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Your Life Depends on the Meat of the Word - Ernest Angley (1996)

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June 1992 Topics: Word of God, Your Mind  Volume 6 The K eeping Pow er for the Mind  by Ernest An gley Jesus came to bridge the gulf between God and mankind, and the Holy Ghost came to bridge the gulf between the soul and mind. From the soul to the mind, the Holy Ghost sheds abroad the love of God. The love of God is shed abroad in ou r hearts by  the Holy Ghost which is given un to us (Romans 5:5). How  wonderful to have the Holy Spirit take the greatness of God in our souls an d shine it in to the mind daily, feeding the mind! True peace of mind is obta ined this way.  And the peace of God,  which passeth all unde rstanding, shall keep you r hearts and m inds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). The peace of God will keep your soul and mind. Many C hildren of God are without peace of mind. This doesn't mean they will die lost, but t heir minds are torment ed. God didn't plan min ds to be without peace. He brought everything you need for the whole person—mind, soul an d body. The Lord has a keeping power for the mind, power His obedient carry in their souls.  Your life depends on the meat of the Word. (Hebrews 5:13,14), For every one that u seth milk  is un skilful in the w ord of righteousne ss: for he is a babe. Bu t strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those w ho by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and e vil.  You are a babe in the Lord, unskillful in handlin g the Word of righteousness if you are using only the milk of the Word. Babies do not have much understanding, a nd babes in Christ don't either. The Lord, however,  wants His Chi ldren to be able to handle the Word of God and to teach others from His Word. Strong meat belongs to the mature, to those who have grown up in t he Lord. They have come in the un ity of the faith, and of the know ledge of the Son of God, unto a pe rfect man, ou r Life Depends on th e Me at of th e W ord - Ern est Ang ley M inist ries ht tp://www.ernestan gle y. org /read/art icle/y our_life_depen ds_on _th e_m eat.. . 1 of 15 12/19/2010 3:51 PM
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June 1992

Topics: Word of God, YourMind

 Volume 6 The K eeping Pow er for the Mind

 by Ernest An gley 

Jesus came to bridge the gulf between God and mankind, and the

Holy Ghost came to bridge the gulf between the soul and mind.

From the soul to the mind, the Holy Ghost sheds abroad the love

of God. The love of God is shed abroad in ou r hearts by 

the Holy Ghost which is given un to us (Romans 5:5). How 

 wonderful to have the Holy Spirit take the greatness of God in our

souls and shine it into the mind daily, feeding the mind! True

peace of mind is obtained this way.  And the peace of God,

 which passeth all unde rstanding, shall keep you r hearts

and m inds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). The peace

of God will keep your soul and mind.

Many Children of God are without peace of mind. This doesn't

mean they will die lost, but their minds are tormented. God didn't plan minds to be without peace.

He brought everything you need for the whole person—mind, soul and body. The Lord has a

keeping power for the mind, power His obedient carry in their souls.

 Your life depends on the meat of the Word. (Hebrews 5:13,14),For every one that u seth milk 

is un skilful in the w ord of righteousne ss: for he is a babe. Bu t strong meat belongeth

to them that are of full age, even those w ho by reason of use have their sensesexercised to discern both good and e vil.  You are a babe in the Lord, unskillful in handling

the Word of righteousness if you are using only the milk of the Word.

Babies do not have much understanding, and babes in Christ don't either. The Lord, however,

 wants His Children to be able to handle the Word of God and to teach others from His Word.

Strong meat belongs to the mature, to those who have grown up in the Lord. They have come in

the un ity of the faith, and of the know ledge of the Son of God, unto a pe rfect man,

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un to the measu re of the stature of the fulness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13). Finding no

trouble in separating good from evil, the mature Christians have come into the knowledge of God.

There is no way to really live spiritually without the meat of the Word.

Many Christians merely exist, not demonstrating the fullness of Christ in their lives. Some willalways be babes. Because they won't take anything but the milk of the Word, they lack strength to

trample devils underfoot. They aren't strong enough to have the Jesus overcoming power, the

Jesus victory. They can't be real witnesses for the Lord or wear the whole armor of God, for they 

don't go on to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and use His power for service. The meat of the

 Word to make them overcomers is lacking in their lives.

One must accept the strength and the power of the Word in all its fullness. Many read the Word of 

God, and immediately forget what they just read. They read from a sense of obligation in order to

ease their consciences. The precious Word of God isn't permitted to penetrate and do its mighty 


The Bible is your food, your daily bread, heaven's strength and power for you. You need the meat

of the Word, not just the letter. Accept the Word in your heart as well as your mind.

 Anyone can take the letter of the Word; you need not be saved to accept it. Unless you walk with

God, you will bypass the Spirit of the Word in favor of the letter, for you cannot accept the Spirit of 

the Word if you are unsaved. The Spirit of the Word is what will change your life.

Think of the Word as a delicious meal set before you. Do you dine enthusiastically or do you sleep

at the table? Of course, just as there are times you are too tired to eat, there are also times you are

so tired your mind won't work, won't comprehend what you are reading. When you reach that

place, it's best to take a nap and then start in again. Rest yourself so you can digest the meat of the

 Word. If you can wake up for a meal, you can wake up for the spiritual meat so essential to you.

The food you eat is for your physical well-being, but the Word of God is food for your well-being

 while you are here on planet Earth and for all eternity. Accept it all. What glorious meat it is!

 And the W ord was made flesh, and dwe lt among u s (John 1:14). Have you ever thought

 what it would have been like had the disciples accepted all the meat of the Word, accepted Jesus

from the very beginning for all that He was? The Word had come down from heaven, but before

the resurrection the disciples were in and out with the Lord. Not until later did they believe all the

Lord told them. Like babes, the disciples gave Jesus their attention only from time to time. How 

can this be? How can that be? Who will sit in this seat? When will you set up your Kingdom?

They were without understanding of what Jesus was doing and seeking to do and of what was going

to happen. Once in a while they would grow up enough to understand what Jesus was teaching.

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They heard the Word, but all the Lord could really feed them was the milk of the Word. They 

didn't have strength for either the crucifixion or the resurrection. Had they possessed the meat of 

the Word, they would have stood by Jesus when He was being tried; they would have been right

there at the foot of the cross encouraging Him with their love, their presence. Fear would not have

taken them over and scattered them in all directions.

Many are asleep spiritually because they don't have the meat of the Word. The tiny bit of life they 

have is not enough to influence them to do any work for the Lord, not enough to put the desire for

understanding in their minds. They have a smattering of knowledge, but too little to be of help to

others. They are like the disciples before the crucifixion.

 After the resurrection, a drastic change took place in the disciples. Suddenly it was milk no more;

they were ready for meat. A mighty appetite consumed them; they climbed to the Upper Room

and were baptized in the Holy Ghost. Jesus had told them about the Holy Ghost:But the

Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father w ill send in my nam e, he shall

teach you all things, and b ring all things to your reme mbran ce, whatsoever I have

said u nto you (John 14:26).

On the day of Pentecost, Peter stood up to face the crowd that had so recently crucified Jesus. Now 

the meat of the Word was working in his soul, and the Holy Ghost could feed his mind. He reached

 back into the Scripture and pulled out the prophecies of Joel: Bu t this is that which w as

spoken by the prop het Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I w ill

pou r ou t of my Spirit upon all flesh: and you r sons and you r dau ghters shall prophesy,

and your you ng me n shall see visions, and your old me n shall dream d reams: And on

my servants and on my handm aidens I will pou r out in those days of my Spirit (Acts


Few have been victoriously happy in the Lord; few have even graduated from milk to meat. The

Early Church is a grand exception. The meat of the Word was living reality to them, more

important than food for their physical bodies. They placed greater value on the Word than on

anything else. Wherever they went they talked the Word; they fed people the Word. Through

living the Word they were able to do much for the Lord.

 Are you a Word-feeder? Do you feed people the Word or do you feed them your opinions? Do you

let your opinions stand between you and God?

In the anointing and power of the Holy Ghost, the Early Church fed others the Word of God.

Through the Holy Spirit, this power was shed abroad in their hearts daily, touching all who

recognized the greatness of God in vessels made of clay. They had more peace than the richest of 

people even though they never knew from day to day whether they would be arrested and put to

death. They hid away in caves, in secret places. Many were martyred, but in death they glorified

God, singing as long as they had breath. The meat of the Word, heaven's strength, gave them this

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miraculous overcoming power. When you have the meat of the Word, you don't rely on Earth's

strength, but on heaven's. Through heaven's strength—the meat of the Word—believers can defeat

the enemy, cast out devils and trample them underfoot.

The meat of the Word is the Christian's defense against the world and the powers of the devil.

If you want to know what the Word will really do, trace and retrace the steps of Jesus. He was the

 very meat of the Word in action in a vessel of clay. After Jesus ascended back into heaven, the

 Word walked planet Earth in many vessels of clay who carried on His work. The body of Christ

dined on the meat of the Word daily. In one mind, one accord the Early Church stood in awe of the

 way God moved for them, the way angels came down from heaven to minister. Great miracles were

seen: the few mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles barely scratch the surface. Thousands of 

miracles and healings must have taken place in the beginning of the Early Church Age, in the first

thirty-three years. They lived on the meat of the Word.

 When a soul walks in all the strength of the meat of God, that soul helps God make miracles. Many 

of God's Children today do not help Him make miracles because they do not walk in all of the

Lord's strength. They remain babes, easily deceived and led astray into false doctrine, believing in

a god of their own making or of the invention of someone else. Many disgrace the true and living

God by not believing in miracles. God is miraculous. Everything about Him is miraculous. To not

 believe in miracles is to not believe in the God of the Bible, to not believe in the great God of this

universe. I believe in miracles because I believe in God.

Before the apostle Paul's conversion, he hated the Word made flesh so intensely that he sought to

put everyone to death who confessed Jesus to be the Son of God, the Living Word. But on his way 

to arrest Christians, the power of God knocked Paul to the ground. Instantly Paul accepted Jesus;

he didn't rebel. Paul had been given the wrong information; his parents hadn't trained him right in

the Lord. The greatest teachers of that day had been Paul's, but they didn't know Jesus. Paul held

a high seat in the courts of his people. One day Paul was important in the eyes of the world, and

the next, men in power sought to kill him.

Paul, taught by the Holy Spirit in the desert for three-and-a-half years, was served the meat of the

 Word. There he grew up in the Lord, learned the reality of God. Instantly when God saved him, he

received the milk of the Word; but when he went into the desert, he dined on the meat. Paul

learned so much about the meat of the Word that Peter said,Our be loved brother Paul also

according to the w isdom given u nto him hath w ritten un to you; As also in all his

epistles, speaking in them of these things; in w hich are some things hard to be

understood (II Peter 3:15,16).

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 A baby is happy as long as things go its way, but when they don't, a loud scream can be heard.

Some Christians are like that. They're content as long as they get their way, but bedlam breaks out

 when they don't. Milk is still their main course. It's the meat of the Word that will give you joy 

 when things go wrong. For the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10).

The storm outside cannot shake the soul that contains the peace and joy of God—and remember,

there is no limit to the capacity of the soul, no limit on the things of God it can contain. One soul

can hold all of heaven; it can hold God the Son, God the Father, and God the Holy Ghost. The soul

came from the breath of God; it was made to accommodate God, for God to dwell in. All the peace

and greatness of God—the meat of the Word—was forever to be man's meat. Man was never meant

to be without it, never meant to exist only on milk.

 We criticize the heathen for making idol gods in the form of animals, monsters or man; but many 

so-called Christians have made gods in their own minds that take precedence over the great God of 

the universe. Stripping God of all His power in their lives, robbing Him of His strength toward

them, they do not worship the true and living God. It takes the meat of the Word to know that God

answered prayers yesterday, He answers them today and will forever. The great and wonderful

things God did yesterday He will do today. The meat of the Word is in every promise of God.

 A diet consisting of milk uses very few of God's promises. If you are not using many promises of 

God, you are either on the milk of the Word or unsaved. The meat of the Word looks on the

promises of God as shining lights to help others to the path of God's righteousness and salvation.

 Without the meat of the Word, you are like a baby who reaches but is unable to grasp, who can't

 walk where it wants to go.

The first Adam lost the meat and was driven out of Eden, helpless, starving, hopeless in the hands

of the devil. What sorrow must have gone through heaven; surely God cried when that first man

and woman turned their backs on Him. God had made the soul special, designed for the meat of 

heaven, the things of God and for God Himself. Now demons had moved into the souls of 

mankind. There is no room for God in the soul that contains demons. When people die without

God, their souls continue to exist in living death in hell.

The first man Adam w as made a living soul; the last Adam w as made a qu ickening

spirit (I Corinthians 15:45). Jesus came—the second Adam, the Lord from heaven—to bring life

 back to mankind, to bridge the gulf between man and his God. For since by man cam e death,

 by man cam e also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in

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Christ shall all be ma de alive (I Corinthians 15:21,22). Jesus brought meat to serve mankind, to

make them strong so they could stand against and overcome all the tricks and vices of the devil.

Men and women can live and be like Jesus—the meat of the Word will do it.

The meat from heaven, the meat of Jesus' patience is offered you. The same spiritual meat you

dine on, Jesus carried. The meat of humility, of self-control—Jesus brought it all from heaven for

the Bride of Christ. The second Adam came to restore that which was lost when the first Adam fell.

Jesus met trials and temptations of all kinds, showing us how to be overcomers. For in that he

himself hath suffered being temp ted, he is able to succou r them that are temp ted

(Hebrews 2:18). Jesus was in all points tem pted like as we are, yet w ithout sin (Hebrews


 After His resurrection, Jesus invited the disciples to Come and dine (John 21:12). Recognizing

Jesus to be the miraculous one, the disciples obeyed. They now had the meat of the Word of the


Paul said, That I may know him, and the pow er of his resurre ction, and the fellowship

of his sufferings, being made con formable u nto his death (Philippians 3:10). During the

terrible ordeals he endured, Paul did not complain. No one but Jesus suffered more than Paul.

The meat of the Word of Jesus' sufferings was in Paul's heart, for he remembered the time he was

one who caused suffering. Once Paul hated everything about Jesus. Now out in the desert, Paul

knew an innocent Christ had been falsely accused and killed. Jesus, his Lord and Master, had

 borne it all.

 Without the meat of the Word, people are unwilling to suffer for the sake of Christ. You don't

really have life until you learn to meet through Christ the sufferings and trials of this Earth and

overcome them. Until you learn how to face life, you will not have the Jesus life. Until you learn to

handle discouragement, persecution, suffering, you will not be able to really use the Jesus life.

Paul prayed that he might know Jesus, that he might have the strength to bear up like Jesus did.

Through the Lord, Paul was able to face despair, discouragement, persecution, humiliation. Paul

knew Jesus in the fellowship of sufferings that came his way. He had great insight into the strength

he could receive from God. Let us therefore com e boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16). Paul was

able to overcome his trials, temptations, his times of need by coming boldly before the throne of 


 You have not really lived on the meat of heaven with the strength that God has made possible for

 you to have through Jesus Christ until you can face sufferings for the sake of Christ and bear up

under them without murmuring and complaining. Paul learned the fellowship of His sufferings.

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Paul at one time sought the Lord for deliverance from a thorn in the flesh, the messen ger of 

Satan to b uffet me… For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart

from me. And he said un to me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is

made perfect in w eakness…for when I am w eak, then am I strong (II Corinthians

12:7-10). A devil followed Paul everywhere he went, stirring up people against him. Three timesPaul sought God to deliver him from that demon spirit. The Lord didn't deliver him, but gave him

meat, God's grace, the strength and power of heaven to endure. It was sufficient. Never again did

Paul ask the Lord to deliver him from that thorn. Gratefully accepting the Lord's strength, he

praised God for it.

The Lord wants us to respond like Paul, to look up and declare that God's grace is sufficient.

 You needn't fear this hour, sicknesses, diseases, man or the devil. Walk in the light of God without

fear. Not dwelling in the night, not stumbling, you have strength, light and the power of Christ's


 What do you get from the Word? Do you get only the letter and not the meat? Do you read the

 Word and go away defeated as before? When you pick up the Word of God for a problem, the meat

is there for you. Not one problem do you have to face without a solution through Christ Jesus. He

proved His power of deliverance through the lives of the apostles as they prayed for people in the

name of Jesus.

Have you ever studied the significance of the resurrection? Its benefits are for you. There's no

reason for you to be a weakling in the Lord when the power, the meat of the resurrection promises:

Lo, I am with you alway, even u nto the end of the world (Matthew 28:20). The meat of the

 Word declares, Let not your heart be troub led, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27).

 All the power of the Word is for you to use. The strength and nourishment of the Word are mighty 

in your behalf, but you must learn to reverence the Word and trust it completely. Read the Word

realizing that it is your meat, your very life. Never pick it up without accepting the Spirit of the

 Word. Any time you feel your spirit receiving the letter of the Word only, that no strength isflowing to you, ask God for His help. Your thinking is not right. You need the Holy Spirit to dip

from your soul that which God has given you in your salvation, and to flood it into your mind so

 your mind can take in the Spirit of the Word, the meat.

The soul, remember, is the reservoir for your spiritual life, unlimited in what it can store from

heaven. Use the power in the Word that salvation has placed there. Many Children of God look 

only to heaven for what they need when they already have much of heaven in the reservoir of the

soul. The Holy Spirit brings the promises and greatness of God from the soul to the mind when He

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is given liberty. He lives on the inside; He is your teacher, your helper and guide.

The mind is very deceiving. It can tell you that you have lost your salvation simply because you

can't feel it. But the meat of the Word in your soul—faith—tells you that salvation is still alive.

Instead of being tormented in your mind over your salvation, yield to the power in the meat of the

 Word through the Holy Spirit and find the truth of the matter.

The Holy Spirit has come to abide with you as long as you live on Earth, and He will be with you to

change you in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye when the Rapture takes place—but you must yield

to Him completely. Receive the Holy Spirit baptism and let Him make you what He wants you to

 be. You will be changed according to the power that worketh in you. Unto him that is able to

do exceed ing abun dantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that

 worke th in u s (Ephesians 3:20). That power of the Holy Ghost is too great to be held in the mindalone. Power to change you at the Rapture is in your soul if, I say again, you are saved, baptized in

the Holy Spirit and obedient to the Lord.

Many doubt the Rapture, doubt being changed and taken up into the clouds with Jesus. If the

promise of the Rapture is in the mind, not the soul, it will not be enough to bring faith for the

change. The meat of the Word says: Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep,

 bu t we shall all be changed , In a mom ent, in the tw inkling of an e ye, at the last trum p:

for the trump et shall soun d, and the de ad shall be raised incorrup tible, and w e shall

 be chan ged (I Corinthians 15:51,52). For the Lord himself shall descend from heave n

 with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and w ith the tru mp of God: and the dead

in Christ shall rise first: Then w e w hich are alive an d rem ain shall be caught u p

together with them in the clouds, to mee t the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever b e

 with the Lo rd (I Thessalonians 4:16,17).

Don't dine on the opinions of others, but on the infallible Word of the Living God. When He serves

 you, He dips from the soul that which will gird up your mind. The mind needs to be strengtheneddaily with the meat of the Word stored in the soul of each Child of God.

The Holy Spirit works to encourage you to eat the meat of the Word so it can be stored in your soul

for Him to use. He teaches you, deals with you from the Word. When He tries to get you to use

more faith or love for lost souls, He uses the meat of the Word, the love of the Word. He that

loveth not know eth not God; for God is love (I John 4:8). For God so loved the w orld,

that he gave his only begotten Son (John 3:16). How marvelous to have heaven's strength

here on Earth stored in the soul to be used by the Holy Spirit! It excites me!

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The Bride in this hour, her soul filled with the meat of the Word, is strong. All the types and

shadows of the Bride in the Old Testament are strong, powerful. Everyone the Lord used for a type

and shadow of the Bride had the greatness of the meat of the Word stored in the soul. Think of it!

Dine with the Word; the Lord is calling you to His promises. We are people of promise; we live by promise, not feelings, but by faith in the promises of God. Never rely on feelings to direct you to

 what God wants done. He waits for you to emerge from your feelings so the Holy Spirit can bring

to you enough of the Word to clear your mind from misconceptions. Then the Lord is able to serve

 you as you reach out to accept the promises He is offering.

 When you fill up on good food, no one can convince you that you're still hungry. You know you

have just eaten. You're sure. But when it comes to the soul, the devil can shake your confidence

 very quickly if you're not rooted and grounded in the promises of God. The Word is the soil that

establishes you. It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, bu t by every word that

proceede th out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). Every promise out of the mouth of God

 belongs to you, food for the soul. Every promise of God contains meat for the Children of God.

Treasure God's Word above life, for without it you have no life; with it you have everlasting life in

the Lord. What joy, what happiness, what peace!

 Why look to your surroundings for happiness, to people around you? Why keep searching for

heaven down here? The Lord never promised you heaven on Earth. However, you can have a

heavenly Eden in your soul to feed your mind, bringing a deep settled peace the world does not

understand. The peace of God, w hich passeth all und erstanding, shall keep your hearts

and m inds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). Don't claim to understand God's peace; just accept it.

Depend on the promises of the Word in your soul and you will know the overcoming power the

Lord has for you. The meat of the Word tells you these words of Jesus: In my Father's house

are many man sions: if it we re not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for

 you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you u nto

myself; that where I am, there ye m ay be also (John 14:2,3). Jesus will come for His Bride.

He promised.

Unbelievers thought Peter and John were unlearned, ignorant men, and used their disdain as an

excuse to reject what the men of God were saying. Then Paul came with his fine education—his

critics said much learning had made him mad. The world will never understand the things of God;

don't court its favor. The meat of the Word says, Wherefore come ou t from among them,

and b e ye separate, saith the Lord…an d I w ill receive you (II Corinthians 6:17). Bu t as he

 which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all mann er of con versation; Becau se it is

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 wr itten, Be ye holy; for I am ho ly (I Peter 1:15,16). Love not the w orld, neither the things

that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him(I

John 2:15).

Some look to the world for security. When they seem to have less material goods than others, they 

think God has let them down, that God doesn't love them. If their carpeting wears out, they decide

God's love must be wearing out, too. The Lord doesn't show His love, His greatness for mankind

 with the material things. Jesus, the very Son of God said,Foxes have holes, and birds of the

air have nests; but the Son of man hath not w here to lay his head (Luke 9:58).

Don't check your bank account to see how much God loves you, look into your soul. For God so

loved the world, that he gave his only begotten S on, that whosoeve r believeth in him

should n ot perish, bu t have e verlasting life (John 3:16). Everlasting life is far greater than

the fleeting material wealth of this world.

 You came into the world with nothing and you will leave the same way. What awaits you in eternity

is the important thing. Seek the meat of the Word, the meat of His love, the meat of His faith,

patience, longsuffering toward you and the meat of your salvation, of eternal life bubbling in your

soul. All the money in the world couldn't buy any of that. When you are filled with the Holy Ghost

and yielded to Him, the Spirit flows through you like mighty gushing rivers of living water. God's

greatness dwells on the inside. He shows His great love by doing the impossible. Because you

accept all of Him, He looks out for you.

Jesus told the disciples to not worry about their food, about what they were going to wear: Takeno thou ght for your life, w hat ye shall eat, or w hat ye shall drink; nor yet for your

 body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than m eat, and the body than

raiment? Therefore take no thought saying, What shall we e at? or, What shall we

drink? or, Wherew ithal shall we be clothed (Matthew 6:25,31)?

Consider the lilies of the valley that neither toil or spin. Solomon with all his glorious possessions

 was not arrayed like one of these. The birds don't slave; they don't worry, yet the Lord feeds them.

Birds weren't made in the likeness of God; they don't have souls, but the Lord cares for them.

Think how much more He loves and cares for you! You were made in God's likeness; your soul

came from His very breath. Don't discourage yourself by looking at the material things. But seek 

 ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousne ss; and all these things shall be added

unto you (Matthew 6:33).

 Are you worried about your old car? Daniel didn't even have a car, and yet the Lord told him he

 was greatly loved. Look into your soul and find the incredible love that God has given to you. You

have something money can't buy, something a billionaire on his death bed would give all his money 

for. A mansion in heaven is waiting for you, a structure that would make Earth's grandest palace

look like a pile of trash. Why set your heart on Earth's possessions and become discouraged when

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 you fail to attain them? Seek first the kingdom of God.

Jesus tells the story of the beggar Lazarus and the rich man. Every day the rich man ate sumptuous

meals; but Lazarus, full of sores, lay at the gate begging for crumbs. They both died. Angels carried

Lazarus into Abraham's bosom, but the rich man was not so fortunate.  And in hell he lift up hiseyes, being in tormen ts, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazaru s in his bosom (Luke

16:23). The rich man cried to Abraham for Lazarus to dip his finger in water and cool his tongue,

for he was tormented in the flame. Bu t Abraham said, Son, remem ber that thou in thy 

lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus e vil things: bu t now he is

comforted, and thou art tormen ted (verse 25). The rich man had a life of ease that was

 briefer than a blink of the eye in eternity, but Lazarus had eternity in heaven.

 Wake up, Children of God: You are loved by your Maker! God doesn't put on a display of the

material things like man does to show love. Some of those material displays are not sincere,

anyway. People, for instance, have been deceived into marriage by suitors putting on a show of 

possessions, claiming it proved their love. After the wedding, the bitter truth came out.

Possessions were valued more than the new spouse. God's love isn't like that.

Learn the meat of the Word concerning God's love. As you learn the meat of God's love, you learn

 who and what He is, how great and wonderful. His love assures you that all His plans for you are

good and wonderful, that the way of the Lord is perfect.

Dine with the Lord; live in His Word. It's exciting to discover all that the Bible contains! The Word

of God is leaping up in this final hour into the hearts and minds of everyone who desires the meat,

not the milk. You need meat that will give you strength, clothe you in the greatness of heaven.

 With this meat you believe all the Lord has said; you believe in the coming of the Lord, the

 judgments of the Lord, in Armageddon. The meat of the Word gives you knowledge, wisdom and

strength to be ready for the Rapture.

Child of God, get off that milk; it's for babes! Learn to eat and serve the meat of the Word. Become

strong in Him, strong in the ways of the Lord, in His wisdom, knowledge, love, faith, patience,longsuffering, joy and humility. Daily, by the Holy Spirit, the meat is served to your mind if you

have the meat of joy in your soul. There is no reason for lack; the Lord is serving all things needed

in this last hour, and the need is great.

 You who are unsaved: It's time to come to God. You don't have long to get your soul right with the

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Him. The Church Age is about to end. All the endtime signs that the Lord prophesied would be

surrounding us at His coming are here. He said, W hen ye shall see all these things, know 

that it is near, ev en at the doors (Matthew 24:33). The coming of Jesus is right at the door.

The nations are getting ready for Armageddon but the Bride of Christ is preparing for the Rapture.

Oh, Sinner, get ready!

Pray this prayer with me now: Oh, God: Save my soul! I'm so sorry that I sinned against you, but I

have come home. I'm going to serve you, Lord, the rest of my life. I believe that Jesus died for me,

and I will live for Him. And I believe the blood of Jesus washes away all of my sins, all of my 

sins. Come on in, Jesus. Come on in!

If you meant it, He has come. If you meant that prayer, you have Him. You have eternal life

 bubbling up on the inside. Serve the Lord. Live for Him. Walk in the paths of righteousness. Take

the meat of the Word and become strong like your Lord. Be a Jesus overcomer.

 You who are sick and afflicted, you who have loved ones who need deliverance—perhaps you have

a retarded child—let me pray for you now. You can have a miracle; you can be made whole, well.

 You can be healed of any affliction, any disease—that's the meat of the Word. The meat of the word

proclaims Jesus to be the healing Christ. The meat promises: W ith God all things are possible

(Matthew 19:26). I am not the healer, Jesus is. The meat of the Word declaresThe prayer of 

faith shall save the sick, and the Lor d shall raise him u p (James 5:15). That's the meat, the

Spirit of the Word.

Lord, here they are. I bring the sick and afflicted to you. Lay your healing hands upon the sick and afflicted, dear Jesus. Lord, make them all well. From your supernatural g ift of miracles,

from your supernatural gifts of healing it comes through the power of the Holy Ghost in the name

of your Son Jesus. Heal! in the name of the Lord! Heal! in the holy name of Jesus. Heal! and

make them completely whole, I pray. Amen.

Let that power work to get you well. Miracles and healings are the meat of the Word. Thank God

for the meat of the Word, for the strength of heaven!

God is giving me His messages for you night and day. He is pouring it into my Spirit; I just deliver

that which He gives me.

 Yea, saith the Spirit of the Lord: I am God, and I will reveal myself as God to a lost world one last

time. I will shake the Earth with my presence. I will send forth my Spirit of mercy a nd

forgiveness, and then I will bring judgment, saith the Lord.

I will give great, great knowledge and great, great faith and great, great love. I will serve all to

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my people that they may serve all to those who are in the night. The light of my Word will shine

forth to the ends of the Earth, and my gracious love and manifestations will turn the multitudes to

my Kingdom. I will light up paths that were at one time impossible to have light. I am preparing

the peoples, the heathen throughout the Earth for this my last visitation before destruction. I will

 walk the Earth with my mercy. I will walk the Earth with my power of deliverance, and then the

end will come, saith the Lord.

Be not troubled my people. Be not afraid. I the Lord thy God will be with you, and I will make

 you strong with my greatness. You will be glorious in my sight because of my greatness. You will

defeat the powers of the enemy and bring light to multitudes that are now in darkness.

Oh, my people, you are loved, you are loved! saith the Lord. I am with you all the time. I will

never, never be away from you. Trust in my love. Trust in my faith. Trust in my promises.

 Victory is yours, it's yours. It belongs to my fa ithful people in this the last hour, saith the Lord.

Lift up your heart and know that the Lord is with you, even the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and

Jacob, the God of all flesh. Blessed be the name of the Lord! God has much to say to you in thislast hour. Open your ears and hear what the Lord is saying to the Children of God. He has

prepared you for this hour. To be trusted by Him for this last hour is wondrous indeed, a grave

responsibility, but the Lord will give you the grace to shoulder it all. He is the Lord; He is with you

to instill within you the meat of the Word. Your life depends on it.

 YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON THE MEAT OF THE WORD, All rights reserved. Copyright © 1992 Ernest Angley.

 All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use

only. You may freely download, print or distribute this literature without prior permission, as long as it is NOT altered and is distributed in

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© 1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

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