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The Most Holy TrinityMay 27, 2018  · Elsa Ramos Salazar, Roberto Hernandez, James Coghlin, Terry...

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  • The Most Holy Trinity


    Mass IntentIons

    Pray For Lists guidelines: • Have permission from the person to be listed. • Go through the Pastoral Home Ministry to list the names. • Names will be on the list for 3 months and then be removed. • Can request names to be continued after 3 months. Contact the Pastoral Home Ministry 650-494-2496 x22 or [email protected]

    Sunday, May 27: Most Holy Trinity10:30 am STA . . . . Francis Burton Doyle †12:00 pm STA . . . .Emma Luz Torrigrosa †Readings: Deuteronomy 4:32 – 34, 39 – 40 / Psalm 33:4 – 5, 6, 9, 18 – 19, 20, 22 / Romans 8:14 – 17 / Matthew 28:16 – 20

    Monday, May 28 12:15pm STA . . . . Clotilda Cesano †Readings: 1 Peter 1:3 – 9 / Psalm 111:1 – 2, 5 – 6, 9 and 10c / Mark 10:17 – 27

    Tuesday, May 298:30am OLR . . . . . Ruth Murphy (SI)Readings: 1 Peter 1:10 – 16 / Psalm 98:1, 2 – 3ab, 3cd – 4 / Mark 10:28 – 31

    Wednesday, May 308:30am OLR . . . . . Luella Wait †Readings: 1 Peter 1:18 – 25 / Psalm 147:12 – 13, 14 – 15, 19 – 20 / Mark 10:32 – 45

    Thursday, May 31: Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary8:30am OLR . . . . . Aclimandos & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mansour Family (SI)Readings: Zephaniah 3:14 – 18a or Romans 12:9 – 16 / Isaiah 12:2 – 3, 4bcd, 5 – 6 / Luke 1:39 – 56

    Friday, June 1: St. Justin12:15pm STA . . . . David Normandin †Readings: 1 Peter 4:7 – 13 / Psalm 96:10, 11 – 12, 13 / Mark 11:11 – 26

    Saturday, June 2: Sts. Marcellinus & Peter12:15pm STA . . . . Catherine McGilvray † Readings: Jude 17, 20b – 25 / Psalm 63:2, 3 – 4, 5 – 6 / Mark 11:27 – 33

    Sunday, June 3: Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ7:30 am STA . . . . . Joseph Koo †9:00 am SAG . . . . . Tsung-Chai Koo †10:30 am STA . . . . Paula Koo †Readings: Exodus 24:3 – 8 / Psalm 116:12 – 13, 15 – 16, 17 – 18 / Hebrews 9:11 – 15 / Mark 14:12 – 16, 22 – 26

    Z Please Pray

    sIng god’s PraIses! dance For Joy! Meet Daniel in Babylon! A summer camp for children ages 5 through 13 will be offered July 30 - August 3 and August 6 - August 10 from 9:00 a.m. to Noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to sing, dance and explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Participants will get to know about Daniel and others from the Old Testament while they explore the arts. Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child per week. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the churches and on our website. If you would like to help or have questions about this camp, contact Susan at [email protected] or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

    For the sIck & hoMebound – Lydia Li, Cindy Palmer, Donna Riordan, Lucienne Woods, Joseph Crea, Cathy Doerr, Mark LaFlamme, Mary Carlstead,

    Ruth Murphy, Betsy MacDonald, Jim Adams, Paul McNamara, Marianne Mueller, Mary Alexander Cummings, Winnie McGannon, Theresa Bruno, Judy Woods,

    Bill Landgraf, Ryan Tibshirani, Stephen Lee, Nancy Marty, Pam Fillin, Bernee Hazen, Pat Klein, Joyce Homan, Danute Zakys, Pat Finn

    For the recently deceased – Bernice Kulma, Jesus Quinonez, Jesus Valadez, Susan Thomas, Pat Smith, Carl Hoffman, Juergen Willmann, Carolyn Byrne, John Kralik, Elsa Ramos Salazar, Roberto Hernandez, James Coghlin, Terry Flynn, Yousri Aclimandos,

    James de Genova, Douglas MacDonell, Rita O’Connor, Corazon Quita, Beth Richards, Trudy MacDonald, Catherine McGilvray, Jim Thalmann, Cornelio Soliman, Florence Connell,

    Lavelle Seebauer, Kevin Dooney, Sean Dooney, Betty Dole, Carmo Trindade, Anne Baker Dobson

    MeMorIal day holIdayMemorial Day Holiday – May 28The Pastoral Center will be closed.Please pray for all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and democracy.

    the MIssIon oF the trInItyThe final four verses of St. Matthew’s Gospel are filled with symbolic meaning—summarized in the moment when Jesus definitively hands over his mission to the disciples. Notice how Jesus meets them on a mountain—recalling other significant moments in Jesus’ life: his third temptation; the

    “Sermon”; the Transfiguration, and his arrest. Earlier in his ministry, Jesus had sent out the disciples only to the people of Israel (10:5); but now they are being sent throughout the whole world.

    Matthew’s description of Baptism in the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit is unique in the New Testament. Doing something “in the name of” implies solidarity, or identity with the one named. In calling for a Trinitarian Baptism as the expression of discipleship, Matthew summa-rizes his teaching about Jesus as the Son of the Father and the one through whom God’s Spirit was at work.

    Finally, Baptism is a sign of commitment to “do everything I have com-manded you,” implying that belief is not an intellectual assertion, but an entire new way of living. When we are baptized, Jesus shares his prophetic mission of “teaching, preaching, and sanctifying” with us and asks us, as adopted children of the Holy Spirit, to “go and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Most Holy Trinity.

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. Matt, Pastor

  • St. Thomas Aquinas ParishthIs Week’s hIghlIghtsSunday, May 279:00 am . . . . . Family Mass (SAG)10:30 am . . . . Family Mass (OLR) 4:00 pm . . . . . Wedding (STA)

    Monday, May 28MEMORIAL DAY

    Tuesday, May 297:00 pm . . . . .Hispanic Prayer Grp (DCC)

    Wednesday, May 304:00 pm . . . . .YSOP (OLRH)7:00 pm . . . . .Wed. Bible Study (KC-OLR)

    Thursday, May 3110:00 am . . . .Prayer Group (SAGH)3:00 pm . . . . .SESS Tutoring (SAGH)

    Friday, June 15:30 pm . . . . .SESS Baccaleureate Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(SAG)6:00 pm . . . . .Goretti Group (STA, THB)7:00 pm . . . . .1st Friday Adoration (DCC)

    Saturday, June 210:30 am . . . .Baptism Class (PC1st)12:00 pm . . . .Memorial (SAGH)2:00 pm . . . . .Quinceañera (STA)6:00 pm . . . . .All night Adoration (SAG)

    Mothers Prayers - thursdays aFter olr daIly MassMothers Prayers was formed to help those mothers who wished to pray together for their children and grandchildren and to find the support they need. We pray together at Our Lady of the Rosary, every THURSDAY morning, at 9:00am, after morning Mass. Any questions, contact Isabelle Peltier at [email protected]

    contInue to Pray For VocatIons! With praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God, the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Jose joyfully announces the Ordination of Rev. Mr. Edgar Elamparo; Rev. Mr. Neil (Francis) Kalaw & Rev. Wilberto (Eric) Piczon to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ, through the laying on of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit by the Most Reverend Patrick J. McGrath, Bishop of San Jose, Saturday, June 2, 2018, 9:30am at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph in San Jose.

    PresIder schedule

    St. Albert the Great1095 Channing Ave.

    Sat 5:00 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. StanleySun 9:00 am . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. KuupuoSun 11:00 am (Byzantine) Fr. Hernandez

    St. Thomas Aquinas 751 Waverley St.

    Sun 7:30 am . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. KuupuoSun 8:45 am . . . . . . . . .Msgr. SandersfeldSun 10:30 am . . . . . . . . . . Fr. KuupuoSun 12:00 pm (Latin) . . . . TBD

    Our Lady of the Rosary3233 Cowper St.

    Sun 9:00 am (Spanish) . Fr. StanleySun 10:30 am . . . . . . . . . . Fr. Stanley

    Body & Blood of Christ – June 3, 2018

    sta kIds’ FaIth ForMatIon neWs Registration for next year’s classes (including preparation for reception of the sacraments) begins now. Registration forms are available in the vestibule at all churches and on-line. And please consider helping us out as a catechist for these classes. There is always a need for people willing to share their faith with our children. Questions? Contact Susan in the Pastoral Center (650-494-2496, ext. 25).

    reMInders FroM the staFF desk oF nora lundIn Altar servers are needed for the 5:00 p.m. Saturday Mass at St. Albert the Great Church. Please call or email me if you are interested in being trained for this ministry. Also, for all Parish groups who use our facilities, I need your calendar request forms for 2018-2019. Contact me at 650-494-2496 ext. 14 or ([email protected]). Requests are granted on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Feast oF corPus chrIstI - June 2 - June 3Beginning at 6pm on June 2 through 8am on June 3, we will continue our tradition of an all-night adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Albert the Great Church. It would be a won-derful time of grace if you could spend at least one hour with our Lord on this great feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. Please email Chris Lundin or use the link below to sign up for your holy hour: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TDYaGNYcT8qEOUJksX3GbqGOAlcyZDdj02FyRlO0g5M/edit?usp=sharing

    saVe the dates !!Fr. Matt’s Farewell Mass & Reception at Our Lady of the Rosary on June 17 (10:30 am) and St. Albert the Great on June 24 (9:00 am).

    green corner: FaIthFul cItIzenshIPThe California Catholic Conference of Bishops statement on Faithful Citizenship includes the right and duty to participate in civil policy including the issue of: "The excessive consumption of material goods and the destruction of natural resources, which harm both the environment and the poor.” Exercise the power of your vote at the June 5th elections. Four of the five propositions deal with environmental issues. The Green Committee supports Propositions 68 and 72. It opposes Proposition 70.

  • May 27, 2018Weekly steWardshIP rePort

    Thank you for sharing God's gifts!

    steWardshIP For all oF usBeginning on Memorial Day weekend and continu-ing for the next three months, the time of vacations and weekends away, is quite challenging for our parish financially. As the attendance at our weekend liturgies dwindles, so can the weekly support of our parishioners: a very good reason to consider using ONLINE GIVING. The challenge lies in the fact that our financial responsi-bilities do not go away during the months of June, July, and August. Summer is a time for us to do some extra maintenance work around the parish.

    You can sign-up online at www.paloaltocatholic.net and click the Online Giving icon on the right at the homepage. Your Sunday Offertory donations, as well as gifts to our Second Collections, will be automati-cally transferred from either your checking or savings account. Or use your credit card! A one-time enrollment will allow you to regularly contribute to St. Thomas Aquinas without remembering the extra step of writ-ing a check and finding your envelopes. Online Giving is safe, easy and convenient for you and it helps us! Questions, call Cathy Miller (650) 494-2496 ext. 24.

    May 20 (Week 47)Offertory by Mass

    Sat 5:00pm (SAG) . . . $1283Sun 9:00am (SAG) . . $1,218Sun 9:00am (OLR) . . $1,273Sun 10:30am (OLR) . $1,863Sun 7:30am (STA) . . .$1,115Sun 8:45am (STA) . . . . $678Sun 10:30am (STA) . . . $419Sun 12:00pm (STA) . . .$437Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400Online Giving . . . . . . $2,951Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,637Goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$12,000

    Free to good hoMe: olr hall PIano Due to a generous donation of a Steinway grand piano, the Yamaha piano in the OLR Hall has been deemed superfluous. We seem to have pianos in every gathering place in the parish, therefore, it is free to a good home.

    No charge for the piano, but the person/family who takes it will need to to move it themselves or hire a piano mover. The parish has recommendations, if needed. Please contact Chris Lundin at [email protected] if you are interested.

  • KEY REFERENCESDC . . . Dermody CenterDCC . . Dermody Center ChapelOLR . . Our Lady of the Rosary

    ChurchOLRH OLR Church HallKC . . . OLR Kerry’s CornerPC . . . . Pastoral CenterSAG . . St. Albert the

    Great ChurchSAGH SAG Hospitality Ctr.

    SESS . . St. Elizabeth Seton School

    SESA . SES AuditoriumSTA . . . St. Thomas Aquinas

    ChurchTHB . . STA - Thomas House

    Basement THD . . STA - Thomas House

    Dining RoomTHL . . STA - Thomas House


    HolY SACRAMENTS Please contact the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496 for more information.

    Anointing of the Sick: Every first Friday at the 7:15 am, 8:30 am and 12:15pm Mass.

    Christian Initiation: Become a Catholic or renew your Catholic faith (Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation) as an adult, youth or child.

    Funeral: Arrange for a Funeral, Memorial Mass or graveside service for a loved one.

    Infant Baptism: Preparation may begin before or after the birth of your child.

    Marriage: Arrangements need to be made at least six months prior to the proposed marriage date.


    Main Phone: (650) 494-2496

    Business & Operations Manager: Chuck Tully ext. 20 [email protected]

    Admin Assts: Cathy Miller ext. 24, [email protected];Ron Aranha, [email protected]

    Pastoral Stewardship Council: (every 2nd Wed. 7:00 pm SAGH)

    Chair: Chris Lundin ([email protected]);

    Vice-Chair: Vicki Sullivan ([email protected]);

    Secretary: Ted Baer ([email protected])

    Community Life: Anne Morrison (650) 493-2998

    Green Committee: Katia Reeves ([email protected])

    Human Concerns Committee: Chair: Paul Chestnut (650) 493-8237

    St. Vincent de Paul Society: (650) 424-8155For truck donation pickup(650) 871-6844

    Parish Site Committees: STA: Kay Williams 650-270-4188; OLR: Chris Lundin [email protected]; SAG: Neil Barrett (650) 330-1762

    St. Elizabeth Seton School (Daughters of Charity): 1095 Channing Avenue (650) 326-9004 Principal: Evelyn Rosa Development: Carmel Caligaris (650) 326-1258

    STA Photography: Roland Quintero(650) 493-2128

    Stanford Hospital Chaplaincy: Fr. Samuel Nkansah Stanford Chaplain (650) 723-5101

    Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Chaplaincy: Rev. Diana Brady (650) 497-8538

    Widows/Widowers Group: Lorraine Dabney (650) 494-6488

    Welcome new parishioners to St. Thomas Aquinas Parish! We encourage you to register as members of our growing family. Please email your name, address, and phone to Cathy Miller at [email protected]. Current members please contact the Pastoral Center to update your information.
