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The prisoner-of-zenda-2015

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Mr\Ahmed Farouk 1 Tel\0186206087 Author ؤلف ا- It was Anthony Hope Hawkins who wrote " The Prisoner of Zenda ". - Anthony Hope was born in 1863 in London, England. - Hope was educated and got first-class degrees درجة علميةin classics كي سيدب الك ا, philosophy and ancient history. - Hope maintained يحفظa great interest in politics ياسة السthroughout his life. - Hope published ينشرaround thirty fictional الي خيworks in his lifetime, but it was The Prisoner of Zenda that made him famous, enabling يمكنhim to become a full-time writer and literary man. رجل أدب- Hope died of throat cancer حلق ن في ال سرطاin 1933. Type of Story نوع القصة- The "Prisoner of Zenda" is a classic story of adventure مغامرةCharacters لشخصيات اRudolf Rassendyll He is rich Englishman. He is 29 years old.He is well-educated and intelligent .He does not believe in working for a living because he is comfortable with his inheritance and social status.He is fun-loving and adventurousHe is kind and compassionate .He agrees to impersonate Rudolf the Fifth to help him save his throne.He is a man of honour.He is a brave warrior who risks his life to rescue the King.He is True and loyal to the Princess and keeps his promise of being the ‘Queen King Rudolf the Fifth He's the king of Ruritania who loves good wine and huntingHe's not respected by many of his people as he is always abroad.He's Carefree and humorous .He laughs loudly and easily .He's kidnapped and imprisoned by his brother, Duke Michael.He's Saved by Rudolf and regains his throne. He becomes a more responsible King after his traumatic ordeal.He marries Princess Flavia. Colonel Sapt He's short and with a grey moustache. He's the King’s chief adviser. He's firm but kind .He is wise , intelligent, shrewd, meticulous and careful. He's dutiful, loyal and faithful to King Rudolf. He persuades Rudolf to impersonate the King to save his throne. He helps and guides Rudolf in all his formal duties. He's brave warrior and would not hesitate to sacrifice his life for the King .He believes in fate as he believes it is fates that has sent Rudolf to save the King. Fritz von Tarlenheim
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Mr\Ahmed Farouk 1 Tel\0186206087

Author املؤلف

- It was Anthony Hope Hawkins who wrote " The Prisoner of Zenda " . - Anthony Hope was born in 1863 in London, England. - Hope was educated and got first-class degrees درجة علمية in classics األدب الكالسيكي , philosophy and ancient history. - Hope maintained يحفظ a great interest in politics السياسة throughout his life. - Hope published ينشر around thirty fictional خيالي works in his lifetime, but it was The Prisoner of Zenda that made him famous, enabling him to become a full-time writer and literary يمكن man. رجل أدب - Hope died of throat cancer سرطان في الحلق in 1933.

Type of Story نوع القصة

- The "Prisoner of Zenda" is a classic story of adventure مغامرة

Characters الشخصيات Rudolf Rassendyll He is rich Englishman. He is 29 years old.He is well-educated and intelligent .He does not believe in working for a living because he is comfortable with his inheritance and social status.He is fun-loving and adventurousHe is kind and compassionate .He agrees to impersonate Rudolf the Fifth to help him save his throne.He is a man of honour.He is a brave

warrior who risks his life to rescue the King.He is True and loyal to the Princess and keeps his promise of being the ‘Queen

King Rudolf the Fifth He's the king of Ruritania who loves good wine and huntingHe's not respected by many of his people as he is always abroad.He's Carefree and humorous .He laughs loudly and easily .He's kidnapped and imprisoned by his brother, Duke Michael.He's Saved by Rudolf and regains his

throne. He becomes a more responsible King after his traumatic ordeal.He marries Princess Flavia.

Colonel Sapt He's short and with a grey moustache. He's the King’s chief adviser. He's firm but kind .He is wise , intelligent, shrewd, meticulous and careful. He's dutiful, loyal

and faithful to King Rudolf. He persuades Rudolf to impersonate the King to save his throne. He helps and guides Rudolf in all his formal duties. He's brave warrior and would not hesitate to sacrifice his life for the King .He believes in fate as he believes it is fates that has sent Rudolf to save the King.

Fritz von Tarlenheim

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He is the king’s (Rudolf ) right-hand man.He is a loyal friend and advisor to the King.He is helps Rudolf in his role as an impersonator.He is helps Colonel Sapt to rescue the King He is and quieter than Colonel Sapt.He is brave and daring in the rescue mission to save the King.

Princess Flavia She is a beautiful princess who is engaged to the King.She is sweet and caring.She is a cousin to King Rudolf the Fifth.She is observant and She notices some differences between Rudolf Rassendyll and King Rudolf . She does not know that Rudolf Rassendyll is an impersonator.She worries about Rudolf’s safety and welfare. She will not hesitate to go to Rudolf when she hears that he is ill or in trouble.She marries the King and becomes the queen of Ruritania.

Duke Michael He is half-brother of Rudolf the Fifth.He is the Duke of Strelsau in Ruritania.He spends a lot of time with the people.He is popular and many people want him to be King.He ambitious, scheming, cunning, wicked, evil and cruelHe kidnapped King Rudolf with the intention of killing him.He has loyal supporters especially his devoted ‘Famous Six ’.He is killed by Rupert of Hentzau

Antoinette de Mauban She is beautiful, tall and dark French widow.She is about 30 years old and is deeply in love with the Duke.She is determined because she tries to find a way to stop Duke Michael from becoming King and therefore marrying Princess Flavia.She is aware of Duke’s wickedness and evil scheme to kill the King.She betrays تخون the Duke when she informs Rudolf of the Duke’s plan to kill the king She helps Rudolf to escape from his enemies.

The ‘Famous Six’ These are the personal bodyguards of the Duke .They are fearless, ruthless, cruel and will not hesitate to kill.They consist of three Ruritanians and three foreigners.They are involved in the kidnapping of the King. Three of them guard the King and three follows the Duke wherever he goes.

The Six are 1) De Gautet -> French 2) Bersonin -> Belgian 3) Detchard -> Englishman 4) Ruperf of Hentzau (leader) -> Ruritanian 5) Lauvengram -> Ruritanian 6)Krafstein -> Ruritania

Robert Rassendyll (Lord Burlesdon) - He is Rudolf Rassendyll's brother.

Rose Rassendyll - She is Rudolf Rassendyll's sister-in-law. أخت الزوجة Countess Amelia Rassendyll

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- She is a relative of the Rassendylls who married into the Ruritanian royal family. أسرة ملكيةGeorge Featherly - He is an English friend of Rudolf Rassendyll who works in the Paris embassy. سفارة

Marshal Strakencz - He is an important person in the King of Ruritania' s army.

Bernenstein - He is a trusted موثوق فيه gentleman, one of those who helps to rescue ينقذ the King.

Josef- He is a servant خادم to the King of Ruritania.

Freyler- He is a servant at the King's palace. قصر Sir Jacob Borrodaile- He is an important Englishman who is about to become an

ambassador. سفري

Bertram Bertrand - He is an English journalist who works in Paris Johann Holf - He is a servant who works in the Castle of Zenda. Max Holf - He is Johann's brother who works for Duke Michael.

Places of Incidents أماكن األحداث

The setting امسرح األحدرثألin the novel The Prisoner of Zenda is in Ruritania, a country in Central

Europe. The adventures in the story take place حيرث اin Strelsau (Capital of Ruritania) and Zenda

(a small town with castles قالع).

Themes الموضوعات 1. Good versus مقابل Evil Rassendyll does not have any interest in the throne. He helps Rudolf the Fifth by impersonating him. He does this to

protect the King and country from the evil Black Michael. Black Michael is interested to be the King of Ruritania and

marry Princess Flavia. Rassendyll, Colonel Sapt and Fritz do their best to save the king and country from Black Michael .

2. Greed Greed is also clearly shown as a theme in the story. Black Michael is only interested in becoming the King of Ruritania.

He puts his own brother (King Rudolf the Fifth) in prison in Castle Zenda. His greed for the throne makes him do evil

things. He orders his men to kill Rassendyll. He also orders his men to kill the King if any attempt is made to save him.

Rupert of Hentzau is also greedy of power and money. He does not mind killing anyone to become powerful and wealthy.

Both Black Michael and Rupert of Hentzau show their greed.

3. Bravery Bravery is seen in the actions of the characters. Rassendyll is brave. He fights Black Michael’s men to rescue the King

and protect the country from them. Colonel Sapt, Fritz and Marshall Strakencz are also brave officials of the Court. The

King is finally rescued because of a few brave men.

Moral Values القيم األخالقية

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- Honesty األمانة أو اإلخالص - Responsibility املسئولية - Loyalty الوالء - Honour الشرف أو الكرامة

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Prisoner of Zenda

Chapter 1

Text and Quotations

1. I was eating breakfast in the dining room of my brother's house one sunny morning, thinking about

what I would do that week, when my brother's wife Rose came into the room. "Rudolf, you're 29 years

old," she said. "Are you ever going to do anything useful?" "Rose," I answered, putting down my egg spoon, "Why should I do anything? I have nearly enough money to do anything I want to (no one

ever has quite enough money to do that, of course), and I enjoy an important position in society: my

brother's Lord Burlesdon and you are a countess ."

في صباح يوم مشمس, كنت أتناول اإلفطار في غرفة اططاةام فةي منةخل أأةي وأفكةر فيمةا ذةكفاألس وطةع امذةبول نة ما أألةت

و شةرون امةا, أت تنةوب أبة ا أن تشاةل شةي ا رو وطف, أنت اآلن تبألغ مةن اطامةر تذة قاطت روخ, " اطحجرة خوج أأي, روخ.

" طماوا ينبغي ألي أن أفال أب شيئ يا روخ؟ أنا أمتألع من اطمال تقريبةا " فكجبت وأنا أض مألاق اطبيض ألى اطمنض ة,مشي ا؟

مةو فةي اطمجتمة , كما أنني أتمت بمركةخ مر)باططب ت أح يمتألع مطألقا مات كافيا طامل وطع(, ما يكشي طامل أب شيئ أري ه

" فكأي هو اطألور بيرطذ ون وأنت كونتيذ . Be lazy? It's true. I'm a member of the Rassendyll " "But you've done nothing except……"

This annoyed Rose, because her family were rich but ."family and our family don't need to do things

less important than the Rassendylls. At this moment, my brother Lord Burlesdon (who we were happy to

What's the "cried Rose. "Robert, I'm so happy you're back!"call simply Robert) came into the room. I ,"thinks I don't do anything She's angry because she"Robert asked her. "matter, my dear?

explained to my brother.

ة ا أن أكةون كذةوت؟ هةوا حقيقةي. فكنةا أحة أ ضةا ا ألة قاطاتهةا قةا , " "وطكنع طم تشال أب شيئ ة ا ......فقاطت روخ, "

" هوا اطك م أغضب روخ حيث أن ا ألتها كانةت غنية وطكنهةا طةم تكةن راذين ل و ا ألتنا طيذت بحاج إطى اطقيام بامل أب شيئ.

هوه اطألحظ , أل إطى اطحجرة أأي اطألور بيرطذ ون )اطوب كةان يذةا نا أن ننا يةس ببذةاط ا أل مرموق كاا أل راذين ل. في

" فشةرحت اممةر مةا اممةر يةا خيختةي؟." فذةكطها روبةرت, "روبرت, أنا ذاي ة طألغاية باو تةعباذم روبرت(, فصاحت روخ, "

" إنها غاضب منها تاتق أنني ت أقوم بامل أب شيئ.مأي قا , "2. At this point, I should explain that I had not been lazy all my life. I had studied hard and learned a lot

when I was at a German school and German university. I spoke German as well as I spoke English, and I

also knew how to speak French, Italian and Spanish. I was good with a gun and a strong swordsman. I

was also very good at riding a horse.

ن هوه اطنقط , يجب أن أشرح أنني طم أكن كذوت طوال حياتي, فكنةا رذةت ألةى نحةود جةا وتاألمةت اطكديةر نة ما كنةت فةي

م رذة أطمانية وجاماة أطمانية . وتحة دت امطمانية باإلضةاف إطةى اإلنجأليخية , وكةوطع تاألمةت كيةف أتحة ث اطشرنذةي واإليطاطية

, كما أنني كنت بار ا ج ا في ركوب اطأيل. بالسيفقويا مبارزايب باطمذ س وكنت وامذباني . وكنت ماهرا في اطتصو3. "It's not just your red hair that makes you different from your brother ," said Rose. "He also

realises his position in society has responsibilities. You only see opportunities in yo urs." "To a

man like me, opportunities are responsibilities ," I explained. "Good, because I have some news for

you," said Rose. "Sir Jacob Borrodaile tells me he'll offer you a real opportunity. He's going to be an

ambassador in six months' time, and he says he's happy for you to work for him. I hope you'll take

this job, Rudolf."

إن شةةارع امحمةةر طةةيس هةةو فقةةط مةةا يجاألةةع مأتألشةةا ةةن أأيةةع, فهةةو يةة رع أيضةةا أن مركةةخه فةةي اطمجتمةة طةةس قاطةةت روخ, "

باطنذةةب طرجةةل مدألةةي, اطشةةر تاتبةةر ." فقألةةت طهةةا مشذةةرا, "مذةة وطيات. أمةةا أنةةت فتةةرز فةةي مركةةخع اإلجتمةةا ي اطشةةر فقةةط

ع. أبألغنةي اطذةي جةاكوب بورو يةل أنةس ذةيارض أليةع فرصة هوا جي , من ن ب باض امأبةار طة" فقاطت روخ, "مذ وطيات.

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في أ ل ذت أشهر, وهو يقةول أنةس يذةا ه أن تامةل ماةس. أتمنةى أن تحصةل ألةى هةوه اطوظيشة يةا سفيراحقيقي . فهو ذيصبح

" رو وطف.4. My sister-in-law has a way of asking people to do things which is impossible to refuse. Moreover, I thought this job sounded quite interesting, so I said, "If in six months' time I'm in a position to take this

job, then I'll certainly say yes." "Oh, Rudolf, how good of you!" said Rose. "Where will he be

working?" I asked. "Sir Jacob doesn't know which country it will be, but he's sure it will be a good

embassy." "For you I'll do it, even if it's a terrible embassy ," I replied.

, كةان فةي ا تقةا ب أن هةوه عالوو ععىالذعكلال خوج أأي طها أذألوب تطألب بس من اآلأرين مل امشيا من اطمذتحيل رفضةس.

إوا كنةت فةي أة ل ذةت أشةهر فةي وضة يجاألنةي أحصةل ألةى هةوه اطوظيشة , فكنةا اطوظيش مديرة ط هتمام طألغاي , طةوطع قألةت, "

اطذةي جةةاكوب ت " فقاطةت, "وأيةن ذةةيامل؟" فذةةكطتها قةا , " منةةع يةا رو وطةف.إنةةس شةيئ را ة" فقاطةت روخ, "باطتككية ذةكقبألها.

ذةوف أحصةل ألةى هةوه اطوظيشة مجةةل " فقألةةت, "جية ة. سالفار ياةرف فةي أب وطة ذةيكون اطامةل, وطكنةةس متككة أنهةا ذةتكون

" أاطرع أنت حتى وطو كانت ذشارة في غاي اطذو .5.Now, I had made my promise to Rose, but there were still six months to go before the job would start,

and I began to think about what I could do in this time. I decided that I would visit Ruritania, a small country

in the middle of Europe. My family have always had an interest in that country because in 1733, Countess Amelia Rassendyll married a member of the Ruritanian royal family, the Elphbergs. In fact my brother has

paintaings of her and her descendants on his walls: many of them have the same red hair and straight

noses as the Elphbergs; I am the latest one to have the appearance of the Ruritanian royal family.

اآلن قطات و ا ألى نشذي أمام روخ, وطكن كان هناع ذت أشهر ط نط قبل أن أب أ اطوظيش . وبة أت أفكةر فيمةا يمكةن أن

أوروبةا. ةا ألتي كانةت ا مةا مهتمة بهةوه اط وطة أفاألس في هوه اطم ة. قررت أن أخور روريتانيا, وهةي وطة صةغيرة فةي وذةط تخوجت اطكونتيذ أميأليا راذين ل من أح أ ضا اطاا أل اطماطك ط وط روريتانيا, ا أل إطشبرج. في اطواق , 3311منس في ام

نةف اطمذةتقيم يض أأي طوحات طألكونتيذة وأحشا هةا ألةى جة ران منخطةس. يوجة طة ز اطكديةرين مةنهم نشةس اطشةار امحمةر وام

اطتي يتذم بها أفرا ا أل إطشبرج. أنا آأر فر في ا ألتي طس نشس شكل اطاا أل اطماطك طروريتانيا. 6.My decision was helped a few days later when I read in The Times newspaper that Rudolf the Fifth was

to become King of Ruritania in the next three weeks, and that amazing celebrations were planned for this

joyous occasion. I thought how fantastic it would be to see such an event and began to prepare for my journey. I do not like to tell people where I go on my travels, so I told Rose that I was go ing walking in the

Alps. I did not want her to think I was being lazy either, so I told her I was going to write a book about social

problems in the country.

ح ث شيئ با ها بكيام قأليأل م قرارب باطذشر إطى روريتانيا, فق قرأت في جري ة اطتايمخ أن رو وطةف اطأةامس كةان ذيصةبح

. فكةةرت أن الساليية مألكةا ألةى روريتانيةا فةي أة ل امذةابي اطد دة اطقا مة , وأنةةس تةم اإل ة ا تحتشةاتت را اة بهةوه اطمناذةب

أنا ت أحب أن أأبةر أحة ا ةن اممةاكن اطتةي أوهةب إطيهةا فةي شي ا را اا, وب أت أ طرحألتي.مشاه ة مدل هوا اطح ث ذيكون

رح تي, طوطع فق أأبرت روخ أنني واهب طممارذ رياض اطمشي في جبال امطب. ومنني طم أكن أري ها أن تاتق أننةي كنةت

تما ي في اطريف. كذوت أيضا, فكأبرتها أنني أنوب تكطيف كتاب ن اطمشك ت اتج7. "You're going to write a book? That would be such a good thing to do, wouldn't it, Robert? " said

Rose. "Yes, indeed. Writing a book's the best way to get into politics ," agreed Robert, and he should

know, as he has written many books himself. "You're right," I said to them both. However, I had no plan to

really write a book, which shows how little we know about the future. Because here I am now, writing a book as I had promised to do, even if the book has nothing to do with the social prob lems in the Alps. But

let me begin near the start of my journey to Ruritania.

" فوافقهةا روبةرت اطةرأب قةا , هل تنةوب تةكطيف كتةاب؟ هةوا ذةيكون شةي ا جية ا تقةوم بةس, أطةيس كةوطع يةا روبةرت؟قاطت روخ, "

" باطتككية روبةرت ياةرف وطةع حيةث أنةس شأصةيا قةام نام, باططب . إن تكطيف كتةاب هةو أفضةل طريقة ط نأةراط فةي اطذياذة ."

" وباطرغم من وطع, طم تكن ط ب ني أن أقوم بتكطيف كتاب حقا, وهةوا يبةين أن ح .ماكما فقألت طهما, " بتكطيف اطا ي من اطكتب.

مارفتنةا باطمذةةتقبل ضة يأل طألغايةة . فهةةا هةو أنةةا اآلن أقةوم بتةةكطيف كتةةاب كمةا و ةة ت, ألةى اطةةرغم أن هةةوا اطكتةاب ت قةة طةةس

رحألتي إطى روريتانيا. ن ب اي باطمشك ت اتجتما ي في منطق امطب. وطكن اذمحوا طي أن أب أ باطح يث 8.My Uncle William always said that no man should ever pass through Paris without spending twenty -four

hours in the city, so I took his advice and booked a night at The Continental Hotel. As soon as I had

checked in, I called on some old friends that I knew in the French capital: George Featherly, who worked at

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the embassy, and Bertram Bertrand, who was now a famous journalist in the city. That evening, we all ate

in a restaurant and they told me all about the latest exciting events in Paris.

كان مي ويأليام يقول ا ما أنس ت ينبغي ألى أب شأ أن يمر ألى بةاريس ون أن يقضةي بهةا أربة و شةرين ذةا , طةوطع مألت بنصيحتس وحجخت طيأل في فن كونتيننتال. بمجةر وصةوطي طألشنة , خرت باةض أصة قا ي اطقة امى اطةوين أ ةرفهم فةي

يامل باطذشارة, وبرترام برتران , اطوب كان اآلن صحشيا شةهيرا فةي بةاريس. اطااصم اطشرنذي وهما جورج فيورطي, اطوب كان

وطع اطمذا , تناوطنا اططاام في أح اطمطا م, وأأبروني بكل امح اث اطمديرة اطتي وقات مؤأرا في باريس. 9."We've had quite a few important people visiting the city recently ," said Bertram. "Anyone I'd

know?" I asked. "Well, I met Antoinette du Mauban today," Bertram replied. "You've probably heard

of her. She's a lady who's well known for her wealth and ambition. But she's leaving Paris today,

we don't know where she's going to next ." "So why did she come to Paris?" I asked. "She was a

guest of the Duke of Strelsau ," said George. "I met him at the embassy yesterday. He's the half-

brother to the King of Ruritania. People say he was his father's favourite son. He's gone back for

the coronation, although I don't think he'll enjoy it very much because he probably wishes he were

the king. I don't think he likes being only a Duke ." "I hear he's a clever man, though ," said Bertram. "He's extremely clever, I'd say," agreed George.

هةل بيةنهم أب شةةأ فذةةكطتس, " "اطقأليةل جةة ا مةن اطمشةاهير اطةةوين قةاموا بخيةارة بةاريس مةةؤأرا.طقة كةةان هنةاع قةال برتةرام, "

حذةنا, أنةةا قابألةت أنطوانيةةت و موبةان اطيةةوم, ربمةا تكةون قةة ذةمات نهةةا. إنهةا ذةةي ة نبيألة تشةةتهر " فكجةاب برتةةرام, "أ رفةس؟

وطمةاوا جةا ت إطةى ." فذةكطتس, "ن ذةتكون وجهتهةا اطقا مة بدروتها وتطألااتها, وطكنها ذوف تغا ر باريس اطيوم وت نارف إطى أية

كانت ضيش ن و ذتريألذو. أنا قابألتةس فةي اطذةشارة بةاممس. إنةس ام غيةر اطشةقي طمألةع روريتانيةا. " فقال جورج, "باريس؟

ذةيكون مذةتمتاا بهةوه يقول اطناس أنس كان اتبن اطمشضل ط ز أبيةس. وطقة ةا طحضةور حشةل اطتتةويغ بةاطرغم أننةي ت أ تقة أنةس

ورغم وطع أنةا ذةمات أنةس رجةل " وقال برترام, "اطمناذب منس يو طو أنس هو اطمألع. أنا ت أ تق أنس يحب أن يكون مجر و .

" أتش ماع تماما أنس ماهر طألغاي ." فوافقس جورج قا , "ماهر.10. The next day, George came with me to the station and I bought a ticket to my next stop, Dresden. I did

not tell him that I was going to Ruritania. If I had, the news would have gone immediately to Bertram and

then it would have been in all the newspapers within days.

ت توكرة إطى محطتي اطتاطية م ينة ريةخ ن. طةم أأبةر جةورج أننةي كنةت في اطيوم اطتاطي, أتى جورج ماي إطى اطمحط واشتري

واهبا إطى روريتانيا, منني طو فاألت وطع تنتقل اطأبر ألى اطشور إطى برترام ومن دم تنتقل إطى كل اطصحف في غضون أيام. 11. Just as I was about to get on the train, George suddenly smiled and walked away to talk to a beautiful,

tall and fashionably dressed woman of about thirty who was standing at the ticket office with two younger

women. I thought these must be her servants. "You have an important person to travel with ," George

told me when he returned a few minutes later. "That's Antoinette du Mauban and she's also going to


بينما كنت ألى وشع ركوب اطقطار, ابتذم جورج فجكة ووهب طيتح ث م امرأة جميأل وطويألة اطقامة ترتة ب م بةس صةري

تبألغ من اطامر حواطي د دين اما, واطتي كانت تقف ن مكتب بي اطتواكر م امرأتين شابتين, كانتا في تق يرب أا متين طهةا.

إنع ذتذافر م إح ز اطشأصيات اطمرموق . إنها أنطوانيت و موبان وهةي أيضةا ل طي, " ن ما ا جورج با قا قأليأل قا

" متجه إطى ريخ ن. Paris was soon behind me. It was a long and boring journey and I wondered if I would see Antoinette du

Mauban in the dining car when I ate in the train that evening, or perhaps at breakfast the next morning. However, I did not see the lady again until the following day, when both she and I got on the next train from

Dresden to Ruritania. She was further up the train, however, and did not see me.

إوا كنت ذكرز أنطوانيةت و موبةان فةي ربة اططاةام نة ما وتساءلتتركنا باريس أألشنا. كانت اطرحأل طويأل وممأل ذرياا, أتناول طاامي في اطقطار وطع اطمذا , أو ربما أراها وقت اإلفطار في اطصباح اطتاطي. وم وطع طم أر اطذي ة مرة أأرز حتى اطيوم

اطمتجس من ريخ ن إطى روريتانيا. وطكنها كانت تبا ني بمذاف في اطقطار فألم تراني.اطتاطي ن ما صا ك نا إطى اطقطار 12. A few hours later, the train arrived at the Ruritanian border where we stopped so the guards could

check our passports. I was surprised when the guards stared at me and my passport for some time before

letting me into the country. Once in Ruritania, I bought a newspaper and read that the King's coronation was to be in two days' time, which was much earlier than I had thought. The newspaper described the

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excitement in the country and in particular the capital city, Strelsau, where it said all the hotels were full

with people who wanted to see the event.

حالةق با ذا ات قأليأل , وصل اطقطار إطى ح و روريتانيا حيث توقشنةا طكةي يشحة اطحةراس جةواخات ذةشرنا. ان هشةت نة ما اطحراس في وجهي وفي جةواخ ذةشرب طةباض اطوقةت قبةل أن يذةمحوا طةي بة أول اطبألة . بمجةر أن أألةت روريتانيةا, اشةتريت

ي أة ل يةومين. هةوا اطتوقيةت كةان مبكةرا جة ا مةا كنةت أ تقة . وصةشت جري ة وقرأت فيها أن حشل تتةويغ اطمألةع كةان ذةيتم فة

اطجرية ة حاطة اإلدةارة اطموجةو ة فةي اط وطةة ت ذةيما فةي اطااصةم ذتريألذةو, حيةث قاطةةت اطجرية ة أن كةل اطشنةا كانةت تمتألةةئ

بامشأا اطوين كانوا يري ون مشاه ة هوه اطمناذب . On reading this, I decided it would be best to stop at Zenda, a small town eighty kilometres from the

capital, and about ten kilometres from the border. Here I could walk in the hills and see the town's famous

castle, then I could take the train for the day to Srelsau to see the coronation. As I got off the train at

Zenda, I saw Antoinette du Mauban, who remained on the train for its journey to the capital, but she did

not look at me.

ن ما قرأت وطع, قررت أنس من امفضل أن أتوقف في خن ا, وهي م ين صغيرة تبا دمانين كيألومترا ن اطااصةم , وحةواطي

اطشةهيرة باطم ينة , دةم أركةب اطقطةار القىية شر كيألومترات ن اطح و . في هوه اطم ين أذتطي أن أتمشى في اطت ل وأشاه حشل اطتتويغ. بينما كنت أهبط من اطقطةار فةي خنة ا, رأيةت أنطوانيةت و موبةان اطتةي ظألةت في وات اطيوم إطى ذتريألذو مشاه

في اطقطار طتواصل اطرحأل إطى اطااصم , وطكنها طم تنظر إطي.13. I was welcomed at the inn in Zenda by an old woman who ran it with her two daughters. She said she

was not very interested in what happened in the capital, but she loved the Duke of Strelsau, who she called

Duke Michael. He was the man who was responsible for the land around Zenda and its castle. In fact, the

hotel owner said she wished the Duke was the new King and not his brother.

رحبت بي في اطشن اطريشي امرأة جوخ اطتي كانت تة يره مة ابنتيهةا. قاطةت طةي أنهةا طةم تكةن مهتمة بمةا يحة ث فةي اطااصةم

وطكنها كانت تحب و ذتريألذو اطوب كانت تطأل أليس اط و مايكل. إنس كان اطرجل اطمذ ول ن امرض األ خن ا واطقألا

اطشن تتمنى طو أن اط و كان هو اطمألع اطج ي وطيس أأيس. اطموجو ة بها. في اطحقيق , كانت صاحب14. "We all know Duke Michael," she explained. "He's always lived in Ruritania and he cares about

the people, so people like him. As for the King, well, he's almost a stranger. He's been abroad for most of his life and not many people even know what he looks like. Now the King's staying in a

hunting lodge in the forest, very near to Zenda. From there he'll travel to the capital for his


ان ا مةا ياةيف فةي روريتانيةا ويهةتم بةكمر شةابها, وطةوطع يحبةس نحن جمياةا ناةرف اطة و مايكةل, فهةو كةشرحت اطمرأة قا أل , "

اطناس. أما باطنذب طألمألع, حذنا, إنس تقريبا غريب نا. فق قضى ماظم حياتس أارج اطب كما أن اطكدير من اطنةاس ت يارفةون

, وذةوف يذةافر مةن هنةاع إطةى في اطغاب , وهو قريب جة ا مةن خنة ا كوخعيستخةمهععنةعالصيةحتى شكألس. اآلن اطمألع يقيم في

" اطااصم من أجل تتويجس.15. I was interested to hear this, and decided I would walk in the forest the next day so that I might see

him. "I wish he'd stay there in the forest ," continued the woman. "People say he only likes hunting

and good food. He should let the Duke become our King. And there are many others who think the

same." "Well I don't like Duke Michael," said her older daughter. "They say the King has red hair just

like you!" "Many men have red hair like me," I laughed. "How do you know the King has red hair?" The old woman asked her daughter. "Johann, the Duke's servant, told me," she explained. "He's seen

the King at the hunting lodge."

أتمنى طو أنس يبقى كنت مهتما طذمال وطع وقررت أن أمشي في اطغاب في اطيوم اطتاطي طاألي أراه. واصألت اطمرأة ك مها قا أل , "

هناع في اطغاب . اطناس يقوطون أنس يحب فقط اطصي واططاام اطجي . يجب أليس أن يذمح طأل و أن يصبح مألكنةا اطج ية , وهنةاع

حذةنا, أنةا ت أحةب اطة و مايكةل. إنهةم يقوطةون أن اطمألةع طةس " فقاطت ابنتها اطكبةرز, "يهم نشس اطرأب.اطكدير من اطناس اطوين ط

كيف ألمت ذكطت اطمرأة اطاجوخ ابنتها, " " اطكدير من اطرجال ط يهم شار أحمر مدألي." فقألت ضاحكا, "شار أحمر مدألع تماما.

" جوهان, أا م اط و , فق شاه اطمألع ن كو اطصي . أأبرني بوطع" فشرحت طها اتبن , "أن اطمألع شاره أحمر؟16. "But why's the King here, if it's the Duke's land?" I asked. "The Duke invited him, sir,"

explained the old lady. "The Duke's in Strelsau, preparing for the coronation ." "So they are good

friends?" "I don't know if you can be good friends if you want the same thing ." "What do you

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mean?" "Duke Michael would like to be King, too, I'm sure ." "Well!," I said "I feel quite sorry for the

Duke, but it's right that the older brother becomes king ."

طقة قةام اطة و ب وتةس يةا " فشةرحت اطذةي ة اطاجةوخ, "طماوا يتواج اطمألع هنا إوا كانت هوه هةي أرض اطة و ؟" ذكطتهما قا ,ت أ رف إوا كان ؟" فر ت اطاجوخ, "هما ص يقان إوا" فقألت, "ذي ب. اط و موجو في ذتريألذو طيقوم باإل ا طحشل اطتتويغ.

أنةا وادقة أن اطة و مايكةل يةو " فقاطت, "ماوا تقص ين؟" قألت طها, "نشس اطشيئ. من اطممكن أن تكونا ص يقين إوا كنتما تري ان

" حذنا, أنا أشار باطحخن تماما ألى اط و , وطكن من ح ام امكبر أن يصبح هو اطمألع." فقألت, "أن يكون اطمألع أيضا.17. "Who's talking of the Duke?" said a deep voice from outside the door. "We have a guest, Johann,"

called the old lady, as a man entered the room. When he saw me, he took off his hat and stepped back in

surprise, as though he had seen something amazing. "What's the matter, Johann?" asked the old lady.

"This gentleman's come to our country to see the coronation ." "It's the red hair," said one of the

daughters. "We don't often see it in our country unless you're part of the King's family, the

Elphbergs. Many of them have red hair."

ن نا أح " فقاطت اطذي ة اطاجوخ ن ما أل رجل اطحجرة, "من اطوب يتح ث ن اط و ؟قال صوت جهير من أارج اطباب, "

" ن ما رآني اطرجل, أأل قباتس وتراج أطوة طألأألف من هشا كما طو أنس رأز شي ا موه . فذةكطتس اطذةي ة اطضيوف يا جوهان.

إنس منة هف مةن " فقاطت إح ز بناتيها, "وا اطذي اطنبيل إطى بأل نا طيشاه حشل اطتتويغ.ماوا بع يا جوهان؟ طق حضر هاطاجوخ, "

اطشار امحمر. نحن ت نرز اطشار امحمر كديرا في بأل نا إت إوا كنت جخ ا من ا أل اطمألع, ا أل إطشبرج. اطكدير منهم شةاره "أحمر.

18. The man continued to stare at me, but said, "Good evening, sir. I'm sorry, I didn't expect to see any

new guests here." "Don't worry," I said. "It's late and time I went to bed. I wish you all a good night.

Thank you, ladies, for our conversation ." I stood up to go to my room, when Johann suddenly said,

"Sir, have you ever seen our King?" "No, I've never seen him, but I hope to do so on Wednesday at

the coronation." Johann said no more, but I felt his eyes on me as I walked up the stairs.

" فقألت مذا اطأير يا ذي ب. أنا آذف, فألم أكن أتوق أن أرز أب ضيوف ج هنا.اذتمر اطرجل في اطتح ي في, وطكنس قال, "

" وقشةت طكةي أوهةب إطةى ت أليع. اطوقت تكأر وحان مو نومي. طابت طيألتكم جمياا. شةكرا طكةم ذةي اتي ألةى محا دتنةا.طس, "

ت, طةم يذةب طةي رؤيتةس مطألقةا, وطكنةي آمةل أن " فقألةت طةس, "هل ذب طع رؤية مألكنةا؟ذي ب, غرفتي ن ما قال جوهان فجكة, "

" طم يقل جوهان أب شيئ آأر, وطكني شارت أنس يحمأل في ببصةره بينمةا كنةت أصةا أفال وطع يوم امرباا في حشل اطتتويغ.

رجات اطذألم. 19. The next morning, Johann seemed much more relaxed. When he heard that I was going to Strelsau,

he said I could stay at his sister's house. She was married to a wealthy trader and she had invited him to stay with them for the coronation, but he was unable to go. I was very happy to have this opportunity and

accepted his offer, so he said he would contact his sister at once and tell her to expect me that day.

في اطصباح اطتاطي, ب ا جوهان أقل توترا بكدير. ن ما ألم أنني واهب إطى ذتريألذو قال أن بإمكاني أن أقيم في منخل شقيقتس اطتي كانت متخوج من أح اطتجار امدريا و ت جوهان طألبقا ماهما طحضور اطتتويغ, طكنس طم يتمكن من اطوهاب. كنت ذاي ا طألغاي

وطع اطارض. قال طي جوهان أنس ذيتصل بشقيقتس ألى اطشور ويطألب منها أن تنتظرني في وطع اطيوم.بهوه اطشرص وقبألت 20. I decided, however, that I still wanted to see the forest where the King was staying, so first I planned

to walk for sixteen kilometres through the forest to the next station along the line, where I could catch a train to the capital. I did not tell Johann about this plan, as I did not think it would be important if I arrived at

his sister's later in the day. So I sent my luggage on to the station and said goodbye to the old lady and her

daughters, and set off up the hill towards the castle. After that, it was a short walk to get into the forest.

رغم وطع, قررت أنني ماخطت أرغب فةي مشةاه ة اطغابة اطتةي كةان يقةيم فيهةا اطمألةع, طةوطع أططةت فةي اطب اية أن أمشةي بةر

اطغاب طمذاف ذت شر كيألومترا ألى طول اططري حتى اطمحط اطتاطي حيث يمكنني أن أركب قطارا إطى اطااصم . طم أأبةر

أن وصوطي إطى منخل شقيقتس متكأرا وطع اطيةوم شةي ا وا أهمية . طةوطع, أرذةألت حقةا بي جوهان بهوا اطترتيب منني طم أكن أ تق

إطةى اطمحطة وو ةت اطذةي ة اطاجةوخ وابنتيهةا دةم بة أت اطرحألة صةاو ا إطةى اطتةل باتجةاه اطقألاة . باة وطةع, كانةت هنةاع مذةاف

قصيرة أقطاها ذيرا ألى امق ام حتى أ أل اطغاب .21. Half an hour later, I reached the castle. It was very old but well built, with a moat all around it. Behind it

was a large modern mansion, which was used by the Duke of Strelsau as his country home. The mansion

was reached by a wide road, but the old castle could only be reached by a drawbridge between it and the

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mansion. I was pleased to see that the Duke had such a well-defended house, even if he were not to

become King.

مةن كةل اطجوانةب. خنالة عمالا با وطع بنصف ذا , وصألت إطى اطقألا . كانت ق يم جة ا وطكةن كةان بناؤهةا متينةا, ويحيطهةا ح يث واطوب كان يذتأ مس و ذتريألذو كمنخطس اطريشةي. كةان يةتم اطوصةول إطةى اطقصةر بواذةط قصرأألف اطقألا كان هناع

يةربط بةين اطقألاة واطقصةر. كنةت جسالرعمتحالر اطق يمة فقةط ةن طرية طري ريض, وطكن كةان يمكةن اطوصةول إطةى اطقألاة

ذاي ا ن ما رأيت أن اط و يمتألع مدل هوا اطمنخل جي اطتحصين ألى اطرغم أنس طن يصبح اطمألع.22. Soon I reached the dark forest and I walked for about an hour, pleased that the tall trees gave me

cool shade: not much sun reached the ground through the many leaves. It was a beautiful place and after

a time I decided to rest by lying against one of the enormous trees. It was so quiet and peaceful in the

forest that I soon fell into a deep sleep, forgetting all about the train I should have caught to Strelsau and

my luggage that would be waiting at the station. I was just dreaming about living in the Castle of Zenda

when a voice woke me: "Why, look at at him! It's amazing! He looks just like the King!"

يباث ألى ظووصألت إطى اطغاب اطمظألم بذر ومشيت فيها طم ة ذا تقريبا. كنت مذرورا من امشجار اطااطي كانت تمنحني اطبرو ة, فألم تكن اطشمس تصل كديرا إطى امرض بذبب أورا امشجار اطكديرة. كان اطمكان جمي , وبا فترة من اطوقت, قررت

امشجار اطضأم . كان اطجو ها ا ج ا ويباث ألى اططمكنين في اطغاب ط رج أنني أألت في ذبات أن أذتريح متك ا ألى إح ز مي , ونذيت كل شيئ بأصو اطقطار اطوب كان ألي أن أركبس إطى ذتريألذو, وكوطع حقا بي اطتي كانت تنتظرني في اطمحط .

يا طألاجب, أنظر إطيس! هوا موهل! أنس يشبس ألى صوتد ما يقول, " كنت أحألم في منامي أنني أذكن في قألا خن ا ن ما اذتيقظت "اطمألع تماما!

23. I opened my eyes slowly and found two men looking at me. Both carried guns and were dressed for hunting. One of them was short but looked very tough with light blue eyes, and he looked like a soldier.

The other was younger, thin and of medium height, and he looked like a gentleman. I later found out that

my guesses were both correct.

قصةيرا فتحت ينةي بةبط ووجة ت رجألةين ينظةران إطةي. كةان يحمةل كة منهمةا بن قية ويرتة يان م بةس اطصةي . كةان أحة هما

تمامةةا, وكةان طةون ينيةس أخر فةاتح, وكةةان يبة و وككنةس جنة ب. أمةا اآلأةةر فكةان أصةغر مةرا, ونحيشةةا قالو عالبنيالةوطكنةس بة ا

ومتوذط اططول, وكان يشبس اطنب . واكتششت فيما با أن تأميناتي ن كأليهما كانت صحيح . 24. The older man walked up to me and raised his hat to me politely, so I stood up. "He's about the

same height as the King, too!" he said. "This really is extraordinary. What's your name, sir?"

"Perhaps you can tell me what your names are first?" I asked them. The gentleman stepped forward

with a smile and said, "Of course. This is Colonel Sapt, and my name's Fritz von Tarlenheim. We

both work for the King of Ruritania ."

إنس تقريبا في نشس طول اطمألع أيضةا, إن اقترب مني اطرجل امكبر ذنا ورف قباتس طي بك ب, فوقشت ألى ق مي. قال اطرجل, "" فتقة م اطرجةل اطنبيةل أطةوة وهةو يبتذةم طاألكمةا تأبرانةي باذةميكما أوت؟" فذةكطتهما, "هوا شيئ موهل حقا. ما اذمع يا ذةي ب؟

" ابت, وأنا أ ى فريتخ فون تارطنهايم. ك نا يامل ط ز مألع روريتانيا.باططب , هوا هو اطاقي ذوقال, "

25. I shook their hands and told them, "I'm Rudolf Rassendyll. I'm a traveller from England and was

an officer in the Queen's army." "Well, we're officers for our King, so we understand each other

well!" said Tarlenheim. "Rassendyll, Rassendyll," said Colonel Sapt quietly. "I know! Are you one of

the Burlesdons?" "My brother's the new Lord Burlesdon ," I explained. "So, do I really look like the

King?" "You could be twins," said Fritz. "Although you look like identical twins, you do not have

identical personalities or skills. You two seem very different. If you were an officer for the Queen's army, Rassendyll, you must be good with a sword!" laughed Sapt.

" فقال تارطنهايم, اذمي رو وطف راذين ل. أنا مذافر وقا م من إنجألترا وكنت ضابطا في جيف اطمألك .صافحتهما وقألت طهما, "

راذين ل, راذين ل, أنا أ رف وطع, قال اطاقي ذابت به و , " "حذنا, نحن ضابطان ط ز مألكنا, إوا فنحن نشهم باضنا جي ا."

" هل أنا باطشال أشبس اطمألع؟" دم ذكطتهما, "أأي هو اطألور بيرطذ ون اطج ي .حت طس, "فشر "هل أنت أح أفرا بيرطذ ون؟

إت أنكما طذتما متمادألين في المتماثىين ألى اطرغم أنكما كاطتوأمين " وقال ذابت ضاحكا, "ربما تكونا توأمين.فقال فريتخ, "

ت ضابطا في جيف اطمألك يا راذين ل, فكنت باطتككي بارل في أو في اطمهارات. أنتما تب وان مأتألشين تماما. فإوا كن الشخصية


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26. "Is the King not a fighting man?" I asked. "The King likes to live well," said Fritz. "Let's say he

prefers eating to action, but he's a kind man and he's our King. We'd do anythin g for him."

"Perhaps we are alike then," I said, "because I like to have an easy life, too!" At this moment, a voice came from the trees behind us. "Fritz? Where are you, Fritz?" Fritz looked worried, and then said quietly

to me, "It's the King! He's coming here now."

اطمألع يحب أن يايف بشكل جي . يمكن أن نقول أنس يشضل تناول اططاام أكدر من " فقال فريتخ, "أطيس اطمألع رجل مقاتل؟ذكطتهما, "إوا ربمةا نكةون " فقألت طهما, "أوض اطماارع, وطكنس رجل طوف وهو مألكنا, ونحن ألى اذتا ا أن نشال أب شيئ من أجألس.

فريتخ, أين أنت يا " في هوه اطألحظ , جا صوت من بين امشجار أألشنا يقول, "اة اطذهأل أيضا.متشابهين منني أحب أن أ يف اطحي "إنس اطمألع, إنس قا م إطى هنا اآلن." ب ا اطقأل ألى فريتخ, دم قال طي بصوت ها ئ, "فريتخ؟

27. A young man then came out from behind a tree in the forest and stood in front of us. As I looked at

him, I gave out a loud cry at the same time as he stood back in amazement to see me. Except perhaps for a centimetre or two difference in height, we looked so alike that the King of Ruritania might have been me,

Rudolf Rassendyll, and I might have been him, the King of Ruritania.

دم ظهر شاب من أألف إح ز امشجار في اطغاب ووقف أمامنا. ن ما نظرت إطيس, ص رت مني صرأ اطي فةي نشةس اطوقةت

اطوب تراج هو فيس طألأألف في حاط وهول من رؤيتي. فباذتدنا وجو اأةت ف فةي اططةول بمقة ار ذةنتيمتر أو ادنةين, كنةا نبة و

ون مألع روريتانيا هو أنا, رو وطةف راذةين ل, كمةا أن مةن اطجةا خ أن أكةون أنةا هةو, متمادألين تماما ط رج أنس من اطجا خ أن يك

مألع روريتانيا.

Questions with Model Answers 1-Where and when did the story open ?

In the dining room where Rassendyll was having his breakfast .In a sunny morning

2 – What do you know about Rose ?

She was Rudolf Rassendyll's sister–in–law. She was Robert Rassendyll's wife.

3- What did Rose blame تلوم Rudolf for? She blamed him for being 29 years old and not doing anything useful. ( idleعاطلا )

4-Why did Rudolf Rassendyll account for برر his being idle عاطل (unemployed)?

He said that rich families like the Rassendylls didn't need to do things. He said he had enough money to do anything he wanted. He had an important position in society .

5-Despite being jobless, عاطل Rudolf boasted تباهى of his position in society. Discuss.

He said that he enjoyed an important position in society as his brother was Lord

Burlesdon and his sister-in-law was a countess.

6-What did Rudolf Rassendyll admit اعرتف to Rose ? How did he justify برر that?

He admitted being lazy. He said the Rassendylls who were rich didn't need to do things

7- Why was Rose annoyed when Rudolf was talking about his family?

Although Rose's family were rich, they were less important than the Rassendylls.

8- Why hadn't Rassendyll been lazy at all times?

a)He had studied hard and learned a lot when he was at a German school and university.

b)He spoke some languages.{ German , English , French , Spanish and Italian )

c)He was very good at riding horses and good with a gun and a strong swordsman.

9- What do you know about Robert Rassendyll ?

Robert was Rudolf Rassendyll's brother. He was married to Countess Rose

Rassendyll was prod that Robert was Lord Burlesdon.

10- According to Rose, how was Rudolf Rassendyll different from Robert ?

Besides Rudolf's red hair She said that Robert realised that his position

in society had responsibilities, but Rudolf only saw opportunities in his position.

11- What was Rassendyll's answer to Rose's accusation اهتام ?

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He told Rose that to a man like him opportunities were responsibilities .

12 - What good news did Rose have for her brother-in-law? أخو زوجها She said that Sir Jacob Borrodaile would offer Rudolf a real opportunity to work for him

when he became an ambassador after 6 months. She hoped Rassendyll would take the job.

Sir Jacob Borrodaile wanted Rudolf to work for him in an embassy.

13 – Why did Rassendyll accept to work for Sir Jacob in an embassy?

First, Rose had a way of asking people to do things which was impossible to refuse.

( Rose was persuasive ) Second, he thought the job sounded quite interesting.

14 – Where would Sir Jacob Borrodaile be working?

Sir Jacob didn't know which country it would be but he was sure it would be good.

15 – Show that Rassendyll kind and gentle to his sister-in-law .

Rassendyll promised her that he would do it even it was a terrible embassy.

16-What did Rudolf Rassendyll decide to do during the six months ?

He decided that he would visit Ruritania, a small country in the middle of Europe.

17- Rudolf Rassendyll's family always have an interest in Ruritania. Illustrate.

In 1733 Countess Amelia Rassendyll married a member of the Ruritanian

royal family, the Elphbergs who had red hair and straight noses.

18-Whose paintings لوحات من did Robert (Lord Burlesdon) have on his walls?

He had paintings of Countess Amelia Rassendyll and her descendants ا .أدفاد19-How did the marriage of Amelia affect the appearance of Rudolf Rassendyll?

Rudolf Rassendyll was the latest one to have the appearance of the Ruritanian royal

family. He had red hair and a straight nose. 20-What helped Rassendyll's decision to travel to Ruritania?

He read in The Times newspaper that Rudolf the 5th was to become King of Ruritania

in the next three weeks, and that amazing celebrations were planned for that joyous اةمبهيج occasion He decided to see such a fantastic event so he began to prepare for the journey.

21- Why did Rassendyll tell Rose that he was going to the Alps?

Because he did not like to tell people where he went on his travels

22 -Why did he tell Rose he was going to write a book about social problems?

Because he did not want her to think he was being lazy.

23- What was Robert and his wife opinion about Rassendyll's future book?

Rose said that it would be such a good thing to do

Robert said that writing a book was the best way to get t into politics.

24 – Why did Rassendyll say that how little we knew about the future ?

As he didn't have a plan to really write a book but he wrote a book about his journey .

25-What was Uncle William's advice that Rassendyll decided to take? يعمل هبا Rassendyll's Uncle William always said that no man should ever pass through Paris

without spending twenty-four hours in the city.

26- Where did Rassendyll stay in Paris ?

He booked a night at the Continental Hotel

27-Who did Rassendyll call on يزور in Paris? What did they do? ما وظائفهما He called on his old two friends, George Featherly, who worked at the embassy,

and Bertram Bertrand, who was a famous journalist in Paris.

28- What did Rassendyll's friends tell him?

About the latest exciting events in Paris and the important people who visited Paris.

29 -What did Bertram Bertrand tell Rassendyll about Antoinette de Mauban?

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She was well known for her wealth and ambition and she was leaving Paris that day..

30- Why did Antoinette de Mauban visit Paris ?

Antoinette de Mauban was a guest of the Duke of Strelsau ( Duke Michael ).

31- What did George Featherly tell Rassendyll about the Duke of Strelsau?

He said that Michael was the half-brother to the King of Ruritania.

He was his father's favourite son.

He wished to be the king of Ruritania not only a Duke دوقا32-What was George Featherly and Bertram's opinion of The Duke Michael ?

They said that he was extremely clever .

33- Why didn't Rassendyll tell George that he was going to Ruritania?

He didn't want the newspapers to know ( via Bertram ) about his going to Ruritania.

34-How far was Antoinette de Mauban a beautiful lady?

Antoinette de Mauban was a beautiful, tall and fashionably dressed woman of about thirty.

35 – Where did Rassendyll and Antoinette de Mauban go from Paris ?

They took a train from Paris to Dresden and took another train to Ruritania.

36 – How did Rassendyll describe the journey from Paris To Dresden ?

He said it was a long and a boring journey

37-Why did the guards at the Ruritanian border stare at Rassendyll's passport?

Because Rassendyll looked exactly like the King of Ruritania.

38-What did Rassendyll read in the Ruritanian newspaper?

The king's coronation was to be in two days' time which was too much earlier than

he thought .The newspaper described the excitement in the country and Strelsau .

39- Why did Rassendyll decide to stop at Zenda instead of going to Strelsau?

Because the hotels in Strelsau were full with people who wanted to see the coronation.

From Zenda he could take a train to Strelsau to see the coronation.

40- What do you know about Zenda ?

Zenda was a Ruritanian city which was 80 kilometres from the capital ( Strelsau )

and about 10 kilometres from the border .It had hills and a famous castle.

41- Who did Rassendyll see when he got off the train at Zenda ?

He saw Antoinette De Mauban who remained on the train to go to Strelsau .

42 Where did Rassendyll stay at Zenda ?

Rassendyll stayed at an inn which was run by an old woman and her two daughters

43-Why wasn't the woman interested in what happened in the capital, Strelsau? As The old woman loved the Duke of Strelsau who was responsible for the land around

Zenda and its castle. In fact the hotel owner said she wished Michael was the new king .

44- According to the hotel owner, why was Duke Michael popular with حمبوب من

many people in Ruritania unlike على عكس his brother?

a) Michael always lived in Ruritania and he cared about the people so people loved him

b)As for the King, he was almost a stranger. He had been abroad for most of his life

and not many people even knew what he looked like.

c) He was staying in a hunting lodge in the forest as he liked hunting and good food.

45 – Why did Rassendyll decide to walk through the forest the next day?

He decided to walk through the forest ,the next day , so that he might see the king.

46- How was the older daughter had a different opinion about the Duke ?

The older daughter didn't like Duke Michael but she admired the king and his red hair

47- How did the daughter know that the king had red hair?

Johann ( the Duke's servant) told her that the king had red hair ( like Rassendyll )

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48– According to the old lady why was the king in the Duke's land ( Zenda ) ?

She said the Duke invited him and the Duke was in Strelsau preparing for the coronation

49 – Why did the old woman think the Duke and the king weren't good friends?

Because of their competition about the throne as Duke Michael wanted to be king, too. 50-What did Rassendyll's reaction on hearing that Michael wanted to be the king?

He felt quite sorry for Michael but it was right that the older brother became the king.

51- What was Johann's reaction when he saw Rassendyll ?

Johan stepped back in surprise , as thoughالوا .he had seen something amazing كما

52 – What did the old lady tell Johann about Rassendyll?

She told Johann that Rassendyll came to their country to see the coronation .

53 – What was one of the two daughter's comment on Johann's surprise?

She said that it was the red hair which surprised Johann because they didn't see it

in the country unless he was part of the king's family , the Elphbergs. 54 – What was Rassendyll's answer to Johan's question if he had ever seen the king?

He had never seen the king but he hoped to see him on Wednesday at the coronation.

55-What was Johann's offer for Rassendyll?

He offered that Rassendyll could stay at his sister's house .She was married to a wealthy

trader and she invited him to stay with them for the coronation but he was unable to go.

56- Why was Rassendyll happy to have this opportunity and accepted his offer?

As the hotels in Strelsau were full with people who wanted to see the coronation.

57 – Why did Rassendyll walk for 16 kilometres in the forest ?

He planned to do that to see the forest where the king was staying.

58-How was the Castle of Zenda well -defended?

It was very old but well built, with a moat all around it. Behind it was a large mansion.

The castle could only be reached by a drawbridge between it and the mansion. 59 – What pleased Rassendyll on seeing the castle and the mansion ?

He was pleased that the Duke had such a defended house though he wasn't the king

60- Why did Rassendyll fall asleep forgetting his train to Strelsau and his luggage?

It was so quiet and peaceful in the forest that he soon fell into a deep sleep .

He was dreaming about living in the castle of Zenda when a voice awoke him

61- What was the voice that awoke Rassendyll saying ?

The voice said," Why look at him. It's amazing He just looks like the king.

62-Who did Colonel Sapt and Fritz work for?

They worked for the King of Ruritania and they were loyal and faithful to the king .

63-What did Colonel Sapt look like?

Sapt was short but looked very tough with light blue eyes. He knew the Burlesdons

64-What did Fritz look like?

Fritz was younger, thin and of medium height. He looked like a gentleman.

65-To what extent ألي مدى were Rudolf Rassendyll and the King of Ruritania alike?

They looked so alike except perhaps for a centimetre or two difference in height

Rassendyll was a little thinner than Rudolf Elphberg ( the king )

66 –Rassendyll and the king didn't have identical personalities. Illustrate

Rudolf Rassendyll was an officer for the queen's a army , he was good with a sword .

Rudolf Elphberg liked to live well and he preferred eating to action. but he was kind.

67 – What was the other thing Rassendyll and the king were alike?

Rassendyll said " Perhaps we are alike then because I like to have an easy life , too

68 – What happened when Rassendyll and the king saw each other ?

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Rassendyll gave out a loud cry at the same time the king stood back in amazement.


Quotations with Model Answers

1-"You are 29 years old .Are you ever going to do anything useful?"

a-Who said this? To whom? Rose, to Rudolf Rassendyll.

b-What was the relation between these two persons?. She was his sister-in-law

c-What did the speaker mean by "do anything useful"? To find a job 2-"Why should I do anything? I have nearly enough money to do anything I want to."

a-Who said this? To whom? Rudolf Rassendyll, to Rose.

b-What else did the speaker enjoy that made him unwilling غريارألغب to work?

(A) C-What does the speaker's words reveal تكشف about his / her personality?

3-"And I enjoy an important position in society."

a-Who said these words? To whom? Rassendyll to Rose 4-"Be lazy? It's true. I'm of the Rassendyll family and our family don't need to do things."

a-Who said this? To whom? Rudolf Rassendyll, to Rose.

(B) b-What did the speaker admit that it was true? He admitted being lazy.

(C) c-What was the effect of these words on the other person? Why?

(D) 5-" She's angry because she thinks I don't do anything"

a-Who said this? To whom? Rudolf Rassendyll, to his brother" Robert." 6-"It's not just your red hair that makes you different from your brother."

a-Who said these words? To whom? Rose, to Rudolf Rassendyll. b-When did the addressee 's family start to have members with red hair?

c-According to the speaker, what another difference was there between the two brothers? 7-" His position in society has responsibilities. You only see opportunities in yours."

a-Who said these words? To whom? Rose, to Rudolf Rassendyll.

(E) b-Who was the speaker comparing تقارن the addressee with? His brother

(F) 8-" To a man like me ,opportunities are responsibilities ."

a-Who said this? To whom? Rudolf Rassendyll, to Rose.

b) What did the speaker mean by that? He waited for opportunities to com

c) Do you think a person like this is very serious about work or life? No , I don't 9-"Good .Sir Jacob Borrodaile tells me he'll offer you a real opportunity."

a-Who said these words? To whom? Rose, to Rudolf Rassendyll. (G) b-What opportunity would Sir Jacob offer to the addressee?

(H) c-Did the addressed person accept that offer? Why / Why not? Yes , he did 10-" He's going to be an ambassador in six months' time, and he says he's happy

for you to work for him."

a-Who said these words? To whom? Rose to Rassendyll. 11-"Sir Jacob doesn't know which country it will be, but it'll be a good embassy'

a-Who said these words? To whom? Rose to Rassendyll. (I) 12-" For you I'll do it even if it's a terrible embassy?"

(J) a) Who said that? To whom? Rassendyll to Rose.

(K) b) What would he accept the job? Why? . As Rose was persuasive and he was sensible 13-"Oh, Rudolf, how good of you!"

a-Who said these words? To whom? Rose to Rudolf Rassendyll. 14-"You are going to write a book? That would be a good thing to do."

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a-Who said these words? To whom? Rose, to Rudolf Rassendyll.

(L) b-Did that person really intend to write a book? If not, why did he claim ألدعى so?

(M) c-What was the claimed ألملزعوم book about? About social problems in the country

15-"Yes, indeed. Writing a book's the best way to get into politics."

a-Who said these words? To whom? Robert, to his wife Rose. 16-"We've had quite a few important people visiting the city recently."

a-Who said these words? To whom? Bertram Bertrand, to Rudolf Rassendyll.

(A) b-Which city was he referring to? Paris

c- Whose name of those important people did the speaker mention? Antoinette 17-"She's a lady who's well known for her wealth and ambition. "

a-Who said these words? To whom? Bertram Bertrand, to Rudolf Rassendyll.

(A) B-Who was that lady? Antoinette de Mauban

c-Why did that lady go to Paris? What was her next destination? جهةاأللسفح Ruritania

18-"I met him at the embassy yesterday."

a-Who said these words? To whom? George Featherly, to Rudolf Rassendyll.

(A) b-Who did the speaker meet at the embassy? Michael What did he say about him?

(B) c-What was the speaker's job? George Featherly worked at the embassy 19-" I don't think he likes being a Duke."

a-Who said these words? To whom? George Featherly to Rassendyll 20-"You have an important person to travel with."

a-Who said these words? To whom? George Featherly, to Rudolf Rassendyll.

(A) b-Who was that important person? Antoinette de Mauban

(B) c-What was the final destination of both the persons who were travelling? Ruritania 21-"He's always lived in Ruritania and he cares about the people."

a-Who said these words? To whom? (The hotel owner), to Rudolf Rassendyll.

(A) b-Who was the speaker talking about? The Duke of Strelsau ( Michael ) (B) c-What was the result of that person's caring about the people?

He gained popularity with the Ruritanians . 22-"He's been abroad for most of his life and not many people even know what he is like"

a-Who said these words? To whom? The old woman ( the Inn owner ) to Rassendyll 23-"Now the King's staying in a hunting lodge in the forest."

a-Who said these words? To whom? The old woman (The hotel owner), to Rassendyll. (A) b -How did the addressee feel on hearing this? What did he decide then?

(B) c-Why did the King go there? Michel invited him to stay in his hunting lodge ( forest ) 24-"I wish he'd stay there in the forest. People say he only likes hunting and good food."

a-Who said these words? To whom? The old woman (The hotel owner), to Rassendyll. (A) b-Why did the speaker not like the person she was talking about?

c-What else ألآلخحاأللشيءماا did she wish that person to do?

25-"Well I don't like Duke Michael." " The king has red hair just like you"

a-Who said that? To whom? The older daughter to her mother and Rassendyll

b) Who told her about the king'sred hair? Johann told her that the king had red hair 26-"But why's the King here, if it's the Duke's land?"

a-Who asked this question? To whom? Rudolf Rassendyll, to (the hotel owner) (A) b-What answer did the speaker get to his question?

c-Where was the Duke at the time of this conversation? Preparing for ( his ) coronation

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27--"I don't know if you can be good friends if you want the same thing."

a-Who said this? To whom? The old woman (The hotel owner), to Rudolf Rassendyll.

(A) b-What did the speaker mean by these words? The Duke wanted to be king, too

(B) c-According to the addressee person, who had the right to ألحلقايف that thing? Rudolf

28-" It's right that the older brother becomes king."

a-Who said these words? To whom? Rassendyll to the old woman 29 -"What's the matter? This gentleman's come to our country to see the coronation."

a-Who said these words? To whom? The old woman to Johann 30--"It's the red hair. We don't often see it in our country unless you're part of the

King's family, the Elphbergs."

a-Who was speaking? One of the old woman's daughters.

b-What did she mean by "It's the red hair"? He had had red hair like the Elphbergs c-Was any of the addressee part of the King's family, the Elphbergs? How? 31-"Good evening, sir. I'm sorry, I didn't expect to see any new guests here."

a-Who said these words? To whom? Johann, the Duke's servant, to Rassendyll.

(A) b-What did the speaker apologize for? For stepping back in surprise

(B) c-What didn't the speaker really expect? To see another copy of the king 32"Sir, have you ever seen our King? "

a-Who said these words? To whom? Johann to Rassendyll 33-"He's about the same height as the King, too! This really is extraordinary."

a-Who said these words? To whom? Colonel Sapt to Captain Fritz 34-"I'm a traveller from England and an officer in the Queen's army."

a-Who said these words? To whom? Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt and Captain Fritz 38-"Although you look like identical twins, you don't have identical personalities or skills "

a-Who said these words? To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll 35-"Well, we're officers for our King, so we understand each other well!"

a-Who said these words? To whom? Fritz von Tarlenheim, to Rassendyll.

(A) b-What did Rassendyll say that made the Fritz make this remark? He was an officer

(B) c-Where did this conversation take place? In the forest

36-"Perhaps we are alike then, I like to have an easy life, too!"

a-Who said these words? To whom? Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt and Captain Fritz ===========================================================

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:

1-Rose praised Rudolf Rassendyll for doing many useful things.

2-Rose's family were richer and more important than the Rassendylls.

3-Rassendyll was neither good with a sword nor with a gun.

4-In 1733, Countess Rose married a member of the Ruritanian royal family. 5-Lord Burlesdon had paintings of Countess Amelia Rassendyll and her ancestors.

6-People said that the King of Ruritania was his father's favourite son.

7-The old woman said that the king with popular with the people as he cared for them

8-Rassendyll sympathized with Duke Michael and said it was his right to be king.

9-Johann's sister was married to a wealthy craftsman.

10-The castle was modern and well built, with a moat all around.

11-The old castle was only reached by a tunnel between it and the mansion.

12- Fritz said that the King liked to live well and he preferred action

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Chapter 2 Text and Quotations

1. It was a very strange feeling for me to be standing in a forest in the middle of Ruritania in front of a person who looked exactly the same as me. For a few minutes, the future King of Ruritania and I stood looking at each other in silence. Then I bowed to him and he finally spoke.

كان شاورا غريبا باطنذب طي أن أكون واقشا في إح ز اطغابات في وط روريتانيا أمام شأ يشبهنيتماما. وقشت أنا ومألع روريتانيا اطقا م طبضا قا ننظر إطى باضنا اطباض في صمت, دم انحنيت طتحيتس,

وتكألم هو أأيرا. 2. "Colonel, Fritz: who is this gentleman?" I was about to answer when Colonel Sapt stepped forward and spoke quietly to the King. As the Colonel talked, the King listened patiently, staring at me now and then. While they were talking, I examined him carefully. He certainly looked very like me, although there were some differences: his mouth was perhaps less wide and my face was a little thinner. But in most ways we were identical.

" ,كنت ألى وشع أن أجيب ن ما تق م اطاقي ذابت أيها اطاقي , فريتخ, من هوا اطذي اطنبيل؟قال اطمألع "أطوة طألمام وتح ث م اطمألع به و . بينما اطاقي كان يتح ث, كان ينصت طس اطمألع بتشهم وكان يح في

تككي كةان يشةبهني ب رجة كبيةرة ألةى بين اطحين واآلأر. بينما كانا يتح دان, كنت أفح اطمألع ب ق . باطاطرغم من وجو باض اتأت فات بيننا, فشمس كان أقل رضا, ووجهي كان أنحف قألي , وطكن بوجس ام

كنا متمادألين. 3. Colonel Sapt stopped talking and the King suddenly began to laugh loudly. Then he stepped up to me, still laughing, and said, "It's good to meet you, cousin! You must forgive me if I seemed surprised, as it's not every day that you see your double!" "I hope you're not angry," I said. "Whether I like it or not, you can't help looking like me. No, I'll happily help you. Where are you travelling to?" "To Strelsau, sir. To the coronation." The King looked at the two other men and smiled. "What would my brother Michael think if he saw us two together!" he cried.

دةم تقة م أطةوات نةاحيتي وهةو , توقف اطاقي ذابت ن اطح يث, وفجكة ب أ اطمألع يضحع بصةوت ةالدأنا ذاي بمقابألتع يا ابن اطام. أرجو أن تذامحني من اط هش كانت تب و ألي, فكنت ماخال يضحع وقال, "وطع أم ت, ف مشر من ذوا أحببت " فقال, "أرجو أت يكون وطع أغضبع." فقألت, "ت تقابل مديألع كل يوم.

إطةى " فقألةت, "أن تكون شبيها طي. أنا طذت غاضبا, ويذا ني أن أق م طةع مذةا ة, إطةى أيةن أنةت مذةافر؟مةا اطةوب " نظر اطمألع إطى اطرجألين اآلأرين وابتذم دم صةاح قةا , "ذتريألذو, أنا واهب إطى حشل اطتتويغ.

" ا.ذيأطر ببال أأي مايكل إوا رآنا نحن اتدنين ما4. "But sir," said Fritz von Tarlenheim, "I don't think it would be a good idea for Mr Rassendyll to visit Strelsau now." "Really? What do you think?" the King asked Colonel Sapt. "I agree. He mustn't go," said the old soldier. "Don't worry, sir. I understand the problem," I said. "I'll leave Ruritania today." "You don't need to go now!" said the King. "Please, first you must eat with me tonight. You don't meet a new cousin every day!"

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" ,جي ة أن يوهب اطذي راذين ل وطكن يا ذي ب, أنا ت أ تق أنها ذتكون فكرة قال فريتخ فون تارطنهايمأنةا أتشة مة " فقةال اطضةابط اطكبيةر ذةنا, "حقا؟ مةا رأيةع؟" فذكل اطمألع اطاقي ذابت, "إطى ذتريألذو اآلن.

ت أليةع يةا ذةي ب, أنةا مةتشهم اطمشةكأل . ذةوف " فقألةت, "فريتخ. ت يجب أب ا أن يوهب راذين ل إطى هناع. ا ي أن تغا ر اطيوم. من فضألع, تب أوت أن تتناول ماي اططاام ت" فقال اطمألع, "أغا ر روريتانيا اطيوم.

" اطأليأل . أنت ت تقابل ابن م ج ي كل يوم.5. "Remember, sir, that we have an early start tomorrow," said Colonel Sapt.

sleep! and good food is more important than"said the King, ,"We can still eat well"I answered, bowing ,"The same as yours" "Now Mr Rassendyll, what's your first name?

Come, then, cousin Rudolf. I don't have a house here, but I'm staying in the " again., but it place my brother Michael uses for hunting. It's not the palace that I'm used to

So I walked with the King for half an hour through the forest, talking ." will do for a few dayshappily until we reached a small wooden hunting lodge between the trees. The King's personal servant came out to meet us. The other servant was the mother of Johann, the

man who I had met earlier at the inn.

" ,وم وطع يمكننا أن نككل جي ا, " فقال اطمألع, "توكر يا ذي ب أن يومنا ذيب أ مبكرا غ ا.قال اطاقي ذابتهو " فكجبت وأنا أنحني طس مرة داني , "كما أن اططاام اطجي أهم من اطنوم. يا ذي راذين ل, ما اذمع امول؟

تااطى إون يا ابن اطام رو وطف. أنا ت أمتألع منخت هنا, وطكنةي أقةيم فةي اطمكةان اطةوب " فقال, "نشس اذمع. "يذتأ مس أأي مايكل أدنا اطصي . إنس طيس كاطقصر اطوب ا ت ت أليس, وطكنس يشي باطغرض طبضا أيةام.

تكألف حتى وصألنا إطى كو أشبي وهكوا, قمت باطذير م اطمألع طم ة نصف ذا بر اطغاب نتح ث ب صغير يذتأ م ن اطصي ويق بين امشجار. أرج أا م اطمألع اطشأصي طم قاتنا. كانت اطأا م امأرز

هي واط ة جوهان, اطرجل اطوب قابألتس في اطشن اطريشي. 6. "Is dinner ready yet, Josef?" the King asked the servant. The servant said it was and showed us into a dining room where a table had been laid out with generous amounts of food. After my walk I was hungry, so I ate a lot and the food was delicious, but I noticed that Colonel Sapt and Fritz von Tarlenheim did not want to eat too much because of the events the next day. "The Colonel and I have to leave here at six tomorrow morning," Fritz explained. "We ride to Zenda and return with a guard of soldiers to take the King to the station." "It's very good of my brother to let me use his guards," said the King. "But Rudolf, forget these two men! We don't need to get up so early, so eat some more, cousin!"

" ,ر اطأا م باإليجاب, ورافقنا إطى غرف اططاام حيث هل اطاشا جاهخ يا جوخيف؟ذكل اطمألع اطأا م "من اططاام. كنت جا اا با اطمذاف اطتةي قطاتهةا ذةيرا ألةى كانت هناع منض ة ما ة و أليها كمي وفيرة

امق ام, طوطع أكألت كديرا من اططاام اطوب كان شهيا. وطكني تحظت أن اطاقي ذابت وفريتخ فون تارطنهايم طم نا ذوف نغا ر أيرغبا في تناول اطكدير بذبب اطشااطيات اطتي ذتح ث في اطيوم اطتاطي. شرح طي فريتخ قا , "

واطاقي ذابت هنا في اطذا ذ من صباح اطغ . ذنمتطي أيوطنا إطى خن ا دم ناو ومانا أح اطجنو اطحراس إنةس شةيئ طيةب جة ا مةن أأةي أن يذةمح طةي باذةتأ ام " قةال اطمألةع, "طنصطحب اطمألع إطى محط اطقطار.

ى اتذتيقاظ مبكرا ألى هوا حراذس. وطكن يا رو وطف, ت تشغل باطع بهوين اطرجألين! فنحن طذنا بحاج إط " اطنحو. إوا, تناول اطمخي من اططاام يا ابن اطام!

7. We continued to eat and Josef continued to bring in more food. "The Duke said I was to give you this at the end of your meal," said the servant, putting some cakes in front of us. "Well done, Michael! He knows me well!" said the King happily, and he ate the cakes

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hungrily, as if they were the first thing he had eaten all day. I ate one of the cakes, but I had really eaten enough, and when the King seemed to have finally finished eating, I asked to go to bed. That is all I remember of that evening.

,واصألنا تناول اططاام وواصل جوخيف إحضار اطمخي منس. قال اطأا م وهو يض أمامنا باةض اطكاةعأحذنت صناا يا مايكل. " فقال اطمألع ذاي ا, "قال طي اط و أنس يجب ألي أن أق م طع هوا في نهاي وجبتع."

طيوم. أنا أكألت كاك واح ة فقط " دم أكل اطكاع بنهم كما طو كان هو أول شيئ يككألس طوال اإنس يارفني جي ا.حيث كنت ق أكألت ما يكشي باطشال. و ن ما ب ا أن اطمألع ق فرغ أأيرا من اططاام, طألبت أن أوهب طألنةوم.

هوا كل ما أتوكره في وطع اطمذا . 8. The next thing I remember, I woke up suddenly covered in water. I looked up and saw Colonel Sapt standing in front of me, with Fritz von Tarlenheim next to him. "That wasn't funny," I said, when I realised the Colonel had thrown water over me. "Nothing else would wake you up. It's five o'clock," said Sapt. "Five o'clock? But it's early and ... " "Rassendyll," said Fritz in a worried voice, "you must come and look at this." He took my arm and led me to the next room. The King was lying on the floor. His face was red and he was breathing heavily.

اطشيئ اطتاطي اطوب أتوكره هو أنني اذتيقظت فجكة وق غطى اطما وجهي. رفاةت رأذةي م ألةى فرأيةتطم اطاقي ذابت يقف أمامي وبجواره فريتخ فون تارطنهايم, فقألت ن ما أ ركت أن اطاقي ق ندر اطما فوقي, "

ع مةن اطنةوم. اطذةا اآلن طةم تكةن هنةاع أب وذةيأل أأةرز طتوقظة" فقةال ذةابت, "يكن هوا شي ا مضةحكا.راذين ل, يجب " فقال فريتخ بصوت يب و أليس اطقأل , "اطأامذ ؟ وطكن اطوقت مبكر و..." فقألت, "اطأامذ .

" وأأوني من ورا ي وقا ني حتى اطغرف اطتاطي . كةان اطمألةع مألقةى ألةى امرض أن تكتي وتنظر إطى هوا. وطون وجهس أحمر ويتنشس بصاوب .

9. "We've been trying to wake him up for half an hour, but we can't," explained Fritz. I bent down and felt his pulse, which was very weak and slow. "It must've been those cakes that he ate last night! Do you think he was poisoned?" I asked. "We don't know," said Sapt. "We must get a doctor." "There's no doctor for fifteen kilometres and even a thousand doctors won't make him better today," said Fritz. "But what about the coronation?" I cried. "We must tell the people of Ruritania that he's ill," said Fritz. "If he's not crowned today, I don't think he'll ever be King," said Sapt. "But why?" I asked. "The whole country's waiting for him today. Most of the army is waiting too, with Duke Michael leading it. They won't be happy," said Sapt.

" , انحنيت إطى أذةشل وقمةت إفاقتس منو نصف ذا وطكننا طم نذتط . نحن نحاولشرح فريتخ طي قا "إنس باطتككي وطع اطكاع اطوب أكألس اطأليأل اطماضي . هل فوج تس ضايشا وبطي ا طألغاي . قألت طهما, " نبضهبجس

يوجة طبيةب" فقال فريتةخ, "ت ت ناألم. يجب أن نحضر طبيبا." فقال ذابت, "تاتق ان أنس تارض طألتذمم؟وطكن " فصرأت قا , "طمذاف أمذ شر كيألومترا, وحتى طو هناع أطف طبيب فألن يذتطياوا ششا س اطيوم.

طو طم يةتم " قال ذابت, " ألينا أن نأبر شاب روريتانيا بكنس مريض." فقال فريتخ, "ماوا ن حشل اطتتويغ؟اط وط طتس, "وطكن طماوا؟" فقال ذابت, "" فذكتتويجس اطيوم, ف أ تق أنس ذيكون مألكا با وطع ألى اإلط .

" كألها تنتظره اطيوم. وماظم اطجيف, اطوب يقو ه اط و مايكل, يترقب أيضا, إنهم طن يكونوا ذا ا بوطع.10. "We must tell everyone what's happened and make the most of it," said Fritz, getting up to leave. Sapt stopped him. "Do you think that he was poisoned?" he asked me. "Yes, I do," I answered. "Then who did it?" "It must have been Duke Michael!" Fritz said angrily. "Yes, he did this so that his brother cannot be crowned," continued Sapt. "You

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don't know what the Duke is like, do you, Rassendyll? If Rudolf doesn't become King, Duke Michael will take the crown." We all sat in silence while we thought about what we could do. Then Sapt suddenly stood up. "I have an idea! It was lucky that we met you yesterday," he said excitedly, looking at me, "because you can go to Strelsau to be crowned!"

" ,يجةب أن نأبةر اطجمية بمةا حة ث ونذةتغل وطةع طصةاطحنا.قال فريتخ وهو ينهض اذتا ا ا طألمغا رة "إوا من اطةوب " فكجبتس بكنني أ تق وطع, فتذا ل, "هل تاتق أنس تم س اطذم طس؟فكوقشس ذابت اطوب ذكطني, "

نام, إنس فال وطع حتى " فاذتطر ذابت قا , "إنس باطتككي اط و مايكل." فكجاب فريتخ غاضبا, "وطع؟فال ت يمكن تتويغ أأيس. أنت ت تارف شأصي اط و يا راذين ل, أطيس كوطع؟ طو طم يصبح رو وطةف مألكةا,

ا مألس. دم نهض ذابت فجكة جألذنا جمياا صامتين نشكر فيما يمكنن "فذوف يذتوطي اط و مايكل ألى اطتاج. ن ب فكرة. طق كان من حذن اطحةظ أن نقابألةع بةاممس, منةع تذةتطي أن وقال بحماس وهو ينظر طي, "

" توهب إطى ذتريألذو طكي يتم تتويجع!11. "Me? That's impossible!" I laughed. "People would realise that I'm not the King! And don't forget that I'm English!" "It would be easy to forget that," said Fritz, "because your German's perfect. And if we dress you in different clothes, no one will know." "If you don't go to Strelsau, Duke Michael will be King tonight, and the King will either be dead or in prison," said Sapt. "I understand what you're saying, but the King would never forgive me if I..." "Our country needs this!" cried Sapt. Standing up, I walked round the room in silence. The clock ticked sixty times, then seventy, eighty. I looked at the poor King lying on the floor and realised I had no choice. Sapt clearly read my expression, because he smiled even before I said quietly, "Very well, I'll go."

" ,فقال فريتخ, أنا؟ هوا مذتحيل. ذي حظ اطناس أنني طذت اطمألع, وت تنذى أنني إنجأليخب.قألت ضاحكا "من اطذهل أن نغض اططرف ن وطع من طغتع امطماني ممتةاخة, وإوا قمنةا بإطباذةع م بةس مأتألشة , طةن "

طو طم توهب إطى ذتريألذو, ذيصبح اط و مايكل مألكا اطأليأل , واطمألع إما أن يموت " قال ذابت, "يارف أح ." فصر ذابت طي اطمألع مطألقا إوا...أنا متشهم ما تقوتن, وطكن طن يغشر " فقألت, "أو يتم اطخج بس في اطذجن.

تكاتهاذا اطحا ط أصةرت" فوقشت, ومشيت في أنحا اطحجرة في صمت. إن بأل نا تحتاج وطع.مقاطاا, "

ذتين مرة, دم وصل اطا إطى ذباين, فدمانين. نظرت إطى اطمألع اطمذكين اطمألقى ألى امرض وأ ركت أنس حذةنا جة ا, ر وجهي بوضوح منس ابتذم حتى قبل أن أقول بهة و , "طيس أمامي ب يل آأر. قرأ ذابت تابي

" ذكوهب.12. "We won't wait for Michael's guards but leave for Strelsau at once," said Sapt. "We can hide the King in the cellar so when the guards arrive they'll think no one's here," said Sapt. "What if they search the building?" asked Fritz. "Josef will say the hunting lodge is empty," said Sapt. "This is our only chance." "How will we get the King to Strelsau?" I asked. "Tonight we sleep in the palace," said Sapt. "As soon as we are alone in the King's bedroom, you and I will leave and come back here on our horses. Fritz can stay and guard the King's bedroom in the palace, and I will tell Josef to get the King ready for the journey back. The King will then return to the palace with me in the dark. Meanwhile, you will ride as fast as you can to the border and try to leave the country before it's light. Do we all agree on this plan?" "I agree," I said. "It's a good plan," said Fritz.

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" ,مكن أن نأبئ اطمألع في اطقبو, طن ننتظر حراس مايكل, بل ذنغا ر إطى ذتريألذو في اطحال. يقال ذابت" ماوا طةو قةاموا بتشتةيف اطمبنةى؟" فذكطس فريتخ, "بحيث ن ما يصل اطحراس ياتق ون أنس ت يوج أح هنا.

" فذكطت, ذوف يقول طهم جوخيف أنس ت يوج أح في كو اطصي . هوه هي فرصتنا اطوحي ة.فقال ذابت, "اطأليأل , نبيةت فةي اطقصةر وبمجةر أن نصةبح بمشر نةا فةي ت, "؟" فقال ذابكيف ذنكأو اطمألع إطى ذتريألذو"

حجرة نوم اطمألع, أنا وأنت نغا ر ا ين إطى هنا ألى ظهر اطأيل. فريتخ ذيبقى في اطقصر طيحرس حجرة نوم اطمألع, وأنا ذكبألغ جوخيف أن يجهخ اطمألع طرحأل اطاو ة. با وطع ذياو اطمألةع ماةي فةي اطظة م إطةى

مدنا , تمتطي أنت اطجوا بكذرل ما يمكنع طتصل إطى اطح و وتحاول أن تغا ر اطبأل قبل اطقصر. وفي هوه اإنهةا أطة " فقألت طس أنني موافة , وقةال فريتةخ, "طألول اطنهار. هل نحن جمياا موافقون ألى هوه اطأط ؟

" جي ة.13. Sapt and Fritz picked up the King and began to carry him out of the room, but we realised we were being watched by Johann's mother, who looked at us with a strange expression before walking off. "I think she heard us," said Sapt. "After we've moved the King, I'll speak to her." Meanwhile, Josef began to dress me in some of the King's clothes. When Fritz returned, he looked at me and said, "You know, I think we can do this." "What happened to Johann's mother?" I asked. "She's locked in the cellar with the King," said Fritz. "Josef will let her out later, after Michael's gone. But I'm sure, when they find that the King is not here, Michael will realise we know about his plan." "Let's go," said Sapt, returning into the room. "Is all safe here?" asked Fritz. "No, nothing's safe anywhere, but we must do our best," answered Sapt.

ذابت وفريتخ قاما برف اطمألع وحمألس إطى أارج اطحجرة, وطكننا أ ركنا أن واط ة جوهةان كانةت تراقبنةاأ تق أنها ذماتنا. با أن نقوم بنقل ونظرت طنا و ألى وجهها تابير غريب قبل أن تنصرف. قال ذابت, "

ض م بس اطمألةع. نة ما " في هوه امدنا , ب أ جوخيف يذا ني في ارت ا بااطمألع, ذوف أتح ث ماها.تم احتجاخها في " فقال, "ماوا ح ث طواط ة جوهان؟" فذكطتس, "أ تق أننا ذننجح. ا فريتخ, نظر إطي وقال, "

اطقبو م اطمألع. ذوف يطأل جوخيف ذراحها فيما با , با مغا رة مايكل. وطكني متكك أنهم ن ما يج وا هيةا بنةا " قال ذابت ن ما ا إطى اطحجرة, "ا نارف أطتس.أن اطمألع غير موجو هنا, ذي رع مايكل أنن

ت, ت شيئ آمن في أب مكان, وطكةن يجةب " فكجاب ذابت, "هل كل شيئ آمن هنا؟" فذكطس فريتخ, "نغا ر. " ألينا بول قصارز جه نا.

14. We were now all in uniforms and set off on horses. It was a cool morning and Sapt immediately began to tell me the history of the King's life: of his family, likes, interests, weaknesses, friends and servants. He told me how I should behave in the palace and said he would always be at my side to tell me who the people were that I met. Soon we reached the station. Fritz told the surprised-looking station guard that the King had changed his plans, and we got on the train to the capital. I looked at my watch – or I should say, the King's watch – and asked Fritz if he thought Duke Michael had found the King. "I hope not," said Fritz. After a short time we passed the towers and buildings of the capital and I could see we were near the station.

كنا جمياا اآلن نرت ب اطخب اطرذمي, وب أنا اطرحأل ألى ظهر اطأيل. كان صباحا بار ا, وب أ ذابت ألىي طي قص حيةاة اطمألةع. حكةى طةي ةن ا ألتةس وامشةيا اطتةي يحبهةا واهتماماتةس ونقةاط ضةاشس اطشور يحك

وأص قا س وأ مس. وأأبرني كيف يجب أن أتصرف في اطقصر, وقال أنس ذيكون ا ما إطى جوارب طيح دني من هشا ن امشأا اطوين ذوف أقابألهم. ذرياا, وصألنا إطى اطمحط . قال فريتخ طحارس اطمحط اطوب ب ا

أن اطمألع ق غير أططس, وصا نا إطى اطقطار متجهين إطى اطااصم . نظرت في ذا تي, أو يجب أن أقول

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أتمنى أت يكون ق ح ث في ذا اطمألع, وذكطت فريتخ إوا كان ياتق أن اط و مايكل ق وج اطمألع, فقال, " كنا نقترب من اطمحط . " با وقت قصير مررنا بكبراج ومباني اطااصم ورأيت أنناوطع.

15. "How are you feeling?" asked Sapt. "Nervous," I replied. "I'm not made of stone, you know." "You'll be fine. But we are an hour earlier than they expect, so there'll be no one to meet us. We must send word to the palace. So meanwhile ... " "Meanwhile, I'll have some breakfast!" I cried. "The King is hungry!" Sapt smiled at me, then took my hand. "Let's hope we're all alive tonight." The train stopped and I breathed deeply as we stepped out onto the station at Strelsau. A moment later and everything was suddenly busy: men ran up to us, then ran away again, soldiers rode off on horses, other men showed me to the station restaurant. As I ate my breakfast, I could hear music and people cheering "God save the King!" in preparation for the coronation.

"God save both Kings," said Sapt.

" ,ذتكون ألى ما يرام. " فقال, "متوتر. فكنا بشر من طحم و م." فقألت, "ما هو شاورع اآلن؟ذكطني ذابتوطكننا وصألنا ذا مبكرا ما كانوا يتوقاونس, طوطع فألن يكون هناع أح في اذتقباطنا. يجب أن نرذل تنبيها

في هوه امدنا , ذكتناول اإلفطار. اطمألع " فصرأت فيس مقاطاا, "صر, وفي هوه امدنا ...بوصوطنا إطى اطق" توقةف نا نكمل أن نكون جمياا ألةى قية اطحيةاة اطيةوم." ابتذم طي ذابت, وأمذع ي ب قا , "جو ان.

قيق واح ة أصبح اطقطار وأأوت نشذا ميقا بينما كنا نأطو طألأارج إطى اطمحط في ذتريألذو. با وطع بكل شيئ مأليئ باطحرك , جرز رجال نحونا دم جروا مبتا ين مرة أأرز, امتطى جنو ا أيوطهم وابتا وا, ورافقني رجال آأرون إطى مطاةم اطمحطة . وأدنةا تنةاول إفطةارب, ذةمات أصةوات موذةيقى وأشةأا

" حشظ هللا ك اطمألكين.ذابت, "", كانوا يذتا ون طحشل اطتتويغ. قال حشظ هللا اطمألعقا ألين, " يهتفون16. When we left the restaurant, we saw that a group of soldiers had arrived to welcome us. It was led by a tall old man whose jacket was covered in medals. "That is Marshal Strakencz," said Sapt, so that I knew who he was: a very important person in the army. The Marshal greeted me and said he was sorry that the Duke could not meet me at the station but that he would see me shortly. I answered as politely and formally as I could, and began to feel less nervous when no one seemed to realise that I was not the real King. But I saw that Fritz was still very nervous when he shook the Marshal's hand.

ن مغا رة اطمطام, رأينا مجمو من اطجنو اطوين وصألوا طألترحيةب بنةا. كةان قا ة اطمجمو ة رجةل هةوا هةو اطمارشةال طويل وكبير ذنا, وكانةت ذةترتس تمتألةئ بةامنواط. قةال ذةابت طكةي أ ةرف مةن هةو, "

يةتمكن مةن " إنس شأ مهم ج ا في اطجيف. قام اطمارشال بتحيتي وا تةور طةي من اطة و طةم ذتراكنتف.اذتقباطي في اطمحط , وقال أنس ذيقابألني قريبا. كنت أر بطريق مهوبة ورذةمي قة ر اذةتطا تي, وبة أت أشار بكنني أقل توترا ن ما طم يب و أن أب شأ ق أ رع أنني طذت اطمألع. وطكني رأيت أن فريتخ كةان

ماخال متوترا طألغاي ن ما قام بمصافح اطمارشال. 17. The soldiers led us out of the station, where we got onto horses that were waiting outside. I began to ride through the capital with the Marshal on my right and Sapt on my left. As we were riding, I saw that the city was partly old and partly new. There were wide, modem streets where the rich people lived in big houses. These were the people who had always lived well under the King's father, and who would support the new King because they knew that nothing would change.

ذار اطجنو أمامنا حتى أرجنا من اطمحط , دم امتطينا اطأيول اطتي كانت تنتظر باطأارج. ب أت أتجول بر اطااصم راكبا, وكان اطمارشال ألي يميني وذابت ألى يذارب. بينما كنا نتجول باطأيول رأيت أن

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ا ح يد حيث يايف امدريا جخ ا من اطم ين كان ق يما واطجخ اآلأر كان ج ي ا. كانت هناع شوارل واذفي مناخل كبيرة. هؤت هم اطناس اطوين كانوا يايشون ا ما حياة جي ة في ه واط اطمألع, وهم اطوين كانوا

يذان ون اطمألع اطج ي منهم يارفون أنس طن يح ث تغيير في أب شيئ. 18. But behind the modem streets was a very different area that made up the old town. Here thousands of people were crowded into tiny houses which were old and hot in the summer, freezing cold in the winter. These narrow streets were where the city's many poor people lived, and these people did not want things to stay the same. For that reason, they did not like the King and supported Duke Michael, who told them he wanted things to be different and gave them hope for a better future. I knew that this area would not be very safe for me, the King.

وطكن أألف اطشوارل اطح يد كانت هناع منطق مأتألش تماما واطتي كانت تمدل اطم ين اطق يم . هنا كانيكتظ اآلتف من اطنةاس فةي منةاخل صةغيرة جة ا واطتةي كانةت ق يمة وفيهةا اطحةرارة مرتشاة فةي اطصةيف

, وهؤت اطناس طم يكونوا واطبرو ة قارص في اطشتا . كان يذكن في هوه اطشوارل اطضيق اطكدير من اطشقرا يري ون أن تظل اموضال ألى حاطها. وطهوا اطذبب, هم طم يحبوا اطمألع وكانوا يؤي ون اط و مايكل اطةوب أأبرهم أنس يري أن يجال اممور مأتألش وأ طاهم أم في حياة أفضل. كنت أ رف أن هوه اطمنطق طم تكن

آمن باطنذب طي, بصشتي اطمألع. 19. We continued towards a great square where the palace stood. There were coloured flags and colourful ribbons everywhere and people lined the streets, clapping and cheering. I waved to them as we passed and people threw flowers down from the balconies above me. One flower fell on my horse, so I picked it up and stuck it onto my coat. Seeing me do this, the Marshal looked at me, but I could not tell from his expression whether he was happy or angry.

,واصألنا اطذير باتجاه مي ان كبير حيث كان يوج اطقصر. كانت هناع رايات وشرا ط مألون في كل مكانوكان اطناس يصطشون في اطشوارل يصشقون ويهتشون. طوحت طهم بي ب أدنا مرورنا, وكان اطنةاس يألقةون

تدبيتها في ماطشي. نظر باطورو فوقي من اطشرفات. ذقطت إح ز اطورو ألى حصاني, فاطتقطتها وقمت باطمارشال إطي ن ما رآني أفال وطع, وطكني طم أذتط أن أح مةن أة ل تابيةر وجهةس إوا كةان ذةاي ا أم

غاضبا. 20. Nevertheless, I smiled happily at the Marshal. I have written "happily" but that is really how I felt. The truth is, at that moment, I really believed that I was actually the King. I looked up and laughed, delighted to see so much colour and so many happy faces. Then I looked again in surprise: there, on a balcony above me, was the proud smile of the traveller on the train, Antoinette de Mauban. As she stared at me, her expression changed. Surely she knew who I was. Surely she would call out, "That is not the real King!"

.ورغم وطع, ابتذمت طألمارشال بذاا ة. كتبت كألم "بذاا ة" طكن كان هوا هو اإلحذاس اطوب انتابني حقا مسرورافاطحقيق هي أنني في تألع اطألحظ ص قت أنني اطمألع باطشال. رفات بصرب م ألى وضحكت, كنت

. دةم نظةرت مةرة أأةرز من هشةا, طرؤي هوا اطكم اطها ل من امطوان وهوا اطا اطكبير من اطوجوه اطذةاي ةفهناع في إح ز اطشرفات اطااطي , رأيت اتبتذام اطوادقة طألمذةافرة اطتةي كانةت فةي اطقطةار, أنطوانيةت و

هةوا موبان. ن ما ح قت في, تغير تابير وجهها. باطتككي رفت حقيقتي, باطتككي كانت ذتصةر قا ألة , " " طيس هو اطمألع اطحقيقي.

with Model Answers Questions 1-Why did Rassendyll have a very strange feeling when he saw the king in the forest?

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Because Rassendyll was standing in a forest in the middle of Ruritania in front of

a person who looked exactly the same like him..( as if he was his double )

2-What did Rassendyll do after looking at the future king for a few minutes?

Rassendyll bowed to the future king 3- What differences did Rassendyll find when he examined his the king carefully?

Although the king certainly looked very like Rassendyll , there were some differences.

The king's mouth perhaps was less wide and Rassendyll's face was a little thinner.

4-How did the future king welcome Rassendyll?

The future king said to Rassendyll " It's good to meet you cousin!

5-Show that the king had a sense of humour .

He asked Rassendyll to forgive him if he seemed surprised as it wasn't everyday that he

saw his double

6- How was the king modest and kind when he met Rassendyll for the first time ?

The king told Rassendyll that he couldn't help looking like the king.

The king offered to help Rassendyll happily.

7- What did Rassendyll tell the king where he was going?

Rassendyll told him the king that he was going to Strelsau to attend the coronation.

8- Why did the king smile when Rassendyll tell him he was going to Strelsau?

He smiled as he asked what Michael would think if he saw them together . 9- Why did Fritz and Sapt object to Rassendyll's visit to Strelsau?

They thought it wouldn't be a good idea for Mr Rassendyll to visit Strelsau now.

10- Why did Rassendyll want leave Ruritania at once ?

Rassendyll wanted to leave Ruritania in order not to worry the king but the kind king

invited him to eat with him that night in the hunting lodge

11 – How was the king similar to Rassendyll in names , too ?

They had the same first name ( Rudolf Elphberg ) and ( Rudolf Rassendyll )

12- Where did the king and Rassendyll have their dinner ?

In a small wooden hunting lodge between trees which Michael used for hunting.

13- Who brought the dinner ?

Josef ( the king's servant ) showed them to a dining room where a table had been laid

out with generous amounts of delicious food

14- Why did Rassendyll eat a lot ?

Rassendyll ate a lot as he was hungry after the long walk and the food was delicious. 15 – Why didn't Fritz and Sapt eat too much?

Because they had to get up at six the next day morning and they had a lot of events.

16- The king was insatiable هنم and gluttonous شره for food .Illustrate?

a)when Sapt told him about the early start the next day the king told him that good food

was more important than sleep. ( The king loved food very much)

b)The king ate the cakes hungrily as if they were the first thing he had eaten

17- Why did Colonel Sapt and Captain Fritz have to go to Zenda?

To bring a guard of soldiers to take the king to the station.

18 - What two things did Duke Michael do that the King appreciated ? قدرها a) Duke Michael invited the king to hunt in his land and let him use his guards.

b) Michael ordered Josef to give the king some delicious cakes to eat at the end of his

meal . so the king said " well done, Michael."

19- The king was so kind that he couldn't see his brother's evil act .Explain.

Duke Michael exploitedأستغلا his brother's kindness and his weakness for good food

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so he sent the king poisoned مسموم cakes to get rid of him and to be king of Ruritania.

20 – How many cakes did Rassendyll eat?

Rassendyll ate only one cake as he had really eaten enough so he wasn't sick

21- Why was Rassendyll covered in water when he woke up?

Because Sapt and Fritz threw water over him as it was the only way to wake him up.

22- To what extent could the king's love for food put an end to his life?

The poisonous cakes had a strong bad effect on the king to the extent that the king was

lying on the floor. His face was red and he was breathing heavily. He was poisoned

23-When did Rassendyll make sure that the king was poisoned?

When he bent down and felt the king's pulse which was very weak and slow.

24- Why did they refuse to call a doctor ?

As there was no doctor for 15 kilometres and even a thousand doctors wouldn't make the doctor

better that day 25 – How did Fritz and Sapt have two different opinions about the coronation?

Fritz suggested telling the people of Ruritania that the king was ill

Sapt said that if he wasn't crowned that day he wouldn't ever be a king.

26-Why wouldn't Rudolf Elphberg be a king if he wasn't crowned that day ?

Sapt ( a far sighted man ) said that the whole country was waiting for him. Most of the army

was waiting too, with Duke Michael leading it. They wouldn't be happy.

27 – Who did Fritz and Sapt accuse of poisoning the king ?

They accused Duke Michael so that his brother couldn't be crowned and he would

take the crown instead of his brother, Rudolf the fifth .

28- How did Luck play a role in spoiling Michael's plot to be crowned ?

Sapt made use of the resemblance between the king and Rassendyll so Sapt asked

Rassendyll to go to Strelsau to be crowned as if he were the king .

29-- Why did Rassendyll object to Sapt's plan at first?

He thought that people would realize that he wasn't the king because he was English

30- How did They persuade Rassendyll to take the place of the king at coronation?

a) Fritz said that Rassendyll's German language was perfect

b) Fritz said if Rassendyll was dressed in the king's clothes no one would know.

c) Sapt said If he didn't go to Strelsau that night , Duke Michael would be king and the

king would either be dead or in prison.

31- What did Sapt say when Rassendyll said that the king wouldn't forgive him ?

Sapt cried , " Our country needs this." And that made Rassendyll agreed on his plan

32-What was Sapt's plan to hide the king ?

Sapt said that they would hide the king in the cellar and Josef would tell the duke's

guards that the hunting lodge was empty

33- How would they get the king to Strelsau after the coronation?

a ) Sapt and Rassendyll would leave the place and come back to the lodge on horses

while Fritz would stay to guard the king's bedroom at the palace.

b) Josef would get the king ready for the journey back. to the palace with Sapt in the dark.

c) Rassendyll would leave the country before it was light . 34- Sapt was cunning and a good planner .Illustrate

Sapt's plans rescued the coronation and spoilt Michael's evil plans .Sapt was very smart

and he could see the consequences in advance .Fritz and Rassendyll agreed on his plans

35- What did they do with Johann's mother who was watching them ?

Johann's mother was watching them when they were hiding the king so they locked

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her in the cellar with the king and told Josef to let her out later.

36-What did Fritz say on seeing Josef dressing Rassendyll in the king's clothes?

He looked at Rassendyll and said that they could do it.( the clever plan )

37- How did Sapt help Rassendyll to play his role as Rudolf the 5 th well?

Sapt told Rassendyll about the history of the king's life: of his family , likes. interests

weaknesses, friends and servants. Besides how he should behave in the palace.

38- Why would Sapt would always be at Rassendyll's side ?

To tell Rassendyll who the people were that he met

39- What did Fritz tell the surprised – looking station guard ?

He told him that the king had changed his plan and they got on the train to the capital

40-Why would there be no one to meet them on reaching the capital?

As they were an hour earlier than they expected so they sent a word to the palace..

41 – How was Rassendyll feeling on the train during his journey to the palace?

Rassendyll was nervous and was very hungry but Sapt told him that he would be fine.

42-How was the station of Strelsau suddenly busy?

Men ran up to them, then ran away again, soldiers rode off on horses other men

showed Rassendyll to the station restaurant. People cheering " God save the king"

43– What do you know about Marshal Strakencz ?

He was a very important person in the army. He was tall and his jacket was covered in medals. He led a group of soldiers to welcome the Pretend King ( Rassendyll ) .

44- When did Rassendyll feel less nervous ?

When he saw that no one seemed to realize that he wasn't the real king .

45- Rassendyll find out the city had two different parts partly old and partly new?

There were wide, modern streets where the rich people lived in big houses.

There were the poor's tiny houses which were hot in summer and freezing cold in winter

46- How did this gap الفجوة between the rich and the poor affect the new king?

The rich would support the new king because they knew that nothing would change

The poor didn't like the new king so they would support Duke Michael.. 47- Why did the poor people support Duke Michael?

As he told them he wanted things to be different and gave them hope for better future.

48-- What did Rassendyll realize about that poor area of the city ?

He knew that this area wouldn't be safe for the future king.

49- – What did the square where the palace stood like ?

There were coloured flags and colourful ribbons everywhere and people lined the

streets , clapping and cheering.

50- How did the people meet the pretend king ( Rassendyll ) ?

When Rassendyll waved to them , they threw flowers down from the balconies above him

51 – What did Rassendyll do with the flower on his horse ?

He picked it up and stuck it onto his coat .The Marshal looked at him on seeing that.

52 – What was Rassendyll's feelings at that moment ?

Rassendyll smiled happily at the Marshall and Rassendyll believed that he was actually the king

.Rassendyll was delighted to see so much colour and so many happy faces. 53 – Why did Rassendyll feel frightened when he saw Antoinette de Mauban?

AS she stared at him , her expression changed . Surely she knew who he was

Rassendyll was afraid that she would call out," That is not the real king."


Quotations with modal answers

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1-"Colonel , Fritz: who is this gentleman."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? The king to Sapt and Fritz

Who was that gentleman? Where did they meet? Rassendyll In the forest 2-"It's good to meet you, cousin! You must forgive me if I seemed surprised , as

it's not everyday that you see your double."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? The king to Rassendyll

What did he mean by saying" your double"? They were exactly similar to each other 3-" I hope you are not angry,"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Rassendyll to the king

4-"Whether I like it or not , you can’t help looking like me. No, I'll happily help

you. Where are you travelling?"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? The king to Rassendyll

5 – "To Strelsau , sir.To the coronation."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Rassendyll to the king 6- "What would my brother Michael think: if he saw us together!"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? The king to Rassendyll ,Sapt and Fritz 7-" I don't think it would be a good idea for Mr Rassendyll to visit Strelsau now."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Fritz to the king . 8-"Don't worry, sir.I understand the problem. I'll leave Ruritania today."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Rassendyll to the king 9-" Please, first you must eat with me. You don't meet a new cousin every day."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? The king to Rassendyll

10- " Remember , sir, that we have an early start tomorrow,"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Colonel Sapt to the king .

Why did they have an early start? Because of the coronation 11-"We can still eat well, and good food i s better than sleep!"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? The king to Rassendyll ,Sapt and Fritz

What do you know about the king's character? Good food was his weakness 12- " The colonel and I have to leave here at six tomorrow morning."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Fritz to Rassendyll.

Why did they have to leave so early? To prepare for the coronation 13-" It's good of my brother to let me use his guards."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? The king to Rassendyll ,Sapt and Fritz 14- The Duke said I was to give you this at the end of your meal."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Josef ( the servant ) to the king

What did the word this refer to ? The cakes sent by Duke Michael

How far were those cakes important ? They poisoned the king

15 – Nothing else would wake you up. it's five o'clock,"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

Why was it difficult to wake him up normally? As he ate a cake last night. 16" You must come and look at this."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Fritz to Rassendyll.

Who did the word this refer to ? to the poor king lying on the floor. 17-We have been trying to wake him up for half an hour, but we can't."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Fritz to Rassendyll.

Who couldn't they wake up? Why ? The king. As he ate a lot of cakes.

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18-It must have been those cakes that he ate. Do you think he was poisoned?"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Rassendyll .to Sapt and Fritz

What was wrong with the cakes? They were poisoned 19- "A thousand doctors won't make him better today."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Fritz to Sapt 20-" But what about the coronation."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt and Fritz 21 –" We must tell the people of Ruritania that he is ill"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Fritz to Sapt and Rassendyll

22-If he isn't crowned today. I don't think he'll ever be a king."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll and Fritz 23-"The whole country is waiting for him today. Most of the army is waiting too,"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll .

Why did the whole country and the army wait for him? In order to be crowned 24-We must tell everyone what's happened and make the most of it,"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Fritz to Sapt and Rassendyll

What happened to the king? Duke Michael put poison to the king .

How did they make the most of it? The y could get rid of Duke Michael . 25- "Do you think that he was poisoned?"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

How was the king poisoned ? Duke Michael had put poison in the cake. 26 – "Yes, he did this so that his brother can't be crowned. You don't know him"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? About whom? Sapt to Rassendyll Michael 27- " I have an idea ! It was lucky that we met you yesterday"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

Why was it lucky? As he was exactly like the king so he could take his place 28- " Me? That's impossible! People would realize I'm not the king. I'm English."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt

What was the problem of being English? As Ruritania spoke German not English

29-" Your German's perfect. If we dress you in different clothes, no one will know"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Fritz to Rassendyll.

What did he mean by German? Rassendyll's German was as perfect as the Ruritanians 30-" Duke Michael will be king tonight and the king will either be dead or in prison"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

When could the Duke be king? if Rassendyll didn't agree to pretend to be king 31-"I understand what you're are saying but the king would never forgive me if I ---" Who

said that quotation ? To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt

32-"Our country needs this."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

What did he mean by the word ( this )? Rassendyll to be the king at coronation. 33-"We can hide the king in the cellar so the guards'll think no one's here."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll 34-" What if they search the building?"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Fritz to Sapt

Who did " they " refer to ? To the Duke's guards.

35- "How will we get the king to Strelsau?"

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Who said that quotation ? To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt 36-"As soon as we are alone in the bedroom, you and I will leave and come back here"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

Where were they at that moment ? In the hunting lodge at the forest 37- " It's a good plan."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Fritz to Sapt

38- I think she heard us. After we've moved the king , I'll speak to her."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll and Fritz

Who was she and what was she doing ? Johan's mother .She was watching them 39-What happened to Johan's mother?"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt 40- "She's locked in the cellar with the king , Josef will let her out later."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Fritz to Rassendyll.

Who was locked in the cellar? Johann's mother

41- "When they find that the king isn't here , Michael will know about our plan."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Fritz to Rassendyll.and Sapt

How did Michael know about their plan? When he found the king in the cellar 42-"No, nothing is safe anywhere but we must do our best,".

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll 43-" Nervous, I'm not made of stone, you know."

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt

Why was Rassendyll nervous? As he was too afraid to be discovered. 44-" God save the king!"

Who said that quotation ? When? The people In preparation for the coronation

44- " God save both kings,"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll or to himself

Who were the two kings? . The true king and Rassendyll Why did Rassendyll's life become so important?

If Rassendyll was killed or disappeared , the real king would surely be killed 45 – Surely she would call out," That's not the real king!"

Who said that quotation ? To whom? Rassendyll to himself

Who was she? Antoinette de Mauban.

Why did he think that? Because she saw him before and knew that he wasn't the real king.

================================================================ Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:

1- The King's mouth was wider than Rassendyll's .

2-The King seemed annoyed when he saw his double.

3-The King thought that the hunting lodge was as comfortable as the palace.

4- Dinner was not ready yet when the King went to the hunting lodge, so

5-The King was annoyed with his brother for not letting him use his guards.

6-Josef said that Duke Michael had asked him to give the King some fruit

7-The King as well as Rassendyll ate a few cakes because they had eaten enough.

8-Rassendyll woke up suddenly covered in water because he had sweated heavily.

9-Colonel Sapt and Fritz woke Rassendyll up to go to Strelsau to be crowned.

10-When Fritz led Rassendyll to the next room, he saw the King lying on bed

11-Rassendyll bent down and felt the King's pulse, which was normal.

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12-Fritz said that they mustn't tell anyone that the King was ill.

13-Most of the army was waiting too, with Marshal Strakencz leading it.

14- Colonel Sapt suggested that Rassendyll could go to Strelsau to kill Duke Michael.

15-Rassendyll walked round the room in silence for about an hour thinking of Colonel Sapt's idea that he could go to Strelsau to be crowned.

16-Fritz encouraged him to take the King's place saying that his English was perfect.

17-Sapt suggested waiting for Michael's guards in the hunting lodge

18-Colonel Sapt and Fritz hid the King in the kitchen

19-Colonel Sapt, Fritz and Rassendyll realised that they were being watched by Josef

20-Rassendyll talked to Marshal Strakencz politely and in a friendly way.

21--Rassendyll saw that Fritz was less nervous when he shook the Marshal's hands.

22-Rassendyll rode through the capital with the Marshal on his right and Fritz on his left.

23-As Rassendyll was riding he saw that the capital was all new.

24-The rich people had never lived well under the King's father, so they would support the

King because they knew that nothing would change.

25-There was a very different area where thousands of people lived in big houses .

26-The poor people supported Duke Michael, who told them he wanted things to be

different and gave them some cakes.

27-Rassendyll knew that he was safe in the poor area .. 28-In the big square, people lined the streets, clapping and cheering. He waved to them as

they passed and people threw stones down from the balconies above him.

29- Rassendyll could at once tell from the Marshal's expression that he was angry.

30- Rassendyll was disappointed to see so much colour and so many happy faces.

31-When Rassendyll saw Antoinette de Mauban on a balcony above him, he was sure she

would call out," That was the real king!"

Chapter: 3

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Text and Quotations

1. Dressed as the King of Ruritania, I rode on through the streets of Strelsau towards the palace, expecting to hear Antoinette de Mauban tell everyone that I was not really the King. Yet I heard no one calling out, and I did not look back. Perhaps she had not recognised me after all. I heard Marshal Strakencz give an order to his men and we suddenly entered a poor part of the town where the people were loyal to Duke Michael. "Why have we changed our route?" I asked the Marshal. "It's better this way," he explained. Surely this way, however, was into a part of town where the people supported Duke Michael? How could this be a better way for the King? I stopped my horse and thought carefully.

مرت يا خيا وككنني مألع روريتنيا ، ذرت راكبا اطجوا في شوارل اطااصم ذترطذو متجها إطى اطقصر كنت .1. طكن طم يح ث شي ا من وطع ، طوا طم اطحقيقي اطمألع طذتاذم انتونيت و موبان تأبر اطجمي أنني أنمتوقاا وكنت

طرجاطس وفجكة أألنا منطق من اطم ين أمرا ألي. ذمات اطمشير ذتراكنتف ياطي تتارفانظر أألشي . ربما طم طي فكوضحت اطمشير "طماوا قمنا بتغيير وجهتنا؟". مايكل. ذكط طأل و فقيرة وب ا ي حيث كان اطناس هناع مواطين

طأل و كان اطناس بهوا اطجخ من اطم ين مواطين إوا أتذا ل ب أتباطتككي اططري " انذألع هو أنقا "من امفضل باناي . أفكر وب أتجوا ب أوقشتمايكل؟ فكيف يمكن أن يكون أفضل طري طألمألع؟

2. Perhaps this was the Marshal's plan to test me. "Tell your soldiers to ride ahead of me," I told the Marshal. "I don't need them or you. You can wait here until I've continued through the old town alone. I want the people who live here to see that their King trusts them." Sapt looked worried and shook his head. I could see that he thought that this was a very bad idea. Nevertheless, if I was to be a king, I decided I wanted to act like a king. All of my people should like me, not just a few. "Don't you understand me? Tell your soldiers to go!" I shouted. The Marshal looked surprised but gave the orders for his soldiers to go ahead, and Sapt's face looked even more anxious. I realised that if I were killed in this part of town, Sapt's position would become very difficult.

أأبرت اطمشير: "أجال جنو ع يتق مون حيث انس ت حاج طي بهم. .تأتباربأط اطمشير ههو تربما كان .2 ي ركوا. أري اطناس اطوين يايشون هنا أن يمكنم اتنتظار هنا منني أري أن أذير بمشر ب في هوا اطجخ من اطم ين

شكرة ذي طألغاي . وم وطع، قررت اط هوهق أن انس يات أ ركتقألقا وهخ رأذس. اطاقي ذابت ب ا أن مألكهم يد بهم". أت"صرأت في اطمشير قا : . اطقأليل منهم، وطيس فقط أن يحبنيتصرف مدل اطمألع ، ينبغي طجمي شابي أأن

أ طى اموامر طجنو ه ألى اطمضي اطمشير وطكنس تاألو وجس اط هش ب أت !"ان يوهبوا باي ا تشهمني؟ أأبر جنو ع سموقشفان في هوا اطجخ من اطم ين ، تأنس إوا قتأل من قألقس هوا قألقا. أ ركت اطاقي ذابت أكدر جسووب ا ق ما،

طألغاي . ايصبح صابذ3. When all the soldiers were out of sight, I rode on my own through the streets of the old town. Now that I was alone on my horse, I realised how white, how clean my uniform seemed compared to the old buildings around me. The narrow streets were lined with hundreds of people and I could feel their eyes on me. First people talked quietly, but then I started to hear cheering. I was so close to the people in this poor area that I could easily hear what the people were saying about me. "I'm surprised that he's on his own, but he's taller than I thought," said one. "His skin's very white," said another. Although some people smiled and cheered, others were quiet and looked at me angrily. I saw many paintings of the Duke in their windows and I knew what they thought of me. Despite their

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anger, I reached the outside of the palace safely and I got off my horse. Briefly I saw Sapt, whose expression was one of relief that I was still alive.

وطق أ ركت حين و م ب وح ب في شوارل اطبأل ة اطق يم . ب أت أذير اطجنو باي ا ن امنظار، ن ما أصبح .3م ات من اطناس في اط. واصطف في هوا اطجخ من اطم ين اطمباني اطق يم من حوطيب نصا ديابي ونظافتها مقارن

اذم اطهتاف. كنت قريباه و ، وطكن با وطع ب أت تح ث اطناس بب اي ألي. وطق شارت بايونهم اطشوارل اطضيق "أنا من هف أنس قال اح هم: س ني.ونكنت أذم بذهوط ما يقوطط رج أنني اطشقيرة اطمنطق هج ا من اطناس في هو

كان اطرغم من أن باض اطناسب و ض "ابيإن جأل ه ناص اط" آأر:، طكنس أطول مما كنت أ تق "، وقال بمشر ه اطصور واطألوحاتإطي بغضب. رأيت اطا ي من ب ا أليس اطه و وكان ينظر اطباض اآلأر إت أن ، ويهتف مبتذما

. ، وصألت إطى أارج اطقصر بكمان ألى اطرغم نحوب مما يجيف في أاطره وأ ركتفي اطنوافو طأل و مايكل ماألق اطحياة. منني ماخطت ألى قي ب ا اترتياح ياألوا وجس اطاقي ذابت. جوا ب من ألى من غضبهم ونخطت

4. It was now almost time for the coronation and a group of soldiers led me inside a beautiful building. There were so many people that I did not know who was doing what. But I remember a beautiful young woman with red hair, who I knew was Princess Flavia, and a man with red cheeks, dark eyes and dark hair who I knew must be Michael. When he saw me, his face became white: until that moment, I do not think he realised that the King had come to Strelsau. What can I remember of that coronation that was so important to the future of Ruritania? Very little, except the golden crown being placed on my head and a few other details. I remember the promises I was asked to read out, and the beautiful music that played when someone announced that Rudolf the Fifth was now King of Ruritania. Most of all, I remember being greeted by Duke Michael, whose hands shook with anger when he took his hand in mine, and who would not look at my eyes as he coldly said, "Congratulations."

من اطناس ط رج اطا ي مجمو من اطجنو األ مبنى جميل. كان هناع رافقتنيتتويغ ألط وق حان اطوقت اآلن .4 و ألمت أنهاشار احمر، وات. وطكن أتوكر امرأة شاب جميأل كل منهم أنني طم أكن أ رف ما اطوب كان يقوم بس

شاحبا طألحظ ل. أصبح وجهسمايك س أكي اط و أن ألمت ين وشار اكن وأ، حمرا أ و وو امميرة ف فيا، ورجل كل ما أتوكره فيما يتاأل بهوا . ط رج أنني ظننت انس طم يص أن اطمألع ق جا إطى اطااصم ذترطذو ن ما رآني

حين اطوهبي اطتاج من اططقوس مدلاطقأليل ج ا، كوطع اوكر اطتتويغ هو أنس كان وا أهمي باطغ طمذتقبل روريتنيا؟ها ألى طألب مني أن أتألواطتي او اطو أيضا باضا من اطاهو شاصيل امأرز. أتوكر ألى رأذي وباض اطت وض

اآلن مألع ق أصبحأن رو وطف اطأامس ماألنا اشأص قام ن ما تم خفهاواطموذيقى اطجميأل اطتي ،اطمذتمايناطغضب ، ني وهو ياألوه حينما م ي ه طيصافحمايكل ، اط و وترحيب امهم من وطع كألس، أتوكر اذتقبالو. روريتنيا ببرو : "تهانينا". مر افي يني اطنظر ومتجنبا

5. However, no one else, not even the Princess, seemed to realise that I was not the real King. So there I stood in the palace for an hour, as if I had always been a king, greeting the many ambassadors and important people who came to see me. I became worried when a man I knew from England, Lord Topham, also came to greet me, but his eyes were so poor that he probably would not have noticed me anyway. It was now time for me to go in a coach around the streets with the Princess. "When's the wedding?" I heard someone call, and I wished I had asked Sapt the answer to that very question. At that moment, the Princess looked at me and said, "Do you know, Rudolf, you look different today? You look more tired and serious, and I think you're thinner. I can't believe that you really have changed today." "I think I want to change now that I'm King," I replied. "Perhaps you already have. I heard that you rode through the old town alone," she continued. "That

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surprised me. The people there must really have appreciated what you did." I smiled. "I hope I'll make a good King," I said.

كن اطمألع اطحقيقي. طوطع وقشت في اطقصر أ رع أنني طم أأح آأر، وت حتى امميرة، دم وم وطع، ت يب و أن .5امشأا اطمهمين واطوين جا وا وذشرا اطمن اطا ي منتحي اذتقبل اطتهاني واط، فا طم ة ذا ، كما طو كنت اطمألع

س كان ، وطكن تي، طور توفام، جا طتحي س ي ىنت أ رفمن إنجألترا كرأيت رج ن ما اطرؤيتي. أصبحت قألق في شوارل ذيارة برفق امميرةطوهاب في ااآلن طي وق حان اطوقت .طم يتارف أليط رج أنس ضايف اطنظر

ألى من اطاقي ذابت مارف اطجواب طو كنت ق طألبتوتمنيت حشل اطخفاف؟" متى":وقالوطق ذكل ذا ل . اطم ين كنت تب و فاطيوم؟ اتب و مأتألش عرو وطف، أنيا، أتاألم: "تامميرة إطي وقاط تفي تألع اطألحظ ، نظر .باطواتل هوا اطذؤا

أنني "ا تق فقألت طها. ت أذتطي أن أص أن كنت حقا ق تغيرت اطيوم ". شاحباأكدر ج ي ، وأ تق أنع و امتاب ذرت بمشر ع فيذمات أنع طق باطشال. تغيرت"ربما ساذتطر ت قا ألاطمألع،". أصبحتاآلن با أن يجب أن أتغير

"آمل أنا وقألت طها." ابتذمت. "طق أ هشني وطع كديرا وا تق أن اطناس هناع ق روا صنياع هوا "اطبأل ة اطق يم "، ".اصاطح امألك أكون

6. The coach had now arrived back at the palace and, once inside the building, I took my seat at my own table, next to Duke Michael, with Sapt behind me and Fritz nearby. I felt like a king, but I also thought, where is the real King and what is he doing now? Later that afternoon, I sat down on my bed feeling exhausted. Sapt and Fritz were still by my side, now looking very happy that our plan had been a success. "That was a day to remember!" said Fritz. "I think I'd like to be King for a day. But Rassendyll, you mustn't try too hard. I'm not sure it was a good idea to ride alone through the old town. Duke Michael won't like it if you become too popular with his people, you know." "Well, in a few hours, I'll become Rudolf Rassendyll once more," I said, remembering that I would be King only until that night. "Only if you stay alive as long as that," said Sapt. "Michael's had news from Zenda and he's almost certainly planning something. You must leave the country as soon as you can. But you need a permit to leave the city."

ومن ورا ي مايكل ، اط و األ اطمبنى، أأوت مقا ب ألى طاوط ، بجوارب وإطى اطقصر، اطذيارة اآلن ا ت .6وماوا يشال أين هو ، في وات اطوقت ظألألت أفكر في اطمألع اطحقيقي ، وطكن حقا مألعاط وككننيوفريتخ. شارت ذابت ت وفريتخ ذابت كان و. بباض اطتاب وشارتفي وقت تح با ظهر وطع اطيوم، جألذت ألى ذريرب اآلن؟

!". "أ تق طن ينذىوطع اطيوم إن" :وقال فريتخ أن أطتنا كانت ناجح .حيث في غاي اطذاا ة وب ا جانبي، يخاتن بفألم تكن فكرة ذيرع ، أت تجاخف ، يجب أليع ياراذن لطيوم واح ، وطكن وطو اطمألع أصبحأنني كنت أحب أن

وا شابي في مناط نشووه" يرضي أن تصبح مايكل طن كما أن اط و . يم جي ة ألى ما أظنبمشر ع في اطم ين اطق اطمألع نيأن جي ا توكرأمرة أأرز،" وراذن ل صبح رو وطف أ"حذنا، في غضون ذا ات قأليأل ، ذوف قألت طس،

من أأبارمايكل فألق تألقى "، "اطأليأل هوهاطحياة حتى فقال اطاقي ذابت "وطع إن بقيت ألى قي اطأليأل فقط " هوهحتى تصريح إطىحاج ب عغا ر اطب في أقرب وقت ممكن. وطكنتيجب أن طوا أطط طشي ما، انس يمن اطمؤك و خن ا

طمغا رة اطم ين ". 7. "Who can I get a permit from?" I asked. "The King, of course," said Sapt, putting on a table a form for me to sign and a paper with the King's signature for me to copy. "Look, I can pretend to be the King because I look like him," I said. "That doesn't mean I can write like him too!" "Oh, it's not hard to copy," said Sapt, and he did it easily for me. "Now, remember our plan. I'll go with you, Rassendyll," said Sapt. "Now, Fritz, you will tell everyone that the King's gone to bed and that he's not to be woken by anybody until nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Do you understand, Fritz? No one." "I understand," said Fritz. "Michael may try to visit," continued Sapt, "but you mustn't let

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him in, even if your life depends on it." "I don't need to be told that," said Fritz, proudly. "Here, put on this big coat and hat," Sapt said to me.

طاوط اط"اطمألع، بطبيا اطحال،" ووض ألى فقال طي: " ألى هوا اطتصريح؟ من يمكنني اطحصولن "م فذكطتس: .7"انظر، أذتطي أن وباض امورا اطتي تحمل توقي اطمألع وكان ألى أن أقأل ها فقألت طس أن أوق أليها ألى اذتمارةطيس من "قا : فصاح في كتب مدألس أيضا!"أهوا ت ياني أنني يمكن أن وطكن ،أشبهساطمألع منني نىأ ي أنوأنت "، "يا راذن ل، توكر أطتنا. ذكوهب ماع، وقال طي: "اآلن "أن تقأل وقام بتقألي اطتوقي بنشذس وبذهوط اطصاب

اطغ . هل طن يذتيقظ حتى اطتاذا من صباح اطيوم ، وأنس فراشسوهب إطى ق أبر اطجمي أن اطمألع يا فريتخ أليع أن تاطمألع "مايكل ق حاول خيارة وتاب ذابت ح يدس مأاطبا فريتخ قا "أنا أفهم"،ال فريتخ فق فريتخ؟ ت أح ."يا تشهم،

توكرني قال فريتخ، وبشأر "أنا طذت بحاج إطى أنفحياتع" كألشع هوا اممر ، حتى طو بوطعذمح طس ت أتوطكن يجب قال طي ذابت " ارت ب هوا اطماطف اطكبير وهوه اطقبا " "بوطع

8. "Now, are you ready to go?" "I'm ready," I said. I shook Fritz's hand and set off – not

through the door but through a panel الودة in the wall which led to a dark passage. "In the

old King's time, I knew all about this secret passage," Sapt explained. I followed Sapt down the long, dark passage which ended in a heavy wooden door. Sapt unlocked it and we went out into a quiet street which ran along the back of the palace gardens. A man was waiting for us with two horses. Without saying anything, we climbed onto the horses and rode away. At that time of the day, the town was busy and full of noise, but we took the quiet back streets. My coat and hat covered my face and hair, and I tried to stay low on the horse so no one would recognise me.

طكن و –فريتخ وانطألقت صافحت"أنا مذتا ،". فكأبرتس"اآلن، هل أنت ألى اذتا ا طألوهاب؟"وقال طي أيضا .8منو ه " " وأوضح طي ذابت قا إطى ممر مظألم. يؤ بفي اطج ار باب أألشيطيس من أ ل اطباب وطكن من أ ل

واطوب كان مظألم اططويل واطاطممر ذابت براطاقيتبات .اطممر اطذرب"أ رف كل شي ن هوا اطمألع اطذاب وأناهناع اطجخ اطأألشي من ح ا اطقصر. كان ألى امت ا وأرجنا إطى شارل ها ئ فشتحس ينتهي بباب أشبي ضأم

في وطع اطوقت من اطيوم، .اركبنا اطأيول وانطألقنقول أب شي ، نادنين من اطأيول. ون أن سماورجل في انتظارنا ، وشاربوجهي وطق غطي ماطشي اطشوارل اطأألشي اطها . ذألكنا نااطضجيغ، وطكنبخ حم ومألي كانت اطم ين م أح .يتارف ألي ت حتى ألى اطحصان اظل منأشضأوحاوطت أن

9. "Take your gun," said Sapt. "You may need it to get through the city gates. They'll all be closed at this time of day." It was half past six and still light when we reached one of the tall wooden gates through the city walls. Sapt knocked on the gate, and we were very relieved when a few seconds later, a girl of about fourteen appeared. "My father's not here, I'm afraid. He's gone to see the King," she said. "Your father should have stayed here," said Sapt. "But he told me not to open the gate for anyone," said the girl. "Then you must give me the key to open it," said Sapt. "Here's a form from the King himself. You can show it to your father when he returns." Sapt then gave the girl the signed form and a coin and took the key from her hand. We quickly opened the gate, led our horses out, and closed it again behind us. "Now we must move quickly," Sapt told me as we got back on the horses.

أ ل بوابات اطم ين . ذوف تكون جمياا مغألق يس ن اطأروج منق تحتاج إطمذ ذع ماع ف"أو ذابت وقال .9 ن ما وصألنا إطى واح ة من موجو ا واطضو ت يخال 6:36 ت اطذا ت تخالكان في هوا اطوقت من اطيوم."

في اطرابا ، وهي حواطي فتحت طنا فتاة وه أت أ صابنا ن ما ألى باب ، ذابت . طرقتاطااطي أشبي اطبوابات اطبقى ييجب أن كان "واط ع فقال طها ذابتواط ب طيس هنا، انس وهب طرؤي اطمألع"،طألذف "من مرها قا أل : شرإوا أليع أن تاطيني اطمشتاح مفتح "فقال طها ذابت ح "ب أفتح اطبواب مأ اأبرني أت واط ب "طكنقاطت طنا: هنا"

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اطشتاة أ طىطواط ع ن ما ياو ." دم تاطيها أن ، ويمكنعشأصيا من اطمألع موقا اذتمارة بنشذي وتشضأليمرة نا اطباب، وإغ قوأأرجنا اطأيولفتحنا اطباب بذر ، ووأأو اطمشتاح من ي ها. ما ني مأل اتذتمارة اطموقا و

بذر ،".و ألينا أن نتحرع يجب أتن" قا : اطأيول ن ما نا إطى اأبرني ذابت أأرز ورا نا.10. Once we were outside the city, there was little danger, as nearly everyone was in the streets celebrating the coronation. It became a clear night, with a shining moon, and soon we began to talk. "What do you think the Duke knows about our plan?" I said. "I don't know," said Sapt. A little later, we stopped at an inn so that our horses could have a drink, and this lost us half an hour. We then continued and had gone around forty kilometres from the city when Sapt suddenly stopped. It was nearly half past nine. "Listen," he cried. "I can hear something." Far behind us, we could just hear the noise of horses coming towards us. I looked at Sapt and saw worry on his face. "We're lucky that the wind's blowing towards us so we can hear them. Come on!" he called, and we set off fast. After some time, we stopped again and could not hear the other horses, so we slowed down and thought we could relax. However, a little farther we stopped once more and this time we heard them.

كما اطتتويغ. بكان اطجمي تقريبا في اطشوارل ط حتشال حيث ج اطم ين ، كان هناع أطر ض يل، ن ما كنا أار .16"أنا ت فقال طيأطتنا؟"ب و اط هل ياألم "ما رأيع فقألت طذابت ، وذر ان ما ب أنا اطح يثكانت قمري أن اطأليألبا وطع تابانا ا نصف ذا و ألين ضي هوا وطكن ، طتشرب اطأيول )فن صغير( خلبا قأليل، توقشنا في ن أ رف"

. صاح ذا اطنصفاتاط ت اطذا حواطي، وكان وفجكة توقف ذابتكيألومترا من اطم ين أربايننحو اطمذير طمذاف ورأيت نحونا متجهس ضجيغ من اطأيولصوت ورا نا فذمانا." ما ذم شي اأأن ني"اذتم " " يمكن ذابت قا

! بنا . هياوهوا يجاألنا نذماهم"نحن محظوظون أن اطرياح تهب في تجاهنا اطوب قال بتاطقأل ق ظهر ألى وجس ذاذرنا اطأيول امأرز، طوطع كننا طم نتمكن من ذمالبا مرور باض اطوقت، توقشنا مرة أأرز طو"وانطألقنا بذر .

. ضجيغ اطأيولاطمرة ذمانا ، وطكن با قأليل توقشنا مرة أأرز وهوهببط وظننا انس بإمكاننا اتذترأا قألي . 11. Sapt got off his horse and put his ear to the ground. "I think there're two horses," he said. "They're about two kilometres behind." We went on quickly and eventually we reached the tall, dark trees of the forest of Zenda and stopped at a fork مشتر طر in the road. One road went deep into the forest, the other went outside the forest towards the town. "To the right's our road, to the left's the castle. Now, get off your horse." "Get off? But they'll catch us!" I said. "Get off your horse!" he repeated angrily, and I did what he asked. We took the horses into the dark trees and waited quietly where we could see the road, but they (whoever they were) could not see us. I saw that Sapt had a gun in his hand. "Do you want to see who they are?" I whispered. "Yes, and where they're going," Sapt answered.

ألى إنهم" :وقال " أ تق أن هناع ادنين من اطأيول"وقال: ن حصانس ووض أونس ألى امرض. ذابت نخل .11اطقام ، من اطغاب اطمظألم من نهاي وصألنا إطى امشجار طويألاطفي ووهبنا بذر ا."نبا حواطي كيألومترين ورا

فقال اطم ين . واططري امأر يؤ ب إطى اطغاب ، م كان هناع طري يؤ ب إطى ن مشتر اططري . ناوتوقشخن ا ونحقيألذوف م"انخل؟ وطكنهفقألت طس اطحصان." من ألى إطى اطيذار اطقألا . اآلن، انخلو"إطى اطيمين طريقنا ذابت

. أأونا اطأيول في ظ م امشجار يشاألت ما طألب منفاطحصان!" ، من ألى "انخلفكرر ذابت غاضبا: نا!"بكان ذابت . رأيت أن يرانا( ت يمكن أن اطمار باططري و حيث يمكننا أن نرز اططري ، طكن )أيا كانبه ناوانتظر

"نام، وأين هم واهبون" فقال طي: "هل تري أن ترز من هم؟"فهمذت طذابت قا طس:يحمل مذ ذا في ي ه. 12. Soon we could hear the horses getting nearer and nearer. The moon was full now so we could see the road clearly. "Here they come!" Sapt whispered. "Look, it's the Duke!" On the road through the forest, I could see the Duke and a strong-looking man who Sapt later told me was Max Holf, brother to Johann who I had seen at the inn. When they reached the

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fork in the road, they stopped. "Which way?" asked Duke Michael. "I think. we should go to the castle where we can learn the truth," said Max. "Why not the hunting lodge?" said Michael. "If all's well, why go there? And if all isn't well, I fear there'll be a trap." The Duke did not move and seemed to be listening. "I thought I heard something," he said quietly.

أن مكننا من اممر اطوب مكتم . كان اطقمر وهى تقترب شي ا فشي ااطأيول و با ها مباشرة اذتطانا أن نذم .12!" ألى اططري بر اط و "انظر، انس فقألت طذابت !" هاهم ق وصألوا"فهمس ذابت قا ح. نرز اططري بوضو

وهان ج، شقي هوطفماكس انسفي وقت تح اأبرني نس ذابت و ورجل قوب اطمظهر اطوباط أيتاطغاب ، ر"أب ذكل اط و مايكلف ن ما وصألوا إطى مشتر طر . وا. توقش)اطشن اطصغير( نخلاطفي ساطوب رأيتاطأا م

فقال طس اط و : اطقألا حيث يمكننا مارف اطحقيق "، إطىوهب ن أن"ا تق ، يجب فقال طس ماكس هوطف؟". نذألع طر اطاممر ألى ما يرام فألماوا نوهب هناع؟ وان طم يكن اممر "إوا كان فقال ماكس: ""وطماوا ت نوهب إطى كو اطصي ؟

"ظننت أنني ذمات وب ا وككنس يذتم إطى شي ما فقال به و :اط و طم يتحرع " يكون هناع فخ. أنأأشى كوطع ."شي ا

13. I saw Sapt lift up his gun, but the Duke then said, "To Zenda, then," and they set off once more. I could see that Sapt still held up his gun and was pointing it at the Duke, but although I knew he would have loved to shoot, he realised it would not have helped the King at this moment. He put his gun away once more. We waited silently for ten minutes before we came out from the trees. "So, he's had news that all is well," said Sapt. "What does that mean?" I asked. "I wish I knew," said Sapt. "It's a real puzzle." We rode on through the forest as fast as our tired horses would allow. We said nothing, and I thought about what the Duke had said. What did "all is well" mean? Was all well with the King? It did not take us long to reach the hunting lodge where we had left the King and quickly jump off our horses. The lodge was dark and quiet and no one came out to meet us. All of a sudden, Sapt took hold of my arm. "Look there!" he said, pointing at five or six torn and dirty handkerchiefs on the ground. "That's what I used to tie up the old woman. Fasten the horses and let's see what's happened."

ما خال ذابت أن ورأيتمرة أأرز. اانطألقو" إطى خن ا إوا ، وطكن اط و قال: "مذ ذسيرف ذابت رأيت .13طن أن وطع أ رع إت انس اطنار، أن يطأل تمنى، وطكن ألى اطرغم من أنني أ رف أنس واط نحو مصوبا مذ ذس

بين أرج مننطم ة شر قا قبل أن و بهباي ا مرة أأرز. انتظرنا مذ ذسوض فذا اطمألع في هوه اطألحظ . ي فقال طي "ماوا ياني وطع؟" سذكطتفكل شي ألى ما يرام" أن، إوا ق تألقى مايكل إأبارا تقول طس"فقل ذابت امشجار.

قل شي ا، وفكرت في ما طم ن. وبكقصى ذر رغم تاب اطأيولأ ل اطغاب انطألقنا "، "انس طغخ حقيقي."طيتنى ا ألم "طم نذتغر هل كل شي ألى ما يرام فيما يتاأل باطمألع ؟" ألى ما يرامشي وماوا تاني بارة كل و . "اطقاطس

مظألما اطكو وكان ونخطنا بذر من ألى اطأيولاطمألع تركنااطصي حيث كنا ق إطى كو طألوصول وقتا طوي أمذ أو ذت إطىهناع!" مشيرا "انظر ل طيامذع ذابت بورا ي وقا . فجكةاوها ا وطم يكتي أب اح تذتقباطن

. اربط اطأيول و نا نرز ما اطاجوخمرأة ططربط اق اذتأ متس منا يل ممخق وقورة ألى امرض. "هوا ما كنت ح ث."

14. The front door to the lodge was not locked and we went into the room where I had eaten the night before. Plates and cups were still on the table. "Come on," said Sapt, and we ran down the passage towards the cellar where we had left the King. But the door to the cellar was open. "So they found the old woman," I said. "I realised that when I saw the handkerchiefs," said Sapt. "Where's Josef and the King?" I asked. We found another door inside the cellar that was locked, and it took a lot of work to get it open. It was dark inside and completely silent and I could see Sapt was looking very worried. He loved the

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King and would have hated anything bad to have happened to him. So I told him to stay where he was and went inside the room with a candle. There were a lot of things on the floor of the dark room, as if there had been a fight. I held up the candle and saw spiders on the walls, then, far in one comer, I saw a body. I slowly went back outside the room to tell Sapt what I had seen. "It's not good news. I'm afraid he's dead," I said. "The King?" he cried, putting his hand over his mouth. "No, the body's Josef. The King's not there."

امطبا . وكانت اطماضي في اطأليأل تناوطنا اطاشا غرف حيث اطووهبنا إطى طألكو طم يتم قشل اطباب اممامي .14. وطكن كان وأذر نا مذشل اطممر نحو اطقبو حيث تركنا اطمألع"هيا"، فقال ذابتواطكؤوس ت تخال ألى اططاوط .

"أين فذكطتس ن ما رأيت منا يل" وطع "أ ركت فقال طي ،"اطاجوخ اطمرأةوج وا ق واإ"فقألت طذابت مشتوحا. اطقبو باباطظ م كان و. سشتحط اطوقت، واذتغر اطكدير من اكان مغألق وطكنسجوخيف واطمألع؟" وج نا باب آأر األ اطقبو

فطألبت . أن يصيبس مكروه رهيحب اطمألع وكان يك واطه و يأيمان ألى اطمكان باط األ كان ذابت قأل طألغاي فق كانمظألم ، كما طو كان اطغرف اطكرضي بمن امشيا اطا ي كان هناع منس اطبقا باطأارج و أألت اطغرف وبي ب شما .

وهبت ببط مرة أأرز ورأيت جذ ا بكح أركان اطغرف .اطشما ورأيت اطاناكب ألى اطج ران، تمذكأهناع قتال. "اطمألع؟" فصاح قا . أأشى أنس ميت،"ذارة اأبارطيذت إنها "فقألت طس رأيت مأبر ذابت ماأارج اطغرف

اطمألع طيس هناع." و جوخيفانس جذ "ت، فقألت طس ووض ي ه ألى فمس. 15. I closed the heavy door behind me and we walked with heavy hearts back from the cellar to the dining room. "So, they've got the King!" said Sapt, sitting down heavily with his hands over his face. "That's why they said that all's well. But when did they find out?" I asked. "Michael must've known all day," said Sapt. "What did he think when he met me, then? He knew I was not the real King!" "It doesn't matter what he thought then," said Sapt. "What matters is what he thinks now!" "We must get back and collect every soldier in Strelsau. Michael will have to be caught before the King is killed." "Wait," said Sapt. "We need to think. It must've been the old woman who told them what had happened somehow. I understand now. They came here to kidnap the King and they found him in that room in the cellar. If we hadn't escaped to Strelsau, we would've been killed." "So where's the King now?" I asked. "I have no idea," he said. "But you could see at the coronation that Duke Michael's really worried. Let's think about how we can worry him a bit more."

فقال ذابت وهو من اطقبو إطى غرف اططاام. ونحن ا ين ترتا أوفاقألوب بأغألقت اطباب ورا ي ومشينا .15شي ألى ما يرام كل إن ألى اطمألع!" "طهوا اطذبب قاطوا هم يتحشظون، إوا "يجألس واضاا ي ه ألى وجهس:

كان يظن"ماوا فتذا طت" منو ب اي اطيوم كان ياألم مايكل أكي " فكجابني قا ؟" ألموا بوطع متىوطكن " فذكطتس.هناكان ياتق وطع اطحين،". "ما يهم هو ما وا"ت يهم مافقال ذابتأنني طم أكن اطمألع اطحقيقي!" ألم؟ حين و، قابألني ن ما تب أن يقبض أليس قبل أن يقتل اطمألع." . مايكلذترطذو جم كل جن ب فيناآلن!" "يجب ألينا أن ناو و فيس يشكر

بطريق أو أكي اطمرأة اطاجوخ أأبرتهم بأطتنا اطتشكير، إطىبحاج إننا" وأضاف قا :" مه "فقال ذابت: طم نكن ق غا رنا إطى ج وه في تألع اطغرف في اطقبو. وإوا وهنا طأطف اطمألع و إطى. جا وا طق فهمت أتنبكأرز.طكنع يمكنع أن ت رع أن اط و " وأضاف"طيس ط ب فكرة،". فقال طي:" "فكين اطمألع اآلن؟فذكطتس: قتألنا ". ذترطذو ط

أكدر قألي ."أن نجاألس يقأل نا نشكر كيف يمكننا .مايكل كان يب و أليس اطقأل أدنا اطتتويغ16. A clock in the house struck one as Sapt stood up with a smile, and I could see that he had another plan. "We'll go back to Strelsau," he said excitedly. "The King will be back in the capital again tomorrow!" "How is that possible if we don't know where he is?" "We'll go back to Strelsau and continue with the game we started. You've done a good job until now, so why not continue?" "Do you mean you want me to be the King again?" I asked. "Yes, I do!" he cried.

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فقال بحماس:أط أأرز. وأ ركت انس ط يس، ذابت مبتذماقف ووتمام اطواح ة منخل اطماألق باطاطذا قت .16"كيف يكون فذكطتس: اطااصم غ ا!" إطىياو مرة أأرز ذوف "اطمألع أن: وأضاف" ذترطذوذوف ناو إطى إننا"

ت ب ور . طق قماطتي ب أناهااطألاب مر فيإطى ذترطذو ونذت"ذوف ناو فقالت نارف أين هو؟" ونحنوطع ممكنا كون اطمألع مرة أأرز؟"أتري مني أن انع اني ت"هل فقألت طس:ذتمر؟"نحتى اآلن، طوطع طماوا ت اطمألع بشكل جي

. ""نام فصاح قا :

Questions with model answers

1- What did Rassendyll expect to hear while he was riding towards the palace? He expected to hear Antoinette de Mauban telling everyone that he wasn't really the king.

2- What did he guess when he heard no one calling out?

Perhaps Antoinette de Mauban didn't recognize him after all

3-What did the Marshal order his men to do?

He ordered them to enter a poor part of the town where the people were loyal to Michael.

4-What did Rassendyll think when the Marshal said to him " It's better this way."

He thought that was the Marshall's plan to test him.

5- To what extent was Rassendyll brave in facing the Marshal's plan?

He told the Marshal to tell his soldiers to ride ahead of him (Rassendyll) and he didn't

need them or him ( the Marshal ) Rassendyll continued through the old town alone.

to ride alone in the old part?6صرار إ- Give two reasons for Rassendyll's insistence a) Rassendyll wanted to succeed in the Marshal's test.

b) Rassendyll wanted the poor people to see that their king trusted them.

7- What was the effect of this decision ( going alone in the old part ) on Colonel Sapt?

Colonel Sapt looked worried and shook his head.He thought it was a very bad idea

8-Why did Rassendyll make that risk ( going alone in the old part of the city )?

He thought if he were to be a king , he decided to act like a king. And he wanted all the people to

like him , not just a few. He wanted to gain popularity for the future king.

9- Why did Sapt's face look even more anxious?

If Rassendyll were killed in that part of town, Sapt's position would be very difficult.

10- Show that the old town buildings were very ugly. Rassendyll realised how white, how clean his uniform seemed compared to the old

buildings around him. That meant that the town was very neglected and very ugly

11- How did Rassendyll see the poor people?

The narrow streets were lined with hundreds of people and he could feel their eyes on himا12- What were the people saying about him?

One said that he was so surprised that the king was on his own, but the king was taller

than he thought. Another one said "His skin was very white."

13-How were the people had different feelings when they saw Rassendyll?

Although some people smiled and cheered , others were quiet and looked at him angrily

14- How far was the Duke popular with the poor people?

The poor people put the Duke's paintings in their windows as they supported him .

15- How were the poor people peaceful ?

Despite their anger with the king, Rassendyll reached the outside of the place safely.

16 – Why was Sapt's expression was on of relief?

Because Rassendyll went out of the old part safely and was still alive.

17-Who did Rassendyll see inside the beautiful building?

Rassendyll saw Princess Flavia who was a beautiful young woman with red hair

Rassendyll saw Duke Michael with his red cheeks, dark eyes and dark hair

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18- What did Duke Michael feel when he saw Rassendyll ( the pretend king )?

Duke Michael's face became white. Until that moment Rassendyll didn't think the Duke

realised that the king had come to Strelsau.

?What was the coronation ceremony like-19ا اا

The golden crown was put on the king's head . He read out some promises . The beautiful music

played when someone announced that Rudolf the 5 th was now king of Ruritania.

20- How was Duke Michael when he congratulated the king?

Duke's Michael's hands shook with anger when he took his hand in Rassendyll's hand

21-When did Rassendyll become worried?.

When a man he knew from England ( Lord Topham ) came to greet him but his eyes

were so poor that he didn't notice Rassendyll anyway.

22- Show that the Princess was a good observant?

She told Rassendyll that he looked different , he looked more tired , serious and thinner.

23- What surprised Princess Flavia about the king?

She heard that he rode through the old town alone thinking that the people there must

have appreciated what he did.

24- What did Fritz warn Rassendyll against in the afternoon of the coronation?

He warned him against walking alone in the old part of the city because Duke Michael

wouldn't like it if he became too popular with the Duke's people . 25- Why did Sapt want Rassendyll to leave Ruritania as soon as he could?

As the Duke had news from Zenda and he was almost certainly planning something

26-How did Rassendyll get the king's permit to leave the city that night?

Sapt copied ( forged ورزا ) the King's signature on the form to be a permit to leave the city at

27- What did Sapt remind Rassendyll of?

Sapt reminded Rassendyll of their plan to bring back the king to the capital that night.

28- What part would Fritz play to conceal ?their leaving the palace at night خيفي

Fritz would tell everyone that the king had gone to bed and that he wasn't to be woken by anyone until nine o'clock the next day morning.

29-To what extent, Fritz had orders to prevent Michael from visiting the king?

Sapt ordered not to let Michael in even if Fritz's life depended on it."

30- How was Rassendyll's camouflage متويه to leave the palace at night?

He put on a big coat and a hat leaving the palace with Sapt not through the door but

through a panel لودةاا in the wall which led to a dark passageا .طحقة31- How was the secret passage which Rassendyll and Sapt went through ?

It was long and dark and ended with a heavy wooden door which Sapt unlocked and went

out into a quiet street which ran along the back of the Palace gardens. 32- Who was waiting for them after reaching the street?

A man with two horses which Rassendyll and Sapt rode away without saying anything.

33- How did Rassendyll disguise يتنكر? Why ?

He wore a coat and a hat which covered his face and his hair.He tried to stay low on

the horse so that no one could recognize him

34-Why did Sapt ask Rassendyll to take his gun?

Because he might need the gun to get through the city gates which would all be closed

at that time of the day.

35-When did Rassendyll and Sapt reach the tall wooden gate through the city wall?

It was half past six and still light.

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36-Why were Sapt and Rassendyll relieved when they knocked on the gate?

As they saw a 14-year -old girl at the gate instead of her father ( the guard of the gate. )

who had gone to see the king and told his girl not to open the gate for anyone.

37- What did Sapt tell the girl? Why?

He told her that her father should have stayed at the gate and asked her for the gate key

38 –Why was Sapt so smart when he imitated the king's signature on the permit?

As Sapt gave the girl the permit signed from ( the king himself ) and a coin to show

to give him the key to pass through the gate. He asked her to give the permit to her father

39- Why were they in little danger outside the city?

As everyone was celebrating the coronation in the streets and it became a clear night

40-Why did Rassendyll and Sapt lose half an hour on their night journey ?

As they stopped at an inn so that the horses could have a drink

41- How far had they gone at half past nine?

They had gone around forty kilometres from the city when they heard the noise of horses

42 – Why did Sapt got off the horse and put his ear to the ground?

He did that in order to know the number and the distance of the horses behind them

Sapt said that they were two horses and they were about two kilometres behind.

43- Where did the roads at the fork التشعب lead to ?

To the right was their road which went deep into the forest,

To the left the other road which went outside the forest towards the town with the castle

44- What did Sapt order Rassendyll at the fork?

Sapt ordered Rassendyll to get off his horse and they went into the dark trees to watch

the road but they couldn't be seen by the two people coming.. Sapt had gun in his hand

45- How could Sapt recognize the two men on the road through the forest ?

Because the moon was full and he could see the road clearly so Sapt recognized

the Duke and Max Holf ( Johan's brother ) Max was a strong-looking man.

46- At the fork, Which way did Max Holf suggest going to ?

Max Holf suggested going to the castle of Zenda to learn the truth. 47 –Why did Max Holf didn't go to the hunting lodge ?

He said "If all's well, why go there, And if all isn't well, I fear there will be a trap ."

48-At the fork, Sapt would love to shoot Duke Michael but he didn't .Discuss

He realised that killing the Duke wouldn't have helped the king at that moment

49 – What did " All is well " mean ?

It meant that the Duke had got the king and imprisoned him in the Castle of Zenda.

50 – What did Sapt do when he saw the 5 or 6 torn and dirty handkerchiefs ?

Sapt held of Rassendyll's hands telling him that he used those handkerchiefs to tie up

the old woman ( Johann's mother ). ( It was a mistake to use handkerchiefs not ropes)

51- Why did Rassendyll tell Sapt to stay and went inside the cellar with a candle?

Sapt was very worried as he loved the king and would have hated anything bad to have happened

to him.

52- What could Rassendyll see inside the cellar?

Rassendyll could see the body of Josef ( dead ) so he closed the door with heavy hearts. 53- Why did Rassendyll want to go back to the capital?

To collect every soldier at Strelsau so that Michael could have be caught before killing

the king but Sapt told him to wait as they needed to think.

54- According to Sapt ,how did Michael know what happened to the king?

The old woman untied the handkerchiefs and told Michael about Sapt's plan.

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55- What'd have happened to Sapt , Fritz and Rassendyll if they had stayed there?

They would have been killed when Michael had come to kidnap the king.

56- What was Sapt's plan after the disappearance of the king?

He told Rassendyll that they had to continue with the game they started so Rassendyll would be a king again until they could save the king.


Quotations with Model answers

1-" Why have we changed our route?'

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Marshal Strakencz . 2-"It's better this way,"

Who said that ? To whom? Marshal Strakencz to Rassendyll

Which way would they go ? The old part of the town 3-"Tell your soldiers to ride ahead of me. I don't need them or you."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Marshal Strakencz 4-" You can wait here until I have continued through the old part alone,"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Marshal Strakencz 5-" I want the people who live here to see that their king trusts them,"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Marshal Strakencz

What did the word " here" refer to? To the old part of the poor people

6-"I'm surprised that he's on his own, but he's taller than I thought."

Who said that ? To whom? One of the poor people of the old part to the others.

Who did he speak about ? About Rassendyll.( the pretend king ) 7"His skin's very white,"

Who said that ? To whom? Another one the poor people to the others

Who did he speak about ? About Rassendyll. .( the pretend king ) 8-" Congratulations."

Who said that ? To whom? Duke Michael to Rassendyll ( the pretend king )

On what occasion was it said? On the occasion of the coronation. 9-" When's the wedding?"

Who said that ? To whom? One of the people to the pretend king( Rassendyll)

Whose wedding did the man ask about ? The king and Princess Flavia 10-"Do you know ,Rudolf, you look different today?

Who said that ? To whom? Princess Flavia to Rudolf Rassendyll ( the king ) 11-" You look tired and serious, and think you're thinner. You have changed."

Who said that ? To whom? Princess Flavia to Rudolf Rassendyll ( the king ) 12-" I think I want to change now that I'm a king."

Who said that ? To whom? Rudolf Rassendyll ( the pretend king ) to Princess Flavia

13-"Perhaps you already have. I heard that you rode through the old town alone."

Who said that ? To whom? Princess Flavia to Rudolf Rassendyll ( the pretend king ) 14-" The people there must have appreciated what you did."

Who said that ? To whom? Princess Flavia to Rudolf Rassendyll ( the king ) 15-"I hope I'll make a good king."

Who said that ? To whom? Rudolf Rassendyll ( the king ) to Princess Flavia 16-That was a day to remember! "I think I'd like to be king for a day."

Who said that ? To whom? Fritz to Rassendyll 17-" Duke Michael wouldn't like it if you became too popular with his people."

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Who said that ? To whom? Fritz to Rassendyll

What did the underlined word refer to? The poor people of the old part.

Why were they The Duke's people? Because they supported Michael not the king. 18-" Only if you stay alive as long as that. Michael had news from Zenda"

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

When did he say that ? When Rassendyll said he would be king until that night 19-"Who can I get a permit from?"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt

Why did the speaker need a permit? To leave the city so as to save the true king 20-"The king, of course."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll 21-"I can pretend to be the king but that doesn't mean I can write like him too!"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt

When did Rassendyll say that? When Sapt asked him to copy the king's signature 22-"Oh,it's not hard to copy,"

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

Why did Sapt copy the king's signature on the form? To be a permit to pass the city gate

What did that tell us about Sapt? Sapt was interested even in small details

23-Now,remember our plan. I'll go with you." حمنك Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll 24-"You will tell everyone that the king has gone to bed and that he isn't to be

woken by anybody till nine o'clock tomorrow morning,"

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Fritz 25- "You mustn't let him in, even if your life depends on it."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Fritz

Who did ( him ) refer to ? To Duke Michael.

Why mustn't he let the Duke in? To save their plan from being discovered 26-" I don't need to be told that,"

Who said that ? To whom? Fritz said that proudly to colonel Sapt 27- Here, put on this big coat and hat," " Now, are you ready to go?"

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

Why did the addressee put on those clothes? In order to be well hidden from people.

28-"In the old king's time, I knew all about the secret passage.,"

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

Where did he say that? In the secret passage 29- " You may need it to get through the city gates. They will be closed at this time"

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

What did the word ( it ) refer to to the gun 30-" My father is not here .I'm afraid. He's gone to see the king."

Who said that ? To whom? The guard's girl to Rassendyll and Sapt

31-Your father should have stayed here."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to the guard's girl

Was Sapt angry as the guard wasn't at the gate? No , he was happy and relieved 32- But he told me not to open the gate for anyone,"

Who said that ? To whom? The guard's girl to Rassendyll and Sapt 33-"Then you must give me the key to open it,"

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Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to the guard's girl 34- " Here's a form from the king himself. You can show it to your father."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to the guard's girl

What was the form? It was the permit which Sapt signed as the king to pass the gate 35- "Now we must move quickly."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

36-" What do you think the Duke knows about our plan?"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt

37-" Listen. I can hear something."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

What did Sapt hear? He heard two men on two horses behind them 38-" We are lucky that the wind's blowing towards us so we can hear them."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll 39-" I think there're two horses. They are about two kilometres behind."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll 40-"To the right's our road, to the left's the castle. Now. get off your horse."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

41- " Get off? But they will catch us!"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt 42-"Do you want to see who they are?"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt 43-"Yes,and where they are going,"

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll 44-"Here they come! Look , it's the Duke."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll 45-" Which way?"

Who said that ? To whom? Duke Michael to Max Holf ( Johan's brother) 46- I think we should go to the castle where we can learn the truth."

Who said that ? To whom? Max Holf to Duke Michael

47-"Why not the hunting lodge?"

Who said that ? To whom? Duke Michael to Max Holf 48-"If all's well ,why go there? And if all isn't well , I fear it will be a trap."

Who said that ? To whom? Max Holf to Duke Michael What do you deduce from they fear of a trap?

Michael's men told him that they had kidnapped the king but he wasn't sure 49-" To Zenda , then."

Who said that ? To whom? Duke Michael to Max Holf 50 –" So , he's had news that all's well"

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

When did he said that? After waiting silently for ten minutes among the trees.

51-"What does that mean?"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt 52-" I wish I knew. It's a real puzzle."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll 53-" What did "All's well" mean? Was all well with the king?"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to himself

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54-" Look there! That's what I used to tie up the old woman ."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

What did they look at ? To the torn and dirty handkerchiefs

Who was the old woman? Johan's mother. 55-" So they found the old woman,"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt

Who did they refer to ? To Michael's guards

Who was the old woman ? She was Johann's mother 56 – " I realized that when I saw the handkerchiefs."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

What did he realise ? He realised that Michael's men had reached the place 57-"Where's Josef and the king?"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt

58- "It’s not good news. I'm afraid he's dead,"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt

Who is dead ? Josef who was killed by Michael's guards 59- "No, the body's Josef. The king isn't there."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt 60-" So they have got the king."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

Who have got the king? Michael's men

61-"That's why they said that all's well. But when did they find out?"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt

Who did " they " refer to ? Michael and Max Holf 62-"Michael must have known all day,"

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

What did Michael knew? He knew that Rassendyll wasn't the real king 63-"What did he think when he met me then? He knew I wasn't the real king."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt

64-" It doesn't matter what he thought then. What matters is what he thinks now."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

65-" We must get back and collect every soldier in Strelsau. Michael will have to be

caught before the king is killed"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt 66-" Wait .We need to think. It must have been the old woman who told them"

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

Who did the old woman tell what had happened? Michael's men 67- If we hadn't escaped to Strelsau, we would have been killed."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

Who would have killed them? Michael's men

68-" Let's think about how we could worry him a bit more."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

Who did they want to worry ? Michael 69-" We'll get back to Strelsau.The king will be back in the capital again tomorrow."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

What did the speaker mean ? He meant that Rassendyll would continue to be king

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70-"How is it possible if we don't know where he is?"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt

Who did the speaker talk about ? The real king 71-" We'll continue with the game we started. You have done a good job until now,"

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

What was the game ? Rassendyll pretended to be the king of Ruritania

72-Do you mean you want me to be the king again?"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt

Find the mistake and correct it

1 –People of the old town wanted Rassendyll to be their king.

2-People of the old town were wealthy. 3- Michael asked Sapt and the Marshall to stay back.

4- Rassendyll was a man with black hair and dark deep eyes.

5- Michael was surprised and deeply happy to see Rassendyll

6-During the wedding, Rassendyll do all the right things

7- Princess Flavia noticed that Rassendyll looked similar as he was more serious.

8- Rassendyll and Sapt had to go back to Strelsau to fetch the king.

9- Fritz looked worried when he saw a man from England.

10- To leave the palace without being seen ,Rassendyll went out though the front door.

11- The Duke of Strelsau was the king's cousin.

12- Sapt was happy when the king rode through the streets of the old part.

13- The coronation was important for the history of England.

14-The Marshal didn't like the king to be popular with people.

15-Sapt and Rassendyll left the palace through a tunnel in the wall.

16- There were three parts to the castle.

17-Two men were riding behind Sapt and Michael 18- The old woman was no longer in the room, she had died.

19- Fritz was found dead on the floor of the cellar.

20-The Duke's men had Rassendyll as a prisoner

21- Sapt would not kill the king as long as Rassendyll was in the Palace.

22-Michaelagreed to take the king's place for him.

23- If Rassendyll agreed to go back to Strelsau , the king would be killed.

24- Sapt killed Josef , the servant of the king.

25- When he saw the torn scarf , Sapt knew that the old woman disappeared.

26-Sapt said that there were four people coming behind us

27- To leave the city , one should have a form signed by the Duke

28- They found a son at the gate of the city.

29 – The girl told Sapt that her father went to see the Duke.

30-Duke Michael and Max Holf rode to the lodge

31-Sapt still held up his gun and was pointing it at the king

32-It must have been Josef who told them what have happened somehow

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Chapter: 4 Text and Quotations

1. It had not been easy to escape from Strelsau and return to the hunting lodge without anyone seeing us, so when Sapt suggested that I return to the capital and continue pretending to be the King, I let him know exactly what I thought. "You're mad!" I said to Sapt. "The plan's too dangerous!" Walking up to me, Sapt put his hand on my shoulder and then looked deep into my eyes. "Listen, if you're a man, you can save the King. Go back and pretend to be him." "But the Duke knows where the real King is, and all his men know!" I protested. "Yes, but they can't say anything," said Sapt. "Listen! We've got them! They can't say anything without showing their guilt. They cannot say, 'This isn't the real King because we've kidnapped him and killed his servant.' Will they say that?" I realised that Sapt was right.

اطاقي ، طوطع ن ما اقترح ا أح نيرااطصي ون أن كو اطاو ة إطى ذترطذو وطم يكن من اطذهل اطهروب من .1"أنت فقألت طس أر ت أن اجاألس ياألم ما ي ور بأأل ب.،واذتمر في اطقيام ب ور اطمألع أن أ و إطى اطااصم ذابت

طي" اذم أيها فاقترب مني ووض ي ه ألى كتشي دم نظر بام في يناب وقال ج ا!" ةمجنون!". "اطأط أطير إطى اطااصم واذتمر في اطقيام ب ور اطمألع" فقألت طس محتجا ألى هوا اتقتراح "اطرجل انس بإمكانع إنقاو اطمألع"

دم أضاف "نام، طكنهم ت يذتطياون قول أب شي ". فقال طيأين اطمألع اطحقيقي،!" ونياألم ورجاطس و اط"طكن فهم ت يمكن أن يقوطوا ، يظهروا جريمتهم يذتطياون قول أب شي ون أن ت إنهم! ألمنا أطتهم! طق أنصت إطي" . محقاكان اطاقي ذابت أ ركت أن وطع؟ " ايقوطو هل ممكن أنا أا مس "نوقتأل أطشناههوا طيس اطمألع اطحقيقي مننا "

2. Even if Michael knew who I was, he could not say he knew, but I still had doubts. "Sapt, surely someone in Strelsau will realise I'm not the real King," I said. "The Princess has already said she thinks the King's changed. She'll certainly realise." "Of course it's a risk, but we must have a King in Strelsau, or the city will belong to Michael within twenty-four hours. You must do it, for Ruritania!" "What if the King's already dead?" "If the real King's already dead, then you shall stay King! But I think the King's still alive, and I don't think they'll do anything to him if you're in the capital. They'd know that you would stay King if they killed him!"

فقألت طألاقي اطشكوع. باض ط ب كان ت يخال طكن، اإلفصاح بوطعيذتطي طنانس ف، من أنا حتى طو ألم مايكل ف .2امميرة " إن وتابات ح يدي قا أنني طذت اطمألع اطحقيقي" ذترطذو ي رعشأ في ذوف يوج "باطتككي ذابت: ، وطكننا مجاخف إنها"باططب فقال طي." تارف حقيقتيذوف ومن دم فإنهاباطشال. ق تغير اطمألع أنتاتق أنهاقاطت

أرب ذتنتقل مقاطي اطحكم في اطم ين إطى اط و مايكل في غضون وإت، ذترطذومألع في ط ينا يجب أن يكون اتم ق ياطحقيق اطمألع كان "ماوا طوطع من اجل روريتانيا !" فقألت طس .طوا يجب أليع أن تشال وو شرين ذا

أ تق أن ني! وطكناتذتمرار في ور اطمألعباطشال، يجب أليع ماتاطحقيقي ق "إوا كان اطمألع فقال طي: باطشال؟"انع فهم ياألمونصم ، في اطاا ما مت أنتأب شي طس يشاألونذوف ماطمألع ما خال ألى قي اطحياة، وأنا ت أ تق أنه

! "ا اطمألع اطحقيقياطمألع إوا قتألو ذتظل3. It was a mad plan, even madder than the first plan, which had been a success, but as I listened to Sapt, I saw that it could work. "I still worry that someone will realise," I said again. "Anything is possible, but come, Rassendyll! Let's go to Strelsau. We'll be caught if we stay here." "All right, Sapt, I'll try," I said. "Good man!" said Sapt. "I'll go and get the horses." But seconds later, he came back. "Look out of the window."

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Through the window I could see in the moonlight a big group of men coming down the road from Zenda: four were on horses, another four or five were walking. I knew they must be Michael's men, and they seemed to be carrying spades, coming to the house to hide their evil work. I remembered poor Josef's body and said, "Sapt, we should make sure that some of those evil men join Josef." "Very well," said Sapt. "As a soldier, I've had a lot of fights like this. I'll show you what to do."

اذتمات إطى ن ما، وطكن باطشال اطأط اموطى، اطتي كانت ناجح من بل وأكدر أطورة، أطيرةكانت أط طق .3ي رع أنني طذت أن شأصا ما ذوف اقألق خطتمرة أأرز "أنا ت طس قألتف وطع. في نجحنذ ناأن ألمت، اطاقي ذابتنا إوا ،!. ذوف يتم اطقبض أليهيا بنا نوهب إطي ذترطذو ياراذن ل"كل شي ممكن، وطكن فقال طي ،".اطمألع اطحقيقي

وطكن با اطأيول." واحضررجل!" "ذكوهب أحذنت يا "فقال طي ، ذكحاول،".يا ذابت"حذنا، فقألت طس ا هنا."ينبقمن أ ل اطنافوة في ضو اطقمر مجمو كبيرة من رأيت . "انظرا من اطنافوة."اطاقي ذابت وقال طي دوان ا

. كنت أ رف كانوا يمشونا ألى اطأيول، وأربا أو أمذ كانو منهم: أربا خن ا اطرجال قا م ألى اططري من .مااطم جريمتهمإطى اطمنخل إلأشا متجهون، نوا يحمألون ما ات اطحشركا ممايكل، ويب و أنهاط و رجال من مأنه

امشرار طحقوامن أن باض هؤت اطرجال اطتكك " ألينا ألت طذابت، وقاطمذكين جوخيفحين و جدمان توكرت طع ما يجب اطقيام أبينذوف و، هوه اطمواقفاطكدير من مر بي، ق حذنا وأنا بصشتي اطاذكري "فقال طي ".جوخيفب

بس."4. We went out of a back door and climbed onto our horses with our swords ready. We could hear the men arrive at the front of the hunting lodge, and one called out, "Go and get the body." "Now!" cried Sapt, and we drove our horses fast to the front of the building. The men looked shocked to see us and were not prepared. I easily knocked one man off his horse, then hit another big man with my sword as he moved towards me. But there were only two of us and within seconds I realised there were people all around me. Just as I was about to be trapped, I saw a gap between the men and saw my chance to escape. I turned my horse and quickly rode through the gap towards the forest. My horse was fast but as I left, I heard a gun and I was almost shot. I could see Sapt on his horse ahead of me, and went as quickly as I could towards him, waving. Then I heard another shot and felt a terrible pain in my finger. Someone shot again, but now we were too far away for them to hit us. At last I caught up with Sapt, who was breathless but laughing. "Well done!" he said. "That was very brave. Do you think: they saw who you were?" "Yes, one of the men said 'It's the King' before I pushed him off his horse." "Good!" said Sapt. "That will give Michael something to worry about."

ن ما وصألوا إطى مق م مبنى اطرجال صوت ناذماوذيوفنا جاهخة. وأيوطنا وركبناأرجنا من اطباب اطأألشي .4 وانطألقنا باطأيول"اآلن" اطاقي ذابت قا حين و صاح ."واحضروا اطجدمان وا"اوهبكو اطصي فنا ب اح هم قا

اذقط اح هم بذهوط من ألى جوا ه وضربت رج ضأما . اح تنا فألم يتوقاوا مقابألاطرجل طرؤي وص م. ذريااوقبل أن يمذكوا بي اذتطات أن . أحاطوني في غضون دوانفقط وادنين كنا نا،. طكنآأر بذيشي ن ما اتجس نحوب

. كنت طأل نارب كا أن يصيبنيغا رت، ذمات ن ما. وكان حصاني ذري وطكن اطغاب اهرب من بينهم نحو. دم ذمات طألق أأرز وشارت نحوه مألوحا بي ببكذرل ما يمكن ت ألى حصانس أمامي، ووهباطاقي ذابت أرز

، اطوب اطتحقت باطاقي ذابتاآلن كنا باي ا ج ا. أأيرا نا، وطكنوأطأل اح هم اطنار طألمرة اطداطد بكطم فظي في إصباي. فقألت طس ؟"أنهم تارفوا أليع" هل تاتق : وأضاف متذا " !صناا "أحذنتفقال طي .هو يألتقط أنشاذسكان يضحع و

!". "هوا حذنا"طق تارفوا ألي فق ذمات اح هم يقول:"انس اطمألع" ووطع قبل أن أذقطس من ألى جوا ه" فقال "نام ."قألقامايكل ذيجال

5. After a time, we stopped so that Sapt could put a bandage on my finger, which now hurt badly. We moved on in silence, as quickly as our poor horses were able to, until we arrived

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at a farm just as the sun was rising on a cold, clear day. I covered my face, saying to the farmer that I had a bad tooth before we asked for food. The farmer was kind and let us rest, but we knew we could not wait for long and soon headed off. Some hours later, we saw the buildings of Strelsau ahead of us. It was about nine o'clock and at this time of day, the city gates were open, so we went back through the gate that we had left from.

ذرياا في صمت، وذرنا. طكي يضم ذابت إصباي اطوب كان يؤطمني بش ة، توقشنا مرور باض اطوقتبا و .5 ألت. غطيت وجهي، وقم شرو اطشمس ، حتى وصألنا إطى مخر بق ر طاق أيوطنا اطمنهك من ش ة اطتاب

أننا ت يمكن أن ألمكنا نا نا، وطكنطيبا وتركنا نذتريح اطمخارلاططاام. كان نطألب قبل أنأن أذناني تؤطمني طألمخارل حواطي اطذا تأمامنا. كاناطااصم ذترطذو با بض ذا ات، رأينا مباني و. وانطألقنا ذريااتنتظر طشترة طويأل

منها. نااطتي كنا ق غا ر اطأألشي وهبنا إطى اطبواب فأبواب اطم ين مشتوح ، وكانت ا، اطتاذا صباح6. The streets of the city were very quiet, as most of the people were resting after the celebrations, and we saw almost no one until we were back at the palace. Here, one of Sapt's servants was waiting for us. "Is all well, sir?" he asked. "Yes, Freyler, all is well," answered Sapt. "But the King's hurt?" he said, seeing my finger. "It's nothing," I said. "He caught his finger in a door," Sapt explained. "Now remember, say nothing about this. All young men like to ride their horses now and then, so why not the King?"

حتى وتقريبا طم نر أح ابا اتحتشاتت، ونكانت شوارل اطم ين ها ج ا، من ماظم اطناس كانوا يذتريح .6، ألى ما يرامكل شي هل"فذكل اطاقي ذابت قا في انتظارنا. رجال اطاقي ذابت كان اح هنا واطقصر. أألنا

"طكن قا رؤي إصباي فتذا ل فريألر ن ما يرام". ، كل شي ألىيا فريألر "نام فكجابس ذابت قا يا ذي ب؟"فقال طس ذابت موضحا "طق قشل اطباب ألى إصباس ووكره أت يأبر أح ا ،".بذيط "انس شي فقألت طس ؟" مصاباطمألع

" !؟فألماوا ت يشال اطمألع وطع جمي اطشبان ترغب في ركوب أيوطهم بين اطحين واآلأر، ف ما رأب7. As the servant led our horses away, Sapt said quietly to me, "Freyler's a good servant, but sometimes it's best not to trust even the best of men." Sapt put the key in the secret door and we went back inside the palace, down the passage to the King's room. Back inside, Fritz, who had been asleep, jumped up when he heard us and cried, "My King, you're safe! I'm so pleased." He then bowed down in front of me. "Even Fritz thinks you're the real King!" laughed Sapt. "I think we can do this." "Oh! Rassendyll?" said Fritz in surprise. "But what's happened to your hand? Are you hurt?" "It's nothing serious. What's more important is what we have to tell you." "What is it? Where's the real King?" he cried. "Be quiet, Fritz!" said Sapt. "Don't speak so loudly! People will hear us." Suddenly there was a knock at the door, so Sapt took me by the arm. "Quick! Go into the bedroom, take your hat and boots off and climb into bed. Cover yourself up so people think you're asleep."

أا م جي ، وطكن في باض امحيان من امفضل م اطدق روطما وهب فريألر باطأيول قال طي ذابت به و "فريأل .7اطممر إطى غرف اطمألع. من أ ل اطقصر، و أألنااطمشتاح في اطباب اطذرب ذابت أفضل اطرجال." وض في حتى

ذاي طذ متع وانحنى أمامي." ضحع ذابت وصاح قا " ذي ب إننيفريتخ اطوب كان نا ما قشخ ،و ن ما ذمانا فقال فريتخ ."ننجح في مهمتنا. "أ تق أننا يمكن أن وأضاف قا " حتى فريتخ ياتق أنع اطمألع اطحقيقي!"قا : بذيط وطكن "إنس شي فقألت طس ؟"مصابح ث طع؟ هل أنت وا"طكن ما وأضاف متذا ؟"يا راذن ل"أوه! من هشا

يا "كن ها ا، فقال طس ذابت "ما هو؟ أين اطمألع اطحقيقي؟".فصاح متذا ما يجب أن نقوطس طع." هو امكدر أهمي ورا ي من ذابت كأونيففجكة كان هناع طر ألى اطباب، و ".ق تذمانات تتح ث بصوت ال! اطناس فريتخ! ا حتى يظن اطناس انع نا م"واأأل ناأليع وقباتع وغطي نشذع جي ذر ! اوهب إطى غرف اطنوم، ب. "وقال طي

8. I did as I was told, but a minute later Sapt came into the bedroom and smiled. He introduced me to a polite young gentleman who came up to my bed and told me that he was

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a servant of Princess Flavia, who had sent him to find out how the King was feeling after the coronation. "Send her my thanks," I said, "and tell her that I've never felt better in my life." "The King's had a good long sleep," said Sapt. The servant bowed and left, and I smiled at Sapt. But Fritz still looked very serious.

. وق م طي رجل شاب مهوب جا إطى مبتذماإطى غرف اطنوم ذابت فاألت كما قيل طي، وطكن با قيق واح ة جا .8 بألغها"فقألت طس طمارف كيف كان شاور اطمألع با اطتتويغ.أرذألتس امميرة ف فيا ، امميرة ذريرب وقال طي أنس أا م

انحنى ".ق نام نوما ميقا طيأل أمس"إن اطمألع قي ذابت: وقال طس اطا" واأبرها أنني في أتم صح وحال ،تحياتي ج ا. ماخال جا ا. وطكن فريتخ ت طألاقي ذابت، ابتذموانصرفأا م اط

9. "Tell me, is the King dead?" he asked quietly. "We don't think so," I answered. "But Duke Michael's holding him prisoner." The next day, it took Sapt three hours to tell me all about the King's duties. It seems that a king's life is quite hard, but a pretend king's life is even harder. At least Sapt stayed with me to tell me what I ought to do and what I ought not to do, and what I should say to the many important people I had to meet during the day. I was worried when I met the French ambassador and he asked me a question which I could not answer, but later Sapt told me that I should not worry, as the real King would not have been able to answer either. I also had to tell everyone that I could not write because of my finger, so many important documents were not completed.

"طكن اط و مايكل وأضشت"نحن ت ناتق وطع". فكجبتس قا مألع؟".اط ل ماتطي، هوطوا "قوتذا ل به و : .9وب ا كل شي ن واجبات اطمألع. ب يأبرنيذا ات ظل اطاقي ذابت قراب د ثوم اطتاطي، وفي اطي ."يحتجخه كذجين

اطاقي دابت بجوارب طيرش ني إطى وقف أي حال ألى وأكدر صاوب . تقألي همج ا، وطكن صاب اطمألوعأن حياة طياطتي أقابألها ألشأصيات اطمهم ينبغي ألي أن أقوطس طما كوطع ، ما يجب ألي أن افاألس وما ت يجب ألي أن افاألس.

، وطكن في أليس اطذشير اطشرنذي وذكطني ذؤال طم أذتط اإلجاب ب ن ما اطتقيت وات يوم كنت قألقاو. ألى م ار اطيوموكان طخاما . ألى اإلجاب أيضا طيس ط يس اطق رةاطحقيقي اطمألع فحتى قا ت ا ي طألقأل طم نني ذابتوقت تح

أنني ت يمكنني اطتوقي ألى اطا ي من اطمذتن ات اطمهم نظرا إلصابتي بإصباي. ألى أن اأبر اطجمي10. After many hours of meetings, I was finally alone with my friends once more. I asked a new servant, who had never met the real King, for a drink and then asked Sapt if I could rest at last. I was not used to such hard work. "Rest? No! We mustn't waste any time! Shouldn't we plan how to attack Michael?" asked Fritz. "Let's take things slowly," said Sapt. "So aren't we going to do anything?" said Fritz. "We aren't going to do anything dangerous," answered Sapt. "If people find out who I am," I said, "then I'll fight with the Duke. But at the moment, let's wait to see what the Duke does." "He'll kill the King," said Fritz. "He won't," said Sapt. "If he kills the King, he knows that Rassendyll will stay as King instead. And he cannot accuse Rassendyll of anything because then people will know that he's kidnapped the King." "And we cannot accuse him in public without admitting that I'm not the real King," I explained. "So no one can do anything! It's a

stalemate! طريق مسدود " cried Fritz. "But wait. Half of Michael's Six Men are in Strelsau

with the Duke." "Only half? Then that means the other half are guarding the King," said Sapt. "Yes, you're right," said Fritz. "So that means the King must be alive. If the King were dead, all the Six Men would be here with the Duke."

اح طألبت منم أص قا ي مرة أأرز. وح بفي نهاي اطمطاف أصبحتوبا ة ذا ات من اتجتما ات، .16. أن أذتريح قألي ت من اطاقي ذابتدم طألب امشروبأن يحضر طي اطوب طم يألت اطمألع اطحقيقي قط ، واطج اطأ مأت يجب ألينا ت! يجب ألينا أت نضي اطوقت! ؟تذتريح"فتذا ل فريتخ قا اطامل اطشا . مدل هوا طم ا ت ألىا فان

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طو تمهألنا فألن "فقال طس فريتخ. أن نأطط طكيشي مواجه اط و مايكل؟" فر أليس ذابت قا " نا نتريث في اممر"حقيقتي حين و ذنقاوم اط و اطناس ألم"إوا فقألت طسب شي أطير" . "نحن طن تشال أفقال طس ذابتأب شي ؟"نشال

" فقال طس اطاقي ذوف يقتل اطمألع أن اط و مايكل" فقال طي فريتخ يشال و ".ذ وا، ونا ننتظر طنرز ماوطكن حاطياطمألع وطن يمكنس ذابت" إن اط و مايكل طن يقتل اطمألع منس ياألم انس إوا فال وطع فذوف يظل راذن ل يقوم ب ور ا

ت يمكن أن أيضا "ونحن اتهام راذن ل بكب شي من اطناس ذوف تاألم انس ق أطف اطمألع اطحقيقي" فقألت موضحا أب طك نا أن يشال"طوا ت يمكن فصاح فريتخ قا ". ألنا ون ات تراف بكنني طذت اطمألع اطحقيقيبكب شي همس نت

فقال ".مايكل و اطم اطااصم ذترطذو نصف رجال مايكل اطذت في ا ةوأضاف قا مه يا ذ !مكخ إنسشي ! وهوا ، ألى ح "نام، أنت فقال طس فريتخاطاقي ذابت " اطنصف فقط؟ فهوا ياني أن اطنصف امأر يحرس اطمألع"

اط و ."اطرجال اطذت هنا م طكان ، مات ق اطمألع فألو كان. اأن يكون حي تب اطمألع أن ياني11. "Excuse me, but who are the Six Men?" I asked. "Unfortunately I fear you'll soon be meeting them," said Fritz. "They're six special soldiers who Michael keeps in his house at all times. They're completely loyal to him. Three are from Ruritania, one is Belgian, one French, and one's from your country." "They'll do whatever Michael asks them to do," continued Sapt. "Would they try to kill me?" I asked nervously. "Without a doubt. Which three are here in Strelsau, Fritz?" asked Sapt. "The three foreigners: De Gautet, Bersonin and Detchard." "So they were not the men we saw at the hunting lodge?" I asked. "I wish they were," said Sapt, "because then there'd only be four and not six of them."

أنع ذتقابألهم أأشى "طذو اطحظ فقال طي فريتخ اطرجال اطذت ؟ "هم من وطكن ، شوا"فقألت طهما متذا .11طس مواطونهم من اطحرس اطأا باط و مايكل وهو يحتشظ بهم ا ما في منخطس وذت إنهم" وأضاف قا : ، "قريبا اطاقي ثوواصل اطح ي من ب ع."واطداطث فرنذي وآأر يكي، واح بألجو، وط روريتانيا من منهم . د د تماما

فكجاب اطاقي يحاوطون قتألي؟"ذ"هل " فتذا طت باصبي : مايكل اط و منهم سكل ما يطألب يشاألون إنهم" ذابت قا فكجابس ذترطذو؟" " وذكل ذابت فريتخ قا "من هم اطد د اطموجو ون اآلن باطااصم "ب ون شع.ذابت قا : طيذوا إوا إنهم"فذكطت اطاقي ذابت قا وهم ) ب جاتت( و)برذونن( و) يتشار (" : امجانب اطد د فريتخ قا "

اطرجال اطوين شاه ناهم في كو اطصي ؟" فكجابني ذابت قا : "أتمنى طو كانوا هم منس في هوه اطحاط ذيكون هناع أربا منهم وطيس ذت ."

12. I now decided that I should act – perhaps like all real kings do – by keeping some secrets even from the people I could trust the most. My plan was to make myself as popular as I could, and say nothing bad about Michael. In this way, I could hope to stop the poorer people of Strelsau from thinking badly about me. Then, if there were a fight, perhaps people would not want to follow Michael, although of course I hoped there would not be such a fight. Perhaps I could actually enjoy my game in Strelsau and something good would come from it. Michael would not grow stronger while the game lasted.

امذرار حتى اتحتشاظ بباض ن طري ووطع – ينربما مدل كل اطمألوع اطحقيقي - أتصرفأن حين وقررت .12وأت أتح ث ، ق ر اإلمكان شابيوقبوت ط ز شابي أن اجال طنشذي كانت أطتي و. اطوين أد بهم كديرااطناس ن

من ذو اطظن اطموجو ون باطااصم اطشقرا من . وبهوه اططريق ، يمكن أن نكمل في بذو ن أأي اط و مايكلكنت آمل أنني ، ألى اطرغم باططب ن اتنضمام طمايكل اطناس يمتن هؤت دم، إوا كان هناع قتال، ربما ومن . بي

مايكل كما أن . وانس ق يكتي شي جي ا منس ,ذترطذوفي بما أقوم بس أذتمت فا ب أتربما و. ص اماهناع أت يكون .إوا إذتمريت في اطقيام ب ور اطمألعأقوز طن يصبح

13. My plan began the next day, when I rode my horse through the park with Fritz and waved to everyone who bowed to me. The more my people saw of me, the more they would realise I cared about them and their lives. I was not going to be a distant king who people only heard about. And as I had done before the coronation, I wanted to be seen most in the

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old town, where most of the poor people lived. Riding through some of the narrowest and oldest town streets, I stopped to buy flowers from a poor young girl with a gold coin. This attracted a lot of interest, and soon hundreds of people were following me on my way to the home of Princess Flavia. I knew the Princess was very popular and the people seemed very pleased that I had gone to see her. Moreover, if I had the support of the Princess, this could only help me. Fritz also thought this was a good idea and came with me on my visit to the Princess's palace.

طكل من وكنت أطوحمن أ ل اطح يق م فريتخ جوا ب ت ن ما ركبووطع في اطيوم اطتاطي، تيب أت أطو .13حياتهم. طم أكن أري أن بهتم بهم وأأكدر أنني كألما أ ركوا ، أذير بينهم شابيرآني كألما فمما تشع فيس . -طي ينحني

، أتشق اطجخ اطق يم من اطم ين قبل اطتتويغ، أر ت أن . وكما فاألت نس ذم فقط اطناسي ا ن شابسكون مألكا باي أاطخهور من فتاة باض توقشت طشرا وأدنا تشق ب طباض اطشوارل اطضيق واطق يم ، شقرا .اطماظم اطناس يقيم حيث

نيوذر ان ما تبا، اطناس اطبذطا هوا اطكدير من اهتمام صنياي جوبوطق مأل وهبي . و فات إطيها شاب فقيرة في غاي تتمت بشابي كبيرة ج ا طوا ب ا اطناسامميرة ا ألم أنفي طريقي إطى منخل امميرة ف فيا. كنت منهماطم ات ،. طي فان وطع ذياخخ من موقشي مميرةا م فإنني إوا حصألت ألى وطع، فض نوهبت طرؤيتها. ن مااطذاا ة

ة، وجا ماي في خيارتي طقصر امميرة.فكرة جيوا تبرها أيضا وطعفريتخ وطق ا تق 14. I was shown into a guest room full of enormous mirrors, paintings and beautiful furniture, and soon the Princess arrived with her servants. I knew that I had to be very careful when I talked to the Princess. I needed the Princess to trust me, but I did not want to say too much to her, or she would realise I was not the real King. And although I wanted to show her that I trusted her, she must not think she could say what she liked to me, because I was not the man she thought I was. "You have completely changed since you became King, sir," she said. "You need not call me 'sir'," I told her. "For after all, we are still cousins." She looked at me, then said, ''I'm proud to do so, Rudolf. But I think your face has changed." I needed to talk about something else, so I said, "My brother's back in the city, I hear. He went away for a while, didn't he?" "Yes, I hear he's back in Strelsau." "That's good. The nearer he is to me, the better." The Princess looked at me. "Do you want him to be near you so that you know what he's doing?" "I'd like him to be near me because he's my half-brother. We're family!" I answered. "We need to help and support each other. Unfortunately, I've heard he can't stay in Strelsau for very long."

واطألوحات وامداث اطجميل، وذر ان ما وصألت أأوت اطى غرف اطضيوف واطتي كانت مألي باطمرايا اطضأم .14، كذب دقتهاحاج إطى وكنت ب. يهاتح ث إطأكون حورا ج ا ن ما أم أ مها. كنت أ رف أنني يجب أن امميرة

اطمألع اطحقيقي. و ألى اطرغم من طذت أنني بوطع ت رع ق منهاأكدر من اط خم ، أتح ث إطيهاوطكن طم أكن أري أن ما تحب طي، منني طم أكن أن تقول قا رة ألى أنهاتاتق أنيجب ت إت أنهابها، أد ظهر طها أنني أأنني أر ت أن ي إطى أن تقوط طذت بحاج "فقألت طها: تماما منو أن أصبحت اطمألع، يا ذي ب،". ت"طق تغيرفقاطت طي: .ياطمألع اطحقيق

رو وطف. يابوطع، ة'' أنا فأور قاطت:فنظرت إطي دم ، فإننا ت نخال أبنا موم ".فاألى أي حالذي ب'،". "يا طي ' إطىمرة أأرز طق ا أأي مايكل ، "طها ، طوطع قألتأر ت أن أغير اطموضول وجهع ق تغير." أن وطكن أ تق فقألت طها ". إطى ذترطذوأنس ا ذمات"نام، فقاطت طي ؟"اطوقت، أطيس كوطع طباضوهب باي ا انس تاطم ين ، ذما

. "هل تري طس أن يكون باطقرب منع فنظرت إطي وقاطت وطع أفضل."فكألما كان قريبا مني كألما كان جي . أمر"هوا . غير شقي أأي وان كان منس"أو منس أن يكون ألى مقرب مني فقألت طها شاألس؟"يأطط طحتى يتذنى طع مارف ما

ا اطباض، وطألذف، طق ذمات أنس ت ن"نحن بحاج إطى مذا ة و م باض وتابات ح يدي قا !"واح ة نحن أذرةف طشترة طويأل ."ذترطذو يذتطي اطبقا في

15. She looked at me strangely when I said this, but at that moment there was a loud cheer from the streets outside. The Princess ran to the window, then she turned to me, looking

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anxious. "It's him!" she said. "It's the Duke of Strelsau! He's coming here now." I was surprised by this news and did not know what to say. For several minutes, Princess Flavia and I sat in silence. Her servants also stood silently, with their heads bowed. We could hear steps outside the door and I expected Michael to enter, but then the steps stopped, so we continued to talk again. I cannot remember what we talked about, but I found it very easy to talk to the Princess and time passed.

أارج. باط، وطكن في تألع اطألحظ كان هناع من يهتف بصوت ال وطع ن ما قألت بباذتغرانظرت إطى ف .15". اط و مايكل قا م إطى هنا أتن !انس هو"فقاطت: .وب ا أليها اطقأل إطيامميرة إطى اطنافوة، دم تحوطت فكذر ت أ مهاتام ووقف أيضا امميرة ف فيا في صمت و أنا تماوا أقول. طا ة قا ، جألذ أ رزطأبر، وطم بهوا ا ان هشت، أول مايكل أطوات أارج اطباب وكنت أتوق نا طر . ذماو ي تحي إطى ق وم اطحنمن ، ورؤوذهمفي صمت

تح ث ن كنا أذتطي أن أتوكر ما طم. م امميرة اطح يث مرة أأرز واصألتوطكن با وطع توقشت اطأطوات، طوطع تح ث م امميرة ومر اطوقت.اط نس، وطكنني وج ت أنس من اطذهل ج ا

16. I thought it was strange that Michael had not come into the room, but we did not talk about him at all until the Princess suddenly jumped up and said, "You do know that Michael will be very angry. Is that a good idea?" "What do you mean? How am I making him angry?" I asked. "You haven't asked him to come in. He's been waiting outside the room for a long time." "But of course he can come in," I said, realising I had made a serious mistake. "How funny you are," she said. "You know that no one can enter without your permission." "Of course," I said. ''I'd forgotten!" But the Princess looked at me in a way that made me think she realised something was wrong. "I was never very good at remembering all the rules," I continued, wishing that Fritz had told me about this, "but I'll go and get him myself at once."

امميرة فجكة وقشتطم نتح ث نس ألى اإلط حتى نااطغرف ، وطكن ي ألغريب أن مايكل طم أمر أنس ا تق ت .16؟ كيف طي ين"ماوا تقص فذكطتها " !فكرة جي ة ؟ هوه بوطع فهلأن مايكل ذيكون غاضبا ج ا جي ا ارف : "أنت تتوقاط"طكن فقألت طهافترة طويأل ." منو باطأارج أنت طم تطألب منس اط أول وهو ينتظر. "فقاطت طي ؟"اجاألس غاضبأن ا

سأنت تارف أنيارو وطف أنت مضحعكم "فقاطت طي أطك فا حا. أ ركت أنني ق ارتكبت " اط أول سنس يمكنإباططب إطي! "طكن امميرة نظرت وطع نذيتق كنت ، "باططب فقألت طها ون إون منع." اطغرف أليأن مح ت يمكن

في توكر اأب ا جي كنطم أأنا "فتابات ح يدي قا .ق ح ثأطك أن دم شي بطريق جاألتني أ تق أنها أ ركت ." واحضره بنشذي فى اطحالذكوهب يوطكن اأبرني أن أأي باطأارج ق ت فريتخ يا طي جمي اطقوا

17. I opened the door and went out of the guest room to greet Michael. He was sitting at a table looking very angry. All his men were standing next to him. I held out my hand and Michael stood up slowly and took it, then I showed him into the Princess's guest room. "Brother," I said, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were waiting, otherwise I'd have asked you in sooner." He thanked me, but coldly. Michael did not seem to be good at hiding his feelings, and I could see that he was angry with me. I could also see he was trying to pretend that he thought I was the real King.

غضب اط وياألوه باطأارج كان يجألس ألى طاوط وطتحي مايكل. اطضيوف فتحت اطباب وأرجت من غرف .17اطضيوف غرف دم رافقتس إطى، وصافحنيي ب ووقف مايكل ببط م ت. وجمي رجاطس يقشون بجانبس. اطش ي اط أول وإت كنت ق طألبت منع ي طم أكن ا ألم انع تنتظر باطأارجأأ اي ج ا " أنا آذففقألت طس امميرة.ب اطأاص ج ا أرز أنس كان غاضبا واذتطات أنمشا ره، إأشا في اجي فهو طم يكنوطكن ببرو . طي شكرفق م اط." في اطحال

أيضا أنس كان يحاول اطتظاهر بكنس ياتق أنني اطمألع اطحقيقي. ورأيت. منى18. We sat down with the Princess. "You've hurt your hand," he said. "Yes, an animal bit me," I explained. "It'll be fine." "Is there any danger from the bite?" Flavia asked. "Not

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from this," I said looking at Michael, "but if I gave him the chance to bite again, it would be different." "Did you kill the animal?" Flavia asked. "No," I said. "We're waiting to see if his bite's poisonous." "And if it is?" said Michael, smiling coldly, clearly understanding who I was really talking about. "He'll be knocked on the head," I said. "But he might bite again," said Michael. "I'm sure he'll try," I replied, smiling. Then, worried that Michael would say something I did not want to hear, I decided to change the subject. I told him how fine his soldiers were and thanked him for the splendid coronation. I thanked him for the great time I had had at the hunting lodge in the forest. When he heard this, he jumped to his feet and angrily walked towards the door. Then he stopped and said, "Three of my friends would very much like to meet you, sir. They're waiting outside."

كون أذوف طق ضني حيوان و"نام، فقألت طس ي ع،" ت"طق أصيب وذكطني مايكل قا : جألذنا م امميرة. .18أول . "طيس من فقألت طها وأنا انظر إطى مايكل ؟"اطاض من ورة"هل هناع أطفذكطتني امميرة ف فيا: ألى ما يرام."

فقألت اطحيوان؟" ت"هل قتألفقاطت طي: ون مأتألف".ذيك اممر مرة أأرز، فإنياضني وطكن إوا أ طيتس فرص ط مرة "وإوا كانفقال مايكل وهو يبتذم ببرو وياألم يقينا ن من أتح ث: ذام ".كانت ط غتس نحن ننتظر طنرز إوا "ت طها

"أنا متكك من أنس فكجبتس مبتذما: مرة أأرز" ع"طكنس ق ياضفقال طي: "ذيألقى حتشس"فقألت طس: ؟" اطحيوان ذاماطس كم كان جنو ه قألتف. أغير اطموضول أشي أن يقول مايكل شي ا ت أو أن اذماس ف يحاول". دم، قررت أنذو

. اطغابباطصي كو في قضيتس اطجميل اطوبطوقت ألى اشكرتس كما . ظرفا وشكرتس ألى حشأل اطتتويغ اطرا ا بكم، واتقيألأن يو ون : "د د من أص قا ي . دم توقف وقالاضبا، وذار نحو اطباب غو ن ما ذم وطع وقف مذر ا

أارج".باطينتظرون إنهميا ذي ب. 19. So I walked up to Michael and took his arm and we entered the outside room like best friends. Michael asked the three men to come forward. "These gentleman are the most loyal and honest of the King's servants, and are my great friends." "I'm very pleased to meet them," I said. They bowed before me one at a time: first De Gautet, a tall, thin French man with straight hair; then Bersonin, the Belgian, who was large and about thirty years old; and finally Detchard, the Englishman, who had a thin face, strong shoulders and very short hair. He looked like a good fighter and a bad character. I spoke to him in English with a pretend foreign accent, and I am sure I saw him smile when I spoke. So, Detchard knows my secret, I thought. And if he knew, surely all the Six Men knew as well. How dangerous were these special soldiers? And how safe was I, even in the palace of Strelsau?

اطتق ماطرجال اطد د من طألب مايكلو. أ خا أص قا وككنناأارجي اطغرف اطو أألنا بي هوأأوت فذرت إطيس .19فقألت طس: "وأنا أص قا ي"وهم أيضا ا خ ألمألع،ط وأمان وت امكدر هم جلااطر هؤت "فقال طي مايكل: إطى اممام.

وكان أوطهم رجل فرنذي رفي وطويل اطقام وو شار نا م : في وقت واح اطرجال أمامي انحنى مذرور طألقا هم". وأأيراواطداني رجل بألجيكي ضأم و مره يناهخ اطد دون ام وكان ي ى برذوني جاتيت ب وكان ي ى

طكن وو مقاتل جي وانس وب ا أليسقصير ج ا. هاطكتشين وشار و قوب ، نحيف اطوجس أليخب، اطوب كانج، اتن يتشار .كنت أتح ثأنني رأيتس يبتذم ن ما واد من كنت، غريب بألكن وطكن شأصي ذي . تح دت إطيس باطألغ اإلنجأليخي

هؤت فما اأطر أيضا. يارفونباطتككي جمي اطرجال اطذت ف، حقيقتي وإوا كان يارف فا تق ت انس يارف حقيقتي، ؟ذترطذوفي قصر وأنا ، حتى تيم ز ذ مما أاص ؟ واطاطجنو

Questions with model answers

1-Why did Rassendyll see that returning to the capital was too dangerous?

a) It hadn't been easy to escape from Strelsau to the hunting lodge without being seen

b) The Duke and all his men knew where the real king was.

2-How did Sapt encourage him to continue pretending to be the king?

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He told Rassendyll if he was a man, he could save the king .And told him that The Duke couldn't

say anything without showing their guiltذنبا as they kidnapped the king. 3-Why did Sapt believe that they had got Michael and his men?

As Michael couldn't say that Rassendyll wasn't the real king as he had kidnapped the real king and killed his servant ( Josef ).

4-Show that Sapt was persuasive مقنع cunning بارع/ ماكر and wit ذو دهاء a )His plan to save the king was a success.

b )He managed to raise Rassendyll's fears and convinced him to continue his role

c) He handled every problem easily , intelligently and with great knoledge .

5-What other doubts did Rassendyll still have?

a) Someone in Strelsau would realize he wasn't the real king.

b) Princess Flavia thought that he had changed and she would realise his character

6-How did Sapt make Rassendyll overcome his doubts?

Sapt told Rassendyll it was a risk but the had to have a king in Strelsau or the city

would belong to Michael within 24 hours. Rassendyll had to do it for Ruritania.

7-What would happen if the real king was already dead?

Rassendyll would stay king forever

8-Why would the presence of Rassendyll in Strelsau save the king's life?

Michael knew that if he killed the king , He would allow Rassendyll to stay king forever.

9-How did Rassendyll see Sapt's second plan to continue pretending as a king?

He saw that it was madder than the first plan which had been a success.

But after listening to Colonel Sapt , he saw that it could work.

10-What did Sapt tell Rassendyll when he said that he was still worried ?

He said that anything was possible and asked Rassendyll to go with him to Strelsau

so as not to be caught if they stayed in the hunting lodge. 10- What did Sapt and Rassendyll see from the Hunting Lodge window?

They could see in the moonlight a big group of men coming down the road from Zenda four were on horses , another four or five were walking.

11- Who were the men and what were they going to do?

They were Michael's men. They were carrying spade to hide their evil work..

They wanted to bury Josef's body

12- Sapt and Rassendyll were too brave in the hunting Lodge. Illustrate

Although Sapt and Rassendyll were only two , they decided to attack Michael's men.

13- Rassendyll was a very good Swordsman .Discuss.

Rassendyll knocked one man off his horse, then hit another big man with his sword

Rassendyll killed the two men.

14- How did Rassendyll escape from the men who were going to trap him?

Rassendyll rode quickly through the gap between the men towards the forest.

15- How was the 2nd shot hurt Rassendyll?

While he was waving to Sapt, he was shot again and felt the pain in his finger.

16- How did Rassendyll think the men recognized him?

one of the men said" It's the king," before Rassendyll pushed him off his horse. 17- How was the farmer was kind to them?

Rassendyll covered his face and the farmer let them rest and gave them food

18-When did they go back to Strelsau ?

At nine o'clock when the sun was rising on a cold clear day

19- Why were the streets quiet at that time ?

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Because the people were resting after the celebration. They saw almost no one.

20 – Who was Freyler?

He was one of Sapt's servants. Sapt said that he was a good servant.

21-What did Sapt tell Freyler about the king's finger?

The king caught his finger in a door and told Freyler to say nothing about that

22-How did they return to inside the palace?

Sapt put the key to the secret door and down the passage to the king's room

23-Why did Fritz bow to Rassendyll?

He thought that the real king came back. Sapt laughed and said they could do it

24-Sapt was very cautious when he heard a knock on thedoor.Explain.

Sapt told Rassendyll to sleep in his bedroom and to cover himself up.

25- Who was the visitor ? Why did he come to the palace?

He was a polite young gentleman and a servant of Princess Flavia.

The Princess sent him to find out how the king was feeling after the coronation

26- What did Rassendyll tell servant of Princess Flavia?

He said," Send her my thanks and tell her that I have never felt better in my life.

27-What did Sapt tell Fritz about the real king?

He told him that Michael was holding the real king prisoner in the Castle of Zenda.

28- When did Rassendyll realize that the king's life was quite hard?

Sapt took three hours to tell him about the king's duties. But Sapt stayed with him to

tell him what he ought to do and what he ought not to do as well as what to say to the .

important people who had to meet .Rassendyll said " A pretend king's life was harder"

29- Why was Rassendyll worried when he met the French ambassador?

Because he couldn't answer the ambassador's question but Sapt told him that he

shouldn't worry as the real king wouldn't have been able to answer, either.

30- What did Fritz object to when Rassendyll asked Sapt if he could rest?

Fritz objected and told Rassendyll he couldn't take rest as he didn't want to waste any time and

wanted to plan how to attack Michael..

31- What were Sapt and Rassendyll's opinions about Fritz's point of view ?

Sapt said," Let's take things slowly.' " We aren't going to do anything dangerous.:

Rassendyll said," If people find out who I am , I will fight with the Duke. But at this

moment let's wait to see what the Duke does."

32- According to Sapt , Why couldn't Michael kill the real king?

If Michael killed the real king , Rassendyll would stay as king instead.

33- Why couldn't Michael accuse Rassendyll of pretending to be a king?

Michael couldn't accuse Rassendyll of anything because then people would know that

he kidnapped the real king

34-Why did Fritz describe the situation as a stalemate ? .ورطة As no one could do anything as they couldn't accuse Michael of kidnapping the king

35- What did half of Michael's six men were with him in Strelsau mean ?

That meant the other half were guarding the king so the king must have been alive.

36-Who were the six men?

They were six special soldiers who Michael kept at his house at all times. They were completely

loyal to Michael. They would do whatever Michael asked them to do.

Three were from Ruritania and a Belgian ,a French and an English man

37- Who were the three with Michael in Strelsau?

The three foreigners : De Gautet ( French ),Bersonin ( Belgian) and Detchard ( English)

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38- What was the bold and wise decision Rassendyll make ?

Rassendyll decided to act as all real kings did – by keeping some secrets even from

the people who could trust the most.

39- What was Rassendyll's plan to act as a real king?

To make himself as popular as he could ,and say nothing bad about Michael to stop the poorer

people of Strelsau from thinking badly of him ( He gained the real king popularity)

40- What did Rassendyll hope ?

He hoped there wouldn't be a fight and he could enjoy his game in Strelsau and

something good 'd come from it. Michael wouldn't grow stronger while the game lasted

41-How did Rassendyll begin his plan?

He rode his horse through the park with Fritz and waved to everyone bowing to him

42- How did he decide not to be a distant king?

He decided to be seen among his people to make them realise that he cared about them

43- Why did Rassendyll stop while riding through the narrowest and oldest streets?

To buy flowers from a poor young girl with a gold coin

44- What effect did that action have on the people?

That action attracted a lot of interest and soon hundreds of people were following him

on his way to the home of Princess Flavia.

45- How was Rassendyll's visit to the Princess would help him?

The Princess was very popular and the people seemed very pleased that he had gone to

see her. And if he had the support of the Princess , that could only help him

Fritz thought it was a good idea to visit the princess so he went with him to visit her.

46-What was the princess guest room like?

It was full of enormous mirrors, paintings and beautiful furniture.

47- Why did Rassendyll have to be careful when he talked to the Princess?

As he needed the Princess to trust him, but he didn't want to say too much to her, or

she would realise he wasn't the real king.

48-What was the first thing the princess talked about with Rassendyll?

The princess talked about the changes of his face

49- " The nearer he is to me , the better." Has two different meanings. Discuss.

The Princess thought that the king ( Rassendyll )wanted to know what Michael was doing.

Rassendyll told her that Michael was his half brother and they needed to help and

support each other. The princess looked at Rassendyll (the king ) strangely. 50- How did Rassendyll unknowingly make Michael angry ?

When Michael came to visit the princess, Rassendyll expected him to enter at once but

Michael waited at the door to get the king's permission.

51- What did Rassendyll realise when he made Michael wait outside the door?

Rassendyll thought that he made a terrible mistake as he forgot some of the king's rules.

52-How did Rassendyll try to relieve Michael's anger ?

He went to get him at once so he opened the door himself and greeted Michael

53- What did Rassendyll tell Michael after that awkward situation موقف حرج?

Rassendyll apologized to Michael calling him his brother and added that he didn't know that he was waiting, otherwise he would have asked him sooner.

54-What did Rassendyll notice about Michael's feelings after that occasion ?

Michael didn't seem to be good at hiding his feelings, and he could see that Michael was angry

with him. Michael was trying to pretend that he thought that he was the real king.

55- What did Rassendyll tell Princess Flavia and Michael about his injured hand?

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He told them that an animal ( Michael ) had bitten him and he added that if he gave him another

chance to bite , it would be different

56- What did Rassendyll say when the Princess asked why didn't he kill the animal?

He told her that they were waiting to see if his bite was poisonous. 57 – What would happen if the animal was poisonous?

Rassendyll say that he would be knocked on the head

58-. What did "But he might bite again," show?

It showed that Michael understood who was Rassendyll talking about and it also showed

that Michael was threatening Rassendyll to be attacked again.

59- How did Rassendyll change the subject with Michael?

He told Michael how fine was his soldiers and thanked him for the splendid coronation..

60- When did Michael jump to his feet and angrily walked to the door?

When Rassendyll thanked him for the great time he had had at his hunting lodge.

61 – Who did Michael introduce to the pretend king ( Rassendyll)?

Michel introduced De Gautet .Bersonin and Detchard to Rassendyll .He told Rassendyll

those gentlemen were the most loyal and honest of the king's servants were his friends..

62- Describe the three men of the famous six.

a) De Gautet was a tall, thin French man with straight hair.

b) Bersonin, the Belgian, who was large and about thirty years. c)Detchard, the Englishman, who had a thin face, strong shoulders and very short hair

He looked like a good fighter and a bad character.

63- How did Rassendyll speak to Detchard? How was this scene comic?

He spoke to him in English with a pretend foreign accent but Detchard and all the six

men knew his secret. Rassendyll thought how dangerous the six men were.

Quotations with model answers

1-" You are mad. The plan is too dangerous."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt.

On what occasion was it said? When Sapt asked Rassendyll to pretend to be king again 2-" Listen, If you are a man , you can save the king. Go back and pretend to be him"

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll. 3- "But the Duke knows where the real king is and all his men know!"

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt

Where was the real king ? The real king was locked in the castle of Zenda. 4-" Listen! We have got them! They can't say anything without showing their guilt."

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll.

Who did the speaker talk about? About Michael and his men 5-" Surely someone in Strelsau will realise I'm not the real king."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt.

Who was that someone? Why? Princess Flavia She realised his change

6-"Of course it's a risk but we must have a king in Strelsau."

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

What was the risk? Playing the role of the real king after Michael knew the truth 7- "If the real king's already dead, then you shall stay king!"

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll 8- "I don't think they will do anything to him if you 're in the capital."

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Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll.

Who did " him " refer to? The real king ( Rudolf Elphberg ) 9- "Let's go to Strelsau.We'll be caught if we stay here."

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll.

Where did they when he said that? In the hunting lodge in the forest

10-" Good man! I'll go and get the horses."

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt and Rassendyll 11-"Look out of the window."

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt and Rassendyll 12-"We should make sure that some of those evil men join Josef."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt 13-"As a soldier, I have had a lot of fights like this. I'll show you what to do."

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt and Rassendyll 14- " Go and get the body."

Who said that ?To whom? One of Michael's men to the others 15- " Well done! That was very brave. Do you think they saw who you were?"

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt and Rassendyll

16- Yes, one of them said" It's the king," before I pushed him of his horse."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt 17-"Good!That will give Michael something to worry about."

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt and Rassendyll 18- "Is all well, sir?"

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt's servant ( Freyler ) to Sapt 19-" But the king's hurt?"

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt's servant ( Freyler ) to Sapt 20-" He caught his finger in a door. Now remember, say nothing about this."

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to his servant ( Freyler ) 21- All young men like to ride their horses now and then. Why not the king?"

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to his servant ( Freyler )

22- Freyler's a good servant, but sometimes it's best not to trust even the best of men."

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll 23-'My king, you're safe! I'm so pleased.'

Who said that ?To whom? Fritz to Rassendyll

What did the speaker? Why? He bowed He thought Rassendyll the real king. 24-" Even Fritz thinks you are the real king." I think we can do it."

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll 25- "But what's happened to your hand? Are you hurt?"

Who said that ?To whom? Fritz to Rassendyll

26-"It's nothing serious. What's more important is what we have to tell you."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Fritz

27-" What is it? Where is the real king?"

Who said that ?To whom? Fritz to Rassendyll and Sapt 28- " Be quiet. Don't speak so loudly .People will hear us."

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to Fritz 29-"Quick! Go into the bedroom. Cover yourself up so people think you are sleep."

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

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30-" Send her my thanks, and tell her that I've never felt better in my life."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to the princess's servant 31-"The king's had a good long sleep,"

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to the servant of Princess Flavia. 32-"Tell me, is the king dead?"

Who said that ?To whom? Fritz to Sapt and Rassendyll. 33-"We don't think so , but Duke Michael hold him prisoner."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Fritz 34-"Rest?No! we must not waste any time!Shouldn't we plan how to attack Michael?"

Who said that ?To whom? Fritz to Rassendyll and Sapt

35-"Let's take things slowly. We are not going to do anything dangerous."

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to Fritz

36-" So aren't we going to do anything?"

Who said that ?To whom? Fritz to Rassendyll and Sapt 37-I'll fight with the Duke but let's wait to see what he does."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt and Fritz 38-" He can't accuse Rassendyll, of anything."

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to Fritz and Rassendyll 39- And we can't accuse him in public without admitting that I'm not the real king."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt and Fritz 40-"So no one can do anything! It's a stalemate!"

Who said that ?To whom? Fritz to Sapt and Rassendyll

41-"But wait. Half of Michael's six men are in Strelsau with the Duke."

Who said that ?To whom? Fritz to Sapt and Rassendyll

42-" That means the king must be alive"

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to Fritz and Rassendyll 43-"Excuse me, but who are the six men?"

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt and Fritz 44-"They will do whatever Michel asks them to do."

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll and Fritz 45-Would they try to kill me?

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt

Who would try to kill Rassendyll? The six famous men

46-"Without a doubt. Which three are here in Strelsau?"

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll and Fritz

Which three were in Strelsau? The three foreigners ( De Gautet-Bersonin-Detchard) 47-" So they weren't the men we saw at the hunting lodge,"

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt 48-" I wish they were. because then there'd only be four of them not six of them ."

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll 49-"You have completely changed since you became king , si r."

Who said that ?To whom? Princess Flavia to Rassendyll ( the king )

50-"I'm proud to do so. But I think your face has changed."

Who said that ?To whom? Princess Flavia to Rassendyll ( the king )

51-" That's good. The nearer he is to me the better."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to the Princess.

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Who did the speaker talk about? About Michael 52-"Do you want him to be near so that you know what he is doing."

Who said that ?To whom? Princess Flavia to Rassendyll ( the king ) 53-"We need to help and support each other."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to the Princess. 54-"It's him. He's coming here now."

Who said that ?To whom? Princess Flavia to Rassendyll ( the king ) 55-"What do you mean? How am I making him angry?"

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to the Princess

56-"He's been waiting outside the room for a long time."

Who said that ?To whom? Princess Flavia to Rassendyll ( the king ) 57- How funny you are! No one can enter without your permission."

Who said that ?To whom? Princess Flavia to Rassendyll ( the king ) 58-"Brother,I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were waiting."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Duke Michael 59-"Yes. An animal bit me."

a) Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Duke Michael

b)Which animal did the speaker mean? Michael and his men.

c) Did the addressee ( Michael ) understand that hintا Yes , he did ?تلميح60-'Is there any danger from the bite?"

Who said that ?To whom? Princess Flavia to Rassendyll ( the king ) 61-"Not from this, but if I gave him the chance to bit again , it would be different."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to the Princess

Who did the word him refer to ? it referred to the animal ( Michael )

Did he deserve to be called an animal? Yes. As he wanted to kill his brother 62-"No.We are waiting to see if his bite's poisonous."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to the Princess

Whose bite did the speaker talk about ? The bite of the animal ( Michael )

Was it really a bite ? No, it was a bullet of a gun which was shot by Michael's men 63-" He will be knocked on his head."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Duke Michael

Who will be hit ? Duke Michael will be hit by Rassendyll

What did these words mean? They meant that Rassendyll defied the Duke.

64-"But he might bite again."

Who said that ? To whom? The Duke to Rassendyll

What did these words mean? They meant that the Duke threatened Rassendyll 65"Three of my friends would very much like to meet you."

Who said that ?To whom? The Duke to Rassendyll

Who were these men ? The three foreigner of the famous six.

Why did the speaker introduce them to the addressee? To frighten him. 66-"These gentlemen are the most loyal and honest of the king's servants."

Who said that ?To whom? The Duke to Rassendyll

Who were the gentlemen? The three foreigner of the famous six.

Were they really loyal to the king ? No, they were loyal to Duke Michael only. 67-"I'm very pleased to meet them all."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to the Duke and his three men

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Was the speaker really pleased? No , he hated to meet them as they were criminals ================================================================

Find the mistake and correct it

1- Rassendyll's head was hit by a bullet.

2- Sapt bowed to Rassendyll thinking that he was the real king.

3- Michael's men came to the lodge with guns to bury Josef's body.

4-Antoinette thought that the king had already changed.

5- Michael had killed the real king 6- Freyler was a prince to Sapt

7- Sapt's plan was too safe

8-It was unnecessary to have a king in Strelsau

9-Michael's men wanted to burn Josef's body

10-Sapt and Rassendyll took revenge for killing the Duke

11- Rassendyll escaped through a wall between the men

12- Rassendyll covered his face when they rested at a soldier's farm

13- The farmer was cruel to them

14- The streets of the town was very busy

15- Princess Flavia sent her brother to the king

16-The famous six were loyal to the king

17- As Michael left three of the famous six at Zenda,the real king must have been dead

18- All the famous six were foreigners.

19- People of England wanted the king to marry the Princess

20- Michael was happy when Rassendyll let him wait 21- Rassendyll told the Princess that he was bitten by an owl

22- Michael told Rassendyll that the animal would try to reward him again

23- Rassendyll said that he would knock the animal on his back.

24-Part of Rassendyll's plan was to make the Duke as popular as he could

25- The Princess was hated by the people

26-Rassendyll couldn't sign documents because of his damaged leg.

27- Detchard was a French man

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Chapter: 5

Text and Quotations

1. I was not sorry to say goodbye to my brother and his soldier friends, although I was sad to say goodbye to the Princess. Should I tell her the truth? Was I wrong to pretend to be the King? I did not know. "Rudolf, be careful, won't you?" the Princess said. "Be careful of what?" I asked. "I can't say. But think what your life means to the people of Ruritania," she said. I remembered what Rose had said about my brother Robert back in England: "He realises his position in society brings with it responsibilities." I had always wanted to have a quiet life, but I suddenly realised how many responsibilities I now had here in Ruritania. How on earth had I got myself into such a situation?

مأي وأص قا ه اطجنو ، ألى اطرغم من أنني كنت حخينا أن أقول و ا ا أن أقول و ا ا طم أكن آذشا . 1قاطت .أن أتظاهر بكنني أنا اطمألع؟ طم أكن أ رف طألميرة. وهل يجب أن أقول طها اطحقيق ؟ وهل كنت مأط ا

"ت يمكنني أن : ماوا؟" فر ت قا أل من "أكن حورا :" كن حورا يا رو وطف، أطيس كوطع؟". فذكطتها :امميرةتوكرت ما قاطتس روخ ن أأي روبرت ن . كم تانى حياتع باطنذب طشاب روريتانيا" أقول طع، وطكن فكر

مذؤوطيات". كنت ق أر ت ا ما أن أ يف ماس و تس إلنجألترا: "إنس ي رع أن مركخه في اطمجتم يجألب ؤوطيات اطتي ألى اتقي اآلن و أنا هنا في روريتانيا. يا اطهي ! حياة ها ، وطكنني أ ركت فجكة ق ر اطمذ كيف وضات نشذي في مدل هوا اطموقف ؟

2. Over the next few weeks, I am pleased to say that no one seemed to notice I was not the real King of Ruritania. Because I looked so like the King, it was much easier for me to pretend to be him than to pretend to me by neighbour at home, for example. I learnt a lot about how a country is run, but I made mistakes, sometimes big ones. I became very good at pretending I had forgotten rules or people that I had met, and I hoped my growing popularity with the people of Ruritania would help them to forgive my occasional bad decisions.

، يذرني أن أقول أنس ت أح يب و أليس أنس ي حظ أنني طذت اطمألع اطحقيقي تاطي أ ل امذابي اطقأليأل اط. 2طي أن أ ي أنني اطمألع ج ا طروريتانيا. منني كنت كدير اطشبس ج ا باطمألع، فاألى ذبيل اطمدال كان من اطذهل

كدير ن كيشي إ ارة بأل ما، طكنني ارتكبت أنا ، تاألمت اط نىجارز في اطمنخل بكن ى امامأكدر من ا انذيت اطقوانين و اطناس اطوين ق أأطا ، وأحيانا أأطا كبيرة و أصبحت متقنا ج ا في اطتظاهر و كنت ق

قابألتهم من قبل ، وكان ن ب أمل في أن شابيتي اطمتخاي ة بين شاب روريتانيا ذتجاألهم يذامحونني ألى ق اتأوتها في باض امحيان.قراراتي اطذي اطتي كنت

3. One day, Sapt came into my room. "Here's a letter for you," he said. "From the writing, I think it's from a woman. I also have some important news." "What is it?" I asked. "We now know that the King's at the Castle of Zenda," he said. "How do you know this?" "We asked where the rest of the Six Men were, and found out that they are all there at the castle: Lauengram, Krafstein and young Rupert Hentzau, the three biggest criminals in Ruritania." "Do you think the King's definitely there?" I asked. "Almost certainly. The three men are always at the castle, and people say the drawbridge is nearly always kept up. That is not normal. No one goes into the building without the permission of Rupert or Michael." "Then I must go to Zenda," I said. "That wouldn't be

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a good idea." "If not today, then soon. I must go there." "You'll probably stay there forever if you do," said Sapt.

فى أح اميام أل ذابت حجرتى و قال طى : "هوا أطاب طع , ومن كتاب اطأطاب أ تق أنس مرذل من . 3"نحن اآلن نارف أن اطمألع في قألا :فقال "ما هي؟" :باض امأبار اطهام " فذكطتس امرأة , و ن ب أيضا

رجال , واكتششنا أنهم كألهم هناع مكان باقي اطذت ن "نحن ذكطنا: فقال" " كيف رفت هوا؟ :فقألت طس خن ا" هم أكبر مجرمين فيفي اطقألا , وكان منهم : طوينجرام و كرافذتين و روبرت هنتخو اطشاب و هؤت اطد د

"يكا يكون من اطمؤك وطع. اطرجال اطد د هم :فقال " هل تاتق أن اطمألع فا هناع ؟" :فقألت طس." روريتانيامتحرع يحتشظون بس بصش شبس ا م , وهوا شي غير ا ب. ا ما في اطقألا ، ويقول اطناس أن هناع جذر

يجب أن أوهب إطى "إوا :فقألت إون من روبرت أو مايكل."اطحصول ألى وت أح يوهب إطى اطمبنى ب ونقال ف تب من اطوهاب إطى هناع." شي وقت قريبف"إوا طم يكن اطيوم، "هوه طن تكون فكرة جي ة." خن ا" . " ."من اطمحتمل أن تبقى هناع إطى امب إوا قمت بوطع :ذابت

4. I was silent and I could see that Sapt was studying my face. "What's worrying you, Rassendyll?" he asked. "Tell me, Sapt, why is it that wherever I go in the capital, I'm followed by six people?" "Because I've ordered them to follow you." "But why?" "It would be very useful for Michael if you disappeared. And if you disappear, the game's over." "I don't need such help," I protested. "I can look after myself." "De Gautet, Bersonin and Detchard are in Strelsau, and anyone of them could catch you easily," he said, as if I were a child.

"أأبرني :فقألت طس "ما اطوب يقألقع يا راذن ل؟". :ذكطني كنت صامتا, وكنت أرز أن ذابت ي رس وجهي. .4

فقال"منني أمرتهم أن يتاباوع." يا ذابت، طماوا ن ما أوهب إطى اطااصم يقوم ذت أشأا بمتاباتي؟" وإوا أنت اأتشيت ذتنتهي اطألاب .". يت"ذيكون من اطمشي ج ا طمايكل إوا أنت اأتش: فقال "وطكن طماوا؟": فقألت

فقال طي فكنا أذتطي ات تنا بنشذي." "أنا طذت بحاج إطى مدل هوه اطمذا ة، :و ا ترضت ألى هوا قا ، وكل واح منهم يمكنس ذترطذو في يتشار و بيرذونن، و ز جوتيت,كما طو أنني طشل صغير , "ان

اطقبض أليع بذهوط "5. "So, what's that letter?" said Sapt, pointing at the one he had given me. I opened it and read it aloud: ( If the King wants to know something important, please do what I ask. At the end of New Avenue, there is a house in a large garden. There is a wall around the garden with a gate at the back. At midnight tonight, go through the gate where you will see a statue of a horse, turn right and walk twenty metres. There you will find six steps up to a summer house. Go into this summer house and someone will tell you something very important about your life. But you must be alone. If you do not come, your life will be in danger. I am a loyal friend to you. Do not show this letter to anyone, or it will put a woman in great danger: Michael will punish me. ) "Yes, and Michael can also write a very good letter," said Sapt. I thought the same: surely Michael had written this letter to trap me.

، ما اطوب تحتويس تألع اطرذاط ؟" فشتحت "إوا أ طانى أياه:اطوب طأطابو قال ذابت و هو يشير إطى ا. 5إوا كان اطمألع يري أن يارف شي ا مهما، فمن فضألع افال ما ) اطرذاط وأأوت في قرا تها بصوت ال:

بواب في بسول اطح يق منخل في ح يق كبيرة. وهناع ذور حيوج اطشارل اطج ي يوج في نهاي أطألبس.وامشي ا من اطبواب إطى اطمكان اطوب ذترز فيس تمدال طحصان،اتجس يمين ألمنتصف هوه اطأليأل ا في اطأألف.

و ذوف إطى منخل صيشي. ا أل في هوا اطبيت اطصيشي رجات ذألم شرين مترا. وهناع ذوف تج ذت طم تكتي ذوف جب أن تكون بمشر ع. و إوامهم ج ا ن حياتع. وطكن ي ا تج شأ ذوف يقول طع شي

ذوف تكون هناع تكون حياتع في أطر. أنا ص يقا وفيا طع. ت تظهر هوه اطرذاط إطى أب شأ ، و ات

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قال اطاقي ذابت."نام، ويمكن أن يكتب مايكل أيضا رذاط جي ة ف" امرأة في أطر كبير: مايكل ذيااقبني. . وق بىككي ق كتب مايكل هوه اطرذاط طكي يج ا"، وا تق ت أنا نشس اطشي : باطت

6. I was about to throw the letter in the bin, when I saw that there was more writing on the other side. ( If you do not believe me, ask Colonel Sapt. ) "What?" said the Colonel, so I read on. ( Ask him what woman has been a guest of the Duke. Ask if her name begins with A. ) "It must be Antoinette de Mauban," I cried. "How do you know?" asked Sapt, and I told him all I knew about the woman. "I've heard that she came to Ruritania with her servants as a guest of Michael," Sapt said. "People say she had a great argument with Michael, and now she's staying somewhere in Strelsau." "So she could be useful to us," I suggested. "Perhaps she would be useful if she had information about Michael. However, I believe that Michael wrote that letter," said Sapt. "So do I, but I'm not certain," I said. "I'll go to the house tonight." "No, you mustn't," said Sapt. "Let me go instead." "You can come too, but you must wait outside the gate when I go in alone." "I don't believe this woman and you're mad to go!" said Sapt. "I believe this woman, and I will go," I said. "Either I go to the house, or I go back to England. We don't have much time. Every day we leave the King imprisoned there's more danger. We must move quickly," I said. Sapt was beginning to know when he could tell me what to do and when he could not. So reluctantly he agreed with me.

وكنت ألى وشع أن أطقي اطرذاط في ذأل اطمهم ت، إت اننى رأيت أن هناع كتاب أكدر مكتوب ألى . 6"ماوا؟" ، طوطع :قال اطاقي ف (ذكل اطاقي ذابت.ك قني، فإوا كنت ت تص)و هوه اطكتاب هي : اطجانب اآلأر.

( .Aأذكطس ما إوا كانت اطمرأة ضيش طأل و . أذكطس ما إوا كان اذمها يب أ بحرف اطـ ) : ةقرا اطأكمألت "كيف رفت وطع؟" :فذكل ذابت "من اطمؤك أن تكون هوه اطمرأة هي أنطوانيت ب موبان". :فصحت قا "طق ذمات أنها جا ت طروريتانيا م أ مها و نخطت ضيش :و قال ذابت ما رفتس ن اطمرأة.فقألت طس كل

ن مايكل"، "ويقول اطناس أنها كانت في ج ال كبير م مايكل، واآلن هي تقيم في مكان ما في ذترطذو".تكون مشي ة إوا كان ط يها بمافر ألي اطاقي ذابت."ر أن تكون مشي ة باطنذب طنا". يمكن "إوا :اقترحت قا ف

" و أنا أيضا : فقألت طس أن مايكل هو اطوب كتب تألع اطرذاط " . ماألومات حول مايكل، و م وطع فكنا أ تق يجب ان "ت، ت :فحورني ذابت قا أ تق وطع ، وطكنني طذت متكك ا، وذكوهب إطى اطمنخل هوه اطأليأل ."

"يمكنع أن تكتي أيضا، وطكن يجب أليع أن تنتظر أارج : فقألت منع ."تشال وطع أب ا , ني أنا أوهب ب ت" أنا ت اص هوه اطمرأة وأنت مجنون إن :فقال طي ذابت بمشر ب." إطى األ اطمنخل انا أوهب بينمااطبواب

خل، "إما أن أوهب إطى اطمن :"أنا اص هوه اطمرأة، وذوف أوهب" وأضشت قا :فقألت طس قررت اطوهاب!".أو أ و إطى إنجألترا، ونحن طيس ط ينا اطكدير من اطوقت. فكل يوم نترع اطمألع ذجينا فان هناع اطمخي من اطأطر، طوا يجب ألينا اطتحرع وبذر ،". وب أ اطاقي ذابت ي رع متى يمكنس أن يقول طي ما يجب اطقيام بس

ومتى ت يمكنس وطع. طوا ألى مضض اتش ماي.7. At half past eleven that night, we got on our horses and soon arrived outside the gate to the house, carrying our guns. It was a very dark night. ''I'll wait for you here, outside the gate," said Sapt. "Good luck." I opened the gate and I found myself in a leafy garden. I saw the statue of the horse and walked across the garden with the gun in my hand. I followed the directions given in the letter and, although it was dark, I soon arrived at the summer house. When I went inside, I heard a woman's voice. "Shut the door," the woman whispered. I did as she asked and then looked around the room, which was lit by a small candle. It was

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almost empty except for a small iron table and two chairs. In the soft light, I could just see Antoinette in front of me and her servant behind.

وفي تمام اطذا اطحا ي شرة واطنصف من تألع اطأليأل ، ركبنا أيوطنا وذر ان ما وصألنا أارج بواب . 7حظا '' ذكنتظرع هنا، أارج اطبواب ، :فقال طي اطاقي ذابت اطمنخل، نحمل ذ حنا. وكانت طيأل مظألم ج ا.

شيت بر اطح يق ومذ ذي فتحت اطبواب ووج ت نشذي في ح يق مورق . ورأيت تمدال حصان وم ذاي ا".في ي ب. تابات اطتاأليمات واإلرشا ات اطتي كانت باطرذاط ، ألى اطرغم من ش ة اطظ م، وذر ان ما وصألت

"أغأل اطباب". فاألت ما طألبت مني إطى اطمكان اطمرا . و ن ما أألت ذمات صوت امرأة يهمس قا :ا صغيرة. كانت اطغرف شبس أاطي باذتدنا طاوط اطغرف ، اطتي كانت مضا ة بواذط شم فى ارجا ونظرت

ح ي ي صغيرة وكرذيين. وأ ل هوا اطضو اطأافت رأيت انطونيت ومن ورا ها أا متها.8. "We have little time," Antoinette said. "Listen! I know who you are and I know you're not the King. You're Mr Rassendyll. I wrote that letter to you at the Duke's orders. In twenty minutes, three men will be here to kill you." "Or I'll kill them! I suppose they're three of the Duke's Six Men?" "Yes, you must leave here before they arrive, so listen carefully! The plan is to kill you and to take your body into the old town. It'll be found and Michael will arrest Colonel Sapt and Captain Fritz von Tarlenheim for murdering you. Then a messenger will be sent to Zenda and the real King will be murdered too. The Duke will then become King. Do you understand?" "Oh, yes, I understand. It's a clever plan. But why are you helping me?" "I don't like to see people being killed. Now go. But remember, you're never safe in this city. You have guards following you, don't you? Well, Michael's men are following them. If you're alone, then you'll die. Now go quietly this way past the summer house for about a hundred metres. There you'll find a ladder against the wall. Climb it and run as fast as you can."

"اذم ! أ رف من أنت وأنا أ ألم أنع طذت اطمألع. :"ط ينا اطقأليل من اطوقت"، وأضافت قا أل : فقاطت طي. 8كون هنا د د يأنت اطذي راذن ل. كتبت طع تألع اطرذاط منس بكمر من اط و في غضون شرين قيق ذ

"نام، :فقاطت طي أاص اط و ؟""أو أقتألهم أنا! أظن أنهم د د من اطرجال اطذت :فقألت طها رجال طقتألع".ويجب أن تغا ر هوا اطمكان قبل وصوطهم، طوا أليع اتذتمال باناي ! فاطأط هي قتألع، وإطقا جدمانع في

تهمهم بقتألع. دم ياطبأل ة اطق يم . با وطع يتم اطادور ألى جدتع ومن دم ياتقل مايكل ك من ذابت وفريتخ و اطمألع اطحقيقي أيضا. حين و ذوف يصبح اط و هو اطمألع. هل فهمت؟ "يتم إرذال رذول إطى خن ا و يقتل

"أنا ت أحب أن أرز اطناس يقتألون" : فقاطت طي " نام، أفهم. أنها أط وكي ، وطكن طماوا تذا يني؟" :فقألت طهاطع؟ وأضافت" أوهب اآلن. وطكن توكر، انع طن تكون أب ا آمنا في هوه اطم ين . ط يع حرس يتباع، أطيس كو

حذنا، رجال مايكل يراقبونهم ، وينتظرون اطألحظ اطتي تكون فيها بمشر ع طيقتألوع . اآلن اوهب به و من هوا اططري اطمجاور طألمنخل طحواطي ما متر، وهناع ذتج ذألم ألى اطج ار. تذألقس دم اركض بكذرل ما

يمكن"9. "And what will you do?" "I also have a game to play. I'll tell the Duke's men that you never came. If the Duke doesn't find out what I've done, we may meet again." "Thank you. You've helped the King tonight," I said. "But before I go, tell me something: Do you know where he is in the castle?" "Yes, I do know. Inside the castle there's a door on the right, and behind that – but listen! They're here! It's too late for you to escape!" I looked through a gap in the summer house door and saw three men standing outside. Then I heard a voice, which spoke in English: "Are you in there, Mr Rassendyll?" I did not

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answer. "We want to make you an offer," the voice said. "Will you let us in?" "Do not trust them," said Antoinette quietly.

نا، وإوا طم "ط ب حيأل . ذكقول طرجال اط و انع طم تكتى إطى ه :فقاطت طي "وماوا ذتشاألين؟" :فقألت طها. 9"شكرا طع. طق ذا تى اطمألع هوه اطأليأل ". :فقألت طها يكتشف اط و ما قمت بس، ق أراع مرة أأرز."

"نام :فقاطت طي طي شي ا: هل تارفين أين مكان اطمألع في اطقألا ؟" ىطو"طكن قبل أن أوهب، ق :وأضشت إنهم هنا فات اموان باطنذب طع أ رف، األ اطقألا هناع باب ألى اطيمين، وورا وطع ... وطكن اذم

أارج. دم ذمات صوتا، يتكألم فى اطنظرت من أ ل فجوة في باب اطبيت ورأيت د د رجال يقشون هرب!"تط "نحن نري أن نق م طع رضا. :طم أر أليهم. فقال اطصوت "هل أنت هناع، يا ذي راذن ل؟" باتنجأليخي :

."ت تد بهم" :ونيت به و فقاطت طي انط هل تكون طنا باط أول؟"10. "Stand outside and talk," I called. "I won't let you in." "That's a good idea," said the voice, who I thought must be Detchard. "Is that Mr Detchard?" I asked. "Our names are not important. We can offer you a safe journey to the border and fifty thousand English pounds," he continued. "That sounds a generous offer," I said, but of course I did not trust them at all. "Give me a minute to think." Then I told Antoinette and her servant to stand close to the wall, away from the door. "What are you going to do?" Antoinette asked. "You'll see." I picked up the iron table and held it by the legs so it was in front of me. Then I said, "Gentlemen, I'd like to accept your kind offer. Perhaps you can open the door for me.""Why don't you open the door yourself?" said Detchard. "Very well, but it opens outwards," I explained. "You'll need to step back or the door will hit you." I pretended to try and open the door, and called out, "I can't open it." "Then I'll open it," called Detchard.

باطتككي فقال اطصوت اطوب ا تق ت انس "قف مكانع وتح ث فألن أذمح طع باط أول." :فقألت طألصوت. 16ذما طيذت مهم ، نحن يمكن ام" :فقال طي "هل أنت اطذي يتشار ؟". س:فذاطت "هوه فكرة جي ة،". : يتشار

هوا رضا ذأيا،" وطكن "يب و :فقألت طس جنيس انجأليخيي"،. 56666أن نوفر طع رحأل آمن إطى اطح و وباططب طم أكن أد بهم ألى اإلط . "أ طني قيق طألتشكير." دم قألت منطونيت وأا متها أن يقشا ألى مقرب

اطتقطت "ما اطوب تنوب اطقيام بس؟" فقألت طها . "ذترين". :فذكطتني أنطونيت من اطج ار، باي ا ن اطباب.تشضألتم "أيها اطذا ة، أو قبول رضكم اطذأي، إوا : أمامي. دم قألتاططاوط اطح ي ي من اطذاقين، وجاألتها

فقألت طهم"حذنا ج ا، وطكنس يشتح إطى "وطماوا ت تقوم بشتح اطباب بنشذع؟" :فقال طي يتشار بشتح اطباب طي"تظاهرت بكنني "ذتحتاجون إطى اطتراج قألي وإت ذوف يصط م اطباب بكم." :اطأارج"، وأضشت قا

فقال يتشار "ذكحاول فتحس". "ت يمكنني فتحس."ونا يتهم بصوت اطي حاول فتح اطباب، أ11. As Detchard was walking up to the door, I moved quietly to the back of the summer house. It took him a few seconds to open the door, but as soon as he did, I ran at him as fast as I could holding the table in front of me. There was a terrible noise as all three men fired their guns at once, but I was protected by the table top. The men were all standing on the steps up to the summer house, so as I ran out, the table top hit them and they all fell down the steps. Before I knew what was happening, I too was falling down the steps, but as I was on top of the men, I managed to get up fastest and run away, firing my gun behind me.

وبينما كان يتشار يذير إطى اطباب، انتقألت به و إطى اطجخ اطأألشي من اطمنخل. اذتغر اممر منس . 11بض دوان طشتح اطباب، وطكن بمجر أن فتحس، تق مت نحوه بكذرل ما يمكن وأنا امذع باططاوط اطح ي ي

واح ة، وطكنني كنت محمي كان هناع صوت ضجيغ رهيب ن ما أطأل اطرجال اطد د نيرانهم فا أمامي .باططاوط اطح ي ي . كان اطرجال جمياا ألى مقرب من اطباب و ن ما انطألقت نحوهم وأنا امذع باططاوط

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ذقطوا جمياا ألى امرض. وقبل أن أ رع حقيق ما يح ث وج ت نشذي أيضا اذقط أليهم من ش ة ان فا ي .أألشىران من مذ ذي وطكن ذر ان ما قمت وطوت باطشرار ، وأنا أطأل اطني

12. There were angry shouts and more shots. I remembered what Antoinette had said about a ladder and soon found it and climbed over the wall in seconds. Running along the outside of the wall, I heard more shots but realised they were being fired by Sapt, who was trying to get into the gate. "Sapt! It's me, let's go!" I shouted. "You're safe!" he cried in surprise. "I have a fine story to tell you about a table!" I told him, as we jumped on our horses and rode quickly back to the palace.

كان هناع مخي ا من صيحات اطغضب واططألقات اطناري . توكرت ما قاطتس طي أنطوانيت ن اطذألم . 12وذر ان ما وج تس وقشخت من فو اطج ار طألأارج ، ذمات طألقات أكدر وطكن أ ركت أنس يجرب إط

ابت! أنس أنا، "ذ :فصحت فيس قا اطنار أليهم من قبل اطاقي ذابت، اطوب كان يحاول اطوصول إطى اطبواب ."ط ب قص :فقألت طس ونحن نركب اطأيول مذر ين نحو اطقصر "أنت آمن!" :هيا نوهب!" . فصر من هشا

جميأل مقصها أليع تتاأل بطاوط !"13. The next day, Sapt read me the latest report from the Chief of Police. "Some interesting things have been happening this morning," said Sapt. "The police report says that the Duke of Strelsau left the capital by the road to Zenda. An hour later, he was followed by De Gautet, Bersonin and Detchard, who had a bandage around his arm," I was pleased that my shot the night before had been a good one. "Finally, listen to this: the people of the capital are not happy that the King has yet to marry the Princess. Some people say that if they do not marry soon, it would be better if the Princess married the Duke of Strelsau. However, the King is having a ball tonight for the Princess." "I don't know anything about a ball," I said. "Oh, it has all been prepared," said Fritz, "by me." "Listen," said Sapt. "You must ask the Princess to marry you tonight." "I can't do that," I said. "It wouldn't be fair to the Princess."

فقال ذابت وهو يقرا طي اطاقي ذابت آأر تقرير امني من ر يس اطشرط . أوفي اطيوم اطتاطي، قر. 13اطتقرير يقول أن اط و غا ر اطااصم . " طق ح ث هوا اطصباح باض امشيا اطمديرة ط هتمام :اطتقرير

ر ، اطوب كان يض رذونن و يتشايتت ،بومتجهنا إطى خن ا. وبا ذا ، ا اط و وماس كل من ب ج: وتاب ذابت ح يدس قا كنت ذاي ا بكن طألقتي اطأليأل اطماضي ق أصابت اح هم. ضما ة حول ورا س"

"وأأيرا، اذتم إطى هوا: شاب اطااصم طيس ذاي ا من اطمألع طم يتخوج امميرة ويقول اطباض أنس إوا طم اط و . ، ورغم وطع فان اطمألع ذيقيم من مميرة ا تيكن اطخواج قريبا، فإنس ذيكون من امفضل إوا تخوج

فقال فريتخ"أوه، طق تم "أنا ت أ رف أب شي ن حشأل اطرق هوه". :فقألت طس حشأل رق طألميرة اطأليأل "."ت أذتطي :فقألت طس "اذم يجب أن تطألب من امميرة اطخواج منع هوه اطأليأل ." :فقال طي ذابت اإل ا طها"

شيس ظألم طألميرة ".أن أفال وطع ف14. That evening, the ball was a great success. After we had eaten, I sat with the Princess and some of my other guests in a small room by the palace gardens. The servants brought us coffee and we had time to talk. "You've been King for a few weeks now," said the Princess, "Everyone says you've done a very good job. I'm very pleased for you." "You know, someone once said to me, 'a person who has a position in society has responsibilities.' Recently I've realised how true this is." "Haven't you always thought that?" asked the Princess. "No, when I was younger, I didn't think I needed to worry about society, I thought that was someone else's job," The Princess looked very

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surprised. "But you always knew that you would become King. How could you think that was someone else's job?"

كانت اطحشأل ناجح ج ا .وبا تناول اططاام ، جألذت م امميرة وباض ضيوفي اآلأرين في غرف . 14" أنت :فقاطت طي امميرة صغيرة بجوار ح ا اطقصر. جألب اطأ م طنا اطقهوة وكان ط ينا اطوقت طألح يث.

"وات مرة قال طي شأ :طكل يشه طع باطكشا ة. وأنا ذاي ة بع". فقألت طهااطمألع طبضا أذابي حتى اآلن وا إن اطشأ اطوب ط يس مكان في اطمجتم أليس أيضا مذؤوطيات وطق أ ركت مؤأرا م ز صح وطع".

فقألت طها " طم أفكر في وطع، فان ما كنت صغيرا، طم أكن أ تق أنني "اطم تشكر في وطع؟". :فذكطتني امميرة"طكنع كنت ا ما ألى :ان هشت امميرة طألغاي . وقاطت اج طألقأل بشكن اطمجتم ، منس مهم شأ آأر،"بح

اطامل مهم شأ آأر؟"هوا ألم أنع ذتصبح اطمألع. فكيف يمكن أن تاتق أن 15. Once again, I had made a mistake in what I said. But suddenly, instead of saying something to cover up my mistake, I wanted to tell the Princess the truth. She was kind and clever and she was going to marry the King. She should know what had happened to her future husband, and she should know all about my game. I decided I had to tell her everything. "Flavia," I said quietly, so none of the other guests could hear, "there's something you should know. I'm not really ... " But I never finished the words I wanted to say because at that moment, we heard footsteps in the garden outside the room. I looked up and jumped with fright, because a face suddenly appeared at the French window.

مرة أأرز، ارتكبت أطك في ما قألتس. وطكن فجكة، وب ت من أن قول شي طألتغطي ألى أطكب، أر ت . 15غي أن تارف ما ح ث أن أقول طألميرة اطحقيق . وكانت طوف ووكي كما أنها كانت ذتتخوج اطمألع. طوا ينب

طخوجها في اطمذتقبل، وأنها يجب أن تارف كل شي ن قيامي ب ور اطمألع. فقررت أنني تب أن أقول طها "ف فيا هناع شي يجب أن تارفيس، :فقألت طها به و طكي ت يذماني اح من اطضيوف اآلأرين كل شي .

منس في تألع اطألحظ ، ذمانا صوت أطى في اطح يق طم أكمل ما أر ت أن أقوطس طها إنني حقا طذت...... ..." .اطشرنذي أارج اطغرف . نظرت إطى أ ألى وقشخت من ش ة اطأوف، من وجس ظهر فجكة من اطنافوة

16. I relaxed when I saw that the person looking in on us was Sapt. "I apologise, but there's someone who wants to see you, sir," he said to me, but I could tell from his eyes that he was angry. How long had he been listening to my conversation with the Princess? Had he heard that I was about to tell her the truth about who I really was? We returned to the ball where the Princess went quickly away with her servants and I was welcomed by other important people at the ball. I realised then that my game had gone too far to go back: I could not tell anyone who I really was or they would think I was mad. Sapt had stopped me from saying too much to the Princess, and Sapt's plan really was working.

"ماورة : شارت باطه و ن ما رأيت أن اطشأ اطوب كان ينظر من اطنافوة هو اطاقي ذابت. فقال طي. 16، وطكن هناع من يري أن يقابألع، يا ذي ب،" وطكنني يمكنني أن أ رع من ينيس انس كان غاضبا. ترز كم من

نا اطوقت ق اذتم إطى ح يدي م امميرة؟ و هل ذم أنني كنت ألى وشع أن اكشف طها ن حقيقتي؟باطترحيب بي. دم أ ركت أن قيامي ب ور ينهممإطى اطحشأل وأذر ت امميرة م أ مها وقام باض اطناس اط

شأ ن حقيقتي وإت اطمألع ق وصل إطى مرحأل يذتحيل اطتراج نها : فكنا ت يمكنني أن اأبر أب ذياتق أنني مجنون. طق مناني اطاقي ذابت من اطتح ث كديرا م امميرة، وق كان محقا.

17. The next morning, Sapt and I sat in my room thinking about what to do next. "Do you realise," I said, "that everyone really thinks I'm the King, even the Princess? I could even arrange for the Duke and the real King to be killed." "This is all true," said Sapt. "So will you do such a thing?" "Of course not. I shouldn't be here, pretending to be

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anything. It isn't fair for the people of Ruritania and it isn't fair for the Princess, either. We can't wait any longer," I said. "We must go to Zenda and rescue the King." "You're a good man," said Sapt.

فقألت وفي صباح اطيوم اطتاطي جألذت، أنا واطاقي ذابت في غرفتي طنشكر فيما يجب اطقيام بس با وطع.. 17"هل تاألم أن اطجمي ياتق حقا أنني اطمألع، حتى امميرة؟ إنني يمكنني أن ارتب طألتأأل من اط و : طس

"باططب ت. ت :فقألت طس ؟""هوا كألس صحيح وطكن هل ذتشال مدل هوا اطشي :فقال طي واطمألع اطحقيقي ماا"، وأضشت "ينبغي طي أن افال وطع، فأليس وطع من اطا ل طشاب روريتانيا كما انس طيس من اطا ل طألميرة

"أنت رجل صاطح". :فقال طي "ت يمكننا اتنتظار أكدر من وطع، يجب أن نوهب إطى خن ا وننقو اطمألع.": قا 18. First, however, I needed to see Princess Flavia again. If I could not tell her the truth, I could at least warn her that the situation in Ruritania was not as good as she believed it to be. I visited her in her palace later that day, and she asked her servants to bring me some coffee. Then she told me that she had received two letters. One was from Michael, who had invited her to visit Zenda. Then she showed me the other letter. "I don't know who this one's from," she said. I immediately knew who it was from: the writing was the same as the letter I had received. It was from Antoinette de Mauban and it read: ( You do not know me, but I do not want you to fall into the power of the Duke. Do not accept any invitation from him and do not go anywhere without many guards. Show this letter, if you can, to the leader of Ruritania. )

في اطب اي ، كنت بحاج طمقابأل امميرة ف فيا مرة أأرز. فإوا طم أذتط أن أقول طها اطحقيق ، فاألى . 18امقل اأبرها بكن اطوض في روريتانيا طيس جي ا كما يب و طها. فقمت بخيارة طها في قصرها في وقت تح

أنها ق تألقت رذاطتين. اح هما أ مها أن يحضروا طي باض اطقهوة. دم قاطت طيمن من وطع اطيوم، وطألبت أنا ت أ رف من صاحب هوه ) :وقاطت طي من مايكل، ي وها طخيارة خن ا. دم بينت طي اطرذاط امأرز.

ألمت ألى اطشور من صاحب اطرذاط : إنها انطونيت و موبان منها بنشس أط اطرذاط اطتي تألقيتها اطرذاط "قبألي أب تنني ، وطكن أنا ت أري منع أن تقاي في قبض اط و . ت يف"أنتي ت تار: منها. وتقول في رذاطتها

مش ة. أ طى هوه اطرذاط إطى خ يم "قا " روريتانيا ، إن وة منس وت توهبي مب مكان ون حراذ .(اذتطات وطع

19. "Why does it say 'the leader' and not 'the King'?" she asked. "You must do as the letter says," I said, not answering her question. "I'll order guards to watch you." "Do you

know who sent this?" she asked. "A friend of mine. Today you must say you're ill so you can't go to Zenda." "So you don't mind making Michael angry?" she asked. "I don't mind anything if you're safe," I said.

م"يجب أن تشاألي كما تقوطس اطرذاط "، وط :فقألت طها "طماوا تقول 'خ يم' وطيس 'مألع'؟". :فتذا طت امميرة. 19"هل تارف من اطوب أرذل هوه : فذكطتني "ذكطألب حراذ مش ة طحمايتع." :فقألت طها ار ألى ذؤاطها.

طي ت يمكنع اطوهاب إطى خن ا"."ص ي طي، واطيوم يجب أن تقوطي أنكي مريض وباطتا :فقألت طها اطرذاط ؟". "أنا ت أمان أب شي يحافظ ألى أمنع". :فقألت طها "أطيس ط يع مان من إغضاب اط و مايكل ؟". :فقألت طي

20. I had an idea about who would be the best guard for Princess Flavia, and I immediately visited Marshal Strakencz, who I knew I could trust. I asked him to guard the Princess and not to allow any of the Duke's men to visit her. I told him I was worried about the Duke's ambitions, and he did not look surprised. "I'm leaving Strelsau for a few days," I told him. "Every evening, I'll send you a message. If you don't get a message for three days, you have the authority to say that you are now the head of Strelsau. You must then ask the Duke to allow you to see the King. If he doesn't allow you to see the King in

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twenty-four hours, you must say that the King's dead. Then you must tell the people of Ruritania who their new ruler will be. You do know who that will be?" "Princess Flavia, of course," he answered.

راكنتف، اطوب فكرت فيمن ذيكون أفضل حارس طألميرة ف فيا، و ألى اطشور قمت بخيارة اطمشير ذت. 26كنت أ رف أنني يمكنني أن أد بس وطألبت منس حراذ امميرة و م اطذماح مب من رجال اط و

غا ر اطااصم ذك": وقألت طس بخيارتها. وقألت طس إنني قألقا بشكن طموحات اط و ، وطم ين هف بقوطي هوا. ط مني طم ة د د أيام، ط يع ذترطذو طبضا أيام وكل مذا ذوف أرذل طع رذاط ، وإوا طم تصألع رذا

و يجب أليع أن تطألب من اط و أن يذمح طع أن ترز اطذألط أن تقول أنع اآلن ر يس اطااصم ذترطذو.اطمألع، وإوا طم يذمح طع بوطع في أرب و شرين ذا ، يجب أليع أن تاألن أن اطمألع ق مات، دم يجب أن

فكجابني قا ون" دم ذكطتس " أتارف من ذيكون ؟ "تاألن طشاب روريتانيا ن حاكمهم اطج ي من ذيك "امميرة ف فيا، بطبيا اطحال".

Questions with modal answers

1- Rassendyll had contradicting feelings on leaving the Princess's Palace. Illustrate.

Rassendyll wasn't sorry to say goodbye to the Duke and his men but he was sad to say goodbye

to the princess. He asked himself if he was wrong to pretend to be the king.

2-What did the princess tell him when he was going to leave her palace?

Flavia warned him to be careful and to think what his life meant to the people of Ruritania.

3-What did Rassendyll remember when the princess warned him?

Rassendyll remembered what his sister-in-law ( Rose ) had said about his brother Robert

in England :" He realises his position in society brings with it responsibilities."

4-How was Rassendyll's life changed in Ruritania?

Rassendyll always wanted to have a quiet life but he suddenly realised how many

responsibilities he had in Ruritania.

5-Why didn't anyone seem to notice that Rassendyll was not the real king?

Because Rassendyll looked so like the king and it was easier for him to pretend to be

king than to him by neighbour at home

6- How did Rassendyll act when he made mistakes ?

He pretended that he had forgotten rules or people that he had met. 7- When do we know that Rassendyll became popular with the Ruritanians. ?

When Rassendyll hoped that his growing popularity with the people of Ruritania would

help them to forgive his occasional bad situation.

8- How did Sapt know that the real king at the Castle of Zenda?

a) As the rest of the six famous ( Rupert- Lauengram and Krafstein) were all there .

b) The drawbridge was nearly always kept up. That wasn't normal.

c) No one went into the building without the permission of Rupert or Michael.

9- How did Sapt call ( Rupert- Lauengram and Krafstein)?

Sapt called them the three biggest criminals in Ruritania

10- Why wouldn't it be a good idea for Rassendyll to go to Zenda?

Sapt told him that he would probably stay there forever.( He would be imprisoned there)

11- Why did Sapt order six men to follow Rassendyll wherever he went in Strelsau?

To guard Rassendyll as it would be easy for De Gautet, Bersonin and Detchard to catch

him .It would be useful for Michael if Rassendyll disappeared. ( to kill the king ) 12- From whom was the letter given to Rassendyll by Sapt?

Sapt gave Rassendyll a letter from Antoinette de Mauban .

13- Why was the letter sent to Rassendyll?

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To ask him to go to the summer house so that someone would tell him something very

important about his life. ( It was a plot مؤألمحةاا from Michael)

14- What did the letter warn him about?

If Rassendyll (the king) didn't go to the summer house , his life would be in danger 15- What would happen if Rassendyll showed the letter to anyone?

It would put Antoinette de Mauban in great danger as Michael would punish her.

16- According to Sapt and Rassendyll, who wrote that letter? Why?

According to them Michael had written that letter to trap Rassendyll and kill him.

17- What was written on the back of the letter?

" If you don't believe me ask Colonel Sapt what woman has been a guest of the

Duke .Ask if her name begins with A."

18- What did Sapt know about Antoinette de Mauban?

Sapt heard that she came to Ruritania with her servants as a guest of Michael.

She had a great argument with Michael .She was staying somewhere in Strelsau.

19- How could she be useful to them?

If she had information about Michael and they believed that Michael wrote that letter

20- How did Rassendyll insist on meeting Antoinette as the letter asked?

He told Sapt that he believed that woman ( de Mauban ) and threatened if he didn't go to the house he would return to England .Everyday they left the king imprisoned

, there was more danger They had to move quickly. so Sapt agreed reluctantly

21- What did Rassendyll ask Sapt to do when he went to meet de Mauban?

Rassendyll asked him to wait outside the gate and he would go alone.

22- How was the room Rassendyll entered in the summer house?

The room was lit by a small candle. It was almost empty except for a small iron table

and two chairs. Antoinette was in front of him and her servant was behind him.

23- How far was Antoinette de Mauban a reliable person?

a) She told Rassendyll that she knew that he was Mr. Rassendyll not the real king

b) She told him that she wrote the letter at the Duke’s order.

c) She warned him that in 20 minutes three men would come to kill him

24- According to Antoinette ,What was Michael’s wicked plan خطة شريرة to be king?.

a ) The plan was to kill Rassendyll and to take his body into the old town to be found.

b )Michael would arrest Sapt and Fritz for murdering Rassendyll.

c )A messenger would be sent to Zenda and the real king would be murdered too.

25- Why did Antoinette help Rassendyll?

As she didn't like to see people being killed. She was a kind woman who didn't like evil

26-How did Antoinette try to save Rassendyll's life?

She told him that he would never be safe in the city If he was alone Michael’s men would

kill him. She told him to climb the ladder and ran as fast as he could.

27-What would Antoinette tell the Duke’s men if they didn't find Rassendyll?

She would tell them that Rassendyll didn’t come to the house.

28- What did Antoinette tell Rassendyll about the real king’s place ?

She told him that there was a door on the right and behind that …….. 29-Why couldn’t Antoinette complete telling Rassendyll about the king’s place?

As the three foreigners of the six famous arrived and interrupted her

30- When did Antoinette ask Rassendyll not to trust the three famous?

When they told Rassendyll that they wanted to make him an offer and to let them in

31- What was the offer which Detchard talk about?

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They could offer Rassendyll a safe journey to the border and 50000 English pounds

32- What did Rassendyll say about their offer?

He said that their offer was generous but in fact he didn’t trust them

33- Rassendyll was so clever that he could escape from the three foreigners. Illustrate

He asked Detchard to open the door and while Detchard was doing that .Rassendyll ran

at him as fast as he could holding the iron table in front of him to protect himself .

34- Rassendyll owed his life to the iron table. Discuss .

The three men fired at Rassendyll but he was protected by the top of the iron table.

35- Rassendyll was intelligent to use the iron table as a weapon. Illustrate.

He used it to defend himself against their guns . he also hit them with it so all the three

men fell down the steps .Rassendyll ran away firing his gun behind him.

36- How did Rassendyll escape from the place?

He climbed the ladder which Antoinette told him about and in seconds he climbed over

the wall .He found Sapt ,who was trying to get into the gate, firing his gun.

37- Why was Sapt surprised that Rassendyll was safe?

As the three men were too dangerous but Rassendyll told him about the iron table.

38-What was the latest report from the Chief of Police about Michael ?

The report said that The Duke of Strelsau left the capital by the road to Zenda.

An hour later he was followed by De gautet.Bersonin and Detchard who had a bandage 39- How did Rassendyll know that his shot was a good one?

Detchard was shot by Rassendyll at his arm so he had a bandage around his arm

40- What did the report say about the king and the princess?

The people weren’t happy that the king had yet to marry the princess and if he didn’t

marry her it would be better if the Princess married the Duke. However, the king was

having a ball that night for the princess.

41- Ruritania was more important to Sapt than feelings. Discuss

Sapt told Rassendyll that he had to ask to marry the Princess but Rassendyll said that it wasn’t

fair to the Princess as he wasn't the real king.

42- What was the ball like?

It was a great success.Rassendyll sat with the Princess in a small room by the palace

garden. The servants brought them coffee and they had time to talk

43- What was the Princess's opinion after a few weeks of the coronation?

The Princess was very pleased for him as everyone said that he had a very good job. 44- When did Rassendyll know that Rose's words were true?

When Rassendyll pretended to be the king , he realised that position in society had

responsibilities as Rose said before.

45- What 2nd mistake did Rassendyll make when he was talking to the Princess?

He told her that when he was younger , he didn't thought he needed to worry about

society , he thought that it was someone else 's job.

46- Why did Rassendyll realise that he made a mistake?

Because the Princess looked very surprised at his strange philosophy about life

and told him that he always knew that he would become a king so the Princess asked him how he

could think it was someone else's job.

47- Why did Rassendyll want to tell the Princess the truth ?

Because she should know what had happened to her future husband.

48- What prevented Rassendyll from telling the Princess the truth?

He heard footsteps in the garden outside the room.He looked up and jumped with

fright because a face suddenly appeared at the French window.

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49- Sapt was always at Rassendyll's side to stop him from making mistakes. Discuss.

Sapt appeared suddenly and stopped Rassendyll from telling the truth to the Princess .

Sapt was very angry with Rassendyll as he wanted to tell the Princess the truth.

50- When did Rassendyll realise that his game had gone too far to go back?

When he was welcomed by other important people at the ball , he realised that he couldn't tell

anyone who he really was or they would think he was mad.Sapt's plan was working.

51-Rassendyll was a good faithful man.Illustrate.

Although he could arrange for the Duke and the real king to be killed , he decided to go to

Zenda to rescue the king .

52-Why did Rassendyll decide to rescue the king?

Rassendyll saw that it wasn't fair for the people of Ruritania and it wasn't fair for the

princess, either to continue pretending to be the king .

53- How did Sapt praise Rassendyll when he decided to rescue the real king? Why?

Sapt told him that he was a good man. As Rassendyll had the chance to be king forever

If he killed the king and the Duke but instead ,he wanted to rescue the king.

54-Why did Rassendyll want to see Princess Flavia again?

To warn her that the situation in Ruritania was not as good as she believed it to be.

55- Who did the Princess receive the two letters from?

One letter was from Michael who had invited her to visit Zenda. The 2nd letter was from Antoinette de Mauban asking the Princess not to accept any

invitation from Michael and not to go anywhere without many guards .

56- Why did Antoinette ask the Princess to show the letter to the leader of Ruritania?

Antoinette knew that Rassendyll would know her handwriting and would trust her so Rassendyll

asked the princess that she had to do as the letter said.

57- Antoinette was a positive helpful for Rassendyll and the princess .Explain.

Antoinette revealed Michael's plans to Rassendyll and saved him in time

She warned the Princess from meeting the duke in order not to kidnap her.

58- What was Rassendyll's plan to save Princess Flavia from Michael's plan ?

a) He would order guards to watch her.

b) He asked her not to go to Zenda saying she was ill.

59- Who did Rassendyll trust to guard the Princess?

Rassendyll trusted Marshal Strakencz to guard the princess

60- What orders did the Marshal give to the Marshall?

Rassendyll asked Marshall Strakencz to guard the Princess and not to allow any of the

Duke's men to visit her as Rassendyll was worried about the Duke's ambitions.

61- Why would Rassendyll send the Marshall a message every evening?

To make the Marshall sure he was still alive

62- How did Rassendyll plan the future of Ruritania if he failed to rescue the king?

a) The Marshall would have the authorityا .to say that he was the head of Strelsau أللسلطة

b) If the Duke didn't allow the Marshall to see the king in 24 hours , the Marshall would

say that the king was dead .

c) The Marshall had to tell the people that Princess Flavia would be the ruler of Ruritania

Quotations with model answers

1-" Rudolf, be careful, won't you?"

Who said that ? To whom? The princess to Rassendyll ( the king )

Why do you think she warned him? Because he endangered his life in the forest

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2-" Be careful of what "

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to the Princess. 3-" I can't say .But think what your life means to the people of Ruritania. "

Who said that ?To whom? The princess to Rassendyll ( the king ) 4-"Here's a letter for you. From the writing, I think it is from a woman "

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll 5-" I also have some important news "

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll 6-" We now know that the king is at the Castle of Zenda"

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll

7- "How do you know this"

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt

8-" We found out they were at the castle."

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll

Who were at the castle? Why? The rest of the famous six to guard the real king 9-" The three biggest criminals in Ruritania."

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll

Who were those criminal? Lauengram, Krafstein and young Rupert of Hentzau

10-"Do you think the king's definitely there."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt

11-"The drawbridge is nearly kept up. That's not normal."

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll 12-"No one goes into the building without the permission of Rupert or Michael."

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll 13-"Then I must go to Zenda."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt 14-You'll probably stay forever if you do."

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll

What was the hint? Michael's men would imprison or kill Rassendyll if he went there

15-" What’s worrying you?"

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll 16-"Tell my why is it that wherever I go in the capital, I'm followed by six people."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt 18-"Because I have ordered them to follow you,"

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll

Why did they follow Rassendyll? To guard him and protect him from Michael's men 19- "It'd be useful for Michael if you disappear. And if you disappear , the game is over."

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll

Why did Rassendyll's life mean to Sapt? It meant the life of the real king.

Why was his disappearance useful for Michael? to be king after killing the real king 20-"I don't need such help. I can look after myself."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt

Which help did the speaker refuse? To be followed by six men. 21- Anyone of them could catch you easily."

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll

Who could catch him easily? The three foreigners of the famous six

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22- "Don't show this letter to anyone, or it will put a woman in great danger."

Who said that ?To whom? Antoinette de Mauban to Rassendyll in the letter 23- "Yes, and Michael could write a very good letter."

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll 24-"If you don't believe me , ask Colonel Sapt what woman has been a guest of the Duke."

Who said that ?To whom? Antoinette de Mauban to Rassendyll in the letter

25- People say that she had a great argument with Michael."

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll 26- "So she could be useful to us,"

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt 27- Perhaps she would be useful if she had information about Michael."

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll 28-"So do I but I'm not certain. I'll go to the house tonight."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt 29-"No,you mustn't. Let me go instead."

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll

30-"You can come, too but you must wait outside the gate when I go alone."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt

31-"I don't believe that woman and you are mad to go."

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll 32-"I believe this woman and I will go. Either I go to the house , or I go back to England."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt

33-"I will wait for you here , outside the gate. Good luck."

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll 34-"Shut the door." We have little time. I know who you are. I know you aren't the king."

Who said that ?To whom? Antoinette de Mauban to Rassendyll 35-"In twenty minutes, three men will be here to kill you."

Who said that ?To whom? Antoinette de Mauban to Rassendyll 36-"Or I will kill them. I suppose they are three of the Duke's six men"

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Antoinette de Mauban

37- "The plan is to kill you and to take your body into the old town to be found."

Who said that ?To whom? Antoinette de Mauban to Rassendyll

Why would the body be in the old town? To accuse Sapt and Fritz of murdering him

What would Michel do with the real king? Michael would murder him ,too. 38- " Oh,yes ,I understand. It's a clever plan. But why are you helping me?"

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Antoinette de Mauban

What was the clever plan? Killing Rassendyll.the real king and arresting Sapt&Fritz

Why was Antoinette helping Rassendyll? She didn't like to see people being killed 39-"I don't like to see people being killed."

Who said that ?To whom? Antoinette de Mauban to Rassendyll 40-" You are never safe in this city. If you are alone, then you will die."

Who said that ? To whom? Antoinette de Mauban to Rassendyll

Which city did the speaker talk about? Strelsau ( the capital of Ruritania )

Who would kill him? Michael's men would kill him if they found him alone 41-" There you will find a ladder against the wall. Climb it and run as fast as you can."

Who said that ?To whom? Antoinette de Mauban to Rassendyll

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Why should he ran? To escape from the three men who came to kill him 42-" I also have a game to play, I'll tell the Duke's men that you never came."

Who said that ?To whom? Antoinette de Mauban to Rassendyll

Why didn't she tell them that? Because they had arrived before Rassendyll's escape 43- "Thank you .You have helped the king tonight."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Antoinette de Mauban

Who did she help the king ? If Rassendyll was killed , the real king would be killed,too 44-"Do you know where he is in the castle?"

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Antoinette de Mauban

Who did "he" refer to? To the real king 45- Yes, I do know. Inside the castle there is a door on the right, and behind that---"

Who said that ?To whom? Antoinette de Mauban to Rassendyll

Why couldn't Antoinette complete her sentence? Because Michael's men arrived

46-"But listen! They are here !It's late for you to escape."

Who said that ?To whom? Antoinette de Mauban to Rassendyll

Who did "they" refer to? To Detchard, Bersonin and De Gautet ( 3 foreigners )

Why was it for Rassendyll to escape? Because they came to kill him. 47-"We want to make you an offer. Will you let us in?"

Who said that ?To whom? Detchard to Rassendyll

What was the offer ? To leave Ruritania safely with 50 thousand English pounds

48-"Don't trust them."

Who said that ?To whom? Antoinette de Mauban to Rassendyll

Who did "them" refer to? To Detchard, Bersonin and De Gautet (3 foreigners) 49-"Stand outside and talk. I won't let you in."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Detchard 50-" We can offer you a safe journey to the border and fifty thousand English pounds."

Who said that ?To whom? Detchard to Rassendyll 51-"That sounds a generous offer. Give me a minute to think."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Detchard 52-"What are you going to do?"

Who said that ?To whom? Antoinette de Mauban to Rassendyll 53- "Gentlemen ,I'd like to accept your kind offer , perhaps you can open the door for me."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to the three foreigners of the six famous 54-"Why don't you open the door yourself.?"

Who said that ?To whom? Detchard to Rassendyll 55-"Very well, but it opens outwards. You will need to step back or the door will hit you."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Detchard

Why didn't Rassendyll open the door? To make them open it so he could escape

How did he escape? He attacked them with the iron table and fired at them. 56-"It's me , let's go!"

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt 57-"I have a fine story to tell you about a table!"

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Colonel Sapt What was the fine story about the table?

Rassendyll used the table to protect himself from the men's bullets

58-"Some interesting things have been happening this morning."

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Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll 59-"I don't know anything about a ball."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt 60-"You must ask the Princess to marry you tonight."

Who said that ?To whom? Colonel Sapt to Rassendyll

Why did the addressee have to ask the Princess to marry him? To make people happy

61-"I can't do that. It wouldn't be fair to the Princess."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt

What wouldn't be fair? To ask to marry the Princess as he wasn't the real king 62-"Everyone says you have done a very good job. I'm pleased for you."

Who said that ?To whom? Princess Flavia to Rassendyll ( the king )

What was the good job ? He made himself popular with the people of the old town 63-" A person who has a position in society , has responsibilities. I've realised it is true."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Princess Flavia

Who told Rassendyll those wise words? His sister in law " Rose" 64-"Haven't you always thought that."

Who said that ?To whom? Princess Flavia to Rassendyll ( the king) 65-"I didn't think I needed to worry about society. it was someone else's job."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to the Princess

become king. How could you think that.""But you always knew that you would -66

Who said that ?To whom? Princess Flavia to Rassendyll ( the king)

"---"There's something you should know. I'm not really-67

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to the Princess

What was he going to tell her ? The truth that he wasn't the real king.

Why couldn't he tell her the truth? As Sapt stopped him from telling her the truth. " I could even arrange for the Duke and the real king to be killed."-68

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt

Did the speaker intend to do that? No, he didn't.

Why did he say that ? He said that to show that people believed he was the real king "This is all true, so will you do such a thing?"-69

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

What did he mean by " thing " ? To kill both the Duke and the king "Of course not. I shouldn't be here, pretending to be anything."-70

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt

" We must go to Zenda and rescue the king."-71 Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt

72-" You are a good man."

Who said that ?To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

Why did speaker say that? As Rassendyll showed how far he was honest and faithful 73-"I don't want you to fall into the power of the Duke. Show this letter to the leader."

Who said that ?To whom? Antoinette de Mauban to Princess Flavia in the letter.

Why did she warn her of the Duke? As she knew his evil ambitions to be illegal king Why does she say the leader and not the king?

As Antoinette knew that the real king was kidnapped and Rassendyll was the leader 74-"Why does it say the leader and not the king?"

Who said that ?To whom? Princess Flavia to Rassendyll

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75-"You must do as the letter says. I'll order guards to watch you."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to the Princess 76-" A friend of mine. Today you must say you are ill so you can't go to Zenda."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to the Princess

Who was that friend? Antoinette de Mauban

Why would she pretend to be ill? In order that she could not go to Michael's invitation.

77-"So you don't mind making Michael angry?"

Who said that ?To whom? Princess Flavia to Rassendyll

7 8-"I don't mind anything if you are safe."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to the Princess

What did that sentence mean? It meant that Rassendyll loved the Princess very much. 79-"I'm leaving Strelsau for a few days." "Every evening I'll send you a message."

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Marshall Strakencz

Why would he send a message? To make the Marshal knew that he was still safe.

80-" You must tell the people of Ruritania who their new ruler will be.?

Who said that ?To whom? Rassendyll to Marshall Strakencz


Find the mistake and correct it

1-Fritz brought Rassendyll news about the place of the king. 2-The real king was sent a letter from Madame de Mauban

3-Sapt thought that Antoinette wrote the letter by herself

4- Sapt trusted Antoinette de Mauban

5- Rassendyll insisted on not going to meet Antoinette

6 -Antoinette wanted Rassendyll to meet her at the palace

7- Rassendyll asked Sapt not to go with him to meet Antoinette .

8- If the Duke killed Rassendyll , he would throw the body in the moat .

9- The king would be arrested for killing Rassendyll.

10- Detchard offered Rassendyll 200 thousand English pounds to leave Ruritania

11- Rassendyll attacked the men with a wooden table.

12- Rassendyll managed to fire his gun at De Gautet

13- Fritz was waiting for Rassendyll at the gate of the summer house

14- Antoinette helped Rassendyll as she didn't like to see animals being killed

15- Rassendyll climbed the stairs which Antoinette told him about

16- Rassendyll was asked to divorce the Princess. 17- Rassendyll wanted to tell Antoinette the truth

18- Fritz prevented Rassendyll from telling the truth to the Princess.

19- Rassendyll wanted to rescue the king from the palace.

20- Sapt said that Rassendyll was a bad man

21- Rassendyll wanted to see Antoinette again to warn her

22- The Princess received a letter from the king

23- Antoinette warned the Princess against Rassendyll

24- Rassendyll asked the Princess to meet the Duke

25- Rassendyll asked the Marshall to kill the Princess

26- Rassendyll would send a present to the Marshall every day

27- If the Marshall didn't have a message for four nights , he would ask to see the king.

28- The Marshall would say that he was the ruler of Ruritania.

29 – Rassendyll didn't trust the Marshall

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Chapter: 6

Text and Quotations

1. It was nearly time for us to make a move against Duke Michael. I was with Marshal Strakencz who I had to trust to keep the future of Ruritania safe. "You must promise that you'll protect Princess Flavia from the Duke." I told him. "As you know, his mother was not royal and he can only legally become King if he marries the Princess." "I promise." Marshal Strakencz said, bowing. "Now I'll write down what I've just said. But my finger still hurts." "Yes, sir," he said, watching me write. "The writing's a little different from your usual. I hope people know it's a real order from the King." "I trust you" I told him and he smiled. "The Princess will be safe with me." he said.

ابالنسبةالنااالختاذاخطوةاضثاأللثوقامايكل ألملارشالاسرتألكنتشاأللذياملاأجثاأفضلامنهاللحفاظا كنتامع .لقثاداناأللوقتاتقحيبا"جيباأناتعثىناأنكاستحمىاألالمريةافالفياامناأللثوق.افكمااتعلم،املاتكناوأللثتهامناأللعائلةاألمللكيةاقلتاله:اا.علىامستقبلاروريتانياافقطاأنا اميكنا ألآلنا"ا"أتعهثابذلك"،سرتألكنتشاوهواينحىن:ا فقالاألملارشالاا."يصبحاملكابصورةاقانونيةاإذألاتزوجاألحمريةوألنه

اولكناالايزأللاإصبعيايؤملىن اقلتاتوأل، أللكتابةاخمتلفةاقليالاعنا "نعم،ايااسيثي،اوهذهفقالاوهوايشاهثىناأكتب:اا".سأكتباما .فابتسماقائال:ا"ألحمريةاستكوناآمنةامعي"ا"أنااأثقابك"قلتاله:اا".ىامنااألمللكألملعتادامنك،اوآملاأنايعحفاأللناساألهنااأمحادقيق

2. I returned to the palace and told Sapt and Fritz to get ready to go to Zenda. There was only one thing left for me to do before we went. I went to tell Flavia that I was leaving Strelsau to go hunting. "So you'd prefer to hunt animals than do your duties in the capital?" she asked quietly. "The thing I hunt is a very big animal," I explained. "Because I'll be hunting Michael." The Princess looked very worried. "This'll be dangerous!" she said. "If I don't come back, you must become Queen for me." She then stood tall and said, "I don't really know what's going on, but I'll do whatever is right for Ruritania. If that means becoming the Queen, then so be it." "Thank you," I said. "Let us hope that it's not necessary." I knew, however, that this was more than possible.

ملايكناهناكاسوىاشيءاوألدثاجيباعلياأللقيامابهاقبلاذهبنا، زنثأل، ألنايستعثوألاللذهاباإىل عثتاإىلاأللقصحاوألخربتافحيتزاوسابت

"لذلكاتفضلاأناتصطاداألحليوألناتاعلىاألناتقومابوألجباتكاىناهبثوء:اسألتا.للذهاباللصيث ذهبتاحخربافالفيااألنىناسأتحكاسرتلسوبثتاألحمريةاقلقةاللغايةاا"."أللشيءاأللذىاسأصطادهاهواديوألناكبرياجثأل،احيناسوفاأصطادامايكلفشحدتاهلا:اايفاأللعاصمة؟"



3. About eight kilometres from Zenda, on the opposite side of the town to where the castle stands, there is a leafy wood on a low hill. On top of the hill is a large, modern country house called Tarlenheim which belongs to a relative of Fritz. He does not often visit the house, so when Fritz asked if we could use it for a hunting trip, he happily agreed.

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.زنثأل،اوعلىاألجلانباألآلخحامناألملثينةاإىلاديثاتقعاأللقلعة،اهناكاغابةامورقةاعلىاتلامنخفض دوأليلامثانيةاكيلومرتألتامنعلىابعثا

أللذياينتمياإىلاأدثاأقاربافحيتزاوأللذىاكاناالايزوراأللبتايفاكثريا وعلىاقمةاأللتلايوجثابيتاريفىادثيثاوكبريايسمىاتارلينهيماو .هاعنثمااسئلهافحيتزاعمااألذألاكاناميكننااألستخثألمهالحدلةاصيث،اوألفقادوناتحددمناألحديانا،ادىتاألن

4. So the next day, Sapt, Fritz and I set off from the capital and arrived at the country house at about midday, with a large party of servants and ten brave and strong gentlemen that I trusted. We had told these men that Michael had tried to kill me and that a good friend of the King's was held prisoner in the castle. They knew it was our job to set him free, and being brave and loyal, they did not need to ask any more questions. However, it did not take long for Duke Michael to hear about our arrival, and after only an hour, we were visited by three of his famous Six Men: the Ruritanians Lauengram, Krafstein and Rupert Hentzau. I am sure they knew that we were not really there to hunt animals but had a much bigger plan.

أللحيفياحنوامنتصفاأللنهار،اوكانامعنااجمموعةاكبريةا يفاألليوماأللتايل،اأنطلقنااألناوسابتاوفحيتزامناأللعاصمةاووصلنااإىلاألملنزل لذلك،قتلياوأناصثيقامقحبامنااوقثاأخربنااهؤالءاأللحجالاأنامايكلاداول وألالقوياءاأللذيناأثقاهبم، مناألخلثماوعشحةامناأللحجالاأللشجعان

ألمللكامتاسجنهايفاأللقلعة،اوعلماأللحجالاألنامهمتنااهىاألطالقاسحألده،اوحهنماشجعاناوخملصنيافلمايلجئوألاإىلاطح اأسئلةاأكثح.اومع

وهمافقط،اوقامابزيارتنااثالثةامنارجالهاأللستةاألملشهورونا ذلك،املاميحاوقتااطويالادىتامسعاأللثوقامايكلاعناوصولنا،اوبعثاساعةأللحوريتانيني:الوينجحألماوكحألفستنياوروبحتاهنتزو،اوكنتاوألثقاامناأهنمايعحفوناأننااملانكناهناكادقااالصطياداألحليوألناتاولكنالثيناا


5. The youngest and strongest of the three, Rupert Hentzau, told us how sorry the Duke was that we could not stay in his mansion, but unfortunately the Duke and many of his servants had a dangerous illness, so it was best if we stayed away. His speech was formal and polite, but I did not believe a word he said.ا"I'm sorry to hear this," I said to them. "I hope my brother feels better soon. And what of your friends De Gautet, Bersonin and Detchard? I heard that Detchard was injured?" Rupert smiled at me and said, "You needn't worry, Detchard will be fine." "Good. Perhaps you would like to stay and eat with us?" I said. "You're very kind," said Rupert, "but unfortunately we have important duties and need to get back to at the castle." "Of course you do," I laughed. "Thank you for coming. I look forward to seeing you all again." When they had gone, Sapt said, "That Rupert's the worst criminal of them all!"

اروبحت ألخربنا ا، اوأقوألهم األلثالثة اأنناامل أصغح األلثوقامستاءأل اكيفاكان الثوقافنستطعاألالقامةايفاقصحه،اولكنالسوءاألحلظا هنتزو،ا.لذلكاكاناأفضلالوابقيناابعيثأل.اكاناخطابهارمسيااومهذبا،اولكىناملاأصثقاأىاكلمةاممااقال وأللعثيثامناخثمهاأصيبوألامبحضاخطري،

:ادىاجوتيتاودىا لسماعاهذأل،اآملاأناأخيايشعحاعلىاحنواأفضلايفاوقتاقحيب.اولكناماذألاعناألصثقائكأنااآسفا"اقلتاله:"الادألعياللقلق،اسوفايكونادىاتشارداعلىامااألبتسماروبحتايفاوجهي،اوقال:اا"تشارداوبريسونني؟امسعتاأنادىاتشارداأصيب؟

"أنتارقيقاجثأل،اولكنالألسفالثينااوألجباتافقالاروبحت:ااعنا؟""جيث،ارمبااكنتاتحغبايفاأللبقاءاوتناولاأللطعامامفقلت:ا ."يحألم"بالطبعاستفعلاذلك،اشكحألالكماعلىادضوركم،اوأتطلعاإىلارؤيتكمامجيعاامحةاضحكتاوقلت:افا".مهمةاوحنتاجاألنانعوداألىلاأللقلعة

"!"اروبحتاهذألاهواأسوأاهؤالءاألجملحمنيعنثمااذهبوأل:ا سابت وقالا."أخحى

6. That evening, I set off for Zenda with Fritz. Our journey, we knew, could be a dangerous one, but my face was covered and we felt safe because there were many people on the

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roads. We did not go near the castle, however, but went to the inn where I had stayed on my first night in Ruritania. "I've been here before," I told Fritz. "Won't they recognise you, then?" he said. "Of course. Just do as I say and everything will be fine."

وكانتاردلتنا،اكماانعحف،اميكناأناتكوناخطرية،اولكىناقمتابتغطيةاوجهياوشعحنااا .معافحيتزأنطلقتاألىلازنثألايفاذلكاألملساء،اباحماناحناأللكثريامناأللناساكانوألاىفاأللطحقات،اومعاهذألاحنناملانذهبابالقحبامناأللقلعة،اولكناذهبنااإىلاأللفنثقاأللحيفىاديثاا

"بالطبع،افقطافقلت:اا"ألنايتعحفوألاعليك؟"فقال:االقثاكنتاهناامناقبل""اقلتالفحيتز:اا.ىفاروريتانيااكنتاقثاقضيتاليلىتاألالوىل ".ألفعلاكمااأقولالكاوكلاشيءاسيكوناعلىاماايحألم

7. I kept the coat over my face as we entered the inn and we asked to have a meal in a quiet room at the back. When the owner's daughter brought us our food, I uncovered my face so she could see me. "You're the King!" she cried, almost dropping our plates. "I remember you when you stayed with us. I told my mother you weren't really an Englishman and that you were the King! I'm sorry if we said anything bad when you stayed with us." "I'll forgive you if you promise to help us," I said. I explained that I wanted to see Johann. "He never comes here any more," she explained. "He works at the castle now." "But you're still friends and you must ask to see him," I told her. "Tell him to meet you tomorrow night at ten o'clock, then bring him to our house. And tell no one that you've seen the King. Do you understand?" "You won't hurt him, will you, sir?" "Not if he does as we ask," I promised. كانامعطفىاعلىاوجهياعنثماادخلنااأللنزلاوطلبنااتناولاوجبةايفاغحفةاهادئةايفاألخللف،اعنثمااجاءتاألبنةاصادبةاأللنزلابطعامنااا

أتذكحاعنثماابقيتامعنا.اقلتا :"،اواتقحيبااألسقطتاألالطباق،اوقالتأنتاألمللك!""افصحخت:ا.كشفتاوجهيادىتاتتمكنامنارؤييت"سوفاأغفحافقلت:اا."زياوألنكاكنتاملك!اأنااآسفةاإذألاقلنااأياشيءاسيئاعنثماابقيتامعناحمياأنكاملاتكنادقاارجلاإجنلي

"إنهاملايعثايأيتاأبثألاألىلاهنا،األنهايعملايفاأللقلعةافأوضحت:اا.وأوضحتاأنىناأريثاأناأرىاجوهان .لكاإذألاوعثتاأناتساعثينا"اا".ألآلن ته،اقولالهاأنايأتىاللقائكاليلةاأللغثايفاأللساعةاأللعاشحة،امثا"لكنكماماازلتماأصثقاءاوجيباعليكاأناتطلىبارؤيقلتاهلا:

"لناأفعلافوعثهتا:اا"أنتالناتضحه،األيساكذلكايااسيثي؟"ا"أدضحيهاألىلامنزلنا،اوالاختربىاأدثألاأنكاقثارأيتاألمللك،اهلاتفهمني؟ .ذلكاألذألافعلامااأطلبه"

8. She agreed happily, and after our meal we returned to Tarlenheim late that night. As we got off our horses, Sapt ran out of the house and cried, "So you're safe!" "We're fine. Why shouldn't we be?" "It seems that it's dangerous to ride in this area unless you're in a large group. One of our men, Bernenstein, went out alone in the woods today. He saw three men in the trees and one shot him. He's upstairs in bed with a bullet in his arm. The next bullet could be for you."

اوبعثاوجبتنااعثنااإىلاتارلينهيماىفاوقتامتأخحامن اوألفقتاوهىاسعيثة، وعنثمااكنااننزلامناعلىاخيولنا،اخحجاا.تلكاأللليلة لقثا األملنزلاوصا : امن اأنتماىفاأمان!"سابتامسحعا أناركوباألخليلايفاهذألا يبثو"فقال:اا"حنناخبري،افلماذألاالانكون؟"فقلت:اا"إذأل

رجالنا،اوهوابريننستني،اودثهايفاأللغابةاألليوم،اورأىاثالثةارجالابنيا كنتايفاجمموعةاكبرية.افقثاذهباألدثألملنطقةاأمحاخطرياإالاإذألاا

"أللسحيحاوهناكاعياراناريايفاذرألعه.األلحصاصةاأللقادمةاقثاتكونالك.ا ألحشجاراوألدثهماأطلقاعليهاأللنار.األنهابالطابقاأللعلويايف

9. We thought that we would be safe in the country house, but I was wrong. The next day, I was resting in the living room when Rupert visited the house alone. "I have a message for

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you, Rassendyll," he said. "If you do not know how to address the King, my brother must find another messenger," I replied coldly. "Why do you continue to pretend?" he laughed. "We all know who you are." "But you can't say that in public, can you? Because then people would know you've kidnapped the real King. You know the game's not finished yet, and until it is, I will choose my own name," I said. "So, what is your message?" "The Duke offers you more than I would. He offers you a safe journey to the border and a million gold pieces." "Tell the Duke that I refuse his generous offer. How's his prisoner, by the way?" "He's still alive," said Rupert. "Good, now go from here, while you can," I said. كناانظناأننااسنكونايفامأمنايفاألملنزلاأللحيفي،اولكناكنتاعلىاخطأ،اففياألليوماأللتايل،اكنتاأسرتيحايفاغحفةاألملعيشةاعنثماازألرا

"إذألاكنتاالاتعحفاكيفيةاأللتعاملامعاألمللكافعلىاأخياأنافأجبتابربود:ا "لثيارسالةالك،اياارألسنثل"وقال:اا.روبحتاألملنزلاودثهلكناالاميكناألناتقولاهذألاعلىا"فقلت:اا".ملاذألاألالستمحألرايفاأللتظاهح؟اوحننانعلمامجيعاامناأنت"قال:افضحكاوااجيثارسوالاآخح"

قثاألختطفتماألمللكاألحلقيقي،اأنتاتعحفاألناألللعبةاملاتنتهابعث،اودىتايتما ألملأل،األيساكذلك؟احناأللناساسوفاتعحفاعنثاذلكاألنكمثوقايقثمالكاأكثحاممااألتوقع،األنهايعحضاعليكاردلةاآمنةاألىلاألحلثوداوامليونا"أللا"ختتاراألمسى،اولكن،امااهيارسالتكم؟ ذلكاسوف

األلذهب امن األلسخي.اكيفادالاسجينه،اباملناسبة؟"ا".قطعة اللثوقاأنىناأرفضاعحضه فقلت:اا"مازأللاديا."فقالاروبحت:اا"قل "ممتاز،األآلناأذهبامناهنااديثمااألستطعت."

10. Rupert gave me a cold look and asked his servant to prepare his horse. I followed him out of the house, and just as he was about to climb on his horse, he stopped and said, "Let's shake hands." He stepped nearer to me and suddenly stabbed me in the shoulder with his knife. I cried out, but Rupert rode off fast before I could do anything.

كان ، وبينمااطى أارج اطمنخل ، اصطحبتسحصانس أن يا أا مسمن وطألب بار ة نظرة طي نظر روبرت في كتشى طاننى أطى ناحيتى وفجكة نتصافح" " نا، وقال: توقف ،حصانس ألى اطصاو ألى وشع

.فال أب شي قبل أن أتمكن من بذر روبرت هرب ، وطكنذكين، صرأتب11. Although my shoulder hurt, I was lucky it was not a bad injury, though I was angry at letting myself fall for such a trick. I was put to bed and told to sleep, which I did for several hours. When I woke up, it was dark and I found Fritz beside me. "The doctor says your arm will soon be better," he said. "And the good news is that your plan has worked, for the girl's brought Johann to the house. He's downstairs right now, and the strange thing is that I think Johann's happy to be here," said Fritz. "He seems to know that if Michael's plan is successful, he'll be in trouble because he knows too much."

ألى اطرغم من أن كتشي كان يؤطمنى، كنت محظوظا أنها طم تكن إصاب ذي ، وطكننى كنت غاضبا اننى ا ة تركت نشذي أذقط فى أ من هوا اطقبيل. حمألت اطى اطذرير وطألبوا منى ان انام، وهو ما قمت بس ط

"يقول اططبيب ان ورا ع ذا ات. و ن ما اذتيقظت، كان اطمكان مظألما ووج ت فريتخ بجانبي. فقال: ذيصبح أفضل قريبا، واطأبر اطذار هو أن أطتع ب أت تامل، فاطشتاة ق جألبت جوهان اطى اطمنخل. انس

طوجو ه هنا، يب و انس ياألم باططاب اطذشألي في اطوقت اطحاطي، واطغريب في اممر أننى أ تق ان جوهان ذاي انس اوا نجحت أط مايكل، ذوف يكون هو في مكخ منس يارف أشيا أكدر من اط خم."

12. This made me think that Johann would be more useful to us than I had first thought. Surely with the right encouragement, he would make the perfect spy for us? I went downstairs and asked to see Johann. The guards had brought him in with his hands tied

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behind his back. I sat him down in a chair, where he sat looking sad and afraid. As we talked to him, we understood that Johann was a weak man but not a wicked one. He said he worked for Michael because he was afraid of him not because he liked him, and he seemed happy to tell me Michael's secrets.

جاألني هوا أ تق أن جوهان ذيكون أكدر فا ة باطنذب طنا مما كنت أ تق في اطب اي . وباطتككي م اطترغيب اطمناذب، ذيكون اطجاذوس اطمداطي باطنذب طنا؟ وهبت طألطاب اطذشألي وطألبت أن أرز جوهان. وكان اطحراس

يب و أليس اطحخن واطأوف. و ن ما أتوا بس وي اه مكبألتان أألف ظهره. أجألذتس ألى كرذي، حيث جألس وهوتح دنا إطيس، فهمنا أن جوهان كان رج ضايشا وطكنس طيس شريرا . وقال انس كان يامل طمايكل منس كان يأافس

طيس منس يحبس، وب ا ذاي ا وهو يأبرنى أذرار مايكل.13. He told us that there were two small rooms inside the castle, which you could only reach by crossing the drawbridge. The rooms were cut into the rock below the ground. One room had no windows, so it was always lit by candles. Behind it was a second room with a small window, where the King was kept in chains. From the window, a large stone pipe led down to the castle moat. The first room was always guarded by three of the Six Men. They were told that, if some people attacked the first room and it was in danger of being taken, Detchard should go into the other room and kill the King. The body would then be put down the pipe and the weight of his chains would keep the body under water. Calling out to the other men, Detchard would then escape down the same pipe and swim across the moat. The other two men would then follow him and the Duke's horses would take them to safety. So anyone searching the castle would find nothing: just an empty room.

قال طنا ان هناع غرفتين صغيرتين األ اطقألا ، واطتي يمكن أن تصألهما فقط ن طري بور اطجذر اطمتحرع. وهى غرف منحوت في اطصأر تحت امرض. واح ة منهما طيس طها نوافو، طوطع كانت مضا ة

مقي ا في ذ ذل. ا ما باطشمول. وأألشها كان هناع غرف داني بنافوة صغيرة، حيث كانوا يحتشظون باطمألع ومن اطنافوة كان هناع ماذورة كبيرة من اطحجارة تؤ ز اطى أن اطقألا . كانت اطغرف اموطى ا ما تأض طحراذ د د من اطرجال اطذت . قيل طهم أنس إوا هاجم باض اطناس اطغرف اموطى وكان هناع أطر ان يتم

ف امأرز ويقتل اطمألع. وبا وطع يوض اطجذم طينخط اتذتي أليها، يجب ان يوهب ز تشار اطى اطغرمن أ ل اطماذورة ودقل امغ ل ذيبقى اطجذم تحت اطما . دم ينا ز ألى باقى اطرجال، ويهرب ز تشار إطى أذشل اطماذورة ويذبح بر نشس اطأن . دم يتباس اطرجألين وأيول اط و ذوف تكأوهم إطى بر اممان.

يقوم بتشتيف اطقألا طن يج شي ا: مجر غرف فارغ .طوطع فإن أب شأ 14. "What if many men attacked the castle?" I asked. "They have another plan," he explained. "If the castle's attacked by a large group of soldiers, they would do the same thing, but one of the Six Men would take the King's place. So when Michael arrived at the castle, he could say that he was only keeping one of the Six Men as prisoner because he'd been rude to Antoinette de Mauban. No one would believe that the King was ever there." "It's a very clever plan," said Sapt angrily. "It means that if we attack the castle quietly and secretly, or openly with a great army, the King will still be dead before we can save him. Rassendyll, I think that this time next year, you'll still be King."

من قبل اطقألا هوجمت اوا، أط أأرز ط يهم"فشرح طى: ؟"اطقألا اطا ي من اطرجال هاجم ماوا طو"ذكطتس: . اطمألع ذيحل محل ذت رجالاط واح من نشذس، وطكن يشاألون اطشي ذ ، فإنهم كبيرة من اطجنو مجمو

منس ذجينك ذت رجالاط من واح هو كان فقط متحشظا ألى انس ذيقول اطقألا إطى مايكل طوطع ن ما يصل

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هناع أب وقت مضى" كان أن اطمألع ياتق أن ب موبان، و ن ها ت يمكن مح أنطوانيت م وقحا كان فى اطاألن أو ذري ،و فى ه و أنس إوا هاجمنا اطقألا ، وهوا يانيج ا وكي أط "انهافقال ذابت بغضب:

اطوقت انقاوه، أذم يا راذن ل أ تق أن فى هوا مكن منقبل أن نت ميتا ظيم فإن اطمألع ذيكون جيف ماناو ."اطمألع تكون ت تخال ذوف ،من اطاام اطقا م

15. My pulse quickened at the thought of remaining King forever. But without proving that Michael had killed the real King, the Duke would still be there, in his castle, waiting for his opportunity to take my place. I would never be safe. "Does the King know about Michael's plan?" I asked Johann. "Yes, and so does my brother, Max. He helped to put up the pipe to the prison window. It's not easy to sleep at the Castle of Zenda because no one feels safe. Everyone in it is a criminal, except the King."

قتل كان ق أن مايكل إدبات إطى امب ، طكن من ون اطمألع ن ما افكر اننى ذكبقى تذارلي قألبى كان نبضأكون فى أمان أب ا " مكاني، طن تتأاو فرصتس ، في انتظارقصره في هناع اط و ذيظل ، فإناطحقيقي اطمألعفى وض ذا ماكس فق أأي طعنام، وكو"فقال: ؟"مايكل أط نشي ا ارف اطمألعي هل"جوهان: ذكطت

هناع اطجمي .يشار باممان منس ت أح خن ا قألا في ان تنام طيس من اطذهل. اطذجن اطماذورة ن نافوة "اطمألع. ، باذتدنا مجرمون

16. "Thank you, Johann," I said to him. "You can go back to the castle now. If anyone asks you if there is a prisoner in the castle, you can say there is. But if anyone asks you who the prisoner is, do not answer. We can help you if you keep your promises, otherwise you'll never be safe again." Johann bowed to me as he left. We hoped he could be trusted. "So, what are we going to do now?" asked Sapt. I thought long and hard. "There are two ways in which the King can come out of Zenda alive," I said. "One is if we have a miracle, and the other is if one of the Duke's men betrays him."

في ذجين طو ان هناع إوا ذكطع أب شأ .اآلن إطى اطقألا ، يمكنع اطاو ةيا جوهان "شكرا طع،قألت طس: يمكن أن ، ونحنف تجب اطذجين من هو إوا ذكطع أب شأ ، وطكننام هناع يمكنع أن تقول ،اطقألا

كنا نكمل، وهو يغا ر أمامى جوهان انحنى ".تكون فى أمان مرة أأرز فألن ، وإتاوا وفيت بو و ع نذا ع

طريقتان هناع "طوي وبج ي دم قألت: فكرت"اآلن؟ اطوب ذنشاألس "إوا ، ماان يصح ودوقنا بس، ذكطنى ذابت: اط و ألى اطرجال إوا كان أح وامأرز هى ماجخة، اوا كان ط ينا ، اتوطى هوحيا خن ا من إلأراج اطمألع ."يأونس اذتا ا ان

Questions with modal Answers

1-From who did Rassendyll ask the Marshall to protect the Princess ?

He asked him to promise that he would protect the Princess from the Duke.

2- Why did the Duke want to marry the Princess?

As his mother wasn't royal and he could legally became king if he married the Princess.

3- What did the Marshall notice when Rassendyll wrote his order?

He noticed that the writing was a little different from the usual writing of the king.`

4- Where did Rassendyll ( the pretend king) tell the princess he was going?

He told her that he was going to hunt a big animal.( He would hunt Michael) 5- What did Rassendyll ask Flavia to do if he didn't come back?

To be Queen .Flavia was patriot so she agreed to do whatever was right for Ruritania

6-Where was the Tarlenheim castle?

On top of the hill which had a leafy wood , it was about eight kilometres from Zenda

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7- Who did the Tarlenheim house belong to?

It belonged to a relative of Fritz .Fritz asked him to use it for a hunting trip and he agreed.

8- Who did Rassendyll take with him to the Tarlenheim house?

Rassendyll took Sapt , Fritz and a large party of servants besides ten brave and strong gentlemen who he trusted .

9- What did Rassendyll ( the pretend king ) tell those men?

Rassendyll told them that Michael had tried to kill him and that a good friend of the king

was held prisoner in the castle .It was their job to set the prisoner free.

10- Show that the men whom the pretend king took with him brave and loyal .

When Rassendyll told him about the job ,they didn't need to ask any more questions.

11-Who arrived at the Tarlenheim house to visit Rassendyll?

The three Ruritanians of the famous six ( Rupert , Lauengram and Krafstein )

12- Why couldn't the Duke host the king ( Rassendyll ) at his mansion?

Rupert said that the Duke and his servants had dangerous illness so he couldn't

host them at his mansion and it was best for them to stay away at the Tarlenheim house.

13- What did Rassendyll think of Rupert's talk to him?

His talk was formal and polite but Rassendyll didn't believe a word he said.

Rassendyll said that he was sorry to hear that Michael was ill and wished him to be better

14-What was Sapt's opinion of Rupert Hentzau ?

Sapt said that Rupert was the worst criminal of them all.

15- Why did Rassendyll feel safe when he set off for Zenda with Fritz?

They knew that the journey could be a dangerous one ,but his face was covered and there

were many people on the roads. They didn't go near the castle but they went to the inn.

16-Why did Rassendyll uncover his face in front of the owner's daughter?

He uncovered his face to let her see him and she thought that he was the king.

17- How was the owner's daughter mistaken about Rassendyll ?

She thought that he was the king. She remembered him when he stayed with them before

and she told her mother that he was the real king and he wasn't really an Englishman .

18- Why did the owner's daughter apologize to Rassendyll?

Thinking he was the real king ,she apologized for saying anything bad when he stayed

with them before

19- What condition did Rassendyll ask her to achieve to forgive her?

Rassendyll ( the king ) asked her to tell Johann to meet her tomorrow night at 10 o'clock. then bring him to Tarlenheim and asked her not to tell anyone that she saw the king

20- Why did the girl agreed happily to bring Johann to the king ( Rassendyll )?

Because he promised her that he wouldn't hurt Johann if he did as the king asked

21- Why did it seem dangerous for Rassendyll to ride in that area alone?

Because Bernenstein ( one of Rassendyll's men ) went out alone in the woods that day .

He saw three men in the trees and one shot him but the bullet hit his arm .

22- Why was Bernenstein shot?

As they thought him Rassendyll so Sapt warned him that the 2nd bullet could be for him

23- Why weren't they safe in the country house ?

Because Michael's men knew their place and they wanted to kill Rassendyll.

24- Why did Rupert ask Rassendyll to stop pretending ? ( it was a comic scene )

Because Rupert told Rassendyll that all of them knew that he was Rassendyll not the king.

25 –Although Rupert knew Rassendyll's game , Rassendyll was confident. Illustrate.

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Rassendyll told Rupert that the game hadn't finished yet and he had the right to choose his own

name .They couldn't tell the truth of Rassendyll in public as people would know that they had

kidnapped the real king.

26- What was the 2nd offer which Rupert told Rassendyll about?

The Duke offered Rassendyll a safe journey to the border and a million gold pieces.

27- Why did Rassendyll refuse the 2nd offer ?

a ) Rassendyll was an honest , faithful and honourable man to the real king.

b ) Rassendyll knew that Michael and his men were lying so he didn’t trust them.

28- What would happen if Rassendyll accept the offer ?

The real king would be killed and even Rassendyll could be killed and Michael 'd be king.

29- Rupert Hentzau was treacherous غدار and trustless. Explain.

He asked Rassendyll to shake hands and stabbed him in his shoulder with his knife.

30- How was Rassendyll lucky when Rupert stabbed him ?

The injury wasn't bad , but Rassendyll was angry to let himself fall to such a trick

31-Why was Johann happy to be in the country house ( to help Rassendyll ) ?

Johann knew if Michael's plan was successful, he'd be in trouble as he knew too much.

32- Johann was a weak man not a wicked one ,How did that help Rassendyll?

Johann worked for Michael because he was afraid of him not because he liked him. He seemed

happy to tell Rassendyll Michael's secrets so Rassendyll used him as a perfect spy.

33- What did Johan tell them about the real king's place inside the castle?

Johann said that there were two small rooms inside the castle. The rooms were cut into

the rock below the ground .one room had no windows so it was always lit by candles

behind it was a second room with a small window where the king was kept in chains.

34- How could these rooms be reached ?

They could only be reached by crossing the drawbridge.

35-Why was the first room always guarded by three men of the six men?

They had orders if some people attacked the first room , Detchard would kill the king.

36- Why was there a pipe from the window of the king's room?

When the king was killed , the body would then be put down the pipe which led to the castle's

moat. The weight of his chains would keep the body under water.

37- The pipe had many uses for Michael 's men. Discuss. ( What was the first plan?)

a) The king's body would be thrown into the moat through the pipe.

b) The three men would escape down the same pipe and swim across the moat

c) Any one searching the castle would find nothing: just an empty room.

38- What was the 2nd plan to get rid of the king if many people attacked the castle?

They would kill the king and threw his body into the moat through the pipe

One of the six famous would take the king's place in the room.

39- Why would one of the six men take the king's place?

Michael would say he kept him prisoner as he had been rude to Antoinette de Mauban

No one would believe that the king was ever there.

40- How was Sapt being frustrated by Michael's clever plan?

He said if we attacked the castle quietly and secretly or openly with a great army, the king would still be dead before they could save him. He said Rassendyll would be king forever

41- Why was Rassendyll's pulse quickened at the thought of remaining king forever?

Without proving that Michael had killed the real king, Michael would still be there ,in his castle,

waiting for his opportunity to take Rassendyll's place who would never be safe.

42- Who knew about Michael's plan other than his men?

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The king knew about his brother's plan and so did Max Holf ( Johann's brother )

43-What did Johann say about his brother Max?

Johann said that his brother helped to put up the pipe to the prison window.

44-Why wasn't it easy to sleep at the Castle of Zenda?

Because no one was safe .Everyone in the castle was a criminal, except the king.

45-What orders did Rassendyll give Johann after thanking him?

a) If anyone asked him if there was a prisoner in the castle, he could say there was.

b) If any one asked who the prisoner was, he wouldn't answer.

C) Johann was told they could help him if he kept his promises or he would never be safe

46- According to Rassendyll how could the king come out of Zenda alive?

a) One if they had a miracle.

b) If one of the Duke's men betrayed him


Quotations with modal answers

1- " You must promise that you will protect Princess Flavia from the Duke."

Who said that? To whom? Rassendyll ( the king ) to Marshall Strakencz

Why did Michael want to marry Flavia? To be legally king as his mother wasn't royal 2-"Now I will write down what I have just said. But my finger still hurts."

Who said that? To whom? Rassendyll ( the king ) to Marshall Strakencz 3-"The writing's a little different from your usual. I hope people know it is a real order."

Who said that? To whom? Marshall Strakencz to Rassendyll ( the king )

Why didn't the Marshall suspect Rassendyll? As Rassendyll's finger still hurt 4- "The Princess will be safe with me."

Who said that ? To whom? The Marshall to Rassendyll 5-"So you'd prefer to hunt animals than do your duties in the capital."

Who said that ? To whom? Flavia to the pretend king ( Rassendyll )

6- "The thing I hunt is a very big animal because I will be hunting Michael."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to the Princess

7-"This is will be dangerous."

Who said that ? To whom? Flavia to the pretend king ( Rassendyll ) 8- If I don't come back , you will be queen for me."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to the Princess 9- "I will do whatever is right for Ruritania."

Who said that ? To whom? Flavia to the pretend king ( Rassendyll )

What do you think of Flavia? She was patriot and was ready to sacrifice for Ruritania 10-" Thank you, let's hope it 's not necessary."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to the Princess

11-"I'm sorry to hear this. I hope my brother feels better soon."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Rupert 12-"And what of your friends. I heard that Detchard was injured?"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Rupert

What did Rassendyll want to tell Rupert? He beat his friends and hurt Rassendyll 13-"You needn't worry.Detchard will be fine."

Who said that ? To whom? Rupert to Rassendyll 14-"Good.Perhaps you would like to stay and eat with us."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Rupert 15-"You are very kind but unfortunately we have important duties and need to get back."

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Who said that ? To whom? Rupert to Rassendyll 16-"Of course you do, Thank you for coming. I look forward to seeing you all again."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Rupert 17-"That Rupert's the worst criminal of them all.''

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll 18-" I have been here before."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Fritz

What did " here" refer to? It referred to the inn ( the first place he visited in Zenda)

19- "Won't they recognize you?"

Who said that ? To whom? Fritz to Rassendyll

Who would recognize him? The owner of the inn and her daughters 20-"Of course. Just do as I say and everything will be fine.."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Fritz 21-"You are the king!I told my mother you weren't an Englishman ."

Who said that ? To whom? The owner's daughter to Rassendyll 22-I'm sorry if we said anything bad when you stayed with us."

Who said that ? To whom? The owner's daughter to Rassendyll

23-" I will forgive you if you promise to help us. I wanted to see Johann"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to the owner's daughter 24-" He never comes here any more. He works at the castle now."

Who said that ? To whom? The owner's daughter to Rassendyll 25-"But you are still friends and you must ask to see him."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to the owner's daughter 26-" Tell him to meet you tomorrow night, then bring him to our house."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to the owner's daughter 27-"You won't hurt him, will you ,sir?"

Who said that ? To whom? The owner's daughter to Rassendyll 28-"No.If he does what we ask."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to the owner's daughter 29-"So you are safe! It's dangerous to ride in this area unless you are in a large group."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll 30-"I have a message for you , Rassendyll."

Who said that ? To whom? Rupert to Rassendyll 31-"If you don't know how to address the king, my brother must find another messenger."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Rupert 32-"Why do you continue to pretend?" "We all know who you are."

Who said that ? To whom? Rupert to Rassendyll 33-" But you can't say that in public, can you?"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Rupert What couldn't they say in public? Why ?

Rassendyll was not the king. They would be accused of kidnapping the real king.

34-"The game's not finished yet, and until it is, I will choose my own name."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Rupert

35-"The Duke offers you a safe journey to the border and a million gold pieces."

Who said that ? To whom? Rupert to Rassendyll 36-Tell the Duke I refuse his generous offer. How is his prisoner, by the way?"

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Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Rupert 37-"He is still alive,"

Who said that ? To whom? Rupert to Rassendyll 38-"Good,now go from here while you can."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Rupert 39-" The doctor says your arm will soon be better."

Who said that ? To whom? Fritz to Rassendyll 40-" The good news is that your plan has worked, for the girl's brought Johann."

Who said that ? To whom? Fritz to Rassendyll

41-"He seems to know that if Michael's plan is successful , he'll be in trouble."

Who said that ? To whom? Fritz to Rassendyll 42-"What if many men attacked the castle?"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Johann 43-"They have another plan."

Who said that ? To whom? Johann to Rassendyll , Sapt and Fritz 44-"It's a very clever plan. It means that if we attack the castle , the king will still be dead."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll,Fritz,and Johann 45 –"I think that this time next year , you will be king."

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

What did that mean? It meant that they couldn't rescue the real king 46-"Does the king knows about Michael's plan?"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Johann

Did the king knows about Michael's plan ? Yes he did

What was Michael's plan? To kill the king and threw his body in the moat 47-"Yes,and so does my brother,Max.It isn't easy to sleep in the castle as no one

feels safe. Everyone in it is a criminal except the king."

Who said that ? To whom? Johann to Rassendyll 48-"We can help you if you keep your promises otherwise you will never be safe again."

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Johann

49-"so what are we going to do now?"

Who said that ? To whom? Sapt to Rassendyll

Why did Sapt asked that question? Because Michael's plan frustrated him 50-"There are two ways in which the king can come out of Zenda alive,"

Who said that ? To whom? Rassendyll to Sapt

What were the two ways? a) If they had a miracle / b) If the duke was betrayed. ================================================================

Find the mistake and correct it

1- Rassendyll told the Princess that he was going to hunt Sapt

2- Rassendyll asked the princess to be a king if he didn't return

3- The Princess promised to do the right thing for England

4-Abouit 12 kilometre from Zenda there was a leafy wood on top of a hill

5-The Tarlenheim house belonged to Sapt

6- The Tarlenheim house was far from Zenda.

7- The Tarlenheim house was on a mountain top

8-Rassendyll went to the house with a large party of servants and 15 gentlemen

9- Rassendyll told the men that the king was held prisoner

10-The three foreigners visited Rassendyll

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11- Rupert told Rassendyll that the Duke couldn't host him as he was travelling

12- Rassendyll asked about the injured De Gautet

13- Rassendyll and Sapt went to the inn

14- Rassendyll asked the girl to bring him her mother 15- Sapt was angry that Rassendyll was safe

16 – Bernenstein saw four people in the trees

17- The three people shot Bernenstein and he had a bullet in his leg.

18-The second bullet could be for Sapt

19- Fritz asked Rassendyll to end the pretence as he was known by all

20 – Rassendyll told Rupert that they couldn't say that in secret

21- Rupert offered Rassendyll 1000 pieces of gold to leave Ruritania.

22- Rupert told Rassendyll that the prisoner was dead

23-Rupert stabbed Rassendyll with a knife in the chest

24- Rassendyll was happy at letting himself fall to such a trick

25-Johann was sad to be there in the house of Rassendyll

26- Rassendyll wanted Johann to be their spy in the king's palace

27-Johann told Rassendyll that the king was imprisoned in the first room.

28- The king would be killed and his body would float in the moat.

29-Sapt and Rassendyll were surprised by the king's clever plan 30-The king could be saved by three ways

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Chapter: 7

Text and Quotations

1. The next day, three pieces of news arrived at the Tarlenheim country house where we were staying. The first was that people of Strelsau had heard I was badly injured while I was hunting in the woods, and they were worried. Secondly, the Duke also thought I was badly injured, although he understood better how I had got my injury. I heard this from Johann, who I now trusted and had allowed to go back to Zenda. Thirdly, Marshal Strakencz told me that Princess Flavia had ordered him to take her to see me.

أن اطناس فى كان امول حيث كنا نقيم، تارطينهيم د د اأبار اطى اطمنخل اطريشي ، وصلفي اطيوم اطتاطي وكان اطدانى انهم يشارون باطقأل ،و في اطغاب ، أصطا بينما كنت أصاب ش ي ة أصبت ق ذماوا اننى ذترطذو ح دت طى هوه بشكل كبير كيف يشهم ألى اطرغم من أنس بجروح أطيرة، أيضا أ تق اننى أصبت و أن اط أن ياو اطى خن ا، أما اطداطث فق ذمحت طس اطوب أد فيس اآلن، وطوطع ،جوهان من هوا صاب ، ذماتاإل

.طرؤيتي يكتى بها أمرتس أن ق ف فيا امميرة ذتراكنتف أن اطمارشال أأبرنى2. When the Princess arrived at Tarlenheim, she was relieved to see that my injury was not serious. However, Johann told us shortly afterwards that the King was looking weak and ill, and we realised that we had to do something quickly. We could not wait any longer or he would surely die. It was perhaps the strangest thing in the history of any country, that the King's brother and a pretend King, near a quiet country town during a time of peace, acted out a war for the life of a sick King, with just a few people knowing about it.

ن ما وصألت امميرة اطى تارطينهيم، شارت باترتياح ن ما رأت أن إصابتى طم تكن أطيرة. وطكن جوهان أأبرنا، با وطع بقأليل، أن اطمألع يب و ضايشا ومريضا، وا ركنا أنس ألينا أن نشال شي ا بذر . فنحن ت

رب شي في تاريخ أب بأل ، أن يمكن أن ننتظر أطول من وطع وإت فمن اطمؤك أنس ذيموت. وربما كان أغشقي اطمألع وشأ يتظاهر أنس اطمألع، باطقرب من بأل ة ريشي ها أ ل وقت اطذألم، يأططون طحرب من

.أجل حياة مألع مريض، م قأليل من اطناس يارفون هوا اممر3. That night, after Princess Flavia had gone to bed, I changed my clothes and went outside to join Sapt and Fritz with seven men. We all had weapons and we rode our horses into a wet, windy night, taking a quiet back road towards the Castle of Zenda. It took us about an hour to get there. A few hundred metres from the castle, we asked the seven men to wait with the horses while we continued on foot up the hill to the moat around the castle. Here, Sapt tied a rope to a tree and I took off my boots, using the rope to climb down into the water.

وهبت امميرة ف فيا اطى اطنوم، ب طت م بذي، ووهبت إطى اطأارج ط نضمام إطى دابت مافي تألع اطأليأل ، با وفريتخ م ذبا رجال. وكنا جمياا مذألحين، تحركنا بأيوطنا فى طيأل رطب و اصش ، أأونا طري أألشى

إطى هناع. و ألى با بض م ات من ها ئ متجها نحو قألا خين ا. اذتغر اممر منا حواطي ذا طألوصول اممتار من اطقألا ، طألبنا من اطرجال اطذبا اتنتظار م اطأيول بينما واصألنا ذيرنا ألى امق ام من أ ألى اطتل إطى اطأن اطما ى حول اطقألا . هنا، ربط دابت حبل فى شجرة، وأألات حوا ي تذتأ ام اطحبل طألنخول

.إطى أذشل فى اطما 4. Although the night was windy and wet, it had been a warm and sunny day and the water was not cold, and I swam without difficulty round the castle walls. I could hear voices inside

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the castle, but it was so dark that I did not think anyone could see me. I remembered what Johann had told me and thought I must now be near to the window to the King's room. Then, I saw the giant pipe that led from his window to the moat, and I was about to go nearer when I heard a noise.

ألى اطرغم من أن اطأليل كان اصف ورطب، فق كان يوما حارا ومشمذا طوطع طم يكن اطما بار ا ، وذبحت ون صاوب حول ج ران اطقألا . كنت أذم أصواتا األ اطقألا ، وطكن كان اطمكان مظألما طوطع ت أ تق أن

تق ت انس من اطمؤك اننى اآلن أب شأ كان فى اذتطا تس أن يرانى. توكرت ما اأبرنى بس جوهان واباطقرب من نافوة اطغرف اطتى بها اطمألع. دم، رأيت اطماذورة اطام ق اطتي كانت تصل نافوة غرفتس باطأن ،

.وكنت ألى وشع اإلقتراب اكدر ن ما ذمات ضوضا 5. I now saw there was a boat next to the pipe, and in the boat was a guard carrying a large gun. I went up to the boat as quietly as I could, then I saw that the guard was Max Holf, the brother of Johann. He was breathing slowly and deeply and I saw that he was asleep. I swam slowly and silently up to him and, though I hated to do it, this was war, so I stabbed him to death.

اآلن رأيت ان هناع قارب بجوار اطماذورة، وفي اطقارب كان هناع حارس يحمل بن قي كبيرة. وهبت إطى اطقارب به و ما أمكننى، دم رأيت أن اطحارس كان ماكس هوطف، شقي جوهان. أنس كان يتنشس ببط

راهيتي طألقيام و م ، وفهمت أنس كان نا ما . ذبحت ببط وفي صمت حتى وصألت ن ه، و ألى اطرغم من ك .بوطع، طق كانت هوه حرب، طوطع طانتس حتى اطموت

6. Now I had time to look carefully at the pipe. I soon realised that the bottom of the pipe was not fastened to the wall and I could see light coming from its far end. I tried to push it, and although the pipe was very heavy, it moved just a little. Then I heard voices: one was the King, and the other was a man with an English accent. It was Detchard. "Time for your sleep." said the Englishman. "Why doesn't my brother kill me now?" said the King in a weak voice. "The Duke doesn't want you to die, not yet anyway. Sleep well!" said Detchard. Then the light disappeared and I could hear a door being locked. Now all I could hear was the King, quietly crying.

اآلن ط ز اطوقت طشح اطماذورة باناي . ذر ان ما أ ركت أن اطجخ اطذشألي من اطماذورة طم يكن مدبتا فى اطج ار، واذتطات ان أرز ضو ا قا ما من طرفها اطباي . حاوطت أن ا فاها، و ألى اطرغم من أن اطماذورة

اطمألع، واآلأر كان رج بألهج كانت دقيأل ج ا ، فق تحركت قألي فقط. دم ذمات صوتان: كان أح هماإنجأليخي . إنس يتشار . قال اإلنجأليخب: "حان وقت نومع". وقال اطمألع بصوت ضايف: "طماوا ت يقتألني أأي اآلن؟". فقال يتشار : "اط و ت يري ع أن تموت، طيس با ألى أب حال. نم بشكل جي ! ". دم اأتشى

.ما يمكن أن أذماس كان اطمألع، يبكي بصوت منأشضاطضو وذمات صوت بابد يقشل. اآلن كل 7. I realised nothing more could be done that night, so I climbed in the boat with Max dead at the bottom and rowed back to the rope. The wind was blowing hard now, so I did not worry that anyone would hear the boat. When I arrived next to the rope, I tied it round Max's body and asked Sapt to pull it up. Then I climbed back to my friends. Sapt whistled for our seven men to come and get us with their horses, but as they got nearer, we heard several shots and loud cries, and then a voice call out, "They've got me, Rupert! There are seven of them. Save yourself!"

أ ركت أنس ت يمكننى فال أز شئ آأر في تألع اطأليأل ، طوطع قشخت في اطقارب م ماكس وكان ميتا فوضاتس في اطجخ اطذشألي، وج فت ا ا مرة أأرز إطى اطحبل. كانت اطرياح تهب بش ة اآلن، حتى أننى طم أقأل من

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ذم ماكس، وطألبت من دابت أن أب شأ ق يذم اطقارب. ن ما وصألت إطى جوار اطحبل، ربطتس حول جأن يذحب اطقارب م ألى. دم تركتس ا ا مرة أأرز إطى أص قا ي. قام دابت باطصشير طرجاطنا اطذبا طيكتوا ويكأووننا بأيوطهم، وطكن ن ما اقتربوا منا ذمانا ة طألقات وصرأات اطي ، وبا وطع صاح صوت:

" نشذع! "طق اصابونى يا روبرت! وهناع ذبا منهم. أنقو8. We were running towards our men when a horse arrived with Rupert Hentzau on it. It was so dark that he did not see us, so I took a large stick and ran forward towards the horse's head. Now, surely we had him! But he was too quick. He waved a sword at me and cut my stick in half. I stepped back, and before we knew it, he had disappeared into the night. I later found out that Lauengram and Krafstein were both killed by our men, although the fight had cost us three of our own men. We went home with heavy hearts for our friends, worried about the health of the King, and angry that Rupert had escaped.

كنا نجرز نحو رجاطنا ن ما وصل حصان أليس روبرت هينتخو. وكان اطمكان مظألما حتى أنس طم يرانا، فكأوت صا كبيرة، وركضت إطى اممام نحو رأس اطحصان. اآلن، كان من اطمؤك أننا تمكنا منس! وطكنس

طورا ، وقبل ان كان ذرياا ج ا . فق طوح بذيشس في وجهي، وقط صاز نصشين. أأوت أطوة إطى انارف ما يح ث، كان ق اأتشى في اطظ م. اكتششت فيما با أن طوينجرام وكرافذتين ك هما ق قتل بواذط رجاطنا، ألى اطرغم من أن هوه اطمارك ق كألشتنا د د من رجاطنا. وهبنا اطى اطمنخل بقألوب موجو بذبب

.ين من أن روبرت ق هرباص قا نا، يذاورنا اطقأل بشكن صح اطمألع، وغاضب9. The next day, I received a visit from the Chief of Police in Strelsau. He told me that the British Ambassador had reported that an Englishman called Rassendyll had disappeared near the town of Zenda. They had found his bags at a nearby train station, and a man called Mr Featherly from Paris believed he was travelling with Madame de Mauban. He asked if I knew the lady. "Yes, I do." I replied. "I believe she and her servants were guests of Duke Michael." "I see." said the policeman. "Go back to Strelsau and tell the Ambassador what you know. I'll look into this for you." I told him. "Return in two weeks and I'll tell you what I've found." I wanted to have at least two weeks without any more difficult questions. My game had almost been discovered.

وفي اطيوم اطتاطي تألقيت خيارة من "ر يس اطشرط " في ذتريألذو. واأبرنى أن "اطذشير اطبريطاني" أبألغس أن رج إنجأليخيا ي ى راذين يل ق اأتشى قرب م ين خين ا. وق وج وا أمتاتس في محط قطار قريب ، وأ ى

م م ام ب موبان. وذكل إوا كنت أ رف اطذي ة. رجل ي ى اطذي فيخيرطي من باريس أنس كان مذافرا فكجبتس: "نام، أ رفها. أ تق أنها وأ مها كانوا ضيوفا ن اط و مايكل". فقال اطشرطي: "أفهم وطع". فقألت طس: " أليع ان تاو إطى ذتريألذو وتأبر اطذشير بما تارفس. ذوف ننظر في هوا من اجألع ". "ذناو في

أأبركم ما ق وج ت". أر ت أن يكون امامى ألى امقل أذبو ين ون أب أذ أل غضون أذبو ين، وذوف .أكدر صاوب . تقريبا ق أكتششت طابتي

10. But, with the policeman in town that day, there could be no more fighting around the castle, and Rupert clearly felt safe enough to ride out on his horse. When I saw him, I quickly caught up with him. He looked surprised to see me. "How's my brother today?" I asked him. "He's well." he replied. "He hopes he'll soon be in Strelsau." "Rupert, you're young. Why are you doing this? If you let your prisoner go free, I can help you." I said to him. "You don't have to work for my brother." Rupert looked ahead of him and said nothing for a minute, then he spoke quietly.

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طكن، م وجو اطشرطي في اطم ين فى وطع اطيوم، ت يمكن أن يكون هناع قتال مرة اأرز حول اطقألا ، قتس بذر . كان وشار روبرت بوضوح أنس فى أمان بما يكشي طألأروج راكبا ألى جوا ه. ن ما رأيتس، طح

يب و من هشا طرؤيتى. ذكطتس: "كيف حال أأي اطيوم؟". فكجاب: "هو بأير، كما أنس يكمل أن يكون قريبا في ذتريألذو". قألت طس: "روبرت، أنت ماخطت شابا . طماوا تشال هوا؟ إوا تركت اطذجين حرا، يمكننى أن

أمامس، وطم يقل شي ا طم ة قيق ، دم تكألم اذا ع، طم تكن مضطرا طألامل من أجل شقيقي". نظر روبرت .به و

11. "You may be right. Attack the castle bravely. I'll tell you when. But Fritz and Sapt must die, and so must Michael and the King. That will leave two men alive: you and me. You'll stay as the King, and I'll have a reward." "Would you really work against Michael?" I asked him. "He's not a good man." he replied. "He makes me angry. I nearly killed him myself last night. Think carefully about my plan." With that, he rode off down the road.

م اطقألا بشجا . ذكقول طع متى. وطكن يجب أن يموت فريتخ ودابت، وكوطع يجب ق تكون ألى ح . هاج"

أن يموت مايكل واطمألع. وهوا ذوف يترع رج ن ألى قي اطحياة: أنت وأنا. ذتبقى انت كمألع، وذآأو أنا ألى اطمكافكة" ذكطتس: "هل حقا ذتامل ض مايكل؟". فكجاب: "انس طيس رجل جي ، أنس يجاألني غاضبا. وكنت

.وشع قتألس بنشذي اطأليأل اطماضي . فكر باناي فى أطتي". وبا وطع، انطأل بحصانس فى طريقس12. Later that day, Sapt could see that I was deep in thought, but I did not tell him what I was thinking. There was a knock at the door and a boy brought me a message. It read: Johann will take this letter for me. I warned you before. The Duke discovered that I helped you that night in the summer house. He is now keeping me a prisoner in his mansion because he cannot trust me. Please, if you can, rescue me from this house of murderers. Antoinette de Mauban

في وقت تح من وطع اطيوم، تحظ دابت اننى كنت مذتغرقا في اطشكر، وطكنى طم اأبره فيما كنت افكر. كان هناع طرقا ألى اطباب، إنس صبي يحمل رذاط طي. كانت اطرذاط تقول: يوهان ذوف يكأو هوه اطرذاط من

كتشف اط و أننى ق ذا تع في تألع اطأليأل في اطمنخل اطصيشى. وهو اآلن اجألى. طق حورتع من قبل. ايتحشظ ألي كذجين في قصره نظرا منس ت يمكنس اطودو بى. من فضألع، إوا كنت تذتطي ، انقونى من بيت

اطقتأل هوا. أنطوانيت و موبان13. What could I do? Time went on and I knew that, for now, I could do nothing to help either Madame de Mauban or the King. I soon heard that the people in Strelsau did not like the fact that I had been away from them for so long. To keep them happy, my messengers told them that Flavia and I had arranged a date for our wedding, news which was greeted with great joy.

ماوا يمكن أن أفال؟ مضى اطوقت وكنت أ ألم أنس، اآلن، ت يمكننى أن أفال شي ا طمذا ة م ام ب موبان أو اطمألع. وذر ان ما ذمات أن اطناس في ذتريألذو طم يقبألوا حقيق با ز نهم طشترة طويأل . وطألحشاظ ألى

.ذألى أننى و ف فيا ق رتبنا مو خفافنا، وهو اطأبر اطوب قوبل بشرح ظيمذاا تهم، أأبرهم ر 14. Not everyone wanted to know this news, however. Johann told me that the Duke was furious to hear about the wedding. At the same time, the King had become so ill that the Duke had asked for a doctor to examine him. The doctor advised him to set the King free at once, but the Duke refused, adding that the doctor would have to stay with him until he was better or died, whichever came first. Johann also told us that Antoinette de Mauban was helping to look after the King, who was guarded by two of the remaining Six Men at all times.

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وم وطع طيس اطجمي كان يري أن يارف هوه امأبار، أأبرنى جوهان أن اط و كان غاضبا ن ما ذم طألب طبيبا طشحصس. نصحس ن حشل اطخفاف. وفي اطوقت نشذس، أصبح اطمألع مريضا ج ا حتى أن اط و

اططبيب بكن يحرر اطمألع فى اطحال، وطكن اط و رفض، مضيشا أن اططبيب ذيضطر ان يبقى ماس حتى يتحذن او يموت، أيهما يكتي أوت . اأبرنى جوهان أيضا أن أنطوانيت و موبان تذا فى اطاناي باطمألع،

.في جمي اموقات اطوب كان يحرذس ادنان ممن تبقى من "اطرجال اطذت "15. Although Johann did not want to return to the castle, we paid him well to go back and act as our spy. I found out from Johann where all the people stayed at night in the castle and the mansion, and who had the keys to the doors. "I'll give you fifty thousand pieces of gold if you do what I ask you tomorrow night." I told Johann. "I hear there are new servants at the castle. Do these servants know the King's a prisoner there?" "No, they don't know who the prisoner is." he answered. "So if they saw me, they'd think that I was the King?" I asked. "Yes, they would, sir." "Good. Tomorrow night, give this letter to Antoinette de Mauban. Then, at two o'clock in the morning, open the front door to the mansion. Ask no more questions. Now go."

ى اطرغم من أن جوهان ت يري اطاو ة إطى اطقألا ، فانا طس جي ا طكى ياو ويتصرف كجاذوس طنا. ألاكتششت من جوهان اماكن اقام جمي اطناس ادنا اطأليل في اطقألا واطقصر، ومن ط يس مشاتيح امبواب. قألت

، ذمات أن هناع أ م طجوهان: "ذك طيع أمذين أطف قطا من اطوهب إوا فاألت ما أطألب منع طيأل اطغج في اطقألا . هل يارف هؤت اطأ م ان اطمألع ذجين هناع؟ " فكجاب: "ت، ت يارفون من هو اطذجين". ذكطتس: "إوا طو رأونى، طظنوا اننى اطمألع؟". "نام، ذوف يظنون وطع يا ذي ب." "جي ، طيأل اطغ أ طي هوه

صباحا ، أفتح اطباب اممامي طألقصر، وت تطرح مخي من اطرذاط إطى أنطوانيت و موبان، دم، في اطداني " .امذ أل ، اوهب اآلن

16. When he was gone, I told Sapt and Fritz about my plan. It was our only chance to save the King. Sapt would take some men to the front door of the mansion. When Johann opened the door, they would quickly enter and tie up the servants if they did not want to help the King. At the same time Madame de Mauban would cry out for help from her room. The Duke would surely come to see what was happening, and we could take him. Then there w ould only be two men left guarding the King, so we would need to move quickly before they hurt him.

ن ما ذمحت طس باتنصراف، اأبرت دابت وفريتخ ن أطتي. أنها فرصتنا اطوحي ة إلنقاو اطمألع. ذيكأو ذي أألون بذر ويربطون اطأ م دابت باض اطرجال إطى اطباب اممامي طألقصر. ن ما يشتح جوهان اطباب،

إوا طم يري وا مذا ة اطمألع. وفي اطوقت نشذس ذوف تصر م ام ب موبان من غرفتها طألحصول ألى مذا ة. ذيكتي اط و باطتككي طمارف ما يح ث، و ن ها يمكننا أن نكأوه. ومن دم طن يبقى هناع ذوز

. قبل أن يؤووه رج ن فى حراذ اطمألع، و ن ها ألينا أن نتحرع بذر17. Meanwhile, the house at Tarlenheim was to be filled with lights and music so that people believed we were having a ball. Marshal Strakencz would guard the house and the Princess and if, the next day, we had not returned, he would then march to the castle and ask to see the King at once. If the King was not there, he would quickly take Princess Flavia back to the capital where she would become Queen.

هناع حشأل . وفي اطوقت نشذس، يجب ان يمأل اطمنخل في تارطينهيم بامضوا واطموذيقى طكى ياتق اطناس أن ذيقوم اطمارشال ذتراكينكخ بحراذ اطمنخل وامميرة وإوا طم ناو ، في اطيوم اطتاطي، ذوف يذير باطجيف إطى

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اطقألا ويطألب ان يرز اطمألع في اطحال. وإوا طم يكن اطمألع هناع، فاأليس أن ياو ذرياا بامميرة ف فيا إطى .اطااصم حيث ذتصبح مألك

18. So, that night, at midnight, Sapt took his men to the mansion. I rode alone a different way to the castle, with clothes to keep me warm, weapons and a rope. Half an hour later, I was back by the moat. I left my horse and gun in some trees, tied some rope to another tree and climbed down into the water once more. I swam back to the pipe below the window, but now the pipe was fastened to the wall and no light showed. I looked up at the mansion and saw that the lights were on in the windows to the Duke's and Madame de Mauban's rooms.

طوا، تألع اطأليأل ، في منتصف اطأليل، أأو دابت رجاطس إطى اطقصر. انطألقت وح ز فى طري مأتألف طألقألا ، مرت يا م بس تبقينى اف ا ، وماى أذألح وحبل. وبا نصف ذا ت اطى جوار اطأن . تركت حصانى

اطما مرة أأرز. ذبحت وبن قيتى بين باض امشجار، وربط باض اطحبل فى شجرة أأرز، وقشخت فيمرة أأرز إطى اطماذورة أذشل اطنافوة، وطكن اآلن تم تدبيت اطماذورة ألى اطج ار وطم يظهر أب ضو .

.نظرت إطى اطقصر ورأيت أن امضوا كانت مضا ة فى نوافو غرفتى اط و وم ام ب موبان19. Then, I heard voices and I saw Rupert walk towards the castle onto the drawbridge with De Gautet. "Let's go across before they lift the drawbridge for the night." Rupert said. They walked across and shortly after, the bridge went up. A few minutes later, Rupert returned alone. He looked around him and then quietly climbed down some hidden steps to the moat and swam across. Then he climbed some steps opposite and disappeared back into the mansion. What was he doing? It seemed that I was not the only one who had a plan for that dark, warm night.

يت روبرت يذير نحو اطقألا ألى اطجذر اطمتحرع م ب جوتيت. وقال روبرت: دم، ذمات أصواتا ورأ" نا نابر قبل أن ترفاوا اطجذر اطمتحرع طهوه اطأليأل ". بروا اطجذر، وبا فترة وجيخة، رف اطجذر. وبا

بره. بض قا ا روبرت وح ه. نظر حوطس دم به و نخل ألى باض اطذ طم اطأشي إطى اطأن وذبح دم تذأل باض اطذ طم اطمقابأل واأتشى مرة أأرز األ اطقصر. ماوا كان يشال؟ يب و أننى طم أكن اطوحي

.اطوب ط يس أط طتألع اطأليأل اطمظألم اط اف

Questions with modal answers 1-What were the three pieces of news which arrived at the Tarlenheim country house?

a) People of Strelsau were worried when they heard that the king ( Rassendyll ) was

badly injured while he was hunting in the woods.

b) Michael thought that Rassendyll was badly injured ( by Rupert. )

c) The Princess was worried and wanted to see him.

2-How do you know that Rassendyll trusted Johann?

After Johann told Rassendyll about the Duke's plans, he allowed him to go back to Zenda

3- Why was the Princess relieved when she saw the king's injury?

As the injury wasn't serious.

4- What was the bad news about the real king ?

Johan told them that the real king was looking weak and ill.

5- Rassendyll ,Sapt and Fritz were loyal to the king. Discuss

` On hearing of his illness, they realised that they had to do something quickly. If they

were late , the king would surely die so they took seven men and went to Zenda.

6- What did Rassendyll consider the strangest thing in the history of any country?

The king's brother and a pretend king, near a quiet country town during a time of peace,

acted out a war for the life of a sick king with just a few people knowing about it

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7- How did Rassendyll and his men go to Zenda? How long did they take?

They rode their horses and into a wet, windy night, taking a quiet back road towards the Castle of

Zenda .It took them an hour to get there.

8- What did they do when they reached the castle?

They ordered the seven men to wait with the horses while they continued on foot up the

hill to the moat around the castle. Sapt tied a rope to a tree .Rassendyll took off his boots

and used the rope to climb down into the water.

9- The water was not cold so it helped Rassendyll. Illustrate.

Although the night was windy and wet , it had been a warm and sunny day so the water

was not cold , so Rassendyll swam without difficulty round the castle walls.

10- Why couldn't anyone see Rassendyll although he heard their voices?

As it was so dark that no one could see him so Rassendyll came near to the king's room.

11-What did Rassendyll see from the window?

Rassendyll saw the giant pipe which led from the king's window to the moat.

12- How was Rassendyll lucky when he saw the boat next to the pipe?

In the boat was a guard ( Max Holf ) carrying a large gun but he was sleeping so

Rassendyll went up to the boat and stabbed him to death.

13- How did Rassendyll justify his killing Max Holf ( Johann's brother )?

Rassendyll said that he hated to kill Max Holf during his sleep but it was war. 14- What Rassendyll find the pipe like?

Rassendyll had time to look carefully at the pipe, he realised that the bottom of the pipe

was not fastened to the wall and he could see light coming from its far end.

15- Why did the pipe move a little although it was very heavy?

Because Rassendyll so strong that he managed to push it .

16- What did Rassendyll hear when he was examining the pipe?

He heard Detchard talking to the real king telling him it was time for his sleep.

17- Show that the king was in despair in his imprisonment.

The king asked Detchard why Michael ( the king's brother ) didn't kill him quickly.

18 – What was Detchard's answer to the king's question?

Detchard told the king that the Duke didn't want the king to die, not yet anyway.

19-How did Rassendyll go back to the place where Sapt was waiting ?

Rassendyll climbed in the boat with Max dead at the bottom and rowed back to the rope

20- Why was it difficult for anyone to hear the boat?

Because the wind was blowing hard.

21- What did Rassendyll do to Max's body?

When he arrived next to the rope , he tied the rope round Max's body and asked Sapt to

pull it up then he climbed back to his friends.

22- What happened when Sapt whistled to the seven men to come and get them?

When the seven men got nearer , they fought with Michael's men so Sapt and Rassendyll

heard shots and loud cries and then a voice callout.

23- What was the voice saying?

He said that the seven men had got him and asked Rupert to save himself.

24- Why couldn't Rupert see Rassendyll or Sapt ?

As it was so dark that he didn't see them so Rassendyll ran forward towards the horse's

head with a large a stick

25- Why did Rupert manage to escape from them?

Because Rupert was too quick .He waved his sword at Rassendyll and cut the stick

in half and disappeared into the night

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26-The seven men were loyal and brave. Illustrate.

They managed to kill Lauengram and Krafstein but they lost three of them. so Sapt,

Fritz and Rassendyll went home with heavy hearts for their lost friends.

27-The murder of the three men wasn't the only sorrow for Rassendyll.Explain.

a )Rassendyll, Sapt and Fritz were sad for losing the three men who was killed in the fight.

b )They worried about the king's health and angry that Rupert had escaped.

28-Why did the Chief of the Police in Strelsau visit Rassendyll ( the pretend king)?

He told Rassendyll ( pretend king )that the British ambassador had reported that an Englishman

called Rassendyll had disappeared near the town of Zenda.

They had found Rassendyll's bags at a nearby train station

29- What did Mr Featherly tell the police about Rassendyll?

Mr Featherly told the police that Rassendyll was travelling with Madam de Mauban

30 – What did Rassendyll tell the Chief of the Police about Antoinette de Mauban?

Rassendyll told him that Antoinette and her servants were guests of Duke Michael.

31-What did Rassendyll ( the pretend king ) order the Chief of the Police to do?

He ordered him to go back to Strelsau and tell the ambassador what he knew and asked

Him to return in two weeks and Rassendyll ( the king ) would tell him what he had found.

In fact , Rassendyll wanted two weeks without any more difficult questions.

32- How did Rassendyll feel after the visit of the Chief of the Police?

Rassendyll felt worried as his game had almost been discovered.

But with the police in town that day , there could be no more fighting around the castle

33- What did Rassendyll try to persuade Rupert to do ?

He told Rupert that he was young and if he let his prisoner ( the real king ) go free ,

Rassendyll could help him as he didn't need to work for Michael

34- Rupert had no principles مباديءاا and a bloody man .Discuss.

He asked Rassendyll to attack the castle bravely and kill Sapt , Fritz , Michael and the king

That would leave both of them alive.Rassendyll would be king and he could have a reward

35-Why was the relation between Michael and Rupert not a good one ?

Rupert said that Michael wasn't a good man. He made Rupert angry so Rupert nearly

killed him the night before.

36- What did Rupert ask Rassendyll before he rode off down the road?

He asked Rassendyll to think carefully about his plan.

37-Do you think Rassendyll would agree to Rupert's wicked plan to be king?

No . Because Rassendyll was peaceful , honest , reliable and honourable and he was

ready to sacrifice his life to rescue the real king . He was a man of principlesا 38- What could Sapt see when he met Rassendyll on that day?

Sapt could see that Rassendyll was deep in thought but he didn't tell Sapt what he was thinking . {

Perhaps he was thinking about Rupert's plan }

39- From whom did the boy bring the message to Rassendyll?

The boy brought a message to Rassendyll from Antoinette de Mauban.

40- Why did Antoinette send Rassendyll that 2nd message?

Antoinette begged توسلتRassendyll to rescue her from the Duke who discovered that she

helped Rassendyll that night in the summer house so he imprisoned her in his mansion .

41- Duke Michael couldn't trust Antoinette de Mauban any more. Illustrate

After Michael had known that Antoinette had betrayed him and revealed his secrets to

Rassendyll .He couldn't trust her so he kept her a prisoner in his mansion.

42- What did Rassendyll feel after reading Antoinette 2nd message ?

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He felt that he could do nothing to help either Madame de Mauban or the king

43 – Why were the people in Strelsau angry with the king ( Rassendyll )?

The people in Strelsau didn't like the fact that their king had been away from them

44- What did Rassendyll do to keep the people in Strelsau happy ?

Rassendyll sent his messenger to tell them that he and Flavia had arranged a date for their


45- How did the people in Strelsau receive the news of the wedding ( marriage ?الزواج)

The people in Strelsau received that news with great joy

46- According to Johann , How did Michael receive the wedding news?

Duke Michael was furious to hear about the wedding.

47- Why did Michael ask for a doctor to examine the real king?

Michael asked for a doctor to examine the real king because the king was seriously ill .

The Duke wanted to keep him alive or Rassendyll would be king forever 48- What did the doctor advise the Duke after examining the real king?

The doctor advised him to set the king free t once but the Duke refused.

49- How did the Duke punish the doctor for his honesty ?

Michael decided that the doctor would have to stay with the king until he was better or

died whichever came first

50- How far was Antoinette de Mauban kind?

In addition to helping Rassendyll, she looked after the real king in the Castle of Zenda.

51-Who were guarding the real king at all times ?

Two of the remaining famous six were guarding the real king at all times

52-Why did Rassendyll and Sapt pay Johann well?

Because Johann didn't want to return to the castle so they paid him well to go back and

act as their spy .

53- How far was Johann's information important to them?

Johan told them where all the people stay at night in the castle and the mansion, and

who had the keys to the doors . 54- Why did Rassendyll offer 50 thousand pieces of gold?

a )To give a letter to Antoinette ( b ) To open the front door to the mansion at 2.00 am

55-How could Rassendyll benefit from the new servants at the castle?

The new servants didn't know that the king was a prisoner there so if they saw Rassendyll

they would think that he was the king.

56- How was Rassendyll cunning and wise when he planned to save the king?

a) Sapt would enter the front door of the mansion opened by Johann and tie the new

servants if they refused to help the king .

b) At the same time, Madame de Mauban would cry out for help from the room.

c) The Duke would come to see what was happening so they could take him.

d) The house at Tarlenheim was to be filled with lights and music so that people believed

we were having a ball . Marshall Strakencz would guard the house and the Princess.

57- Why was Johann asked to open the front door at two o'clock in the morning?

To help Sapt and his men enter and tie up the servants if they didn't want to help the king 58- What role could Antoinette de Mauban play in Rassendyll's plan?

On seeing Sapt getting into the castle , she would cry out for help to get Michael out of

his room .Thus Sapt could stop him and get the keys.

59- What would they do with the two dangerous men who guarded the king?

Rassendyll's men had to move quickly before they could hurt the king.

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60- What was the Marshall role in that plan ?

a) If, they had not returned , he would march to the castle and ask to see the king at once.

b) If the king wasn't there, he would quickly take the Princess back to the

capital where she would become Queen 61-When did Rassendyll begin his plan? How?

At midnight Sapt took his men to the mansion. Rassendyll rode alone a different way to

the castle., with clothes to keep him warm, weapons and a rope .

62-What did Rassendyll do to be well hidden near the drawbridge?

Rassendyll left his horse and a gun in some trees, tied some rope to another tree and

climbed down into the water once more.

63- What did Rassendyll see when he was in the moat?

Rassendyll saw the pipe was fastened to the wall and no light showed. He saw the lights

were on in the windows to the Duke's and Madame de Mauban's rooms.

64-Why did Rupert and De Gautet do ?

They crossed the drawbridge to the castle before they lifted the drawbridge for the night

65- What was the strange thing Rassendyll noticed about Rupert?

Rupert returned alone ,climbed down some hidden steps to the moat and swam across

then he climbed some steps opposite and disappeared back into the mansion

Quotations with modal answers

1-" Time for your sleep."

Who said that quotation? To whom? Detchard to the real king 2-" Why doesn't my brother kill me now?"

Who said that quotation? To whom? The real king to Detchard

What did it mean? The real king couldn't stand the pain and he was desperate 3-The Duke doesn't want you to die, not yet anyway. Sleep well."

Who said that quotation? To whom? Detchard to the real king 4-" They have got me ,Rupert! There are seven of them. Save yourself."

Who said that quotation? To whom? One of Michael's men to Rupert

Who had got him? The seven men Of Sapt and Rassendyll 5-"Yes , I do. I believe she and her servants were guests of Duke Michael."

Who said that quotation? To whom? Rassendyll to the Chief of the Police

Who did he talk about? About Antoinette de Mauban 6-" Go back to Strelsau and tell the ambassador what you know."

Who said that quotation? To whom? Rassendyll to the Chief of the Police 7- I'll look into this for you. Return in two weeks and I will tell you what I've found."

Who said that quotation? To whom? Rassendyll to the Chief of the Police

What was he looking into ? The problem of the disappeared man ( Rassendyll) 8-"How is my brother today?"

Who said that quotation? To whom? Rassendyll to Rupert

9-" He's well. He hopes he'll soon be in Strelsau."

Who said that quotation? To whom? Rupert to Rassendyll 10- " You are young. why are you doing this?

Who said that quotation? To whom? Rassendyll to Rupert 11-"If you let your prisoner go free, I can help you. You don't have to work for my brother"

Who said that quotation? To whom? Rassendyll to Rupert

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12-"You may be right. Attack the castle bravely .I'll tell you when."

Who said that quotation? To whom? Rupert to Rassendyll 13-"But Fritz and Sapt must die, and so must Michael and the king ."

Who said that quotation? To whom? Rupert to Rassendyll

What did this tell us about Rupert? He was a bloody manرجلادمويا 14-"That will two men alive :you and me.You will stay as the king and I'll have a reward."

Who said that quotation? To whom? Rupert to Rassendyll 15-"Would you really work against Michael?"

Who said that quotation? To whom? Rassendyll to Rupert 16-"He is not a good man. He makes me angry. I nearly killed him myself last night."

Who said that quotation? To whom? Rupert to Rassendyll 17- " Think carefully of my plan."

Who said that quotation? To whom? Rupert to Rassendyll 18-"The Duke discovered I helped you that night in the summer house."

Who said that quotation? To whom? Antoinette de Mauban to Rassendyll( in the letter) 19- " He is now keeping me a prisoner in his mansion because he can't trust me."

Who said that quotation? To whom? Antoinette de Mauban to Rassendyll( in the letter)

20-Please,if you can, rescue me from this house of murders."

Who said that quotation? To whom? Antoinette de Mauban to Rassendyll( in the letter) 21-"I'll give you fifty thousand pieces of gold if you do what I ask you tomorrow night."

Who said that quotation? To whom? Rassendyll to Johann 22-" I hear there are new servants at the castle. Do they know the king's a prisoner there?"

Who said that quotation? To whom? Rassendyll to Johann 23- No, they don't know who the prisoner is."

Who said that quotation? To whom? Johann to Rassendyll

Who did " they " refer to ? To the new servants 24-So if they saw me , they would think I was the king?"

Who said that quotation? To whom? Rassendyll to Johann

25-"Good.Tomorrow night, give this letter to Antoinette de Mauban."

Who said that quotation? To whom? Rassendyll to Johann 26-"Then , at two o'clock in the morning, open the front door to the mansion. Now go."

Who said that quotation? To whom? Rassendyll to Johann ===============================================================

Find the mistake and correct it

1- Four pieces of news arrived at the Tarlenheim country house.

2-People of Strelsau heard that the king was badly injured and they were pleased

3- Sapt told me that Princess Flavia had ordered him to take her to see me

4-The Princess was worried to see that my injury wasn't serious .

5-I joined Sapt and Fritz with eight men.

6-Rassendyll used the robe to climb down into the castle.

7-I saw the giant tree that led from his window to the moat

8-The guard in the boat was Detchard

9- I stabbed him to life

10-The top of the pipe wasn't fastened to the wall

11- "Why doesn't my brother save me now?" said the king in a weak voice

12-Rassendyll ran towards the horses head with a large sword. 13- Rupert cut Rassendyll's stick with his knife.

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14-Lauengram and Krafstein were killed by Sapt

15- We went home with lucky hearts for our friends.

16- Two of Rassendyll's men died in the fight

17-The British ambassador had reported that a German man called Rassendyll disappeared 18- "If you let your prisoner go free , I will kill you." Said Rassendyll

19- Antoinette asked Rassendyll to rescue her from the hotel

20-The Duke set a date for the wedding ceremony .

21-Johann took a present to Antoinette de Mauban

22-The Duke became so ill that a doctor was fetched

23- Rupert made an evil plan to be king

24- Rupert wanted Sapt and Fritz to be dismissed

25- Antoinette de Mauban was rewarded by Michael

26- The Duke was delighted to hear about the wedding

27- Antoinette de Mauban was helping to kill the king

28- They paid Johann to return to the castle and work as their doctor.

29- Rassendyll would give 100 pieces of gold to Johann.

30-Johann was asked to close the front door

31- Antoinette would cry for pain from her room.

32-The Marshall would take Flavia to Strelsau to be a servant 33-Four of the remaining famous six were guarding the king.

34-If the tree was lifted , no one could enter the castle

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Chapter: 8

Text and Quotations

1. It was cold waiting in the water of the moat, so when Rupert disappeared into the mansion, I slowly climbed out and waited by the drawbridge gate next to the castle. Now only Detchard, Bersonin and De Gautet were left to protect the King in his prison. If only I had the keys to the King's room, but I knew I had to be patient.

أارج طأل تاطقصر، قشخ األ ن ما اأتشى روبرت وطوطعفي مياه اطأن ، ناانتظار ادنا ا ر اباطجو كان يتشار وبيرذونين و ب جوتيت بقى اآلن فقط ،بواب اطجذر اطمتحرع بجوار اطقألا بجوار ببط وانتظرت

تحألي يجب ألي اطأ ألم أنس ى كنتمشاتيح غرف اطمألع، وطكنماى كان تمنيت طو ،طحماي اطمألع في ذجنس .باطصبر

2. It was a quiet night and it was about one o'clock in the morning when there was a loud noise from the mansion. I looked up at one of the windows and saw a shadow walk across the light. A woman's voice cried, "Help! Michael, help me!" It was Antoinette de Mauban. This was exactly what I had asked her to say in my message to her, but it was around an hour too early, before my friends had reached the front door to the mansion, and before Johann had time to open it. I pulled out my sword and stood ready for what might happen. Then I heard her calling again. "Help, Michael! It's Rupert Hentzau!" called Antoinette.

،رتش من اطقصرفي اطصباح ن ما كان هناع ضجيغ م اطواح ةحواطي ت اطذا طق كانت طيأل ها ، وكان! اطنج ة" :مرأةإ وصاحت ,ذير ألى امق ام بر اطضو ي إنذان ، ورأيت ظلنوافونظرت إطى أ ألى في أح اط

في رذاطتي سمنها أن تقوط تطألب هوا باطضبط ما ق كان أنطوانيت و موبان. و تكانطق مايكل!" يا ينذا أن أص قا ي إطى اطباب اممامي طألقصر، وقبل يصل أنقبل وكان ذا ، ج ا طنحو س كان مبكرا طها، وطكن

تنا زهب اتذتا ا طما يمكن أن يح ث. دم ذماتها ألى أ تقشو، وىذيش توهان طشتحس. ذحبطج يحين اطوقت !"نس روبرت هينتخوإمايكل! ذا نى يا" قا أل : مرة أأرز

3. Michael must have heard Antoinette de Mauban call out, because I then heard him running to help her with his servants. There was now a loud argument. "This woman's been writing secret letters to Rassendyll!" I heard Rupert call out. "She needs to be punished!" "She's my guest," I heard Michael say. "It's you who needs to be punished!" There was a shout and a noisy sword fight began in the room. It was hard to see what was happening, but briefly I saw Rupert and Johann through the window. "That's for you, Johann!" Rupert called, striking his swordاat him. "I know you're Rassendyll's spy!" What had happened to Johann? What if he had been hurt? How could he open the door for our men? From the noises in the room, it seemed that Rupert was now fighting many men. Surely he would be caught. However, at the next moment, there was a loud cry and Rupert jumped out of the window and down into the moat below, where he swam away. Somehow, he had escaped.

،أ امس هو وطمذا تها يجرز تس با وطعذما نى، منتذتغيثأنطوانيت و موبان ذم أن مايكل تب رذا ل ذري إطى راذين يل! ت"هوه اطمرأة كتب يقول:ات روبرت ذم ، الد بصوتد ج الاآلن كان هناع و

ايحتاج إطى مااقب !" وكان هناع صر هو منأنت و ،تىنها ضيشإ" :قوليمايكل تذماو" تها!مااقب يجبوهان جرأيت روبرت و فقطرز ما يح ث، وطكن أمن اطصاب أن كان ذيف في اطغرف . باطوب أ قتال صاأب

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كنا أ ألم أنع ف. "سذيشس في وجهوكان يألوح بوهان!" ، يا ج"هوا طع، قا : روبرت احصمن أ ل اطنافوة. وفتح اطباب من مكن تيذب بكوز؟ كيف يصأوهان؟ ماوا طو أنس جراذين يل!" ماوا ح ث ططكنت جاذوس

وفذتل اآلن كدير من اطرجال. ومن اطمؤك أنس اقياطغرف يب و أن روبرت كان األطرجاطنا؟ من اطضجيغ إطى أذشل دم ، كان هناع صرأ م وي وقشخ روبرت من اطنافوة طيات. وم وطع، في اطألحظ اطيتم اطقبض أليس

.هربوبطريق د ما، اطأن أ ناه، حيث أنس ذبح باي ا . إطى4. A minute later, De Gautet appeared in front of me, so I struck him with my sword and he fell to the ground. Quickly I looked through his clothes for the keys: there were three. At last I could enter the room where the King was being kept prisoner. Opening the first door, I found myself at the top of some steps which led into a cold, dark room. The only light came from a small candle in one corner. As I walked down the steps, I could just hear voices coming from the room where the King was kept, behind a second door. Carefully walking towards the door, I stepped back quickly when it was suddenly opened. Now I could hear Detchard speaking: "We mustn't kill him yet or there'll be trouble." When a person appeared, I struck him with my sword. It was Bersonin, who fell heavily to the ground.

بحدت فى ذر وب ميتا ، مرضذقط ألى اف، ىبذيش تسضرب طوطعجوتيت أمامي، وبا قيق واح ة ظهر ب أ أل اطغرف حيث كان يجرب اتحتشاظ نى أنيمكنأأيرا . مشاتيح طمشاتيح: كان هناع د د مج ام بذس

كانت اطتي ذ طماطباب امول، وج ت نشذي في اطجخ اطاألوب من باض اط تفتح ن ما باطمألع اطذجين. وبينما كنت . خوايامن شما صغيرة في أح اط ن قا ما كابار ة. اطضو اطوحي و إطى غرف مظألم تؤ ز

وبينما باب داني. أألفاطمألع، ب يحتشظونفقط أذم أصوات قا م من اطغرف حيث كنت ، انخل ألى اطذ طماتذتمال إطى ت منمكنتفتحس فجكة. واآلن تم ماألأألف بذر ن ططوت مشي باناي نحو اطباب، أ كنت أ

آأر فضربتس ا ظهر شأ هذوف تكون هناع مشكأل ". و ن إتقتألس اآلن وأن نجب ح يث يتشار : "ت ي .فجكة رضام ألى ذقطاطوب وكان بيرذونين، طق . ىذيشب

5. Understanding there was danger, Detchard closed the door fast: now surely he was alone in the room with the King and, remembering their plan, I knew the King was in real danger. Taking one of the keys, I quickly unlocked the door to the second room and opened it nervously. I think I expected to see the King had already been killed, but once inside the room I was relieved to see that Detchard was being held by the King's doctor. The King, weak from illness and chained in one corner, looked on in fear. The doctor was too weak to hold Detchard for long, and before I could help him, Detchard broke free and killed the poor doctor with his sword.

في اطغرف م اطمألع وح ه: اآلن باطتككي كان هو أغأل اطباب ذرياا ، هناع أطر ن ما أ رع يتشار أنباب تذرياا فتحو من اطمشاتيح ا واح ت. أأوىاطمألع كان في أطر حقيقأن ارفت ف ،أطتهم ت أناوتوكر

فق اطغرف قتل باطشال وطكن ن ما أألت كان ق رز اطمألع أأن تتوقا تق أننى . أباصبي غرف اطدانياطكان و اطمرضمن ا اطمألع ضايشكان . انتابنى شاور باترتياح ن ما وج ت طبيب اطمألع يمذع ب يتشار

ب يتشار أن يمذع وطكن اططبيب كان أضاف مننظر في أوف. وكان ي مقي ا باطذ ذل فى أح اطخوايا، .، فر يتشار وقتل اططبيب اطمذكين بذيشسسذا تم يوقبل أن اذتط ،طويأل طشترة

6. Detchard turned to me and said, "At last!" I held up my sword and it was lucky that Detchard did not have a gun. We began to fight. He was a much better swordsman than me and knew all the tricks: he smiled when he cut me on the arm, and I would soon have died if the King had not helped me. "My cousin Rudolf!" he cried, as if he only now realised who I was. He reached forward and pushed the legs of a chair into Detchard's body. "Push hard!"

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I called "Push against his legs!" With the legs of the chair against him, Detchard found it hard to stand up. This made him angry, and he struck the King hard with his sword, but as he did so, he fell over the doctor's body. It was easy for me to kill him as he lay on the floor.

بن قي . ماس كن يأن يتشار طم من حذن اطحظ وكان ىذيشفرفات ،"أأيرا !وقال: " ناحيتىإذت ار يتشار كنت ، وىورا أصابنى فى ارف كل اطحيل: ابتذم ن مافهو يكدير ب ا أفضل منىتل. كان مبارخاقنتب أنا "، كما طو أنس أ رع اآلن فقط ! وطف مي روابن " اطوز صاح قا : اطمألع نىت إوا طم يذا وماط من قريبا

ف ض ذاقيس!" ، إ!بقوة ف إ"نا يتس: . ف جذم يتشار برجألى كرذىإطى اممام، و أنتقل. من أكونضرب ضرب اطمألعفجاألس هوا غاضبا، و يتشار صاوب في اطوقوف. وج ض ه، رجألى اطكرذى وبوجو رق منس كان يقتألس أن أكان من اطذهل طي فجذم اططبيب. كان يشال وطع، ذقط ألى ن مابذيشس، وطكن قوي

. ألى امرض7. Was the King dead too? I ran to where he lay. How happy I was when the King moaned, so I knew he was alive. But before I could help him, I heard Rupert somewhere outside the King's prison calling out, "Come on, Michael! Let's fight!" I tore a piece from my shirt to make a bandage for the cut on my arm, and quietly opening the prison door, I looked out. The drawbridge was now down once more. Rupert stood in the middle of the bridge with his sword, while the door to the mansion at the other end of the drawbridge was guarded by some very frightened-looking servants, as well as Johann, who I was pleased to see was unhurt. Then Antoinette de Mauban angrily called out from behind the servants, "The Duke's dead, you've already killed him!" "Dead!" called Rupert. "That's good. Then I'm your leader now. Put down your weapons and do as I say."

أنس كان ألى قي فاألمتاطمألع، تكوه ن ما تى اذاكم كان ا ؟ جريت إطى حيث كان يرق . أيضاطمألع هلاماتا

"هيا، قا : اطمألع ينا ب ذجن ذمات روبرت في مكان ما أارج تسذا من ممكن أتبل أن اطحياة. وطكن قورا ي، اطتى كانت فى صاب ضما ة طإل كى ا ملط ىقطا من قميص قمت بتمخي !" تلاتقمايكل! نا نيا

برت روكان مرة أأرز. موضو ا . كان اطجذر اطمتحرع اآلن طألأارجنظرت وباب اطذجن به و ، توفتحاطقصر في اطجانب اآلأر من اطجذر اطمتحرع اطمؤ ز اطىقف في منتصف اطجذر بذيشس، بينما كان اطباب ي

طم يصب أن أراه وكان من وا ي ذرورب زوهان، اطوجوكوطع أ م يب و أليهم اطر ب،باض اط يحرذسفصاح " باطشال! ست قتألاط و ، طقطق مات " :أ اماطمن ورا ضباموبان غ وأنطوانيت صاحت بكوز. دم ." ما أقول وافاألاو تكمأذألحضاوا ،اآلن كمأنا خ يم ، إوا هوا أمر جي ، !تقوطين مات" :روبرت

8. Instead of putting down their weapons, however, the servants allowed Antoinette de Mauban to walk onto the bridge, and she was pointing a gun at Rupert. But before she had time to shoot – if, indeed, she planned to – Rupert once again jumped quickly into the water below the bridge. More loud voices were heard and I realised that Sapt and his men must have finally arrived at the front door, on the other side of the mansion. Feeling confident that the King would be safe, I ran after Rupert and also jumped into the water. He swam faster than I could with my wounded arm, and he quickly swam to where the rope was tied to the tree above the moat. He looked surprised but pleased to see the rope and quickly climbed up. I was, perhaps, a minute behind him and once at the top of the rope, I could see him running off into the forest. At one stage I saw him look back at me. I thought I saw him waving, as if it were a game, as if he knew I would never catch him.

اطذير ألى اطجذر، بنطوانيت و موبان مح اذمباط ، باطرغم من وطع،اطأ مقام ب ت من وض أذألحتهم ، في اطواق ، تاتخمتإوا كان –طأل اطنار تاطوقت طيحين روبرت. وطكن قبل أن تجاه بن قي ب تصوبوكانت

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مرة أأرز بذر في اطما تحت اطجذر. ذمات أصوات أكدر، وأ ركت أن دابت قشخ روبرت – وطعفي أصبحأن اطمألع فى دق اطب تألجانب اآلأر من اطقصر. شارطوصألوا أأيرا إطى اطباب اممامي ق ورجاطس م ورا ي اطجرحى، نىذبح أذرل مما يمكنكان ياطما . فىأيضا ت روبرت وقشخ أألف تركضفمكمن،

ا ذرورس كان ماط هش وطكن ب ت أليسإطى شجرة فو اطأن . مربوطا اطحبل كانح إطى حيث وبذر ذباطجخ اطاألوب من ن ما وصألت اطى قيق واح ة، وب. وكنت، ربما، ورا ه م ألىبذر صا طرؤي اطحبل و

. ناحيتىر إطى اطورا نظي سفي مرحأل من اطمراحل، رأيتواطغاب . األيألوو باطشرار أراه أن أذتطاتاطحبل، .ا ب أس بأمذع نى طنطاب ، كما طو كان ياألم أن ا فى، كما طو كنطى رأيتس يألوح أظن أننى

9. We both ran, further and further into the forest of Zenda, until I heard another cry. What had Rupert done now? Soon I discovered that he had found a boy riding to market, and had quickly pulled him from the horse and taken his place. Rupert was trying to get the boy to be quiet by giving him some money, and this gave me time to catch up with him. "Stop!" I shouted. He looked at me and smiled. "What did you do at the castle?” he asked. "I made sure that you are the last of the Six Men." I told him. "Do you mean that you got inside the King's prison?" he asked with surprise. "I did." "And what's happened to the King?” "He was hurt, but he's alive." I told him. "Why didn't you follow my plan?" he said. "We could have worked well together." "Get off your horse and fight like a man," I said.

ذر ان ما وخين ا، حتى ذمات صرأ أأرز. ماوا فال روبرت اآلن؟ في غاب ك نا أبا وأبا ركض . ساطحصان بذر وأأو مكان فو ه منجرإطى اطذو ، وق جها حصان متركب ياكتششت أنس وج صبي قا : اطصبي بإ طا س باض اطمال، وهوا أ طاني اطوقت طألحا بس. صرأت أن يه أكان روبرت يحاول

نت آأر أ ع"طق تكك ت من أن :شال في اطقألا ؟". قألت طسكنت ت"ماوا :". نظر طي وابتذم. وتذا لمكانع! "قف فاألت". "ومانام األ ذجن اطمألع؟". " وصألت اطىأنع وطع ياني هل " :ذكل باذتغرابف "، اطرجال اطذت

نحن يمكن أن ؟تى"طماوا طم تتب أط :قالف ألى قي اطحياة" سب، وطكنيصطق أ" :اطوب ح ث طألمألع؟" قألت طس ."رجلك قاتألنىو عحصانفو نخل منأ" فقألت:نامل ماا بشكل جي ."

10. I ran at Rupert with my sword, but still on his horse, he easily pushed me away with his own sword. I ran at him again and managed to cut his cheek, but now he rode at me with his sword held high. I would surely have been killed, but at that moment there was a shout as Fritz arrived on another horse carrying a gun. Rupert stopped and looked at us. He understood that he could not fight us both, so he turned the horse and rode away as fast as he could. "Go after him!" I said to Fritz. But Fritz was looking at me, not at Rupert. "Sir, you don't look well." he said, and I suddenly felt very weak. Fritz got off his horse and ran up to me as I fell to the ground. "Is the King safe?" I asked him weakly. "Thanks to you, he is." said Fritz. "But you're injured. Here, let me help you." Next to us, the young boy looked on with wide eyes. "Isn't that the King?" he said, pointing at me. Fritz ignored him.

باتجاهس ت فاني بذهوط باي ا بذيشس. ركضفت يخال ألى جوا ه، س كان، وطكنىروبرت بذيش ناحي جريت، وطكن كان من اطمؤك اننى ذكقتلذيشس. اتجس ناحيتى شاهرا اآلن سمن قط أ ه، طكن تمرة أأرز، وتمكن

روبرت ونظر . توقفيحمل مذ ذا وكان ألى حصان آأر فق وصل في تألع اطألحظ كان هناع صرأوهب أ" :شريتخطبكذرل ما يمكن. قألت وهرب وطوطع اذت ار بحصانس، ماا تنامحارب سيمكنت فهم أنس ق . ويناإط

." ، وفجكة شارت بأير"ذي ب، أنت ت تب و :روبرت. وقالوطيس ط، اطي ينظريتخ كان س!". وطكن فرأألشهل " :ضافبذقط ألى امرض. ذكطتس أ ناحيتى فق كنت ن جوا ه وركض ج ا . ترجل فريتخ أننى ضايف

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وقريب ذا ع. " أ ألى أن، اذمحهيابجروح. مصاب عوطكن .كوطع، هو بشضألع" :اطمألع؟". قال فريتخنجى .فريتخ تجاهألسوطكن اطمألع؟". أطيس وطع هو" :مشيرا إطي ايون واذا . وقالينظر اطينا باطصبي كان، امن

11. After a long rest, I felt strong enough to walk back, leaning heavily on Fritz's arm. I later learnt from Fritz and Antoinette de Mauban what happened that night at the castle and the events leading up to it. A few months earlier, the Duke had met Antoinette de Mauban in Paris and had asked her to Ruritania to see the coronation. She respected the Duke and was pleased to be his guest. However, some of the Duke's servants told her servants about the Duke's ambitions to be King. She did not like his evil plans and decided to warn me of everything he wanted to do. When the Duke found out that she had warned me in Strelsau, he tricked Antoinette de Mauban by inviting her and her servants to his castle. Once she was there, he made sure they could not leave in order to stop her telling anyone about his plan.

بش ة ألى ورال فريتخ. أذتن ت، م و ذيرا بما يكشي أننى أصبحت متماذكا با اذتراح طويأل ، شارت ومنو ريتخ وانطوانيت و موبان ما ح ث تألع اطأليأل في اطقألا وامح اث اطتي أ ت إطيها. ألمت تحقا من ف

إطى طألب منها أن تحضراط و أنطوانيت و موبان في باريس وقابل بضا أشهر في وقت ذاب ، باض قام . وم وطع، أليستكون ضيشأن ذروره م كانتتحترم اط و ، و كانتروريتانيا طرؤي اطتتويغ.

، وقررت أن يرةاطشرس أططتقبل أن يكون اطمألع. طم اط و فىطموحات طأ مها نح يصرباطت و اط أ مفي ذتريألذو، أ ل أنطوانيت و نحنو نىحورت هاأن و ن ما اكتشف اط ومن كل ما يري أن يشال. نىتحور

من طكى يمناهامغا رة اط من أنها ت تذتطي تكك هناع، و ن ما وصألتإطى قصره. هاوأ م تهاموبان ب و .أطتس نأب شأ أن تأبر

12. Luckily, with Johann as our spy, Antoinette was still able to send us letters and we could use her position in the castle to help us. Somehow, however, Rupert discovered that she was helping us, so he wanted to punish her; by chance he chose the very night that we were attacking the castle.اWhen Michael came to see what was happening, Rupert killed him in the fight that followed. Rupert, it seemed, believed that without the Duke, I really would stay as the King and somehow reward him for his evil work. He did not understand that I was pretending to be the King for the good of Ruritania: he believed I wanted to be King forever.

طنا ويمكننا ألى إرذال رذا ل ة خال قا رتأنطوانيت ت كانت وهان كجاذوس طنا، وجو جطحذن اطحظ، م وطوطع أرا ، نها كانت تذا نااكتشف روبرت اوبطريق ما، في اطقألا طمذا تنا. وم وطع، كانهااذتأ ام م ن ما جا مايكل و .بمهاجم اطقألا فيها نحنقمنا من قبيل اطص ف أنس اأتار اطأليأل واتها اطتي و؛ أن يااقبها

، و ون اط ب تق أنس أ روبرتأن اطتي تألت وطع. يب و طمارف ما كان يح ث، قتألس روبرت في اطمارك اطمألع نىأتظاهر بكنكنت نىيشهم أن م ألى مألس اطشر. أنس ط هكافكذوف أكمألع و ألى نحو ما ذكظل أنا باطشال

.كون مألكا إطى امب أياتق أنني أر ت أن كان روريتانيا: أنس أيرط13. Because Johann was helping the Duke, he could not open the front door for Sapt and his men at two o'clock, and it took a long time before they could finally enter the mansion. This they did just as Rupert was escaping from Antoinette de Mauban. Soon Sapt found the King lying in his prison, hurt but still alive. He was carried with his face covered to the mansion, where Antoinette helped to look after the poor King until another doctor could arrive. Meanwhile, Fritz came to look for me, knowing that I must have run off into the forest after Rupert.

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، واذتغر اطداني صباحا شتح اطباب اممامي طدابت ورجاطس في طم يذتط أن ي، و من جوهان كان يذا اط وهروب روبرت من أدنا هفاألوهو ما اطقصر. وهوا لو أوا اأيرا من مكنتوقتا طوي قبل أن يوطع

ت يخال سوطكن كان مصابا ذجنس، في مألقى ألى اترضمألع اطذر ان ما وج دابت وأنطوانيت و موبان. مذكيناطمألع اطب فى ات تنا إطى اطقصر، حيث ذا ت أنطوانيت تم نقألس، ووجهس مغطى، ألى قي اطحياة.

ورا إطى اطغاب نى أنطألقت ألم أن ن ما ، يبحث نىطبيب آأر. ومن ناحي أأرز، جا فريتخ وصولحتى .روبرت

14. Back at the castle, Colonel Sapt had to ask Johann and Antoinette de Mauban to guard the secret about the real King. His men and the servants thought that the King had been injured while rescuing the prisoner, who had gone after Rupert Hentzau. News was sent to Tarlenheim to tell the Princess that the King was hurt but alive, and that she should wait at Tarlenheim for him. The people of Strelsau also heard that the brave King had fought with his brother because he had kept a prisoner in Zenda who was a friend of the King. The Duke had tried to kill the King, who was injured, but the evil Duke had died.

أن وهان وانطوانيت و موبان ج أن يطألب مناطاقي دابت اضطر، مرة أأرز اطقألا و ن ما كانوا فىاطوب وهب وأن اطمألع ق أصيب أدنا إنقاو اطذجين، ونياتق سرجاطس وأ امفاطمألع اطحقيقي. ذر يحشظوا

ألى قي اطحياة، سوطكن أصيبامميرة أن اطمألع إلأبارامأبار إطى تارطينهيم تم إرذال روبرت هينتخو. را ومنس أأوهقاتل م تشجال اطذتريألذو أن اطمألع فى في تارطينهيم. كما ذم اطناس هأن تنتظر أليها وأنس ينبغي

قتل اطمألع، اطوب أصيب بجروح، وطكن ي و أن طألمألع. حاول اط اطوب كان ص يقا وفي خين ا ا ق أبقى ذجين .توفياط و اطشرير

15. However, Princess Flavia did not want to wait at Tarlenheim and asked Marshal Strakencz to take her to Zenda at once so she could see the King. Her coach was approaching the castle as Fritz led me back from the forest. When we saw the coach, I quickly hid behind a tree, but we did not realise that the boy whose horse Rupert had taken had followed us. He was very excited and called out, "Princess! The King's here, behind this tree!" We tried to keep the boy quiet, but it was too late. The Princess's coach had stopped and I could see the Marshal leaning out of the coach window to talk to the boy. "What you say is nonsense." called Strakencz. "The King's injured in the castle." "No, really, he's here. He fought a man who took my horse."

فى اطمشير ذتراكينكخ أن يكأوها إطى خين ا فطألبت من ،امميرة ف فيا اتنتظار في تارطينهيم طم تر وم وطع،من اطغاب . ن ما ا ا بىفريتخ ن ما كانيقترب من اطقألا موكبها اطمألع. كان من رؤي مكن اطحال طكى تت هأوأاطحصان اطوب صاحب رع أن اطصبي نطم نات بذر أألف شجرة، وطكن بتأأ، وكبشاه نا اطمهوه اطشجرة! " حاوطنا إبقا أألفامميرة! اطمألع هنا، أيتها " نا ز:ج ا و نشا اتبانا. وكان مكان ق روبرت

ميل من نافوة مميرة واذتطات أن أرز اطمشير يوكب اوقف مت، وطكن اطوقت كان ق فات. ا اطصبي ها في اطقألا ". "ت، حقا ، مصابا اطمألع، يرق "ما تقوطس هو هرا :ذتراكينكخ قال طألتح ث إطى اطصبي. اطمركب ." ىحصانأو رجل اطوب أاطهنا. طق حارب إنس

16. At this moment, Sapt rode out of the castle to meet the party. "This boy says the King's over there behind that tree." said Strakencz to Sapt with a strange look. "No, he's in the castle behind me." said Sapt with a smile. "Please, come and see if you don't believe me." said the boy. The smile disappeared from Sapt's face and he looked worried, before quickly saying, "I'll go." "Let me come, too." said the Princess. Sapt thought for a moment, then said quietly, "Then come alone." The Princess was helped down from the

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coach. She then walked with Sapt across the grass towards me. I sat down behind the t ree, putting my hands over my face. Fritz put his hand on my shoulder.

"هوا اطصبي :نظرة غريب بقال ذتراكينكخ إطى دابت ف. طمقابأل اطموكباطقألا مندابت أرجفي هوه اطألحظ ، :ال اطصبيقف.". ىفي اطقألا أألش إنس "ت، وهو يبتذم:قال دابت فطمألع هناع أألف تألع اطشجرة.". أن ايقول قول يقأل ، قبل أن اط ب ا أليس.". اأتشت اتبتذام من وجس دابت ونىص قت، تاال وانظر إوا كنت ت وع"ارج

إوا تي أيضا.". فكر دابت طألحظ ، دم قال به و ، "آ"اذمح طي أن :امميرة ت". وقاطرز"ذوف ا :بذر أألف اطذاجكنت دابت بر اطاشب تجاهي. م ذارت. دم طتترجل من اطحافأل امميرة وا." ذا عوح تااطى

.ض ي ه ألى كتشييفريتخ وكان ي ب ألى وجهي. ا ضاااطشجرة، و17. When Princess Flavia saw me, she ran up and cried, "It is you! Are you hurt?" I said nothing, so she looked at Sapt and said, "What's this game you're playing?" "This is not the King." said Sapt quietly. "What do you mean it's not the King?" said the Princess. "This is not the King." said Sapt again. "He is the King!" cried Flavia. "It's his face! Rudolf, look at me! What's happening?" Looking into her eyes, I said, "Forgive me, Madame. I'm not the King." The Princess looked surprised, then frightened, and I could see she did not know what to say. "Come." Sapt said gently to the Princess. "It's time you came into the castle. We have much to discuss." I watched as she walked away. Now my game was nearly at an end.

أزقل طم أ؟ " ل انت مصاب! هأنت "أنس صاحت:ونحوز ت ضف فيا امميرة، ركرأتنى امميرة ن ما "هوا طيس اطمألع.". :قال دابت به و ف؟" ونهاتألاب "ما هوه اطألاب اطتي ت:دابت، وقاطنظرت اطى طوطعشي ،

"أنس :ف فيافصاحت "هوا طيس اطمألع.". :قال دابت مرة أأرزفكنس طيس اطمألع؟". باوا تقص امميرة "م تقاط، ذامحينى ذي تى" :قألتوفي ينيها، تطي! ما اطوب يح ث؟ " نظرإ نظرأ! رو وطف، سأنس وجه، هو اطمألع!

ااطى، "ت :ف طألميرةقول. قال دابت بألطتأنها ت تارف ماوا فهمتو وأافتامميرة أن هشت أنا طذت اطمألع." تقريبا في تىطاب تمشى باي ا . اآلن كانوهى ت ها". شاه تس.اقشنناطقألا . ط ينا اطكدير ط طت أألىطق حان اطوقت

.تهانهاي18. All that day Fritz and I waited in the forest while the Princess stayed in the castle with the King. That night, when it was dark, Fritz led me to the castle where I stayed, unseen, in the rooms that had been the King's prison. Johann brought me food and told me what he knew. The King was getting better and had seen the Princess with Sapt, and Marshal Strakencz had returned to Strelsau. Johann also said that everyone was talking about the strange prisoner of Zenda and who he could be. Some said he was an English friend of the King's who had heard about the Duke's plans, so the Duke had locked him up to stop him from speaking to the King.

في تألع اطأليأل ، ن ما وامميرة في اطقألا م اطمألع. تبقي بينمافريتخ في اطغاب أنا و وطع اطيوم، انتظرت طوال ، في اطغرف اطتي ق تم ذجن اطمألعباي ا ن مر ى اطجمي فريتخ إطى اطقألا حيث مكدت، أأونى اطظ م، حلم دابت، حيث أتت امميرة رأز، ويتحذنيارفس. اطمألع كان ما كل وهان جألب طي اططاام وقال طي ج. فيها

اروهان أيضا أن اطجمي كان يتح ث ن ذجين خين جوق ا اطمارشال ذتراكينكخ إطى ذتريألذو. وقال ، اط و اطوب كان ق ذم ن أطط ويمكن أن يكون. اطباض قال أنس ص ي إنجأليخب طألمألع ومن اطغريب

.مناس من اطتح ث إطى اطمألعطكى ي اط و وطوطع حبذس19. Later that evening, Fritz came to me and said the King wanted to see me. So I went to his room, where he was lying in bed with a doctor next to him. He looked weak and tired, but smiled when he saw me. "Cousin! My friend! You're injured, too. We're always the

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same, you and I!" I smiled and bowed down before him. "I want to thank you." he said. "I hoped that tomorrow, you'd come with me to Strelsau and tell everyone about the brave things that you've done, but Sapt tells me that this isn't possible." "He's right, sir. My work in your country is complete." "Very well, I'll return to Strelsau alone. People know that the King was injured, so they won't be surprised to see me looking a little different. But you've taught me something, cousin Rudolf. You've shown me what a true King should be." he said. "I'd happily help you again, sir." I said. And I meant it, thinking that perhaps I would need to. Nobody knew where Rupert had disappeared to, and the thought of the man who had almost beaten me still makes my heart beat louder in my chest.

في وقت تح من هوا اطمذا ، جا طي فريتخ وقال أن اطمألع يري أن يراني. فوهبت إطى غرفتس، حيث كان ! ص يقي! أنت ى"ابن م آنى:ضايشا ومتابا، طكنس ابتذم ن ما ر كان. هراجوبطبيب وهناعيرق في اطذرير

كنت ، "أري أن أشكرع :أمامس. وقال انحنيت، وت، أنت وأنا!" ابتذممدل باضنا. نحن ا ما ت أيضا أصب، وطكن دابت يقول ااطوب قمت به تكتي ماي إطى ذتريألذو وأأبر اطجمي ن امشيا اطشجا ذ أمل أن غ اأ

ا ، ذوف أ و إطى مألي في بأل كم ." "جي جطق أكتمل أن هوا غير ممكن". "أنس ألى ح ، ذي ب اطر يس. قألي . ا مأتألشوأنا أب و ي تطرؤي وان هشيطن وطوطعصيب ، أ كان ق . اطناس يارفون أن اطمألع زذتريألذو وح

:قألت ف.". اطحقيقى اطمألع أليس ق بينت طي ما ينبغي أن يكون طرو وطف. ىابن ميا ، ما شي ا نى ألمت عوطكنأضطر ربما نىأن و ار فى فكرز ني وطع، كنت أذي ب.". وع مرة أأرز، يا تذا ذككون ذاي ا إن "

ت يخال يجال قألبي كان ،تقريبا هخمنىطرجل اطوب اطتشكير فى ا أح يارف أين اأتشى روبرت، وف. طوطع .في ص رب ينبض بصوت أ ألى

20. "The Princess has asked to see you, too." said the King. "She can come in now." "Does she know everything?" I whispered, before she arrived. "She does." the King answered. The Princess came into the room and I bowed down to her. "It seems you've tricked me." she said, but not unkindly. "I would like to apologise to you for this." I said. "You don't need to apologise. I should thank you for all you've done for Ruritania." she said. "I've learned all about duties and responsibilities." I said to her. "It's a lesson I'll never forget." "And we'll never forget how you've helped the King." she replied. The King smiled, then closed his eyes and fell asleep, and the doctor said it was best if I left him. I bowed and left the people who would shape the future of Ruritania, not knowing that I would never see the King, the Princess – or Rupert – ever again.

تارف كل هىهل و" :قبل وصوطها تتكتي اآلن." همذ ق .أيضا ، تراع"امميرة طألبت أن :وقال اطمألع"يب و بكذألوب طيس باطأشن قاطت:طها. حنيتامميرة إطى اطغرف وأن أألت .". نام" :كجاب اطمألعفشي ؟".

أن أشكرع ألى بل يجبحتاج إطى ات توار. "ت ت :قاطتف ن هوا".. "أو أن ا تور طع :.". قألت تنىع أ أنأنس رس ، "طق تاألمت كل شي ن اطواجبات واطمذؤوطيات :روريتانيا.". قألت طهامن أجل كل ما قمت بس

وغط في ساطمألع، دم غأل ينيانتذم اطمألع.". تطن ننذى اب أ كيف ذا نحن"و :". فكجابتا ب أ اهطن إنذمذتقبل ونشكألذياطناس اطوين ت، وتركيت. انحنووهبت سفضل طو تركتاطنوم، وقال اططبيب أنس من ام

.تح أب وقت فىمرة أأرز –أو روبرت –وامميرة أرز اطمألع، ذوف أأن كنت رفأروريتانيا، ت 21. A few hours later, Sapt and Fritz bowed down to me as I got on a train at a small station near the border with Ruritania. The other passengers on the train must have thought an important person in a large coat and hat was about to leave their country, but it was only I, Rudolf Rassendyll, an English gentleman.

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ألى متن قطار في محط صغيرة باطقرب من صا ت أمامى ن مادابت وفريتخ انحنى بض ذا ات، وبا يرت ز ا مهم ا شأص ق تحظوا أناطركاب اآلأرين ألى متن اطقطار ومن اطمؤك أن اطح و م روريتانيا.

.إنجأليخب رجل، رو وطف راذين يل، انا فحذب ألى وشع مغا رة بأل هم، طكنس كان كان قبا ماطف كبير و22. When I finally returned to England, I had some explaining to do. My brother Robert and his wife Rose told me that everyone had been looking for me. And Rose was very disappointed when I told her I had not written a book. "At least the ambassador has a job for you soon." she said. "He now knows which country he'll be sent to." "Where's that?" I asked. "Ruritania. Sir Jacob Borrodaile is to be the British Ambassador in Strelsau." "I don't think it'd be a good idea for me to work there." I said. "But you promised you'd take the job!" cried Rose. "You're right, but please look at this." I said, showing them a photograph in a newspaper which showed the King's coronation. There was I, with Sapt, Fritz, Michael and the Princess. Robert and Rose looked at it in amazement. "Yes, you look very like the King of Ruritania." said Rose. "But this is just an excuse. You could have become an ambassador yourself one day! If you don't go, you'll never be anyone important!"

وخوجتس روخ أأي روبرتأأبرنى . أن أق م باض اطتوضيحاتألي ن ما ت أأيرا إطى إنكألترا، كان :قاطتفكتب كتاب. أ أننى طمها أأبرت ن ما كبيرة بأيب أمل أصيبت روخي. و ن ونيبحد واأن اطجمي كان

"أين :". ذكطتيسإط سأنس يارف اآلن اطبأل اطوب ذوف يتم إرذاط، اطذشير ط يس وظيش طع ما خال قلامألى " ا"ت أ تق أنه :في ذتريألذو". قألت ر اطبريطانييكون اطذشيذوب بور يل جاكذي اط؟". "روريتانيا. وطع "أنت قألت: !". وظيش هوه اط ذتقبل عأن ت"وطكنع و :كون فكرة جي ة باطنذب طي طألامل هناع". بكت روختذ

كانت صورتى ظهر تتويغ اطمألع. تاطتي وطهم صورة في إح ز اطصحف أظهرتهوا". ط زنظرأ، وطكن محقج ا تب و شبيها "نام، :روخ تميرة. نظرروبرت وروخ إطيها في وهول. وقاطفريتخ ومايكل وامو م دابت

أب أب ا ن تكونطتوهب، طم! إوا ا مايوما صبح ذشيرتأن عمجر وريا . يمكن هوطكن هو، مألع روريتانياب ".شأ مهم

23. I knew, however, that I did not need to go. I had been something far more important than an ambassador: I had been a King. I remembered and understood those words Rose had said to me all those months ago: a person with a position in society has responsibilities. But even without a position in society, we all have a duty to help other people when we can, and we all become better people for doing so.

تطم أكن في حاج طألوهاب. طق كنت شي ا أكدر أهمي من ذشير: طق كنت مألع. توكر نىأن رفت هوا،م و شأ وو مكان في اطمجتم أز: اطتى مضت تألع امشهر طوالروخ طي اطتى قاطتها تألع اطكألمات توفهم

. وطكن حتى ب ون مكان في اطمجتم ، ألينا جمياا واجب مذا ة اآلأرين ن ما نذتطي ، طيات وط يس مذ .بوطع ناصبح أفضل طقيامنونحن جمياا

Questions with modal answers.

1- How did Rassendyll describe his waiting in the water of the moat?

It was cold waiting in the water of the moat .

2- What did Rassendyll do after Rupert disappeared into the mansion?

He slowly climbed out and waited by the drawbridge gate next to the castle.

3- Who were left to protect the real king?

Only Detchard. Bersonin and De Gautet were left to protect the king in his prison.

4- What did Rassendyll wish to do at that moment?

He wished to have the keys to the king's room but he knew that he had to be patient.

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5-Why did Antoinette give a real cry at one o'clock in the morning?

Because she was fighting Rupert who entered her room

6-What did Rassendyll think when he heard that cry?

He thought that she cried an hour early as he asked her in his message. 7-How did Rassendyll get ready after the cry?

He pulled out his sword and stood ready for what might happen.

8- Why did Rupert go to Antoinette room?

He wanted to punish her as she had been writing letters to Rassendyll

9- What was Michael's reaction to Rupert's accusation about Antoinette?

Michael told Rupert that Antoinette was his guest so Rupert deserved to be punished.

10- How did the argument between Michael and Rupert end?

It ended with a sword fight in which Rupert could kill Michael.

11-Why did Rupert strike his sword at Johann?

Because Rupert knew that Johann was Rassendyll's spy so he punished him.

12- Why was Rassendyll worried about Johann's life after that stab طعنة ?

Johann was supposed to open the front door for Rassendyll's men so the success

Of Rassendyll's plan depended on Johann .

13- How far was Johann's life important to Rassendyll ?

If Johann was hurt badly or killed , the king's rescue plan would fail

14- Rassendyll thought that Rupert would be caught but Rupert escaped. Explain

a) Rupert was fighting many men and Rassendyll thought he would be caught.

b) However, at the next moment, there was a loud cry and Rupert jumped out of the

window and down into the moat below, where he swam away , he had escaped

15- How did Rassendyll make use of killing De Gautet?

When De Gautet appeared in front of Rassendyll, Rassendyll struck him with his sword

and de Gautet fell to the ground.Rassendyll found three keys in his clothes

At last Rassendyll could enter the room where the king was being kept prisoner.

16- What did Rassendyll see when he opened the first door?

He found himself at the top of some steps which led into a cold, dark room .The only

Light came from a small candle in a corner

17- Where did the voices Rassendyll hear come from?

The voices were coming from room where the king was kept behind a second door.

18- What was Detchard saying when the door was suddenly opened?

He said," We mustn't kill him yet or there'll be trouble."

19- How did Bersonin meet his end ?

When Bersonin appeared from the door , Rassendyll struck him with his sword .

20-Why was the king in real danger ?

As Detchard closed the door as he understood there was danger. Rassendyll remembered

Michael's plan of killing the king .

22-Why was Rassendyll relieved when he opened the 2nd door?

As he expected that the king had already been killed but he saw Detchard being held by

King's doctor. The king was in one corner ,weak from illness and chains 23- The brave doctor paid his life for his honesty and his loyalty .Illustrate .

The doctor was so weak to hold Detchard for so long and before Rassendyll could help

him , Detchard broke free and killed the poor doctor with his sword.

24-Why couldn't the king help the doctor?

As he was weak from illness and from the chains.

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25- How was Rassendyll lucky when he fought with Detchard?

Detchard didn't have a gun .The king helped Rassendyll by pushing the legs of the chair

against Detchard's body

26- Why was it dangerous to fight against Detchard?

Detchard was a much better swordsman than Rassendyll and he knew all the tricks

27- But for the king's help, Rassendyll would soon have died. Discuss

Detchard smiled when he cut Rassendyll on the arm and would soon have killed

Rassendyll but the king pushed the legs of the chair against Detchard's body.

28- How did Rassendyll manage to kill Detchard ?

Detchard found it hard to stand up. That made him angry, and he struck the king hard

with his sword but he fell over the doctor's body. It was easy for Rassendyll to kill him.

29- Why was Rassendyll happy when he heard the king moaning ?يئن

Because he thought that the king was killed by Detchard but the king was still alive.

30- How far was Rupert a fierce fighterمقاتل شرس?

Rupert stood on the drawbridge defying Michael and his men to come and to fight him

Antoinette accused him of killing the Duke

31- How was Antoinette was about to kill Rupert?

She had a gun and she pointed it at Rupert who jumped into the water below the bridge

32-When did Rassendyll decide to chase Rupert?

When Sapt and his men arrived to the front door , Rassendyll felt confident that the king

would be safe so he decided to run after Rupert.

32- Why did Rupert swim faster than Rassendyll?

Because Rassendyll's arm was wounded. 33- How did Rupert try to escape from Rassendyll?

Rupert swam to where the rope was tied .He was pleased to see the rope and quickly

climbed up. He ran in front of Rassendyll in the forest. Rupert had found a boy riding to market

and had quickly pulled him from his horse and taken his place.

34- How did Rassendyll catch up with Rupert? How was Rupert a kind thief?

Rupert tried to give the boy some money to be quiet so Rassendyll caught up with him

35 –What did Rupert ask Rassendyll about in the forest?

Rupert asked him why he didn't follow his plan and was surprised that Rassendyll was

able to inside the king's prison. and asked what happened to the king.

36- What did Rassendyll answer to Rupert's questions?

Rassendyll told him the king was hurt but he was alive.Rassendyll told him that he was

the last of the Six Men .Rassendyll asked him to get off his horse and fight like a man

37- Why did Rassendyll tell Rupert that he was the last of the Six Men?

Because Rassendyll killed the three foreigners and his men killed the other two. 38- Why was it easy for Rupert to push Rassendyll away with his sword?

Because he was on his horse but Rassendyll managed to cut his cheek with his sword.

39- How did the arrival of Fritz save Rassendyll from certain death موت حمقق?

When Rupert rode at him with his sword held high,Rassendyll would surely have been

killed but at that moment Fritz arrived on another horse carrying a gun .

40- Rupert was wise when he didn't fight with Rassendyll in the forest. Discuss.

Rupert understood that he couldn't fight both Rassendyll and Fritz so he ran away fast.

41-Why didn't Fritz obey Rassendyll to go after Rupert?

Because Fritz saw that Rassendyll didn't look well. Fritz got off his horse and ran to Rassendyll when he fell to the ground Fritz told him thanks to him the king was safe

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42-Why was the boy surprised when Rassendyll ask about the king?

Because the boy thought Rassendyll was the king

43- What did Fritz and Antoinette de Mauban tell Rassendyll?

Rassendyll learnt from them what happened that night at the castle and the events leading up to it .

44- How did Antoinette de Mauban get acquainted with the Duke of Strelsau?

The duke met he in Paris and asked her to Ruritania to see the coronation. Antoinette respected

the Duke and accepted to be his guest.

45- Why did Antoinette change her attitude towards the Duke?

Some of the Duke's servants told her servants about the Duke's ambitions to be king.

She didn't like his evil plans and decided to tell Rassendyll of everything he wanted to do.

46-Why did the Duke decide to punish Antoinette de Mauban?

Because he found out that she warned Rassendyll in Strelsau

47- How did the Duke trick her?

The Duke invited her with her servants to his castle. Once she was there , he made sure

they couldn't leave in order to stop her telling anyone about his plans.

48- How was Antoinette still able to send letters to Rassendyll ?

Because Johann was Rassendyll's spy in the castle and Rassendyll used her position in

the castle to help them but Rupert discovered that somehow. 49- Why did Rupert choose the wrong time to punish Antoinette?

Because it was the night chosen for attacking the castle.

50- How did Michael meet his end?

When Michael came to defend Antoinette , Rupert killed him in the fight that followed.

51- What wrong idea did Michael have about Rassendyll?

He believed that without Michael , Rassendyll would stay as the king and somehow

reward him for his evil work. He didn't understand that Rassendyll was pretending to be

king for the good of Ruritania .He believed Rassendyll wanted to be king forever.

52- Why couldn't Johann open the front door at two o'clock as planned?

Because Johann was helping the Duke who was wounded by Rupert.

53- Where was the king taken from his prison?

Sapt covered the king's face and took him to the mansion

54- Who looked after the poor king?

Antoinette helped to look after the poor king till another doctor could arrive. 55-Why did Fritz go to look for Rassendyll in the forest?

As Fritz knew that Rassendyll must have run off into the forest after Rupert.

56-What did Colonel Sapt ask Antoinette and Johann to do?

He asked them to guard the secret about the real king.

57- What did his men and the servants think about the king's injury?

The king was injured while he was rescuing the prisoner who ran after Rupert.

58- What was the news sent to the Princess at Tarlenheim?

The king was hurt but he was still alive and she should wait at Tarlenheim for him.

59-Whydid n't the people of Strelsau sympathize with يتعاطف مع the Duke's death?

The brave king had fought with his brother because he had kept a prisoner in Zenda

who was a friend of the king. The Duke had tried to kill the king who was injured but

the evil Duke had died.

60- Why did the Princess disobey Sapt's order to stay at Tarlenheim?

As she wanted to see the injured king so she asked the Marshall to take her to Zenda

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61- Why did Rassendyll hide behind a tree when he was with Fritz?

The Princess's coach was approaching the castle when Fritz led him back from the forest.

62-Who attracted the Princess's attention to Rassendyll's hidden place ?

The boy who was following them told the Princess that the king was behind the tree 63-Why did Fritz and Rassendyll fail to keep the boy quiet?

As it was too late as the coach stopped and the Marshall leant out to talk to the boy

64-What did the Marshall tell the boy?

The Marshall said what the boy said was nonsense as the king was injured in the castle

65-What did The Marshall tell Sapt who came to meet them?

The Marshall told Sapt that boy said the king was over there behind that tree.

66- When did Sapt's smile disappear?

Sapt told them the king was in the castle but the boy insisted to guide them to his place

67- What did Rassendyll do when the boy guided the Princess to his hidden place?

Rassendyll sat down behind the tree putting his hands over his face

68- The Princess accused Sapt that he was playing a game. Illustrate.

The princess had been told that the king was injured in the castle. Now she saw him

hidden behind a tree so she thought there was a game .

69- Why did the Princess look surprised , then frightened?

The Princess didn't believe that the man behind the tree wasn't the king until Rassendyll had her to forgive him as he wasn't the king

70-Where did Rassendyll stay in the castle?

He stayed unseen in the rooms which had been the king's prison

71- What news did Johann tell Rassendyll ?

The king was getting better.Sapt,the Princess and the Marshall had returned to Strelsau

Everyone was talking about the prisoner of Zenda and who he could be

72-According to the people, why did the Duke lock the prisoner of Zenda up?

Because he was an English friend of the king who knew about Michael's plans.

73- What did the king tell Rassendyll when he saw him in the castle?

He told him that they were the same even in the injury. He thanked Rassendyll and asked

him to come with him to Strelsau and tell everyone about the brave things he had done.

74- Who objected to the king's idea? Why?

Sapt objected and said that it wasn't possible . Rassendyll said that Sapt was right.

75-Why did the king think that people wouldn't be surprised to see him different?

As they knew that the king was injured and the injury had changed him somewhat.

76-Give four reasons why the king greatly indebted مدين to Rassendyll?

a) Rassendyll protected the coronation and put an end to Michael's ambitions

b) Rassendyll gained popularity to the new king among his people

c) Rassendyll was ready to sacrifice himself to save the king's life.

d) Rassendyll had taught the king what a true king should be

77-What made Rassendyll's heart beat louder in his chest?

The thought of Rupert who had almost beaten Rassendyll.

78-The Princess wasn't angry with Rassendyll despite tricking her. Discuss.

Rassendyll apologized for tricking the Princess but she told him that he didn't need to apologize

and thanked him for all he had done for Ruritania and the king.

79- What was the lesson that Rassendyll would never forget?

He had learnt all about duties and responsibilities.

80-Who accompanied يصطحب Rassendyll when he was going home?

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Sapt and Fritz said goodbye to him at the train station near the border with Ruritania.

81-What did the train passengers think when Sapt and Fritz bowed to Rassendyll?

They thought that an important person in a large coat and a hat was leaving Ruritania.

82-Why was Rose disappointed?

Because Rassendyll told her that he hadn't written a book.

83-Which country would Sir Jacob Borrodaile work in?

He would work as an English ambassador in Ruritania in the capital Strelsau.

84-What excuse did Rassendyll give for not accepting the job in Ruritania?

Rassendyll showed Rose a photograph in a newspaper which showed the king's

coronation .He looked like the king of Ruritania.It wouldn't be a good idea to work there

85- Why did Rose say if he didn't go there , he would never be anyone important?

She said what he had said was just an excuse and he could have been an ambassador.

86- Why did Rassendyll realise that he didn't need to be an ambassador there?

As he had been something far more important than an ambassador. He had been a king

87- How did Rassendyll believe in Rose's words?

He remembered and understood those words Rose had told him all those months ago

"A person with a position in society has responsibilities."

88- Rassendyll became wise after his experience as a king. Illustrate.

He believed in Rose's words and added even without a position in society. we all have a duty to help other people when we can .and we all become better people for doing so


Quotations with modal answers

1 –" Help, Michael ! It's Rupert Hentzau."

Who said that ? To whom ? Antoinette de Mauban to Michael 2-"This woman's been writing secret letters to Rassendyll! She needs to be punished"

Who said that ? To whom ? Rupert of Hentzau to Michael

Who did he talk about ? ? Antoinette de Mauban 3-" She's my guest .It's you who needs to be punished."

Who said that ? To whom ? Michael to Rupert.

What did those courageous words lead to ? Michael was killed by Rupert 4-" That's for you! I know you are Rassendyll's spy!"

Who said that ? To whom ? Rupert to Johann

What did Rupert do ? He struck his sword into Johann but Johann was unhurt

5-" We mustn't kill him yet or there will be trouble."

Who said that ? To whom ? Detchard to Bersonin 6-" At last"

Who said that ? To whom ? Detchard to Rassendyll 7-"My cousin Rudolf !"

Who said that ? To whom ? The king to Rassendyll 8-"Push hard. Push against his leg!"

Who said that ? To whom ? Rassendyll to the king

How did the king save Rassendyll? He pushed the legs of chair against Detchard.

9-"Come on , Michael ! Let's fight !"

Who said that ? To whom ? Rupert to Michael

Why didn't Michael go to fight him? As he was killed after being wounded by Rupert 10-" The Duke's dead , you have already killed him!"

Who said that ? To whom ? Antoinette de Mauban to Rupert

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11-"Dead ! That's good. Then I'm your leader now. Put down your weapons"

Who said that ? To whom ? Rupert to Michael's servants 12-" Stop !"

Who said that ? To whom ? Rassendyll to Rupert 13-" What did you do at the castle?"

Who said that ? To whom ? Rupert to Rassendyll 14-" I made sure that you are the last of the Six men,"

Who said that ? To whom ? Rassendyll to Rupert

How did Rassendyll was sure of that? Because he killed the three foreigners ..

15-"Do you mean that you got inside the king's prison?"

Who said that ? To whom ? Rupert to Rassendyll 16- " I did."

Who said that ? To whom ? Rassendyll to Rupert 17-"And what's happened to the king?"

Who said that ? To whom ? Rupert to Rassendyll 18-"He was hurt, but he's alive."

Who said that ? To whom ? Rassendyll to Rupert 19-"Why didn't you follow my plan? We would have worked well together."

Who said that ? To whom ? Rupert to Rassendyll 20-"Get off your horse and fight like a man."

Who said that ? To whom ? Rassendyll to Rupert

21-"Go after him !"

Who said that ? To whom ? Rassendyll to Fritz

Why could Fritz go after Rupert? As Fritz rode a horse like Rupert who escaped 22-"Sir , you don't look well,"

Who said that ? To whom ? Fritz to Rassendyll

Why didn't Rassendyll look well? Because of his injury and he fell to the ground 23-"Is the king safe?"

Who said that ? To whom ? Rassendyll to Fritz

24-"Thanks to you he is. But you're injured. Here , let me help you."

Who said that ? To whom ? Fritz to Rassendyll 25-"Isn't that the king?"

Who said that ? To whom ? The boy to Fritz

Who was that boy? The boy whose horse was taken by Rupert

Where was the boy going? The boy was going to the market 26-"Princess ! The king is here, behind this tree !"

Who said that ? To whom ? The boy to the Princess

Where was the Princess going? Flavia was on her way to the castle to see the king. 27-" What you say is nonsense. The king is injured in the castle."

Who said that ? To whom ? The Marshall to the boy 28-"No,really , he is here.He fought a man who took my horse."

Who said that ? To whom ?The boy to the Marshall 29-"This boy says the king's over there behind that tree,"

Who said that ? To whom ? The Marshall to Sapt 30-"No , he's in the castle behind me,"

Who said that ? To whom ? Sapt to the Marshall

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31-"Please, come and see if you don't believe me,"

Who said that ? To whom ? The boy to Sapt 32-"I'll go."

Who said that ? To whom ?Sapt to the boy and the Marshall 33-"Let me come,too."

Who said that ? To whom ?The Princess to Sapt 34-"Then come alone."

Who said that ? To whom ?Sapt to the Princess 35-"It is you ! Are you hurt? What's this game you are playing?"

Who said that ? To whom ? The Princess to Rassendyll and Sapt

36-"This is not the king."

Who said that ? To whom ? Sapt to the Princess

37-"He is the king !it's the face! Rudolf look at me! What's happening?"

Who said that ? To whom ? The Princess to Rassendyll and Sapt 38-"Forgive me, Madame. I'm not the king"

Who said that ? To whom ? Rassendyll to the Princess 39- Come. It's time you came into the castle. We have much to discuss."

Who said that ? To whom ? Sapt to the Princess 40-"Cousin!My friend! You're injured,too.We are always the same,you and I!"

Who said that ? To whom ?The real king to Rassendyll

How far was the king kind? He always called Rassendyll " cousin"

41-"Thank you. I hoped that tomorrow, you would come with me to Strelsau and tell

everyone about the brave things you have done , but Sapt says that this isn't possible"

Who said that ? To whom ? The real king to Rassendyll

42-"He's right ,sir. My work in your country is complete."

Who said that ? To whom ? Rassendyll to the king 43-" People know the king was injured so they won't be surprised to see me different."

Who said that ? To whom ? The king to Rassendyll 44-"I'd be happy to help you again, sir"

Who said that ? To whom ? Rassendyll to the king 45-"The Princess has asked to see you.She can come in now."

Who said that ? To whom ? The king to Rassendyll 46-"Does she know everything?"

Who said that ? To whom ? Rassendyll to the king

47-"It seems you have tricked me."

Who said that ? To whom ?The Princess to Rassendyll

48-"I'd like to apologize to you for this."

Who said that ? To whom ? Rassendyll to the Princess 49-"You don't need to apologize. I should thank you for all you have done for Ruritania."

Who said that ? To whom ? The Princess to Rassendyll

50-"I've learnt about duties and responsibilities. It's a lesson I'll never forget."

Who said that ? To whom ? Rassendyll to the Princess

51-And we'll never forget how you have helped the king."

Who said that ? To whom ? The Princess to Rassendyll 52-" The ambassador has a job for you soon. He knows the country he'll be sent to"

Who said that ? To whom ? Rose to Rassendyll

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53-"Ruritania.Sir Jacob Borrodaile is to be the British ambassador in Strelsau."

Who said that ? To whom ? Rose to Rassendyll 54-"I don't think it would be a good idea for me to work there."

Who said that ? To whom ? Rassendyll to Rose 55-"But you promised you would take the job.,"

Who said that ? To whom ? Rose to Rassendyll 56-"You're right, but please, look at this."

Who said that ? To whom ? Rassendyll to Rose and Robert 57-Yes,you look very like the king of Ruritania," But this just an excuse."

Who said that ? To whom ? Rose to Rassendyll

58-" You could have been an ambassador yourself one day !"

Who said that ? To whom ? Rose to Rassendyll

59-"If you don't go you'll never be anything important."

Who said that ? To whom ? Rose to Rassendyll Find the mistake and correct it.

1-Rassendyll hid his horse in the trees and waited near the inn

2-Antoinette cried for help when Michael went into her room.

3- After a sword fight Rupert managed to save Michael

4-Detchard was a much better gunman

5- After killing De Gautet , Rassendyll took the locks 6- The doctor saved the Duke when he held Detchard

7- Rassendyll killed the three Ruritanian of the famous Six

8- The king helped Rassendyll to kill De Gautet

9- Sapt saved Rassendyll from certain death.

10-Rupert stabbed Johann accusing him of being a servant

11-Sapt helped Antoinette to send letters to Rassendyll

12- Johann fought the Duke and killed him.

13- Flavia and a doctor were looking after the king

14-People knew that the king fought Michael to save an enemy of him.

15- Flavia ordered The Marshall to take her to Strelsau to see the king.

16- The boy whose horse Rassendyll took followed him

17- Rassendyll sat behind a wall so as not to be seen by the Princess

18-The boy told the Princess about Sapt's hidden place.

19-Sapt told the Princess that Rassendyll was the real king

20-Rassendyll stayed unseen in the rooms that had been the Princess's prison 21-Rassendyll apologized for insulting the Princess.

22- The Princess thanked Rassendyll for what he had done for Paris.

23-Rose was happy when Rassendyll told her that he didn't write a book

24-Sir Jacob 's work as an ambassador would be in France

25-Rassendyll accepted to work with the ambassador in Ruritania.



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اإليكماكلاألملقتطفاتايفاقصةاأللصفاأللثالثاأللثانويNo The quotation The speaker The listener

1 "Rudolf, you're 29 years old," Rose Rassendyll

2 "Are you ever going to do anything useful?" Rose Rassendyll

3 "I have nearly enough money to do anything I want


Rassendyll Rose

4 "my brother's Lord Burlesdon and you are a


Rassendyll Rose

5 "But you've done nothing except..." Rose Rassendyll

6 "What's the matter, my dear?" Robert Rose

7 "She's angry because she thinks I don't do


Rassendyll Robert

8 "It's not just your red hair that makes you different

from your brother,"

Rose Rassendyll

9 "He also realises his position in society has


Rose Rassendyll

10 "You only see opportunities in yours." Rose Rassendyll

11 "Sir Jacob Borrodaile tells me he'll offer you a real


Rose Rassendyll

12 "I hope you'll take this job, Rudolf." Rose Rassendyll

13 "Sir Jacob doesn't know which country it will be,

but he's sure it'll be a good embassy."

Rose Rassendyll

14 "For you I'll do it, even if it's a terrible embassy," Rassendyll Rose

15 "You're going to write a book? That would be such

a good thing to do,"

Rose Rassendyll

16 "Yes, indeed. Writing a book's the best way to get

into politics,"

Robert Rassendyll

17 "We've had quite a few important people visiting

the city recently,"

Bertram Rassendyll

18 "Well, I met Antoinette de Mauban today," Bertram Rassendyll

19 "She's a lady who's well known for her wealth and ambition."

Bertram Rassendyll

20 "But she's leaving Paris today, we don't know

where she's going to next."

Bertram Rassendyll

21 "So why did she come to Paris?" Rassendyll Bertram

22 "She was a guest of the Duke of Strelsau," Featherly Rassendyll

23 "I met him at the embassy yesterday. He's the half-

brother to the King of Ruritania."

George Featherly Rassendyll

24 "People say he was his father's favourite son. He's

gone back for the coronation,"

George Featherly Rassendyll

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25 "I don't think he likes being only a Duke." Featherly Rassendyll

26 "I hear he's a clever man, though," Bertram Rassendyll

27 "He's extremely clever, I'd say," Featherly Rassendyll

28 "That's Antoinette de Mauban and she's also going

to Dresden."

George Featherly Rassendyll

29 "You have an important person to travel with." Featherly Rassendyll

30 "He's always lived in Ruritania and he cares about

the people, so people like him."

The owner of the



31 "As for the King, well, he's almost a stranger." The hotel owner Rassendyll

32 "He's been abroad for most of his life and not many

people even know what he looks like."

The hotel owner Rassendyll

33 "Now the King's staying in a hunting lodge in the

forest, very near to Zenda."

The hotel owner Rassendyll

34 "From there he'll travel to the capital for his coronation."

The owner of the hotel


35 "I wish he'd stay there in the forest," The hotel owner Rassendyll

36 "People say he only likes hunting and good food." The hotel owner Rassendyll

37 "He should let the Duke become our King. And

there are many others who think the same."

The hotel owner Rassendyll

38 "They say the King has red hair, just like you!" The daughter of

the hotel owner


39 "Many men have red hair like me," Rassendyll The daughter of

the hotel owner

40 "How do you know the King has red hair?" The hotel owner The daughter of

the hotel owner

41 "Johann, the Duke's servant, told me," The daughter of

the hotel owner

The hotel owner

42 "He's seen the King at the hunting lodge." The daughter of

the hotel owner

The hotel owner

43 "But why's the King here, if it's the Duke's land?'' Rassendyll The daughter of

the hotel owner

44 "The Duke's in Strelsau, preparing for the


The hotel owner Rassendyll

45 "So they are good friends?" Rassendyll The hotel owner

46 "I don't know if you can be good friends if you

want the same thing."

The hotel owner Rassendyll

47 "Duke Michael would like to be King, too, I'm


The hotel owner Rassendyll

48 "I feel quite sorry for the Duke, but it's right that

the older brother becomes king."

Rassendyll The hotel owner

49 "We have a guest, Johann," The hotel owner Johann

50 "This gentleman's come to our country to see the


The hotel owner Johann

51 "We don't often see it in our country unless you're

part of the King's family,"

Johann Rassendyll

52 "Good evening, sir. I'm sorry, I didn't expect to see

any new guests here."

Johann Rassendyll

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53 "Thank you, ladies, for our conversation." Rassendyll The old woman

and her daughter

54 "Sir, have you ever seen our King?" Johann

55 "No, I've never seen him, but I hope to do so on Wednesday at the coronation."

Rassendyll Johann

56 "Why look at him! It's amazing! He looks just like

the King!"

Colonel Sapt Fritz

57 "He's about the same height as the King, too!" Colonel Sapt Fritz

58 "This really is extraordinary. What's your name,


Colonel Sapt Fritz

59 "I'm a traveller from England and was an officer in

the Queen's army."

Rassendyll Sapt and Fritz

60 "Well, we're officers for our King, so we

understand each other well!"

Sapt and Fritz Rassendyll

61 "I know! Are you one of the Burlesdons?" Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

62 "My brother's the new Lord Burlesdon," Rassendyll Sapt and Fritz

63 "So, do I really look like the King?" Rassendyll Sapt and Fritz

64 "Although you look like identical twins, you do not

have identical personalities or skills."

Sapt and Fritz


65 If you were an officer for the Queen's army,

Rassendyll, you must be good with a sword!"

Colonel Sapt


66 "Is the King not a fighting man?" Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

67 "The King likes to live well," Fritz Rassendyll

68 "Let's say he prefers eating to action, but he's a

kind man and he's our King. We'd do anything for




69 "Perhaps we are alike then because I like to have an

easy life, too!"


Sapt and Fritz

70 "It's the King! He's coming here now." Fritz Rassendyll

71 "Colonel, Fritz: who is this gentleman?" The king Sapt and Fritz

72 "It's good to meet you, cousin!" The king Rassendyll

73 You must forgive me if I seemed surprised, as it's

not every day that you see your double!"

The king Rassendyll

74 "Whether I like it or not, you can't help looking like


The king Rassendyll

75 No, I'll happily help you. Where are you travelling


The king Rassendyll

76 "What would my brother Michael think if he saw

us two together!"

The king Rassendyll

77 "I don't think it would be a good

idea for Mr Rassendyll to visit Strelsau now."


The king

78 "Don't worry, sir. I understand the problem," Rassendyll The king

79 "I'll leave Ruritania today." Rassendyll The king

80 "Please, first you must eat with me tonight. You

don't meet a new cousin every day!"

The king Rassendyll

81 "Remember, sir, that we have an early start


Colonel Sapt

The king

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82 "and good food is more important than sleep! Now

Mr Rassendyll, what's your first name?"

The king Rassendyll

83 "Come, then, cousin Rudolf. I don't have a house


The king Rassendyll

84 It's not the palace that I'm used to, but it will do for

a few days."

The king Rassendyll

85 "but I'm staying in the place my brother Michael

uses for hunting."

The king Rassendyll

86 "Is dinner ready yet, Josef?" The king Rassendyll

87 "The Colonel and I have to leave here at six

tomorrow morning,"


The king

88 "We ride to Zenda and return with a guard of

soldiers to take the King to the station."


The king

89 "It's very good of my brother to let me use his


The king Rassendyll

90 "But Rudolf, forget these two men! We don't need

to get up so early, so eat some more, cousin!"

The king "Rudolf

the Fifth"


91 "The Duke said I was to give you this at the end of

your meal,"

Joseph The king

92 "Well done, Michael! He knows me well!" The king Rassendyll

93 "Nothing else would wake you up. It's five


Sapt and Fritz


94 "Five o'clock? But it's early and ... " Rassendyll Sapt and Fritz

95 "Rassendyll, you must come and look at this." Fritz Rassendyll

96 "We've been trying to wake him up for half an

hour, but we can't,"



97 "It must've been those cakes that he ate last night!

Do you think he was poisoned?"


Sapt and Fritz

98 "There's no doctor for fifteen kilometres and even a

thousand doctors won't make him better today,"


Rassendyll and

Colonel Sapt

99 "But what about the coronation?" Rassendyll Sapt and Fritz

100 "We must tell the people of Ruritania that he's ill," Fritz

Rassendyll and

Colonel Sapt

101 "If he's not crowned today, I don't think he'll ever

be King,"

Colonel Sapt

Rassendyll and


102 "The whole country's waiting for him today. Most

of the army is waiting too,

Colonel Sapt

Rassendyll and


103 "We must tell everyone what's happened and make

the most of it,"


Rassendyll and

Colonel Sapt

104 "Do you think that he was poisoned?" Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

105 "Yes, he did this so that his brother cannot be


Colonel Sapt


106 "You don't know what the Duke is like, do you, Rassendyll?

Colonel Sapt


107 "If Rudolf doesn't become King, Duke Michael

will take the crown."

Colonel Sapt


108 "I have an idea! It was lucky that we met you Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

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109 "because you can go to Strelsau to be rowned!" Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

110 People would realise that I'm not

the King! And don't forget that I'm English!"


Colonel Sapt

111 "It would be easy to forget that," Fritz Rassendyll

112 "And if we dress you in different clothes, no one

will know."



113 "If you don't go to Strelsau, Duke Michael will be

King tonight, and the King will either be dead or in


Colonel Sapt


114 "I understand what you're saying, but the King

would never forgive me if I ... "


Colonel Sapt

115 "Our country needs this!" Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

116 "We won't wait for Michael's guards but leave for

Strelsau at once,"

Colonel Sapt


117 "We can hide the King in the cellar so when the

guards arrive they'll think no one's here,"

Colonel Sapt

Rassendyll and


118 "Josef will say the hunting lodge is empty," Colonel Sapt Fritz

119 "How will we get the King to Strelsau?" Rassendyll Rassendyll

120 "As soon as we are alone in the King's bedroom,

you and I will leave and come back here on our


Colonel Sapt


121 "The King will then return to the palace with me in the dark."

Colonel Sapt


122 "you will ride as fast as you can to the border and

try to leave the country before it's light.

Do we all agree on this plan?''

Colonel Sapt


123 "After we've moved the King, I'll speak to her." Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

124 "You know, I think we can do this." Fritz Rassendyll

125 "What happened to Johann's mother?" Rassendyll Fritz

126 "She's locked in the cellar with the King," Fritz Rassendyll

127 "Josef will let her out later, after Michael's gone. Fritz Rassendyll

128 "But I'm sure, when they fmd that the King is not here, Michael will realise we know about his




129 "No, nothing's safe anywhere, but we must do our


Colonel Sapt


130 "l'm not made of stone, you know." Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

131 "But we are an hour earlier than they expect, so

there 'II be no one to meet us."

Colonel Sapt


132 "We must send word to the palace." Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

133 "Meanwhile, I'll have some breakfast! The King is



Colonel Sapt

134 "Let's hope we're all alive tonight." Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

135 "God save both Kings," Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

136 "That is Marshal Strakencz," Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

137 "Why have we changed our route?" Rassendyll Marshal

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138 "It's better this way," The Marshal Rassendyll

139 "Tell your soldiers to ride ahead of me," Rassendyll Marshal


140 "You can wait here until I've continued through the

old town alone."




141 " I want the people who live here to see that their

King trusts them."




142 "Don't you understand me? Tell your soldiers to





143 "I'm surprised that he's on his own, but he's taller

than I thought,"

A citizen from

the old town

A citizen from

the old town

144 "Do you know, Rudolf, you look different today?" Flavia Rassendyll

145 "You look more tired and serious, and I

think you're thinner."

Flavia Rassendyll

146 " I can't believe that you really have changed


Flavia Rassendyll

147 "I think I want to change now that I'm King," Rassendyll Flavia

148 " I heard that you rode through the old town


Flavia Rassendyll

149 "The people there must really have appreciated

what you did."

Flavia Rassendyll

150 "I hope I'll make a good King," Rassendyll Flavia

151 "That was a day to remember! I think I'd like to be

King for a day."



152 "I'm not sure it was a good idea to ride alone

through the old town."



153 "Duke Michael won't like it if you become too

popular with his people, you know."



154 "Well, in a few hours, I'll become Rudolf

Rassendyll once more,"

Rassendyll Fritz

155 "Only if you stay alive as long as that," Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

156 "Michael's had news from Zenda and he's almost

certainly planning something."

Colonel Sapt


157 "You must leave the country as soon as you can.

But you need a permit to leave the city."

Colonel Sapt


158 "Look, I can pretend to be the King because I look

like him,"

Colonel Sapt


159 "That doesn't mean I can write like him too!" Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

160 "Now, remember our plan. I'll go with you,


Colonel Sapt


161 "You will tell everyone that the King's gone to bed and that he's not to be woken by anybody until nine

o'clock tomorrow morning."

Colonel Sapt


162 "Michael may try to visit, but you mustn't let him

in, even if your life depends on it."

Colonel Sapt


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163 "Here, put on this big coat and hat," Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

164 "In the old King's time, I knew all about this secret


Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

165 "Take your gun, You may need it to get through the city gates."

Colonel Sapt


166 "My father's not here, I'm afraid. He's gone to see

the King,"

The daughter of

the guard

Colonel Sapt

167 "Your father should have stayed here," Colonel Sapt The girl

168 "But he told me not to open the gate for anyone," The girl Colonel Sapt

169 "Then you must give me the key to open it," Colonel Sapt The girl

170 "Here's a form from the King himself. You can

show it to your father when he returns."

Colonel Sapt

The girl

171 "What do you think the Duke knows about our



Colonel Sapt

172 "We're lucky that the wind's blowing towards us so

we can hear them. Come on!"

Colonel Sapt


173 "I think there're two horses. They're about two

kilometres behind."

Colonel Sapt


174 "Do you want to see who they are?" Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

175 "Here they come! Look, it's the Duke!" Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

176 "I think we should go to the castle where we can

learn the truth,"

Max Holf The Duke

177 "Why not the hunting lodge?" The Duke Max Holf

178 "If all's well, why go there? And if all isn't well, I

fear there'll be a trap."

Max Holf The Duke

179 "So, he's had news that all is well," Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

180 "I wish I knew. It's a real puzzle." Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

181 "So they found the old woman," Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

182 "I realised that when I saw the handkerchiefs," Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

183 "Where's Josef and the King?" Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

184 "It's not good news. I'm afraid he's dead," Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

185 "No, the body's Josef. The King's not there." Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

186 "So, they've got the King!" Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

187 "That's why they said that all's well. But when did

they find out?"

Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

188 "Michael must've known all day," Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

189 "What did he think when he met me, then? He

knew I was not the real King!"

Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

190 "It doesn't matter what he thought then," Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

191 "What matters is what he thinks now!" Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

192 "We must get back and collect every soldier in

Strelsau. Michael will have to be caught before the

King is killed."

Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

193 "It must've been the old woman who told them

what had happened somehow."

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

194 "I understand now. They came here to kidnap the

King and they found him in that room in the

Colonel Sapt


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195 "If we hadn't escaped to Strelsau, we would've been


Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

196 "So where's the King now?" Fritz Sapt & Rassendyll

197 But you could see at the coronation that Duke

Michael's really worried. Let's think about how we

can worry him a bit more."

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

198 "The King will be back in the capital again tomorrow!"

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

199 "How is that possible if we don't know where he


Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

200 "We'll go back to Stelsau and continue with the

game we started."

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

201 "You've done a good job until now, so why not


Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

202 "Do you mean you want me to be the King again?" Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

203 "You're mad! The plan's too dangerous!" Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

204 "But the Duke knows where the real King is, and

all his men know!"

Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

205 "They can't say anything without showing their


Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

206 "They cannot say, 'This isn't the real King because

we've kidnapped him and killed his

servant.' Will they say that?"

Colonel Sapt


207 "Sapt, surely someone in Strelsau will realise I'm

not the real King,"

Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

208 "The Princess ha~ already said she thinks the

King's changed. She'll certainly realise."

Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

209 "Of course it's a risk, but we must have a King in


Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

210 "You must do it, for Ruritania!" Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

211 "What if the King's already dead?" Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

212 "If the real King's already dead, then you shall stay


Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

213 "But I think the King's still alive, and I don't think

they'll do anything to him if you're in the capital."

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

214 "They'd know that you would stay King if they

killed him!"

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

215 "I still worry that someone will realise," Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

216 "Let's go to Strelsau. We'll be caught if we stay


Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

217 "Sapt, we should make sure that some of those evil

men join Josef."

Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

218 "As a soldier, I've had a lot of fights like this.

I'll show you what to do."

Colonel Sapt


219 "That was very brave. Do you think they saw Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

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who you were?"

220 "Yes, one of the men said 'It's the King' before I

pushed him off his horse."

Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

221 That will give Michael something to worry about. Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

222 "He caught his finger in a door," Colonel Sapt Freyler

223 "Now remember, say nothing about this. All young

men like to ride their horses now and then, so why

not the King?"

Colonel Sapt


224 " Freyler's a good servant, but sometimes it's best

not to trust even the best of men."

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

225 "My King, you're safe! I'm so pleased." Fritz Rassendyll

226 "Even Fritz thinks you're the real King!" Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

227 But what's happened to your hand? Are you hurt? Fritz Rassendyll

228 "It's nothing serious. What's more important is what we have to tell you."

Rassendyll Fritz

229 "Quick! Go into the bedroom, take your hat and

boots off and climb into bed."

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

230 " Cover yourself up so people think you're asleep. Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

231 "and tell her that I've never felt better in my life." Rassendyll Flavia's servant

232 "The King's had a good long sleep," Colonel Sapt Flavia's servant

233 "Tell me, is the King dead?" Fritz Rassendyll

234 "But Duke Michael's holding him prisoner." Rassendyll Fritz

235 "Rest? No! We mustn't waste any time! Shouldn't we plan how to attack Michael?"

Fritz Rassendyll

236 "Let's take things slowly," Colonel Sapt Fritz

237 "So aren't we going to do anything?" Fritz Colonel Sapt

238 "We aren't going to do anything dangerous," Colonel Sapt Fritz

239 "If people find out who I am, then I'll fight with the

Duke. But at the moment, let's wait to see what the

Duke does."


Sapt and Fritz

240 "He'll kill the King," Fritz Rassendyll and

Colonel Sapt

241 "If he kills the King, he knows that Rassendyll

will stay as King instead."

Colonel Sapt Fritz

242 " And he cannot accuse Rassendyll of anything

because then people will know that he's kidnapped

the King."

Colonel Sapt Fritz

243 "And we cannot accuse him in public without

admitting that I'm not the real King,"

Rassendyll Sapt and Fritz

244 "So no one can do anything! It's a stalemate!" Fritz Rassendyll and

Colonel Sapt

245 "But wait. Half of Michael's Six Men are in

Strelsau with the Duke."

Fritz Rassendyll and

Colonel Sapt

246 " Only half? Then that means the other half are

guarding the King,"

Colonel Sapt Fritz

247 "So that means the King must be alive. If the King

were dead, all the Six Men would be here with the

Fritz Rassendyll

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248 "Excuse me, but who are the Six Men?" Rassendyll Sapt and Fritz

249 "Unfortunately I fear you 'II soon be meeting


Fritz Rassendyll

250 "They're six special soldiers who Michael keeps in

his house at all times."

Fritz Rassendyll

251 "They're completely loyal to him. Three are from

Ruritania, one is Belgian, one French, and one's

from your country."

Fritz Rassendyll

252 "They'll do whatever Michael asks them to do," Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

253 "Would they try to kill me?'' Rassendyll Sapt and Fritz

254 " Which three are here in Strelsau, Fritz?" Colonel Sapt Fritz

255 "The three foreigners: De Gautet, Bersonin and


Fritz Rassendyll and

Colonel Sapt

256 "So they were not the men we saw at the hunting


Rassendyll Sapt and Fritz

257 "I wish they were, because then there'd only be four

and not six of them."

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

258 "You have completely changed since you became King, sir,"

Flavia Rassendyll

259 "You need not call me 'sir', For after all, we are still


Rassendyll Flavia

260 "I'm proud to do so, Rudolf. But I think your face has changed."

Flavia Rassendyll

261 "My brother's back in the city, I hear. He went

away for a while, didn't he?"

Rassendyll Flavia

262 "Yes, I hear he's back in Strelsau." Flavia Rassendyll

263 "That's good. The nearer he is to me, the better." Rassendyll Flavia

264 "Do you want him to be near you so that you know

what he's doing?"

Flavia Rassendyll

265 "I'd like him to be near me because he's my half-

brother. We're family!"



266 "We need to help and support each other." Rassendyll Flavia

267 " Unfortunately, I've heard he can't stay in Strelsau

for very long."

Rassendyll Flavia

268 "It's the Duke of Strelsau! He's coming here


Flavia Rassendyll

269 "What do you mean? How am I making him angry?"

Rassendyll Flavia

270 "You haven't asked him to come in. He's been

waiting outside the room for a long time."

Flavia Rassendyll

271 "But of course he can come in," Rassendyll Flavia

272 "You know that no one can enter without your


Flavia Rassendyll

273 "I was never very good at remembering all the




274 "but I'll go and get him myself at once." Rassendyll Flavia

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275 'I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were waiting,

otherwise I'd have asked you in sooner."


The Duke

276 "You've hurt your hand," The Duke Rassendyll

277 "Yes, an animal bit me," Rassendyll The Duke

278 "Is there any danger from the bite?" Flavia Rassendyll

279 "but if I gave him the chance to bite again, it would

be different."

Rassendyll The Duke

280 "Did you kill the animal?" Flavia Rassendyll

281 "We're waiting to see if his bite's poisonous." Rassendyll Flavia

282 "He'll be knocked on the head," Rassendyll The Duke

283 "But he might bite again," The Duke Rassendyll

284 "I'm sure he'll try," Rassendyll The Duke

285 "These gentleman are the most loyal and honest of

the King's servants, and are my great friends."

The Duke Rassendyll

286 "I'm very pleased to meet them," Rassendyll The Duke

287 "Rudolf, be careful, won't you?" Flavia Rassendyll

288 "I can't say. But think what your life means to the

people of Ruritania,"



289 "He realises his position in society brings with it responsibilities."

Rose Rassendyll

290 "Here's a letter for you," Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

291 "From the writing, I think it's from a woman." Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

292 "We now know that the King's at the Castle of


Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

293 "We asked where the rest of the Six Men were," Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

294 "Do you think the King's definitely there?" Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

295 "The three men are always at the castle, and people

say the drawbridge is nearly always kept up."

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

296 " No one goes into the building without the

permission of Rupert or Michael."

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

297 "Then I must go to Zenda," Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

298 "If not today, then soon. I must go there." Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

299 "You'll probably stay there forever if you do," Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

300 "Tell me, Sapt, why is it that wherever I go in the

capital, I'm followed by six people?"

Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

301 "Because I've ordered them to follow you." Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

302 "It would be very useful for Michael if you

disappeared. And if you disappear, the game's


Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

303 "I don't need such help,I can look after myself." Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

304 " and any one of them could catch you easily," Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

305 "Yes, and Michael can also write a very good


Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

306 "It must be Antoinette de Mauban," Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

307 "I've heard that she came to Ruritania with her

servants as a guest of Michael,"

Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

308 "People say she had a great argument with Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

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Michael, and now she's staying somewhere in


309 "So she could be useful to us," Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

310 "Perhaps she would be useful if she had information about Michael."

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

311 " However, I believe that Michael wrote that


Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

312 "I'll go to the house tonight." Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

313 "You can come too, but you must wait outside the

gate when I go in alone."

Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

314 "No, you mustn't. Let me go instead." Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

315 "I don't believe this woman and you're mad to go! Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

316 "I believe this woman, and I will go,"

317 "Either I go to the house, or I go back to England. We don't have much time."

Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

318 Every day we leave the King imprisoned there's

more danger. We must move quickly,"

Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

319 "I'll wait for you here, outside the gate," Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

320 "Listen! I know who you are and I know you're not

the King.

Antoinette de



321 I wrote that letter to you at the Duke's orders. Antoinette de



322 "Or I'll kill them! I suppose they're three of the

Duke's Six Men?"

Rassendyll Antoinette de


323 "Yes, you must leave here before they arrive," Antoinette de



324 The plan is to kill you and to take your body into

the old town.

Antoinette de



325 It'll be found and Michael will arrest Colonel Sapt

and Captain Fritz von Tarlenheim for murdering


Antoinette de



326 Then a messenger will be sent to Zenda and the

real King will be murdered too.

Antoinette de



327 The Duke will then become King. Do you


Antoinette de



328 It's a clever plan. But why are you helping me?'' Rassendyll Antoinette de


329 "I don't like to see people being killed." Antoinette de



330 But remember, you're never safe in this city. Antoinette de



331 You have guards following you, don't you? Well,

Michael's men are following them.

Antoinette de



332 If you're alone, then you'll die." Antoinette de



333 Now go quietly this way past the summer house for

about a hundred metres.

Antoinette de



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334 "Climb it and run as fast as you can." Antoinette de



335 "I have a game to ploy." Antoinette Rassendyll

336 I'll tell the Duke's men that you never came. Antoinette Rassendyll

337 "If the Duke doesn't find out what I've done, we

may meet again."

Antoinette de



338 "Thank you. You've helped the King tonight," Rassendyll Antoinette

339 "But before I go, tell me something: Do you know

where he is in the castle?"

Rassendyll Antoinette de


340 "Inside the castle there's a door on the right, and

behind that-but listen!"

Antoinette de



341 They're here! It's too late for you to escape!" Antoinette Rassendyll

342 "Are you in there, Mr Rassendyll?" Detchard Rassendyll

343 "We want to make you an offer," Detchard Rassendyll

344 "Stand outside and talk. I won't let you in." Detchard Rassendyll

345 "Is that Mr Detchard?" Rassendyll Detchard

346 We can offer you a safe journey to the

border and fifty thousand English pounds,"

Detchard Rassendyll

347 "That sounds a generous offer," Rassendyll Detchard

348 "Give me a minute to think." Rassendyll Detchard

349 "Gentlemen, I'd like to accept your kind offer.

Perhaps you can open the door for me."

Rassendyll Detchard

350 "Why don't you open the door yourself?" Detchard Rassendyll

351 "You'll need to step back or the door will hit you. Rassendyll Detchard

352 "I have a fine story to tell you about a table!" Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

353 "Some interesting things have been happening this


Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

354 "The police report says that the Duke of Strelsau

left the capital by the road to Zenda.

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

355 "An hour later, he was followed by De Gautet,

Bersonin and Detchard, who had a bandage around

his arm."

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

356 "the people of the capital are not happy that the

King has yet to marry the Princess."

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

357 "Some people say that if they do not marry soon, it

would be better if the Princess married the Duke of


Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

358 However, the King is having a ball tonight for the


Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

359 "I don't know anything about a ball,"

360 "You must ask the Princess to marry you tonight. Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

361 "It wouldn't be fair to the Princess." Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

362 "You've been King for a few weeks now," Flavia Rassendyll

363 "Everyone says you've done a very good job. I'm

very pleased for you."



364 " Recently I've realised how true this is." Rassendyll Flavia

365 "Haven't you always thought that?" Flavia Rassendyll

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366 "No, when I was younger, I didn't think I needed to

worry about society."

Rassendyll Flavia

367 "I thought that was someone else's job." Rassendyll Flavia

368 "But you always knew that you would become King."

Flavia Rassendyll

369 " How could you think that was someone else's


Flavia Rassendyll

370 "there's something you should know. I'm not really

... "

Rassendyll Flavia

371 "I apologise, but there's someone who wants to see

you, sir,"

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

372 "that everyone really thinks I'm the King,

even the Princess?

Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

373 I could even arrange for the Duke and the real King

to be killed."

Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

374 "So will you do such a thing?" Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

375 "Of course not. I shouldn't be here, pretending to be


Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

376 It isn't fair for the people of Ruritania and it isn't

fair for the Princess, either.

Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

377 "We can't wait any longer," Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

378 "We must go to Zenda and rescue the King." Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

379 "Why does it say 'the leader' and not 'the King'?" Flavia Rassendyll

380 "You must do as the letter says," Rassendyll Flavia

381 "I'll order guards to watch you." Rassendyll Flavia

382 "Do you know who sent this?" Flavia Rassendyll

383 "Today you must say you're ill so you can't go to


Rassendyll Flavia

384 "So you don't mind making Michael angry?" Flavia Rassendyll

385 "I don't mind anything if you're safe," Flavia Rassendyll

386 "I'm leaving Strelsau for a few days," Rassendyll Marshal

387 "Every evening, I'll send you a message. Rassendyll Marshal

388 "If you don't get a message for three days, you have

the authority to say that you are now the head of


Rassendyll Marshal


389 "You must then ask the Duke to allow you to see

the King."

Rassendyll Strakencz

390 "If he doesn't allow you to see the King in twenty-

four hours, you must say that the King's dead."

Rassendyll Marshal


391 Then you must tell the people of Ruritania who

their new ruler will be.

Rassendyll Marshal


392 "You must promise that you'll protect Princess

Flavia from the Duke,"

Rassendyll Marshal


393 "As you know, his mother was not royal and he can

only legally become King if he marries the


Rassendyll Marshal


394 "Now I'll write down what I've just said. But my Rassendyll Marshal

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finger still hurts. " Strakencz

395 "The writing's a little different from your usual." Marshal



396 "I hope people know it's a real order from the King."

Marshal Strakencz


397 "The Princess will be safe with me," Marshal



398 "So you'd prefer to hunt animals than do your

duties in the capital?"

Flavia Rassendyll

399 "The thing I hunt is a very big animal," Rassendyll Flavia

400 "Because I'll be hunting Michael." Rassendyll Flavia

401 "If I don't come back, you must become Queen for


Rassendyll Flavia

402 "Let us hope that it's not necessary." Rassendyll Flavia

403 "I hope my brother feels better soon." Rassendyll Hentzau

404 And what of your friends De Gautet, Bersonin and

Detchard? I heard that Detchard was injured?

Rassendyll Hentzau

405 "You needn't worry, Detchard will be fine." Hentzau Rassendyll

406 "Good. Perhaps you would like to stay and eat with


Rassendyll Hentzau

407 "Thank you for coming. I look forward to seeing

you all again."

Rassendyll Hentzau

408 "That Rupert's the worst criminal of them all!" Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

409 "Won't they recognise you, then?" Rassendyll Fritz

410 "Of course. Just do as I say and everything will be


Rassendyll Fritz

411 "You're the King!" The daughter of

the hotel owner


412 "I remember you when you stayed with us." The daughter of

the hotel owner


413 "I told my mother you weren't really an

Englishman and that you were the King!"

The daughter of

the hotel owner


414 "I'm sorry if we said anything bad when you stayed with us."

The daughter of the hotel owner


415 "I'll forgive you if you promise to help us," Rassendyll The daughter of

the hotel owner

416 "He never comes here any more," The daughter of

the hotel owner


417 "He works at the castle now." The daughter of

the hotel owner


418 "But you're still friends and you must ask to see


Rassendyll The daughter of

the hotel owner

419 "Tell him to meet you tomorrow night at ten

o'clock, then bring him to our house."

Rassendyll The daughter of

the hotel owner

420 "And tell no one that you've seen the King. Do you


Rassendyll The daughter of

the hotel owner

421 "You won't hurt him, will you, sir?" The daughter of Rassendyll

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the hotel owner

422 "Not if he does as we ask," Rassendyll The daughter of

the hotel owner

423 "So you're safe!" Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

424 "We're fine. Why shouldn't we be?" Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

425 "It seems that it's dangerous to ride in this area

unless you're in a large group."

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

426 "He saw three men in the trees and one shot him." Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

427 "He's upstairs in bed with a bullet in his arm. The

next bullet could be for you."

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

428 "I have a message for you, Rassendyll," Hentzau Rassendyll

429 "If you do not know how to address the King, my

brother must find another messenger,"

Rassendyll Hentzau

430 "Why do you continue to pretend?" Hentzau Rassendyll

431 "We all know who you are." Hentzau Rassendyll

432 "But you can't say that in public, can you?" Rassendyll Hentzau

433 Because then people would know you've kidnapped

the real King.

Rassendyll Hentzau

434 "You know the game's not finished yet, and until it

is, I will choose my own name,"

Rassendyll Hentzau

435 "The Duke offers you more than I would." Hentzau Rassendyll

436 He offers you a safe journey to the border and a

million gold pieces."

Hentzau Rassendyll

437 "Tell the Duke that I refuse his generous offer." Rassendyll Hentzau

438 "How's his prisoner, by the way?" Rassendyll Hentzau

439 "Good, now go from here, while you can," Rassendyll Hentzau

440 "The doctor says your arm will soon be better," Fritz Rassendyll

441 "And the good news is that your plan has worked," Fritz Rassendyll

442 "He's downstairs right now," Fritz Rassendyll

443 "and the strange thing is that I think Johann's happy

to be here,"

Fritz Rassendyll

444 "He seems to know that if Michael's plan is

successful, he'll be in trouble because he knows too much."

Fritz Rassendyll

445 "What if many men attacked the castle?" Rassendyll Johann

446 "They have another plan," Johann Rassendyll

447 "If the castle's attacked by a large group of soldiers,

they would do the same thing,

Johann Rassendyll

448 " but one of the Six Men would take the King's


Johann Rassendyll

449 "So when Michael arrived at the castle, he

could say that he was only keeping one of the Six

Men as prisoner."

Johann Rassendyll

450 "No one would believe that the King was ever


Johann Rassendyll

451 "It means that if we attack the castle quietly and

secretly, or openly with a great army, the King will

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

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still be dead before we can save him.

452 "Rassendyll, I think that this time next year, you'll

still be King."

Colonel Sapt Rassendyll

453 "Does the King know about Michael's plan?'' Rassendyll Johann

454 "He helped to put up the pipe to the

prison window."

Johann Rassendyll

455 "It's not easy to sleep at the Castle of Zenda

because no one feels safe."

Johann Rassendyll

456 "Everyone in it is a criminal, except the King." Johann Rassendyll

457 "You can go back to the castle now." Rassendyll Johann

458 "If anyone asks you if there is a prisoner in the

castle, you can say there is."

Rassendyll Johann

459 But if anyone asks you who the prisoner is, do not


Rassendyll Johann

460 We can help you if you keep your promises,

otherwise you'll never be safe again."

Rassendyll Johann

461 "There are two ways in which the King can

come out of Zenda alive,"

Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

462 One is if we have a miracle, and the other is if one of the Duke's men betrays him."

Rassendyll Colonel Sapt

463 "Time for your sleep," Detchard The King

464 "Why doesn't my brother kill me now?" The King Detchard

465 "The Duke doesn't want you to die, not yet anyway.

Sleep well!"

Detchard The king

466 "I believe she and her servants were guests of

Duke Michael."

Rassendyll The police chief

467 "Go back to Strelsau and tell the Ambassador what

you know."

Rassendyll The police chief

468 "Return in two weeks and I'll tell you what I've


Rassendyll The police chief

469 "How's my brother today?" Rassendyll Hentzau

470 "He hopes he'll soon be in Strelsau." Hentzau Rassendyll

471 "Rupert, you're young. Why are you doing this? Rassendyll Hentzau

472 "If you let your prisoner go free, I can help you," Rassendyll Hentzau

473 Attack the castle bravely. I'll tell you when. Hentzau Rassendyll

474 But Fritz and Sapt must die, and so must Michael

and the King.

Hentzau Rassendyll

475 That will leave two men alive: you and me. Hentzau Rassendyll

476 You'll stay as the King, and I'll have a reward." Hentzau Rassendyll

477 "Would you really work against Michael?" Rassendyll Hentzau

478 "He's not a good man. He makes me angry. Hentzau Rassendyll

479 I nearly killed him myself last night. Hentzau Rassendyll

480 "Think carefully about my plan." Hentzau Rassendyll

481 "I'll give you fifty thousa1d pieces of gold if you

do what I ask you tomorrow night,"

Rassendyll Johann

482 Do these servants know the King's a prisoner


Rassendyll Johann

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483 "No, they don't know who the prisoner is," Johann Rassendyll

484 "So if they saw me, they'd think that I was the


Rassendyll Johann

485 "Good. Tomorrow night, give this letter to Antoinette de Mauban."

Rassendyll Johann

486 Then, at two o'clock in the morning, open the

front door to the mansion.

Rassendyll Johann

487 Ask no more questions. Now go." Rassendyll Johann

488 "Help, Michael! It's Rupert Hentzau!" Antoinette

489 "This woman's been writing secret letters to


Hentzau Duke Michael

490 "She needs to be punished!" Hentzau Duke Michael

491 "It's you who needs to be punished!" Duke Michael Hentzau

492 "I know you're Rassendyll's spy!" Hentzau Antoinette

493 "Push against his legs!" Rassendyll The King

494 Then I'm your leader now. Put down your weapons

and do as I say."

Hentzau Antoinette

495 "What did you do at the castle?' Hentzau Rassendyll

496 "I made sure that you are the last of the Six Men," Rassendyll Hentzau

497 "Do you mean that you got inside the King's


Hentzau Rassendyll

498 "And what's happened to the King?" Hentzau Rassendyll

499 "He was hurt, but he's alive," Rassendyll Hentzau

500 "Why didn't you follow my plan?'' Hentzau Rassendyll

501 "We could have worked well together." Hentzau Rassendyll

502 "Get off your horse and fight like a man," Rassendyll Hentzau

503 "Go after him!" Rassendyll Fritz

504 "Sir, you don't look well," Fritz Rassendyll

505 "But you're injured. Here, let me help you." Fritz Rassendyll

506 "Isn't that the King?" A young boy Fritz

506 "The King's injured in the castle." Marshal A young boy

507 "No, really, he's here. He fought a man who took

my horse."

A young boy Marshal

508 "This boy says the King's over there behind that


Strakencz Colonel Sapt

509 "No, he's in the castle behind me," Colonel Sapt Marshal

510 "Please, come and see if you don't believe me," A young boy Marshal

511 "It is you! Are you hurt?" Flavia Rassendyll

512 "This is not the King," Colonel Sapt Flavia

513 "What do you mean it's not the King?" Flavia Colonel Sapt

514 "It's his face! Rudolf, look at me!

What's happening?"

Flavia Colonel Sapt

515 "Forgive me, Madame. I'm not the King." Rassendyll Flavia

516 "It's time you came into the castle. We have much

to discuss."

Colonel Sapt Flavia

517 "Cousin! My friend! You're injured, too." The king Rassendyll

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518 We're always the same, you and I!" The king Rassendyll

519 "I hoped that tomorrow, you'd come with me to

Strelsau and tell everyone about the brave things

that you've done,"

The king Rassendyll

520 "but Sapt tells me that this isn't possible." The king Rassendyll

521 "He's right, sir. My work in your country is


Rassendyll The king

522 "I'd happily help you again, sir," Rassendyll The king

523 "The Princess has asked to see you, too," The King Rassendyll

524 "Does she know everything?" Rassendyll The king

525 "It seems you've tricked me," Flavia Rassendyll

526 "I would like to apologise to you for this," Rassendyll Flavia

527 "You don't need to apologise. I should thank you

for all you've done for Ruritania,"

Flavia Rassendyll

528 "I've learned all about duties and responsibilities" Rassendyll Flavia

529 "It's a lesson I'll never forget." Rassendyll Flavia

530 "And we'll never forget how you've helped the


Flavia Rassendyll

531 "He now knows which country he'll be sent to." Rose Rassendyll

532 "Ruritania. Sir Jacob Borrodaile is to be the British

Ambassador in Strelsau."

Rose Rassendyll

533 "I don't think it'd be a good idea for me to work


Rassendyll Rose

534 "But you promised you'd take the job!" Rose Rassendyll

435 "You're right, but please look at this," Rassendyll Rose

536 "Yes, you look very like the King of Ruritania," Rose Rassendyll

537 "But this is just an excuse. You could have become

an ambassador yourself one day!"

Rose Rassendyll

538 "If you don't go, you'll never be anyone important!" Rose Rassendyll
