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THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Explain how the scientific world influenced society...

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LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Explain how the scientific world influenced society and thought. 

Scientific Revolution

• Background:– Challenging Old Ideas: Revolutions

• 1. Renaissance challenged the notion that only the Church had the right answers. New Idea: the individual. A cultural revolution

• 2. Reformation challenged accepted religious ideas on God, salvation and the soul. It also challenged the notion of one church and Papal control. A religious revolution

• 3. Scholars began to question old accepted ideas about the Earth and universe: Scientific Revolution

Scientific Revolution

• Background:– Prior to 1500’s… truth regarding the functioning of

the Earth and universe, most scholars relied on Greek and Roman philosophers/scientists and the Bible.

• Most did not test these ideas for their correctness.

– By the mid-1500’s this changed. Scholars began to test and question the ancient thinkers.

• Old assumptions became replaced with new theories.• This led to a change in the way people thought: Scientific


►Literacy: 80% for men; 60% women.

►Books were expensive (one day’s wages).

►Many readers for each book (20 : 1) novels, plays & other literature.

journals, memoirs, “private lives.”

philosophy, history, theology.

newspapers, political pamphlets.


• Polish scholar • Proposed the idea

of a heliocentric or sun-centered universe – The Earth was one

of several planets to revolve around the sun

Models of the Universe:

Geocentric vs. Heliocentric Geocentric: the Earth is at the center of the universe; all heavenly bodies move around the Earth

Heliocentric: the Sun is at the center of the universe; all heavenly bodies move around the Sun—including the Earth


• Observed Jupiter’s moons orbiting that planet

• Condemned by the Catholic Church

• His ideas challenged Christian teachings – That heavens were

fixed, unmoving & perfect


• 1633- tried before the inquisition – Threatened with

excommunication unless he withdrew his heresies

• Agreed to state publicly that the Earth stood motionless at center of the universe


• Proved Galileo correct

• Defined the Law of Gravity

• Invented calculus• His laws became the

starting point for investigating everything in nature.

Scientific Revolution--Enlightenment

• Rene Descartes: mid-1600’s:– French Philosopher and scientist – One of the most influential

advocates of science.– Wrote: “Discourse on Method”:

Argued that all thought had to follow the clear, orderly progression of scientific reasoning. Everything has to be proved.

– The use of reason was vital: clear, rational, logical thinking.

Scientific Revolution-----Enlightenment

• Sir Francis Bacon:– Believed science would help

humanity conquer nature and would end all suffering in the world.

• The scientific method will move from a strict scientific use to all realms of thinking including political, social.
