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THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE FAIRPORT PUBLIC LIBRARY WAS HELD ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 2014. PRESENT OTHERS Beth White Betsy Gilbert Jim Donahue Tori Reilly Suzanne Stockman Pat Rapp Belinda O’Brien Peter Zedick The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Beth White, President 30 MINUTE PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD There were no comments. PREVIOUS MINUTES A motion was made by Belinda O’Brien and seconded by Jim Donahue to approve the minutes from the previous Board meeting (July 2014). Motion carried 4-0. TREASURER’S REPORT A motion was made by Jim Donahue and seconded by Belinda O’Brien to accept the Treasurer’s Report (June 2014). Motion carried 4-0. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Ms. Gilbert stated Jan Hadeed, head of technical services, retired this month. Jan worked at the library for 22 years, starting as a page, then as part time clerk, full time clerk, and head of technical services. She has been a hard worker, a team player, and a dedicated employee with a great sense of humor. The library is sorry to see her go, but happy to have her enjoy her retirement. She will be missed. Ms. Gilbert stated that July is always the library’s busiest month. There is a lot of activity related to summer reading. In addition, there are many projects related to the renovation plan. Staff is doing a lot of weeding to get the collection down before packing. It is much less expensive to weed and rebuild the collection than it is to pack and store the materials. The library also went through an audit this month, and it went very well. Mr. Donahue noted that he has been in the library several times a week this summer, and it has been extremely busy. COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget – Ms. White stated that the committee met on July 30. They discussed some of the advice received from the auditors, and some recommended changes to procedures. The committee also

THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE FAIRPORT PUBLIC LIBRARY WAS HELD ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 2014. PRESENT OTHERS Beth White Betsy Gilbert Jim Donahue Tori Reilly Suzanne Stockman Pat Rapp Belinda O’Brien Peter Zedick The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Beth White, President 30 MINUTE PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD There were no comments. PREVIOUS MINUTES A motion was made by Belinda O’Brien and seconded by Jim Donahue to approve the minutes from the previous Board meeting (July 2014). Motion carried 4-0. TREASURER’S REPORT A motion was made by Jim Donahue and seconded by Belinda O’Brien to accept the Treasurer’s Report (June 2014). Motion carried 4-0. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Ms. Gilbert stated Jan Hadeed, head of technical services, retired this month. Jan worked at the library for 22 years, starting as a page, then as part time clerk, full time clerk, and head of technical services. She has been a hard worker, a team player, and a dedicated employee with a great sense of humor. The library is sorry to see her go, but happy to have her enjoy her retirement. She will be missed. Ms. Gilbert stated that July is always the library’s busiest month. There is a lot of activity related to summer reading. In addition, there are many projects related to the renovation plan. Staff is doing a lot of weeding to get the collection down before packing. It is much less expensive to weed and rebuild the collection than it is to pack and store the materials. The library also went through an audit this month, and it went very well. Mr. Donahue noted that he has been in the library several times a week this summer, and it has been extremely busy. COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget – Ms. White stated that the committee met on July 30. They discussed some of the advice received from the auditors, and some recommended changes to procedures. The committee also

revised a couple of policies to be voted on under New Business. The committee will be starting the annual budget development process soon. Facilities & Services – Mr. Donahue stated that the Facilities and Services committee has met several times since the last board meeting. The committee:

1. Still working on the preliminary design phase of the renovation project. 2. Anticipates starting detailed design early next month-bid in Nov. 3. Getting near a resolution of a contract for an alternative site for the relocation-hope to

have a contract for the board review and approval soon. We anticipate relocating the end of the year or first part of 2015

4. Project Timeline will be modified as needed as we continue with the project 5. We will be meeting with the village administrator to discuss the renovation project soon 6. The materials testing has taken place and we are waiting for the results 7. We requested our construction manager provide us with a construction and project cost

estimate. Their independent estimate, including construction, furniture etc. was very close to the estimate provided by SWBR Architects this past spring which provides confidence regarding expenses as the project moves forward.

Ms. Gilbert stated that the NYS construction grants are due at MCLS on September 5. She will write two; one for this year and one for next year. A motion was made by Suzanne Stockman and seconded by Jim Donahue to authorize Betsy Gilbert to apply for a grant to the state for the renovation project. Motion carried 4-0. Ms. Gilbert stated that an RFP for RFID is being written and will be brought to the September Board meeting. Personnel – No report. Long Range Plan – No report. Fairport Library Council – No report. NEW BUSINESS Ms. White passed out Committee assignments. (See attachment.) A motion was made by Jim Donahue and seconded by Belinda O’Brien to approve a contract of up to $1,500 with Upstate Business Interiors, LLC, to assist with design of and relocation to temporary facility, and to authorize Betsy Gilbert to sign the contract. (See attachment.) Motion carried 4-0. A motion was made by Jim Donahue and seconded by Suzanne Stockman to adopt the Credit Card Policy. (See attachment.) Motion carried 4-0.

A motion was made by Suzanne Stockman and seconded by Jim Donahue to approve the revision of the Procurement Policy. (See attachment.) Motion carried 4-0. A motion was made by Suzanne Stockman and seconded by Jim Donahue to adopt the Procurement Policy Verification Form as procedure. (See attachment.) Motion carried 4-0. A motion was made by Jim Donahue and seconded by Belinda O’Brien to adopt the Budget and Transfer of Funds Policy. (See attachment.) Motion carried 4-0. A motion was made by Belinda O’Brien and seconded by Jim Donahue to approve the revision to the Fund Balance Policy. (See attachment.) Motion carried 4-0. To apply for the construction grant, there needs to be certification that, if in a leased facility, the library is able to stay in the location for 10 more years. This means the library needs to exercise lease options for two 5-year options, starting in 2018. A motion was made by Suzanne Stockman and seconded by Jim Donahue to exercise the last two options of the Lease Agreement. Motion carried 4-0. WARRANTS A motion was made by Suzanne Stockman and seconded by Jim Donahue to accept the warrants as follows:

$ 5,256.06 dated July 10, 2014 Checks # 96229-96257 19,731.43 dated July 24, 2014 Checks # 96258-96261 31,606.34 dated July 31, 2014 Checks # 96262-96304

Motion carried 4-0. NEW BOARD MEMBER As a result of the resignation by Trustee Mark Haefele, the Board solicited applications via the Library website to fill the vacant position. A motion was made by Jim Donahue and seconded by Belinda O’Brien to appoint Peter Zedick to the Board, for the term ending June 30, 2015. Motion carried 4-0. Peter Zedick signed an Oath of Office.

ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Peter Zedick and seconded by Belinda O’Brien to adjourn at 7:56 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. _____________________________ Pat Rapp, Clerk to the Board Attachments: Treasurer’s Report – June 2014 Contract with Upstate Business Interiors, LLC Credit Card Policy Procurement Policy Procurement Policy Verification Form Budget and Transfer of Funds Policy Fund Balance Policy Oath of Office Committee Assignments

Upstate Business Interiors, LLC 1 | P a g e

Upstate Business Interiors, LLC

Phone (585) 626-6322

Fax (888) 662-5234


This Interior Design Agreement (the “Agreement”) constitutes a contract between the individual(s) identified in the

Client Information section below (the “Client”) and Upstate Business Interiors, LLC (“Upstate Business Interiors”)

as of the Agreement Date.

Agreement Date: __________________________

Client Information


Project Address


Mailing Address (if different)



This Agreement covers:

1. A description of Upstate Business Interiors, Interior Design Services;

2. Upstate Business Interiors, Fee Structure; and

3. Additional Terms and Conditions of this Agreement.

The Client and Upstate Business Interiors, agree as follows:


General Description of Interior Design Service: Interior Design is a broad category of services. The specific

services to be provided by Upstate Business Interiors if different from the list of general services below,

will be detailed in writing between the Client and Upstate Business Interiors prior to engagement. These

services may include, but are not limited to:

Programming & Schematic Design: Programming includes, but is not limited to: conducting research;

identifying and analyzing the needs and goals of the Client; assessing the existing environment

and; evaluating project resources and limitations. A successful design requires the teamwork of

both the Client and Upstate Business Interiors, therefore, interviews with the Client or family

members will help Upstate Business Interiors fully understand the goals for the use and desired


Upstate Business Interiors, LLC 2 | P a g e

Conceptual Drawings: Upstate Business Interiors if appropriate, will provide conceptual drawings, CAD

diagrams, or other illustrations and/or materials to generally show the suggested interior design

concepts, including space and/or floor plan specifications and furniture, furnishing, fixture, textile,

and/or accessories specifications.

Merchandise Specification: Furniture, furnishings, fixtures, textiles, accessories, and building materials

(collectively referred to as Merchandise) are an integral part of the design process. Upstate

Business Interiors works with the Client in narrowing the selections based on the Client’s desired

scheme. Upstate Business Interiors will assist the Client in finding the appropriate pieces and

selecting textiles and finishes that complement the overall design concept. Recommended

Merchandise specifications can be provided to facilitate your purchase of such recommended

items and most recommended Merchandise will be items the Client can order online or at local

furniture dealers.

Ad Hoc Advice or Professional Interior Design Tips: Upstate Business Interiors is available for ad hoc

consultation to answer ad hoc design questions, from questions such as “what finish of paint

should I use,” to “how do I read my floor plans?”

Design Disclaimer: Upstate Business Interiors cannot be held responsible for designs that may later be

undesirable or cause inconvenience. The Client understands that all interior designs, including

those provided by Upstate Business Interiors may represent the opinion and tastes of the designer

as the designer interprets the Client’s goals and wishes. You hereby agree to fully indemnify

Upstate Business Interiors and to hold it harmless from any and all claims against it arising from

or related to this engagement. In any event, under no circumstance will the total liability of

Upstate Business Interiors for all claims of any kind arising out of this engagement, whether in

contract, tort or otherwise, ever exceed the total fees paid to Upstate Business Interiors in this

engagement, and Upstate Business Interiors shall not ever, no matter what the circumstance, be

liable for any indirect, consequential or punitive damages.

Conceptual Drawings: Upstate Business Interiors’ drawings and specifications are conceptual in nature

and intended to set forth design intent only. They are not to be used for architectural or

engineering purposes. Upstate Business Interiors does not provide architectural or engineering

services and cannot be held liable for designs used for such purpose.

Ownership of Designs: All concepts, drawings, and specifications prepared by Upstate Business Interiors

(“Project Documents”) and all copyrights and other proprietary rights applicable thereto remain at

all times property of the Client. Upstate Business Interiors is authorized to and will maintain

electronic and/or hardcopy versions of final and draft Project Documents created by Upstate

Business Interiors while engaged by Client. Final and draft Project Documents will be made

available at any time at the written request of Client.

Sub-Contractor Responsibility. Upstate Business Interiors may provide a referral for contractors and

installers. Upstate Business Interiors may also meet with contractors and installers for estimates

and review the contractors’ and installers’ work to determine whether the work is proceeding in

general conformity with Upstate Business Interiors concepts. This is a courtesy to the Client.

However, constant observation of contractors’ work at the Project site is not a part of Upstate

Business Interiors duties. Upstate Business Interiors is not responsible for the performance,

quality, timely completion or delivery of any work, materials or equipment furnished by

contractors. Upstate Business Interiors will not intermediate disputes between the Client and

recommended contractors or installers.

Upstate Business Interiors, LLC 3 | P a g e


Upstate Business Interiors offers Interior Design Services.

Hourly Fee

The Client agrees to pay Upstate Business Interiors an hourly fee for Interior Design Services.

The fee is $55/hour unless amended in writing/email.

Upstate Business Interiors will provide a good faith estimate of expected project hours.

Hourly fees will be invoiced to Client monthly and are payable within 30 (thirty) days of invoice date.

The hourly fee will cover all Interior Design Services, but does not cover incidental expenses which must be

reimbursed by the Client (samples, copy fees, etc.)

Based on our initial discussion and site visit, I have estimated that this service will require no more than 20 billable

hours to complete, for a total cost not to exceed $1,500 unless approved in advance by Client in writing.


Late Payments: In addition to all other legal rights, Upstate Business Interiors shall be entitled to withhold further

performance of Interior Design Services should the Client fail to timely make payments due to Upstate

Business Interiors.

Estimates: Any estimates or proposals are only for the purpose of informing the Client of the potential cost of

services. It is understood and agreed that such estimates are not binding, and actual costs or fees may be

more or less.

Project Access: Client will provide Upstate Business Interiors with access to the Project and all information Upstate

Business Interiors may need to complete the project. Failure to do so by the Client provides Upstate

Business Interiors the right to terminate the Agreement and collect outstanding balances.

Photography Consent: As Upstate Business Interiors requires a record of Upstate Business Interiors’ projects,

Client will permit Upstate Business Interiors or representatives to photograph the Project upon completion

of the Project. Upstate Business Interiors will be entitled to use photographs for Upstate Business Interiors

business purposes but shall not disclose the project location or Client’s name without Client’s prior written


Agreement Termination: This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon the other party’s default in

performance, provided that termination may not be effected unless written notice specifying nature and

extent of default is given to the concerned party and such party fails to cure such default in performance

within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of such notice. Termination shall be without prejudice to

any and all other rights and remedies of Upstate Business Interiors and Client shall remain liable for all

outstanding obligations owed by Client to Upstate Business Interiors and for all items of Interior Designs

Services and other services on order as of the termination date. Termination shall not void any existing

POs, and client shall continue to be responsible for any obligation incurred prior to the effective date of


Dispute Resolution and Jurisdiction: Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or

breach thereof, shall be decided by litigation in the 7th

Judicial District of New York, Monroe County. The

laws of the State of New York shall govern this Agreement. In the event Upstate Business Interiors hires an

attorney to enforce any right under this Agreement, Client shall reimburse Upstate Business Interiors for all

such attorney fees and expenses, regardless of whether or not a suit is filed.

Upstate Business Interiors, LLC 4 | P a g e

Limit of Responsibility: Upstate Business Interiors shall not be responsible or liable for required permits, HOA

approvals, governmental approvals, engineering, architectural services, manufacturing defects, acts of God,

delays or actions of third parties.

Remaining Provisions: Any provision of this Agreement held to be void or unenforceable under any law shall be

deemed stricken and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon both Upstate

Business Interiors and the Client.


It is my understanding that you are considering retaining Upstate Business Interiors, LLC to

provide interior design services (e.g. inventory of existing furniture, space planning of temporary

space, install drawings) for Fairport Public Library at 1 Village Landing, Fairport, New York


By signing below, the Client and Upstate Business Interiors acknowledge terms and conditions contained within this

Agreement and further acknowledge that this Agreement, along with subsequent written correspondence regarding,

but not limited to, pricing, fees, terms, and timelines together represent a complete contract between the Client and

Upstate Business Interiors.


______________________________ ________________________________________ ______________

Signature Print Name Date


______________________________ ________________________________________ ______________

Signature Print Name Date

FAIRPORT PUBLIC LIBRARY Credit Card Policy Purpose To allow departments to purchase goods and services directly from vendors when those items are needed, but it is not expedient, practical, or desirable to have either a check or cash available when payment is required. The Library Director will select a company to use to obtain the necessary credit cards and establish a line of credit with that company. Consideration will be given a company who can meet the general purchasing needs of the Library and the billing and payment requirements of the Library. The Director will determine how many cards are needed and which employees will be allowed to use them. All employees issued a credit card must sign an acknowledgment form recognizing their responsibility to comply with the Library’s policy regarding credit cards The Board or Budget Committee will establish appropriate credit limits for each card, recognizing that individual cards may vary with the types of goods and services which are anticipated to be acquired. The use of this card is restricted for the Library to acquire goods and services which are appropriate for the conduct of the Library’s business. The Director is responsible for the use of the cards. The Director is responsible to make sure that any charges are authorized Library expenditures and that adequate monies are available within the Library’s approved budget. No personal expenditures are allowed by employees with the credit cards, even if the intent is to re-pay the Library at a future point. Credit Card Bills submitted to the District for payment must include supporting documentation, such as receipts and invoices, which clearly show what goods and services were purchased using the credit card. Accepted by the Budget Committee 7/30/2014 Adopted by the Board of Trustees 8/12/2014


FAIRPORT PUBLIC LIBRARY PROCUREMENT POLICY This resolution sets forth the policies and procedures of the Fairport Public Library to meet the requirements of General Municipal Law, Section 104-b. PURPOSE Goods and services which are not required by law to be procured pursuant to competitive bidding must be procured in a manner so as to assure the prudent and economical use of public moneys, in the best interests of the taxpayers, to facilitate the acquisition of goods and services of maximum quality at the lowest possible cost under the circumstances, and to guard against favoritism, improvidence, extravagance, fraud and corruption. To further these objectives, the Library Board is adopting internal policies and procedures governing all procurements of goods and services which are not required to be made pursuant to the competitive bidding requirements of General Municipal Law, Section 103 or of any other general, special or local law. PROCEDURES FOR DETERMINING WHETHER PROCUREMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO BIDDING Every purchase to be made must be initially reviewed to determine whether it is a purchase contract or a public works contract. The Procurement Policy Verification Form will be used to document this review and will be attached to all contracts when presented for signature. Once that determination is made, a good faith effort will be made to determine whether it is known or can reasonably be expected that the aggregate amount to be spent on the item of supply or service is not subject to competitive bidding, taking into account past purchases and the aggregate amount to be spent in a year. The following items are not subject to competitive bidding pursuant to Section 103 of the General Municipal Law:

purchase contracts under $20,000

public works contracts under $35,000

emergency purchases

certain municipal hospital purchases, goods purchased from agencies for the blind or severely handicapped

goods purchased from correctional institutions

purchases under State and County contracts; and surplus and second-hand purchases from another governmental entity.

The decision that a purchase is not subject to competitive bidding will be documented in writing by the individual making the purchase. This documentation may include written or verbal quotes from vendors, a memo from the purchaser indicating how the decision was arrived at, a copy of the contract indicating the source which makes the item of service exempt, a memo from the purchaser detailing the circumstances which led to an emergency purchase or any other written documentation that is appropriate. STATUTORY EXCEPTIONS FROM THESE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Except for procurements made pursuant to General Municipal Law, Section 103(3) (through County contracts) or Section 104 (through State contract), Correction Law, Section 186 (articles manufactured in correctional institutions), or the items excepted herein (see below), alternative proposals or quotations for goods and services shall be secured by use of written requests for proposals, written quotations,


verbal quotations or any other method of procurement which furthers the purposes of General Municipal Law, Section 104-b. METHODS OF COMPETITION TO BE USED FOR NON-BID PROCUREMENTS The methods of procurement to be used are as follows: Estimated Amount of Purchase

Contract Method $1000 - $7,499 Documentation of three suppliers prices – written or verbal $7,500 - $19,999 3 written, fax, email quotations, or written requests for

proposals Estimated Amount of Public Works

Contract Method $1,000 - $2,999 2 oral quotations $3,000 - $4,999 2 written fax or email quotations $5,000 - $34,999 3 written, fax, email quotations, or written requests for

proposals ADEQUATE DOCUMENTATION Documentation of actions taken in connection with each such method of procurement is required as follows:

A good faith effort shall be made to obtain the required number of proposals or quotations. If the Purchaser is unable to obtain the required number of proposals or quotations, the purchaser will document the attempt made at obtaining the proposals. In no event shall the failure to obtain the proposals be a bar to the procurement.

AWARDS TO OTHER THAN LOWEST RESPONSIBLE DOLLAR OFFERER Documentation and an explanation is required whenever a contract is awarded to other than the lowest responsible offeror. This documentation will include an explanation of how the award will achieve savings or how the offeror was not responsible. A determination that the offeror is not responsible shall be made by the purchaser and may not be challenged under any circumstances. ITEMS EXCEPTED FROM POLICIES AND PROCEDURES BY BOARD Pursuant to General Municipal Law Section 140-b(2)(f), the procurement policy may contain circumstances when or types of procurements for which, in the sole discretion of the Library Board, the solicitation of alternative proposals or quotations will not be in the best interest of the Library. In the following circumstances it may not be in the best interest of the Fairport Public Library to solicit quotations or document the basis for not accepting the lowest bid:

a) Professional services or services requiring special or technical skill, training or expertise. The individual or company must be chosen based on accountability, reliability, responsibility, skill, education and training, judgment and integrity. These qualifications are not necessarily found in the individual or company that offers the lowest price and the nature of these services are such that they do not readily lend themselves to competitive procurement procedures.


In determining whether a service fits into this category, the Fairport Public Library Board shall take into consideration the following guidelines:

a. whether the services are subject to State licensing or testing requirements. b. whether substantial formal education or training is a necessary prerequisite to the

performance of the services; and c. whether the services require a personal relationship between the individual and Library

officials. d. whether the services to be rendered can be more effectively provided by a professional

possessing a continuity of representation.

Professional or technical services shall include but not be limited to the following: services of an attorney; services of a physician, technical services of an engineer engaged to prepare plans, maps and estimates; securing insurance coverage and /or services of an insurance broker; services of a certified public accountant; investment management services; printing services involving extensive writing, editing or art work; management of municipality owned property; and computer software or programming services for customized programs, or services for customized programs, or services involved in substantial modification and customizing of pre-packaged software. Recognizing that seeking competition for professional services and insurance coverage may be an opportunity to generate cost savings for the taxpayers, processes will be used whenever deemed prudent by the Board of Trustees to seek competitive proposals for these services.

a. Competitive bids for insurance coverage, excluding health care, will be solicited periodically.

b. Requests for Proposals (RFPs) or Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) will be issued for professional services whenever the Board of Trustees determines that the process will add value and potentially reduce costs for a particular service.

b) Emergency purchases pursuant to Section 103(4) of the General Municipal Law. Due to the

nature of this exception, these goods or services must be purchased immediately and a delay in order to seek alternate proposals may threaten the life, health, safety or welfare of the residents. This section does not preclude alternate proposals if time permits.

c) Purchases of surplus and second-hand goods from any source. If alternative proposals are

required, the Fairport Public Library is precluded from purchasing surplus and second-hand goods at auctions or through specific advertised sources where the best prices are usually obtained. It is also difficult to try to compare prices of used goods and a lower price may indicate an older product.

d) Goods or services under $1,000. The time and documentation required to purchase through this

policy may be more costly than the item itself and would therefore not be in the best interests of the taxpayer. In addition, it is not likely that such contracts would be awarded based on favoritism.


ANNUAL REVIEW The Board of Trustees shall annually review these policies and procedures. The Library Director and Library Board Budget Committee shall be responsible for conducting an annual review of the procurement policy and for an evaluation of the internal control structure established to ensure compliance with the procurement policy. UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO COMPLY The unintentional failure to fully comply with the provisions of General Municipal Law, Section 104-b shall not be grounds to void action taken or give rise to a cause of action against the Fairport Public Library or any officer or employee thereof. Approved by the Budget Committee 12/2013 Adopted by the Board of Trustees 1/14/2014 Revised by the Board of Trustees 8/12/2014



Purchase Contract Public Works Contract Professional Services

Under $20,000 -- see A below

$20,000 and over -- see C below

Item purchased from:

NYS or Monroe County

Other __________________ Contract #________________

Under $35,000 – see B below

$35,000 and over -- see C below

RFP/RFQ requested by board – see C below

RFP/RFQ not requested by board

A. Purchase Contract – Public bidding not required

Estimated Amount of Purchase: Library Purchase Order #

Under $1000*

$1000 - $7,499 (3) Written or verbal documentation of prices from suppliers

$7,500 - $19,999 (3) Written, fax, email quotations, or RFPs (see C below) *Goods or services under $1,000. The time and documentation required to purchase through this policy may be

more costly than the item itself and would therefore not be in the best interests of the taxpayer. In addition, it is not likely that such contracts would be awarded based on favoritism.

B. Public Works Contract – Public bidding not required

Estimated Amount of Purchase:

$1,000 - $2,999 (2) verbal quotations

$3,000 - $4,999 (2) written, fax, or email quotations

$5,000 - $34,999 (3) written, fax, email quotations, or RFPs (see C below)

A good faith effort shall be made to obtain the required number of proposals or quotations. If the Purchaser is unable to obtain the required number of proposals or quotations, the purchaser will document the attempt made at obtaining the proposals. In no event shall the failure to obtain the proposals be a bar to the procurement.

C. Request for Proposal / Request for Qualifications – Bidding process

RFP/RFQ written by:______________________________________________________________

Date sent: __________Date submissions due:___________# proposals received:_________

Proposals reviewed by:________________________________________________________

Legal review:__________Library Board approval: __________Contract signed: __________ Item Received or contract completed: __________________________________________________________ Staff: ________________________________ Item added to Inventory: _______________________________ 8/2014tr


Budget and Transfer of Funds Policy

The Fairport Public Library Board of Trustees authorizes the Director of the Fairport Public Library to

make budgetary transfers up to $10,000 without prior authorization within a budget object code. A

budget object code is defined as the first digit following the decimal point of an account (.1 – Salaries, .2

– Capital, .4 – Contractual expenditures, .8 – Benefits). Therefore, transfers above $10,000 and between

budget object codes must be requested using the Transfer Request Form and approved by the Board

President, subject to all General Municipal Law Regulations.

Accepted by the Budget Committee 7/30/2014

Adopted by the Board of Trustees 8/12/2014


FFuunndd BBaallaannccee PPoolliiccyy

PPuurrppoossee ooff FFuunndd BBaallaannccee

FFaaiirrppoorrtt PPuubblliicc LLiibbrraarryy ((FFPPLL)) mmaaiinnttaaiinnss rreesseerrvveess iinn aa FFuunndd BBaallaannccee ttoo ssuuppppoorrtt aanndd eennssuurree iittss

ooppeerraattiioonnaall vviiaabbiilliittyy,, sseerrvviiccee pprroovviissiioonn aanndd ffiinnaanncciiaall ssttaabbiilliittyy..

FFuunndd BBaallaannccee ccaann bbee uusseedd ffoorr ppuurrppoosseess aapppprroovveedd bbyy tthhee BBooaarrdd ooff TTrruusstteeeess,, iinncclluuddiinngg,, bbuutt nnoott

lliimmiitteedd ttoo::

PPrroovviiddee ccaasshh ffllooww ffoorr ooppeerraattiioonnaall nneeeeddss

PPrroovviiddee ffuunnddss ffoorr eemmeerrggeennccyy oorr ootthheerr uunnaannttiicciippaatteedd nneeeeddss

MMeeeett eemmppllooyyeeee sseeppaarraattiioonn ppaayy--oouutt oobblliiggaattiioonnss

PPrroovviiddee ffoorr ffuuttuurree ccaappiittaall nneeeeddss

CCaatteeggoorriieess ooff FFuunndd BBaallaannccee

TThhee FFuunndd BBaallaannccee wwiillll bbee rreeppoorrtteedd iinn tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ccaatteeggoorriieess::

NNoonn--SSppeennddaabbllee –– iinncclluuddeess aammoouunnttss tthhaatt ccaannnnoott bbee ssppeenntt bbeeccaauussee tthheeyy aarree eeiitthheerr((aa)) nnoott

iinn aa ssppeennddaabbllee ffoorrmm oorr ((bb)) lleeggaallllyy oorr ccoonnttrraaccttuuaallllyy rreeqquuiirreedd ttoo bbee mmaaiinnttaaiinneedd iinnttaacctt

RReessttrriicctteedd –– iinncclluuddeess aammoouunnttss tthhaatt ccaann bbee ssppeenntt oonnllyy ffoorr tthhee ssppeecciiffiicc ppuurrppoossee ssttiippuullaatteedd

bbyy eexxtteerrnnaall rreessoouurrccee pprroovviiddeerrss,, oorr tthhrroouugghh eennaabblliinngg lleeggiissllaattiioonn

CCoommmmiitttteedd –– iinncclluuddeess aammoouunnttss tthhaatt ccaann bbee uusseedd oonnllyy ffoorr tthhee ssppeecciiffiicc ppuurrppoosseess

ddeetteerrmmiinneedd bbyy aa ffoorrmmaall aaccttiioonn ooff tthhee BBooaarrdd ooff TTrruusstteeeess.. AAmmoouunnttss ccaann oonnllyy bbee mmoovveedd

ffrroomm tthhee ccaatteeggoorryy bbyy ffoorrmmaall aaccttiioonn ooff tthhee BBooaarrdd..

AAssssiiggnneedd –– iinncclluuddeess aammoouunnttss iinntteennddeedd ttoo bbee uusseedd bbyy FFPPLL ffoorr aa ssppeecciiffiicc ppuurrppoossee bbuutt ddoo

nnoott mmeeeett tthhee ccrriitteerriiaa ttoo bbee ccllaassssiiffiieedd aass rreessttrriicctteedd oorr ccoommmmiitttteedd..

UUnnaassssiiggnneedd –– iinncclluuddeess tthhee rreessiidduuaall aammoouunntt nnoott aallllooccaatteedd ttoo ootthheerr ccllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonnss

MMaaiinntteennaannccee ooff AAssssiiggnneedd FFuunndd BBaallaannccee ffoorr CCaasshh FFllooww NNeeeeddss

TThhee BBuuddggeett CCoommmmiitttteeee sshhaallll,, aass ppaarrtt ooff iittss aannnnuuaall bbuuddggeett pprroocceessss,, rreevviieeww tthhee aammoouunntt ooff FFuunndd

BBaallaannccee nneeeeddeedd ttoo mmeeeett uuppccoommiinngg ccaasshh ffllooww nneeeeddss,, aanndd wwiillll mmaakkee rreeccoommmmeennddaattiioonnss ttoo tthhee

BBooaarrdd ooff TTrruusstteeeess wwhheenn cchhaannggeess aarree nneeeeddeedd iinn tthhiiss ppaarrttiiccuullaarr ccaatteeggoorryy ooff rreesseerrvvee..

MMeemmoorriiaall aanndd GGiifftt FFuunndd

PPeerriiooddiiccaallllyy,, FFPPLL rreecceeiivveess pprriivvaattee ddoonnaattiioonnss tthhaatt aarree uusseedd aatt tthhee ddiissccrreettiioonn ooff tthhee BBooaarrdd ooff

TTrruusstteeeess ffoorr vvaarriioouuss eennrriicchhmmeenntt ppuurrcchhaasseess oorr aaccttiivviittiieess iinn ssuuppppoorrtt ooff tthhee lliibbrraarryy.. TThheessee ffuunnddss

wwiillll bbee sseeppaarraatteellyy iiddeennttiiffiieedd aanndd uusseedd ffoorr lliibbrraarryy eennrriicchhmmeenntt ppuurrppoosseess..

RReeccoommmmeennddeedd AAmmoouunntt ooff FFuunndd BBaallaannccee

WWhhiillee iitt iiss pprruuddeenntt aanndd nneecceessssaarryy ttoo mmaaiinnttaaiinn aaddeeqquuaattee rreesseerrvveess iinn ssuuppppoorrtt ooff tthhee LLiibbrraarryy’’ss

ooppeerraattiioonnss aanndd vviiaabbiilliittyy,, iitt iiss nnoott aapppprroopprriiaattee oorr iinntteennddeedd tthhaatt eexxcceessssiivvee aammoouunnttss ooff ttaaxxppaayyeerr

mmoonneeyyss bbee hheelldd iinn rreesseerrvvee.. TThhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ccaatteeggoorriiccaall nneeeeddss aarree ttoo bbee pprroojjeecctteedd aannnnuuaallllyy iinn

ccaallccuullaattiinngg tthhee ttoottaall aammoouunntt nneeeeddeedd ffoorr tthhee LLiibbrraarryy’’ss FFuunndd BBaallaannccee..

CCaasshh FFllooww NNeeeeddss

UUpp ttoo 2255%% ooff OOppeerraattiinngg BBuuddggeett

PPrroojjeecctteedd EEmmppllooyyeeee SSeeppaarraattiioonn PPaayyoouuttss

CCaappiittaall NNeeeeddss

LLiibbrraarryy EEnnrriicchhmmeenntt

TThhee BBuuddggeett CCoommmmiitttteeee wwiillll ppeerrffoorrmm aa FFuunndd BBaallaannccee aannaallyyssiiss aannnnuuaallllyy aanndd mmaakkee

rreeccoommmmeennddaattiioonnss ttoo tthhee BBooaarrdd ooff TTrruusstteeeess ffoorr nneeeeddeedd aaddjjuussttmmeennttss..

AAddoopptteedd bbyy tthhee BBooaarrdd ooff TTrruusstteeeess 77//1133//22001133

RReevviieewweedd bbyy BBuuddggeett CCoommmmiitttteeee 77//3300//1144

RReevviisseedd bbyy tthhee BBooaarrdd ooff TTrruusstteeeess 88//1122//22001144

Fairport Public Library

Committee Assignments 2014 – 2015

Budget Committee Personnel Committee Beth White, Chair Suzanne Stockman, Chair Peter Zedick Belinda O’Brien Facilities & Services Committee Fairport Library Council Jim Donahue, Chair Belinda O’Brien Suzanne Stockman Long Range Planning Committee Belinda O’Brien, Chair Peter Zedick
