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The Qualified Can Plead the Blood of Jesus and Win - Ernest Angley (1995)

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    October 1995

    Topics: Blood of Jesus

    Volum e 22 The Mysteries of God

    by Ernest An gley

    With the Lord, all things are possible. Through the grace and

    blood of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, you have power,

    greatness and victory over all the powers of darkness. Think on

    the blood, the blood that stained the old rugged cross. How

    marvelous to know that you can plead the blood of Jesususe the

    blood! Pleading the blood simply means using the blood. Before

    you can use the blood, however, you must be qualified to use it:

    you must be born again.

    In order for you to receive salvation, to have your sins washed

    away, the Holy Spirit uses the blood. The Holy Spirit is the agent

    that seals your soul with the blood of Jesus. You cannot use the

    blood until it is inside you; this happens when you are born again, when you ask Jesus into your

    heart. For whosoever shall call upon the nam e of the Lord shall be saved (Romans

    10:13). Now that you have received salvation, the blood is to be used by you against all the powers

    of the devil, against all envy, strife, hate and sin. Use the blood against every unclean spirit and

    unclean thought that try to leech your mind. Thoughts that can destroy the anointing of God in

    your life will come, but the blood will help you to not embrace them, to not endorse them, to not

    hold onto them.

    We are to be partakers of the Lord's divine nature. Whereby are given u nto us e xceeding

    great and preciou s promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine natu re

    (II Peter 1:4). The only way you can be a partaker of His divine nature is by accepting His blood.

    You have divinity on the inside when you have the blood; you are a partaker of divinity. Without

    the blood you cannot be a partaker of divinity. Accept His blood for your soul; the blood will

    cleanse you from all sin when you yield to it.

    Blessed are the pu re in heart: for they shall see God (Matthew 5:8). Being pure in heart is a

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    qualification for seeing God. Only through divinity, through the blood, can you be pure in heart.

    You can't make your own heart pure; neither can loved ones, ministers, psychiatrists nor anyone

    else do it for you. Only through the blood can you be cleansed and made pure. Know the truth

    about the blood. Always keep in mind that to plead the blood means to use the blood.

    The soul feeds the mind. From the soul the Holy Spirit flows divinitythat which is holy, that

    which is truth, that which is of Godinto your mind for you to use. All the overcoming power you

    need is in the blood that covers your soul when you are born again, the power to overcome all evil.

    Weak flesh is made strong through divinity, through the blood of Jesus. As long as you use the

    blood, the devil cannot defeat you any more than he defeated Jesus. Jesus brought all that you

    need, and He left it for you to use.

    Jesus said, But ye shall receive powe r, after that the Holy Ghost is come u pon you (Acts

    1:8). Until the Day of Pentecost, the disciples had not received the gift of the Holy Ghost, the same

    Holy Ghost that had descended on Jesus when He was baptized in Jordan. And John bare

    record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode up on

    him. And I knew him not: bu t he that sent me to baptize with water, the same saidun to me, Upon w hom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and rem aining on him, the

    same is he w hich baptizeth with the Ho ly Ghost (John 1:32,33). Jesus had the Holy Ghost.

    If you are going to use the blood, you need the Holy Ghost dwelling within you at all times so that

    He can flow this power from your soul right into your mind; then you think the blood power, plead

    it and live in it.

    Without the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the baptism of power, you can't use the truth. It is essential

    for you to have the Holy Ghost baptism. It was so important for the disciples to have the baptism in

    the Holy Ghost that Jesus told them to shut down everything, to linger in Jerusalem until they

    received that power from on High. They were not to begin His work until they were baptized in the

    Holy Ghost, until they had that power to fulfill Jesus' command to go ye into all the world, and

    preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15).

    Many have tried to carry the Gospel without the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the divine worker, and

    they have failed to be all God wanted them to be. Many Christians today are without the baptism in

    the Holy Ghost. How tragic that they won't go on to receive the baptism in the Holy Ghost, that

    they don't feel the need for Him in this day when the need for total obedience is so great!

    Because the blood gives you all power over the devil, there is no excuse for sin, for lust, for takingpart in any of the works of the flesh. To be free of sin and to abstain from all the seventeen works

    of the flesh, listed in the 5th chapter of Galatians, is impossible without the blood. You are not

    excused for lust, for sinning, for damning conversation. Your conversation cannot be vulgar,

    degraded or tainted with gossip and still be pure, clean and holy like God Himself.

    Through the blood you yield to the truth of God. If you dwell in that truth, you will not indulge in

    the false. Sin is false, wrong. All power, remember, is given you through the blood when you are

    born again. The Lord expects you to use the blood.

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    Don't allow the devil to trouble your mind, to depress and oppress you. Jesus told the disciples,

    Peace I leave w ith you, m y peace I give u nto you (John 14:27). In the blood you have victory

    over all the devil's tactics, but you must use the blood. If you don't use the blood, depression will

    move in, and you will not be able to use the peace, joy and love available to you.

    Neither give place to the dev il (Ephesians 4:27). Through the blood you can put this scripture

    into action and defeat the devil. The blood brings earthquakes of power to the obedient today the

    way it did so many years ago to Paul and Silas in the prison at Philippi.

    No matter how you have been reared, you have the opportunity through the blood to overcome

    your past. You are told to not look back: Forgetting those things which are be hind, and

    reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the

    prize o f the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:13,14).

    Everyone in Christ has the same opportunity because everyone is made brand-new through the

    blood of Jesus when he or she receives salvation. If any man be in Christ, he is a new

    creature : old things are passed aw ay; behold, all things are be come new(II Corinthians5:17).

    The devil would like to draw you back into the tragedies, failures and abuses of the past. You've

    been damaged enough; why return to the past for more damage? Why open the door to that foul

    odor? When you are born again, God has forgiven you no matter what you have done. Why should

    you go back into it? Some of you won't close the door, saith the Lord, and that's the reason you are

    weak, the reason the devil gets to you, depressing you with your past. Listen to the blood with its

    loud voice saying,What past? Your past is gone. It was wa shed away through the blood. You are

    a new creation living in the new and living way, in the victorious way. Why look back? Close the

    door; let the Holy Ghost seal it off, and promise to never go back.

    When I received salvation, the devil told me I had better wait to tell people about it because I might

    decide I didn't really want to live for God, and then look how embarrassed I would be. The devil

    thought I should just keep quiet and leave a bridge I could cross back over if I changed my mind. I

    didn't listen. I blew up every bridge to the past. The more the devil talked to me, the more I blew

    up everything behind me as I went, the more I went into action for the Lord. I closed all the doors,

    went on to receive the Holy Ghost baptism and I have kept those doors back to the past sealed off

    just like my soul has been sealed off from sin. I'm on my run for Heaven, and I'm not looking back.

    Some people can tell you the wrongs done to them ten or fifteen years ago, but they can't tell what

    the Lord has done for them. No wonder they can hardly survive. What does it matter how people

    have mistreated you? Put them under the blood. What is the blood for, anyway? Let the Lord take

    care of your adversaries while you take care of His work. If you allow the devil to keep you busy

    thinking how others have mistreated you, you won't get the work of the Lord done. How many

    hours of sleep have you lost thinking about the actions of others? The devil says,I'd get even with

    them if I were you. In other words, the devil is right there in bed with you. I've seen the devil, and

    he's a sight you never want to see.

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    When you're thinking about what someone unkind said and did, your mind is cluttered. A river of

    pure water is flowing out of Heaven with all kinds of blessings in it, and there you are drinking

    from the devil's contaminated pool. He whispers: Take a cup of this; now just think what "they"

    did to you, you poor, pitiful thing.

    Never try to join the old life with the new; never look back on the mistreatment of the past and use

    it as an excuse for failing today. If you are not what you ought to be today in Jesus it's because you

    haven't used the blood and the Word the way you should have. Will you let the devil hinder you by

    looking back and reliving the past? Are you going to use the new and living way or not? What are

    you going to do?

    Jesus came to bring you out of the old life and put you in the new and living way. Live in that way.

    Love the blood better than life itself; the blood is your life, your eternal life. Eternal means

    forever. How can you add to eternity? You already have eternal life through divinity. You won't

    have any more eternal life when you walk down the avenue of Glory than you have right now if

    your soul is covered with the blood of Jesus.

    The blood is to be loved, used through divine love, not just human love. When you are saved, the

    first thing the Lord gives to you is His love. He even gives you love for your enemies. The Bible

    tells us thatven gean ce is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord (Romans 12:19). Pray for your

    enemies and the Lord will take care of them. Turn them over to the Lord.

    Some people want sympathy rather than deliverance. The Lord is not your sympathizer; He is your

    substitute. He took your place, and He doesn't claim to be your sympathizer. When you came to

    the Lord, He didn't give you sympathy, He delivered you. He didn't say,I'm sorry you're sick; He

    said, Be thou made whole! Be thou made well! What do you want, sympathy or

    deliverance? The blood stripes bring healing. W ith his stripes w e are healed (Isaiah 53:5).

    Healing for soul, mind and body is in the blood.

    When you talk about your sickness, you are recognizing the devil, for sickness comes from the

    devil. What you are really saying is,Thank you devil, I have muscle spasms right here. Thank you

    devil, I'm telling everyone you gave me heart trouble. My eye hurts, and devil, I'll testify for you.

    I'll tell people how bad it is. Then you wonder why the Lord didn't move in, why He didn't do

    anything. He told you to not give place to the devil. If you don't give place to the devil, the Lord

    can help you. You have only one mind to give, and the Lord doesn't want you to give any of it over

    to the devil. The Lord wants it all. Put on the whole arm our of God, that ye may be ab le tostand against the wiles of the dev il (Ephesians 6:11). You cannot stand in your own strength

    or in the strength of others; you must have the divine blood and the good Holy Ghost in order to

    stand. The Holy Ghost, remember, seeks to flow everything you need from your soul into your

    mind for you to use. However, there is no need for the Holy Ghost to flow anything to your mind

    you will not use. If you hold to the bad thoughts, the resentment of past unfairness, it would be

    pointless for the Holy Spirit to try to flow His peace into your mind; you wouldn't accept it.

    Do you love to tell your misfortunes better than to tell what the Lord has done for you? Clear your

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    mind so the Holy Ghost can flow His thoughts into it, the things of the blood. As long as you give

    place to the devil, as long as you store hate in your mind against someone, there is no need for the

    Holy Ghost to try to flow love to your mind. You won't use it; you use hate. You like feeling that

    negative importance that holding a grudge can give; you like thinking if God doesn't bring

    judgment, you will. You don't have on the whole armor of God; you are not standing against the

    wiles of the devil. Make a turnabout: put on all the armor of God and you will be ready for battle.

    The Word, remember, says you will stand; wearing the armor of God, you cannot be defeated. The

    devil can't penetrate the armor of God because the devil cannot defeat God. For the devil to

    penetrate the armor of God he would have to defeat God and all of Heaven. All the strength of

    Heaven is in the armor of God.

    Su bmit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James

    4:7). Why entertain the devil when you could make him flee through the Word of God? Bind him

    with the blood of Jesus. Recognize the mighty power in the blood, the mighty power that is yours.

    The same blood, the same power that Jesus used to render the devil helpless is the blood power

    you can use on him today and make him helpless before you. Through the blood you can trample

    him underfoot, you can cast him out, you can cast out his demons. Jesus said,In my nam e shall

    they cast out de vils (Mark 16:17). In His blood name believers shall cast out devils. You can't

    use the name of Jesus in its power without the blood. It's the blood in the name that's so powerful,

    the blood name, Jesus. We overcome the devil with the blood.

    Be sobe r, be vigilant; becau se your ad versary the devil, as a roaring lion, w alketh

    abou t, seeking whom he may devou r: Whom resist stedfast in the faith (I Peter 5:8,9).

    Be sober, deep, let the Word work. Think clearly. Some people don't recognize this roaring lion,

    this devil. If you would look out your window and see a lion in your front yard, you wouldn't open

    the door and invite him to come in, neither would you go out to pet him a little. Some people,however, think they can pet the devil and he won't open his mouth wide enough to take a bite. Put

    on the sound, sober mind that will listen to what the Lord is saying instead of accepting what the

    devil says.

    Don't fear the devil; resist him. The blood power tramples the devil underfoot and casts him out.

    The devils have to recognize the blood, bow to it anywhere, anytime that it's used. But they won't

    bow to the blood if you are not using it. In Jesus' name believers shall cast out devils, shall trample

    devils underfoot.

    Yes, the devils have to bow to the divine blood. They bowed to it when Jesus was here, crying,What have w e to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to

    tormen t us before the time (Matthew 8:29)? They begged to go into the swine, to get away

    from the blood they knew to be their destruction. We have that same blood, saith the Lord. If you

    are a Child of God, you have the same blood that flowed in Christ when He was here.

    Jesus could have given over to the flesh. Why do you think the devil came to Him to tempt Him?

    If thou b e the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread (Matthew 4:3), the

    devil said. Jesus rebuked him with the Word. Never accept the devil's reasoning, never feel you

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    need to prove you are a Child of God. Your holy living is proof enough. The devil can preach,

    shout, sing, speak in all kinds of languages and dialects, but he can't live holy. The great strength in

    the blood, the cleansing, the sanctifying power makes a person holy just like Jesus when He was

    here on earth.

    And be ing foun d in fashion as a man, he hu mbled himself, and be came obe dient un to

    death, even the death of the cross. W herefore God also hath highly exalted him, and

    given him a name w hich is above every name : That at the nam e of Jesus every knee

    should bow , of things in heaven, an d things in earth, and things un der the earth; And

    that every tongu e shou ld confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the

    Father (Philippians 2:8-11). The name of Jesus is the blood name for us. Every knee will bow at

    that name, including all the demons and Lucifer himself.

    The devils called out when Jesus was here: This is the Son of God, the Son of the most High! Jesus

    shut them up. A fortunetelling devil cried out about Paul and Silas:These men are the

    servants of the most high God, which shew u nto u s the way of salvation. And this did

    she many days. But Pau l, being grieved, turne d and said to the spirit, I comm andthee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came ou t the same hou r

    (Acts 16:17,18). That cry didn't go forth anymore.

    Beloved, think it not strange conce rning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though

    some strange thing happened u nto you. Bu t rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of

    Christ's sufferin gs; that, when h is glory shall be re vealed , ye may be glad also with

    exceeding joy(I Peter 4:12,13). Although this is the hour of fiery trials, you can rejoice because

    you know Christ in His suffering; you are suffering for His name's sakenot sickness and disease,

    but persecution. If you were not a Child of God, if you did not have divinity on the inside, if the

    blood were not there, you wouldn't have to suffer persecution. The true Children of God are the

    ones who are persecuted. Nominal church members do not know persecution; they don't suffer for

    His name's sake, don't use the blood, don't have any divinity about them. The devil gloats over

    them, knowing he has them and they will soon be in hell. The devil wants them to influence

    everyone they meet to turn his back on the things of God, to receive no light from the Word.

    Have perfect confidence in the blood. Decide whether or not you have the blood in your

    souldecide by faith, not by feelings. Is it really there? If we confess our sins, he is faithful

    and just to forgive u s our sins, and to cleanse u s from all unrighteousne ss (I John 1:9).

    The Lord cleanses you from unrighteousness only with the blood. You cannot be a new creaturewithout divine blood. Trust in what God has said: If you confess your sins, God will forgive you. If

    thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that

    God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man

    believeth un to righteou sness; and with the mou th confession is made u nto salvation

    (Romans 10:9,10).

    Learn all that is in the blood for you to use and then use it: plead the blood. That which you can

    put under the blood, God takes care of. He promised. All Heaven will fight for you. If you can put

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    a person who troubles you under the blood, you are free of that person. Put those things that tear

    you down under the blood and leave them there. If you go back to carry them off in your spirit, the

    blood can't work for you. Be positive with God, with His Word, with His blood. Come now, and

    let us reason together, saith the Lord (Isaiah 1:18).

    And the gre at dragon w as cast out, that old serpent, called the De vil, and Satan , which

    deceiveth the w hole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast ou t

    with him. And I heard a lou d voice saying in heaven , Now is come salvation, and

    strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the pow er of his Christ: for the accuser of

    our br ethren is cast down, w hich accused them b efore our God day and night

    (Revelation 12:9,10). There is more than one Heaven. Paul, for instance, said he was caught up

    into the third heaven. It's the lower heaven, not the main Heaven, the devil has been able to enter;

    but he will be cast out when war in that lower heaven is waged in the Tribulation Period. Michael,

    the archangel, is the captain of the Lord's army that will defeat the devil, the prince of the air. No

    longer will the devil and his demons be in control of the air; no longer will they be able again to

    appear before God to accuse the brethren.

    In the book of Job we read that the devil accused Job before God: Now there was a day when

    the sons of God came to present them selves before the Lord, and Satan cam e also

    among them (Job 1:6). Why did Satan present himself before God? To accuse Job of cursing God

    if God were to remove His protection. Read the incident concerning Job to help you understand

    what the devil is still doing today. Accusing the brethren before God, he gathers people to chime in

    with more accusations.

    Has anyone ever accused you of wrongdoing when you were innocent? Never come to the Lord

    having your mind on others, on what they are doing or saying, on how they are using deceit against

    you. Just say, "Lord, I plead the blood! I plead my case through the blood." When you plead your

    case through the blood of Jesus, you are putting all the faith and love that God has given you in the

    blood. The blood cleanses you first and then keeps you cleansed.

    Compare a plea in court to presenting a plea in God's court of justice. In both cases you must go

    according to the rules. In God's court, the Bible is the rule book. When the blood is used, divinity

    takes your case over completely. You don't have to stand in a crowded courtroom fighting for your

    life. Make your plea. Come before God in His court pleading not guilty.

    If you leave your case in the court of God instead of trying to work things out by yourselftrying tobe your own judge and jury, your own witness, your own lawyerthen the Lord will take over. But

    as long as you insist on handling your case all by yourself, you're in trouble. Some Christians try to

    justify themselves, defend their actions. They are swayed by what people say about them. In trying

    to justify their actions rather than to please God, they can't keep the Word of God turning and

    churning within to give them peace and joy, and they miss His divine will.

    The devil wants you to be miserable, to rob you; he is a thief and a robber, seeking to steal your

    peace and joy and ultimately your soul.

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    Wo e to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come dow n u nto you,

    having great wrath, because he kn owe th that he hath but a short time (Revelation

    12:12). I'm glad I'm not going to be here at this time the Bible speaks of, the Great Tribulation

    Period. The Rapture will have taken place, and we will have been caught up to be with the Lord.

    The Bride of Christ will be at the marriage supper of the Lamb.

    The Early Church disciples were wonderful blessings, marvelous helps. The fragrance of them was

    the true fragrance of Jesus, the same fragrance you must carry. How did they overcome the devil?

    Those we read of in Revelation overcame him b y the blood of the Lamb, and b y the word

    of their testimony; and they loved not the ir lives unto the death (Revelation 12:11). Down

    through the years, the saints of God have defeated the devil this way: by the blood of the Lamb and

    by the truth of the Word of God in their testimony. They put the Lord first, before even their very

    lives, and they left a testimony written in Heaven because they used the blood.

    You can't use the blood effectively unless you have understanding of it. Know what is in the blood.

    It isn't enough to say there is power in the blood; you need to know what kind of power, what that

    power will defeat, what that power comes against, what that power covers.

    Study the sanctification and peace of the blood, the love of the blood. When you are saved through

    the blood, there is no guilt, no shame, only justification. Plead all the powers in the blood. Plead

    your innocence from all sin and evil before God through the blood; stand on it and all Heaven will

    fight for you the way it fought for the Early Church disciples as they went everywhere telling the

    story of Jesus.

    Many today are Christian, but God would be better off had they never been born, saith the Lord.

    He would be better off because they create problems, disturb others. They are always ready to see

    something wrong, always ready to criticize, to tear down; never ready to build, to edify another.

    Some Children of God are a greater hurt to the Kingdom than they will ever be a blessing. Greet

    them when you meet, but go your own way. Don't stop to talk when you know they will unload

    garbage on you. The Bride will edify and bless.

    According to the world's population, not many Christians will make the Rapture. The Lord said,

    Strait is the gate, and narrow is the w ay, which leadeth u nto life, and few there be that

    find it (Matthew 7:14). We live in a separating time. The Lord told me this hour would come. He

    told me the two powers would be so great on planet earththe power of the devil and the power of

    Godthat people wouldn't straddle the fence; they would go either to the left or the right. Manyare left who think they are right; they don't act right, they don't edify, don't bless. In that condition,

    people will be swept into the arms of the enemy, into the middle of his move.

    The Lord knows His Children. Jesus said, I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep

    (John 10:14). Those who use their tongues to hurt others are not sanctified in His eyes, not

    justified, not a blessing. The spirit of Antichrist is becoming stronger and stronger on the earth

    today. If people don't get their tongues sanctified, put on the love bridle and stop passing words

    that hurt others, saith the Lord, they are not going to make it. The Lord will bulldoze them out of

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    the way.

    If you are born again you are qualified to useto pleadthe blood over all demonic spirits, over

    anything that is a hindrance to your life or to the work of God. The blood is the greatest weapon

    you have against the devil and his kingdom.

    Revelation 20:1-3,And I saw an angel come dow n from heav en, having the key of the

    bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that oldserpent, w hich is the Devil, and Satan, and bou nd him a thou sand years, And cast him

    into the bottomless pit, and shut him u p, and set a seal upon him, that he should

    deceive the n ations no more , till the thousand years should be fu lfilled: and after that

    he m ust be loosed a little season. One angel with one chain of the blood of Jesus will bind the

    devil for one thousand years. Keeping him in the pit will be no trouble; he won't have enough

    strength to climb out. Even if he could escape, he would be powerless to act as long as the angel

    used the chain of blood, the blood that was spilled on Calvary.

    The same power in the blood is yours to keep Lucifer chained in your life. The Lord is telling youto not give place to the devil, to trample devils underfoot, to resist the devil and see him run from


    Learn how to deal with the enemy so you will not become a victim in his hands. He tries to bluff

    people, scare them. But remember that God hath not given u s the spirit of fear; but of

    powe r, and of love, and of a sound m ind (II Timothy 1:7).

    The seal the angel will set upon the bottomless pit is the seal of blood. When you receive Jesus into

    your heart, you, too, are sealed with the seal of blood by the Holy Spirit.After that ye believe d,

    ye we re sealed w ith that holy Spirit of promise (Ephesians 1:13). The devil can't break theseal of the holy blood of Jesus that is on your soul; the only one who can break that seal is you

    yourself. Neither will the devil be able to break his seal of judgment when he is cast into the

    bottomless pit. It's the Lord who will have to break the seal from the devil before he can be loosed

    a little season at the end of the thousand years.

    You cannot use the blood unless you use it through divine faith and divine love; it's divine blood

    used through divine love. Remember, you can rob yourself of God's divine love with your mouth,

    saying the wrong things, condemning yourself before God. There is no need to plead the blood

    when you stand condemned before God; He won't listen. You can use the blood only through

    divine love and divine faith.

    The Word is your faith. Don't feel to see if you have faith; faith and feelings have nothing in

    common. If you want to know whether or not you have faith, check to see if you believe all the

    Bible. If you do, you have the faith of God. In the Bible He gives you His faith. All the faith of God

    that you need is in the Word. If you need more faith when you get to Heaven, He will give it to you

    there, too; but now you have all you need. Divinity shows you what the blood will do and how to

    use it. Directed by the Holy Ghost Himself, you use the blood through divine wisdom, not human

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    wisdom and knowledge. People who depend on human wisdom and knowledge are not going to

    use the divine blood, for the divine blood is beyond human wisdom and knowledge. Use the blood

    through divine strength, not human, divine sight, not human sight. Use the blood through divine

    patience that the Lord gives you. The fruits of the Holy Spirit are yours with the baptism in the

    Holy Ghost. He produces it all, but you must use all.

    To use divinity, you must live with divinity; it must be a part of you. The blood makes you a

    member of the family of God. The life is in the blood; without being blood washed, you have no

    life. If you die in that unsaved condition, you won't go to be with the Lord forever, but to the devil's


    The blood gives a new heart and mind, new to live in the Jesus new and living way. Having

    therefore, brethre n, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new

    and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, throu gh the ve il, that is to say, his

    flesh (Hebrews 10:19,20). The blood of animals could not bring the new and living way; only the

    blood of Jesus was able to do that.

    Some people receive no more benefits from the blood of Jesus than the people under the Law did

    from the blood of animals. They won't stay out of sin; they are in and out, up and down with the

    Lord, forever doing things they have no business doing. God isn't going to put up with it any


    Many people will blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, saith the Lord, in this final hour. The Lord

    will finish His work; He will not let the devil destroy it. You are either holy or unholy, righteous or

    unrighteous. You will wear the love bridle or you will not be a part of God's work, saith the Lord, in

    this last hour.

    In regeneration what happens? The Holy Ghost implants a new principle of spiritual life into

    minds, giving them a new outlook, new responses. Didn't you have that brand-new feeling when

    you were saved? I did. You have new strength against evil, power to overcome evil, new views of

    God and Christ. Perhaps you have been told about God all your life, but when you are born again,

    He becomes new to you, living reality. Jesus is your personal Lord, Master and Savior as real to

    you as though He just walked out of the Bible into your heart. The Bible becomes a new book to

    you, a brand-new book for a brand-new life, a brand-new mind. In short, regeneration makes

    people new creatures in Christ Jesus. The blood of Jesus made the Early Church disciples just like

    Jesus. Stephen, Paul, Peter were just likeJesus.

    How much like the world are you? How much do you indulge? How much of the world do you

    love? Love not the world, neither the things that are in the w orld. If any man love the

    wo rld, the love o f the Father is not in him (I John 2:15). This is no time to kid yourself, saith

    the Lord. The time has come that you must know where you stand with God. Judgment has begun

    at the house of God. It's a purging time. The Lord is going to evangelize the world in this final hour

    with consecrated, dedicated Children of God. Using the blood and the Word, He will set the

    captives free.

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    There is no contamination in the divine blood; it will never be allowed. You can't mix one particle

    of sin in with the blood. If you let the wrong thing linger in your mind until you put it into action,

    then it becomes sin in your soul. Something wrong may come to your mind, but you must not keep

    it there. The blood-washed live holy by keeping the blood of Jesus working in them. The Lord told

    me His people would live blood holy. Jesus lived blood holy. Angels work with the blood-holy.

    Angelic beings from Heaven come to camp around and to deliver the Children of God. The angel

    of the Lord enc ampeth rou nd abou t them that fear him, and delivereth them (Psalm

    34:7). Are they no t all ministerin g spirits, sent forth to min ister for them w ho shall be

    heirs of salvation (Hebrews 1:14)?

    Angels minister to the heirs of salvation. You can become a son or daughter of Goda joint-heir

    with Jesus Christonly through divine blood. Because human blood couldn't bring this divine

    relationship, there had to be a virgin birth, the miraculous conception.

    Use the power in the blood. It's essential that all teachers and preachers of the Gospel live in the

    blood, are blood pure, blood clean.

    When the Israelites were in Egypt, the blood of the lamb was used as a type of Jesus' blood. The

    type gave protection and life that first Passover nighta terrible nightas the angel of death passed

    through two nations. Those people who had put the blood of the lamb on the doorpost were safe.

    The blood had to be there, had to be applied. You must do more than believe in the blood of Jesus;

    you have to have it applied in your heart. If not, the death angeleternal damnation, eternal

    deathwill take you. There will be no life for you in Heaven, only a living death in hell. It's from

    the Jesus blood that eternal life flows. The blood of Jesus protects the born again as long as they

    are here on planet earth, and will be theirs for all eternity.

    Through fastings, prayers and living in the Word of God, you have liberty in Christ to use His

    precious blood anytime and all the time. The reason some people are not victorious daily in the

    Lord is that they are not daily consecrated, dedicated and in harmony with the blood of Jesus.

    They need to pray and seek God before they can present themselves in the court of God saying,God

    take my case over. If someone slights them, they hoard it in their hearts; God can't work until they

    are willing to let go of the resentment and bitterness. God can't work with evil, with that which is

    unclean. But the blood of Jesus will wash all of that away from your spirit if you yield your spirit to

    Him and want it washed away. The Lord is not an intruder. For Him to find you when you don't

    want to be found, when you don't want to be delivered from something, would be no finding at all.

    Sanctify them throu gh thy truth: thy word is truth (John 17:17). Sanctify them through my

    blood, Jesus is saying. Make them holy, Father. Preserve them through the blood. You cannot be

    preserved any other way than through the blood.

    And the p eace of God, w hich passeth all und erstanding, shall keep your he arts and

    minds throu gh Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). Through the blood of Christ Jesus this will be

    done if you will allow it.

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    The Holy Spirit flows the love of God into you, and you can tell a person what is needed without

    anger. You have a message to deliver; don't let anger take hold. Be calm, sure of what is of God.

    When you have that sureness, you don't lose your temper and go into fits.

    Come, let us reason together. Married couples can reason together if they have Jesus and love for

    one another. If only one has the love of God, things can be awkward when the other one gets

    angry. Let that one be angry, but you stay calm and be the messenger of God. Your home is for

    Jesus; your home is to be covered with the blood at all times with the love and faith of Jesus.

    In the blood you have power over everything, over every evil spirit. Why let people with the wrong

    spirit intimidate you? Speak u nto them all that I comm and thee: be n ot dismayed at

    their faces, lest I confoun d thee be fore them. Be n ot afraid of their faces: for I am

    with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord (Jeremiah 1:17,8). When people come rushing to you

    looking and acting almost like the devil, be calm in the Lord and know that this is not the Spirit of

    God, not the way of God. Plead the blood, use the blood instead of reacting with your own spirit or

    the devil's or both.

    If you don't use the blood, but depend instead on your own human spirit, the devil will mix his

    spirit in with your spirit. Your human spirit is too weak within itself to resist all the powers of the

    devil. You'll not be able to do it. Without the Holy Spirit and the power and love in the blood, you

    will not be able to bridle your tongue.

    My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made p erfect in w eakness (II

    Corinthians 12:9). When the Lord let Paul know that His strength was made perfect in Paul's

    weakness, Paul said, Most gladly therefore w ill I rather glory in my infirmities, that the

    powe r of Christ may rest upon me (verse 9). The power of the blood rested on Paul, and he

    exchanged the weakness of flesh for the power of Christ. He was covered, protected by the blood.

    In the blood is all the grace of God you need. Don't say you are weak; draw on the strength in the

    blood within your soul. Yield to the Holy Spirit, and He will flow that strength of the divine blood

    from your soul into your mind. The strength in the divine blood gives your mind the strength it

    needs to make the right decisions when your mind and soul are right with God. It's dangerous to

    fail God in this hour.

    I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth m e (Philippians 4:13). I can do all

    things through the blood of Christ. The blood gives power, strength to do what God wants done.

    Know the meaning of these wonderful scriptures. If you don't understand the instructions of the

    Word, you're not going to use the instructions right. Many can quote the instructions, yet they don't

    have understanding of them from God, from the Holy Spirit. Consequently, the Holy Spirit has

    difficulty working with those people, He struggles and struggles.

    Down through the Church Age years, the Holy Spirit has had one great struggle, for the Church has

    failed badly. At times the light of the Word went almost completely out. But that light will burn so

    brightly in this last hour that it will light up Jesus for the whole world to see, illuminate the power

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    in His blood as the Lord reveals Himself with signs, wonders, miracles and healings, saith the Lord.

    The power in the blood will do many, many wonderful things to make people brand-new, to

    re-create, deliver and set the captives free.

    Through the blood of Jesus, God has given us overcoming power. Read the Scripture in the light of

    the blood so it will have power for you. Without the blood, the power would be missing from the

    Word. The power is in the blood.

    Bu t pu t ye on the Lord Je sus Christ, and m ake not p rovision for the flesh, to fulfil the

    lusts thereof(Romans 13:14). To put on Jesus Christ, you use His blood, take on His blood,

    clothe yourself in the blood. Make no provision to fulfill any lust of the flesh; it all has to go. Live

    pure, clean and holy.

    When the devil tempts you to do something wrong, you use the blood. Yield to the Holy Spirit and

    let Him flow the blood through your mind, cleansing it and giving you power over the problem.

    Pornography excites the lust of the flesh, but there is power in the blood to overcome it. The devil

    wants you to keep your eyes on foreign flesh. Jesus said,Bu t I say unto you, That whosoever

    looketh on a wom an to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his

    heart (Matthew 5:28). This doesn't mean that if a man looks at a woman, desires her, that the

    temptation is sin. The sin comes when he looks with the intention of having intercourse with her if

    he had the opportunity. He has then committed adultery with her in his heart. It's a dangerous


    Temptation is not a sin. Yielding to temptation is. If you weren't subject to temptation, your faith

    couldn't be tried. Your faith, love, salvation will be tried and tested. If you were not subject to

    temptation, you would be dead. The devil says,Well, you are tempted, you might as well give overto it. The devil is a liar.

    In fasting you can be tempted with food, but that doesn't mean you have eaten it. If you don't eat,

    you haven't broken your fast. Have you ever been tempted with food when you were fasting? Did

    you decide you might as well go ahead and eat because you felt like it? Don't go by your feelings;

    go by your faith in God, your faith in your fast.

    The devil will make sin look as enticing as food when you're fasting, make it look wonderful,

    beautiful, innocent. Because you are flesh, you must have the power of the blood of Jesus inside

    you so you won't give over to temptation. Turn to the blood, away from the devil. If you step out

    on the devil's playground, thinking you won't go all the way, you are deceiving yourself. You do a

    little something and the devil tells you that it wasn't so bad; now you can do a little more.You

    aren't going to go all the way, oh no. I wouldn't think of asking you to go all the way, not with

    the kind of mind and soul you have. The devil will keep pulling on you until you wake up to find

    you have gone all the way. Then he laughs at you.

    Don't play with the devil. He has many play-prettys. If he can't get you to indulge, he will try to get

    you to look. That's how he trapped Eve. He couldn't get her to partake of the forbidden fruit at

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    first, but the fruit was pleasant, pretty to look at, and at last her resistance wore down and she gave

    way to sin. Sin can be pleasant, but the results are deadly.

    When you go to the devil's gambling table, you will lose all, your home in Heaven, the respect of

    God and His Children. Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, His blood, and make no provision to fulfill the

    lust of the flesh. Leave no loopholes.

    And the God of peace shall bruise Satan un der your feet shortly. The grace of ourLord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen (Romans 16:20). There is victory ahead, Paul is saying;

    the Lord will bruise Satan's head under your feet if you will abide by what He is telling you. Has

    the devil been defeating you part-time in your mind? Come into the truth of how to use the blood,

    and you will bruise his head under your feet just like his head was bruised under the Lord's feet

    when Jesus conquered death, hell and the grave.

    Plead the blood. You don't have to be tormented in your mind, in your spirit. Deliverance is yours

    because you use the blood. Because of the power in the blood, the love in it, you have all the

    strength and help you need. You will not live in despair when you use the blood. You will knowwho and what you are in the Kingdom. Because you have divine blood, you win over all bondage,

    over all weakness. You don't have to be afraid of the devil. The Child of God can say:This lust of

    temptation, this unholy desire that the devil is bringing is not a part of me. I'm not responsible for

    it. I feel no condemnation. The blood is mine, and I will use the blood; I will defeat what the devil

    is bringing before me. I will turn my back on it and look to Jesust h e a u t h o r a n d f in i s h e r o f

    o u r f a i th . I will not court it.

    If you court an unholy desire, you become weak and sooner or later will give over to it. Don't give

    place to it at all. Turn instantly to the blood. Don't say the wrong things that come to mind. Turn

    to the blood. Yield yourself to the Holy Spirit.

    Moses chose to suffer affliction w ith the people of God, [rather] than to e njoy the

    pleasures of sin for a season (Hebrews 11:25). Because he denied himself the pleasure of sin,

    Moses found Heaven to be his. Some preachers declare there is no pleasure in sin, but there is.

    People can be too happy with what they have in the world and not realize how destructive sin is,

    that one day it will all turn into ashes.

    When you are in sin, the devil tempts you to stay there. The devil dresses temptation up in all

    kinds of beautiful ways. You are not immune to temptation when you receive salvation.

    Remember, the devil tempted even Christ, but He overcame through the Word of God. The devil

    told Jesus,All this power w ill I give thee, and the glory of themIf thou therefore w ilt

    wo rship me , all shall be thine (Luke 4:6,7). Divine blood met the devil head-on and won. The

    devil waited for Jesus to be in a weakened condition from fasting before he tempted Him. The

    devil will show you a simple way to lose your soul, to go under his power. All you have to do is fall

    down and worship him, and he will give you power and glory. The way to get God's power is hard

    because the flesh rebels against it. We don't need any of the devil's powerJesus didn't. All we

    need is the power of God, the power that's in the blood.

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    When you keep temptation on the mind, entertain it, you begin to enjoy it. The flesh will start to

    yield to it, and you are no longer yielding to God in your prayer time, in your Bible time, and you

    don't fast. Soon you are not yielding to God at any time. But divine blood can give you power in

    your mind. Instead of entertaining temptation, plead the blood. When you have the blood, you

    have the victory. The blood will deliver the mind.

    To yield to the blood you must first yield to the Holy Spirit and stay yielded. Give over to Him. He

    brings joy, peace in good times as well as in the bad. Don't toy with anything that is against the

    divine blood that dwells on the inside of you. Treasure the blood. It's worth more to you than all

    the gold and silver on planet earth. What is in the blood has brought Heaven for you, eternal life,

    peace of mind and victory every day on your journey. It has brought protection for you, saith the

    Lord, over all the powers of the devil. You don't have to give over to him at all. You can be

    tempted, have a desire and still turn away.

    The Bible tells us six things to think on:W hatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are

    honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pu re, whatsoever things

    are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report (Philippians 4:8). All these things are inthe blood; through the blood use them for your mind.

    In all these things we are more than con qu erors through him that loved u s (Romans

    8:37). This means you conquer all the devils that come your way and still have plenty power left.

    Jesus showed us in all His works while He was here on earth that divine blood conquers all. Divine

    blood rendered the devil helpless; the demons couldn't come against Jesus and win.

    Those who do not keep the divine blood working within will do wrong things, hinder God's work.

    God will not put up with it in this last hour. He will push that person out from the midst of God's

    holy people. Remember what happened to the Early Church after the first thirty-some years: Lust

    took over and they walked in the flesh, reaped corruption. The blood ceased to work for them

    because of their disobedience.

    Keep the divine blood working and you won't flirt with sin at all, not one tiny bit. If you are

    listening to the wrong things, looking at disgraceful video tapes and magazines, you may be

    deceiving others, but you are not deceiving the Lord. He knows your heart. The Lord won't put up

    with sin in His people. You can pick up a dirty magazine almost anywhere if that's what you crave,

    but the Lord is not with you in that. You can go to movies that curse and blaspheme the name of

    God, but it will grieve the Holy Spirit out of your life. So few movies today are fit for a Child of Godto see, and they are getting worse all the time. Many television programs are damnable in their

    lack of moral values. I read recently that one woman on television demanded there be more curse

    words in her scripts. She wants her show to be more like a "real family." Maybe her family is like

    that, but not the families of the Children of God. Sodom and Gomorrah are spewed out into your

    living room if you watch these kinds of shows. You can't allow it. The devil is bringing his

    degrading values into homes in a greater and greater way, but they needn't be in your home. Plead

    the blood when the devil tempts you. Be a winner; turn your back on that which is a temptation,

    that which is sin. If you yield your mind to lust, you can't use the blood for protection.

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    Then cometh the en d, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the

    Father; whe n he shall have pu t down all rule and all authority and pow er. For he

    mu st reign, till he hath put all ene mies un der his feet. The last enem y that shall be

    destroyed is death. For he hath put all things un der his feet. Bu t when he saith all

    things are put u nder him, it is manifest that he is excepted, w hich did put all things

    un der him. And w hen all things shall be sub du ed un to him, then shall the Son also

    himself be su bject un to him that put all things u nder him, that God may be all in all(I

    Corinthians 15:24-28). The last enemy, death, is destroyed by the blood. Even before He

    conquered death, hell and the grave at His Resurrection, Jesus turned back death in His ministry

    on more than one occasion. He called Lazarus out of the tomb, raised Jairus' daughter from the

    dead. In the end, Jesus will put all things under Himself; He will have won, defeated sin in every

    form and fashion and then He will turn a redeemed earth over to the Father. In the meantime, we

    are His helpers, His delight, His grace and strength, power and victorywe, the true Children of

    God. We are vessels that He uses to defeat the powers of the devil and to deliver those who are

    bound with the devil. God will have a people, the Bride, in this final hour who will live in all the

    greatness of Him using the blood, defeating the enemies of God and setting the captives free.

    Be humble, consecrated, dedicated, everything the Lord wants you to be and nothing less. Don't let

    the devil defeat you, making you think you can't measure up to the Word of God. You can measure

    up to all of the Word through the blood. It's through the blood that man is given overcoming

    strength. In the hands of the devil man is hopeless and helpless.

    The Lord tried using the blood of animals as a blood of atonement for sin. In the Old Testament

    the High Priest would go into the most holy room in the tabernacle once a year on the Day of

    Atonement, but that didn't keep man out of sin. Shortly afterward, they went back into sin. But the

    blood that stained the old rugged cross is your victory, saith the Lord. It's your victory for soul,mind and body. It's your victory for Heaven, your victory to live for all eternity. It's your victory

    for you to sit down by the river of life and to know that eternity with the Lord is yours to enjoy.

    Victoryoh how I treasure it, and how you must treasure the nail-riven hands.

    Yea, saith the Spirit of the Lord: My people must be a holy people. My people cannot be

    contaminated in any way. I will use only holy vessels in this last hour to pour out my greatness.

    The powers of darkness will rise up like never before. Demonic powers will seek to destroy

    everyone that's in darkness before my people can get to them and deliver them. My people must

    live in my presence all the time [so] that my light will shine through them, that those that sit in

    darkness will see the light and many of them will come to that light and be turned to

    righteousness. Do not be deceived about yourself. Take your life to my Holy Word daily.

    Measure your life with my Holy Word. I have given you power to live according to my Word. I

    will not accept that which is unholy. I cannot use that which is contaminated. You must live with

    me so that I can live with you. And I will give you power to deliver the devil possessed and set the

    captives free; but you will have to be pure and clean in my sight, and walk a s my Son walked

    when He was here on earth. And if you will dwell in my tabernacle, if you will live in my blood,

    and if you will let my Spirit dwell within you a t all times, no power w ill be able to defeat you, and

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    you will be victorious for me and for yourself. And you will rise up in the power of my greatness,

    and many will be turned to righteousness because of divine blood that flows in your soul day and

    night, and my Holy Spirit serving it to your mind, and you using the greatness that's in the blood,

    my divine blood sent to you through my only begotten Son. Trust in my greatness. Trust in the

    power that's in the blood and win, win in this last hour, saith the Lord.

    THE QUALIFIED CAN PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS AND WIN, All rights reserved. Copyright 1995 Ernest Angley.

    All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use

    only. You may freely download, print or distribute this literature without prior permission, as long as it is NOT altered and is distributed in

    its entirety.

    1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

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