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paperspast.natlib.govt.nz€¦ · The Manawatu Standard. j "'' - - " " ;. /,-' '"s' " '"" - > » I...

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The Manawatu Standard. j ■"'' ■■- -■■ "■■■■"■ ; . / ,-' ' "s ' "■'"" ■■ - ■■>■» I ' .-■<« >j n ...,., r ...... if. , 1-v: J ...v v....,-: ■'*..■." N --'^-!J "■O.«Ju-!Mr.-.,, l.^. ' —- '. ■;- .-"■■.,: . " -._._.. _ __ ]-■■ *:■:=,:,,! 1,,,.... [;, ViV,i; VOi. 4. NO. 374 PMiMERSTOIir NORTHS WESLVA^ s -'s^.l^B| ;a ?- ! t.J-i^ ■.'";■- ■-■ ■■ uv-r.-ya i^f-Z) j t'.'/A'r. / y ':pmcte l rMi penny. -_ MANA himf. pOfite 1 'CLfriS? ' I_ .. ■" . "' iHi ''* )fr>> i 3 - ■"■' i tJ> ' : *iLar n i *:&>-< vw/<»i Toi bW ihttW t^mme^tdn-mi^ <> ■...,- i»ifefw..w j '"'"WWffliirt : > «- / \ \r\ . Hon. Walter J4btisto&J\j{f mi , __„, I Viob-Presidr>jt»-:— Mepsrs H: n Mt)lNeil^d, James- Lintbnw, I ry J Stewards : >mm J. R. R' Prift; W; rAkers, A. E. Ru^'eH^v^^erMlD^ +* Walker, f#( V) J. iiOng7"anTA~.~iktcDpnH|d^ ~ I Starter; iMr J. E. C. NatßEn';'- Glerk op jfetf Coursb': * v, !"*% 1 T??^ dhte n «"/' /.no /r tr . w ,o , ... GBBRK^BnTaaL&QAjtKjBIW..,,,.,- .-, ■■'■' '^Mr'JSateigh. iu ;\n.; ; ;;^ /' ~ " Handicapper: . i a i\*/ TiMBKgRPBR./ . .... ;;.- -■■? Mr H. wMaybittll l :^ . Judge: if) . ISttQTi (Ellight. C-\ - . t ,rr \ Hon. Treasurer ; ; '" I Mr G. A.._Macquarne. ■"0' j v r>p/rJ&t-. r■ : "- . " PROC[R AMMB" FO ft ' TBs J) £* ° 1. Handicap Hurdle Rape of 60 JBOVB- 2 miles/ over 8 flights of Hurdles, $ft.. 9in. high. Nomi-i 1 nation Tbov" Acceptance "S/boVb. T^ f stajt aflfc3d a.nV' 5; ' 2. HAOK^|TuRpLE Mj3k 6f 10^8. ' .^^^ p nc c spiind the course: s> Pdift' '"' enbieß.'E t nJTancel > BOv. .Wefgfct 1 ' not to be under 9 stone. Open 7 y to .jbba't ,baye /^er _ \ J^n-jni)J^ated_pjr enj«red : for '- any advertised race up to tHe time jO^istarting^fo? this f race -r j , (hack races excepted j. Jockey* ' /": to ride! m colours. To start a* , 12.15. ,;\ " r ' l \ : 3. |M aidkn Plate of 40 soys. En» yp'r, ! t 1 "* 1106 S'j^vss 1 "'Wieightjfor ago* j 1^ miles. Open to all horses I that-Bbftveu '>never o y?on<j jiublic^ ' j mooev (hack races excepted) | prior tc- date- of- entry.- - Any .„ ' I horße.entered_fQr.. Maiden _Plate j winning an r advertised race be* : tween the dkte of entry and date . I of race 4a carry a penalty of I 51b£ Jt %4tlir{it;i'p.irtJTVlo 4J MkNAWAO-U' DiSTRICtf - fiSSa^'-Sf '-tiOf-esimn EoK:Bf^e~wA:. olds. Colts,^ Bs| lOlbs., fillies and'Geiaings Bs£'slbsV Second horse to receive l 0 soys. out of stakes'. Distance miles. "~ Nominations 1 suv.... Acc§pU _. ance 2jsovs. s Einal acceptance 1 soy. Acceptances i wilT "closT " ,with general entries and iinal | acceptances an hour before " tatartingV To stant afc "' i.4o\p_.aa.\ ' 6. ]SIANAWAyU.,-RACINO \C%UB( HaN« j I |dic*p *" of 200 " soys. Second I f horse to Receive from | " Jthe stakes. Nominations* 3 1i | * ,siy 8/ r !AcceptfßttceT ty soya. ; .T; Dis- ; 2- tance 1^ miles. The' winner of "t " 'any .H^iidjcap^ to the value _oi 100 l s6ys ( ..,after [pVeJMtlr^k^qi- w weights' to ca/ry 7(6al eiftrK fo j6. Hack Race o|' 10^ sovs^OiiceMl I round the cdurae" ' Post entries . j Entrance ,lsojr. T "Catch weights. ■: \ . Qpen ' rto. all ' horses ' thdt' have " j ("■";■ : nev,er won, an advertised' race I v -'.-.fl (hack 'race 'exceptfed)r f Tiief r ' j . . .winner . of this ' raV't'b;' be 1 ' , .' : .pffeeedJpV.dalejbyaqctidtiim'ike^'''. ,j, immediateiy after the face l f 'a : M ?1 ' !f r ; .any §urn realised over '&20 r t6''go' > I to the funds^ bf the OluB. " Tp : I Btartat4p.m. - " «f> I 6. EiiYiKG , Handjcap of 60 hoys. ,' ' , ..Nominations 1 soy., Acceptance 3 soys. Distance' 1> 3 furlongs." To start 4.45 p.m. : '' ' ' ■""«'*■'■"■«>! 8. CONSOLAT^ONrTBrANDICAP of 80 <bovs.-7t 1 soy. ;" -Acceptance 1 soy. For all | --- horsesbeaten duringthe meeting ! r '-' < ; Distance^ miles. ,-. To ; start at | 5.80 p.ro/ ■■""■' ■■■'""■ I M7 ! dominations ; .wUl r .be received ad- j dressed to the Secretary . at the'tfom- ' mercialßEEftteU' -Palmetafcbn North, up. to Saturday, 17th -November, at 8 p.m. Weights will "be d'eclared-on^^Satur^ay, Ist. December. Entrances- - and Ac» ceutan^esr^bsejbA. Safur^ay,, December ldEnYat B;ptmJ v : ,/' '-'h I ST.A ! RUIZES AND BEGijIiATIONS.: ,., "No entry : will b 6 received for any Race except' upon this conditio^-T-That all Disputes Claims and objections "iiising out of: 'the racing shall be de- cided by a-majbritiy. of the Steward^ present, or 7 those 'whom' they may ap- t oint. Their decision on all points coriaectad with the carrying out. >of this Programme^hall be* finaj. *>.;, ,r^n\ ( f!i Ail Entries to—be sealed and ad- dressed r to'< the Seccepa^.ti^alnierston Nortli : Entrance Money enclosed with name, agb at the time* of H entry >( pedi- gree, and m; thereafter of Handicaps, performance of 'the% horse,{nameof the owner, and coloocsof the rider. Any Jockey ridihg r excepl m tha colours en- t«red willbe;fined'3(Soya. 7 When two oivmore horseß: stajft (the property of the, same owner) a distin- guishing colour must -be rworn. All persons intending td mthoVaw horses, aie nqbired' td give notice to lhat effect td the Secretary or Qlerk of Scales s'onen half-nonr.ybefore -^,tart(ng. Any^persGYi neglecting or A r,#f using to comply with fcbis-rule shaU pay a fine of 5 soys;' tor the>R©ce; J^ind. Ail races to-be-ran under the W'J.O. .ftules^/^v* "'£ i». >J.) G 7{j JwoiJ/^xjr Horsea walkingfoverwill only receive half the stakas.- ISo horse to say its stakes m any race'except where otherwise specified. Ko~Entries or nominations will be received under any. pretence whatever after the time specified i(j>rr Letters beaiing the postmark' ol the daierof -entry, and telegrams pf the Bana date r willbe re,ceiTed.^.,_ V JSo qualification fee required. ' v TflOS.£ft. WALTONi Specially-constructed for { Logse r ( to&tffis; rggch as Rags, etc. : One;ton.of Hay can , be packed witfaii, '\! .' one ton measarementof 40 F 1 < j-^7 i ,'". T .Cnbic}.Feßt. .. ■" ;"" } Belt ;; Pgpetual ;! ;Press. forked by of M. c or ' 8te °m' power. f Wilt; Bale iromFifteen to Tbirty. Tons ''■"-■-"»"<"'>■ «i -m TehHourw/ j-.".- .-',/, f UPMMptiye Circalare with fall pai!> wcttl^ra i o.n^pllKTkiiiqnto' ' '" - j .-J: ' -r- Queen^ictoria-ptreet, !iiß«9 aMt ; .- : ,~~.. . . ; , Loodo "- XC. ■r' o wj-.,,f.;;,..:;\ I '; ;': *:: 1 UKt-.r "■.}■" , . " ■...■.■;""■«"«?--:'■.-/■ ; " ni ...:■■:?" ■.. : V"; . " :." >; : : ■■- ; . JnfiEr^ANAWATg Standard bein. : " the oldest daily paper m Mana. i ,wto, necessc-riy-hus v circulation an .stafiding , which defies competitioi " '<L.WgjeVcircuj/i ti'in ; thati V.ny paperj < ':- t'-rf aaiHUtl daily-increasing I "'"'-"! -..f.v v ,'■ "'.v. "'■ "■;-■"■ i "" ff '""■-■■'■ : :? .. , -VV-.;. -.?■"'";, '■«"" i < >:r>3h'i -b ..-■"> ' ty " ; -j T7 ISITING- Xards, Posters, .pill. , Butinesß and a!) 'otshir 1 dla^Bes ot Jobbing .jpiintinfij ex- p ntfd at the S'jAHDABD Uflice, t S H :►[ v figsiness J^ouces^ q- " ___■■■ Ijf^'- : - T i TTOIJSEJtIuLD O PECIALTIES. a biNO tirsAL Slioitbd Fbom : T.-Xrii>6B Wh,o(Havb JNptXkt £riedJ THKBK SpLJBNDID PBiIiPiftATIONS j , it'* -GOODALL's' Yidj^HJC&4: " ! ■M--'^;'. ;' r.vofo! .Relish .;;/,_;, ,;,,":.-..[-; ' j ! 'The rnbst delicious;isa,uce m v t|ie Worlds This 'che&piandfe^ceUent sftuce makes the plainest viands palatable,'; jiiia'in'e r daftitiest^dißnes fm.prqf de^l^iopß. To cho^s^steok; fish, : .&Qi it, is incojn- The Bestiri'th^W^ricJ. Makes delicious' " buddings .without eggs, pastry withjoiijt, ' J butter l , Kih'E' 'bfeadmsvithouß^euSti GOODALLS WINE.-/ The Best and most agreeable tpmc_ 1 %eVfiiteo'duoeh; , The, be^t ,kno\r,n j re^ ' *%x®?jl for^ainaigesjiqnjjpss of appetitej and generaledebility. Restores* delicate individuals to health. c oGOODHALL, BLACKHOUSEi , k ("""'"^''l ." X .},-"{» . Business WoticeUj - ,'"*-?, j'-r "■ KEID '& 'OEA¥, : - l 'zi m ii pPf-E^ENT M MACHINE j MANUfACTUREM* W E T^J J^P^VED New Zea'anff-Centriiljliißo, Disc Harrow. 280 m& 11 and'in use, 1 is the' Simplest; the Best, and {he most "" ' ' ' r < L>s!t Seasor iit took FIRST PRlZßs'in Ctbmpeirtion with all Colonialand Ajnencan Makers,f at - b'bnstcburch, Dunedin, Jin vercargill, : Wyndhatni' Gore, d|>amdn7, lirnarttVWaimatej'EllestfieVe, Rangiora, Masterton, Auckland and /W.anganutf ;:; ' i " . ! '* ;"..'! ! -V^l'l' < « -~s ' ;■■'* iSiz^J^^tin^tppk^e, B] lO^iaiid 12 feet: - Dojuble-Furrow T .Ploughs, Ch^ffcutters, Borse-Gears :Cambridge Rollers, . ! ". ' r^'! !^ J 6ee'd-Sowers, &cj, &c. '> / .; ■:; "; i :j^e^:;;::2fealaiid; J .*&& W jßindeiv^ f --V ( 4jt]»e' f 'oiam r ar'n trial; -'of TMrie 1 took the Gold Medalas the b^iT """ *'" pi.; u M'aMine in' tHeJFieldi (yeatlW^jSam nelson's, and Howard's Thig t ß*ja§'bn «t i; tne lt T^i ! eri v trial iP t^o^jthetiEirstpPriieas the fbestrßeaper and r Bindeir,; fl al r ßd First-Prize as the b : es aIL-Tound Ma«fiinV m<&ftbpdufi6iii with . ...: J..-;v/a-i / '^ctnsbfi, fiowSrd's^atfd W. AV-'Wdoa's:- ■' : y;> / ' i ■We.^rpn]bw ! ' ! RS6kin^ Orders fo&tbevjtollcra ing, Harye?^, and 'as the demand ' .will jbeTarge^we wotildlike otir friends' toiorde'r at 09^ to^avoid ! dWp|poiiitm'ejtt f t. ! - 4 .jAjs'We'wili^aVe a wel'lWasßor'ted^stOtfcoljfitiingsat al} n our branches, i^armeftt ; panrely^gittiii^fittings ±f tfinohiefet's/nottee. ;; ',.,;' " v;"° ; - I fe tl^ d r^ atalogl^ rfr H eon Application tb.Quc.Hpad Office, Dunedin, or"l 6: our Braircneff ;kfc Oa'm'aru, 1 - Timab/^ln^efcargiU, Christchurch, Abbburton, or I ; " J ° ;' ■-'-:'""'.: l "' Agektendj. - ■-" '-- '... * nrt{ j fll . 4 """—Wanganui Adveriisements rr -".-■'.■";)sr/A Vi;.h;.;vi' --„! Vjj .■■,,.( 0 <i|r j "'- ! '■. -" > ■.-!"""■■<.:":, .;;,.- ;,;" . t il-a/f- : -:. ! ir.':»» PREVIOUS^PfjPPENiNG' - ; ! " -- '. "'" , \.Z'/.'."' J;: ' ' . up op! . I pl tg, je;jl-:e : : '°§ &RE^?«EiLiy:HGi-: : s^i^-^fi3^foi^|3|^ A a^ i " ■«ar WITHOT7T ' :„,..%■ , . f - . r.V^".7 S^am^emgMes-and MajcmMet^,;- gf ;;; al| ; MaW .'-;u-.-5, ! v/t ".^/..;7.:r: v/:.;^ I ■"r'.'.'-Vr' : ;:v - ' ! '' ;/ '-? BY EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, j AND THOROtJGHLY TESTED S r,j ho V : : \,i* .i.-.ijjijiiqr..; x:^BEFqBS ;a|u^; f .; ;.'/ : .- - - i< «; ;■■" ■■ ■-" jjctir^a if) -jiyti'F. ; m{.;. H w ' Jl: '' : ' r ; :! - i -- ii<^ ""■■.".. ii -i 5.. ■■',..,, ","',,..')"■ FO/R S/ALEr-^BPILERS, of varieus H6Mnsi6nsi y 'witb ! 'or' without ene-inesi/ tlOi* *i LJil£,-jiiiom;4-aorse power.upwards. : v;: , |; -HOO') , ; i, ;)./,- "". r v,V; '■;'""'' -" ') .1 T , ( ; *■■>-■ ""■■-'~,li- w .7;j. ... ;"-,; Tne' ftpiptiauceff of^^th* Wanganw % n 4 r f are r 'tW'most complete m the colonyj iOi.Uf.cvi: .-, j^authepropirietpr splits ashareof sugpoxt, Wi«i. entire' l! "■■■"«'> ■Ul'c a % «. /.^ttftJen^asHa lability to iulnl wi(at: .j^e// *.! ; ' 7 " t -',;' 'V vrv; * "'.["*"" .r ",..,. =' - . .undertakes; leaving ihia-^ri toi.!j,:-,'"'" o , : ", ! j "'.',';"■ ..; ' "" ' ".../:. ;.-iV JAiJ itseifv p ■""."».., .:, i; ,,;; 'v'/; ".;'.;.,!,.,!.,, «-7/-;-. : -i: -. v^4B^ T HE^N^ f^ADLW/i^/S!I\iTIO]S-.,' ; ' ':: : | ~TTv E^C KIPTI VE Catalogue of Fruit. " f jy ! n 'MSsty' m r l Or&miftilXJTWefe, : S : irnlb§, 'RoseS > , fl f'&c;V'isfec'.'v ; f grown t6f 'W M f fek^ "LAIRDS rfigrfapnt p^uVseryfWan&anui; o:i yTJ,- o ,f ;r;r . ' , r nf Poat'trfee on-'ippKcatioiy./r-v- Sey/ Agricultural, Garden, and Flower - ' f Seea's r orStherbest-qoa'lity;^holQa j .r^-i: r;fr^Balefandjlre&jj.i;: ' V'/ >! "' } i"j PficKvtis.tii a^d every inform atio^ o -. ------ - r «»appli«tfiQ»««^ __ | ;' (ijvTaupo Quay,, .anc^ ..^lasgQW-strOctJ "f -'■■■..-. ..w^ganoi^;;. f ,,. fr<; ] -■©"IOHXJSBJSANNJESTAD & 00. ] iit i:^^ Tr A r No"^ bi/a-nik| f AiLMERSTUiNT.;!NORJIE6 n r,'- 1 ;; .I^NAWAm^,,;":; " i TOUEDIfNG-ABQfIXmASQES, (Etc f v>WA \> \:\ .xalt^Jg <^^an d l l\\^ " | Contracts r'for.tjnibej^.s^pplied^froi^ <: Kany ; of itljeirSaw^Mii/i}. ' Their. StedtP Flquy M^ll,is alw m ful l; ''Ki]k«©'reffseaf'P}<lur:^of-i;b<atAqui]i^? "'^ 't&e patent of A]l;,;^ j ;.. tias now. feeVb'efore thepublic for top ,' V-^^attaUuriiig'tliattime ; , ? 500O>tTQNSHA^l^EBN r SOlill> living v?fy grfeat satisioctjon^in ,proo£ ■'of wb^ wthbia.nftmetoas .^ttmonikk ; S l «-^ Wi C6lonißts t 'and the deftH.nd is 4»Uy .increasing to auchjai i^ beei illtrod^d^he various marker or^stralia'^ew Zealand, Xpr the Vole. purpose of danja;.- Samson Wire.-- ..,» , :1 . ■.. ; ' „, ' . *. . ? VW£€[- toiinfoi^.the'P^^iy 1 "^ X eistbn Northland the Sprrcwiudmg ihaf 4hey, have opened a: , Blacksmith's ♥©* «eW«e«:e o -■- j .-.""y? ■■: .c y . AttcklanaijAdvertißemeffl; i& /r 7 i; : ■"«■-■< v-^ | CUS:T<i)M-HOUSE^«TREET, .^UCaffiMßiiT -in/r : ! AND,ARESOIIB'AGEN'ts INisfW'lE^Af^ E#^ 00.' PORTAfiJiEia i: \* iv f,"i ! I blasts. . xTHEj H I G HE S;W±rr: ;- : .r,, .;,":.' j Oppknhbim & CO. ORDER OF "■:. *:;;,":/.■ ..-^ "*.,. v ' ' ; I'ilJM/.ia SiJT ,u-..-- -. ' " ;■'', ■'■■,'' ■;.' Celebrated Portable ternaticTn aTE "xh ,i* i' " ' ''■." A '' : j ~ , 'v. i) . ;11 " "..:„ - f :* t >--.ArfP i "" r i, gorges on hand and f -Mti<f 1882, for si m ; " l " I ' i -" 1# - ' r '' !l: | I;V; fr<V! "ifr^V ?.[■■■ .. --^i Vii-" 1 f ■-■ " ( v " O! ,-" , - ,- 7 , j " ':" J for sale atoManniao- "" ,„ <>'.;-!!?■!- .'■ ..;r ; -v:.-.v. " . 7f ,,,; A, .TTT/TI, |Jf .j'.'" A "VT T^ test with ■o£ ; ;:^%^Ja^Lj^aLJNJJ. '■ -:i .-!";>:..:;.": ":;)]'■ " . .-[ ....... ... -j'", ....,;' --;j !_. , f% B te e i shaf t w h i c h Btb£uQvaq&. Cos ■"".'■ ■.:-:: < :':.-r...-.-i Si .-;h"o.. ,- 0 H^^i-^ -\'.' s' "''" ' "''.»"? " f i:/ V;■-": '"■"! '-■'■ -^r ■. ■'■■" ; ... ". , . -," ; " ; i n ,?o::: r " '""'riing iri'^bt " "bush^ PoETitBLB. ;-F0'BgEEi:.' ' ■■ ' ■:■ " :S-",: , t )n;. :; -. | . . . .J< v } i-r : .■ ','/ r 'ng«|, like. the Forge Blqw.er. This.' Forge^ tion of the machinery .the'panV jit consists of a gear-wneeland pin- ' ionto driye Ihje .counte^^yftjyfcpn? iwhich .ja belt, oneinch wide, rnhs'oß*AoptfHy! 7 tothepulley.toathe Fan. ..It, ; ;wnl\.dri.Be ;the Fan when slack, whichcannotbe 'i 1 [dojie onFdrgea/wherea round is nsed-.i !l^rcindeTs-or cHr-t-oan-fall-intcLtha^ . bepingsi The crane com ainitfgall the! macihihery, canbe swung under the centre 'o| l the I Forg§,.thu'B preventing'breakage while being transported. 1 ' We warrant this <>d Vcpr^*p^ifib^^Ver7;«m^rat-iib^fi£-dtHeriilthemukeM*^' -^ : "(»". "■, 'Fai'piersi^jfewellers Gansmiths,B'oUer«makers, *" '"'"PW^fB and-BTapkß^mitfiMin fact,' for allpdr poses m wMck,Forgeß areused. k ? * I vl'>i>-l" <«<"■«, v.V i: EACH; '■ '■ A ; j. . XJT 4-J on sa * c *P^ "are isole i "Agents"'in' New Ze,aland, r for : ths Baker ? ji]li'^C.o/s^Rotary jßower^lND MILLS and FJjIE^GRII^EEtS. I^ [TheBest Combination for Pnmjjririg Water, Cutting Chaff, Grinding Corn, Seeing Turnip^,- running anykindof machiniry^eqaaV to ,S,team Power m upi- ;. fo # rmi«^(ilßpeed^nd..reg«laru^.of..m.Q.t.ipn,_ |U . 5... ,^,>-, ,'.}.;, "!.,;.' ' " ' ,/"' :i J Price complete ,with^l^a^jPiping^itod^and.^e^^aß^ea^. " r >-^ j " : ; ==!^^Po.«®blbrA^Drß jto> ■! M ;.,: * Price^from^l^eachjTrSend for 3irculari u and Listsv -. " jr^rf .j :/ 'i J.. .. THE3EST INTEE WO&LD. iMStofi^tnteTO&M'^'gWtfik'Pin Oiiertf ;>La Bdw's Disc : HarrAroW,,p6le^| man and Morton's CultivatoVs '" Union ' Seed] Drills ; and all th* .feesp and latest , JEaprpfe'd'Agribulturar andMining Machinery. " >c> '* , bo^gg^ Patersoti's'Etffbpean Telegraph Works * li. 3' '»^^ - ' " ' J eo%act6Vt6 ; Hi'M.Goyernmect "' MICRO ! (TELEPHONES. Paterson's Ebonite : BelL'Tjßlepiione's. Price ;with'Oprd, f LI eacA n^TEerab^VClaYb'On-Tranßmitton-^ith-- f J^ J 'i*^ea%7V- ri ; : --' ? '-' j v^-VITO/ . .",.■. ... Leclaudlre's'Batteries' complete. Price 7s 6d each. 5 , <; Insulated Wires for Telephonesfor ELECTRIC LIGHTS. v ! s^Th!^;;^B.dßGi]^ "■"."."» ? " "i,-:; -J-XU .ifjo^Bi^jt^'f^aket^l.Sw^n.L^ -\J\ ?.*A\ki r No. Cb, to take 66' Swah.,^mM ..... 5 i.'.;....v;.i;U.L100;^.' <v { "'"' ' SWAN'g ! INGANDESOENn? lLm!P9£=G 51'eacli- with Sotkets^.-r ' ■$ . " As' '^rdir'B^can bnlyi'be 1 " taken 1 'ito rotatiohtheyishouldbe'giyijj_at once to ensure quick delS«ifri-viw «J «i Qs:^ ; ,„ r , rT ,>„. i"";!-!:3i J ; ; T':?^W?^ lt ?' :raiNC ! E F l62 ' at L * 6 bp-^ V'"' "" J " il .iiSoJC"rfu^P.artcijilarsV^i^BV,'a^ : .; .vc -:■':■»!« !.,>", r',. o ,_,,: /"°j ''^to^W^J^^^a^;^ -"SC-r^BifitoPi ..;ypH2efpNSji ; f wdog-oarts^' and v^io^s-^i- Paint n'gi Trimming^'' and ; ,Repairs.pf au t lhfads i 'dote^t)y^gbddiMißohapicßV.Wd .".-.jo/i-iv/n.P I.:^-^1 .:^-^ ,„!) 5.. .",;,. r ..,.,.' i -.."7; '^ ««'i«> T i f r-)&:rt J; rt bi'.n Xix .iv:: ,1 ."""!■...!:..,■?; j;;ft ; .. .,;,,; a^ Moderate Prices. r t'.-v-'i,.,; P,'"p. :- " I "'^"3V Of. r t ?J j':-)f ? f,j oJ T fi tl i 'Su^int^ly^V. an^ BeaulSully-aesigned Spring: Urajls frein: £24and ■■"-"'■' '- vr , "■'■■■■■' ' vr :--' ■■'■'"■" ; '- ■- ■■['. wir nuiia/^- <?r,r i <r-»- i on .-.-■4'»" Medical- ' ""-; .'-■ .^^ "■"■»"' _:■:;■? "■■!.- -r /ilfew-r b^.f ;-j \i^ r ,- -ifj.;-.. ' :.■..■/. »e:ardy,' r* ir^i-.^v. '" H^-_ o:'J i?>n;e^w.'and;i """"...; " .y^!, '■; : - 'i-h' Kn'rlvised-edi^ '^\:.^{f n . -r-'rJ inrni itJoDpTfffiMrfi- r . "■■" '. +n -<-<\ ;■:-■..' >a DUBAiLiGieTDB;; ir - '■"'.;■■ jr V ' '"' f health) happiness^ :,, " " '""and-aTigoron'sold age. ''h - i( .r '^ifl,l,t:liasJbeen-theaimoßhe - Author of tKis'littleworfctOj ,n : - point aout theiihature, :treatm :>}■>■ ment, and cure pf aiclass^f Rev-ii » c '©"s^diDebilitatingrDisetfses^Dn- i .an^l (hatixd lhas-saccefiifuUyacißpffltplfohedhisJtask is evidcediibjr the .enprmp.us (jirouJation rwhich^hds Mjdical.quMplias^ttained, I In presenting to the,publie. tfeis^e,^ I ( /and^catefaUy.^eyisei, jedifcion.V ;it '* ' i^£is^pne^n,ihe,hp r e^at I ■y) t sbeniquallyj m^accefctable fas . ' | ~!A £pr§po«8 Ic editipnß..:^: t|o p copy of thjefwork wili,^ q fl . I <^:t; ; Beatiree,by»poßt,t(Pjany ; ,: , 01 j tto's «. ■<( : kddressipn .receipt oort r r : '. j ■:0.:.;:...' , twp §tamps J)o re., , , ' plytoH.W. j * -wt- f -,r, «(J8.0.,n4: 4 ,i,,. f ! MBLBotTR^. ; ; ;, J i :■"_. "ii:g-.:}yyi tl>H:ifP , S 4.-U ..' , [ ftj ; ii A'QK SMIT;H;° mEffilL. WRIGHT, and SHOBINQvS.MITH; ' r^tf6 f r^erof?Jftan|itikei Street and' j ' P, r r'^.VPAliMi^ON Jr lf(fiTik, vr! ' tJ ! '■ /j-CO-J'tilyifVi' CtiiT:f]f.;/. ".-(■ !y <- - f -i^-.'-'V. | . (Between Royal and Ckre'ndpn^Hotels) :Bhqemg :3 done;. >wito !Trq|rf, to , an :.MIT eixtu^r j■_ 1 emicha vt>ork'done. . ' ' ' i Vehiclesiftndi ;A^icn^uraJ o lmplementH f', ; ::r.?:i.rjiorn»ade.and're^ejdV';;^ (^^ [ 'j I'J-iJfT r !'' j !,; "-"v-.f.-.r. .-: :r.-. f! .1..-.r'j r-C.!H; .■"'-;-'" j " :! « r Alii' : lSbW '\:6±*BNi©-p ihjj, , 1! Photdgr&phiou Jtooms m. :.--: t >- -;,/-.-., o. the v &venue,'M' " ,..-..r. r j 7 l r fEW^DOOto,' a bo Y e f his f :pld- Ipre- jjnisejs., ri ■v/'o'.'mf : - r. : 1 /Work 1 of r aH 7^seßcriDtions is jnpw -ow:'.!?--.-..:} <*. T i -v ' ;' THe;P6blfc ; %fe : Wrdiafly J invited to inspect 1 tW Work 4iid- premises ai any time, h "—^ T-?M-^\i-.s<ri,-ri \ r;0 ' ;,rrr u.ir ,vri.-;r f ;-»A' ,f.,: n .. c; >- ; nrf: . ;f . ;'jljkE n »jANAf WATtt 'jS '% latest 'circttlatioh/o! any D > ews(pa^''jn' I Man'a ; Wain, ! and in6 jpt^e] 'oifrHai'Jiii '' f the,"dis'trict v -dso read| by; s n/ati jSp 1 eb'plei : lf Adyertiiere snpnjd ;4Mt member .OS v Business j Notices. feiow v&^^^Pwii,', tl f. '..._'■.' . g ., I Raneitikei Street, Palmerston jo ii^?n.jv iiMi/o-ii-Aff-jQ.;^ ,,-;..;,,. j-j." ' j xL! . r 'meiiti feitlier^lmportedyor !; mad^ on tfie'PrMiiß^, itichidihg DjouWe^nd jrifjptf of%ifeiigh «filtin^, Ohafif-Cuttere,Hp^e-Powsi . } t ciin-b* seen, on the premise's. T>rl l ( £4e°M'l)-'^va BL EB.,| 1 r " 3 GEO: WRIGHT^ &f GO. . i fßilUir^Tibli Mfckenrand P«M, I^2 Id 1 1:64, J Westihinfster i^Wdge fipaa; ;iJ .f ! " o ;' fcl ' : r 'London^^-:,} v,,^ I ... CJol& MSdal ir ChHstdhurcu Exhibitiop; ■i>,',i yToiv ; :^j 1882. - "■'.■■ >".;; [ , GoldMe^l AdeUideExhibition, 1881, ffizeiWk^ed ( Mblbownei Exhibition. v Fi/fltfefaSs Wrtificaw; iLonclotl,[l&72. r > ,-... (..(:?,;■: .t .-'.:l;r:<.iaija_ "(;.'( ,^-i^. j * > fhe^ i *ia'^ni.fi'cV!ut. : Tables ..■ are |cff f solid-'Mt.'iogau^ Jwitiir fec.«j?i «ia% '^? and BjNfecwi : itnp v A'Vfjd; f <jst:/ c^Bbiopi Which' ire g«4ara\w,f!ed<;nQ.t .to, get harp i the'cdldeßt climate.Oi.i ; j'r fi' i" 1 ' ,:.;. ou 'i-jui -. " v? :..-,. ■"[■'-■ mHis, PQJ^SM is quite ' hatmlies^ JL to animal life, butyls' tmriYalleq ifl destrojing ' #%, Bngß^*cdßf caches,; beetles, njotha ji "it's, arid' ev&yi btiher,- -»p]ecieß ;'orinsebt. d . Spbrtemen'^iH fiad ithia^ 'ipalwbib fbf -aestii^in|; flea 8. (n; dogs, as aiip^adieß foi tKeir|fet' do^;s,r, ', This Article iias !Bnna^Bo ■& saleHiiatl? nWftfcbtea^bthiJW to vead * so^aiied ilttiafe 1 in-iinittftfoe. rata Public ,are di'iiiiiined tKat .tiha-bUhe, genuine'■powder 'Be -the «utograp|i n pf lHbM'B".SE^Tl]rf»i -■ : . i inrl: "■"» ;»; v = i;.|v:jf -: .-.: - -,?, ..,;, ! r( , y } ' KB4'CI[NG^S WO&M^TABLETS. v &.■purely vegetable 'sweWniefit,(botW lm'jßppea^n^..,and. v v W^/foraHhingf'«"a most,fgreeable method of - inguthe only; certain romecly for inlte ! Bti» jialjorvth^ead Vprm*B.. .. l ii iß'a ; f»etfe<(tiTy tfafe, and mild prep»ratibn', aid is esp'eci^ >Uy. adapted fcr phildfon. , | ; '■'-" f - --■■t' Soif m jsj by Chfemißts and ■Druggißtß. '''' ■'■ J I ''\ j rj Proprietor,-- . .'. .. . ... j "" !( '-S ' - lion Jon. Export Chemist and Druggist :, ,[RON '^©^m&RfiWA^M^eHAN'JS:,;' off:-; "■roi.iißtfo*fv/-^r. !^.ft .^m;* Lc^n --^.r— -.: —*— - "&C tfMfejßAl/ IMPiiEMENTS,BRUISfIWAEir,^MI WARE; PAINISp f ' y** ;j'-f-;.;i,:J P r lO viC() .ji.T '.OILS, ;&o r * ">": ;!■".■"."//■ 4"-..|fo :.. "-....,..... ..."!i „. ,"*.'[' .-'.%" .' y .' ' "''.';,' ! [ Ad KJB Fpß SAMUBT.SbN'S; A»D M^OBMI6^'S J^TB^Ha >: B«APBB§'&ii^ /o I ""/["';.';. \W- ' i '-^*'"^.^* r \'T \t f rhi;-yyn\s \-W& .1 <k O.i .C^i-nrf ;f- oj J-. ■:"■ 1 ''Iv V ri ;;^ iao nO "AWPKWE^S' i FiB»-jPBOOF SAITESi <" ■Oj .;-:.U;^ r - f;U "■! ffeiiiMeoTJches- J.-..M.ii]Baalsstßf. rt ,v / , 77(l 4 j <i.>■ tapestry D,egign§ 'CproM°Cottohwi';; - > A ToU€t]Q|asse8 f ,,r Carpets J tGuft/tinß, »c^ vW ' fJ>sii?,) [.<;.■"'-.■;,■,[. ffu/f,} -MarbJe^Ja^e®,.^ Brneselhh' :-- -M«ttrasßes iSLfartltiairjP^'i « " Taj^trj^ : Springdo- _. Foldibg dliairs ' Gri^R^ewp^do. Eidaermi^er^'Hatir^W^r'-knd (iotiuetGhiairs- "'"; ; Maple^JoJpid 0o. : TTl F^ r/; t> , ..'"" " and Flax do. GbeffbilttrS' <; !^ ; fSangrfjip^Glasses Felt gguarsa'. /. Feather ßedV * Ibtffi dfSetf' ,'iff.Vv: iiv a " m Bftoß&€iiyep .i&tairparpeta y a; Ta*l68 f: ? ;ni-\B 7 Hfttrack«r j jxr^Gr^ab > Qlpths, '.[j»nd ; fJPw^ 8 ., '7 lj){Mi)i li[ T^elß^^^iajn;|grai i [)e^ole8 7 -v,-. I CQirjMattJnjr i ; ,^^B^,/ "^ . |)r^Bii^ : Tableß- d:rvvftWindp^^ol^ra P^zßeh&B,.' r '. ' ; 3?Sbleßt>? ; : -IjateDti ,.-,„ . ^Maniia do r .Jloojt^qols ' tetfjbpTiWMiif-cvwr-^ .vv,^enetian^;B]indß,r- |glijaci49of>r %maM .;. Kipsf'tal^B }^rt ct< -o^hjrtßfiJft otlT Cbjna d,g ( v 1 !;?- Beboj^TitbW^ ;rr IQ - : --. r rV>43pirf*J»f«teiv, t ; fA Oilcloth, wiae-i^orJ^afeß;.:}." Wpr^Tatbies u:i ! - '"«' ?/ ' C*nterbuij.;dct Pamge do_ * Wa9ifsif^tfdtf fOf ■'<'■''' flft?!Nbp«jPWff. ' i Linoleam - Wa|lisiland ro'il6t j se\8 '««■« '"' "■■: r-Musioj^ools. J W^^owPol|andßfTf ) <g TOn CLest Drawers :I " ■""-*" ipf? c^ anaSttelTes Table JJjteeß.,, " Mats,table ft Woii Bad^teadS- - rr f -,pnc^sed r^ahdfl:ony Doin-cj0t^. ..... j^jgju [ron Canb f #f^ '> ' J^iiy? (.jfj|?aS^K,,O|«W», ,„, Wood Bedstead*— " Peraiabulators, four Greß,n, Ba^ ;. ^ick^il^a.; IrODrand.,Wood T and three* wbeplj-pamaskSj,,.^,, Gliss'e's CotaUJdes^ 'S- iV? :^jßassufette&T r , r . ;t ,Bepps r .. .. /^p^Jßpxe, Towell horses >- -Fenders atuTF^*..:- , j ...^j^ftlsta^s , . f.iTorTAj!..-:-:;.,, y . h: ...~,., r^f,^ s ■„■ r> f-,, 5 , t ... (( Trim^jug^rusHeil Kit&n-iteße* v; < : ' : Voot scrapers ff . v Oil Ol^th ',; ;B[air f Brooms ', Dfessess 7a v -" ' 'CJrit9nnf!;r . . t -O^petdo . &c.,.&c^&c., '■">*■"-» ii'i^p ,v;: ,.. ; r ,, ;^ ?,{,,......, /f ,- v ,.-: f t , .... , .!^.,. r ,< 4. ,..'■';.:;: ;;":! ' : " : Drawing^ arid'Dinifag ißoom Suites,, ,New jStyles ; Wqodj.iOanei, and - Spring Seal "'■■-■ v< i.;i «x ;j .'; ,- ..Chairs- of reyery descriptipn^ 'l^,'-. '..."., "'" .' ; "'^ I ';'' ; "'- r! rnHBJ (JEAIt MEAT PRESEBfVIN© 1 A^b J^EBZING OOMPANf OF^ NisW 7 ZEAIAI!?D, (IjiKiTisp,) ' ' II';;.)'-; \ ■■"-" ;-"* y ::; riWii-. : ;ri Oapiti^ic^OO, in:i(i,#| J&arjf« jof r ;; .;.;_; ;£io.each> : . ! . ?A , s: r ; . ,,, Second^ f i^ji^c^v^%MS £^Q»PQQ^ m, -4:000 B^are? #$$ e^pn* "■ J&i Et*sis Ea<£ } ij^.^Mifmaitt %»J.^. Buckley, M%& , ; ,o!? c J fe^.Thojppßon. Esq., JT.P., (Thodp^ son, Shannon & Co. ) k^cKah 1 *^ B *' BangiHkew , ,„ hawng Extend the ope^ wti^^ih^poiniwn^^ %?^c*^ of fiSanK pl*nV Vfl , now , issuing to . be§i ipftqwf.47-^ o,jjo ,jj V - F, . ;;jiil ...... , : . \ Allotment payable tn Aug. 10s r;j £* 19a per sWe will ]be,(^ij|ed : tip. . havj %#£s "nd. .reoe^intaie^i^i^a on B«»m?, >j( cent per annum, and an interim dw- dend at that rate has already been paid. .^^^Wexlntatedw ttj^oe^ee eLVshows'that 1 the if (%nipWy iS^an^yr^lle^pWioninW ; ; fcgitiiniite inreSi^ .oeprior tnapngfb .colonial companieß dealinff irithtire, dev-elopment andman- ay; cPI ftl j A fiSn'Bideifablßttn!n^r »f ttte Shares of this Issue having J alrea<Jy3 ' been ? 6M*re*( J^ay; t>9 in^de it mv of the Branches of the. Bankers se^;of^^sr«^lei^# tMacdonaldinndu Co.* l^nAUiafßJjreet, and D.T. Stuart, Qustoin-houae .qnajr, ,^ho^%ill?ac¥ »8 Broker^ feft4hei&>m- .p^Rßj'l 1..' """"or.»>.'s « .«J»fl'«'7£fin.-;'j. j / ■.^WeUingtoy, July ftOth, J(883« /. ;^ V., l ]|^TdqfiAPHYf i : _,; v;-;;;i r,v; ithe pubjift oi i iandj t viunduriding districts ? that .'his, stndioi oppobit^ tlie Coart-house; Miin^ctreetj j i^now opeii diilj, -¥rid^ *i!l' bevariied ou under bis personal aaperrisionr J " } r Pric*e--C»rt«de Yißite f ,15s per ddz. ,!'■<} v,-.y t : z : -;:-*jy tfc^ fc^:ivviOß>perr?|fdpi. '..»?.«" «! Gtotipa, &i.,-a^p6r agreement v,.»;-*i*H -j-i; I -Jttfl)! i^jj 6p ;v:' ? ; . !a . «iA j &c, as per agreement; .. ! tit.} »:i ; - ! " ♥j! o Jtoi cOnpoait0 f the!C)Qn|-trjhp.Uße fr>r , Main-street. ; '-■■' : 'MEB|»B' LOUJSIi, 4 vBBBEEB&H^ ri ! -; ' ;; ' :; tsMsi^ Paliheretonj. ! * j '' : (, :.:\-,.yi 107.'': ■■'ii.Si !,<>■' .;. 41 fj .vji-J,-!<}: linvi IJ. .«'.'*jaJSs« to: announce tibiajt jfcheji (i pder- t/ &ai^ni«ake aa^partnwpts.pC^^radA; and guarantee to givd. eatiafwtion Jbo.th m workmaoship and charges. They.* have on sj#— r | ' Plain jand,Contgafed Irpn Tanks of ill i /*;"; .v.Bwes<-'"^X '"■.'[ ;.'/:" ,^' r , -i' Washing BoUerS; (copper or g*lyajmled; ~irofc)>Witli portableiturnaceß. [ : Stiohge; Hifc ! Pltuige/ atodi Shoier, Baths,of all^scri^iißj !/l ' ; } ,»j ' A lig<B Stock of Tinware alTTays| on "■ ; -°^ o .' /handi l' ; > .ULj^jiiorders. promptly attended tc.- " i i '" finotogiiPl^Wng Work,&o f Ordinary and Electric Bella Fixdd. i : ft ;;^ 0U F D : » S0 N, : io(/'i <>T-' .^^tettf;,"-- j r /! , : 'j '■' ', v fIHB Ma^awatu ,Stxkdakd has; 8 " X ' S cjr4p^%sn^9ildi^,and^r<jugh- i.'ont tbyßa^ej^Blb^k,-hrin ejxceßS of any journalpnbjis^'inMaiaWattfi. andixi v cpn > jj<e^tfen'c6! ifcis^ths T^emiet gtj j&oi^iwiiai'jßPffl^tw ,/ to #«poiJt^toolM)it« I o^cej any irregularity which m«y oewi m Terytheir«/>e»-
Page 1: paperspast.natlib.govt.nz€¦ · The Manawatu Standard. j "'' - - " " ;. /,-' '"s' " '"" - > » I '.- j n...,., r...... if., 1-v:J...vv....,-: '*.. ." N--'^-

The ManawatuStandard.

j ■"'' ■■- -■■ "■■■■"■ ; . / ,-' ' "s' "■'"" ■■-

■■>■» I ' .-■<« >j n ...,., r...... if.,1-v:J...v v....,-: ■'*..■." N--'^-!J "■O.«Ju-!Mr.-.,, l.^. '

—-'. ■;- .-"■■.,: . " -._._.. _ __ ]-■■ *:■:=,:,,! 1,,,.... [;,ViV,i;

VOi. 4. NO. 374 PMiMERSTOIir NORTHS WESLVA^ s-'s^.l^B|;a?- ! t.J-i^■.'";■- ■-■ ■■ uv-r.-ya i^f-Z) j t'.'/A'r./ y

':pmctelrMi penny. -_

MANAhimf. pOfite1 'CLfriS?' I_ .. ■"."'iHi''*—

)fr>> i3-■"■'

i tJ>':*iLarni*:&>-< vw/<»iToibW ihttW t^mme^tdn-mi <>

■...,- i»ifefw..wj '"'"WWffliirt :■

>«- / \ \r\ .Hon. Walter J4btisto&J\j{fmi,

__„, IViob-Presidr>jt»-:—MepsrsH:nMt)lNeil^d, James- Lintbnw,I

ry J Stewards:>mmJ. R. R' Prift;W; rAkers, A.E.Ru^'eH^v^^erMlD^ +*Walker,f#( V) J. iiOng7"anTA~.~iktcDpnH|d^ ~

I Starter;iMr J. E. C. NatßEn';'-

Glerk op jfetf Coursb': * v,

!"*% 1T?? dhte n«"/' /.no /rtr.w,o,... GBBRK^BnTaaL&QAjtKjBIW..,,,.,- .-,■■'■' '^Mr'JSateigh.iu;\n.;;;;^ /'~ " Handicapper:

. ia

i\*/ TiMBKgRPBR./ ..... ;;.-■

—-■■? Mr H. wMaybittll l:^. Judge: if).

ISttQTi(Ellight. C-\- . t ,rr

\ Hon. Treasurer; ;'"IMr G. A.._Macquarne.

■"0' jv r>p/rJ&t-. r■:"- . "


°1. Handicap Hurdle Rape of 60

JBOVB- 2 miles/ over 8 flights ofHurdles,$ft.. 9in.high. Nomi-i1 nation Tbov" Acceptance"S/boVb.T^ fstajt aflfc3d a.nV' 5; '

2. HAOK^|TuRpLEMj3k 6f10^8. '

.^^^ pncc spiind ■the course: s> Pdift''"'

enbieß.'EtnJTancel>BOv. .Wefgfct1'

not tobe under 9 stone. Open7y to .jbba't ,baye/^er

_\ J^n-jni)J^ated_pjr enj«red:for '-

any advertised race up to tHetime jO^istarting^fo? this frace -r

j , (hackraces exceptedj. Jockey*'

/": toride!m colours. To start a* ,12.15. ,;\ "r' l

\ :3.|Maidkn Plate of 40 soys. En»yp'r, ! t1"*1106 S'j^vss1"'Wieightjfor ago*

j 1^ miles. Open to all horsesI that-Bbftveu '>never oy?on<j jiublic^ 'j mooev (hack races excepted)| prior tc- date- of- entry.--Any.„' I horße.entered_fQr.. Maiden_Platej winningan

radvertised race be*: tween the dkteof entry and date

. I of race4a carry a penalty of■ I 51b£ Jt%4tlir{it;i'p.irtJTVlo

4J MkNAWAO-U' DiSTRICtf -fiSSa^'-Sf'-tiOf-esimn EoK:Bf^e~wA:.olds. Colts,^ Bs| lOlbs., filliesand'Geiaings Bs£'slbsV Secondhorse to receivel0soys.out ofstakes'. Distance l£ miles.

"~ Nominations 1 suv....Acc§pU_. ance 2jsovs.s Einal acceptance

1 soy. Acceptancesi wilT "closT "

,with general entries and iinal|acceptances an hour before" tatartingV To stant afc"'i.4o\p_.aa.\

' 6. ]SIANAWAyU.,-RACINO \C%UB( HaN« j

I |dic*p *" of 200"

soys. SecondIfhorse to Receive from|" Jthe stakes. Nominations* 3

1i ■| *,siy8/ r!AcceptfßttceT tysoya.;.T;Dis-;2- tance1^ miles. The' winner of

"t" 'any .H^iidjcap^ to the value _oi100

ls6ys(..,after[pVeJMtlr^k^qi- wweights' toca/ry 7(6al eiftrK fo

j6. Hack Race o|' 10^ sovs^OiiceMlI round the cdurae" 'Postentries.j Entrance,lsojr.T "Catch weights.

■: \ . Qpen'rto. all'horses

'thdt' have "

j ("■";■ :nev,er won, an advertised' raceIv -'.-.fl (hack 'race 'exceptfed)r fTiief r'j. ..winner . of this

' raV't'b;' be 1', .': .pffeeedJpV.dalejbyaqctidtiim'ike^'''.

,j, immediateiy after the facelf'a:M?1'

!f r ;.any §urn realised over'&20rt6''go' >

I to the funds^ bf the OluB." Tp:I Btartat4p.m.

- " «f>

I6. EiiYiKG,Handjcap of 60 hoys.,' ' , ..Nominations1soy., Acceptance

3 soys. Distance' 1>3furlongs."Tostart 4.45p.m. :'' ''■""«'*■'■"■«>!

8. CONSOLAT^ONrTBrANDICAP of 80<bovs.-7t 1 soy.

;" -Acceptance 1soy. For all|--- horsesbeaten duringthemeeting! r '-' < ;Distance^ miles. ,-. To;start at| 5.80 p.ro/ ■■""■'■■■'""■IM7! dominations;.wUlr.be received ad-jdressed to the Secretary.at the'tfom-'mercialßEEftteU' -Palmetafcbn North,up.toSaturday,17th -November,at8 p.m.Weightswill "be d'eclared-on^^Satur^ay,Ist.December. Entrances--and Ac»ceutan^esr^bsejbA.Safur^ay,, DecemberldEnYat B;ptmJ


:,/''-'hIST.A! RUIZES AND BEGijIiATIONS.:,.,"No entry :will b6received for any

Raceexcept'upon this conditio^-T-Thatall Disputes Claims and objections"iiising out of:'the racing shall be de-cided by a-majbritiy. of the Steward^present, or7those'whom' they may ap-t oint. Their decision on all pointscoriaectad with the carryingout.>of thisProgramme^hall be*finaj.*>.;, ,r^n\(f!i

Ail Entries to—be sealed and ad-dressed rto'< the Seccepa^.ti^alnierstonNortli:Entrance Money enclosed withname, agb at the time*ofHentry>( pedi-gree,and m;thereafter of Handicaps,performance of'the% horse,{nameof theowner, and coloocsof the rider. AnyJockey ridihgrexceplm tha colours en-t«red willbe;fined'3(Soya. 7

When two oivmore horseß: stajft (theproperty of the,same owner) a distin-guishingcolour must-berworn.

All persons intending td mthoVawhorses, aie nqbired' tdgive notice tolhat effect td the Secretaryor Qlerk ofScales s'onen half-nonr.ybefore-^,tart(ng.Any^persGYi neglecting orAr,#fusing tocomply with fcbis-rule shaU payafineof5 soys;' torthe>R©ce; J^ind.

Ailraces to-be-ranunder the W'J.O..ftules^/^v* "'£ i». >J.)G7{j JwoiJ/^xjr

Horsea walkingfoverwillonly receivehalf the stakas.-

ISohorse to sayits stakes manyrace'except where otherwise specified.

Ko~Entries or nominations will bereceived under any.pretence whateverafter the time specified i(j>rrLetters beaiing the postmark' ol thedaierof-entry,and telegramspf theBanadater willbe re,ceiTed.^.,_ V

JSo qualification fee required.'v TflOS.£ft. WALTONi

Specially-constructed for {Logse r

(to&tffis; rggch asRags,etc. :One;ton.of Hay can, be packed witfaii,'\! .' one ton measarementof 40 F1 ■< j-^7i

,'".T.Cnbic}.Feßt. .. ■" ;"" }

Belt;;Pgpetual;!;Press. forked byofM.

c or'8te°m' power. fWilt;Bale iromFifteen toTbirty. Tons''■"-■-"»"<"'>■ «i -m TehHourw/ j-.".- .-',/,fUPMMptiye Circalare with fall pai!>wcttl^rai o.n^pllKTkiiiqnto' ' '" - j

.-J:'-r- Queen^ictoria-ptreet,

!iiß«9 aMt ;.- :,~~.. ..;,Loodo"- XC.■r'owj-.,,f.;;,..:;\

I'; ;': *:: 1UKt-.r "■.}■" , .

" ■...■.■;""■«"«?--:'■.-/■ ; "

ni ...:■■:?" ■.. : V"; . " :." >;:: ■■- ; .JnfiEr^ANAWATg Standard bein.:


the oldestdailypaper m Mana. i,wto,necessc-riy-hus v circulation an.stafiding , which defies competitioi "'<L.WgjeVcircuj/i ti'in ;thati V.ny paperj<':-t'-rf aaiHUtl daily-increasing I"'"'-"! -..f.v v ,'■ "'.v. "'■ "■;-■"■ i"" ff '""■-■■'■: :? .. , -VV-.;. -.?■"'";, '■«"" i <

>:r>3h'i -b ..-■">' ty" ;


T7 ISITING-Xards, Posters, .pill.,Butinesß and a!)

'otshir1dla^Bes ot Jobbing.jpiintinfij ex-p ntfd at the S'jAHDABD Uflice,

tSH:►[ vfigsiness J^ouces^ q- "


a biNO tirsAL Slioitbd Fbom:T.-Xrii>6B Wh,o(Havb JNptXkt £riedJ


it'* -GOODALL's'Yidj^HJC&4: " !■M--'^;'. ;' r.vofo!.Relish .;;/,_;,,;,,":.-..[-;' j! 'The rnbst delicious;isa,uce m vt|ie

Worlds This 'che&piandfe^ceUent sftucemakes the plainest viands palatable,';jiiia'in'erdaftitiest^dißnes fm.prqfde^l^iopß.Tocho^s^steok; fish,:.&Qi it,is incojn-

TheBestiri'th^W^ricJ. Makes delicious'" buddings.without eggs, pastry withjoiijt,'Jbutterl, Kih'E' 'bfeadmsvithouß^euSti

GOODALLS WINE.-/The Best and most agreeable tpmc_

1%eVfiiteo'duoeh; ,The, be^t ,kno\r,n j re^' *%x®?jl for^ainaigesjiqnjjpss of appetitejand generaledebility. Restores* delicateindividuals tohealth.


("""'"^''l ." X .},-"{» . ■ Business WoticeUj - ,'"*-?,

j'-r "■ KEID '& 'OEA¥, :- l 'zi miipPf-E^ENT M MACHINE j MANUfACTUREM*

WET^JJ^P^VED New Zea'anff-Centriiljliißo, Disc Harrow. 280m&11 and'in use,1is the' Simplest; the Best, and{he most"" ' ' 'r <

L>s!t Seasoriit took FIRST PRlZßs'in Ctbmpeirtion with all ColonialandAjnencanMakers,fat-b'bnstcburch, Dunedin, Jinvercargill,:Wyndhatni' Gore,

d|>amdn7, lirnarttVWaimatej'EllestfieVe, Rangiora, Masterton, Auckland and/W.anganutf ;:;'i" ■ .!'* ■ ;"..'! ! -V^l'l' < « -~s '

;■■'* iSiz^J^^tin^tppk^e,B]lO^iaiid12 feet:-

Dojuble-FurrowT .Ploughs, Ch^ffcutters, Borse-Gears:Cambridge Rollers,. ! ".'r^'!!^J6ee'd-Sowers, &cj, &c.

'> / .;■:;";i:j^e^:;;::2fealaiid;J.*&&W jßindeiv^ f --V(4jt]»e' f'oiamrar'n trial;-'of TMrie 1 took theGold Medalas the b^iT""" *'" pi.; uM'aMine in'tHeJFieldi (yeatlW^jSamnelson's,and Howard's

Thigtß*ja§'bn «t i;tneltT^i!erivtrial iP t^o^jthetiEirstpPriieas the fbestrßeaper andrBindeir,; flalrßd First-Prize as theb:es aIL-Tound Ma«fiinV m<&ftbpdufi6iii with. ...:J..-;v/a-i / '^ctnsbfi, fiowSrd's^atfd W. AV-'Wdoa's:- ■' : y;> / '

i■We.^rpn]bw!'!RS6kin^ Orders fo&tbevjtollcraing,Harye?^,and 'as the demand'.will jbeTarge^wewotildlike otir friends' toiorde'rat 09^to^avoid!dWp|poiiitm'ejttft.!-

4 .jAjs'We'wili^aVea wel'lWasßor'ted^stOtfcoljfitiingsat al}nourbranches,i^armeftt;panrely^gittiii^fittings±f tfinohiefet's/nottee. ;; ',.,;' " v;"° ;

-Ifetl dr atalogl rfrHeon Application tb.Quc.Hpad Office, Dunedin,or"l6:

ourBraircneff ;kfc Oa'm'aru,1- Timab/^ln^efcargiU, Christchurch, Abbburton,orI ;" J ° ■;' ■-'-:'""'.: l"' Agektendj. -

■ ■-" '--

'... *nrt{j fll. 4 """—Wanganui Adveriisements rr

-".-■'.■";)sr/A Vi;.h;.;vi' --„! Vjj .■■,,.( 0 <i|r j "'- !'■. -" > ■.-!"""■■<.:":, .;;,.- ;,;" .t

il-a/f- :-:.! ir.':»» PREVIOUS^PfjPPENiNG' -; !" --'.

"'" ,

■ \.Z'/.'."' J;:' '

. up op!

.Ipl tg, je;jl-:e: :'°§

&RE^?«EiLiy:HGi-: :s^i^-^fi3^foi^|3| Aa^i"

■«ar WITHOT7T' :„,..%■ , . f-.r.V^".7

S^am^emgMes-and MajcmMet^,;-gf;;;al|;MaW.'-;u-.-5,!v/t ".^/..;7.:r: v/:.;^ I■"r'.'.'-Vr': ;:v- '!'';/ '-?

BY EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, j AND THOROtJGHLY TESTEDS r,j hoV::\,i* .i.-.ijjijiiqr..; x:^BEFqBS ;a|u^;f.; ;.'/:.- - -

i< «; ;■■" ■■ ■ ■-"jjctir^a if)-jiyti'F.;m{.;.

— Hw'Jl:'':'r;:!-i --ii<^ ""■■.".. ii -i 5.. ■■',..,, ","',,..')"■

FO/R S/ALEr-^BPILERS, of varieusH6Mnsi6nsiy'witb!'or'without ene-inesi/tlOi* *i LJil£,-jiiiom;4-aorse power.upwards. : v;: ,|;'»

-HOO') ,;i,;)./,- "". r v,V; '■;'""'' -" ') .1 T ,(

; *■■>-■ ""■■-'~,li-w .7;j. ... ;"-,;

Tne' ftpiptiauceff of^^th* Wanganw%n4rfarer'tW'most complete m the colonyjiOi.Uf.cvi: .-, j^authepropirietprsplits ashareof sugpoxt, Wi«i.entire' l! "■■■"«'>

■Ul'c a % «. /.^ttftJen^asHalability to iulnl wi(at:.j^e//*.!;'7"t-',;' 'Vvrv; *

"'.["*"" .r ",..,.=' - . .undertakes; leavingihia-^ri toi.!j,:-,'"'" o,:",!j "'.',';"■..;

'"" '".../:.;.-iVJAiJ itseifv p ■""."».., .:,i;,,;;'v'/;".;'.;.,!,.,!.,,

«-7/-;-.:-i: -.v^4B^THE^N f^ADLW/i^/S!I\iTIO]S-.,' ;' ':: : |

~TTvE^CKIPTIVE Catalogue of Fruit."fjy!n 'MSsty' mrlOr&miftilXJTWefe,:S:irnlb§, 'RoseS>,flf'&c;V'isfec'.'v;f grown t6f'WMf fek^ "LAIRDS rfigrfapntp^uVseryfWan&anui; o:i yTJ,- o,f ;r;r. ',rnfPoat'trfee on-'ippKcatioiy./r-v-

Sey/ Agricultural, Garden, and Flower- 'fSeea'srorStherbest-qoa'lity;^holQa j.r^-i: r;fr^Balefandjlre&jj.i;:

'V'/ >!"'}i"jPficKvtis.tii a^d every informatio^o—

-.------ -

r«»appli«tfiQ»««^ __|;'

(ijvTaupo Quay,, .anc^..^lasgQW-strOctJ"f -'■■■..-. ..w^ganoi^;;. f,,.



fAiLMERSTUiNT.;!NORJIE6 nr,'-1;; .I^NAWAm^,,;":; " iTOUEDIfNG-ABQfIXmASQES,(Etcfv>WA \> \:\.xalt^Jg<^^andll\\^

" |Contracts r'for.tjnibej^.s^pplied^froi^

<: Kany;of itljeirSaw^Mii/i}. '

Their. StedtP Flquy M^ll,isalw m ful



't&e patent ofA]l;,;^ j ;..

tiasnow. feeVb'efore thepublic for top,'V-^^attaUuriiig'tliattime ;,

? 500O>tTQNSHA^l^EBNrSOlill>living v?fy grfeat satisioctjon^in,proo£

■'of wb^wthbia.nftmetoas .^ttmonikk;Sl«-^ WiC6lonißtst'and thedeftH.nd is4»Uy .increasing to auchjai

S« i beeiilltrod^d^hevarious marker or^stralia'^ewZealand, Xpr the Vole.purpose of danja;.-

Samson Wire.-- ..,» , :1. ■.. ;'„, '.*..

?VW£€[- toiinfoi^.the'P^^iy1"^X eistbnNorthlandtheSprrcwiudmg

ihaf4hey,have opened a: ,

Blacksmith's ♥©* «eW«e«:e o

-■- j .-.""y? ■■: .cy . AttcklanaijAdvertißemeffl; i& /r 7 i; : ■ ■"«■-■<

v-^ | CUS:T<i)M-HOUSE^«TREET, .^UCaffiMßiiT -in/r :!AND,ARESOIIB'AGEN'ts INisfW'lE^Af^E#^

00.' PORTAfiJiEia i:\*iv f,"i ! Iblasts. .xTHEjHIGHES;W±rr: ;- : .r,, „ .;,":.' j Oppknhbim& CO.

ORDER OF "■:. *:;;,":/.■ ..-^ "*.,. v' '; I'ilJM/.ia SiJT

,u-..-- -.'" ;■'',■'■■,'' ■;.' Celebrated Portable

ternaticTn aTE"xh,i* i'" ' ''■." A '' : j ~

,'v. i) . ;11 ""..:„-

f:*t>--.ArfP i "" r i, gorges on hand andf -Mti<f 1882, for sim; "

l"I'i-"1#- 'r''!l: |I;V; fr<V! "ifr^V ?.[■■■.. --^i

Vii-"1 f ■-■ " ( v " O! ,-" , - ,-7, j ■ " ':" J for sale atoManniao-

"" ,„ <>'.;-!!?■!- .'■ ..;r;-v:.-.v. ".7f,,,;A,.TTT/TI,|Jf .j'.'" A "VTT^ test with■o£ ; ;:^%^Ja^Lj^aLJNJJ.'■ -:i .-!";>:..:;.": ":;)]'■ " . .-[ ....... ... -j'",....,;' --;j !_. ,

f% Bteeishaft whichBtb£uQvaq&. Cos ■"".'■ ■.:-::<

:':.-r...-.-iSi.-;h"o.. ,-0 H^^i-^-\'.' s'"''" '"''.»"? " f

i:/ V;■-": '"■"! '-■'■ -^r ■. ■'■■" ;... "., ■ . -,"; ";in,?o::: r" '""'riing iri'^bt"

"bush^PoETitBLB. ;-F0'BgEEi:.''


■:■" :S-",:, t )n;. :;-. | . . . .J<v } i-r:■.■ ','/

r 'ng«|, like.theForge Blqw.er. This.' Forge^tionof the machinery .the'panV jit consistsof a gear-wneelandpin-'iontodriye Ihje .counte^^yftjyfcpn? iwhich.ja belt, oneinch wide,rnhs'oß*AoptfHy!

7 tothepulley.toatheFan. ..It,;;wnl\.dri.Be ;theFan when slack, whichcannotbe'i1[dojie onFdrgea/wherea round isnsed-.i !l^rcindeTs-or cHr-t-oan-fall-intcLtha^. bepingsi The crane comainitfgall the!macihihery, canbeswungunder thecentre'o|

ltheIForg§,.thu'B preventing'breakage whilebeingtransported.1'We warrant this<>dVcpr^*p^ifib^^Ver7;«m^rat-iib^fi£-dtHeriilthemukeM*^' -^ : "(»". "■,'Fai'piersi^jfewellersGansmiths,B'oUer«makers,*" '"'"PW^fBand-BTapkß^mitfiMin fact,' for allpdrposesm wMck,Forgeß areused.k ?* I vl'>i>-l"<«<"■«, v.Vi: EACH; '■ '■ ■ A ;


. XJT4-J on sa*c *P "areisolei"Agents"'in' New Ze,aland,rfor :ths Baker? ji]li'^C.o/s^Rotary jßower^lNDMILLS and FJjIE^GRII^EEtS.I^

[TheBest Combination for Pnmjjririg Water, Cutting Chaff, Grinding Corn,Seeing Turnip^,- runninganykindof machiniry^eqaaV to ,S,team Powermupi-

;. fo#rmi«^(ilßpeed^nd..reg«laru^.of..m.Q.t.ipn,_ |U. 5... ,^,>-,,'.}.;, "!.,;.' ' " '

,/"':i JPricecomplete,with^l^a^jPiping^itod^and.^e^^aß^ea^."

r>-^ j"

:;==!^^Po.«®blbrA^Drß jto>■!M ;.,: * Price^from^l^eachjTrSend for 3irculariuand Listsv ■ -. " jr^rf .j

:/ 'i J.. .. THE3EST INTEE WO&LD.iMStofi^tnteTO&M'^'gWtfik'PinOiiertf ;>La Bdw'sDisc :HarrAroW,,p6le^|man andMorton'sCultivatoVs

'"Union 'Seed]Drills;and all th*.feespandlatest,JEaprpfe'd'AgribulturarandMining Machinery.

" >c> '*

, bo^gg^ Patersoti's'EtffbpeanTelegraphWorks* li. 3''»^^ - ' " ' Jeo%act6Vt6;Hi'M.Goyernmect"'MICRO! (TELEPHONES. Paterson's Ebonite

: BelL'Tjßlepiione's. Price ;with'Oprd,fLIeacA n^TEerab^VClaYb'On-Tranßmitton-^ith--fJ^J'i*^ea%7V- ri;:--' ? '-' j v^-VITO/. .",.■. ... Leclaudlre's'Batteries' complete. Price7s 6deach.5,

<;Insulated Wires for Telephonesfor ELECTRIC LIGHTS.

v!s^Th!^;;^B.dßGi]^ "■"."."» ?" "i,-:; -J-XU.ifjo^Bi^jt^'f^aket^l.Sw^n.L^ -\J\ ?.*A\kir No. Cb, to take 66'Swah.,^mM .....5i.'.;....v;.i;U.L100;^.'

<v{ "'"' 'SWAN'g!INGANDESOENn?lLm!P9£=G 51'eacli- with Sotkets^.-r


■$ ."

As''^rdir'B^canbnlyi'be1" taken1 'itorotatiohtheyishouldbe'giyijj_at once toensurequickdelS«ifri-viw «J «i Qs:^ ; ,„ r ,rT ,>„.

i"";!-!:3i J;;T':?^W?^lt?' :raiNC!EFl62'at L*6bp-^ V'"' ""J"il


: .;.vc -:■':■»!« !.,>", r',.o ,_,,: /"°j ''^to^W^J^^^a^;^

-"SC-r^BifitoPi..;ypH2efpNSji;fwdog-oarts^' and v^io^s-^i-

Paintn'gi Trimming^'' and;,Repairs.pf au tlhfadsi'dote^t)y^gbddiMißohapicßV.Wd.".-.jo/i-iv/n.PI.:^-^1.:^-^ ,„!) 5.. .",;,.r..,.,.'

i-.."7; '^ ««'i«> Tifr-)&:rtJ;rt bi'.n

Xix .iv:: ,1."""!■...!:..,■?; j;;ft ; ...,;,,; a^Moderate Prices. r■t'.-v-'i,.,; P,'"p. :- "

I■ „ "'^"3V Of.rt ?J j':-)f? f,j oJTfitl i

'Su^int^ly^V.an^ BeaulSully-aesigned Spring: Urajls frein: £24and■■"-"'■' '-vr , "■'■■■■■''vr:--' ■■'■'"■";'- ■- ■■['. wir nuiia/^- <?r,ri<r-»- i

on .-.-■4'»" Medical- ' ""-; .'-■ .^^

"■"■»"' _:■:;■? "■■!.- -r /ilfew-r b^.f ;-j \i r ,--ifj.;-.. '

:.■..■/.»e:ardy,' r* ir^i-.^v. '"H^-_ o:'J i?>n;e^w.'and;i """"...; " .y^!,

'■;:- 'i-h' Kn'rlvised-edi^ '^\:.^{fn.-r-'rJ inrni itJoDpTfffiMrfi- r. "■■" '.+n-<-<\ ;■:-■..' >a DUBAiLiGieTDB;; ir

- '■"'.;■■jrV

''"'f health)happiness^ :,," " '""and-aTigoron'sold age.''h -

i(.r■ '^ifl,l,t:liasJbeen-theaimoßhe -■ Author of tKis'littleworfctOj ,n:- point aout theiihature, :treatm :>}■>■

ment, and curepfaiclass^fRev-ii »■c '©"s^diDebilitatingrDisetfses^Dn-i .an^l (hatixdlhas-saccefiifuUyacißpffltplfohedhisJtaskis evidcediibjr the .enprmp.us (jirouJationrwhich^hdsMjdical.quMplias^ttained,IInpresenting to the,publie. tfeis^e,^ I( /and^catefaUy.^eyisei,jedifcion.V;it

'* 'i^£is^pne^n,ihe,hp re^at I■y) t sbeniquallyj m^accefctable fas .' |~!A £pr§po«8 Iceditipnß..:^: t|o pcopy of thjefwork wili,^ q


<^:t; ;Beatiree,by»poßt,t(Pjany ;,:,01 j

tto's «. ■<(:kddressipn.receipt oortr■r:'. „ j

■:0.:.;:...' , twp §tamps J)o re.,, , 'plytoH.W. j

*-wt- f-,r, «(J8.0.,n4:4 ,i,,.f !MBLBotTR^. ;;;, J i

:■"_. "ii:g-.:}yyi tl>H:ifP ,S 4.-U ..' ■, [

ftj;iiA'QKSMIT;H;° mEffilL.WRIGHT, and SHOBINQvS.MITH;'r^tf6fr^erof?Jftan|itikeiStreet and' j '

P,rr'^.VPAliMi^ONJrlf(fiTik,vr!'tJ ! '■

/j-CO-J'tilyifVi'CtiiT:f]f.;/. ".-(■!y <--

f -i^-.'-'V. |.(BetweenRoyal andCkre'ndpn^Hotels):Bhqemg:3done;.>wito!Trq|rf, to,an:.MIT eixtu^r j■_


emicha vt>ork'done. . ' ' 'i

Vehiclesiftndi;A^icn^uraJolmplementHf',;::r.?:i.rjiorn»ade.and're^ejdV';; (^^ [ 'jI'J-iJfT r !'' j !,;

"-"v-.f.-.r. .-: :r.-. f!.1..-.r'j r-C.!H; .■"'-;-'" j ":!

« rAlii' :lSbW '\:6±*BNi©-p ihjj,,1! Photdgr&phiouJtooms m.

:.--: t>--;,/-.-.,o. thev&venue,'M' ",..-..r. r j

7lrfEW^DOOto,' aboYe fhis f:pld- Ipre-jjnisejs., ri ■v/'o'.'mf : -

r.:1 /Work1ofr aH7^seßcriDtions is jnpw

-ow:'.!?--.-..:} <*. T i -v

';' THe;P6blfc;%fe:WrdiaflyJinvited toinspect1tW Work 4iid- premises ai anytime, h"—^ T-?M-^\i-.s<ri,-ri \ r;0 ';,rrr u.ir ,vri.-;rf;-»A' ,f.,:n.. c;>-; nrf:.;f.;'jljkEn»jANAfWATtt 'jS'% latest 'circttlatioh/o! anyD>ews(pa^''jn'IMan'a;Wain,!and in6 jpt^e]'oifrHai'Jiii

''fthe,"dis'trictv-dsoread|by;sn/atijSp1eb'plei:lfAdyertiiere snpnjd ;4Mt


.OS vBusinessjNotices.

feiow v&^^^Pwii,', tl f.'..._'■.'.g.,I

Raneitikei Street, Palmerstonjo ii^?n.jv iiMi/o-ii-Aff-jQ.;^ ,,-;..;,,. „ j-j." ' j

xL!.r'meiiti feitlier^lmportedyor!;mad^ontfie'PrMiiß^, itichidihg DjouWe^nd

jrifjptf of%ifeiigh«filtin^,

Ohafif-Cuttere,Hp^e-Powsi .}


ciin-b*seen,on the premise's.

T>rll(£4e°M'l)-'^va BLEB.,|1r" 3GEO: WRIGHT^&fGO..ifßilUir^Tibli MfckenrandP«M,I^2Id11:64,JWestihinfster i^Wdge fipaa;;iJ.f! "o;'fcl

': r'London^^-:,} v,,^I...CJol& MSdal irChHstdhurcu Exhibitiop;■i>,',i yToiv ;:^j1882. -

"■'.■■ >".;; [ ,GoldMe^l AdeUideExhibition,1881,ffizeiWk^ed(MblbowneiExhibition. v

Fi/fltfefaSs Wrtificaw;iLonclotl,[l&72.r> ,-... (..(:?,;■: .t .-'.:l;r:<.iaija_ "(;.'( ,^-i^. j *

> fhe i*ia'^ni.fi'cV!ut.:Tables ..■ are |cfffsolid-'Mt.'iogau^ Jwitiir fec.«j?i «ia% '^?and ■BjNfecwi:■ itnpvA'Vfjd; f<jst:/c^BbiopiWhich'ire g«4ara\w,f!ed<;nQ.t .to,get harp ithe'cdldeßt climate.Oi.i ; j'rfi'i"1' ,:.;. ou 'i-jui -. ■ " v? :..-,. ■"[■'-■

mHis, PQJ^SM is quite 'hatmlies^JL toanimal life,butyls' tmriYalleq ifldestrojing

' #%, Bngß^*cdßf caches,;beetles, njotha ji "it's, arid' ev&yibtiher,--»p]ecieß ;'orinsebt.d.Spbrtemen'^iH fiadithia^ 'ipalwbib fbf -aestii^in|; flea8.(n;dogs,as aiip^adieß foi tKeir|fet'do^;s,r,', This Article iias !Bnna^Bo ■&saleHiiatl? nWftfcbtea^bthiJW to vead* so^aiied ilttiafe1 in-iinittftfoe. rataPublic ,are di'iiiiiined tKat .tiha-bUhe,genuine'■powder 'Be -the «utograp|inpflHbM'B".SE^Tl]rf»i -■ : .iinrl:■ "■"» ;»; v =i;.|v:jf-: .-.: -

-,?, ..,;, !r(,y


v&.■purely vegetable 'sweWniefit,(botWlm'jßppea^n^..,and. v

vW^/foraHhingf'«"amost,fgreeable method of

-inguthe only;certain romecly for inlte!Bti»jialjorvth^ead■Vprm*B.... liiiß'a ;f»etfe<(tiTytfafe, and mildprep»ratibn', aidisesp'eci^>Uy.adapted fcrphildfon. , |; '■'-"f---■■t' Soif mjsj by Chfemißts and■Druggißtß. '''' ■'■ J I''\ j

rjProprietor,-- . .'. .. . ... j""

!('-S' -

lionJon.ExportChemist and Druggist

:, ,[RON'^©^m&RfiWA^M^eHAN'JS:,;'

off:-;"■roi.iißtfo*fv/-^r.!^.ft .^m;*Lc^n --^.r— -.: —*— -"&C tfMfejßAl/ IMPiiEMENTS,BRUISfIWAEir,^MIWARE; PAINISpf' ■ y** ;j'-f-;.;i,:J Pr

lOviC() .ji.T '.OILS, ;&o r*

">": ;!■".■"."//■ 4"-..|fo :.. "-....,..... ..."!i „. ,"*.'[' .-'.%" .' y .'' "''.';,'!

[ Ad KJB Fpß SAMUBT.SbN'S; A»D M^OBMI6^'SJ^TB^Ha>:B«APBB§'&ii^/o I ""/["';.';. \W- 'i'-^*'"^.^*r\'T \tfrhi;-yyn\s \-W& .1 <k O.i .C^i-nrf ;f- oj J-.■:"■1 ''Iv Vri;; iao nO "AWPKWE^S'iFiB»-jPBOOF SAITESi <" ■Oj.;-:.U;^ r

- f;U "■!

ffeiiiMeoTJches- J.-..M.ii]Baalsstßf.rt,v /,77(l4 j <i.>■ tapestry D,egign§

'CproM°Cottohwi';; - > A ToU€t]Q|asse8 f,,r Carpets J tGuft/tinß, »c^ vW' fJ>sii?,) [.<;.■"'-.■;,■,[. ffu/f,} -MarbJe^Ja^e®,.^ Brneselhh':-- -M«ttrasßesiSLfartltiairjP^'i « " Taj^trj^ : Springdo- _.

Foldibgdliairs ' Gri^R^ewp^do. Eidaermi^er^'Hatir^W^r'-knd(iotiuetGhiairs-"'"; ; Maple^JoJpid0o.:TTlF r/; t> , ..'"" "and Flax do.

GbeffbilttrS' <; !^; fSangrfjip^Glasses Felt gguarsa'. /.Feather ßedV *

Ibtffi dfSetf' ,'iff.Vv: iiv a"mBftoß&€iiyep .i&tairparpeta y

a;Ta*l68f: ?i» ;ni-\B 7Hfttrack«r j jxr^Gr^ab>Qlpths, '.[j»nd;fJPw 8., '7

lj){Mi)ili[T^elß^^^iajn;|graii[)e^ole8 7 -v,-.ICQirjMattJnjri;,^^B^,/"^.|)r^Bii :Tableß- d:rvvftWindp^^ol^ra P^zßeh&B,.'r '.


3?Sbleßt>? ;:-IjateDti ,.-,„.Maniiador .Jloojt^qols'

tetfjbpTiWMiif-cvwr- .vv,^enetian^;B]indß,r- |glijaci49of>r %maM .;.

Kipsf'tal^B}^rt ct< -o^hjrtßfiJft otlT Cbjnad,g(v 1!;?- J»Beboj^TitbW^ ;rrIQ


t;fA Oilcloth,wiae-i^orJ^afeß;.:}."

Wpr^Tatbies u:i !-'"«' ?/

'C*nterbuij.;dct Pamge do_ *

Wa9ifsif^tfdtf fOf— ■'<'■''' flft?!Nbp«jPWff. 'i Linoleam - Wa|lisilandro'il6tjse\8'««■«

'"'"■■: r-Musioj^ools. J W^^owPol|andßfTf )<gTOnCLestDrawers:I"■""-*"ipf?c^anaSttelTes Table JJjteeß.,,

"Mats,table ft

Woii Bad^teadS--

rr f-,pnc^sedr^ahdfl:ony Doin-cj0t^...... j^jgju[ron Canbf#f^ '> ' J^iiy? (.jfj|?aS^K,,O|«W», ,„,Wood Bedstead*—" Peraiabulators,four Greß,n,Ba^ ;. ick^il^a.;IrODrand.,Wood

Tand three* wbeplj-pamaskSj,,.^,, Gliss'e's

CotaUJdes 'S- iV? :^jßassufette&T r,r. ;t,Bepps r.... /^p^Jßpxe,Towellhorses >- -Fenders atuTF^*..:- , j...^j^ftlsta^s ,

. f.iTorTAj!..-:-:;.,, y.h:...~,., r^f,^ s ■„■ r> f-,,5 ,t... ( (

Trim^jug^rusHeilKit&n-iteße* v;<: ': Voot scrapers ff. v Oil Ol^th ',; ;B[air fBrooms ',Dfessess 7a v-" ' 'CJrit9nnf!;r . .t -O^petdo . &c.,.&c^&c.,

'■">*■"-» ii'i^p ,v;:,.. ; r,,;^ ?,{,,......, /f ,-v,.-: f t,.... , .!^.,.r,< 4. ,..'■';.:;: ;;":!':":

Drawing^ arid'Dinifag ißoom Suites,,,New jStyles;Wqodj.iOanei, and -SpringSeal"'■■-■ v< i.;i «x ;j .'; ,- ..Chairs-ofreyery descriptipn^ 'l^,'-. '..."., "'" .';"'^ I';'';"'-r!

rnHBJ (JEAIt MEAT PRESEBfVIN©1A^bJ^EBZING OOMPANf OF^NisW 7ZEAIAI!?D, (IjiKiTisp,) ' 'II';;.)'-; \ ■■"-" ;-"* y::; riWii-.:;ri

Oapiti^ic^OO,in:i(i,#|J&arjf« jofr;;.;.;_; ;£io.each> :.!.?A,s:r;. ,,,

Second^fi^ji^c^v^%MS£^Q»PQQ^ m,-4:000 B^are? #$$ e^pn*

"■ J&iEt*sis Ea<£ } ij^.^Mifmaitt%»J.^. Buckley,M%&,;,o!? c

Jfe^.Thojppßon. Esq., JT.P., (Thodp^son,Shannon & Co.)

k^cKah1* B*'BangiHkew, ,„

hawng Extend the ope^wti^^ih^poiniwn^^%?^c*^of fiSanK pl*nV Vfl,now, issuing to

. be§i ipftqwf.47-^ o,jjo,jj V- F, . ;;jiil...... ,:.

\ Allotment payable tnAug.,° 10s r;j

£* 19a per sWe will ]be,(^ij|ed:tip.■.havj%#£s

"nd..reoe^intaie^i^i^aonB«»m?, >j(

cent per annum, and an interim dw-

dendat thatratehas alreadybeen paid.


; ; fcgitiiniite inreSi^.oeprior tnapngfb .colonial companießdealinff irithtire,dev-elopmentandman-

ay;cPIftljA fiSn'Bideifablßttn!n^r »f ttteSharesof this Issue havingJalrea<Jy3 'been


itmv of the Branches of the. Bankers

se^;of^^sr«^lei^#tMacdonaldinnduCo.* l^nAUiafßJjreet,and D.T.Stuart, Qustoin-houae .qnajr,

,^ho^%ill?ac¥ »8 Broker^ feft4hei&>m-.p^Rßj'l 1..' """"or.»>.'s « R£ .«J»fl'«'7£fin.-;'j. j

/■.^WeUingtoy,July ftOth,J(883« /.

;^V.,l]|^TdqfiAPHYfi:_,; v;-;;;i

r,v; ithe pubjift oi iiandjtviunduriding districts?that .'his, stndioi

oppobit^ tlie Coart-house;Miin^ctreetjji^nowopeiidiilj,-¥rid^ *i!l' bevariiedouunder bispersonal aaperrisionrJ" }

r Pric*e--C»rt«de Yißitef,15s perddz.,!'■<}v,-.yt: z:-;:-*jy tfc^ fc^:ivviOß>perr?|fdpi.'..»?.«" «! Gtotipa,&i.,-a^p6r agreementv,.»;-*i*H -j-i; I-Jttfl)!i^jj6p;v:'?;.!a. «iA j

&c,as peragreement; .. !tit.} »:i ;- !"♥j!o JtoicOnpoait0 fthe!C)Qn|-trjhp.Uße fr>r ,

Main-street. ;

'-■■':'MEB|»B' LOUJSIi,4vBBBEEB&H^ri!-;';;

':;tsMsi^Paliheretonj.!* j '':(, :.:\-,.yi 107.'': ■■'ii.Si !,<>■' .;.41fj .vji-J,-!<}: linviIJ..«'.'*jaJSs« to:announce tibiajt jfcheji(ipder-t/

&ai^ni«ake aa^partnwpts.pC^^radA;and guarantee togivd. eatiafwtionJbo.thm workmaoship and charges. They.*have on sj#— r |'Plain jand,ContgafedIrpnTanks of illi

■/*;"; .v.Bwes<-'"^X '"■.'[;.'/:" ,^' r,-i'WashingBoUerS;(copper or g*lyajmled;

~irofc)>Witli portableiturnaceß. [:Stiohge; Hifc !Pltuige/ atodi Shoier,

Baths,of all^scri^iißj!/l'; } ,»j

' A lig<B Stock of Tinware alTTays|on"■;-°^ o.' /handi l';>

.ULj^jiiorders.promptly attended tc.- "ii'" finotogiiPl^Wng Work,&o fOrdinary and Electric Bella Fixdd. i

:ft;;^0UFD:» S0N,■

:io(/'i <>T-' .^^tettf;,"-- j r/! ,:'j'■' ■ ',vfIHB Ma^awatu ,Stxkdakd has; 8"

X'Scjr4p^%sn^9ildi^,and^r<jugh-i.'ont tbyßa^ej^Blb^k,-hrin ejxceßS

of any journalpnbjis^'inMaiaWattfi.andixivcpn>jj<e^tfen'c6! ifcis^thsT^emiet

gtjj&oi^iwiiai'jßPffl^tw ,/to#«poiJt^toolM)it«Io^cej

any irregularity which m«y oewi mTerytheir«/>e»-

Page 2: paperspast.natlib.govt.nz€¦ · The Manawatu Standard. j "'' - - " " ;. /,-' '"s' " '"" - > » I '.- j n...,., r...... if., 1-v:J...vv....,-: '*.. ." N--'^-


London, October 19.Consols arequoted at101JNew ZealandsecuritiesaB follows:—5 per cent. 10-40 loan,104 i"' 5per cent.1889 loan,1064Jpercent. 1879-1904loan, 100J4per cent inscribedstock,102.Bank rateof discount3 per centTM$ke£ ratftof discountSfper.cent.

The wheatmarketiaquiet. r / :Adelaide,exstore, 45sNew Zealandditto,37s 6d to43s 6dAdelaide flour, exstore, 32s6dAustraliantallow—^Beat beef,39a 6dJBestmutton, 41a

' . ', Lather— Best sides,has advancedto l?dper lb.


-■^ BestScotchpig ironNo. 1, f.o.b.m Clyde,&as advanced to48» per ton, andgalvanisediron, 26-gange,packedmcase, f.6.b.m Lon«.don, to £18 IDs. . , ■


TheMelbourne.Manager;of' theNatiohaVMortgage and. Agency Company, of Nejw ,Zealand (Limited) reports of the localgrainmarkets asfollows :—

The wheatmarketis quieterShippingparcels,4s 5dto 4s<6d : ;

Fowls' wheat, 3s 6d to 4s :Maltnjgbarley,4s 9d to5b .6d. ,;"";. \i\ j J

Themarket is irregular. ,v. .,;.... .. ..New Zealand oeta are notm demand a

2s lid to,BsIdfor feeding , . ,Milling qualities, 3s2d to3s 3dNew Zealandoats,underbond.2s 2d to2s;;«-. .

"'!i'11 :: "■■■""lModerateinquiry is experienced

WELLINGTON MARKETS.We cannotreportabrisk week's,business.The import markethas been brisker by the

arrival oftheCaberfeidb from NewYorkandthe British.Queen's,cargo. Galvanised-ironis unaltered sinceoar last :galvanised 4-barbfehoihg wirehas hadbuainessat L47.'to>i^fßper ton,ex store. Kerosine

—The marketis

now glutted withtheCaberfeidnshipmentof2100 cases;wequote nominally 1b 7d for testoil, doty paid:.180 test is quotedat IslOd.tblslld, with moderate stocks* theHarvedHaarfayer has^ 3200 cases for tbis; port.Colonial Produce ;— Flouria'Tery Weak, andlocalmillsquoteLllfor stooks.FromSonth

-wehearof quotationsof LlO, i.o.b. Oats—Itappears tobe the general impressionthatthe advance referred to m ouf last is notlikely to be permanent:we,however,arenotof this opinion. Oatmeal,has business from

< £11 10s to £12 .for best brands. Pqwls'.wheat is quotedat 2s lOd to3b,;according tosamples, Large quantities df butter areoffering from 6d to 6d per lb, the latterquotationbeing for prime potted. Cheeseis-worthtrom6d to6id.. . - .... _ .


(BY1Bt^OTBIO;TBtBGRAPH.—OOPYBIdHT.}**■'l'*■*'(B'BrJTEk's TBIBGBAMS.). r . , Adelaide. October 22.

&rrivsdi. thisnibrnin^-^-the Orient>team-■blpOhlniborazo,ifrom Plymouth, Sept.9.—

London, '.'orobergp.Arriv»d-i-iblp LoqbK«n, UrnAtuWiqd,

Manawatu Standard(PUBLISHED DAILY.)Suivant la verite.TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1883.

LOCAL AND GENERAL.Communication by cablebetween,Port

DarwinandBanjoewangiis interrupted.We regretto notice that Mr JamesKing,storekeeper, has been to

calla meetingofhis creditors. MrKingwillharemuch sympathy mhiiadversecircumstances.

Alresidetit ofKarere writes'us as fol«lows':—' 1!think if you wouldexert.your,influence mgetting the

'OiJc'us Obmpatiy '

togivea; morning performance it wpuld,bethemean/ of many of the childrenm.the neighborhood being able to" attend;andnodoubtit would pay the Companytodo so," , ' , |It is understood that Mr Bryce will

payanother visic to the Kingcountry atanearly date, and it is rumoured thats.qme important new developments ofpolicy m regard to native affairs areim-pending. >: oi

J By advertisement elsewhereit will beseen that Mr Dinsdile ii now proprietorof the CityButchrtry.; .TVe wish hinvallsuccessmhisundertakings. '.;., '



v:',"'iDaniel Mahoney, " a rough customer,

.who waacommittedfor trialatFoxtonon'Saturday fast on a charge of maliciouswoundingwas taken throughby traintoWanganui on Saturday, with handcuffson.. Owingtoa collapse of a bridge overthe Ngabauranga stream near Welling-ton, coach traffic between' thatcity andfoxtonis somewhat impeded, and will;remain sofor some days until repairs are!effected.

'TheWanganui sittings of theSupremeiCourt,whichbegin to-day the followingii

cases are to be heard:-^-Milve'r,< horsestealing,atPalmerston;Gildon, arson ofIstacks at Waverley; William Lingard,:fraudulentbankruptcy; two sons of the1lateMete King], foroible entry atPutiki:and.Nelson andDingleday forattempted;smaide atPalmeriton. -■$ ]

The William" Meek refold tomthe'telegramsashaving losthis lifeatNapier'

)bydrowning; is^^he/nephew ofMr W. J.|Meek of Wellingt6nVvahd a relativeorMr;-and MrsBeck ofPalmerston. !

Thescheme fora halfpennynewspaper;iwhichhas:for some time-been:ncontemr/plationby theproprietors of iUaLondonTimes, has undergone modification. Thenew journal called The Summary, conj.tainsasummaryof the news ofthe day

-andother matter likelyto proveof gene*ralinterest,,nnd it published m time toapppsron the'breakfast /table. In.thisabridgement of the great newspaper,

'leadingarticles are not included,butare'

-briefly described. !fatal accident Is reported

from'Petane, jßear Napier.f A daughter.,of Mr Carswell;Bgeil 14, 'went 6ufeJif6rjawalkonSunday afternoon. Notreturn- "

-ing to tea,she caused an alarm, and allnightsearch partieswere out.Nextmorn-ing the bodyWat foundm the river; \

AtMr T. X...Macclonald's soleof citypropertiesheld m Wellington last'weekBi lots were offerefd ,;ony behalf "of theColonialBank^and'all fetched satisfac-toryprioes except six lots ,withdrawn.The totalsumrealised'ior^jthe fifty-fivelotssoldwas £24,392. While somelotswereconsidered cheap,/ and. -a *ew verychejap, the bulk realised. fair valuesm.thepresentratherdepressed stateof the


Kodalproperty-market. , ..'T '.*,*"' 'Mr W. A;Long, the well-known Aus«,

tralian turfiteihas been interviewed byJ

theeditor of the "SportingLife." Hescandalised that worthy by tellinghimthat'he considered the racecourses linAustralia andNew, Zealand were irifin*itely.better managed thanthemajorityof"Englishones. *; i. ;

The Ghnstchurch "butchers "have #e«oided to raise(

the price of mutton onepennyper pound. ;

The case of M'Gregor y.Boyd---a Wan-ganuicase-r-jwhich is expectedtooccupyseveral days, hasbeen1 fixed to takeplaceat Wanganuion the30thinst. :;, ■

Hawke's Bay canexport10,090 sheep'

per month,andstook-ownera' arenegotiat-ing for oneof Sbaw, Savill, and Cq's<steamers to.call monthly fora cargooffrozen carcases. . -" j

Beyond hisgrey hairs, John Brightshowshardlyanytraceoftime. ; . .

Last year the actual expenditureonthe Britishnavy was

Cetewayo has.Appointeda British) sub-ject named WilliamGrant as his resident'adviserat,TJlundL ; : f

Twenty thousand""

Chinese4'are to be*importedinto Braxi], it issaid with theobjeotof fluWuting tot»nd coffee thir«,

CABLE NEWS.MadagascarDifficulty. !, 5

Escajwjof Midhat iPapha. 7V.^The^Pamett^ [

■■" ".- '{'.-"T"

\J' , "-■' .:■.>'



;;"" Theresult of the conference between,the-

Queen of Mad4gas\sar - and. the,principal chiefs of the Hovas is thatthe*latter recommend a"continued pas■"»■

siveresistance to the Freach.Clement "Wragg, who will shortly

leave for Adelaide; willcarry with-hima splendid equipment of apparatusnecessary for astronomical observa-tions.] < ;

It is reported thatMidhat'Pashahas"escaped.

Subscriptions to the Parhell Puiid..are still being received, and the totalsum ;now m hand is estimated/atThe amouut subscribed willbe presentedtoMrPayneliinDecem-bfil*^TV«-r*: t ■ Ii sf'- in.-'


''(BBUTEb's TELEGRAMS.);'"'■'■ MelboijrnEj October 22., f„-.iTfa following latefit'bettiiig 'qubW

tions this evening. Derby.— Archie,--

546 4;fMartini Henry,v9io^;tgar^dius, 8 to 1;Vernet, 10 to 1. Mel-'bouirne Oup, Calina,10 to1. ;/ : ,■■■

ANOTHER NORTH SWINDLE.1An AbscondingConsultationist "

The Public-had for Eleven-Thousand* ■



Melbourne;.October 22.r Thepromotersofracingsweeps under''Prifudongpnloco.Sperp,'rwhosecharac-ter wasrecentlyexposedby.the,Herald,has levanted with the moneywhichhasoe'ensubscribedby thepublic tovarioussweeps. Theamount collected by theabscbnders prior to their defalcation isestimated at£ll)000. ■-'.q-.., %


7^y' XIBOIBiq TBLBOBAPH.— OOPTBIdHT,);: ''''(feßUr^s' jlßLEOßJllißl.) ;L! -/MBLiBouRNBi Octdber 2l.

,M"essrsjO;,S. Ross and,Co., of thiscity, report the sale of acargoofkauritimber, exKentish Lass, at the folow-ing average prices:— At per 100ftsuper~'Hewn? l6gs, lls -3d;l sawnflitches, 15s. !At per 100ftliiieal--T.and G.'flooring, l6xi,8s Bd. Themarket'is very' weak. v : '


(PEB TTNO3SD,PBESS A^aOOTAMOK.) 'I (iPer atvth?Bluff.) 'r'I ■■■"'■ ' Londohy October 10.; Mr Dicey.publishes another lettermitheatres in'/replyto thatof Mr Mur- 'jriySiDQitlrm relation to;the refusal ofIthe lyictbrian !Governibrents allow the!disembarkation'of the Irish informers.|Mr Dicey replies at length to the argu-!ments'fobught forward 'by Mr.Shriitb:insupporting the Government^ and assertsthat * he*retainß the views previously-expressed by him on the subject. Herepeats that the Victorian Governmenthave placed themselves m a seriouspositionby their action, and adds thatto protest them from the 'consequencesit will be necessary;for the Imperial.Government to pass an*Act of Indem-nity. The Times;discusses the subject;m aleadingar-ticle,tand joins with ivtr

Dice^ m condemning the Victorian Go-vernment for their rejection' of the in-:former?, and asserts.! that the high-.handed actionsofcMr;Service.-will aerUoasly affect' the.Imperial Giavernmeufcm carcying>out the Irish polioyj, as it;will inbreaSe,the?.difficult of punishingcrimedin'Ireland*. k"m ''■>■. ,\ "■.,■,

-The'Times 'this;morninga discussesthe of the Victorian CoalitionMiriiatryV -and expressesi< its warmestapprobation 'of> their determination- toabolish'political patronage m -the:Go-vernment service. ■-' ■" - '


A rumor iscurrent that tha GermanGovernment have formally demandedan official - apoib'ky^ from;iFrance to(Spaitf'tortlie irisnltsjoffered King Al-jfonso whilemParis.' ' cpj

The Ohineße' ;Government- refuse torecognise4 any treaties or Conventionswhich may' »be :(entt!red7'into betweenFrance and!the^Black Elaga, of Toni.gum. ""■" "'- ■:..- ;

Usibepu,the'Zulu'chief who receuiljrdefeated t'etewit^ insists that Bng-j---land shouTd remoVe thelatter chief "considerable distance ffpm the scene ofthe late cotifli^V

'lj/l i

Latent advices) from Madagascar

Tama/ave are .c6mplaining~bHterelyrofthe severity practised by'^the Frenchauthorities of[thatplace. i

'■'' ''Th¥sale of 'Gippslandhops.^fromithejSambo estatehas been effected atu-64perwr/;':i^^H^ w.-. .TMi-.i,'.-' y- ■


i-:Ji. )"hV: ?">;! ;;PA.EIS/oOc^erJl.! ,The French (^vernmenthave form-

ally jintimate'd that th^iy decline to;

mate further reparation for theinsult,offered toKuigAlphonsowhenrecentjy''in'jPansI."^'^^ :ili:■ h;!~"':' '" X'":':'';!i i

Abody of Austrian regular troopshave liada severe ehgagement -wrbhsome Bfounianiah fdrdeis^ Ultitn-"ately, sixty■ Eoumanians, who we're

defending c territory, ti-faqcecaptured. lii;'' :- ' : \ ■

The Temps, .a Parisian journal, re-femngtoJthe'kllegedlrisulting bbnauctof CommodoreJBrskirie*commander;ofof the fleet, aitl'the Australian nayai*statiorif' towards 'Captain McLeb'd;'-charaoterised~his conduct as more arf!rogant than:th«t ofCaptain xPierre'to-:wards Captain.Johnston at TamataW

TheImperialBluebook issuedyesjter- 'day confirms that statement madejbyLord Granvillem the^Houseof Lprdssometime ago to theeffect that both'

i'BnglandiandFran.ce "^puidiipjioid;the'neutrality of/v^ewiuHebrides, and thatneitheripower,would.seek to annex theterritory. , .1i .r^. -

ir,; Madeib, Oq^ober 11. nThe intelligence that,Francehas jre—

fused any further reparation to!this-:countrji.thanhas already beenofferedby- the official ;Cpnsrm.aticntt m .Grevy'sapology'has caused a crisis,jnjtheSpanish Ministry. The membersof theoabin^thave,beenunable toagree

laSitowhfttifuiLther.. action, shquld betaken.in ithevnAa|i^r?;"and th^Premier:has consequentlyRendered,h^s.rejiigna*,tion andtflftt ot. W* ooHeagvee, '

London, October It .Ldr^ BefbjrhaS officially defectedthe attention of the authorities mQueenslandandFiji to the statements"supplied m the Age byMorrisonon the

of native laborllafficU ■-i-

4 An increase is about to be made mnumber of ships on the Australian'Wairal Station,andCommodoreErfikin^

wlio1is nowm command of the station,-will be supersededhy anAdmiral." Therevolution which occurred re-..opntiyiampng the black population ofPort auPrince, capital Hayfci, one of

"tbelargest islands-of East lnaies,».has.assumed alarming proportions. Therevolutionistshave seizedon the ports.

-They--then,proceededJtoJkerQnra,..Bri-, tish.steamer which was conveying theBritish Consuland a number of Euro-peanrefugeesfrom theisland.


Fnrtlier Particulars.(totted press JLssocrrioir.)

? Lyttelton/:October*21.>Thismorning abput 8 o*clbckiaman

named James Angus, whohasfor some'timelived'withaboatmannamed John,Durham, m a semi-detached house at'the-back1of Mr Olliver's baker's shop-m.London-street, vent to SergeantMason,Jbead.of the local police, andreported-thatiaimaiii^as.deaxdm his

-house.. The sergeant at one© went:wi;^ jjunirtp,theplace,and whilstgoingthereasked whoitwas 'Angus reply-inghe didnotknow. On entering theilQusei Angus saw the corpse and ex-claimed:,,"By.,God, it is poor JacksDurhami" JThe-matf had apparentlybeen to bed the previous night, and

ihadi on!<hisfshirt; dra^e^s and~spck.sr*He-was'found'i^ng.face^d^o^^rd^His "right arm.T Over^his left eye was

.^contusion, and^arounj|his neck wasa piece of cord wouncT and knotted,iOnone1legof,hia.bed>wasia;quantity of-bloody which was also spattered over\ the Moor;i Angus,-when asked when,he-hacLlast Jseen Durhamalire, said1

about!12'o'clock bir Saturday night,and that -about sixo'clock on Sunday

-morning, Jhe (Angus), went down thetown and meta friend, withiw.hom.hehad a drink or two, andrthen on;re-turninghomehe found deceased dead/On* being farther questioned, Angusgaye a; rambling statement as to, jhw

Jwher(eaboutß jthe previous-night,?anc(being unable to giro a satisfactoryexplanation"of the affair, he was de-tained m custodypending the inquest.Durham was a married,man, and his*wife is inSyaney, having left him i»go to that colony. He was about,fifty t.years of a^e. He ■> was ;formerly'

1addicted 'to intemperance, but' 'aboutsix motiths ago he took the/pledge.Angus is a Scotchman, of about ;thc(sameage^and'hasbeen out, of^employ-merit for sometime. Thehouse.stands,at right0angles to and some distance'friom the

fstreet, and no-;sound of,a

gtiarrelf<fc disturbance w.as heard;oy;'tble other inmates of the building.' v !

INTERPROVINCIAL.■".-. *;■:'""*— "—^iiiZ

(UNITED KBESS ASSOCIATION.)■-:"< -v.-.rt i-o i DuNßDiN,,jQcsober^2l. w

Encouraging reports are"ieceivecT

from the OldMan Range quactz reefsnear the' Dunstan whicbjaje,m processof being opened out. It is fully ex-pected,that the.field will prove a yahuable one.

~~"*--^^:-~-«~, .

1 AtrcELAHD, 20.The Ransririri Hotel was burned

down thismorning. Theowner wasmtown, and the man,,m charge was soinebriated that he could not carry abucketot water to help'extingaish theflames* '?;k. j'-'<

A fire broke?out|infthe WaikatoCompany's old coal Iriririe, and i«t notjyet extinguished;^;=;,% * j

The Taapiri;xißbalv mmp has narrowlyjescapedflooding. The miners were close;to the surfacer approaching the lake,!wben the* ground broke.and the water!burst into the—workings. The men!rrisheilout precipitately.,, >„^-, ,..-»

The cutter ßouth-Carolina Btrackonußangitdtb reefIswtqrighfc;c^be^WjajUfi^t;off, bufciin comingjup r the narbour'Bhesank.


"""■"!-■; Ui ■Wkllingtqn,.;Ocober?2Q. .i1 Infegard to*the telegram^


about the schooner Heral4 ;feeing Inwith-a^ ketoh^which Jfv'*J^?

i{pb?etMib haveb?ea losti-ikhe,caoMiii^ofiKaiapoia few daySjageieportaiiglitingthe Herald and)the Oc'eaa "Bird,undqr,Cape Campbell. Itis thoughtthaV^Mn^ird^'tethe-^etc^thatbaa.disappeared^ I


■■■> J >'? (Wbodvillß Examiner.)-{ ~ !Thk questionof securing to the \^opdf-ville.dißtritJt'iai grant/ofr land as Vre-

-roreation ground,hai been; mapv,timesi;diacußßed,'ia aits;;several batnever brought to,.an issue. It ig ta

°great; pityitbe imatterjhag jjtwea allowedto"drag,"as th^ppject is to'the


*«mostiaip'ortant,one. Sjojme time ago,■,

application.!wasmade tp_ t^e Ministerof Public "Work* for two sections of 40and 25 acres respectively tobe setapartas reserves for recreation grounds^ andMr Smith,M.H.R.,strongly supported,the application, the result/^pf whichwag, that the Minister promised

ttogive the matter hisbest consideration,'at the same timerefernng^the questionto the Waste Lands Board, witharecommendation that the request ot the:applicants ehouid be.granted. Theappi-'(Mintsrße^iknpwo^^Jßr^i the-iWoodviUeRoad Board/mlwhem it wasintended'tOjget.thejjeserif i.Rested. The WajsfeLands,;,Bpar(l, however, 'appeared! tothitfk,.that the" request ''cif the RoadBoar,d, waß; rathV; ,':fof> inuch1," and>wouldonly,grant * jhe^pne'eedtibnj40acres,;and at .thjß same recom»mended; that jitnereserve be vestect m.;$wo ■, trustees .instead "of the RoadBoa*d. iKTp enie'ayour to.carry out!theoriginal , intention of' latter,iMrHall, jatjthe. meeting 'on'Wednesday.

proposed askingI'his Bo'aijd topass the fp)lo'w[ng jre,so|jitibW,andremit:the same to..tb^ fllmister oilliatfds:

—;"iThat this fioa,r<l jhayingj.becomeawarathrough^ the reports o^ the"aHawke's'Jjajr;Wastecp4nds^^Bbard's'proceedingp,

.itiat"iyou" iiave' :b:ccn!lfecomimeftded togrant.only one1'of the res^ves:applied^for as-recreation j7grounds,■'-and;to Vestthe, |anie-m t#6 trustees^' 'instead'bf«tn'isBo'arcf,;,^e would 'Vcs^ectftfllyJ urgi*

-,y/jjjjfy-fp%o ithje briginijl:prayed, jbeing "<

unanimously m Opinion lhat the tworeserves would no more^'tkaWWeft theRequirements of this'large;"dis'tridtj andalso that the Board, being » iepro-

.jentative and corporate body,would be.best able to adminigter itfor tbe goodof people." W0 certainly agreeLwith the terms of the foregoing, andtrust that the Board will pass it when;caled upouinja spirit ofunanimitr,.fully admitting the importance ottheand of obtaining,itP^^feypbre than the 40 acres allo-cated. The positionand impotenceofthe district fully justify the Boardmmaking sucha claim.

OROUA COUNTY COUNCIL.Yesterday;g Me^eting^,

Ifropowd byOr !Bngl f and;.carried— Thw" this PCouncil foesiRotTBeeu^tß :^ay;i»;de^ Xwith anjthmg beyonj "the "AVaiiariBtYffi nd c r?adunder it? control,as jdivertifag;the cowßev6tJ<th^%rf^«p-ho^eyer desirable it ndigHt froman"JWfi*otTiew-taight entailendless claims for compensati^dHf?tn^iiUOonncii for damage1 done bj!lW tiveras jdi^ettod to highwajproperties

Or Ijntpn, atfdf''6arrfed-^Th'iiVi a'f>denetklrate'df three^^farthings' tfie^lon| thelrateable vala? 6^llrateable pro-perti s 'wtthm; the; Oroui CbMVfalthe periodending,SliMarcn, 18BS <bel

by Cr Skermany and Wrrie'd^hatthe specul rate as" advertised'"

>inf^|fManawatf Standard' and;Tin^'Othl22adand'29tK ofAugusi,^^7*T* 11%&&1* 1

JS v«^ft,P^ny m the£ on the rate-ue;o^^»^tieW^4eWmade.

f*--;:<.^m i!--;*f.::ft.;,,, ft i, Vlxfra.fjProposedfCr^B^ley;'^onde^W^

■ W*?? *^d *toPfJ,^fjCommi^efor^'^iMe^^byQr Walker, a,od^rried^!Phat thkCounpil approve the action^ MeChairmanma'^ein, to shatef the^^'^penses, incurredbytheMwi^-fiola|oard m

OrEngelsandcarriedi-iTl&ttheio^esV'lWorks^Mc^'sLiTHalconibe-Kakari^-Stone/ Cree£r;oads beaccepted. iL7< !^<-^ wi«9I %&!j feP^ed by Crjmiker, seconded


by Cr Engels, and carriea^-Tlla^th^, Cr;for Ht|berbertb3autdise^to^^to tiie1 cutfangof 'Hiß^bert RoadEast, ard^nat.theengineer

\(^P^MV&s<tisecbndk^'Cr1;Macariihur ana carried-^Tnat^ek-jdersbe^ed,for; expe^aitiirel6i%Wiance of mo^availa^f^raad^bSfjHAlcombetowardsSlU^bs^hM^PfsentjmetaL ;," :];;.n J*&t\E&-j

i!b7 Or Linton; and*c^rilo^jffia^^;%^?e^.of,Cr«ly;Cr Skermanbei '■■*■■■ --'■'-» -*? :fa ..\'i .-,"_.

News m a Nutshell.'" Soiijt' of the Usurer— -* Oh'- vnn i!f««..darling .«.1.0,U.t»; -^;

i<;Vftl"'?^Sttle.;lYictom /prqpbseiv iof.gpeni OakoriftduringXBB4 onfeandVm?meffif^aQ?^Bay?ra*, tradesman who hasdied, mEngland,hw M^ibb'o'KShospital intha,f foW^' '?"»- ;-r.Jj oh j*

,Toe;;pldest;;newspa%eriu'tk^.publisKed^Pe^^ fe^pliteaS?reared 'weekly for'> apwardgf/'ot -

10&■years,yx^iuoa /) .« :aV.^ v {f f.

"^'Abraham.' Myers,Uo£« YorkinOonW.nSyiVav!\ is a «accessful hunter?

J?£JSW?ftr<»«?y!ng the^unstrappedfO/^.6.^^;^^ arfflApullin/thetrigger withhis teeth. *"**""» ««

~*JL"r tH\Pl&lVo!<MiMissippP-and

-a hercoffee.Gold to the value of wtwo-hundredr^pn .terling, bar been produced mVictoria up tbith^ena'oflastyetir.^"S'S*r ft "^^Anderson'lr.SfdnerjtforningsHßrald, theMatterhadwH*450 eß *^jErQ9o(expenae7

BWp^tsaieriCS^ ¥a^aw^tleases £80,000, TJiis isi&& ;n^MprospentyVetter^hah"itmenaa'^Wee'ftat.^AVn]aft»oa«»^ld' 'bacheloßtbeinßDatfea!!lSi a'%** n?88e4"Rttblioexcutioa,

At alate trial,defendant, iffcer hearing"*i&PltPS!!ft;' JQrnPeduplandaaid,:, " Them

Honesty f without sharpness m thisworldislike asWprd without a point—rery well for show,biifcofihb realuse to"the owner; V "__. 'And nor, child,youhaue chateredenough:shut youreyes,holdyourtongue,*and;gO'iftfile&D/l /" flowj can\Js dp *he»ew^.^ln??1

at/T0.n?c*e* m*n>maP' was"thechild's quick response!- n:i:[

Ia."S^aJlfiVfcy *h» subject turningonmatrimony, alady tfaia'tdiier father,'I

r, wonder,mydear, you havenever madeaMatch; Ithink yotfwantthebrims&ne/"Wo/ herepUedi'riOit want thebrinuTtone,only thespark.'■?;uuj. . .. ,('

MEMORANDA.The attention^'bnrVieiheva"u%^&ny

directed to the following, w-hic^appear mouradvertising columnsthrsle^edingi:-^.-- " :WBDNJBSbAYf 24fchrOctQber.". MrJamesLiatq^saleofjyilnable Drotertym the,Square.Sale at2:;S(ft).mf«"^i^* J' THOEsPAt^th'dctoßir

Tenders close. erection of a seven-roomedBou8&iorMr Jpb4£Cgfcfcer, ABharat.FBn>JLT,;,26th October.Dr. Curl's weekly visit to Palmersfcon..-Oonsultotion rooms. Remington's MedicalHall, 'flours-frbnr'nodnitm s?3o^m,FBIDAYr-Dth NOVBMBEB.

> idr^Gteenwood^sprofessional visit to Pal-merston, Consaltine rooms^' 'CbmmercialHotel-r "."""* .MISCELLANEOUS.

c Attention v directed tadMfc 0.S*Qatton'*fnew advertisement,..announcinghYg^recom-me'ncing businessunderneath tTie Standabdonicejjapx^.tlieCommercialHotel.

Mr Q.S.Engeli lease100 or 200acres ofgood grazingland.

*Mr 'Jeirell,mine .hpafcof J^hyittfsHoteliFoxtiQDi,has:axia<iyerti3enientv'elsewhere,mleference tq his new%ent4r^'se!for whichhe,hB^eciWi^ '"well a!diptedby past experiencema'similar capicityi "'."n/.f.\; ,r;''■" Me^sr#B^&Ei.Tingey'sa^vejtisemenWill-befoundelsQw^ere,,in^which tbey^emimeratcsomeof the very extensive (lBroclcIJnoir«ahand. f"^hj

MrHt Wollerman's noiace4n-reference toopeninfe his" nevr^premisesJ jn^heikiuarewillbofoondtooura4Tei.t«iog



"■>'- \is ,


WISHES to inform the' publiothathaving assumed the pro-

prietorship of the above w-11-known,and .favprii^^otalj dsJto^pare6>. esp.OTse^tdmaKeiiti^h^sm^S^com-»for table hotel on the coast, hone butexperiencedservantskept, and visitorscan rely on receiving every attentionandcivility.'

The txble wilKbs provided-in-almostliberalmanner, and theproprietor's longexperienceasprovidore of the late N.Z.S.d.Company'sand other boats willbeaguarantee that * -



willbeieptin^tobk.-i i" r?

i lM«""i« ' ' '' ''1.,..

I THE STABLES-willbefurrier L the1management ot thewell.kriown.-iR.STABLEY,lateot Cobb

j £ Co.,Poxton. =- ' .'"

' TKejEXPRESS from the Hotel willbe inj attendance: on nigbt trains toconveypassengers and luggage forthoaewiihmg tostop attheHotet '« T

1:/; §&EE OF CHARGE.

'Oobb! and'Co/s'Goaclies stop at theHotel to,takeor land passengers to or4"-^-

--1:Thlose;for,(W^liogton coach mayrelyon-beina:ca\l^{l'i)p: ofe^k--fast be^e^BJbwtingi- '; / . :

KJ MBQLTON BUAD,FEILDINGi .h.ifili tun a",'<■■"','■"_>'■ !"".-■

!J. H AS V IE,_;

BEGS to inform the public, hisl j patrons.and- friends.,that hehas.

opened the , " J

r I 'FEiLi)i]^k^ii%: ■'■";;

That'ih'ehoubehas'been refurnished.rijjht throughout, that additions and'airlerations conducive;iyto the''glreatfercomfort and conyeflienceof public,hiwe been completed, jan^j^a^eYeryfei:i4eavour willbe made,and noexpenseajpatredi to makepttief house one pjf, the

on the Coatfti-^ «*'i >iJCi/,, \;;

Every convenience for boarders,wa-'1' fod^ivisitorß, who inayj rely,on,

ciVU^knc^WjteiaiSoni' "->■■ Lv, ; ;.

The liquors ase. of. ;the best brands

I BILLIARDSI, ,BUiLIAKDSij j;''flAßTi'E),;' A *-.-i rt-{i,.v; i-i(j;w^..i-: j':;:.■> Ptopiietor. j,

■j NOTICE,*HrtflE Undersigned is prepared toJ_ treat witbyand others requiring ttie useof Pad-docks for grazing purposes within one! mile;of.Paiiner>ton, ' '

Sizeof Padaocks, 17, 25, 30;5Qfand! 60 acres.* EXCELLENT FEED AND

JFarmers attendipg the weekly andmonthly salesheld ;m Ealmerston ;willfind,it to their "advantage, to yake1

arrangemeiiyK&iW vis* of tfbov©' Paddbckr.

Apply to {^ i; J. CARROLLJ ';;.;" _

Clarendon Hotel,;%?";>;

: Palmejrgtbo' ftorih;







j mmmmmm-m

Makingfour visitsm the.yearbetweenNewPlymouthand Fj^nier^ispn,i^aJJirig|at all the town and country" districts,'having withhim a good supply of-aIL

■'kindß>of.m»terial(fQr/«repai^ng Pianos,and Harmoniums,Ac,

Pianos tunedby the year.

>hh ii% xiate- advertisements. ' h:;:,[

BATfKS' Egyptian War Dioramaexhibits at the Foresters* Hall,

Palmerston, on SATUiRDAY andMONDAY, 27thand 29thof October.Commences at 8 oclock".' ;"■-



WANTJEDrr-For,a Sheep.Station,a;>: boundary■. rider, or shepherd,

also ahandy man tp.lookafteragardenmust beable to milk andmakehimselfgenerally, OseM-: Appjy>: to JohnDavies,Wirokino Station,nearFoxton.

'■ -I '' '' ■ , '.' :.';. : :

WANTSD—.TO lease 100 or 200acres ofgoodgrazing land, j


TO.LE^t)-)-£4OO to £1000 at alowrateof interest, but the secmity

must be first class. Apply to ,Gc.McCaul,Victoria Avenre,Wanganui' !' f■ Z- l<:\^ y] ■:' >\.lQ._JJ_i_lLLLl—^^J_



N.fl.—The MisAWATTT Standahd, -theOldestEstablishedDaily Country Newspaperoh;the5 West Coast,isnneqqslled ftsanadverisms; raedia«h|being moreywidely circulatedthan any otherNewspaperm theDistrict.

tfEMPLE OF j^HKspr'

JL* turning;franks to the inhabitantsVoffPalmerstonandsnrrotinding .distrioti|^fbiv their libernl support m the pasC'desires toinform them thatJie has jnstreceived-his ; *v

Spring Goodsconsisting of Worsted Coatings, Eng-lish coatingsj TSnglpT* hnd.KScotc»|Tweed.' 'ATso,;frhm- the Celebrated*Mosgiel and Kaiapoi factories, a verychoice and fashionable assortment toselect from, which he now offers forCash atreasonableprices.

"T." T.KEKBLAKEf; - - ~ Templeof Fashion,

gi-■-,-■■;,■■-Next-Foresters' Hall.


GHiEFIDEBATE ON DEO. 26, 1883,"v..

"''at 3.15 p.Jtt.

500 Members at £1- Each, tobe Pre-sented to the following:—

President..* ... ... ../ £150VicePresident :..

' ... ... 100Ex "\Tjce President ... .;. 75Working Committee (divd.) ... 75Overseers (divided) ... . ... 100

':'■■':'''■' ">'; ' '■ ;. I'*l■f1 4If hot sufficient members, tlieHonor."

arhim prorata,^nd working expensesto-be deduoted.* '■■■

Besnlt slip posted to each memberimmediately after examination. / ,-

Registered letters and telegrams notaccepted.3Add twostamps for reply,and result..... Application by letter only, addressedto \. ■■ ". ..';:■:,;;,,,.} j; .( (.,'-!i.=::.,..., :",,;,

Care.ofß. ABR^AMS.:r \r,Box No 19,Post omce.,/,3Palmerßtoa North"

f f '■*.JEIEMOtAL NOTICE^ Jr;"'

ijASmuch jleasurem intimati- gtoLI his customers and the residentsof Palmerst6n=-and Wrrounding dis-tricts that he hfts opened .his newpremises' ik ttici"-SquareYHourislow and. "Vloiit'Si Furniture.,Warehouse, and :trusts bykeeping afirst-class stock :of. Groceries,;v $injesand Spirits, Basa'aJLle,^Stout,alsoAle* and Stout (Brewedatthe Bell Brewery),and' continue toreceive i;the, support so jgenerously^^corded tohimin the.pasfc. Gpod# deli- .vered m town pr.country hy^o^rn^an.^Orders by Pos^ or ielegram.atteniied,

.— to with punctuality.~ '[

The Brands;of th.e^ Wines and Spirits,are so well-known that 'further refer-'

encei to*them hereis unnecessary.f.*

Ales and Stout brewed at the BellBrewery are of,as first-class' a quality

" as any^ikihe'jDolpn^v^ \-J^ j

N.B.— AsH.W, imports direct fromthe Home Markets, and fromnone but the best firms m Australiaand New Zealand,he is therefore m&position to 'de^li most liberally with. , customers.c

Prices willbe the same as those enum-.crated m the price list issueol by 'thePalmerston Heady Money Store, and

goods^of firsiroiass'quality;only«j

A H.;WOLIiEJIMAN,Brewer, Wine and Spirit■:..': -■. and General Grocer.





Where they can'ieleeijrom theLARGEST VARIETY o* FASHION-

:" :""/[■ ;. ABLE OMtMENT5Ui*:j^

Manufactured fromSoundandReliableNEW ZEALAND TWEEDS.

''■■■ '■■■"-''■■■;v . -■■■ ■"■"■ Vi !..:,-■ ■: /. A V;^

Thewell-known reputationenjoyed betheFirmof Selling


Hasresulted manincrease ofBusiness-duriDg the past season', and they can

now boast of having.TWENTY-ONE RETAIL BRANCHES jmNew Zealand,.tj^us enabling themitoincrease the Factoryproduce, econ-jomisingboth,material arid.labour,and;ensuring to-their patrons a farther]

benefititt theshape of astill: LOWER RATE OF WHOLESALE j


SHtRtS, UNDERCLOTHING. J1HATS andCAPS, EORTMANTEAUS;AndEvery Requisite at Wholesale j

.„.,,.,..., .'.-_ Price. / . ;■■-■ ■-"- j» w, w^..,.i

Rolbert Peters, "

Manager, Palmerston Branch, jNewZealand ClothingFactory, !,.j



rpHE ,Proprietor having recentlyX madeconsiderable additions to th\eStabling at this well-known hostelry,''wishesto draw the attfntiqnofvisitorsand; travelling publicjto;tlie f.acttThe best possible j,accpmmq)dJatiqn for

n Racingand J3tud.;Jßto^s. /,: ;

The loose-boxes-are m first-rate con-dition, and without an, equal m the

!■■'■'.. ■"■.._ district. _ , '\ '.'■'. :I Singl© a»d DqubleBuggies jmd Saddle

Horses always onHire.'


Gp6ii PADDOOKING; [■■>'*

The Pure^bred 'Entire:ShetlandPonyLobld Palm-erbtoh■is standing:at the'■"

"i:;'''; ' jßtablas/r ..n-ii.. . ;

WM. MOORE, I,;;■'-"' -': : '-I ,-.L\ ',[(■'. > liesse^.

N.B\— Horses bro\en4o ia4dl9,t&k"ingle »ud donWe harneia, ;

oent^Tafereist, y^li 7fp«rcent.

Apply toB. W. PERKINB,

Solicitor,PalmerstonNorth...v^,.... ...^ 44card.JJ.Herbert Hankins. A.Southey Baker-TTANKINS, AND T>AKER,

Baeristers, Solicitors, & NotariesI Public^

Palmejrston North and Woodville.

IA OARD.J ,-;r-'

iWIoLLIAMSON&c 0$-»1oheMists and druggists

I t£lgTOßiA AVENUBj -;


i : .V.w-.-ii-f. -


Hoa<kley, Lyon,Mf&%<-f*"■■ { Af ..,

f> s :! 'Land, SidokpANDJSxAtibsr Aoiti^tii


, Stoclc §ales,,held at Hastings, first'Thursday mevery,month. ' '

[CASD.J, t' :■-;■!


_! Lamßton <3u '

(Opposite Bank 01HewZealand;!,r j;v..;. (<


- ;^

I i- ( ■''."■■^">.'J..j.f;:-',- J.r ...;tJp y ,■'■.. jv. ■


MmaWUTaL AND (JOM,rflßSlOtf-x&«*&8T vI Valuer,&c.,f^o;/! "■"-

-'■'■"'■<.2. ! "WELLINGTQN.^, .

j;: 'J*Uenti&*r» "-■:^ ■"-" ■ ■.-

dJeHTIST, (by bxaminationlx . v

Victoria Avenue,Wanganui.L L!L jDI|^.ASE^,!:ot:''thyteeth;,^awßj'/l. jandrt


'!'assoiciaie partg treatea;

Teeth stopped 'with' gbld'ot- silver^'Artificial ones made upon improvedprinciples.

(.;,,. ,|!o, -? . ,;i. „,_.

\ :>T^mwkC HbTieE.;n "ii

DR OtTRL, (ot Rangitikei), may"j bbConsuitedevery PIIIDAY,«t^

j Remington's"Dispensary, opposite theB»rik ofiA^nltralis^iftqm Is tohalf-past {5 o'clock n the afternoon '" A

Bir Remingtonis authorized to give"any! information as! to fees,, and to.arrange for oat-door visits if required.

Patients are invited to ATTENDEAJRLY, to give time for eareful;'xpn)inatio».


qr\ HE undersigned arenow landing-,Jj. ex Alma, 100 tonsPrime Quality: Blue Derwent P6tatdeß.S ; ■'■■

" " """""T"(i

To Arrive, Mary Ogilvie, 100 TonsPotatoes; 4000 Bushels Danish, Tar-tarian,.'and. Short]F.eed and Seed ,Oats.|

" '"W'AtkER16^ HATRiOE; iI RroawAY Street, Wauoanui. -N.B.— The above Potatoes'are Being

m! lots ofhalf'tona aud upwards,cheap.'--\rcrr? -rr-r *■ Ar '


I" -i- v»J« N.J.. fd. \.J v.^^i. ,}__ iv

B^,ooo ACRES OFIPIEST CLASS LAND| FOR SALE IN MTANAWATU. >j . « it^i-ijriir^'ijiiV"■■

THE* Emigrant and Colonists Aid^Cor-porationhave the above qnantityof

lindiforMle'in seotionsvaryingmsize fronu|:'"

"100 TOJSOO XCRE^« ; '

I INTHB . ,?;

Manchester: block, mana^atu,The most risingdistrict,m theNorthIs-

land. "■-:" ■

1 The landiithebestof quality,t»nd mmanypasephas veryvaluabletimberuponit. '* '* JI TheManchesterBlock is thecentreofthe[MantwatuTimher indnstry, three fourthsofthesawmillsm thatCounty being locatedm.theBlock. >hb ,

The land is opened up by roads,m(manycaseß metalled,and the

JRAILWA V FROM FOXTON TOPATEA,| Runs through the settlement. Taking"Iintoconsideration the quality of thesoiljItheaccessibility and proximity torailway,[ oommnnication.the landon the Manchester:B'.ock is by far10 OfiKAPEST NOW^ori'Bß- 1iNatothiwoutb-BB 'BBTTii^BT' tiepopnI

-lationoftheBlockis atpresent about3,500.

t Pricer-'BOsperacre, three-fourthsof punchase money .may remain.onmortgageatsevenpercent,'for five yearsifrequired.

Title under theLand TransferAct.Fullinformation supplied' to intending

purchasers onapplication to theCompany'sOffice, Feilding,whereaguide andhorsewillbe supplied to enablebuyers, topersonallyinspect the landr Plans of Block andanyinformationrequiredsent free'to anyaddress,onapplicationby letter :to/theAgkntEh-migrant and Colonist's Aid CoßPorxxioNLimitedJTeiuhng.



ThßJinow^Notpriouß Slaughter of "

| BOOTS -AND !;. . j|7ILLOpen -inhhis 'New and Spacious| %\ Premises, opposite the Princess

Theatre, Ridgway.steeet, Wanganuion! MONDAY atoH'SEPTIfiMBEB,

With the.Magnificent Stock ofE.H.Hunt's>■''■■« "Estate,of Wellington, when ''■"■'. t ;vBOOTS AND SHOES ;

Of everyvarietywilltbe offered atPrices soLowthat they,must,be. seen tobebelieved.

Heads of Families are /requested to.refrainfrom buying anything ,m connection with'

Leatheruntil the1Arrivalof this ; .->SPLENDID' STOCK: .

Remember-—Thata Sale of this Gigantic1 Magnitude only occurs once ma Life Time

AsMrJones has Bought this Immensebtockfor cash at something less than half theirOriginal Cost, he is m a position to sellCheaper thanany other housemtheLeather

"■»■'■■- ■»> -■■ ■."■"«. v Trade.. . .- ; .' ;

TheShop willbe;open for the JGreat Rush,oaMONDAY,24th September, *nd tepre-veDtcustomers from being dissapointei mnotbeing attended td at once,'hasengagedan efficient staff of hands, who have myDositive instructions to 'sell theGoodsat thev LowestPrices !

Don'tforget to'<J»ll ■■ and, secure somerealBargain!,ss tbfsy&refJlNew and justout of- .T i ■.■.^".a.r^;T:.'.. :; .'^;

yBANOJS-JWOira«,UThj|pe«itwt Uriogwonderof (toAge,

LAFDFOB BA.LE AJND MONEY■ TO LEND.THAYBit the present time abon|"AA AAA ACRES for 'sale, nfWjjUUU Seotioni varying nAiwi from SO acres to 1000 acres.

improved and others un-improved, and. jttwuJ&ole.._ first class






Jhave a largenumberotTown Sectionssuitable eitiwr,tfor-,basiness sites orprivate residence— Some very choiceones m the Square,f about-rQK TOWN aEd^lONSjjfor sale,

witfcSrs^aeflJ^^Ihavealso recejjec[ inductions,-to

find good securities for '._.'"._** QA AA/V ftt:loweßV, current4,OV«UUUt **ti!s. .irv f

,Land oac<©eferred -Payment \t,sq4*!

tired* . :z.\r: if -r ..A 1 JAMESUNTOS .;," .tAnctiopeer <fc Genetal^AgfaDt;*;

D»WWk . » V i. --. yf A'N;(&,A,NTDUL '..„'*;,.,;

Mr Greenwoed will be at the.Com-mercial Hotel(Private1Entrance),Pairmerston North, on-'IIMDi.Yy 9thNovember. ■ \/:': ''"J ■'■


... .^*%\ 'tW'R fi'AY '>>"'' ■>?■■-tcs&3P^.ylt*Xjia i.....

Noteftie&,'fp^riq}MngDresses.made, wi|t please|giv«i m theirorders early,,asW cHnriot^fruirantee te

. take oraerß'jjriien.it comes near the

v '■■■ y^/^^G'Bjtdi;1:;:;;; ■


XiK i:;!iU {.?..:.fcr^fc>,,i.., t■ ... i


4," >.Victoria A^vKSuk'".''' '"'

;tr!rv;;:; .■^.>Urtf)'. /■ .- "■> |

-|i| |

■■|.-|.M .;f ......

: J;.XVQP^GhBROs^.;:;1;^

fIACHITECT »'"Afrß*p«, ;w;anqaij(V^

'm^SlotToa^^e^SdRa^itikki...Sir"*, wfejrRBSTO»

.mra?'qfeii^S^. thankI9 of Tajmerstondis^ict for jthj? promptminner.ln whichth«j, have.^liied}tp BtTp'port' h^s^ newEatabjisjiinjeni, and 'to merit acontinuanceojfi.a^ors'/wiures them thatth»^pWmises tjnf.REPIiETB withallnecegsjyry appliances'for Carryingonthe business. r r -,

' '.H-ttih Qli ;u '7Z7T ■■,; .,'"- i>uHfIF-*,I}*? second,hand;" vehidesv al-

wayjbon,bani."aJsoi1ddtible^ and singleharness mvariety,. . -



7-.^ . tnspeeiion Tnvifed. -;'■ -'<■■

"^AI/^ERS^O^ ik*» SOOTI

ittfeWSn'rVe^ofsand:Gsiierallq" <tJWLMEkSTi(INJ N'ORUH^ i,,,,..u-i GTi\ T

7AtT<r-,■■..,'.- ■"y;-._.r;.>l)i[, .. /'(A^ir^Fdki-^AaßtriilianMntuafProyi^dent Soawtvi;>'. i>i;;; . , ;;;..,,, ''[ :

"ARfatflt" fItMIRfeLandAnd-Estate A!gbnt,"' "

.SBfk^^^^OEU^ElK BRJJgERXVAUtTATOR cV AGGOJETNTAJSTt."' JPost OliceChambers,;r wanganui,.,'f^ !j>i '}\*' i¥ndertaikes nIT ■. ;'"'.'

« 'fpHEl^egGt'atinj?.of;Loans on Freer;3L '.■"■- : hold:Property, y''V e c Bn^ Purchase '.of LandsShares, 4c, byPrivate Contract., ;

~lm latr. ' ',"■-. ?H_

; n _;

-/ii: }

' '"j11 'The Collection ofRents and Interest!-ii)> rransfersj Mortgages^ Leases,.


« undertaken nnder- the 'provisionsof,tb|>='Cj :.. :■■». «Tiaod'Tian»fer Act. .;'..' ,,"; j

Industrial! Gazette^ . ..-,. j-yiliJßa4ards &'(item?*RubberSvarops. j

s^WTERjiHOiUSEI^EROK^'rOR,oi'jTf'o,l -v^Pa^KjHANGTFIR , !1u ('Lateof theRive?Bank),hasremovedto

Opposite;thk..;RAii-'.>; M'ua'/%A^

-Stationv Wawoanui. "

'■"lrf" V;j V>aU >w\ -: :\i..:i ,], ;.,..[1 'Estimates given.v,'.;. ,, "

Excellent stock ofM«terlals"alwaysjon

y<* «i K"/bj&jj J^LAWLER,"' '

|.i) *N>■"<}"" Fjfinpn.lQuay, Wanoanui. j■:".■-<<.J*» 7/ '....ij-.::■""" J At*CAKr;.j; ,-, ,T!

". |

"y-'tjrjii. ', 4u6,»i.Afi t^irroiwvAtfDImpobtJbs,

r 49 King-s^treet?.Melbourne.„;''''■'KlP'1 '-no^-'-'-i-

= .W6bi,»&r»in, 'SMn's^ißaTk, Timber, Ac,

t^ld^iz Cooiinission. Loans and MorUga^resnegotiated. ;

Old:B preme GounBuildings,

Page 3: paperspast.natlib.govt.nz€¦ · The Manawatu Standard. j "'' - - " " ;. /,-' '"s' " '"" - > » I '.- j n...,., r...... if., 1-v:J...vv....,-: '*.. ." N--'^-


Thi3 morning, a man working atbushfalling on the p-opertyofMir |ohnMamon mKairang^met with J#erysevere accident, Which,^it is feare/fmayterminate fatally. His nanid is JamesSmith,he is unmarried,and haib fromAuckland, having no relatives in'thisdistrict. He and his mates were atwork not far from each other, when atree which'nfc'd' first been fallen glan'cieidoff asapling which stood*nearandc^medowft on poorSaaiiti, crwhiii^him tothe grotthd-ahd 'causing very serums*injuries to the spyae, and alsotinter.Bally Amesf<Bngerwaß.despaW!|ie4rtp'town for assistance, but>nfortu?atelyrboth the Unstable and .docljp*, wet?,"bsentih.WWeanni^avmg b^wHpcanaed'in^ciises' beforb 1 ttid Snpfeme;Coort^^Mk11iflau^ain jreconimended;that tbeinjuredman afield1beb'rougnt"

into *^n9('h^:^W^^j^'^

Inspector;J'a%Pf acq[aaiiiWgJiiiii.J-pJ'theocciirren<Se..'!lt is^pVablelHe wfoldrequest DrP^hns^/WFVeiain^ tdattendprofeasionßliy np'bnthe^pfferer.[Bi^tfi^»*ove' waß^lii-'VP^"'learn that Smith har^uccuoabed tp,


Nbl9ot^October 22.The GoTern^W^afiafngll^^ ft

£eat success. .The.-»««*. WJ.£eared to b^o^^#^^Hi.Excellent ftfVJg'Corporation,and from theOddfellows"ndForever*irere^e^"d^cknowledged^itt.frm cl^cheer after cheers HisyfcxceUeriey.;ex-pressedhiOM«&N&IM witteiiwvi*.Option. '.M**'^<■■^\l\t>1\'


■' .liji-H VG'{ .^iiiix-lu ■■■>■■-'■ 'iKv ■""■" ■■■ ■


Jlo UDkftiSTOHUBCH, (October 22. -'

James Angus < was charged- at the;Police C6m%%\in:niormng yA':;#s[Wilful murderofJohnDurhjain^ut^wasremanded tiltWednesday,as thepolice,werenotTisj^cieiiifl.y;prepared with theproeeoutioo. .,

iV,.. .-.■..■■.■„::■ ; .:.7 -. "■;.■' ■"


■;■ .ADidgwOcefialSJBeni,rtn,... ,.-t 0

-. .. PAMABFt!)octpherv 22.UTA di/gVaceW scene V^;6hac{ed at!

the Salvation Armyine^tihgla!stnight.The larakH^^Tmiiite^d:toith^'iimberof 200, and>drew;the|police away bygettingup a^snamngnt'in'tne' neigh-bourhood.;Themainbgy,$henrushed

"n^ca^^he^jh^storm.? luBggs.and{©the^,jftyigß wej^B; t,tb.rown ,at,Jjh^iOc-(an?.;§e;jwMe,ment. tJlliiilately the;mee^|job«>ke:(upm disordeij.^;The;lamkins^jafter-wards set on*ro Captein[ "White, whohad tomake abolt to,' esoapa il],treatr


d.i> i» lnstantaneousDeaths "■■ ■

s/jiit.tfjo1} IJiV^rißs^riiVi -".; i-i-s-'tii.' -"'


> number of Willmott'sCombinati^ft;iWpe here »t spßes»t Jp^edRoingrabbit shooting this morniDg. Frank

ready mhis bedroom at i^tbfliQri^jrioaHotel,and was blowing down thebar,reifcftO&riiytfV« wasoleW^B^k"fciimmons, another of the troupe, was

J)ldingalighted nirttch at tienipple,hen theshot/wen^off.and^Hej.Wjpod'sbath«tk drownof hte'lieadwdi blown

otf, throwing brains jßad portions oftheskullm«11 directions. Death was

this afternoon.

THE DIVORCE CASE.iwo«0[ Clzli £:& ,:;-.. ,L.,i4T-'S1»;fJ

f(ITHITIiDf^B%SS;:A«i3OTAlTlb*.);;;? C'

.7«i^Ji ;J)a,.Ani^onliaa b^en'commenctd in1

therSupreme Courtforjudicial-separa-tion from thej^fiusband^njthe ground'ofcrueUy-^ind;desertion %the wifeof a'well-known medical practitionerwhohpl^ severalGovernment"appoint-menw IThepetitioner'scitationiilegesthatprfyusband steuck her and^drlßwblood|llciclcipd^ aridotherwiseseverelj treatedherv thathe has fortwo years reusedto live withher,andlatter^refo^d \o support her, thatuponh^BnUrmg his houße l^'weekhe ordereit^isgroom tb^fowai^r ejecther which was dons; also;'tibathehaswritten to another married womanproppßing. an elopement to EngUnd.

TELEGRAPHIC.(BtTbctsgbaph;) j,; iB^KSS;ASSOCIATION..)/: !

< ;.,.AroKiABD, pptojber 22. .A K6fs« yeoW 'd)d> iit>ii!ofMr D.

OrnickshaDkiof Matakana, has been

Thesociety for ihe prerention of!craelty2% iafiimalii-aief'inititdtin^ aaeries of prosecntionr.-tfifabhiiSoUivAfat' settle?Tince iince i1834> 'didd jat,;Mahurangi,

"aged78T7 Ifas; owneirof'a"Tnimberof Teßsglsr^ad^sTno^tb pf^^kland.

jI»gTam^-Bentabout the^death b^ diowiiing of MissOarswell isonlya-canard. Sheis safe

TfeenPO^Je a.B^'gidly!.en%cingEmployment of ji^mjalesAct i

The inquest_jm the bodies of De ■

Lahaye and Meek rtp-day resulted mnothing new being elicited The verrdic*;^as " 'Death froi^^td'ftad ex--posurer consequent:on-^theupsettingofaboat.' VBeardon's body liasIfiot"Wt'beens^o-Vered^;/'t

' ']-

REVENUE FOR WORKS.' <At the OrouaCounty Go.uncilimeet-

ingyesterday, the following schedule!f

-~of-applH^ouehand-sum%^«nted,-foi^. publicworks ontler, "TJie.itoads and::1 'Bridges toatr»fitibii[«iiCV"Jß^>" was,.

*cbeptedmregird toithe^separationof"the two couiltieß, and therei^oaiibili-

tiesaccepted by the Ofoiia County mconnection therewith t——

Eimbolton £1699^ granted,£687.

'Mackay's Boad, £8,114 ;granted

£1,167. l J'

Halflombe-FansonRoad, £581.StoneyCreek Road, £2,164:; grant-

ed, £814. JHaljQqmbe-Kakariki Road, # 3015granted£l^(sl^ ':i ~~ ; J*- ; '!-Bunny'chorpe < -Palmerstoti ,E?ad, ;

£1,44pf ygrantedj £540.- ' "vh.-.hm-,.■>

L'vmzherbert'Boad,^£sjl^l jvgranted,

t.'The well-knownFreethought Iwtatitn\

4Ivo'is to be requested to deliver acouple'of lectures m Palmerston ,atan'earlydate,withitfaisiobject, in.view arw/tangements.arenow m,..a forwarditate.rAnysurplusprjjceeda-willbe devoted to-Wafda the nucleus of a -Froethoughfclibrary.''

Kikv Nils 4^^»^r>endar:^o\cqniJtractsNos.1and2 road.formation and'■culverts,m Fitzherbert ;East been^te; Sno v

,._;;;-;;;; f_

cMr t^agitaff, tne Truant Inspector,is

About. Hevisited thePalmerst6n Schoolthisafternoon,Mrefiorta tbitthe»b»ri^

/lees are'^^ TKe ttaaWtfhi&iutends in~r»'tervibwitig. i s-> >r:^ ,ii- '.--'.■»-.,.;y-^- :-i,V.v "!■jf Thie^owsfer^ijUtrictMeetinj?fcWoto-'jheld next' THursdiiT m the 'Palmerstbn1;

forestersHail;l The delegate!> fromatheWairarapa;:Brds.y Baillieiand Smithar«rivedbj train'ithis,morning. . »,■


MesSri'SteVeris arid>i(Norton's stockr saleju)Denbigh Sale:YarfsJlei^ina,-Jate »t


ivl o'clojck, also.immediately.alter"the above;,the Valuable-.JsrbpertyvnearJ Feilding IriiownaaEVatitfTftraA'' "f1 "*' '" ;f A-'--T'\' '■

" An'<*ntettainmenti;by ,a javenile. opera'troupe is elsewhereannounced."; MrJohn Morris, TerraqeEnd shoemaker,'annonncei a'oQeajpi 'sale'of boots

Vand, shoes.1 S6dae' extraordinary! bargains'tobe.dffierijai,^: n") :.:,y{<\,. ;i vi ",?,.-" ;4.

■ Messrs *Steveng and. pfortpnadvertise lor/ tal«ja first-elass farm'closetoPalmerston.. Mr JCerslake's newadvertiaemeut willbe'.onndm Snofcber 'oolamn. '. ' ".'Vn ,

WilliamDixon, painter and decbratator,Ihaiia-ibnl&lMrnM^i^hlli*;'" "

-'Mr Montague announces his willingnes

'todrire.pipes?or watersupply., . ,;- MeßSrs Lowes andFalloon!sptire-brfed'en-tirehorse Maftiis announced,to trayelm the

.Mabawatuand Bangitikei.districts duringrater,andpaperhanuer, is.nowdqina aaer:tensfyebarinesTon1taubo Qoay, Wanganni

Ttie~enterprising'proprietors of the BonMaVoße announce■the arrivalof their newspring;goods,!which, w^ll be;foundto,opmrprise amost recherche display of choice


imbortations* .., ri > ( (;;y'

SHIPPING.1'" ! V*■%.■"«. ... . . > i'

%fKOIAIi!'ifIELEa-ajtM TO i?HB STAWl>ißi*.) ,HXI (Ffotfiourown correspondent.)

;. >;>;;i^ , Fo-xtow. Octi 23.lArriTea— "«.s;ui Jafte vPougla?,.^2 p.m.



WanieaWANTED- 50 Kailway Nawie/ "T T Horses and drays;bashmen "

Postand Rail splitters; postand m"»"encers. Apply toJay& Hayns, rot»--jraetorsyDaßevirka^^.., "

mf^Ttoi-A'wmin^ girl m jlu-l^i W^v^erjß Mere are th-eo

. ,:,;,WAITED jKITOW'- ' I ■ "'"'. ' '; "' '" ■ ■-' ■ ■.<■":■"■: ;,..,'.r **Wanted isqti?ii.-#:'iftipir,_.J.J F.e»ldmg, is selling Ladie-Riding Sad^frpm £5 npWliV^Goodarticlei. .' " !■"*>">'"'it.n "<■" ;;-r

TOWlttl^W^^.Rapiey-^v.f f. 1^dies from £3 to

J ■ :'.?eil?w&. is soling-HfeaVy Cact'li.i.raeffcffi*?."3fr"fl cowards;->"-'■' «<"■' '..: -~

VV Feildtiig/'hts-^^iiana^^iVtl^^Urtand Trap.HarnessfajiiJron^7'liW'and upwards. " " '

1: ' " ' -', " .| , ■"""": -'.;y;,f

--;;:,:;.;">/ ./

AU)ANTEDKNOWK.T-W.-Mj'i'i !! "'Flj . Feildirig,hasmstock astiendJ"?)

assoffctherit MIndies,.Whips,,HpZ^-Zir&c,'atxeasonable prices. Ci^)

7 J' F^M^Sjiß prbpared torexeoctot> .Iall' orders' entrosteu'tohim with tlvs "■-?-»l'patch-andjavmodwate charges'.' ' ' '

"I always on hand,and.for sai« v 4iar^estock of double and single-seujiii .iBuggies:,r;liadies? Photons;i Waggou ?l ."/.ettes, Business Spring Traps ol'alJdescriptions, City'7 Expresses, Spiirn uJ-Tip;Drays, Comnion lip■''''pffitfytiLfs*-*---fii?st«class Brougham and TiirM-c;^,;'VrfcufcaaCarriage. Eyery.artic^'lbujiu'.^of th# begt materialj.and j;heimrjFmujiB?P %r^Ot t0 b® surpOSSOd;:.-.A^plyijwithe! WeUirigtoii CoatjhtfWory-vM&rirtc-testreet and.Taranaki- places;tM. iJotia.sPrpprietor,f*wKo7;has -32 jears!;g.q|on,IJi'experience , , , "

H COLIIIER & C6:, have maLl* instockJa:large^«nd''Vari<;{stock ofPIANO#yKTJSowbj{tiie firs tmakers of the 4ay,^^o YifA, ;',

[f,,,,rl^jNOJFOiiTES^ed^iltepalr^Xk/ 'andraeoovatedm tone and.toogfj." —'-" » i: «-'t-'---.ii-i'-.-= »r ,; - .""

HQIIiLIISG . .&. tf^^GJJMiitatffcK-,,,,'.',pianofortes;!may' 1had? 6t'li.'!Collier t& '.Co.'s :JHjqaiCWar^o^^"'^Yictbria Avenue. Waniranu'w? i !^:,

'"fTJJIE^' PI4NOFDRTES, "compete"'^Jjl-.r-irpn,'frame,extending ends,over- "'"-' "

Bailing, full trichord, check 'reiieatWI'^action,m fine walnut .case ;,price, $A c. ,igujipefs, at'Hi,;OoUier<fc Go.'af VictoriaAAyenue,Wanganui. j;-""; '"■■'" = -.j < <.v


Qi:&oii?fiA».— Ac ward^ pi-(j;ANOFORiES, trichord,;check, ■

uc|tion^; in' yalte, may 'be hadffor 3s l;V(xijineais atJt.,Cbl|ier & Qo:'s Victoria/ 'Avenue, Wacganui.'., " ."',, ' ' °- : l:ii ,-...■.... ,■= ■. .-..,;;"'" , " :>- " ;-■■ <■■"■■>■«

I]tfE^R-DTIANOF(>RTESi4omV'^l> (i.;pleteirbn 'fraipesj "checic.:repeater,*lactions,arem stock at'Ji.'.-VJCoii.ter" .&'! ,^Üb.'s,' ;Maaic 'Warehouse.'- ;- . ;,

'*andBOoK Music forwarde^^'!K3; 'CountryfQti3>rsVei^ife'sjifebiaj-!'fat :--''

tendon. Stamps,or a^ouni""^should accompanyeachorder.' ' r

;i;REMINGTOw^B^ SQUARiEJ .;Zi/Chimiiisy_Sw«eping,;i;;

rpHE;trndersigned:»be^s to.intimafcoj',"J^i"tfi# paving" purchased all!ithe.yappliances necessary;'.tb'^rry^'oiribnsi-^ness as a Chimney^^ Sw.eep,' he', w jif^lpared to «Jd Wbrk-m that/line "CheapIj,"andI,^ithiCourtesyarid'Otyility, '■"■.n-un-i

. ■)'■' n'Terms'very Moderate,; sllV'^""";.';," V -;""". r"' -':...,: ..::>:-"■.,;.".Orders mayyro "left atKingBroftmj^tore,.The;;' Square, 'or'pasted;s?ss'address :—

--.'Hv .r -..:.!-.<!i>. - .'; t.j *.■.,(■--","*

;-^'^ .; ;■; " .-■■*/" '-'Nj-^M;-PERBOK^ik!;[iChurclv-stree^;6ppbsitS;/Mr:HeatonJ*>;■-■■"= \*


\ J ' ;- ;y ;:-^-

Topth^che Cures 66 isv;,^REMi»OTO» vS,;B(3U^RE.;;; ;..RTJTiiAND H^EEHC: AND.IOTIQTr';;>;;;'1 '

STABLES. ■-■.-;,,■"

j;".,','.'"^IPTOBIA "'A'viwijßi .WANiGfANUj'.?rjs^

■"■» -' '- " T?/!\"R.T?T?rPi t"PAQCi>;

,( .. Kli/JpJiijl■1' iJaUbpv .7 "_.i(

:>T]f'AV/iNa^Te-QpWsd.^3;.a^Te/oildryCL-Established and; X3entraily«SitOr"aled'iiivery ,and hatingalong,m: th»j' 'ibdyhbusiness mmanypartsof New'hopes' by supplying th« public withSuperior Saddle Horses for Ladies axAGentlemen,Singleund Double Buggies,-and open-andclosed,Carriages of"evefrydescription,1on the shortest notice, to-gether. with:civility,:attention, ;andiatVery,

"'ioabderate cbarges, k6;receive' i}a■

. ; share of public patronage."EXPERIifINGED GROOMS IN" ATTENDANCE NIGHT ANDDAY.

HorsesBrokeninto Singleand Doublef- ■■.■■."Ay.i- ■■■."i.!-.» Harness/, \ \-.J-i^.

Horses Bought,Sold,orExchange^."...,!:."■! ROBERT Ripss,"■; ■■■.; .Proprietor,. "„


" ____.""iOS'V'V-j'o


Has built a'50ft Cement Sheep Dip forJ

'us;the wor'knia'nsbip1is"satisfactory., . '.*■'■;" ..A.&H.Evssell.

Monumental Tomb Stones, Vaults,andall kiadsof Cemeterywork':&e£ttt&.

Csment Wate*-TanKß,ißtttter. andMea"'" >"; ;«■'■' ;; ::Preser.verSy'&o*-Si^--.,i,r,- fv«:

■ApDR^SS—.. ".-.,.,.^,4 , , .' '

o -i...-v..:..j:i;, JJiatAN'LO^f,'';;;|;,;.t

-r.- The Shamrock Bower,;..,.....,.,.

"' 'Terrace End,

.'..".".."'■'. " Palmerston Uor»h.|VUKRY POWDfc-K, 2s and 3s 6d.Xf l "« * ,Hbn. Mention '-Exhitv

6QUARB."' ■""" ;i'-:l';"'■'-.■ IC'd ";>■:.lt.' ,;v . V:' ■"■"■ ■" >"■ ■ .-"'■■ ■ ■"■■■.'-";■■::" f /;...,i'47;

NEW; SADDLBRSjagsiMi/ISH■;..io

' ..7,, M'.'";;wgT, -■■■ -"

valf ! THE SQUARE.

OF I the Hutt, Wellington, hasJustopeneda New Shipment of doodswhich will be found of Special Quslity,and Exceptional Value*

A'tfEittaGfieap'line^ofSponges; cJ■' [ ALSOjk'.Vy

Beajt make— -Stirrups, Bits, Bridles,i Spurs,&c7~-

°f *a?fefeW°°< >Oil .and Softg^ddles,Bridles^Jffarness, andevery-thing'connected withtne tradeasupplied

at Iq'weat prices. YAuQ v t. TuWQuality unsurpassed. Gall' and seefor yourselves.I'D V,I4 j ;y/---®-Note the Address —

Next Royal>H<6t£lj . thr

(Square, and-Rangitikei-

streefcrPalmersto*n itfor jßK 'AI.),"i '>< if" ' -''■■".* ■■ -1

;lf"T'-y ,""


"■ii'1"1";"'"';"' ; (■";. "■/»■ .I;-* ;.'...,..'.; ")., ...


T>E|§%;&onn^#^h^ny of%e-cbmmenj?sd¥ busines

(s/aV'aDqye,<^j-trusts-.that?bylanaking la^thorough-gqod^article1hi]mdderate?price,' to ;a:renewal;o|'tire iL patrona'gd !so


i"' Reyiira1 'neatly executed! tj

,, j 1;...;1jNot§.thexAddre?s—

' ; '," I'Ni^^CoiamCTcial 'Hotels 0

GiORIOUS SfiwS FOR MANA-! ,, fi:,;r vATtJI.;,.,,BOOTS AND iPOR! ;' ;■,;, , I,_ ,_.,.,.

EA LLtKGHaM has^just"r^" ii.ceived the Largest, Cheap-'iesj;,\.and,mp^ JStock ofBoots and Shoes ever im'porte^i'nto the'iMaoawatu. To cany intd'Jeffect

'tKe/wfll-wofn motto,,"Small Profits " and

iQuick Returns,"hVbffers tie {SJE&&AT-B$T BAKGAINS-ever heard of mthe


district. :^ne Stock-has -been care-fully selected by HOME BUYERS,1

in' the Homemarket;-tind therefore,all'toiddle profits and charges;by-'Gdlb6ialmerchants have*beeti''obviated ;conse-quently, the wholeourand will be soldaji such-prices*- as<mu'st coniniahd aspeedy clearance. ■*-—"-'"

Bespgkf "WoitKi t&aitQaJi&ijgi? ■ ''■l

J! iitrsi^6iaßß "workmen;areemployed, -aad-nothing but the-best'ojf materialised. For fit, Style, andWorkmanship notm'rig can surpassmyJwork, of wbigh^ the inhabitants ofManawatu have.ha4ample pqoof. .! " l.;lh X; Ai^lNitifHAM;'■■■

V AIH TE fi$'%$&sWElTOEE,

i(. TOR, amd PAPERHANGER.!' (v.) !.!)ui.-'.h".nl h-'K^;ifiirJ"' ";oi J*s'-;,jr

i . JAMES S.~JOLLY\rK "t0not^y -t0 s numerousLL^j (Irieflds;andffihe —general'; <publicpat he is .n.ow^jrepar^d.tp,undertakejail descriptions of work m tne aboveS ■ TA U^TAfes-Av *■:>■,.. A

iLeadsJOils, Colors;Gl^s/Scrimi^rasli.I ware, and all Painted requiettes.

jAQch.qice*co.psigßmenti.ot Paperhangings(to arri?e shortljj^ Mercia, NewDe-i signs.1 Estimates, given. r!Workmanship guar»'*', rantee^.^Ptices'.mpderatft.^r- ''.'"..Ait:lit*; (,a i» ;» Is Jl**i' ;;<j:, ':■:■- . :;.\>U-> ";! ''"". Address— :-: ::" iJ

iNeit^RbyaVHot^KHn^iti^ei.. FALMERSTpNBREWKII;Y ,


iyrOTlC^'i^jteifeby'Jgiven that at a;jLlv|meeting of pirecprs of^.thej

Cpmpany,|held on thell.th day!ot'Oo^ber.,-I' a^ifoiir^h:;Call' of ten|\,per share was ingideuppii jthej

caJpita\ of; the CJompauy,,suchcall tobe'paid ai tilie" ofb'ce of tne Company,'Palmerston. Nortji,,pn M-nday, the;IJ2thd,a^pffNovember,,1683,. , - X,


By ordor of the Board,THOMAS KING, !,, Manager, i, Dated this 20th

' 'day of October'■l«B3f; '" -; ■/ """ " -'" - ;

TENDERS WANIED. 5(i:V-:'-' !*i ... ."..■■:"!." :

rjENDE^S,addressed to the underlX signed,, will be received up to.Thursday,.f..<the 25th ..inst,, for theierection of a saven-roomed house on-jtiberiaFarm, Ashurst.; - -f ;. j'<


.the ga^gsDARD ;The.lowest qr\|>«Sop.fender not necessarily.accepted, jlsit(;^;K :■;;■; .'.^jpa^ooTr^iE, !vaJ'r..c:!')""'^-;';uwA ;;


.Asi;urst.!j^ATEJSI..^VATifiR!l!:WATi^R!!I"nr 0, jjhVjinhaTJitantsof PalmerstbiL andX" 'Adjoining 'districts; T. Montague!isprepared tordrive wellsand guaran-tee"Water at'reasonable "rateV .' '*

J i 1. A.ddress—"'-ra^ii-^^gNTAGIJ^ ;

fi ""*' TaonWstreet.,:

B'A^R^'^P :iL'L'W N^D:iliw* 'i^MND^JIiION-'^ i_ For the.Blood, Bptt'e^s6d.RfcMi^Ji'jp|;S,]S;QUARE.

jjjuaajiaiaiand::^^ ot : vEEMINCUWSr BQUA.RB. S

G. M, BNELSON| X 1,51,, OF pitOPK kt IKf

b|y THE VSWMI^W.8i

- ...130 Acres of high,'jirjriaha,&ai-|-r ranga,Bloqkv <}"";■"* fq99.Acres,1- Improved land same;.;irlocality,, /f.70 Acres othighly impyoved land;r>■""; 'with' idwelling-honse,{ps;(the,! ■ >Boroughiboundary. , .... .," >

3.06 Acres bush land,,Fitzherbejtjiiiiidistrictw') eiiw.i OUX


|20 Acrerfditto,<;iiear,new .railway|Uru-bridges- ,^,,l^ "''iljo'jafl; SlO-Acce^Jec.tionft jPalniei^toQ

£T ] Borough. ,■";! 01/ f'.n«UL ;■3il^cre>iT*do*<JT^ do^.^;,grc¥(! n= ,A new: 5-roomed;^wellrngjand"! acre oi>:gpQ4 fgardenland,j pleasantly situated.., ;:uii i{i: A five-roomed house,and section'jr1^ inland, TaoHußjstree^- 9i('

A commodinshoaße,and,one acreI land,Main-streei.J'j'i9Building^ite,siin$i<}torja,Jtain

..; and Broadtßtreets.,.,,!^!8 Building sites.40Jeet frontage

';"" j 'toMain>streefc <",;,.; ?,- _.I ' "'FOR^LEASfiI,'.;"1';"J'');i

j -^-Business sites, each 33 feet', jrjontagenext to Town.Hajl.;

tOt, jlOBuilding jiglpts ? j^an^taret-;'

j Btreet.v For. termsandMpa^calar.Sj."' ~

a t*


»..,- fi.ThetSquabe, -v:;PALMERTS,Q» |TfiS?H.\;,..;,

0 I i.i::; rj vj'..-,,.'!}Bftperhanging^'1Warehouse,o ,'& j Atenue, Wanganui.I .cai-tii^AiuiJo t-aooo jj/.

TnST.REOEiyEBrex ""Kstrella,"W; and^ow^fllling: Bplenidid Designs m Paperhaflgings, LatestPatterns. HtT^e"also -BY same'sliipi-

j 2 tons. Champtotf'Gdhuine White; Lead. ._.. . . . .-:.;——

I Mander/s and.Oak y^r^nishes; Raw &*Boiled Ljnseeol oil.


j', n['// 0'■'''-J Gold& Silver Leaf Bronze's,

" * '

riid.assortment mvJ)ados.Jvsu|table[prawing^rooms.^ittm^-ropms,'pining-,,cooms^^all,'^tc., > aetp.;,Oif' ,!'.f!;;

j^x,.{Timarc..-77,"^Q.bales'.aijid;jC,ase,s;'of.paRS$a9§i n£ B>j!s8>j!sd,200 assor^Jack^agfsftyfß»pter' s<^a^?l"'..*,'.'.<',';', y. \,'iEx Wairoa,^lo cases, "|Jaßerhang.;

irijgs. 50;/.packages FaiuWs'material^Ri:<fe :B; Tin'gfey' wdulcl atf

tentiOnpf theTradeand"settlers to( theft'

larjje and assorted stock*'-of'theabbve^

they'beingDirect 'Importers,- » are 'm*"position to sellatextremely

'lowprices.'!>."■!■:". I. ii/ R;&4^TINGED,-i f

! Painters and House Decorators, <I :The gqVare-Palmerston North;j And Victoria''A'Vanne.'iWanffanui.j .-SHiNiGL-ES-lu.SHIoGLES^'rj \.u

!. PALINGS! PALINGS!!. oof,f

j.r; !,,vi,AT.Hs,jh|^rH§.yi;. .,nu,

I^HE Undersigned is prepared to( .■,ru;BUpply.)f^a;^n T.oItara


,.Shinglesi:.[ini1 any qujinjityAt 9siper IQOO.Palings^Lsiths^.Aa, ..pjoportipij^Uy?,

\,^-«vW 7r>.i'oiii..!i»->j" ;M^iß9v

!__ _ 'a macro,'IS now selling Tobaccos, Cigars,,XWi |of(t^ejmos


provedbrands.1 . - _^» r**"*j A'varietl^aWoHm&nt'of.^ipes,'Grgar-holders, andeyer^necessarymconnec-tion witjiVa-'To^accbnist^Bnsindss; /""

Stationery,'Fan6yGbtidsytfnd alargevarietyofiiOVBLS.^'1*1111."'"1

"' :<;!->:

üBiLLiiRDSiruBiLLiiRDSir !)

';:!V nii;Pb6:L11-^lsIl-^ls;:BerSaJme. .-■'r;!ir'

Novte the adaress-- , Zt ,y! "r ■' 'ififiiXTeL^ENifoN' HOTEti' -1' i^' .'■'" 7'Nbrtii. 1;^;' ; ':I-.foi'.j^-/ 1■:>.- : l( -^"li^JiI

■ijj'I^PECT^ULLY.mtimate's to the:JLt;.,settlers '-of. ;P«imersj»n. and. thesurroundingclis^ricts. that he willp[enin_businessabout the 18th of ' ctober^m the premises lately occupiedby MrJbrge'rißen, and-trustsibyattention andCiviKty to merit a shareof patronage,i

- /-*'''H" /■« j; ': »'>' ■:

PURE, (QQdiLiiter: QiLkl(Own Imjrl^'-.tu,fopor^ng;),is:6d',;a^,^S;6d.; j


-sriif« « j.-.'a j''

....;.. JPALMERSTOrw JSOR^S' | ,' ; ;itfav^iiff' ;i)uVc"B'ased^th^ae»Btttblesi-.'Welkir'iv pfep'ftfe'9! 'carefiiny'and fchoroaghly_break horses10 'to isadlle/ '; jungle' and"double harnesß. - -i,(

>Buggiesof all(deacriptions,.,^ndii;'jaforayß'oirhirj» atmode'rat^cliarges.j

Gdod -paddock^? AndyJar,??; roomyloose boxes. ;Tjie stables beingopenday and^night,,an4pur motto being«ciya[tj"alad Ja^ent,ipn/' we shall al-,ways,be open to dp'business and trust"to see1 -and th^iririendß'frall^ round. ;'i m ...""'■ Nfß.-rlheilob^e '» boxes-'are wjellajapfed ':fdrVaSe hofses^and other trai§

;y;elli^fev'blt)ad''sfb^fc^ gn;^JavhA. \l^ote fythe^ ..iKangitit{ci-

etreet,next Wood's, BlaQkemith,j

HATING purchased"the(Palmersion; Butchery,The Squire,.

I'6-tlje inhabitants jo£ Palmerston, ana*its vicinity, that they inienacc supplytheir CustomdrFwifti th¥



Of Lamb, Beef, Veal, Fork, and Mut.If, 'ton &\, the veryLowest Prioes.

„ |HAVING ENGAGED'An Small Goodman, wecanRecommend our Geimans Saveloys,Portand Beef Sausages;rßrawn, ZFripeVCo^eel,,White and Black .Paddings,Soused* Beef. as a Specialty;''*"''

"I ,^AMILi;E9.; .. ..\yaited bi^a'aily with'punMuaiity.^i —)LIBERAL ALLOWANCESMaktj?ContractorsI.an<i>.voaßh Pur.


Cash buyers' 'of 'Wool* Sheep-siringOxjhides, andTallow,m largeor smalli j quklxLidties. w '- '""*■

Arrange'mefit-made sheepfarmersfor boiling down their_jj>tock at per

» gexsMe|!|& Co.,

N.B.—^Neatsfoot Oil~always mstock.

WANTED.; !»/i(;O "."f/J/i— ftTi.'l'AV/ (l^Tv-jTRENDERS;ior the Supply,.an^,defIj liveryof 50 tbtaiji,piles,^n 6n§ ormore lots,lengths'"l^fi'to12tft 14inx

112& squared. v ..*"* T „ j'Mbrftr about ;80 blbcks of TbM?

mairie^';sffctc>r7ffci6!EigVJ » ftlA '^^^Specifications can be seenat "">?-

--i Mr gibbons,' ■WHilie"*{Hai?t Hotel■ Mr Carthew's Htb^Fbildiiig?'"l 1^

Mr Snelson's o^ice,*Palmerston "N.

Tenders ,tobe sentWSata^day,Kov.,1883, addressed to the'undersigned.j JT. & C. BULL,| ..-.'-. «.<Mui.K-jv/.. r >^Feildingv;

SentmanEnvelope for 8d Stampsi ! to defray Postage.,

Ix. orjders wbien cause, ImpedimentstojBiaftiige}a'ndQl^Ch^onie^Diseask';"also,How toChoose for Life-so| a^ to liyehappy,and,produceh-a)thycHiiiJrin^aniihow"regain* }and'"'preser'tel

M^eas^*'$uF'I'sEi!b¥? 'Mfidicat'

Ije^nshjrgjbEiSEMtiB'1fROM-PQOTD.' v !

/pf'RETS ■Horse'""JPatmbre,";soldvpT }?tanp4.rp some 1

[Ojwner can'ubtaia possession on pay-\ n}ent':ib;f 'leip^esi OtN6wuWfe!ning- itf!SpANDApi) .-^ 0 H 1

GIT F BUTGHf4 #ja,.^p^siteliie/ljm)nBank^~'~

t| T^rSftTTARE,! ,/."


j.-iJPIN^DA^/E....i(v. iV-.Pbop^ikto^VX^J^JNG1 purchasedif theuaboye.I"!., business;it'■willrtbe onj under his ownsupervision.| CiijiiiAUXrU.:') ti.f. y}.-1: .;:.rj ,ji?'^;f)lHe will purchase only the best stockwhicbj'the ;Manawata '.cani- : produce, vt■: ?,, (i! ,v;.j

.■i-^ii.:(|FAMILIES' ■-.Ui.K/^"Waited upon daily,Widmeat supplied'm anypart 'of1the <at shortest

Spiced See', small-goods, poultry, andeverything.,connected; wiihyj&e trade

baa t !eBFLOGRX! Ib* iSEfor ?Ghamb'e^ainfe'-FEOtTE, ad-

mitted to be the bestm thektil'-.-iiiii-.-v-.'-L i-.lH'Au.:-.ii/-, u'i ;

Manawaltu.'^---rJr -«'H i

tisAoii% ,sgi3 u.'OiiLiiiifilt--JvS. lit1*! |

Chamberlain's is the only that is

fitteo!.with appliances fortthoroughly

iSaixmg,.the i!{esseptial.^makin^jk':s ;-f L..--C j^Jj-'":-- :::O -i ;i y(' J>r=iCj j

Gfbb'd- Flour.r'ijJ7i Li!i'5t t" '■■'■''". t< -s-uf-sl-v|

Orders punctually attended<toj io

'7 "" —

i51HiFefliing^SteamSourMii!.1<;j j<gKTbiWobtaihed ta^&ingjßjqg MTheSquare,aa^ vi;tqnj& Son'SjMaini

Tv,_ .ftWßt, vP^imerston. A j'Qaility^a'hd,-fuU weighf.gtt.afipjieedj

Tl^v:;,Y,i jI

tfre'tfdii'Rn 'CaiiiolwCKurclj)

pHQT:Q^RAiIHS;.Furnished m Oil,;X

**or Water boldurs k ' ;„- "'■'"■"vJsiii'-^ !

Homesteads,Villa Residences, Public'Machinery'&c.!-Photographed. ■

SPEGIA^ABR^ISLCfEMB^TSmakeJ„■,.;<■ iwith.Families and Schools. i ;

Engravings,/Piiotp^Vapus/ Oil PMnt-, ing8rMapß,, Plans,&c. Ciipied',1'

j@"NoteIth,e Addreas^^-ibpp'bsife the(atnolib Church, Wanganni ,

no TO'1 l!THB» pHEMIST.


;....;. W ALKtEY'B ; '

OOMMKRJtJIAfe (&' FAMILY;PALMJIRStfON NORTfIV* ~K-jI'<■.:.; :--rr':' A' ;■: o 'i

m " Very superior accommodation for,:„■" Boarders and. Travellers.

:-; I"" bXLv a0 1'Commodious Sample;CRooms.' 'j f/.fT«RM« (MODERATE- :>;

-■* ,;i:uiiiU4--uo o^a'i


GOOD STABLING.''N.B.— theprpprie^s .long experi-ence'in the tted'eisa'sufficient grp*alnteefot the <H»litvC 6t theliqtidrs;J ci(Ii* b^A.L H"pJ,T,E L,>}:x o


■ r< j - j;;(Lateo|WeW^gtjon)^;;,;,^to the..j'eSiden.tB> of

JJ| "Palmerston" and Jhfc; fcrawUingpublicji ithatahe >hap;< takenj, thejiiaboveHotel, andda prepared;tp.<jat^r Jo>|Heir

"watitS'in a thoroughlyleffictenpv.wayu;

! V; Ales, Beers, tan4j r" j i: of the.best brands only(j no! i>r.f"r,-. [,;, . jkept,.;.,: i'.«i .aiiiit-i

Superior accommodation ogutrayel[er)s ja'ndfamilies > ■->■ .. -11 H'-ia bj


'mHEryFroßrietorJiaying con«11 !sidetab,le ajferations,^ additions

Jbo the;Motei?sparingj npthm^, orderto prbvidedcomfortable and?convenientBc\jomniedation..(or bqt ;^ra^eller8(randBoardgrs^r:jfispep^ull^: solicits Xcon!,

tinuance of the Public Patronage.

iNe.wlj erected Sample Itooms.

j-'oi Ejaeiient^Cnipinej^ .j,"^"


':] I Good.Stebliiig'and^akda^^feuggJ.es(andr-fHorses/,aWays9^^^v'/| ;.-,*;;:.■:?;««. ;'; ■..■.;'itßsee ,<pf ;the iFoxton.iPMyipHall,wliich is suitable for Ent!firtßinjnents,Le|ctures, Dancing,:Public..M§§tingS(

{Ctitibi&SQfti iCoacheshstatfcdatty at5.50 a,m., from ;the MJsnawftfcu;bHotel,foi- Wellington,;arriving frpm;Wej%gf£tonat 4.i5 pm. The .Booking;'iffice

ijsia.tj.the hot6l,tiwhere.ticket's,,*,ajad aUg

particulars;canbe o)jtauieclJi;

? |The» Manawatu jHp^el,;Jlxpressjf willmeet the night tra^.:-*md,,,Icon.vey1con.veytravellers ftp,, the,hotels EftfcE p(^

} iS33. ilXLIfiST^EiiiT SMITH^Opposite. thb St,.

'ftiii*Siztixi JGi'MKa

BEG Bto:in{prmitthe;,lnhabitants rgj;;^anganui andjiftie

district that theyhavecommencedjbasi-<iline,;and trjast,


)hipriandt!mgderalecharges a Bhaie of public patjp,dag£ jeill)-f'i..:-th-n, :■■ beiaccprded., -.-^!: (?n*l1 ,l-i '."■' ::.-i-.'if:ii'Xt "..";jii(r>;. ,:-:.-ii>'i>;

iThe-Hotse.iShpeingj pepartpieiiLt^ill (beIuridecitheimme4iatejßare!C|t JJ.whose reputation; >as;;rai^orß.e-Bhper iswe|l-fcnown injvthis, district, j^'j; theliasl;Agnfiajtural:.SJkpjf |the^nrsjrprize.flwiAWtt^ijiiw^r^sh^ij;back' iiijjii o-t "'^jijbgrses^^;,;/ j^,-.| ' " ".L/«'i yjif.'j'll

is,ofj^ork.exec^tedi»/ii; with;,nQatnejK|andde^ya^

Harrows and all Farminfifjinp)ementßluanufac^ured, on.ti^e-,shortestandl5.per cenj;. cheaper than'lmportedi~ " articieg. .''.'„"

"' "" ''''■*'

(Farmers^ant Settlers'in country dis-itricts Would do well before purchasing

| Note the Addtess^t— "




..*-■"i-'^Liaa. _ 1THE't^n"dKreigne

#'d;-J)r^gß't6''ltiank the

residents orPalmerston and sur-jrdunding.KdistrjcJts,,%flthe jup^ort.^so!generously accorded him; sincefn Winess 'on .hie ap^Whiie'Bdliciting a; -continuance ofvthe.ireßteemed favors;Wduld intimate that;in{

.future^'ihweI'varied1sVdckrwilt' keptjonTand 'to want's ofJttiePiiver-|increasing populafi^n/ Fresh scons and!

..'■■iumiviGH.o:buoßrdiatly., ( JOUIj..^ j

The c^te^ingfpr^Balll} Suppers, Pic-jlie1'Pairtie's'; and Public Ent'er;ia'lnmeintß'carried put. efficiently, and under myj"""" l"' own' supervision;^ ''-' iic j

Bread of-'"first'Oiasf {Quality"only

@-NOTa.THK;iipERKSS^; I>/? ;,- !

PastryCook & Contectioner, next the«BotfUtiJchW Th6tSquare, j

I»iii^erßco'i( North, I

":i(Bate-ofi theiTha;ines) ;

HAS started'business as a Tobaccon-,

ne^t$oqvs<\Mi:Tobacco, Pipes,' iftn.cyl^o;ods;',.an^ ;a

splendidassortment oftheBestArticlesprocurable m"Wellington. ' '

CHO4§ iJIOA!^S J& xiIGARETTESWholesale and Betail Stories

supplied. Terms reasonable. \

W.E.HTmTEE-hopes,byattention an^"ciriliiyiand by -selling,,npne..,but(j>theVeryBestofGoods,tomeet andobtaina shareof publicpatronage.

■I^a*A T»i ■'"/-■" ■""f.r.-.-. -.v.^ 1_


REail^GTp^'fi.THE SQUARE j 4

■Tiß^eiirP'llQliSfS ,iPRERAjIEp. X (Experienoc/E^ononiy, Purity.a, at-»EMJ»aTO^'B, SWARJf


! STORll^l i:;J f f'/[ .iRANGITIKEIr-S.TBIJBTj. ,n ( t

jPALMERSTON NXXRTM.r~\r\o W ""^"o^S^irA l;'E'^

.. ' 20 Tons Kakanui Blße DerwentsrlI for seed

Afew tons of redcarrot?


;Barb Wires! .1'■' \Fencing^ires.lSo^6t(7,8. <>a T,

I A150,.,.;...,,;/Jnsi Arrived—

100 Boxes Tea,,yeryChoice .■-,■.j» ! BTJBUsHfta*ift9?Tpg;virr< R.LEIGBi,of ;f lij-vji,-^ _~.ys?;^y:O[ jJ^anager.

;j(Ijnmediately after the.Stock,fc'ale,.)i,

,jJ]iuESDAY, OCTOBER 30th...A jrcIvc.is'ft and THrtiIJ>.n7Under instructionS'frrtAtMessrs A.datnsjan^ Kingdom,,solicitors for the;Mori--

,|agfee, will sell* byfiPublife .Aiuetion,^,ajbo|ve—1.,,,., f iPha*#altii;blefBlopertyl 'kn/dwn*:&s. { --'i^Evans'^Farin,situated/within

]# j two miles of Feilding,beingi'| section No. 87 m the town-

(! s^ip1of !<Sand6n',' containing"*" j ""; l'2isi* 3& 2ip. 'fenced/Taifd'1 ' '" all of which hav6 beenlaid '>

do'w^in'Engiisligrasses. WAgood4,-roomed dwelling-house

;".*'' a'ndoiitbjiildings' are erected5

j'' '!onsheproperty. '*'■-'[_."'

« li!0SrEVEISiS &f:GORTrJN, V'^',


at thejDenbigh l!^Axife fYARDS,FEILtJINQ.1



QTEVENS rf;/H 9'ftTONas above—

! - .IMg-montiisteers.,! sfajb cows ' ': 11 .} 20mixedcattle

" o>'mr

' 'Sale ati^clckjk. ' r *'U'*i

i I STEVBNSi:& d^fiTONi'» | a ictibn^er's;!i:J'I V Palmeifstbn' N'v/aidBulls.? ■ i ''


| Ji!itt;;-:"l.:. ; U\i:-^H xlhiu-Aj ! ij^k'tJßjfirSi'snl^ments of Spring;; jli/ra^ndgammer NOVELTIES

for allDepartments.- The goods' ; v.are/no^ >b«pgi oP?n!?d.9nt.jand .} will'be 11


J : MOSTCSWEBRIOR; AS^ORI>MENT. We invitft,our patrons

.; „ and^hepublic generally topay"anEarly- Visit of

* In'spe'ctioti.5 ]-<>.

: Jl "-"'■o'jiofTi#'i'Ng^-j "."""■ --"

; s-i. ?:ir.f.c :g,ii .li.fiji:,-^Vj v-.-' jo .*-*>;7rnWe have received »b i i!

1 LA^*E SUPPLY for thisDej,1,, lX £L

ZEALAND and^JOTORirAN. ha ceCn9Xi:^jhesitation msaying they include

~thfcrOBdMSTigojoaji eygr sub-03mitted to thePalmerston public,and are the:£ES§3? THAT

!, MONEY OtiS BUY. Wehavei decided tosell'thesiraTtHeliOW--I—^1—^


-■-,,,..,,,,.,.0 .

!n: ssr.-.T } .;j.-.oi--!.- ■■■;;:v<p ,^/!"><;_">■*£ ■

! j f(MUline,r.y.(!and,l>rfl^makinfirloni; ihe .premises,under experienced

andefficient management;: *.I'.V/OU

j:- <JOib. jfc'^ss,j: ::',.lcio i: $"■■<)">■'■<,\;uV

!. d.!O(i THB»B6iT MiltOHB); -[■

|, :.u iJßalmftrßton^orth^y, ;:


--"■:ir.cl L-.:-v. '"-M^-iLid "}.; ,:..;;<-i :yJj

qpHEUfld^rsig&sd t'e^ninstructedji::by,the Trustee m the Estate o^.:CarLtr.orgensen,§ 'sellb^ Public Auc-jtion, at his -

hthe "Square, ori

All thatvaluable property situatedi,v; ; isionthe Square, together with5" <,c..> .itUe;building erected thereon!

"»*.* ,:(i/andY;jcnoW .asjjorgensen's."<■-.: Jjio ExhibitipW .1',;... «p|,V iFor^urther,particulars M)ply^o |

uj Im. ;■:.-; o^aMS|lj;jston, i";..iAuctioneer, I;f-;j,'*M '.r.

"" ii\ -i^almerg^n.North. I

3'»ipS. existing« <« <ibejjweflii:,jjPpinald %Kay;^George,

iand LJfflSepk ipinsda^j'trading asbutchers uftder- jbte^afcylejof Georgjv.rDinsdaleij&Ctj.',Paliuerston North,hdsthis dayi*db,een /.^ssQlved^.by'tnutualconsent. Thejbumness will m future!be&arsiegpgb^DonaW.McKay,George,-under the style..o|.yeoVg6r\S) "Co. Mr

x Georgej jwrilf pay all debts due by aiid1

receive alittplidii|iltoflite''tepart-"iersnipf"1"

Oi -i*';pU .-J-uwiln^,'"*INM!&Mi'2l2fks aar[llbfc©fe!6ber,

1883. " ft° :i ■mr":-!^i* i.':rf» Signed," . jlC'„ '.""'■■' D.ICGEORGEv i'' ! "■::v;1;J-'--^6>BPfl::!DiiNBM-iiß.

' "'] 1' J:«- i'

nA^THAEKIDES Hur VIG6KiWfengthenihg! th-'Hsair |6d

j i:JRM-iNG,TO,N^''!S<^UA HE I"■ >'Uml.' ;u.- J.. <■ ..iui-iijoj/i ta ' '

jsrojicE. i

suItia^P^DNESDAY,jthe81st inst., at .Mr Leary's, Chemist,firom lOfi.m^,till § p.m« t!

.-■! '"« CHRISTMAS IS^COMim"^ v

iIIQ^IE and"see nrjr new stoc^orfVtijyßootß and Shoes; coinppsin^ '£large,assortmentnf Ladies,Genta, andfI o£ CtUdren's sizes. "''^

apinpw openingupa consignmentofabfove, .and intend td^'ffdl at

;.' j!jyt lrawalbusly;low°i»ic©^" '^T

Pome £ tod the,.vstpck?^and see,>i '-"'?" /riLfcr ypursplves.;.''?.,,,,;'~_^' ;^

a 3^o^''A||i)i:!Skbß Mj^^ina&Bf1

"'Ar>; ,lI3ST^CLA^Krii{cl<)se fe1


1 \ "'.", 'FOfiKSTEßS^^iii:^ -H i;TTTILL{ 'shoWy 'IppeaiH-MessrsjW r

-Jl^nley and-parbyshire's Ju-

yeriile 1Bb^iffeJ'and 3fentdmincHCompany of.40 Pe/iformers 40. Fullparticularsiri future issue.' 0 "''^ r<--^ ' "

j ■■JiJ Agent;|.THERE*IBvKQTfII^G|LIKEv r

BEOS 'moBt {respectfully to inform-;his J^any;friends -thet he:bar

coinmeii[ced:,bq|i9{ssjsm new shop' ktjthe-back of the Bank- of~Aastral»sia,'

opposite RemingionsV andtrusts $hat his old" coslomera will oncemore raily^rouiid'hSbi^^fieii^Key shallreceiV^the benefits of good vrorkmm-lifiip, whiphroniy.a prkoticW 'and lottgrf

;;ca^,pti^dii^. 'I: v';;-

NOXE THE ApDRSSS— j:;i ,-:■ T. JORDAN, ,:■.-., j

'. Back of the Bank'of Austraiaßisi :,Opposite"Remington's. '

WWiStEfA^R^ wtqbmiGl" 'circus;- !;.-....:„.-> """>" "r


''' ";!JAMtißi'6AN jciOiIPA;NYii "■'"-■I

■;."^ ?; £;BT^R^R^ISTS^ t;;- ■" j

;«»■.,£:; v<> M^.¥Qn^g.KS;: .;.\? -,{;v,;-f j


Mtonkes|s, ( Trained;Degs. jj'!^^a|e^;!ji^a^e,'^ei^meiraf j t

'';^K;^i^Y"Z&i^Tsr:7.ji! 4-

'This' (GireM fiytf ilf^pefa!infalmei|-. . " r'%ton 'on! " }'' "'';u'J!t: ;

..QQTOBSft 2grH tAi?^2^^.?, j'

ChUdren,jl/6.land,^>ft f;..a i

B. MlTO^.'.ru; .'.'"...■■.I"'m; /^ST.CLAIR JONE^, p

,3CKJtfC3pBT_ Renders wanted fotf,-. rii!,MTeclsjQL% rab'outt 65,f c||a}ns offwire fencingonMrMan^u.rs^oundaryi^Bfij^^c^^PF^^'.'^^^'ißinjk,,mKiaranga Block! To;be l^t Jnj.t»w6 >

contracts, viz., 20 chains and 45 chains"iSspebtrVel^' Tenders on?atur-W^'Ogtbber^at^ noon.* Noiitenfle^u:iiecßißsariiy 3 accepted. U:iEs*.'toificatiehs^», apjifyito m;/-^ >

_. ■"^fff?hJSmmiv ■:■ j

><jii■■ ■;--

■ .- ,-/ "v-..< «iBangitikei £bae*|

Page 4: paperspast.natlib.govt.nz€¦ · The Manawatu Standard. j "'' - - " " ;. /,-' '"s' " '"" - > » I '.- j n...,., r...... if., 1-v:J...vv....,-: '*.. ." N--'^-


>' Mo^riNN^Mftin.'street/'Palmtrato^vN^rthlaittthel&SASPiiSP RegU^r^ t

District of Welling too,Haw ZealandfwtheProprietor

October 21 1883

"j;;- j. Basiness Notices;'' :f'iA*


.QolonialexperieVQe.^ prepared f?*»'' *""'*

iT Jobbing if ail:-^e^utedwi^n''


ft .(BY. THEoijD SNOB.) -„.."....<rp

n;,ao let a reptilebite you twice. .ffo'i.oD-OiW.'q-

j AINSWOttTH'^|)Select froii^.Il !Prioe;and.Qualitynothing jcaftieqqar

ralmprston, that liis ;7' = f°

'iv .if;■-;»

, ■];'u'-!BCJOTfif-ANi) iSflbfcg^"-' r

Mingoverhejwtherebj beenenable r£tomakeroom~for' "-

— -^-^t-.t?.Bi^.sagjgMganßaK3OHa

AUtheGoodsvia StMfcjBQw^ate offm M'aXe andSuperior Q'aality.Those to iiimSL^Btousßstaasaoßnient-ever offeredia Wanganai) will continatt^ be soldat Exfieptiotialqr %tiw PricesuptilFarther Notice',>wi.Connitf^GjSatpmeH '-liberally dealt

!; jJ^^^^^Adaifessi: vw.J oqca^'! J Opposikn'tbe CoWent^i«chopli> 'tlieJl:-AT«ine;.'Waiigaritti.f:-o..'!6'.ri ?.uicl vh>-.1

WHOIjESAtE^ JREXAJii^dpitiif:*

I;>;."* v ';j',a .sinUr/jiib Us f:i iL-jW^ m;j >

HAVE'MtH^B&!Ei'Bs£BMft Brandsl?ioarAOaikMa^Wll^!,Tßraa,Barleymeal, Oafcs^ Gbafii-Hay, Fowls'Whea^, TBasley,an^Ma^e.,IJC

„,,v-^heati and Barky.

fW iS^^'^atpss,,;&c.,,;&^ nA

Qi- 1

rMas6nic;Jeweller and Med«li>t,n ', tElecir^plater ana vGilder., >

Repairs Neatly Execute^,:,.y j,


Wctoria.Av^noe,.Wanr;ini» 3j<foor»!,;!' - " from the PdstrOfficei;? 0 ..,;..,-

BookseUera^d Statiqaec^ Willis-street

OUT;,for ,ne.wsdyertiae**""'-iiaifiil- 1 of !^TOCK to arrhi^r.. '."'"■; ■■;Slwwflyli:; ■.'..?.

> fBOOKSEMiKB'fAND.vSTATIpN^B^ M>r/.riiJ->-..-jWalS>-ftt>i,^Wjßi\UjßgtßPy*-fir-^-'#>'f

4AAdTertisemeiil¥^Hi"be--inßerted m th«inSfdropageaot the-MAUAWATU; 3xand«

-easiness xiouuea.

j>te^sok.;'iSS,/1;jj^igsss;,A, iIOBEiITSON ... PRp^aißTDßiMEGS to^notify that Mrs Farnje,

" -Pailmakers, Wanganui, receivesgoods and;Fprwardsitbenato me. ■■, ,

Woollen Dressescan be dyed withoutbeing taken to pieces.~, -*,«„,„

GeWemen's Clothes - jdyedt " andPressed to^look likenew.; ,

f . ; ', ,J^,AJ Ri "Received;firstclasSfFrizes at,

SyJnWfMelbotim^ (and ©uneilin $ki,hibitlonß'tfpV/^


wpßy a ,jthorpugh(knpwlfldge of tfo:

natuVal;l.a^sT^T^icbL|gfo^rW ' .6^%t«-tions of<4rgestion;ans^a'careful tapplijjatjon,of jtlie^ne'properities of well-selected cocoa,MrJEppshas,proyidedoPur t^ables^ y,(th^delicately*flayottred beveragesave'urftoany^heavy doctors' bills.: Itis by tfie jfrdioious'useofisuch.articles;of, diet that a constitution imayj b_dgradually built up-tmtil-strong^enoughto resist evejy^tepdengyrjQtpjf{disease.'Hundreds of subtle maladies are float-ing 'around us ready to attack.wheie-eyer' theVe ,is aweak point. "We mayescape'!,,many ar fatal shaft by keepingourselyeSf^elijfo^tjtfied, :pure bj,obdand aproperly nourished' framel.','^Se

|gfarti sle m the Civil Service Gazette.

Mrfd'eißiniply'' ;with{boidngnWater:prmi!^:. ./v> r ,

-b'\ itHi'-'-« '»"fVn.----~. r\ 0

Sol4*vpnlyTii? pap,ket|^laWjeii':— iJh'r-

fIOMCEQPATHIO CHEMISTS,I'^SV^ffltMQti^ v '■■<*■"■-"■■\ .<!<><-■./■■ :--'■ O1 f,;»i!!t t,rr.:f r-...■'■i-.if.-'l, $

Ahto—JSPP&S WcM>IJMS^ESr'SEMGMfP*R4ttmu>o$iiW'<{<i.;■"-

I &--,-:;>.■";;;Coas^^ons; .^' 'T^

104 Pbizbs. ,£2OO0 '"-'lOfcitfaisjßß

! -lAJFOKrUNEFORiIOsTv -\\ ftv:the*N6w Zealan4vfcJuP'sjyilL,7i?lbs^

about 3rd November. 4000 Shares^at10? j'Mlie ilutt><?oCn'risfc6httWh^on^6th:^M!'-' 'Vr ! First ..^..-..«-i.-««jB8Sft i'SJ "" ! Second.. . ....^SOI Third ... '^^V.r'lZQ

] Cathers^diTided)^, ;,,.,?),|^)J.,!).j .tTotaU.o:ov";wS£ A.«'£l630

';} "*"'"'.

Twoit^£3o^^ T.:—-^—£6oTwoat"^MMGO..«I " A^;^TcrHasoTWo 8tr 20 ... '... 40

Tenar''!i6f: '-;'ri .^.0:i:i V:;p s -fwloo

'Tianat 4 " "J-'^J_ 3 40

1 Total nujmb^r.ofprizes181104.; tEachticket has eighi,p^anc^s,.therace andb|>ads being dta^a sep'ecately. Bankijloces accepted } T&fr J Onlcerr Orders(preferred^payable to" Valcan"onlj;OheqaesrmasfHave Is excban;gef'added,'<and msrked «« c6mctf

" by Bank. Twos tamps for replyandreSult. Registeredletters or telegramshot acqept€<ir.J, .iPrograo^mes;and forms,for applying

fpr tickets sei^t ,free^to any adate^s'onappjicatipn. j^llinbriieaba'nfced jointlym the name of,;a,respectableperson:nominated by a coinmitte" of share-

!..Apurchwer qt.25 tickets'ohbehalf ofself'snd friends/ given

X!6aeHtiiike^ free,

fan toiepj«lrawwg.^^Apply1eaTly.^j Address _pnly to w Vnlcan, careefMr G. G.jJjums.jrß^-,l|o^TP^O;--jWeliington. *Ur taJDuiTe'dm^gency,I3'ri?.'o§ox-'124i IjP.1 jP. Qvi-Dflnedin. -r v



I -— "Soy.Xxm;

150 Performers, Cash Awards.FirstHorse £1600 <XKplat £$0 ... «300SSBonV- oJ 78QQ., M..1,0 4)3,9 WivSOO-Starter*,; 35biM.' 20\aii ibr "i.» M;o^er f

v;;':1 s<to iH * f6^^m^'.mi;,,;" ;;.3;;;;;-Winner.7 l.r.Ou Stimsktuwj o>!Jm*A> ■',-.<lstPri'ze..'£loD( lafc,Prize.£75 IstPflze^OJ2nd Prize .70 2ndPrize; 50 .2nd ,Priza'-'3O3rd Prize '50 MPrize Sb f3rd:jPrize'^20' 1

s £220j ■;--«£i€sj ;.:.ur n£looEach' Ticket hasNiue,(9) ich^nces.

IQAA Pbizbs :toahold'eb QA("\I■OVs'M,rol^r2 SHARES- THE AJuU

v.EACH member 'foreverySharenamesahorsd, whioh wurbe written across thfeduplicateskept,by.the Company..Those

I numbers havingtoe winnerwrittenuponthemwillbeput:together;the first threedrawn will receive the prizes asabove.The-Same will be repeated; wjtj^thosehaving the Second written on them;and again also withthe Third— formingthree1distinct drawings whicfi^iH,of

I course, bedrawirafter the winners aredeojare.d.,:, r. , ~',.'Z .. . . , „1°In the"e^eK^'eitfoivbith^lhwecwesLpf,-,paly ,1^Member^.namingttie placedhorses, the" t*hree prizes'willbe divided^betweenrthem,, ifonly one(meither''of weihree^^cSses) he wil^-mmtsM&"dw.io whi9hpy«, hejnamed, Ist,2ad, or,^rd. 4V a |-A,subscriber^^say iojding(.3^haresj ,

canname the'one h6rs)&lß 'times/or 3different horses, one tb'each^snlare. (

,jS.B.~rrTw,q Guineas (independent of.flic sweep) jwill be given to the memberfirst naming;the winner.

' -*Apply by lletterrr (with stamps for

replies),addressed— " ■ ii'.i/,.'.j .T:giNBAD, J." ;r6are of Mr Bodley, Box 342, PoJt.. . t Offio^,.Djqinedin. -—

-\ "■II 'bajfd otineAbminationsl

can be had'by^ehdin'g 'a1stamM ad-""'■''Registe^dlfetdrs' or^telegrams^notInot receivedl' r

-:'--^k.wmA mI

o.itt 4«D i?.. t^pn^ManawaWjjout ..nal jtiMob,j4a deliferedj daily^ttj^andf,;around Ashurst,;round.which i;djs|r#Jr,,ithas '.JF0.^011

- i i«, :%tM?A!NU.'I!JI> iUXuWxM.— itiere ii|.;

isi\(vf j .foo:n:irilhe Standard paddocksj jfor oneor two morehorses. Onlyquietanimils takenm. Abundance ofpastureand|good water. Safefences.

(, I Business NoMces


■■' < < jj-i.*!-.':i-;

■ r .■': r !/.{.■'!

stationer, and news-agent,

Land, Commission, and Financial

lio)bnsed ifo sell; stamps



t' — — --"'.^laT:

QcHOOL STATIONERY,i^iAllIt? j theRequisites necessary for Fri-'

j va&anaIS^ate^Sdlioblsr ;'3

OTIA WiSTIATIONERY— ParchH,JLJ 'HaseHtrCpst-pftpßi^TDemjrT-DrAft,Fo<jlsca#JTape,,,Sea|sv>ProofWDefiiForms, Quill undL'Steel' Nibs^Letter-bookßfm&gen'iefatfhw *

■■ 7i> torJjonii

€P"VHERNMENtPHB£fIOArrONS) 'Crowh LftiktSuides,FeneihgAcfc;iMcpnsing Act, New Zealand Statutes,

and Bacon; in''New Zealand, Manuals

Vomiiteer'Drill,1883ireta; dfc.;"' ,-

IT :■ Agent.for the .ManawatP/^tan-;pAßD ;ii:-Hl .vnii-ri /"; x- ;-TiijU-*-f- j ■■'■'"""- ';:^ /.if V-: .f>y /joiiv, -.Q. ! <Mir:rri.V;S.ole.agent,;fortho fJ^fNiDmUS IVK.I .4t jb GA Z<E3?T E,Ij a;.!Mpa^h]js TPasSpi»^an^'l

'{^ncul'-tora},Rpvi^w; priiße 6d,: , 'jt fi AWAiSb&MXfJLnJ&EjE^AL|^,qi^'^qiii^^!^is^i|i!fSum-U mary of^ thei... vy^gajaui'Herald,the^ Best and Cheapest J"Paper forCountry settlers;.;■>. pricepper weekPonlys,di ",;„,„■■", '

' w■t "■ i " ■. "."■_■."■

iEAPE,RSA and Pet;iodic^ls procuredforSubscribers' jbnly:~■';'■''■ " '-v

Young Ladies' Jourpal '

: I Seie^jifio, V, f} .;,]rr;Graphic ___ ' " '

'■■; -V , -, Australasian;■- .- ,

,.. ,„.■^j

'" "HomelNe^" " '"' /A '

1 ; andBuilder" ?l!

-'[ \ ;;t jOr any other PayerraWhi^h11>Jmay;-!beOrdered. . ;. :"vV''\*!l '/

HaPERS and Periodicals tolianfr—"H almost everyt

Illustrated N-ew Zealand Hera^i,.,,'jOantorbary Timesu> ' '

|;;[6ojy.OIwa1wa.JPape^.Vt.r ,--- ,.I-,/«^i!fjassf^a^; :;

__^,..j Family Readerj ;, r: Boysof Englandj

- ' fparniiy Nbvnelis^ °'^[ Aaßtrjajian Journal! Family Herald

■ j ?:.-»:■ > .;( '■■?:-.-i'.f;;7u/.■; ../r^Boy'BußesMrfr

\ JlLLUS^^^.^^mps. i)T? VaWioXJSKlN&i'^

OUB^^^6's;%raTiisai^^pen'|p for "The Monthly Freethoughtr Review," tobe;pttblisl^ed by> iAr A.D.'Willis, of Wanganui. rirW"'ißßue onthe IstOdtoiermext.yrPriqe.per ni(c>nthsixpenceV)''<'.:V '')' '<'.: "i\i'}:■:.',:--, ■;.■"; .-,I *

"i/ , ,- ■ . ■ ■■■■'■>

IScraps lidiifetMeGiuti C.'.i: ";<"; ,Ti i?<i >':

- *'. ■' -(

il. p |i ii'' '^-»—



■nROPEttTIES FOR TSAlLWJINr PALMERBTQN NORTH.3| acres, with 4-roomed house m

■ il'' - efiWchVsfree^'-goM'so'aj^ric?.

X7;acre»uwlthj, 5-Jflonied -houseMain«Btreßt abargain/

£ acrejH',TvitTi 74-uroQqa9)i house,Lombard-street, cheap.|aore; ''with70 house,

\~" £150.,-j 1 aore, withj^ S'-ircroniea house, a


/^OUNTR'T^iPROPERTIES forIO Sale, all highly improved farms—

F^ildin^iminStfibk, , , .10Qt acTres"~m crop (wheat),! ;tr; r "? 1 'implementsV';'.";'■i'". X <im flsleapiri^' a->:U\ "■■..,r j|qO j[ /Hoiise,- ■;%ell,i watered,'"

:': i:::i.cpriife! £10^ aor^ ,iiwi]1)1 TOO'tarrieaV-BulifcpwnJ;9iroom«

ed 'hoGSe,-l!*bibaard andout-!'nf;;"/":^'b;useß,opritfeJieio''p;eriacre.IJJ" 900:(acre^^bni'cheßangitikei river,! ' ' ;beaiitrfaH^ situated, goodsoil,: "■"■"{hou'ge &6:'.'Prioj»'£lO peracre

9Q9 acres, between' Hklcombe and''''-?:']i^i^i^S^>jblea^'d^3Eeo|(t 7C' v'acreS.viPrice'- JS6 per acre on

T' !'! ea^Herms.*'

the Makimi'~Roadyall clfaredi-fencedranc i

mgra^s;;good house, wellwateredT": A. very desirable'' "::''*''<? ,::^b^eVt^fp^c^B'pvegS6r|:- I

V ,'" "l''pti6e i£^p>r^crei ■■"J«>1 "-.« j

1Num^rbu^^btiher1properties faM satet

'i.'/- 1.:;J'.^m'^wn^atid^Oountryi^am-X jiJ

"JGEJNERAii'CbMMi:SSIONe.: j■;:. .:i> :;.;/J ;i;!,:A:ofiNidy;-.OiJj I

rEstimates due forearthwork^ Bushfelling;'meiisufJßd' arid.goperint&nded..;, Tenders. and'specifica-tions written'out.

" * v ,IAgent<tor;they/Irpn''"^eWetian Blind

withpaten^ y^ijiSjlcheck-motion.Prices:Fromlft 6in tb"2(ft 6in_widte and^nylength, 21s3«lea<}hr, Fpnif'^ffctto 4ft6in wide,at'the"rate of li"3dperfo^t.,A light aqd,,durable

'Blind 'painted manycolouf.

Pictures framed; to an^ depith} for;asonable charges." A/choice,selection

of Mouldings at theStiop.- -1 j _," -■" iiiL ii,:



I For Sate


riueTiotfeers,' -iii^D AND STOCKT AGENTSi.;>!"feti^ULS, RANGITPIK^t '"";

AJND PALMESTON NORTH.|.. - .. .., ._I .V ": ,■ ■-. -: - , ■... JOO acres freehold., a first-clsss agfri-

n.:.', i cultural farm situated within 3V;' | miles,pf.i the Martoa Railway

0.-> ? Station and 4jmiles.from town-\\ . ', \ shipof >Bulls/'leticed?0and- mb■-"" '

!'^ diVidied 'totty tltijr j y acres ofplantation and orchard

j permanent supply of water,'ten' ;roomedHwellinghouse,woolshed,i,jr f stitfepyard, " &c., together;with!f.,j theoptionof purchasing a lease "*"'

( hold farm of< 400 -acers^withinj j onemils » of *ithe "■ Township oi;'"\\ ] Balls, well improved and rented

1 '■'■ '■j l<J*at .itu;QlB acres first-class Agricultural.'I i'^.^^^l'a^r^oining

1v j " townslMp 6"fMa>%,I twomiles of that Railway Sta-

tion, Fenced and subdivided'ii^tp ten paddocks. 150 aeies'nnijter drop. Balance well laid! dowh m English"grasses.^Eight

..,..! " "roomedhouse \^^ good stableand"' I \ offier' niscessaty formbuildings.■"""I ' Two^acres1 of garden- and or-

; chard.1 ''" ;; ri

'■■"■!-' *> -■-

acreß, section 28; Manchester' j Bioc^aitojunction■■'■%!^Miifcmo| and Stanw.ayRoads. Halfclear,1

.;'I well {jraSsed;'7and' available for-^j plough. Qood supply of water.

1 153 acrdr^firsWiss ilandj-WairoarM district,.within:4"'miles of WaU

to't^ra^pa'rtially improved!'l'4;3■ , fern and grass,10bush.

2J279 acifes 'gbo'd Agricultural' Land| near Halcombe, and within easy| distanceor JFei ding- and^Sandonj '"^alre'a'd^^surveyed intosoitable

■ j<!- Xi yectiofns^for small farms),twith1s ;-^S^OOp'Sheepi --.I ■>". i;(ll }ij .-:■518 jacresofgood agricultural,land| adjoining township of Martdn,

' :'r- BUl>*-divided intoeight(paddockß;J;^'dftmß>on .the property.; .(

jParili'of sectidn;!^,1 Carnarvon; con*f *';!ar fcdningrl£| 'acres tn-.r-'-f-[837 fieitionr; l^l,,1172, and^'. ! .. 174, Moa:district'Taranakr,' 4

"i' '

miifestfrom' Inglefvood, fronting;" :;V';^brfolKißoad:^ ■%:;:>. »-li &

1450 nctek1 first'ibla^s^AgHcultnralf. ! _^,l^*ll^ a^ °f which has 'been

j M7^plohghecr^^MSS"*laid"down" mi graßS,' sub-divided into ten pad>

I- I ,r dqcHß, with eight-rqomedHousek

" 'Stable Gr|jn^r^aMSfebk-yard'

j i situatedWithin three miles ofand close to Bonny* railway station/ * "'■*

"v lljf acres, HalcombeV>about )a miles i ■' from1the"Railway Station^ part

■i'■_r;ioleiri' "■"■■■"-y'-;-1 r '■■ ■■' ■■''..' *Ts acr*s» section^58,' near town-

!, ' sliip and* railway 'Biation,HaK- j"w !o6mße^:i;7'r: ':" """"'■■: a -.y^-j 600 acres, section 61, Manchesteri . .Block, frontingJunction-road..; 221 acres^Ferh"'lie'a ''Farm, sectionI '' 9,6 on plan of Skndon, fenced!:",!

' into sevenpadr\\!" dooiks; 1 dwellingr

;. I' /house,all necessary-farmbuild-

j " ''ings,:permanentsupplyof water,j and good frontage to main| trunk road. ', JB3l acresj"section 819 oh plan (6fi Carnarvon; fenced round/- and

,' within two miles of the railway

: " ;j ,-

7 station. ;;'- '<■.-.■ *■*■„ ..:■:iIntending purchasers will be pro-jVided wiiaahorse and shownover;tke.properties, on application to! —

jr> 6TEyENS & GORTOIf,iV^---->:.r.s; ■;,-.! (i;.,,. ; j !,!,, W-Bnlifl,H . ■ ..f.... =5

w&miii, Mom, &;ip6^« >I^iaOLESAI,¥AND EETAIL,


..'; :W?lil<ia-STBBBT, yJxiiLISQ'XOS

. j . (NextEmpireB!otel) ';;;'We beg toinform the Public" and the"'

Trade that'we haVe opened a Wholesale; and Retail Branch for jthe sale of qur| < tlgfely OfiLBBEi.TED 6u»B BIBNDBD.TfiAS,i *ndbeg,tQ.dr*\w specialattention to outj,j ,;CHALLENGE 2s 44 BLE^P, ".whichis far Superior to any,Tea aoldat1,,-. '■'.'■,' V


;pßr.lb;- 1<: "''■ ■ :<i ;;'

Sbk CiboulaeFo aPrbss Opinions.-:i--

.■;■;■■■ PRIQES; .:-.. r jif2a 4d, 2s 8d,f3s. 3s 4d,and 4s per1b

Soldmlib.,|lb.*/B6xes,and Half-chesta

o"< v■:-.-.Pftre Blended-Tea. r <-. ■■jPure Blended tea. ' ' " !Pure'Blended Tea. JPure Blended Tea* IJ»qre BlendedTea; o .Pure Blended Tea.

-!» i/.-.:■« . pure Blended*Tea. .;« Pure Blended.Tea. < - \

.:;Pure Blended,.Tea. j,:r Pure BlendedTea. ;AcknowledgedbyTea Experts,the Press

and the PublicTHEBEST VALUE- W the SOUTH-

(ERNHEMI^PHE^E. |,(I.(^he9e,TeaS:are bought and blended bya;jgf^fegßional Taster/ arid' mixedbyMa-chinery,"and' suppiied:i;to-Jbur Bi'anohfeaand over 400 Agents direct from ourWlibJ«S»ale /Eitablietfmental .'■■<---u;.i T ■


"■!«': ; iU/AWARJ)EP''

iGold &-Silver Medals |

<;:■,{;Gold & Silver Medalß , > IGold & Silver Medale

-, . ..Gold <S Silver Medal« r I" '"'G'olcl &' Silver-Medalm i


O^jb TaialWoi Oontwob.

Thbuaads of Families aredrinking these.:,-!.."::,'■ .:..Pureteasr ■/, ■-, f j; SEE GOVEItffMEET AAlitNt1 :.,

SoldBy!Most Geoobks i; ,.

' - il '. NELSO^, MOATE,!& _CO.,' :

Ohristchirch, Dnnedin, ;i|v^illis-c"v 1 ,street*Wellington;} 1 kL

represented,A. FERGUSON,

The Sqnare,Afeww. forPalm«rstion North,

j Business JNtotices .'"_;'

Maxiufstctttfei4 ;

IiErateii;j ; ■;- .■ ■" ■ -;■.- - '

"'''.; :,■ . ;,' FITZHBRBERT



T EMONADE, Soda. Wateri TonicJLi ! -try, j;Waters* ',}■■' J.r < v,

!Gingjftr Beer,:Syrups, &cM;<$c..afAjNUtf"Adjraprp #IT^

dgT2Goods forwardeda by 'Bailand

I Coacfc,' vicinity q£[ t

I PALMifiR^IS,, '

and; -Districts*[by,f QWfl:^*n«,;"; "; ;';"; :h.;,j?. ",-■"",.[! s, r>|, vr,;,:;0(j

j ORDERS by Telegratft -receiveprompt"

►> Attention...,A



[ Ginger Ale, Champagne Cider,&CJ &C.y GToodsVorwaVaed byRail *r Waggon;throughouii?the(rDißtr^t.. .; 1 ).r7,;. iPurity'^'(^o^lit^jSip^fln'te^^ J)

j 'jQrdeW.Promptly,attended tpf'

By Socialifeje^Sif Appointment.

. | ;E'^$$0L ©!|XiO^ i';i imI Mahafabfcu^er of

DOUBLE W#!tsW)J WAT>EE^ri3TDj r, f oqrdials; ;_" '■J^jb?A-syraßTi 4'WE!LLiN;aToSsr;i '!

AwardedPrize Medal, Sydney £ixhibi 7I.:/;;.; ._..-; : t«m. ..,. .

;. ;,

:^Js:.jtimm<3tE PIXON.wianeß toiXL intimate"to her, frie.nd'B.and^tbepublic generally, that the business willbe camed'bnk'usiial, vkdeit KefoWsupervision,and.tbait^o effort willbe

iSpared onher part' to merit a cbntiiit^;ance of;tbepatronageeo freely acqorded'toher late husband.. . _ '

,- |All orders wjllmeejt withprompt andcareful attention^ <!>;>,; '

jßy appointment to His Excellenoy.v,

j t'HO 8/ MY iB '(^Vu -tPicture Dealer & Picture-frameMaker,I Willis-st., Wellington.

"pIOTURES of every descriptionV Framed and Mounted to ordervery cheap. Ladies' Needleworkbtretehed and framed. / i :


J THOS. W* P-ILCHER,Forwafaing,1 fOnstom> StiippingV !Ttn-

surance/ and Commission Agent, ;■|«v i Iflwterwsti/vWeiUngtotoiJ. XII Indent, Supply, and Commission .j >;;)e?.'-:'V.'..r oiti rjfe* i;;c,-iWf;q I!J,7oIi Remittances for; payment tjaixxstiiqotr;'company orders.,< vi. .:r

f\XID& QE -t IRON ".... pAINX.

I./ii'jj-iou.;! ;.-JPre'pared -by; the„■,/;(' Yf/,n,JTHAMEBPAINTIMANUFAOTURING


Eor all kindß ©f lWpod 'Worfc-i^Bridges, Barns,iGates, and

outbuildings-I-:-. .!Ppr Machipery,Steßmbpilers^and

every description of IronworkEor Shipsand'BoatsJ ;,,-.»:;«For Agricultural Implements

j ForBrand.Sheepr.! For MarkingFlour Bags, Sacks,":'i .'I: ,i;1}and Bales ;:: ..:..'■< j r,;;f(l {r)

For Priming allkindof Work■':r--:^'^c.t:'j[ i;&cV,- :" ; :&c.y>.;;;Indurability it is equ.nl to two coats

ef iieadupaiti£ sj it^preserves mil'*materialcovered by it from decay, and is noteither apoison or injurious tohealth..» \WAatherboardSj-Sbingleß, dec,paint*ed with ifowill;resist.ficQ., ;,,,; , ; :

Cab bsthadm ;po;wder or ground moil,1

GEORGi; IvQRIMER!"(FromEdinburgh, and latewithMr.-..,., H.Drew); s ,

(Opposite thk CbwirßNr) |'OBVRIA AVENUE, WAN^ANJJI


.-a o n ■■■■*:*?-&"'.,-Mli IWatches, and Olocks Repaired byPrac*j . tical,Workmen. * ..■■■

Estimates GiVen. ■

k^sojsfio jewejllerV ? ■'MEDALISt 'r-\

W. T. LARSENHAVING: re-leased the Halcomba

StatipnRefreshment Rooms,begsto tfnder his thanks to the 'travellingpublic for their past- patronage, apd',wouldrespectfully solicit acontinuance

"s of their support. X '■ -.-

The New BakeryEstablishmentisooni-,plete.w;th pY|Brj:c6n?enienoeand facility[ fdr 'producing' a superior quality !ofI ";. refreshments, , ,

x ! ;

Tea and Coffee always ready.W.I.LARSEN,


■.-■.<,- Business Notices, f . .rGRASS,SEED. CLOVERS, &c

JAMES LAIRD, begs respectfullyjtoifilorm the country settlerstna£

hehas now received his first shipmentof :U:y'' *■■'" '/ ■ :7'i^H ":■ "-""":;4 >"!

600'bushels ofPoverty-BayBye-

jr- , Grass, heavy clean seed,;from

I :.:'■. ■ olci'pastures.' "!"■-■ ■'-. ■?{'.

AlbO, ,100 sacks Cocksfoot and| Ifcaliahfeye Gra'as, handreaped.vTimothy (col&nial gxown)^and

'i |'dlovers'1tit all kinds,- also Rape

j and Mustard. " *':o I;Devonshire?!| Greystonep -WhiteI' StubDie/Porpli^ TopiMammoth,

j' and other'Turnips now:to hand,.uJ;| m fine,condition. " m

Samples,and Price Lists freebypost,,^ |-o^-.i b.^application; -- A

JNJißl—^tadenv and Flowetf <Seedsl *m

| JAMES aAIRDi'i- ;='Wholesaleand Retail "Wurseryman and

| Se^dßman f; :if,;'-;_

! Tajipo-Qnay, Wan-eanui.--p-,r '?v" ■":':-' -■v--:-cj 2 ■


AiLL SIZES, hourly toJSOjcL tons daiiyi The nibst reliibte'apparatus ever introduped'/'

" ■{'I&;' Th«4Ic(e;Blocks from 12in to 30in'sqare,and Sin to12in thick.'; iFAMIiiY ICE;MA^SICTESj; 1/

WATER APPAR'ATUs/'Cheapest atfd;Best. * Ice; 'Cream

Machines,,Refrigerators, Filters, &el-tzogenes*-Freezing PoWdeirsi- rMinelalWaters, every "article .cbrineotgd withIce^ Godling, orMedicinal Drinke*,,,[i0


H. j,i Wkst & Co., Stamford Works,116-118, Boothwark Bridgeroad, ,'

; - S,E. .. {—«__ —^

_■■— — — —

■ it)-.; ■" ::;Ai^6otceWntV^-:;^


qtHE ;tlnd£r|i J£nfcdV having} dis'pb'Bed1( Tl; 'of thb.afetfye buameßS to1 "Mr1 Wil-liam "H6g^,bejgs to tender sincerethanks to the public of this5 and. snr^roundingdistricts wlip have giveii;himalarge share of their

'patronage, aridwouldrespectfally solicit acontinQanceof the same for his successor.

" ::; ; >■ JAMES BAIN.-

WILLIAM HOGGvbegs?t», inform'his many friends and o«Btoniers,Ctp whomhe tendershiswarmest thanksfor: the support he received whils,tcarryings on thsbusiness m Bell-street)that hehas purchased from Mr JamesBain,the well-known ■ . ;';

j Wanganui;Gonfectionery, Works,| . And Biscuit Faotory,; ,' |



Victoria Avenue, Wanganuijahd bogs to solicit a continuance of(thefavours so long enjoyed by bisprede-

. cessor."■:'':*' - : ; ";- !""" ;-': ■'■'■*

Confectionery^''Biscuit's, andBread of

the best qualify supplied.

Balls!' Soirees, 'and Picnic- Partiescaterfed for efficiently.1 "

Wedding,''Birthday, and ChristeningCakes made to- order at tho shortesti vw. notice.

WII.LiAMf HOGG,. j Wang&tfni Confectionery Worksi; Victoria Avenue, "--

. ' . . t—;- "■■ "'-

--! For Sale» 1Bargain

IJL kato, consisting of 540taxable,.land, "pstof which hasbeen!uuder cultivation. The farm' isVeilSituated, arid thereis acodifdrtableresi-denea.erected >on the ;p«;ppei^y,. %ereis water-carriage to within threemiles,and good road communication inter-vening. .There is unlimited , run forcattle m the adjacent lobality. Thestock and implementci oa the farm canbe takenbj top purchaser'at valuation.

; A quantityof,fencinghas been erected,| and other improvements .carried out,; and thajarm is on» of"rhebest m the; district. Thegripe askedis exception-

ally reasonable,andeither as an invest-! ment or occupation the purcbasser

couldinotgo/ 'wrong.:A large/portionof the purchase^money could;remainoil mortgage..For title,price, terms,'aluid*/' other'17 parlicuUrs. -Apply ftoEABIIIitpN BftOS,i f f Obemists,'Queensifreet Auckland. ;1 i -» > !

NEW ;TOBACCONIST,'S kBLQS. \' ; -,; (Lafe of the'Thames) <H ? \

HAS Startedbusiness asaTobaccon-ist m the Avenue, Wariganui|

nextdooFtdMr Spriggens'BootShop.

Tobacco^Pipes, FancylGoods, and a" -.-.,. procurable-inWellington. '

CHOICECIGA^& CIGARETTE^Wholesale:and-^Betail Country 'Stores

supplied. {Terms reasonable :'W.R.HTJNTB»..Hopes, byiattention andcivility,and :by sejU^ng,none but tlieVeryBestof Goods, tomeet andobtainashareof pubUqpatronage. , : v

A SituJlTion To ButAnythi&oA SbeVanx ■ ■

'. To LetFurnishedToS^iiiiAnything ObUnfubnished'

■ " "" -'■' or "■■.:■.,/

To Incyease Your Business, "


The largest circulatipn in.the dis-trict, andrconsequently the best ;

i medium for t

Advertisingistobußiuess what steamis to machinery-the grand propellingpower. ;"i . ""<■- ,>^ -. .„


- .'-Hr," ■'

TOLEND— £4OO tb £1000 atalowrateof interest, but the secuiity

must be first class. Apply to G.McCaul,Victoria Ayenue,Wanganui.

---"- j"..i-JS

-Business Notices T ; ■■ .^


\ Executed injfcg.


The Studio isope* daily fronT9 to 4; o'clock.-I .::■::.■ ;Y ,"-.!': '. :.r.i-- -.",---7"-: ,Lamb^on Qua* -^-':;;-


.ZEALAND^ . ---; i ?^ U ,d iOlEte on^ Gazette published m the1!colony,^a¥dAgMngr theticutarsof Bankruptcy and Mercantilematter!fi*ttd'6ontainragflrflejkly,ift^rtti»:tioii of all Bills of Sate, MortgagesolStock, Liens on;Wool Liens onCrops,Affidayits ,of Batis^ction, Bailments,Share

;fteports,iJ&b;and wtH ■wHtch 18

now in^otpvoTafed:!I":'The NeW?ZealandTralle-ProteiJtibfliSociety^: PriyateListof Billsiofofiale,'' Aft, the.entire.rightstitlei^jMttte^st Iha obeenpurißbS8Pd^m^JaWel.^a^vojWrilitngton, Annual 'anhscnptton.

,^3]Ss, payable iii'adY^e1. Half-yearlyIndex publishedin January andijufy meac&year,*.,,A^P*Msm?B--

(. Messrs BakerBros.? Btar Chain-bets,Lambton Quay; for, Wanganm,

'■■H.itJones, Vic:t3ti«i;'A^flei'Office, I)ftnedin.>-. 8,,,^-Mmm*Advertising Agency;, Stafford-street.ml—m^ i^^SS-SS-2SS2SS

Business Notices


: Wkllinotoh, ', Brewers,Hopand Malt Importersf'■. ... ', Bpttlers, &c,&P,.

v ponntry Orders receive special at-tention,andforwarded without.delay.

PaleBottled Ale, pints and quarts.7 [DoubleExtra BrownStout,pintß andquarts.



jProprietors of Conntry flotels libeir-ally dealt with.

y \ '^QR,BREAKPA&T, r :

f\ Iff0 COLAT -ME N IEBV.: ..";: 'r]_

m/. "■■■-'-■'.■■'■1r": Annual ConsumptionExceeds \i , i^,oop,ouoibs..- ; '

, :

■',■! BpLpi EVERYWHERE'-,Z


ParisExhibition,Highest .PrizeAwarded, Grand Diplomaof.Honqb


.; The Squabsj PALMjBjRSTON NORTH.j1 ACCOUNTANT & GENERALI■^;^bptos9ip9:kaiN^.> ' '"Agent' tor "Standard Insurance Co'Certificated Accdunttfntm Bankruptc>,Has for salk— Numerous Town and■I'Rural Sections,on easy terms.,





BMQJEtPHY begs no notify to thej publiS cit Feilding 'and the sur-

rounding distribts, that he has takexthe above Stables, which ,have beeithoroughly renovated and fitted, uj.with'.'every'convenience.Saddle Horsei, Buggies, <fee« 01

Every attention"paid to Horses left,iß:..J:,.,f<^^:;-,,Y; iTvr'.RJL,' also J wisnes to 'informy thepub^thttt'^is p^pafetftb; €A^ltY;sOaDßyP^^N<|BlLß''«f6i9'.t^Bailway Station; ttt 'any p«^t of^ thieTown or'Country atModerate rates.'■"' '■-'"' ■'

*' 'i

'"'*■'""i* ;' '!-< fr;-'f''""

'■ v"'

:' :■ ,Apphasa-^.' "'V i!'


FEILD,rf(j ffOfli^


.fia ■ /.-./■.■vi-~*7.I'::;r/:..!| 1Capital. ... ... ... £1,000,000:

VVith U'nlimitedLLbilityof Share- ,l! -"';'■""'. r '' r--holder#[ t;- '■'■<":■ ? I

"..' :'


JffßAi) OFfiob, ; :II v ; Dunedir)



Insurances ,effected- on: »ii.dp^cdptions; of Property, at Lowest'OjarrenVJSafes.'''' ;;'"'

''i■ '■' -:-

;- ,' ;MAR'NE.— -' Wool Insuredc%6naybflep'sbacks -'or wool-shed toLondon,open Policies issued tocover shipmentsto and ffom<- Great Britain, imerioc,India, China,Australian Colonies,andNew Zealand Ports.; , :; (

<" Ut)GRANTEE;— Fidelity of per-sons,m situations of trust guaranteed.

Boteg of Premiam, and all otherin-formation,may be obtained onapplica-tiontothe undersigned, '


': .: " .■-.,..' ''A'g'entj ■"

;'(La.mbtpn-«iQ£.7; Wellington. i

09U T.S.HOE,has beenappointedAgent for Palmerston North.

Notice.TOLONa^wi^DEDSUB- i: .r!},SGRlBfiRSij/j, 'i '

IN future,papers sent by postor de-livered,enclosed m coloured wrap-

pers,willbe discontinued the followingday,unless arrears of subscrijpiion arepromptly paidnpm fall. / . .


- Tobeßepst^^^^^ ot StockCompanies' Acfc,1882.'

CAPITAL .~T """ ,fiso'000-Is good ShabksofLlOBach.


Payable-TenShlUings on gggSWShillings onaliment jand SuLsequ J

byCallsnetexceeding ab£Shillingspermonth perBnare.

John T. DalrjinplejJSaq,, .waitatapia,

Oh«^fc«on,^,M rH:kXMe^Johnston & o<w) >n (,

Hon.RobertCanipbell,M.U.U. tW. Waring Taylor,Esq.J.G. WilsdnrßsqTM7H.B.DonaWFraser, Esa; _

n(|JohnMcLennan,Esq.OrouaDowns _Obwle.B,lzat4iE6q..(MessrsIzardand

P.H^Hi^o^MeMraJosephAbbott^Esq. Wanganm.J.McMenamen,iftd-J^^J^U'knd* John Steveni,vEeft,CMeasrs Stevensand

jj£ps% (MessrsTurnbuli,

0. amS^rr^>i.\Mesßrß Murray,



A. H. Miles, Esq. (Messrs Murray,Robert, and.Cog); ■ .■ ■ ■. -^r.-u'A .;.

JohnP.Russell,Esq^Wangai-MoanaAlfredMatthews, Esq.FeatherstonAndrewYoung^Ee*E.J.Eiddiford,Esq.GeorgeLnxford.Esq.

' -"«P.B; Larkwortbyi Esq. CarnarvonMr,- tate, Ssnson* -v ,■'.::;- ":i;i

With powerto.add to their number.. """

:;<'i . Baukbbs; ";.

-V ."■" ;i >;.

TholOolohial Bank»f New-Zealand,SOUCIIOBS.

''""'"'*MessrsIzardand,Bell.^Iktbbjh Secjkbtaby., ,

; -^Henry^Wrighti^ :.TKMPORA.BY QgglOK^. J ;

Temple'CSambers.Allexpensesm. conneortion with;floating

the Company-.pjdor_lo_r.efiißtrafcion. to_oeborneby the Vendors. :.

Theobjepts yitb(Hwhich this.Company isprojectedare to purchase,continne, andex-tend the basinesaes of Mesfirs J. and H.Barber, and Wooflß, Grosbie; andCo./ whicii

"* harebeen-so-successfnllycarriedonJor.many■ years,pa,sW jconeisting ot,«« retailshop^

meat preserying and boilwp-aown planteompiete.'rJaadocks,yaras, horses,carte,andall the'applianceß necessary forconductingtheeiieD»ive;bjQßiness *rhichnow,,exists.

A achedolpof the.yariqus propertiesusedmthebusinessis appended,at foot,and thevalueshaving been_ascertainedby a compe-tentindep"endent>alaatdr,and approveoVbytbe Prbyisional Directors, itis P^PP8*4 *?take'themMet' &t. the sum of L18,789 5avide Schedule A, of which the proprietpwWill retain.m sbareß the sum ofLl^iOdd, leaving the balance tobepaid outof calls,and tobear interest at the rate*>t8percent-per-annum; the payment toextendovera maximum periodof fivejears,or}tobe reduced'by instalments o! not less thanLIOQO eacb,:at any earlierdate,at theoptionofthe Companyi "- ■ : : , _;.-■"

Allbook debts,will betaken over;as theynow standm -the books, and they will beguaranteed at ;20s m,the pound by theyendprs. , live stock, tallow,.horses, carts,and several smaller, propertiesnot!'alreadyTaltfed,^Yine1Schedule B, will betaken at avaluationondelivery: but all other articlesand property of what kind,soever,will, bsdeemedto.beincludedm thevaluationesti-'

The Company willbe registeredassoonasL25.000 hasbeen subscribed for, m additiontothe paid'UP.shares to be retained by theVendors,'anA the'shareholders"will -thenbecalledtogether to elect a permanent BoardandadoptArticlesof Association.

On ?Ihe- Registration of the -Company,Mesars Barber willat their'own coßt continue and the erection of anewslaughter.house at Ngahauranga, and.willremove ttiere, from its present position.inWiUis^sweetithY whole of their meat pre-servingMachinery andplant,: .: ■"- ■.;Xt i>intended toitakepowerintheMemo-

xandumof Associationj to enter upon:,thebusiness of freezing'mea^for''export,or toamalgamate with,any other Company, or*,purchase afiylbusiness established^^'for thatpurpose,and to manufacture artificial ma-nure)ipripther prcduots wbicbmay be;>eon.aidered legitimate acijuDcts to thebusiness;but for the' "present, atleast, itis;deemedprudent to reßt satisfied with the knows

v profits.of thebusinessesag|thejstand, withoulembarking in,more speculative.ventures,anc\. it isevident that the combinationof the!tw<

under Oile management mustesuifrininoreasellprofitsand largelyxlhnin'

" ishedexsensesi :*. fj = :t/''■ -;


Tbejjombinedbusinesses showanetpronief orer 15 percent, and it' is confidentlyexpected that when conducted under on*beadjthisin>ybecorisiderablylexceeded.

Thesuccess which has attended theGeaiMeatCompany since its establishment asa* publicjCompany, shows.conclusively ,thalsuch" bußintßß"eß are' more'systematicallyancadvantageously worked and 'extended ittnis wayi;haKby]priVate; enterprise; andiii« ior this reason.. thaj Messrs Barber,.ancW6ddi(,YCroßbie and Company arewfillingUsell :theiriitespectiv'fi.business toaCompanjwnite^stillRetaining,a very large intereslthemsel^e■■ ;and they have agreed to placetheirservices at thedisposalofthe Companyfor sucb-time asthe Direstars may requireandnot toengage m anybusmessesmoom:petitioniWith this Company. . . .",..The.resources of the Wellington districtm'tb'e^way'ofsheep and cattle, are io largiand'increasing, and the demand for pre.served-/;meatß m England .and elsewherescmucb.inexcessofthe^suoply,thatabusinesi

.of this landis capableof almost mfinite extension, and presents to capitalists the opportunityofa safe and profitableinvestmentwhilst tostockownersitaffjrds themeansoisecuring a fairyvaluefor their produce. :

JTlit i-pJovisidniti '■'- Directors havtgiven their careful consideration to the'■Prbplbße& Cohpany, and havehadsub"_rnitted to then by their ownvaluatorthe detailed valwiiona of tlie varioui$ft%br(ie*3o'ibei 'taken? ■overti <Bhey\ feeltheycan with conjtiLen.eerecommend thisundertakingtoHiePublic a» one which isenteredupon Wo,fair basis,and,whichpromises 'to yield a handsome, retttri^on tfm capital invested^ as wall as }kthe&xtension of th&business adding tothe material"prosperity of the Cityand thY stockowneraof'the'surrdundijigdistricts.


The Authorised Brokers are:—


Wejflinglon— DEACON"& BUSHEL!'.'« , ■-. AETHUit MMBU&-x \;. ]:::■■- . ton, & od. ;t ;

Wairarapa— LOWES & IRONS, Mas-.■..-.'■ terton


Palmerstoni-STEVENS & GORTON1Foxton— THYNNE-,LINTON,& CO.;■

From, whom Prpspertuses and allin-'formation can be obtained,or from■y> !,d; HENRY WRIGHT, '■'': '

f.-''"'[ , InterimSecretary,!

.„ .''.' . _ .. JTemple Chambers,-;■

- V "'- -':. .. " -1 ""'

""■■■ ■■/—;; ';'-" '' -


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