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The Parish Visitor of Bethel Lutheran Church, Auburn, Massachusetts January 2016 Volume LXXI No. 1 Church Office: 508-832-3427 The Rev. Andrew Borden, Pastor [email protected] The Rev. Edward W. Voosen, Pastor Emeritus The Rev. Robert F. Fenby, Pastor Emeritus Administrative Assistant: Ann Spinner: Email: [email protected] Music Director: Greg Martiros Phone: 978-360-4868 Email: [email protected] Homepage: http://www.bethelauburnelca.org. Twitter: http://twitter.com/bethelauburn Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethellutheranauburnma Bethel Preschool Director: Beverly Sampson Phone: 508-832-9411 Bethel’s Purpose: Loving~Serving~Growing~in Faith! Worship Schedule for January 8am and 10:15am Sunday, January 3 Epiphany of Our Lord Worship Blood Pressure Clinic after services Sunday, January 10 Baptism of Our Lord Worship Sunday, January 17 Epiphany 2 Worship Sunday, January 24 Epiphany 3 Worship Sunday, January 31 Epiphany 4 Worship Wednesdays Midweek Worship at 5:30pm PASTOR’S CORNER Watchers, lookers-on, people focused outside of themself and taking note of changes in the world, the region, the community; we hopefully all have a bit of this in our make-up. Because if we aren’t aware of the wider-world, if we’re only navel- gazing then something is going to missed, some- thing is going to be lost. What if the wise men, Gaspard, Melchior and Bal- thassar, what if they had been too busy in doing whatever that they didn’t notice the brightly shining star and remember what they had read about its prophecy? Their witness of the wider world taking note of this extraordinary event, God’s breaking in, would not have happened and their lives would not have been changed. God doesn’t sleep, ever, at least that’s the take- away from scripture’s testimony to us. Understand- ing God this way might just suggest Godly work is in-play and could show up on our doorstep, in our neighborhood, on the world-stage any time of the day or night. Our challenge is in being aware and purposely attentive for grace manifesting itself around us so that not only we take heart but can point out to others how God is near, how God is here! The camel-ride from the east through desert lands wasn’t a piece of cake. Our three gift-bearing gen- tlemen made a commitment to confirm the blessed event so that it could be made known and make a positive difference for humanity. Being a person of faith in a world that seems in- creasingly secular isn’t always a piece of cake, ei- ther. Yet, our commitment in confirming the heart of love that is Jesus, the Love come down at Christmas and breaking into our imperfect yet beautiful world, is necessary and right for making a positive difference for humanity on our age. May the wonder of the birth of Jesus and its reve- lation to the wider world, initially testified to in scripture with the coming of the wise men and shepherds from the hills, instill in us confidence that the Dawn From On High is still breaking in, and may we know the peace of God which sur- passes understanding and our hearts skip with joy at the hope manifest I our midst! Peace & grace + Pastor Andrew Annual Meeting January 24th after worship The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will follow the service in the Parish Hall (west end) and we will approve reports; adopt a plan for minis- try (a budget), elect Council members, a Nominating Committee for 2016, and elect Voters to the 2016 N.E. Synod As- sembly. All Confirmed members of Bethel are eligible to vote and attend. Snow date will be January 31 st . Dear Friends at Bethel: Please know that I appreciate the great send-off you gave me in my last days of serving at Bethel. My time with you has been a blessing to me, and I thank you all for your support and your partnership in the church’s mission. God bless you in Bethel’s ministry in all the days to come. —Pastor John Nieman

The Parish Visitor of Bethel Lutheran Church, Auburn, Massachusetts

January 2016 Volume LXXI No. 1 Church Office: 508-832-3427

The Rev. Andrew Borden, Pastor [email protected] The Rev. Edward W. Voosen, Pastor Emeritus

The Rev. Robert F. Fenby, Pastor Emeritus

Administrative Assistant: Ann Spinner: Email: [email protected]

Music Director: Greg Martiros Phone: 978-360-4868 Email: [email protected]

Homepage: http://www.bethelauburnelca.org. Twitter: http://twitter.com/bethelauburn

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethellutheranauburnma

Bethel Preschool Director: Beverly Sampson Phone: 508-832-9411

Bethel’s Purpose: Loving~Serving~Growing~in Faith!

Worship Schedule for January

8am and 10:15am

Sunday, January 3 Epiphany of Our Lord Worship

Blood Pressure Clinic after services

Sunday, January 10 Baptism of Our Lord Worship

Sunday, January 17 Epiphany 2 Worship

Sunday, January 24 Epiphany 3 Worship

Sunday, January 31 Epiphany 4 Worship

Wednesdays Midweek Worship at 5:30pm

PASTOR’S CORNER Watchers, lookers-on, people focused outside of themself and taking note of changes in the world, the region, the community; we hopefully all have a bit of this in our make-up. Because if we aren’t aware of the wider-world, if we’re only navel-gazing then something is going to missed, some-thing is going to be lost.

What if the wise men, Gaspard, Melchior and Bal-thassar, what if they had been too busy in doing whatever that they didn’t notice the brightly shining star and remember what they had read about its prophecy? Their witness of the wider world taking note of this extraordinary event, God’s breaking in, would not have happened and their lives would not have been changed.

God doesn’t sleep, ever, at least that’s the take-away from scripture’s testimony to us. Understand-ing God this way might just suggest Godly work is in-play and could show up on our doorstep, in our neighborhood, on the world-stage any time of the day or night. Our challenge is in being aware and purposely attentive for grace manifesting itself around us so that not only we take heart but can point out to others how God is near, how God is here!

The camel-ride from the east through desert lands wasn’t a piece of cake. Our three gift-bearing gen-tlemen made a commitment to confirm the blessed

event so that it could be made known and make a positive difference for humanity.

Being a person of faith in a world that seems in-creasingly secular isn’t always a piece of cake, ei-ther. Yet, our commitment in confirming the heart of love that is Jesus, the Love come down at Christmas and breaking into our imperfect yet beautiful world, is necessary and right for making a positive difference for humanity on our age.

May the wonder of the birth of Jesus and its reve-lation to the wider world, initially testified to in scripture with the coming of the wise men and shepherds from the hills, instill in us confidence that the Dawn From On High is still breaking in, and may we know the peace of God which sur-passes understanding and our hearts skip with joy at the hope manifest I our midst!

Peace & grace + Pastor Andrew

Annual Meeting

January 24th after worship The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will follow

the service in the Parish Hall (west end) and we will

approve reports; adopt a plan for minis-

try (a budget), elect Council members, a

Nominating Committee for 2016, and

elect Voters to the 2016 N.E. Synod As-

sembly. All Confirmed members of Bethel are eligible

to vote and attend. Snow date will be January 31st.

Dear Friends at Bethel: Please know that I appreciate the great send-off you gave me in my last days of serving at Bethel. My time with you has been a blessing to me, and I thank you all for your support and your partnership in the church’s mission. God bless you in Bethel’s ministry in all the days to come. —Pastor John Nieman


LIPY-CM’s 9th ANNUAL GIFTING EVENT On Sunday, 12/13 five churches came together at Zion-Oxford to bring cheer to Worcester inner-city kids who were looking at a bleak holiday.

Sixty-seven of us gathered, were assigned kids to buy for and then made our way to North Oxford’s WALMART where management had agreed to give us 10% our total purchases and our tax-exempt status is honored (THANK YOU WALMART!!!)

The wrapping was intense (like how do you conceal a hu-la-hoop??) and the pizza and desserts great! We wor-shipped and packed Pastor Andrew’s truck FULL and the delivery was made the next day to Concordia Lutheran on Murray Avenue.

A BIG THANKS to everyone who donated monetarily and of their time for this wonderful expression as Christ’s hands and feet on the ground: $1,800 was raised be-tween our 5 regional cooperative ministry sites!!!


January 12th

at 6pm at “Jasmine” on 711 Southbridge

St. Auburn. Meet at the restaurant - each person is

responsible for the cost of their meal. Sign up in the



There is now a Flower Chart in the Nar-

thex. If you wish to put flowers on the

altar in 2016 please sign up. First come

first served so sign up as soon as possi-

ble. Cost is about $30.00 for 2 bouquets

and you will be billed directly from Berg Florist.

Jan. 12th

MEN’S GROUP DINNER Chinese Restaurant for Buffet All men are invited to take part in this

monthly Fundraiser. Proceeds from

these dinners have helped fund many

different causes, including scholarships

for Camp Calumet. Dinners are the 2nd Tuesday of

the Month. January we are going out to eat at a local

Chinese Restaurant for their buffet. Cost will be de-

termined depending on where we go. Watch the sign-

up sheet in the Narthex for location where we will car

pool at Bethel at 5:30 and eat at 6:00

Thanks, Larry Stidsen



CANCELLATION POLICY In the event of inclement weather notices regarding

building closures and cancellation of notices will be found

on the following:

Television – WBZ Channel 4 and

WCVB Channel 5

Website – WHDH Channel 7 is on

internet only www.whdh.com

Radio – WSRS 96.1 FM or WTAG

580 AM

Messages will also be kept on the

church answering

PRAYER LIST Members names are underlined: Bold face are newly added as of 12/30/2015

Donald Aulenback Jr., Phil Becker, John Berube, Roberta

Briggs, Joyce Bylund, Bernard Carlson, Karen Carlson, Nick Caruso, Nancy Copeland, Cormier Family, Lynn

Sherwin Crystoff, Shirley Cummins, Lori Deso, Jill Ducat, Bette Elia, Rocci Elia, Bill Garneau, Jack Haringa, Har-old Johnson, Mary E. Johnson, Olof Johnson, Melissa Kneeland, Jerry LaFleur, Jean Latti, Diane Ela-Lauzon, Bill Lauzonis, Cynthia Lauzonis, Sal Luco, Sheri Madsen, Bob Marshalkowski, Matthews family, Alice Nobert, Gil-bert Nobert, Priscilla Odgren, Waldo Pierce, Ron Ring-

gard, Thyra Steelman, Bob Tee, Steve Trilligan, Linda Vernon, Edward Warren

Hospitalized or other Health Care Facilities Life Care: Margaret Sjoberg, Barbara Pierce, Carolyn


Millbury Health: Delores Bengtsson Beaumont, Northboro: Betty Earley Overlook, Charlton: Pastor Harold Haas Lincoln Hill Manor, Spencer: Dot Reid Lutheran Health Care Center: Velma Blanchard Sterling Village Nursing & Rehab: Frances Gadde

DISMAS HOUSE The following Fridays we will be serving and joining in meal with the folks at Dismas. Call church office and leave your name if you are interested in joining us for any of these dates.

Friday January 29th 6:00 pm Friday February 26th 6:00pm Friday March 25th @ 6:00 pm

To our Bethel Friends,

We would like to thank you all for your prayers for our family members over the past weeks.

Stephen & Jennifer Johnson


Eternal Life: Our sympathy to the family & friends of

Evelyn Ventura, Rev. Gerry Sanders who has en-

tered Eternal Life since our last Parish Visitor. May

God comfort all who mourn.

New Life in Baptism: for Liliana Taubinger who

was baptized on November 22 and Jackson Zifcak,

son of Nicole & Brian who was baptized on December

2oth. God’s Blessings!


A Memorial Fund gift has been given in memory of

Ray Ogden by Judy Sampson, Ruth Thompson, John

Lamb, Richard & Patricia Olson Anita & John Haynes,

Belmonte Family, Leanne & Tom Carraher, Tim and

Cheryl Cronin and Mary Nelson.

Congratulations to Christine & Michael Gagnon on

the birth of their grandson, Aidan Michael Gagnon.

Aidan was born to Alec Gagnon and Chloe Jolin on

December 18th. God’s blessings to all.

God’s Work ~ Our Hands

As of Sunday, December 27, 2015 Received YTD Budget YTD $117,805.73 $117,000.00

NEW 2016 PRAYER LIST All names on the prayer list, except members AND

those added in December will be cleared as of Janu-

ary 1st. If you want a name to stay on contact the

Church Office at 508-832-3427 or con-

[email protected]. This is done twice a year now

with the second time July 1st.


If your Anniversary is missing please let us know - 832-3427. Thank You!

Judy & Roger Bohn 01/05/62 Alden & Bev Sampson 01/19/68


“The Orphan Train” by Christina Baker Kline on Friday January 15th @ 200 pm.

Up coming books will be “The Im-mortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloots (Feb.19th) and “Flight of the Sparrow” by Amy Brown (March 18th). If you have already read any of these books or if they interest you to read, please come and join us!


WORSHIP SPACE & THE LITURGY Jesus never told us how to create worship space or laid out a particular worship model; except that worship include scripture, prayers and the Sacrament of the Table.

What we largely experience today in the ELCA and other liturgical denominations are ancient practices that developed over time as pastors and theologians sought to help believers adorate the Trinity when coming together to worship.

The thing to understand is that God isn’t static and neither should be our lives of faith or our worship.

Within the church year we have the seasons of worship: Advent, Christmastide (albeit very short), Epiphany, Lent, East-er, Pentecost and the Sundays after Pentecost. Each time has a particular focus in scripture that flows from the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) that ELCA churches largely follow.

There is a “flavor” to our coming together in worship for each season where alternation of liturgical music (like the Kyrie, Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy), gospel gradual (Alleluia or other), etc.) help to highlight the shift in focus and for which ad-justments to our worship space can help to bring the whole together. For instance; on Pentecost Sunday red is the color of the day (reminiscent of the scriptural tongues of fire) and so draping’s of fabric can highlight this understanding and reinforce the impact of the day and season’s theme. And we exchange what may be the Alleluia in Lent before the gos-pel for a more solemn piece such as “Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful..” all in keeping with our focus of the season.

Unless it is actually bolted to the floor, the baptismal font can rove throughout the worship space: sometimes greeting worshipers at the head of the main aisle, encouraging us to remember our baptism. Sometimes it may be front and cen-ter in the chancel as we baptize the faithful. Sometimes it may be off to one side as another element takes precedence in the dance of the worship space.

At Christmas, candelabra can help to emphasize the light of love come down in the Christ-child’s birth. During other sea-sons the candelabra may await their reemergence as simplicity for the space helps bring our attention to another focus.

Music and adornments exist to help us in our adoration but don’t exist to simply be statically in place. Their incorpora-tion into thoughtful expressions of the liturgical seasons are components of congregations sensitive to the movement of the Spirit within the life and faith of the people.


Worship & Music News Committee Chair: Joan Parker Members: Phil Becker, Roberta Briggs, Adam Hanks and Judy Sampson.

As request, readings for Sunday worship are printed in advance. Our readings rotate on a three year cycle (Years A, B & C). We are currently in year C (which began on the First Sunday of Advent). Below are the readings for January: January 10, 2016 ~ Baptism of Our Lord First Reading: Isaiah 43:1-7 Psalm: Psalm 29 Second Reading: Acts 8:14-17 Gospel: Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 January 17, 2016 ~ Second Sunday after Epiphany First Reading: Isaiah 62:1-5 Psalm: Psalm 36:5-10 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 Gospel: John 2:1-11

January 24, 2016 ~ Third Sunday after Epiphany First Reading: Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10 Psalm: Psalm 19 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a Gospel: Luke 4:14-21 January 31, 2016 ~ Fourth Sunday after Epiphany First Reading: Jeremiah 1:4-10 Psalm: Psalm 7:1-6 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Gospel: Luke 4:21-30

Choir Rehearsal Schedule All are welcome regardless of age or musical ability! Sundays: Children's Choir 9:00-9:15am Bethel Choir 9:15-10:00am Thursdays: Handbell Choir 5:45-6:45pm Bethel Choir 7:00-8:30pm

Hymn Suggestions: Do you have a favorite hymn you'd like to sing in worship? We have a suggestion box in the Narthex where you can let us know your favorite hymns. Pastor Andrew will review your suggestions and incorporate them into worship when appropriate!

Congregational Council 2015-2016

Name Address Phone Email Terms Expiring 2018 Christina Nelson 3 Otto Avenue, #2 Worcester, MA 01607 508-868-6523 [email protected] Betsy Baird 33 Eastford Road, Auburn, MA 01501 508-864-6537 [email protected] Roberta Briggs 36 Arrowhead Avenue Auburn, MA 01501 508-832-3793 [email protected] Lisa Ferreira 26 Old Brook Rd., Shrewsbury 01545 508-842-0965 [email protected] Bev Sampson 211 Whitins Rd., Sutton 01590 508-234-6903 [email protected]

Terms Expiring 2017 Christine Belmonte 99 Haggerty Road Charlton, MA 01507 508-248-4779 [email protected] Adam Hanks 28 Priscilla Lane Charlton, MA 01501 508-838-1427 [email protected] Terms Expiring 2016 Diana Stolberg 547 Pleasant Street Leicester, MA 01524 508-892-8580 [email protected] Judy Sampson 34 Chestnut Hill Rd., No. Oxford, MA 01537 508-987-5969 [email protected]

Officer Terms Expiring 2016 President Adam Hanks 28 Priscilla Lane Charlton, MA 01507 508-838-1427 [email protected] Vice President Christina Nelson 3 Otto Avenue, #2 Worcester, MA 01607 508-868-6523 [email protected] Recording Secretary

Emily Chunis 364 Greenwood Street, Millbury, MA 01527 [email protected] Financial Secretary Russell Harris 83 Bryn Mawr Ave., Auburn 01501 508-832-3688 NA Treasurer Betsy Baird 33 Eastford Road, Auburn, MA 01501 508-864-6537 [email protected] Pastor Andrew Borden 81 Sterling Street, W. Boylston, MA 01583 508-835-3710 [email protected]



In Loving Memory of:

Loved Ones by Karen Baril Loved Ones by the Belmonte Family Loved Ones Ken & Mary Johnson Loved Ones by the Blash Family Loved Ones by Carolyn Salmonson

Loved Ones by Ruth Thompson Loved Ones by Judy Sampson Love Ones by Howard & Pam Evers Parents, Jean & Ralph Foster by Leanne & Thom Carraher Parents, Edna & Thomas Carraher by Leanne & Thom Carraher Parents, Stephen & Stephanie Berryman

and Shirley Stolberg by Diana & Jay Stolberg Doris Lewis by the Ferreira Family Exilda Soucie by the Ferreira Family

Tom Thompson by Ruth Thompson John Benoit by the Gagnon Family Bonnie Lindberg by David Lindberg Ray Odgren by Priscilla & Family

Ray Odgren by Carolyn Salmonson Grandparents by the Benvenuti Family Tom Thompson by the Benvenuti Family Carl & Shirley Hagberg by Rick, Deb, Alexis & Alana Ron & Fran Desmarais by Rick, Deb, Alexis & Alana

To the Glory of God Velma Blanchard

In honor of Children & grandchildren by mom & Grandma, Mary Nelson Children, Heather, Dan & Robin

and grandson, Kade by Diana & Jay Stolberg


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We are in the midst of new growth here at Bethel! Our average at-tendance has risen in the last 4 weeks. We now have between 100-120 on Sundays as opposed to 60 in the weeks prior. The Bethel Choir has seen a few new members in recent weeks! Our parking lot is overflowing on Sundays along with a packed Parish Hall during coffee hour (we might need to open the wall)! How excit-ing is this?!? As I have said many times God will provide and he certainly has!

As we move into 2016, stewardship letters with pledge cards will be sent in the coming week. I urge you to please consider how you might serve The Lord. With this new growth more hands are needed to help in many areas.

Lastly, there has been some changes, especially in worship and in physical appearance, with more to come. Including a new website, http://www.bethelauburnelca.org. Please check it out! Also if you need to email the church office please use [email protected] as the email address. There is so much more I could write but you will have to wait for my Annual Report which will be available in the coming weeks.

Peace, Adam Hanks Congregation President



Sunday School Our Sunday School meets each Sunday at 9:00 starting with Children's Choir rehearsal upstairs in the Choir Room. We then move to our classroom with the week's SPARK lesson. Children in grades preschool through 6 are eligible to participate. Special activities and programs will be announced.

Children's Message Pastor Andrew provides a children's message each week prior to his homily. Children are invited forward to the front of the church.

Adult Forum Our Adult Forum meets each week in the Parish Hall discussing a wide variety of topics with occasional guest speakers. So grab a coffee and stop by!

Confirmation Beginning on January 18th, Pastor Andrew will be leading out 7th & 8th grade classes on the first and third Mondays of each month from 6:30-8 pm. Current 9th graders will be evaluated by Pastor Andrew for confir-mation in the coming weeks as we transition to a 2-year program.


Church Office Hours: Mon. through Thursday 9:00am to 3:00pm Pastor’s Office Hours: Wednesday 9:00am to 12:00pm, Thursday at Starbuck Auburn 2:00pm – 4:00pm Preschool Hours: Mon through Fri.: 9:00am - 12:00pm Mon through Fri 11:30am – 2:00pm Lunch Bunch

Community Use of Meeting Rooms Schedule for September

AA Monday – Friday 5:00pm – 6:00pm Thursday 7:30pm – 8:30pm Saturday 11:00am – 12:00pm OA Monday 7:00pm – 8:00pm Alanon Wednesday 7:30pm – 9:00pm

Girl Scouts Troop #30200 Monday 5:30pm – 7:00pm Troop # 64714 E/O Tuesday 6:00pm – 7:00pm Troop # 30940 E/O Wednesday 3:30pm – 4:45pm Troop # 30944 E/O Wednesday 3:30pm - 4:45pm Troop # 30197 2nd & 4th Wed. 5:30pm – 6:30pm

Boy Scouts Troop #121 1st & 3rd Thursday 6:30pm – 7:30pm

JANUARY BIRTHDAYS If your Birthday is missing please let us know - 832-3427. Thank You!

Camden Rockwood 01/02 Nicholas Chunis 01/03 Howard Miller 01/03 Lois Chinigo 01/03 Daniel Blash 01/05 Paul Henry 01/10

Betty Stough 01/11 Roberta Briggs 01/12 Larry Olson 01/14 Nicole Vernon 01/17 Parker Plona 01/19 Linda Vernon 01/20

Kimberly Boulanger 01/21 Brianna Gagnon 01/21 Howard Evers 01/22 Kevin Olson 01/25 Allison Berryman 01/27 Kevin Ratcliffe 01/28

Alex Morrow 01/28 Catherine Spanos 01/30 Leanne Carraher 01/31



January 2016 January 3 January 10 January 17 January 24 January 31


10:15 Russell Harris

10:15 Grover Gentry

10:15 Judy Hodgerney

10:15 Christine Belmonte

10:15 Ruth Thompson

Communion Assts

10:15 Betsy Baird & Adam Hanks

10:15 Roberta Briggs & Phil Becker

10:15 Roy Benoit Jr.

& Shirley Connor

10:15 Ruth Thompson & Judy Sampson

10:15 Grover Gentry &

Nancy Nims-Gentry

Worship Assistants


Grover Gentry

10:15 Adam Hanks

10:15 Joan Parker

10:15 Christine Bemonte

10:15 Roberta Briggs



Kevin Ratcliffe & Anita Haynes

10:15 Don Hanks &

Preston Sturdevant

10:15 Jeff Bylund &

Judy Sampson

10:15 Lynne Crystoff & Lauren Kneeland

10:15 Roy Benoit Jr.

& Kevin Ratcliffe



Lynn Crystoff & Lauren Kneeland

10:15 Dottie Hultin &

Olive Berg

10:15 Shirley Connor & Judy Hodgerney

10:15 Brannon Smith

& Gini Varg

10:15 Helen Talbot &

Jeff Bylund


10:15 Emily Wambach

10:15 Matthew Smith

10:15 Alyssa Wright


Brian Belmonte


Nicolas Spanos



Betsy Baird & Anita Haynes

10:15 Lois Chinigo & Karen Baril

10:15 Cynthia Lauzonis

& Barbara McCarthy


Judy Sampson & Pam Evers

10:15 Catherine Spanos & Diana Stolberg

Altar Guild

To Be Scheduled To Be Scheduled To Be Scheduled To Be Scheduled To Be Scheduled

Candle Filler

Karen Baril

Off Week Adam Hanks Off Week Ruth Thompson

Coffee Maker

Betsy Baird

Adam Hanks

Betsy Baird

Adam Hanks Betsy Baird

Coffee Clean-up

Jackie Walsh

Pam Sutton Anita Haynes Pam Sutton Jackie Walsh

Church Closer

Joan Parker

Joan Parker

Joan Parker

Joan Parker

Joan Parker


Bethel Lutheran Church Auburn, Massachusetts

Purpose Statement

Loving ~ Serving ~ Growing~ in Faith

Vision Statement

We are called to embrace God’s transformation of our lives and to serve and

grow as compassionate witnesses of God’s love and grace.

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to serve and grow as compassionate witnesses of God’s love and

grace, transforming our lives and the lives of others. We do this by nurturing our relationship

with God through

Daily prayer

Weekly celebration of Word and Sacrament

Daily Bible readings

Spiritual formation

Serving within and beyond the church

Developing spiritual relationships

Generous giving.
