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The Prisoner of Zenda Chapter 1

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The Prisoner of Zenda Chapter 1
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The Prisoner of Zenda – Chapter 1 Vocabulary dining room ﺣﺠﺮﺓ ﺍﻟﻄﻌﺎﻡprepare for ﺰ ﻟـِﺠﻬُ/ ﻳﺴﺘﻌﺪegg spoon ﻣﻠﻌﻘﺔ ﻟﻔﺼﻞ ﺍﻟﺒﻴﺾ ﺍﻟﻤﺴﻠﻮﻕ ﻋﻦ ﺍﻟﻘﺸﺮﺓThe Alps ﺟﺒﺎﻝ ﺍﻷﻟﺐposition in society ﻣﻜﺎﻧﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﺠﺘﻤﻊsocial problems ﻣﺸﻜﻼﺕ ﺍﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔlord (ﻟﻘﺐ ﺃﻭﺭﻭﺑﻲ) ﻟﻮﺭﺩget into politics ﻳﻌﻤﻞ ﺑﺎﻟﺴﻴﺎﺳﺔcountess (ﻟﻘﺐ ﺃﻭﺭﺑﻲ) ﻛﻮﻧﺘﻴﺴﺔbook ﻳﺤﺠﺰexcept ﻣﺎﻋﺪﺍcheck ﻳﻔﺤﺺmember ﻋﻀﻮcall on (ﺷﺨﺺ) ﻳﺰﻭﺭannoy ﻳﻀﺎﻳﻖ/ ﻳﺰﻋﺞthe French Capital ﺍﻟﻌﺎﺻﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻔﺮﻧﺴﻴﺔexplain ﻳﻔﺴﺮ/ ﻳﺸﺮﺡjournalist ﺻﺤﻔﻲGerman University ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ ﺃﻟﻤﺎﻧﻴﺔwealth ﺛﺮﻭﺓGerman ﺍﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﺍﻷﻟﻤﺎﻧﻴﺔambition ﻮﺡُُItalian ﺍﻟﻠﻐﻮ ﺍﻻﻳﻄﺎﻟﻴﺔDuke (ﻟﻘﺐ ﺃﻭﺭﻭﺑﻲ) ﺩﻭﻕSpanish ﺍﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﺍﻷﺳﺒﺎﻧﻴﺔhalf-brother ﺃﺥ ﻏﻴﺮ ﺷﻘﻴﻖgun ﺑﻨﺪﻗﻴﺔfavourite son ﻔﻀﻞُ ﺍﺑﻦ ﻣswordsman ﻣﺒﺎﺭﺯ ﺑﺎﻟﺴﻴﻒcoronation ﺣﻔﻞ ﺗﺘﻮﻳﺞriding horses ﺭﻛﻮﺏ ﺍﻟﺨﻴﻞget on the train ﻳﺴﺘﻘﻞ ﺍﻟﻘﻄﺎﺭDifferent from ﻣﺨﺘﻠﻒ ﻋﻦget off the train ﻳﻨﺰﻝ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﻘﻄﺎﺭrealise ﻳﺪﺭﻙfashionably-dressed ﺃﻧﻴﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻣﻠﺒﺴﻬﺎresponsibilities ﻣﺴﺌﻮﻟﻴﺎﺕwonder ﻳﺘﺴﺎءﻝopportunities ﺮﺹُfurther ﺃﺑﻌﺪambassador ﺳﻔﻴﺮborders ﺣﺪﻭﺩembassy ﺳﻔﺎﺭﺓguards ﺮﺍﺱُrefuse ﻳﺮﻓﺾpassports ﺟﻮﺍﺯﺍﺕ ﺍﻟﺴﻔﺮsister-in-law ﺯﻭﺟﺔ ﺍﻷﺥstare at ﺤﻤﻠﻖ ﻓﻲُmoreover ﻭﻋﻼﻭﺓ ﻋﻠﻲ ﺫﻟﻚin two days' time ﻓﻲ ﺧﻼﻝ ﻳﻮﻣﻴﻦsound interesting ً ﻳﺒﺪﻭ ﻣﻤﺘﻌﺎexcitement ﻣﺘﻌﺔbe in a position to ﻳﻜﻮﻥ ﻓﻲ ﻭﺿﻊ ﻳﻤﻜﻨﻪ ﻣﻦparticular ﻣﺤﺪﺩ/ ﺧﺎﺹthe royal family ﺍﻷﺳﺮﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺎﻟﻜﺔcastle ﻗﻠﻌﺔmake a promise َِremain ﻳﺒﻘﻲthe Elphbergs ﻋﺎﺋﻠﺔ ﺇﻟﻔﺒﺮﺝinn ﻓﻨﺪﻕ ﺻﻐﻴﺮhave an interest in ﻟﺪﻳﻪ ﺍﻫﺘﻤﺎﻡ ﺑـresponsible for ﻣﺴﺌﻮﻝ ﻋﻦin fact ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﺤﻘﻴﻘﺔforest ﻏﺎﺑﺔpaintings ﻟﻮﺣﺎﺕ/ ﺻﻮﺭhotel owner ﺻﺎﺣﺐ ﺍﻟﻔﻨﺪﻕdescendants ﺃﺣﻔﺎﺩservant ﺧﺎﺩﻡa straight nose ﺃﻧﻒ ﻣﺴﺘﻘﻴﻢcare about ﻳﻬﺘﻢ ﺑـappearance ﺷﻜﻞ/ ﻣﻈﻬﺮstranger ﻏﺮﻳﺐmake a decision ﻳﺘﺨﺬ ﻗﺮﺍﺭhunting lodge ًﻘﻴﻢ ﺑﻪ ﺍﻟﺼﻴﺎﺩﻭﻥ ﻣﺆﻗﺘﺎُ ﻣﻨﺰﻝ ﺻﻐﻴﺮ ﻳThe Times Newspaper ﺟﺮﻳﺪﺓ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﻳﻤﺰstep back in surprise ﻳﺘﺮﺍﺟﻊ ﻓﻲ ﺩﻫﺸﺔcelebrations ﺍﺣﺘﻔﺎﻻﺕstairs ﺳﻠﻢjoyous occasion ﻣﻨﺎﺳﺒﺔ ﺑﻬﻴﺠﺔConversation ﻣﺤﺎﺩﺛﺔevent ﺣﺪﺙ ﻫﺎﻡrelaxed ﻣﺴﺘﺮﻳﺢ/ ﻣﺴﺘﺮﺥ(1)
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The Prisoner of Zenda – Chapter 1


dining room حجرة الطعام prepare for يستعد / يُجهِز لـegg spoon ملعقة لفصل البيض المسلوق عن القشرة The Alps جبال األلبposition in society مكانة في المجتمع social problems مشكالت اجتماعية lord (لقب أوروبي) لورد get into politics يعمل بالسياسةcountess (لقب أوربي) كونتيسة book يحجز except ماعدا check يفحص member عضو call on (شخص) يزورannoy يزعج / يضايق the French Capital العاصمة الفرنسيةexplain يشرح / يفسر journalist صحفيGerman University جامعة ألمانية wealth ثروةGerman اللغة األلمانية ambition طُمُوح Italian اللغو االيطالية Duke (لقب أوروبي) دوق Spanish اللغة األسبانية half-brother أخ غير شقيق gun بندقية favourite son ابن مُفضل swordsman مبارز بالسيف coronation حفل تتويج riding horses ركوب الخيل get on the train يستقل القطار Different from مختلف عن get off the train ينزل من القطار realise يدرك fashionably-dressed أنيقة في ملبسها responsibilities مسئوليات wonder يتساءل opportunities فُرص further أبعد ambassador سفير borders حدود embassy سفارة guards حُراس refuse يرفض passports جوازات السفرsister-in-law زوجة األخ stare at يُحملق في moreover وعالوة علي ذلك in two days' time في خالل يومين sound interesting ًيبدو ممتعا excitement متعة be in a position to يكون في وضع يمكنه من particular خاص / محدد the royal family األسرة المالكة castle قلعة make a promise يَعِد remain يبقي the Elphbergs عائلة إلفبرج inn فندق صغير have an interest in لديه اهتمام بـ responsible for مسئول عن in fact في الحقيقة forest غابة paintings صور / لوحات hotel owner صاحب الفندق descendants أحفاد servant خادم a straight nose أنف مستقيم care about يهتم بـ appearance مظهر/شكل stranger غريب make a decision يتخذ قرار hunting lodge ًمنزل صغير يُقيم به الصيادون مؤقتا

The Times Newspaper جريدة التايمز step back in surprise يتراجع في دهشة celebrations احتفاالت stairs سلم joyous occasion مناسبة بهيجة Conversation محادثة event حدث هام relaxed مسترخ / مستريح


Page 2: The Prisoner of Zenda Chapter 1

wealthy trader تاجر ثري enormous هائلcontact يتصل بـ luggage الحقائبset off يبدأ الرحلة tough صارم - متشدد moat (يُحيط بقلعة مثال) خندق مائي medium height متوسط الطول mansion قصر – منزل أحد األثرياء extraordinary رائع - استثنائي country home منزل ريفي Identical twins متطابقتوأم drawbridge جسر متحرك personality شخصية lie against a tree ينام مستندا إلي شجرة sword سيف well-defended جيد التحصين amazement دهشة - استغراب shade الظل alike متشابه


• Rudolf Rassendyll: A wealthy English gentleman and the narrator راوي of the story. • Rose Rassendyll: Rudolf Rassendyll's sister-in-law. زوجة أخ • Robert Rassendyll: Lord Burlesdon; Rudolf Rassendyll's brother. • Sir Jacob Borrodaile: An important Englishman who is about to على وشك become an

ambassador. سفير • Countess Amelia Rassendyll: A relative قريبة of the Rassendylls who married into the

Ruritanian royal family أسرة ملكية in 1733. • Rudolf Elphberg: The King, Rudolf the Fifth of Ruritania. • George Featherly: An English friend of Rudolf Rassendyll who works in the Paris

embassy. • Bertram Bertrand: An English journalist who works in Paris. • Antoinette de Mauban: A wealthy French lady. • Duke Michael Elphberg: The Duke of Strelsau; Rudolf Elphberg's half-brother. • Johann Rolf: A servant who works in the Castle of Zenda. • Colonel Sapt: An old soldier who works for the King of Ruritania. • Fritz von Tarlenheim: A gentleman who works for the King of Ruritania. • Josef: A servant to the King of Rurltania. • Marshal Strakencz: An important person in the King of Ruritania's army. • Princess Flavia: A royal cousin to Rudolf Elphberg and Michael Elphberg. • Max Holf: Johann's brother who works for Duke Michael. • Freyler: A servant at the King's palace. • De Gautet: A Frenchman, one of Duke Michael's Six Men (special soldiers who are loyal

to him). • Bersoni: A Belgian, one of Duke Michael's Six Men (special soldiers who are loyal to

him). • Detchard: An Englishman, one of Duke Michael's Six Men (special soldiers who are

loyal to him). • Lauengram: A Ruritanian, one of Duke Michael's Six Men (special soldiers who are

loyal to him). • Krafstein: A Ruritanian, one of Duke Michael's Six Men (special soldiers who are loyal

to him). • Rupert Hentzau: A Ruritanian, the most dangerous of Duke Michael's Six Men (special

soldiers who are loyal to him). • Bernenstein: A trusted gentleman, one of those who help to rescue the King.


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Blaming Rudolf Rassendyll: - Rudolf Rassendyll was a very rich Englishman who was 29 years old. His brother's

wife, Rose, blamed him for not doing anything useful. Rudolf Rassendyll's reasons for not work ing:

- Rudolf Rassendyll said that he shouldn't do anything because he had nearly enough money to do anything he wanted to and he enjoyed an important position in society: his brother was Lord Burlesdon.

- He said that no one ever has quite enough money to do what they wanted Rose's annoyance and anger:

- Rudolf told Rose that he was a member of the Rassendyll family and his family didn't need to do things. This annoyed Rose, because her family were rich but less important than the Rassendylls.

- Rudolf told his brother (Robert) Lord Burlesdon that Rose was angry because she thought he didn't do anything.

Rudolf's education and sk ills: - He explained that he had not been lazy all his life. He had studied hard and learned

a lot when he was at a German school and German university. He spoke German as well as English, and he also knew how to speak French, Italian and Spanish. He was good with a gun and a strong swordsman. He was also very good at riding a horse.

The difference between Rudolf and his brother: - Rudolf was different from his brother in appearance and personality. Rudolf had red

hair while Robert didn't. Robert realised his position in society had responsibilities but Rudolf saw opportunities in his position. To Rudolf, opportunities were responsibilities.

Rose, a very persuasive person: - Rose was trying to persuade Rudolf to have a job. She told him that Sir Jacob

Borrodaile who was going to become an ambassador in six months' time wanted him to work for him. Rose believed that this was a good opportunity for him.

- She had a way of asking people to do things which was impossible to refuse. Moreover, he thought that job sounded quite interesting.

- There were still months before starting his new job, so Rudolf decided to visit Ruritania, a small country in the middle of Europe.

The Rassendylls' interest in the Elphberg family: - Rudolf's family have always had an interest in the Elphberg family because in 1733,

Countess Amelia Rassendyll married a member of the Ruritanian royal family, the Elphbergs.

- Robert has paintings of her and her descendants on his walls: many of them have the same red hair and straight noses as the Elphbergs; Rudolf was the latest one to have the appearance of the Ruritanian royal family.

Amazing celebrations: - A few days later Rudolf read in The Times newspaper that Rudolf the Fifth was to

become King of Ruritania in the next three weeks, and that amazing celebrations were planned for this joyous occasion.

- Rudolf thought how fantastic it would be to see such an event and began to prepare for his journey.


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Rudolf's lie about his tour and w riting a book: - Rudolf did not like to tell people where he went on his travels, so he told Rose that

he was going walking in the Alps and that he was going to write a book about social problems in the country.

- His brother, Robert, thought that was a good idea as writing a book could be the best way to get into politics. However, Rudolf had no plan to really write a book.

Going to Ruritania to attend the coronation of the new king: - In fact Rudolf was going to Ruritania to attend the coronation of the new king,

Rudolf the Fifth. He lied because he didn't want his family to stop him. Meeting old friends in Paris:

- On his way to Ruritania, Rudolf spent a day in Paris, taking Uncle William's advice for those passing through Paris. So he booked a night at The Continental Hotel.

- As soon as he had checked in, he called on two old friends: George Featherly who worked at the embassy, and Bertram Bertrand who was a famous journalist in Paris.

Antoinette de Mauban and the Duke of Strelsau: - Bertram told him that they had quite a few important people visiting Paris recently.

He told him that he had met Antoinette de Mauban who was well known for her wealth and ambition. She was a beautiful, tall and fashionably dressed lady of about thirty. He said she was leaving Paris that day.

- George said that she was a guest of the Duke of Strelsau (Duke Michael), the half-brother to the King of Ruritania. The Duke was his father's favourite son. He went back to Strelsau to make preparations for the coronation of his brother. He wished he had been the King and he didn't like being only a Duke. Bertram said he heard he was a clever man. George said he was extremely clever.

Not telling George about going to Ruritania: - The next day, Rudolf Rassendyll took the train to Dresden. He did not tell George

that he was going to Ruritania. If he had, the news would have gone immediately to Bertram and then it would have been in all the newspapers within days.

- George told him that he had an important person to travel with. That was Antoinette de Mauban was on the same train.

- At Dresden, Rudolf and Antoinette de Mauban took another train to Ruritania. When they reached the Ruritanian border, the guards stared at Rudolf and his passport for some time before letting him into the country. They were very surprised to see Rudolf as he looked exactly like the king.

Changing the date of the coronation: - Rudolf read in the papers that the King's coronation was to be in two days' time,

which was much earlier than he had thought. - The newspaper described the excitement in the country and in particular the capital

city, Strelsau, where it said all the hotels were full with people who wanted to see the event.

Rudolf's reason for stopping at Zenda: - On reading this, Rudolf decided to stop at Zenda, a small town eighty kilometres

from the capital, and about ten kilometres from the border. There he could walk in the hills and see the town's famous castle. then h could take the train for the day to Strelsau to see the coronation.

- As he got off the train at Zenda, he saw Antoinette de Mauban, who remained on the train for its journey to the capital, but she did not look at him.


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People's opinion about K ing Rudolf Elphberg and Duke Michael: - Rudolf stayed at an inn which was run by an old woman and her two daughters. - The old woman said she was not very interested in what happened in the capital,

but she loved the Duke of Strelsau, who she called Duke Michael. He was the man who was responsible for the land around Zenda and its castle. In fact, the hotel owner said she wished the Duke was the new King and not his brother.

- She said they all knew Duke Michael who had always lived in Ruritania and he cared about the people, so people liked him.

- As for the king he was almost a stranger because he had been abroad for most of his life and not many people even knew what he looked like. He only liked hunting and good food. He was staying in a hunting lodge in the forest and from there he would travel to the capital for his coronation.

- Rudolf was interested and decided to walk in the forest the next day so that he might see the king

The k ing's red hair: - The old woman said she wished the king would stay in the forest. It was said he

only liked hunting and good food. He should let the Duke become their King. Many others thought the same.

- The older daughter of the inn owner said that she didn't like Duke Michael. She told them that people said the King had red hair, just like Rudolf. Rudolf laughed and said that many men had red hair like him.

- The old woman asked her daughter how she knew the King had red hair. She said that Johann, the Duke's servant, told her he had seen the King at the hunting lodge. When Rudolf wondered why he was there, the old lady said that the Duke invited him and that the Duke was in Strelsau, preparing for the coronation.

Duke Michael's ambition: - Rudolf wondered if they were good friends. The old lady said that she didn't know if

they could be good friends if they wanted the same thing. She explained that Duke Michael would like to be King too. Rudolf felt quite sorry for the Duke, but the older brother had the right to be king.

Johann's amazement on seeing Rudolf Rassendyll: - Johann, the Duke's servant, arrived at the inn. He asked who was talking of the

Duke. The old woman said that they had a guest. - When Johann saw Rudolf Rassendyll, he stepped back in surprise as though he had

seen something amazing because Rudolf looked exactly like the king. The old lady told Johann that Rudolf had come to see the coronation. Johann offered Rudolf to stay at his sister's house in Strelsau when he went there to see the coronation.

- One of the daughters said that they didn't often see the red in their country unless they were part of the King's family, the Elphbergs. Many of them had red hair.

- Johann said he was sorry. He didn't expect to see any new guests. He asked Rudolf if he had ever seen the King. Rudolf said he had never seen him, but he hoped to do so on Wednesday at the coronation.

- The next morning, when he heard that Rudolf was going to Strelsau, he said he could stay at his sister's house. She was married to a wealthy trader and she had invited him to stay with them for the coronation, but he was unable to go.

Rudolf's walk ing through the forest: - The next morning, Rudolf decided to see the forest where the king was staying. He

walked through the forest where he could take the train to the capital. (5)

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The Castle of Zenda: - Rudolf reached the castle. It was very old but well built. There was a moat all

around it. There was a large mansion behind it, which was used by the Duke Michael as his country home. The mansion was reached by a wide road, but the old castle could only be reached by a drawbridge between it and the mansion.

Sleeping in the forest: - Soon Rudolf reached the dark forest and he walked for about an hour. It was a

beautiful place and after a time he decided to rest by lying against a tree. It was so quiet and peaceful in the forest that he soon fell into a deep sleep. He was dreaming about living in the Castle of Zenda when a voice woke him.

Colonel Sapt's and Fritz von Tarlenheim's amazement on seeing Rudolf: - Two men were looking at Rudolf in amazement because he looked like the king.

They were Colonel Sapt and Fritz von Tarlenheim who worked for the king of Ruritania.

- Colonel Sapt was short but looked very tough with light blue eyes. He looked like a soldier.

- Fritz was thin and of medium height. He looked like a gentleman. - Rudolf told them that he was Rudolf Rassendyll, a traveller from England and an

officer in the Queen's army. Colonel Sapt asked if he was one of the Burlesdons. Rudolf said his brother was the new Lord Burlesdon.

The difference between Rudolf Rassendyll and the King: - Colonel Sapt believed that Rudolf Rassendyll and the King looked like identical

twins, but they did not have identical personalities or skills. He said that the king preferred eating to action, but he was a kind man. He was not a fighting man.

- Then the king arrived. As Rudolf looked at him, he gave a loud cry and the King stood back in amazement looking at Rudolf.

Questions & Answers

1- Who is Rose Rassendyll? - She is Rudolf Rassendyll's sister-in law.

2- Who is Rudolf Rassendyll? - He is a wealthy English gentleman and the narrator راوي of the story.

3- What did Rose Rassendyll blame Rudolf for? - She blamed him for being lazy and for not doing anything useful.

4- Why doesn't Rudolf Rassendyll work? - Because he has nearly enough money to do anything he wants to, and he enjoys an

important position in society. He is a member of the Rassendyll family and his family don't need to do things.

5- Who is Robert Rassendyll? - He is Rudolf Rassendyll's brother and he is Lord Burlesdon.

6- Why was Rose Rassendyll annoyed when Rudolf said that his family didn't need to do things?

- Because her family were rich but less important than the Rassendylls.


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7- Rudolf Rassendyll had he not been lazy all his life. Explain. - He had studied hard and learned a lot when he was at a German school and

university. He spoke French, German, Italian and Spanish. He was very good at using guns and swords and riding horses.

8- How was Rudolf Rassendyll different from his brother? • Rudolf had red hair, but Robert didn't. • Robert realized his position in society had responsibilities, but Rudolf only saw

opportunities in his position.

9- What kind of work does Rose suggest Rudolf should do? - She suggests that he should work for Sir Jacob Borrodaile who was going to be an

ambassador in six months' time.

10- Who was Sir Jacob Borrodaile? - He was to be an ambassador in six months.

11- Rose Rassendyll was a very persuasive person. Explain. - She had a way of asking people to do things which is impossible to refuse. She

persuaded Rudolf to work for Sir Jacob Borrodaile.

12- Why did Rudolf Rassendyll agree to work for Sir Jacob Borrodaile? - Because he thought the job sounded quite interesting and Rose persuaded him.

13- Why has the Rassendyll family been interested in the Elphberg family? - Because Countess Amelia Rassendyll married a member of the Ruritanian royal

family, the Elphbergs.

14- Who was Countess Amelia Rassendyll? - She was a relative قريبة of the Rassendylls who married into the Ruritanian royal

family أسرة ملكية in 1733.

15- Whose paintings لوحات من did Lord Burlesdon have on his walls? - He had paintings of Countess Amelia Rassendyll and her descendants.

16- What did many of Countess Amalia's descendants have in common? - Many of them had the same red hair and straight noses as the Elphbergs.

17- Why did Rudolf Rassendyll have the appearance of the Ruritanian royal family?

- Because he was a descendent o Countess Amalia's who married into the Ruritanian royal family.

18- Who was Rudolf Elphberg? - He was King Rudolf the Fifth of Ruritania.

19- Where did Rassendyll decide to travel to? What did he tell his family about his plans?

- He decided to visit Ruritania. He told them that he was going walking in the Alps and that he was going to write a book about the social problems in the country.

20- Why didn't Rudolf tell his family about his plans to travel to Ruritania? - He didn't want them to stop him.


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21- Why did Rudolf tell his family he was going walking in the Alps? - Because he never liked to tell them where he was going on his travels.

22- What was Uncle William's advice for those passing through Paris? - It was to spend a day in the city.

23- Who did Rudolf Rassendyll call on in Paris? - He called on two old friends: George Featherly, an English friend of Rudolf who

worked in the English embassy in Paris and Bertram Bertrand, an English journalist who worked in Paris.

24- Who was Antoinette de Mauban? - She was a French lady who was well known for her wealth and ambition. She was a

beautiful, tall and fashionably dressed lady of about thirty. She loved Duke Michael.

25- Why did Antoinette de Mauban go to Paris? - Because she was a guest of the Duke of Strelsau.

26- Who was Duke Michael Elphberg? - He was Rudolf Elphberg's half-brother.

27- Why didn't George Featherly think that the Duke of Strelsau wouldn't enjoy the coronation of his half brother Rudolf?

- Because he thought that Michael didn't like being only a duke so he wished he were the king.

28- Why didn't Rudolf Rassendyll tell George that he was going to Ruritania? - If he had told him, he would have told Bertram (a journalist) and the news would

have been in all the newspapers within days.

29- Who did Rudolf see on the train to Dresden? - He saw Antoinette de Mauban.

30- Why did the guards at the Ruritanian border stare at Rudolf Rassendyll? - Because he looked very much like Rudolf Elphberg, the King of Ruritania.

31- What news did Rudolf read in the paper? - He read the news that the King's coronation was to be in two days' time and that all

the hotels were full with people who wanted to see the king's coronation.

32- What is the capital of Ruritania? - Strelsau is the capital of Ruritania.

33- Why couldn't Rudolf Rassendyll stay in the capital city, Strelsau? Why did Rudolf decide to stop at Zenda? - Because all the hotels there were full with people who wanted to see the coronation.

34- What do you know about Zenda? - It's a small town, 80 kilometers from the capital and about 10 kilometers from the

border. It has a famous castle.

35- What does the owner of the inn think of Michael, the Duke of Strelsau? - She loves him. She says he has always lived in Ruritania and he cares about the

people, so people like him. She wishes the Duke was the King and not his brother. (8)

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36- What does the owner of the inn think of the king? - She thinks he is almost a stranger. He's been abroad for most of his life and not

many people even know how he looks like.

37- Why was the King at the Duke's hunting lodge at Zenda? - Because Duke Michael invited him to rest there until the day of the coronation.

38- Why was Duke Michael at Strelsau? - He was there to make preparations for the coronation.

39- Who has the right to become the king of Ruritania? Why? - Rudolf Elphberg has the right to become the king of Ruritania as he is the older son.

40- Why did Rassendyll decide to walk through the forest the next day? - He decided to do that so that he might see the king.

41- Were the King and Duke Michael friends? Why? - No, because both of them wanted the throne, and the same wife, Olivia.

42- Who is Johann Holf? - He is a servant who works in the castle of Zenda.

43- Why did Johann step back in surprise as soon as he saw Rudolf? - Because Rudolf looked exactly like the King.

44- Why did Johann invite Rudolf Rassendyll to stay at his sister's house? - Because all the hotels were full in Strelsau and Johann himself was unable to go.

45- Describe the castle of Zenda. - It was very old but well-built. There was a moat all around it. Behind it was a large

modern mansion. It could only be reached by a drawbridge between it and the mansion. It was well defended.

46- Who did Rassendyll meet in the forest? Why were they surprised to see him?

- He met Colonel Sapt and Fritz von Tarlenheim who worked for the king. They were surprised to see him because he looked like the king.

47- Who is Colonel Sapt? What does he look like? - He is an old soldier who works for the King of Ruritania. He is short but looks very

tough with light blue eyes. He looks like a soldier.

48- Who is Fritz von Tarlenheim? What does he look like? - He is a gentleman who works for the King of Ruritania. He is thin and of medium

height. He looks like a gentleman.

49- What happened when Rudolf and the king met for the first time? Why? - Rudolf gave a loud cry and the King stood back in amazement looking at Rudolf

because they looked alike.

50- How were Rudolf Rassendyll and the King of Ruritania alike? - They looked so alike except perhaps for a centimetre or two difference in height.

They did not have identical personalities or skills. (9)

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1- "Rudolf, you're 29 years old. Are you ever going to do anything useful?" 1- Who said these words? - Rose Rassendyll said these words. 2- Why doesn't Rudolf do anything useful?

- Because he has enough money to do anything he wants to and he enjoys an important position in society.

3- Do you agree with Rudolf's point of view? Give a reason. - No, I don’t agree because no matter how much money people have, they always

want more.

2- "Why should I do anything?" 1- Who said these words to whom?

- Rudolf Rassendyll said these words to Rose, his brother's wife. 2- When did the speaker say these words?

- He said these words when Rose wanted to know when he was going to do something.

3- Why doesn't Rudolf the speaker work? - Because he has nearly enough money to do anything he wants to, and he enjoys

an important position in society.

3- "I have nearly enough money to do anything I want to, and I enjoy an important position in society."

1- Who said this to whom? - Rudolf Rassendyll said this to Rose, his brother’s wife. 2- Why does the speaker enjoy an important position? - Because his brother is Lord Burlesdon and his brother’s wife is a countess. 3- What is the addressed person trying to persuade the speaker to do? - She is trying to persuade him to do something useful or to work.

4- "But you've done nothing except..." 1- Who said these words to whom?

- Rose Rassendyll said this to Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- What did the speaker blame the addressed person for? - She blamed him for being lazy and not doing anything useful. 3- What was the addressed person's reaction?

- He said he was lazy but he was a member of the Rassendyll family and our family didn't need to do things.

5- "Be lazy? I t's true. I 'm a member of the Rassendyll family and our family don't need to do things." 1- Who said these words to whom?

- Rudolf Rassendyll said these words to Rose, his brother's wife. 2- What does the speaker mean by "It's true"? - He means he is lazy. 3- How was the addressed person affected by these words? - Rose Rassendyll was annoyed because her family were rich but less important

than the Rassendylls. (10)

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6- "She's angry because she thinks I don't do anything." 1- Who said these words to whom? - Rudolf Rassendyll said these words to his brother, Robert. 2- Where were they? - They were in the dinning room. 3- When did the speaker say these words? - He said these words when Robert asked his wife what the matter was.

7- "I t's not just your red hair that makes you different from your brother." 1- Who said these words to whom? - Rose said these words to Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- What else makes the addressed person different from his brother apart

from having red hair? - He doesn’t realize that his position in society has responsibilities. 3- According to the speaker, what was wrong with the addressed person? - He didn’t do anything useful.

8- "He also realises his position in society has responsibilit ies. You only see opportunities in yours."

1- Who said these words to whom? - Rose said these words to Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- What was the speaker talking about? - She was talking about the difference between her husband and Rudolf. 3- What was the addressed person's reply?

- He said that opportunities are responsibilities.

9- "To a man like me, opportunities are responsibilit ies" 1- Who says this and when? - Rudolf Rassendyll says this to Rose and his brother Robert. 2- What does the person mean by this? - He means he takes every opportunity to reach his goals. 3- Do you think a person like this is very serious about work or life? - No, I don't think so.

10- "Good, because I have some news for you" 1- Who said this to whom?

- Rose said this to Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- What was the good news the speaker had?

- Sir Jacob Borrodaile was going to be an ambassador and he wanted Rudolf Rassendyll to work for him.

3- What was the addressed person’s reaction? - He agreed to take the job offered to him.

11- "Sir Jacob Borrodaile tells me he'll offer you a real opportunity." 1- Who said these words to whom?

- Rose said these words to Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- What opportunity would Sir Jacob offer to the addressed person?

- It was that Rudolf could work for him in an embassy. 3- Did the addressed person accept that offer? Why / Why not?

- Yes, Rudolf accepted the offer because the job sounded interesting. (11)

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12- "He's going to be an ambassador in six months' time, and he says he's happy for you to work for him." 1- Who said these words to whom?

- Rose said these words to Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- Who is the speaker talking about?

- She is talking about Sir Jacob Borrodaile. 3- Did the addressed person accept that offer? Why / Why not?

- Yes, he did because the job sounded interesting.

13- "I hope you'll take this job, Rudolf." 1- Who said these words to whom?

- Rose said these words to Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- Which job was the speaker talking about? - She was talking about the job offered by Sir Jacob Borrodaile who was going to be

an ambassador in six months' time. 3- Did the addressed person accept that offer? Why / Why not?

- Yes, he accepted the offer because the job sounded interesting.

14- "My sister-in-law has a way of ask ing people to do things which is impossible to refuse."

1- Who said these words? - Rudolf Rassendyll said these words.

2- When did the speaker say this? - He said this when Rose persuaded him to work for Sir Jacob Borrodaile.

3- Who was his sister-in-law? - Rose Rassendyll was his sister-in-law.

15- "I f in six months' time I 'm in a position to take this job, then I 'll certainly say yes." 1- Who said these words to whom?

- Rudolf Rassendyll said these words to Rose. 2- Why did the speaker accept the job? - Because the job sounded interesting 3- What did the speaker decide to do during the six months before starting

his new job? - He decided to visit Ruritania to attend the coronation of King Rudolf the Fifth

16- "For you I 'll do it, even if it 's a terrible embassy." 1- Who said these words to whom?

- Rudolf Rassendyll said these words to Rose. 2- What were they talking about? - They were talking about the job offered by Sir Jacob Borrodaile who was going to

be an ambassador in six months' time. 3- What do you know about the character of the addressed person? - She was a very persuasive person. She had a way of asking people to do things

which as impossible to refuse. She persuaded Rudolf to work for Sir Jacob.

17- "You're going to w rite a book? That would be such a good thing to do, wouldn't it, Robert?" 1- Who said these words to whom?

- Rose said these words to Rudolf Rassendyll. (12)

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2- Did that person really intend to write a book? - No, he didn't. 3- What would the book be about as the addressed person said? - It would be about the social problems in the country (in the Alps).

18- "Yes, indeed. Writing a book's the best way to get into politics" 1- Who said this to him?

- Robert Rassendyll said this to Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- When did the speaker say this sentence? - The speaker said this sentence when Rudolf said he was going to write a book

about social problems in the country. 3- What kind of books did the addressed person actually write? - He wrote a book about his journey to Ruritania.

19- "We've had quite a few important people visiting the city recently." 1- Who said these words to whom?

- Bertram Bertrand said these words to Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- Which city was he referring to? - He was referring to Paris. 3- Whose name of those important people did the speaker mention? - He mentioned the name of Antoinette de Mauban.

20- "Well, I met Antoinette de Mauban today. You've probably heard of her." 1- Who said these words to whom and where?

- Bertram Bertrand said these words to Rudolf in Paris. 2- Who was Antoinette de Mauban? - She was a lady who was well known for her wealth and ambition. 3- Why was she in Paris? - Because she was a guest of the Duke of Strelsau.

21- "He's the half-brother to the King of Ruritania. People say he was his father's favourite son." 1- Who said these words to whom?

- George Featherly said these words to Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- Who are they talking about? - They’re talking about Michael, the Duke of Strelsau. 3- Why do people like Michael more than the King? - Because he has always lived in Ruritania and he cares about the people, but the

King is almost a stranger and he’s been abroad most of his life.

22- "I don't think he likes being only a Duke." 1- Who said these to whom?

- George Featherly said these words to Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- Who were they talking about? - They were talking about the Duke of Strelsau. 3- Why didn't he like being only a Duke? - Because he wished he were the king.

23- "You have an important person to travel w ith." 1- Who said these words to whom?

- George Featherly said these words to Rudolf Rassendyll. (13)

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2- Who was that important person? - Antoinette de Mauban. 3- What was that person travelling? - She was travelling to Ruritania.

24- “I decided it would be best to stop at Zenda” 1- Who said this?

- Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- Why would it be best for the speaker to stay at Zenda? - Because all the hotels in the capital city, Strelsau were full. 3- Why did the speaker go to Ruritania? - He went there to attend the coronation of King Rudolf the Fifth.

25- "He's always lived in Ruritania and he cares about the people, so people like him."

1- Who said this to whom? - The owner of the inn said this to Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- Who is the person talking about?

- Duke Michael. 3- What more does the speaker think about the person?

- She wished the Duke was the new King and not his brother and that many people also wanted the same thing.

26- "He's almost a stranger." 1- Who said this to whom?

- The owner of the inn said this to Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- Who were they talking about? - They were talking about the King of Ruritania. 3- Why was that person “almost a stranger”? - Because he had been abroad for most of his life and not many people even knew

what he looked like.

27- "Now the King's staying in a hunting lodge in the forest, very near to Zenda. From there he'll travel to the capital for his coronation." 1- Who said these words to whom?

- The old woman said these words to Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- How did the addressed person feel on hearing this? - He was very interested. 3- What did the addressed person decide to do then? - He decided to walk in the forest the next day so that he might see the King.

28- "I w ish he'd stay there in the forest. People say he only likes hunting and good food." 1- Who said these words to whom?

- The owner of the inn said these words to Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- Who was the speaker talking about? - Rudolf Elphberg. 3- Why did the speaker want that person to stay in the forest? - Because she didn’t want him to go to Strelsau to be crowned as the king of

Ruritania. (14)

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29- "He should let the Duke become our K ing. And there are many others who think the same." 1- Who said these words to whom? - The old woman said these words to Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- Who was the speaker talking about? - She was talking about the king. 3- Why should that man let the Duke become King? - Because the Duke has always lived in Ruritania and he cares about the people,

but the king is almost a stranger and he's been abroad for most of his life and not many people even know how he looks like.

30- "How do you know the King has red hair?" 1- Who said these words to whom?

- The old woman said these words to her daughter. 2- Who told the daughter that the king has red hair? - Johann, the Duke's servant. 3- How did the addressed person know that the king had red hair ? - He's seen the King at the hunting lodge."

31- "Johann, the Duke's servant, told me. But why's the King here, if it 's the Duke's land?'' 1- Who said these words to whom?

- Rudolf Rassendyll said these words to the owner of the inn. 2- Where was the King at that time? - He was staying in a hunting lodge in the forest near Zenda. 3- Where was the Duke at that time? Why? - The Duke was in Strelsau to prepare for the coronation of the new King.

32- "I don't know if you can be good friends if you want the same thing." 1- Who said these words to whom?

- The old woman said these words to Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- What did the speaker mean by these words? - She meant that both the King and the Duke wanted to be King of Ruritania, so

they could be enemies, not friends. 3- According to the addressed person, who had the right to that thing? - Rassendyll thought it was the older brother's right to become king.

33- "I feel quite sorry for the Duke, but it 's right that the older brother becomes k ing." 1- Who said these words to whom?

- Rudolf Rassendyll said these words to the owner of the inn. 2- Why did the speaker feel sorry for the Duke? - Because the Duke couldn't become the King although many people liked him as he

wasn't the older brother. 3- Why weren't the Duke and his brother good friends? - Because both of them wanted the same thing and the same wife.

34- "This gentleman's come to our country to see the coronation." 1- Who said these words to whom?

- The owner of the inn said these words to Johann. (15)

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2- Who did the speaker mean by "this gentleman"? - She meant Rudolf Rassendyll. 3- Whose coronation was going to take place? - The coronation of Rudolf the Fifth, king of Ruritania was going to take place.

35- "I t's the red hair. We don't often see it in our country unless you're part of the King's family, the Elphbergs." 1- Who said these words to whom?

- One of the daughters of the owner of the inn said this to her mother and Johann. 2- When did the speaker say this? - She said this when Johann was very surprised to see Rudolf Rassendyll at the

hotel. Rudolf looked exactly like the King. 3- Why did the person they were talking about get his red hair? - He got it because Countess Amelia married one of the Elphbergs a long time ago.

36- "Why look at him! I t's amazing! He looks just like the King!" 1- Who said these words?

- One of the two men who worked for the King said these words. 2- Who were they talking about? - They were talking about Rudolf Rassendyll. 3- What was amazing about that person? - He looked just like the King.

37- "He's about the same height as the King, too! This really is extraordinary." 1- Who said these words to whom?

- Colonel Sapt said this to Fritz von Tarlenheim. 2- Who was the speaker talking about? - He was talking about Rudolf Rassendyll. 3- Where and when was that said?

- That was said in the forest when they saw Rudolf Rassendyll.

38- "Although you look like identical tw ins, you do not have identical personalities or sk ills."

1- Who said these words to whom? - Colonel Sapt said these words to Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- Who did the addressed person look like? - He looked exactly like the King of Ruritania, Rudolf Elphberg. 3- In what way was the addressed person different from the other person? - Rudolf Rassendyll was good with a gun and a strong swordsman. The King

preferred eating to action. He only liked hunting and good food.

39- "You two seem very different. I f you were an officer for the Queen's army, you must be good w ith a sword!" 1- Who said these words to whom?

- Sapt said these words to Rudolf Rassendyll and Fritz. 2- Who was the speaker talking about? - He was talking about Rudolf Rassendyll and the king. 3- How did they seem very different? - Rudolf Rassendyll was good with a gun and a strong swordsman. The King

preferred eating to action. He only liked hunting and good food. (16)

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40- "Perhaps we are alike then because I like to have an easy life, too!" 1- Who said these words to whom? - Rudolf Rassendyll said these words to Fritz. 2- Where did this conversation take place?

- It took place in the forest, near the Castle of Zenda. 3- How were the speaker and the king alike?

- They both had red hair. They both liked to live well. They both looked like identical twins.

Other Quotations

1- "No one ever has quite enough money to do that, of course." (Rudolf Rassendyll to Rose)

2- "My brother's Lord Burlesdon and you are a countess." (Rudolf Rassendyll to Rose) 3- "Robert, I'm so happy you're back!" ( Rose) 4- "What's the matter, my dear?" (Robert to his wife, Rose) 5- "He says he's happy for you to work for him." (Rose to Rudolf Rassendyll) 6- "Oh, Rudolf, how good of you!" (Rose) 7- "Where will he be working?" (Rudolf Rassendyll to Rose) 8- "Sir Jacob doesn't know which country it will be, but he's sure it'll be a good

embassy." (Rose to Rudolf Rassendyll) 9- "Now I had made my promise to Rose" (Rudolf Rassendyll) 10- "My family have always had an interest in that country." (Rudolf Rassendyll) 11- "Countess Amelia Rassendyll married a member of the Ruritanian royal family."

(Rudolf Rassendyll) 12- "I am the latest one to have the appearance of the Ruritanian royal family." (Rudolf

Rassendyll) 13- "She's a lady who's well known for her wealth and ambition. But she's leaving Paris

today; we don't know where she's going to next." (Bertram Bertrand to Rudolf Rassendyll)

14- "So why did she come to Paris?" (Rudolf Rassendyll to Bertram Bertrand and George Featherly)

15- "She was a guest of the Duke of Strelsau. I met him at the embassy yesterday." He's gone back for the coronation, although I don't think he'll enjoy it very much because he probably wishes he were the King." (George Featherly to Rudolf Rassendyll)

16- "I hear he's a clever man, though" (Bertram Bertrand to George Featherly) 17- "He's extremely clever, I'd say." (George Featherly to Bertram Bertrand) 18- "That's Antoinette de Mauban and she's also going to Dresden." (George Featherly

to Rudolf Rassendyll) 19- "We all know Duke Michael. He's been abroad for most of his life and not many

people even know what he looks like." (The old lady to Rudolf Rassendyll) 20- "Well I don't like Duke Michael." (The older daughter of the old lady to her mother

and Rudolf Rassendyll) 21- "They say the King has red hair, just like you!" (The older daughter of the old lady

to Rudolf Rassendyll) 22- "Many men have red hair like me." (Rudolf Rassendyll to the older daughter of the

old lady) (17)

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23- "He's seen the King at the hunting lodge." (The older daughter of the old lady to her mother)

24- "The Duke invited him, sir. The Duke's in Strelsau, preparing for the coronation." (The old lady to Rudolf Rassendyll)

25- "So they are good friends?" (Rudolf Rassendyll to the old lady) 26- "Duke Michael would like to be King, too, I'm sure." (The old lady to Rudolf

Rassendyll) 27- "Who's talking of the Duke?" (Johann to the old lady and her daughters) 28- "We have a guest, Johann." (The old lady) 29- "Good evening, sir. I'm sorry; I didn't expect to see any new guests here." (Johann

to Rudolf Rassendyll) 30- "Sir, have you ever seen our King?" (Johann to Rudolf Rassendyll) 31- "No, I've never seen him, but I hope to do so on Wednesday at the coronation."

"Rudolf Rassendyll to Johann) 32- "I was just dreaming about living in the Castle of Zenda when a voice woke me."

(Rudolf Rassendyll) 33- "Perhaps you can tell me what your names are first?" (Rudolf Rassendyll to Sapt

and Fritz) 34- "We both work for the King of Ruritania." (Fritz to Rudolf Rassendyll) 35- "I'm a traveller from England and was an officer in the Queen's army." (Rudolf

Rassendyll to Fritz and Sapt) 36- "Well, we're officers for our King, so we understand each other well!" (Fritz to

Rudolf Rassendyll) 37- "Rassendyll, Rassendyll. I know! Are you one of the Burlesdons?" (Sapt to Rudolf

Rassendyll) 38- "My brother's the new Lord Burlesdon. So, do I really look like the King?" (Rudolf

Rassendyll to Sapt) 39- "You could be twins." (Fritz said this to Rudolf Rassendyll) 40- "Is the King not a fighting man?" (Rudolf Rassendyll to Sapt and Fritz) 41- "The King likes to live well. Let's say he prefers eating to action, but he's a kind

man and he's our King. We'd do anything for him." (Fritz to Rudolf Rassendyll) 42- "It's the King! He's coming here now." (Fritz to Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll)

Find and correct the mistake in each of the following sentences

1- Rudolf Rassendyll was thirty-nine and he had done nothing except being lazy. Rudolf Rassendyll was twenty-nine and he had done nothing except being lazy. 2- Rudolf Rassendyll thinks that everybody ever has enough money to do what they

want. Rudolf Rassendyll thinks that no one ever has enough money to do what they

want. 3- Rose was happy when Rudolf Rassendyll said that his family didn't need to do

things. Rose was annoyed when Rudolf Rassendyll said that his family didn't need to do

things. 4- Countess Amelia's family were rich but less important than the Rassendylls. Countess Rose's family were rich but less important than the Rassendylls.


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5- Rudolf Rassendyll is Lord Burlesdon. Robert Rassendyll is Lord Burlesdon. 6- Rudolf Rassendyll studied at a German school and German embassy. Rudolf Rassendyll studied at a German school and German university. 7- Rudolf speaks neither German nor English. Rudolf speaks both German and English. 8- Rudolf was bad with a gun and a weak swordsman. Rudolf was good with a gun and a strong swordsman. 9- Rudolf was very good at riding a bicycle. Rudolf was very good at riding a horse. 10- It's only the red hair that makes Rudolf different from his brother. It's not only the red hair that makes Rudolf different from his brother. 11- Robert didn’t realize that his position had responsibilities. Rudolf didn’t realize that his position had responsibilities. 12- George realises his position in society has responsibilities. Robert realises his position in society has responsibilities. 13- Sir Jacob Borrodaile was going to become a king in six months' time. Sir Jacob Borrodaile was going to become an ambassador in six months' time. 14- Rose Rassendyll was so persuasive that Rudolf Rassendyll agreed to work for

Josef. Rose Rassendyll was so persuasive that Rudolf Rassendyll agreed to work for Sir

Jacob Borrodaile. 15- Rose Rassendyll has a way of asking people to do things which is possible to

refuse. Rose Rassendyll has a way of asking people to do things which is impossible to

refuse. 16- Sir Bertram didn't know which country he would be working in. Sir Jacob Borrodaile didn't know which country he would be working in. 17- Rudolf decided to visit Dresden, a small country in the middle of Europe. Rudolf decided to visit Ruritania, a small country in the middle of Europe. 18- Countess Rose Rassendyll married a member of the Ruritanian royal family. Countess Amelia Rassendyll married a member of the Ruritanian royal family. 19- Lord Burlesdon had paintings of Countess Amelia Rassendyll and her ancestors. Lord Burlesdon had paintings of Countess Amelia Rassendyll and her

descendants. 20- Many of Countess Amelia's descendants have the same black hair and straight

noses as the Elphbergs. Many of Countess Amelia's descendants have the same red hair and straight

noses as the Elphbergs. 21- Rudolf Rassendyll had the appearance of the Romanian royal family. Rudolf Rassendyll had the appearance of the Ruritanian royal family. 22- Rudolf Rassendyll got his red hair from one of his descendants. Rudolf Rassendyll got his red hair from one of his ancestors. 23- The Times newspaper said that Rudolf the Fifth was to become King of England

in the next three weeks. The Times newspaper said that Rudolf the Fifth was to become King of

Ruritania in the next three weeks.


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24- Amazing celebrations were planned in Ruritania for the murder of the new King. Amazing celebrations were planned in Ruritania for the coronation of the new

King. 25- Rudolf Rassendyll thought it would be boring to see the coronation of the new

King. Rudolf Rassendyll thought it would be fantastic to see the coronation of the new

King. 26- Rudolf Rassendyll did not like to tell people where he went on my studies. Rudolf Rassendyll did not like to tell people where he went on my travels. 27- Rudolf Rassendyll told his family that he was going to Ruritania. Rudolf Rassendyll didn't tell his family that he was going to Ruritania. 28- Rudolf Rassendyll did not want Rose to think he was being active either. Rudolf Rassendyll did not want Rose to think he was being lazy either. 29- Rudolf Rassendyll told his family that he was going to write a book about his

visit to Ruritania. Rudolf Rassendyll told his family that he was going to write a book about the

social problems in Ruritania. 30- Robert said that writing a book is the best way to get into economics. Robert said that writing a book is the best way to get into politics. 31- Rose and Robert discouraged Rassendyll from writing a book. Rose and Robert encouraged Rassendyll from writing a book. 32- Rudolf Rassendyll called on some old ambassadors that he knew in Paris. Rudolf Rassendyll called on some old friends that he knew in Paris. 33- George Featherly is an English friend of Robert Rassendyll who works in the

Paris embassy. George Featherly is an English friend of Rudolf Rassendyll who works in the

Paris embassy. 34- Bertram Bertrand is an English diplomat who works in Paris. Bertram Bertrand is an English journalist who works in Paris. 35- Countess Rose is a lady who's well known for her wealth and ambition. Antoinette de Mauban is a lady who's well known for her wealth and ambition. 36- Michael Elphberg was the half-cousin to the King of Ruritania. Michael Elphberg was the half-brother to the King of Ruritania. 37- It was said that Rudolf Elphberg was his father’s favourite son. It was said that Michael Elphberg was his father’s favourite son. 38- The Duke of Strelsau is said to be a stupid man. The Duke of Strelsau is said to be a clever man. 39- At the Ruritanian border, the guards stared at Rudolf Elphberg. At the Ruritanian border, the guards stared at Rudolf Rassendyll. 40- In Ruritania, Rassendyll read in the newspaper that the King's coronation was to

be in three weeks' time. In Ruritania, Rassendyll read in the newspaper that the King's coronation was to

be in two days' time. 41- Dresden was the capital city of Ruritania. Strelsau was the capital city of Ruritania. 42- The owner of the inn wasn’t interested in the execution of the new King. The owner of the inn wasn’t interested in the coronation of the new King.


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43- Lord Burlesdon was responsible for the land around Zenda and its castle. Duke Michael was responsible for the land around Zenda and its castle. 44- Robert Rassendyll has always lived in Ruritania and he cares about the

people. Rudolf Elphberg has always lived in Ruritania and he cares about the people. 45- Not many people even knew what the Duke of Strelsau looked like. Not many people even knew what King Rudolf the Fifth looked like. 46- As for the duke, he's almost a stranger. He's been abroad for most of his life. As for the king, he's almost a stranger. He's been abroad for most of his life. 47- The king was staying in a house in the forest near Zenda. The king was staying in a hunting lodge in the forest near Zenda. 48- The king has black hair, just like Rudolf. The king has red hair, just like Rudolf. 49- Duke Michael was in Strelsau to make preparation for the king's wedding. Duke Michael was in Strelsau to make preparation for the king's coronation. 50- Rudolf Rassendyll and Lord Burlesdon wanted the throne and the same wife. Rudolf Rassendyll and the Duke of Strelsau wanted the throne and the same

wife. 51- Rudolf felt sorry for the duke, but it is right that the younger becomes king. Rudolf felt sorry for the duke, but it is right that the older becomes king. 52- It is not common to see someone with black eyes in Ruritania unless they are

part of the King’s family, the Elphbergs. It is not common to see someone with red hair in Ruritania unless they are part

of the King’s family, the Elphbergs. 53- Behind the castle was a mansion, which was used by King Rudolf the Fifth as

his country home. Behind the castle was a mansion, which was used by the Duke of Strelsau as

his country home. 54- The Castle of Zenda could only be reached by a rope between it and the

mansion. The Castle of Zenda could only be reached by a drawbridge between it and the

mansion. 55- Rudolf Rassendyll was just dreaming about living in Dresden when a voice woke

him. Rudolf Rassendyll was just dreaming about living in the castle of Zenda when a

voice woke him. 56- Colonel Sapt and Fritz were officers for Duke Michael. Colonel Sapt and Fritz were officers for King Rudolf the Fifth. 57- Although Rudolf Rassendyll and the King look like identical twins, they don't have

different personalities or skills. Although Rudolf Rassendyll and the King look like identical twins, they don't have

identical personalities or skills. 58- The King likes to live well. He prefers action to eating. The King likes to live well. He prefers eating to action. 59- Many members of the Ruritanian royal family have blue hair. Many members of the Ruritanian royal family have red hair. 60- Rose's family were rich and more important than the Rassendylls. Rose's family were rich and less important than the Rassendylls.


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Test 1

A) Answer the follow ing questions: 1- What was Rassendyll's remark that annoyed Rose? 2- Why did Rassendyll decide to walk in the forest? 3- Show that Rudolf Rassendyll was not lazy all his life. 4- What did both the king and Duke Michael want?

B) Read the follow ing quotation and answer the questions: "It's the king! He's coming here now.”

1- Who said these words to whom? 2- Where were they? 3- Who was the king?

C) Find and correct the mistake in each of the follow ing sentences: 1- Johann stepped back in anger as soon as he had seen Rudolf Rassendyll. 2- Rassendyll saw Antoinette de Mauban in the dining car on the train to Dresden.

Test 2

A) Answer the follow ing questions: 1- Show how Rose was persuasive. 2- Who did Rassendyll meet in the forest? Why were they surprised to see him? 3- Why was the king almost a stranger? 4- Who had the right to be a king? Why?

B) Read the follow ing quotation and answer the questions: "So, do I really look like the king?"

1- Who said these words to whom? 2- When did the speaker say these words? 3- Why did the speaker look like the king?

C) Complete the follow ing sentences: 1- Lord Burlesdon was the future King of Ruritania. 2- The king has always lived in Ruritania.

Test 3

A) Answer the follow ing questions: 1- Why weren't the Duke and his brother good friends? 2- Why didn't Rudolf Rassendyll tell George that he was going to Ruritania? 3- How was Rudolf Rassendyll different from his brother? 4- Why do people like Michael more than the King?

B) Read the follow ing quotation and answer the questions: “We have a guest Johann.”

1- Who said these to whom? 2- Who was the guest? 3- Why was Johann surprised when he saw the guest?


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C) Complete the follow ing sentences: 1- Rose was married to Rudolf. 2- Rassendyll sympathized with Duke Michael and said it was his right to be king.

Test 4

A) Answer the follow ing questions: 1- Who did Rudolf Rassendyll visit in Paris? 2- Why doesn't Rudolf Rassendyll work? 3- Why did Johann step back in surprise as soon as he saw Rudolf Rassendyll? 4- What was Uncle William's advice for those passing through Paris?

B) Read the follow ing quotation and answer the questions: “Where will he be working?"

1- Who said these words to whom? 2- Who was the speaker talking about? 3- Did he know where he would be working? 4- What does the owner of the inn think of Michael, the Duke of Strelsau?

C) Complete the follow ing sentences: 1- Sapt invites Rassendyll to stay with his family in Strelsau. 2- Rudolf sits with Antoinette on the train.

Test 5

A) Answer the follow ing questions: 1- Why has the Rassendyll family been interested in the Elphberg family? 2- Who is Colonel Sapt? What does he look like? 3- Why did the guards at the Ruritanian border stare at Rudolf Rassendyll? 4- What did Bertram Bertrand tell Rudolf Rassendyll about Antoinette de Mauban?

B) Read the follow ing quotation and answer the questions: "Be lazy? It's true." 1- Who said these words to whom? 2- When did the speaker say these words? 3- Was the speaker lazy all his life? Give reasons.

C) Complete the follow ing sentences: 1- People said that the King of Ruritania was his father's favourite son. 2- The King was resting at the old lady’s house before going to Strelsau.

