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The southerner. (Tarboro', Edgecombe Co., (N.C.))...

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TTMIE " " " " -- - : ,1 .TOW B&3) NO. CAROLINA MANUFACTURE There is something elevating in shar- ing a pleasure, from the consumption of our first pennyworth of gingerbread to the carving of our last Christmas pudding; and we have a sort of poetical superstition that those who seek the way to heaven will never be able to find the way alone; and, that over the very gate of entrance will be found the words, "Happiness was bora a twin." Eliza Cook I A FROCLAMATIOIV, By his Excellency, David S. Reid, Gover- nor of the Stale of North Carolina. WHEREAS, three fifths of the whole number of members of each House of the General Assembly did at the last sc3sion pass the following Act: AN ACT TO AMEND THE CONSTITUTION of North Carolina. Whereas, the freehold qualification now required for the electors for mem- bers of the Senate conflict with the fun- damental principles of liberty, therefore Seci 1. Be it enacted by the Genera! As Km .Geo Jf V Othc One - , Cart Gour : nn at the shrine of beauty? Know yon not that hundreds of husbands have been made miserable hy handsome wives, and thousands are happy in the possession of homely ones? homely without, beautiful within. Alas! what is beauty? It is a flower that wilts and wilters almost as soon as it is plucked, a transient rainbow, a fleeting meteor, a deccitftil will o' wisp, sublimated moon- shine." The kind of a wife you want is of good morals, and knows how to mend trousers, who can be reconciled to peel potatoes, with practisable or fashionable piety, who can waltz with a churn-dis- h and sing with a tea-kettl- e, who under- stands broomology, and the true science of mopping who knits stockings with- out knitting her brows, and knits up her husband's ravelled sleeves of care, who prefers sowing tears with her nee- dle, to sewing tares of .scandal with her tongue. Such is decidedly a "better half." Take her if you can get her, wheresoever you can find her if it be up to her elbows in the suds of a wash-tu- b, or picking geese in a cow stable. My hearers my text speaks of a lady before a wash tub. You may think it absurd, but let mo assure you that a female can be a lady before a wash-tub- , or in the kitchen, as much as in the drawing room or in the parlor. What constitutes a lady? It is not a costly dress, paint for the checks, false hair, and still falser airs; but it is her general deportment, her intellectual endowment and that evidence of virtue which com- mands the respect and admiration of the world. She would be recognized as a I lady at once it matters not where orinj what situation she may be found, wheth-- j er scoreiimsr bed buxs whir a red-h- ot i inker, or hullowina halleluiah ata Methodist camp meeting. All that I have further to say, fellow bachelors, U that ..... when you marry, see that you i' get a hidy inside ana out one wuo knows how to keep the pot boiling, and looks well to the household; so mote it ; Share your 151 ism. Somebody says, "Happiness was born a twin," mil we firmly believe it. Yes; people are fir the happiest when they AUK still manufacturing at the Rocky Mount. Mills, about 300,000 lbs Cotton Yarn, the best Georgia ner annum, (equal to yarns,) which they will deliver to Mer chants free of extra charge at New lortc prices. Orders addressed to Battle & Son, Rjcky Mount, N- - C, will receive prompt attention. Feb. 18j. R. Ford, DEALER in Marble Monument's; Head and Foot Stones; Paint Stones; Imposing do; and in short, any article called for of either Italian, Egyptian, or American Marble; and work warranted to please or no sale; and if damaged before delivery it n at his expense. djPOrders left with Geo. Toward, Tar- - boro will be attended to forthwith. Cotton Wanted, FOR which the highest market price will be paidt Apply to W. II. WiPard. Washington, N. C. Jan. 2, '52i ITIoIasftcs. 25 hhds French Island, very snperier, 15 " Cuba, 25 " Sugar house, 12 bbls N. Orleans, for sale very low by W. II. Willard. Jan. 2, '52. mum. THE subscriber being well pre- - pared to do A WARDING furl Commission Slusincss IN TIIE TOWN OP WASHINGTON, Respectfully solicits the patronage iui f ujc uuuuc in i ai udiu . iim vic'ini- - 1 ' , l.v' auu gwcuinue co. generally. lle nas ample and sale room lor the JtL font as i with with arln sembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, three-fifth- s of the whole number of members of each House concurring, that the second clause of third section of the first Attic! e of the amended Constitution ratified by the people of North Carolina on the second Monday of November, At Di 1835, he amended by striking out the words "and possessed of a freehold with- in the same district of fifty acres of land for six months next before and at the day of election,'' so that the said clause of said section shall read as follows, "All free white men of the age of twenty-on- e years (except as is hereinafter declared) who have been inhabitants ot any one district within the State twelve months immediately preceding the day of any election and shall have paid public taxes, shall be entitled to vote for a member of the Senate Sec. 2t Beit further enacted. That the Governor of the State be, and he is here by directed, to issue his Proclamation to the people of North Carolina, at least six months before the next election fur mem- bers of the General Assembly, setting forl!l the purport of this Act and the amendment t the Constitution herein propobcu, wnicn snail be accompanied hy a true and perfect copy of the Act, authenticated by the certificate of the Secretary of State, and both the Proclamation and the copy of this Act, die Governor of the State shall cause toj .. i i i:i i ti .i ue puoiisiicu in an me newspapers oi this j State, and posted in the Court Houses of j the respective Counties in this State, at six months before the election of j Swaims Ttrstieet W'ileyV North Carolina Reader, Southern Harmony & Mnsical Compi Baxter's Saints Rest, Cyclopaedia of COCO Practical Rccpipt, Dictionary of Poetical quotations, ' Arabian Night's Entertainments-- trated, Dark Scenes in History, hy James, Vicar of Wakefield, Bacchus Prize Essay on Intcmperar byGrindrod, Memoirs of Wm. Wirt, by Kennedy, r Joseph II. Boicdin Tarboro Feb. G. $5 Reward, RAN A WAY from the subscrfy on the first of July, nero JIM. The said negro is abouij' years old, of a light comply, and about five feet five i!lct high He is supposed to be ingin the vicinity of Tarboio'. will give the above reward to or persons who will W him to me, or lodge him in am j;, so I get him. All persons are Ktu by forwarncd not to harbor or en ploy said negro under the penal, of tlie law. Cader SJbrams' Hamilton, July 30. 1VEW e&e l?ffrs. E. A FORI?, WOULD respectfully inform ti public, that she has taken the Hun lately occupied by Mrs Svvann,j a Boarding-House- , and having hi' it thoroughly repaired, and fjyft with new and handsome furnitun throughout, she will be enabled tc accommodate a number of transit or permanent Boarders ir the frs manner. The House is as pleasant situated as any In Wilmington and a number of her best roomii; be reserved for the accommodate) of transient visiters. She can cor? fidently bespeak the patronage those desirous of obtaining a lioarf House of the first class, as sh: flatters herself that her arranp ments cannot be surpassed for coir fort and convenience, and noes crtion will be spared calculated t add to the happiness and conttr. mcnt of her guests. SELECTED. We were Boys and Girls together. . G. R. Emerson. We were boys and girls together, In that happy, happy time, When the spirit's life shone brightest And the heart was in its prime Ere the morning light was clouded, That beamed upon our youth, Ere the child of worldly knowledge Had blighted childhood's truth. We were boys and girls together, "When the step was firm and light. When the voice was clear and ringing, And the laughing eyes were bright; Then our love sought no concealment, And our bosom knew no art, Thea the sunshine of our childhood Cast no shadow on the hcarti We are boys and girte no longer. Uut the earnest cares of life Have left the traces on us, Of the sorrow and the strife; The flowers we plucked have withered, The dimpled saiiles have fljd, And the budding hopes we cherished Have vanished with the deaJ. But as the proud stream shadows The raya that lightly glanced Upon the tiny streamlet, Thai, in their gleaming danced, So the soul of earnest manhood iietains the features mild, That bhed a loving beauty On tue spirit ot the child. Other young ones are around us, Othtr voices ringing sweet. We hear their joy oik-- - laughter, 'And the echo of their feet; Oh, childhood never diclli, And beamy ne'er will wane; In the fair ones that we gjrze on, We are boys anJ girls aguti. &hort fcaU'iit Sermon, . BY DOW, JR. I shall give you a sermon to-da- y from the following text: The lacly who, before a tub, Is not ashamed to wrin; or rub. Or on the floor ashamed to scrub; And cares net who calls in to see Her lab'-rin- so industriously, Will makea wi.'e for you or me. My hearers It was ordained by hea - ven not by the devil that every man should have a wife and every woman be ' blessed with a husband. In the begin - ' ningGod made two of the yeans homo of opposite sex. The one electrified positively and the other negatively, so I that when approximated, their mystical effect could be produced from one to the other. The how, why, and the where- - i v ' j ii' iiiuiitii nas yet been able to uueiiauu,ueiiuer is it necessary that! u..,um. ino sexes naturally ap- - i. 1 ii . , . u auu aanere tocacn other through some notorious influence that admits of no solution. ' Let it sumce that it is Vl,nn Adam, he ' ' 111, VJ A. VJcVLVJl ' I saw that it was not cood for him to be alone, so he mesmerized the man, dug a rib from his side without the least par- - storage of Naval Store9, Grain, and ly uiciuuiis iu inu ueai ituiierai rtswnuiy. oilier prouuce; ins cnai ges are mod-ReaUhre- e times and agreed to by erale and ciuick disnatch invaria- - three-fifth- s of the whole number of men;.jby fiiven to all busincss cnlrusted 6crs of each House respectively, ,nd rati-- ; Q direclion s'aarethe flowers and fruits of life. The; in unerring obedience to Ilis will. milk of human kin;lns jtfT. r Is the pu-- ; rest nourishment when handed round ; 3rAn Athenian who wanted elo-i- n the loving cup of a warm Iioart to quonce, but who was an able and brave those about us, ever giving the weak man, when one of his countrymen had End P T, Tl iTaui Prin Iny( sutfe and his c gtru( jag i and cal c ,toh; pow II affor xnosl tlee self his 1 glee of ii text was with Asl lro tim( he lege assi pidi gco mu( Thc him I hah the the I left gen He wit anj fut The Beauty of the Heavens. How delightful it is to contemplate the heavens. They arc stretched out as a curtain to dwell in! Not only as far as the human eye can see, but beyond the remotest boundary which the high- est telescopic power can reach, does the cthcrial firmament extend. We can fin i? rtct limit, no boundary. Millions of miles may be traversed from any given noint of space, and still the heavens ap pear illimitable. Infinity is stamped upon them.. And with what gorgeous splender and magnificence is that cur-- tain adorned! In every direction it is studded with worlds, suns, and systems, all harmoniously moving in perfect and undeviatiug obedience to the Almighty will. The soul in such a contemplation is absorded, Earth ceases to hold us with its silver chain. The mind set free from groveling pursuits, mounts up, as on the wings of an eagle, and soars away through immensity of space, surveying and diadems of many crowns of glory beauty, that bespangle the lirmament whose antiquity is of ancient da3s, and which so powerfully attest "that the hand that made them is divine!" The immense distance of the fixed cfnrs claims our attention, and awakens tho most, rnranturiiiff fcclinirs in the ! luiuJ. Reason ii ; compelled to give the ' rein to imagination, which tells us there distant that their light has J are stars so . . . . i been shining since the creation ana not yCt reached us. The heavens truly declare the elory ! of God, and in beholding such a display oi gtory auu beauty; we are aeepiy im- - pressed with its manifestation of the Creator who sustains, upholds, and pre-- 1 servos such myriads of ponderous v living bodies each in its orbit, moving in a brilliant speech, promised great thing, rose and said, "Men of Athens, all that he has said I will do!" "Somebody siys, "a baby laugh- - ing in us dreams, is conversing with the angels." Perhaps so and we have seen them crying in their waking hours, as though they were having a spat with the devil. 55-B- asy not thyself in searching jntootncr mcns uvcs. tne errors of thine own arc more tuan tuou c.m answcr for. jt more conocrnH thee to mend one fault in tnySCify than to find out a thousand jn 0thcrs. him that jtly confess hat is an kindles the B"Some thoughts always find us young and keep us so. Such a thought 13 tuo lovc the universal and eternal ... . l..x t .1 a ?. JG$"Wc discover great beauty in those who are not beautiful, if they pos- - sess genuine truthfulness, simplicity, and sincerity. J&sF":Is your watch a lever?" 'Lev- - cr! yes, have to leave her once a week at the watch maker's for repairs." A newspaper is a law-boo- k for the indolent, a sermon for the thought- - o less, a library for the poor. It may stimulate the most indifferent, it may instruct the most profound. ESKing says that the only objection he has got to twenty shilling boarding houses, is that they buy mackerel by the barrel. JgWomen always want something to lean upon. As a stick is to green peas so is the masculine gender, to the teniale. fiy-- A man who marries a frivolous. snowy woman, lancies he has huno trinket round his neck, but he soon finds it is a mill stone. Swisshelm declares that "the coil of an anaconda would make a better girdle for a young woman's waist J than thc arm of a drunken husband." iV -.- 1 ; .1 r i 1 1 'I it i is J. .If b f. 1 i.' 4 VJ- - y V t' f v , !..' .'5 1 J I . J Vi I 1I iM t ;u ; t v. m "-'- -"o - Egrlf vou are anrv with "iU1AUU rv " . reproves vour sin vou scrc Fas,uo 10 - Ui LU ,JL Uniut hot ,UIotr interdict. :i:n,i .lnrum does not vn J 1 "t., .,1 11,1 f. Z gry with the just reprover, umi wumau - r fire f tb . u Jusl tu(r' participation in the chase. j We were led to note down these has- - tide of pain and from it he made ttve, ; warm, ciouuics3 uay, wnen the sua 'ui,y. xoauiy is my nowenng 01 to be a helpmate for him, as well as a j seemed prouder and grander than usual, virtue. fancy plaything. Now without know- - j as though he had grown vain from sec- - j iii" what Eve was, they couldn't help iug himself so distinctly in Neptune's' BSf'A gentleman having lately been levin" the moment they set eyes upon mirror. "NVe stood by one street lea-- called on to a course of lectures, declin-on- o another. He cast sheep's eyes at j ding to the beach, and amused ourselves ed; said he 'my wife gives me a lecture her at a distance, and she threw killing J with watching and speculating on the ; every night for nothing., fied in General Assembly, this the 21ih cay of January, 1831. J. C. DOBBIN, S. H. C. V. N. EDWARDS, S. S. State of Norvrri Carolina, 7 Ojjice of Secretary of State. S I, William Hill, Secretary of Slate, in and for the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and perfect copy of the Act of the General Assembly of this State, drawn off from the original on file in this office, j Given under my hand, this 3lst day of December, 1651. WM. HILL, Sec' y of State. And whereas, the said Act provides for amending the Constitution of the Slate cf North Carolina S3 as to confer on. every qualified voter for the House of Commons the right to vote also for the Senate ; Now, therafoic, to the end that it may be made known that if the aforesaid amendment to the Constitution shall be agreed to by two-third- s of the whole rep- resentation in each House of the next General Assembly, it will then be sub- mitted to the people for ra tificatin, 1 have issued this my Proclamation in con- formity with the provisions of the above recited Act In testimony whereof, David S. Reid Governor of the State of North Carolina, nath hereunto set his hand and caused the Great Sea of said State to be affixed. Done at the City of Raleigh, on the thirty-firs- t day of December, in the Li s year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-on- e, and in the7Cth year of our Independence. By the Governor, DAVID S. REID. Fiiomas Settle, Jr. Private Sec'y, Persons into whose hand9 this Procla mation may fall, will please see that a copy of it is posted up in the Court Houses of their respective Counties. FOB TIIE subscriber continues to keep hor ses and vehicles for hire on the following TERMS PER DAY 1 For carriage, two horses, & driver, $5 06 " carriage and harness, 2 00 " barouche, two horses, & driver, 4 00 " barouche and harness, l 50 carryall, two horses, and driver, 3 50 carryall and harness, 1 00 " buggy and horse, 2 00 " boSy and harness, 0 75 " horse, saddle and bridle, 1 25 " horse, 1 00 " horse and cart, 1 25 " Cart and gear, 0 25 Horse and plough. 1 00 plough and gear, 0 25 Wagon and dray, by contract! , The above charges are for an ordinary day's travel longer or shorter distances, a uy contract. - GEO HOWARD. and trembling ones the fullest draughts. ? it remembered, though, that wo are no admirers of the happiness which is shared by men only in the paluccdikel club, or low pot-hous- e, where extreme ! sympathies and unlimited potations render spirits so convivially blest, that they form philosonhical and heroic res- - , Solutions not to "go homo till morning;" jand where, while boasting of good fel-- ; lowship and undying freindship with Harry Hie-awa- y or Tom Hatchet, they entirely forgot the simple, domes-- , tic fact of wife, mother, or sifter being rather lonely at home, while sitting up fr them. We set our faces against those "social bonds" held together by smoke and alcohol; for wo have greater' i. .1 1 ty thoughts by seeing a cheap and early railway train pour forth its swarm, of holiday-maker- s at Brighton. It was 1 , crowds that those artisan men who were in company with the fairer portion of creation were the most healthy and re- - j spectaoie m their general appearance ; and demeanor, while those who were a- - lone, or with their lordly fellows, bore tangible impress of personal sclf-negle- ct and too frequently aiforded unequivocal j indications of. dissipated habits; the dust-grime- d, habiliments, good in quality but ruined by slovenly carelessness; thc unshorn face and unbrushed hair; the unnecessarily dirty hands; the vulgarly fine neckcloth, tied without neatness cr taste; and frequently the bad cigar at! thc very early hour, all betoken a coar- ser and rougher specimen of human- ity. Doubtless these men had feminine belongings, who would have been glad enough to enjoy a breath of sea breezes and whose presence might have kept hem in a much more fitting and respec table condition to return home; for we observed those very men were the same who had evidently imbibed more spiri tuous than saliae particles during the aay, as thev rudely elbowed their wav into the crowded carriges in the even- - ing while those who had a fair com- panion t seemed as cheerfuPand manly aa " wuin and we came to the COnclUSlOTI. ns urn ' " "WUU WIT l auk niTfiu wide open, that the proper twin of "x-i- u uappiaess must ever be of the jcve gonaer. REFERENCES. Macnair & Brother, Tarboro' N. C , William Bernard, Greenville. Eli Hoyt, Washington, N. C, Geo. H. Brown & Brother, Washington, B. J. Parmelee. Washington, N. C. Hon. Judge Manly, Newbcrn, N. C, .1. A. Stanly, Wilmington, N. C, Wm. Bryce& Co., New York, Bateman & Ruddcrow, do. Mallett &Paulmin, do. L. J. LA BAR BR. Washington, N. C, April 2. Don't you want to IUJLDE? THE sub scriber keeps constant- ly on hand, a large variety of vehi- cles comprising. Buggies, Barouches, &c. of every style and finish. He also manufactures to order any description of vehicles, from an ox cart to a fine carriage, in a style not surpassed in this country, and at prices as low as can be aff jrded any where. He also carries on a large har ness manufactory sets of harness from $12i to $50. Vehicles of every description re paired at short notice and on reas onable terms The subscriber will attend the Courts of Edgecombe, and be pre pared to make contracts as above, on favorable terms. JAMES NELSON. Greenville, Pitt Co. July 8. Thomas L. Liddon, BRICKLAYER & PLASTERER, INFORMS thc citizens of Martin S: the adjacent counties, that he has Removed to Hamilton And is fully prepared to execute all jobs in his line of business, that mav be entrusted to him. He has compe- tent workmen in his emplcTy; and can give satisfactory assurances, that all work entrusted ta him will be executed expeditiously and in a workmanlike manner. ; References, Jo. JVaMo, Hamilton; !Vh.NorJleetT Baker Staton, Edgecombe Co Goold Iloyt, Greenville. Hamilton, April 3. " The House is now open forth reception of permanent or day boa: tiers. For terms, apply to Mrs. Fori Nov. 7. John H. 'Smith's Renovating Ointment ani HORSE RENOVATING POWDERS, THE author of our existence b caused to grow up spontaneous' throughout the world, such vege'1 ble properties as will at once cure, when properly applied, all curat! diseases. The proprietor of the? truly valuable medicines migbt ft a volume with Certificates and in favor of his article1 but, considering such puffs wholl; useless, since they are so readil; manufactured, and made use of l: such an extent to palm off some us less trash -- upon the public, I shai' therefore, state at once, the varied diseases that can be speedily cuici by these Invaluable Horse Reno vating Powders, viz: G lander? hidebound, and horse Distempff It also carries off all gross humofi and purifies the blood. It is al' safe and certain cure for the hcavfS it will also cleanse, at once,l'! stomach and maw from bots, worn &e.and again restore the stomach and bowels to healthy action. Smilh's Renovating Ointment Is an invaluable remedy for hcrses in the cure of the following clisca-- . ses; Fresh woundg, Galls, of & kinds, Sprains, Bruises, Hingbontt Poll Evil, windgalls, Spavins, Swe- eny, Fistula,Strains, Lameness, fou- ndered Feet, Cracks, and Scratch The above articles are to be in most of thc Cities and principaJ Villages throughout the Unit States, and the Canadas. For sale, wholesale and retail 3' John H. Smith's Depot, No. 123 Pulton street, (2d floor,) NewY Price; 25 cents per box for Ointment; 50 cts for the Horse R0' vating Powders, For sale by Geo. Howard. bee at xol of pai eer gir to fL-- th( by Lis cr' th xn th ce th th in ca nc W y rc -- v Vi fi .c g glances in return, that fired his soul and j set his nearx; vmrating liKe a splinter upon a chesnut rail in a sou' wester. They finally came together just' as natur- ally as a couple of apple .seeds in a basin of water. But situated as they were at first, and having little or no manual la- bor to perform, Eve could be of little j utility to Adam, and Adam couldn't do a great deal for Eve. So they loved and were ready to assist each other, in case of any emergent casualty, aud so when they found that aprons were ne- cessary, they set to and with the needle worked toother for mutual good. Eve only understood plain sewing she knew nothing about your embroidery lace working and piano piw Thc couple were perfectly h, iu thdr ru(k and rough state, until thc old ;nfc got among 'cm, and even then thev Stuck to each other through tucfc anl through thin-thr- ough all the bram blmg vicissitudes of life, from Paradiso to Perdition. My brethren, since you know that marriage is a divine institution, and that everv vnr nf r,. i...n , wife, what kind of a rib would you se-lec- tr A pretty little useless doll, nrn lT-- .. V 1 1 - ' 7'mau mB ana spunKy enough to wres a bear and come off best? imagine you would care nothing for eith er extreme, , but. v 1, . i , mmiu iojK ior ner .... SOnnl Ph-irm- c r 4W4 V; y()u tQQh
Page 1: The southerner. (Tarboro', Edgecombe Co., (N.C.)) …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90052434/1852-03-13/ed...Know yon not that hundreds of husbands have been made miserable hy handsome

TTMIE" " " "

-- - :

,1 .TOW B&3)NO. CAROLINA MANUFACTUREThere is something elevating in shar-

ing a pleasure, from the consumption

of our first pennyworth of gingerbreadto the carving of our last Christmaspudding; and we have a sort of poetical

superstition that those who seek the

way to heaven will never be able to find

the way alone; and, that over the verygate of entrance will be found the words,

"Happiness was bora a twin."Eliza Cook


A FROCLAMATIOIV,By his Excellency, David S. Reid, Gover-

nor of the Stale of North Carolina.

WHEREAS, three fifths of the wholenumber of members of each House of the

General Assembly did at the last sc3sion

pass the following Act:


of North Carolina.Whereas, the freehold qualification

now required for the electors for mem-

bers of the Senate conflict with the fun-

damental principles of liberty, thereforeSeci 1. Be it enacted by the Genera! As



Jf VOthc




: nn

at the shrine of beauty? Know yonnot that hundreds of husbands have

been made miserable hy handsomewives, and thousands are happy in the

possession of homely ones? homely

without, beautiful within. Alas! what

is beauty? It is a flower that wilts and

wilters almost as soon as it is plucked, a

transient rainbow, a fleeting meteor, a

deccitftil will o' wisp, sublimated moon-

shine." The kind of a wife you want isof good morals, and knows how to mend

trousers, who can be reconciled to peel

potatoes, with practisable or fashionablepiety, who can waltz with a churn-dis- h

and sing with a tea-kettl- e, who under-

stands broomology, and the true science

of mopping who knits stockings with-

out knitting her brows, and knits upher husband's ravelled sleeves of care,who prefers sowing tears with her nee-

dle, to sewing tares of .scandal with hertongue. Such is decidedly a "betterhalf." Take her if you can get her,wheresoever you can find her if it be upto her elbows in the suds of a wash-tu- b,

or picking geese in a cow stable.My hearers my text speaks of a lady

before a wash tub. You may think itabsurd, but let mo assure you that afemale can be a lady before a wash-tub- ,

or in the kitchen, as much as in thedrawing room or in the parlor. Whatconstitutes a lady? It is not a costlydress, paint for the checks, false hair,and still falser airs; but it is her generaldeportment, her intellectual endowmentand that evidence of virtue which com-

mands the respect and admiration of theworld. She would be recognized as a I

lady at once it matters not where orinjwhat situation she may be found, wheth-- j

er scoreiimsr bed buxs whir a red-h- ot i

inker, or hullowina halleluiah ataMethodist camp meeting. All that Ihave further to say, fellow bachelors,U that .....when you marry, see that youi'get a hidy inside ana out one wuoknows how to keep the pot boiling, andlooks well to the household; so mote it ;

Share your 151 ism.Somebody says, "Happiness was born

a twin," mil we firmly believe it. Yes;people are fir the happiest when they

AUK still manufacturing at the Rocky

Mount. Mills, about

300,000 lbs Cotton Yarn,the best Georgianer annum, (equal to

yarns,) which they will deliver to Mer

chants free of extra charge at New lortcprices. Orders addressed to Battle &

Son, Rjcky Mount, N- - C, will receive

prompt attention. Feb. 18j.

R. Ford,DEALER in Marble Monument's; Head

and Foot Stones; Paint Stones; Imposingdo; and in short, any article called for of

either Italian, Egyptian, or American

Marble; and work warranted to please or

no sale; and if damaged before deliveryit n at his expense.

djPOrders left with Geo. Toward, Tar--

boro will be attended to forthwith.

Cotton Wanted,FOR which the highest market price

will be paidt Apply to

W. II. WiPard.Washington, N. C. Jan. 2, '52i

ITIoIasftcs.25 hhds French Island, very snperier,15 " Cuba,25 " Sugar house,12 bbls N. Orleans, for sale very low by

W. II. Willard.Jan. 2, '52.

mum.THE subscriber being well pre- -

pared to do

A WARDINGfurl Commission Slusincss


Respectfully solicits the patronageiuif ujc uuuuc in i ai udiu . iim vic'ini- -

1 ',l.v' auu gwcuinue co. generally.lle nas ample and sale room lor the

JtLfontas i


sembly of the State of North Carolina, andit is hereby enacted by the authority of the

same, three-fifth- s of the whole number ofmembers of each House concurring, thatthe second clause of third section of thefirst Attic! e of the amended Constitutionratified by the people of North Carolinaon the second Monday of November, AtDi 1835, he amended by striking out thewords "and possessed of a freehold with-

in the same district of fifty acres of landfor six months next before and at the dayof election,'' so that the said clause ofsaid section shall read as follows, "Allfree white men of the age of twenty-on- e

years (except as is hereinafter declared)who have been inhabitants ot any onedistrict within the State twelve monthsimmediately preceding the day of anyelection and shall have paid public taxes,shall be entitled to vote for a member ofthe Senate

Sec. 2t Beit further enacted. That theGovernor of the State be, and he is hereby directed, to issue his Proclamation tothe people of North Carolina, at least sixmonths before the next election fur mem-

bers of the General Assembly, settingforl!l the purport of this Act and theamendment t the Constitution hereinpropobcu, wnicn snail beaccompanied hy a true and perfect copyof the Act, authenticated by the certificateof the Secretary of State, and both theProclamation and the copy of this Act,die Governor of the State shall cause toj..i i i:i i ti .iue puoiisiicu in an me newspapers oi this j

State, and posted in the Court Houses of j

the respective Counties in this State, atsix months before the election of j

Swaims TtrstieetW'ileyV North Carolina Reader,Southern Harmony & Mnsical CompiBaxter's Saints Rest,Cyclopaedia of COCO Practical Rccpipt,Dictionary of Poetical quotations,


Arabian Night's Entertainments--trated,

Dark Scenes in History, hy James,Vicar of Wakefield,Bacchus Prize Essay on Intcmperar

byGrindrod,Memoirs of Wm. Wirt, by Kennedy, r

Joseph II. BoicdinTarboro Feb. G.

$5 Reward,RAN A WAY from the subscrfy

on the first of July, neroJIM. The said negro is abouij'

years old, of a light comply,and about five feet five i!lcthigh He is supposed to beingin the vicinity of Tarboio'.will give the above reward to

or persons who will Whim to me, or lodge him in am j;,

so I get him. All persons are Ktuby forwarncd not to harbor or en

ploy said negro under the penal,of tlie law. Cader SJbrams'

Hamilton, July 30.


e&el?ffrs. E. A FORI?,

WOULD respectfully inform ti

public, that she has taken the Hunlately occupied by Mrs Svvann,ja Boarding-House- , and having hi'

it thoroughly repaired, and fjyft

with new and handsome furnitun

throughout, she will be enabled tc

accommodate a number of transitor permanent Boarders ir the frs

manner. The House is as pleasant

situated as any

In Wilmingtonand a number of her best roomii;be reserved for the accommodate)of transient visiters. She can cor?

fidently bespeak the patronagethose desirous of obtaining a lioarf

House of the first class, as sh:

flatters herself that her arranpments cannot be surpassed for coir

fort and convenience, and noes

crtion will be spared calculated t

add to the happiness and conttr.

mcnt of her guests.


We were Boys and Girls together.. G. R. Emerson.

We were boys and girls together,In that happy, happy time,

When the spirit's life shone brightest

And the heart was in its prime

Ere the morning light was clouded,

That beamed upon our youth,Ere the child of worldly knowledge

Had blighted childhood's truth.

We were boys and girls together,"When the step was firm and light.

When the voice was clear and ringing,And the laughing eyes were bright;

Then our love sought no concealment,And our bosom knew no art,

Thea the sunshine of our childhood

Cast no shadow on the hcarti

We are boys and girte no longer.Uut the earnest cares of life

Have left the traces on us,Of the sorrow and the strife;

The flowers we plucked have withered,

The dimpled saiiles have fljd,And the budding hopes we cherished

Have vanished with the deaJ.

But as the proud stream shadowsThe raya that lightly glanced

Upon the tiny streamlet,Thai, in their gleaming danced,

So the soul of earnest manhoodiietains the features mild,

That bhed a loving beautyOn tue spirit ot the child.

Other young ones are around us,Othtr voices ringing sweet.

We hear their joy oik--- laughter,'And the echo of their feet;

Oh, childhood never diclli,And beamy ne'er will wane;

In the fair ones that we gjrze on,We are boys anJ girls aguti.

&hort fcaU'iit Sermon, .

BY DOW, JR.I shall give you a sermon to-da- y from

the following text:

The lacly who, before a tub,Is not ashamed to wrin; or rub.Or on the floor ashamed to scrub;And cares net who calls in to seeHer lab'-rin- so industriously,Will makea wi.'e for you or me.

My hearers It was ordained by hea -

ven not by the devil that every manshould have a wife and every woman be


blessed with a husband. In the begin -'

ningGod made two of the yeans homoof opposite sex. The one electrified

positively and the other negatively, so I

that when approximated, their mysticaleffect could be produced from one to theother. The how, why, and the where- -


v 'j ii' iiiuiitii nas yet been able to

uueiiauu,ueiiuer is it necessary that!u..,um. ino sexes naturally ap- -i. 1 ii . , .u auu aanere tocacn other through

some notorious influence that admitsof no solution. ' Let it sumce that it is

Vl,nn Adam, he' ' 111, VJ A. VJcVLVJl ' I

saw that it was not cood for him to bealone, so he mesmerized the man, dug arib from his side without the least par--

storage of Naval Store9, Grain, and lyuiciuuiis iu inu ueai ituiierai rtswnuiy. oilier prouuce; ins cnai ges are mod-ReaUhre- e

times and agreed to by erale and ciuick disnatch invaria- -three-fifth- s of the whole number of men;.jby fiiven to all busincss cnlrusted6crs of each House respectively, ,nd rati-- ;

Q direclion

s'aarethe flowers and fruits of life. The; in unerring obedience to Ilis will.milk of human kin;lns jtfT. r Is the pu-- ;

rest nourishment when handed round ; 3rAn Athenian who wanted elo-i- n

the loving cup of a warm Iioart to quonce, but who was an able and bravethose about us, ever giving the weak man, when one of his countrymen had


TliTauiPrinIny(sutfeandhis c

gtru(jag i

andcal c



tleeselfhis 1

gleeof iitextwaswithAsllrotim(helegeassipidigcomu(Thchim



The Beauty of the Heavens.How delightful it is to contemplate the

heavens. They arc stretched out as a

curtain to dwell in! Not only as faras the human eye can see, but beyond

the remotest boundary which the high-

est telescopic power can reach, does thecthcrial firmament extend. We canfin i? rtct limit, no boundary. Millions

of miles may be traversed from any given

noint of space, and still the heavens ap

pear illimitable. Infinity is stampedupon them.. And with what gorgeoussplender and magnificence is that cur--

tain adorned! In every direction it isstudded with worlds, suns, and systems,all harmoniously moving in perfect andundeviatiug obedience to the Almightywill. The soul in such a contemplationis absorded, Earth ceases to hold us withits silver chain. The mind set freefrom groveling pursuits, mounts up, as

on the wings of an eagle, and soars awaythrough immensity of space, surveying

and diadems ofmany crowns of glorybeauty, that bespangle the lirmamentwhose antiquity is of ancient da3s, andwhich so powerfully attest "that thehand that made them is divine!"

The immense distance of the fixedcfnrs claims our attention, and awakenstho most, rnranturiiiff fcclinirs in the !

luiuJ. Reason ii; compelled to give the '

rein to imagination, which tells us theredistant that their light has Jare stars so

. . . . ibeen shining since the creation ana notyCt reached us.

The heavens truly declare the elory !

of God, and in beholding such a displayoi gtory auu beauty; we are aeepiy im- -

pressed with its manifestation of theCreator who sustains, upholds, and pre-- 1

servos such myriads of ponderousv living bodies each in its orbit, moving

in a brilliant speech, promised greatthing, rose and said, "Men of Athens,all that he has said I will do!"

"Somebody siys, "a baby laugh- -

ing in us dreams, is conversing with theangels." Perhaps so and we haveseen them crying in their waking hours,as though they were having a spat withthe devil.

55-B-asy not thyself in searching

jntootncr mcns uvcs. tne errors of thineown arc more tuan tuou c.m answcr for.jt more conocrnH thee to mend one faultin tnySCify than to find out a thousandjn 0thcrs.

him thatjtly confesshat is ankindles the

B"Some thoughts always find usyoung and keep us so. Such a thought13 tuo lovc the universal and eternal

... .l..x t .1 a ?.

JG$"Wc discover great beauty inthose who are not beautiful, if they pos- -sess genuine truthfulness, simplicity,and sincerity.

J&sF":Is your watch a lever?" 'Lev- -cr! yes, have to leave her once a weekat the watch maker's for repairs."

A newspaper is a law-boo- k forthe indolent, a sermon for the thought--oless, a library for the poor. It maystimulate the most indifferent, it mayinstruct the most profound.

ESKing says that the only objectionhe has got to twenty shilling boardinghouses, is that they buy mackerel by thebarrel.

JgWomen always want somethingto lean upon. As a stick is to greenpeas so is the masculine gender, to theteniale.

fiy--A man who marries a frivolous.snowy woman, lancies he has hunotrinket round his neck, but he soon findsit is a mill stone.

Swisshelm declares that"the coil of an anaconda would make abetter girdle for a young woman's waist

J than thc arm of a drunken husband."

iV -.- 1

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r i

1 1



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; t v.

m "-'- -"o - Egrlf vou are anrv with"iU1AUU rv " . reproves vour sin vou scrcFas,uo 10 -

Ui LU ,JL Uniut hot,UIotrinterdict.:i:n,i .lnrum does not vnJ

1 "t., .,1 11,1 f.Z gry with the just reprover,umi wumau -r fire f tb .

u Jusl tu(r'participation in the chase.j

We were led to note down these has- -

tide of pain and from it he made ttve, ; warm, ciouuics3 uay, wnen the sua 'ui,y. xoauiy is my nowenng 01

to be a helpmate for him, as well as a j seemed prouder and grander than usual, virtue.

fancy plaything. Now without know- - j as though he had grown vain from sec- - j

iii" what Eve was, they couldn't help iug himself so distinctly in Neptune's' BSf'A gentleman having lately beenlevin" the moment they set eyes upon mirror. "NVe stood by one street lea-- called on to a course of lectures, declin-on- o

another. He cast sheep's eyes at j ding to the beach, and amused ourselves ed; said he 'my wife gives me a lectureher at a distance, and she threw killing J with watching and speculating on the ; every night for nothing.,

fied in General Assembly, this the 21ihcay of January, 1831.


State of Norvrri Carolina, 7Ojjice of Secretary of State. S

I, William Hill, Secretary of Slate,in and for the State of North Carolina,do hereby certify that the foregoing is atrue and perfect copy of the Act of theGeneral Assembly of this State, drawn offfrom the original on file in this office, j

Given under my hand, this 3lst day ofDecember, 1651.

WM. HILL, Sec'y of State.

And whereas, the said Act providesfor amending the Constitution of theSlate cf North Carolina S3 as to conferon. every qualified voter for the House ofCommons the right to vote also for theSenate ;

Now, therafoic, to the end that it maybe made known that if the aforesaidamendment to the Constitution shall beagreed to by two-third- s of the whole rep-

resentation in each House of the nextGeneral Assembly, it will then be sub-

mitted to the people for ra tificatin, 1

have issued this my Proclamation in con-formity with the provisions of the aboverecited Act

In testimony whereof, David S. ReidGovernor of the State of North Carolina,nath hereunto set his hand and causedthe Great Sea of said State to be affixed.

Done at the City of Raleigh, on thethirty-firs- t day of December, in the

Li s year of our Lord, one thousandeight hundred and fifty-on- e, and inthe7Cth year of our Independence.

By the Governor, DAVID S. REID.Fiiomas Settle, Jr. Private Sec'y,

Persons into whose hand9 this Proclamation may fall, will please see that acopy of it is posted up in the CourtHouses of their respective Counties.

FOBTIIE subscriber continues to keep hor

ses and vehicles for hire on the followingTERMS PER DAY 1

For carriage, two horses, & driver, $5 06" carriage and harness, 2 00" barouche, two horses, & driver, 4 00" barouche and harness, l 50

carryall, two horses, and driver, 3 50carryall and harness, 1 00

" buggy and horse, 2 00" boSy and harness, 0 75" horse, saddle and bridle, 1 25" horse, 1 00" horse and cart, 1 25" Cart and gear, 0 25

Horse and plough. 1 00plough and gear, 0 25

Wagon and dray, by contract!, The above charges are for an ordinary

day's travel longer or shorter distances,auy contract. - GEO HOWARD.

and trembling ones the fullest draughts.? it remembered, though, that wo are

no admirers of the happiness which isshared by men only in the paluccdikelclub, or low pot-hous- e, where extreme !

sympathies and unlimited potationsrender spirits so convivially blest, thatthey form philosonhical and heroic res- -


Solutions not to "go homo till morning;"jand where, while boasting of good fel-- ;

lowship and undying freindship withHarry Hie-awa- y or Tom Hatchet,

they entirely forgot the simple, domes-- ,tic fact of wife, mother, or sifter beingrather lonely at home, while sitting up

fr them. We set our faces againstthose "social bonds" held together bysmoke and alcohol; for wo have greater'

i. .1 1

ty thoughts by seeing a cheap and earlyrailway train pour forth its swarm, ofholiday-maker-s at Brighton. It was

1 ,

crowds that those artisan men who werein company with the fairer portion ofcreation were the most healthy and re- - j

spectaoie m their general appearance ;

and demeanor, while those who were a--

lone, or with their lordly fellows, boretangible impress of personal sclf-negle-ct

and too frequently aiforded unequivocal j

indications of. dissipated habits; thedust-grime- d, habiliments, good in qualitybut ruined by slovenly carelessness; thcunshorn face and unbrushed hair; theunnecessarily dirty hands; the vulgarlyfine neckcloth, tied without neatness crtaste; and frequently the bad cigar at!thc very early hour, all betoken a coar-ser and rougher specimen of human-ity. Doubtless these men had femininebelongings, who would have been gladenough to enjoy a breath of sea breezesand whose presence might have kepthem in a much more fitting and respec

table condition to return home; for weobserved those very men were the samewho had evidently imbibed more spirituous than saliae particles during theaay, as thev rudely elbowed their wavinto the crowded carriges in the even- -ing while those who had a fair com-panion t seemed as cheerfuPand manlyaa " wuin and we came to theCOnclUSlOTI. ns urn' " "WUU WIT l auk niTfiuwide open, that the proper twin of"x-i- u uappiaess must ever be of thejcve gonaer.

REFERENCES.Macnair & Brother, Tarboro' N.

C , William Bernard, Greenville.Eli Hoyt, Washington, N. C, Geo.H. Brown & Brother, Washington,B. J. Parmelee. Washington, N. C.Hon. Judge Manly, Newbcrn, N.C, .1. A. Stanly, Wilmington, N.C, Wm. Bryce& Co., New York,Bateman & Ruddcrow, do. Mallett&Paulmin, do.

L. J. LA BAR BR.Washington, N. C, April 2.

Don't you want toIUJLDE?

THE sub scriber keeps constant-ly on hand, a large variety of vehi-cles comprising.

Buggies, Barouches, &c.of every style and finish.

He also manufactures to orderany description of vehicles, from anox cart to a fine carriage, in a stylenot surpassed in this country, and atprices as low as can be affjrded anywhere.

He also carries on a large harness manufactory sets of harnessfrom $12i to $50.

Vehicles of every description repaired at short notice and on reasonable terms

The subscriber will attend theCourts of Edgecombe, and be prepared to make contracts as above,on favorable terms.

JAMES NELSON.Greenville, Pitt Co. July 8.

Thomas L. Liddon,BRICKLAYER & PLASTERER,INFORMS thc citizens of Martin

S: the adjacent counties, that he has

Removed to HamiltonAnd is fully prepared to execute alljobs in his line of business, that mavbe entrusted to him. He has compe-tent workmen in his emplcTy; andcan give satisfactory assurances,that all work entrusted ta him willbe executed expeditiously and in aworkmanlike manner.

; References,Jo. JVaMo, Hamilton;!Vh.NorJleetTBaker Staton, Edgecombe CoGoold Iloyt, Greenville.

Hamilton, April 3. "

The House is now open forthreception of permanent or day boa:

tiers. For terms, apply to Mrs. Fori

Nov. 7.

John H. 'Smith'sRenovating Ointment ani


THE author of our existence bcaused to grow up spontaneous'

throughout the world, such vege'1

ble properties as will at once cure,

when properly applied, all curat!

diseases. The proprietor of the?

truly valuable medicines migbt ft

a volume with Certificates andin favor of his article1

but, considering such puffs wholl;

useless, since they are so readil;

manufactured, and made use of l:

such an extent to palm off some us

less trash -- upon the public, I shai'

therefore, state at once, the varied

diseases that can be speedily cuici

by these Invaluable Horse Reno

vating Powders, viz: G lander?

hidebound, and horse Distempff

It also carries off all gross humofi

and purifies the blood. It is al'safe and certain cure for the hcavfS

it will also cleanse, at once,l'!stomach and maw from bots, worn

&e.and again restore the stomach and

bowels to healthy action.Smilh's Renovating Ointment

Is an invaluable remedy for hcrses

in the cure of the following clisca--.

ses; Fresh woundg, Galls, of &

kinds, Sprains, Bruises, HingbonttPoll Evil, windgalls, Spavins, Swe-

eny, Fistula,Strains, Lameness, fou-

ndered Feet, Cracks, and ScratchThe above articles are to be

in most of thc Cities and principaJ

Villages throughout the Unit

States, and the Canadas.For sale, wholesale and retail 3'

John H. Smith's Depot, No. 123

Pulton street, (2d floor,) NewYPrice; 25 cents per box for

Ointment; 50 cts for the Horse R0'vating Powders,

For sale by Geo. Howard.










glances in return, that fired his soul and j

set his nearx; vmrating liKe a splinterupon a chesnut rail in a sou' wester.They finally came together just' as natur-ally as a couple of apple .seeds in a basinof water. But situated as they were atfirst, and having little or no manual la-

bor to perform, Eve could be of little j

utility to Adam, and Adam couldn't doa great deal for Eve. So they lovedand were ready to assist each other,in case of any emergent casualty, aud sowhen they found that aprons were ne-cessary, they set to and with the needleworked toother for mutual good. Eveonly understood plain sewing sheknew nothing about your embroiderylace working and piano piw Thccouple were perfectly h, iu thdr ru(kand rough state, until thc old ;nfcgot among 'cm, and even then thevStuck to each other through tucfc anlthrough thin-thr- ough all the bramblmg vicissitudes of life, from Paradisoto Perdition.

My brethren, since you know thatmarriage is a divine institution, andthat everv vnr nf r,. i...n ,

wife, what kind of a rib would you se-lec- tr

A pretty little useless doll, nrnlT-- .. V 1 1 - '7'mau mB ana spunKy enough to wres

a bear and come off best?imagine you would care nothing for either extreme,, but. v 1, . i ,

mmiu iojK ior ner....SOnnl Ph-irm- c r4W4 V; y()u tQQh
