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THE PICKENS SENTINELO N I.i(THE PICKENS SENTINEL, Estabiished,187I. PICKEN S, S C. M A 21, 1 VOL. XXXIL NO 2 TilE EOPLF~sJUR N A L. Estalb.ihd P K1891 S .,M Soft and crooked bones meat bad feeding. Call the diseas< rickets if you want to. The growing child must cat the right food for growth. Bone must have bone food, blood must have blood food and sc on through the list. Scott's Emulsion is the right treatment for soft bones in children. Little doses everyday give the stiffness and shape that healthy bones should have Bow legs become straighter, loose joints grow stronger and firmness comes to the soft heads. Wrong food caused the trouble. Right food will cure it. In thousands of cases Scott's Emulsion has proven to be the right food for soft bones in childhood. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. Sc. and Sr.oo; all druggists. New Cheese Factory. The' first fruits of one of our horne erte s n evidence re at Six Mile ee ville on in June shape of sev- vited ducts of the se factory. scate in Pickens the George's Creek sec- ut three and 'one-halJ side of Easley. It begat about April 7th, and it -pre carried to Green, or the first time on the da3 tioned above. The cheeses of- d were readily sold and the ties in charge expect to bring nother load at an early date, e company in control of the terprise consits of Elbert E rry, R. L. Perry, C. H. Carpen and C. G. Voight,. the first o1 om is p:esident, while the last ed, a skilled expert in the bus- s, is the superintendent and ral manager of the concern, io h is invested about $400. At nt the milk from about 16 eing used, from which is weekly product of 250 heese,' h 100 poands 'vtrn abh'utUl2 pounds he cheeses are seven iamneter and live in aging about six and a s in weibg . nufactured article sells nts a pound and the de~ r it is such thait a ready ound in the immediate d of the factory for turned out. These marki 'ersity of industrie3 are ted, and it is pleasant to t such a measure of suc- attended this commend. prise.-Columnbia State. In Cure for Chilblaius. o your shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, eares Chilblains, Fros bites. Damp wollen feet.. .4 all Druggists and . 25e. - al Norse Fell Heir to -Fortuneo. death at Mount Vernon, f Mrs. Alicia Armstrong, a -law of the inventor of th' ng gun, Miss Dora Thomp- urse emrployed in a hospi- e Philippines will fall heiz ,000. Thompson is the only livina uck farmers adjacent tc Cha n this season had 10,332 acres pted i'vegetables. Don as Well as Men Sade Miserable by 'dney, Trouble. Kidney t ble preys upon the mind, dis- courages and lesns ambition: beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon ne eout of order Kidney trc. e has become so prevalent tthat it is not uncomnion for achild to be born "afflicted with weak kid- neys. If the child urin- -.te ates too often, if the tirine scalds teflesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first ;step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the ikidneys and bladder and not to a habit as mnost people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis- -erable with kidney and bladder'trouble, rthe same great remedy. and t irpediate effect of Root is soon realized. It is sold sts, in fifty- one doliar jmay have a itle by mail, amphlet tella nome or Sraup.Roo. '.t it. including many of the of testimonial letters received :ers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer aighamton, N. Y., be sure and mis paper. iake any mistake, but remember 3,Swamp-Root, Dr. Kiimer'a oot, and the address, Binghamton, evcry bottle. ROAD REPAIRING. Some Points on Putting a -Highway In Good Condition. Holes and ruts should never be filled with stone, brick or coarse gravel, says a writer in Good Roads Magazine. The hard material will not wear uniformly with the rest of the road, but will pro- duce bumps and ridges and usually re- sult in making two holes, each larger than the original. Any saucerlike de- pressions or ruts should be filled.with earth like that of the roadbed. It is a bad practice to cut a gutter from a hole to drain it to the side of the road. Filling it is the proper course, whether the hole Is dry or contains mud. The holes most requiring atten- tion are found at the end of bridges and along the sides of small wooden box culverts. The side ditches should be examined in the fall to see that they are free from dead weeds. and grass, and late in the winter they should be examined again to see that they are not clogged with cornstalks, brush, etc., washed in from the fields. The mouths of cul- verts should also be cleared of rub- bish and the outlet of tile drains should be opened. Attention to side ditches prevents overflow and washing of the roadbed and will also prevent formation of ponds at the roadside and the consequent saturation of the road- bed. Roads should have plenty of light and air. Of course a shady road is very nice on a hot day, but such a road can- not be kept in good condition, since shade is nearly sure tc :-ause mud- holes. Therefore the road officials should use all possible diplomacy to have trees adjoining the road, particu- larly.those on the south side, trimmed with reference to the needs of the roads. AMERICAN ROADS. Uncle Sam's Canals and His Poor Highways. We are appropriating millions of money for building canals and rail- roads, yet 95 per cent of all the mate- rial that passes over our canals and railroads must in the first instance pass over primary roads-namely, the highways, says E. A. Bond, New York state engineer. In connection with our canals we are doing an immense work. We are still appropriating money and making them efficient. Our railroad corporations are expending huge for- tunes in reducing grades and making their roads straight and smooth. Steamboat companies are expending great sums in enlarging the capacity of their ships and increasing their speed. What does all r +his avail if we who are to be the wsst benefited do not undertake some sensible system on a business basis for building and main- taining in a wise manner the common roads of the country? When this has been done, and when that good time comes (and it is as sure to come as tomorrow's sun is to rise), then will our boys be willing to stay on the farm and our daughters be willing to become farmers' wives. The isola- tion of farm life will then have passed away and Instead of our boys and girls leaving the farm to go Into the crowded cities more will be willing to go from cities to the farms. Then we will have free mail delivery and the telephone, and we will be the happy and contented people that the Al- mighty intended we should be when he gave us this rich and beautiful herit- age. ________ The Naming of Roads. The naming of the roads, says the Grand Rapids Herald, is something that should have been attended to long ago. Every main road and every cross- road in the county ought to have its olicial title, just as do the streets and avenues In the city. The roads are all laid out on the map, but they are un- named, and to attempt to address a farmer at his home residence except perhaps in the most general way is im- possible, The board of supervisors might well appoint a committee or com- mission to name the roads In the coun- ty, and in selecting names it would be well to honor the sturdy pioneers who settled In the neighborhood through which the road passes. With the roads named a farmer could be as easily ad- dressed by his- street and number as can those who dwell in cities. Good Roads In the Philippines. If General Bell continues the good work he has begun, the Filipinos will soon have better roads than are usual in this country. During the past year under his direction fifty miles of mac- adamized road in one straight stretch have been constructed, connecting OA- lanbas and Batangas, at a cost of abot $2,250 per mile in our money. The farms within a mile of this road have doubled In value since Its con- struction. Rural Delivery Notes The free rural delivery system is un- der the charge of A. W. Machen. He Is almost the father of the system. It was born under the Clevelgad regime. Ten thousand dollars was appropriated for the initial experiment, Since the date -of the permanent es. tablishment of rural free delivery the force of carriers has been increased un- til at present it constitutes an army of about 12,000, who daily travel over nearly 300,000 miles of highway for the benefit of a population of about 7,000,- Governor Durbin of Indiana has signed the bill recently passed compel- ling counties to keep in good repair the roads on which rural mall routes have been established. The bill provides that 5 per cent of the road fund shall be set aside to keep these routes .th goQd cn- dition. Mr. Joseph Pominville. of Stillwater, Min., after having spent over $2,000 with the best doctors for stomach trouble without relier, was advised by his drug- gist, Mr. Alex. Richard, to try a box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- lets. He did so, and is a well man to- day. If troubled with indigestion, bad taste in the mouth, lack of appetite or' constipation, give these Tablets a trial, and you are certain to be more than pleased with the result. For-sae-af cents per box by Dr>(GrW. Earle, Pick. GAVE UP DER POSITION. Rather Than Make Up Booker T. Wash- a Ington's Bed at an Indlanapois a Hotel. Lula Spence, the chambermaid who refused to make up a room at the English hotel in Indianapolis, Ind., that had been occupied by Booker T. Washington, and who was discharged from the hotel, will a go to Houston, Texas, to accept a position in a hotel, says the At- t lanta Journal. She is still being deluged with complimentary letters from the South and offers of em- ployment. Some of the letters have enclosed money, one a check for $10. In an interview with the Atlanta Journal cores- pondent she said: I Y "I have about made up my mind to go into the South and take the position at Houston. I regret very b much the notoriety that has come out of my refusal to wait on a col- ored man. Great and small color. ed men are all the same to me. My people were slave owners in the South, and my grandfather was Joshua Morris, who was either a state or a United States judge in Alabama. I have no fault to find a with Prof. Washington, and no doubt he is doing a great deal of good among his people, but I could not bring myself to clean up e his room." "Well what do you think about C President Roosevelt receiving a WashinA ton at his table?" "I would not have made up the bed after Roosevelt if he had been black. I think that was outrage- h ons, and that as president, he should have been impeached." Have you any political views?" g "Very strong views. I am out and out Repablican in everything from tariff to other questions in government. Straugi as it may seem, too, my father was a ution V 01 soldier, a member of the 18th Illi-. nois, and I am proud of his part in freeing the negroes. He was born in the South, however, and so was my mother and they both were raised in the slave-owning class. Later they moved to Ann, Ill., my ti present home, and my father was a V union volunteer from that place. c4 My mother was burn in Nashville, q two squares east of the state house, and was raised at Florence, Ala. d My father was a native of Ken- W tucky. There is nothing more to a say about the incident. I simply ti stood on principle. I am very P thankful to the friends in the ei South, and a few in the North, n who have complimented me on my U stand. I shall rest a week or ten P days before I go to Houston to take h: the position that is offered me.'" ti Tragedy Results From Gossips' Talk. Mrs. Jasper F. Gv~altney, of Petersburg, Virginia, a seventeen- b year-old wife and mother, crazed P by jealously killed her nine-months. " old infant with morphine and then ' attempted to commit suicide by d the same means..s The attempt failed, and she was arrested by the police and is ini jail s1 awaiting the result of the coroner's al inquest. Tlhe tragedy is the work $ of gossips. who told Mrs. Gwaltney ai that her husband had been seen tc nalking with a former sweetheart. fc Son Was Kulied and Father Injusred. While returning home Wednes- a day afternoon in a wagon, Eldred y' Newbern and his son, Lyman, who y' were two -prominent farmers of Kirkland, Ga., were caught in a bi storm and the wind blew a tree upon them, kiling the son and se- f riously wounding the father, crush- ing the wagon and crippling the mules. .A sure Thing. It is said that nothing is- sure except death and taxes, but that is not alto. t gether true- Dr. King's New Discovery it for Consumption is a sure- cure for all e: lung and throat troubles. Mrs. C. B. Van~etre of Shepherditown, W. Va. says 'fI had a seyere case of Bronchitis and for a year tr'ed everythizng 1 heard b of but got no relief. One bottle of Dr, Kin's New Discovery then cured met abolutely.'' It is infallible for Croup, Whooping Cough. Grip, Pneumonia and p Consumption. Tr; it. It's guaranteed by d the Pickens, Drug, Co., Druggist te Trial bottle free. Reg. sizes 50c, $1.00 a A Wise Woman. A practical woman remarked the other day that the most interesting a things in the newspapers to her are the advertising columns, "Long h ago," said she, "I quit buying of those who didn't advertise. It al. ways seemed to me that the mer-- i; hant who advertises invites me to, trade with him, while the one who *i does not advertise impresses me with the idea that he doesn't care t enough for my trade to ask for it. e~ Then too, I have foind lhat the imreiss'hln d as fresh. er goods, for the reason, I suppo ,,- he sells more," 1l Railug Mules. "Twenty reasons whly the farmer bould raise mules," is the title of folder published by the Baker's ack Farm of Lawrence, Kan. It 3 worth reproducing in full, as fol- ows: I. They can be raised cheaper ban any other stock. II. Will go into the market ooner than horses. III. They are marketable any ime from weaning time (four nonths old) until incapacitated by ld age. IV. Are less liable to contract lisease than the hcrse. V. Pasture a number of colts brough the grazing season and on will find plenty of blemishes t feeding time. Mules prove the ontrary and have few, if any, lemislies, and their value is not ecreased by blemishes, as a horse. VI. They are easy to raise, easy sell and hard to blemish. VII. They instinctly avoid holes nd dangerous places. A team of unaway mules seem to run more )r sport than frighr, and usually :op before damage is done, while horse never stops until he is com- letly freed. VIII. The mule is more steady hen at work than the horse, leis ervous and is not so liable to be- >me exhausted, and often be- mes so well instructed and trusty to need no driver or line!. IX. Can Etand heat better ian the horse, are steady and can erelied upon. X. Can stand more abuse and ardhip than a horse, but will re- yond as quickly as the horse to )od feed and kind treatment. XI. The profit in mule.raising i their quick growth. Are mar- etable at threa years old. A 3rse colt cannot be sold to an ad. mtage until 4ve. So the expense two years' feeding and handling saved. XII. No kind of horse-fieeh is iore stable in price, excepting ioroughbreds or fancy specimens. rill bring more per -pound upon ie open market or cost less to odce in the actual value of food nsumned and time and labor re, aired. XIII. There is .always a steady mnand for good mules. A -buyer ill always handle them. If there e plenty cf mules raised in a sec- on oif a country there will be lenty of mule buyer's. Mule buy- s are not going where there are >mules to buy. In time of war Sany country mules are always' icked up at a high price and very ghly prized. Why? Because iv must have them. They eu- tre all kinds of haidships. XIV. Buyers make money by ying at weaning time, and by isturmng and feeding eighteen ,onths have them ready for the arket. Can be raised and han. Led as easily as a lot of cattle an~d XV. One steer will eat as much a team of mules. A good steer three years old is worth $70 or r5.A team of mules at the same e (good ones) will sell from$%50 $800, having eaten no more XVI. Feed the same amount to bunch of mules that you do to mr hogs and see which will make >U the most money. XVII. A good cow-, fed to make itter, will consume as much or ore food than a team of mules om the time dropped until. three are old. XVIII. As for line animals, e cannot be beaten, and are be- igused on the farms more ex- naively for this pulrpo3e. Also our large cities are being used ~clasivelv for draying and heavy reet work, standing the wear of ie hard streets twice as long as a' XIX. As they will not breed twere created for t special pur- ose, and that is, as true, honest, urable and valuable workers. eking the place of a team of horses ad lasting much longer.. XX. The reader will probably iy: "Why are not more mules uised?" Simply because in most >calities there are no jacks to reed to. Good mules cannot be uised unless you breed to a good ,k. If farmers could sell year- nig horse colts at $80 each they ould be willing to buy all the sallions in sight at $2,000 to $3,000 ih. Then why should they hesi- Lte to buy jacks at $500~ to $1,000 Lh when a jack has four times ie service of a horse in his natur- liv ti a b. ahnosmat twie Bichest Mai in the World. Thelfortune of an extremely rich man is alway~ an interesting sub- ject of speculation, when if comes to considering the fortune of the richest man in the world, every- body is interested in it, probably more in a spirit of curiosity than anything else. It is usually the case that when a fortune passed $1,000,000 it is apt to be magnified in the p.ublic mind. One million dollars is a sum so enormous that it is difficult for the average mind to grasp its sigifificance, hence, generally speaking, ten millions expressed in figures are no more impressive than one million. That is why. so many nillioiiaire?, after death, are fonnd to have left es- tates smaller than they were cred- ited with possessing during life. It is probable that, in like man. ner, the wealth of John D. Rocke- feller has been estimated at too high a figure; still, the fact re- mains that by calculating from the size of the dividends he receives from the corporations in which he is interested it is possible to arrive at an approximately correct esti- mate of his fortune. A business man closely associated with. Mr. Rockefeller and said to be in a po- sition to know, is quoted in the New York correspondence of the Philadelphia Press as asserting that Mr. Rockefeller is now by far the richest man in the world, worth more than twice as nrer -a. other American citizen. His Stand- ard Oil stock, at the market rates, is.worth $500A00,000, from which alone for several years he has re- ceived dividends of $40,000,000 per anium, or a little less than $1,000,- 000 a week. Besides. this he aus other sources of income that bring him about $36,000,000 a year, so that his total income from all sources is not less than $75,000,000 a year, as it has been for several years, and there is no suggestion of a check to the enormous infbw. That is to say, Mr. Rockefeller's income~for a single year is more than the enormous fortune left by William H. Vanderbilt to his sons. In ten years Mr. Rockefeller's wealth will be nearly $1,000,000 from his annnal income alone. At the moment, it is said, he can lay his hand on more ready cash than any ten men in New York, in- luding Russell Sage and the Van.- ibilts and Goulda There are, of ourse, a doz:an ser'nons in thel food of gold pouring, into. Rocke-D feller's cofferR. How. long will it, be before he will have a corner on the~ wealth of. the United States? [s such enormous power concentra- tvd into, the hands of. one man a good thing for the nublio interests? Do not-auch.aggregations of capi- tal car$se discontent in the massee? Should there t-e a legal limit to 1rivate fortunes? These are but a few of the queries that suggest themelves. There are others aqualy serious that will occur to those who read-of Mr. Rockefeller's riches-which riches he can never see and never enjoy sin the sense that an average man in well-to-do. :rcumstanlces enjoys his property, What aan the man possibly want f so much money? Yet the Standard Oil Company goes on squeezing the people at every op- portunity that presents itself for n increase in the pric~e of oil.- Savannah Morning News. "A man:-living on1 1:a farm neart here :ame in a short time ago completely :oubI*ed up with rheumatisn. I handed him a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and told him to use it freely and if not satisfied after using it he need not pay a cent for it," says C. P. Rayder, of Pata tgn's Mills, N Y. '*A few days later he walked into the store as straight as a strinfand handed me a dollar saying, give me another bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I want itin the house all the time for it cured me." For sale by Dr. G.W. Earle, Pick ens and Dr. R. F. Smith, Easley. Fargmers Institutes. By authority of the .Board of Trustees of Clemson College, local institutes will be held in such ounties as send requests, signed by fifteen farmers,- before the 15th of June, to J. S. Newman, Direc- tor of Farmers Institutes, Clemson ollege, S. C. The petitioners will name the places at which institu- tes are desired and the dates will1 be arranged by the college author- ities. The State Institute will be heldat Clemson College commenc- ing Monday evening, August 10th, and closing Friday evening, August 14th.- When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- lets. They are easy to take and pleasant in egect. Far saleby Dr. G. W. Earle1 Pickens, and Dr, S. ?. Smith, Eqaley. THE TRaGIC DEATU OF MR. SAN DES H. Was Dowaed While Seining in Pond at Lolo. Last night while seining in the pond at Lolo, 8. C.. Mr. Jonas Sanders, of th3 Andrews Reed.. Loom and Harness Works was drowned. With a number of friends, Mr. Sanders was fishing in the pond of the Valley Falls mill when he managed to get tan gled in the seine and stepped away from his companions into deep water and drowned bafore aid could reach him. Mr. Sanders was about 35 years of age. He was at the head of the Knitting Department in the An- drews Reed Loom and Harness Works. Only recently he re- ceived an increase in wages for efficient services rendered. A widow and four children survive him -Spartanburg Daily Herald. 17th. Old Soldiers Reunion. Preparations are now being made for the second annual reunion of the Old Soldiers on July 4th, 1903, and the people of Pelzer wish to extend a. most. cordial invitation to all Veterans to be with them on that day and join lin making the reunion a grand success. The officers of the -Telzer Ath- etic Association haye arranged quite an interesting prograim,for the day; such as horse races, b' e ,ll bicycle races, foat races, priz Irills, greasy po1?;-greasy pig etc., to which all Old Soldiers will be dmitted free. Dinner will also be urnisbed on the grounds. A sham battle between the Old soldiers and the military compa- ies, as .the Yankees, will be one rf the features of the day. Special trains will be run from Ireenwood, Abbeville, Anderson, Belton, Piedmont and Greenville, ,hns enabling all to be present for he reunion. Lieutenant General C. I. Walker xill be in command of the Old S-,l- liers, In almost every neighborhood some- mne has died from anjattack of colic w cholera morbus,often before medicine ould be procured or a physician sum- noned. A reliable remedy for these iseases should be kept at hand. The isk is toot great for anyone to take, hamberlain's Cqlic, Cholera and Diar- hoes Remedy has undoubtedly saved ie lives of mnore people and relieved fore pain and suffering than any other edcine in use. It can always be de- ended upon. For sale by Dr. G. W. arle, Pickens, and Dr. R. F. Smith, ~asley. _______ ..He Would Have Been Safe. "I can't say," said Uncle Hiram ~parks, "that I entirely approve of he tobacco habit, but did you ever hink what a difference it might, ave made in the history oi the rorld if Adam had had a chew of obacco in his mouth when Eve empte4 him with the forbidden ruit? B'ying slab!:nds Life. Henry B3owen, a negro, was al- rost instantly kilied at the big aw mill at Ashburn, Ga. He was ~unning the rift machine when a iece of slab was. caught on the saw nd thrown with such force as to enetrate. about 7 inches,. striking ust over the heart. He died a few niutes later, Drowned Himself in Reservoir. The body of Robert Ragan, of urham, N. C., was found in the eservoir near the Owin cotton nillIs. His father had found a note rom. him in which he declared his atention of drowning hi~nself in he reservoir. On hastening to he place the body was ~found. agan was a young white .man, bout 22 years of age. Kayr Goes to Jail For Accepting Bribe. Albert Alonzo. Ames, ex-mayor, f Minneapolis, Ind., was sentenced o six years in the state prison. e was recently convicted of bri- ery, the trial being a culmination f exposures involving leading city ffcials in wholesale corruption. Startling Test. To save a lhfe, Dr. '1. G. Merritt, of o. Mehoopanly, Pa., made a startling ~est resulting in a wonderful cure. He rites, ''a patient was attacked with .olent hemorrhages, caused by ulcerra- ion of the swomach. I had cf ten found slectic Bitters excellent for acute stom- LC and liver troubles so I prescribed em. The patient gained frozr' the first, ad .has not bad an attack in 14 mont hs. lectric Bitters are positively guaranteed or Drspepsia. Indigestion, Constipation nd Kidney troubles. Try them. Only Oc at the Pickens Drug Co. No man is in free health who ~annot stand in the free air of eaven with his feet on God's free urf, and thank his Creator for the isple luxury of physical exis- anaae. J AM feeling sick and sad. An other friend has gone and lef me. Jim Warren was my col lege mater and I loved him foi near sixty years. He was ouly two months my junior and I some: times wondered who would 1/e called away first. What an awful death was that: Crushed and mangled ano. his poor old body torn and dragged for a quar ter of a mile and his dismembered limbs strewing the track and his brains larding the rails, Alas, how little do we know about life or death! Sometimes I watch the cattle going to the slaughter pen and am thank- ful that Providence conceals from them their impending fate, but we do not know much more about our own. How shall we die and when? James Warren was one c.f my true friends. I loved to love him and it gave me comfort that he. loved me and always called me Charley as tenderly as brother. His body was killed and that was all. His pure soul went back immediately to its Creator -and is now resting in the bosom of God. That is my faith and I hope it is the faith of all those who loved him, for my heart bleeds with them. aiStr Yypoqraltars ar;d your fires, Strike for the green gra our sires, Strike until the last armed fue ex- pires." I used to speak that speech, and when I got to that part which said, "They come-they come-the Greek-the Greek!" I put on mar- ial agony ar.d elevated my voice add shook the floor. I thought of all this the other day when I read about the strikers in Atlanta going to Mr. Byrd's publishing house and trying to seduce his non-union printers to leave him. His part- ner, Tom Lyon, showed fight and sed some css words and drove them off, and they had him arrest- ed and the recorder fined him for listurbing the public tranquility, >ut if I had been the recorder I iould have excused Tom. This thing has come home to me t last, for Mr. Byrd is printing a ook for me and I cant get a -copy, ond am fighting mad about it. [he striking interlopers get all his >rmter~s away, but two or three ascals hung around the back door nd all that Tonm could do was to watch them and exclaim, "They ~ome-they come-the Greek-the areek." But Tom is ga1m3 and- ays he will whin the fight and ave some books for me by the last f the week. The first edition has til been. sold and the second is in he press and has been delayed mnd enfllated and barricaded and aralyzed by these contemptible trikers, and if there ever was a jus- ifable excuse for using cuss words iman ought to be hired to stand t the back door and cuss 'em by he day as fast as they came. I've 2o patience with these strikers and: oss with their leaders. One of my boys has just est'ablished a elephone plant in Houston, Tex., and had about forty girls employed t good wages, when suddenly some interlopers came and made them all strike and he hired others to take their places and the inter- lopers went round-to all his pat- ons and tried to get up a boycott, but failed. The rich Mr. Hunt- ington is the chief owner and he telegraphed my boy to whip that fight regard less of expense and he as whipped it. Last year at Day- on, Ohio, a big nlearted rich man stablished a cash register plant nd had two hundred girls employ- d and he care] for them just like hey were his children and had >ath rooms on every floor and hot ~nd cold water, and mirrors and oap and towels, so that they could1 athe and clean up before they went home and the girls were con- ented and happy, for all this was o part of the contract, but some nterlopers came along and ordered a strike biecause some poor old women who did not belong to the uion had the job of washing the owels that the girls used in their ath rooms. Well, now, that is one side of he case, but it is said every case as two sides. The war between cpital and labor still goes on, but labor has but little to complain of in this blessed land. We see by te papers that these union strik- ini A tlanta have plenty of mon- ey in their treasury t , while they are idle nd sin f them have gotten a : club and are havinga gobA itime generally. There is u6 uffeing here like therp was in London se enty-five years agb when Tom Hood wrote the song of the shirt an<Lthe lay of the'laborer. It would make an angel weep to read that poor woman's song;, "For its work, work, work--my labor never flags, And wbat are -As wages-a d of straw, A crust of bread and rags, z This shattered rcof, this iraked floor, a table, a broken hat And a wall so blank, my shadow I thank For sometimes falling there." Her sad song aroused all London but there was no strike. Our ownL 7z George Peabody- was there in the banking business and it aroused him. Immediately be bought the ground in the suburbs and spent $2.000,000 iii building cottages for the poor. Nice cottages, bath rooms and hot and cold water and flowers in the front yard and vines over the door and paid th taxes and charged only a little, nominal sum for rent, just enough to keep up the repairs, and in less than a year be had comfortable homes for over 20,000 people. That's the kind of philahthrophy. Our wisest statesmen ask for an income tax as they have in Eng- land and it is based on that prn- ciple that the more a man accu- mulates the heavier his tax should a graduated income tax-and so if has p:iled up $10,000,000 in a year, of it for tax. This would stop kefeller _nd Morgan and Carnegie an plus would be as Bob Toombs said, "poured back in the jug." It is no great honor to a man to. give a good part of his profits to charity. It is a surprise and that is all. Men forget that all they have got is but a loan and sooner or later they must give it all up, andp -. the debt. BILL ARF. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co.,Toledo,O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last lii years, and be- lieve him perfectly honorable in all basi- ness transactions and financially'able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mu- cous surfaces of the system. Testimo- nials sent free. Price 7?5c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Trying to accomplish, any ap, preciable results with a divided mind and unfocused energy, is like endeavoring to move an engine whose boiler is full of pin holes,- each of which is letting out steanut. GREATLY ALARMED By a Peralstent Cough, but Permna. nently Cured by Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy. Mr. H. P. Barbage, a student at law, in Greenville. S. C., had been troubled for four or five years with a continuous cough which .he says, "greatly alarmed me, causing me to fear that I was in the first stage of consumption." Mr. Bar- bs'ge, having seen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertised, conalud~ed to try it. Now read what he says of it: "I soon felt a remarkable change and after using two bottles of the twenty-five cent size, was permanently cured." Sold by Dr. G, W. Earle, Pickens, and Dr. R. F. Smith, Easley, _______ The men who have becomne rich are seldom those who s'tarted in business with capital, but those who had nothing to begin with but rather strong arms and 'active brains. Made Young Again. "One of Dr. King's New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again" writes D. H. Turner of DempseytownPa. They're the best in. the world for Liver, Stomach and Bow. els. Purely vegetable. Never ^gripe Only 25c at the Pickens- Drug Co's., Drug Store. Kershaw county has purchased $8,000 worth of road machinery. Although South Carolina laws allow no divorce a Charleston woman has been granted alimony. Last week a woman in Union died of appendicitis, which th~e physicians say was caused by tight lacing, With the view of establishing a permanent colony near Charleston a party of French Canadians fromt Fall River and New Bedford, Mass. visited Charleston and inspected the truck farming lands near the city and made other investigationl of the advantages offered to setI0!V who desire to locate there 5anda gage in agricultural puritE
Page 1: THE PICKENS SENTINELO N...PICKEN S, S C. 2NOMXXXIL AVOL. 1 21, TilE EOPLF~sJURN A L. Estalb.ihd P K1891 S .,M Softandcrookedbonesmeat badfeeding. Call the diseas< rickets if you want


TilE EOPLF~sJURN A L. Estalb.ihd P K1891 S .,M

Soft and crooked bones meatbad feeding. Call the diseas<rickets if you want to. Thegrowing child must cat theright food for growth. Bonemust have bone food, bloodmust have blood food and sc

on through the list.Scott's Emulsion is the right

treatment for soft bones inchildren. Littledoses everydaygive the stiffness and shapethat healthy bones should haveBow legs become straighter,

loose joints grow stronger andfirmness comes to the softheads.Wrong food caused the

trouble. Rightfood will cure it.In thousands of cases Scott's

Emulsion has proven to be theright food for soft bones inchildhood.

Send for free sample.SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists.

409-415 Pearl Street, New York.Sc. and Sr.oo; all druggists.

New Cheese Factory.The' first fruits of one of our

horne erte s n evidencere at Six Mile ee ville on

in June shape of sev-vited ducts of the

se factory.scate in Pickens

the George's Creek sec-ut three and 'one-halJside of Easley. It begatabout April 7th, and it-pre carried to Green,

or the first time on the da3tioned above. The cheeses of-d were readily sold and theties in charge expect to bringnother load at an early date,

e company in control of theterprise consits of Elbert Erry, R. L. Perry, C. H. Carpenand C. G. Voight,. the first o1

om is p:esident, while the lasted, a skilled expert in the bus-s, is the superintendent andral manager of the concern, ioh is invested about $400. Atnt the milk from about 16

eing used, from which isweekly product of 250heese,' h 100 poands'vtrn abh'utUl2 pounds

he cheeses are seveniamneter and live in

aging about six and a

s in weibg .

nufactured article sellsnts a pound and the de~r it is such thait a readyound in the immediate

d of the factory forturned out. These marki

'ersity of industrie3 are

ted, and it is pleasant to

t such a measure of suc-attended this commend.prise.-Columnbia State.

In Cure for Chilblaius.o your shoes Allen's Foot-Ease,eares Chilblains, Fros bites. Dampwollen feet.. .4 all Druggists and. 25e. -

al Norse Fell Heir to -Fortuneo.

death at Mount Vernon,f Mrs. Alicia Armstrong, a

-law of the inventor of th'ng gun, Miss Dora Thomp-urse emrployed in a hospi-e Philippines will fall heiz

,000.Thompson is the only livina

uck farmers adjacent tc

Cha n this season had 10,332acres pted i'vegetables.

Don as Well as MenSade Miserable by

'dney, Trouble.Kidney t ble preys upon the mind, dis-

courages and lesns ambition: beauty, vigorand cheerfulness soon

ne eout of order

Kidney trc. e hasbecome so prevalent

tthat it is not uncomnionfor achild to be born

"afflicted with weak kid-neys. If the child urin-

-.te ates too often, if thetirine scalds teflesh or if, when the childreaches an age when it should be able tocontrol the passage, it is yet afflicted withbed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause ofthe difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first;step should be towards the treatment ofthese important organs. This unpleasanttrouble is due to a diseased condition of theikidneys and bladder and not to a habit asmnost people suppose.Women as well as men are made mis-

-erable with kidney and bladder'trouble,rthe same great remedy.

and t irpediate effect ofRoot is soon realized. It is soldsts, in fifty-one doliarjmay haveaitle by mail,amphlet tella nome or Sraup.Roo.'.t it. including many of theof testimonial letters received

:ers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmeraighamton, N. Y., be sure andmis paper.iake any mistake, but remember3,Swamp-Root, Dr. Kiimer'a

oot, and the address, Binghamton,evcry bottle.

ROAD REPAIRING.Some Points on Putting a -Highway

In Good Condition.Holes and ruts should never be filled

with stone, brick or coarse gravel, saysa writer in Good Roads Magazine. Thehard material will not wear uniformlywith the rest of the road, but will pro-duce bumps and ridges and usually re-sult in making two holes, each largerthan the original. Any saucerlike de-pressions or ruts should be filled.withearth like that of the roadbed.

It is a bad practice to cut a gutterfrom a hole to drain it to the side ofthe road. Filling it is the proper course,whether the hole Is dry or containsmud. The holes most requiring atten-tion are found at the end of bridgesand along the sides of small woodenbox culverts.The side ditches should be examined

in the fall to see that they are freefrom dead weeds. and grass, and latein the winter they should be examinedagain to see that they are not cloggedwith cornstalks, brush, etc., washed infrom the fields. The mouths of cul-verts should also be cleared of rub-bish and the outlet of tile drainsshould be opened. Attention to sideditches prevents overflow and washingof the roadbed and will also preventformation of ponds at the roadside andthe consequent saturation of the road-bed.Roads should have plenty of light

and air. Of course a shady road is verynice on a hot day, but such a road can-

not be kept in good condition, sinceshade is nearly sure tc :-ause mud-holes. Therefore the road officialsshould use all possible diplomacy tohave trees adjoining the road, particu-larly.those on the south side, trimmedwith reference to the needs of theroads.

AMERICAN ROADS.Uncle Sam's Canals and His Poor

Highways.We are appropriating millions of

money for building canals and rail-roads, yet 95 per cent of all the mate-rial that passes over our canals andrailroads must in the first instancepass over primary roads-namely, the

highways, says E. A. Bond, New Yorkstate engineer. In connection with our

canals we are doing an immense work.We are still appropriating money andmaking them efficient. Our railroadcorporations are expending huge for-tunes in reducing grades and makingtheir roads straight and smooth.Steamboat companies are expendinggreat sums in enlarging the capacityof their ships and increasing theirspeed.What does all r +his avail if we who

are to be the wsst benefited do notundertake some sensible system on a

business basis for building and main-taining in a wise manner the common

roads of the country?When this has been done, and when

that good time comes (and it is as sure

to come as tomorrow's sun is to rise),then will our boys be willing to stay on

the farm and our daughters be willingto become farmers' wives. The isola-tion of farm life will then have passedaway and Instead of our boys andgirls leaving the farm to go Into thecrowded cities more will be willing togo from cities to the farms. Then wewill have free mail delivery and thetelephone, and we will be the happyand contented people that the Al-mighty intended we should be when hegave us this rich and beautiful herit-age. ________

The Naming of Roads.The naming of the roads, says theGrand Rapids Herald, is somethingthat should have been attended to longago. Every main road and every cross-road in the county ought to have itsolicial title, just as do the streets andavenues In the city. The roads are alllaid out on the map, but they are un-named, and to attempt to address afarmer at his home residence exceptperhaps in the most general way is im-possible, The board of supervisorsmight well appoint a committee or com-mission to name the roads In the coun-ty, and in selecting names it would bewell to honor the sturdy pioneers whosettled In the neighborhood throughwhich the road passes. With the roadsnamed a farmer could be as easily ad-dressed by his- street and number ascan those who dwell in cities.

Good Roads In the Philippines.If General Bell continues the goodwork he has begun, the Filipinos willsoon have better roads than are usualin this country. During the past yearunder his direction fifty miles of mac-adamized road in one straight stretchhave been constructed, connecting OA-lanbas and Batangas, at a cost ofabot $2,250 per mile in our money.The farms within a mile of this roadhave doubled In value since Its con-struction.

Rural Delivery Notes

The free rural delivery system is un-

der the charge of A. W. Machen. He Isalmost the father of the system. It wasborn under the Clevelgad regime. Tenthousand dollars was appropriated forthe initial experiment,Since the date -of the permanent es.

tablishment of rural free delivery theforce of carriers has been increased un-til at present it constitutes an army ofabout 12,000, who daily travel overnearly 300,000 miles of highway for thebenefit of a population of about 7,000,-

Governor Durbin of Indiana hassigned the bill recently passed compel-ling counties to keep in good repair theroads on which rural mall routes havebeen established. The bill provides that5 per cent of the road fund shall be setaside to keep these routes .th goQd cn-dition.

Mr. Joseph Pominville. of Stillwater,Min., after having spent over $2,000with the best doctors for stomach troublewithout relier, was advised by his drug-gist, Mr. Alex. Richard, to try a box ofChamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab-lets. He did so, and is a well man to-day. If troubled with indigestion, badtaste in the mouth, lack of appetite or'constipation, give these Tablets a trial,and you are certain to be more thanpleased with the result. For-sae-afcents per box by Dr>(GrW. Earle, Pick.


Rather Than Make Up Booker T. Wash- aIngton's Bed at an Indlanapois a


Lula Spence, the chambermaidwho refused to make up a room atthe English hotel in Indianapolis,Ind., that had been occupied byBooker T. Washington, and whowas discharged from the hotel, will

ago to Houston, Texas, to accept a

position in a hotel, says the At-t

lanta Journal. She is still beingdeluged with complimentary lettersfrom the South and offers of em-

ployment. Some of the lettershave enclosed money, one a

check for $10. In an interviewwith the Atlanta Journal cores-

pondent she said: I Y"I have about made up my mind

to go into the South and take theposition at Houston. I regret very bmuch the notoriety that has come

out of my refusal to wait on a col-ored man. Great and small color.ed men are all the same to me. Mypeople were slave owners in theSouth, and my grandfather was

Joshua Morris, who was either a

state or a United States judge inAlabama. I have no fault to find a

with Prof. Washington, and no

doubt he is doing a great deal ofgood among his people, but Icould not bring myself to clean up ehis room.""Well what do you think about C

President Roosevelt receiving aWashinA ton at his table?"

"I would not have made up thebed after Roosevelt if he had beenblack. I think that was outrage- hons, and that as president, he shouldhave been impeached."Have you any political views?" g"Very strong views. I am out

and out Repablican in everythingfrom tariff to other questions in

government. Straugi as it mayseem, too, my father was a ution


01soldier, a member of the 18th Illi-.nois, and I am proud of his part in

freeing the negroes. He was bornin the South, however, and so was

my mother and they both were

raised in the slave-owning class.Later they moved to Ann, Ill., my ti

present home, and my father was a Vunion volunteer from that place. c4

My mother was burn in Nashville, qtwo squares east of the state house,and was raised at Florence, Ala. dMy father was a native of Ken- W

tucky. There is nothing more to a

say about the incident. I simply tistood on principle. I am very Pthankful to the friends in the eiSouth, and a few in the North, nwho have complimented me on my U

stand. I shall rest a week or ten Pdays before I go to Houston to take h:the position that is offered me.'" ti

Tragedy Results From Gossips' Talk.

Mrs. Jasper F. Gv~altney, ofPetersburg, Virginia, a seventeen- b

year-old wife and mother, crazed Pby jealously killed her nine-months. "

old infant with morphine and then '

attempted to commit suicide by d

the same means..sThe attempt failed, and she was

arrested by the police and is ini jail s1

awaiting the result of the coroner's al

inquest. Tlhe tragedy is the work $of gossips. who told Mrs. Gwaltney aithat her husband had been seen tcnalking with a former sweetheart. fc

Son Was Kulied and Father Injusred.While returning home Wednes- a

day afternoon in a wagon, Eldred y'Newbern and his son, Lyman, who y'were two -prominent farmers ofKirkland, Ga., were caught in a bistorm and the wind blew a treeupon them, kiling the son and se- friously wounding the father, crush-ing the wagon and crippling themules.

.A sure Thing.It is said that nothing is- sure except

death and taxes, but that is not alto. tgether true- Dr. King's New Discovery itfor Consumption is a sure- cure for all e:lung and throat troubles. Mrs. C. B.Van~etre of Shepherditown, W. Va.says 'fI had a seyere case of Bronchitisand for a year tr'ed everythizng 1 heard bof but got no relief. One bottle of Dr,Kin's New Discovery then cured metabolutely.'' It is infallible for Croup,Whooping Cough. Grip, Pneumonia and pConsumption. Tr; it. It's guaranteed by dthe Pickens, Drug, Co., Druggist teTrial bottle free. Reg. sizes 50c, $1.00 a

A Wise Woman.

A practical woman remarked theother day that the most interesting a

things in the newspapers to her are

the advertising columns, "Long hago," said she, "I quit buying ofthose who didn't advertise. It al.

ways seemed to me that the mer-- i;hant who advertises invites me to,

trade with him, while the one who *idoes not advertise impresses me

with the idea that he doesn't care tenough for my trade to ask for it. e~Then too, I have foind lhat theimreiss'hln d as fresh.er goods, for the reason, I suppo ,,-hesells more," 1l

Railug Mules.

"Twenty reasons whly the farmerbould raise mules," is the title offolder published by the Baker'sack Farm of Lawrence, Kan. It3 worth reproducing in full, as fol-ows:I. They can be raised cheaperban any other stock.II. Will go into the market

ooner than horses.III. They are marketable anyime from weaning time (fournonths old) until incapacitated byld age.IV. Are less liable to contract

lisease than the hcrse.V. Pasture a number of coltsbrough the grazing season andon will find plenty of blemishest feeding time. Mules prove theontrary and have few, if any,lemislies, and their value is not

ecreased by blemishes, as a horse.VI. They are easy to raise, easysell and hard to blemish.VII. They instinctly avoid holesnd dangerous places. A team of

unaway mules seem to run more

)rsport than frighr, and usually:op before damage is done, whilehorse never stops until he is com-letly freed.VIII. The mule is more steadyhen at work than the horse, leiservous and is not so liable to be->me exhausted, and often be-

mes so well instructed and trustyto need no driver or line!.IX. Can Etand heat betterian the horse, are steady and can

erelied upon.X. Can stand more abuse andardhip than a horse, but will re-

yond as quickly as the horse to)od feed and kind treatment.XI. The profit in mule.raisingi their quick growth. Are mar-

etable at threa years old. A3rse colt cannot be sold to an ad.mtage until 4ve. So the expensetwo years' feeding and handlingsaved.XII. No kind of horse-fieeh isiore stable in price, exceptingioroughbreds or fancy specimens.rill bring more per -pound uponieopen market or cost less toodce in the actual value of foodnsumned and time and labor re,

aired.XIII. There is .always a steady

mnand for good mules. A -buyerill always handle them. If there

eplenty cf mules raised in a sec-

on oif a country there will belentyof mule buyer's. Mule buy-sarenot going where there are

>mules to buy. In time of war

Sanycountry mules are always'ickedup at a high price and veryghlyprized. Why? Becauseivmust have them. They eu-treallkinds of haidships.

XIV. Buyers make money byyingat weaning time, and by

isturmng and feeding eighteen,onths have them ready for thearket. Can be raised and han.

Ledas easily as a lot of cattle an~d

XV. One steer will eat as mucha team of mules. A good steerthree years old is worth $70 or

r5.A team of mules at the samee (good ones) will sell from$%50$800, having eaten no more

XVI. Feed the same amount tobunch of mules that you do tomrhogsand see which will make>U themost money.

XVII. A good cow-, fed to makeitter,will consume as much or

ore food than a team of mulesomthetime dropped until. three

areold.XVIII. As for line animals,e cannot be beaten, and are be-

igused on the farms more ex-naively for this pulrpo3e. Alsoour large cities are being used

~clasivelv for draying and heavyreet work, standing the wear ofiehard streets twice as long as a'

XIX. As they will not breedtwerecreated for t special pur-ose,andthat is, as true, honest,urableand valuable workers.

ekingtheplace of a team of horses

adlastingmuch longer..XX. The reader will probably

iy:"Why are not more mulesuised?"Simply because in most>calitiesthere are no jacks to

reedto.Good mules cannot beuisedunless you breed to a good,k.Iffarmers could sell year-nighorsecolts at $80 each they

ouldbe willing to buy all thesallionsin sight at $2,000 to $3,000ih.Thenwhy should they hesi-Lte tobuyjacks at $500~ to $1,000Lhwhena jack has four timesieserviceof a horse in his natur-

liv tia b. ahnosmat twie

Bichest Mai in the World.

Thelfortune of an extremely richman is alway~ an interesting sub-ject of speculation, when if comesto considering the fortune of therichest man in the world, every-body is interested in it, probablymore in a spirit of curiosity thananything else. It is usually thecase that when a fortune passed$1,000,000 it is apt to be magnifiedin the p.ublic mind. One milliondollars is a sum so enormous thatit is difficult for the average mindto grasp its sigifificance, hence,generally speaking, ten millionsexpressed in figures are no more

impressive than one million. Thatis why. so many nillioiiaire?, afterdeath, are fonnd to have left es-

tates smaller than they were cred-ited with possessing during life.

It is probable that, in like man.ner, the wealth of John D. Rocke-feller has been estimated at toohigh a figure; still, the fact re-

mains that by calculating from thesize of the dividends he receivesfrom the corporations in which heis interested it is possible to arrive

at an approximately correct esti-mate of his fortune. A businessman closely associated with. Mr.Rockefeller and said to be in a po-sition to know, is quoted in theNew York correspondence of thePhiladelphia Press as asserting thatMr. Rockefeller is now by far therichest man in the world, worthmore than twice as nrer -a.

other American citizen. His Stand-ard Oil stock, at the market rates,is.worth $500A00,000, from whichalone for several years he has re-

ceived dividends of $40,000,000 peranium, or a little less than $1,000,-000 a week. Besides. this he aus

other sources of income that bringhim about $36,000,000 a year, so

that his total income from allsources is not less than $75,000,000a year, as it has been for severalyears, and there is no suggestionof a check to the enormous infbw.That is to say, Mr. Rockefeller's

income~for a single year is morethan the enormous fortune left byWilliam H. Vanderbilt to his sons.

In ten years Mr. Rockefeller'swealth will be nearly $1,000,000from his annnal income alone. Atthe moment, it is said, he can layhis hand on more ready cash thanany ten men in New York, in-luding Russell Sage and the Van.-ibilts and Goulda There are, ofourse, a doz:an ser'nons in thelfood of gold pouring, into. Rocke-Dfeller's cofferR. How. long will it,be before he will have a corner on

the~ wealth of. the United States?[s such enormous power concentra-tvd into, the hands of. one man agood thing for the nublio interests?Do not-auch.aggregations of capi-tal car$se discontent in the massee?Should there t-e a legal limit to1rivate fortunes? These are but afew of the queries that suggestthemelves. There are othersaqualy serious that will occur tothose who read-of Mr. Rockefeller'sriches-which riches he can neversee and never enjoy sin the sense

that an average man in well-to-do.:rcumstanlces enjoys his property,What aan the man possibly wantf so much money? Yet theStandard Oil Company goes onsqueezing the people at every op-portunity that presents itself forn increase in the pric~e of oil.-Savannah Morning News.

"A man:-living on1 1:a farm neart here:ame in a short time ago completely:oubI*ed up with rheumatisn. I handedhim a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balmand told him to use it freely and if not

satisfied after using it he need not pay acent for it," says C. P. Rayder, of Patatgn's Mills, N Y. '*A few days later hewalked into the store as straight as a

strinfand handed me a dollar saying,give me another bottle of Chamberlain'sPain Balm. Iwant itin the house allthe time for it cured me." For sale byDr. G.W. Earle, Pickens and Dr. R. F.Smith, Easley.

Fargmers Institutes.

By authority of the .Board ofTrustees of Clemson College, localinstitutes will be held in suchounties as send requests, signed

by fifteen farmers,- before the 15thof June, to J. S. Newman, Direc-tor of Farmers Institutes, Clemsonollege, S. C. The petitioners will

name the places at which institu-tes are desired and the dates will1be arranged by the college author-ities. The State Institute will beheldat Clemson College commenc-ing Monday evening, August 10th,and closing Friday evening, August14th.-

When you want a pleasant physic tryChamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab-lets. They are easy to take and pleasantin egect. FarsalebyDr.G.W. Earle1Pickens, and Dr, S. ?. Smith, Eqaley.


H. Was Dowaed While Seining in Pondat Lolo.

Last night while seining in the

pond at Lolo, 8. C.. Mr. JonasSanders, of th3 Andrews Reed..Loom and Harness Works was

drowned. With a number offriends, Mr. Sanders was fishingin the pond of the Valley Fallsmill when he managed to get tangled in the seine and stepped awayfrom his companions into deepwater and drowned bafore aidcould reach him.Mr. Sanders was about 35 years

of age. He was at the head of theKnitting Department in the An-drews Reed Loom and HarnessWorks. Only recently he re-

ceived an increase in wages forefficient services rendered. Awidow and four children survivehim -Spartanburg Daily Herald.17th.

Old Soldiers Reunion.

Preparations are now being madefor the second annual reunion ofthe Old Soldiers on July 4th, 1903,and the people of Pelzer wish toextend a. most. cordial invitationto all Veterans to be with them on

that day and join lin making thereunion a grand success.The officers of the -Telzer Ath-

etic Association haye arrangedquite an interesting prograim,forthe day; such as horse races, b' e

,ll bicycle races, foat races, prizIrills, greasy po1?;-greasy pig etc.,to which all Old Soldiers will bedmitted free. Dinner will also beurnisbed on the grounds.A sham battle between the Old

soldiers and the military compa-ies, as .the Yankees, will be onerf the features of the day.Special trains will be run fromIreenwood, Abbeville, Anderson,Belton, Piedmont and Greenville,,hns enabling all to be present forhe reunion.Lieutenant General C. I. Walker

xill be in command of the Old S-,l-liers,In almost every neighborhood some-

mne has died from anjattack of colicw cholera morbus,often before medicineould be procured or a physician sum-noned. A reliable remedy for theseiseases should be kept at hand. Theisk is toot great for anyone to take,hamberlain's Cqlic, Cholera and Diar-hoes Remedy has undoubtedly savedie lives of mnore people and relievedfore pain and suffering than any otheredcine in use. It can always be de-ended upon. For sale by Dr. G. W.arle, Pickens, and Dr. R. F. Smith,~asley. _______

..He Would Have Been Safe.

"I can't say," said Uncle Hiram~parks, "that I entirely approve ofhe tobacco habit, but did you everhink what a difference it might,ave made in the history oi therorld if Adam had had a chew ofobacco in his mouth when Eveempte4 him with the forbiddenruit?

B'ying slab!:nds Life.

Henry B3owen, a negro, was al-rost instantly kilied at the bigaw mill at Ashburn, Ga. He was

~unning the rift machine when a

iece of slab was. caught on the saw

nd thrown with such force as toenetrate. about 7 inches,. strikingust over the heart. He died afewniutes later,

Drowned Himself in Reservoir.The body of Robert Ragan, ofurham, N. C., was found in the

eservoir near the Owin cottonnillIs. His father had found a noterom. him in which he declared hisatention of drowning hi~nself inhe reservoir. On hastening tohe place the body was ~found.agan was a young white .man,bout 22 years of age.

Kayr Goes to Jail For Accepting Bribe.

Albert Alonzo. Ames, ex-mayor,f Minneapolis, Ind., was sentencedo six years in the state prison.e was recently convicted of bri-ery, the trial being a culminationf exposures involving leading city

ffcials in wholesale corruption.

Startling Test.To save a lhfe, Dr. '1. G. Merritt, ofo. Mehoopanly, Pa., made a startling

~est resulting in a wonderful cure. Herites, ''a patient was attacked with

.olent hemorrhages, caused by ulcerra-ion of the swomach. I had cften foundslectic Bitters excellent for acute stom-LC and liver troubles so I prescribedem. The patient gained frozr' the first,ad .has not bad an attack in 14 months.lectric Bitters are positively guaranteedor Drspepsia. Indigestion, Constipation

nd Kidney troubles. Try them. OnlyOc at the Pickens Drug Co.

No man is in free health who~annot stand in the free air ofeaven with his feet on God's freeurf, and thank his Creator for theisple luxury of physical exis-anaae.

J AM feeling sick and sad. Another friend has gone and lefme. Jim Warren was my col

lege mater and I loved him foinear sixty years. He was oulytwo months my junior and I some:times wondered who would 1/ecalled away first. What an awfuldeath was that: Crushed andmangled ano. his poor old bodytorn and dragged for a quarter of a

mile and his dismembered limbsstrewing the track and his brainslarding the rails, Alas, how littledo we know about life or death!Sometimes I watch the cattle goingto the slaughter pen and am thank-ful that Providence conceals fromthem their impending fate, but we

do not know much more about ourown. How shall we die and when?James Warren was one c.f my truefriends. I loved to love him andit gave me comfort that he. lovedme and always called me Charleyas tenderly as brother. His bodywas killed and that was all. Hispure soul went back immediately toits Creator -and is now resting inthe bosom of God. That is myfaith and I hope it is the faith ofall those who loved him, for myheart bleeds with them.

aiStr Yypoqraltars ar;d yourfires,

Strike for the green gra our

sires,Strike until the last armed fue ex-

pires."I used to speak that speech, and

when I got to that part which said,"They come-they come-theGreek-the Greek!" I put on mar-

ial agony ar.d elevated my voiceadd shook the floor. I thought ofall this the other day when I readabout the strikers in Atlanta goingto Mr. Byrd's publishing houseand trying to seduce his non-unionprinters to leave him. His part-ner, Tom Lyon, showed fight andsed some css words and drovethem off, and they had him arrest-ed and the recorder fined him forlisturbing the public tranquility,>ut if I had been the recorder Iiould have excused Tom.This thing has come home to me

t last, for Mr. Byrd is printing aook for me and I cant get a -copy,ond am fighting mad about it.[he striking interlopers get all his>rmter~s away, but two or threeascals hung around the back doornd all that Tonm could do was towatch them and exclaim, "They~ome-they come-the Greek-theareek." But Tom is ga1m3 and-ays he will whin the fight andave some books for me by the lastf the week. The first edition hastil been. sold and the second is inhe press and has been delayedmnd enfllated and barricaded andaralyzed by these contemptibletrikers, and if there ever was a jus-ifable excuse for using cuss wordsiman ought to be hired to stand

t the back door and cuss 'em byhe day as fast as they came. I've2o patience with these strikers and:oss with their leaders. One ofmy boys has just est'ablished a

elephone plant in Houston, Tex.,and had about forty girls employedt good wages, when suddenlysome interlopers came and madethem all strike and he hired othersto take their places and the inter-lopers went round-to all his pat-ons and tried to get up a boycott,but failed. The rich Mr. Hunt-ington is the chief owner and hetelegraphed my boy to whip thatfight regard less of expense and heas whipped it. Last year at Day-on, Ohio, a big nlearted rich manstablished a cash register plantnd had two hundred girls employ-d and he care] for them just likehey were his children and had>ath rooms on every floor and hot~nd cold water, and mirrors andoap and towels, so that they could1athe and clean up before theywent home and the girls were con-ented and happy, for all this waso part of the contract, but some

nterlopers came along and orderedastrike biecause some poor oldwomen who did not belong to theuion had the job of washing theowels that the girls used in theirath rooms.Well, now, that is one side ofhe case, but it is said every caseas two sides. The war betweencpital and labor still goes on, but

labor has but little to complain ofinthis blessed land. We see byte papers that these union strik-ini Atlanta have plenty of mon-

ey in their treasury t ,

while they are idle nd sin fthem have gotten a :

club and are havinga gobAitimegenerally. There is u6 uffeinghere like therp was in London seenty-five years agb when TomHoodwrote the song of the shirt an<Lthelay of the'laborer. It would makean angel weep to read that poorwoman's song;,"For its work, work, work--my

labor never flags,And wbat are -As wages-a d

of straw,A crust of bread and rags, zThis shattered rcof, this iraked

floor, a table, a broken hatAnd a wall so blank, my shadow I

thankFor sometimes falling there."Her sad song aroused all London

but there was no strike. Our ownL7z

George Peabody- was there in thebanking business and it arousedhim. Immediately be bought theground in the suburbs and spent$2.000,000 iii building cottages forthe poor. Nice cottages,bath rooms and hot and cold waterand flowers in the front yard andvines over the door and paid thtaxes and charged only a little,nominal sum for rent, just enoughto keep up the repairs, and in lessthan a year be had comfortablehomes for over 20,000 people.That's the kind of philahthrophy.Our wisest statesmen ask for an

income tax as they have in Eng-land and it is based on that prn-ciple that the more a man accu-mulates the heavier his tax should

a graduated income tax-andso if has p:iled up $10,000,000in a year, of it for tax.This would stop kefeller _ndMorgan and Carnegie anplus would be as Bob Toombs said,"poured back in the jug." It is nogreat honor to a man to. give a

good part of his profits to charity.It is a surprise and that is all.Men forget that all they have gotis but a loan and sooner or laterthey must give it all up, andp -.the debt. BILL ARF.

How's This?

We offerOne Hundred Dollars Rewardfor any case of catarrh that cannot becured by Hall's Catarrh cure.

F. J. CHENEY& Co.,Toledo,O.We, the undersigned, have known F.

J. Cheney for the last lii years, and be-lieve him perfectly honorable in all basi-ness transactions and financially'able tocarry out any obligations made by theirfirm.Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, WholesaleDruggists, Toledo. 0.

Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internallyacting directly upon the blood and mu-cous surfaces of the system. Testimo-nials sent free. Price 7?5c. per bottle.Sold by all Druggists. Hall's FamilyPills are the best.

Trying to accomplish, any ap,preciable results with a dividedmind and unfocused energy, is likeendeavoring to move an enginewhose boiler is full of pin holes,-each of which is letting out steanut.


By a Peralstent Cough, but Permna.nently Cured by Chamberlain's

Cough Bemedy.Mr. H. P. Barbage, a student at law,

in Greenville. S. C., had been troubledfor four or five years with a continuouscough which .he says, "greatly alarmedme, causing me to fear that I was in thefirst stage of consumption." Mr. Bar-bs'ge, having seen Chamberlain's CoughRemedy advertised, conalud~ed to try it.Now read what he says of it: "I soonfelt a remarkable change and after usingtwo bottles of the twenty-five cent size,was permanently cured." Sold by Dr. G,W. Earle, Pickens, and Dr. R. F. Smith,Easley, _______

The men who have becomne richare seldom those who s'tarted inbusiness with capital, but thosewho had nothing to begin with butrather strong arms and 'activebrains.

Made Young Again."One of Dr. King's New Life Pills

each night for two weeks has put me inmy 'teens' again" writes D. H. Turnerof DempseytownPa. They're the best in.the world for Liver, Stomach and Bow.els. Purely vegetable. Never ^gripeOnly 25c at the Pickens- Drug Co's.,Drug Store.

Kershaw county has purchased$8,000 worth of road machinery.Although South Carolina laws

allow no divorce a Charlestonwoman has been granted alimony.

Last week a woman in Uniondied of appendicitis, which th~ephysicians say was caused by tightlacing,

With the view of establishing a

permanent colony near Charlestona party of French Canadians fromtFall River and New Bedford, Mass.visited Charleston and inspectedthe truck farming lands near thecity and made other investigationlof the advantages offered to setI0!Vwho desire to locate there 5andagage in agricultural puritE
