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The Tarboro' southerner. (Tarboro', N.C.) 1872-12-05 [p...

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P. 23 AOVERTISI3M E3WTS. ADVCUTISKME1TS. IETf ADTERTISEJWE3TTS. The Tarboro' Southerner 111. 5 r mm MART OK FASHION ADVERTISE MEATS. ., i . . OXFORD FEMALE SEMINARY, : Oxford, H. f. Miss M. E. Mitchell, Prin- cipal; Miss E. N. Grant, Associate Princi-- p al. The Music Department is under the charge of Mrs. W. H. Morrow, well known as an accomplished teacher of long ex- perience. The Spring Session of 1873 opens Jan. 15. Circu'ars on application. References All friends and pupil" of the late Prof.E. Mitchell, of the University of N rth Carolina. - nor. 21 3m. J. E. SIMMONS, CABINETMAKER ANTt UNDERTAKER, Establishment Millinery fflrsL ,-- F eMeeheimer, Main Street, Tarboro, N. C, Has her Store once again filled with one Of the most Magnificent Stocks of , " -- r ever brdulght id tarboi. This stock has just been purchased from the most iFasiiionable Northern Empo- riums, and has been selected with great care and judgment. It consists of all the Iatest Styles in Ml ATS & IBNW1ETS. Also a rare selection of the most beautiful and chaste fDres (Soods&TriiiiiLiiiigs which will challenge comparison with the very best in any place, North or South. The' Finest L Velvets, Silks Sating Ffeathcrs, Rib- bons and Flower; all purchased by Mrs. Fcldenheiirier iri person, besides a great variety of articles too numerous td mention Ladies are respectfully invited to call aiid examine, as it will afford me pleasure to show my Goods. MRS. K. FELDENHEIMEH, Oct. 10-t- f. Tartiord, N: C: NEW FOR AUandWINT AT F.ODENHEB1ER ' HAS JUST RECEIVED AT BIS Livery Stables, a Large drove of very fine and also a well selected assortment of to be told for cash or exchange. . ' . . .. Our fnonda and also the public are respect- fully in vi tod to call and examine theia at the Stables of ODENHEIMER, Tarboro, 3S. C. Ma 11. 23-- tf D . W . HURTT Merchant Tailor, NEXT DOOR TO PENDER. GAT LIN & CO. TAR BOSO, X. C. CO T3 mm CO UPWARDS OP 50 1st PllEJ-Iinis- ! GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS f Were Awarded to CHARLES M. STIFFF j for the best PIANOS, in competition jth the leading .Maniifa.-tiire- rs in itiiscountrj-- . XKW WAKKROOMS: i No. 9 N. Liberty Street, Iialtimore, Md. rpiIE STIEFFS 1'IAXOS CON- - - tain all the latest improvements to be found in a fi. t class Piaiu, with addition al improvements of his own invention, not m loiiiio in oilier instrument. TI.e lont-- , i. men ami timsli ot their iiistniiitciils cannot In- - extelU-- d by any manufactured. l'taioN always on band, from 875 t $3lMl. Pai lor nnd Chnn h Oreans. si lne 2!) .lii'-- ferent Mylea oil hand Horn fc50 and no - i ward 4. S.lld lor lllusf rated CiitaloffMC. cnf.-iii- i naoies iifin-f- i J2i; SoiitiTiiers,o(io o! ' which ere Virp-- i - hins. 2(!0 N..rtl. C'r..'i:;- - tai.s, K. Ten-ese.-.-n- iK, Hid f I. IM S I rlrtiir liit f tl-- S.riiili.) wlm hiive I.i.ml'!'! f the Stietf Plauu simc the cke o' the v.n . t fe. LANIER, Agent, TAlinOEO, X. c. Ajn-i- If. lv. U i COri'OK PLAMj rrf!L.SJ;!An'l.1 rn0N HrANt; ni-i ied i:li n!l the fix! urc. ! a,e Uwr.-K.iL,tii.j- f S..-- - s.has " RESU1IJ7D HER REGULAR TRIPS : TAlt 111VKR. She ! ,- -f mmrili'd bv CAPT. GLfjR'GE fi. ii;VAi;S. Hit iH i'oiiiiuuiule. JOIIX MYERS SONS, rrt iP-- W!itifnn. N. V F1H UET. I lIK UNDERSIGNED OFFEIIS JtOH IIJLX, ilirs next door to his residence on litt "tnt. It s line if tho 'iiost uoiimUlu n 1 a rofesaional Mail in Vouii. Apj lv to June Vr. A. H. ..Lvi'N A . 1 OUR HOUSE, pO.ME TO OtIR UOtJSK IF Y()l' want a htipt iW alii li. TJ'ii Iks' brands of liit;ors always cu haiiil. IiRhulini,' RRAKDY; WINES; GINS. , . RUMS. A Gcfid (Low Priced) Whiskey always on Sand1. S 17 33 DFl JS. T08.te0 AND CIGARS. P0TTE9 TURKEY AXD DAJI FOR LCM HEOS. DOEPP & JONES' SODA WATER. .Boiled Ale fcPortcf. LAGER BEER Of a Snperior Quality on Draught Tliaukinr my rs lor papt pat- ronage I will Hit m otee thai 1 wi I Wb ate bow receiving a Larjo Stock df Uood comj rii ig a full line of Dress Goods9 SUCH AS Poplins, Empress Cloths, Merinnes, Tainise Cloth iihd J&JL TIM S. AGENTS Somothinff New, 6 talble articles, sell at sight. Cata-loirn- ea and one sample sent WANTED. free. N. Y. MTg CO. 21 Oonrtlandt 5t , N. Y. r- - -- rvr T Be deceived, bnt for sonahs. col-'a- . acre throat, hnsrseness and nronohial il Acuities use only Wells Carbolic Tablets. Worthless imitations are on the market, but the on v scientific prepnration of Carbolic Afirt Tor I.nne disease is when rwMitt- - . i il 11 Vnirn rMnwUCI. US ID UieSP Tablets, and all parties are cautioned against using anv omer. In all ae of of the mncons mom brsne th( Re Tablets should be freely used, their cleatsing and healing 'pro: crties are aetonisliing. t t norrWt k vil. it is easily enred in its incip ent stkte. when it becomes chronic the cure is exeee.ingiy difficult, use Wei's' 'srb"!in J anlets as a sieciuc. iniTW n KFI.TV.G. 18 l'latt at., New ork, Sole A."f nt for United States. Price a cts. a box. scnu lor t ireumr. uinvn 1MP" all varieti'8. Circular free. Agenta wanted. W. H. Davis & Co., JIfrs, 79 Nissan st is. l. .Send stamp for Iil'd Catalogue I oa linildmg.ffA. J. Bickuell A ., 27 Warren st. S Y. f Aecnts profits per week hj)Ol . U will prove it o forfeit J500. Aew articies patented July l. samples ireo to all. Address W. H. CHIDESTElt, 267 Broadway, N.Y. v, ,nrr xr..n Toj'lirrM. T jidii'S or Ministers! Agents wanted in every county for "The l'coptok IStanuaru j.ioie, ua. uiusvruuu, Zo Uer A alctirdy, 51 a Arch at.. Fluladelphit adies and Oenticuied, ,4gnts wanted to I- j sell IVotean Button Hole Cutter, 25cts; Button Hole Worker, fifty cents; Needle Hireading Thimble, 25 cts; Morocco Needle Book, fifty cts, 6 large aud 5 papers small needles. $15 per day sure; sairplo free to am one at above price. Thornton and Co, 559 Broadway, Xx rTto the Working Clasa-m- ale or female, 16-- a w?ek guaranteed. Bespectaqlo emooy-nien- t at home, day or evening: no capital re- quired; full instructions ad valuable packa e of goods to start with sent free by mad. Ad- dress, with 6 cent retnru stan p, M. Vonng A Co., 16 t'ourtlaiid St., New Yolk. Asents! A Hare Chance. We will i ay all Agents $10 er wfcek in cash, who will cngaKe witU ns at cb Everything furnished and expentjeis paid, Addrss A. Coaltcr A Co, Char otre, Mfeh. k'Tsvchoniaiicy or Soul Chalining." how 1 either st x "niav fasciiia.. and gain the love and affecti.iuB or any person they choose unUntlT. This simple" mental secpiirement all can pof-seS- free y mail for 2jc, togUhcr with a marnago guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dnams, Hints, to ladies, etc. A queer book. ddreos T Wthiani A Co, l"ub, t'liila HORACE WATFUS. A Great Offer m niway, s will dispose of 100 rianoa, Melodeous, and Organa, of six first-claa- a makers, including VVSiteta', at Terv low prices lor ctsli, tr par' caah, rld balance in small monthly ius al nienw New rii Ilauos. im!-er- n Improvemeii s, for reaily a Conrtrto Parlor Orgsii, the pit .ncatt:ifnl stvle and perfect tone evtr made. Illustrated Catalogue mailed-- . BbeCt Music and Music MeiTihanflWe. Agents wanted to canvass fur tho peat com' biaatton TlOs!D VV The ereat i lustratcd people's wttek'y, the best and cheapest paper published. Dio Lewis nnd a corps of most ppult aothoi-- s write exclns-ivc- lj tot it We give a copy of the uripamlleled chromo liitet So High to every subscriber. Agmts take from twenty-fiv- e to thirty nanus a day. No business pays ike this Send for term; ahd secure territory for this rfeat enterjiuse at once 31 eLean, Stoddart'A Co, l'ublishera, I'hiladclpbia, l a, or Cincinnati, Ohio $75 to $250 per month. "; male or f male, to introduce the Oemu-i- e IMI'BOVlD CXiMAMN SENSE FAMILY" SEWIXO MACHINE. This machine will SI 6tich. hem, fell, tuck, nnUt, ord, bind. Jj braid and embi older iu a moat superior manlier. lYice onlv li Fully licensed and warranted tor live years. Wo will pay t $ 1,000 fr any machine that will sew a I atro ger, more beautiful, or more elastic I seam than ours. I makes the "Elastic if, Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can be ut, awl still the cloth cannot be pulled gl apart without tearing it. We pay agents from $75 ti J2j0 p r month ami expenses. f. ra coiniuissioii lrom w'.iich twice that "iimoi.tt can l: made. Address SECOMB a k "., Mass.; Mtsburg, Fa., Chicago. Ill . or St. Louis. Mi AGI-NT- WANTKD Kvf.kywiierk to sell the best low-p- r cod Cm Sbrller ever pateuteiL Let furriers aud cveryl.ody who has cot n to shell send for circular to "Family Com Shcller Co," Harrisburg, Pa. Cheap Farms! Free Homes! On he lh e of tV-- UNION PACIFIC KAIL- - ROAT). 12,0'K1,000 acres of the beit Farming and Mineral La ds in America. 3.000,000 Acres in Nebraska, in the Tlatte Vallev now for sale. Mild Climate, Fertile Soil, for Grain (It owing and Stock Raising unsur- passed by any in the United Sta es. Clieajier in price, more favorable terms g:ven, and more convenient to market thau can bo fonnd elsewhero. Free Homesteads for Actual Sr tiler. The best location for Colonies SoUdcrslcn-titlo- d to a Homestead t.f 16) Acres. Send for the new descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, pnolishcd in English, German, .Swecdish ami JLlamsli, inaili e evei vwhere. Address. O. F. DAVIS, I and Com'r U. 1. R. Ii. Co., Omaha, Neb. DUTY off TEAS! The Great American Tea Company have tnsinoss connections with all the prin- cipal ports of China and Japan, and import their Teas direct from (dace of growth, thus saving the consumer troin 5 to 8 piofita. It ix now about 1 J years since the company was organize and it ha been a splendid success from toe very nrst. 1 Ins was due to the fact that we imported aud sold only Tte Best & Purest Good ai)d distributed them to our customers In all parts o: the United State , for one small profit only, i tween the and the Tea- - cousumer. We originated tue system ol sup ylying consumers m distant parts of Lhe coun- try with Teas, at New York cargo i rices o" the club plan. And since wu adopted thi plan w have saved the p"t!d of this country millions of dollars annually, in the cost of this article of every day noceesltv. Send for club circular, whieii contains fulfil ructions, Ac. THE GREAT IMERlClft TEA CO. 31 & 23 VKSEY STREET, P O box 5641 Now York City. IMPORTANT to HORSEOWNERS BROXO-tmORAMJ- M! THE NEW ODORLESS, N Deodorizer and Disenfectant. Has been used with groat success in Canada. Detroit, Buffalo, Rochester, and other places iu the prevailing II0RSE EPIDEMIC. For Spriukline the Floors of Stables, washing the Maugerg, and decomposing the poissuons exhalations lrom the manure and urine when sprinkled with it. For decomposing flnrt destroying all bad od rs and gttses, as well aa fferms of dis- - 'ac and septic particles iu the air thrown offliv the sick nifnl. i or purifying the air the animal breathes by banging cloths wet with it near his head, that he will not breath over and over npalrt foul air. To poftge aid syringe tha nostrils and mouth. Clerk the acrid poisonous heal all ulcers and sores. It prevents the spread of the di-ea- se by completely cleansing the mouth aud puri- fying the bventh. Horse lilte it they tnrnaway from the smelt of Carbolic Aeht which is pois- onous nnd ' irritating to inftaiued mucous siirfaccs." Put up in pint bottles. only by T1J-.U1!:- N 58 CO , 176' Wii; a ii St., New Y rk Sold by all Druggibti. Thursday, - - October 5. 1872. My Mother. BT BBO. H. KKAFP B1IXOC, X. I. irfvown dnrlinp mothrr, there ia not anotlier Your plno in tLe depths ol niy "heart e'er cmi fill; Jo friend in the universe sister or lr9thfV Can send (hroiigh its (JoVlals so holy K thrill. Mothpr. drnrmotlipV tprmcxrh, theftiresi Ol nil the dwir nnmeK'trie wWld ever knew'; Ti e lile of that man is saddetst , severest, Who never has kno n such a mother as you You art" passing awny, but your children will .follow, And cluster around on Time's otlier shre; And my hopes of the future would be aim- less ar.rt hollow. If I thought, when I died, I should see you no mere. O, God! if a prayer I eonld offor, the nearest My heai' choicest hopes, that prayer would be this; Yhat the lips of my mother, most tender, the dearest, When I passed thf bright river might feel her first kiss. T i en bury me there when I die by her side. For my love is as pure ou this for no other; Thonp enrth-lif- e may furnish ns many a bride. It never provides us but one blessed mother. SPUNGIANA. T ie to' lowing is the most startling compositor'! ! ne to fill out a column" we have peen for a tiinntl'.; "Docs not a young mother's heart leap 4th with joy when phe beholds her darling babe's 1st 2tb?" "The first bird shot in Ameriky," si'd an Irishman, "was a fnrkaptnc porkupine. I treed him under a hay-Mac- k, and him with a barn shov- el. The first time that I hit him n.issed him, and the second time I hit him, I hit him in the same place where I misted him the first time. Cheering. The New York Tmes has removed a world of anxiety from unions us. Not content with l aving the cpisootic among oor hordes, we ha v been threatened with sick chickens. The question is now apparently at retfi The Timtt sajs; "It is now clear that the chickens have been atroc-ousl- j libeled. They have had do epidemic among them, &;d have been sted!y performing their duty in fattening themselvec for Thanksgiving. Nevertheless, the on their health have seriously affected their utrket value, and whole coops full of chicken have clamored iu vain for purchasere. The injustice ol this sort of thing "h ar parent. The chicken may not be a beautiful obj ct, and, it mut be admitted, (hat as a song bird he ii not Neither are his intellectual powers entitled to be called gigantic, still, he is a useful, and except when injudiciously attempt ing to sinn in the early dawn, an inof- fensive bird. Moreover, he has lew ri vals wheu rewarded from a purely thanksgiving pint of view. How nn-ju- st, then, is it to charge him with be-io- g addicted to a frightful disease with au atrocious Greek name, and thus rea- der him ed by all cooks, and the object of contempt and insu't at the hands of thi household commissary." Women and Sl&ng. There is a lengthy article in the "Saturday Review' compariug the wi men of England and those of other nations, which promises to attract no lit le attention. In the outset, it hints at the existence of state ot affairs in good English society that has no parallel here, simply because our bes Focfety is at once neither' so good nor so bad. There Wasatiuifc-- , and within the memory of the majority of those who read this, febeti the English pa- trician gifl was tii Very type of mod-i- s ty and sweet uess, compared with whom the French girl was a forward, subtle ' thing;" but according to the writer referred to above, all that ha been changed, and a comparison of the two ladies redounds to the disadvan- tage of the fair young Britain. Slang, it seems, is at the bottom of it. Fur the last ten years the fairer hulf of English patrician society ecms to lnve been gradually cankered by the intro- duction of slang phrase . According to the Sutunhiy Review, lad es in England are breaking out iotos'range oaths, and adopting the used-u- p ex- pletives of roughs and rowdiea. ThU i a sufficiently startling assert i n, bur the wri er evi lntly k"ows whereof he speaks, and give some fearful exam-pie- withal. It is the characteristic of the publicatiou referred to that it is prescriptively eutitled to speak lor and of tha higher classes of English society Among that society its circulation is almost universal, and the plain infe- rence is that no statements womd ap pear in its columns whose falsity could be speadily exposed. That English society, therefore, has becme vitiated by the j revalence of fashionable sin g may be accepted as a faet ; and unfor- tunately this slang appears to be of the worst description. The writer even go s so far as to charge the Engl sh 1 .dies with "little ventures into the re-iri- ou of blasphemy," an atcjariin which clearly indicates that slang is a!. 1 d to irreverence, and that itc effects my not be expected to stop at the mere cYriupikn of speech. Aui"r:cafi soriety, too, it in feared. f weighed in the balance, will bi fun d by no me;ins free rom this bO- - ial weight upon good breeding. 8fhng in one form or another, is almost universal here, but we are happy io be lieve tbu as yet a stranger to the b u- - doir. At all events, if American wo- men certainly if Southern women useshiriiiut all, it is iunocuuus slariir and widely separated from the sore lu which the E; gl sh writer refer. The worst that they arc guiliy of, uud it is not a trivial fault, is the &suiiitu.n of nieknamce, whicl, has changed all our M irs aud Sarahs and Harriet and Mollies and Sallies and M;g m.-s- . I5ut slang is objeetior.ubte -- ii ai.y lorni, and no one who has und.-- r 1 U control the morals ofa houslu.ld ni'.n .1 u.uleet lo sunnress iu fi,.t labi t .ii, us a dangerous bixitv wh-o- bring!, iujiuodeety uud iruliuiuu m 0. H. DOUGHTY. Thc well-know- n Boot and Shoemaker of TARBORO. Hia Shop is the place to get a Wool tov Comfort. Lasls Fitted Up aud Reserved tor Every Customer. Tho Fashionablo can have what they want in THE BEST STYLE. GOOD WOKKMASSIIIP AND BEAUTIFUL FITS GUARANTEED. J nty-t- l. Tarboroj N. U. Kansas Pacific Railway. This favorite line extends from Kansas City and Leavenworth through the tortile Stare of Kantas to Denver in Colorado, 689 miles. ItaVt! opport unVliieS are ollei cd to tho pvblic for homvS in a section ol conr.try nnsur'passed t..r prodo'ctivooess and liiealthTnlhesa. The State Capitol, State University, and Stufo Asrictiitural Coilesre are locs'ited along its line-- , and the general dllcatior.al facilities are unt qual-e- l. Tlie of Ivanna IS rinsui-paHv- d as an are ultnral State. By re- let ring to the t'ni'ed States agricultural reports, it will tie seen that Kinsas has a grteater, average yield to the acre of the cereals than any othtr State; and at the jjreat fruit fiis iield in Philadelphia, Kicli. uiond. Boston and Albany, Kansas lotk the first premium for the tinot display ot traits. For the pleasure ol travelers or invalids, a vat led and charming landscape is presented; and lh-- i deliphtlul air cl Colorado, and the celebrated warm and hot springs near Denver, give renewed lite to the sick. To those contemplating oitis West, e would advise them to in spect the country ah'-- ir huioaa. BARMAN'S HOTEi , GoAsovo,. C :o: C.A.W.BARIIAJl. uneji3tf PROPRIETOR. TO Til E DriLDIXG PCDLlC, I Kespeetlully announce that 1 tin now iiieintred wall a com Ietcnt uiiniber of assistants t- leontiat't for and builil every kind if llut'E. or aiivtbiug in tht Ciiroenters i lie. 1 would also say to the Farmers of tin County that 1 have made every necessary arrangement to construct everything ot WOOIVWQRK needed upon a plantaii'in, frorn a GIN SCREW t a 11DE HELVE. Persons intrustinr busiittss iuto mj ;ands may le assured tliat it will be to with the utmost lomptness and fidelity. I have in my employ a Str. ng force ol tirst-cla- s Carpenters. A'l citizens of the county are respect ill I y r. quested to give inc a chance bclo! out in ting elt-ew- re. A'tply to me at Tarboro. N. C. iG ly JOHN C: DANCV. (Odd ) LtO THE PEOPLE OF EDGECOMBE. THOMAS L. BURROUGHS, GIN WRIGH'A Is prepared to hui!3 GIN IICLSE3, COTTON SCREtt'5 AM RUNNING GEAR, by contract of by the day. Cjtton Gins put in pood ordrfor uV. sin: repair done on any ol tlife abOvfe work a reaonaijle rates. D.alt of work aetftmiprfnifr'd vith lull oi lum!er Uraw.i aud uiaue out correctly, am. verv cheap. Prsonx desiring artv wi! t of the above description will do well to cal. ipon THOS. L. BURUCI GHS. inch2-l-t- ' Turtc o N. C. John W. White, CABINET MAKER, AND PITT STREET, Sear Odenheiuier'a Livery Stables. TAltBOIif, N. C All orders m his lino promptly filled, jy 9- -t It is not a physic which may give temporary relief to the sutVoi er for tho first few doses, bnt hich. from continued use brings piles and kindred diseases to aid in weakening the iuvaii.i, nor U it a doctored liquor which, under the popular name of "Hitters is so extensively on the publ'.c as sovereign Salmcd.-f- it is a most powerful Tonic aud alter- ative, proiiouunod so by tho leading medical authorities of Loudon and .Paris, and has been king used by the regular physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial results. II WS EXTRACT IU J1EIBA ro aiiis all the medicinal virtues peculiar to the plant and nixst bu taken as a permanent curative agent. Is there want of action in your Liver and Spleen? Unless relieved at mice, the blood becomes impure by delet rions secretions, producing scrofulous or skin diseases, L hit- ches, Felous, Pustules, Canker, .Vc. Take Jurubeb t clennso, purify and re- store tho vitiated blood to healthy action. Have von a Dyspeptic! Stomach? Unless di- gestion Is promptly aided the system is debil- itated wth loss of vitul lores, poverty o tho Wood, Dropsical Tendency, lienor 1 "Weak- ness or Lassitude. Take it to assint digestion without reaction, it imparts youthful vifjor to the weary sufferer. Have voni Weakness of the You are iu danger of Chronic Diarrhoea, or the dreadful lnflamation of the Bo els T:ke it to aZlay irritation and ward off ten- dency to mftamations. Have you weakoess of the Uterine or Unri-nar- y Organs? You nt'ns't procure instant relief r yon are liable to snflcrmg worse than death Tnko it to strengthen organic weakness or life bcocmes a bnVdeii. inally it ! ottTd be frequently taken to keep the system in perfect health or you are other- wise m great dftnjpjer" of malarial, miasmatic or contagious diseases. JOHN Q KELLOGO, 18 Piatt st, New York cole Agent for the United States. Price One Dollar per itte. Send for Circular. New Jewelry Store. The sniisoRijjKK ham located m Tartniro. and will give his personal attention to the repairing ol Fine Watches, Clocks atid Jewelry. Having 16 years practical exrcriencn in the business ho guarantees g od and efficient work at moderate prices, and would respect- fully solicit a chare of the public patronage. Will keep constantly on Laud a fine selec- tion of IVati hes. Clocks, Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, c. At prices low as can bo furnished anywhere, and every articlo guaranteed as roDresented upon forfeiture of double the price paid for it See Sign of the Biff Watch. Next door to the old Gregory Hotel op- posite K. 15. Alson's Store. Respectfully, JAMES H. BELL. Refer to Capt. Wm. Ih'-s- s-; H. D. Teel, treni. w. (i. Lewis: m. i;agley: J. i. Cor-tiel- and C. C. Lanier, march 7-- tf Tarboro. N. C. ROOKY MOUNT Male & Female Departments Separate. fTVlE NEXT SESSION WILL POAf. 1. m.'fce SEPTF.M Uhll 2nd. and end DECEMBER 19ih, 1872. Pi imary Department, - - $10 50 l'i . pai iiiory i:j 50 C'llesiate ... 20 00 Miis.ii- - on Piano. Orjiin or (liiitar. Willi use (i( Intrilll!eiit lo SO Coi.tiiiirci.t Fee for c:i !i sM . 60 P.. in best families, cvervthinff in. cbiih-d- . per m.'iith f om 1 J to 12. Fn" luril i'i- - p'lriienl.n ndilress, C. G. DAVENrORT President. Aug. Rock- - Mount. K C STALL'S usnmr siciuai HAIR &ENEWEB. Every year increases tktj popu- larity of this valuable Itair Prcjv; aration, which is due to merii alone. We can assure our old patrons that it m kept fully op td its high standard : and it is the on- ly reliable and perfected prepara- tion for restoring (Jrat or Fadev II.vik to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white ami clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic proper- ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-gland- s. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, anil will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hair-Dressi- ng ever used, as it reiuires fewer applica tions, and gives the hair a splendid, j glossy appearance. J. A. llayrs, M.D., State Asaycr of Massachu- setts, says, "The constituents nro pure, and carefully selected for ex- cellent quality; and I consider.it the Best Pkkparatiox fbt" its intended purposes." SoidlgallDmggistirn't Deniiri in Medicines. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOR TfiE WHISKERS. As ciur Kenewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.H Ayer's Cathartic Pills, ,tr fhe relief and cnYe of all denotements in thestomnqh, liver,-an- bowers. They are a trrlld. apei-t-orr- t ; and an ex cellefft ptrreative. Being pprely veg- etable,- they con- tain no' mercury or mineral what- ever. Much serf- - d tl a filslrnna a a . A suffering Is prevented by their timely use: and every family should hive thein on hand for their protection and relief, when required. Long ex- perience has proved them to be the safest,- sur- est, and best of all the PUIi with which the fnarket abounds. By their occasional use. the blood is punticd, the corruptions of the system expelled, obstructions removed, and the whole machinery of lily restored to its healthy activ- ity. Internal organs which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed by Ayrr fw, ana stimulated into action. Thus incipient dis- ease is changed into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes Who enjoy it; can hardly be computed. Their sugar-coatin- g makes thein pleasant to take, aud preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Althotrgri searching, they are mild, and operate without disturbance to the constitution , or diet, 6r occupation: Full directions are given on the wrapper to each box, how to use them as a Family Physic, and for the following complaints, which these till rapidly cure r For Uvupeprt or Intllgreatlon, Us. lfMnru, JUmg-ao- r and Lom f Appe-tlt- e, they should he taken moderately to htirmw late the stomach, and restore ita healthy tone and notinn For Uvtr Complaint and its various symptoms. Billons IleiMtiachv, Stick If cadttctir, Jaundice or Orcen (Uck ISillona Colic and Blllau Vrrnj tlie'y should be judiciously taken for each case; to correct the diseased action or remove' the obstructions which cause it. , ?1,,;r?'"'r.,or IW"-voj- a, but one' dose is generally required. - For llhnimatUm. (joat, ravel, Pal- pi (utlon f tli Heart, Pain In the Mide, Back,-an- they should be con- tinuously taken, as required, to change tlie dis- eased action of the system.- - With sacrrchange those compliiints disiiwpear. For Dronsy and Uropa'fca) Swefliaara, they should he token in large and frequent doses t produce the effect of a drastic purge. lor HunpreiuioB, a large dose should bo' taken, as it produces the desu-e- d effect by svm-pathj- -. .. Asa THnrirr Pitt, take one'o'r two 2'ills t;' promote digestion, and relieveJtfle'stoniach An occasional dpsetiMhfaf.thoart.-an- d bowels, rclol(?s the appetite, and hiiurbr-ate- s the sysleru. Qcnce it is often advanta- -' geous where derangement exists.: One who teels toleri0)ly well, Often finds that a doso of these fills makes him feel decidedly better, from their;, cleansing and rendvatisg-effe- ct on the digestive apparata. PRF.PARKD BT Dr. J . O. ATER & Oo., Prootieaa Chemiata, - iifu, mass., zr. a. jl. ok uu bt aix sanoouTB mirirmi, Lr. Li. L. Siatou is agent for a'd of Ayer Medicines, and a larcrn Int. enn alnin found at bis Drag Store. At the old stand of Wnitj Pitt -- feeet; fonr doors from kin? cc TAEBOEO, n. c. Repairing of Furniture ofeVe. ry Description done wiih ceatDes.. and dispatch. Special attention paid to tXDEriTAirr S BUSINESS in all its branches. Mahogany, Walnut, Poplar & pin Coffins, Always on hand at the Lowest Cash Tricc-n- Oct; ifj-C- Tarboro. ssuwMWkiUJ ia;wa!:tydli.,j,.iiiii-n.- m s JitiMf i 11 These letters ajta isiuveiy in ainublc ia 'XUey purify tlie iysU-m- , and iu euro Remittent and Intermittent inert. and are a prerentira of Chills and Few. l?tf':' AU yield powerful eflicac,,... Are an antidote to change of Water and Dku ISTilCTffigtlriA'AlUiHallllfifJra . m 1 d n to the wasted frame, and correct all Will aare days of suffcrins to tho fielt, and The grand Vanacca for all the ill of hfp. fPhn CtjlTJ ff QTI PHYSICIAliS W?f FOIt prscebe rr BITTEBSAiflfiAt t? or .vl'-Ar- ? TFTH t-- -' In Young or Old, 31am PSA tiawAJ . S or EinKlet these Bitten are nn- - Xcg.ualjcd and have often been means of savins lifis. 'r TRY ONE BOTTi.Fi BALTIMORE GZE UK A I.E.UUNO r ):.; .M KiU L. AN D K A M ILY JOL'U.N 4 , Tt ror,,y "s "f.ks iM;t.,m' , . linen's; a varitty of Mise l!a n i ,au,r. ,ia, T,e ,r,iS. sa , , d Koi'l'ijj; I nil 1 liMliesti,j s rep n , jhv fiic iate.1 IV, ss : P,.J h .. u'l.e Hhi daily as eirr I 'iori. l. i'i.e of the best advepisinjr 1 oiunis iti tiie foui;trv. tl;tDal!y;iu k"dr.c per snni ; c mil tl Wi,clily pi t aunnin, :,. .. 0 liliilllliS. I, i'lim-- copy t ff rails on spplicsti 1' ftEI.SH. TtVJ.Ofl A (6 . t6i Wtlifti'I!ii..ro.St:-ft- . HaltiuiDie; M . - J. M. SPRAGIN'S cox vni :i i fen V CIGARS, T03ACC0, PIPES; 4c, TOYS A K I) FAKCV A 11 T 1 C L E JS. r l 8 'i aijitoro. WILLIAM MITCHELL House C'arjiciitea, BEGS LFATE TO CALL TIIE A f fion of i he cit ot Tarboro f bd;ecotiib count y lo the act that ' prepared tcxerute at t sliortes' n . e and mi B e terms ail kinds of - k. in his lino, lie refer, by periui.s.sin , Capt. Robt. C Brown, G.'li. I is o e, . s JU. Kedimd and David Pel i i', farhorn, N. C. nov 30-- 1 THE PARKER GUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRO'S W EST M ER 1 D E N ,CT. PLCTLMERr LEWIS & Co, Agents. Juljly "TAR"0R0. John myers' sox, Commission' Merchant Receiving and'Foxwardine AGENTS; WASHINGTON, N- - C. ' " April 4ihl l8B7, 18- - HUSStY BROS. & CO., CituUSE MillFlCIEfiEU TABBOBO, W. C. Special At$etin paid to RpaJ OUR STOCK OF enSj Youth's, Boy's and f hildren's i c j a it ? - I : t .0 ;i , I 1 -- a ' I M "'it ; it ! ' 1- ? 1' il v i if i J ' .1 4 J I I it'. i 1 )' i 1 il CLOTHING is the largest and best ever brought to this market jtii'l cannot be surpassed in Quality or Style. SOOTS & SUOVaS we have ill endless varieties. 3E3l l. TS of the Latest Styles and Shapes A'e are offering gr&it Cdi-gain- s in Domestics, Blankets, Lrtp Robes, Over-coat- s Cloaks aricf fthawls. " re solicit an early call for inspection of the above floods, and we ro de-e- r mined to satisfy our customers aud the public in uenetal. GOOD llllli GINS And other, Froert Insur- ed oh favorable terms. M. TFEDDELL, Agent. Sept. 19-t- f. TARBORO, N. C. A WariiUig 1 HEREBY FORBID ALL PERSONS hunting with ctog or Rttn on my pi inta-tio- n. I bose that Jurat 6tf it will be dealt 'with according to faw . MRS. JiNEF. RAVAGE. Sept.lcMt WlLSGTlt COLLEGIATE IASflTUTE For Both Sexes. SESSION LASTS FROM FIRST OctoW till last Friday in June. Students admitted at any lirtic, Superior phytic!; fiiielleet'naj ipd moral ad vantKgps. Tuif. iOTi, $(, 8.i and (J; M usic 85; Apriciillme.llJ 1 3. Board in .Institu- tion (including vvrylhing)f $15 pcr month. Addrew, for Vatalogue, SYLVESTER HASSELLr A, M. u. 15-8- m Wilson, N. C. Chamkrfaln & RaWls, Practical Watchmakers F I N J E W E L R Y, SterllDf lYcr and Plated Waro, "WEDDING RINGS, Sec. Jaa. IS-i- C, LHEILBROM&BEOTHEfi R, A. SIZER. AND Provision Dealer, MAIN STREET TARBORO; N.- - C. KINDS OF COUNTRY ALL taken lu exchange, uch as Raw llido, Furs, &e. Jjne2T)tf. Oysters! Oysters! UNDERSIGNED WOULD THE Ilitorm' tu ptilIic that he !ut again opened Ids nt the 'fd place, In rear of the tife of Mr. J At ltedniond, where he can bo lo'uud every . TESSA i If II Silllit and pn all public days. His by at era" are always of the freshest nnd the best the Norfolk market affords, and sold from a single plate up to the gal-l- n. Call upon me and Se if I am not tolling the truth. nv. 7-- tf w. k. Barker. li-W.IIKE- R, BOOT & SHOEMAKER, tARBOllO, N.C ORK EXECUTED IN THE most durable and fashionable man. net. Tho best quality of Laather and Calf Skins always on hand. hopja always Imve the above article ot tlie very best QuTrturfL - voxiig HO(JSE.,v Srpt 1 g.11. TARBORO irOli SALE; TEfXG . DKSIiiOUS TO QUIT J J'araiUTg:, I bEcr fof .Salt) rny Plantation containing ISlin Arres, lying 14 milef west of reenville, on the Greenville and WUson road. Thee is 6h the premises a . Fme'Jbveiiirig with fen Boomn, with tire place in each room, ail necessary out baUding. Iw fine Orch- ards containing a varieiy uf AppUs and Pears, and also fifteen or twenty vines uf Scupper.-non- g Grapes. , The above Farm is situated in the Cotton (Crowing section of the county and in a good ueighrx rhood. B. A BYKUM. Oct. 2a-4-tJ la t i
Page 1: The Tarboro' southerner. (Tarboro', N.C.) 1872-12-05 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026522/1872-12-05/ed...as it will afford me pleasure to show my Goods. MRS. K. FELDENHEIMEH,






Oxford, H. f. Miss M. E. Mitchell, Prin-cipal; Miss E. N. Grant, Associate Princi-- p

al. The Music Department is under thecharge of Mrs. W. H. Morrow, well knownas an accomplished teacher of long ex-perience. The Spring Session of 1873opens Jan. 15. Circu'ars on application.

References All friends and pupil" ofthe late Prof.E. Mitchell, of the Universityof N rth Carolina. - nor. 21 3m.





F eMeeheimer,Main Street, Tarboro, N.C,

Has her Store once again filled with one Of the mostMagnificent Stocks of ,


ever brdulght id tarboi. This stock has just beenpurchased from the most iFasiiionable Northern Empo-riums, and has been selected with great care andjudgment. It consists of all the Iatest Styles in

Ml ATS & IBNW1ETS.Also a rare selection of the most beautiful and chaste

fDres (Soods&TriiiiiLiiiigswhich will challenge comparison with the very best inany place, North or South. The' Finest L

Velvets, Silks Sating Ffeathcrs, Rib-bons and Flower;

all purchased by Mrs. Fcldenheiirier iri person, besidesa great variety of articles too numerous td mention

Ladies are respectfully invited to call aiid examine,as it will afford me pleasure to show my Goods.

MRS. K. FELDENHEIMEH,Oct. 10-t- f. Tartiord, N: C:





Livery Stables,a Large drove of very fine

and also a well selected assortment of

to be told for cash or exchange. . ' . . ..

Our fnonda and also the public are respect-fully invi tod to call and examine theia at theStables of

ODENHEIMER,Tarboro, 3S. C.

Ma 11. 23--tf


Merchant Tailor,NEXT DOOR TO





UPWARDS OP 50 1st PllEJ-Iinis-!


Were Awarded to CHARLES M. STIFFF j

for the best PIANOS, in competition jththe leading .Maniifa.-tiire- rs in itiiscountrj-- .


No. 9 N. Liberty Street, Iialtimore, Md.

rpiIE STIEFFS 1'IAXOS CON- -- tain all the latest improvements to be

found in a fi. t class Piaiu, with additional improvements of his own invention, notm loiiiio in oilier instrument. TI.elont-- , i. men ami timsli ot their iiistniiitciilscannot In- - extelU-- d by any manufactured.

l'taioN always on band, from 875 t $3lMl.Pai lor nnd Chnn h Oreans. si lne 2!) .lii'--

ferent Mylea oil hand Horn fc50 and no - i

ward 4.S.lld lor lllusf rated CiitaloffMC. cnf.-iii- i

naoies iifin-f- i J2i; SoiitiTiiers,o(io o! '

which ere Virp-- i - hins. 2(!0 N..rtl. C'r..'i:;- -tai.s, K. Ten-ese.-.-n- iK, Hid f I. IM S I

rlrtiir liit f tl-- S.riiili.) wlm hiive I.i.ml'!'! f

the Stietf Plauu simc the cke o' the v.n .

t fe. LANIER, Agent,

TAlinOEO, X. c.Ajn-i- If. lv.



rrf!L.SJ;!An'l.1 rn0N HrANt;ni-i ied i:li n!l the fix! urc. !

a,e Uwr.-K.iL,tii.j- f S..-- - s.has"


TAlt 111VKR.She ! ,--f mmrili'd bv

CAPT. GLfjR'GE fi. ii;VAi;S.Hit iH i'oiiiiuuiule.

JOIIX MYERS SONS,rrt iP-- W!itifnn. N. V


next door to his residence on litt "tnt. Its line if tho 'iiost uoiimUlu n 1 arofesaional Mail in Vouii. Apj lv toJune Vr. A. H. ..Lvi'N A . 1


want a htipt iW alii li. TJ'ii Iks'brands of liit;ors always cu haiiil. IiRhulini,'



A Gcfid (Low Priced) Whiskeyalways on Sand1.

S 17 33 DFl JS.T08.te0 AND CIGARS.



.Boiled Ale fcPortcf.LAGER BEER

Of a Snperior Quality on Draught

Tliaukinr my rs lor papt pat-ronage I will Hit m otee thai 1 wi I

Wb ate bow receiving a Larjo Stock df Uood comj rii ig a full line of

Dress Goods9SUCH AS

Poplins,Empress Cloths,

Merinnes,Tainise Cloth iihd


AGENTS Somothinff New, 6 talblearticles, sell at sight. Cata-loirn- ea

and one sample sentWANTED. free. N. Y. MTg CO. 21

Oonrtlandt 5t , N. Y.

r-- --rvr TBe deceived, bnt for sonahs. col-'a- . acre throat,hnsrseness and nronohial il Acuities use only

Wells Carbolic Tablets.Worthless imitations are on the market, butthe on v scientific prepnration of Carbolic AfirtTor I.nne disease is when rwMitt- -. i il 11 Vnirn rMnwUCI. US ID UieSP

Tablets, and all parties are cautioned againstusing anv omer.

In all ae of of the mncons mom

brsne th( Re Tablets should be freely used,their cleatsing and healing 'pro: crties areaetonisliing.

t t norrWt k vil. it is easily

enred in its incip ent stkte. when it becomeschronic the cure is exeee.ingiy difficult, useWei's' 'srb"!in J anlets as a sieciuc.iniTW n KFI.TV.G. 18 l'latt at., New ork,Sole A."f nt for United States.

Price a cts. a box. scnu lor t ireumr.

uinvn 1MP" all varieti'8. Circularfree. Agenta wanted. W. H. Davis & Co.,JIfrs, 79 Nissan st is. l.

.Send stamp for Iil'd CatalogueI oa linildmg.ffA. J. Bickuell A

., 27 Warren st. S Y.

f Aecnts profits per weekhj)Ol . U will prove it o forfeit J500.

Aew articies patented July l. samples ireoto all. Address W. H. CHIDESTElt, 267Broadway, N.Y.

v, ,nrr xr..n Toj'lirrM. T jidii'S or Ministers!Agents wanted in every county for "Thel'coptok IStanuaru j.ioie, ua. uiusvruuu,

Zo Uer A alctirdy, 51 a Arch at.. Fluladelphit

adies and Oenticuied, ,4gnts wanted toI-j sell IVotean Button Hole Cutter, 25cts;Button Hole Worker, fifty cents; NeedleHireading Thimble, 25 cts; Morocco NeedleBook, fifty cts, 6 large aud 5 papers smallneedles. $15 per day sure; sairplo free to amone at above price. Thornton and Co, 559Broadway, X x

rTto the Working Clasa-m- ale or female, 16--

a w?ek guaranteed. Bespectaqlo emooy-nien- t

at home, day or evening: no capital re-

quired; full instructions ad valuable packa eof goods to start with sent free by mad. Ad-

dress, with 6 cent retnru stan p, M. Vonng A

Co., 16 t'ourtlaiid St., New Yolk.

Asents! A Hare Chance.We will i ay all Agents $10 er wfcek in cash,

who will cngaKe witU ns at cb Everythingfurnished and expentjeis paid, Addrss A.Coaltcr A Co, Char otre, Mfeh.

k'Tsvchoniaiicy or Soul Chalining." how1 either st x "niav fasciiia.. and gain the

love and affecti.iuB or any person they chooseunUntlT. This simple" mental secpiirementall can pof-seS- free y mail for 2jc, togUhcrwith a marnago guide, Egyptian Oracle,Dnams, Hints, to ladies, etc. A queer book.

ddreos T Wthiani A Co, l"ub, t'liila

HORACE WATFUS.A Great Offer m niway, swill dispose of 100 rianoa, Melodeous, andOrgana, of six first-claa- a makers, includingVVSiteta', at Terv low prices lor ctsli, tr par'caah, rld balance in small monthly ius alnienw New rii Ilauos. im!-er- n

Improvemeii s, for reailya Conrtrto Parlor Orgsii, the pit .ncatt:ifnlstvle and perfect tone evtr made. IllustratedCatalogue mailed-- . BbeCt Music and MusicMeiTihanflWe.

Agents wanted to canvass fur tho peat com'biaatton TlOs!D VVThe ereat i lustratcd people's wttek'y, the bestand cheapest paper published. Dio Lewis nnda corps of most ppult aothoi-- s write exclns-ivc- lj

tot it We give a copy of the uripamlleledchromo

liitet So Highto every subscriber. Agmts take from twenty-fiv- e

to thirty nanus a day. No business paysike this Send for term; ahd secure territoryfor this rfeat enterjiuse at once 31 eLean,Stoddart'A Co, l'ublishera, I'hiladclpbia, l a,or Cincinnati, Ohio

$75 to $250 per month. ";male or f male, to introduce the Oemu-i- e


SI 6tich. hem, fell, tuck, nnUt, ord, bind.Jj braid and embi older iu a moat superior

manlier. lYice onlv li Fully licensedand warranted tor live years. Wo will pay

t $ 1,000 fr any machine that will sew aI atro ger, more beautiful, or more elasticI seam than ours. I makes the "Elastic

if, Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can beut, awl still the cloth cannot be pulled

gl apart without tearing it. We pay agentsfrom $75 ti J2j0 p r month ami expenses.

f. ra coiniuissioii lrom w'.iich twice that"iimoi.tt can l: made. Address SECOMB

a k "., Mass.; Mtsburg, Fa.,Chicago. Ill . or St. Louis. Mi

AGI-NT- WANTKD Kvf.kywiierkto sell the best low-p- r cod Cm Sbrller everpateuteiL Let furriers aud cveryl.ody whohas cot n to shell send for circular to "FamilyCom Shcller Co," Harrisburg, Pa.

Cheap Farms! Free Homes!On he lh e of tV-- UNION PACIFIC KAIL--

ROAT). 12,0'K1,000 acres of the beit Farmingand Mineral La ds in America.

3.000,000 Acres in Nebraska, in the TlatteVallev now for sale.

Mild Climate, Fertile Soil,for Grain (It owing and Stock Raising unsur-passed by any in the United Sta es.

Clieajier in price, more favorable termsg:ven, and more convenient to market thaucan bo fonnd elsewhero.

Free Homesteads for Actual Sr tiler.The best location for Colonies SoUdcrslcn-titlo- d

to a Homestead t.f 16) Acres.Send for the new descriptive Pamphlet, with

new maps, pnolishcd in English, German,.Swecdish ami JLlamsli, inaili e evei vwhere.Address. O. F. DAVIS, I and Com'r U. 1. R.Ii. Co., Omaha, Neb.

DUTY off TEAS!The Great American Tea Company

have tnsinoss connections with all the prin-cipal ports of China and Japan, and importtheir Teas direct from (dace of growth, thussaving the consumer troin 5 to 8 piofita. It ixnow about 1 J years since the company wasorganize and it ha been a splendid successfrom toe very nrst. 1 Ins was due to the factthat we imported aud sold only

Tte Best & Purest Goodai)d distributed them to our customers In allparts o: the United State , for one small profitonly, i tween the and the Tea- -cousumer. We originated tue system ol supylying consumers m distant parts of Lhe coun-try with Teas, at New York cargo i rices o"the club plan. And since wu adopted thiplan w have saved the p"t!d of this countrymillions of dollars annually, in the cost of thisarticle of every day noceesltv. Send for clubcircular, whieii contains fulfil ructions, Ac.


31 & 23 VKSEY STREET,P O box 5641 Now York City.




Deodorizer and Disenfectant.Has been used with groat success in

Canada. Detroit, Buffalo, Rochester, andother places iu the prevailing

II0RSE EPIDEMIC.For Spriukline the Floors of Stables,

washing the Maugerg, and decomposingthe poissuons exhalations lrom the manureand urine when sprinkled with it.

For decomposing flnrt destroying all badod rs and gttses, as well aa fferms of dis- -

'ac and septic particles iu the air thrownoffliv the sick nifnl.

i or purifying the air the animal breathesby banging cloths wet with it near hishead, that he will not breath over andover npalrt foul air.

To poftge aid syringe tha nostrils andmouth. Clerk the acrid poisonous

heal all ulcers and sores.It prevents the spread of the di-ea- se by

completely cleansing the mouth aud puri-fying the bventh.

Horse lilte it they tnrnaway fromthe smelt of Carbolic Aeht which is pois-onous nnd ' irritating to inftaiued mucoussiirfaccs."Put up in pint bottles. only by

T1J-.U1!:- N 58 CO ,176' Wii; a ii St., New Y rk

Sold by all Druggibti.

Thursday, - - October 5. 1872.

My Mother.


irfvown dnrlinp mothrr, there ia not anotlierYour plno in tLe depths ol niy "heart e'er

cmi fill;Jo friend in the universe sister or lr9thfV

Can send (hroiigh its (JoVlals so holy K


Mothpr. drnrmotlipV tprmcxrh, theftiresiOl nil the dwir nnmeK'trie wWld ever knew';

Ti e lile of that man is saddetst , severest,Who never has kno n such a mother as you

You art" passing awny, but your children will.follow,

And cluster around on Time's otlier shre;And my hopes of the future would be aim-

less ar.rt hollow.If I thought, when I died, I should see

you no mere.

O, God! if a prayer I eonld offor, the nearestMy heai' choicest hopes, that prayer

would be this;Yhat the lips of my mother, most tender,

the dearest,When I passed thf bright river might

feel her first kiss.

T i en bury me there when I die by herside.

For my love is as pure ou this for noother;

Thonp enrth-lif- e may furnish ns many abride.

It never provides us but one blessedmother.


T ie to' lowing is the most startlingcompositor'! ! ne to fill out a column"we have peen for a tiinntl'.; "Docs nota young mother's heart leap 4th withjoy when phe beholds her darlingbabe's 1st 2tb?"

"The first bird shot in Ameriky,"si'd an Irishman, "was a fnrkaptncporkupine. I treed him under a hay-Mac- k,

and him with a barn shov-

el. The first time that I hit himn.issed him, and the second time I hithim, I hit him in the same place whereI misted him the first time.

Cheering. The New York Tmeshas removed a world of anxiety fromunions us. Not content with l avingthe cpisootic among oor hordes, we ha v

been threatened with sick chickens.The question is now apparently at retfiThe Timtt sajs;

"It is now clear that the chickenshave been atroc-ousl- j libeled. Theyhave had do epidemic among them, &;dhave been sted!y performing theirduty in fattening themselvec forThanksgiving. Nevertheless, the

on their health have seriouslyaffected their utrket value, and wholecoops full of chicken have clamorediu vain for purchasere. The injusticeol this sort of thing "h ar parent. Thechicken may not be a beautiful obj ct,and, it mut be admitted, (hat as a

song bird he ii not Neitherare his intellectual powers entitled tobe called gigantic, still, he is a useful,and except when injudiciously attempting to sinn in the early dawn, an inof-fensive bird. Moreover, he has lew rivals wheu rewarded from a purelythanksgiving pint of view. How nn-ju- st,

then, is it to charge him with be-io- g

addicted to a frightful disease withau atrocious Greek name, and thus rea-der him ed by all cooks, andthe object of contempt and insu't at thehands of thi household commissary."

Women and Sl&ng.There is a lengthy article in the

"Saturday Review' compariug thewimen of England and those of othernations, which promises to attract nolit le attention. In the outset, ithints at the existence of state ot affairsin good English society that has noparallel here, simply because our besFocfety is at once neither' so good norso bad. There Wasatiuifc-- , and withinthe memory of the majority of thosewho read this, febeti the English pa-

trician gifl was tii Very type of mod-i- s

ty and sweet uess, compared withwhom the French girl was a forward,subtle ' thing;" but according to thewriter referred to above, all that habeen changed, and a comparison of thetwo ladies redounds to the disadvan-tage of the fair young Britain. Slang,it seems, is at the bottom of it. Furthe last ten years the fairer hulf ofEnglish patrician society ecms to lnvebeen gradually cankered by the intro-duction of slang phrase . Accordingto the Sutunhiy Review, lad es inEngland are breaking out iotos'rangeoaths, and adopting the used-u- p ex-

pletives of roughs and rowdiea. ThUi a sufficiently startling assert i n, burthe wri er evi lntly k"ows whereof hespeaks, and give some fearful exam-pie-

withal. It is the characteristic ofthe publicatiou referred to that it isprescriptively eutitled to speak lor andof tha higher classes of English societyAmong that society its circulation isalmost universal, and the plain infe-rence is that no statements womd appear in its columns whose falsity couldbe speadily exposed. That Englishsociety, therefore, has becme vitiatedby the j revalence of fashionable sin gmay be accepted as a faet ; and unfor-tunately this slang appears to be of theworst description. The writer evengo s so far as to charge the Engl sh1 .dies with "little ventures into the re-iri- ou

of blasphemy," an atcjariinwhich clearly indicates that slang is a!.1 d to irreverence, and that itc effectsmy not be expected to stop at the merecYriupikn of speech.

Aui"r:cafi soriety, too, it in feared.f weighed in the balance, will bi

fun d by no me;ins free rom this bO- -

ial weight upon good breeding.8fhng in one form or another, is almostuniversal here, but we are happy io believe tbu as yet a stranger to the b u--doir. At all events, if American wo-

men certainly if Southern womenuseshiriiiut all, it is iunocuuus slariirand widely separated from the sore luwhich the E; gl sh writer refer. Theworst that they arc guiliy of, uud it isnot a trivial fault, is the &suiiitu.n ofnieknamce, whicl, has changed all ourM irs aud Sarahs and Harriet and

Mollies and Sallies andM;g m.-s- . I5ut slang is objeetior.ubte-- ii ai.y lorni, and no one who has und.-- r1 U control the morals ofa houslu.ldni'.n .1 u.uleet lo sunnress iu fi,.tlabi t .ii, us a dangerous bixitv wh-o-

bring!, iujiuodeety uud iruliuiuu m


Thc well-know- n Boot and Shoemaker ofTARBORO.

Hia Shop is the place to get a

Wool tov Comfort.

Lasls Fitted Up aud Reserved torEvery Customer.

Tho Fashionablo can have what they want in




Kansas Pacific Railway.This favorite line extends from Kansas

City and Leavenworth through the tortileStare of Kantas to Denver in Colorado,689 miles. ItaVt! opport unVliieS are ollei cdto tho pvblic for homvS in a section ol

conr.try nnsur'passed t..r prodo'ctivooessand liiealthTnlhesa. The State Capitol,State University, and Stufo AsrictiituralCoilesre are locs'ited along its line-- , and thegeneral dllcatior.al facilities are unt qual-e- l.

Tlie of Ivanna IS rinsui-paHv- d

as an are ultnral State. By re-

let ring to the t'ni'ed States agriculturalreports, it will tie seen that Kinsas has agrteater, average yield to the acre of thecereals than any othtr State; and at thejjreat fruit fiis iield in Philadelphia, Kicli.uiond. Boston and Albany, Kansas lotkthe first premium for the tinot display ottraits. For the pleasure ol travelers orinvalids, a vat led and charming landscapeis presented; and lh-- i deliphtlul air clColorado, and the celebrated warm andhot springs near Denver, give renewedlite to the sick. To those contemplating

oitis West, e would advise them to inspect the country ah'-- ir huioaa.


GoAsovo,. C:o:


TO Til E DriLDIXG PCDLlC,I Kespeetlully announce that 1

tin now iiieintred wall a comIetcnt uiiniber of assistants t-

leontiat't for and builil everykind if llut'E. or aiivtbiug in thtCiiroenters i lie.

1 would also say to the Farmers of tinCounty that 1 have made every necessaryarrangement to construct everything ot

WOOIVWQRKneeded upon a plantaii'in, frorn a GINSCREW t a 11DE HELVE.

Persons intrustinr busiittss iuto mj;ands may le assured tliat it will be

to with the utmost lomptness andfidelity.

I have in my employ a Str. ng force oltirst-cla- s Carpenters.

A'l citizens of the county are respectill I y r. quested to give inc a chance bclo!out in ting elt-ew- re.

A'tply to me at Tarboro. N. C.iG ly JOHN C: DANCV. (Odd )



GIN WRIGH'AIs prepared to hui!3


RUNNING GEAR,by contract of by the day.

Cjtton Gins put in pood ordrfor uV. sin:repair done on any ol tlife abOvfe work areaonaijle rates.

D.alt of work aetftmiprfnifr'd vith lull oilum!er Uraw.i aud uiaue out correctly, am.verv cheap.

Prsonx desiring artv wi! t of the abovedescription will do well to cal. ipon

THOS. L. BURUCI GHS.inch2-l-t- ' Turtc o N. C.



PITT STREET,Sear Odenheiuier'a Livery Stables.

TAltBOIif, N. CAll orders m his lino promptly filled, jy 9- -t

It is not a physic which may give temporaryrelief to the sutVoi er for tho first few doses,bnt hich. from continued use brings pilesand kindred diseases to aid in weakening theiuvaii.i, nor U it a doctored liquor which, underthe popular name of "Hitters is so extensively

on the publ'.c as sovereignSalmcd.-f- it is a most powerful Tonic aud alter-ative, proiiouunod so by tho leading medicalauthorities of Loudon and .Paris, and has beenking used by the regular physicians of othercountries with wonderful remedial results.

II WS EXTRACT IU J1EIBAro aiiis all the medicinal virtues peculiar tothe plant and nixst bu taken as a permanentcurative agent.

Is there want of action in your Liver andSpleen? Unless relieved at mice, the bloodbecomes impure by delet rions secretions,producing scrofulous or skin diseases, L hit-ches, Felous, Pustules, Canker, .Vc.

Take Jurubeb t clennso, purify and re-store tho vitiated blood to healthy action.

Have von a Dyspeptic! Stomach? Unless di-

gestion Is promptly aided the system is debil-itated wth loss of vitul lores, poverty o thoWood, Dropsical Tendency, lienor 1 "Weak-ness or Lassitude.

Take it to assint digestion without reaction,it imparts youthful vifjor to the weary sufferer.

Have voni Weakness of the Youare iu danger of Chronic Diarrhoea, or thedreadful lnflamation of the Bo els

T:ke it to aZlay irritation and ward off ten-dency to mftamations.

Have you weakoess of the Uterine or Unri-nar- y

Organs? You nt'ns't procure instant reliefr yon are liable to snflcrmg worse than deathTnko it to strengthen organic weakness or

life bcocmes a bnVdeii.inally it ! ottTd be frequently taken to keep

the system in perfect health or you are other-wise m great dftnjpjer" of malarial, miasmatic orcontagious diseases.

JOHN Q KELLOGO, 18 Piatt st, New Yorkcole Agent for the United States. Price OneDollar per itte. Send for Circular.

New Jewelry Store.

The sniisoRijjKK hamlocated m Tartniro. and will

give his personal attention to the repairing ol

Fine Watches, Clocks atidJewelry.

Having 16 years practical exrcriencn in thebusiness ho guarantees g od and efficientwork at moderate prices, and would respect-fully solicit a chare of the public patronage.

Will keep constantly on Laud a fine selec-tion of

IVati hes. Clocks, Jewelry, Solid Silverand Plated Ware, Spectacles, c.

At prices low as can bo furnished anywhere,and every articlo guaranteed as roDresentedupon forfeiture of double the price paid for it

See Sign of the Biff Watch.Next door to the old Gregory Hotel op-

posite K. 15. Alson's Store.Respectfully,

JAMES H. BELL.Refer to Capt. Wm. Ih'-s- s-; H. D. Teel,

treni. w. (i. Lewis: m. i;agley: J. i. Cor-tiel-

and C. C. Lanier,march 7-- tf Tarboro. N. C.


Male & Female DepartmentsSeparate.

fTVlE NEXT SESSION WILL POAf.1. m.'fce SEPTF.M Uhll 2nd. and end

DECEMBER 19ih, 1872.Pi imary Department, - - $10 50l'i . pai iiiory i:j 50C'llesiate ... 20 00Miis.ii- - on Piano. Orjiin or (liiitar.

Willi use (i( Intrilll!eiit lo SO

Coi.tiiiirci.t Fee for c:i !i sM . 60P.. in best families, cvervthinff in.

cbiih-d- . per m.'iith f om 1 J to 12.Fn" luril i'i- - p'lriienl.n ndilress,

C. G. DAVENrORT President.Aug. Rock- - Mount. K C

STALL'Susnmr siciuai


Every year increases tktj popu-larity of this valuable Itair Prcjv;aration, which is due to meriialone. We can assure our oldpatrons that it m kept fully op tdits high standard : and it is the on-

ly reliable and perfected prepara-tion for restoring (Jrat or FadevII.vik to its youthful color, makingit soft, lustrous, and silken. Thescalp, by its use, becomes white amiclean. It removes all eruptions anddandruff, and, by its tonic proper-ties, prevents the hair from fallingout, as it stimulates and nourishesthe hair-gland- s. By its use, thehair grows thicker and stronger.In baldness, it restores the capillaryglands to their normal vigor, anilwill create a new growth, except inextreme old age. It is the mosteconomical Hair-Dressi- ng everused, as it reiuires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, j

glossy appearance. J. A. llayrs,M.D., State Asaycr of Massachu-setts, says, "The constituents nropure, and carefully selected for ex-

cellent quality; and I consider.itthe Best Pkkparatiox fbt" itsintended purposes."SoidlgallDmggistirn't Deniiri in Medicines.

Price One Dollar.

Buckingham's Dye.FOR TfiE WHISKERS.

As ciur Kenewer in many casesrequires too long a time, and toomuch care, to restore gray or fadedWhiskers, we have prepared thisdye, in one preparation, which willquickly and effectually accomplishthis result. It is easily applied,and produces a color which willneither rub nor wash off. Sold byall Druggists. Price Fifty Cents.Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO.,


Ayer's Cathartic Pills,,tr fhe reliefand cnYe of alldenotements inthestomnqh, liver,-an-

bowers. Theyare a trrlld. apei-t-orr- t

; and an excellefft ptrreative.Being pprely veg-etable,- they con-tain no' mercuryor mineral what-ever. Much serf- -d tl a filslrnna a a . A

suffering Is prevented by their timely use: andevery family should hive thein on hand for theirprotection and relief, when required. Long ex-perience has proved them to be the safest,- sur-est, and best of all the PUIi with which thefnarket abounds. By their occasional use. theblood is punticd, the corruptions of the systemexpelled, obstructions removed, and the wholemachinery of lily restored to its healthy activ-ity. Internal organs which become cloggedand sluggish are cleansed by Ayrr fw,ana stimulated into action. Thus incipient dis-ease is changed into health, the value of whichchange, when reckoned on the vast multitudesWho enjoy it; can hardly be computed. Theirsugar-coatin- g makes thein pleasant to take,aud preserves their virtues unimpaired for anylength of time, so that they are ever fresh, andperfectly reliable. Althotrgri searching, theyare mild, and operate without disturbance tothe constitution , or diet, 6r occupation:

Full directions are given on the wrapper toeach box, how to use them as a Family Physic,and for the following complaints, which thesetill rapidly cure r

For Uvupeprt or Intllgreatlon, Us.lfMnru, JUmg-ao- r and Lom f Appe-tlt- e,they should he taken moderately to htirmw

late the stomach, and restore ita healthy toneand notinnFor Uvtr Complaint and its varioussymptoms. Billons IleiMtiachv, StickIfcadttctir, Jaundice or Orcen (Uck

ISillona Colic and Blllau Vrrnjtlie'y should be judiciously taken for each case;to correct the diseased action or remove' theobstructions which cause it. ,

?1,,;r?'"'r.,or IW"-voj- a, but one'dose is generally required. -

For llhnimatUm. (joat, ravel, Pal-pi (utlon f tli Heart, Pain In theMide, Back,-an- they should be con-tinuously taken, as required, to change tlie dis-eased action of the system.- - With sacrrchangethose compliiints disiiwpear.

For Dronsy and Uropa'fca) Swefliaara,they should he token in large and frequent dosest produce the effect of a drastic purge.lor HunpreiuioB, a large dose should bo'taken, as it produces the desu-e- d effect by svm-pathj- -.

..Asa THnrirr Pitt, take one'o'r two 2'ills t;'promote digestion, and relieveJtfle'stoniachAn occasional dpsetiMhfaf.thoart.-an- d

bowels, rclol(?s the appetite, and hiiurbr-ate- sthe sysleru. Qcnce it is often advanta- -'geous where derangement exists.:One who teels toleri0)ly well, Often finds thata doso of these fills makes him feel decidedly

better, from their;, cleansing and rendvatisg-effe- ct

on the digestive apparata.PRF.PARKD BT

Dr. J . O. ATER & Oo., Prootieaa Chemiata,- iifu, mass., zr. a. jl.ok uu bt aix sanoouTB mirirmi,Lr. Li. L. Siatou is agent for a'd of Ayer

Medicines, and a larcrn Int. enn alninfound at bis Drag Store.

At the old stand of WnitjPitt --feeet; fonr doors from kin? cc

TAEBOEO, n. c.

Repairing of Furniture ofeVe.ry Description done wiih ceatDes..

and dispatch.

Special attention paid to tXDEriTAirrS

BUSINESS in all its branches.

Mahogany, Walnut, Poplar & pin

Coffins,Always on hand at the Lowest Cash Tricc-n-

Oct; ifj-C-



ia;wa!:tydli.,j,.iiiii-n.- m

s JitiMf i 11These letters ajta isiuveiy in ainublc ia

'XUey purify tlie iysU-m-, and iu euro

Remittent and Intermittent inert.

and are a prerentira of Chills and Few.

l?tf':'AU yield powerful eflicac,,...

Are an antidote to change of Water and DkuISTilCTffigtlriA'AlUiHallllfifJra.m 1 d n

to the wasted frame, and correct all

Will aare days of suffcrins to tho fielt, and

The grand Vanacca for all the ill of hfp.

fPhn CtjlTJ ff QTI PHYSICIAliS W?fFOIt prscebe rr

BITTEBSAiflfiAt t?or .vl'-Ar- ? TFTH

t---' In Young or Old, 31am PSA tiawAJ

. S or EinKlet these Bitten are nn- -

Xcg.ualjcd and have often beenmeans of savins lifis.'r TRY ONE BOTTi.Fi



):.; .M KiU L.


Tt ror,,y "s "f.ks iM;t.,m' , .

linen's; a varitty of Mise l!a n i,au,r. ,ia, T,e ,r,iS. sa , , d

Koi'l'ijj; I nil 1 liMliesti,j s rep n ,

jhv fiic iate.1 IV, ss : P,.J h ..

u'l.e Hhi daily as eirr I

'iori. l. i'i.e of the best advepisinjr 1

oiunis iti tiie foui;trv.

tl;tDal!y;iu k"dr.c per snni ;

c mil tlWi,clily pi t aunnin,

:,. .. 0 liliilllliS. I,

i'lim-- copy t ffrails on spplicsti 1'

ftEI.SH. TtVJ.Ofl A (6 .

t6i Wtlifti'I!ii..ro.St:-ft- .HaltiuiDie; M . -


coxvni :i i fen V


A 11 T 1 C L E JS.

r l 8 'i aijitoro.

WILLIAM MITCHELLHouse C'arjiciitea,

BEGS LFATE TO CALL TIIE A ffion of i he cit ot Tarboro f

bd;ecotiib count y lo the act that '

prepared tcxerute at t sliortes' n . eand mi B e terms ail kinds of - k.

in his lino, lie refer, by periui.s.sin ,Capt. Robt. C Brown, G.'li. I is o e,

.s JU. Kedimd and David Pel i i',

farhorn, N. C. nov 30-- 1





Juljly "TAR"0R0.

John myers' sox,

Commission' MerchantReceiving and'Foxwardine


'" April 4ihl l8B7, 18- -




Special At$etin paid to RpaJ


enSj Youth's, Boy's and f hildren's

i c


a it


- I


t .0 ;i ,

I 1

-- a

' I M

"'it;it !

' 1 -? 1'il v i

if i

J '


4 J


I it'. i


)' i



CLOTHINGis the largest and best ever brought to this market jtii'l

cannot be surpassed in Quality or Style.SOOTS & SUOVaS we have ill endless varieties.

3E3l l. TS of the Latest Styles and Shapes

A'e are offering gr&it Cdi-gain- s inDomestics, Blankets, Lrtp Robes, Over-coat- s

Cloaks aricf fthawls." re solicit an early call for inspection of the above floods, and we ro de-e- r

mined to satisfy our customers aud the public in uenetal.



GINSAnd other, Froert Insur-ed oh favorable terms.

M. TFEDDELL, Agent.Sept. 19-t- f. TARBORO, N. C.


hunting with ctog or Rttn on my pi inta-tio- n.

I bose that Jurat 6tf it will be dealt'with according to faw .



For Both Sexes.

SESSION LASTS FROM FIRSTOctoW till last Friday in June.

Students admitted at any lirtic,Superior phytic!; fiiielleet'naj ipd moral

ad vantKgps. Tuif. iOTi, $(, 8.i and (J; M usic85; Apriciillme.llJ 1 3. Board in .Institu-tion (including vvrylhing)f $15 pcrmonth. Addrew, for Vatalogue,

SYLVESTER HASSELLr A, M.u. 15-8- m Wilson, N. C.

Chamkrfaln & RaWls,

Practical Watchmakers

F I N J E W E L R Y,SterllDf lYcr and Plated Waro,




Provision Dealer,MAIN STREET

TARBORO; N.-- C.KINDS OF COUNTRYALL taken lu exchange, uch as Raw

llido, Furs, &e. Jjne2T)tf.

Oysters! Oysters!UNDERSIGNED WOULDTHE Ilitorm' tu ptilIic that he

!ut again opened Ids

nt the 'fd place, In rear of the tife of Mr.J At ltedniond, where he can bo lo'uud every

. TESSA i IfII Silllitand pn all public days.

His by at era" are always of the freshestnnd the best the Norfolk market affords,and sold from a single plate up to the gal-l- n.

Call upon me and Se if I am nottolling the truth.

nv. 7-- tf w. k. Barker.




most durable and fashionable man.net. Tho best quality of Laather and CalfSkins always on hand.hopja

always Imve the above article ot tlievery best QuTrturfL -

voxiig HO(JSE.,v

Srpt 1 g.11. TARBORO

irOli SALE;TEfXG . DKSIiiOUS TO QUITJ J'araiUTg:, I bEcr fof .Salt) rny Plantation

containing ISlin Arres, lying 14 milef west ofreenville, on the Greenville and WUson road.

Thee is 6h the premises a

. Fme'Jbveiiirigwith fen Boomn, with tire place in each room,ail necessary out baUding. Iw fine Orch-ards containing a varieiy uf AppUs and Pears,and also fifteen or twenty vines uf Scupper.-non- g

Grapes. ,The above Farm is situated in the Cotton

(Crowing section of the county and in a goodueighrx rhood. B. A BYKUM.

Oct. 2a-4-tJ

la t i
