen de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y me preguntan, “¿Quién es ella?” Ella es una mujer que, una y otra vez, se ha revelado cuando el mundo la necesitaba más. De quien mejor aprender sobre el amor que una madre. María ha estado dado a nosotros para crecer en el amor que Dios tiene para nosotros. María nos ayuda crecer en el amor de uno mismo y el amor de todos. Déjanos ser agradecidos por la Madre que Dios nos ha dado, y llevarle a ella con nosotros como comenzamos nuevos tiempos.


P. Martín DiazPárroco

Letter from the Pastor - Carta del Párroco

Page 3: THE MADELEINE · thedral of Notre Dame de Paris. Rev. Diaz said, “The Choir of the Cathedral of the Madeleine has had the honor of cele-brating Mass in the Cathedral of Notre Dame

Cathedral to Cathedral


The Very Reverend Martin Diaz, Rector of the Cathedral of the Madeleine, the Catholic Cathedral for the Diocese of Salt Lake City has announced the creation of a fund for the Ca-thedral of Notre Dame de Paris. Rev. Diaz said, “The Choir of the Cathedral of the Madeleine has had the honor of cele-brating Mass in the Cathedral of Notre Dame on several occa-sions. We feel it is important, as a fellow Catholic Cathedral, to reach out and help this icon of Paris in her time of need.”

Rev. Diaz continued, “The very thought of losing your most sacred space in a fire is beyond words. So, besides sending our prayers, we will be accepting donations from Catholics and non-Catholics alike. If you have ever been to the Cathe-dral of Notre Dame, or have dreamt of going there, we invite all of you to contribute to the rebuilding of the Cathedral of Notre Dame. We will be accepting donations at Mass or you can send or bring your donation to the Cathedral of the Mad-eleine offices.”

Rev. Diaz encouraged businesses, foundations and families to give and send a message that we are with the people of Paris and we will help them rebuild their cathedral.

The Cathedral to Cathedral collection will run through May 12th. Please drop off your donation at the Cathedral of the Madeleine office or, you may use a credit card via phone call or online at utcotm.org.

- Trish Wesson, Director of Development for the Cathedral

El Reverendísimo Martín Díaz, rector de la Catedral de la Magdalena (la Catedral Católica de la Diócesis de Salt Lake City) ha anunciado la creación de un fondo para la Catedral de Notre Dame de París. Revo. Díaz dijo, “El Coro de la Catedral de la Magdalena ha tenido el honor de celebrar la misa en la Catedral de Notre Dame en varias ocasiones. Nos sentimos que es importante, como Catedrales Católicas compañeras, extender la mano y ayudarle a este ícono de París en su tiempo de necesidad.”

Revo. Díaz continuó, “No hay palabras para aun pensar en perder su espacio sagrado en un incendio. Entonces, además de enviar nuestras oraciones, estaríamos aceptando donaciones de Católicos y personas no Católicos. Si has visitado la Catedral de Notre Dame, o has soñado de visitar, les invitamos contribuir a la reconstrucción de la Catedral de Notre Dame. Estaríamos aceptando donaciones en Misa o se puede enviar o llevar su donación a la oficina de la Catedral de la Magdalena.”

Revo. Díaz dio animó a las empresas, fundaciones y familias a dar y enviar un mensaje que caminamos con la gente de París y les ayudaremos en la reconstrucción de su catedral.

La Catedral a Catedral colección continuará hasta el 12 de Mayo. Favor de dejar su donación en la oficina de la Catedral de la Magdalena o puede usar una tarjeta de crédito por llamada o enlinea al utcotm.org.

- Trish Wesson, Directora de Desarrollo de la Catedral

Notre Dame, Pray for UsNotre Dame, Ruega por Nosotros

Page 4: THE MADELEINE · thedral of Notre Dame de Paris. Rev. Diaz said, “The Choir of the Cathedral of the Madeleine has had the honor of cele-brating Mass in the Cathedral of Notre Dame


Mary and the Month of May

I was born two weeks past my due date. Comfortable where I was, I was not particularly anxious to arrive into the world outside the womb. This was clearly evidenced by the fact that my mother endured 22 hours of labor in giv-ing birth to me. When I was growing up, my mom always joked that my late and drawn-out arrival was due to my dislike of any kind of change, but I think it has more to do with the safety I have always experienced with my mom, stretching back to before my birth. Even after I was born, mom’s arms were the place of safety. Singing with mom meant learning to be brave and enjoy beauty. Baking with mom meant learning how to love people well. Studying for tests with mom meant learning to appreciate the world as it is, while also understanding the value of hard work. Being with mom meant learning that I was wanted, loved, and cared for. Being with mom was, and still is, home.

In May, the Church gives us an entire month to celebrate being at home with Jesus’ mother. We are given the gift of time set aside specifically to honor Mary. Because she is the Mother of God, each of us carries the immense privi-lege of being able to claim Mary as our own mother. From the moment Christ gave us His mother as He lay dying on the Cross, Mary has not ceased to make her presence known in the world, especially in the lives of those who are young, poor, or suffering. In 1917, while conversing with a young shepherd girl named Lucia, Our Lady spoke these words: “Do not be disheartened. My Immaculate Heart will never abandon you, but will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God.”

To Lucia, who was young and desperately afraid of loneliness, Mary promised to be a companion. Our Lady offered herself as a home where Lucia might live in communion with Jesus. For Lucia, this was the home of perfect safety, the “peace which surpasses all understanding” (Phil. 4:7), and the immense joy of knowing herself to be the beloved of God. For Lucia, to know Mary was to know Christ, for Mary’s one desire was and always is to lead people to her Son, and to witness to the beauty that comes from following her advice to “do whatever He tells you” (John 2:5).

Throughout the month of May, let us not be afraid to make our home in the heart of Mary, and receive the safety and companionship that Jesus offers through her. Let us leave the desert-like wilderness of Lent for the joy of Easter, and get to know the mother of the One who brought about our salvation. Let us take to heart the assurance of St. Thérèse, who explained that “we know very well that the Blessed Virgin is Queen of heaven and earth, but she is more mother than Queen.” Let us love her with the same intensity with which we love our earthly mothers, for in loving Mary, we love the Christ who chose to receive His humanity from her.

“She is more mother than queen.” Let her bring you to Jesus.

- Colleen Halpin, Theology Teacher at St. Joseph’s in Ogden

At Home with Mary

Traditionally, the month of May is a time to approach with great fervor our devotion to Mary. Mary is the center of this edition of the newsletter, as now is the time to call upon her for help. By focusing on Mary, we can follow her example to focus on her Son, Jesus. We also want to take a moment to recognize Cathedral parishioner Heather Williams, who by her qualities that reflect Mary, has been named Woman of the Year.

Tradicionalmente, el mes de Mayo es un tiempo para enfocarnos con gran fervor a nuestra devoción a María. María es el centro de esta edición del boletín, como ahora es el tiempo de recurrir a ella para ayuda. Por enfocar en María, podemos seguir su ejemplo de enfocar en su Hijo, Jesucristo.

‘Trinity Heart,’ above, is one of Heather William’s original pieces. More of her work can be found at ArtPrayer.org.

Page 5: THE MADELEINE · thedral of Notre Dame de Paris. Rev. Diaz said, “The Choir of the Cathedral of the Madeleine has had the honor of cele-brating Mass in the Cathedral of Notre Dame

María y el Mes de Mayo


Nací dos semanas después de mi fecha de parto. Cómoda donde estaba, no fui particularmente ansiosa llegar en el mundo afuera del vientre. Fue evidente por el hecho que mi madre sufrió 22 horas de parto en dar luz a mí. Cuando era niña, mi mamá siempre bromeaba que mi llegada tarde y extensa fue debida a mi aversión a cualquier tipo de cambio, pero yo creo que fue causada por la seguridad que siempre he tenido con mi mamá, antes de mi naci-miento. Aún después que nací, los brazos de mi mamá fueron un lugar de seguridad. Cantar con mamá significaba aprender cómo ser valiente y disfrutar la belleza. Cocinar con mamá significaba aprender cómo amar a la gente bien. Estudiar por los exámenes con mamá significaba aprender agradecer el mundo como es, tanto como también entender el valor de duro trabajo. Estar con mamá significaba aprender que yo fue querida, amada, y bien cuidada. Estar con mamá fue, y todavía es, estar en casa. En mayo, la Iglesia nos da un mes entera para celebrar el estar en casa con la madre de Jesús. Nos da el regalo de tiempo específicamente honrar a María. Como ella es la Madre de Dios, cada uno de nosotros llevamos el privile-gio inmensa de aclamar a María como nuestra propia madre. Desde el momento en que Cristo nos dio a nosotros Su madre como Él moría en la Cruz, María no ha dejado hacer su presencia conocida en el mundo, especialmente en las vidas de los jóvenes, los pobres, o el pueblo sufriente. En 1917, cuando estaba conversando con una pastora jovencita que se llamaba Lucía, Nuestra Señora le dijo estas palabras: “No te desanimes. Mi Corazón Inmaculado nunca te va a abandonar, pero será su refugio y el camino que te guiará hacia Dios.”A Lucía, quien era jóven y tenía mucho miedo de la soledad, María prometió ser una compañera. Nuestra Señora se ofreció a si misma como un refugio donde Lucía podía vivir en comunión con Jesús. Para Lucía, este fue el refugio de seguridad perfecto, la “paz que sobrepasa todo entendimiento” (Fil 4:7), y en el gozo inmenso de saber que ella misma fue la querida de Dios. Para Lucía, conocer a María era lo mismo que conocer a Cristo, porque el deseo único de María fue y siempre es guiar el pueblo a su Hijo, y dar testimonio a la belleza que viene de seguir a su consejo “haz todo lo que Él te dije” (Juan 2:5).Durante el mes de Mayo, no tenemos miedo hospedarnos en el corazón de María, y recibir la seguridad y amistad que Jesús ofrece por medio de ella. Déjanos salir del desierto de Cuaresma para el gozo de la Pascua, y conocer a la madre de Él que nos trae la salvación. Déjanos tomarse a corazón la certeza de Santa Teresa del Niño Jesús, que explicó que “sabemos muy bien que la Santa Vírgen es la Reina del cielo y de la tierra, pero ella es más madre que Reina.” Déjanos amarle con la misma intensidad con la cual amamos a nuestras madres terrenales, por en amar a María, amamos a Cristo quien eligió recibir Su humanidad de ella.“Ella es más madre que reina.” Déjale llevarte a Jesús.

- Colleen Halpin, Maestra de Teología de St. Joseph’s de Ogden

En Casa con María

The Salt Lake City Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (DCCW) gath-ered in April for their 91st annual Convention. This year’s Woman of the Year honor was given to Cathedral parishioner Heather Williams. Only having lived in Utah for close to two and a half years, Heather has made a great impact on the community through her presence, the creation of Restore by Love, and more recently, the Ambassadors - giving all credit to the Holy Spirit. She expresses that it all “is about the love of the Holy Spirit, and realizing the importance of reaching out to the people.” As she has noticed the diverse group of people present at this parish, she has seen a need to foster community, and her heart has moved to fulfill that need. Heather’s humility is apparent. She enjoyed hearing the stories of the other women present at the convention, and was honored by this affir-mation from the Body of Christ. Thank you, Heather, for your openness to the Holy Spirit that makes present the Body of Christ at the Cathedral.

Woman of the Year: Heather Williams

Left to Right: Fr. Martin Diaz, Amy Kennedy, Heather Williams, and Colleen Gudreau at the DCCW Convention

Page 6: THE MADELEINE · thedral of Notre Dame de Paris. Rev. Diaz said, “The Choir of the Cathedral of the Madeleine has had the honor of cele-brating Mass in the Cathedral of Notre Dame


Daily Rosary at the Cathedral

Though the people who compose the group have changed over the years, there have been people present to pray this prayer to the Blessed Mother for decades. Ron Freking, a Cathedral parishioner, has been praying the rosary here since he retired in 1995. Before him, the group was started by a man named Dan Brereton, at least dating back to the early 90s. Though people have come and gone, one thing remains - a beautiful devotion to the Virgin Mary, whose ‘yes’ brought Jesus into the world.

“We are meditating on different parts of the life of Jesus with Mary,” Ron notes. The Rosary is often mistaken to be no more than repetition. However, when prayed as it is intended, it is an opportunity to enter more deeply into the life of Jesus through Mary. There is already a beauty to praying the rosary, and even more so in the Cathedral. The Cathedral was originally constructed under the patronage of Mary, and the devotion to her remains evident in the stained glass. Without needing the ability to read, one can see the rosary’s mysteries come to life, as the western wall tells the Joyful Mysteries of the rosary, and the eastern wall tell the Glorious Mysteries. Catholics are often questioned about our devotion to Mary, but when it comes to the rosary, there is no question that Jesus is at the center of her heart, and she invites us to allow Him to be at the center of ours.

All are welcome to join the rosary group. Whether you’re able to attend daily, or attend once, the group is glad to welcome you to the community to be united in prayer. The rosary a universal prayer - regardless of which lan- guage you pray the rosary in, the prayers can be said in union with one another and in union with those said throughout the world. Please join the group af-ter any weekday Mass (Monday through Saturday).

Aunque sobre los años, el grupo estaba compuesto de diferente personas,, ha estado presente gente para rezar el rosario a la Santa Madre por décadas. Ron Freking, un feligrés de la Cat-edral, ha estado rezando el rosa- rio aquí desde su jubilación en 1995. Antes de él, el grupo tenía su origen por un hombre que se llamaba Dan Brereton, al menos desde los años 1990. A pesar del cambio de personas, una cosa permanece - una devoción her-mosa a la Virgen María, cuya ‘sí’ llevó a Jesús al mundo.

“Estamos meditando sobre difer- entes partes de la vida de Jesús con María,” dijo Ron. Muchas veces, el rosario está confun-dido con una simple repetición. Sin embargo, cuando rezado como debe ser, es una oportunidad entrar más profundamente en la vida de Jesús por María. Ya hay una belleza rezar el rosario, y aún más así en la Catedral. Originalmente, la Catedral fue construida bajo el patrocinio de María, y la devoción a ella permanece evidente en las vidrieras. Sin necesitar la capacidad de leer, se puede ver los misterios del rosario recobrar la vida, como la pared al oeste nos cuenta los Misterios Gozos, y la pared al este nos cuenta los Misterios Gloriosos. Muchas veces, los católicos son interrogadas sobre nuestra devoción a María, pero cuando se trata del rosario, no hay duda de que Jesús está en el centro de su corazón, y ella nos invita permitirle estar en el centro de nuestro corazón.

Todos están bienvenidos al grupo de rosario. Si se puede asistir diariamente, o asistir una vez, el grupo está feliz darle la bienvenida a la comunidad para ser unidos en oración. El rosario es una oración universal - no importa cuál idioma reza el rosario, las oraciones puedan estar contados en unión con uno a otro y en unión con los rosarios rezados por el mundo. Favor de unirse al grupo después de cualquier Misa durante la semana (lunes a sábado).

United in Prayer | Unidos en Oración

Page 7: THE MADELEINE · thedral of Notre Dame de Paris. Rev. Diaz said, “The Choir of the Cathedral of the Madeleine has had the honor of cele-brating Mass in the Cathedral of Notre Dame

Upcoming Events - Calendario

May - Mayo 2019


May 1 Mary Procession and Rosary - Madeleine Choir School (8:35 AM) Christ in the City: Adoration (7:00 PM) Knights of Columbus Meeting (7:00 PM) - Reunión de los Caballeros de Colón

May 2 Cathedral Family Concert Series (7:00 PM)

May 5 Third Sunday of Easter Children’s Religious Education (9:30 AM) Educación Religiosa de Niños (1:00 PM) Madeleine Arts and Humanities Festival (8:00 PM)

May 7 Bible Study (7:00 PM)

May 8 Knights of Columbus Meeting (7:00 PM) - Reunión de los Caballeros de Colón

May 12 Fourth Sunday of Easter No Children’s Religious Education No Educación Religiosa de Niños Madeleine Arts and Humanities Festival (8:00 PM)

May 13 Hora Santa en Español (7:00 PM)

May 15 Christ in the City: On Tap (7:00 PM)

May 17 Knights of Columbus Bingo Night (6:30 PM) - Noche de Bingo con los Caballeros de Colón

May 19 Fifth Sunday of Easter Children’s Religious Education (9:30 AM) Educación Religiosa de Niños (1:00 PM) Madeleine Arts and Humanities Festival (8:00 PM)

May 26 Sixth Sunday of Easter No Children’s Religious Education No Educación Religiosa de Niños Madeleine Arts and Humanities Festival (8:00 PM)

May 27 Memorial Day Office Closed - Oficina Cerrada

Mary was the most important woman in Western Art for seven hundred years. Together, we will look closely at four early masterpieces depicting Mary by Fra Angelico, Botticelli, Duccio and Martini. We will discuss the beauty, symbolism and theological con-cepts expressed in these works.

Young adults (18-35ish) are invited to join the discus-sion led by Kathleen Leitao. Kathleen has led countless discussions of art in the galleries of the Yale Center for British Art, Yale Art Gallery, Fairfield University Mu-seums, and has led programs in museum galleries for Wharton Business School and Sacred Heart Univer-sity. She has recently developed a three-part program for parishes and schools on Mary in art.

Encountering Mary in Art

Elle Griffin, parishioner, created modern images of Mary for her degree in Mariology. Above is her portrait of Our Lady of Guadalupe. More of her work can be found at ellegriffin.com.

Christ in the City: On Tap May 15th

Page 8: THE MADELEINE · thedral of Notre Dame de Paris. Rev. Diaz said, “The Choir of the Cathedral of the Madeleine has had the honor of cele-brating Mass in the Cathedral of Notre Dame

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