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^ PIENTY-Of P . VOL. I HO. Ta v ” ■: Miiitr BECeiS P E R IS . tM E M i . ____- p c Adve^tes of Soldier Boniis, s" Mdernity and Aoricultural Relief Bills Insist' Upon Un- »' . ..interruptsd Session' in • • e* PROPOSAL TO WAIT FOR ?il |T . TARIFF MEASURE FAILS . ^ e e m e a t la floa<ilied for .Vote on Sheppwd-Towner 6iU; -MoOcmbet'Besses Demand || for Bbrvioe Men fl WASHlNOTOjT, ». 0., yP)-Tl« Barnun blD proyldiiu .retlnniBat ^ eompenutloii -for Rubied emer- ' gmcy offloen of tbo umy vu.'or< - dend fiTonblr i»porW today by « tlt« MDit* nlUtszy commltt««. I t ^ proTldea'for - tbe. nme>.ret!iepioitf pay A«-officer* la tlio resnUr otab- llstanest la case of 100 .per cent ' dlsiRiUlty and for dihUUty com- penMtlon in other caste. WJLSHINbTON, of eon- Tl ate Ic&deri to iH^n.o,series of three d sr reeessos next veok, pondiDg ro> eoipt of tariff legislation from the bouse, wero disrupted todo}’ by inBist- GDCo of iidvoeates of soldier'bonus^ nai temlty.andagrienlturol reli« bills that , saeh njpasnrfli be disposQd of before the bcdj tempomriljr stops vork. , Agree on Vote Date v! ’^nanifflous coaient agrccsSent has v'l .• • been >eachcd for a vote on the Shop- 0 , pard-Townor bill on'the tetith legisla- »» ‘tlve- .daf. datlog from . today., An- ooQoeeinent was made by Senator Ue- ^ Cumber, repabliean, North Dakota, in eharge of the soldier bg^us lill, that " ' .he would seok'to call up his tneosDre l p. ■ -lellflwlag dispoeU— o f « t ^ mstomlty w •V blit, And Senator .Norris of Nebraska b; docltied h i Troold Hoek action on the c farm products e z ^ rt eorjforatlon bill t( after-dlspesal_of-U)D bonna measure. Another neasare on'which action. wlU c- be pressed- is the TOl^ls Oaoipbcll anti- modieal lieer bill ' oi - .AdJouBU forTonrth The senate today 'ndopted a motion oi providing for Fourth of July adjourn- ^ . ment tonight nntU Tuesday. The house u will hold a perfunctory session tomor- row and adjourn until Wednesday. .-HABV^aDvumratiiToram ■' {j XOUItN’AMHNT.PIN'Ai ]„ PHILADELPHIA, (/P>—J. B. I'cnno, a Jr., Harvard, and Phil Neer, Leland o' Stanford, wilt meet .in tho' final round tombrrow.for. the Intercollegiate lawn tennis championship at tho Mwion •Criekct club, Eavrford. In tho somi- _ finals today Fenno defeated ilcNcll “ DrumwrlRht, University of Texas, fl-2, 0-1, and Neer beat F. Baatlan, Univer- sity tif Indiana, 7-5, 8-4. 'Tbtf. seml-flaal matches wore played on courts that-wojo heavy from an at- \ nioet-contlnuofis 24 lioar rain./ Tho Ilorvotd captain-elect, won his match , froa' Dmmwrlght by superior nil round I plaj^. Considering tho heavlncu of the I court his game wa^ exceptionally •‘irong. He made a number of fine placement ahola from thoK-doep .court, passing Drumwrlght at tlirffBW\-hcn tho Texas tried to como to tho net, / DEATH CLAIMS LBADEtt OP BA1VATI0NI8T8 IN AStEWOA , . NEW YOIIK, (/P)-Wor(l wn» n-cclv- ,ed hero today of the death in ChlcnK'i. or General Edward Fioliling, vicc prry- ' •' - Idont of the Voluntm* of Anu'ricn. nmt ' . -i next In imlhorlty to aener;il,Iloulh. lie • ''ihad bcun la chnrfro'Tif the northwostcrii I ' y turrltori; of Iho organlzatiDii since-lOlH. He was born In New York In isni- j _ _ _ _ M - Today’s Games j NaAnal League. Rrooklyn-Philadelphln- postponed; raia. • Now York-Iknton’poiitponed;'rnli». • Bcoro: R. II. E (nnclaaatl ....................... 2 5 ;5 Pittdburgh ........ ......................... .'i 11 '.I BaUerifi: llixey-and Wjhro; Mnrrl- -M»u.,nnd.Schmidt. ' e . . sArf: ♦ R. H. 1 * , , 8 t..*ImiU .................. .-.0 14 Si , Cliifai:) '. ....... ........... : ................... 9 12 2 ' BnlloriM: IlilnM and Clemons;, A'li-xjindM uml O'FarrcH. / . American -League. Kr:1 r,rd- ; ',-,ll.;I|. K. ChifaC'j ...... ............ ..........^ 1 "'" • , .S I. I, 0)ili:.-.-:..> . ...... ......................... - * , Balt«?'iCir-.Tonil)lV'antl Srjmlk: l'«. i li'tmo’/iniT.Colhnj. . ,, ' , t lloit.in-New.Tofk iioitpniH'J, rain. - -ri Firit Rnme: II. H- H 1 J , Miil.ntp1lihin 5 ............................. 2 . 7, 2, i ■■ ' Washln«!un ................ ........ ;-,-.l ' « I i‘ nalterlen: Moore nnil Perkin*: .liiliii i '-•'i' nml^‘Wnfeh- - ' ' ' 8 eeynd game,(end .Ird) : II.-H. K. : 'I'lilladolphla ........ ;..... 0 . Washlnmon ---------- 0 ♦.>*.■ natterlcsr-Hniity-and I’crklpn^'. Ma . RridRe.nnd Qharritv.' . . faRiiiEK - THE ONLY ASS> M PAl ACTcem^nt With P tJ. S. arid Japan u > Engages London. I British Press Speoolates on tbe i| Sohome for Triple Entente y forPaoific*’ LONDON, (yp)—Roporta that tho ini- pcrlal conference b conxldoring a tri- paruto- ngrcement bolwccn the United _ S, states, Great Britain and Japan rela P| «| tlvo to the renewal of the Anglo Japar- es txeaty are.givea prominence by the 1. momlaii newspapers of today. By such an agreement, U la declared a virtual triple enteato for tho Pacific would be - established, and the opor.itlon'of the Angto-Japaneie trcntv' would bo con- fined to. tho Pacific. O piacus'alons bo(.ween repruscntattve} of o( tho three nations, as well as thoa: Pr • of Jho BrJtlsli (lomJnionj, arc toif (e shadowed. -iiffii I NEUm^llESi - . _____ let Oommissionora Tell the Porte j,, Violations will be.Begacded tb< as OauB^e of War CO.VSTANTINOPLB, (/P)—The al- ^ lied high commlsalonera have informed jjj. Tho Porle that violation of thtf noutral ^ ^ tono will bo regardpd'ti^'a casua belli. The grand vitler, TewfiK Paaha, ha* • jj. legged the Angora government to re- pe apeet'ih<- allied demand for neutrality ijuJ . In tho zone. _ cd Ismi'l i*' eotiroly depopulated. Fifty th thousand refugees—OreDkr, Turks and Arraenlaus—havo evacuated to Thrace pr and. Constantinople. A m.ijArlty of the villagea In the Ifmid-Valovo. arda arc ^ ,os unlnhnbltabte. U In claimed that tho el jp. Oreeka and Turku have committed Ift. RiaMncrcR. Ln- ' ---------------- ^ IQ. U U a'iaN O L B K BBTAIN8 lo WOMEN'B TENNIS OEOWN , jat •• WIUBLBDQN, (fl^r-Mllo. Sui^nno at ire Lenglen retained tho British turf court di Uy women's.,single*..'*eiuas ckamplonalilp- D >ka by defeating,Miss Elliaboth Byan of “ Iho California In the challenge rouod boro ol Jlll today. to. Milo. Lenylin jron in strai^t sots, ui fill C- 2, (1-0. itl- llandolph Lyeott aad Slax Woosnom jj of England defeated H. Bopor Barrett of Bagland and B. I. C. Norton, of South Africa In the acml-flnal round Itm o f t h e o e n 's a o u b l e a , 8-0, 2-6, fl;3, 0-4. rn- ■ ■- - - ? use HABDINO LEAVES CAPITAL *" or- FOB WBES END IN JE B ^7 WASHINGTON, D. C,. (/P)-Preal o: ,(/• dent Kardlag, accompanlcd by Mr*. Hardlmr-and ,n party of frii'nda, loft ^ hero today by.traln at 1:05 p. m., for no, a vacatloa outing pt tho home of Scd- ind ator FrcHnghuysen at Raritan, N. J. ' | ind > ' A wn IDAHO WEATHEE. . " Ion 'roiiight tan(\ Haliirttnv fair, mi- ' , fell : TLASHES FRO al- ------------------ ^ ------------------ : ---------- -------- Pho . OHABLES CIT7, Iowa, (/?}—Bert B tch » resfalt of being stnick by ligktnlng li ind scloos. the -------- . lily BIfiUABOE, N. D., (iP)—I t will b< ino cafe, houl dining room or & dining car Ir irt, prosont under & law passed'by the lattle tho proprietor of the place oro mode llablo : JEnXBaON'OITT, Mo., who lectured on "Orlmo Doesn't Pay," OA the Missouri ponlteatlarir, was returned thoilUes In connecUon with the tJioft of Wodnesdiy. MEXIOO OITY, (/P^Prcsldont Obr - opening of the baseball season bore todJ (irii ganiied and wlU play rag}ilarl7 schodu HH. The winner will be awarded a pennant a 'O f tho centennial celobratlon io be bold ; BAPULPA. Okla« ’{yPHOB lands VI I heln of Lete Eolvls. a Creek Indian wc her hiisband in 1018, 1a a dedalon hasde The case rovolTOd about the exact Identl .found on tho Creek natloa dtlzonshlp n r NEW YOBK. (/P)-A carload of fn y 1,180 packagee of 10 to 12 pounds eacl ^ The -sale attracted unusual attention be ;• ever receiAd from California of a full i „ 1. sold mostly a t.12.26 each, with a top.prl “ PERSHING .TAKES POST S AS ARMY'STAFF CHIEF . Gommuder Of American-Expeditionary I Forccs Eollovea Ma)or General • , f:. - ■• Peyton 0. March ' ''W A S II lN n T O N ', l) ,.(,’.f ( ,P ) fio n e ra l I'll. 'Jo liR . 1. I ’o rn h ln g to d n v l'i';'''" '^ ''• '‘'-'f ' n f R la ff o f till’ U n ilo il S tiiti’s a r m y . 1 . - rt^ iic v iii't M a jo r O e tic rn l I ’c y to n I '. ] . K M a rr h , w H t) w n a c lv e n le iiv c n i',n l.» p n c e i '■ ' 2. i-ffi'f(iv i) u n lll h ia r o lln 'n ip u t .fro m a c i tlv o -r.o rv lc e in N o v c m b rr.- It w n s th e i f 'r a t trk iin itiio n t lo - d c f in ili' d ii’y g iv e n i t h t g e n e ra l is lh r o h e re U iu iiiis h n r c o m - . K . in a^ iil (if th * A m e ric n n r x p e d ltib n n ry . • forcH ii. IVahfr, Major Octicrnl Jamen * fl, na.-luird,fn'ho was hi.« iirlnplml>laff Mft .amla‘,int in-Pranre In lila avliitnnt la the liP tv office. , ' ' V *■ , NT ftND ALL T SSOCIATED PRESS NE^ LLS .TWIN PALLS, IDASO, FBi; 'SIEOF« I ETIILEIT raliuol Prompter Expeets Total Re- ceipts to Pass $1,500,000 Marl<;'Fair Weatlier Fore- cast for Fistic Encountei- SE'.V VOBi:, W h-m k »dv.»to lali I of seats already has yletdi’il $1,250,000, : Promoter Tex lilcliiard announced tu- day. ■_ , < With tho sale of |5 seata-tomorrow and a ronlinuatlon of tho present-rato of reserve scot, ;aloi, total tales were expected to paas the millioo and a half 'jnark., Dr. J. B. Farrell of Jersey City to- I day was named time keeper for the k Dempsey-Carpentler bout tomorrow, It. I itior.announced by Chnlrman.Itobert'H- f Doherty, of tho. New Jersey state ath- Itrtle commission. •' • Jim 6 uvage,‘ of Orapge, N. J., was ’ doslgnalcd alternate reforeo in ease the regular referee, J. Harry Ertif, should be unable to officiate. He has fought several bouts In tho heavy weight dlviahin in the lost ten yeaM. ' i ] 0L0PD8 MAT IRTEBVENB BETWEEN FIGHTEBS AND SUN K ASniNOTOh-, D. 0., (ff)-A Itm- ' poraturo. botwoen 80 and M degrees ' 'aiid generally fair weather was fore- cdsb today .by tho weather bureau fur f tho Dompiey-Carpentler fight tomor- row. There if a probability that tho principals and spectators will not 'have ° to ondure a broiling lun as the weather ^ experts say It may not bo nbaolute.ly ® clear over ‘*Dbyles Thirty Acrea." ATTORNXrr GENEBAL DENIES mMBELr SEAT AT BINOBIDB ^ -WASHINQTON, D. 0., ( ^ A t t o r - 0 ney GooDral'Daugherty Announced‘i'a' X day that ho wWld not lattend tho p. Dempwy-CwpOBtier,-fight betoMwo-he. f “ had t*'{ much'respect for'the.oplnlno 0 of poopio who disapproved of pritu fights tnd of whom I^u st bo a sort of I, unofficial, roprcaentatlvc.’' n DEMPSE7 0 N'WAYT0 JEB5E7 CIT7 IN SPECIAL OAEj <1 ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., (/P)-Jack Uemptoy left hbro shortly i^tor ' two | o'clock this afternoon for Jersey City in a apcelal car. ! r ' ---------- 1 OBAND JUB7 DEdJNEB « TO STOP TITLE .CONTESX J JERSEY CITY, K. (/Pp-Tho Hud- son county grand jury lato today de- clined to letum an indictment sought Iiy tho International Reform bureau to stop tho Dempsey-Carpentler- boot (Contlaned oa P»*e‘ ISinr) OMTHE W IRE I irt Baymond, of FIbyd,-li blind today aa ig lost Ee was knocked uncon- il be illegal after today to smoko In a ar In North Dak0;to In which ^ m e n are St legislature. Both .the smoker and'the iblo for any violation, ^esso 0 . Bmnjey, former train robber,' ’ay," following his. recent rolo'a» ftom nod here today and held for federal au- tt of a pouch of mall at Contralla oarly'' Obregon threw ont the flm ball at the, today. A baseball leagaa has been or- hoduled games..,throughout tho summer, int as ono of the many athlot|c features tield hero In Soptombw.' • . Is valued at $0, 000,000 wore awarded to a woman alleged to have been killed by anded down la district court here today. ileBtlty.of Lete Kolvln, whose name was Ip roUs. . . if frosh figs. from OaUfomla,-containing ^^each, were wid here today at auction, n because it' niartcod the first'shipment ruU carload of freah f l ^ The packages - p-ptlco of 12^ for a few small lots, c-' SHUTS OFF MEXIGAJI O il' F SUPPLY TO SHIP BOARD ry standard OU Company of Now Jersey Qiiin- jTitnrflng Foreign Product , Bocoose of Objedtonable Tax, •al NEW YORK, {/Ti)— ,i'f Standard Oil rmnpany of Now .k-r.sey ly. tnilay r(-nfiriui'd rupfirlj that Hint com' I'any. hnil notifioif tho alii|ipi»K '">at'l ice il will no longi-r includn'Mrxifpii crudc 1C oil in fonlrnc.t ahlpnicnt!*; biiMvill'Sub' he' (illtiilo Aiiicrirnni oil jlii-rc'fo^ The on rotiipanv IjiiH fufttrncta to mipjily ihj m- lionrd with 18, 000,000 Imrrcls of fiioi iry dllr icn Tho chnn^;e it wna iinid, rcsulloil fron iff lhi> now Mexican oil inxps, adiediilcd t< In go Inio effect today,-wlilrh the e«n> I'any I'tiaMCterUed n* confiscatory. FREE IN TWIN dWSPAPh IN TWIN FA ~ D A IL B IJ 5A Y , J U L T 1, 1021. . iiir I GDtSJ ) Minority Puts Up Fails to Delay A State oi I) ' . PRESIDENT IS EXPEC MEASURE WITHl T ° WASHINQTON, (^fV-Enaetn f lation, ending the state of war wit was completed todaj by oongress >- ProBident Harding, who ifi expecte ? F l i u l a c tio n ' o n th e m e a s a r e i n s r b y th e s a n a U , w W c h ,a d o p te d th e c o n f e r e n c e r e p o r t b y a v x it« o f 38 to 19 a f te r a d a y . o f d e b a te l a . w h ic h th « d e m o c r a tic ' m e m b e rs- . m a d e a la s t a a u o l t o n th e n s o la - U o n . T h e h o u s e a c te d y e s te rd a y , ' th e v o U b e in g , 203 Jio 60. T h o s ig n in g o f th o m o a a u ro b y th e ). p r e s id e n t w ill o p e n th e w a y f o r th o re a u m p tio n o f d ip lo m a tic r e la tio n s w ith > b o th G e rm a n y a n d A u s tr ia , b u t a d m in - g ^ ia tr a tlo tt o f fic e rs h a v e I n d ic a te d th a t ^ p la n s f o r th is h a v e n o t b e e n w o rk e d I- o u t. . 's D e m o c r a ti% v ld « I A ll o p p o n o D ts o f 'th o 'r c s o lu tio n w e re d e m o c r a t^ th r o e d c m o c r a ta . S h ie ld s o f f] T o n D o u e o , W a ls h o f M a s s a c h u s e tts a n d ° W n ta o n o f G e o rg ia v o te d w ith ro p u b - H e n n a f o r a d o p tio n . S o n a to r -B c o d ^ d e m o c ra t, M is s o u ri, w a s p a ir e d , in i t s ' * fa v o r . T h e re is n o p la n ' to 'r e s u b m it th e a tr e a ty o f V e r s a ille s to c o n g r e s s o f o w h U h I h a v e a n y k n o w le d g e w h a to r - o S c r " , S e n a to r L o d g e to ld th e s e n a te , t ' si^lfiES E j - r ^ . , •k Two SeitLOf. P la m o ^ g e Over ro I Superior National Forest ‘J'l in Minnesota; D U L U T IT , - M ln n .,-. 'I f ire s in flic S u p e rio r, n o tio n a l fo re s'- ( h a v e b u r n e d o v e r b e tw c n 000 a n d 800 , j . a c r e s o f w h ite a n d ja c k p In o tim b e r ^ g . a n d 'a rv s till r a g in g , jiic c o -rd l^ g to a ^ lo n g d is ta n c e te lo p h o n o m e s s a g e re -- ^ m c e lv e d l.y th e A s a o c la to d P ro s r ■ f ro m , , t C a lv in A .^ D a h lg r e n , S u p e r io r n a tio n a l ; _> s u p e rv is o r) '^ ! h is h o a d q u a ite n a t E ly . g T w o c re w s o f 50 m e n e a c h 'a ro f lg h t- In g th n f la ra e i. T h e flre a a r e .i n th o , v ic in ity o f S a u x F a lla a n d M e a n d o r , h ik e . N o r a in h a s ' f a lle n in th is te r - , r ito ty f t r s e v e r a l w e e k a , a n d iba w o o d * a r o u n 'v B u a lly d r y , ^ r . D a h ljtte n s a id , j T h o f ir e t w e r e s ta rte d la to W e d n e a d a y { - n ig h t b y lig h tn in g ; ' , K a n g t-ri o p e r a tin g a lo n g th e n o r th e rn j b o r d e r r e p o r t tw o ta r g e f ir e s a c r o s s th n n C a n a d ia n lin o n o r th o f N o rth w o o d la k o , a n d ,L o c liiC r o lx . . j B o th s ta te a n d 'n a tio n a l o f fic ia ls d o - e la ri’d, Ih o p r e s e n t c o n d itio n to b o th e m o a t d fu ig o ro u a in m a n y y e a r a .- . E v i'fy w h e ro in th o f o re s t ' re g io n if , r a n g c n a r e b u tf ittln g e m e rg e n c y crc w w . , siiOisiiioN IIPDISUSPENIIS' Prospect.IniicatOB No Carriers’ Eolicf Legislation at Pros- ent Session- ,, W A S llIN O T O N . D . .. ( / l ^ e n n t e liiv e a tig iitio n o f th e r a ilw c y ' s itu a tio n w a s d u sp o n d e d to d a .v . Iiy C h a irm n n - C u m m .iia o f th o I n te ra tn te c o m m e rrc c o m m itte e u n til th e m id d le o r la tte r p a r t u f A u g u s t. T J ils y « n a -.ta k e n to m e n n tlin t th iT o w o u ld 'b o n o m llw a .v r c llo f k 'g ia la lio n a t th o p r e s e n t e x tr a , fo fln lo n o f fo n c rc M . C h n irn in n .O u m m in s s a id siia p e n a io n o f th o in f)iiiry w a a d e rm c d n d v is n b le = in x l e r ; o f th e In flin n tln 'n o f th e se n - at** to tn k (“ n a u iiiiu c r r i “ -< “8s! I tc p re s u n ta f iv c s o f l.ilio r a n d a h ip p e ra i n h i'n rd .' T h n o r ic in n l p la n c-fin 1 e iii|)liito (l n c o m n iiito e r e p o r t a n d p'on.H ihl.v th o jiro p o n n l o f li'n > > h ‘llo n fo r ro n R id e ra tiim n 't lh c -.^ p rc !ic n t n e s a io n nf ro n g fi-j? . ' ' B T E E li W O B K E E S W A G E S T O B E , - C O T .F i r r E E N P E B - C E N T im - H A I tllls m n tO .- V a ., (/p)-j\ . w flK C . ftt'l rn d tic li(|ti o f p u r -m if c - liy l)u ' a d o I!c 'lh ](‘li(- m 'S li‘i-t e o rjitirn tio n i e f f e c tiv e u b .In ly i.l, w ris n in d e 'k n o ifn - I o ri'iiro a c n l- r h c ;itlv o » e f th e o n ijilo .v e s n t th e B fc e lto n ih ^ p ln n t to d a y .' lu e i T h o , r e d iiitio n w ill a f f e u t a ll e m - p lo y e * . c x c p p t s a la rie d m m i, w h o fe ru-^ ro m d u c tio ii, w ill m n o iin t to ;te n p e r c e n t, 1 to e ffe c ti'.-o A u R u s t 1. , * , o m - C o n n M n y h o u se * w ill b e r e d u c e d in r e n ta l fro m e ig h t to te n p e r c e a f. , I FALLS ON JiJi 'ALLS COUNTY JV Nl iin ) Hard Fight But ^ Action Ending of War — . . . - INI WTEDTOSIGN I HIN NEXT FEW PAYS - - Nil otment of the-compromise reso* with Qennatiy and Austria finallj BSB and the measure now goes to oted to sign it witbin'a few days. ■fflES SIEPSi s rCyUR i’Sffi! i ---------- , a n d • Secretary Weeks Anthorixes I Disoharge of 'Enlistod Men Applyins 111 July , j,’ ' p it,' 9 WAflHlNGTON, D. C,; > • Fci t f i r s t s to p to w a r d r e d u c tio n o f th p re g u - a id i I s r a r m y to th o h u n d r e d a n d f if ty th o u - I* s a n d m a x im u m p r o v id e d in th o . a rm y g. a p p r o p r ia tio n b ill, S c e r e to r y 'V V osks to t],a - d a y a u th o r iz e d tiio d is c h a rg e b r c o r p i J . . a r e a a i d d iv is io n c o m m a n d e rs o f a ll Its : f e n lis te d m e n w h o m a y a p p ly f o r .d ls - 8 h i ■- c lia rg o ( lu rin g J u ly w ith o u t p ro ju d lc u o f to th o lr r ig h ts ’to tr a v e l p a y .' , m o U o ;i d is c h a rg e d u n d e r th e o r d e r w ill n o t'b o p e r m itte d to r e - o n llit u n til g e n - ^ e r a l.r e n ru ltin g la r c - e tta b lis h e i. .Bistiifili I 1 DiEHFEIIISPl - Federal Eofloi’ve Board Powers ’sh ( ''and Policy are Attacked by Demoofftt W A S H II^ G T O N , ( fl> ) - l) c c ia rla g th a t ' 'h o h a il b e e n in f o rm e d tiy th o tr e a s u r y he t h a t th o f e d e r a l re a e r\-o sy a te m h a d r. s u r p lu s o f a b o u t o n e b illio n d o lla rs " i n >* ■ o x c e w o f n il r e q u ire m e n ts ," S c n o to r * h [ S m ith ,' ( le m o e r a t,'S o u th C a ro lin a , d e - h o i c la r e d to d a y In th e a e n a le O ia t th e r e R »; ® s h o u ld , b o a n I n v e 'sllg a tio n o f th o re - d is c o u n t rn to N m n in ta ln e J b y th e _ ro - s e rv e C o a rd . X i W h v a h o u h l w c h a v e re d is c o u n t r a te s o i' s ix n n d « « 'e n p e r c e a t w h e ii w o h a v e o n o b illio n d o lla ra o f u n u se d g o l d l " h o a a k c d . ' ' . 1 « C h a rg in g th a t th e f e d e r a l rc s c rv o w h h a n k s w e r e c a llin g lo a n s , a n d f o rc in g Jo : y f a r m e rs 'u n d b u a ln e s a .m e n in to b a n k - h it r u p try , a lth o u g li th o ro w a s n m p to fu n d s (i|i f o r jo m m o rc e , th e S o u th C ir o lln a .'s o n - N c [a to r ite c ln ru d th ir w a a th o m o a t m 'o n - h e a tr o u s s h o w in g e v e r m a d e in U ie -m ld s t de< o f th e f lg rlr u ltu ra l a n d b u s in e s s d ls ' ro 'ire a s ." J a S c n rito r H m o o t, U ta h , s a id th e r o w e re v u tw o 'k id e a Io th is q u c a tlo n ^ " I ti » . " T h n ia a w o rld c o n d itio n ,” h o d e - iu f la re d . T h e tr o u b le ia th a t fo re F g n c o u Q lri> -t c n n n o t b u y o u r a g r ic u ltu ra l I*r a n d iith ir p ro d u c ts . T h e ro is d a n g e r in th e " p ilin g u p to S o f R u ld in A m e ric a , h o iia a e rtc d , a d d - K i lu g Ih iic th u ro w a a to o m u c h g o ld h e ro . Requires Placard for ^ 5 ' Cold Storage Produce S T . - rA U l,, M in n ., ( /P ) - M f rc h a n th w h o h n iiiU e c o ld s to tig o p ro d u c U o f an ' n n y k in d a r e re q u ire d to p ia c a r d 'th e ^ let sto rc H iiith p u b lic n o tle e s Io th a t e f- fc fn i-t u n d e r a n e w s ta te m u rk o tin g la w m e f f e e liv o Ip d n y . N o lic c * w ill h o d ls- o t tr lb u to d b y th e a in to d e p a r tm e n t o f a r " a g r le u ttu re , w h ic h w ill a ls o p iib lla h e a c h m m o n th a H a t o f lic e n n e d d c a lc ra in ru c h in i-o n im o d itic » . le n d e r th o la w , th o d o ' m p a r tn u -n t m a y o rd i-r r e liw e o f g o o d i lie ld -in s to r a g e w lic n e v e r c o n d itio n s tl w a r r a n t, b 'n ilu ro to c o m p ly w o u ld d n - |< to il fln i! n n d Im p rin o iim e n t, . |i ■■ ' ' !: ;ra ■; The News Extends |( tor an Invitation to Title Fight Fans 2 riir full .\-'»ioi-inlnt 1 ‘reaa bulletin . ^ wtI -.iTviri' rovi-rini! the Dempacy-C.ir- > I [u-iiUc-r H<;mipionihip boxing- bout "KC.! lit .Tirni'v ('iiy, N. .1., tomorrow, will M |h'' 1 )1 ' diipi.nicd II".it comca over th'! M I'''-' w in'iit'T hi-office. The bout •n'- - will l.i-^'in at VJ^iVlock noon, local M tlit'r. nri'ordlng tj* avalkblo cnti- '■ in.-iten. anil. i,he liullctrns will bo oni' pdiii'd ak rn(iiilly n» they ,aro rec'civ- ed. The Nows extend" to everyone- < ‘nl, ititi-ri'.Med In the contosl n cordial- I iiivitntinii to rci-elve Ihe returns ar !' It^ ciieal. ' . !. iiy EOuitil EWS; ' PBIOE FIVE OTHW 1 m m ^ ■iDECISi TOCpiM ^ttion .of Employes on Wage ; Decrease Filed by ,Fedei^ Board to Be governed by Ao- tion qt'Union Repreaentatiye INFORMAL ^ P T A N C E IS INDICATED IN SENTIliiEJiT; Sinely-Kv6 Per Oimt of jire- mon and Oilers Vote Against * Bednotion; Section Hen and.’ Shop Uen nese^T^yerdl0 t ' -- CI^0 Aoo, WV-Final d.eeUipa re -■ jardlng tho action of railway cmptoyM in tho nago deereaso fixed by the r ^ - Koy- lobor board will bo nade bj-ft' lommltteo of flve'npresontiag 19nll-- oad unlonr, a coaferonce of ubIob - :hlof« l-er/i,deeldodjto4ay. *•;•>=• Tho decision will bo rendered’after ;oDBultatlon botwcon the committee u d various groups meotiDga now la. loision here. Committee PerujuuL .Tlio commltteo'lfl composed of B. U.:'* rowoll, presldeot of the railway em- ployes department of the AAerlcu < federation of Labor; R H. Fitzger- ald, president of fho'Brotherhood .of ' Itallway and Btoamthip aerks, Freight . Qaodlert, Express ond'Statl.on ^ ployes; L. £. Shoppard, president of.' tho Order' of Hallway Condueton; E. J. .ilanlon, president of the Order *bf Railroad Tolegnaphers, and' Timothy. Shea, vice prealdent of tho Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen end Ehiglne- mon. ----- .... - Fliemea Oppose Cut ’Nlneijr-fivo per cent of the member- ship of tho Intomatlonal Drotherhood of FiT<iQ«a-ud OUenhaa. voted ag tia i^ aoeeptlng the wage cut<ordered by the United States railroad labor board,ob all roads today.' Timothy Hoaly, Inter- ontlbnal president, made the. tuDonBce- nieot ioday as ISO O noloB leadors gath- orod liero-to pata on,the order.. . .The maintenance of way men and the shop crafts, which. abo havo voted,' will njt announce . the reault until after tie conference hero today, ' Acceptatiea Indicated. ' Oao‘ thousand iwnorjl -chairmon of tho four big brotherhoods wont into seaalon a t 10 o'clock, with loaders talk-. Ing of n’n-''informal aecoptaneo” o f' tho cut. W. F. Krlder of tU Brother- hood C 'f Locomotive firemen and En* ginemcit, said such a resolution proba * ubly would bo .i^opted. Senator France Talki. for Bolshevik Presi liliu, (ffh-A boUho.ik Jonrml'iit, who inlerviowed UBltcd;6 tat«a Senator . Joseph T. Franee of, Ua^land; sow. on' his way to ‘soviet Bursia, for Moscow' »lid Riga nowspapers, ainong them NoVr, I’ut. tba official bolshevik organ ■here,,«]r,otea Senator rraneo as havinff' declari-d that American and Busslnu- co-opcralion would.auffieo' to couateraer- Japanrro designs In Siberia, and as ad-' vocatlng close cooperation ' between, Ruasla, Qermany and tho -United States in ecfinomlc nnd poUtlral ipheres. Senator Franee told, tho Associated. I’rcaa that In tho main the interriew.- iWas correct, but.t.hat.ho did not-mean to advocato a Gorman, American and KuMlan political ntllane<.- Cuban Government to Buy Half Sugar Crop IFAVANA, Cuba, (^-IHjxehasc'by. the t;nvernfnent of 1, 01 )0,000 tons of augnr lUid ita withdrawal from the mar ‘ Icot iTTis agreed tp lait night at a'con- fcreneo between Cuban sugar mag- nntea. I’ftsident Zayas' atid Secreta^ of tlio Presidency Joao Cortina. It -waa announced today in an offJeial state- ment, Tlio amount of sugar on .hand in Ciibii l a '2,000,000 tons, (ho tQate ineijt flildjdl . ' The purchase will, be offecled through a lotin which nil! bo g'uara&>. locd b\- the sugar llaelf and'a special lax on tho manufacturo of sugar. Tho- proditet- withdrawn from, th e ' malrkot. will be held a; long aa ncfewary. . Chicago Police Seiie Giant i ^ k e y Still CmCABO, slant still, worth. 000. and M;jarge-that if may bo I iierramry to dynamlto tho houa'o In which it ia lornled'to de^froj; It, wn^' |'.t1i»<'iiv''r(d by the polico'snd was con- I fiacataJ by fcdorol aulhorlilc*. ' I Thr atil’l, believed to-bo tho largest in thtt-eiumtry, had vats-In the base ment of the houao that measure M .by 3f> feet and aro alx'fect deep while the roil«. ran through the oatlro hobu Wlnea, alcohol, maah nnd *!moonshine* a'ttld to be worth tlS.m were fifundlil thp ho-jso and destroyed.' , V 1 , N*o one was atth^houfe and no'.ii [rcat< have \ ^ n made, ^ .X


. VOL. I HO. Ta • v ” ■:

Miiitr’ BECeiS P E R IS .

t M E M i. ____- p c

A d v e ^ t e s o f S o ld ie r B o n iis , s"

M d e r n i ty a n d A o ricu ltu ra l

R e lie f B ills In s is t ' U pon U n- » '

. . . i n t e r r u p t s d S e s s i o n ' in• • e*



. ^ e e m e a t la floa<ilied for .Vote on Sheppwd-Towner 6iU; ■ -M oOcm bet'Besses Demand | |

‘ for Bbrvioe Men fl

WASHlNOTOjT, » . 0., yP )-T l« Barnun blD proyldiiu .retlnniBat

^ eompenutloii -for R u b ied emer- ' gmcy offloen of tbo um y vu.'or< -

dend fiT o n b lr i»porW today by « tlt« MDit* nlUtszy commltt««. I t ^ proTldea'for - tb e . nme>.ret!iepioitf pay A«-officer* la tlio resnUr otab- llstanest la case of 100 .per cent ' dlsiRiUlty and for dihUUty com- penMtlon in other caste.

WJLSHINbTON, of eon- Tlate Ic&deri to iH ^n.o,series of three d sr reeessos next veok, pondiDg ro> eoipt of tariff legislation from the bouse, wero disrupted todo}’ by inBist- GDCo of iidvoeates of soldier'bonus^ nai temlty.andagrienlturol re li« bills that , saeh njpasnrfli be disposQd of before the bcdj tempomriljr stops vork.

, Agree on Vote Date v!’ nanifflous coaient agrccsSent has v'l

.• • been >eachcd for a vote on the Shop- 0 , pard-Townor bill on 'the tetith legisla- »»

‘tlve- .daf. datlog from . today., An- ooQoeeinent was made by Senator Ue- ^ Cumber, repabliean, North Dakota, in eharge of the soldier bg^us lill, that "

' .he would seok'to call up his tneosDre l p . ■ -lellflwlag dispoeU— o f « t ^ mstomlty w •V blit, And Senator .Norris of Nebraska b;

docltied h i Troold Hoek action on the c farm products e z ^ r t eorjforatlon bill t( after-dlspesal_of-U)D bonna measure. Another neasare on'which action. wlU c- be pressed- is the TOl ls Oaoipbcll anti- modieal lieer b ill • ' oi

- .AdJouBU forTonrth

The senate today 'ndopted a motion oi providing for Fourth of July adjourn-

. ment tonight nntU Tuesday. The house u will hold a perfunctory session tomor­row and adjourn until Wednesday.

.-H A B V ^aD vum ratiiToram ■' {j — XOUItN’AMHNT.PIN'Ai ]„

PHILADELPHIA, (/P>—J. B. I'cnno, a Jr., Harvard, and Phil Neer, Leland o' Stanford, wilt meet .in tho' final round tombrrow.for. the Intercollegiate lawn tennis championship at tho Mwion •Criekct club, Eavrford. In tho somi- _ finals today Fenno defeated ilcNcll “ DrumwrlRht, University of Texas, fl-2, 0-1, and Neer beat F. Baatlan, Univer­sity tif Indiana, 7-5, 8-4.

’'Tbtf. seml-flaal matches wore played on courts that-wojo heavy from an at-

\ nioet-contlnuofis 24 lioar ra in ./ Tho Ilorvotd captain-elect, won his match

, ■ froa ' Dmmwrlght by superior nil round I plaj^. Considering tho heavlncu of the I court his game wa^ exceptionally

•‘irong. He made a number of fine placement ahola from thoK-doep .court, passing Drumwrlght at tlirffBW\-hcn tho Texas tried to como to tho net,


. NEW YOIIK, (/P)-Wor(l wn» n-cclv- ,ed hero today of the death in ChlcnK'i. or General Edward Fioliling, vicc prry-

' •' - Idont of the Voluntm* of Anu'ricn. nmt ' . -i next In imlhorlty to aener;il,Iloulh. lie •

''ihad bcun la chnrfro'Tif the northwostcrii I ' y turrltori; of Iho organlzatiDii since-lOlH.

He was born In New York In isni-

j _ _ _ _ M —

- Today’s Games jN aA nal League.

Rrooklyn-Philadelphln- postponed; raia. • Now York-Iknton’poiitponed;'rnli».• Bcoro: • ■ R. II. E

— (nnclaaatl ....................... 2 5 ;5Pittdburgh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'i 11 '.I

BaUerifi: llixey-and Wjhro; Mnrrl- -M»u.,nnd.Schmidt. ' e

. . sA rf: ♦ R. H. 1* ,, 8 t..*ImiU .................. .-.0 14 S i• , Cliifai:) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 2

' BnlloriM: IlilnM and Clemons;, A'li-xjindM uml O'FarrcH.

/ . American -League.Kr:1 r ,rd - ; ' , - , l l . ; I | . K.

ChifaC'j ...... ............ .......... 1" '" • ,. S I . I , 0) i l i : . - . - : . . > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - * ’ ,

Balt«?'iCir-.Tonil)lV'antl Srjmlk: l'«. i li'tmo’/iniT.Colhnj. . , , ' , t

lloit.in-New.Tofk iioitpniH'J, rain. - -ri Firit Rnme: II. H- H 1

J , Miil.ntp1lihin 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 7, 2 , i■ ■ ' Washln«!un ................ ........ ;-,-.l ' « I

i ‘ ■ nalterlen: Moore nnil Perkin*: .liiliii i'-• 'i' nml^‘Wnfeh- - ' ' '

8 eeynd game,(end .Ird) : II.-H. K. :'I'lilladolphla ........ ;.....0 •. Washlnmon ---------- 0 ♦.>*.■

natterlcsr-Hniity-and I’crklpn^'. Ma . RridRe.nnd Qharritv.' . .

f a R i i i E K- THE ONLY ASS>

M PAlACTcem^nt With P

tJ. S. arid Japan u > Engages London.I British Press Speoolates on tbe i | Sohome for Triple Entente y forPaoific*’

■ LONDON, (yp)—Roporta tha t tho ini- • pcrlal conference b conxldoring a tri- paruto- ngrcement bolwccn the United _

S , s ta te s , G reat Brita in and Jap an re la P | « | tlvo to the renewal o f the Anglo J a p a r -

es txeaty a re .g ivea prominence by the 1. momlaii newspapers of today. By such

an agreement, U la declared a virtual triple enteato for tho Pacific would be - established, and the opor.itlon 'o f the Angto-Japaneie trcn tv ' would bo con­fined to . tho Pacific. ” •

O piacus'alons bo(.ween repruscntattve} of o( tho three nations, as well as thoa: Pr

• of Jho BrJtlsli (lomJnionj, arc t o i f (e shadowed.

- i i f f i i I NEUm llESi

- — . _____ let

Oommissionora Tell the Porte j,, Violations will be.Begacded tb<

as OauB e of War

CO.VSTANTINOPLB, (/P)—The al- ^ lied high commlsalonera have informed

jjj. Tho Porle th a t violation of thtf noutral ^ ^ tono will bo regardpd 'ti^ 'a casua belli.

The grand v itle r , TewfiK Paaha, ha* • j j . legged the Angora government to re- pe

apeet'ih<- allied demand for neu tra lity ijuJ . In tho zone. _ cd

Ismi'l i*' eotiroly depopulated. F ifty th thousand refugees—OreDkr, Turks and A rraenlaus—havo evacuated to Thrace pr and. Constantinople. A m.ijArlty of the villagea In the Ifmid-Valovo. arda arc ^

,os unlnhnbltabte. U In claimed th a t tho e l jp . Oreeka and Turku have committed Ift. RiaMncrcR.Ln- ' ---------------- ^IQ. U U a 'i a N O L B K BBTAIN 8 lo W OMEN'B T E N N IS OEOWN ,

ja t •• WIUBLBDQN, (fl^r-Mllo. Sui^nno at ire Lenglen retained tho British tu r f court di Uy w om en's.,single*..'*eiuas ckamplonalilp- D >ka by defeating ,M iss E lliaboth Byan of “ Iho California In the challenge rouod boro ol Jlll today.to. Milo. Lenylin jron in s tra i^ t sots, ui fill C-2, (1-0.itl- llandolph Lyeott aad Slax Woosnom j j

o f England defeated H. Bopor B arre tt o f Bagland and B. I . C. Norton, of South A frica In the acml-flnal round

Itm o f th e o e n 's a o u b le a , 8-0, 2-6, fl;3, 0-4. rn- ■ ■- - - ?use HABDINO LEA VES CAPITAL *"or- FO B W B E S END IN J E B ^ 7

W ASHINGTON, D. C,. ( /P )-P rea l o: ,(/• den t K ardlag, accompanlcd by Mr*.■ H ardlm r-and ,n pa rty of frii'nda, lo ft

^ hero today b y .tra ln a t 1:05 p. m., fo r no, a vacatloa outing p t tho home of Scd- ind a to r FrcHnghuysen a t R aritan , N. J . ' |ind ■ > ' Awn IDAHO W EA TH EE. . "Ion 'roiiight tan(\ Haliirttnv fair,mi- ' , • fell

: TLASHES FROa l - ------------------ ------------------:---------- --------

Pho . OHABLES CIT 7, Iowa, (/?}—B e rt Btch » resfalt o f being s tn ick b y ligk tn lng li ind scloos.the -------- .lily BIfiUABOE, N . D., (iP)—I t w ill b< ino cafe, h o u l dining room or & d in ing car Ir ir t , prosont under & law passed 'by th e la t t l etho proprietor of the place oro mode llablo :

J E n X B a O N 'O IT T , Mo., who lectured on "O rlm o D oesn 't Pay ,"

OA th e Missouri ponlteatlarir, w as returned thoilU es In connecUon w ith th e tJio ft of Wodnesdiy.

MEXIOO OITY, ( /P ^ P rc s ld o n t Obr - opening o f th e baseball season bore todJ

(irii gan iied and wlU play rag}ilarl7 schodu HH. The w inner w ill be aw arded a pennant a

'O f tho centennial celobratlon io be bold

; BAPULPA. Okla« ’{yPHOB lands VI

I h e ln o f Lete E o lv ls. a Creek Ind ian wc he r hiisband in 1018, 1a a dedalon hasde The case rovolTOd about th e exac t Identl

.found on tho Creek na tloa d tlzonsh lp n

r ■ N E W YOBK. ( /P )-A carload of fny 1,180 packagee of 10 to 12 pounds eacl^ The -sale a ttrac ted unusual a tten tion be;• ever receiA d from California o f a full i

„ 1. sold mostly a t .12.26 each, w ith a top .prl


. G om m uder Of A m erican-Expeditionary I Forccs Eollovea M a)or General •

, f:. - ■• Peyton 0. March

' • ‘ ' ' W A S I I l N n T O N ' , l ) , . ( , ’ . f ( , P ) — f i o n e r a l I ' l l . ' J o l i R . 1. I ’ o r n h l n g t o d n v l ' i ' ; ' ' ' " ' ^ ' ' • ' ‘ ' - ' f '

n f R l a f f o f t i l l ’ U n i l o i l S t i i t i ’ s a r m y . 1 . - r t ^ i i c v i i i ' t M a j o r O e t i c r n l I ’ c y t o n I ' . ] . K M a r r h , w H t ) w n a c l v e n l e i i v c n i ' , n l . » p n c e i '■ ' 2 . i - f f i ' f ( i v i ) u n l l l h i a r o l l n ' n i p u t . f r o m a c i ’ t l v o - r . o r v l c e i n N o v c m b r r . - It w n s t h e i

f ' r a t t r k i i n i t i i o n t l o - d c f i n i l i ' d i i ’ y g i v e n i t h t g e n e r a l i s l h r o h e r e U i u i i i i s h n r c o m -

. K . i n a ^ i i l ( i f t h * A m e r i c n n r x p e d l t i b n n r y .• forcH ii. IVahfr, Major Octicrnl Jamen

* fl, na.-luird,fn'ho was hi.« iirlnplml>laff Mft .amla‘,int in-Pranre In lila avliitnnt la

the l i P t v office. , ' 'V *■ ,



' S I E O F « I

E T IIL E ITraliuolP rom pter E x p ee ts T ota l R e­

ce ip ts to P a ss $ 1 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 M arl< ;'F a ir W eatlier F ore-

■ c a s t fo r F is tic Encountei-SE'.V VOBi:, W h -m k »dv.»to la li

I of seats already has yletdi’il $1,250,000,: Promoter Tex lilcliiard announced tu-

day. ■ _ , ■ <With tho sale of |5 seata-tomorrow

and a ronlinuatlon of tho present-rato of reserve scot, ;aloi, total tales were expected to paas the millioo and a half 'jnark.,

Dr. J. B. Farrell of Jersey City to- I day was named time keeper for the k Dempsey-Carpentler bout tomorrow, It.I itior.announced by Chnlrman.Itobert'H- f Doherty, of tho. New Jersey state ath-

Itrtle commission.• ' • Jim 6 uvage,‘ of Orapge, N. J., was

’ doslgnalcd alternate reforeo in ease the regular referee, J . Harry Ertif, should be unable to officiate. He has fought several bouts In tho heavy weight dlviahin in the lost ten yeaM.


BETWEEN FIGHTEBS AND SUN• K ASniNOTOh-, D. 0., (ff)-A Itm- ' poraturo. botwoen 80 and M degrees ' 'aiid generally fair weather was fore-

cdsb today .by tho weather bureau fur f tho Dompiey-Carpentler fight tomor­

row. There if a probability that tho principals and spectators will not 'have

° to ondure a broiling lun as the weather experts say It may not bo nbaolute.ly

® clear over ‘*Dbyles Thirty Acrea."


^ -WASHINQTON, D. 0., ( ^ A t t o r - 0 ney GooDral'Daugherty Announced‘i'a'X day that ho wWld not lattend tho p. Dempwy-CwpOBtier,-fight betoMwo-he. f “ had t*'{ much'respect for'the.oplnlno0 of poopio who disapproved of pritu

fights tnd of whom I ^ u s t bo a sort ofI, unofficial, roprcaentatlvc.’ '


<1 ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., (/P)-Jack Uemptoy left hbro shortly i^tor ' two | o'clock this afternoon for Jersey City in a apcelal car. • !

r ' -- - - - - - - - -1 OBAND JUB7 DEdJNEB« TO STOP TITLE .CONTESXJ JERSEY CITY, K. (/Pp-Tho Hud­

son county grand jury lato today de- clined to letum an indictment sought Iiy tho International Reform bureau to stop tho Dempsey-Carpentler- boot

(Contlaned oa P»*e‘ ISinr)

OM THE WIRE Iirt Baymond, of FIbyd,-li blind today aa ig lost E e was knocked uncon-

il be illegal after today to smoko In a a r In North Dak0;to In which ^ m e n are St legislature. Both .the smoker and'the iblo for any violation,

^esso 0 . Bmnjey, former train robber,' ’ay," following his. recent rolo'a» ftom nod here today and held for federal au- t t o f a pouch of mall a t Contralla oarly''

Obregon threw ont the f lm ball at the, today. A baseball leagaa has been or-

hoduled games..,throughout tho summer, int as ono of the many athlot|c features tield hero In Soptombw.' • .

Is valued a t $0 ,000,000 wore awarded to a woman alleged to have been killed by anded down la district court here today. ileBtlty.of Lete Kolvln, whose name was Ip roUs. . .

if frosh figs. from OaUfomla,-containing ^ each, were wid here today a t auction, n because it' niartcod the first'shipment ruU carload of freah f l ^ The packages - p-ptlco of 12^ for a few small lots, c-'

SH UTS OFF MEXIGAJI O i l 'F SU PPLY TO SH IP BOARDry standard OU Company of Now Jersey

Qiiin- jTitnrflng Foreign Product , Bocoose of Objedtonable Tax,

•al NEW YORK, {/Ti)—,i'f Standard Oil rmnpany of Now .k-r.seyly. tnilay r(-nfiriui'd rupfirlj that Hint com'

I'any. hnil notifioif tho alii|ipi»K '">at'lice il will no longi-r includn'Mrxifpii crudc1C oil in fonlrnc.t ahlpnicnt!*; biiMvill'Sub'he' (illtiilo Aiiicrirnni oil jlii-rc'fo^ Theon rotiipanv IjiiH fufttrncta to mipjily ihjm- lionrd with 18, 000,000 Imrrcls of fiioiiry dllricn Tho chnn^;e it wna iinid, rcsulloil froniff lhi> now Mexican oil inxps, adiediilcd t<In go Inio effect today,-wlilrh the e«n>

I'any I'tiaMCterUed n* confiscatory.


~ D A I LB I J 5A Y , J U L T 1, 1021. .

i i i rI GDtSJ) Minority Puts Up

Fails to Delay A State oi

I ) ' .


T ■

° WASHINQTON, (^fV-Enaetn f lation, ending the state of war wit

was completed to d a j by oongress >- ProBident Harding, who ifi expecte ? F l i u l a c t i o n ' o n t h e m e a s a r e i n s r b y t h e s a n a U , w W c h , a d o p t e d t h e ■

c o n f e r e n c e r e p o r t b y a v x i t « o f 38 t o 19 a f t e r a d a y . o f d e b a t e l a

. w h i c h t h « d e m o c r a t i c ' m e m b e r s - . m a d e a l a s t a a u o l t o n t h e n s o l a -

U o n . T h e h o u s e a c t e d y e s t e r d a y ,' t h e v o U b e i n g , 203 J i o 60.

T h o s i g n i n g o f t h o m o a a u r o b y t h e ) . p r e s i d e n t w i l l o p e n t h e w a y f o r t h o

r e a u m p t i o n o f d i p l o m a t i c r e l a t i o n s w i t h > b o t h G e r m a n y a n d A u s t r i a , b u t a d m i n - g

^ i a t r a t l o t t o f f i c e r s h a v e I n d i c a t e d t h a t ^ p l a n s f o r t h i s h a v e n o t b e e n w o r k e d I - o u t . • .' s D e m o c r a t i % v l d « I

A l l o p p o n o D t s o f ' t h o ' r c s o l u t i o n w e r e d e m o c r a t ^ t h r o e d c m o c r a t a . S h i e l d s o f f ]

■ T o n D o u e o , W a l s h o f M a s s a c h u s e t t s a n d ° W n t a o n o f G e o r g i a v o t e d w i t h r o p u b -

H e n n a f o r a d o p t i o n . S o n a t o r - B c o d ^ d e m o c r a t , M i s s o u r i , w a s p a i r e d , i n i t s ' *

■ f a v o r . ■“ T h e r e i s n o p l a n ' t o ' r e s u b m i t t h e a

t r e a t y o f V e r s a i l l e s t o c o n g r e s s o f ow h U h I h a v e a n y k n o w l e d g e w h a t o r - o

S c r " , S e n a t o r L o d g e t o l d t h e s e n a t e , t

' si lfiES■ E j - — r ^ . ,•k Two SeitLOf. P la m o ^ g e Over ro I Superior National Forest ‘J'l • in Minnesota;

D U L U T I T , - M l n n . , - . ' If i r e s i n f l i c S u p e r i o r , n o t i o n a l f o r e s ' - (h a v e b u r n e d o v e r b e t w c n 000 a n d 800 ,

j . a c r e s o f w h i t e a n d j a c k p I n o t i m b e r ^g . a n d ' a r v s t i l l r a g i n g , j i i c c o - r d l ^ g t o a ^

l o n g d i s t a n c e t e l o p h o n o m e s s a g e r e - - ^m c e l v e d l . y t h e A s a o c l a t o d P r o s r ■ f r o m ,, t C a l v i n A . ^ D a h l g r e n , S u p e r i o r n a t i o n a l ;_ > s u p e r v i s o r ) ' ^ ! h i s h o a d q u a i t e n a t E l y . g

T w o c r e w s o f 50 m e n e a c h ' a r o f l g h t -■ I n g t h n f l a r a e i . T h e f l r e a a r e . i n t h o ,

v i c i n i t y o f S a u x F a l l a a n d M e a n d o r , h i k e . N o r a i n h a s ' f a l l e n i n t h i s t e r - , r i t o t y f t r s e v e r a l w e e k a , a n d i ba w o o d * a r o u n ' v B u a l l y d r y , ^ r . D a h l j t t e n s a i d , j T h o f i r e t w e r e s t a r t e d l a t o W e d n e a d a y {

- n i g h t b y l i g h t n i n g ; ' ,K a n g t - r i o p e r a t i n g a l o n g t h e n o r t h e r n j

b o r d e r r e p o r t t w o t a r g e f i r e s a c r o s s t h n nC a n a d i a n l i n o n o r t h o f N o r t h w o o d l a k o ,a n d , L o c l i i C r o l x . . j

B o t h s t a t e a n d ' n a t i o n a l o f f i c i a l s d o - e l a r i ’ d , I h o p r e s e n t c o n d i t i o n t o b o t h em o a t d f u i g o r o u a i n m a n y y e a r a . - .

E v i ' f y w h e r o i n t h o f o r e s t ' r e g i o n i f ,r a n g c n a r e b u t f i t t l n g e m e r g e n c y c r c w w . ,


Prospect.IniicatOB No Carriers’ Eolicf Legislation at Pros-

ent Session- ,,

W A S l l I N O T O N . D . € . . ( / l ^ e n n t e l i i v e a t i g i i t i o n o f t h e r a i l w c y ' s i t u a t i o n w a s d u s p o n d e d t o d a . v . I i y C h a i r m n n - C u m m . i i a o f t h o I n t e r a t n t e c o m m e r r c c o m m i t t e e u n t i l t h e m i d d l e o r l a t t e r p a r t u f A u g u s t . T J i l s y « n a - . t a k e n t o m e n n t l i n t t h i T o w o u l d ' b o n o m l l w a . v r c l l o f k ' g i a l a l i o n a t t h o p r e s e n t e x t r a

, f o f l n l o n o f f o n c r c M .C h n i r n i n n . O u m m i n s s a i d s i i a p e n a i o n

o f t h o i n f ) i i i r y w a a d e r m c d n d v i s n b l e = i n x l e r ; o f t h e I n f l i n n t l n ' n o f t h e s e n -

a t * * t o t n k ( “ n a u i i i i u c r r i “ -< “ 8s ! I t c p r e s u n t a f i v c s o f l . i l i o r a n d a h i p p e r a

i n h i ' n r d . ' T h n o r i c i n n l p l a nc - f i n 1 e i i i | ) l i i t o ( l n c o m n i i i t o e r e p o r t a n d p ' o n . H i h l . v t h o j i r o p o n n l o f l i ' n > > h ‘ l l o n f o r r o n R i d e r a t i i m n ' t l h c - . ^ p r c ! i c n t n e s a i o n nf r o n g f i - j ? . ' ' ■ •

B T E E l i W O B K E E S ’ W A G E S T O B E , - C O T . F i r r E E N P E B - C E N T

i m - H A I t l l l s m n t O . - V a . , ( / p ) - j \ . w f l K C . f t t ' l r n d t i c l i ( | t i o f p u r - m i f c - l i y l ) u 'a d o I ! c ' l h ] ( ‘ l i ( - m ' S l i ‘ i - t e o r j i t i r n t i o n i e f f e c t i v e u b ’ . I n l y i . l , w r i s n i n d e ' k n o i f n - I o r i ' i i r o a c n l - r h c ; i t l v o » e f t h e o n i j i l o . v e s n t t h e B f c e l t o n i h ^ p l n n t t o d a y . '

l u e i T h o , r e d i i i t i o n w i l l a f f e u t a l l e m ­p l o y e * . c x c p p t s a l a r i e d m m i , w h o f e r u - ^

r o m d u c t i o i i , w i l l m n o i i n t t o ; t e n p e r c e n t , 1 t o e f f e c t i ' . - o A u R u s t 1. , * , o m - C o n n M n y h o u s e * w i l l b e r e d u c e d i n

r e n t a l f r o m e i g h t t o t e n p e r c e a f . ,


JV Nli i n) Hard Fight But ^ Action Ending


- - Nilotment of the-compromise reso* with Qennatiy and Austria finallj BSB and the measure now goes to oted to sign it witbin'a few days.

■fflES SIEPSi s rCyURi’Sffi!i ‘ - - - - - - - - - - , a n d

• Secretary W eeks Anthorixes I Disoharge of 'Enlistod Men

Applyins 111 July , j , ’— ■ ' p i t , '

9 WAflHlNGTON, D. C,; >• Fcit f i r s t s t o p t o w a r d r e d u c t i o n o f t h p r e g u - a i d i I s r a r m y t o t h o h u n d r e d a n d f i f t y t h o u - I* s a n d m a x i m u m p r o v i d e d i n t h o . a r m y g . a p p r o p r i a t i o n b i l l , S c e r e t o r y ' V V o s k s t o t ] , a- d a y a u t h o r i z e d t i i o d i s c h a r g e b r c o r p i J . .

a r e a a i d d i v i s i o n c o m m a n d e r s o f a l l I t s :f e n l i s t e d m e n w h o m a y a p p l y f o r . d l s - 8 h i ■ - c l i a r g o ( l u r i n g J u l y w i t h o u t p r o j u d l c u o f

t o t h o l r r i g h t s ’ t o t r a v e l p a y . ' , m o U o ; i d i s c h a r g e d u n d e r t h e o r d e r w i l l

n o t ' b o p e r m i t t e d t o r e - o n l l i t u n t i l g e n - ^ e r a l . r e n r u l t i n g l a r c - e t t a b l i s h e i . •

.B istiifili I1 DiEHFEIIISPl- Federal Eofloi’ve Board Powers ’s h (

''and Policy are Attacked by Demoofftt

• W A S H I I ^ G T O N , ( f l > ) - l ) c c i a r l a g t h a t ‘ '' h o h a i l b e e n i n f o r m e d t i y t h o t r e a s u r y ‘ h e t h a t t h o f e d e r a l r e a e r \ - o s y a t e m h a d r . s u r p l u s o f a b o u t o n e b i l l i o n d o l l a r s " i n

>*■ o x c e w o f n i l r e q u i r e m e n t s , " S c n o t o r * h [“ S m i t h , ' ( l e m o e r a t , ' S o u t h C a r o l i n a , d e - h o i

c l a r e d t o d a y I n t h e a e n a l e O i a t t h e r e R » ; ® s h o u l d , b o a n I n v e ' s l l g a t i o n o f t h o r e - “ d i s c o u n t r n t o N m n i n t a l n e J b y t h e _ r o -

s e r v e C o a r d . X i “ W h v a h o u h l w c h a v e r e d i s c o u n t

r a t e s o i ' s i x n n d « « ' e n p e r c e a t w h e i i w o h a v e o n o b i l l i o n d o l l a r a o f u n u s e dg o l d l " h o a a k c d . ' ' . 1

« C h a r g i n g t h a t t h e f e d e r a l r c s c r v o w hh a n k s w e r e c a l l i n g l o a n s , a n d f o r c i n g J o :

y f a r m e r s ' u n d b u a l n e s a . m e n i n t o b a n k - h i tr u p t r y , a l t h o u g l i t h o r o w a s n m p t o f u n d s ( i | if o r j o m m o r c e , t h e S o u t h C i r o l l n a . ' s o n - N c

[ a t o r i t e c l n r u d t h i r w a a “ t h o m o a t m ' o n - h ea t r o u s s h o w i n g e v e r m a d e i n U i e - m l d s t d e <o f t h e f l g r l r u l t u r a l a n d b u s i n e s s d l s ' r o' i r e a s . " J a

S c n r i t o r H m o o t , U t a h , s a i d t h e r o w e r e v u“ t w o ' k i d e a I o t h i s q u c a t l o n ^ " • I t i

» . ‘ " T h n i a a w o r l d c o n d i t i o n , ” h o d e - i u f l a r e d . “ T h e t r o u b l e i a t h a t f o r e F g nc o u Q l r i > - t c n n n o t b u y o u r a g r i c u l t u r a l I * r a n d i i t h i r p r o d u c t s .

T h e r o i s d a n g e r i n t h e " p i l i n g u p ” t o

S o f R u l d i n A m e r i c a , h o i i a a e r t c d , a d d - K i l u g I h i i c t h u r o w a a t o o m u c h g o l d h e r o .

Requires Placard for 5' Cold Storage Produce

S T . - r A U l , , M i n n . , ( / P ) - M f r c h a n t « t h w h o h n i i i U e c o l d s t o t i g o p r o d u c U o f a n

' n n y k i n d a r e r e q u i r e d t o p i a c a r d ' t h e ^ l e t s t o r c H i i i t h p u b l i c n o t l e e s I o t h a t e f - f c f n i - t u n d e r a n e w s t a t e m u r k o t i n g l a w m e f f e e l i v o I p d n y . N o l i c c * w i l l h o d l s - o t t r l b u t o d b y t h e a i n t o d e p a r t m e n t o f a r

" a g r l e u t t u r e , w h i c h w i l l a l s o p i i b l l a h e a c h m m o n t h a H a t o f l i c e n n e d d c a l c r a i n r u c h i n i - o n i m o d i t i c » . l e n d e r t h o l a w , t h o d o ' m p a r t n u - n t m a y o r d i - r r e l i w e o f g o o d i l i e l d - i n s t o r a g e w l i c n e v e r c o n d i t i o n s t l w a r r a n t , b ' n i l u r o t o c o m p l y w o u l d d n - | < t o i l f l n i ! n n d I m p r i n o i i m e n t , . | i

— ■ ■ ' ' ! :; r a

■; The News Extends |( tor an Invitation to

Title Fight Fans2 riir full .\-'»ioi-inlnt 1‘reaa bulletin . w tI -.iTviri' rovi-rini! the Dempacy-C.ir- >

I [u-iiUc-r H<;mipionihip boxing- bout "KC.! lit .Tirni'v ('iiy, N. .1., tomorrow, will M |h '' 1)1' diipi.nicd II".it comca over th'! M I'''-' w i n ' i i t 'T h i - o f f i c e . The bout •n'- - will l.i- 'in at VJ^iVlock noon, local M

tlit'r. nri'ordlng tj* avalkblo cnti- '■ in.-iten. anil. i,he liullctrns will bo

oni' pdiii'd ak rn(iiilly n» they ,aro rec'civ- ed. The Nows extend" to everyone-

<‘nl, ititi-ri'.Med In the contosl n cordial- I iiivitntinii to rci-elve Ihe returns ar !' It^ ciieal. ' . !.

iiy EOuitil


m m ^■ iD E C I S i

T O C p iM^ t t io n .o f E m ployes o n W a g e ;

D e c re a se F iled b y , F e d e i^

B o a rd to B e g o v e rn e d b y Ao-

t io n q t 'U n io n R e p re a e n ta tiy e



Sinely-K v6 Per Oimt of j ir e - mon and Oilers Vote Against * Bednotion; Section H en and.’ Shop U en nese^T ^yerdl0t ' --

C I^0 Aoo, WV-Final d.eeUipa r e - ■ jardlng tho action of railway cmptoyM in tho nago deereaso fixed by the r ^ - Koy- lobor board will bo nade b j- f t ' lommltteo of flve'npresontiag 1 9 n ll-- oad unlonr, a coaferonce of ubIob - :hlof« l-er/i,deeldodjto4ay. *•;•>=•

Tho decision will bo rendered’after ;oDBultatlon botwcon the committee u d various groups meotiDga now la. loision here.

Committee PerujuuL .Tlio commltteo'lfl composed of B. U.:'*

rowoll, presldeot of the railway em­ployes department of the AAerlcu < federation of Labor; R H. Fitzger­ald, president of fho'Brotherhood .of ' Itallway and Btoamthip aerks, Freight . Qaodlert, Express ond'Statl.on ^ ployes; L. £ . Shoppard, president o f.' tho Order' of Hallway Condueton; E.J. .ilanlon, president o f the Order *bf Railroad Tolegnaphers, and ' Timothy. Shea, vice prealdent of tho Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen end Ehiglne-mon. ----- .... -

Fliemea Oppose Cut ’Nlneijr-fivo per cent of the member­

ship of tho Intomatlonal Drotherhood of FiT<iQ«a-ud OUenhaa. voted a g t ia i^ aoeeptlng the wage cut<ordered by the United States railroad labor board,ob all roads today.' Timothy Hoaly, Inter- ontlbnal president, made the. tuDonBce- nieot ioday as I S O O noloB leadors gath- orod liero-to pata on,the order... .The maintenance of way men and the shop crafts, which. abo havo voted,' will n jt announce . the reault until after t ie conference hero today, '

Acceptatiea Indicated.' Oao‘ thousand iwnorjl -chairmon of tho four big brotherhoods wont into seaalon a t 10 o'clock, with loaders ta lk - . Ing of n’n-''inform al aecoptaneo” o f ' tho cut. W. F. Krlder of tU Brother­hood C'f Locomotive firemen and En* ginemcit, said such a resolution proba * ubly would bo .i^opted.

Senator France Talki. ■ for Bolshevik Presi

l i l i u , (ffh-A boUho.ik Jonrml'iit, who inlerviowed UBltcd;6 tat«a Senator . Joseph T. Franee of, Ua^land; sow. on' his way t o ‘soviet Bursia, for Moscow' »lid Riga nowspapers, ainong them NoVr, I’ut. tba official bolshevik organ ■here,,«]r,otea Senator rraneo as havinff' declari-d that American and Busslnu- co-opcralion would.auffieo' to couateraer- Japanrro designs In Siberia, and as ad-' vocatlng close cooperation ' between, Ruasla, Qermany and tho -United States in ecfinomlc nnd poUtlral ipheres.

Senator Franee told, tho Associated. I’rcaa that In tho main the interriew.-

iWas correct, but.t.hat.ho did not-mean to advocato a Gorman, American and KuMlan political ntllane<.-

Cuban Government to Buy Half Sugar Crop

IFAVANA, Cuba, (^-IH jxehasc'by. the t;nvernfnent of 1,01)0,000 tons of augnr lUid ita withdrawal from the mar ‘ Icot iTTis agreed tp lait night at a'con- fcreneo between Cuban sugar mag- nntea. I’ftsident Zayas' atid Secreta^ of tlio Presidency Joao Cortina. It -waa announced today in an offJeial state­ment, Tlio amount of sugar on .hand in Ciibii l a '2,000,000 tons, (ho tQate ineijt flildjdl . • '

The purchase w ill, be offecled through a lotin which nil! bo g'uara&>. locd b\- the sugar llaelf and 'a special lax on tho manufacturo of sugar. Tho- proditet- withdrawn from, th e ' malrkot. will be held a ; long aa ncfewary. .

Chicago Police Seiie Giant i ^ k e y S till

CmCABO, slant still, worth.000. and M ;jarge-that if may bo

I iierramry to dynamlto tho houa'o In which it ia lornled'to de^froj; It, wn '

|'.t1i»<'iiv''r(d by the polico'snd was con- I fiacataJ by fcdorol aulhorlilc*. '

IThr atil’l, believed to-bo tho largest in thtt-eiumtry, had vats-In the base­ment of the houao that measure M .by 3f> feet and aro alx'fect deep while the roil«. ran through the oatlro hobu Wlnea, alcohol, maah nnd *!moonshine*

a'ttld to be worth t l S . m were fifundlil thp ho-jso and destroyed.' , V

1, N*o one was a tth ^ h o u fe and no'.ii [rcat< have \ ^ n made, ^ .X

' TO O --.. ;

i i r i E iP i i U P I N i

mraiGTiF e d e r a l.R e se r v e A gent P o in ts J ' S U

, to -Several Ind ications o f lit- „ '

diistrla l Im provem ent In th e ■ M onthly R eport ' ,

-------- ' ■ r WASISAN PBANCIflCO, OP)—Improve- in tiio i

mcnt 'in retail tode, coatlaulnp netiv- an ity in I'ulldlng operationr. dad Rrodufti “ceordln liquidation by Oio ' principul monbrr 32 cl bftnk'B of the dljtjiet 'wero oulatandlnj' '’®P

- fcatuo j ■ot.tbe month of May in th(- fuel) >1|J 'twolfU federal rciorvo .di»trict, John P®<1 Porrln, San Pranclaeo, federal reservt 1“ Cit agent, <’cclared in a report tando public pod 17-i ie re Moiiday. . . pcr coat

Maa^, rcOoJlerj. tKo itatemoDt snld, are reported by irbolcsnlera to bo ba.«- V a t p ing tbeir prices to' the coniumor apon rjr> M p l^ n e n t eortJ at wholorale, al t y i l (bouf^h casCB arc not lackloj; of retail- cr»' still, delaying price .readjwlmerft* BUTT in the l.ope'of minbniibg Ioul's on navlmr * their iuvcDtorics -bought a t bigbor g^il (.ve ptlc"*-' , hope. ;i

StrUces OImo UUIb sliljiyi-.nl“ Bhlpmenti of'lumber remained at )'<>“ '!“■’<

approximately iho April flguro, the «pnlched aeaxonal iaercto»o nonaally to bo ex- Jt ' peetod having beea prevented bj the lutioa in cDDtlaQallop of the sbippiag atrlko ond of (ho by hlijh water; in the Columbia and Leyrlatoi WUIatnette rivers, irhicb caused the closing of raany'inilla," the slatemont Q fQ f]

."8 Ix>of tho principal copper mlnca 18 o f tho district remain eloaed and tho April ootput of the other, reporting baKmines Mas twenty per cent leaa. than In eominc-rjMarch, 3021, find thirty per cent be- yon oflow -tho April, 1020, production. - out will

• “ QolJ output of the reporting.mlncj of LI-iu'was BO per cent In oiceas of that of transcorApril laat yen t Ercopting for tho quartersmonth of Unrcll, 1021, gold produetloo Thundpof mlnca'ana dredges repotting to this over nn( bank since Docember, 1020. naa eachmonth (xroede3 tho production lor tho c n p c iconeiponding month of tho provloui r u n u i year. " - * ^ XUR

. "Continuing atrlko conditions la tho • 'marine i>nd building trades produced n jtTriorl* slight iiicroue of unemployment during May, which is oxpocted to bo roHorod by the approaching harve&t demandx and th9 undertaking of oxtensiro pub-

, . im ZSfcTlng# Slunr In cm w I

!‘Deposltt o f sa r in n aecounte, which but apii have lorreased steadily for tho diatrict tho fir<t as a whole since tbo spring of 1D19, total oi showed Ajfraetional doerease of per snd imp cont during May. Tho li

“ Tho foliar'value of sale* of twenty* tbo war, sine reporting doparUnent .storer in, "0 to 25 different eitiea of tbo district was but ports.4.1 per. cent leis than the figure ro- An u ported for May, 1020/ compared with a Franco deereue of 0.1 per cent in April, 1021. moaths ! comparca with April, 1020. o4 trHc

^'Physical volume of sales Is gener* monlhi < ally reported to be eqtfal to or greater tlio war. than that of May, lo h . Various llaet of wholesale trade rep o rt.dealings -of \ spleni 10 per Cfat to 42 per cent in tho dollar Taloes of their sales during May of . .ini-Bn thif year compared with M/iy, 1020, and doelini-B ranging betwen 20 and 50 per , . cent the selling prlccs of tho differ- J"® °J,;J ent commodities handled. >

“ A majority ‘of tho 174 wholesale ^firms reporting stato that rotallors art- ■ j . aow itenerally basing Iholr prlccs to the consumer upon replacement, costs ■'Bt wb>Ic»alo. . • - b e a d

Snllders Penlstest ="Notwlthataadlng complcto fctsn-

tion of building actlvily in San Fron- cisco during ICay on account of di«u- greemcnts between employers and In- I borers, building oporatlonr In tho dl* ' . f | tric t curing May were but 8.4 per cent , I I less in jinmbor than .those of the rcc* * + ord month of April, 1021. In lioa An- ■ geles. Salt.Lake City, OiidenandBac- ramento tho Incroasa In value of, per­mits compared with May, 1020, woe | ovor 100 per'cent. g g *. “ A. (Ircllno of «1G.265,000 or appror- 1 1 |

imately 10 nrr ccat la the loans of M l banka and invertmcnta o t tho OH rc I I I porflnj bnnks in. tho dUtrift during _ _ toiy,.»ccompaniod by a decrease of $7,- . = 000,000 in their,borrowings.from tho federal rMPrro bank occurred. '

‘‘Bw k clflttrlngs of tho 20 princip.il rltlcf. wrro £0 per ccnt leas than thorn) i t Mav, lP20l Tills pcrcontago Is, 1cm than till perccntago of dccrcase 1ft^mblncil whcrfcsalo and retail prlcofl........... y]qrln,''the poined, indicating that tbo . 1folume of butjness.'bclng dono -at this,Im6 is even irfrger than tho volume of j U lI yt a> ngo.' ‘

Big .Drops'Maturing “ l^-indiDg ^etwcen tho close of

pring plnntlng and tho commenccmcut •if early hnn-eating o|iorallons, tho inonth cf May witnessed llttlo chango . . . n the'.ngrlcultuml slluallon In thia ^ 1 1 Istricl. , . . • : •

What Ii useless tp you may be val- JTJ lable to others — adveHlro i t in tho laatlflgi ■ • r p

T f i i i S E SM ^ .

LoaTlns Twin FoUb At b:oo a .' 11 (Local TUati

Anlvo BoiM S:30 P. U.■ * (L e a l TIm«)

Making connoctlon with No; IB go- ^ 1 ■ lag west,' a t Motmtaln Homo. ; ■ /

Qlvlng one hoar for dinoer-'boforo W. tbo arrlTal of 10, g o l^ . f

Fate same as n lln a d .


W ^N ^FA IiLyD A aY :^

'hanif^s Nc(me Hissed T r i by Disabled Veterans j •jj

DETROIT,' Mich., (/P)-Tlio name of - Ji lek Dempsey wa? greeted with hisses _ fl hen It i\(as montloacd on tho floor of . U p Disabled Votjsrans'convention hem iursday. Declaring' t>o undcratoo<l cmpiey'was an honorary member of u P re lim Dstorn organization of vetoranr. tioSQ 1^ 0 Marx, said:•"Dflmpeoy is tbo laat man we would . ant u an honorary member of Ihl* or- ■ ' „ inliatlon,” *

V I " "•••_ ninth a

■ost of Living Drops 16 Per Cent in Month “

WASIIINQTON, yJV-The decroas? g6neM°i tiio cost of living between June, -nin .

■20, aud May, 1D21, war 1C.7 per cCpt, cording to figures based upon prices council, 32 clfleB-mado public Thursday by

0 dopttrtmont of labor.- Except for coJa, j.- el, light and housing all items dropd during tho period. IncluiliuiIn Cincinnati tlio cost of living, drop- pjd 17-. per cont: in Los Angeles 11.4 „olimlni■r coat, and in St. Loufs 17.3. . rharacto;

'eterans of Montana «i <«»« Wish Carpentier Well Sn”o«'

/ fltolrmarBUTTE. -Mont., (ff)-A ' telegram' of tbo 6yinrf "W o aro wiUi you, Carpentier. Point, Vd I.VCO--service r^ n in Montana (The di|ica jdu succeed In knocking out th« upon th(ipyi-.rd veteran. Jack Dempsey, wheu tee andu lULTl him Saturday," was. do- cate lhaialdied to tbo challeagir Thuradny. bo onewas sent In-compllanco ^ t h a reao- cstlmalei

tloa inlopted a t tho state conventloo land.^-Ili'o Amorlcan Legion of Montana ar j:

'*Uton. ■ ■ • . P L E D (

Jrand Canyqk E^ing TO P is Dec^x4iF'easjble nwa

SAK A M rdSio, Texas, yp)—Tliat fro minc-r/lal flying over thi* grand canin of the Colorado could bo rnrrlori T illKit without great cxprnso Is (ho report flvo Sin

Ll-iutenant Ali'xander Pearson, Jr., ones thrDnsc'intinenlal flier, made to head- Ian chnilarters of tho oifihth corpr area Slavs balursday afler two weeks spent flying thi'V aroor nnd around the canyon. trouble.

' ■ « • Interv


' oncouraccport« Ercoed Impotta'Durliig Plxst ThiM Moathff of Thlfl Yoat' for •*'■ F lr^t.m m , Sinw 1005 ^

PAUI6 , OPHFor tho first time since <05 the foreign trpdo balance hai ^ _ raed Ir favor of France. Provltlonal ' t approximatoly oxbet, figures for ' ■. D fir<t three months of this year show ■ ■ ■ ■ tal exports of 4,811,000,000 francs d iratiorls of 4,781,000,00d.'Iho Importations of FraVo before J w»r, oxcoptlag in 1005 ran from ' I I . . to 25 per cent higher than the ox- OIH]

An unoxpocted^ showing is. that uico exported durii^g tho three inths 262 per ccnt more manufactur-

iuHcles than in tho first three nlhf of .tlio last'normal year before ^oxt1 war. walk

i f I , await:Splendid Iledidad for tli» Stotnacb

ttd lilT W * 'A J'Ohamoerlaln's Tablets for tbo macli and Ilvcr'oro splendid.. I never _) of t^lin? my friends and nclghliors *U i^n u o lltie s ," writer Mrs. Will-:

I TSllmer, IJutwood, N. ’Y. When' iou), constipated or troubled with 132 8 igCBlIoa, givo them a trial. 'Th,oy I do yoi> good."—adv. A.

tEAD THE OLABaiFiro A D a L m M

nil of July Cl iJwinlalls-n

BE HERE A ll. In the meantime you will ■ yourself’for this occasion..

JUST A FEW SUGGiThings that wili lielpyou;

all you want"it to be. •

Flags and Buiitiiig, Lurid per PlateSi Paper Ifapkii " lee Cream Dis.hes, Ice Te£

...- HatS; Khaki Pants,for the kiddies, Etc.

and Shop Aroi

Variety {: 137 Main Ave. V

^ -PH O N E 463-V' ' . X .


iijilTim m m . d

them:,-------- ', Ciristi

}Ilm jnary S e s s io n s o f N a a n d « o n a l E 4 B ca ti9 n A asoclation i ^®P«“‘

O o n c la re O pened . “i,

E8 MOINEsT la.. (flV-.Tho fif ty lb ann^ial 'convention of tbo .N v will b al Education association opened . today with the meeting of the Na- al Council'of Educatiun-whlch con- ,CB'a few days In advance of tho ;r;tl association.tlDj.'TO Bufllidi-'l over-'by’ Che prcHdent of the jcil. Dr. Ilomcr IL Seeriey, prcsi-

cf Iowa State Tcacnors’ college, ar I'alla, Eo. ' Tho forenoon acssloi .pjj

devoted, to informal conforcaces, mliug a report of the committee ou q„q,0 odminbtrallon of srhools and a of sen imlnory report of the committee on gQQ, actor and ciliienship education. uodor t tho afternoon session the Nation- ounell will discusr tho report of its g p. q, mitlce on rural education which 5! r«

ue presented by tho committee ■ rman, Dr. John F. Sims, president bo Ktato Normal school a t Btovens j . i i - , It, WIs. 5*30 Ibe demands which haw boon mado1 tho Dcs Moines housing commit-anil tho advance registration indi xhursc (hat the attendance this year will p^y.

snft of tho largest-over recorded, 3 » natCB varying from six to ten thou U . ____ _EDGES SLAV D E P U T IE S .-| ’ ) PEACEABLE ACTIVITIES

1 _____ . "The-d of Dolegatioa in Italian Law- 8 ®“ airing Body Promiaes Abstinence. f ^ Undno Trouble -Making .

RIF^TE. (/ip)-Tln.UKh tho laflui of M Slav (Icputlcf and four Qormaa M

I threaten to make out of Uio Ital- . W chamber of (lepullcs n babel, th j • w

's have.come forward to slato that K ' aro nbt golng.to causo'tuiy undue ble. , 5iterviewoil by II Piccolo of this city ^ lor' MJdvascek, bead of tho Slav gallon, of live, said:'Tho object of tho Slavs will bo to lurago an' ccoaomic, moral ;ind poli- [ collaboration. Wc wish to' safe- , ^ •d the rise of Slovene-nation. Wc > , to have our language rcapectoJ.1 and provincial autonomy and an • ca iu jn Slovene schools."



l l e x a m l e r ’s S l i p e S l i o pOtcn Unlar Navi f

M iDiggqeiil Ifoxt timo you pass our place Brolk in. A cordial weleooie gwaits you. H

' A LL T tB PA m W O RK

; D O N E A T I


All work guaranteed. |32 Shoshone West. Phono 808 |

A . O H IPODBIS, P ro p . ^

Wration ^n m 1

LLDAr! Iill want to prepare

^.GESTIOm , ■ 'y P v 3U to make the day

rich Baskets, Pa- ^ikins. Tin Cups, Krea Sets, Straw M;s. Coveralls . ' . Jc. Come in •round..>=^=— ^ A

Store ^. West , ^3 -w - ■' It


Cburcb-Services I I xChnrch of/Oi# A#«n«Ion. ■ .

. • , (EpI/copal).CharUs Olenn Baird, Hector,

loly communion and sermbn a t 11 - • lock. TSo rector will preaeli on tha mj, “ Loyalty to tbo .Church and .-istian CltlMnship.” The bymns .I anthem wUi bo approprbto to In- londoBco day. - ' *?he cLuich school has been closed

tho months of July and August. rular sessloaa will bo resumed tbo . fP * ' •t Sunday In September. Now classes 1 be odded, nnd tho courses of the ■istian Nurture series will bo fol-

g'cnali' n a * r«ll« JD ulm ■

J. M. OI0^ P«il.r. . ™230 Third Av«..E. S f ,

;uflday school, 10 a. m.’reaching and communion 11 a. a . fve pilaiso.service 7;30 p. m. ^

P in t' Church of OhriJrt - f l d e n ^ .100 Ninth,Ave. E. '’“y ®'''

undty service a t 11 a.: m. Subject jcrmon July 3, “ God." nnday achool a t 10 a. m. for pupils 'lor 20 years of age. . BlblfI'edncsdny testimonial meeting at . m. • <J. VI. reading room ot 184 1-4 Main'av- 7 p. m. 0 lorth, where Christian Science “ ore ratnre may bo obtained, .is open ly cx'cept Sundays nnd liolidays from J to 4:30 p.' m. ‘‘reachlng-^-p.^., •JId-weok , meeting Tuesday nnd . •' irsday, 7: 80 p. m- Tayfjr band meets Wodn 'sday nl

' fmminsel L a tlie ru Ohnrch.Third Ave. W. and R fth St. ‘ 1,0

John Qlbrlng, pastor. '• r,-‘ jorvlccriindny :fttbqpj|.:0:45 a. m.‘ Lessor, • Monhe-Call 6f ibraham..!’ • • Organermon, 10:30 a. m. Lesson for sixth AnthL-'i

i s s i g 'During

JULY CLWO will giv« you from time way. For Saturdays sellia

4 shoe dopartmont. In the lia son. ,And tbo shoo departi

^ . easy-shopping. Wo shall ]

LABIBB’ WHITE OZPOBDSOno very special lot of Ladies' Whl with nvodlum low' rubber hc( prlta ................ ................. .1....

WllITK O N E-STR ^ 6XF0BDCnnio In nl) bizpb, in tho new one ford for laiHcfi. This is a very spc Siiiurday, tlio pair ______ ____


y Ono lot of ladies’ white military b! a wlilto clirome leather - solo, only ..........................................

BLAOE BID LADIES’ OXFOEIThis is a very s e n i l e 2ind drcsf ComforUblo and c o ^ A l l bIms. I military heel. Saturdiiy'B prico -...

' LADIES' SEO'WN K£D OZTOmOne Iftt of military heel, Indies’ I oxfords, all sIzcb in this fino oho dny’s price, only ___L________

LADIES' OOMFOET SLIPPEBl Tlteso cpmfort shoes como In both 0

P e H Btrap pntternf, with rubber heols. E r B 'p r l c o — ~— ______— ________

Vi— :— ' '

This is a bona tions. Evox‘ytb

• is tho tnith.

^ ■ ItA lw ayi

f l ,' I8M 9P b |^ ■ 1 . . . . . . 1. . . . .....

0 L Y 1 , 1 9 2 1

a. 'Trinity^ Motth. 6,‘20-2fl.-- % In : lom-.... •ist's AdmonitloD! “ Bo Bocondkd Offertor Thy Brother." No scrvicea In th j I f To L aliig., BOtttj

Hrrt'M rthkdist. O rg tnyE.' L White, Pastor. ' B v m

larry B ^ t t , Musical Director.. Organ p liss Ol&na M. Newton, Orgiaigt Aathem,londay School IQ a. m. E. L. A a h - -------, .superintendent. Oig»n plom bg worship a t 11 with a shori sou by the p|tutor, followed by tho D IRIG mmnloa and recention of memberi.!pworth; league devotional service, ON 5 p. m .' * ■ . .HaM meotldg and regular evening AlraUpa vleer will bo dlscontinced during . t s Bn aths of July ud 'A ugust. The eon- gation uniting In tho imion service t>)KT1 the cjty park nV7:80. .\3ll3wingorgan numbers wllVbe glv* PPP*“ ' at-.thc morningjflrTice: . numberilude, “ Berceuse" _____ Peako covemm'ettory, “ A llegretto:'-----------Elgar a „ 'n o nShelley A n them ---------------- Choiritlude, “ Grand Chocur" — Ashmall ,, *• lld-week prayer service on Wedncs-.

■ Church of tho Bntlirea. VCharier W. Bonk, Ristor.

llbln school, 10 a. in. P. M. Hoaa- ^ - ^ u ,

I. W. S. and J. W. S. mcotlnp at ’^Tho^a '• •' will theforning worship 11 a. m. - pouiif {}:vonm|i wonhlp 8 p. m. n l t i . i r jicTpion by” the'pastor. ■ report, ‘

*, n — ■ • tinning iF lrtt Prosbytwiui Church. p

.Vs'ier Harian Brand, Minister. • jjgQ Io:»l«8 ironlilp n t V ». m. „ „ q „Ivoniug worship at T:.iO o'clocki rico In the park. •'It5~Bible^chool-op^>;^1» at 0:45. v " m /:h^ V. P. a C.- E. irifds at 7 p; m'.Ito following musloal program will gli'cn a t the morning .itid evening i'Iccb: . . .,forning— »•fan prclude.-thfti. Praise tho Lord, 0 Jerui^- ^

i N i

g Our 15th Annual

LEARANCE SAno to time some very choioojnoraolf lling wo have soon fit to confine thoi I list'holow you will find pnoes bcyi irtment is now very conveniently ; Jl look forward toward seeing yon'

J)S j£ oG MEN’S BEOWW ^ BIVhlto Oxford* Tnm imoo comes tn tho ntheels. Balo with rubber heels. All si

...n..-..... $2.05 Regulnr prico «7.50. Satnrdi

iBDS fS.0S . TAN ABU7 SHOEone-strnp ox------ One lot of men's tan arm] special prico.----- soles and extra good stock

--------- 93.05 Saturday's prico ---- ---------

:s Sl.OQ MEIN’S im w OHESTKTrr•y shoes;-with This is fiyhion's latflst crc lo. Saturday brown oxfords, brogue pat

........ — $1.05 speeinl prico ........... ...... — —

OEDS 14.50 V MISSES’ KID PUM Ircssy oxford. •' One lot of mUsoa’ brown Id I. Modo with pattern with low heols. I . --------14.60 , ________________ 1 -------

ORDS HOC LADPIS’ BEOOUE OXIs ’ brown kid Ono lot-of ladles' brown-li|■jhoc. Satur- nkln oxfords. Sqmi-broguo______ S4.0B price, only ..............................

EBS 82.BC INTANTS' SOPT SO Ih oxford and Any pidr of infants' soft sol 1. Saturday's, . per# In tho store.' Bvoiy c ______92.85' All sire's. Salo prico, only _

lEMEMBER-^na.fido salo with bona fide roilnc- ytb iig stated in.onr advortisomonts

lys Pays to Trade a t the l.D . Store

PAOTMENTf?T0 R E l1P rogressive '■

•" i J lM a n a ^ ■ ( tuT7 ,.C utilono NupUal«_DBboii 'I Love M e ,';^ P My Oomaand-! * '

I josUtia«, Mtwh I 'o a tifieS ?^ * * ^• . . ............................ Tamboll#

Bungi^ , , -1 prelude. :, ^»m, Amdrifl* Trim nyhtat_____................■■■- I)cmar*Bt •1 postlude. ^ •

IGIBLES SEEM DRUG ’ , )N IAARKETS IN LONDONjp a .0 o«tloraoT(iim e8t UQttani' Bnlid t » Kov B eap t^

NDON,'"' O ^ l ^ g i b t e airships ir to be in UtUo demand here. A ' er of then that cost tho British smoat a'm int o& money to build low proetJcally going begging.) air ministry announced ' some Xk ago that it.was prisparcd to giM t 1 rsUps if thoy wore not taken over 1-a te persons for commercial pur-.

I t now Btat«a that It has be«o od 'ihat unless an, o ffe r. that utf tci-5pmothlng Is ’rocelv^d bo- August 1, all it« airship actiTltles .)0 disconUnued. . ' 'I airships, stationa and materitki then bo handed ovpr to tho dis- board to get rid of, as tho air try. It Is stated in the official . t, “ docs not feel jnstlfied in con- ig cxpendlCnro oa this serrleo.’’J air ministry offorj to-sell tho ‘S TtSn, lUO aad tho H37 and the for- ' , ]ermana alrshijps L71 and L04. >!


HAS. B. BOWOIQ7B * 00.P h o ^ 816-W ' «

128 Sboibona S t W en Fm idi DxT Cleaning

1 ;

^ :

G s rI . 'IlALE l i 'ela in. a bargain m K ^lioso to oar now l l l lsyond compari- I Wf arranged for ■ yn'Satorda7. ' M t .

I SHOES 90.00 ' I Innwro wape nnd U li tsizes and widths. H t ;

irday’s price. 96.06 H

OES W.05 B 'rmy shoes, Ileftvy H ^ ock; Price $10.. 0. H

1 OXTOEDS 97.05 I crcatlon. Clicstanl ■ patterns. At voiy' B l l .m- . . . . . . . . - • ’ ■ " o . l !IMPS 93.75 ■Idd pumps. Strap I ^ ' -

Saturday's prlco ■ ^

XFOBDS 95.05 I R -light weight calf* ■ a ' pie p^ttoni. Bale H

SOLES 08csolo ah0CB'na( 'sllp- ■ ( f color, and slj npc. ■ V

■' '^ d a ^ sS p c® ''

l i f f l s i t a

Obamp ^bowfl Hone o T trrita- Dei , billty Others Diaplay on Eve cl

of Omclal TeBtB •

ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. (y^-Tfii; A' ij ROtftWiy day /or Jnck Dcmpni'y. Demwo^rld’j heavyweight cliamplon. 13f- gp* ■fore nunaowB <hu ovcnirjR the-.frrlm,

. determined Dampioy will be Mcliided ..amid Hk* iti^ngo aurroundinpi of n “

■ private rMldcneo in Jcrecy City, per- I”**" .haps to face d nif[ht that may uccm Tb endlcj.i; fhcro to,remain until he facW-jHc-*! Oeorfrea Caipcntior in <lhd linttlo.of hi" in a* life ipmctrrow aftomoon. cham

Bvcrythinir U in renJlnoM for.'the Leal/ ' champion'b dopartore.-ManaKer Kearnfl ropai

U takln;; every prceaufion to have the ditio e i^ p fo n rest in absoiata (lalot, axrnr also from tlie pyea of tho eurloua thoutandi. jtopr

BokWicd froft tho eloie confinement^ " I of two month! trainiMr Dempsoy, ft buU

• happy in tJiia llhcrati((n and more llho, mnn■ a boy hrlmmioff over with anUcipation there

’ than \ heavywelRht champion fdcinjt don'i tho moM important battle of^hU.CA' in ^

" " f l - 'r niayinir cards with his handlc7« to- U, lajit nicht land reading leleifrnmii con- ftght

• lalnln:{ mewage* of good luck, th? ‘‘3 title holder went to bed at 9:S0 o'click W; and TraJit. Demprey'a bodyguard, who hind

■ iiept'in an adjoining room, IS authority withfor tho statement that the rhampion title ilcnt loundiv for nearly nine hour*. fTli

Dempsoy is an unuiuai champion In Tralr at least ono conipleuoui rcspcct. Virtu- hit I ally un the ovo of his crurial cn(/jge- ing i ment he U diipla>'ing none of that u he; (frouchlnes* and'unapproaehabillty tha* tho i traditionally har eemo lo be regardort havii aa tlio eondusive proof of a fighter bo- or n Ibc on “ cdgo” for an important bat-

' tie. Tho development of irrltnblUty ^ has long been tonsiderod necesmy to ’ the attainment of prime phya'cal con- I dUlon. • \ -

This does not hold true wUh Dcmp- V _ aoy. Mnnager. Kearns nnd other* con­nected wilH the champion'hhvc felt tho -

.alrain of the protrnclcd training po- . Tied and are (ihowing U more than their -

•lubjcct. What some of tliose around 'him consider an annoyance, • Demprey .accepts an an-amusing interruption.While hundreds of Auual i>cnun!ntanec* , ond utter strangers all meeting him e v ^ - erv da / he haa preierved a. cordiality and hcnrtbcM which his asroelatei 01

■ have lort.Pinal proparationr for tho departure

lo Jersey City were completed soon Pil after breakfast today, and the keys of Ot,the two houses, which have been D em p-____aey’a ramp turned over to their own- 0 ^

'"Dempucy's threo Belgian jiollce doga, which .buve bcetf wiUi him during tho training grind, already nre in .Jersey regul City. They wore Inken in the cham c)a*a,

■ - plon’s limoiiaine by his brother, Bernard Dempsey, ycaterday. , , H. C “ Don’t forgot, lo lat thrm ont once in

a while for a brief run,” Var Uie chain- plon'e final Instructions ns the big car . . j rollod away, with tho dogs poking their heads oot of the windows. ,


______ fccllrNOT YORK, i S y - S m Y ork'hold, j” '

wero crowded to overflovring today, ” and i n ^ o lobbies, (lining rooms or hallwayt-. there waa a but* of convcrsn- _ lion in which tlie words ’‘Dempsey nnd CarponUer" predominatod,' ij/*

Pully flvo thousand out of town j folk*, rogisteted yesterday who ' ' a n - . ^ s

- nounced their intention of stfoing t h o l p — ehamplonahip bout nnd wmo twenty, « thonsand were oxpeclcd lo flow la to -1 I day from every quarter of the conll-j . I nent ' l a

Ono hotel last night nnnount-nl It 1 could earo for no mdre guests. Most | —

^ o ( the larger hoslelrlcs plan lo inntnll, coin In corridors, on the roofs and In , n other places not often slept in. . u , Tho crowd nttending'the bout, the ' largest in tho history of the sport. nlBi>, i will be the most orderly, polire officials; p promised today. \

Klaborate pici>nrKlions havi> been made by Jersey City'pollci' nnd the “ way of the transgresBor’’ promises to 1)0 made haiardous by nearly two thon- ' _ sand policemen and detectlvvs inside and outaido of tho arena. , li'

Most novel in the plan lo-;provent confusion will bo tlfo establishment_of H a “ deild line” extending approximate-

■ly four blocks on nH'sldcs of tho arena. Kluccoats stationed a( intervala of n

• few yards on this bounjlary .will Imr ndmitlance lo all 'persons who do nof puMes' tickets or other proper cK-ilcn- I

■ ,tlal».• The issue o f bogus tickets in, many ai’ctlons o< the .country haa added to

• the problems confronting Promoter T e r j nifiknrd nnd the police authorities.'

T H E GEM ™“ C U P ID , T H E t o :Starring WiU Eogor»-O'part ProdiicUon-

, od from tho Noveniy Xleanor O atos-A :

“ THE TEACHER’S PET", J w o - . T o n q s o r t h e d a y and «

. A Banner Bhow-TJioBlg'Fit


F ^ I i S t>AIL^

) r t i n g H e ^ LJ L a k e

. fendi

l i C I O i l i S I l


■ P l i f S l__ __ • . ,. De

Deiapsoy Wants tbe M ost De-cisive Sort of Finisb in Sat- by c

nrday’s Battle .• byk. pone

ATL/NTIC.CITY. N. J., (/PW nek Dempsey wanU his contest with Oeor- ,|ons ges Carpentier to ond derisively with criticeither himself or Carpentier rtretched -----on tbo floor before tho 12 rounds have been f ^ h t out Saturday afternoon. * * 0

Tho champion so declared yesterday. 1 jlle-saidho did not want o towol thrown

in 0S an n^knowledgment of defeat. A championship contest, to said, should bo allowed to go to a knocKout without regard to 'tho b^torod or holpUss con- xOr dltion of elthiT coRleslant. Dempsey q also Is oiipostH to having the bout stopped by tbe refereo.

"Tho belt way to stop a fight fo Bull everybody is to knock the other Al mnn stiff,” Dempsey said. “ Then mn there Is no chance for .argument. I , don't want Carpontier’a.mon lo throw in a towel. I know when it comes my turn to 'take i t ' they,are' not going will ' to-tliro# In any towel for mo. 1 'will fou^i fight until I am counted out. . will

"Nobody b licked until ho is Qut.’ Ih With ten long weeka of training bo- been

hind him. Dempsey today ia throogh with, hard work until ho defends'his title on Saturday. ' ^j^rn

fThere waa, (i algh of relief from. Trainer Ilayc# when iJcmpsoy finished y .ju his boxing without Injury to tho heal- ing wflund over bIs-lbft-«yo. 'Ho wore {or t u head gear and a thick padding over tho cut to provont-nny jiossibilUy of i,tuf having It ripped open by a wild awing or a butt. '

--------- ---------------- a t %puncl

I BASEBALL | S5' I - J Shot

✓ Carp^Fadflo Oout Lea^ne. ' hook

San rraneiMo, 8 ; Vernon, 0.Los Angeles, 14; Oakland, 7. ' e sSacramento,'5; Balt Lnite, 3.Bcaltlo, 0; Portland, 2.-'*' •

Amorlcu L ufue.St.' Louis, 0-1; Chicago, 1-0.Detroit, 0| Cleveland, 3.,Olhtrs postponed; rain.

’ National League.Pittsburgh, 6-i; Cinclnnntl, 3-3. . •Others postponed; rain. •

OENEBAL MOTOBB OOBPOEATION ' d e c l a s s BEOCnUB.DmDBin)N'EW YORK, y j ^ s ^ e General Mo-

tors corp9ratlon Thursday declared regular quarterly' dividends on 'ili classer of slock. Frederick ,1. Fisher •was elected a director, to suceeed R. .H. Collins.

imioosnesa and Ooortlpatloa ” Fr,r years wo# troubled •with b’l-

lousness nnd constipation, which miidc life nilsF'rablfi for mo. My nppetlt* fniled int'. I lost my usual force 'and vitality. Pepsin preparations and.en- thnrtii'a only made matters worse. I • . do not know where I should have been - today had I not tried Chamberlain’s Tnbletf. Tlie diblets. relieve tbe ill feeling nl once,-'s!rflngthen the digest­ive functions, helping-the system to do

,it» work naturally,” w iles Mrs. Roia Potts, Birmingham, Ala'.—adv.

Classiflrd^advertising la tho cheap cat thing you eim buy-^measurcd bv '

j tbo -proflla jt may' bring you.



2-VaudeyilleActs---2Corrine and Olive

reaturlng tba World's Tamona ^ Midgot

■Lou ElliottOomodlaa


"WHO W AS THE M AN?"Hoot Qlbsen, Westom Melodrama ^

“ FIRED AGAIN” ,2 Part Comody

.ThB intflroitlonat Mews Weekl; 'Happenings from All Over tbo

* World H A T IN ^ 'and BVENINO

Always a Oood Variety Alwayi Yonr Mon«y's WoTth

J T I C ^ A T ^ ' O ' E P ^ o o a r a n d ,TOMORROW

j o W p u n c h e r "lion—A Story of tho PUins, Adapt*5—A Eoal Picture of t io B«a West

T w o P art C om edy Featurend SOBEEN MAGAZINE

ilg'Fan Eeeps You OoolQUALrry fo t o p l a y


BIG FIG inIPrlnw-ipals—Jack Demr»ioj\ of Balt

Lake City, champion of tho worl^' de­fender; Ooorges Carpentier, of. Lons, Prance, European hea>’ywclght cham­pion', elallenger. -' OOi

Referee—B arrr Ertle. ,Place—Blckard’a arena, Jeraey City, boPromoler—George k “ T ex '' Eiek fil

Old.' . COITime—3 p, m. (eaitcrn daylight-sav­

ing timi), Mturday, July 2, 1921.Arena opens—10 a. m. A(Scheduled number of rounds—12.' WTima of rounds—Three minutes -witb lli

one-minule intermission. RcWoI;;bt of gloves—Eight ounces Ch

cach, - ChDed^IoH—None permitted under New W.

Jersey slate .boxing hw ; wi]jld’M Nihi avyweight championship can be won W:by Carpeotler or rotalnod by Dempsey Biby knockout of opponent or foul by op- Caponent. In case both boxers ore on At their feet at tho eloso of tho twelfth round, Lnofficlal nnd perronal dec!-slons pnly:can bd'made by newspaper 'critics and -fl-}>ectntors. ' " D<

Battling Nelson ■ I Tells ’Em Whafs

Going to HappenPormor Ohamplon Expects

Georges \o be Knocked In- iq, to Dreaonland

—— 1ATIiANTIC OITV, N. J;, (ff)~Dat.

lllnj: Nelsoil, who predicted tho down* fall of .Tcfs \yillard at Toledo two yean* J^ igo, pifdlcls.that tomorrow’s contest will bo the shortest and most, viciously fought in heavyweight history. Nelson will not bo surprised if Dempsey wins ij,, In Iho first round. T h e ‘•battle r" has been here for a week.

" I look for-the bottle to end before . cither Dempsey or Carpentier .gets irarmed up ," Nelson raid today. “ rTbey arc terrific hitter* and ono of, them r/lll drop'in short order. Df courae, I 'i* im sticking to Dempsey. Ho looks bet- ier to me than whon ho fought Wll- •’f ' lard; he’s got more elass; knows more ' “j 's tu f f ond IS a better ond more pol­ished bi'xer. '

“ You'll foca irtha t I told tho boy;- th( It Toledo that Willard would get tho lunching of his. life. ^Yol1, Iho B om e “le hing Boes for Carpc>itior. - Dempsey sh( ooka like a cineh. If ho gets a fair ihot nt his body with hU right hand, ] rarpe-.itler will bo sbwed for a left wil took that will.knock him into somo- ovi Dody’s Iflp." ell

Trip]7 . • ,

V .


W e W o i

'4 We have'. . '..markable

.. , uc tto th e

T O M O IJ o s e e th : "the newei

In this f t Light-Sb finished ; newest m efficient Although man inte:

, citement. Come at ( 'eitendinj

L .L S , I D A H O , F R I D A Y , 3 T ]

' ■ ' ’ ■ - ■ . • ■ • • I C IS

[T FACTS :____________ 1 ■ 1 1

Probable gate recelpla—41,300,000. 5? * l*rlce of tlekota—I'roth ®5 Ip S50. 1‘robshlo attendancc^l),QOO. _Boxers--purse—Approximately WflO,-

000.Division of purae—Threefiftha of

boxers’ purse to Dempsey^ and two- fifths to Carpentier regardless of out­come t'f bout.

Physical statistics of boxers:Dempsey Carpontior

Age .............. 2fJ 27 >Weight' ........ lOS 172 . . .•IWight ......... G ft-l 5 f t - 111-2Rearh ........... 74" 73" • -014Chest (nor.)., i t ■ 41Chest (ixp.).. 40 431-- ' L 7W aist............ 33 31 ' ’N rc k ^ ........... 161-2 1^3-4W ris t '............ 71-U 7 1-t .. ^Biceps ..:........ 161-4 141-1!Calf ........... 151-4 103.4 \Ankle ......... 0 ' .81-2 inti

Dempsey’s . chief . second — Jack cK' Vearrir. ti-'Carnontler’s chief second—Francois-rifl Descampa. . jchn

I Brief Bits of Sport |The world . wlU..-hnvo a champion

fighter, either'new or old tomorrow.

Chancer are the world will put!up 1 with -the old one a while (long while) 1 longer.,- ■ ]

Sim,, Pmlley, iageljrush aage. says ■ “ Th’ best citlien o ' any country is th ’ ‘ feller who Uvea up to th ' law no mat- \ ter how It hurts or hits his ao-called ;1.UMoni'l.llbcrly.' ’ ,

I’atriollc'ally speaking Cnrpontioc should win tomorrow; but looking at |ho thing from a purely Imiiartlal new* point, and',, without, permitting aenti- siont to ’weigh, Carpentior eannot win.

Bat Nelion, a former-champion and one of the greatest little.fighting men tho world, ever knew, says the bout .will end la tho-very .oarly rounds; probabl.v tbe firs t., Ho cannot seo the ehallonger oven as » probable winner.

And while all the fuss is on about tho Dompsey-Carpentier go for tomor­row th'q Leonard-Freedmiln gg,' sehed- uled for Benton Harbor on Monday, should be remembered. - '

In Sullor Freedman Benny. Leonard will meet ono of the tongheat nuts ho ever nttcmpted to crack. Richie Mitch­ell'never bad as much stuff'or .the Chi- ^

F R ]Through tl :0,000,000;

Factm t You and Your Fi

© ' a r r a n g e d f o r a n e x h i b i t

i e f i l m s h o w i n g t h e m a n u

h e f i n i s h e d c a r , o f t h e S t u (


T O N I G H T - -

• R R O W - A l l A; h i s g r e a t m o v i e , i s t o g e t a !

' e s t a n d m o s t m o d e r n a u t c

f i l m y o u w i l l s e e t h e v a r i o

Im : t r a n s f o r m e d : f r o m r e c

1 a n d i n s p e c t e d u n i t . Y o

m e t h o d s , t h e m o s t p a i n s t a

t m a c h i n e r y , i n u s e i n a n ;

? h o f a n ' i n d u s t r i a l n a t u r f

t e r e s t , w i t h p l e n t y o f a c t i<

, t . I t i s a n e d u c a t i o n i n

t o u r e x p e n s e . W e w a n t y

n g a c o r d i a l i n v i t a t i o n t o

B a r r e t t ATwin Falls,

J U L Y l , 1 9 2 1 r

cj^^ 'hghtwcigfit, and BicWo nearly put tb j chanplon-out lost year.

Tho Jiome program promises some good boxing nnd grappling for next IDA' Monday, . “ 1

— ----- OBI, Tonight the Moose and L D. 8 . teams th(

will play a Twilight league game on eri Lincoln lot. ' c6i

(Continued on Page 7.)' ,

VALCTE3 OAHiniOIE ESTATE AT t... OTini TWENTT-TWO MILLION _ q "NEsV YORK, (/p)-Tho state con- at

Uy IcrV office Thursday nppralsed the cxieslnte of Andrew Carneglu at $25,033,- re^'014 grt.su and JSS.l.ll.Oll not. Tho 10: prinelpnl ilema nro. securities valued at 917AI-1,038.


WASHINGTON, D. C., (ifp) — The Dlarinters'-.ite eommcrce comniiniloq Thurs- my <

■‘Viy ap|irflvcd loans by Iho govornraent dl*\njtf- thi- Clilcago, Rock •Island nnd Pn- Ivo.' rifle rnilrnnd nt >l,56H,f:40 for tho piir.

jchnse (>f new ec|uipmont. •> BI


Why Heat Up the 1


iB a p e r f e c t bal& nood food , a n d

m e a l cao b d a 7 . U a k e u b p ro v O r e a m is tb e b e s t y o n c a n p o sa ib



, -—-Quality and Servic

Lincoln PrcTWO PHONES— 99

EEtheStudebAutomoKilitoryFamily to Be Our Gut

jition in Twin Falls of the lufacture, from the raw pi tudehaker New, Light-Six.


- 8 o ’c l o c k

!lfternoon and Ev: al! the thrills of a trip thro i'tomobile plant in the wor rious parts th a t go into the / •ed-hot rnetal to the carefi Sfowwill see,in operation staking standards and the n my automobile factory.- ire, this movie abounds ia. ;tion and in many cases 1‘eal n tse lf.; you, and take this metho( ;o you and yours.

l u t o S a l e s (Is, Idaho


!)AirO—A CosmopoUtaa prodwtion, “ Heliotrope',', and a comody.EH — A 0 part p'roductloa "Onpld tho Cowpnnther,’' stajring^WUl Bog- erson; <*Tho Teacher's Pot'^ a 8-port comedy, ' ■nplIEUU—2 vaudevUlo aets; also fotoplay, “ Who Was', tho'M ao'.’j a 2 part comedy, "Plrod Again'*; aad Intoraational Newa.ON'T MISS the^wimming, eontcats at tho Nat on tho 4tb. Open to all except professionals, Etitrwls must register before Friday night ■ at 10:30.—adv.

fh a Siina.BTerywlieroTlio editor of fa lsa Akhliar, a native twspapor of Lahore, India, says: *'I we upcd d y u n b o rl^ 'a Colic »nd iarrUoer. Bcmody many times among y children and servants, for colic aad ^rrlioe^nnd always found It effoct*


H o u s e C o o M n g ?

;t a{EAMid will fom lsb at leaet one oTo to 70Q t ^ t j^esta Zoe . ilbly buy.



ice Our Almr— •"

oduce Co.9 9 6 ' i j n ) BB6 '

)akerl e ’ ' .......

le s ts

le re- prod-


vening•ough-Drld.iNewifully ,1 the ■most ';

ti.hu- , " alex-



Co. - - ;;

, WTO' ■

nifiifflf ® : iit iim i: W F i i i l

-;.v • — ■ '■ » Hon 0

I P r e s ld e n f H su Shih -C h a n g f '" Com pares C hina w ith '7 ,0 0 0 mocroi

' M iles o f R ailroads to United ; .-S ta te s w ith 2 6 6 ,0 0 0fi.i,*!.-- Tho

. PEKING (fl>) — PrcsiilBnt.Hau Shih- '' ehaogi dlKuulDK ralliraya in hia book this c(

recently' biaod,' "Cblno' After the on to War,"- redtCB that .Chinn bat U rail- ■way itncs with ‘a total milcago of about '000, whcrcaa tho United StatM far bo with on area.aboul tho aame aa Chinu, Mr. S<; ao(] with only ono-fourth of the poii DlftUon, hoc 800,000 tnllca of railway, doraoei or lUfy.tiDPe as much. “Miiay of i.oqt' linw," ho eonllnucit, ‘Jwcro al “Ittate

Tfini boiit with forolRn capital. The ® direrslty of foreign intercit* has made pow n; it impokiiblo to play ont our lines ac- "Th cordiii;; to some eomprelionslvo plan for tho wtrolo country. Such beiof; the fiardioj ‘•.easfl-pntt'of the (ppitai accma to hnvo fllandai ■tccn invMtod in unimportant tout« «ation ' •'whiio mnny moro'important regions are control- without modorn sieanj of eommualea- pu ,tion. • - . ' "Thl. Hold! Throat of Tronblo • tempts• ‘ISlnrc tie first construction of rail- funlr'j' , ■ways In China, 40 years apo, no lessthan HOO.OOO.OWV- lins Urn eipondcd; yet tnink lines aro foqnd only north of fJiO Ynnjrtsio river dnd cut of Ho-• jian pr3.vlnciv-Icftvin(c tho^at plains , to tho'anuth nml west practicaliy un-traversed. Thir not only hinders -th« .J proper injustrlai dovelopn.ent of the country, but also sows tho icods of fut-■ oro 'inlcrnationai complications. Thoro-fore in tho intorests of ali concerned ,®• arranjfoment* should bo modified so lu f,to prccliido undesirable possibllitiof. . “J "In ancient China well constrnetod coorler roadi used.to radinto from the• metropolis. to tho -proTinflnl capitals ’ i.'ana'ffora tbeso'to otbor cities of tietountry. Thera>«tero more than 60,000 HCTi 'miles of roads, but nowadays few ofA-them _«ro fit for travdiai? __ _ •. "Tho United States alone has more , than two mlliioa mllos of highwayi. 57,/'Sometime ago'tlSi'ministry of‘In- jhe ^1tcrlor pto»\ilR4jc4 Ik of icgMlaUoM nouncoi- for consthiction of highways. Tho rfo hoi •program was on lambitious one. -Al- of thif ■thongh it is not easy to carry It ont. jj, *atd a good beginning will have been made MUsoui if tho old coorlor na4fl are roeonstraet- turned ed so that there will be 10,000 miles ’ An 1 of good modem roads radiating: from toW hj■ the national capital and another 60,000 ed. miles radiating from the provbelal eii'mbpc

, , ■ . I soiling, The mileage of rivers navigablo by 'Thn m Chinese jnnks is over 20,000 and waUr. i M wsye navigable by steamorg and steam io„ -1 iannebcs, another 4000 or COOO. ’Oosuatmlcitlo& t-<"m Lacktng. SHIPP:

“Aa to telegraph'-lines, wo have at present not aoro th^ 40,000 miles,•whereas in .the UniledStatcs there aro pl“R 1,620,000 miles. Tho proportion 'j “O® C theroforo as 1 to 40. , struck 1"SqcIi then It the iDdustrlal batk- «e«i wiO wardnoss of China. In order to roff- col ’cd i edy tho situation we need to ostabllrh wero lo a stable goVemmost/'Vevlso the tazo- ^ 0 tion syatem, eneourago technical skill op and ^t toother a larger amount of eapIJiU. Above all tho people ihonld bo taught to h«o a knowled of 1B' tematlonol eollaitions; social, polltleal > A ma

nnd above all economical.'' cU to 0FOOD PREJUDICES REMOVED BY DEMONSTRATION AGENT S o "

< pCBsatl'As tbo homo drmenst tinn agent, ncmulu from tho OTited States department ot .tif, agricnltoro visits the mother to discnss p_„_ _ wlh hor’eertnfn changes in tho chil* I t . '.flrrtn's diet, she Is frequently met [Trifh tte objection, "jut Mary Trill not touch tliati" 'This lendu to tho appli cation of a.Hltle psychology'In tho WMon i demonetrations nt which children arc ■present Tho children may .have -n tnsto of any of tho food.that. Is pro- 'jg qj] pared at tho group meotlngs. .Children densod will often cnt whnt they see oth'/ir ,, children eating. ‘At a rcccnt dcmoniltatlan In Httmp- den county, Mnsa., tho dish pieparod was vcRctnbJe soup, kept hot on an "" electric pinto nnd served to everyone cvnpor present. The noxfday tho home d'em- from iJ onstratioii nRcnt rolled on one of tho holdlog motiicn whrr Had repeatedly stated In tho : that 5ho cotild not got her children t'> iho wn cat cnrrcts. Ar tho ngent entered tho mcuura homo she smolt carrots nnd soup and was greeted with: "YoB.'seo what 1 cot stowin’ hero} ’Eva'f cnme home from ycur place yesterdny'-.'rtlth a rt . , cipo jn hor hand, nnd she said she hod ; ; It at school nnd it tnsted good. Bo 1 “®. mailo- it for her. If they Tvant H thny •can have it” causo liTho problem of soup and carrots has been solved in that home. ' IlfiAS


H ats a t 95c, $1.95, $2.9AH hatB .in maiu room at-thcBo p

' v ? 1 8 .5 0 . dhoioe ol.pftUenwo'o: : - onIy §8.B0

■ Bargains' for Ladies, Miss

T W I N . g k j . S . D A I L Y

i s i i i i l i Si f l H O F W I i • fTeachers' Execatlve fioonds. a J?ilm

Warning Koto Against Dio- .. Sti tation of InBtitntions

DE3 ,MOINES, Io., (SV-Tbe dleU>- NE^ tion ofi*Wgh«‘lnstit^ons of learning is bringing oir«ueh gigantic nttompts st o^ttratienol ligislatlon u to test de- pictnr< mocrac^Sp tho-.UmIt, Homer II. Boer- commi ley, of Ceaar Pall# la., president of tho Kattonal Council of Education, told the- . Quq council hero today. - His theme was organi "Tho Stmgglo for Power in American, knoir Bduentional^Systcms.'' back 1

"Tho present period in education in tho >1 this country is noted for huge endcoV' platoni )rs to raise immense sums of money away, ly gifts; by taxes, and by advanco in men v luitiun in order la possess buildings, nchieV' ■quipmcnts, and varivty of instruction era as 'ar beyond any former undertakings," wouU ylr. Seerloy sold. chocks

“ Tlio struggle going on in American But lomoe'rncy Is loading to tlassifiod citi- fhvero' :cnshlp organizations attemptidff to krhemc littnte el&u Instruetlon) t tu s tosdi* film V lous and class'ppiaiona aa to the pur- ramp'ni K)Bo and tho aim» D(.«hn!ntIoto This,."Tho instltutjons.of higher liWning juceou

.re osaumlng' (0 dictate everything-rs- '.'.Th ;arding tho recognition of what la ment H tandard and acccptablo in' public odu- attenll ation and thus seek to dominato Ulfi °>ont s ontrol public polities, pnblle ideals, produc. nd public cf/orls. • »cll slo"This is BO .prominent that' tho at-*

cmpts to moot this demand aro. in- n i a n reusing publie_ expense to on unproco- cntcd degror and’ aro alarmfng the . Q | mnagLTS of'publiri elementary and see- iidary education becaUso they are dls- L -,„ ’ urbod In th'o public servlcoTJolh oj to Diiuro and safiiry. _"Tho. legislation that Is being at-

hnjited,'national and s ta te ,. for tho Dgulatlon, financing and direction of , J , ^ ducntio'n is so giBontIc ond so far caching In charactcr, In seeking In- .• pection, didtation nlnd eontrallzatlon, „ nd involves-euch important considora- Ion os to power and control, that ovory . houghtful person must reallro that i . ‘ “ emocracy is being tested to the lim-

■, the cht7 ulent V

lero’s Medal Sought for Colored Porter

, ■ waliariST. LOUIS, Mo., ffH 'O ric i.l. ol

!)o chamber of commerce today an- •hat ah ouncod. they would request a Carne queen io hofo modW for Eobert J. Tnylor, benoflc f thlf city, negro Pullmanjjorter, who , Durli I said to havo sawod 20^ v e s when I' Ilssouri.Paeifle train No. 14 was over- cour amod.ic the PuoWo flood la Juno. mon an An investigation revealed the story to

3ld by Taylor was tOTroet, U waa st&t* ■ Subji d. Taylor, according to his story, «aLvii limbed atop th i ovortnrned train and ' Diilng,a scantllpg broke ihe windowi.'ho passengers emerged through tho •Indows and Taylor asalstod th«a on . igs ,which carried them to safety. .


LONDON, (/T^Tho American ship- ((Ing board fn lgh t steamer Mopong ______’om Constantinople for Now York boro to ruck a mine off Bonrgoa in the Black the hs: la- and sunk, according to advices to- lived hero today by Lloyd’s. No lives FOEM] ero:losf. " d: Tho Mopang w'as a vessel 0/ 3543 EUOl mr operated by A. K Bull and com- jagj^ 5 ‘V- ' good m

--------- . • ■ ed-todtConcemlna Baldness. Presbyt

A mnjorlty-of oicn who tiavoamount* choplaii ] to onytliing have gono Dald. To go Amerlii iild before ambuuclni; to onyihlng la oppnlfR 10 lot of mlillonsi. Anioni; tlioso mil* ons oro many wlio feel Umt tho flr« , , 0 , ingdom of liio world would be com*JBsatloB Cor loss of t\alr. even If Uiocrqulfltcs of a king did not Include1 ollowance for a court wigmakcr.vcn wltboui n crown as B consolation.lero Is 0 ccrjflln solnco In not-bnving ‘> wonder whutlier your scalplock ianndlng pcrpcndlculnrlj’ when tlioiMon cnllB tor si)t«*innlty.—Exchange. ■

• .Preservlno WHk- . ’ ■ ■ ■ i la milk condenBcd? Ullk ^ coo* nsod by tlio evo|>onit|oii of tho wi* I >* It .coiiinliis; after It .boa bc tn - l | wlllzed. Sugar, la added to sqino . II aad^ oQit la dot added to o th c^ I I id the unsK-i-cii-ncd la knowa> oa vapomicir- rollk to distinguish It om ilio awcetcned. Copper tanka .. ( Idlug 1.000 gallona or more oro used

tho stvrlllzation of tho milk, and B water ‘la , cvttporalcd 1q tiupJ cuurn patia.

T u n k ^Jud.'-Tuijklns- rays that Id calling a sick frlonil you lihvo to be a jlttlo -v

cjful. to uvoUl lookluR surprised uso’lib Is still ntlve; IsO.


tY SAtEg r s r ;;2 .9 5 ,$ 3 .9 5 '$ 5 .^:Bo priooB. ValmoB'up to I f uroom hatj, Saturday,50 •'

iisses and Ciiildren


f f l l l S i ' S lL

ilm ^odacers Association wen Starts Oampaign.of Warn- «

ing to PobUo--- fiir .

NEW VOBK, (57—Take movie stock unal ibb le| u p ' « 0,000,000 from gulUblo Ih b vestofs during 1920,-sayii n report by mom .0 National Association of tho Motion that Ictnre Industry, whifh has a vigilance tout mmltteo trying to stomp out premot- s of wildcat film companies. nundrcds of tu th companies, often f * ganized by men who did' not even . low the difference between a cut- ick end a elose-np, not to mention w p ,0 .llstinction between an ordinarr otonic kiss nnd tho lirigoring fade- fMi ray, were trumiit sd by stock 8»le4-!B who pointed to great financial . . . . hieveiiicnts by well kno.wn’fUm mak-. s as an assurance that Investors ° julil soon recoivo gobs of dividend ® ° ocks, the report indicated.But the Inveitigoting cofnmltteo dls- | >-r vpro'i that most of these ^ild-cat I liemes died without leaving a-foot of ni lo posterity. I t then started ii mp'iiign of warning to the’ publitC n , . . This, Ihe ossoclatlon elalics, has been WH ceossful.(.',Tho..diU]j^or of this seit of invest- Uarl ;nt-has'lioon' called- to tho public *r ] tenllon with such forco," ita stato- int sbid, " th a t very few If any ifow oducing companies have attcmptod.to ,,1 slork within fho nnst six months."

. __________ •• ORO


• Inrgi: eroan WUeox BpUlTwa, <Jonrtct«d of „ n t Uttorlng m udu lon t Will, la Pslr-

dlod ffom Oahu Prison_____ greal

IIONOLBLD, T. n ., m - T h c o n ilcot Uoliivifcu, In whose veins runs1 roval blood of oUl Kawall, widow “ Robert J. WDcoi, tho leader oftho

iwntian homo rule party nnd t.ho ter,-ory's first, delegate to congress, has tion. it been paroled from Oahu prison.ere she served two y e a r s 'of n three- P®f*>llTTomir fol!onrin(;.her conviction on on h! charge of having uttored a fraud- h<av;!nt will pnrpoftiDg to, be that of thn 2 l-< e form er Queen'XlHuokolonl.[mmediately following the death of I I -"2een " l i i l" . In November, 1917, Ha Co;liaii cirelos were stirred by tho au- advicjnromcnt of "Princess’' Therein ng I it she held a will made out by th>)jheat.tien laming the "prlnccss" aa hor hlgb<loflciary. _ - to 02During tho 'week that the queen’s adva;ly Iiy in state, ottomovs were busy Lacourt on be^Alf of tho queen's kins fecten-anJ rjoso associates in an endeavor ditloifrustrate Thoresa'p pli.n. in to

Jubjooueatly camo discovery of thu 1-4 IiLviill and thon-fflllowe'd Thdresa’b ber (•est and triiHofter ond.bf the "w it Oaisos’' to tho spurious will had eon- stortlsed. • 38 3-'Prineess" Theresa's .prerent bns- to-asid is Lewis T. Dclliveau, a carpenter H rHanoluln. * ' to sti

SAIB 0 ? SBAI8\ - o n(Oentlnned ftata P ^ Ose) ei.27

0 tomorrow. - This was .regarded as n h s : legnl obstacle to the match. ^

RMBR OEAPLAIN H0PB8 ,'' DQCPSE7 WILL BQ UAULBD JOOBNB,-Ore., W>)-nopo that tIti ik Dempsey would get a "blamed (j]g id Bifluling tomorrow" was express- 'pn, today by the Bev. W. 8. Gilbert, sbyterian minister, former ormv- niu .plain and now' commander of tie icrlian Legion of Or.' gon, nt tho I ning. of tho legion state convention’oll.iwing Bev. Gilbert’a declaration,. tcnvantioa telegrnphed its best hes to Qcorges Carpentier for .his -

' CBS- JulyNoisy Ones, Please ReadL Cor

Die' nnibltlon nicnjiy to ottrAct pub- Oat attention does not In Itself mako ar more linpplncss on tlio part of tho son conccrued.

InilepeiiilenI MlSpecial Sale Ha

and Lard NPure Lard

No. 3 ....................40c NoXo. 5 ......... 65c NoNo. 1 0 ....si.25 no

W e s u g g e s t for your Sunday dim • a S iibulder U in b or a i

z: dBuy Home Products a Dollar a t Hi

Independent N(. -— PJioneK,

5 Doors E ast , of

X IDAHO, FfilDAY, jut'Credits De Valera in ■ Release of Prisoners creoi. -- ' ■ jliratiLONDON, (ff)—Tho prlsonen - In louBt Joy whose release, according to * ^ bo Daily’ Mall, was unconstituUeiial. «*• rere liberated, the aewsp;iper assert*.

1 consequence of indirect tfpresenta- hroUi [on from £amona do Valero.The.Dolly MaU aays that althonfeh '. ir James Crolg, the Ulster premier natlo to agree to meet de Valera in hiblin-officially, ho is .able at any loment- to seo him informally «nd ' hat it is said ho already has bee'n iu crs juch with de Valera privately. '------- - '-» ■ , I’O

s’rencA Census Shows' '"S Population^ Decline . ehi

PAEIS, , (/P)—Tho popuktion of Oil ranee, 30,084,200, according to tho jg oOi }21 nonius, shows a decrease of nearly to 1' VO an1 a half million-compared with {,ute}] 111, an official, statement today says, i, ho decrease was cogtsd by tho war. g; wording to tho offlcial.ioport. • oa|

■- to 1£T o d a y - a M ^ r k ^ 3

l/HEAT P R i c i s FALL OFF j , ” "Darkof DflrelopTweaiaie*# and dlota

is Woak, 1 1-4 to 2 M Lower ., Jaj ^' cuttwCmCAOO, (fiV-Bryhot weather in |4 to

irthweat, accompanied bj crop dam- cnive: '0 reports, had a bullish effect on lU wheat market today. la'.innne-- Is tho loss was estimated at fivo paid ishels an aero olreafly, thro'ughont a pigs : rg« section. Predictions wore cur- 8 ' nt that unless .general raina. camo lOn, nnrthivestern’" crops would bo 5. no •eally. rcdutei Opening prices, drj- 1 hich varied from l-2e lower to l-4e stead' Ivance, with July $1.23 3-4 to «.!W S and September *1-23 to «1.24, were illowed by materia] upturns all , ,,, •ound ond then something of a rooe-' g ‘Subsyquently the market lacked sup- )rt,.{»id It was said tliflt accepto'nces oJ..I bids to tho country hod been t>. lovy. Prlcea closed weak, 1 1-4 to . ,f l-4c net lower, with July 81.82 1-2 to .22 3-4 and September <1.21 3-4 toCorn rose with wheat as a resuli of- Ivlces that Nebraska corn was curl-. j g in tho fields owing to- abnormal at. After -opening 3-8 to 1 l-8c "fi ; gber, Including September nl 02 l-4c , ,, 02 l-2r, tho market BcorTd«r-fortKer ,'i

SattLater/the market wos bcnrishly af-' ctod"by estimotes that the crop eon- tion as a whole waa 00, tho highest ton .years. Prices closed nnsottled/ , i to 1 3-Be net higher, with fioptcm- ,' °“S , .Oats were strong with other eetcols, irtlilg a-8 to 7-8c up, September'3-8. to 38 5-8e, and then continuing “f “

rirmness In tho hog rowket helpedstrengthen 'provisions. .c u n Qaotatlons •

OmOAQO, W>-Wboat-No. 2 red second.27 to «1.20; Nb. 1 hard 11.85. ' secondCorn—No. 2 mixed CO to CO l-4ej No. fourthyellow'CO I-i to file. - «08.4O Oats-No. 2 white $5 3-4 to 86 l-4e;». 3 white 34 to 85 l-2e. • vr?i

IHmotby seed—14.60 to «. ' ' Clover seed-«18 to 110.Pork—Nominal. Oil)Lord-410.50. ' . fecojplto .W0.7B.' . . bW.;-MianeapoU* Plour and 'OnUa Northi

MINNEAT0LI8, Minn., —Flour un-E -)H to »15; - - -Wheat receipts -24f ears, cemparbd .lU 107 cars a year ago. .:ash No. 1 Northern $1.34 to 1.44; . lyjl.24; Soptomber $1.27 3-8. g- I :orn No. 3 yellow 47 to 48e. 'Data No. 3 white 32 0-8 to 33 l-8c.Parley 44 to 00c. *Ivo No. 2 $1.13 to I.IC. .■'lax No. 1 $1.80 to 1.0J. '. , =

leat niarket *ams, Bacon ^ow On

CompoundSit. ,■!.......... ...:...... ........ 30cNo. 5 ......... ............ .......50cSfo.IO ........................$1.00

/ , '

Bnner a S p rin g C tiid e n , a H elgian'H are- - ['Si


and Keep Your JS Home

* do

leal Market d'62-— ',;.j

if Pbstoffice

JLY 1 , 1 9 a

■ Ohlci«0 l W o « • ■ ' MO tfl ..CIIIOAOO, (ff) Butter higher; roomery extras 35c; standards S5c; Bcfl Irsts 29 1-2-to 34e; soconds'20 to 29 8 ugi ■2e.* - , 100 to£ggs unchangpd; receipts 9,189 .ea«- $220 ;

s. ' ■Poultry alive onsetlled; fowls 22e; . ,

roilcrp 25 to 30c. | ’,’TTiiti««« p i ^ Produce

WlisAa orry.-Uo., m-Esp-inn, onthoBged,. . .Bulte^-Unchluig^d.Poultry—Hens 2o lower, lOe; broy-. a „ u „

rs 2e lower, £4 to^aie.. . .PortUuuS Lirestock ' ' Egg*

I’ORTLAND, Ore., (/[^—Cattle non- lally steady. No recdlpts. '' j v .Hogs nomlnaily steady; no rocelpt#.Sheep nomlnolly steady; receipts S54.

Omaha Liwatock . 'OUABA, Nob., (/P> Hog receipts Hoei

3,000; choice'grades sU>ndy, others 10 fih«-) ISe* lower; bulk I80 to 240 pound Poqi'utehers $8.30 to 8.7C; top $8.85; bnlk ‘ 'r butchers 2D0 pounds and over $8 ‘ „) 8.30; packing grades $7.50 to 7.00.Cattle receipts 1,000; good steers 10 .

I 16e higher; others dull, weak; ail StooiJier clasies weak; top stoor# $8’.I0., • eatting■Sheep'receipts I,C00; g e n e ra ll^ a d y $5.00;,I ptrong; top'westem $10.

Ohieago livestock^ '■ ' cillCAQO, (ff)—Cattle receipts 2,-

)0 ; strong to- 25e higher; quality Floor,can; top steers $8.50, weight 1,505 Sogar,)An^s;-bulk beef steers $7 to S; bulk Sugar,It aho-stock $4.25 to 0 ; canner# ond Potatoiitter^ $1.50 to 3; best bologna bolls OreamI to 4.25; butcher $4.75 to C.7B; vool Briek I lives $8.75 fo 0.25. ^ Beans. Hog receipts 27,000; «alrly' aklivo, Lettoci ead y to 10c'higher thaVyestetdax’s Bread .•ornji:o: better grades u p ^ t ; $0.30 Butter, lid {or one load; bulk $8.05 to 0.20; Butter gs 10 to 15c higher. Bgffs ( Bhcop recolpts 4,000; fnt lambs and Chltkci •arlings strong to 25c higher; fa t »a- Bacon *Tj lambs SlOi colls mostly $4.50 to Bacon,

no, westerns here; best choice $8 ; Ham - y fed yearling wethers $8 ; ahocp Ham, 1 eady. . . ' t ' Pork el

New Y «k Btoct Uarttet 'NEW YORK, (ff)-The approaching " iliday caused the usual curtailment .' operations in the stock market to- ^ ly. Uncertain prico tendencies were 10 molnly to furthi-r selling of oils- j lies approximated 450,000 shares.Preisuro agninrt oils - was renewed ■

the opening of today’s stock m w f ' " ' ' it. Mexican Petroleum'was firm at ^0 outiot, but soon reacted to 08 1-4. f lK li^duplicates tho low record of sev- I llB i r yearn,..made during yestorday'a I I H imp. • TheJottJ^merican issues, Oen- al Asphalt nnd Houston Oil, lost 1- *1 1-2 points, UniWd States Bubber ■ id- tho popular steels nnd motors wore ' dined to ease.. Gains running from actions to ena-polnt were mado by . licago -and Northwestern, Western icifiSc, eonthcm Eailwoy preforred, r t id' Endlcott-Johnson. Vlrginln-CaTO- i i f l ta Chemical preferred was conspieu- sly strong,-rising 5 1-2 points.Mexican Petroleum jnado further ro- very In the last bouR but profit tak- g then caused reactions in steell; mo- « rs and somo of the rails. Tho-clos- noed K was heavy. ‘ jny ,

Liberty Bonds N inv YOBK, m — Liberty bonds )sed; 3 1-2's $ k a 0 ; first 4 'a $^7; that cond 4''s $80.80; first 4 1-4's $87.40; aad :ond 4 1-4’s 480.00; third 4 1-4's $51; urth 4 1-4's $87.24; Victory 8 3-4 's - 8.40; Victory 4 8-4.!a $08.4D.. 75

' Copper'' ,NEW tOBK, y p ^ o p p e r steady;Ktrolytlc spot and nearby 12 3-4 to Ot e; third quarter 13 to 13 l-2c.’

_ Potatoea OinCAGO, {iP)—Pbtatoeo—Weakorj ;oipts 01 cars; VlrglQla $3.76 to $4 (1.;-OaTollnns $3 .to $3.3* bW.; irthem white 60c ewt. _

Sugar n n^^B^V..Y01{IC, (fl>-The raw sfgar' U u jket.wos fifm and uachonged todoy io foV.conltifu'gd. No business'was lorted.’Haw futures were firmer on cover- DB. 1 ',-prompfcd by the announcement it tho Cuban govommcnt haa deeid- to,'withdraw-a million tons of Cu-

II from tho market.Bofined 'St'oody ond unchanged a t II- —-"

R E F R I I G E RO F M E R l

Summer Days Are Darood staff notpreperly kept Is bo liable t<

osd causo sickness. Safety domasdaVthht yt koeplog your foodstuff 'shologoma. This men

R E F R liG E R i..W o aro closing-out our Uno of refrlglirato dMfO toxprtco you cannot offord to oTorlook

REYNOLDS Bl• ' ' . Opposite SaloB Oro:

- ^ r A o S B 3 6 8 -

to 0.85'fo.r fine gnumlat 'with'-iT 'inquiry. ; _ ■ . -efined fnlnroe.nomittal.' ' iugnr futures closed steady- nles L tons; Seponber *2.C5| October- ;0; Decdnbcr 43.74; Jaauary $2.78.


raished by Twis Flonr Huii »t No. 1, oirt.

Protoe*terfat ..... - 25«Ah butter J----------- 25e:■ --------250

• . . i unished by InaepenaeafMeat-

Marksf • attle-Ooin 404 l-e«; steers Se;1 «0T«. / , ogt-Friae 1@i ' ' leep Ubttoa iei laabs 0 oultry—HeBS’lUo} hjm £6e.rnmished by Twin Falls Ooooiy -1^ Bureoa oodord or Mtter hoy, la ttaok', first Ing, #7.60; some poorer, u low •« Dr.baled, 112.00.

HOUttBWUIS'B' OTJUrB (B«ttU Priees)

ir, D8-lb. sack____u, beet, 100 ]bi $7.«07.7Cu, cone, 100 [email protected], new, lb. ■— 8«un Chees« —_____ • £0ek Chsese__ _______ 80eu----------------------- 6sBce, leaf, lb. lOe•d--------------— lOe ■;er-(ereanioi7) — 88e or (fancy ^ £5®McI (raneh), dot ______25 0ekens---L-.,----------30o)n -------- ------------ Z 356 'in, sliced --------- - 40eI ---------------- 1-.__35eI, sUced -------------- 40e:'chops------------ -- 2C@30ston chops.............. - 25®a0e

eak- loia 85o; T-bono 85e; rbnnd '. chuck £0e. vlef—Pot roasrSOc; nsek 17 2-2e:B 12 l-2e;*4>risket lOe.

. J'Sye s tra in s leadaches—Toko taodldiw vhea 70U do aot« eed it and TOO de sturseif tD* try. - ^Tak« beadiche aedidsn vhm

16 aches are cauaed by eyoBtikla nd tto haadoebea n uj rreir b«' iUotM peimazwatly.76 per oBBt Of tU headoohea ro caiaod by eyestrain.Onr sdentlflo i«.»al tho cause. Oar glaesw talng lUof.


lavisOptjcafCo.. BYE SPECIALISTS

B. H. DAVIB, Optometzls Ugr.UO Ualn Ato; Vo.—PHONE 1255-J— .


langerous Days) to become tainted, poisoned,'. yen nso orery precaution iB acuis yon must l 've;- "

■ATORators and havo marked thoa30k. •

ROS. CO.ronnda "

■ V '

■«,sEra[iTiDiipmraiB f i F l i E ;

Uagazine Writer Stirs Audi* ] . -enoe with Address on "Ub

. - ; .^ erlcanfl" -

Pflter piwko Hftcfarlaae took two 1 'hours to tell l u t a lsb t’i Chautausaa eou

r * aadleorfi abont| " U i Amerlcaiii,” but ■ be n u neyei i& dtuKCr of bceomlon j..... bUIo' or wearreocicl. Ho h u a good

meuas4 to dollTcr and bo dcHverod it .i,, , f i well He h«ld awllbound i l l Vfiembica

' nndoT tbo brown eanvBa& 'H o'lpId a < tole of “ Start t i : FiDlib," and it w u ct. a talo well told. ITio lecturer proved onb of tbo most popular ipeakers ap-

’P4 ^D|{ os thU jrear's tont entertain- mont, jirogTjun. Ho won populnrity , ® with manner, speoch and personality.. Peter Maefarlaoo is not partisan. Hn pla)u no. potKieal favorites to (Ao db' advuiiags..^. tbe opnorltlon, ao(]..fa<;

r*” *'W'v®"foTifier-Pre»ldent 'Wilson' credit And for being: tbo ecQornl pablle bos » I noTer'eonsidercd bim—«Hnn of natoJe '

^ and syinpatbotlc. MW , la relating bis .story Uocfarlano dl- and ^ gressod ofl'on, but never without- hov- fror

- injf an a/m in vfow, and never without vlsii 1v1d{; Iho people In tbe audlenco the '

* foil value of his viewpoint. Ho prove j ' 0 ( himself a mnh of vrldo'oxpcnenco flam ehiefly tlirouRh roportorial . BngaBO- man

f ments. Ho holds eredlt.for Intorvlews Twl: with m'ore prominent, pubjic men than

* any oUipr newspaper or raaRaElno. writ j j CT in /tmcrl(t»,.-eamuol Blylto , « • .wu eopled. . . . . , ■ neth

* ■ Tolls ,8 #crrta. ■ diq ] It^aefajlano told tome secrets last .

alght; scercts that, wero long lockod in ® his breost rather than violate coofl- deneo or speak of th in jj that mifjLt have pi'oved’ embarraaslnR to the Ilv-

. lag. Ue spoko 'of the Jote Theodore IloosovsU and tbo lattor's trip alouj: tho "HhTjf df Donbt.” Ho told of nn interview that revealed moro definitely than anjftiiing that haa over beforo

’ .been revealed of tJie.stnrdlners of the ereat ADierl<«in'B char.aottr andindom- ‘' “y- itablo wilj. Bui'he also toM ot an » • petlenco that brought about the all- ment that finally removed tho former ^ "“P prcstdnit from this earth. I t irtis a story of tho last trip to Bontb Africa *P®"5 when. Booiovelt contracted allmentb '

u froip vhfch ho never recovered and “ "i"® wbich almost - Jald him . under tbe oaiahy sod of the tropics. ,

Tho lecturer reviewed t)io character . of a numberrff prominent national fig-'

nxesj and concloded hb norratlve with* a.skfttih of his own oxporlenees a t tho

front i r a correspondoqt >n tho world ' ' ' 1 .

Peter ^Uatfarlano is a miitnro of ' analatDow, iumor, seotlaeat aad pa- .' thos i.i hii cbaracter ekotehing. . Ho “*■ tb

potseaiea a knack of sqneodng oil tbo• joieo out of tho Bubject for the benefit

of hoiitcrs'. That qualification Is'the ’Bobstance of his ablllty-to win „

favor-wltboQt apparently bidding for _ 7 “ l ia t favor. He is p profound student “ «h

' of human nature, and a poetic and dru- matlo iclotor of sentimental subjoets “J , ,"

OOfflDllmenta Idaho. 'in « persoAl interview with a News

ropresontJtivo yertorday Mr. Macfsr- lane spoko onthusittstlcally of Idaho, _ , lt« ptople and its prospects: Ho said:

"Th& Intermuuntain country, with • ilB will'), open, sunlit sprices haa becu

called'the Inngs'of America. But I want to say that tho timo Is comlnB ;I'®” when it if also to le called tlio brains "le co of America. I t has tho most activ*. “ '’‘*"1. progres»lvc, forward looking sot of people found within the'V lJo borders ’ of.the cbuntrj’. I t is tho place where j

..American ideals find widest and most *''® gonerul expression. 'Why, Idaho has moro Chautauqljaa .in proportion to Its

- population than any other state in tho <T1 country. ^

“ Tlioy say of us, in otl.er cou.ntrier k - / that wo aro dollar chnscrs, but I wani • — fo mako.it clear tliR. I have.novor scon nn American chase dollars with one* _ half th'o slnglo mindednoij that prne- . ticnlly oil Kuropcans chniio .centimes.

■ “ Ae a matter o t fact, America Is tho ' only tialion tbat-posscsics high ideals, T)io

Other nntlons-aro satisfied to poiue/s tained tradltidus. The immeillatb Impulse that ties at sent us infiS tho recent ^onflftt may 0. 8 ig| have I'cen as selfLih na Ambarsader and A. Harvey told us that it was,, but tbo high fcivor that earned us tbrongb, and thr) high piano upon which wo tried turo U to mako tho final adjadicntlongi, had gavo no taint of self seeking. And. this baj compat ^eon tho story of over}' war In which and ini *0 have o •e ongnged—nnd tho story or. E ; of overy settlement wo'have over mado formed We may go in, on an initial impulse of and u peraonol safety, but we tlwa^f cemo chnrm»i out with 0 high aenso of duty towaV'l Toda the now retponsibilllicii incurred there tho fol by. Thli was true in the Mexican war, Aft<fi

. . . I t was true in tbe Spanlsh-AmerlcuJi phony '^ r . I t is absolutely true of tho Ian;' Even war.” - • . , . . tio 8yt

Aa n prelude to tbo Macfarlano lec- son, fol

DONT NEGLECT yOlffi Ey• Your eyes nre tbo mcrst precious of all the

gahs of your wholo body.% ’ Better let n apeelallst examine your eyes

prescribe tho proper, lenses if ynu neod'gli - ;»t!alj;- • - ,

If you do'not need glassjs wo, will gladly• you.

Parrott Opt. BB.K..A.PJIEB9IT;

■— O P lO M E IE IS IS AHD 0

133 Main Aya E ast


J o c d l j Q r e v i t i o j Ffilrth—Bom, to U r. and Hr*. J. S.

Ken, Thureday, Juno 30, a daughter.

F . m 8u u :» —Ur*. Uory Dietrich ir spending her raeation in Seattle. •.• ■ “ • BI

4 B«toxn to Bois»—Ur. and U » . Oscar'II. Allen returned to Boiao yesterday.

U la £ 7sn Hei»~-Uits Kdaai Byan was In tho city yesterday afternoon

_ .from Kimberly for a brief vlrlt.

Attends Ootirt—B. P. Powelfa of r " „ ley traaiaeted busineu In the dlstriotcourt ia Twin Falls yeatoiday. “ •

I t ' tha ^ Leares for Homo—Ur#. 0 . Osborn,I? who has been visiting relaUves in tbit- •il ®lty, left today for her bome a t Hailey. Q[

iHra. Tumar on 'Walt—Uni. J . 'W'.''i 1>ianer w u among tho Filer residents “ who visited in this city Thureday. • ^

^ ’ Oa Bosiaew—'W. L. Dunn and Will- ^ lam T. Jack of Oakloy transacted bust- nesa in Twin Falb Tburrday.

5 Loota A ft« Mining Intererta—A. E. ^ t Anderson s p o n ^ porQon of tho weekI in Kt'tchum on mln&ig business. sub.5 ^

Kotor to Twin PaUfl—Eoy Saunders• and little nieeo, Beulah,-motored over •• from Hitzelion Thursday for a shoU .t visit. ^

i '{Jomo'ftomiHagcnnaiwMr. and U n .1 flam Lewis, proprietors of tbo Hager- ' man hotel, wero among'tho visitors in I Twin Italia yesterday.I » '

Licensed to Wed—A marriago liecoso waa iwucJ late yesterday to.Cmi Ken-' neth Hawkins, of Twin Falls, and Ool- diq Pouington of Kimberly. ,

Hfero ior VtcaUon-Uiss Corn Scott, a member of tbo faculty of tho Sea'ttle’ scboolj, is spending her vacation-with her parents, Mr. land Mrs. 'William Scott. . ' .

Aro Twin Ttlla Vlaltors—Ur. and Mrs. S. P. Vwthlngton and Ur. and Mrs. S.. A. Bauer, residents of Cfckley, wero la Twin Falls yoaterday and to-<i»y- : ^

Vlaltisg Belatlre»-U!ta Olivia Chapman, who gmduatod from tho University of California In June, is spondins tbo anmmer with.her parcnk- ond her brother, Uorshnll OhapmM, at Hailey. _ ^

Qoae Hom»—Ur. and Mrs. It. H. Camphell loft today fO£_‘belr homo at New Moadowr. Mrs. CampTjell .was for­merly Miss-Marguerite Alien, and Vas called ro by the death of her undo,H. F. ^ le n . '

Ckdnj oa Vacatlon-UlM Blanche . Hill,, bead of the millinery department a t the Booth Ucrcantilo company, is to Wave'on Sunday fo r her homo in KebraAa to Bpend her vacation. Shi) wlll-' visit in Denver oa route.

WOl Qo to '. Ooast—Mrs. William Fateh nnd daughters, Qraco and Ade­laide, wlio have beea guests a t the home of Urs. Fatcb’a slater, Mrs. William Mlllor, 018 'Waahington street, have gono to. Eden, where they will visit for il short timo beforti, returning to their homo ut Beattie. ^

Doing to the Coast—Ulss Alice John­son,. i-rrecptross of f io 'h igb arfiool, loaves this evening for Los Angeles J o upend ft month with her sister. Sho then cxpcota to proceed north along tlio cobM, making stops nt Portland and Seattle,, and -nttcnillng tho national !on/cronco of Y. W. C. A. workerr bo- foro ictirning to Twin Falls for tho .(leit year’s work in tbo same position ilie occupied last year.

^ o c i a l j ^ o i e s

Edited by M^s. E. B. Williams Tolephone 300

Tlio War Mothers nro b'einc enter ained this aftomoon a t quilting par ies nt tho homes of Wni Mothers C.I Sigginf, T. n . Irwin, L. Friedman Jid A. 6 . Martyn. .'

uro Uu' Sam Lewis Concert company I ;avo a aplendld ferformanfe. Tho | ompany Is compered of three vocal I nd inrtrumenta] musiirians and a road- r. E?cry member of tl* company per _ ormed well. Le^via sings In pleasinf: nd oasy Btyle, and’ has a voice or •• » hnrmnig quallty- and-gtioa range. . . “Today tho Cliautnuqua closes with mi

ho following program: . ,,Aft<fraoBn—Lieuranco’s Llttlo 8ym- Hg

bony oichostra.'Evening—Concert^ Licurance’s Lit- _

lo Symphony ercheitra.* Jane Peter- I J }n, fololst. '*

" • Tl

E e . i j ^ a . 'I

ed'glaisEs ■ - J '

. ' ■ ■ ■ ■ On

jtical Co. Zi p n ; Msr, . . . .

ID O PTIO IA U S— ■ . . qnl

;. P h n o e , 2 1 9 J „ ' “ V_ ' V-_ ^



OF TA R IFBill Is N ot “ P a n a cea fo r All N atk

ence! U pon A m erican Industry i

■ fu l, D eclares C h a irm an 'o f IHoi t e e and A utlior o f P en d in g Le

WASkmaTOK, </p>-01uliin«a F coiainlttM I n ^ f lm formal'eUt«mgat t< b« did not “ henOd-lt i t i, p u ^ a for «: thAt Its effoct upon A aortoui indoBtry in


_a___ FE

A pprox^to 10,000,000 Foonda for Hie o In Helplag Udo U loen O n e Uia

Period of Wago AdJoBtmeat • t_____ _ I

LOWDON’, 07-T1io’hduae of com­mons (his afternoon approved the plan submitted by Mr.'Uoyd George, for a t



\ / J jE , Y ^

:: A S aEvery summor wardrobo aboald (

' ibly bD no better opportunity to many of them aotnally $45 valnt lightfnlly now, §!?5.

White Sport SThere’s a world of-com fort in w skirt. Tliose.aro go constructed the tnb always like now,' Tho fi gabnrdincs, twills, pique. i!ail( priced woolen sMrts. All sizes ai ora. B’ettdr tliah ofdinary wash

Last of Jersey!O ^y sevonteon jersey suits now i n m b ers.tb a t havo oomo and gon

. suiVshould be'part of every go: requlrcB'tio pressing— can bo pad out injnry. A lw ays'wearable'an of theso now hero are the values t

, Of those now left tako cboico a t -




itlonal D ifficu lties ," but Its Influ- n,

y and L a lior W ill B e W hSliy Help- fo u se W a y s'a n d M eans C om m it- ai L eg isla tion ■ i»

—1 . ciI F n d W of tha boose vjya.and m e m ^ t today oa tli» pemanoDt tariff bill; said : «U national dUfleoltlea,'’ bnt piwUctod ta d l a ^ vooU bo ftntinljr b aneflda

■ ti " grant of ten million pounds .to the coal “j

miners in -pursuance of tb'e atrlko set- ‘ dement program, the-money to be np-

pliVi'd in helping tido tbo men over the next fen monthr, 'during the process'

) of wage jcduction.friiis Icglalatlon. eompletea the - act- _

tioracnt of tlin coal’ atriko and waa ap- provH without'dlscniiaion.

Clanifled advertising‘u tho cheap- pi eat thine yon can. buy—measnred by ,

. the ptofl's it may bring voo.

A - Q Q o d ^

i CooI, SuAt Vei

How these c yp . hot weather

y . .tv four low pri » r j f rK - ful assortme

. Here are gir J Voiles and o:

es th a t wilL

.$ 5 .0 0 , '

W v BaronB n y ■ For an outdo| | u . \ attractive asmjh f -with a goodK T L i twenty speciw fered a t a p:tjj urday ........

Sale of Plaid SAfter all is said and .done no u tib le of apparol qnite

■ablo as a wool plal.d sk irt- that reason also <^e shea good ono, for you will wen into the fall. Hero are.plait in wonderful plaids and Specially priced at—


lie of Dred contain at least ono good looking to supply one-than* at this sale wli

lues. D resses of canton cropo, ere

Skirts, $2.95 Iwearing a washable whito j J'

ed that tl^ey will come from, I n:! fabrics airo.'bost of cotton 'b'Lilorod as carefully aa high blaro hero for the first buy- j rt

ih skirts, ?2 .95, >■-- ■ o1

Suits, $9.95 JIV remain hero of the groat one this Boason-. A jersey W going-away wardrobe. It- ackod in the auitcaso with- and always ready. Many B tbathavosold a t? 1 9 .5 0 . -th t^ ? 9 .9 B . - Cl

•• r - ' \

JULY,1,1921.’ - :


■ ------L . - -.-GSmaUwt Oiop la jQt!Ut«r of a O astoir P^tt

la lodlcatod la IXpartBMmt of AfU- Nevcultnra Estiaato - - Bos

I • —— St.-WASHINQTQN, D. a , (5>)-Cottoa Bro(

produtflon thia year promljea to bo the• ro(o]lcit of tbo laa t^u u te r of a cent- p|,°]

Today'# foreeaat by tho depart­ment of ogrlcultsro placed tbo eroi^ at

• 8,433,(100. balea, ^nearly five mlllioa c balea enjallor than lint' year and about eight million below the record crop of IBM. Chia year'j acreage b 28.4 per Wai

' ftn t f.nialler than la*t;yoar’a, , BoaThe condition of the crop on May*

I 25, tbli year, wna M per cent of s n«- m al.. Tho production laat year "Wai 13,305,761, equivalent 6M pound bale#,

: tie Tovlaed area In cultivation a year , anr WLS 37,043,000 aerca and the eon- ; dltlon of tbe crop June 20 . laat year A . war 70.7 per cent of a jiormal., In ', 1010 the crop was 11,420,761

equivalent iiOO pound balea. ^

_ framing. Clos Boo'v atore. ^

* ''' , ' VerCuv }our light lunch at tJio Businoaa

OaW hooth on tbo 4th. Next to m y Park grocery.-adv.'


urnmery ]iry Easy Prs cool, summery dresses tal er. And how very easy it is iriced groups we have arrna ment o f new frocks, finghams in cheerful pink'; 1 organdies in refreshingly ( ILbe a positive pleasure tb

I, $ 1 0 . 0 0 , $ 1 £

net Satin Skidoor summer dance there ii aa a skirt of lustrous Bai

id looking blouse. Here’s ; 5cially good ones. In whit price,that should take eve

Skirts Khaki Cone, there's. ' 'Will you be hikiite so use. . . . T^e corroct-thl rt— and forlould buy a clothing. An evear it late ' but littlo at tbi

the popular oliv

$ L 5 0 , breeches

leggins $ 1 .60 , c

I "■ ;

esses at $Ing silk frock f^r somi-Jormal oocasi which begins tomorrow, '^^ifty dress crepe do chine, georgette, satin and

Ch^rmiri^ BlouJust in .time for the Foorth oomos ment of silk blouses. All of'thoso been in such demand will be roac bloasqs. And to tho shipment we regular stooks some that aro sllg $12.I>0 values. All sizes to 46. ;] etc. Beady tomorrow, $4 .96 .

Misses Qingham DrWo have gone right through oar s about twenty attractiTO i;ingh'am girls from 6 to 12. T&ey are w ell n rios and attraotivoly iriiim iod .. Am in value to ?B. dome down tomoi •them ont for your danghter'to W' Ohoice— $ 2 .0 5 ........


•Otobs-r ir. -Pct'‘itUbnrgb ______ U 22 - .672lew York ________ 40 20 .60*lostoii _________35' 2» .W7 'it.-Louia ______3i , 82 ' .515IrooWyn _______-..34 3* ’ ..BOOnilcatfo 1—: ____ 20 34 .500Jincinnatl_____ ____ 25 30 .891‘hlladelpbid _______10 4* .303

■ AWBTtTnATT tBAOraClub#- \ V/.' h . . P e t

Ikveland '--------------- 44 £5^ .638iow York ____ s------ 40 30 J571VaBhlngton______ 30 33 .54J -k>aton ------------------ 33 32 .522-J e tw l t___________ 85 38 .47PIt. L o a ia _________ 31 38 - .449IhlcaKo ■‘ - • r r j --------- 20 38 .406;>blladelpbla --------- 20 40 .3M

PAOmO qOAST m O U B . Club*- I ts L. P r t

Jan Franciieo -------- 54 ■ 31 .035 .Jatrtuntnto •_______ 02 34i.. .60Skftttlo ------------------ 48 35 ' J578i s AnRoIca_______43 30 ' .544)a k l» n d__________ 43 38 J531^ernni, ___________ 44 42 .618la llL a k o __________ 28 S3 .346?ort!aml _________ IB 01 ,.228

Typewrltor repairing. Oloa Book tore.—adv.


Frocksricesa k e t h e s t i n g o u t ^ f

i s t o b u y t h e m . I n t o .

[ l a g e d t h i s w o p d e r -

c ' a n d b l u e c h e c k s .

r c o o l c o l o r s . D r e s s - .

; h e s e d a y s . '

5 . 0 0 , $ 2 0

irts, $8.95i s n o t h i n g ; q u i t e s o •

a r o n e t s a t i n w o r n

I a n a s s o r t m e n t o f

i t e a n d c o l o r s — o f -

^ e r y o n e o u t b y S a t -


Outing Suitslik ing o v e r th e f o u r th ?

th in g to ^ e a r is ' k h a k i

I e n t i r e o u tf i t w ill c o s t

th is sa lo w h ich h a s i ts

m o rro w . M o st .a ll in

liv e d ra b co lo rs . U a ta

le s $ 3 .9 6 , s h ir ts $ 2 .2 6 , . .

I, c o a ts $ 4 .6 0 .

5 2 5ts io n s . T h e re w ill p ro b -

3s se s in th e a s s o r t m e n t — id ta f fo ta , o v e ry one do-

uses, $4.9538 a n o th e r sp len d id sh ip .

30 h ig h s b 0 e s t h a t h a v e ' tady— ^ th e n ew over-

ve h a v e a d d e d fro m -o u r

lig h tly m u sse d th a t , a r e .

i^ o n g e e s , m ig n o n e tto sj ' *

>resses,'[$2.95,.' s to c k s -and p ic k e d o u t n d r e s s e s f o r tho U ttlb - I mi^do o f f a s t co lor fab * , . Im o a g ^hoffl a r o droBBea lo r ro w &nti p ic k ono o f w e a r a v e r th o FoprU i,

V . ' . "


T W IN F A U S DAILY NEW S [ j =iHued «Te(7 Aften^oon ewcpt

Twin PalU N«w» PubUihInf Co.. ltie.‘ • ^ (EitAbUtbed INO .ROT A. JIEAD.................. Ptwlflwt ‘ 1JOHN C. HAHVBY..................TfeMUwr

Cattred aa aecond c liu mad tnkttci April 9. IIIB. «t U>« iMUtomcs at Twin FUU, Idaho. UDder Iho Act of Uarcb.l; '

8UO8CRIPTI0N RATES■ On» year .................................... . . .11.60 ^

t montha ................................... t t o CI monltis ............................................. L U E> month ..................... ............................. U .

MBMDEn OF ABSOCIATED PRE8B -«^Thc Aaaoclated Prwa la cxduaWoly «n.

miftd 10 tha uao for. rtpubllcallon ol nil nawa diapatchei credited to .It. or not i 11,», othcnrUe credited. In tbla paper, nnd alao „7 (he local n«wa publliliod herpln. All mounti rljhta of republlcntlon of apecial ij^- er Il*e PHtchea herein are aUo reaerved. . -

No reapgnalbltlty naaumcd for'theca rr of. unaollclted manuacrlpc. photo* helD* flftaphi or other conlrlbuted matter. Ar- '

■ Uelca lubmlttca for publication will be “ uaod or not at. (he diacretlon of (he edltu to n c: anO no .wianuacrlpt will bo returned uti' irpj,- less ac(»mpanled by neceaiar7 poatata. , r ■------- ------------------- niDOStUtmber Audit Dur<-au or Clrculatlona the; I]

------ ----------------------------------------- Ifltigli.EABTEim RErRESENTATIVES - At (

Oeor#o, D. ravid Co., me., n i Itndlaon {Jjq g_, ■ iVxe- New York: A. I t ICeator. Hll HaTT- „ g

ford Dulldln*. Chlca^,■ -waa a

A COMINO fiOOlAL EVENT OTide , — ' . stood

Klnd-Iieartecl por«oo«, who arc pro- creek, tea^ipg ogniost tho comiut; dcbatp ot ^wlth ( Joraey City between Messrs. Deznpscy ” ‘* ^1 ana CarpcDtlcr on the ncoru ot “ bru- taJity” ahould rcdlito thn t tlioy aro dresscJ unduly perturloJ. They must bo tlilnk- dlamon ing of tbo oM time prize fights when ». l)ruiBcr« bntteiod oaclt other witli bare flita all day long and tho final deeliiou

^wos.given u ofton by tho eoronor &• o u r tn by tho reforoe. OoeVdoos cot h&TO to thc^pla be.JUinoJMn Mothujoloh tq recall tho cnroplDi time of hnndrod-round eoateila that were veritable battle^ Aa for. the png- qq^ ^te ilistie oncouDtorg of tbo elgbtconth «an' botrs. . tur)', they wero invariably conducted Then aurreptiUouily, tho aubHribora-otjiy be- ing notified at thO lost looiqeDt a t 'to the location, uiually tomo field in a down ft remote rural district, ‘becauso of tho 8 amB< tlanjfcr of n fatal roBult which would involve alt tho Bpeetatbra, before the' law. ' • tho aldt\ The Orccka Bocm. to have been thn 'first bozoTs uti n sciontific baaia. Thty deemed it aa unfair to iiit below the Jifcli as we (lu to ' hit below the belt. • I 'y \ Tho Romans borrowed the idea of 1 1 pugilism, but brutaliud It itUo (ho gladiatorial contoals. Merely using the baro fists for fighting seemed too tamo dud BO they put swords into tho hands ’ of their jirofessloosl uDtortalnors and in V ^ urged thcnn ta kill.each ollii-r. They N used boxin{{ gloves, too, but for the purpose of inaking tbo sport morc dan- 'gerous. Tho eestus, or leather glove, ywas paekod with lead. They also cm- /ployed a sort of brasa kaucklos'.' The UK of these wropona eneouragcd-slug- (,’ingjM tead of science. \ i '

A#'for tho modern sparring eompeti- tion, such as Messrs. Dempsey and Car- pOBtler after much solicitation consent- ed to ongBRC In on July 2, it is dlffi- ^cult to know vrhether to classify it ss “J_L a social or n financial event. Wo read of well known ‘‘society women” hav- 'm y ing reserved Wata at tho ringside and ^ ^ of pink tens which Mr. Oarpcnticr has gracpd with his prcaence. We aro also / / \ ^ rcgaltfd from day.,to day wltli icmpt— ing items concorning the vast sums of - -5^^ money to be a\rarded tho dubaters and tho manager of this ii;tercallng iatol- uHoItf lootuld contest. O110 gleans tho guncral idea that if cilher gentlumitn should so far forget himscff oa to hit the other b ; an u ■‘rcnl hard" he rrill he oxpcctoJ horses, promptly to niioloijize. Mr, Cnrpentier,'*.•0 arc inforped, hopPB to win through "Uoi,] purely “ iisyohologiral” mctlioda and shouted. 1 pnrt of Mr. DL-mpaey's training con- his plsto listB of learning the ftidiments of the " ^olo In b’fench languagr so that he wfll be able :o converse cnurtcuusly with his oppo- },q]|lent in tho intervals between rounds. Horry h; it is said that .Mr .Detnpjoy has nover mnn nndjcon in France, tluis missing Jho op- *

. Samaon Iwrtunity, which w many , of our Bol-' Agintjr-liora enjoyed, of picking .up a fow “Darry rords.of the Inngungo. Itotarcing to while Ah he'Bubjcct of “ bTUtali'ty":, No ono iced have the- sUghtest-foor of buying i' front seat on this aceonnt, for ^ 0 g >Artisnns of both performers’are'H'o- bo said. •Ifcrously confident that noithor will " 'I f ' j t affer tho lt“ t ifijury when they moot ^0 decidc ap important question on tho .

. 1 1 «• ono DoUaifternoon of July 2. .

■" .__ _ ___ . Tho nyiAs Tunning a pirate ship Is 'li dan- (-xc'Td let

;cruus tuid laborious occupation it ia niust spor ilnin'why nobody has advanced, tho P«ue«for hoory <hat the I.-W. W. aro yigapd n Cftptain Kidd operations off tho l^..rrican coast.

severnl.'dcAmerica is said lo spond a billioa"a

■ear for soft 'drinka. Sonnds foolish few, cent* int Ihero ia consolation in the £a«t that hoiuo olte he.folly rcBqlts Ja no,hoadachoa nor. eglcctea . ' e BAD '

p a r " , , " ^ 1 •*“ >le .

. ^ M a n f o r ,

the AgesW . , want


A S l o r y o f t h t B a i l d m r n tn o f D e m o c ta a / '

^ 'POSO. ' ' Came

« * • r a « t fBylrvmgBacneller’ • ■ ■ “He

OefrdshfcZ/TiasBaabeflsi ' road'tc iiA P T E i«o ira_ (C i.» ii«u td ) “ t«. :

TJiey £nddlcd thoir- horsea and nounted nnd redo up to’ thp door. Aft- ir iliclr acknowlndgnipnt* and fnrc: “*** * vella Rflmalcad nimo cfose to Hnm- on and paid Jn conlldonL'e: “I enjoy leln’ n mllllonnlre for a .few mlnutca , ' low an’ tlirn. Ifa nir goo(J__n8 . foln’0 n circus nn’ chcnpcr."

"TIjd fcollnpi of n mllllnnnlir nrc ilmbst ntf ’good na the money whllo *<x>d 1 hey Itut,"'sn'ld' Ahe.JJncoln with a* 'tiollars augh. _ -got bli

At early candlellglU they' reached ho sycamore woods very'hungry.* It 0* yo“ ras a bcoutlful grorollke forest on ho flhore of a BlreatD. Tho crossing Price,’ raa a rougli brldgo o t corduroy. A wouldi rude log tarcra and a cruder, store m d nc tood 00 the* farther sboro of the u ahli reek. Tho tatom was a dirty place ■ "The 1 th a drunkeo proprietor. Three of ua 1 tgged.lhlftlesa ftrmcra and a btflf- That reed Indian eat Io its mnlii room In «hore 1 arylng atnges of Inebrlacy. A Veil- they i rcssed, han i^m e young man with a J<^ed lamoDd io nis shJrt-froftt 'was lead- 8&nsoi ig n horse back • and forth In . the temooi able yard. The dlanjond led Samson rie. be; > suspect thct he waa the man DotIb Bhlmmt r whom Mrs. Brlmstcnd had Bpokeu. structu ur trayclcrs, not liking the look of iCjplade. got some oata an d .^ d e on, thousai imping near the farther cdgo of the peopltr oods, whcrTthoy bullfn flro, fed and [ dy two- tthercd their horsea a n d m t down.' Tho id ate from tho store In their saddle- bnilt ai igs... • Bnpftio'Then with their knirea Abe and itood li imson cut hlg ormfula of gms? from * cro« le near pmirle for the horses and a . ahouldc :d uptin w hich 'the three man lay mass t )wn for tho night. - Som* sSamson had that gift of “sleeping u If tl Itli one eye open” which ,the perili « hsar ’ the wllderaesa had conferred upon luid a 1 e pioneer. He had lain down on - Our I 0 aide of their bed near tho horses, houaea blch were tethered to trees only n their <: or feet away, lie had gone to sleep porches Ith hin pistol under hia rlsht hand, hata ai

WM alz

{ / i h I I M M / I ■111 m "

V fa v i//( / lUlf/M; / .were at' l i ^

Mi/K ^ hnay an^ 1! WJ ffliM Plirv “

K Hfn W 'M i fHoKiniM V

i \ * i i i lI ) !' horaomj

u 7

a • s™**n Ir- A sou

U s A f cnoise* 0

“v . S t ie coa■ / j C I v •7 ^ xWV. "

v / /illLV ginningW Industry/ / S / I j W t e log of t

t b f o u ;/ v if l r - / latter a*

I t waa polltenei


oltf Up Your HBnda,* Samson

le In the- night fte waa awakened The han unusual movement amnug the the He.<t!

■sea. In the, dim light of the'flro whereincoulil aee n man In the net of drew of

dling Alte'ti home. x ’ . «o flmirt'Hold ■ up* your hamlH," Samson atop 1lUted.oH he covered the man'with "Ireet wpistol, " it ye stir a foot I'll boro which

lolo In ye.” In a wc?hc man thn>w up his hands and M odatlll. • • • ctndlngin half a moment Abe Mncoln add lovel.rry hpd got up and raptured the 0 " L"n nnd the loosed horse. home ofnils la pnrt of the fntry which boardetlnaon madf In his diary a week.or I'o'f I'lR'later; • , , . ■ dooryardDarry put aome wood on the Are Picket flie Alw nnd I led'hlm up Into the blue silkit. He was one of^he dirty whit* meet’thi \ we had seen nt the tnvem.■rirgivo you four hundred dollan a boss In good-Mlchlj[nn money,'

said. ■ ' ' ‘ •'--r— p .... ^'I f 'jc '< ^ n !t atenl a, horso yon’ro “W eirin' to buy one,'. I ■ linhlt," a

• • . . ‘Td en DoUar 'savod Eoproaonta T(m Dol-

. i m Earned■ ’ • everythin

lio nvcittKc mail, docs not s.ivc to ■pd Irn per ccnt of his eapings. ilc “jt {gt spond nine dollars in liv(ng ex- "Thehlea for ovory dollor aavcd. That b» ;to take rtho cvo he cannot bo too careful mother mit, iii'mifiTi<nr.v crjn,'niic». V’try of- , n >cV «nt« |,roper!y lnvc!<tcd, like ng. spods for his garden, will savernl'dollarn dutlny Infi-r on. It in "Ercn :ome-.in buying Chtunborlaln’a CoIIp ty. flf hliDiarrhoea Qemcdy. I t costa but a dBlfD frocent*, nnd n botlle of i t In "the lool0 often saves a doctor’a.hill of rev- ti#re cv« dbllars.-adv. _

• ' » - cheekfl iiii3AD‘IHE.DAXLT'KBWB ' t&d’hctll

Y KEWS, WIN FALLS- • ‘No. air. I only come to boy,* Btyt tee

le. - .log“1 flopped him sudden and aoked •<:

Jm wbV he was putting ott the bridle, ded “He owned up then.. Said 1 man •«

Jid hirod him to atcal the’borw. - my “ T h a t man haa'got to hare a hosa,' mac

e said, ‘Oe*ll glre ye any price ye ofte root to qsk. If y'oull giro me a few np. ollars I ’ll take yo to.hlin.’ ' " wor '“ You go and bring him hero and .sur<

II talk to him,’ I u id ."I let the feller go. I didn’t, sup- ognl

loso bo'd como back, but -ho did. •'( ^ e n llttlo .before aunriM with that pnri cll-drcssed' fi2llcr wo saw a t tho verj ‘»cm. take“ ‘What’a your nBmof I says. . lie's “Ho handed me a a r d on which I wall

>ad-the words Lionel Darla, Real Es- gc lie, Loans.and lusurhnco, 14 South for ?ater Street, Chicago, III.’ dow‘■Thero'ff one branch 0’ your-bual^ Tl

(SB tha t Isn't mentioned on tho card,' am] «ar*. nny“ ‘What’s th a tr aaya bo. and“ ’Horae-tiilof,' gays L ‘Jou sent In q at feller hero-to steal a horse and Ki J got caught.’ dian“■'Well i'fo rd 'tlm if bo’d got tne a gers •od horse I’d glvo'hlm flvo’ hundred -toll; •liars and tlmt I didn't cart, how fio mori 't him'. The fact ia I ’m'deapornte. on n 1 give yon a tbouaand dollars for one been yeiur hor«ei.’ , Cc

’"You codldn'tbuy ono of ’ear a t any Ice,’ I said. T hort’s two rcoBona., I cntlj julda't do bualneu with ft horaethief emit id no money would tempt me to sell at I 1 animal to bo ridden to death.' . ‘ berci "Tbo. two tbIoTca had had enough and ua and they got.out." frienThat olght our p a r^ camped on the Haw ore of the Kankak'co ap'd next day the sy mat the contrtctors, Lincoln Hona lied the latter party and Harry and A2 nson went on alono. Lato that af- outsl -noon they crossed the nino-mllepral- Plpe: I. bey.bnd which they could se^ the lota. Immor of the lake and the sunlit < ^ c ncturea of the now city. tlThero it is,” said Samson. “Four ^ jusand, one hundred and -eighty ios Dplo live there. I t looks like a atu^ two-year-old.”

Iho houses wore small and cheaply lit and of many coloi*. Some were 70U 1 pftlotod. Near the prairie, tlicy «d llko people on the outor edge .of . "T crowd, looking over one another’s )uldora and pushing In a disordered Del u .sa toward the center of Intereat. . "I- mc lecmed. to have jstraggl^ tw ijt coun If thoy had giren tip trylng.to see JolQ- haar. 80 to ono nearing It the town ^ d a heIte^Bkelter look. Th)ur tmtelorB pa*aed, rough boorded tho g laea with grand-looking pinple ^ Kone ilr dooryarda and on„thalr small “Cl ‘ches—men in broadcloth and tall oold la and lodlea In "silk dressca. It s alx o’clock and the men bad come for y me to aupper. Aa the horsemen free. «eed9d larger bnlldlngs surrounded m, mostly two storlM 1 1 . There wont re somo stores and bouae* built of 1 b r id t Beyond th* scatter of man lap, wooden stmcturea Ur«y came to cliooi »eU wcU laid out and crowded anti some ly end “very soft" to quote a phraae offer m the diary. Teams were strtig- jg in the mud, driven ahoutlng and my li blng. AgenU for hotela and board- to sa

houaea began to solicit tho two not .1 aomen from the plivi.k sidewalks, we w } latter-were deeply impreaaed by 00 fl( legro in scarlet clothes, riding a thlngi «c,|n scarlet houalnga. He carried Kind S rlo t banner and waa adrertlslng world 1 load Tolco the hour and place oh help Tcat land sale that evening. ' », aoiind of many'hammers'beating -you v n boarda could be heard above tho "I ie« of the street an(j behind nil waa ’»c|l." constant droning of a big htcam >°ohy

’ nnd the-whir of the heavy atonca yoi»I he now grist mill.' It waa the bo- fonr I ling of that amnzlhg-diapason o t “Th istry w hl|^ accompanied the build- 'Swore of tho d tle t of the WcsL « P «

hey,put out in the livery atnblo of City hotel and nt the desk.of the "An er naked about tho price of Ironrd.Tns three-dolloni a day and no tencaa In the ofTetx ' Harry:t'a pnrty' steep,’' said Snmson. t rm too hungj^ for argument or ” y and I gueaa we con ntand It to lahobfl for a doy or so." ‘he hotel dork had a Rcelster of He.<tldenlfl nt the City of Chicago rein they found the name nnd nd- a of John Kelao. Thcy.4UJit,oUt irnirthe hpiiae. Storckeopejs tried top them na thoy pns.wd nlon^ the , ^ et with offera of land at, hnrKnlns :h would make them mllllnnnlrea "I week. In. proceeding nlonc th(* ^ '5 ik fldewalka they were itfiim os- ling or descending atcps^to niiother like hi I- compl1 Ln Knlle ti'treet they found the n pirt e of Jack Kelso. It won a rough ,Tlm •detl stnall house, a ator^-'hnil. n j'lotcl, high. It>had a little porch nnd the ml

7 ard enclosed by nn unpalntert lyofji. cl fcnce. Dim. In a handoome, ife pr silk gown, cnme rhnnlng out to nnd''ni

fthcm .;- , . .that, hf you don't mind Tm going to kiss n t^ I ’■ she aald to Harry. Chlcai'd mind If you didn't." snid the mdrke Ig man as .he fmbmecil hor.. hfgon ^e muflt be rnreful not to get the hia cni t'." she Iaugh(!d. •■Jt.d enjoy beln.K careless fnr 6tice." Kald £ Horry. bed. ‘

?omcn can be cx^vnirani with ninln r jrthlng but cnrolcs-incs^;'. sho In- to .St. d. "Do you like this cown?" panic : la lovely—llkn yourself.'’ the otihen ’pcrhap'i' ymj .will be wDllng ’. (' ike me to the party tonight. My ler will chaperon us.*- . JeiMth these clothcs that hnvo Jnat guga

hau li^ .ou t of a 'saddle b a g r Lonlsla Hafry with a look of alarm. ' Jcsnlta

Ten rtfci couM not hldts.ihe boan- Psugor ' f him." sold Kelso u he cnme in 1T02 I from tho porch to greet them, n conir I look at her."-h* >vent on. “Was by Etit t over a fairer maid In aplte of o f- t^ s y ^ ^ro o b lea t So* the red In h e r o f the tA ftbd the diAmond glow of youth health In ber 7 ou ehmild .BBAl

;S, I D A H O , F R I D A Y ^ J U L

lee the young-men aighlng and guitar- ng around her.’’ ' "

“You’ll hear me tuning up,” Harryleclared. -----

‘•That Jff f«h(Vs way of comforting ny widowhood,"TBld Blm. “He hag Dad9 a wonderful beaoty mask and I>lls )ftefi. ho clnps it on mo and whiatlea -. U r jp -a bond of alghing lorors. Aa a ‘“™o vwk of Jho lufaglnatlon 1 am a great, ““J’® uccess." . ,

“The look of you seta'my heart aflro ignln,'^'tlie boy exclaimed^ j y

“Come—lako mother nnd.mo to tho jj, inrly nt Mrs. Kliirlo'#,’’ aald Ulm. "A who i ■ery grand young mon was coming to son, ake us in 'n wonderful carrlage.-but Tuoi’il e's half nn hour Into now. We won't Edji 4 ?alt for him.” . Ia., -wSo the three s « out ti^ctbcr.Bfoot

or Mr9..KlnzlQ'a, whilo Samson'sot own for a visit with .Jack Kelso.Tlie ^ t l e s ; house was of brick

nd Iprgor tthd more pretentious than ny in Clilcago. Its lawn,' veranda jjj^ nd parlpr were crowded with people from 1 a curloua.variety of costumes. Sncrci Nenriy all Uio festive company'wot* Mr.

lamonda.’ They scintillated on fln-' son lii ers. some o t which were knotted with to“ Po )'llL tliey glowed bn abirt bo'soms and lotting as well* as evening gowns;0 nccks and cara, wWch should have “ ceil spared the omphaals of Jewels,Col. Zachary Taylor,,who had Just ’

rrived from''Florida and woiS prea- itly returning with a roglmenl of re- days I mlta for the Seminole war, wa* Pro' t Mra. Kinzle’s party, ^ e remem- Follii ircd Harry 'and took h im 'm hand day. id Introduced'him to m ony.of'h li '-'Mni lends os the best‘scout In the Black vislfm awk war,-and, in spite of hlj dreas. le young mah becamo.one of the DUS of the evening.. 'VAfter' Mfreshments the men went v®,’}'

italde to anjoke. and talk—eome with 1,^,^ pe»-of canals, railroads and comer ta. whUo the younger people wtra \ i f ' tBcing and:being proudly snrveyod Tiics'ii r their motheto. Mrs.Aa H a i^ and the ladles were leav* after Ig Col. Taylor came to them and hoapiti ijd: opcrat‘Toung man. I am th6^vo'leo of your runtry. I call yon to Florida. Will ""'J , m go with ua next w eekr . i. . .i j Hany' looked Into Blm’s oyes.‘The campaign will be over lo a .m , :ar. ond Tneed yon badly,’’ the Colo- tu w d !lnrg(?d. •' irip-to“I-«an-not say no to the call of my Mn. mntr>V’ Harry answerod.--*T-will Qupsnc In-your regiment a t Beordstown on day..1 woy down the. river."That night Harry and Blm stood by0 gate talking, after Mrs. KelBO^adne into the house. -m“Blm, I love yon ifioro than over," I Id the boy. “Abe says ’ou con get I divorce. I hnvo brought the papers r you to fllgn. They will make you » , I have’ don6"lt foe your.aalw. m will be under no bbllgatli».' 1 int you to be free to marry whom nc lU will. I w ould-be'the happleit itn In tbo world If you wore to ' -So oose me. I haven't the wealth of 6S me of the city men. I can only 25 ’er you my love."“Bo careful and. please, let go of r hand.’’ she said. ‘Tm not going say a word of lore to you. I am 50

t free y e t We couldn't marry If ' 35 ) wanted to. I wlah yoti.to be under mt

acnsc.of obligation'to'me. Many ings may happen. In a year. I am id yoc aro going to eee more of the . 35 irid before you settle down. ][t will 715 Ip you to bo sure to know.youraolf little better and to be’sure of-what u watit iP do."1 think that I know myself falriy II." he anawcred. “Hiere are soihy bettor men who want to marry ^ ' i I 1 shnll go away with a great ir In me."‘There ar« no bettor men," she an- ored. “When you got back we shall • ^ ‘ whnt rnmca of our llttleiromaactf 0 anwhUe I’m going to pray for you." \ 'And I for you," he aald as he fol- red her Into the house, where tho lor people' nnt waiting for thepL H | rry .gnvi' the papers to Rim.to be ned nnd nttnsted nnd forwarded Mr. Stuart In .Springfield. 1)n their wny to the hotel Samson a to'.Hafry: ■ ' 'I don’t believe Blm Is going to be tied away ,by any of these high- •tfl. She’s getting to be a , very ilble peraon. Poor Jack has caught '■plague, .^ e h'ns Investedlinnnd. " iikfl It w lirm nke him rich, fio’s poor health, too—kidney trouble—1 I Blm has n hnby with nil the re^t beautifnl Im.v. I w n i iiiinnlrs »iul

' him aaleep In liln crmllf- I.no'j-

) her. Hoir as yellow as' gold, light iiplexion. .blue eyea, hnndNome.at ih-ture." •I'mt. night. In the. ofUce of the City • cl, thoy fbnnd &rr.-Uc^croavla In. midst of a group of excited apc«u-

)f!<. In some way he had got’acro.si pmlrles and was selling hU land

f'nci-epting every offer oa Uie plea t. lie.'Vns'golng Into the gnilii buxl- 9 In St., Louis and had to leave' ■ cago next-day. He choked the rket with bnrgnlnfl. The buyers on to back off;' Mr. Dnvla closed cnrpot bag ond left.it. was a kind of--home atealln’." ; .I SamBon ns they were, going to . "lie got .news down thero on the n rood by pony cipreaa on Ita way St. Louis. I'll bet.there'it beeu~n Ic In the Knst lio 's' nwako and otliera nrc, still dreamln’." _ ' •

(Continued In Next Isreo) ..

Joaulta Brought Sugar Cano, ignr cano waa Introduced Into lalana from.S'oato Domingo by the iltfl In 175L Tho flrat reflncd It waa mode by Aniimlo Mendei 702. hut ^ho Orst refined fsugar bn inimerclol scnlo was maile In 17W ^tlrnne De Dore. The plnntatlpna >e8o tw ojlontcra now form a port he city of Nci^ Orleans.'


>LY1,1921 . : '

f FILERITLIJB — Misa .Btoiia Macaw and Nearly

uclllo Murxay-wero ahopping in' Twin . Plvi iolla Tcosday;'Mn. Bby Blngman and chUdwD ro- '

imed fjundny'from Oregon wherb tho» . 'WA£ »vo been vlalting for soveral montha *Hk goi Mr. and Mra. W^ B. 'Wilson are th t haa grt

ucnts of a daughter boot*Juno 21. ■ fivo yt A 8oa waa born to Mr. and Mra. Mill- *Jiieta :

’ ;Juoo 22. . • comparDr. P. A. M w tfd i of.Nardin, Okla, oeeordl ho a p e n t^ i pactHjro woeka with kls <lny h>

Edwarda onlt-ftmily, loft in th'e uefflay morning for h b homo. Dr. producl dWj rla tfamo direct fromT)f8 Molnca, <207,37 u, where bo waa delegate to tho na- ffreatcr onnl Shrino conelave. PennMrs. C. K. Costello o t Bu'hl ia visit- g-frlends hero for a few daya. ilr.f.rnt Mrs;' Dora Sbafner- and daughter, ^ ory, left lost weok for Bolao whero “ = = loy expcet to moke their homo. IMira^Tholma fihonr ha* roturned | om ,Ogdon where sho attended tho I tcreil;lltyirt Aciidcmy. • , |Mr.-and Mrs. 0, J . V., CJiilda" and } n havo returned from h vacation trip V ■Portlaqdi' find Boise.' ■ ' ’ i

Jjessfa. I’orlor Poison, Prank Hayes. J tarlcs Fbx an'd JolS M nll'j^ composed - ' - I fishiag party to Shbihr^no basin oa Fcdnesday. - - . . - nMUs. Edith Williamr spent Sunday I Twill Fnlla with her itvonta. • . ^

Dr. H. It. MrMillian meat aoverol- •.ys in Boiso last week ca bualneaa,ProT. R. V. Jones and family of Twin ills were,visiting fiends here Sun-

mVs. William Bunco of tjt. Louis u ilfmg hero with hor son, W. M. Bunco d fnmily. - ,Metd&mea Boas Woodbind, Malmker, ' ittkins, Smith and n nnmbor of otherimbors of tho Bobekoh .lodgo of Twia. r ~ 1 f?lls, altenrled tho " district meeting I Ire Tiifsdjiy; Tfio Kimberly ond Buhl [lge.i Hero also roprescnted. IW, 0. Mallory of Ttrin Falls- spent Iesilny hero on busines.i. IMrs. Harvey Shank la ablo to bo out Iler returning from tho LaMcrcod Iapitnl where sho underwent a serious I:raticn. ' * IMr. und.Mni;-QIcn ^ow cra'ahd Mr. Iil Mrs. Fred Munyon motored to - Ihi Sunday ovoning.- . , | l Urs. K. B. Ripley visited In' Buhl for'crnl dayt last week. I_ _Wr. K. B. Ripley and son Doy, re-nod Wednesday'from nn overland H m[I'to California. W n ftifn. T. 1). 'Smith and Mrs. A. Du FTfiSpsne shopped in Twin Palls'Tuc* iHi.'T;'

THE CITY PH)S a t u r d i a y S p i

25c Aspirin..... ......... .....................ilSi.' Nyal Vanisliing Creain .........65c Njal Vanisliing €fream...........25c Packers Tar Soap............. .......50c Chlor-E-Donta Tooth Paste......30c Koljnofr Tooth Paste ...............50c Orchard W hite.......,.......... ......35c Violet Bath .Salt-.....................!The Star Vibrator............. :.............50c Gem Blades35c Enders Blades ....... .............75c Brick Ice Creiiin, special today

Wo carry a odmploto lino of Bath!

. Take a ^odak with you. 'If it isn a Kodak. '

------ PHONE 46-

C i i y P h a r

I . '

TIieFirstNalloi of Twin Frw /V F 4 /.f ,s ,/z

' ' a

A s a v i n g s a c c o u n i

. d o u b l e a d v a n t a g e

i n g j n t e r e s t a n d s E

i n g o f y o u r m o n e j

We are the V. s . Posti depositary for thii

, Member of Federal Rest

.K eO O D S INDUSTRY' ; ; ‘ 'I HAS ENORMOUS G R O m ' - ^

' Bmeaa ■. • ' j

’A9KINQT0N, D,‘ 0., — The ‘ goods Industry m the Uol<ed'8 totea grown ncnrly throe-fold la.tho- las'., years, Iho total volno of allk nro-

a in lCllt>*-bclnR l6Si>,0«,00CI . as pared wlUi'i251,011,000 in IO14. rdlng to 0 stat(;aicnt iiuued Thuu- - hy. the rensur bureau.' Ooncema

th'e h n it ' goods-, induntiy reported' uet« nyulo from silk valued at ,370,0D0, a business flvo tlaos ter than t>ot,ilono five years ago. ■nniylvonia with 373 silk cftabllsh- ta led tho country in .production, rade. showing 33.8,per cent,of.ihe «<I value of allk .turned out.'

— Wood Flroa — SpontanooQs ■"

OombaBtioii — OFerheatedv \

Wiring ------- -- .— Lightning '


p e d a l s !- 1 6 c ' ~

............... ...............................28l' f- t

........................... 64t l)>... 21c . : ... 42c '.. 24c .. 42c .. ,28c $5:00 .. 42c .. 29c

y ................. ................... -j85c.

thing Saits and 0{ips.'

sn't an Eastman it isn't

™ ia '^

iialfiaiik ,


' , ' ' J -

at,has the ' eofeara- «<•, safe keep- ''jy.^ ■

ttaf Savings lis towiu . y

^fserv'e System . ^


S P O R T S s I((SnOniied from Pigo 8.) P” ‘

iP B f iB i. j i i c i i m i

Tomorrov's Attesdanoe Beo- j l ordB Will S et New Mark

lo r Mitt Tnt \

NEW Y b E K l8 ^cifti):rNo heavy ‘ \■ wclglit choiaploJuHp bateio ia the mod- • p

cm Jiiatory; of pu|flli*ra lioj ttltraetod I ■groator altentlon than Iho impondioff f atrugglo between DcmpMy and Carpon- I

>|L/-tler. , _-M. Tbo contest of tomorrow m o ls ia '

' ;» in t f i inferMi even that aetoflrabJo Phc Intot-ratial cnfljRcjntjit cotton' yonra r

^ .Offo Iwtnjen Jim Jof/rlei and Jack , ^ ' Jijhrnioii. The pngcmcu for a Caucaa- '

ion fl;ghtor capable of aothrbninff th) unpopuiai' noRro made that-bout tho - i r

*• nearont opprooch to a parallol of the .i-i,, forthcomlRff bottle. Bat tho Jofrics- " f" '

' Johiuon eontett doe« not eompaie with.tho IntcrDBtioDoI boat of this week In keep

J ioercst. V , • TraiB teta witb Joha L. ' uusl

Tlio iDodern hhtory of tho prizo Id’ ria i, on dporUenlarly tho heavywoiRht bcsii divisloti, Is Boncrnlly considered to well have crIglnQtcd with-tho-dofont of <uico Paddy Ryan'by John I* Sullivan at polic

. . MUsiwlppl City,- Ulif,, February 7, lorni 1882. • . , ' Th. For len years Sullivan, the “ Boston w u

stronf^^boy,-" nnd tho lu t ot tho olT lino of, Imo knaoklo 'flRhtero, held oven •way. •Eli) mcmofttblo thirty^nljio ,A1

' round drawn battio with Cparloy Rctti . Jtllehnll at Chnntilly, France, March with . ]0, 18?8„ and his historic sevcntj-flro nesa

rdnnd victory over .Toko Kllraln at the Tllchb.irfj,. MIbi., July 8 , 1S8D, wero the appe two- most important battler for John causi L- during his reij!^ as champion. Uo s

fnb bnul with Kllraln marked'-the up,t< pauIo(( of loro knucklcs, of old Lon nil tl don ‘prizo rlnj;, fightinf^, which ^vns 6 oi

‘'snpplantcd by tho-Rloved Rome nndor to be , tho Mnrquls of Quecnsbci/y rules. . the <

Corbott Woa from Joha L.James J. Corbett, "Ocntlcnmn Jim ," ®

C accfijitcd^'tlio Introducer of rIovo " fightlDR. ' Wbcro before men had

w 'bommcrcd each other with nakcd-fUts , and' for tho mott part without n

' iBonght of devomoss or. boxinjr pklll,. Corbott relied on hU cloremcss, de —* f.»a n tflly . 2 •

I t was. Trith theso nttrlbutej that S * . bo aecompllshed-the defeat of the groat 1 ,

.Sullivan In twonty-ono rounds, Sop- > . , tombor 7, 1802; - nnd--ifdvanced to the world’s heavywclRht championship. In his next Important batllo Corbett ,

• knocko.1 out Charley Mitchell in thro#. 'V '*' . rounds.jt-.JflckMnvllle,'Pia„ on Janu-

ary 25,1804. • ■• Throo years later Corbett loft tho ’“'r®

, title tfl- "Lnnky Bob" PitMimmons, when the Cornlsbman's famous solar plexus punch laid Corbett low In iouf-

. tocn rounds nt Qin!iiL..CHyr Nevada,' on-'March 17,t8(rfr"--- '• ' ■ -

•■JottrJc8‘''B«at ntxslmmons Fltrsimmons ruled the hfia\7 Woif["ht ’

division ■ for two''years, when ho Ipst > tho title to Jim Jeffrlpi by A kvpekoiit

in the eleventh round of n boiit at ' Coney Island, June 0 ,1809.. Jeffries defondcd his title acnSnst Tom (ihnrkey. In n return bout af^lnat

• Fltrsimmons in 1D02, ncninsk Corbett in 1003 and in 1004 agalnft Jnck Mun: roo..Ih 1005 Jof/rler rctirod imdpfcnt- bd^'pawinR tho title on Mnrvin Haft, after the latler hnd knocked out JnckBoot In twelve rounds of n bout nt • f. Bone, Kevada,,on July 3,'IOOS. V

Tommy Bums calacd a decision ov6r• Hnrt -.n twenty rounds at Los Anf-elps,Poll, a, 1006, and cklmcd tho title.Bams defended tbo championship iigainit Jnck O’Brien, Bill Squires, Austrnliftnr and Gunner "Moore, British

■ hoavywelKhl, in 1007. but tho follow­ing -year, Dor. 28, 1008, vrns knockol

' out by Jnck Johnson in tho fourtcentl. round nt Sydney, N. 8 . 'W.

' . .Title Won by WlUwdThe l.blico stopped this boot, clvinff

Johnron tho championship). Johnson. r held tho titlo for almost seven yeart. - '

- dorlnij-ivhieb tlbio bis Important boUts * • included vletorlbs over B'.anley, Ketch

. ell, Oct. 10, IfiOO; Jiin Jcffrle«r JiJy '4 , ’ 10lO,.iiad Jim Flynn, July 4,1012. . ■

Gas Buggies—Things to wi

. \ ~as____ , . 'HAI0 ,NVILL 6E ' / -----------.• •’ '/ILL «3VeR IF -

~ i W N '^ p y r / HAIR-1 ■ , . \ . A L F IN E

■ '

' TWIN F jL tS DAgili

ts under this her Ho r«* knocked ont' by Jess Willard -n,

ia th e . twenta*-#ixUi «arid of. o bout I a t Havusn, April C, 1015. Willard inn .(.1

perbapt tlio’oiost inactive title-hold.er v* . la tho long history of tbe championship. ^ 5

IVoTj th e -11010 be won tho title bo 'en(^gO’l in just two actual bouts. E if I — ring ongsgcmont .witb Cempaoy atill 1b

Dempsey- bos defended hli title ia • two actual battles. - -Ho knocked out

Billy Uiske in threo roands a t 3«nton I Harbor, Ulch., laat Labor toy, dlspoiel of BIIl Brennan last winter In

. twolvu rounds at Madison Square Oaf- = den.

l i i i c II S f f i S i B E I I i

F B I I i lK E f i i?■

Phonograph Plays in Training A.Quartort to Koop Ooorjos' « qo

Mind ATortod -

' ■ MAOTIAeSET,' N. .Y, (fl-O o ly l” j t light exercise was on the work program Ing : of Qcqrfics Carpentior today, nnd t.» vote keep his mind off tomorrow’s battlff-’ Traint;r Wilson prercrlbed phonograph music, n wnlk through the woods and a Idng automobile ride. Tho camp was besieged by an army of Jhst minute jiock well wishers but they met stout resist­ance at the Rnto in a squn/I of count.v ' policcmen and carnp attaches, and were' ,)„y j lamed away. ;

This, of all days,Trflinor Wilson enld g],ipg was to be a day of peace for the chal- . Tenger and ho war not tolbe botjigred oven by jiersoaal friends. .

AD^meigliyfUftf.ihc ramp were b\isy getting thliip in order fer tho morrow with only n‘ slight display of ncrvouii' ness In tho .entire camp. This wn* on tho pnrt of Manager Dfscamps, wh6 appealed to be "u p in the n lr" be- cause of a number of tclephono calls.Uo said there had been, no lesr thnn 75 j, up,to noon and that he had'bccn asked rQ,jgo nil the foolish question^ imaginnblc.

Somo fellow who said ho was Roing j, to bet on Carpentier wnnted to talk to the challcnger himself and ask his sd- vice.' A woman thought ..Descamn* jj rude i'ocauso he refused an iriVitfttioo jr .j for the' challenger to-Jrtte^id-an icu cream social tonigbt.. '

Although Jio dcfllncd to. -eny' whnt jm,_| plans had, been mode for aflor. tho , flfibt, Dcffwnps Intimated that tho camp here would be lotalned. Trainor Wilson will be placed in charge and •will • condition CpioxJes Ledfjui, tho J French bantnmwelght champion, and Paul Joumee, tbo big French heavy- weight. It is niso probable that Marcer • ^ Denys, the French- ligbtwolght,; will train here under the- «upcrvision of 1 ■ WilsoQ. Should QcWges win h f r fight with Dempsey, it-is almost certain that ,, ho will come to this'countr}’ later ond make Manhasset his bcadqunrters, if only tcmpoi’ary. _______

BEAD THE C U S O tra ® , A B B .; J,” ',!,

“ N O W i i A -aays the Good

A m a n 'c a i B atisfac tio i o ith is c la i

/ k m h e e v e r ct V > c h c w o £ .t l

- H e f i i id s it g o o d tobo m u ch long

' / ^ . 'to h a v e a I .' / / _ ■ 08 o ften .-.

/ 7 • A n y m an '■' . .J o b a c c o (

, P u fi

W -B G U T ia a lo n g fin e -c u t to B l G H T C U T

9 worry about ■n i f frtX KiSiR l£>,T£l?R10i.e-)

----------- ) . HOLO VE IL TILL ■n - x x j i i ' ' k a n ^ e t i t . h« IR -U » lt5 P IN N J E P — ;— riNE- -------

T . *—

is C l a jlead, One CentBy actual count, four 0 x these people whatyOu hs es fpr sale or rent, the jg(

....... .fFintEN YEARS AGO ~

IN TWIN f\U & !!Tsiiislraa<MltMttaHmttalklt<itt .gJ

is n s r il l l , ou.! ■ ■ ■ ' ■ I- ■ ■ I PhMrs. T. a . Ash of thU city wai —

tbrowa-froQ.d'buggy'ia which she-was morning and. received injuries which resulted In her death a thort time aft- orword.. - The ebbcking aecldent oc- , ' curred a mile and it half eiut of Georgo BassoU'* laocb pn-tbe joad to the . _ falls and wn« duetto ab iiobridged la(;. ...

■ _____ ■ . cit

Mr. in d Mrs. Max 'W. JCunkely, par-, ents of Mrs. 'Walter F. Pike, bave at- bo rived fromiColorodo and tave practjc- P. ally decided to Jocatfl in Twin I’alls.

A .'L . llougbtolin, who hds secured a quarter scrtion netrp Cedar Draw,- is Bo making an expeHment if such it may be calle’d,’ which indicates good judg- ment on hir ^ t ' . Instead of att^p .i- ing to raise a crop this'year bo'Is clear' ing his entire *100 acres nnd will de- j vote thiL season to putting tho ground ^y, In rendition fpr cultivating next year.

' ' " ' Idfl.Mr nnd Mrs. M. J. dweeley a n d __

Mr. ond Mrs. Frank Burrington spent I Bundny. with Mrs. A. D. Nofton, a t Six Rock Creek.; 1 1

During tho 2-i hour's ending Tliurs unilav inoralng moro than an Inch of min' P« fell in Twin ?nlls and vicinity. Tboildest Boljjer oftnnot recoil such n rain- ' fall at tills 'fcnson of tho year. They il»y-thls has been tho niolotest sonson.vithln their recollection and .they at- • ^.riliiitc II to tUo ittlgatioa ajfstcm. jjj.

■ PhtMrs.. M. J. S.weeley catertaiAod, at __

irogrcJsivo high-five lant Friday.aft,•<rnoon in honor of Mrsf H. F. Allen, meiiiirs.. Allen was given tho gnost of ireclonjir'r priie'; ^ Iss •McCollum the favor OxJ'or high score nnd Mis* Uhrlaub tho - -■ortsolatlon ’ prize. Tho gnest* were: *ilrs. II; F. Allen, Mrs. Oeorgo D. Aik- ' “ 5 in, Mrs. J. V.'Baker, Mrs. T. 0 . Boyd,‘dTfl. P . n . Ifastnmn, i l « . Bobeit i l t - ■ Jollum and. Miss -McCollum, Mrs. F.L Harris, Mrs, C- A. 'Tutli, Mrs. Carl , Jnhn, MIfl*- Bcrnlce Crbeko'r, Missyico Crismon,' Mrs. E. B. ■WJlirams, * jt o . 'n . 0 . Milner,'Mr«. Uhrlaub and jp* laughter. ■ ' '

Ed Lamed. ofLans’lng, Mleh,, has !1^ lurchuod from Captain Btonfiold 40 F icres ibreo miles northwest of tho city 6 lh 'or $;S an acre. Tho^caplftin is-goSnj — o'Chicago to vliit his daughter..

A.. E. Abbott, tho Twin Falls sign lointef isTn' Buhl and has been busy »i;ii or a week oxcrcising bis artful genius tefe in tho variouH^businoss concerns with •— ho result that they are distinguishable J " rom on6 another. A,stranger In town an tell tho saloon from tho hardware tore, the bank from tho butcher shoPj .nd^tlio lumberynrd from the dry'goods sL'iblisbmonL . . W

-D A Y S” Iod Judge • V,”■can g e t a h ea p m ore

i t i o n f r o m a s i n a l l c h e w pne c l a s s o i t o b a c c o , t h a n ^ ~w r c o u ld g e t f r o m a b ig

i£ -th e> p |d k i n d .

l s i t C 0 8 t 8 l6 8 8 , t0 0 .T h 0 tian o b a c c o t a s t e l a s t s s o ^ o n g e r h e d o e s n ’tQ e c d j ) a f r e s h c h e w n e a r l y —

n.- ■. ■■ spoila n w h o i i s e s ' t h e ' R ^ ' .: o C S ie w w i l l t e l l y o t W u r tcsii • . ‘ - . ' ,

°utui> in'two styles

t t o b a c c o " ' « '■ ^

J T i s a s h o r t - c u t t o ^ c c d do«



_____ _ l o o i ^ ^ s m e i E -I (SUE55 U/^NT

^ kE.pTH6.3/FiL^ /AwRiSHT*

J •. H e


s s i f i e tt per word perI i t of every five homes in 1 have to sell, trade, barter 0

position you want or theh

FOR S A L E -R E A L ESTATE rplBUY—House ond {wo lots.

824 E Bhoshone st. L . _ ....... ............. hen

FOB'BALB—Or traOe, new five- — room modem boose, witb garage, for F outo, lot or good paper. 145 Jefferton. Clt;Phone lOSM. < - con

• I ■ ..................................... — sto<FOR RENT ^

---------- ---------------------- :---------------- Fro i l RENT—Purnlsbed bousekeep- ngf

b g TOivms vrlth'baUi; leaiosable. 40»'Sl'cond ove. 60. —

- BtMT—3 uafomiabed roomi, jon, close in. Apply a t herust & Banbo'^ •>-

FOB KENT — Four joom modern nioi bouie' on^aved street. -Telephone C. {hei P. Weitrbaugher, 400M. ^ ben

lULf* of store, besCslae Main st.;' F near Bcotbs. Address 0. Alexander, 1-2 Bor 408, City. quii

FOR HENTV-Throo room partly fur-, “ n nished btscse with'aleeplng porch; gai- Bee d e ra il I n . '288 Von Bureu St. Wbi

’” pbB” ^E N T —rurnlshert eabb 7 n ~ F Worm Springs Crook after lOth of balf July. Wilbur W. Bolton, Kimberly, of Idaho. Phono 83' or C5J. . ——

FOR U BN T-Sii room lioasa a t 2 U mer Sixth east. Phone 103J or G83W. mat

FOR RENTV-Four roumJ with bath and alocplDg porch.-' Inquire at First IN Premium bakeiy. . ejgi------ ------------------------------------------ —■ B.’ FOB RENT—Six room tousoLWO a -----month. Call E. M. Wolfo’*^offie« Ti PhoDc 110. ' Md

____ — — 224 IFOR' RENT—Room and -board to -----

lady or conUoman: bath in unnottion F( Phono 181B. •^ -------- ----------------------------- Idth•TTtt^RENT—Housokeeping apart* meats, furnished complete; by day*, ireek or month; popular prices. Tbs ~ Oxford, 428 Main K,______________ cqi

FOR RENT^Eigbt room,house eloie f f j ' ' in; suitable for rooming house; also four room bouse, l i c a month. Pbone *

Ai“FOR RENT-Four room bouse. 658 “tt:

rhlrd ave. W. Phone 519R4.

' FOB RBNT-^HiMO-roo-n famished cbini ipartment, newly deeoroted, eleon. |i5T w in \pply Apartment No. 1, Second ave. 127, uid Fifth St. E. .

FOB BBNT—EQMplng roooi-M tU IqIoI. Slh Are. B. Phoi* 7B8-B. '

I - qttaf

POSITION W ANTEDWANTBl>-^'yonag la^dy^^lre* po*

uf steno^apber; eon keep bookf; eferQnees. Addreu 11, eaxa New*. ' FI

WAin'ED—Work V j tk« k ov . FkoM8, O3

. .. J g L P W ANTEDWANTED^Oirk Herbst and Rnm- ^ "t

lo’s. ■ . • '_______ _WAOTED-Two g ir ls 'to work' at- Ct

’alaco Candy Kitchen. ■-

WANTED-Qlrls for tho Fourth nl —r z_________ ,0

WANTED-Oirl for house work; on& (400C ompeteut to toko charge. Phono'68. cent 'Her, Idaho. . ' Filer.

WANTED—Boy with pony to carry LE lapera. Call a t Nowb ^offlcfl. Smitl

MEN wanted, to qualify for firemen, M(irakemon; expcrleiice onnecessary; bringfonsportatlon furnished. Write A. will 1icolor, Snpt-, Bt. Louia. it wl

LOST . _I.OSTr-Sparo wheol, nnd tiro, wire

pokes. Biro 33x4, from^ Chandler car,.'ith part of hanger,'romowhoro A ^ ighway"bot.woDn Twin Falls and.Ar- r n esinn i^tyj $20'reward. Notify.Bur jy Brick 4 BandXo;, Btrtley, Idaho. .

L08T—€ ^ s s wrist tratcb'w ilb block ear; Ibbon bracelot; reward. Pbons ISOSU. glne;PhOUlWhat la useless to you may be val-.

abTiTTo’tth b rr '— ■ndvertifo i t 'In tlio ' inaalfied, er rc

___ ' . •------ w iirBEAD THE CLASSIFIED ADS. 3Q0W

■■ - ' T'(Oopjii

•Ul.- I ( ^ ^(?H TELL M E - :F- n m r \IT M H M LOOK J^ l y s

'tUDl .

ULY1 , 1 9 2 1 . ' j

d i \ dr insertion, - and1 Twin Fallsi’ecei'ye Ths Nei r or exchange, abeut your roi shelp you need—One Cent P(

=.O R .S A L E -M IS C E L feH E O U s| WAFOB SALE-Five Buff L o B h o rn l~ ^

hens; thoroughbreds; will tall cbenp. , 773 Bktb ave. E.- (ind t

FOB SALE OB TRA D E-K afck City hay baler, 16x18 . bale; In good I condition; will toko Ford car or live- News, stock of any kind. W. 1. Qillettc, at I^wreoce Mnihino Shop. •

FOR BALE-Oood W U alioek,~ |6 «« per ton. First house oait of cemetery “ r r on Kimberly road.

FOB 8 ALB-A bmier. J. A."joha‘ fened son, a t Sales Barn; .

FOR SALE-Ford H on tmek, 1020’ price model, cal and boxbody; will sell a t Ja {heopj give lomo terms. La- ~ = -bonhelm, at Saitb-Lartenheim Bealty. -

^ B SALE—Clover h*y in tho shock 1-2 mile north Wasblngtoa school. In-

J. L

NEW Edison Dictating Maehlne and office Becord Shaving Machine. Elnney Hunk! Wholesale Coripany.__________

FOB flALE-One team and harness, 'barpj balf>mlle esat and qoarteryalle south of Wuhlngton ichool ^

E. D.'KELLOQQ, agent for Latl- ' o e r’i Dry Amnate of Lead K h^tp tij material. Call Pbone 650B- P. Bet

______ __ _ bill (POB SALB-O, A, 0,~E«n.d Botl. UeUl.

eggs, »1.60 per M ttiu . 708 Sixth ave. tify a B.. Phone 878W. ' ________________

FOR BALE—Bicycles, trieyeles, tirei uabl« ind aceessoftea Wemer’s Bepair Shop, elaaalf !24 Beeond st. E. . = =

FOB BALB^Fiitl and setonil tul-' „ Jag hay, loose or baled at store. Curry, U [daho. .Phone S49B1. / U


’olns! ?0x3 1-L', 811.80; 32x3 1-2 $14.65;' .. ifta.i2x4, ei0.40; 33x4, 820.50 34x4; (21.00. “ by'■Irestoiie, Goodrich, Diamond, Oupploa, Thir. Ijax,. etc. Ray II. Wier, 6038 Darfortr ^vo., St. Loulr, Mo.

i r ^ T I iT O H IN b “a n d PI00TINI3 w J Sittaehment works, on all sawing ma- grajj:blnes; j>rIco $2; personal ebeelu lOe . breaixtriu Ligbt'a'Moll Ofdor House, Box tve. .27, Birmingham, Ala.

" h a UMOND'S B LUO^'OT - Abio- _____ulolr gcta eabbago worms and aU cat- WINDng inseoU on plants, We are bflad' ioei[Qarters for tlog abot .Danow Bi«i. i . . . , ,iqed Si Supply Co._______■

• DBESBMAEING;- .Ma Ella-Catdtr- r r r “ in. Phone 808W.

FIM T’ 0I.A83 ‘ adies' tailoring; speeW prices nun- kalsom ler sewing. M ^ E. A. Kellogg, Boom goar«

_____ ^OOMKBT'8 FLT KNOOKEB—Pays —

or ilsoU ia inereated n ilk flow, ^ e r eI no other eqnal to Conkeys. Darrow —Sros. Seed & Supply Co. , 2 ) ^

"CURTAINB-Uundered or stretch^ work d; mail orders'reeeived.'Baker Boonst, . n '1 ■ fain 80. .

L0AN8-W e have first mortgage >an as follows, 8500, >1000, 83000,4000; 3 to 6 years 10 per cent; 5 per ont commlssloi. Ripley ft Tima, ■

LEATO orders a t T. J. Lloyd’s for . H mlth’e Hot Springs Minertfl waters. *

MOTORISTS, h e rM n ^ w k e a j n ring your cars to ns for ren&irs, w»-ill tell yoa before wa atari j u t irkai OHAS.; will cost Liad>'ActoaobQe Ol. Bloe

MONEY TO LOANFABM ^A N B and aonthly pay arttb t

lent dwelling loans. Arthur L. Swloi --------Co., T m .t BlJg. . HOHE

FOR SA L E -A U T O M O B IL E S,POB .SALE—Bulck sovcn-passongeiir; good tiret; new top; perfect en E U . 1 Ine; can bo seen 'at 260 Hixtb ave. N. 6 , ovihone 487. ' FalU,

IW t SALE OB TBADB-Stndobak- 57511r roadster in extra, good .condition; eollei-ill'' accept Ford in trade. Phone BosnSOW. . 4 T»

op^right, 1020, by N nr Era Features)

: ■ T H E .N E)/ r ‘ ~ \

J , (M ? i< ;n T i ‘, n a l l

\ ■ adViU

W O R T H I t !e w s . Daily. T e l l a l l

■ G o m B : f o t : r e h t , h o u s -

P e r W o r d — P h o n e 32

<AMTED~MISCELUNEOUSWANTED—To rent rornlsbed fiva six room bungalow, good furalsbingi i qjeetrie range; north or e u t of ;tb avenue; state price per month 1 I'dfation; ndalta. y . 0., earrf of ws. . . - -

iVANTED-To buy InU model T n i Ian (ir tonrlng. Call a t 400 Kimber read. ,,

KANTED—To b ay -ba it-A ues-la f' f- bens. UediUrranean Seed pr*- red. B, eare News.

HTANTED—Forda. Hlgheat eaali ce paid for old ears. Bee Wllsoa, . Jay^Bee OUrk store.

VANTSD—To aaxe yonr hosse 11s imUe with ear guaranteed Ue- xtry P ^ t f c 40 steps f rc a poit- Ice. The ezelutive ..paint atore. nUe and BemiUer, Phone i s i . '

7ANTED — Tear raxor blades t« jpea. W arbrt's Bepair Shop, 881 on'd^rt. B.

FOUND,'OITNI^ranndAy, oa the road aooth Filer, beaded bog. contaiaingjmrae,.' '

fold, glasses case and riuroa4 tit. Owner call at Nows and Ideo- • 1

and pay for ad.

?hat is useless to you may. bo Val­le to .other* —-advertUe It in the alfied. •. ■ ' .

isisspiciy■ AUTO EEPAmmO::^ :

pSsAUTrssPssrisssitta. Have yoar Ford-repaired rlcbt by George." Phone ,7MW. t t l bird ave. a ___


ONBB'B BBfiAD—Whole wheat, robau, rye, nut. milk and '^(aaaa read. Cakes and putry . 210 Mala re. N. Phbn4 61-

m3bstn>OW O z i ^ W i a d ahiaMi,’ let.work. Moon’* Shop. Phoaa I.

PAINTING ■ 'a .fc o -

irrt elasi work by akiUed votJc*I in painting,- 'papering, - artlstii lominJcg and general' decorating} ranteed, a t reasonable prieea b j ^jh&LGfiaiktd.-Piiones464M aad

SHOE R m n ^ Vu c A ^ m t s ' m o B ~ ^ iU B Q ia v 12' Shoehone W. Phone 808. All ■ . ork goaranteed.' A. Ohlpoaris, Prop.

T B A N S m

z i m OoiffAHT.lone 848.

P r o f e j i i o n a . 1

ATTOBmSS rX ^ ^ Jo B T H —Lawyer. iSoitV oe Bonding. .

W. Q&AEAU-Lawrer, BaaT*H it Bldg. Phone s

CBB BT7wil801^i;*B7#r;, ‘

£EB 0. U ZLL^B oyd B ailiia |.

IT.LBY Is SWBBLET A tteaays Iaw,JEr*etl<e in all eonrta. Twia

Jls, Idaho.

I WOLFB — lAwyer, Boeau I u l over Idaho Departmeat Store, Twia ills, Idaho.

WlSB^Liwy?;. Fully o r ^ l i e l llection department. Ofatee — lems 6 aa^7,ovbr Twin Falls Baak Tiuit Co:, Twin Falls, Idaho; -

by Beclc

: P I C K E R - — -------jEXT TIMe YOU (S E T -

.MP -.5EE■"iHES " ^ A l O - '

. I T C Q A Y - ' 'V/ / i s H A \( f! »m r !j '

S s l i D inv M D l l i

f i J I E S f l l ®• . — >

LDonard Way, Tariff Bureau ' t ''H ead, Urgqs OancoUatloE ^

of Emergbncy Prlcos ,vrr‘ . tweoD

' TJin( iho public utilltiaa eommimlon ^• jliould fully •Invoitipate-pK M nfpu- tomJa

co&tainod in a lottcr j u t issuod b]r health- • iyconard Wayi'chJef of tbo tmnporta- .Mis.■ 'tJon dfpoiimcDt of tlio commlBflion, and yoara' ■ rail roto-oxport, to tho ullUtlc* Oanrd.- uiiwe'' Itl lili letter Ur. Way aay* bo sqqs smytol

. DC good reason for tbo carriors eontinu> of fuiing rates ^aotod to rcllovo an omorg- caaarycncy, o!l3’ho oxpocta to ,bo able to abow for rocnuiO'Why tho presoal »cbeiftlo o f tar- noccM,

^ f f a b o o ld bo mritorially modified. plibllc, : Mr. Way aak« .that th rtn rrip ra bo eUt, ao

compeltod to appeitr boforo tho publio appeal utilities commlsnoa and p c e ^ t tbel C missioi

.COSO in support of tbo proHot ratei, aionon' which ho eonslders cut of reason and salary,not joitifiod bx^oj.dltlona, both on tio flco, Irailroads and In tho country. vJdo f

In' bis latter Mr. 'Way calls atton* iwnse-;tlqn' t9 tbo fact thnt when tho eom-' meat/' mission granted to tho carriera rl(;bt to aioko an, increaso of passonffcr foroaof 20 per eont ond CO per ccnt increase “in Pullman' fares, .the, rlRht wns but I''*"'’®**,

•* . A t tho time of issuing tbo emorffoncy 'rato order tho commiMlon found, Mr. “ “u®* ■ Way.ihows, thHt “ aa tho rcafonahle- ?f.Foi ac ts 'o f tho lncrcas6»solight haa not

. been coBiidercd or passed upon, the order shduJd bo eonditlooed npoa the «‘u « d

' carrier making indi juatlflcatioa In « lllni auch caies aa may'beroaftor, arise In- cm a; v»lvl»5 thn na«>n«bli!n™ ot tk» 1»- ' >>'

, .cToato to any sp e c ie rato or la tta or diserlxnioationa arising tberofrom.”• •Pnriher:Oa in his commcnicatlon.ltr. •fheol ■Way wy'i: "Tho cmergeney OJisting a t childre tbo ti«o of tho order grantiug rate in- «rense« bos pawod. JusUfleation by “0« « l Sho carficrs,»Itbcreforp, Is now oppor-- ‘OM'lj't tune and could result.in'no.cpnfualon or misondoratMidlBg and they should childre;

• now be called upon to jusUfy tbo in- <> ‘lo"' croaso referred to in accord with the ‘"If provisions, flf your order No. 713.” ^1- an

‘i f r . Way's auggestJon * is.^ing esa*‘ aldered by tho aem ben of-.tho .e4n'» •' • talssion, and, i t 1s beliovod, favorably: g

, Coll may bo Mpeeted for a hearing. ^


-------- . “ MO0l0T«d Man OtderM H ^d Under Booil a tube:

for Fort^ff Appoanace la Oonzt -visits <—------ nursin{

In fhp probate' court- .this morning nrocttc Bert Kelso, roloreil port«r, was arraign- In tho i ed to atiBWiTlhc stnto.’s *harge of ille- uflhapp gal possfMlon of intoxiriting liquor. « a« Kelso cfitered n plea of not guUty and nnd thi Tk'as h-,'M under bonds of >15,000 to ap- I{ed Ci ■pear, m tho same court Tuesday far sho saljircllmltiary culmination.----------- - li^a f(

' '~KeIso's orreit wai'offccted last Sun-. t|,e ' day follrtwj^l'g tt raW by officors of Mi t ' resldeneo on.Blxth-avonuo norti, when h j, oy,

bonded' WbiJikoy, valued at/ oelwcen « ji,i *700 nnd >800 was found.in the cellar, two. ye

• alnaya. OBOP DAHAQH A L IP E D . •

’ ' In the district court today, a jury nnd j o . 'has bcoi impaneled to hear testinion.y given i iilb’ ttiQ-fTamage aeiiQn.liroapht'by A. I). " A - 'Sartwc'il Iftgainst P. .1. Pringle. Tho tho cai oaso nrincs ou t'o f alleged damage to Ijrough 1010 rropa. Sarlwcl) who rented nn Eqj to fiOncrc farm in the Kimberly di^Uict nurjinf in the year mcntlonod, claims tho pWe , the fir was leiiHcd with th^nderttondiog that lj^us< i t was fico from rfffd oals.. I t appears h ad m from (lie compWnt filed,' that the farm- ^ did eonlain this weed, and that the xi,rouD ycor’a ^ o p a wore ruined through this jhrec c preaciioo to tho extent of IMS., Bweo- p,j ley and Sweeloy have Ihe cnao-for-tlm plain',if/t.while J . R. Bolbwell i«^ap-

' pearinx for Ihe defense. ' tho pa- ’• ------------ i chlldrfl

•WlTIlRNS^rEOM EAST.. ."C o 'n Is looking (ho teat powiblo school

but wheat nnd oats ore spotted," wdd «<ti, W alter'J . Olasgow, courthouse custo childre dwn, who him just returned from an unilers oxtcnHlvf> trip through NoliiWka, Mis- aouri ii.ud Knnsaf. M r.’(Ilnigow was

' nbsenc. nlotit n month. He re|>orts dam- ago to.jk’hi'al and oata In all three opiirec atatea >Tsil<'(l through exccMivo bent jg, and lock i>f TOoiaVnre. Viuit. cxeept iiQn berries, in r fnilue in Knnaoii, due to Intp killing frocl*. weight

K IO D IEJ'PA iA IE BTEEETS • ■SnvcrnI 'lunJroil younR8tpr^ repre- pair ol

• lentinm iJie .Tunior Chautauqun, pftrnd- visits pd the. prlneipnl liutlnPM street n t '2 cij.and o’clock this nfirrnoon. Tho ehildri^n, ncenl who wore in rhnrce of official auper migKl'- visors, wore drrmed iff all manner of «Thi

■ unique and plmrnetcr costtimo, nnd pre- the -Ti 'a'ented a gala nppe.irancp^iti,marching j,u|,ijgorder. mado ]

' • ■ “ . of the. .^ ^ DEi'ENDANT GETS VEBDICT , tors,

A probntfl' cmi^ JU.-7 yojlcrday eve-, and ot ning I'Tougbt in a verdict In faVor of

' the dofendnnl in the cmrtJ- of Jen»e TheDunn-ngftlnfil Frank •Hattin-.-.The nc h:lion wns inntlt'utcd to ' recover judg- Cj\ v Fmrnl for a pri'miiim onnninnuraneo tic’PhIpolicy. . , • • —adv.

Eye Stris the cause of much suffering. 1

. corrected by wearing glasses.'

W e'will be pleased to test your •• need glassoB or not.

W.R.PRIE~ J E W E L E R A N D 01

- -

i l I H I T

- i i i s i i LCounty Board Assumes Exj ■ ary whiie Red Cross Wil I Necessary Expenses — M ' Year of Great Activity

. Arrfingements. havo be'eii made bo- ■■ ■ tweon the board of eonnty oommlsslon* I . I era nnd 'tho joca l Bod Cross ebapter f I heads ior.continuaneo of Mias Hotejta • I 5ii«flrail’In tbo .. copnelty 'of public I health nurso for the next year. L

•Miss Mc,Qraii wqo brought 'hero two I years'ago-, to servo ns public licalUi uurse'ind''tilu» 'boon oh th? .lied Cross {myroll slnec he; arrival. Curtailmuat of funds aomo timo since mado it nee- eaaary for tbo Bed Croas to -arrangu for rotroncbment in expcnilitures. Tho necessity of continuing tliu office of filibllc'health nurao' baa been nppar- Oond [ilJC. some time, and wftli this in mind ippeal w as'm ade 'to 'tho county com- nisslonera for asslstane'o. Tho comnls- lioners today orrangod lo assorno tho ialary_ oxponao -eonaoeled wUb tbo ot- 12x& Nee, the Bod Oroas' ehnptcr to pro- «howei irido for liquidation of such other oz- neners wnse as is connected with tho depart- 7. . „

. 'I'HSoport o f TVork'' ' abundi

In a gonornl report of work a«com- tions i iliahod by Mis* JIoGrail in tho yeor affing I oncluded July 1, tbo nurso show*OfiS- laflqs'cared'ifor,-' 170 nursing vlslEa OHfto- aade, 28 infaatllo woUaro vluta made< aad w :< prenatal visits, DO tuberculosis case ' •iilts, and (37 buslnes/ and-«ocial calls. « Misa McOrail's professional caaoa in- f” * “

ludod obstotrieal, tubereulesis, cliron- Pa ' c lllneB, prenatal,, pneumonia, surgi- T'-'fatu .q1 dressing, communicable -diseasoi, reli babies'under luporviiion, typhoid ,nd others.. . am,

Tlrfj. aaau«L:xflp6rt.-or--the nn tse 'i p'®” ” choo'neiltb-itotlviUea indicated 1.80L hlldren'oznmlned. Amofig tboao 'she ^ 'ound 103 aaffering from apparently [ofectlvo vision, 012 with abnormal onsna, 800 with defo^lvo toelh, 183 niscellanoouS'defcct*. Thoro woro 708 L ? i hlldren referred to'pbyaicians, and.880 0 dentUts. 'Class room tolks number- ; ng 05 bate been mado aad 70 Bcihool diits. Visits at homo .of popUi^^tto- >er 218...—

' StunmacUed ActlTltleii growSummarliing her work under tho evoiyii

icad of rcmarkj,-MlM lleOroll sup- “ -the illes the public with tho foiroWlnffia- genera, ormatlon: :“ Tno past year has been a buay one, “B ha:

is4s observed In tho statistical report. »•. “ Afisong tho patients'given core wns , ■ . tuberculous woman, who rocoived-58 ■islts during the year, 42 of these wero 9’'®'’, lursing vWta. This patieal and tho " iracttenl nurso always foU free to eoU « i;'**' n tho nurse any timo? when either wore iflhappy or for other reasons., V f

“ A* tho year-waa drawing to & eloso ® nd the patient was Informed that tho , ‘J,, ted Cross could not continue tho work, ho said, 'Me want tho Nurse.’ Then rha few days when sbo was told that . "} ’ he county commlsslonore wo.ald. con- Ihlfa the work, sho sald-Vlth tears in or oyes, 'Mo glad.*"This woman though an invajid-for

wo. years is ft most cheerful patient, -v.. - Inaya has tbo awootest smile, even j - ' iniler Iho most Iryitig tlTCumstanct* ^ ‘ nd jever forgets to thank one for care ^von and to aay that abo feels'better. Twii

"A -m atern ity ' enso, receiving only Clear ho caro of a twelve year, old girl, was yegota irought to the at_t?ntion of tho nurso. ing an ?or tfln'-da}*e the nurse nmmed tho falling lursing care of mother nnd child. On ho first visit ' i t waa discovcrbd'that '^ u r l ^Mouso three members of tho family, llorm lad^o o p ln g 'w u g h t, three well chil- fnmag. Iren wfcro rightly oifluded from school, section ilirough tho efforts of tho nurso tho wide * hroe children were tempofarlly^emov- damag. ■d from the iioiic, thoy werojiermittod w 0 return to school nnd woro thus aav- ' ' “P*•d from losing tbolr promotion.. This wakl ho patient greatlyjippreelated, aa the ' f for ihlldrfln are backward in their studies, " “cni wcftuw of being fo t« d to attend the ichool irregularl/ in past years.

“ Tlie 213 visits to homes of school R®®'*- ;bildren has brought about a 'hotter inilerstandlng between nurso nnd far- 'nts. In all,instances tho defects were (iiown but the.seriousness of not tnak- ^ ng the corrceli'on waa not always fully jpiireclnle'y.' Through Ibis work bet- .. or resuUs are obtained.

“ One little boy, wheae groBtb was ituntcd (he wn# 25 por cent under — L= .rolght), lack of ambition wns evident IS ho-wnlkcd about, and. his work in ichoil wns poor, was faund.lo have n ^ )oir of hugo tonails. After three home ^ ,’iilts parents bad operation perform; , , I ■d.and already good results aro being ^ leen; iTiis is 'ono of innny stories I aiRht'l'ell. • . • . X

"Tho results of all of. the work o'f • ' 3 hc -Tirtii"i>IIs.'chapter of Hed-OroM tublic health division has only been - A nado possible through the co-operation »,•,f the children, parents, teachcrs. d o c - __ors, dentists, county commla'sionors ’J ind others.*’ , ■ 3

Tho wonirii of (Jie Christian church ' 5vlll hsVl their cooktij food i^ e nt thn og

Pharmaey ihstead of the'Mftjcs- ic’Ph'armaey n» pruvlously announced.-adv. - __1 __;Bi

" ; Su

Itrain ' IThis strain can often b e ' I

?'our oyes and toll you if you - ]0 I • •


' .. . ...

LY news; T W FALL

f l l i K I S P

i i l l S S i ;DxpSnse of Nurse’s Sal- tvill Look'After Other • Miss McGrail Reports -r , Ho

u m w iii l l F B I I i l l

. trai

Conditions Ideal for Growth in iroi Past W eek Except for a

Few Storms v .thni

Lxcopt ^ r llghi, Bcattered thunder- cr t lowers in tho roeuntaius on thjs 24tJ i. B] jnera’ly fair weather provailed duriuj;10 week throughout the state. ' There tL i as.llttlo cloudineat and sulishlne wan ,1 , jundant. Tomperntur'cs in" all sec- ^ i BM were high for tho season. Dam- ring hfcil storms occurred in’Ner Periio V ld_Ca^sla Bounties, says Meterologlsl . ' ’I?' ffitoa E Norquest, In a ‘weekly crop id woftther summary just Irsuod. .V'" I t waa another .splendid growing ook and all crops madu ezeotlent prog- ss In most sections of the state, bui parts 'of Boundarj; cbunty high tei'ii

rrature& and lack of sufficient moist- „ f 0 wero Injurious <0 vegrfation.' In0 irrlgatfld districts, whero thoro Ii1 ample supply of water this aeasou, ■owing conditions Wo all that could 1 desired, WJicnt, barley o'lid oats are ralng along in fino shape. In tho incipal wheat gr'owing dlatricls win- J'" ' r ^Wicat is well headed nnd aprini; iieat is mostly in tho boot. l’otatoe.<rn .W'l augar beetr -are making satis- etory growth. OceasionnI medcrato. warm nighls have proven very bene* “

:ial to corn. I’mtutci aw goncrally •‘■'‘V' lod, but they pro failing a little in f” '® talitl-.-a whero irrigation water la not ‘>’‘ 1' ■ailablo. Bango grasst's continue to ow luxuriantly and ifcuigo feed is ’*>■ erywhere plentiful; Iu fact tho range the -the best, m years. Htnrk aro now nerally on 'summer range, and thoy 0 in tip-top conditiuii.. Bheep ahcQr- I If g halbecn completed in.lhu’I a tn dis- Il ictf. The clip was uniformly good.*ult i,rospects continue ;-ood in must enlltiu*. Cherry harvest is pretty well • er In tho Lewiston valley but io oth-. dlatricU It is In full swing. Tho yield _ proving heavier than expected. Ap- S u t

?ir,anrl prunes are growing fiau. In a 0 Tt/In fhll* district there la a heavy op of (ipplev, amounting to ■ total IS of lomo varieties. 'All furm work woat^ailiead in good ^ ope. Ilaybg is Ihe order 0/ tho dav . moit, Jocalitle*, and na tho weather a been Ideal for rapid curing most o f ?! o .UiiK; tho crop ia being put up in cellont • eondltldn.- In the earliest itricts wheat u being hitvcsted. Cul- iatinii of row eropf—crrn, potatoes. an?,' peas, and sugar beets—mnd-i ” ‘® ' od progress. v

.Prom, the Held. 'Twin rails, Twin Falls County— jooti ear and hot, iine hny weather; nil land gotatien rapid growth; wheat head- (.-oiti g aal in excellent ronditlon; apples men, lllng lieavlly, some varletifs almoit faric

. soutlaurlny. Cassia County—Sovore hail iitoi<l urn cn the afternoon of th'e 23rd pnn\ imaged grnln. alfalfa .uiid! beets in n stovl ctlon -i .miles long and ■! '1-2 niilej- ihn\ ide southwest of Uurley; some grain nien miagoil l];o per.rent and hcets sot back Mou' •0 weeks; outside of liail district oil vchr ops oro in excellent condition. Vnlii Oakley, Cassia County—Ideal weath- rueo

for all crops; barley and - winter ,lena 'tent headinf^- beets thinned to i;ood [ iiud; rnngp nnd stock never belter; F., earing about .done: water " fupply nil*, tod. ; . . ,1,0,].Montpelier, Iknr-bnkc County—Fine nddc i‘nllii-ij all props goml progrt-ss: sonic fnlfa cut during week; liny hnrvesV—W ill be in full swing next few dnya. the • Poe.ilello, Bannock Counfy—itanpr bivvt eelb'nt: sheep nnd rattle fine eondi is g 5n; rll crops doing well; alfalfa har- ■St jwugttMlnB; gn«d yirU. -R]

^ t u r d a y3 tana 2 1-2 Yellow Cling Opld Bor Pea(

. l.caijs.S.'l-S'Siker.Bar Apricota ...______No. 2 1-2 Pineapple, Gold Bar __ -

“ 4Sc Lilly’s Corb B eef..................3 lbs. Avon Club Coffee ..... ...........

■ 5 lb s . .^ to s Blond Coffeo______ ____’20 lbs.- Bear Brand Syrup_________ _—No. 5 Woeden Box CmekeTa'.L.''.-;':::^^

._;Brooms, Brooms, Brooms......... —Sugar, pSr.aark ............................... .

. Wo also buy Oroaa and Poolti;

floll yonr Poultry while Uio prico

• i - 4 Free D eliveries D aily: o n A




I D f S i i E I”


- ■ _ , , be •

Hcttd of Salvation Army Move- mont Hero Ordered to C oast' uties

to Benefit'Health' was

_ After seven month# ’of eerviy Jure Q^°tL'aptain and Mra. J. P. Purdy, of tho bo h■salvation Army, will leave Mohilay for B( :he west. Their ultimato destination U3y>ltle. Thoy w})! vlilt in’Boise on.tho yjjpj>vay. Tiioy will 'ue’ succeodod by Cap- lost :ain II. Gartell,' or dontralia, Wash-

I'oor hcallh of both Captain and Hrs. r l l i’urdy is directly reapbnsible for tho * :ransfor from Twin Palls.' Tbo former ms been afflicted with Betioua throat roublo for the pa^t three .moaths, vhllo an organlo ailment of Mra. Pur- ly has shown a disposition to bceomb n n n Iggravated recently. I t is bellortd hnt health will bo improved in a low- U ■r altitude. ■

Bpeaking of the transfer order Cap- ain Purdy today announced -ho dislk- p , il vory much to bo called away from '’irln i '0 i , ,a a d had eatortainfld hopo , lint health eonditlona woaliLimpiAVo il.- '0 that ho could remain. Ho stated hat tho request'for transfer bad .not o;ne from'himsolf,'but tho order ro- -iJ, , «Uc>i ftom thp aeUon ot bis phyi^ciaa, , 1,,,,, I'lio took up the question with Balvn- ju',ir ion Army heads on tho coast.' -

"Words cannot express my appreela- j j , ion of tbo support and eo-operatien ceorded both myself aad Mra. Pnrdy ^ h n ou r work during tho brief stay in 'win Falla, and I toko this meana of nallo ubllcly extending thanks for tho many the I ourtosiee extended,'■ ‘ Captain Pnrdy tated today. Contlauing ho says tho mniit tay hero hos beoa very pleasant aad Sii irofitable. Wo will bo boosters for Sund ’win i'alls whorovor we go. Oar work l,y p; aa grown .beyond expectations 'and pj(iiv< here still remains a great opportnaity will* fir the army.in thia city.” • andCaptain Purdy has just returned from with

' fortnight's recuperaton \Tieation a t trend -iva Hot Sprlnga. Ho' will pccaeh hi* of a . nrewcll sermon Sunday night at 8 pecte ’clock. Captai9 ..Qnrtell is expeeted to this 1 ake ^harge-of tire local work on July —fi*] 0 , Captain aad Mra. Purdy will mak» erirhi he trip west oa a motorcycle. • nnd '

■ ' •- :. Red (


_____ , him 1lurns and Oasoy, Boxcar Oper-

ators. Taken on Charge of omS ..Mnrdering Agent Bcek

• _____ er.ion51ie;lff K.’B. Sherman has received

■or.l froin Portlund 'of thu'arrest of ohn !„ Iliirn* and Donals Qisey, men *“•ho ara jnld. to have broken jail ot lountnin Home, in which plaeo they ere lodged after being nnerted for oxear robberies at Kinga Hill.AwHt of the two men, according t(f ti,,

le sheriff'*' information, followed^thy .1 lurder of a special railroad agent Buck'" Philipps, who, it seems, had , , , , 1 irpriin.i tho i ^ r white thoy wore .otingvn merelinndlse c4>r in the Port- iiid. inilroad yards. Pouersion of u . lilts d'ltililc-netion pistol by ono of th» jr - tk len, led fo.connecHng them with ne- fo„j irious iirnetieca, in the vicinity ot ,, )uthern I d a h p ^ h e pis‘61 was onec,:oi<k cl tho Diamond Bardwaro com- any, ond records provo tluit U was lu lock prior to July 14, 1018. Tho'com- nny lius no record of 'ita' iale. Tho ten ure said to have broken jall.a*. fountain Homo -in Jjinuao’ of this ^ ehr. Loot, token from inilroad cars,nl..... n’ hundreds of dollars, haa been JJ"®'jeoviTcd ill II havstack in the Paaa- Mam

'» " »?■ , ■ J J .

F, WiUlanw'ban Tetuinod to Twin e = s 11s, and will resume making his fn ions Ijoughnuts, with othrr featurca dded.—adv. • . ■ • I

'When having typewriter twiublo, eall he Chs Book store, phone 25-1, nnd ivvo it repaired promptly. Our. work I guarnnteed.—adv..


S p e c i a l sJ

’eaehcs_____ ____________ 11.00 ,. ,... ........ ........_________ _ *L00

---------------- _____________ 30c------------------------ --------2Cc

___ _— ----------------1 — $1.00 ------------------- :-------------- ------05c---------------------------- aee irr-.:.':::::___ ____ -___ ko , ' , ^-----------------------p..:....- — . 4So ,-.................. .............................. •$7.48 -

Itry. .Now i< the' tlmo to -

ico H righ t '

All M eat and G roceries— ..

E STORE3 3 0 ^


•ULY1..1921 ; •'


WITH M RS. KATE O’HARE wtL!Mra. Ktito RichAids O ’Durb, a^eom ]

laaled by her daughter, WIvpd boro 7 in tho traitt a t ono o ’cloSK' today ^ » •, ind was mot by her eponsor.hero,'H. ^ I . ^iedheim / and Loon 8 . Ayotte, bo- * ^ ng conducted-* to ■ tho Maldenee of Medbeha. LltUe Interest seemed to le -dlaplayof over he’r aMval. Sho Ttts introduced by Friedhelm to jherlff E. B. Shermaa, who with Dcf^ poarai ities V H. Ormaby'and IL 8 . Hamil- to fl on, ond Cblof of Police John M. Bock tholp ^as 0* tho 8tatloa\and 5 conleroneo be- , ■woea the nuUioriUel and Mrs. O’flaro in tho local ■situatioa was arranged to JO held thbr afternoon.-• ®®“ ™‘

Deputy Sheriff Bon Brown thii nilfnirg c^mmdnieated Ly tolepbono " vlth aulhorities a t 'Valo and was ad- r ’ff ?Ised that Mrs. O 'llaro’s-locturo thoro ^ ost night attracted Utile attoatlon.

PiinSHS ::i■ SVilWRg

Japt. B. W- Hallowell Win Do-' w®ai liver Occasional Address;

. Music by Quartet Choir [every —■ rented

Practically all churches,of tbla city gent’a inve suspended evoning arrx-iees lor he aummer ■woekr. This pUn will bo “ ®“/ ' ho ord.>r until the f in t Sqnday in Sep- embcj' and eonferms to a'syhtem In- fooper

by tho Twin M i l H lalrtt. »«1“ ial assocJtition, some years ago. Each ” .J*“ hurch will be in chorge of oveninp ‘“ *'1 uHng the weeks of union sacToJ ®"®- eremonics. ' »>®nt'.The snmnjer season of outdoor rerv- ,®y® •es m '1 be inaoguitited dunday night doing, :Uh tho First Presbyterian church or- nT^rlon in charge. Captain E. W. ‘"® Iallou’.'lI will deUver tho address and lio I’rvsbytcrlan quartet choir, led by pleturi irs. 1 . R. Duvall, will nrovldo the «P®®W msic.•Since this. Is a patriotic season the ■’ unday i-.venlng service mil ho marked y palriotie endoavorj^oth in addreSf dancinjfayers and muaie/^^^e aongs sang -----•ill bo of a sflcreilly patriotic nature, TRfiH nd tho orctisiopal anthem consistent •ith Iho nature of tho occasion. Tlic _ . , rend of thought of tho address will bo f a ilmllttt order. All tlftrtchts are ex- eeteil to Join with tho congregation jn _ iIs sn.npd celebration. ^4'.«ptsli»;Hnllowell-waf'wHh the Am- rirhn ffoops In Busjla duiing the war, . ®®‘ nd Mnce them has served with tho ed Cress In Berlin. The servictf begirii t-7^:i0 o ’closk. - • . ' ■ ,,FD

•"‘ St e a m o e ip ,' p in e d .' ^ to’ur.K.'b. Peterson, onea 28, this morning P®ri°i? aid'a fine of 125 In tho probato court " 'a‘‘® j.flalJsfy judgment .rendered against P®*“ ‘® im br Judge 0. P. Duvall. Peterson as arrested at Iho 0. 8 . U sUtlon «® «>1 crterday.evening by Deputy Sheriff ®* rmaby oad Chief of Police Jo h i' M. cek on eboTM of petty lareeay. Pet- ' -.wn admitted havlag atolen a suitcase .-..i 1'' rcm^n rooming house yesterday. The , rip wa!s Touail by the officers chefckfld • ^ 1 Ihe railroad baggage room, Tho grip I eloagtd. to a roomer named John V Hiite.

_______ _ ____ • tTOOFOB FLOOD SUITBREBS

The .\merican. ifijd Cross haa recelv- ped I the following amonnta for tho Pueb- •'IC-l I flood Boffortra, the same being for- •'— nrded ■ todays Riwanls club, #08; WAl piscopal Guild, W. ' -; 13

• f P' in-Tho Btaadard Bearora society of the [ethodist church will hold a eoOkedlod la’e Saturday, July 2, beginning , "t 10 o ’clock a t the'M ajestic fh a r- ' apv—ftdv

Buy your light luneh nt the Busiaoa^iris’ booth on the 4th. Next to CItv *“ark «rocery.-ttdv. ’ “

■- ------------- LOSDr. J. B. MeMIlIen has moved h<.< Falls :

ffiee tf the Moorman building, 110 rewardlain Ave. N. Office phono les.—adv. --------

------------ ' ' ....... ■" -wrAlREAD IHB.OLABSIPfED A D^ ' stock


N o ,'l—A big lot of indio-s’, wlu

grade), with covcrcil Ivonia lioel

2 1-2-to 7. A shoe that is easily wo:

Priced for the Po,

2—100 piiirB IikHj’.h’ black

l»iimpB,.with niilit^rv and Cuban

. widtlia.A to C. - Those Hline.s,flre \vr

Priced for the j o\


■ • ' r w r N ' F A L L s "

, 1 3 9 T ir s ¥ f lS H 0 |fE .

/ • -' ] '

[ n K K D v r lTIBIWIaFlllt,

immittee Starts Inatailing.tho^ Fixtures for Monday’s Prep

, ‘ Carnival

*B /Sunday next tho city-of TiVin” '* Ja will prcrent indeed a gala a p -- . jonce. {lags aro‘alrcadr;bcglnnlng,'

fly;, decorated windows to make Ir tappearaaeo in . antleipaUoa 0 ; inlng one of tbo wlndptr prlies"bf- ed by Uie Twin Palls eelebration imlttee. Tho big merrj'-goJround .I boon ae't up and Is.all ready to help V . kiddles enjoy tbemsolv^s. The rna-t

■ lanes for tho many fooliraeftiW v ' ' ' staked off today, tho hexing ’• ne \ »tling stand will bo. arranged ^andL] , rythlug notessaiy for tho big frf,^ ' sbrfttloa li fail ucaiiBg-tomplctlon”1 Howard Babin, publicity manager tho carnival, today. -'Tbo com'mlttdo earnestly requests' ry one In the city who has any m towi\ window space or a store It, toVdoeorato it with flags or bunt- • and i i that way odd to the festive

'caranc'lTiOf-'oor a ty .' The window >:es havo eretatrd eonsidfirabte inte^ ‘

Tlio commlttoo liTlntormCd jm ost ry lino of busliiess will bo repro- ' ' ted, n barber shop, implement store, ^ t ’s furnishings, grocery, real e s ta te '* ; lee, drug store, ladies' shop, depaHAf- It store and many other8..heIng a . - . ^ iy lined iip. T h e rn s need of hearty ■

fierallon in this matter and all are ,. lod ,to havo a part. Tho program! ammod w ith ,a variety of features' stnatji arraagtd to please every- < .

. Tho policy of all the entertain m it heo has mot with the approval / )Vory one.. Thero wilL be somethliJg' . •ig/^very Jnlnuto‘from tBo firrt band . cert In ,tho morning to the end of t big free' streof dance and carnival be evening. In addition to'tbo free uro shows and free, street, dance ;Ial programs aro being ortaagcd tbo Orphenm, Idaho and Gem pie- ) shows and special dance features the -Lavoring and tho IJluo Bird,

cing pavlllona.”

A N S F E R S O ^ A L ESTATEoiahod b7 the Twin ra li i TlUe iiad *

A bttrte i Qomiwiy

leed, C. P. Moore to J. Levesque,8 1-2 NE 1-4 3M0-18.eed, D. M. 'Whittikon to A. 8 . Mar-, *4,500, lot 10, block 00, .T. P.

FINDS OPTIMSTIO PEOPLB oorgo D, Aiken has returned Jrbm. ' our of the atato'eitandlng over x iod of two monthV Mr. A^lfeii'*. Ic'the trip In eonncclion Vith hU. ition ns-ropresentatlvo of tho;ltato kmen’s ' eompciiel.tlon <b;partn*nit. roiwrts a generally gwd ew dltlon- props all over the state,'and- haw W / id the people confident that g o o « ^?s aro soon to returpj ')■•■*•— -------- ^ ^

Q l a j a i f i e d ; '


;d to handle an y kind of haulifig.- 54 Second ^vo. N. _.rhono 371.

rXNTEI>-W 5N.c«t, lir'iBlIt girli. - or I i years old. Apply Saturday n., H30 Second cant. ' . ' ,

'ANTbD—Contractor, on or about 1 Ilf July to haul 'Vuid stack hdy In 1 condition; oWnor to do cutting ■

Mking; low wheeled wagons and . icks on plaeo; will pay one and 70- per.ton. For.paitlettlan, Kpply K .i> McMonigle. Phono No. '307K. B oii.. Hailey, Maho., .

OST—Tiro on rim between Twin .Is ond Castlcford.' .Phone 547 for ard. • • . _

rANTED—Six or eight head o f . k W pasture. Phono 517B3. . j

OE VALUESL■ , iDIJRTHliite oanva« o.xfonis (fine

■\ 'nnd turned\w)k\ SizcH

vorth $5.50.

'O urthm o

k kid and imtciit leather ^

n IioqIh. 7n sizoB to ,8 ; • worth'froin$5.50 to $7.()0. ,



I-, IDAHO. ^

■NEXT DOOR TO g e m : > .
