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THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens PointSeries III Vol. I No. 20 Stevens Point, Wis.,...

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.-J-' THE POINTER Series III Vol. I No. 20 Stevens Point, Wis. , May 19, 1927 Price 5 Cents POINT READY FOR OSHKOSH TRACKSTERS GRADUATES FROM ALL DEP'TS SIGN CONTRACTS, PLACEMENT CONTINUES Plan To Distribute Irises Next Monday TEAM SHOWS GREAT FORM, EXPECTS TO SCORE IN EVENTS Pros pects Good For Positions, Seni ors Rush To Fill Vacancies "lf l onlr g-ct a p osit ion!" seem~ to hP thr o n!~· thong-ht in the minds oX the 'eniol's n o\\·- adays. H owe Yc1 · th en• al'C a gr cnt n1an y wh o haYe no mor e wo JTi es . haYini.r a!J· cad y s ig-n cd t h C'i r cont ,·acts. )J nn_v o th ers anbein g- l' athcr 1n c1 Ty : prospt·c-ts arc bl'i "ht Th e ·fo ll ow in g li st wa · comp lete at thr tim e th e P oin ter we nt to p1·css and a ny pos itions con tra ct - ed fo 1 · :i n ·e ,th at t im c will be print ed in a lat er numb ·r. High School Dep artment Hal'l'i et Col lin s - 1 .; n g-l is h and I li story - Hosho lt : frying Gor- don - Sc ience - .\ mlH·t·st: J oe C:unni1tg- - Social S eiClll'C and Athl et i('s - Fish (' ree k; Leo Luk es - Prin ci pa l al ;\I illndore: Al'thu,· )[e)<own - Eng-lish a nd Hi story at \\· onewoc; Frank Mal'!indal e - E ngli sh and Hi s- to1 ·y - S nist opolr sl'hool at St11qreon Bay: La11 1'ie l' tcrson - ::;cirncP and Athl et ics - J l'a- 1·i on · i,:,."·i n Sc h1·o eder - 'cicnc·c an<l ',\ th l etics at P oynette: Cla- ,·11t·e ~tram! - ~cic·ncc a nd ;\Jath ,•ma t il's - \\ "ilte11bn1·g-: ) l a- re,·a Lynn - Jli sto ry and f mtin - \\" eyau,\·cga. Primary Dep artment noroth.r C:idd in :;s - Oak Pa rk . Ill. : Norma Horsnck - \\" ild Ro se; Mi ldred Fisher - (:ood- man : K at h ryn Kil owski - Hi l- bl'l't ; Syh· ia Lihakken - Oak Park . lll. ; Leona Pidd c - )[a- ri on; )l;11·y Shor e.,· - ' ra ndon; and Ali ce Ely (,\ lumnus ) - Oak Pa1·k, 111. ; C la, ·a ll a nn em an - Ph el ps : nenc ,·ic\'C Th11li cn - C lintonYill e: Irene P a l ri c k - Ri b Lak e; Helen S mith - . \l arin e tt e: l! ' nrn ccs Sto d dey - Jun e! ion rity; and f:cnevi evc Kub asta ( Alumnus ) - Shell Lake. (Co11ti11uC'41 011 png<' -1 ) Valley Cooking Teachers Hold Meeting Here Stc \'e 11 s P o in t is to act as host- ess at II me e ting of the lar ge mun - bcr of teache rs o[ H ome Econom- ics in high sc ho ols of th e Wi s. Riv - er Vall ey; which is to be he ld Fri- day a nd Sat urda y of thi s "·e ek. 'rh e exh ibit for Bette r H omes \\' Cek is to be re tained and a sim- il ar proirram is to be e na cte d fo r the ben ef it of th ese gues ts. '! 'hose tea chers who ca n, ha,·e been a. k ed to bri11g a r e pr esen tat ion of th<•i r hi gh sc hool gi rl s \\'ith them. Coach Prepares Athletic Budget X xt 1[ on da y noon the l'irst fri s "·ill be g i,·c n out. l t \\' il l be at last th e time to \\'hich \\'e ha\' c all been look- i110 · fo rward . A l'c\\' fri sl's rP~iai11 J'o those· \\'ho haYc 110! orclcrcd them. 'rhe thi ng \\'hich is pre- vc11t ino· Olli' r ece i,· i11 tr the . hooks~ today as o ,·iiin a ll y p lan11ed i, a r,,". outsta nd- ing- a <TOn nt s. ' fh e business nu11u1μ- cr fl' < ·l s confidl'nt !hat these \\'ill IJ,• o ut o[ the ,my by )[onda~·. A l ist is posted on 1he fri s bull et in board of stll(knh st ill O\\' ing Iri s accoun ts. Men Prepared For Stiff Grinds In All Con tests \\" ith t \\' l'll l \'-onc men 011 the field , ('oath 11 ;1 11li11g is optimi stic as to th,· re s ults or the Os hkos h- · stc vcns Po int t1·a,·k meet here day a !'!er tomo1To,I'. I [ the ll'ea th cr a nd th e l11· ca ks an· \\' ith the Purpl e, Os hk osh shou ld go hom,· \\'ith th e• s had\' side of th e totals in its .. oll cd i,: c poek ct. '!'h e men out !'or th e ,·arious c\'cnts a l' ": Bid\\'e ll - -!40. R e lay ; Boon e - Hr 6adj 11mp,_ hig-hjump; F1 ·a11z - lli sc us:"Fi s hlcigh - JOO yds .. !'Clay. highjump , po le rnult: Th ,• .\ th l etic l rnclget fo r next si •a son. based on pa . t cxpcnd- it nn•s. has been l'ol'lnnlated by 1lw .\ th letic d ir ceto r ,;, but has not .nt hl'en a ppl'OYcd by the Fa c ulty c:0 111mitt <'~. ' I1h c gcnr ra l resume. is as fo l lows: Phy sicia ns fees - $ 100. )J' ed ical su pp lies - $1-!5. Stamps and pa 1 w1· - $25. Foot- ba ll ,•xpe11,litu1·cs - $2,053. ll ask,·tba ll expen di tures -$ 1,19 . 'l 'nu·k c xp e nclitur es-$-!27. <: cn- ,. ,·al a11l l 111i scc llan eo 11s - $270. T ola! assets - $1.275. D efic it - $~.6,:3 I h,• la1te1 ·, co up I eel ith a g,·1 H•1·a l defi cit of $800 makes a Iota! in the red of .·:3.-17:3.CIO " ·h ich must lit' raisrd in order that the l'11r pJ,. a thl e tics ma~· be on n, e hh1<• side oi' th e ac<·ot111t h ook. GJ'Oh - 220. hroadjump: Gun- n "d LJ l 11ing - mile; H . H olnws - -!-10 , lVl e nOnOrS .Ifl I rc ln .r; Kolka - Discus: K, ·akc - C' C t lwlf. mile-. two mil e: Krans _ rorenSlC onteS mile; L a lll'Ot - 220; )fn cD0 1111l d D F~u, · \\'idc ly di\' ~ rsil'ied sc h ools - 220 , 10 "' hu,·dlcs. r elay. j avc li 11 ; May £' eterson to t"ar,·i,•d urr [ ir st pin e h ono r s in )[ <: >iO\\'n - J (J(J ycls. j P au ke,·t - A /1,f' d !h e clistrid forensic contest \l'hi"11 bl'Oadjump. I OO yds ., UO. tliscus, ppear JYIOn ay \\'US held la st Fr iday, )[ay 6 in . ,·,•lay, hi gh hunll es, shot put ; .\ l ·<>11,·,• 1 ·t 01· 11ot c• to t l1c st udent th e audito rium . T he schoe11s HI ink c :-- l\\'O miles : S,·lni\' c• ,· - 1 c is ·us, Ja,· •Jin : ( '. ·nyd e1 · and l ." . '.b - 00 1c 1l.~·pi 1~11ntl _. ',i·,1 coo,,::i •. ',~<~JJ\a )~1'01y pm~: t~.1,:;~:;:ih\;:. ~;~:.,\1'~1~:·x S 111yd ,·1· , -, lja,·pJ lill ; ] \!I an 1,1 \:·ckc -I ' ., 1 po ,, ,·a u . o 1111·c c·s: e on rn P ctc ,·son. ro,·me l'i .Y of th e Ope ra .\n t igo. Th ere \l' e l' C spcn -<· rs 11 1 .. 1 · 1 1'1·0111 twe nty di l'fcrent schoo ls - -a n,m, ·r. 11 1-: 1 .1ump. s 10t. C'o mi que. Pa1·i!<. and n ow \\·ith th e ,-. ,,tni · e, l · ,n 11 ; .. co nt es t. whi ch \\'HS '!'h e meet beg ins a l t\\·o o'c lock )l <'tl'O JlOlili1n 011 e a C'ompan,,·. ' ' 11 11 '1 '11 · ct c I ,. It ll el(I llll(le ,. th e 11 us11ices of the s ' 11 · · c JU g s an , ,ac·u Y \\'i ll sing- at th, H igh Se hool ol'l'ic'a ls ha ·c I ot I I t d Audil orium )l onday eY en in:;. \\" isc·ons in Orato l'i cal L eag ue ai'1cl the ;~oi · x·1· ~;~ ~oe~et~1 1 :1 ~e~:. l' T1\' : )!a v ;.1:~nl. ,\ s a11 artist )li . s " ·, 1 s s up cn ·ised hy )fi· . J. E. Ro 11', snme ol'fici als "·ill function at t he l'd~r son has ecl'i \' <'d the tribut e head of th e X ckoos a · c hools a nd hig- mert. nex t. "·eek and will be ol' h•adin g- Cl'ities. 1-TC" r Am eri ca n pr ex i,l e nt of the ee nti·al di,· ision l isted in ne xt week 's pap c ., Nor- clehut in ope ra \\'as not abl e for ol' th e Lc a!(t1 e. · 11 J t · I b Ecl\\'arcl Pl'ief,,,. \\'Oil f ir st in "' e us man 1s a so out , ut may poise a11,l \'oc;i l IH'auty. It is gen- f not he ahlr to com prt c bcf ·ausc .of ,·,·ally h oped Ih a! th e Colle ge Ext e mp ore sp eaking. Jf1·. P fie 'er lam en ess . students \\'ill f ind time to attend is from :\" ek oosa. Joseph Sart - thi s \\'Ol'th \\· hil e r ec ital. I Yeit o[ Pri c nd ship won th e -------· Ora tori ca l co nt est . Ell en Sc!(Cr or Class Day Discussed At Senior Meeting Girls Organize Ball -< )[ eJ'l'ill tl'.c D ec la_m a ti on. and Cl b El t L d Hlam·he \\ olpcl'I o[ .- \nli g-o th e 'l'hc Scnio,· Cla ss co mmitt ee in U s, ec ea ers Ex te mp ore reaclin i:r. _____ l'ha ,·g-c of 'lass Day exen·i scs at Thl' girls baseball season prom- Th e ro nt rst \\'a s judged h.,· )Ir . it s last m c·ct ing d c,·ided c.l c [init e- is,·s to cxcitl' cons ide ,= ab le in ter - )[ ott. Gu~ 'ampb II or 7shkosh, Iv to hold a S en ior l, 1 ·cakl'ast on ,·st on th e part of th e s tud ent and 0. \\ ·Fox o.f Bau C a a·c. I 1·1w mor ning . of Class day. All h ndy this year. r\t a re eent a 1T;111 g,·m l'11ls for th e ,,·c·nt have me<• tinl! of th e appl iem, ts the Mc Vey To Be Officer not hc en nwc.l c as Yet. To have !cams fo l' thi s seaso n \\' e l' c chos.•n State Forensic Board tlw ('lass Day ,·x~rciscs out of an d to all app earan ces arc \\' ell t lo o t·s 011 t h,• c mnpu s, is one of t he ,·n<lllgh matched to make th e .\ lien i\IcV ey has been appo int- s 11 i:-gcst ions being co ns idered. l'or th -c ·o min g- g-amcs c xce ed inirly eel as ' ccrcta y of th e 8tat c F or- . \l cmh s of th e com m ittee ar c: in l f' l' CS!in g. At the same mee ting ensic Board . t o take the pl ace ll c 111·i 11 ,•ss, dinil'man: .Joe G unn- tlw l'o ll o\\'ing Cap ta in s \\' e l'e rn catc d by Ar thur )Ic~o\\' n . Hi s in g: Adella Skut ely; Kat h er ine f'hos,'n for ca ('h t ea m . Elizab et h lt'rm o[ off ice beg- in s .July J, 1927 Kit ows ki ; and ! ·'ran k .\l' artindalc-. Ke lly - Team l ; 1Iarj o ri e K eit h a11 d expires July 1. 1928. - Team 2: Crystal Holdr egger . \f r. )[ eVcy !ms been actin in - 1' ea m : 3. f'orc·nsic·s , and \\'ll S a m embc 1 · of Th e scr i<>s s ta r ts )lay 17. 'l'he b oth last yea r 's an d this ~- ear's l'o ll ow in g schedu le will be fo lio\\'- de bate teams. He ha s be en clect- < ·d : )J;1y 17 - 1-2 (3 -scnib ) ; )[ ay ed as Bu s in e. s )[ an ag er of n ext 19 - 1-H (2-scrub ): :\fa y 24 - 2-3 year's Iri s s ta ff, haYing pr oYcd (1-si· l'llb ) : )[ay 26 - 1-2 (3 - by hi s work as Busi n ess i\Ian a!(er sc ru b): May 31 - ]- 3 ( 2- sc ruh ) of th e P o int er that he is capabl f• ,JunP 2 - 2-3 (1 sc rnb ). o[ Jrnll(l lin g th e pos itio n. COMING !! OPERETTA!! 011 c• hnnd n•d l' hilt1,· en from the '!' ra in ing Dl' pat ·lm e nt \\'i ll pa,·li e- ipa fc in the operetta "Shut- p P osey" whil'11 is to hr staged 0 11 Thmsc1a-y :\fay 26, in the a udit or- ium. \\" atc h the pap er for mor e c1 c- tu il ed in formation.
Page 1: THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens PointSeries III Vol. I No. 20 Stevens Point, Wis., May 19, 1927 Price 5 Cents POINT READY FOR OSHKOSH TRACKSTERS GRADUATES FROM ALL

• .-J-' THE POINTER Series III Vol. I No. 20 Stevens Point, Wis. , May 19, 1927 Price 5 Cents


CONTRACTS, PLACEMENT CONTINUES Plan To Distribute Irises Next Monday


SCORE IN EVENTS Prospects Good For Positions, Seniors Rush To Fill Vacancies "lf l onlr g-ct a posit ion!"

seem~ to hP thr on!~· thong-ht in the minds oX t he 'eniol's n o\\·­adays. H oweYc1· t hen• al'C a g r cnt n1an y who haYe no more woJTies. haYini.r a!J·cady s ig-ncd t hC'i r cont ,·ac ts. )J nn_v oth ers an• be in g- l'athcr 1nc1Ty : prospt·c-ts arc bl'i "ht

Th e ·fo llow ing li st wa · complet e at thr tim e th e P oin ter went to p1·css and a ny pos itions con tra ct­ed fo 1· :i n ·e ,that t im c will be printed in a lat er numb ·r.

High School Department Hal'l'i et Collins - 1.; ng-l ish and

I li story - Hosholt : frying Gor­don - Science - .\ mlH·t·st: J oe C:unni1tg- - Social S eiClll'C and Athlet i('s - Fish (' r eek; L eo Lukes - Principa l al ;\I illndore: Al'thu,· )[e)<own - Eng-l ish and Histo ry at \\· onewoc; Frank Mal'!indal e - E nglis h and His­to1·y - S nistopolr sl'hool at St11qreon Bay: La111'ie l' tcrson - ::;cirncP and Athlet ics - J l'a-1·i on · i,:,."·i n Sch1·oede r - 'cicnc·c an<l ',\ th letics at P oynette: Cla-1·,·11t·e ~tram! - ~cic·ncc a nd ;\Jath,•ma t il's - \\"ilte11bn1·g-: ) l a­r e,·a Lynn - Jli sto ry and fmtin - \\" eyau,\·cga.

Primary Department noroth.r C:idd in :;s - Oak P a rk .

Ill. : Norma Horsnck - \\" ild Rose; Mi ldred Fisher - (:ood­man : K at hryn Kil owski - Hi l­bl'l't ; Syh· ia Lihakken - Oak Park . lll. ; Leona Piddc - )[a­rion; )l;11·y Shore.,· - ' ra ndon; and Alice Ely (,\ lumnus) - Oa k Pa1·k, 111. ; Cla,·a ll annem an -Phelps : nenc ,·ic\'C Th11licn -ClintonYill e: Irene P a l ri ck - Ri b Lake; H elen S mith - .\larinette : l!' nrnccs Stod dey - June! ion rity; and f:cnevi evc Kubasta ( Alumnus ) - Shell Lake.

(Co11ti11uC'41 011 png<' -1 )

Valley Cooking Teachers Hold

Meeting Here Stc\'e11 s P oin t is to act as host­

ess at II meeting of the large mun ­bcr of teache rs o[ H ome Econom­ics in hig h schools of the Wis. Riv­er Valley; which is to be held Fri­day and Saturda y of thi s "·eek. 'rh e exh ibit for Better H omes \\'Cek is to be retained and a si m­il ar proirram is t o be enacted fo r the ben ef it of th ese guests . '!'hose teacher s wh o can , h a ,·e been a. ked to bri11g a r epresen tation of th<•i r hig h school gi rl s \\'ith them.

Coach Prepares Athletic Budget

X xt 1[ onda y noon the l'irst fri s "·ill be g i,·cn out. l t \\' il l be a t last th e time to \\'hich \\'e ha\' c all been look­i110 ·fo rward . A l'c\\' fri sl's rP~iai11 J'o 1· those· \\'ho haYc 110! orclcrcd them.

'rhe thi ng \\'hich is pre­vc11t ino· Olli' r ece i,·i11 tr the

. hooks~ today as o ,·iiina ll y plan11ed i, a r,,". outsta nd­ing- a<TOn nts.

'fh e business nu11u1µ-cr fl' <·ls confidl'nt !hat these \\'ill IJ,• out o[ the ,my by )[onda~·. A list is posted on 1 he fri s bull et in board of stll(knh st ill O\\' ing Iris a cco un ts.

Men Prepared For Stiff Grinds In All Con tests

\\" ith t \\' l'll l \'-onc men 011 the field , ('oath 11 ;111li11g is opt imistic as to th,· results or the Os hkosh­·stc vcns Point t1·a,·k meet here day a !'!er tomo1To,I'. I [ the ll' ea th cr a nd th e l11·ca ks an· \\' ith t he Purpl e, Oshkosh should go hom,· \\'ith th e• s had\' s ide of the totals in its .. ollcd i,: c poekct.

'!'h e men ou t !'or the ,·arious c \' cnt s a l'": Bid\\' e ll - -!40. R elay ; Boone - Hr6adj11mp,_ hig-hjump; F1·a11z - lli scus:"Fishlcigh - JOO yds .. !'Clay. highjump, po le rnult:

Th ,• .\ th letic lrnclget fo r next si•ason. based on pa . t cxpcnd­it nn•s. has bee n l'ol'lnnlated by 1lw .\ th letic d irceto r,;, but has not .nt hl'en a ppl'OYcd by t he Fa culty c:0111mitt <'~. ' I1h c gcnr ra l resum e. is as fo llows: Phys icia ns fees -$ 100. )J'ed ica l s upplies - $1-!5. Stamps and pa1w1· - $25. Foot­ba ll ,•xpe11,litu1·cs - $2,053. llask,·tba ll expendi tures -$1,19 . ' l'nu·k c xpenclitures-$-!27. <: cn­,. ,·al a11ll 111isccllaneo11s - $270. T ola! assets - $1.275. D efic it -$~.6,:3 I h,• la1t e1·, coup I eel "·ith a g,·1H•1·a l defi cit of $800 makes a Iota! in the red of .·:3.-17:3.CIO " ·h ich must lit' raisrd in order that the l'11r pJ,. a thl e tics ma~· be on n, e hh1<• s ide oi' the ac<·ot111t hook.

~~ GJ'Oh - 220. hroadjump: Gun-

n• "d LJ l 11ing - mi le; H . H olnws - -!-10, lVl e nOnOrS .Ifl I rc ln .r; K olk a - Discus: K,·akc -C' • C t lwlf. mile-. t wo mil e: Krans _ rorenSlC onteS mi le; L a lll'Ot - 220; )fnc D01111ld

D F ~u,· \\'idcly di\'~ rsil'ied sch ools - 220, 10"' hu,·dlcs. relay. j avcli 11 ; May £' eterson to t"ar,·i,•d urr [irst pine honor s in )[<: >iO\\'n - J (J(J ycls. j Pau ke,·t -

A /1,f' d !he clistrid forensic contest \l'hi"11 bl'Oadjump. IOO yds ., UO. tliscus, ppear JYIOn ay \\'US held last Friday, )[ay 6 in . ,·,•lay, hi gh hunll es, s hot put ;

. \ l ·<>11,·,•1·t 01· 11ot c• to t l1c st udent th e a udito rium . T he schoe11s HI ink c :-- l\\'O mil es : S,·lni\' c• ,· -1 c is ·us, Ja,· •Jin : ( '. ·nyde1· and l.".

'.b-001c1l.~·pi1~11ntl _.',i·,1coo,,::i •. ',,~<~JJ\a)~1'01y pm~: t~.1,:;~:;:ih\;:. ~~~<Of~~~~ ~;~:.,\1'~1~:·x S 111yd ,·1· ,-, lja,·pJlill ; ]\!Ian 1,1\:·c kc -I ' ., 1 po ,, ,·a u . o"· 1111·c c·s: e1·on rn Pctc ,·son. ro,·mel'i .Y of th e Opera .\n t igo. There \l' e l'C spcn -<· rs 11 1 .. 1 · 1 1'1·0111 t wenty di l'fcrent schools - - a n,m,· r . 11 1-: 1.1ump. s 10t. C'o mi que. Pa1·i!<. and n ow \\·ith th e ,-. ,,tni·e,l ·,n 11; .. contest. w hich \\'HS '!'h e meet beg ins a l t\\·o o'c lock ) l <'tl'O JlOlili1n 011e 1·a C'ompan,,·. ' ' 11 11 '1'11 · ct c I ,. It

ll e l(I llll (le,. th e 11 us11ices of t he s ' 11· · c JU g s an , ,ac·u Y \\'i ll sing- at th,• High Sehool ol'l'ic'a ls ha ·c I ot I I t d Audil orium )l onday eYen in:;. \\" isc·ons in Oratol'i ca l L eague ai'1cl the ;~oi·x·1·~;~ ~oe~et~1 1: 1~e~:. l' T1\': )!a v ;.1:~nl. ,\ s a11 artist )li . s " ·,1s supcn · ised hy )fi· . J. E. Ro 11', snme ol'f icials " ·ill function at t he l'd~rson has 1·ecl'i \' <'d the tribute head of th e X ckoosa · chools a nd hig- mert. nex t. " ·eek and will be ol' h•adin g- Cl'iti es. 1-TC" r Am eri can prex i,l ent of the ee nti·al di,· is ion l isted in next wee k 's papc1·., Nor-clehut in opera \\'as not able for ol' th e Lca!(t1e. ·11 J t · I b

Ecl\\'arcl Pl'i ef,, ,. \\'Oil f irst in "' e us ma n 1s a so out, u t may poise a11,l \'oc;i l IH'auty. It is gen- f not he ahlr to com prtc bcf·ausc .of ,·,·ally hoped Iha ! th e Coll ege Ext empore speaking. Jf1·. P fie 'er lam eness. students \\'ill f ind time to attend is from :\"ekoosa. Joseph Sart -this \\'Ol'th \\·hil e r ec ital. I Yeit o[ Pricndship won the

-------· Or a tori ca l contest . Ellen Sc!(Cr or Class Day Discussed

At Senior Meeting Girls Organize Ball -< )[eJ'l'ill tl'.c D ec la_ma tion. a nd

Cl b El t L d Hlam·he \\ olpc l'I o[ .-\nli g-o th e 'l'h c S cnio,· Class committee in U s, ec ea ers Ex te mpor e r ea clin i:r. _____ l'ha ,·g-c of 'lass Day exen·iscs at

Thl' girls baseball season prom- Th e ront rst \\'a s judged h.,· )Ir. it s last mc·ct ing d c,·ided c.l c[inite-is,·s to cxc itl' cons ide ,=ab le in ter- )[ot t. Gu~ 'ampb II or 7shkosh , Iv to hold a S en io r l,1·cakl'ast on ,·st on th e part of th e studen t and 0 . \\ ·Fox o.f Bau C a a·c. I 1·1w mor ning . of Class day. All hndy this year. r\t a reeent • a 1T;111 g ,·m l'11ls for the ,,·c·nt have me<•tinl! of the appl iem, ts the Mc Vey To Be Officer not hcen nwc.l c as Yet. T o have !cams fo l' thi s season \\' e l' c chos.•n State Forensic Board tlw ('lass Da y ,·x~rc iscs out of and to a l l appearan ces a r c \\' ell tloo t·s 011 t h,• cmnpus, is one of t he ,·n<lllgh matched to ma k e th e .\ li en i\IcVey has been appoint- s 11 i:-gcst ions be ing cons id ered. l'or th -c·omin g- g-amcs cxceed inirly eel as ' ccrcta 1·y of the 8tat c For- .\l c mh ,· 1·s of th e com mittee arc : in l f' l'CS!ing. A t t h e same m ee ting ensic Board . t o take the place llc111·i 11 ,•ss, dinil'man: .Joe G unn­tlw l'o ll o\\'ing Capta ins \\' e l'e rn catcd by A rthur )Ic~o\\' n . His in g: Adell a Skut ely; Kather ine f'hos,'n for ca ('h t ea m. Elizabeth lt'rm o[ off ice beg- ins .July J , 1927 Kit owski ; and !·'ran k .\l'artindalc-. Kelly - T ea m l ; 1Iarjori e K eit h a11 d expires July 1. 1928. - T eam 2: Crystal H oldregger .\f r . )[e Vcy !ms bee n actin in - 1'ea m :3. f'orc·nsic·s , and \\'ll S a membc1· of

Th e sc r i<>s s ta r ts )lay 17. 'l'he both last yea r 's and this ~- ear's l'ollow in g schedule will be fo lio\\'- d ebate teams. H e has been c lect­<·d : )J;1y 17 - 1-2 (3-scnib ) ; )[ay ed as Bu sine. s )[an ager of n ext 19 - 1-H (2-scrub ): :\fay 24 - 2-3 year's Iri s s ta ff, haYing proYcd (1-si· l'llb ) : )[ay 26 - 1-2 (3- by his work as Busin ess i\Iana!(er sc ru b ) : May 31 - ]-3 (2-scruh ) of th e P ointer that h e is ca pa bl f• ,Jun P 2 - 2-3 (1 sc rnb ) . o[ Jrnll(l ling the pos ition.

COMING !! OPERETTA!! 011 c• hnnd n•d l' hilt1,·en from t he

'!' ra in ing Dl' pat·lment \\'i ll pa,·li e­ipa fc in the operetta "Shut- p P osey" whil'11 is to hr staged 011 Thmsc1a-y :\fay 26, in t he a udito r­ium.

\\"atch the paper for more c1 c­t u il ed in formation.

Page 2: THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens PointSeries III Vol. I No. 20 Stevens Point, Wis., May 19, 1927 Price 5 Cents POINT READY FOR OSHKOSH TRACKSTERS GRADUATES FROM ALL

2 'l'HE POIN'l'ER

Vol. I . THE POINTER Series m.

Norr:;10~::~~~l.\Vccldy by the stud ents of t.he Stevens Point, \Visconsiu State

THE STAFF Editor-i n-Chief . ... . ..•.• .... . ..... .. .. . . . . .. . . .. ... .. Ari10ld M. Malmquist Associate Ed i tor . .. •.• . ....... . ..... . . •.. . . . ..... . ... . .... .. Russell Lewis Assoc iate Ed i tor . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... K eith Berens N ews Ed i tor ... . ... . . . .... . . .. • ... .. .... . . . •. • . . . . ... . .... .. Helene Knape Society Editor .. . . . .... .' . . . . ....... . . . ........... Bernice Vin k lc Reporters .. . .. ...........•. , . . . . . . . . . Helen \Vcbcr

High chool .......... . .... • .. ... .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )Iargnrct Ta r rts Home Economies . .. . . . . . . . . . . ......• . •. .. .. . . . . . . H enrietta T imme Grammar . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Th elma Kroll. Uural .. ..... ... .. . .. . ... .... . ........ . ... . . .. . .. Frnnl'is Romau Primaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sy h-i a Li bakken

Business 1\1:l.nagcr . .... . .. . . . ...•.... . .. . .. .. • .. ... .... . . . .... All en ~(e Vey Adver tising :Manager ... ... . .• . • ......... . . . .. . ....... . .... " ' alte r \Vasrud Circulat ion Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eclna \Vusrud Faculty Advisor . . . ... . ................. . . ...... . ....... . ... . J . J . R ellahan


?\ot so many y l'H l 'S haYC passed si11ce tht' " muc k-l'akin g-" period i11 Am,· ri <·a n histOI'\'. l~ye1· ,·body did it. 1t b 'ca me. hy thl' freak l\1·ists of a set of al; le p1·opa~11ndists. th e t hing to do. .\l'r1ck-rnking, as such. gain ed p1·pst ige and ot hCl'\\'i se in11ocuous persons fou nd them• scl\'l·s tu1·11i11,r to\\'a 1·d it with Yitnpcrat i,·c g lee. 1, ittlc as ca n be sa id fo 1· thl' parlor nll'iet.,· ol' " muck-rnkcr" th e mO\'ement. b~· t he \'Cl ' ,\'

fon·e ol' its ahsu1·dih·. a(· hieY<·tl. among its host of qt1cstionab le st1c­('CSSl's. sOITll' good. L•'o 1· that 1·e11so 11 it is tolern hl c.

'l'h,• ;i,·c·1·agc. a 11t,µ·c•d no,·clist o[ today is not fa r 1·emot l' 1'1·om the• p11rlor " mt1ck-raker " ol' a l'e\\' rlt•cades 11go. 'l'h e (lif'rl'renc·c . if the1·e is one. is that tlw l'i1·st mad e a eo11s(· ious. delib erate cffo l'I to,rnl'd r c­fo nn ing thi ngs. " ·hi lt• the· second aeh ieHs about the same u n­co 11 sciously by us ing hn1tal l'ea lism .

:'\o\'l• ls. of' tlw modern, l'ea l ist i<· t,,·pl' . dig do\\'n into t he cess­pools or lifl' a nd p1·od uce the 1q.dincss \\'hich evel'y one is t 1·ying to fo l' l,!et . Th ey pol' tray. honestl y and " ·ith SOlll e deg ree of accuracy. conditions ol' li fe as L· ,·e ryon • knO\\'S th em. 'l'h cy make the r eade l' sh ift uneasi h ,. a nd gas p at th e p1·ceisio11 oE th e cxposm·es. In the pro­~ess som • tl'i1ths "'hieh al'c not gcnern ll.,· kno\\'n a1·e bl'Ought to light. G1·otesque and hideous truths al'e, fo r l'Oy,ilty r easons, exploited hy nuth ol's. Bluc-n osc<l l'efo l'mci-s dis~o ,·e1·ing t hcse iniquities fol' the f irst time prnmptl.,· ca ll lll cet ings of tlw i1· <· lea n-up and suppress ion squads. and a nc\\' 1·cEo l'm is on foot.

Inclil'ed ly. "·hil " lily- finge l'ed , nntl'amm eled souls a l'e outraged by the nosta lg ia of it , some good is be ing done. Vices o.E the kind that can he ex t11·pated a1·e pl'Omptly rooted out . El'stwh tl e, gentle fo llo\\·cl's beg in to loo k at t he coun tc l'pa1·ts of t he diabolical charac­te1·s whom t hey kno\\'. 'l'he.v suspect their fathers, sisters, doctors, police mc11 , preachers, s\\' ecthearts . 111 most cases those \\'h om th ey suspect al'e about as pu l'e as they· h11Ye c,·e1· been. But. ha ving learn- . eel som ething about the dHious and si nister \\' a,vs of innocent appea1·­in l,( fo lks, th· 1·ea cl cl' 1·asts suspicious eyes on th em.

i\C ea n\\'hil c " mu ck-rnk ing" authors a re conducting secret, s url'epti tious i1wcsti gations in to th e pri\'at e liYcs of th e corner grocer and the insnranee co ll ec tor. Mean\\'h ile mo,·e and more startlin ". brutal no,·els arc being \\Titten, the sex· clement being fea tured enough to ma ke th em best se llers. Evc1·yone 1· ads th em. Only the especially concel'llcd !'Cad th e latest in " li te ratul'C " some yea l's ago, but toda~· the latest no ve l is cl11mored fo1 · b." eve ryone from the soda­jel'ker to th e co ll ege pro fcsso 1·. Th e aut ho1' has lea rn ed \\'hat "·ill net h im th e neatest snm ; he has lean1ecl \\'hat t he peopl e want. The people, having leal'llcd \\'hel'c they ea n find mo1·e sensat ional.ism than in th e " ·ildest moY ic, han, become Yoracious readers. They haYe lea rned to fathom the suggestivity, th e g1·oss subtlety, the sheer audacity o[ th e ultn1-modc rn novel. '!'hey like it. E1·i::o better a nd big-gc r monst rosit ic~.

This " literattll'e" se1·,·cs it s pul'pose. As litcl'ature it does not count. It fo•cuses t he attention of the public on some of the objce· tionab lc things of lii:e. Some of th em a1·e sequentially improved. Asid e from that it i;; i1i l. · It is degenerate. ·wh en, in a few ages, HChola1·s loo k ba<·k to th is post- \\'a r pc1·iod th ey "'ill man-el at its ste. rility. l'e1·haps th e>· \\'i ll say it \\'as ca used by the \\'a1·. Perhaps t hey will say it is a natura l react ion fro m something 0 1· oth er. More t han likely they will be content to say that it is merel.v a dark age so far as li terary nicety is inYol nd .

This. " lite ratnl'c" is bl'Utal in its pl'cc ise 1·ealism. It is uncouth and strange, but it is always na ive. It ca ll s a spade a spade. It squeals and sh rieks. It is not litera tu1·e. It is "mnck·l'aking" hand­ed out with a delectable dose of motivation.

Th e fifty-fifty bob has become popular in othel' schools. Thus far the girls here seem to be immune. P erhaps t o 1·etain our place as a progress ive institution some girl ought to eome fol'Wal'd with a "half and half " hair cut. W e gnarnntee to broadcast it!


by "Rusty" · '

Na ughty magazines · aren 1 t new they 've just moved from under the mattress to t he living room.

In fa d, the• n •a so n hign my ha ,; s lumpC'tl so kr ri hl~· is - wl'il , so m:111.v t'Qlleg-<· girls :1rt• s:itis fi C'( l to l,l' JUSL

-5Wl'l' I il'8 .

Which, though it isn ' t much, is a lot more t ha n grandpa ever t a lked about in his sleep - even if he was half.wise.

Aboul th l• 1111ly thing :i kicl learn s from hi s moih <' r 110,,· days is ;111:itomy.

. \

But that is a college subject - R ah ! Rah! Crib College!

BUT ir r. Burrough~ - LoClk hen•, .John !

I 1.::111 write my ,w m t..• in tht~ dust 0 11 111~· ,lcsk .

J ohn - .:\i n ' I r dut·:1t i on grand!

A smack in time saves an awful. wallop. Of course we mean shock tingle.

LIFE ·E. D. Y. - Gee, it s awful clim bing

around thC'sc links. G. V. - i'n h, t h:1t's t he hill of it.

SHE Butch ( in showe r room ) - · H l'y,

fe lluh , put on some clothes. Don' t ho so effeminate.

' 1 Back up a ll my ca res and woe' ',

st ammered ' •Doc '' as he threw. the wreck into reverse.

SURE :\liss Gr:1y - \Vh o put tha t stat ue b_v

th o door 7 Arnold (in s tage whisper) -

T ha t's ''Doe '' rending over his French lesso n.

ISH No Norma l Fellow - ' 1 Who wash

that lady I sheen you wiz las' night at the Jungshun?

None Either - " She washes herself, shilly ash".

H OT Bill A.-Thc grea test l'Oll cgc facu lty

is doin g without sleep. Azel W.-Which 0 11 01 Bill-Heh ! H eh!

A college girl Is more tha t a woman. She is a whoa-man.

PEPPER That's what t hey give chickens to

make bus in ess pick up. Ask L eo.

H a zel - Do you love, Nea l? Precourt - No, I'm doing this for


Now read th e ca p t ions from top to bottom a ncl f in <.1 ou t what Cra 11 cy sa id t he next morning.


Mr. Delzell (After kissing wife and daughter) - Well, What Is the lesson for toda y, girls?

THEN THE COLD STARE Mr. Rellahan - Have you done any

outside reading? Ed Vetter - No, it 's been too cold.



Catch whnt you can; ·cnn what you Catch.

To a Virtuous Lady 1· uu sn ,. ,·on 'n• 1h·\'l'I' lit' l'tl t·m br:rt·ed ,

· A11't1 ·1 lwg-iu to t,h ink it 1:-J so 1

Poi· you a1·e fri~ id a nd :t s c has t e As it·t• or nt•W I," f:lllt• n snow.

I ' ,·t• Ill'\'('!' "S(•t•11 :rnt·h i1111oc·c1u·(' -I ' m ~U r(' i t ha:; no p:irall l! I,

But wou ld ,·ou 8how S ll l' h n·t icl'nc·c · ·1 t' you· Wl'l'l' sn 1·,· I. 'ti tH' \ ' t'I' t e ll !

Old dogs like learning new tricks.

FIRST EDITION 8wcC' t hc:i r t , mn~· I_ p1·int a ki ss

upon .,·ou1· lips 1

Yes. dcal'c·st. hu t ou mn ·tn 't pnhlish it.

------A little blond is a dangerous

thing. .~

So? Koticc is .hc1·c hy g i,·cn hy

th e undc1·signed that :rn .v s lanclel'OUs sta tcm(• nt s 01· in ­si 11uatio11s \\'hich may'app1'a1· i11 th e his, ('Qnc·cl'nin g t lw 11fo 1·csa id undcl's ig11cd a rc tot a I h· "'it hout base or fo undation. '!'h e fris '8ditol' has a pel'\' el't ccl sense of ~ hnm o1· any\\'ay. ~

•S il,( IICd. ~ Maurice Rice ~ . Keith Berens

To err is human - but don 't get fined.

In The Dim Past On ce t hel'e was a g irl '"h o \\'Cnt

to l\"o!'mal on an allowa nce, and sta.nd \\'i t hin it .

Once a male ,;tudent ace •pted a blind da te - and she \\'as good looking - not 11 lemon - and he \\'asn 't SOl'l'Y h p went.

0 11 cc .a boy kissed a <·o-ed t he first night out, and she slapped him.

Once a student did \\'h at he set ont to do, and d idn 't do t he t hin gs he had been to ld· not to do.

Once there was a co-cd w ho studi ed night-s, ;rnd \\'as popn lar.

Once thel'(· w11s a college boy, and he asked," Al'c i·o 11 hun gry ?" And she a nswered, " No."

It 's always darkest before it 's bleached.

Yesterd ay we hea rd positively the . last on e 011 our fr ie nd, tlto absent­minded professor . H e sla mm e<l h is wife and ki:-tscd the door.

Charity covers a multitude of skins.

Curves have sent many off the line.

Only heroes take ch,ances. Tea for tw.o often gets cold.

Page 3: THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens PointSeries III Vol. I No. 20 Stevens Point, Wis., May 19, 1927 Price 5 Cents POINT READY FOR OSHKOSH TRACKSTERS GRADUATES FROM ALL



Ill So Cl£ TY 11,

,, m I 0:~'J·,?u·;~;{g~!' RICHMAN'S CLOTHES ~\"1i: 1-s1J1s~"· I ~ Our Clothes are Guaranteed---You must be sa. tisf1ed or Money Back 11

See Berglin over Taylor's Drug Store, or call 788J for appointment ·~~~~~~~~========~,- ·- ' LITERATI TO BANQUET I l~ONKLiN ENDURA PENS

Matinee Dance Will Be Given By Forum

A matine(' dance, in all prob­nhilih· th e last one or th e season. ,r i/11 lie µ-i,·en in the iry111. Friday. ,\'lay 20th. Crom -Ll iJ- 6:00. 'l'hc da nl'e is to be sponsor ed by the l~or um. and Vel111 a Da\'i s, its p1·1•s iclcnt. prnmises thc ,·c ll'i ll bt· ,•xcep tionally p:ood music.

Speech Winners Dine At Close Of Tourney

The hanq ur·t ,ponsorl'tl by th e Public Speakillµ- Classes umlcl' the di 1·,,c1ion ot' l'rnl'. L el and .\I. H111Touµ-hs. and att,•ndccl hy mc•m­hcrs of !he cla sses. del eiratcs 1'1·0111 ,·c1 rions hi:,rh :-;choo l:-. <·omp(•ting- in t ht' Di,t ri l'I Hi :.rh ::i,·hool rn,·ensi c l'nntcs ts. thci1· <·Oal' hcs . and mcm­l1e 1·s of rhe clcbatc teams. aml ca,t or t lw ::i cnio1· Class Play, 11·as a <le,·ided success. l'O\'c1·s "·e1·c laicl fo 1· fif ll· in th e r ec ,·cation room at :-.: c ls~n H all . 'l'hc m enu 11·as pa r ti cularly ll'd l sc leetcd b~­\" f•lma Da,·is, ChH i1·nu1n.

Donald V ctte r 11·as toast-maskr 1111<l hy a choice of c le\'cr anec­dot es. introduced Pr es id e n t Robert Doclp:e Baldll' in , Mr. J. E. Roh 1·, 1<~1-ank Josll'ick , Irving Go 1·­don and Herni ec \Tjn kl e ll'h o respond c•d by bri ef t a lks. F rank Josll' ick "·11s genera l chairnrnn .

BLUB-SNIFF-BLUB. St ude - I lost 11:il f of mv allowance

J:tst night. · Ahw :-::itud r - \\' hNe 's th e other two

dollnrs t

Lates t Sheet Music Bruns wick Records &

Radio Supplies Jacobs Novelty Co.

II -

I 11

Visit Our Gift .


:1 Taylors Drug Stroe

-BAEBENROTH'S DRUG STORE The Store For Everybody



Scbaft-ner's Electric Shoe Ht1pital I 519 Strtap Are. fkm 196-W

We will call for and deliver. Have your call in before 9 A. M. and

4 P . .M. for quick service

AT THE DORM TONIGHT Free Repairs For Life A s pec ial mectinµ of the Mai·- Hannon Bach Phy. Inc. 431 Main St.

g-aret .\ shmnn Cl ub was hclcl

i\'Ionda ~· morning- after assembly , ·i '!.l-~===========~=======~====~ to discus, plans for th ei r annual 1::,..,.-------.... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,, 'J banquet tobe hcl<.lton i,d1tatNel- ,! THE :111 · ,on Hall. A splendid p1·oµrarn , / I I : , Deerwood Coffee lrns b,· t· n a1Tanired. ll'hich ll' il l lw I I hoth h,·iel' and snappy. )[iss !1 CONTINENTAL j[_ I_L_ '_·.rnu·11 f'arn 1· 1hc fl,11·.,,.·___J· I J'td ia Van ll ,•t kc is to be hos t ess. I and Arnold ;\l;ilmqnist . president. I i:-. . l,!t.· nc•1·;.d l'hairman. ' l'he ban- I I j qHl't ll'ill start at six-thi,·ty sharp. I -...."'>h- 1·11 STATE NORMAL

G. A. A. Initiation T_he ;::ents !; JI _ 1 CHOOL Given New Members Haberdashery r Stevens Po1-=· n:-:;:t~, -yyy,l,:,S-. --Ill

'l'ht C:i1· ls' .\t hll'lil's .\ ssoeiation ~ Easily Acce~sible . sponsored a pil'nit· fo 1· its lllClll·


, Expense Relalively Low l1<·1·s and 11<·11· 1Ptt!'r -iri1·ls. ~l ontlay The Home of

Location Unsurpassed For Heall hfulncss I al'tP1·n oon. · 'J'h,• sp1·ing· · like H ART, SC H AFFNER ·1

ll'(•ath .. ,· made the ,,i,·ls enjoy 10 JI Anlnfluenceas WellasaSchool I la· l'u ll T1 hik l' to th~ R eel Ii 1- idgt• . & i\lARX CLOTHES , 'I Credi1s Accep1ed A1 All Universi1ies , l'ofrt•e . beans and pit·kl es 11·er,• I Degree Courses in Home Economics and I pro\'ided h.,· I he ( : . . \. A . ll'hiie ------ Rural Education Effecti ve Now

I ,·al'h pp1·son s uppli ed ht•r 011'11




1.1 Address I

samlll'icht·, and rn111 Jt is re- KREM Bs-port,·d that one. p i .. kk \\'US all I Pres. Robert Dodge Baldwin that 1·,·ma1ncd ol I he repasl af'te,· 1 Double Malted Milk . . . Th,•lma Kt·oll lrnd l' iHislH'd ea ti111.r. To Know T he Difference I Stevens Pomt, \Vtscons,_n 11

It had b,·1•n the 01·i .. 1nal intcn- _!____ - --------__) lion of tl!'c (:. A . A. to ir i\'C out lctt,· t·s at t he picnic. but they did not ani\'C in time. Ho11·e\'c1· the affair ser,·ccl ns a g-enerHI g-ct­tog-etlH•1· and initiation for the ncll' mcmhcrs.

~I,·. P er r in,!. di rcc to t· of music . ll'ill a ct as judge at the Portairc County Runt ! School )[us ie Con ­test. ll'hich i: to b e fie ld in th ~ :-:orma l 'chool .-\nditor inm . next S11tut'Clar aft ernoon.

ll ~c~uliffe <tJ:orset-ebop - r Ii French Campbell & Co. For Lingerie, Hosiery, Handker- I Student Supplies

I I chiefs, Gift Novelties 449 Main_S_t· __ P_h_o_ne_9_s_J_j


&mion 1927 I PUBLIC SQUARE

<ttommtnctmtnt Shoes, Clothing, Mens Furnishings


Visit Our New Gifl Sho1> -! Jnbitation~ • ~nnouncement~ \ · anb l}rogram~ IF YOUR FATHER HAD -1


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Pure Drugs Fine Stationery

and Books

East~an Kodaks and Supplies

Engraved Visiting Cards

Remington Portable Typewriters

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I\ cA wonderful new line readp for pou lo select from.

• ed one dollar each week Uil·

til you attained the age of

compounded semi-annually, I twenty years, at 3% interest

: Worzalla rublishlng Go. I you would receive $1,523.04.

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lfol~rwf ifosierg

11\ ].



"The Bank That Service Built".

Collegiate Cars :-- See -

G. A. Gullikson Company

Page 4: THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens PointSeries III Vol. I No. 20 Stevens Point, Wis., May 19, 1927 Price 5 Cents POINT READY FOR OSHKOSH TRACKSTERS GRADUATES FROM ALL


All Departments Sign I 11· Grads For Positions Pert Paragraphs

1 - ~aint whit~ !ICOOK • STUDIOII { l '011ti 11 tll'1 l fro m p:IJ!l' 1 )

Intermediate Department . \ dl'linP (:o,•tzke - '.\fauston;

.\ nlll· Rowe - )l l•l len; ~'recla Strohm - Hil es; Verna Hahn -Port l,<hrn1·ds; ~lariu11 ~Ia rtin -)la1·in eth•; and H,• len Lehman ( Alum11us) - "h ell l,akc. Grammar and Junior Department

l{uby ~' cmlin µ- - East Chicago, India1rn, Eth el J-:en - Oak Parle 111.: C:1·11a l 1-l H rick - Oak Park,

'l'he ' · best similes of 1926," the sixth annua l crop, haYe been ga th ered h~- Frank J. Wi ltsach . au th or oE " ,\ Dictionary of Simil­('S. ''

The fo llowing sclq ·tion fro m a long l ist gfr cs an idea of the p1· · ·cnt trend:

Peaceably inclined as a hea ,·y­wcight champion. - .Am rican Lumberman.

Il l., II ester 1-'cllcr - Hilbert; \JJ:lu ·ive as the eyes of a · co-Thelma Kroll - )[arion: Erna quet tc.-Anon. Hud ow - Oak l'a1·k. 11 1.: Louise _ _ _ _ Aq:rth' ( ,\ lumn11s ) - lk lle,·i llc; Shaky lis a set of f lin-er Lonis Led, ( .\ln mnus) - Fort 11· inclows.-Anon. Atkinson: 11aq!nret iiorris - ----)'itt~,-ill c ; 1-: lt a :\Canto r - lin- Incon picuous as a new fi lling 11m \"ill,, , H,· n1·y Kolka - Herl in ; ·tat ion.- Anon. •:ml Uladys ::>:ilson - Pewaukee.

State Graded Department ] re had an c,·cn chance, like a Ha 1·1111rn J{naup - \Yyoccna; man in a scenario contest.- Anou.

Ran11011d l{oo!H' - ) lauston ; Ecl.i th L' hcr - Sayncr ; Rudolph . Baslifnl as a sophomore in a .Jac isin - tncns Point: Dal e ra,·coon coat.-Anon. Spry - Curtis~·, _\[ arie P otter -Rothschi ld ; and Harold Crane~· (ll i1th . 'chool) - Sp ncer.

Home Economics Department

t'sc les as a label of the Statue of T.iberty.-Anon.

Rose Lowe - ) [arshfie ld: Cc- Proud as a cootie on a gen-('elia B1·ei1!>11st cin - Loyal; )Iarie crn l 's coat.-Anon. 'tephcnson - Uillctt: ~ orine

\ -ul entinc - , 'turµ-con Bay: ) far- She sang l_ike an angel lea nin n-i:aret Englund (.-\lumnus) - from a cloud.-E. Barrington. Black Ri\"cr F alls: Cora 01:<in (Alumnus) - Korth )[ih,·aukec; ' .Juanita L,nl'l'ie (Alumnus) - I 'l'aylo1·; and Lor na Ca r,ll' ell -Stel"cns Point. I Home Ee Association

Has Annual Meeting

Special Sf/owing All This Week

Curtain Nets Lace Curtains Linen Ta!>le Covers

Linen Cloths and Napkin Sets Silk Underwear


Possible. Ill Co/01/11l "Pallezns. in Collar The Highest Grack- [' ,

1 A flacf/ed SHIRTS For

j GUARANTEE HARDWARE CO. I Spring and Summer I $2.00 to $3.50


lnoston Furniture & Undertaking . Hegg Clothing Co. '1

Company I The Hume of Good Furniture "The best in men's wear" I

Established 1888 455 MAIN ST. I -~----'""1 \=J ~~~=~===I l


THE SPOT RESTAUR~NT 41/J. Main St. Phoot: 05



Phone 61 1106 Water St.

MILLINERY Scarfs Purses



I Stevens Point, Wis.

A Growing Institution 11=====~ Stevens Point, Wis_ ~ ll Home ~~s Should I

1 l Only Th, B"lin B,tti,d 1 1 · D n Q[\;~11,. Q ii I Soft Drinks , nuo ltUIJ O


J ,~ - ~-~,=~-~= ~: ""'M""'O""'c""'L o""'L""'~""';""'! ""'~""'~""'O"""""N...,;11 !!~,~~~!f ! ~::~~~~: !;~~Gs~

m et ing Yer~· adequate. She PEICKERT'S SANITARY MEAT

The meetil1g oE the Wiscon in \' alley Home Econom ics Associa­tion held this \\'eek-encl \\' as very succcs ·ful. )I i . .- Lucille Flanni­)!an, Pre:iclent of the Association, and Home Economics Teacher at )[os inee. helped to make the I brought a number ·of her High MARKET I R d d School .,n- i1·l s \\'ith her, and an . 0 S ons JOHN N. l'EICKERT. P ro J>. ,1 d di ti on a l representation of I

ll1F C!Othes Fof College Men about :ixty gi l'l s attended ; Stev- ·151 )l ain St. 1·

ens Point bein " well r epresented. ~=========~I I tee Crieam A picnic lunch was held at noon ifc'I

TEACH 'l ' l' L'i~l 1·10'" . I and lemonade ,vas served. A " '" .. competit iYC .-tun t pro.,n-ram wa. 1 Boys or gilb, it matters not, should

1 be taught bow to value and handle · IT'S RICH

gi \"en in the afternoon after t he money. They would never be allowed guests had been : hown th rough- to "charge" thin~s at the stores; that 11 I out the department. The fina l is schooling of extravageoce and debt.

t · 1 · l I Open a Savings Account at this Big eYen was a S I Yet· tea Ill tie atter Bankandteach tbemto saveforfuture part of the afternoon. needs. One Dollar will s tart the ac­


and count.

Home_ Made Candy / I FIRST NATIONAL BANK PURE - AT - Capital & Surplus $250,000 I I

Largest in Portage County __ PHONE 160 "THE PAL" ;;,,,;,;;;;;;;;....,"""'"""'_,.........,.,.......,_;4,1

·- ... ..--.-.--1~-~

Featuring the new

Charte r House Models

KELLY'S Mens Wear

Between the two theaters.


This Sp:l( e b Pa id For II\' THK



To S. P. N.




Meyer Drug Co. 305 Main St.

Orthophonic Victrolas Victor Records Sheet Music Wilson Music Company

"The Best of Everything in Musical" Opposite Lyric Theatre
