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The Newport Miner (Newport, Wash.) (Newport, Wash.) 1908 ... · dbe IRewport miner OFFICIAL PAPER...

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dbe IRewport miner OFFICIAL PAPER OF STEVENS COUNTY Thursday, Nov. 12, 1908. FRED L. WOLF, Editor and Publisher Entered iu the postoffice at Newport, Wash. ti«ton as second class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE #1.50 EACH YEAR JUST AMONG OURSELVES Frank I). Crandall, expert watch- j maker. Buy your fruit trees of W. L. Rickard. the nursery man. 20-lft Special sale in pictures and frames at Miller's old stand. Frank D. Crandall for watches; all sizes; all kinds; prices right. For high grade men's and boys' shoes jjo to Gust Anderson's store. Linfesty's Entire Wheat Flour. The best in town. Home Grocery. Fine large office room for rent. In- quire First National Bank. tf H. Hartman has lot in Cedar Park as an investment. Come over and see our new grocery -tock whether you buy or not. Payne A. Vawter. ('. H. Balyeat, of Tweedie, was a Newport visitor on Monday and paid The Miner office a call. If you want anything food to eat holler over the telephone t> the South Side grocery. Payne A Vawter. 11. Hall has bought two lots on New* port avenue £from A. M, Harris and is building a four-room house. P. F. Frizzell, of Spokane, has been added to the force of clerks at the Northern Mercantile Co.'s store. We still have Billy Graham, Miss Daisy L. Hard and the state of Texas left. Thank God! ?Northport News. Mrs. L. Mitchell and Mrs. Edgar Ste. Marie are over from Spirit Lake to as- sist in conducting the Catholic fair. FOR SALE ?3 Poland China 7 pigs, months old, 1 male, 2 females; also lot of woodchopper's tools cheap. Missouri Chop House. The walls of the new building of the Newport Iron W T orks are nearly com- pleted and the carpenters will start to Aork next week. F. Lehmkuhl, general contracting, will do jobbing on short notice. Storm doors and windows furnished. Shop on Fourth and Cass. tf Geo.S. Henryhason exhibition at the Commercial Club a 10-pound rutabaga and a fine lot of potatoes raised on his ranch near Sullivan. The Wide Awake Club are deserving of the patronage of the citizens, aa they have used their receipts to pay for the high school piano. Reports as to the condition of Mrs Win. Marten, who was taken to a Spo- kane hospital last week, are very en- couraging to her relatives. The postoffice will be open between the hours of 9 and 10 a. m. Thursday, Nov. 26, Thanksgiving day, and remain elosad all the rest of the day. E. C. Ufford, of the Spokane Lumber Co., the concern that handles the cut of the D. & K. mill, was in Newport on Thuradav on his way to the mill. Mrs. Clyde, who has been receiving treatment at a Spokane hospital, has returned and is stopping with J. Crick- more. Her home is at Harrington. FOR SALE?IO acres of irrigated land on the sunny side of the Pend Oreille; frost free, rich and sheltered; 5 miles from town. Hal E. Fretnming. 23-4 Mrs. Alex Brazeau and son Wilfred willremove to Spirit Lake to reside for the winter. Mr. Brazeau has gone to California and will probably locate there. Do not tail to see the beautiful war drama, "Enlisted for the War," by the Wide Awake Club, at the Newport Opera House, on Monday evening, Nov. 16. B. F. Bourn and family will remove to Newport from Rathdrum in the spring. Mr. Bourn has purchased a controlling interest in the Silver Lead Mining Co. J. S. Chambers, of Priest River, has been visiting in Newport this week. Mr. Chambers is a former resident of lowa and found many acquaintances in the lowa colony here. Lee Berry and wife, of the postoffice news stand, have gone to the West Branch country for a week's hunting and fishing trip. A. R. Tiss is in charge of the business during their absence. President Black well and Chief En- gineer Smith, of the I. & W. N., arrived in Newport Thursday morning for a tour of inspection of the right-of-way of the extension from Newport north. They secured rigs and drove over the line. Hunters report that the deer are bunching and starting to run. So far this season none have been brought into market here, although a few have been killed. A party of five hunters went to Calispel mountain this morning and will remain until they get some game if it takes all winter. Miller does undertaking. See Crandall for watches. FOR SALE ?Toulouse geese. Inquire J. C. Langille, city. 25*3 Furnished room to let. Inquire of Mrs. McKie. 25tf Win. Dodge, of Priest River, was a Newport visitor on Monday. FOR SALE?Three horses, half truck wagon and harness ; price cheap. In- quire of B. F. Seeley. Girl wants place as general house ser- vant. Apply Miller's furniture store. Mrs. Sargent has returned from Spo- kane and is the guest of her son, C. L. Gilbert. The South Side grocery stock is all new and clean. Give them a call. Payne & Vawter. Home Bakery bread can be purchased at Payne & Vawter's South Side Gro- cery in any quantity. A new furnace is being installed in the First National Bank building by the Reid Hardware Co. Miss Carrie Schwab has gone to Spo- kane. She will enter the Northwestern business college in that city, Wendell Montzheimer fell and struck his knee on a piece of glass on Friday, necessitating the services of a surgeon. Capt, Flanders, formerly with the Pend Oreille River Navigation Co., but now a rancher near lone, was a Newport visitor on Monday. L. F. Miller is fiiting the new room of the Caldwell Clothing Co. with modern styled shelving. All of the shelves are 21i inches deep. Anybody needing any kind of work, such as window washing, scrubbing, cooking, bed making and carpet laying leave word at Saddler's dray office. One of the workmen at the new bridge over the river at Albeni Falls had a six- inch gash cut in his scalp on Friday, as a result of a falling plank striking him on the head. Neil Gordon and family have moved into the Ellsworth house and will make Newport their future home. Mr. Gor- don has been working for the D. & K. Co. at Dalkena during the past year as millwright. Miss Spence, of Albeni Falls, visited Spokane on Sunday and called on Grace Long, the girl who was shot for a coyote some time ago. She reports that the young miss is improving rapidly. The wounds have nearly all healed, although her limbs are still kept in a sling. A. R. Tiss has embarked in the chicken business on quite an extensive scale. At the present time he has about 400 chick- ens on Grand View ranch, southwest of town. He will start next week erecting more buildings and will add largely to his flock. I have opened a shoe repair shop in the building back of the First National Bank, on Third Street, and am now prepared to do all kinds of repair work on men's, women's and children's shoes. Satisfaction and good work guaranteed. B. Zillinger. Constable New so m rounded up a bunch of employes of the Great Northern on Wednesday and took them before Justice McCurdy. They were charged with fighting at the camp just east o town. Three of the men were fined, the fines and costs running from $14 to $16. The members of the Wide Awake Club are very enthusiastic over their play. They say it is a beautiful melo- drama, with just enough comedy to bal- ance the pathos. They expect to cancel their piano debt with the entertainment. So turn out and pack the house. The ladies of the Congregational church willserve a supper in the church basement Thursday evaning, Nov. 19, from 6 o'clock until all are served. Hot roast veal, brown gravy, mashed pota- toes, New England succotash, hot "Johnny Cake," and lots of other good things. All for 35c. The Indians who have been segregated in a detention camp at Indian creek have been allowed too much freedom recently. Last week several of the redskins came to Newport. On Sundav they were notified not to mix with the whites, as those in charge fear that there willbe Beveral more cases of smallpox develope. Homestead Locations?4o-acre piece which can be homesteaded; 20 acres rich alder bottom land, well watered, good county road within one-half mile, four and a half miles from new railroad. Also three agricultural quarters, well watered. Inquire of The Miner office. E. E. Reid has removed to his hand- some new home on Spokane avenue and First street. The row of residences recently completed on Spokane av.is the most sightly in the city. Mr. George Lawrence has moved into the residence formerly occupied by Mr. Reid, which he purchased during the summer. Kimmel & Freeman have begun the work of constructing curbs and gutters on Union avenue, preparatory to finish- ing the improvements ordered by the council on that street. Now if the prop- erty ownere will only get a move on them and finish the laying of sidewalks on that street it will prove a great pub- lic improvement. Sale in grocery depart- ment to continue one week longer. Unprece- dented values. Northern Mercantile Co. Made Final Proof Best Spuds of Season Lund Hardware Co. can save you money on ranges and#heating stoves. The Pouth Side Grocery will always have a fresh supply of Home Bakery bread. FOR SALE?Cheap, sound horse, weight 1100. Inquire E. McDonnel, City Market. Dr. Clemmer, dentist; Spokane office, 217 Fernwell Building, Riverside and Stevens street. All the leading colors of W. P. Fuller's paints at $1.65 per gal. cash, at Lund Hardware Co. County Assessor Frank Luce-, of Bonner county, was down from Sandpoint on Monday. Carl Kirkpatrick has been appointed night marshal to succeed his brother, who resigned. L. J. Kimmel and family have gone to their ranch near Creek to remain for the winter. Frank Brazeau has joined "The Devil" theatrical company, which will show here next week. Get our prices on doors, windows paints, oil and hardware. We will not be undersold. Lund Hardware Co. The Great Northern blocked the side- walk on Pine street between the two towns all day Sunday with a cut of cars. LOST ?Signet charm with initials "D. E. M." Finder please leave with Mc- Donald Mercantile Co. and receive re- ward. H. M. Lund went to Spokane on Sun- day for treatment for excessive nose bleed. He had a severe attack on Fri- day and another on the following day. I will sell my entire herd of tho rough bred Shorthorn cattle; also ten head of horses, including colts from one year up; prices will be right and terms to suit yourselves. Geo. H. Jones, Usk, Wash. "The Key of the Kingdom" is the subject of the 3ermon at the Methodist church next Sunday morning. "The Empowering Visit" is the subject of the evening sermon. A cordial welcome to both services is extended to all. J. B. Kirkpatrick, formerly with The Miner, but later acting as night mar- shal in Newport, has resigned his posi- tion and gone to Spirit Lake, where he has secured a position with the Spirit Lake Herald. "Kirk" is a good printer and the wishes of the office go with him. Lvnn Hurd has sold his interest in the general store of Noble & Hurd to George L. Noble, who comes from lowa to engage in the mercantile business Mr. Noble is a brother of John Noble, the former senior member of the firm. They will continue business at the same old stand under the firm name of Noble Bros. Tweedie is improving and promises to be a good little trading center. £. P. Graham, one of the local merchants, has just completed a nice two-story home in the new town, and several others are talking of making improve- ments on their property. Messrs. C. C. Payne and F. W. Vawter have formed a partnership under the firm name of Payne & Vawter. and have opened a grocery store on the south side, in the building formerly occupied by A. J.. Warner. Their stock is all new and fresh, the gentlemen are well known in the community, and The Miner hopes thaC they will be success- ful in their undertaking. From preaent indications there will be more development work on mines in the Newport district this winter than for several years. The good showing made on several claims that have been worked during the summer has stimu- lated owners of other prospects. The owners of the Calispel group on Calispel mountain have jußt let a contract for 100 feet of tunnel, and Ed Sappington and Ed Cook will go out this week to do the work. L. H. Young, of Eastport, Idaho' deputy collector of customs for this dis- trict, was in town on Monday attending to some matters connected with the steamboat companies. Mr. Young was formerly connected with the advertising department of the Great Northern Railroad and has a wide acquaintance with the country editors of this district. The drama, "Enlisted for the War," is laid among the war scenes of the re- bellion of 1861-5, and is replete with beautiful home 3cenes. The club has spared no pains in securing costumes and uniforms for the play, and the lady characters will appear in beautiful even- ing costumes. Medary Lamb and Aaron M. Baker, of Crescent, and Jessie Klaus and Fred Cannon, of Dalkena, made final proof on their homesteads before U. 8. Com- missioner Sidney W. Rogers on Wed- nesday. G. C. Colebank, owner of the Cedar Lawn ranch at Sullivan, has sent Secve- tai> Harris, of the Commercial Club, the prize exhibit of "spuds" raised in Stevens county this season. In one hill there were 20 of the tubers and their total weight was 14 pounds. If anybody else in Stevens, or any other county of the state can beat this The Miner would like to hear from the grower. The po- tatoes are on exhibition in the Commer- cial Club windows. Sutherland-Cooke Nuptials River News. - A Try the Home Bakery's superior cream bread, 5c per loaf. Louis Kirchan, the market man, has received a large consignment of young turkey gobblers and hens from his ranch near Davenport. l.ouis is bound to have a supply for the holiday trade and willhave about 120 of the turks on hand for Thanksgiving. These fowls will douLtless be in demand by the Repub- lican candidates who were successful at the recent election, but the other fellows will be hunting for crow. He proposes to have an old-fashioned turkey shoot on the day previous to Thanksgiving. Miss Margaret Elaine Sutherland, daughter of Dr. G. W. Sutherland, of this city, and William H. Cooke, of Minneapolis, Minn., were married in Spokane on Saturday by Rev. W. J. Hindley. The only guests at the ceremony were Dr. Sutherland and the groom's father. A wedding breakfast was served at Dav- enport s, after which the bridal party departed for Minneapolis to visit the groom's relatives. On their return they will reside at Albeni Falls until the groom's firm has completed their con- tract there. Miss Sutherland was one of the most popular voung ladies of the younger set and has grown to maturity in this place. Mr. Cooke is associated with his father on the' contract for the construction of the new bridge for the Great Northern across the Pend Oreille at Albeni Falls. Capt. A. S. Lanneu has resigned his position as superintendent of the Meta- line Navigation Co. and captain oi the steamer Ruth. The captain and his famiiy have removed to Spokane. Secretary and Treasurer G'reichton, of i the Metaline Navigation Co., has been appointed to the position of superinten- dent of the company, in addition to his other duties. The Ruth made 21 stops on her up trip from Cement on Monday. The officers report that travel along the river is improving somewhat. The lone has been fitted with steam heating apparatus, radiators having been placed in the saloons and offices. The £eckman dredge will be tested on Friday, all of the steam connections having been finished Thursday. If everything works satisfactory the dredge will be placed in commission next week. There are several bad snags in the channel near Boundary island that should be remoyed, as they are a men- ace to navigation. A Dazzling Brilliance that nevertheless pleases the feminine eye, is the chief feature in my fine selec- tion of Diamond Rings of the first water. We have a choice variety of them for Ladies and Gentlemen, and every stone is well set and guaranteed. Every arti- cle of Jewelry sold here is warranted to be as claimed or money refunded. Yet our prices are most moderate. Desart's Jewelry Store Newport Opera House Waterman & Simpson Managers Moving Pictures Every Night Change of subjects three times a week. COMING ATTRACTION The Military Drama "ENLISTED For The WAR" NOVEMBER 16th \ By Home Talent bargains in $ 50?Lot on State Ave. $ 100 ?2 lots, Union Ave. $ 250? 60 ft. corner, Union Ave. I 400?2 room house, good lot, good location near Cottage House $1200?Fine 5 room house, 50 foot corner. Other snaps. Call for list. A. M. HARRIS, Newport, Wash. ? ? IN EVERYBODY'S MOUTH are our tooth Washers and the praise of them. They are pure,''fragrant and anti septic, cleansing both teeth and gums, re-l | moving the tartar and giving a sweet per * fume to the breath. We also have Tooth.4 I Brushes, Powders and Soaps for dental r purposes, and every requisite for the bath- i room and toilet. Our lines of Fancy Soaps, Perfumes are second to none in quality, but rather low in price. | A 15c Dress Pattern Free You may have, free of charge, a 15 cent Ladies' Home Journal Pattern of your own selection if you will buy a copy of The Winter Quarterly Style Book Ask for it at the Pattern Counter THE WINTER QUARTERLY STYLE BOOK Contains over 140 large pages, 10 1-4 by 13 3-4 inches, and 1,000 illustrations of the Ladies' Home Journal Patterns for Ladies', Misses' and Children's patterns for every need of the home dressmaker. In number, size and beauty of its illustrations, and in helpful suggestions to home dressmakers, The Winter Quarterly Style Book excels any fashion book selling for 35 cents to 50 cents; yet you may get a copy of this great pattern book, and any 15 cent Ladies' Home Journal Pattern for Only 20 Cents Farmers Go-Operative Trading Company Subscriptions Taken for the LADIES HOME JOURNAL Pend Oreille Valley RANCHES We offe choice Fruit* Farm and Hay lands at prices of from $10 to $25 per acre. See us if you wish to buy! Newport Wash. Land Go. NEWPORT, WASH. Watches, Chains, Pins, Rings, Etc. First class line of up-to-date Jewelry All goods positvely Guaranteed Frank DCrandall Jeweler Postoffice Building Newport
Page 1: The Newport Miner (Newport, Wash.) (Newport, Wash.) 1908 ... · dbe IRewport miner OFFICIAL PAPER OF STEVENS COUNTY Thursday, Nov. 12, 1908. FRED L. WOLF, Editor and Publisher Entered

dbe IRewport miner


Thursday, Nov. 12, 1908.

FRED L. WOLF, Editor and Publisher

Entered iu the postoffice at Newport, Wash.

ti«ton as second class mail matter.



Frank I). Crandall, expert watch- jmaker.

Buy your fruit trees of W. L. Rickard.the nursery man. 20-lft

Special sale in pictures and frames atMiller's old stand.

Frank D. Crandall for watches; allsizes; all kinds; prices right.

For high grade men's and boys' shoes

jjo to Gust Anderson's store.

Linfesty's Entire Wheat Flour. Thebest in town. Home Grocery.

Fine large office room for rent. In-quire First National Bank. tf

H. Hartman has lot in CedarPark as an investment.

Come over and see our new grocery

-tock whether you buy or not. PayneA. Vawter.

('. H. Balyeat, of Tweedie, was aNewport visitor on Monday and paidThe Miner office a call.

If you want anything food to eatholler over the telephone t> the SouthSide grocery. Payne A Vawter.

11. Hall has bought two lots on New*port avenue £from A. M, Harris and isbuilding a four-room house.

P. F. Frizzell, of Spokane, has beenadded to the force of clerks at theNorthern Mercantile Co.'s store.

We still have Billy Graham, MissDaisy L. Hard and the state of Texasleft. Thank God! ?Northport News.

Mrs. L. Mitchell and Mrs. Edgar Ste.Marie are over from Spirit Lake to as-sist in conducting the Catholic fair.

FOR SALE ?3 Poland China 7 pigs,months old, 1 male, 2 females; also lotof woodchopper's tools cheap. MissouriChop House.

The walls of the new building of theNewport Iron W

T orks are nearly com-pleted and the carpenters will start toAork next week.

F. Lehmkuhl, general contracting,will do jobbing on short notice. Stormdoors and windows furnished. Shop onFourth and Cass. tf

Geo.S. Henryhason exhibition at theCommercial Club a 10-pound rutabagaand a fine lot of potatoes raised on hisranch near Sullivan.

The Wide Awake Club are deservingof the patronage of the citizens, aa theyhave used their receipts to pay for thehigh school piano.

Reports as to the condition of MrsWin. Marten, who was taken to a Spo-kane hospital last week, are very en-

couraging to her relatives.The postoffice will be open between

the hours of 9 and 10 a. m. Thursday,Nov. 26, Thanksgiving day, and remainelosad all the rest of the day.

E. C. Ufford, of the Spokane LumberCo., the concern that handles the cut ofthe D. & K. mill, was in Newport onThuradav on his way to the mill.

Mrs. Clyde, who has been receiving

treatment at a Spokane hospital, hasreturned and is stopping with J. Crick-more. Her home is at Harrington.

FOR SALE?IO acres of irrigated landon the sunny side of the Pend Oreille;frost free, rich and sheltered; 5 milesfrom town. Hal E. Fretnming. 23-4

Mrs. Alex Brazeau and son Wilfredwillremove to Spirit Lake to reside forthe winter. Mr. Brazeau has gone toCalifornia and will probably locatethere.

Do not tail to see the beautiful wardrama, "Enlisted for the War," by theWide Awake Club, at the NewportOpera House, on Monday evening,Nov. 16.

B. F. Bourn and family will removeto Newport from Rathdrum in thespring. Mr. Bourn has purchased acontrolling interest in the Silver LeadMining Co.

J. S. Chambers, of Priest River, hasbeen visiting in Newport this week.Mr. Chambers is a former resident oflowa and found many acquaintances inthe lowa colony here.

Lee Berry and wife, of the postofficenews stand, have gone to the WestBranch country for a week's huntingand fishing trip. A. R. Tiss is in chargeof the business during their absence.

President Black well and Chief En-gineer Smith, of the I. & W. N., arrivedin Newport Thursday morning for atour of inspection of the right-of-wayof the extension from Newport north.They secured rigs and drove over theline.

Hunters report that the deer arebunching and starting to run. So farthis season none have been brought intomarket here, although a few have beenkilled. Aparty of five hunters went toCalispel mountain this morning andwillremain until they get some game ifit takes all winter.

Millerdoes undertaking.

See Crandall for watches.FOR SALE ?Toulouse geese. Inquire

J. C. Langille, city. 25*3Furnished room to let. Inquire of Mrs.

McKie. 25tfWin. Dodge, of Priest River, was a

Newport visitor on Monday.

FOR SALE?Three horses, half truckwagon and harness ; price cheap. In-quire of B. F. Seeley.

Girl wants place as general house ser-vant. Apply Miller's furniture store.

Mrs. Sargent has returned from Spo-kane and is the guest of her son, C. L.Gilbert.

The South Side grocery stock is allnew and clean. Give them a call.Payne & Vawter.

Home Bakery bread can be purchasedat Payne & Vawter's South Side Gro-cery in any quantity.

A new furnace is being installed inthe First National Bank building by theReid Hardware Co.

Miss Carrie Schwab has gone to Spo-kane. She will enter the Northwesternbusiness college in that city,

Wendell Montzheimer fell and struckhis knee on a piece of glass on Friday,necessitating the services of a surgeon.

Capt, Flanders, formerly with thePend Oreille River Navigation Co., butnow a rancher near lone, was a Newportvisitor on Monday.

L. F. Miller is fiiting the new room ofthe Caldwell Clothing Co. with modernstyled shelving. All of the shelves are21i inches deep.

Anybody needing any kind of work,such as window washing, scrubbing,cooking, bed making and carpet layingleave word at Saddler's dray office.

One of the workmen at the new bridgeover the river at Albeni Falls had a six-inch gash cut in his scalp on Friday, asa result of a falling plank striking himon the head.

Neil Gordon and family have movedinto the Ellsworth house and will makeNewport their future home. Mr. Gor-don has been working for the D. & K.Co. at Dalkena during the past year asmillwright.

Miss Spence, of Albeni Falls, visitedSpokane on Sunday and called on GraceLong, the girl who was shot for a coyote

some time ago. She reports that theyoung miss is improving rapidly. Thewounds have nearly all healed, althoughher limbs are still kept in a sling.

A. R. Tiss has embarked in the chickenbusiness on quite an extensive scale. Atthe present time he has about 400 chick-ens on Grand View ranch, southwest oftown. He will start next week erectingmore buildings and will add largely to

his flock.I have opened a shoe repair shop in

the building back of the First NationalBank, on Third Street, and am nowprepared to do all kinds of repair workon men's, women's and children's shoes.Satisfaction and good work guaranteed.

B. Zillinger.

Constable New so m rounded up abunch of employes of the Great Northernon Wednesday and took them beforeJustice McCurdy. They were chargedwith fighting at the camp just east otown. Three of the men were fined, thefines and costs running from $14 to $16.

The members of the Wide AwakeClub are very enthusiastic over theirplay. They say it is a beautiful melo-drama, with just enough comedy to bal-ance the pathos. They expect to canceltheir piano debt with the entertainment.So turn out and pack the house.

The ladies of the Congregationalchurch willserve a supper in the churchbasement Thursday evaning, Nov. 19,from 6 o'clock until all are served. Hotroast veal, brown gravy, mashed pota-toes, New England succotash, hot"Johnny Cake," and lots of other goodthings. Allfor 35c.

The Indians who have been segregatedin a detention camp at Indian creek havebeen allowed too much freedom recently.Last week several of the redskins cameto Newport. On Sundav they werenotified not to mix with the whites, asthose in charge fear that there willbeBeveral more cases of smallpox develope.

Homestead Locations?4o-acre piecewhich can be homesteaded; 20 acresrich alder bottom land, well watered,good county road within one-half mile,four and a half miles from new railroad.Also three agricultural quarters, wellwatered. Inquire of The Miner office.

E. E. Reid has removed to his hand-some new home on Spokane avenue andFirst street. The row of residencesrecently completed on Spokane av.is themost sightly in the city. Mr. GeorgeLawrence has moved into the residenceformerly occupied by Mr. Reid, whichhe purchased during the summer.

Kimmel & Freeman have begun thework of constructing curbs and gutterson Union avenue, preparatory to finish-ing the improvements ordered by thecouncil on that street. Now if the prop-erty ownere will only get a move onthem and finish the laying of sidewalkson that street it will prove a great pub-lic improvement.

Sale in grocery depart-ment to continue oneweek longer. Unprece-dented values.Northern Mercantile Co.

Made Final Proof

Best Spuds of Season

Lund Hardware Co. can save youmoney on ranges and#heating stoves.

The Pouth Side Grocery will always

have a fresh supply of Home Bakerybread.

FOR SALE?Cheap, sound horse,

weight 1100. Inquire E. McDonnel,

City Market.

Dr. Clemmer, dentist; Spokane office,

217 Fernwell Building, Riverside andStevens street.

All the leading colors of W. P. Fuller's

paints at $1.65 per gal. cash, at LundHardware Co.County Assessor Frank Luce-, of Bonnercounty, was down from Sandpoint onMonday.

Carl Kirkpatrick has been appointednight marshal to succeed his brother,

who resigned.L. J. Kimmel and family have gone

to their ranch near Creek to remainfor the winter.

Frank Brazeau has joined "TheDevil" theatrical company, which will

show here next week.

Get our prices on doors, windowspaints, oil and hardware. We will not

be undersold. Lund Hardware Co.

The Great Northern blocked the side-walk on Pine street between the two

towns all day Sunday with a cut of cars.

LOST ?Signet charm with initials "D.E. M." Finder please leave with Mc-Donald Mercantile Co. and receive re-ward.

H. M. Lund went to Spokane on Sun-day for treatment for excessive nosebleed. He had a severe attack on Fri-day and another on the following day.

I will sell my entire herd of tho rough

bred Shorthorn cattle; also ten head ofhorses, including colts from one yearup; prices will be right and terms to

suit yourselves. Geo. H. Jones, Usk,Wash.

"The Key of the Kingdom" is thesubject of the 3ermon at the Methodistchurch next Sunday morning. "TheEmpowering Visit" is the subject of theevening sermon. A cordial welcome to

both services is extended to all.

J. B. Kirkpatrick, formerly with TheMiner, but later acting as night mar-shal in Newport, has resigned his posi-tion and gone to Spirit Lake, where hehas secured a position with the SpiritLake Herald. "Kirk"is a good printerand the wishes of the office go with him.

Lvnn Hurd has sold his interest inthe general store of Noble & Hurd toGeorge L. Noble, who comes from lowato engage in the mercantile businessMr. Noble is a brother of John Noble,the former senior member of the firm.They will continue business at the sameold stand under the firm name of NobleBros.

Tweedie is improving and promisesto be a good little trading center. £.

P. Graham, one of the local merchants,has just completed a nice two-story

home in the new town, and severalothers are talking of making improve-ments on their property.

Messrs. C. C. Payne and F. W. Vawterhave formed a partnership under thefirm name of Payne & Vawter. and haveopened a grocery store on the southside, in the building formerly occupiedby A. J.. Warner. Their stock is allnew and fresh, the gentlemen are wellknown in the community, and TheMiner hopes thaC they will be success-ful in their undertaking.

From preaent indications there willbe more development work on mines inthe Newport district this winter thanfor several years. The good showingmade on several claims that have beenworked during the summer has stimu-lated owners of other prospects. Theowners of the Calispel group on Calispelmountain have jußt let a contract for100 feet of tunnel, and Ed Sappingtonand Ed Cook will go out this week to dothe work.

L. H. Young, of Eastport, Idaho'deputy collector of customs for this dis-trict, was in town on Monday attendingto some matters connected with thesteamboat companies. Mr. Young wasformerly connected with the advertisingdepartment of the Great NorthernRailroad and has a wide acquaintancewith the country editors of this district.

The drama, "Enlisted for the War,"is laid among the war scenes of the re-bellion of 1861-5, and is replete withbeautiful home 3cenes. The club hasspared no pains in securing costumesand uniforms for the play, and the ladycharacters will appear in beautiful even-ing costumes.

Medary Lamb and Aaron M. Baker,of Crescent, and Jessie Klaus and FredCannon, of Dalkena, made final proofon their homesteads before U. 8. Com-missioner Sidney W. Rogers on Wed-nesday.

G. C. Colebank, owner of the CedarLawn ranch at Sullivan, has sent Secve-tai> Harris, of the Commercial Club,the prize exhibit of "spuds" raised inStevens county this season. In onehill there were 20 of the tubers and theirtotal weight was 14 pounds. If anybodyelse in Stevens, or any other county ofthe state can beat this The Miner wouldlike to hear from the grower. The po-

tatoes are on exhibition in the Commer-cial Club windows.

Sutherland-Cooke Nuptials

River News.


A Try the Home Bakery's superiorcream bread, 5c per loaf.

Louis Kirchan, the market man, hasreceived a large consignment of youngturkey gobblers and hens from his ranchnear Davenport. l.ouis is bound tohave a supply for the holiday trade andwillhave about 120 of the turks on handfor Thanksgiving. These fowls willdouLtless be in demand by the Repub-lican candidates who were successful atthe recent election, but the other fellowswill be hunting for crow. He proposesto have an old-fashioned turkey shooton the day previous to Thanksgiving.

Miss Margaret Elaine Sutherland,daughter of Dr. G. W. Sutherland, ofthis city, and William H. Cooke, ofMinneapolis, Minn., were married inSpokane on Saturday by Rev. W. J.Hindley.

The only guests at the ceremony wereDr. Sutherland and the groom's father.A wedding breakfast was served at Dav-enport s, after which the bridal partydeparted for Minneapolis to visit thegroom's relatives. On their return theywill reside at Albeni Falls until thegroom's firm has completed their con-tract there.

Miss Sutherland was one of the mostpopular voung ladies of the younger setand has grown to maturity in this place.

Mr. Cooke is associated with his fatheron the' contract for the construction ofthe new bridge for the Great Northernacross the Pend Oreille at Albeni Falls.

Capt. A. S. Lanneu has resigned hisposition as superintendent of the Meta-line Navigation Co. and captain oi thesteamer Ruth. The captain and hisfamiiy have removed to Spokane.

Secretary and Treasurer G'reichton, ofi the Metaline Navigation Co., has beenappointed to the position of superinten-dent of the company, in addition to hisother duties.

The Ruth made 21 stops on her uptrip from Cement on Monday. Theofficers report that travel along theriver is improving somewhat.

The lone has been fitted with steamheating apparatus, radiators havingbeen placed in the saloons and offices.

The £eckman dredge will be testedon Friday, all of the steam connectionshaving been finished Thursday. Ifeverything works satisfactory the dredgewill be placed in commission next week.

There are several bad snags in thechannel near Boundary island thatshould be remoyed, as they are a men-ace to navigation.

A Dazzling Brilliance

that nevertheless pleases the feminineeye, is the chief feature in my fine selec-tion of Diamond Rings of the first water.

We have a choice variety of them forLadies and Gentlemen, and every stone

is well set and guaranteed. Every arti-cle of Jewelry sold here is warranted to

be as claimed or money refunded. Yetour prices are most moderate.

Desart's Jewelry Store

Newport OperaHouse

Waterman & Simpson Managers

Moving PicturesEvery Night

Change of subjects three

times a week.


The Military Drama



By Home Talent

bargains in

$ 50?Lot on State Ave.$ 100?2 lots, Union Ave.$ 250? 60 ft. corner, Union Ave.I 400?2 room house, good lot, good

location near Cottage House$1200?Fine 5 room house, 50 foot

corner.Other snaps. Call for list.

A. M. HARRIS, Newport, Wash.

? ?


are our tooth Washers and the praise ofthem. They are pure,''fragrant and antiseptic, cleansing both teeth and gums, re-l

| moving the tartar and giving a sweet per *

fume to the breath. We also have Tooth.4

I Brushes, Powders and Soaps for dental

r purposes, and every requisite for the bath-

i room and toilet. Our lines of Fancy Soaps,Perfumes are second to nonein quality, but rather low in price. |

A 15c Dress Pattern FreeYou may have, free of charge, a 15 cent Ladies' Home

Journal Pattern of your own selection if you will buy a copy of

The Winter Quarterly Style BookAsk for it at the Pattern Counter


Contains over 140 large pages, 10 1-4 by 13 3-4 inches,and 1,000 illustrations of the Ladies' Home Journal Patternsfor Ladies', Misses' and Children's patterns for every need ofthe home dressmaker.

In number, size and beauty of its illustrations, and inhelpful suggestions to home dressmakers, The Winter QuarterlyStyle Book excels any fashion book selling for 35 cents to 50 cents;yet you may get a copy of this great pattern book, and any 15cent Ladies' Home Journal Pattern for

Only 20 Cents

Farmers Go-Operative Trading CompanySubscriptions Taken for the LADIES HOME JOURNAL

Pend Oreille Valley

RANCHESWe offe choice Fruit*

Farm and Hay landsat prices of from $10 to

$25 per acre. See us

if you wish to buy!

Newport Wash. Land Go.NEWPORT, WASH.

Watches,Chains, Pins,Rings, Etc.First class line of up-to-date

JewelryAllgoods positvely


Frank DCrandallJeweler

Postoffice Building Newport
