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The Seattle post-intelligencer (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle,...

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cnmumtd n tm. sums, iiwmiH thuutobt, tubut, mat a. tsss. LUST CHANCE I GREAT NOT FOR SALE INSURANCE ?W. P. BOYD ICO. SENATE AND HOUSE J R. Rmoks. ?( Kaw CBy. I*ti Itaaff. of IktlM. limp W. M>. ol Kralwli. - aad Mm Lrmlif,of Maamr mwi ntoi raFoMiyr. WMkatalwHm ttlr-Ma» troaa Ftr* la IW rhllipptw.s. f«> Xn *.?A4vtre* p*r the rtljof Sydney tna rt.-t>rt<wii uxl Y.>k.. tuuna «n that news had Iwa rpcrivrd M Kobe, J*v*n. tn'wuriiH lb* loss at the American ship Kurt Terrace tb« An* t rattan tea!. *l* in on a voyage fNM Phlka «o Kob* with a raiti> of ttraarw One »l IlwWMI liwlnw Ares that ever ors-arted in Philippine* b»v>kr out iu Sao Fernando. when aNnt 1 7t» hoaws aei* deat roved, »'mr of which aw* at valor between and fra.oor each. A* this b the rod of :h« sagar grinding i»an>o Ike «o» irw well Mucked with this staple TV k* of pn* ettj Is atld v> he about one ntlUlon dollar*. TUtinr TMt SDKK ITTOKM. riaa»jl*aa la arf Vlr«tala left by a Hpnln af Cyclan*. THE SICK SOLDIER. i _ General Sheridan Resting More Quietly, kcrons rr to aiDn«nT. Gnsl Atarw waa Felt at Oaa Ttaa* hat tba raUrat RallM aaial Laa Itspaita da k»nf l»«4sal laaalr- *4 After lb* Health af Hl* Mtsdi. The Treaty Willbe Discussed With Open Doors. \u25a0turn IKIR MMOX. Aft** C Willi labia Talk fcy lk> »ia«iiall> \u25a0?«.». Ikf Uwla- ttaa lluwki Of«a Ik* lm«» vu r»m< "r 1 ii ai LfcV.Mto. LLiiMtMg. | SHELTON & ARMSTRONG, DKAUDHI* DRESS FABRICS. Ckanaaable Hllka, Ckanieabla Malta SUka, Black and Colored Hllka. STYLISH COMBINATION COSTUMES. PAJUSOUand SUM UMBRKIJJIB in btaaUfal aoloria« Design and workinaaabip wtri*alML Wkwcto*. Mayja.?ln the araate to (Say Mr FTye from the committee on onn- am* reported baek the river and bathe appropriaCoa bUL Tb* report of the eoss autte* he «aud coald act poaalhly be trad; for a week. Mr. Junes of Arkansas .-ailed attention u. soaar rragrti' Bade last week be Senator Straart oa the veto qaesOoa. partinUarly those waking charges matost the attorury general in raanawtloa with land titles in California and with "the raid aa the Hell Telephone company" aad earnestly de- leafed the attorney general Mr. Stewart degraded hj> position in ref- erence to the private land claim salts in t'alaforaia. and seat to the clerk's desk and had read a letter to the president fmai Governor Waterman, of California. bear- ing oa that subject and representing thai litigation. to settle land questions in that state, had br*n islni on for forty rear*, lie declared then was au oatragr In the W May 3*.- There was a (pen era) feelsng of teUef tn Uenenal Sheridan's household this morning when the physic la as iatued their bu.lnin that the** was a slight bat distinct Improvement la bis symptoma The nlgfct was a:i anxious one. The distinguished patient seemed to \u25a0now weaker and the chances of his re-ov cer lcaa and less aa the boon dragged slowly alone Indeed he was aofcvg in the early hours this morning that his attend ants almost abandoned hope The history i»f the case show* thai the ta<*« dangerous time fi* the general wa« hetween the hours of two and sis In the morning, and this morning was no exeep tion to the role. All the pbvsh-iaxa ami nurse* were with htm during that period and the dtowaragtag itena that came from the hestaMe from time to time filled the anxioas watchers a itb gTatc fears Mm Sheridan Swc *p brawls under the tryina ordeal, and though unaKk- to ohrv the doctors' advice to take s>wv sleep, she showed rat* and conlMent rammattre, *gwa svisr «»Lr anra The n'pnwntativ.s of the sna tev maim-d in the xtrinity of the house all night and received information iroai lu- side every half hour. The naual answer to inquiries at the d.s>r was that there was no material change in the general's run ill i ion AGENCY TWO LOTS COfBEB HtlL AID SECOH6 STRSTS. Biwuim was nm xou um factory Mm MOT. when traM maWMirt. K ka oMri; k*a« par* with Um tfca gfaartk aad waywlly «i Mifc, and the pmnctt lor ft« Bww wn ww WaxKusc. W. Va. May ak-AterrfMr thnader ssorat with a gale of wind, hail and an almost anpnrretlt nted rainfall pre- vailed here and lor at tuiiet down the river Thia afternoon at Srt»|«tl the slx vewr old aoa af iaaa- T> lor was caught by the swelling stream and drvwued. THE ARLINGTON HOTEL, ALL mew. \u25a0- - - Tkf above two |4twi of n»'t ba beat In the city f*r an lnr«*Uaent. IEP\ER & %\m, Ml Caaarrial rt.. SaUlr.W. T. Wa npnaaai mi kNf«M mmm- The teat at a elivus on Wheeling Is'and wss demolished. At Kax cusbiMwt. Jarkson n>nuty. hail stoat* adghlac f*«ir ounces fell. Many «ia4oas woe broken and the frail tree* ? dbWh tamaisd. .ay Charleston Ro><. Shannon aas was Mown down Ar~VIMHMkUb> amnaH* Raeenswnod Mrs. Wvl Powell was kl'M hy a »tr»>kc of of lightning while >ttti<ie In her house The Ohio rircr traiu from herv to Parker* bar* had every pane of f iass hrokrn bv the halL $146,000,000 Aaoac which wf b* hul Ik* PHCENIX, or umou, HOME, of Hew York, LACES The arnftte mvnt Into exrctitire «e«iion «od remjuwith dour* till .> j*. m. Tbv u the doon wen frow ned »»<! the Ate tbtm proewded (»tiu in exmitlve wn- niou) to vole oa the foUowinjt mohitkm. vhieh «i« ajtnnl to without divtw^uj REAL In exquisite darifß ud elegißt profMkm, tnm Ike iwpl loMrti to narrowest edftsg. Aim AlWver Um, ta drtkato catatac, for that the injtiziriion of he removed fnwn all pfwvediDjp of the nenatr in reference to the treatt with Great Britain* now under eonaderaDou. The senate then lICKIT ftXMtkOK. cman axi* odtd m-a*T. Tlttwu.ii l*m_. May av?The cyclooe which struck thin ritv at 2 p. m was accompanied bv * clond burnt which deluged the city. Whole ihmh>« «>f tmi were Mown oat Smokestacks and chimne>» were demolished, out hoiioi and barus were lifted tnt«» the air and thrown down and »ma*hed to atom* Slight injuries to perwocs arc rri*»rt«d. OtXAT Ii AMAUK* IN rCftKSVLVjkXIA. Toward* morning the re|dv wa* "I Am Aorry to AA> thAt the *«-ticral 1A t»o better.'* or. **the «reneml (A not quite A-I well." ThtA WAA th«* situation At # o ekw k. when the pwple began to Arrive iu large num t«era to inquire After the nvnoral * cottdf tion. At tAAt hour tfcerr had been A «Mcht improvement At nee daybreAk hat tb«* manner of tfeeae W ho *ave out the inform A tion WAT not calculAtedto Afford th« call- er« ranch eafuurasvmeitt. MAUY pnnai nent ofßeia<« CAIKX! tn pera.H* AM other* Av'nf their aer\ant« for new*. \u25a0OKMtKO COKATt.TATIO*. At the tnoruinc cowiiltrttoit, the pKyi.- <Un* agreed thAt tbemetA)'iAT«ipMit« showed A Alight improvement. Thin mwe dispelled for A time the |k»«ra w hi. h hung ,v ver the during ih? niihi AU«I bright glAuee* of hope were exchanged Ainonx the flinwh AmewbM in the library. AFTKKN<»oN Al tIJCTfS. The bulletin teaaed hv phv»i< Unit At 2 ?t) ?\u25a0AN* Qgnml MmiMH h.i* retain**'. MH the improvement notrd tn thin tnornina'* bulletin And in Addition h ! » mind ha* crown markedly clearer At "0 o'dork t ok»ne! Blmint wpurtwl the eondition of GctMdl Wwrldan ** awehanevd. All the member* of the cabinet r*<H»j»t We- retary Endie*»tt. who out of the Hty, etOMl At the houae durinf the forenoon. The pre*l- dent «ent A meAAeneer twine duriuti the dAv And e«pre*AT*lT tlw <L« n'.r t«i TN- promptly Advieod of any chAutte in the eenerAl'A eooditkm. lie AV' Aent A heAUti ful i««ket of flower* for Mm. ShrridAn. tnanv telegram A of condolence have t»een received. EVENING TOILETTES. In the closed executive minion vna?«if Morgan resumed the flloor and continued hUapeech of last Friday. Other I»emo- cratie senators contributed to the proceed- ings but the Republicans *aid nothing. The motion* fnnn the Democratic side to M«t|ioiH- the treaty until December awl fay on table the motion to sit with open doors was ruled out of order. At 4:3oo'elock the motion made last week by Senator Sherman to proceed to the fisheries maty was brought to a yea and nay- vote and car- ried by 21 to 19. Senator Morgan then offered a resolution about removing the iuiunetion of secrecy as given above, and which was adopted. The purpose of this was to permit the pub- lication of Senator Morgan's remark*, which had already been delivered. The door* were then opened and proceeding* were resumed as related above. UOC>K MUK-EEMNOS. WASifiJHiTo*. May a*.?ln the house to- day under the call of State*, a bill wa* in- troduced by Mr. Cbeadle, of Indiana, (by request) and was referred. The bill pro- poses to retire the ex-soldier* and sailor* who have been wouuded in battle after twenty-oue years of service in civil ser- vice. After completing the consideration of a great number of page* of the bill the com- mittee arose. Mr. Townsend, of Illinois, from the com rnittee on military affair*, reported the army appropriation bill, and it was re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Adjourned. VANCOUVER, Complete lines of the moat desirable North British ASD MERCANTILE, Or LONDON. German American, OF NSW YORK, Among the oldeat and beat In the world. The I nan ran rc branch of onr aiwiff fa managed rirlipriv-rljby one member of our firm, who *trc« that alone hi. atrl<* pemnial attention. We have recently add- ed to our liat the Frrrsat so. May 2K?A terrific thunder storm, aecomi anted by high winds and hail, ? v«\u25a0 r Jl.c western portion of Pennsvhauia. doine great damage. Charcnc*. public building? and dwelling* were nnmofed, tre* s uprooted ami femes and barns bk»*n down. A number of per- sous were Injured. Fuoaa roKTi im Firemen's Tournament ( omlnc to Henttl*?Series Accidents. PosYLAJflb Ore., May >?An Astoria special say* Port laud having failed to raise the requisite two thousand dollars the directors of tin* Oregon-Washington Fire- men's association have decided to hold the coming eouventiou tournament at Seattle, that city telegraphing the «tatement thai t.UUO ha« been set aside for prise*. It I* thought probable that the convention will lie held on July _M and 3d, and the toorna- mml Jwlv -4th, Mb and ftk, hut nothing positive a* to the date has yot been settled. Astoria will send s picked train to contest for the supremccy in the championship races. BRITISH COLUMBIA. CORSETS AHD HOSIERY. ESTATE AND Loan Agents. BPBCI AL: A great variety ia embroidered costumes in waah fabrics some novel desifnß that are especially new and pretty. Ike tormina* of the Canadian ParlUr Rail- way offer* Drat claM Inducement. by man will receive careful aad prompt attention. FOB INVESTORS. 621 and 623 Front street, Seattle, W. T. Too will do well to toe the place, and call on BAND BROS., HOME FIRE INS. CO., OP SEATTLE. Occidental Hotel Block. CAPITAL 0100,000. J. P. Hovt, President J. Plata. Trensnrcr. M- I> BALLAai>, Vice President Jana* Bothwbix, Sec. aad Manageer. MEALESTATE BSOUXI, VANCtwrVKR. II <? FOR SALE. Tl F, VAN DORKN FARM. 0!f WHITE Wver, fntiuinluff about tNO acrea; am* In hof«; k«io4 real<few*, tenant hottae. 9 kiln*, warehonse. bUMi W., In ftne or der. Thin in ouc of thf beat farm* In the Trrrlt<.r>; MB arrea of timber laml adioln la*aim for m!«* For particular* apply to ?raOdmui UJt<> M VAN Im»KRN. Whit**Rhfff I'otloflW*, Kin* Co., Wwh Ter. Or FHKI> K *ANt>fcfL dar Cor. Mill and C 'ommcreial »t».. Seattle To-day the fourteen-year-old son of I>r J. }. Fisher of Alblna, near Portland, wa* drowned in the bay. With several other lad* he wa* playing ou the edge of the river on a raft. They fell into the river aud >outig Fisher was drowned. The water wa* not deep but the boy lost his presence of mind. N<ithiug wa* knowu of the casaulty until oue of the boy* come and told the parent*. At the logging camp of T. W. Smith near Kuappton. Washington Territory, this morning Charles Kobbius, aged 31 years, wa* caught under <* fall ug tree and crushed. He lived onlv a few bourn. He leave* a wife aud two euldrea. rT' TXlMirr> HI» raiK*tfx. At o'rlork iM'tirr*' shfriilaii wax rr«t inrqutvllv. Krll«>c*E. out* of iht* rini'ral'» aide*. !hf thai the grtieral ia rt-allv U iter. Ho inotaciclv rr<sifiilip. HHV of hi* frifixl*who enter the mom. «n*t alter *-n«"|Uliv* nftcr thrlr hralih. "At no time," «aM rolonel Kel "ha. the in'neral l*l \ IN up all i'"L« * HtDHIUBT lU'UKTIS. There In little to a>M to I!M> \u25baJTT o'S-loek statement. <Jeneral Hhi'rtdan'* fav.irnhb- eifiidltloii eontlune*. He *-a.)ly. waken oet uiiot.allv, rnakr. Mwna ratiuiiHl it*mark* and e.w* to acain. THIS irmau eit.i.rnn Tlie following bulletin, at :i0 l». in.. »a\p- (.rneral hinrrHtlan a mo»t day. He doieed at lnt.'r- \ al«. and aUmt b p. m. he had a uulel aUt p of nearly an hour'* dnratif>n. from »hifh In* aw,»k»- fi-eltn* nfri.hoi and ebeerfwl. He ha. *lej»t o<-t-afe!oiialljr «lmi» and hi. minil la farrfiN'tljr lirar. He t. Mn.ucer. il r ealn* f.»r, *\u25a0 an<l reu'ii larity, uud at 110 titin- did it e*' f'l liu If 1* ration show* rr»*t laifmnwul and the ierat;«»n of the bl«w»d la-tier. The ie«icma of th<- leffi baa entirely divan- jnared He take. lent fi.xi and lila fmrar whieh nrevioeaiy waa tntieh * oated ia now eivar. ilia a<>> retiona art* nominal. He <ay. he feela aplendid. THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Alien O. Thnrman haa Consented to Rns with Clevrlsad. PHtLvnELPHiA, May 'A?The Tims* to- day rays: "The Democratic ticket to be plai*ed in nomination at the St. Loui* con- vention will be. For president, lirover Cleveland: for vice president, Allen U. Thunuan of Ohio. Thurmau has consent- ed to allow his uame to be presented, aud the nomination baa been tendered him with the full knowledge aud approval of the leading men of the party throughout the country." Congressman Sam Kam!all said vester day: "Kx Senator Thurman will un- doubtedly he nominated for viee president. He i* agreed upon by everybody, and Is willing to accept the nomination, uud is the best aud strongest man that cr.n be plat ed on the ticket.*' Tb*f mentiou of Thurmau'* uame. it I* believed, will be to result in there being but two ballots taken In the natioua! convention, the first for president and the Second for vice presi- dent The South has no candidate for vice president, but will support New York's choice, which will be Thurmau. Pennsyl- vania and Ohio will join hands with New York and that will be enough to nominate him. With Thurman on the ticket the Democrats will feel perfectly safe ai*»ui Imltati:!. and will expert to occupy the Republican* with preventing 11111 from ruuniug away with Ohio. LIBERTY, Or HCW fGRHi With ? |<«ld op Capital oT $1,000,000. Partlea requiring Inmranre will Bud It to their advantage to ? all at the oldeat Inaur anc agency In Seattle. TURNER, ENGIE & LEWIS, Ore Idea tat Mock. Milt .treat, mCATTI.K. W. T. FISCHER & MCDONALD. FREE OF COST ESHELMAN, LLEWELLYN i GO. Th« Iml but* »»< Money Brokers «f th« Pacific Coast, iit«K! » cxrdik! ntrmnos ui ttsttdm kittli, \u25a0 nil Mu >d midciM*. h till at thrfr POST BUILDING, MILL BT., SEATTLE, l>lir«dif'*<rintnllmh Bmßonftß FMIKTRO DUCBIPTITI iniTiKK « r «K«mi »i«n w(ihikutmn to frin><* ud ,e- --qulnijiirw nit, TtEI OF CIST to TOP. Aad It |N AmU tkh ta pliu torn* m atj ia tk. A boat went into the trap to-day at flak er's Bav aud Carl Han-en. the puller, wa* drowned. He leaves a wife ami two chil- dren who live at Humboldt California. The purpose of the Orogou Kail way Ex tension company which incorporated here last Sat unlay fs to build a Hue from Kipa naria to the fad mile p<st ou the Oregon kailway and Navigation company's Pa louse brain h, theme eastward to the junction with the Washington aud Idaho railroad. The incorporator* are W II Holcomb, C. 11. Jvcwis, Henry Failing and 11. W. Corbett who are dirertsrs in the (Oregon Halfway and Navigation company. Hence the reasonable inference is that thin is an Oregon Kailway an<! Navidation iu\a*iou of Northern Pact lb- territory. There 1* gm*l ground for believing that the Oregon Railway aud Navigation com panv intend to build this simmer to Coeur d Alene and to Spokane Fall* under the name of the Washington aud Idaho rail- road. SIOO to S3OO £J!?2?il*!L£ Awiit*preferred who cm fumUb their own horaea and flttre their whole time to thr btt*!iieaa. ht>are momenta may be jprof- itably employed almv A few leranciea In town* n»«i It. K. Johnaon A Co.. 1000 Main Htrcet, KJi hmoud, \ a dw CHOICE TIMBER LAUDS: MARTIN MARSHALL, RAW IfAMMEIiEH, lIIABOI.ICAIa Ml KDEIt. THE LB.IKV STATISTM S. SBoru> this com* ntfMtt rot*R yon will fl»<l It >our wltmi Ur" («> roiuinuuUnto with till" l'*f r at Mnllli'nfDcc ni)rt.«li wtf Editor Hurray Tell* One Man to Go In Peace. I CINCINNATI.May JH. ?statistician Dodge, of the department of agriculture, ha\intr a»ked Mr. Murray of the Print <arrra/. whether the charprc of a leak In regard to ! the official report referred to him (Ifcstge), i hlef < Icrk »>f the ? mnmbslotn - «>f ajrr u ture, Mr. Murray completely exonerated i IMm Ire frou any complicity. There is an obligation on his (Murray's) nart coneer ; ing rertaiu particulars which ha* so far prevented a fiiil statement by him He add* thai any olllt ial that may feel that : the (iTatemetit ran be construed to apply to him may find ready exoneration by writ j ing to him. excepting the man whose j name wa* attatched to the information ? which came to the Prirs Cmrrrnt, at ?! Mur- ray a<i<i* that he shall not dodge Its tie with ; this man. 11l illlam I.Andretli ( «m«irted of the Murder of ItU llaughter. 555 Acres, Executors' Sale. RXRNKCEI>E*TKN WATKKFALL. , Much Damftff ('?u«rd by Floods in Nebraska. CHICAGO May 2».? An nnpreccdentod waterfall WH<* reported yesterday tbnmgh- out the weat. At Qoiiify, Illinois two and , one-eighth lltfbrt fell iu less than four hour*, greatly dlseottrajrinr peopl* in the flooded district*. Great daruajru was done by hail, wind and lightuin* In the territory extending from Indiana to Ne j bra«ka. Many aiream* are over their hank* and the water which broke In the j northwestern part of pauea county, Ne- I bra?ka. submerged Ave nikt of the Fre- ? moot. KlAhorn A Miwori Valley railroad, and Hashed away wvnicrow* hridr*-*. The dainage along the White aud Lone i Tree rtYers is very preai. White river roue \ tiltoen inchti in fo«t> minutes and the | farmer* had to abandon their home#, many of which were washed away. Xu Jos* of life ha* been reported. i*o!tTLtxt>, Or., May an?{Hjhm ial.? The trial of William I .audreth, the l*oik e.»urity murderer, lirinin a! halla*. thi* morn I up. the miifdntr having been removed from the Haletn Jail without dif- ficulty at ait early hour. Hut a Unit an Koar ??? iimiiimM in obtaining a jury. lof thi ttrn i pa iin»u fmni the remtlar pwm twit nlu* were re jetted anil twelve iwtpted. Thtt testimony of Mr* laMtr«Ui, wife of the Murderer, wa« rfjwMl a* lßw«|ietr»t under the State law The next thre* wit item*.** were Mzxie licit, Wilburu ami Wil- li*, ehlldr»-n <*f the mur*lervr, ajfed re*|*ee- tlvely 10. 1". ami 15 year*. Thc*e ultne«**e* ? : n all \u2666 :t\u25a0 4t|»art told a en*n|»let£ atory «»f one <tf the Ohat diaholh al murder* on rerotd. The eon current testimony, though delivered head ta f itu:ly,waa dire* t and made out a con eluaive caae a:nin*t the murderer. The written eoufrwkxs of f .audreth wan al««> prodiMf<i by the pruaecutton. The ??onfeirien eovera four eh arly written pare*. It wjvtebed In orthography and I>hra*ro}oirv and Incoherent in meaulntv | n it Land ret h apeak? of ntteaafiie** en gendered In him and Mra. (.andrcfh nr her danehter'a Hymnal*'* fWfi- eliMia eomluet, but they never found j ? \u25baut anything whleh really wrong about her !!?? did not want the matter *tirr*-d up on trial. He denied *treuuun*ly \u25a0. that hi* relation* with the girl were any ! thing hut th" tn-*t pare. and a«k* that the giri may ha*e her Ju*t dearrta. j I have put the girl out of the work!" writ#*: **<»<» d pet* it In toy heart to *ptak »u behalf the girl," and he pit ad* that the he not diagramed. After ar gum-ut by the r«wn»rl, the Jury retired, but in a few momenta returned with a ver di» ?of murder i:-!h>- r'r*t «!? »? I .and reth * ian;iM'l abandoned the ln*aoil) Hue of defence on the trial. Commencing one-half mile Future Great City of the Pacific Coast Wholesale Grocers AND IMPORTERS. from salt water. TIIK t*NI>KRFI(;SKn Will HE rorsn at the oeeWental Hotel on M«»tidny. the 2Mh day of May. and for five day* thermit- r. for the purpose of cioaitm «>ut the a 1.. Johus estate. All parties wishing to iiurrliH*!-any of thr lana will |>le«w tn qum-uf Mr A A iVimy, and ko and e* ami tic the land The dwcHi'tiou of Ihe aame Is bore auuxed TNI ONLY SEATTLB IN AMENICA, V»«uatlJ jn lota la ROSS' SECOND AUDITION FOR $l7B 01 S2OO, (Thl# it the manafacta lag rsatsr of Bmt'ij Or fa other well located ad.t ( o»: or bariae* m 4 rMmm is»« m the btt itmu la Mittk; or iub«rNi» I tt i ania It «i!l par yon Is call. This la yoar ooe ihaaoo j la i llff u Mcun ftno r f>nt«atafit r d u»|iuia Dent W 100 lite to Mcars a ?tat that wta preside for yaw »«turs sad that of year wife aai sk i Iran, ."fettle will douMs *a i>cpaction ia 3 monks Ral ov a. csp"sli-<ts aa<l pspo'at*a aro Osaiiag to BsattUo. B-eoms o»e < f bee prsspstoat cltlasr.a by cecarlag a fodi cli wkPo you kit* a chares. Peal'h f * tot tutla yoar imp, turs fai'h, lavrotaad ktOcmaa ftxtareia tbo frw York of tie P^clkc. 160 Acres, Kit ',»f NE.See. 14. Tp. St. rmae»4 K.,4# HE. of KW K-r u. Tp. ffl. f»njre 4 K t 40 WW. >,..( SE. )». !<vf 11. Tp IC. more 4 K.. «o ten* K>,ofl ho T mill HW. >, of XW > t , trr 4, Tp. 24. imp 1 K.. IS" arrw. Commencing one and three quarter miles from salt water. RASKHAKL «AMKS. Il 4I.TLM* »KF. May 'JR. ?Baltimore 5, Cin- cinnati 1 I'M! J.A I'FLI HIA . May 3*.?Athletics9, Kau : *a* City 0. I/*itviLLC. May 3ft.?Louisville U. Rrook . lyn 6. GAMES RWrWJtllt Cma<K\ May The league gam* a at i Chicago, Ronton and Pittsburg and the a««oeiati<>ti came at Cleveland wen* st posted today on account of rain. NEW YO*K~ WAaataoroN. SEW YORE. May & ?The Henatore were whitewashed by tne t'.lant* to-day. Kcef- , r * ;>;?< ii waa too aottel mn*t Of the time. Much diMatl sfaction nith the umpiring of I>aniela. who rer :aiul> favnreo the home b am. but thi« did »«»t materially rtßet the ve»ult of the game. Oaiac wan called at the end of the MTvettUt Inula*, on account of darkness and rain. Score: Sew York ?.Washing Oft 0. Cndlvlded one-half of (7 a.) block P, In Culou t ity,3« a acres. Till* block Ult at th« cast end of the ( anal. ENGINEERS IN TltOl'BLE. { They aro Attacked and Rooted by a Raad of Hettlera. i ABMNfIToN. Ya.. Mav The engineers ' of the M*«el At Iron Company, while surreylni? in Wis- county on the i.'»th ' taatant, were attacked by a party of men in the bushes and two of the party wen* { kilkd. A company of guards employed to 1 protect the i mrineers wen* driven &CT and ronlcd. <;p at tr«-übh* is expected, and the : si-ttlers of the m'i*hborht*«d warn the en ; rineen to have iiaatedlately. Tie rai;a<; i of the trouble I* a di*pate over the peses- *ion of laud which both the setUeiaaud | the company claim. BLAINE*N~HO|NE RORDr.O. ' TVilevea Oxerhaal Ula Letters and Papers. i NE* YORK, May Sl?An Anar iafa says OVH of Blaine's pr nent friei ?tan** that Hlailie's bowse wa» broken Into 9*mw time arodorlnr the familv sab*ew-e, j and all his politi al and busiman corre ( spondeace a:«d firivate j«a;-er< in vol vine flVianrial matt#'rs, which wflw in h a li kr+ry. were overhauled, carefully exam- , ined and a pOftfoo thereof at-exacted. Th** matter ha* ts-*«n kept acen-t In the h*»pe of the thief being discovered, hut he never' ha» frtf - Tkr ' \u25a0 ' - ' " bery wa« perp»*trat»-d with the exp<*ctati*«n \u25a0 of ohtaininr s.WAethiaa am«»nr Hlaine's j private ia|*-r» a hich mufhT be used to his politicaf in)nry if ever waalcd The char after of the paper* stolen is tiuknowu. VKWM XT. PETEIWBI'RO. Items about Railroads - Kagland'a Ocfcsocs and Russia's Laws. i ffr. PrTEE#ara*i. May JA?The city of ?a mart and i* a scene of great rrfairing orer ; the openine of tin new i ait way t*> the «. a* 1 plan sea. ralreoof artJllery rreeted the | arrival of the first train. up*»n which a ere j j irt-iierai* «nnenkoff. and Astabb. Ihe for ma! openta* wili be in the anniversary of ' the cor«matK*n of Alexander fll. j Tbe Commentupou the recent arare over the eosdkkiowf Knr land * defences says "Mud mn*t b*» | eeatest to play tbe part of a peaceful coso ' mental stair.* The Noonr stahes that the ram ! missi'.ti wUich has be* j n occupied for ft v* I year* in (Wiring the Uws aJTWctinr iew* ! |n Rnsiia is aSout to its labor* I without arrivir-r at any deSaite retail THE t*RC»HIBI1l4lNl«T<l. Arrasgnnrnt* Nearly Cssiplrttd for Tbeir Xatiosal Cssfrstlon. l«*»i iNAfoixa, Way a.?Althourh the" ? e-itveattoN d'** aoi caret ua . ' til Wednesday the of the k»eal eommitfee are prar'teaUy c.«ai'Veted The ' meetiaf. IMIMaB fcali. has been ' orally dmtrani with flar*. banner* and ! dowers, api - »pflate m.rftoes bHa« inUrr- *per*ed anvtmf the caily coiored oma- i aacn'ai i*-lrca!rt are s-Hvisr «»a I every train hot the main Is-dy a:t? a** U- . here until t:»n. rr»»w. The C"B venti»>'J : aadi*r ra!i, abosM Inriudr MM m-eribcrs t Iff Ma| tbe wrnlar tad ** ywivbkrtial 1 m » hairsoaa Sa»K's li. * **. of AlWat, M«c%isan. and Tr*a*jse? i* I* of Madison. Wiscaaaito. of tb«- NAII"«IAI COSMALTTEE. are «y ? of tLe er*riveotf«n t ? srtil «** be dtteraaiaed irp#»ti nattl tbe j NARBWWAI r .AJTATK** »«V*« S«» -BURTVS. IKS! * : jr Is ' hat e* 4*r>«er»or tit. MB ' I w«S he the pi uibfclm nlfararrfy ho vffi <wo- : fr-ta %* are 4 -|4 ii* p»*.tioa. A»*»»jr «be . driifxi'v vb> have aJreads illtnd i«r"r ; is bvt tat aan acattaoed %.*r anuddr ntfal l a Ss'.w»-. it-**of Cft fis'i. Sew i* - * i I a few%. aw *rAd ?o ] ; \,Jt- * " C SfcKo kas \vt* - -«* , i vat *?£ tbe £\u25a0> Fe* «Lc. a : \ U&e wsaalr jf jaa*« an. v*< t'-r | tic to iiraeiit C- Jrat-t>, of 3usta*y, kalkis is a Li* man* or In J. J. addition, in South Seattle fall t, 2, 3, 4, \ «, 7 and *. 11l Uock one. Lnt» 2, 3 aud 4, In block 4, and froulh of Work one. Lot A, at..*, frt ca*t and west and 106 feet north aud south. Fancy anil Staple Groceries, COLLECT INSTEAD OF PAT RENTS. BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD. (iOLDKN lU IJO RAZAAR Our new line of BABY CARRIAGES has arrived. Tbey are'the cheapest and finest in the market. Ask to see them. New goods received daily. Send for price list of FREEZERS. fcgfifi fr gg. WASHINGTON IRON WORKS GO. Foundry, Machine and Boiler Shops, Corner Second, Jackscn and Third streets, Seattle. J. M. FRIXK, flaperlateadent- K K1:1E I.S 11KIMEII 151105.7 IMPt'RTHJW AND WHOI.ESALE DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS AISTX) CIOABB- - afcti'j for Belle of Leitnr*on oM kcntacky Ibxtrbou ( rwsn l»i*!»i«»nda matt whiskey. la Pttia de Gslfo and la Morrana Key West f*irara. 323 CoutrcUl it. conur Jwkwm. a»«th. W. T. ">rS> 16,000,000 Feet RWk ouemi'l lot A Kavc 40 fine fruit livwunit * lu>u.v on tlirm H W JOHSf». W II MID IIKI.U mvS tot K*rn»t»r« Provisions, Tobacco AM» Cigalas. Corner of Columbia street and Railroad avenue, SBATTLB, -W. T. FOR SALE! Seattle Steam Dye Works. On 320 acres, near a good driving stream. Barsaias ii Mercer's Addition. Bargains iu Tern s First Adtiilion. tains in Tfrrv's Smd Addition Bargain in Jidtin's Additioi. Rank Cashier Arrested. i BT. I'ASI*. Ohio. Mav 2A?l> V. Rodes | f cashier of the First NatioMl Bank ha*bect» { arr.--T.-i for ?*»beading tin- funda of the hank and held f<»r apj»*arance U*foeethe; United Malo Conroi»»i«»nrr mi May M. l ulled rreshyterlons. » , ' CRkil Ksrin*, la. May 2B.?The Cnlte«! \ |>rv»i«yt«Han A*sembly spent the entire | day in comdderatton of the re|**>rts of com- j t j mitttM-s on the various l-«rds. Rce.! i *. J BW of New York, J M French of j « Ohio and J W. Martin of Maaeachusetts , were a rsmimitfee to report on j the *fate reliifi'rti for theeominr year. The , ' qoeMion «»f t.ap»i*m by iOßMiaion wa- ] disr uMpe«l ar»d falerred hack to the r.nan \ miner. aas apfWopriatM To the 1 freediaen'a laiaioa. At ineevtming » »»H»n , Th< r»»t«»rt of the coaamlttee on Unv&en 1 misj-ioit* «tas eotaridered. t Accident in Rerlla. t BraWN. May While workmen w*?*» | makinr alterations In the royal theatre tbe seaflbh! o'Uapaei. killior «me serb»u*-1 !!y Injur)ur *«* o?»d wosmkdoerett j * norkmen The empress visited the scene ' ? be Aifiilrat owl cukflMad wo ard ' the re lief of tbe *»ilferers. « Tbe Chief Justiceship. Vtmamw, May The *eua?c rom j I mittee on judiciary thia mornimr aaain j \ red tbe notAinatb/O of M W. Fuller u chief justice, but did m* rro b any con- 1 1 elusion. They 4** «ded to hold a sj<eci*i : meetinr on the raw »*n oral TuewSay a? 1 who ft it is expected that tbe matt KT will j be di»v «ed of. 1 boan Pedro Mfueh Better. Ma**,May > ?Tbe emperor «»f Brazil i T-swH-.J a t»s»d nifht and 1* *tr» **rer this | raorniaE The will fo to Ail les , - Bains oa Thursday John Bright Is 111. j LoNiMHi, Mar "> J«»bn Brifut is ser- | HittiiyfH with mi't. lirad filed in the Coleman Caae. | | »AN FmaNnscts Mav 2B?l. I.Baker art Irfvuis ***>?»\u2666\u25a0< sof William T- Coie- j wan, AVed a hood U*r te.9« ia the r -cord \ er's v®or lb?* afternoon, witr <i Niebanm l and It M Hwattka as rurefe a They ?l*d another bond in the same aenmnt i \ and with tbe sam* surett- a The walEßrta ? i *jlt.V sr» of Wil liana T ColanWii A Co. * a>< ?ave a bond ol ?' iuu *X- in each rsat*i- < RKZit. i Rather Tardy If»aor. Nrw Yoa*. Waohtofbm J *pcrial aajs thaS a wl will fiftrfMhfy c puffd to th» ama*t* today b? tb pnititary . r aai.»t«e Ckaanl Uhtidan the ' i title of (raeral .4 tbe amy. Dasiacin; Hisd St'«rm. Camt'S. May >.?A *ind and rila i ft#*nn tn s afUsmooe Wew dirwa a p"f i c - s i t%e sewljf efarfod factory of; Tin Ureber Wa'ca t a«e Co:-pacy. ? s of Thi- Lirk Obiervatsry. il# raA**T«*"o- Mat "J* ?fx fea* at laa: . Ut .j wti-uei tb* atMcr. a'sjry . J ho *ra*>s'.'«r/rd IrwA e# li«f - Uek trr.*ri :iw. shafts « f tbe *su;s utsl- k ;HA t| k'&Uy ituumsjii. KIVKKH AKD »1.% ItllOll*. Urgr larrwr to Ibr Appmprlaltoir Wt4r by fhr 4rna(t. Wa«hi«otow, M«y H-TV completed river «i»d harbor Mtl baa rw»rt«J to the ftroatr The Mil a* It ram»* from thr ? «rri*-'l jiii « rt~' v i'»- of |i7*3 Vi ffpnrtH in |h*» a»'Uat< 1 thla tnomtui it «MMWrtet<ii lit.:ww.7M, an i,.rvA«M ?'s*:? I *\u25a0- V'i *l' MM I ita ? ornpared with the Mil |»rr\ iotialv rr I<nrt4-d by The *««mml!W an<t are the following Tb»* law* rreatln* th«- rivet tommlrtf.« the Arkanaaa river appropriation lw w? q to |l7 ..QUO, the Ohio river appropriation i* not rhaipd, the appropriation for the U<*ai**ippi river *ti»nd» «t *'» d thf t-tfal ipyrwiatioo f«T the Ml**«rl j river Iwrtaird to fI.KNMKB. rno* WALU WALU. Artcnlair Drrtdrd 4coln«t Clink? i Kan; Otkrr 'Sa-wa N»«t*t. W itLi VULA, Vay 2*,?l a th< k araon 1 v - ? -i « \j£r <liet of ftilHy on »% ir*iMj night. TVj l>ri»>nrr wi»v-amM to th* lirvitatile !!«? «.»nid «m arret? walk from the eonrt room i lie Hi pnatirated and very lIL A new trial has hero e»k*-d f?»r. The <»ty of *'oftM-roy ha« dM&ied by a vote to btiild a IW.lwe arb<«fti bo»«r W«»rk .»n the foundry *»* d inaehine ah<*p at MM will begin tvext weefc. About four yeara ago a wan (mind a dead budr in vmn b*-re mutilati-d and | eatew by h'-r". It i* t>n>|fcl UMgrnelmej haa !i-*n discovered to the iau '? I rae now in the band* of drteetivea. ] Friday af Pei%dJefon the 4 wiling hona»- of T-«m Kohio* »a* borord. The k«w ww MM, fnflt ISMred furing '*** firr W W. ; er ? ft fete aa, *a» knoeitad twn a lad j dev bj a »tr®am of water a:* l very badly bruited the left aide. I The acv Softhaia fadftr and Waahlng j um Territory on 100 at Walluiaaud the large r»»iod hcasa* at Pa*co will be buiit at 'm#r- A. H. Tbo«!pafMi. Iftte penl''" | make* w.rruw aisd gperifie dwfn '?# matf {' aaaaee a|r*.fi't Fran* J Park*?,pwWatt , ftta r«*sitof penttenliary (fMMKIIK| rra. ftvker indignantly dewiea Um \u25a0 l fcMTBiW . . j ' loa*i rwaahnfnf. an e*f«e.*t. haa ? from th ? naimtHa river KiMX, aol , that the/ are wioAtifcitlyrtrt. 0# ?iieta Ikat st will he the cnaSaat niniox .*» Am«rka A T »r««r cfwakawf a»t fi'iwer fr«kn ; v i'i ?'joci be eataMlfthed hcfW by PwrtUwd ; - j a j A *?r*nrer waa taitAniH ac'-i Tt&Axd a: tMIW ote Tb \u25a0 Mud tbal the had ?< '.hw-ii, .. . ; c r -ift- '\u25a0 C"*if#d |M j I they f«rf laak to (1. V Hani, the ttkitotnl h? I r .4 i ?; * y.tail ryalrf. - -r f-.-p ?_» vi C* r*.v ii, 9c i j Foot of Seneca street, below Kiectrtc works, Seattle, Wash Ty. Qentlemen's elothinir, taller drmw. silk ami tttolfa blanket* aud kid cloves afcaued i«r dyed. mi that they )o*k like new Satisfy tit»u guaranteed. Prleet rva tunable lAKLC. WAIiKXHAt K. ml\Zi :?>n l*r«»prieior. HANDICAP COMPANY rvn!«t*H ** House Painters, House Cleaners, RwUtaturn, Window Wnailer*. Paper Hangers. Fl»wc Scrtibtorit And I'alrtminera. Hon* paint! us aud general rkanlai; ynrds put tn order by the day or contract; ail work d"ue eh* aplv and promptly. Ofkv under Skating Kiuk, Sccooa street, ?sartl*, wr r BOILER WORKS FOR Stlf. OK Wit J. KXOH \S'.K Kt>H IMPROVED real estate, the MK-r *4>rks knowu a-* the u « itjr Roi'.er Works, located on Caiman » whan. enfiit>- and all-new ?ad hi first -class shape, and (drutjr of work hauil Kor nartieulara too aire «'f IV \t»AIR. iy24'f Company. To Professional Men Si AT I I.K, W. T 1888. Received from N. Chilberg & Son one Arper Lamp Filler, in consideration for the use of which I agree to purchase from N. Chi!berg & Son all my illuminating oil; and I also agree that should I cease to purchase oil from them I will return the filler,in good condition, when called for. Any one residing in the city purchasing oil from as will receive the use of one of these Lamp Fillers free of charge upon signing above receipt. N. CHILBERG k SON, GROCKRIKS AM) CROCKERY, 713 and 715 Front street. Bargains in D. T. Denny's Third Addition. BARGAINS All over the city. Rooms £ and 3 1811 BE MUMS, . TO PISARUITY. VNP » !*H , II |n«to n-il-v I Mir th.- h.wi«- »< ?'* !«©\u25a0«?. W* < h«-"T ,trw>. «>M «>?l will. «5* - nitorv. WI Hi flirtillurr. I*W r«-(. ~Nt fwrnUurv. »S<*> rf»«n4 rrnl. »l ' ,«-r month So bn *? ,?' further wutlru!*? »<»?«< »[.i.!v at th«' «?«* nl iuJm, HartMMfc'* dru< »u«r or uf Rfev Jk Oaniaer. »l«o * .w «».l » h«H ?»«* fc.'irw twrti. 1.4 M««-k ». <??»»' K '"VfVi"-*k |ic |v»rh *n<l 1.H"«»:.<! M'Uxk j ; i to vMnSrx'W. , A*«IWM..I* ?«"« will U- WWr** . ?? u H. S M, wr«> iuuv«s U»« oAw of DB. C. L. MILLER. The lake Washington Mills. W. H. Proprietor. Uimlx-r uKI ! «w «»\u25a0!<?.«.«r liw Mhl 0f *««*. -* f?( Elliott Pk> IX>W HiiiiHtifi. Buaidi r.ttd I tinier. I'.si- bn\ totfc, il 1 ri r f. tie. nj*»"« «Vt% now **** i?* -*ir^ " k . i »ir FOR SALE. rM rr.uio A\l» !UUGF. B<>TH IN Rood ,vn!«r inquire at l*us»l^WJ r A \u25a0lifoia'a,ri»*in»!rl»lit.WU' m>!lSw Notice of Dissolution. NWlriC IS HEREBY tiIVEN TH \T TTTK jtrt'.irr*hl|* hrfvtoforr oiiiiiuf I* ttwu J. I! >v»\m-y Mntl C%»rk« J Maul Jflt. uudvf tlt«- tirm Gimvcf X lUidniri:!. »!h:*.luv di*»«>lv«*! b> mutual ?wjiK tit. j h Hnxacy nmtunt* th<* «lrb®i ?t a«j(| rtrm. *«<! willVoilrrt alt out*ta~4 "f ?OcouiUv Ma} IT lvsv < H V> J V \I»»MKST. ayiM.t J M f^YNKY & *tckisso*. w r. A*. W.m. DCKUiH- HcKIKNON & CO., rnj MS'VE!;S, IMNTKArr*»BS AM» R«'.!<Wr*. nfl'.rv?In the *ll*T» <fl« * *"*' I -' 1\u25a0*'' »\u25a0- x «'.IK-. W I miiyf £ .w. A. HASBROUCK L CO., fcena AN® t DRUGGISTS AM* 5 riui> Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry an^Silverware. : W c \u25a0 1-f kil U%« < « !.*(->! w f»i: lit < * A. A. HMITII, t. r. aim, w nmt mi** yaUW, lasted* T«rii**. THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER VOL, XtY?HO. ft. ' in* at .* v»u sai»U) ni«ht rraak "TTrh UiH ! three year* of w>. hnnc htaaatlf IfiMn : la ? liv«ry utabl*. Sun kt m tiw The ntw *»? \u25a0> i Him / for Mi«* liihAw The viiatu ana** ?»\u25a0 eata ti\» In xa s tie | Htm. 11. *. cu« *ihl his «|4« iin «*«> for a year'a |q tfe,' u Mr. *u A >birtrl l !rh*«h«-., r ?|rt. dlvorre fn»m W K. kartell*. ' |M«n»iWtr »rVrl Iw* rwtc* Rawwll W been tcaiM «eoa- traet to furnish raea'n horar* here A n*«r trial ha« heeo x-daH In the Pri*. Horn murder «a*>. I»*»»k »f a rrralHM llmtw. lit thi- twire »«tln of IW Morwm .-ba-.h, died !a«t nltht ated ?? fm Ha <ra« anion* the eartteM ta IMaßfc, ?ad became nae of lit* leadmc man In tbeehurrh. ~ TkrOmMU birmK Kami*. M#> J*-In a f.-w dan Mae* Rinnan V «ilt in> to IMedrlchruv to tetania ««w time. Hr paw the summer 11 Kharngea. famine tTnlWr. Sas ruaxnam, Va« at - InilkattoM tar fi hour* MumrtifiMm 4 a m on Mat g for Hn-rwi and Wa<h.nt«a Territory ar* fair w. alher, with ihr *xivftion of kml talna alone the roaat fmai ak*l* Ik*month of Ihe < olnrabia river fuwthwant. Mobt. **» Bllnkey >*i(N Can. t<M.r«ya. Mar >-The Stat* board at SHirdotu brant the appUcattoa of Wtoka* \u25a0 "\u25a0Tan to ila*. for a qumamtanon of Ml ?cntenec to imiuteoumVnt far Ut». n||«. commended lb* (rmertmr to axtaad Hm time of execution nitty d*r» ltima Area M tn. to girc tV-tn time to exaaaiaa Hm ?-*«r. Tut Looic «»r Mm a wMotr. otKM a jrfw*of <* 188 *trH 3h*9 M for whlrh »ht pf* trttlfty 11* «0 «* t*» I*** M W*l i Mr. Mii'lrtwm jaM for a wfoala j '.Ox 130ft. auditing *hl« !>r 4^/? ' Uvj'Jifht fa* WM drratNjed , the Uiffir <>f ftreul* ba* wyfil a far matt- Mr EMlW*? *«i<l jnrMwl«T. " Tin* f*Hfy «m<? i«tt cent Mr Ami on Uf |»ricr *h«-ii f bought If, J*l l «-v*»r «inrr. ai>4 If Mr* M«? ihwMoWJ®'# ! U nttrxti »!* .«» mv k* ra** ht ***** Otm Cmr» m wm-t: «»r ?iBCT M WMTK Mr »V.wn Tita<>»";H THE Tt.«**t..?A tetrffcwrtl (nn* rut of the wt» WltW# In Hraitk r«*-nJ«T, ««j» tb* ' '>f f«? MMGCI thmvgfe tfc* ('\u25a0in*" \u25a0 m ??uwimj Th« knit I# IW Ml***" In t.illWin* .wrnpfod two «c< « h*nj«>f \u25a0 It in lU(i»!'4 t/j it,rumiarr**ttedm !¥\u25a0\u25a0». «n<l f« tinihtwl « ety tvwt fr* *T " Inch linliew Vkffl Hmh*Wj fo* i Ir »ru* to hl» pta"* ! <hm h«* h*« « rMtiwi Irtmtttt wwjjj ' l-w-iltr lute Ibrh cu*l inlaw. AOVITTtU T > till Ijl-t** loltow«g n«m.- 1 rrn'Wrvo wmr i4aiM . L*r of W»*Mn/too ' El ilovcnttr W*Hw« a «|.ivirie wmrt uf 11W". ®» M^ a *" **?*«: Jifpti ft Iw. fr ~"' ! ««f. «f MJ'A Aifrw) K*nU*. fp»w» lfc« «\u2666»"?'**f" j of 1\ Ul. on m'Jtlun of W K. ! ttnu«Bo4l >««t- »?"\u25a0> IHjl'fl i rr-|M}r» to «w *«»«. the ». K- \u25a0»<»»» Witl rati b«t |kta«, *«*'»« *«*>T *>«\u25a0\u25a0 trip* to i n»' r.,mra <«it «tB * « **»?* '\u25a0' i "WUiV IUX k For.-t-teTiV' * ' rammtx *nak, Tfco A.J* j 11, malice <v wy»» ? A t.->rf iil ti»« [:»*»*s tnfeti iu>th *re i<m *rbt .ato b* Tarr«nt'< Mrtuw i|M" l»Ji j "77 ?tU,"' CO* PKN «KI? # rTI,KUKA«|, A RWW la»d »li«te at Hun* Hun, ( MM, kitted »o«r utcM. Au Indian outbreak U Immiucnt A! Plot Rklfr Atteney, haivt* Two hWk« tw destroyed bjr ftrv a! Tipton, t Aiitorn ia. on SuwUr A Are in IVktti.t'hfna. WHiiHi destroyed «»rty hou»c* and two hundred other*. WillUm 11. Roe, tif*» munhwr, wit hAU*ed At Andemoi, outnc* eounty, Mil *mrl, «m SUIKIIJ . im Sunday memorial aerviee* wft! W# held WW the tomb rtf U-nert! llAnonfk, it M »rrii»t.»un. IVnn*)letuiiA. Jonn DilVm «fc-m«inr '-1 the hi»hop« who «Ul»l*»rt tbv papal pcwripl At A mnetiu* At KitiTATi* CM futltday. Kee ( harlea tladaworth, Jr.. ha< aerat- ed A rail At iW» Franelaeo *ud W«v<n the I'lv mouth church of MAmaeba< I»r Mrtilvnn tn A «neeeh At New York on t*andA> «M thAt the pope n«**mbU»a "that ln<iivi<lu«) whctUmk the Saviour lip ioto the mountain." At rtttvton. IVuanylvAuiA, on XundAv MI Italian boarding how** t>nrn«d. Three rhildreu «*f the pn>prte«»*r. t hr l«t opher fcrbiHd im ncvcrml mni were hurt, nnwv (AtAlly. The Rome correspondent of the iondon JW» *Ay*. "A final audtenee with the pope tiA* convinced Arrhblnbop WAIiIi thAt the rescript rniint W olieyed. Two hutidml Irish deleirAte* of ( AthoHe «rtdrli<* m«vt iu Chh-Ajro to Armnfe an ou:in« The* umk WVAJUOU to declare that tbey rouiM manage their own poiitical uffAim without interferetwe from Rome. The »t.H»mer City of Sydney arrived la San Kraueiaco from t'hiua o*» mtndar. Sha t«rim<fht new* »>f the drath, on April l?th of \i VoUbt, fntUHi StAte* e«»n«ttl at Ma- nila. a eity of the t'hilllpln* UlautK Me had been in ehar«f of the riean eon- *ulAt«" ft>r three year«. TEIMMS»TAL SOTBS. The at S|«iksuH' Mlhas l**n rrniovfst to more Kllrnvl lira btralitrr: The flmt Naliininl iMtnk ami th«> Yakiiim Na- tional bunk will Imth locatnl lit brirk luiiMinp. lijr fall. ' Ixinmnrr tliil -JJ mimlter of Wi»- 1 ! roßsin men have l«-ei> eruiainK for , timber in Sk.i>til eotinty lately. The* , «re lautiwl to reprvaent eon9i«l«r» I able eapltal. Shelton Jontmti- The poatoWee <ie» I partmrnt haa pr.inte.l the petition for u mail rtnite lwtween Sidney and Hlf- ton ami a road from the latter ptae« to the rounty line ia now a ne<* «ity. The I anal cittxeoa have already tieU- \u25a0 tioiie<l the conimia-ioner* to build Iha 1 : road, whii b ran lip done at a low coat, i <\>tnmi**ioner How, who waa ap- pointed to in-peet the propoanl rout*, report- that the two in ilea of roml iwe-varT can l»ri tiitr,K-ted for abotti IJlki. Tfiere will lie nitii-h travel oyer tbat route, and it ia to the beat inter- e-t.a of laith eountlaa that th« ctmnec- lion lie made. The I'itnvrr aaya that aft ape will he put on. Two niaitii ? week will lie carried caeh way. UiMfmlnlr Srntinrl-. I'tun retttrtlin* from tloldendale U> Portland la*t Tn- day evening we beheld, to our »ur- | iir:-e. liniidinK after building going up '! In which to temporarily conduct tb* litiaitieaa of the town. The county auditor, treasurer and probate judge have put upa building immediately on , the "lie of the old court houaein front I of the vault and are making arrange- ment- to w*upy them now. Hig Hicliel ha- the larpeat new ImiUling up »o far, ju.t south of the court houae, and near him on the we«t It Master* A Hetiaon with tlieir drug otore; neat, »tili further to the ««l, i* I>r. WB* J j lard * office, till the rear of the kit S j upon wrhich Crank I'atton waa putting !up bia burlier -li>-p he has a amau ' ahop whi< h he ha- lieeo mciipying for little building going ui on the his old anop, and it is an IMRmtoent oft trie old one. Bold A % ll'Vtitoti have their blackamitb ftfcop ;:lm*M*t cotiitdeted ott the tal old «ho|>. W. B. fmby Ia htllMtei tB M offtre o|)|v»»ite the alte of Mr. WTinf'i | -ton-. iVowtunr A are iayiof M tl»e foutidation for their *a#h snd dwf factory on the site of tlie old ahop. C. It. Van Al«tyn hn« ftartod a jso*hl M »Mih*tantiaJ htitldinx on the alie of Ikhi late alore, and thinr* are Iwfinniftg to | look <|ulte lively u*rt>in DEATH »»r Mm BAC*A* ?At 4 orloek j yeafeerday mornintr Mr*, F IlA«wmm» dlad frnm ?HI her SAturday Ist, when *br waa le livcradof a t»t*y boy. Jfr* itAawau haa ' reeided in Seattle with lit lißAtaind for a number of y* A** and tor Iter frntie MM ner and »»Any good tnu4tf for bap j Aelf A la ice Hrile of froendwho will h* ? - fHtimfi t*> learn «»f her dead. HTM. fSgl- ' man wa4 prppar.tl f*»r the *<wf. Awf ! ki»*in4 hi*f And th»* kH'ed | arottwl h»*r, (tank t-a kcm her pillow, aud ? Aimly eloaad ber eyw. -a
Page 1: The Seattle post-intelligencer (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle, …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045604/1888-05-29/ed...K ka oMri;k*a « par* with Um tfca gfaartk aad waywlly «i Mifc,

cnmumtd n tm. sums, iiwmiH thuutobt, tubut, mat a. tsss.




?W. P. BOYD ICO. SENATE AND HOUSE J R. Rmoks. ?( Kaw CBy. I*tiItaaff.ofIktlM. limp W. M>. ol Kralwli.

- aad Mm Lrmlif,of Maamr

mwi ntoi raFoMiyr.WMkatalwHm ttlr-Ma»

troaa Ftr* la IW rhllipptw.s.f«> Xn *.?A4vtre* p*r the

rtljof Sydney tna rt.-t>rt<wii uxl Y.>k..tuuna «n that news had Iwa rpcrivrd MKobe, J*v*n. tn'wuriiH lb* loss at theAmerican ship Kurt Terrace tb« An*trattan tea!. *l*in on a voyage fNMPhlka «o Kob* with a raiti> of ttraarw

One »l IlwWMI liwlnw Ares that everors-arted in Philippine* b»v>kr out iu SaoFernando. when aNnt 1 7t»hoaws aei* deat roved, »'mr of whichaw* at valor between and fra.ooreach. A* this b the rod of :h« sagargrinding i»an>o Ike «o» irw wellMucked with this staple TV k*of pn*ettj Is atld v> he about one ntlUlon dollar*.


riaa»jl*aa la arf Vlr«tala leftby a Hpnln af Cyclan*.


General Sheridan Resting

More Quietly,kcrons rr to aiDn«nT.

Gnsl Atarw waa Felt at Oaa Ttaa*

hat tba raUrat RallM aaial Laa

Itspaita da k»nfl»«4sal laaalr-*4 After lb* Health af Hl* Mtsdi.

The Treaty Willbe DiscussedWith Open Doors.

\u25a0turn IKIR MMOX.

Aft** C Willi labia Talk fcy lk>

»ia«iiall> \u25a0?«.». Ikf Uwla-

ttaa lluwki Of«a Ik* lm«»vu r»m< "r 1 ii ai

LfcV.Mto. LLiiMtMg. |




DRESS FABRICS.Ckanaaable Hllka, Ckanieabla Malta SUka,

Black and Colored Hllka.


PAJUSOUand SUM UMBRKIJJIBin btaaUfal aoloria«Design and workinaaabip wtri*alML

Wkwcto*. Mayja.?ln the araate to(Say Mr FTye from the committee on onn-am* reported baek the river and batheappropriaCoa bUL Tb* report of the eossautte* he «aud coald act poaalhly be trad;for a week.

Mr. Junes ofArkansas .-ailed attention u.soaar rragrti' Bade last week be SenatorStraart oa the veto qaesOoa. partinUarlythose waking charges matost the attorurygeneral in raanawtloa with land titles inCalifornia and with "the raid aa the HellTelephone company" aad earnestly de-leafed the attorney general

Mr. Stewart degraded hj> position in ref-erence to the private land claim salts int'alaforaia. and seat to the clerk's deskand had read a letter to the president fmaiGovernor Waterman, of California. bear-ing oa that subject and representing thailitigation.to settle land questions in thatstate, had br*n islni on for forty rear*,

lie declared then was au oatragr In the

W May 3*.- There was a (penera) feelsng of teUef tn Uenenal Sheridan'shousehold this morning when the physicla as iatued their bu.lnin that the** was aslight bat distinct Improvement la bissymptoma The nlgfct was a:i anxiousone. The distinguished patient seemed to\u25a0now weaker and the chances of his re-ovcer lcaa and less aa the boon draggedslowly alone Indeed he was aofcvg in theearly hours this morning that his attendants almost abandoned hope

The history i»f the case show* thai theta<*« dangerous time fi* the general wa«hetween the hours of two and sis In themorning, and this morning was no exeeption to the role. All the pbvsh-iaxa aminurse* were with htm during that periodand the dtowaragtag itena that came fromthe hestaMe from time to time filled theanxioas watchers a itb gTatc fears

Mm Sheridan Swc *p brawls under thetryina ordeal, and though unaKk- to ohrvthe doctors' advice to take s>wv sleep, sheshowed rat* and conlMent rammattre,

*gwa svisr «»Lr anraThe n'pnwntativ.s of the sna tev

maim-d in the xtrinity of the house allnight and received information iroai lu-side every half hour. The naual answerto inquiries at the d.s>r was that there wasno material change in the general's runilli ion



Biwuim was nm xou umfactory Mm MOT. when traM

maWMirt. K ka oMri;k*a« par* withUm tfca gfaartk aad waywlly «i Mifc,and the pmnctt lor ft« Bww wn ww

WaxKusc. W. Va. May ak-AterrfMrthnader ssorat with a gale of wind, hailand an almost anpnrretlt nted rainfall pre-vailed here and lor at tuiiet down theriver

Thia afternoon at Srt»|«tl the slx vewrold aoa af iaaa- T> lor was caught by theswelling stream and drvwued.


\u25a0- - -

Tkf above two |4twi of n»'t babeat In the city f*ran lnr«*Uaent.

IEP\ER & %\m,MlCaaarrial rt.. SaUlr.W. T.

Wa npnaaai mi kNf«Mmmm- The teat at a elivus on Wheeling Is'andwss demolished.

At Kax cusbiMwt. Jarkson n>nuty. hailstoat* adghlac f*«ir ounces fell. Many«ia4oas woe broken and the frail tree*? dbWh tamaisd..ay Charleston Ro><. Shannon aas

was Mown down

Ar~VIMHMkUb> amnaH* RaeenswnodMrs. Wvl Powell was kl'M hy a »tr»>kc ofof lightning while >ttti<ie In her houseThe Ohio rircr traiu from herv to Parker*bar* had every pane off iass hrokrn bv thehalL

$146,000,000Aaoac which wf b* hul Ik*

PHCENIX,or umou,

HOME, of Hew York,

LACESThe arnftte mvnt Into exrctitire «e«iion

«od remjuwith dour* till .> j*. m.Tbv u the doon wen frow ned »»<! the k«Ate tbtm proewded (»tiu in exmitlve wn-niou) to vole oa the foUowinjt mohitkm.vhieh «i« ajtnnl to without divtw^uj

REAL In exquisite darifß ud elegißt profMkm, tnm Ike iwpl loMrti tonarrowest edftsg. Aim AlWver Um, ta drtkato catatac, for

that the injtiziriion ofhe removed fnwn all pfwvediDjp of thenenatr in reference to the treatt withGreat Britain* now under eonaderaDou.

The senate thenlICKIT ftXMtkOK.

cman axi* odtd m-a*T.Tlttwu.ii l*m_. May av?The cyclooe

which struck thin ritv at 2 p. m wasaccompanied bv * clond burnt whichdeluged the city. Whole ihmh>« «>ftmi were Mown oat Smokestacks andchimne>» were demolished, out hoiioiand barus were lifted tnt«» the air andthrown down and »ma*hed to atom*Slight injuries to perwocs arc rri*»rt«d.


Toward* morning the re|dv wa* "I AmAorry to AA> thAt the *«-ticral 1A t»o better.'*or. **the «reneml (A not quite A-I well."

ThtA WAAth«* situation At # o ekw k. whenthe pwple began to Arrive iu large numt«era to inquire After the nvnoral * cottdftion. At tAAt hour tfcerr had been A «Mchtimprovement Atnee daybreAk hat tb«*manner of tfeeae W ho *ave out the inform Ation WAT not calculAtedto Afford th« call-er« ranch eafuurasvmeitt. MAUY pnnainent ofßeia<« CAIKX! tn pera.H* AM other*Av'nf their aer\ant« for new*.

\u25a0OKMtKO COKATt.TATIO*.At the tnoruinc cowiiltrttoit, the pKyi.-

<Un* agreed thAt tbemetA)'iAT«ipMit«showed A Alight improvement. Thin mwedispelled for A time the |k»«ra w hi. h hung,vver the during ih? niihi AU«Ibright glAuee* of hope were exchanged

Ainonx the flinwh AmewbM in the library.AFTKKN<»oN Al tIJCTfS.

The bulletin teaaed hv phv»i< Unit At 2 ?t)?\u25a0AN* Qgnml MmiMH h.i* retain**'. MHthe improvement notrd tn thin tnornina'*bulletin And in Addition h !» mind ha*crown markedly clearer At .» "0 o'dorkt ok»ne! Blmint wpurtwl the eondition ofGctMdl Wwrldan ** awehanevd. All themember* of the cabinet r*<H»j»t We- retaryEndie*»tt. who )» out of the Hty, etOMl Atthe houae durinf the forenoon. The pre*l-dent «ent A meAAeneer twine duriuti thedAv And e«pre*AT*lT tlw <L« n'.r t«i TN-promptly Advieod of any chAutte in theeenerAl'A eooditkm. lie AV'Aent A heAUtiful i««ket of flower* for Mm. ShrridAn.tnanv telegram A of condolence have t»eenreceived.

EVENING TOILETTES.In the closed executive minion vna?«if

Morgan resumed the flloor and continuedhUapeech of last Friday. Other I»emo-cratie senators contributed to the proceed-ings but the Republicans *aid nothing.The motion* fnnn the Democratic side toM«t|ioiH- the treaty until December awlfay on table the motion to sit with opendoors was ruled out of order. At 4:3oo'elockthe motion made last week by SenatorSherman to proceed to the fisheries matywas brought to a yea and nay- vote and car-ried by 21 to 19.

Senator Morgan then offered a resolutionabout removing the iuiunetion of secrecyas given above, and which was adopted.The purpose of this was to permit the pub-lication of Senator Morgan's remark*,which had already been delivered. Thedoor* were then opened and proceeding*were resumed as related above.


WASifiJHiTo*.May a*.?ln the house to-day under the call of State*, a bill wa* in-troduced by Mr. Cbeadle, of Indiana, (byrequest) and was referred. The bill pro-poses to retire the ex-soldier* and sailor*who have been wouuded in battle aftertwenty-oue years of service in civil ser-vice.

After completing the consideration of agreat number of page* of the bill the com-mittee arose.

Mr. Townsend, of Illinois, from the comrnittee on military affair*, reported thearmy appropriation bill, and it was re-ferred to the committee of the whole.


VANCOUVER, Complete lines of the moat desirable

North BritishASD


German American,OF NSW YORK,

Among the oldeat and beat In the world.

The Inan ran rc branch of onr aiwiff famanaged rirlipriv-rljby one member ofour firm, who *trc« that alone hi. atrl<*pemnial attention. We have recently add-ed to our liat the

Frrrsat so. May 2K?A terrific thunderstorm, aecomi anted by high winds andhail, ? v«\u25a0r Jl.c western portion ofPennsvhauia. doine great damage.

Charcnc*. public building? and dwelling*were nnmofed, tre* s uprooted ami femesand barns bk»*n down. A number of per-sous were Injured.

Fuoaa roKTi im

Firemen's Tournament ( omlnc toHenttl*?Series Accidents.

PosYLAJflb Ore., May >?An Astoriaspecial say* Port laud having failed toraisethe requisite two thousand dollars thedirectors of tin* Oregon-Washington Fire-men's association have decided to hold thecoming eouventiou tournament at Seattle,that city telegraphing the «tatement thait.UUO ha« been set aside for prise*. It I*thought probable that the convention willlie held on July _M and 3d, and the toorna-mml Jwlv -4th, Mb and ftk, hut nothingpositive a* to the date has yot been settled.Astoria will send s picked train to contestfor the supremccy in the championshipraces.



Loan Agents.

BPBCI AL:A great variety ia embroidered costumes in waah fabrics some novel desifnß

that are especially new and pretty.Ike tormina* of the Canadian ParlUr Rail-way offer* Drat claM Inducement. by man will receive careful aad prompt attention.

FOB INVESTORS. 621 and 623 Front street, Seattle, W. T.

Too will do well to toe the place, and callon


OP SEATTLE.Occidental Hotel Block.

CAPITAL 0100,000.

J. P. Hovt, President J. Plata. Trensnrcr.M- I> BALLAai>, Vice President Jana* Bothwbix, Sec. aad Manageer.




TlF, VAN DORKN FARM. 0!f WHITEWver, fntiuinluff about tNO acrea;

am* In hof«; k«io4 real<few*, tenant hottae.9 kiln*, warehonse. bUMiW., In ftne order. Thin in ouc of thf beat farm* In theTrrrlt<.r>; MB arrea of timber laml adiolnla*aim for m!«* For particular* apply to?raOdmui UJt<> M VAN Im»KRN.

Whit**Rhfff I'otloflW*,Kin*Co., Wwh Ter.

Or FHKI> K *ANt>fcfLdar Cor. Mill and C 'ommcreial »t».. Seattle

To-day the fourteen-year-old son of I>r J.}. Fisher of Alblna, near Portland, wa*

drowned in the bay. With several otherlad* he wa* playing ou the edge of theriver on a raft. They fell into the riveraud >outig Fisher was drowned. Thewater wa* not deep but the boy lost hispresence of mind. N<ithiug wa*knowu ofthe casaulty until oue of the boy* comeand told the parent*.

At the logging camp of T. W. Smith nearKuappton. Washington Territory, thismorning Charles Kobbius, aged 31 years,wa* caught under <* fall ug tree andcrushed. He lived onlv a few bourn. Heleave* a wife aud two euldrea.

rT' TXlMirr> HI» raiK*tfx.

At o'rlork iM'tirr*' shfriilaii wax rr«tinrqutvllv. Krll«>c*E. out* of iht*rini'ral'» aide*. !hf thaithe grtieral ia rt-allv U iter. Ho inotaciclvrr<sifiilip. HHV of hi* frifixl*who enterthe mom. «n*t alter *-n«"|Uliv* nftcr thrlrhralih. "At no time," «aM rolonel Kel

"ha. the in'neral l*l \ IN up all i'"L« *

HtDHIUBT lU'UKTIS.There In little to a>M to I!M> \u25baJTT o'S-loek

statement. <Jeneral Hhi'rtdan'* fav.irnhb-eifiidltloii eontlune*. He *-a.)ly.waken oet uiiot.allv, rnakr. Mwna ratiuiiHlit*mark* and e.w* to acain.

THIS irmau eit.i.rnn

Tlie following bulletin, at :i0l». in.. »a\p- (.rneral hinrrHtlan amo»t day. He doieed at lnt.'r-\ al«. and aUmt b p. m. he had a uulelaUt p of nearly an hour'* dnratif>n. from»hifh In* aw,»k»- fi-eltn* nfri.hoi andebeerfwl. He ha. *lej»t o<-t-afe!oiialljr «lmi»and hi. minil la farrfiN'tljr lirar. He t.Mn.ucer. il r ealn* f.»r, *\u25a0 an<l reu'ii

larity, uud at 110 titin- did it e*' f'lliuIf1* ration show* rr»*t laifmnwuland the ierat;«»n of the bl«w»d 1« la-tier.The ie«icma of th<- leffibaa entirely divan-jnared He take. lent fi.xi and lilafmrar whieh nrevioeaiy waa tntieh * oatedia now eivar. ilia a<>> retiona art* nominal.He <ay. he feela aplendid.


Alien O. Thnrman haa Consented toRns with Clevrlsad.

PHtLvnELPHiA, May 'A?The Tims* to-day rays: "The Democratic ticket to beplai*ed in nomination at the St. Loui* con-vention will be. For president, liroverCleveland: for vice president, Allen U.Thunuan of Ohio. Thurmau has consent-ed to allow his uame to be presented, audthe nomination baa been tendered himwith the full knowledge aud approval ofthe leading men of the party throughoutthe country."

Congressman Sam Kam!all said vesterday: "KxSenator Thurman will un-doubtedly he nominated for viee president.He i* agreed upon by everybody, and Iswilling to accept the nomination, uud isthe best aud strongest man that cr.n beplat ed on the ticket.*' Tb*f mentiou ofThurmau'* uame. it I* believed, will be toresult in there being but two ballots takenIn the natioua! convention, the first forpresident and the Second for vice presi-dent The South has no candidate forvice president, but will support New York'schoice, which will be Thurmau. Pennsyl-vania and Ohio will join hands with NewYork and that will be enough to nominatehim. With Thurman on the ticket theDemocrats will feel perfectly safe ai*»uiImltati:!. and will expert to occupy theRepublican* with preventing 11111 fromruuniug away with Ohio.


With ? |<«ld op

Capital oT $1,000,000.

Partlea requiring Inmranre will Bud It totheir advantage to ? all at the oldeat Inauranc agency In Seattle.

TURNER, ENGIE & LEWIS,Ore Idea tat Mock. Milt .treat,




ESHELMAN, LLEWELLYN i GO.Th« Iml but* »»< Money Brokers «f th«

Pacific Coast,

iit«K! » cxrdik! ntrmnos ui ttsttdm t» kittli,\u25a0 nil Mu >d midciM*. htillat thrfr

POST BUILDING, MILL BT., SEATTLE,l>lir«dif'*<rintnllmh Bmßonftß FMIKTRO DUCBIPTITIiniTiKK« r «K«mi »i«n w(ihikutmn to frin><* ud ,e---qulnijiirwnit, TtEI OF CIST to TOP. Aad It |N AmU tkh ta pliu torn*m atj ia tk.

A boat went into the trap to-day at flaker's Bav aud Carl Han-en. the puller, wa*

drowned. He leaves a wife ami two chil-dren who live at Humboldt California.

The purpose of the Orogou Kail way Extension company which incorporated herelast Sat unlay fs to build a Hue from Kipanaria to the fad mile p<st ou the Oregonkailway and Navigation company's Palouse brain h, theme eastward to thejunction with the Washington aud Idahorailroad. The incorporator* are W IIHolcomb, C. 11. Jvcwis, Henry Failing and11. W. Corbett who are dirertsrs in the(Oregon Halfway and Navigation company.Hence the reasonable inference is that thinis an Oregon Kailway an<! Navidationiu\a*iou of Northern Pact lb- territory.There 1* gm*l ground for believing thatthe Oregon Railway aud Navigation companv intend to build this simmer to Coeurd Alene and to Spokane Fall* under thename of the Washington aud Idaho rail-road.

SIOO to S3OO £J!?2?il*!L£Awiit*preferred who cm fumUb theirown horaea and flttre their whole time tothr btt*!iieaa. ht>are momenta may be jprof-itably employed almv A few leranciea Intown* n»«i It. K. Johnaon A Co.. 1000Main Htrcet, KJi hmoud, \ a dw



SBoru> this com* ntfMtt rot*Ryon will fl»<l It t« >our wltmi

Ur" («> roiuinuuUnto with till" l'*fr atMnllli'nfDcc ni)rt.«liwtf

Editor Hurray Tell* One Man to Go

In Peace.I CINCINNATI.May JH.?statistician Dodge,

of the department of agriculture, ha\intra»ked Mr. Murray of the Print <arrra/.whether the charprc of a leak In regard to

! the official report referred to him (Ifcstge),

i hlef < Icrk »>f the ? mnmbslotn - «>f ajrr uture, Mr. Murray completely exonerated

i IMm Ire frou any complicity. There is anobligation on his (Murray's) nart coneer

; ing rertaiu particulars which ha* so farprevented a fiiil statement by him Headd* thai any olllt ial that may feel that

: the (iTatemetit ran be construed to apply tohim may find ready exoneration by writ

j ing to him. excepting the man whosej name wa* attatched to the information

? which came to the Prirs Cmrrrnt, at ?! Mur-ray a<i<i* that he shall not dodge Its tie with

; this man.

11l illlam I.Andretli ( «m«irted of theMurder of ItU llaughter.

555 Acres,Executors' Sale.


Much Damftff ('?u«rd by Floods in

Nebraska.CHICAGO May 2».? An nnpreccdentod

waterfall WH<* reported yesterday tbnmgh-out the weat. At Qoiiify, Illinois two and ,one-eighth lltfbrt fell iu less than fourhour*, greatly dlseottrajrinr peopl* inthe flooded district*. Great daruajru wasdone by hail, wind and lightuin* In theterritory extending from Indiana to Ne jbra«ka. Many aiream* are over theirhank* and the water which broke In the jnorthwestern part of pauea county, Ne- Ibra?ka. submerged Ave nikt of the Fre- ?moot. KlAhorn A Miwori Valley railroad,and Hashed away wvnicrow* hridr*-*.

The dainage along the White aud Lone iTree rtYers is very preai. White river roue \tiltoen inchti in fo«t> minutes and the |farmer* had to abandon their home#, manyof which were washed away. Xu Jos* oflife ha* been reported.

i*o!tTLtxt>, Or., May an?{Hjhm ial.?The trial of William I .audreth, the l*oike.»urity murderer, lirinin a! halla*.thi* morn I up. the miifdntr having beenremoved from the Haletn Jail without dif-ficulty at ait early hour. Hut a Unit anKoar ??? iimiiimMin obtaining a jury.

lof thi ttrn i pa iin»ufmni the remtlar pwm twit nlu* were rejetted anil twelve iwtpted.

Thtt testimony of Mr* laMtr«Ui, wife ofthe Murderer, wa« rfjwMl a* lßw«|ietr»tunder the State law The next thre* wititem*.** were Mzxie licit, Wilburu ami Wil-li*,ehlldr»-n <*f the mur*lervr, ajfed re*|*ee-tlvely 10. 1". ami 15 year*. Thc*e ultne«**e*

? : n all \u2666 :t\u25a0 4t|»arttold a en*n|»let£ atory «»f one <tf the Ohatdiaholh al murder* on rerotd. The eoncurrent testimony, though delivered headta f itu:ly,waa dire* t and made out a coneluaive caae a:nin*t the murderer.

The written eoufrwkxs of f .audreth wanal««> prodiMf<i by the pruaecutton. The??onfeirien eovera four eh arly writtenpare*. It t« wjvtebed In orthography and

I>hra*ro}oirv and Incoherent in meaulntv |n it Land ret h apeak? of ntteaafiie** engendered In him and Mra. (.andrcfhnr her danehter'a Hymnal*'* fWfi-eliMia eomluet, but they never found j? \u25baut anything whleh really wrongabout her !!?? did not want the matter*tirr*-d up on trial. He denied *treuuun*ly\u25a0.that hi* relation* with the girl were any !thing hut th" tn-*tpare. and a«k* that thegiri may ha*e her Ju*t dearrta. jI have put the girl out ofthe work!" writ#*: **<»<» d pet* it In toyheart to *ptak »u behalf the girl," and hepitad* that the he not diagramed. After argum-ut by the r«wn»rl, the Jury retired,but in a few momenta returned with a verdi» ?of murder i:-!h>- r'r*t «!? »? I .andreth * ian;iM'l abandoned the ln*aoil)Hue of defence on the trial.

Commencing one-half mile Future Great City of the Pacific CoastWholesale GrocersAND


from salt water.TIIK t*NI>KRFI(;SKn Will HE rorsnat the oeeWental Hotel on M«»tidny.

the 2Mh day of May. and for five day*thermit- r. for the purpose of cioaitm «>utthe a 1.. Johus estate. All parties wishing

to iiurrliH*!-any of thr lana will |>le«w tnqum-uf Mr A A iVimy,and ko and e*ami tic the land The dwcHi'tiou of Iheaame Is bore auuxed


V»«uatlJ jnlota la

ROSS' SECOND AUDITION FOR $l7B 01 S2OO,(Thl# it the manafacta lag rsatsr of Bmt'ij

Or fa other well located ad.t ( o»: or bariae* m 4 rMmm is»« m the btt itmula Mittk; or iub«rNi» I tt i ania It«i!l par yon Is call. This la yoar ooe ihaaoo

j la i llff u Mcun ftno r f>nt«atafit r d u»|iuia Dent W 100 lite to Mcars a?tat that wta preside for yaw »«turs sad that of year wife aai sk i Iran, ."fettle willdouMs *a i>cpaction ia 3 monks Ral ov a. csp"sli-<ts aa<l pspo'at*a aro Osaiiag toBsattUo. B-eoms o»e < f bee prsspstoat cltlasr.a by cecarlag a fodi cli wkPo you kit*achares. Peal'h f * tot tutla yoar imp, turs fai'h, lavrotaad ktOcmaa ftxtareia tbofrw York of tie P^clkc.

160 Acres,Kit ',»f NE.See. 14. Tp. St. rmae»4

K.,4#HE. of KW K-r u. Tp. ffl. f»njre 4

Kt 40WW. >,..( SE. )». !<vf 11. Tp IC. more 4

K.. «o ten*K>,ofl ho T mill HW. >, of XW >

t ,

trr 4, Tp. 24. imp 1 K.. IS"arrw.

Commencing one and three

quarter miles from salt


RASKHAKL «AMKS.Il4I.TLM*»KF. May 'JR. ?Baltimore 5, Cin-

cinnati 1I'M! J.A I'FLI HIA. May 3*.?Athletics9, Kau

: *a* City 0.I/*itviLLC. May 3ft.?Louisville U. Rrook

. lyn6.GAMES RWrWJtllt

Cma<K\ May The league gam* a ati Chicago, Ronton and Pittsburg and the

a««oeiati<>ti came at Cleveland wen* p« stposted today on account of rain.

NEW YO*K~WAaataoroN.SEW YORE. May & ?The Henatore were

whitewashed by tne t'.lant* to-day. Kcef-, r * ;>;?< ii waa too aottelmn*t Of the time. Much diMatl sfactionnith the umpiring of I>aniela. who rer

:aiul> favnreo the home b am. but thi« did»«»t materially rtßet the ve»ult of thegame. Oaiac wan called at the end of theMTvettUt Inula*, on account of darknessand rain. Score: Sew York ?.WashingOft 0.

Cndlvlded one-half of (7 a.) block P, InCulou t ity,3« a acres. Till* block Ult atth« cast end of the (anal.


{ They aro Attacked and Rooted by aRaad of Hettlera.

i ABMNfIToN. Ya.. Mav The engineers' of the M*«el At Iron Company,

while surreylni? in Wis- county on the i.'»th' taatant, were attacked by a party of menin the bushes and two of the party wen*

{ kilkd. A company of guards employed to1 protect the i mrineers wen* driven &CT and

ronlcd. <;p at tr«-übh* is expected, and the: si-ttlers of the m'i*hborht*«d warn the en; rineen to have iiaatedlately. Tie rai;a<;

i of the trouble I* a di*pate over the peses-*ion of laud which both the setUeiaaud

| the company claim.BLAINE*N~HO|NE RORDr.O.

' TVilevea Oxerhaal Ula Letters andPapers.

i NE* YORK, May Sl?An Anar iafasays OVH of Blaine's pr nent friei?tan** that Hlailie's bowse wa» broken Into9*mw time arodorlnr the familv sab*ew-e, jand all his politi al and busiman corre (spondeace a:«d firivate j«a;-er< in volvineflVianrial matt#'rs, which wflw in h a likr+ry. were overhauled, carefully exam- ,ined and a pOftfoo thereof at-exacted. Th**matter ha* ts-*«n kept acen-t In the h*»pe ofthe thief being discovered, hut he never'

ha» frtf- Tkr ' \u25a0 ' - '"

bery wa« perp»*trat»-d with the exp<*ctati*«n \u25a0of ohtaininr s.WAethiaa am«»nr Hlaine's jprivate ia|*-r» a hich mufhT be used to hispoliticaf in)nry if ever waalcd The charafter of the paper* stolen is tiuknowu.


Items about Railroads - Kagland'a

Ocfcsocs and Russia's Laws.i ffr. PrTEE#ara*i. May JA?The city of ?a

mart and i*a scene of great rrfairing orer; the openine of tin new i ait way t*> the «. a*

1 plan sea. ralreoof artJllery rreeted the| arrival of the first train. up*»n which a ere jjirt-iierai* «nnenkoff. and Astabb. Ihe forma! openta* wili be in the anniversary of 'the cor«matK*n of Alexander fll.

j Tbe Commentupou

the recent arare over the eosdkkiowf Knrland * defences says "Mud mn*t b*»

| eeatest to play tbe part of a peaceful coso' mental stair.*

The Noonr stahes that the ram! missi'.ti wUich has be*jn occupied for ftv*

I year* in (Wiring the Uws aJTWctinr iew*! |n Rnsiia is aSout to its labor*I without arrivir-r at any deSaite retail

THE t*RC»HIBI1l4lNl«T<l.Arrasgnnrnt* Nearly Cssiplrttd for

Tbeir Xatiosal Cssfrstlon.l«*»i iNAfoixa, Way a.?Althourh the"

? e-itveattoN d'** aoi caret ua .' til Wednesday the of the k»eal

eommitfee are prar'teaUy c.«ai'Veted The' meetiaf. IMIMaB fcali. has been' orally dmtrani with flar*. banner* and! dowers, api - »pflate m.rftoes bHa« inUrr-

*per*ed anvtmf the caily coiored oma-

i aacn'ai i*-lrca!rt are s-Hvisr «»a

I every train hot the main Is-dy a:t? a** U-. here until t:»n. rr»»w. The C"B venti»>'J: aadi*r ra!i, abosM Inriudr MM m-eribcrst IffMa| tbe wrnlar tad **ywivbkrtial

1 m » hairsoaa Sa»K's li. * **. ofAlWat, M«c%isan. and Tr*a*jse? i* I*

of Madison. Wiscaaaito. of tb«-NAII"«IAICOSMALTTEE. are

«y ? of tLe er*riveotf«n t? srtil «** be dtteraaiaed irp#»ti nattl tbe j

NARBWWAI r .AJTATK** »«V*« S«» -BURTVS. IKS! *: jr Is ' hat e* 4*r>«er»or tit. MB'I w«S he the pi uibfclm nlfararrfy ho vffi<wo- :fr-ta %* are 4 -|4 ii* p»*.tioa. A»*»»jr «be

. driifxi'vvb> have aJreads illtnd i«r"r ;is bvt tat aan acattaoed %.*r anuddr ntfal la Ss'.w»-. it-**of Cft fis'i. Sew i* - * i

I a few%. aw *rAd ?o ]; \,Jt- * "

C SfcKo kas \vt* - -«* ,i vat *?£ tbe £\u25a0> +£ Fe* «Lc. a :\ U&e wsaalr jf jaa*« an. v*< t'-r| tic to iiraeiit C- Jrat-t>, of 3usta*y,

kalkis is a Li* man* or

In J. J. addition, in South Seattlefall t, 2, 3, 4, \ «, 7 and *. 11l Uock one.Lnt» 2, 3 aud 4, In block 4, and froulh of

Work one.Lot A, at..*, frt ca*t and west and 106 feet

north aud south.

Fancy anil Staple Groceries,COLLECT INSTEAD OF PAT RENTS. BE


(iOLDKN lU IJO RAZAAROur new line of BABY CARRIAGES has arrived.

Tbey are'the cheapest and finest in the market. Askto see them. New goods received daily. Send forprice list of FREEZERS.

fcgfifi fr gg.

WASHINGTON IRON WORKS GO.Foundry, Machine and Boiler Shops,

Corner Second, Jackscn and Third streets, Seattle.J. M. FRIXK, flaperlateadent-


WINES, LIQUORS AISTX) CIOABB--afcti'j for Belle of Leitnr*on oM

kcntacky Ibxtrbou ( rwsn l»i*!»i«»nda matt whiskey.

la Pttia de Gslfo and la Morrana Key West f*irara.323 CoutrcUl it. conur Jwkwm. a»«th. W. T. ">rS>

16,000,000 FeetRWk ouemi'l lot A Kavc 40 fine fruit

livwunit * lu>u.v on tlirmH W JOHSf».W II MID IIKI.U

mvS tot K*rn»t»r«Provisions,



Corner of Columbia street

and Railroad avenue,



Seattle Steam Dye Works.On 320 acres, near a good

driving stream.

Barsaias ii Mercer's Addition.

Bargains iu Tern s First Adtiilion.

tains in Tfrrv's Smd Addition

Bargain in Jidtin's Additioi.

Rank Cashier Arrested.i BT. I'ASI*.Ohio. Mav 2A?l> V. Rodes |f cashier of the First NatioMl Bank ha*bect» {arr.--T.-i for ?*»beading tin- funda of thehank and held f<»r apj»*arance U*foeethe;United Malo Conroi»»i«»nrr mi May M.

l ulled rreshyterlons. » ,' CRkil Ksrin*, la. May 2B.?The Cnlte«! \

|>rv»i«yt«Han A*sembly spent the entire |day in comdderatton of the re|**>rts of com- j t

j mitttM-s on the various l-«rds. Rce.! i*. J BW of New York, J M French of j

« Ohio and J W. Martin of Maaeachusetts ,were a rsmimitfee to report on jthe *fate reliifi'rti for theeominr year. The ,

' qoeMion «»f t.ap»i*m by iOßMiaion wa- ]disr uMpe«l ar»d falerred hack to the r.nan \miner. aas apfWopriatM To the 1freediaen'a laiaioa. At ineevtming » »»H»n ,Th< r»»t«»rt of the coaamlttee on Unv&en 1misj-ioit* «tas eotaridered. t

Accident in Rerlla. tBraWN. May While workmen w*?*» |

makinr alterations In the royal theatretbe seaflbh! o'Uapaei. killior «me serb»u*-1

!!y Injur)ur*«*o?»d wosmkdoerett j *norkmen The empress visited the scene '

? be Aifiilrat owl cukflMad wo ard '

the re lief of tbe *»ilferers. «Tbe Chief Justiceship.

Vtmamw, May The *eua?c rom j Imittee on judiciary thia mornimr aaain j \

red tbe notAinatb/O of M W. Fulleru chief justice, but did m*rro b any con- 1 1elusion. They 4** «ded to hold a sj<eci*i

: meetinr on the raw »*n oral TuewSay a? 1who ft it is expected that tbe matt KT will jbe di»v «ed of. 1

boan Pedro Mfueh Better.Ma**,May >?Tbe emperor «»f Brazil i

T-swH-.J a t»s»d nifht and 1* *tr»**rer this |raorniaE The will fo to Ail les ,

- Bains oa Thursday

John Bright Is 111.j LoNiMHi, Mar "> J«»bn Brifut is ser- |HittiiyfH with mi't.

lirad filed in the Coleman Caae. || »AN FmaNnscts Mav 2B?l. I.Baker art

Irfvuis ***>?»\u2666\u25a0< sof William T- Coie- jwan, AVed a hood U*r te.9« ia the r -cord \er's v®or lb?* afternoon, witr <i Niebanm land It M Hwattka as rurefe a They?l*d another bond in the same aenmnt i \and with tbe sam* surett- a The walEßrta ? i*jlt.V sr» of Wil liana T ColanWii A Co. *a>< ?ave a bond ol ?' iuu *X- in each rsat*i- <RKZit. i

Rather Tardy If»aor.Nrw Yoa*. Waohtofbm J

*pcrial aajs thaS a wl will fiftrfMhfy cpuffd to th» ama*t* today b? tb pnititary

. r aai.»t«e Ckaanl Uhtidan the 'i title of (raeral .4 tbe amy.

Dasiacin; Hisd St'«rm.

Camt'S. May >.?A *ind and rila ift#*nn tn s afUsmooe Wew dirwa a p"f i c - s i

t%e sewljf efarfod factory of;Tin Ureber Wa'ca t a«e Co:-pacy.

? s ofThi- Lirk Obiervatsry.

il# raA**T«*"o- Mat "J* ?fx fea* at laa: .

Ut .j wti-uei tb* atMcr. a'sjry. J ho *ra*>s'.'«r/rd IrwA e# li«f- Uek trr.*ri :iw. shafts « f tbe *su;s utsl- k;HAt| k'&Uy ituumsjii.

KIVKKH AKD »1.% ItllOll*.

Urgr larrwr to Ibr AppmprlaltoirWt4r by fhr 4rna(t.

Wa«hi«otow, M«y H-TV completedriver «i»d harbor Mtl baa rw»rt«J tothe ftroatr The Mil a* It ram»* from thr

? «rri*-'l jiii « rt~' v i'»-of |i7*3 Vi ffpnrtH in |h*» a»'Uat< 1thla tnomtui it «MMWrtet<ii lit.:ww.7M, ani,.rvA«M ?'s*:? I *\u25a0- V'i *l'MMI

ita ? ornpared with the Mil |»rr\ iotialv rr

I<nrt4-d by The *««mml!W an<tare the following Tb»* law* rreatln* th«-

rivet tommlrtf.«the Arkanaaa river appropriation lw w? q

to |l7 ..QUO, the Ohio river appropriation i*not rhaipd, the appropriation for theU<*ai**ippi river *ti»nd» «t *'»dthf t-tfal ipyrwiatioo f«T the Ml**«rljriver i« Iwrtaird to fI.KNMKB.


Artcnlair Drrtdrd 4coln«t Clink? iKan; Otkrr 'Sa-wa N»«t*t.

W itLi VULA, Vay 2*,?l a th<k araon 1v

- ? -i « \j£r<liet of ftilHy on »% ir*iMj night. TVj

l>ri»>nrr wi»v-amM to th* lirvitatile !!«?

«.»nid «m arret? walk from the eonrt room ilie Hipnatirated and very lIL A new trialhas hero e»k*-d f?»r.

The <»ty of *'oftM-roy ha« dM&ied by a

vote to btiild a IW.lwe arb<«fti bo»«rW«»rk .»n the foundry *»* d inaehine ah<*p

at MMwill begin tvext weefc.About four yeara ago a wan (mind a

dead budr in vmn b*-re mutilati-d and| eatew by h'-r". It i* t>n>|fcl UMgrnelmejhaa !i-*n discovered to the iau '? I

rae i« now in the band* of drteetivea. ]Friday af Pei%dJefon the 4 wilinghona»-

of T-«m Kohio* »a* borord. The k«w wwMM,fnflt ISMred furing '***firr W W. ;

er ? ft fete aa, *a» knoeitad twn a lad jdev bj a »tr®am of water a:* l very badlybruited ?« the left aide.

I The acv Softhaia fadftr and Waahlng jum Territory on 100 at Walluiaaudthe large r»»iod hcasa* at Pa*co will bebuiit at 'm#r-

A. H. Tbo«!pafMi. Iftte penl''"| make* w.rruw aisd gperifie dwfn '?# matf{'aaaaee a|r*.fi't Fran* J Park*?,pwWatt ,ftta r«*sitof penttenliary (fMMKIIK|

rra. ftvker indignantly dewiea Um \u25a0l fcMTBiW

.. j

' loa*i rwaahnfnf. an e*f«e.*t. haa? from th ? naimtHa river KiMX, aol ,that the/ are wioAtifcitlyrtrt. 0#?iieta Ikat st will he the cnaSaat niniox

.*» Am«rkaA T»r««r cfwakawf a»t fi'iwer fr«kn ;

v i'i ?'joci be eataMlfthed hcfW by PwrtUwd ;- j a j

A *?r*nrer waa taitAniH ac'-i Tt&Axda: tMIW ote Tb

\u25a0 Mud tbal the had ?< '.hw-ii,

... ; c r -ift- '\u25a0 C"*if#d |M j

I they f«rf laak to(1. V Hani, the ttkitotnl h? I

r.4 i ?; *

y.tail ryalrf. - -r

f-.-p ?_» vi C*r*.vii, 9c i j

Foot of Seneca street, below Kiectrtcworks, Seattle, Wash Ty.

Qentlemen's elothinir, taller drmw. silkami tttolfa blanket* aud kid clovesafcaued i«r dyed. mi that they )o*k like new

Satisfy tit»u guaranteed. Prleet rvatunable lAKLC. WAIiKXHAtK.

ml\Zi :?>n l*r«»prieior.


House Painters, House Cleaners,RwUtaturn, Window Wnailer*.Paper Hangers. Fl»wc Scrtibtorit

And I'alrtminera.Hon* paint! us aud general rkanlai;

ynrds put tn order by the day or contract;ail work d"ue eh* aplv and promptly.

Ofkv under Skating Kiuk, Sccooa street,?sartl*, wr r


real estate, the MK-r *4>rks knowu a-*

the u « itjr Roi'.er Works, located onCaiman » whan. enfiit>- and all-new?ad hi first -class shape, and (drutjr of work

hauil Kor nartieulara too aire «'fIV \t»AIR.

iy24'f Company.

To Professional Men Si AT I I.K, W. T 1888.Received from N. Chilberg & Son one Arper Lamp

Filler, in consideration for the use of which I agree topurchase from N. Chi!berg & Son all my illuminating oil;and I also agree that should I cease to purchase oil fromthem I will return the filler,in good condition, when calledfor.

Any one residing in the city purchasing oil fromas will receive the use of one of these Lamp Fillersfree of charge upon signing above receipt.


713 and 715 Front street.

Bargains in D. T. Denny's

Third Addition.

BARGAINSAll over the city.

Rooms £ and 3

1811BE MUMS,

. TO PISARUITY. VNP » !*H, I I |n«to n-il-v I

Mir th.- h.wi«- »< ?'* !«©\u25a0«?. W* < h«-"T,trw>. «>M «>?l will. «5* -nitorv. WI Hi flirtillurr. I*W r«-(.

~Nt fwrnUurv. »S<*> rf»«n4 rrnl. »l ',«-r month So bn *? '» ,?'further wutlru!*? »<»?«<

»[.i.!v at th«' «?«* nliuJm, HartMMfc'* dru< »u«r or uf

Rfev Jk Oaniaer.

»l«o *.w «».l » h«H ?»«* fc.'irw

twrti. 1.4 M««-k ». <??»»' K'"VfVi"-*k|ic |v»rh *n<l 1.H"«»:.<! M'Uxkj; i to vMnSrx'W. ,A*«IWM..I*?«"« will U- WWr**

. ?? u H. S M, wr«> iuuv«s U»«

oAw of


The lake Washington Mills.W. H. Proprietor.

Uimlx-r uKI ! «w «»\u25a0!<?.«.«rliw Mhl 0f *««*.-*

f?( Elliott Pk>

IX>W HiiiiHtifi.

Buaidi r.ttd I tinier. I'.si-bn\ totfc, il1 rirf. tie.

nj*»"« ?« «Vt%?» now *****» i?* -*ir^


k . i »ir

FOR SALE.rM rr.uio A\l» !UUGF. B<>TH IN

Rood ,vn!«r inquire at l*us»l^WJ r A\u25a0lifoia'a,ri»*in»!rl»lit.WU' m>!lSw

Notice of Dissolution.NWlriC IS HEREBY tiIVEN TH \T TTTK

jtrt'.irr*hl|* hrfvtoforr oiiiiiuf I*ttwu J. I! >v»\m-y Mntl C%»rk« J MaulJflt. uudvf tlt«- tirm Gimvcf XlUidniri:!. »!h:*.luv di*»«>lv«*! b> mutual?wjiK tit. j h Hnxacy nmtunt* th<* «lrb®i?t a«j(| rtrm. *«<! willVoilrrt alt out*ta~4"f ?OcouiUv Ma} IT lvsv

< H V> J V \I»»MKST.ayiM.t J M f^YNKY

& *tckisso*. w r.A*. W.m. DCKUiH-


R«'.!<Wr*. nfl'.rv?In the *ll*T» <fl«* *"*' I -' 1\u25a0*'' »\u25a0- x «'.IK-. W I miiyf

£ .w. A. HASBROUCK L CO.,fcena AN® t


Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry an^Silverware.

: W c \u25a0 1-f kil U%« < « !.*(->! w f»i: lit


A. A. HMITII,t. r. aim, wnmt mi**yaUW, lasted* T«rii**.


' in* at .*v»u sai»U) ni«ht rraak "TTrh UiH

! three year* of w>. hnnc htaaatlf IfiMn: la ? liv«ry utabl*. Sun kt mtiw The ntw *»? \u25a0> iHim /for Mi«* liihAw The viiatu ana** ?»\u25a0

eata ti\» In xa stie |Htm. 11. *.cu« *ihl his «|4« iin

«*«> fora year'a |q tfe,' uMr. *u A >birtrl l!rh*«h«-., r?|rt.

dlvorre fn»m W K. kartell*. '|M«n»iWtr »rVrl Iw*rwtc* Rawwll W been tcaiM «eoa-

traet to furnish raea'n horar* hereA n*«r trial ha« heeo x-daH In the Pri*.Horn murder «a*>.

I»*»»k »f a rrralHM llmtw.

lit thi- twire »«tln of IW Morwm.-ba-.h, died !a«t nltht ated ?? fm Ha<ra« anion* the eartteM ta IMaßfc,?ad *« became nae of lit* leadmc manIn tbeehurrh. ~

TkrOmMU birmKKami*. M#> J*-In a f.-w dan Mae*

Rinnan V «ilt in> to IMedrlchruv to tetania««w time. Hr paw the summer 11Kharngea.

famine tTnlWr.Sas ruaxnam, Va« at - InilkattoM tar

fi hour* MumrtifiMm 4 a m on Mat gfor Hn-rwi and Wa<h.nt«a Territory ar*fair w. alher, with ihr *xivftion of kmltalna alone the roaat fmai ak*l* Ik*monthof Ihe < olnrabia river fuwthwant. Mobt.

**» Bllnkey >*i(N Can.t<M.r«ya. Mar >-The Stat* board at

SHirdotu brant the appUcattoa of Wtoka*\u25a0 "\u25a0Tan to ila*. for a qumamtanon of Ml?cntenec to imiuteoumVnt far Ut». n||«.commended lb* (rmertmr to axtaad Hmtime of execution t» nitty d*r» ltima AreaM tn. to girc tV-tn time to exaaaiaa Hm?-*«r.

Tut Looic «»r Mma wMotr. otKM a jrfw*of <* 188*trH3h*9M for whlrh »ht pf*trttlfty 11* «0 «* t*» I***M W*l

i Mr. Mii'lrtwm jaM for a wfoalaj '.Ox 130ft. auditing *hl« !>r 4^/?' Uvj'Jifht fa* WM drratNjed M», the Uiffir<>f ftreul* ba* wyfil

a far matt- Mr EMlW*?*«i<l jnrMwl«T. " Tin* f*Hfy«m<? i«tt cent Mr Ami on Uf|»ricr *h«-ii f bought If, J*ll«-v*»r «inrr. ai>4 IfMr* M«? ihwMoWJ®'#! U nttrxti»!* .«» mv k* ra** ht *****OtmCmr» m wm-t: «»r?iBCT M WMTK Mr »V.wn

Tita<>»";H THE Tt.«**t..?A tetrffcwrtl(nn* rut of the wt» WltW#In Hraitk r«*-nJ«T, ««j» tb*

' '>f f«? MMGCI thmvgfe tfc* ('\u25a0in*"

\u25a0 m ??uwimj Th« knit I# IW Ml***"In t.illWin* .wrnpfod two «c< « h*nj«>f\u25a0It in lU(i»!'4 t/jit,rumiarr**ttedm !¥\u25a0\u25a0».«n<l f« tinihtwl « ety tvwt fr* *T"Inch linliew Vkffl Hmh*Wj fo*

i Ir»ru* to hl» pta"*! <hm h«* h*« « rMtiwiIrtmtttt wwjjj' l-w-iltr

lute Ibrh cu*l inlaw.

AOVITTtU T > till Ijl-t**loltow«g

n«m.- 1 rrn'Wrvo wmr i4aiM *°.

L*r of W»*Mn/too' El ilovcnttr W*Hw« a«|.ivirie wmrt uf 11W". ®» M a *"

**?*«: Jifpti ft Iw. fr ~"'

! ««f. «fMJ'A Aifrw) K*nU*. fp»w» lfc« «\u2666»"?'**f"

jof 1\ Ul. on m'Jtlun of W K.

! ttnu«Bo4l >««t- »?"\u25a0> IHjl'fli rr-|M}r» to «w *«»«. the ». K- \u25a0»<»»»

Witl rati l» b«t |kta«, *«*'»« *«*>T *>«\u25a0\u25a0

trip* toi n»' r.,mra <«it *««tB *« **»?*

'\u25a0' *»

i "WUiV IUXk For.-t-teTiV' *

' rammtx *nak, Tfco A.J*j 11, malice <v wy»»

? A t.->rf iil ti»« [:»*»*s tnfetiiu>th *re i<m *rbt .atob* Tarr«nt'< Mrtuw i|M" l»Ji

j "77?tU,"'


A RWW la»d »li«te at Hun* Hun, ( MM,kitted »o«r utcM.

Au Indian outbreak U Immiucnt A! PlotRklfr Atteney, haivt*

Two hWk« tw destroyed bjr ftrv a!Tipton, t Aiitorn ia. on SuwUrA Are in IVktti.t'hfna. WHiiHi destroyed

«»rty hou»c* and two hundredother*.

WillUm 11. Roe, tif*» munhwr, withAU*ed At Andemoi, outnc* eounty, Mil*mrl, «m SUIKIIJ .

im Sunday memorial aerviee* wft! W#held WW the tomb rtf U-nert! llAnonfk, itM »rrii»t.»un. IVnn*)letuiiA.

Jonn DilVm «fc-m«inr '-1 the hi»hop« who«Ul»l*»rt tbv papal pcwripl At A mnetiu* AtKitiTATi*CM futltday.

Kee ( harlea tladaworth, Jr.. ha< aerat-ed A rail At iW» Franelaeo *ud W«v<n theI'lvmouth church of MAmaeba<

I»r Mrtilvnn tn A «neeeh At New Yorkon t*andA> «M thAt the pope n«**mbU»a"that ln<iivi<lu«)whctUmk the Saviour lipioto the mountain."

At rtttvton. IVuanylvAuiA,on XundAv MIItalian boarding how** t>nrn«d. Threerhildreu «*f the pn>prte«»*r. t hrl«t opher

fcrbiHd im ncvcrml mni werehurt, nnwv (AtAlly.

The Rome correspondent of the iondonJW» *Ay*. "A final audtenee with thepope tiA*convinced Arrhblnbop WAIiIithAt the rescript rniint W olieyed.

Two hutidml Irish deleirAte* of ( AthoHe«rtdrli<* m«vt iu Chh-Ajro to Armnfe anou:in« The* umk WVAJUOU to declarethat tbey rouiM manage their own poiiticaluffAim without interferetwe from Rome.

The »t.H»mer City of Sydney arrived laSan Kraueiaco from t'hiua o*» mtndar. Shat«rim<fht new* »>f the drath, on April l?thof \i VoUbt, fntUHi StAte* e«»n«ttl at Ma-nila. a eity of the t'hilllpln*UlautK Mehad been in ehar«f of the riean eon-*ulAt«" ft>r three year«.


The at S|«iksuH' Mlhasl**n rrniovfst to more

Kllrnvl lira btralitrr: The flmtNaliininl iMtnk ami th«> Yakiiim Na-tional bunk will Imth U» locatnl litbrirk luiiMinp. lijr fall.

' Ixinmnrr tliil-JJ mimlter of Wi»-1 ! roßsin men have l«-ei> eruiainK for

, timber in Sk.i>til eotinty lately. The*, «re lautiwl to reprvaent eon9i«l«r»I able eapltal.

Shelton Jontmti- The poatoWee <ie»I partmrnt haa pr.inte.l the petition for

u mail rtnite lwtween Sidney and Hlf-ton ami a road from the latter ptae«to the rounty line ia now a ne<* «ity.The I anal cittxeoa have already tieU-

\u25a0 tioiie<l the conimia-ioner* to build Iha1 : road, whii b ran lip done at a low coat,i <\>tnmi**ioner How, who waa ap-pointed to in-peet the propoanl rout*,report- that the two in ilea of romliwe-varT can l»ri tiitr,K-ted for abottiIJlki. Tfiere will lie nitii-h travel oyertbat route, and it ia to the beat inter-e-t.a of laith eountlaa that th« ctmnec-lion lie made. The I'itnvrr aaya thataft ape will he put on. Two niaitii ?

week will lie carried caeh way.UiMfmlnlr Srntinrl-. I'tun retttrtlin*

from tloldendale U> Portland la*t Tn-day evening we beheld, to our »ur- |iir:-e. liniidinKafter building going up

'! In which to temporarily conduct tb*litiaitieaa of the town. The countyauditor, treasurer and probate judgehave put upa building immediately on

, the "lieof the old court houaein frontI of the vault and are making arrange-

ment- to w*upy them now. Hig Hiclielha- the larpeat new ImiUling up »o far,ju.t south of the court houae, andnear him on the we«t It Master* AHetiaon with tlieir drug otore; neat,»tili further to the ««l, i* I>r. WB* J

j lard * office, till the rear of the kit Sj upon wrhich Crank I'atton waa putting!up bia burlier -li>-p he has a amau' ahop whi< h he ha- lieeo mciipying for

little building going ui on thehis old anop, and it is an

IMRmtoent oft trie old one. Bold A %ll'Vtitoti have their blackamitb ftfcop

;:lm*M*t cotiitdeted ott the talold «ho|>. W. B. fmby Ia htllMteitB Mofftre o|)|v»»ite the alte of Mr. WTinf'i |-ton-. iVowtunr A are iayiof Mtl»e foutidation for their *a#h snd dwffactory on the site of tlie old ahop. C.It. Van Al«tyn hn« ftartod a jso*hl M»Mih*tantiaJ htitldinxon the alie of Ikhilate alore, and thinr* are Iwfinniftg to

| look <|ulte lively u*rt>inDEATH »»r Mm BAC*A*?At 4 orloek

j yeafeerday mornintr Mr*,F IlA«wmm» dladfrnm?HI her SAturday Ist, when *br waa lelivcradof a t»t*y boy. Jfr* itAawau haa

' reeided in Seattle with lit lißAtaind foranumber of y* A** and tor Iter frntie MMner and »»Any good tnu4tf for bap

j Aelf A la ice Hrile of froendwho will h* ? -fHtimfi t*> learn «»f her dead. HTM. fSgl-

' man wa4 prppar.tl f*»r the *<wf. Awf! ki»*in4 hi*f And th»* kH'ed |arottwl h»*r, (tank t-a kcm her pillow, 1«aud ? Aimly eloaad ber eyw. -a
