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The Vetinari Dualegacy Prologue

Date post: 21-Oct-2014
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In which we meet the founders, and they skill, and date their way into an Uglacy and a Prettacy.
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Page 1: The Vetinari Dualegacy Prologue
Page 2: The Vetinari Dualegacy Prologue

Welcome to the Vetinari Dualegacy! What is a Dualegacy, you may ask? Well, these two crazy kids are Isaac and Orson Vetinari. They're named after two of my favorite sci/fi authors and the Patrician of Ankh-Morpork. They're also identical twins. Really identical, from faces to personalities (Aries, 5/6/6/3/5). As per Legacy rules, they'll have to re-roll for Aspiration after Sophomore year, so current Aspiration doesn't really matter, although they're both Knowledge right now so they'll be more inclined to want to skill-build until the re-roll. And when they graduate, they'll move back to Riverblossom Hills--where they will each found a Legacy. One will found a Prettacy. The other will found an Uglacy. Ten generations later, we'll see the extremes of selectively breeding the exact same genetics. With luck, the last heirs will be "Yowza!" pretty and *shudder* ugly.

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Fair warning--I'm pretty bad at taking pictures here, so if that's gonna bother you, you might want to skip ahead to, say, Chapter 2, wherein I discover Cameraman Mode, the pics get better partway through, and there's a plot. If you're going to start here, please don't whinge about the pictures; I know they suck, they do get better if you give me a chance, and it's not like I can do anything about them at this juncture anyway. If you want to whinge about the pics in Chapter 3, fine.

This is Isaac on the left and Orson in the foreground. I'm on a laptop and my graphics card isn't the greatest, but you can see Orson's profile here. I tried to go middle-of-the-road with their appearance so that neither one will have the advantage as they start their legacies.

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Orson from the front. I went with blonde hair and blue eyes with the idea that they'd throw some interesting recessives into the genetic mix in future generations. I've decided that each generation will have a unique theme for names across both legacies. Generation 1 is sci/fi authors: Isaac Asimov and Orson Scott Card, to be precise.

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Isaac. I haven't decided if I'm keeping score on this whole mess or not, but I will be playing with some of the handicaps and at least trying to score points. We'll see how it comes out.

And with that, time to press Live Mode and get this crazy show on the road!

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Hello, boys."Hey, Orse, did you just hear some otherworldly voice out of nowhere?""Maybe if we ignore it, it'll go away."Um, no, sorry. No can do. I am the Supreme Nerd, and you'll do what I want when I want. Unless I'm feeling benevolent and let you choose for yourself."I don't have to do anything I don't want!"You want a pink mohawk and a unitard? I can make it happen, so you might not want to tempt me, bub."We're not slaves!"You totally are. To my every whim and desire. On the plus side, you're pretty much guaranteed a house, wife, couple of kids, job, and nine generations of descendents, so it's sort of a tradeoff."No it isn't!""Shut up, Isaac! She wasn't kidding about the unitard!""And, hey, 'Supreme Nerd?' What the heck kind of name is that for some all-powerful creator?"Would you like some plaid shorts and a cowboy shirt?"I mean, it's a perfect name for an all-powerful creator! Supreme Nerd it is!""Suckup."

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"So, Isaac, pollution sucks, huh?"

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"I bet sumo wrestlers hate pollution.""Way to state the obvious, bro.""You think she's still listening?"Yup. Still here. Get used to it."Dangit!"

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Isaac, is that poor girl breathing in a gigantic burp cloud?"Yeah, but she's laughing!""Not...laughing...eyes...watering..."

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"I shouldn't have had that chili for lunch.""Oh God, it's making my eyes burn!"

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*sob* "Why? Why with the poking?"Maybe it was fetid stench of your gaseous emanations, Isaac. Nothing says "Let's be friends" like chemical warfare, idiot. Now go make friends. There's gotta be a girl who's either freakishly attractive or strange-looking around here somewhere.*sob*You brought this on yourself, you know. Now sack up and go make friends.

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Orson's making friends, and she's vaguely funny looking. Sort of horsey. Way to go Orson!"Are you really going to narrate my life?"Well, the important bits anyway."Aw, man."

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"I think I'm in love!"Just so you know, Orse, whichever of you is dating the uglier girl at the end of college gets to start the Uglacy."The what now?"Oh, you'll see."I really hate this omniscience thing of yours."Funny. I'm OK with it. Heh heh heh.

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Isaac, you're chatting with a cutie! Go you!"Um... thanks?""Who are you talking to?""Trust me, you don't want to know."

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Buddy, I have the exact same feelings about the cow mascots. Now go stop her before she makes a mess."Do I have to?"Do you want to look like a tiger?"Right. Stopping the cow."

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"Make it stop!"It's just water, you dink. Did I not tell you to get rid of the cow?"Yes!"Well, I hope we've learned a valuable lesson about why we should do what I say."Orson, should it be raining in here?"

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Mop, man-slaves, mop!"What was that?"Oh, nothing.

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I know that look. That's the look of someone with a cow mascot in his house. If I could cheat, it would so be crispy-fried right now. And perhaps Orson would look happy instead.See, Orse? I'm not adverse to making you happy.*mutters* "Razzin' frazzin' cow..."

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Dean's list for the both of you, eh? How about I reward you with more skilling?"Is that really a reward? What about cookies? Can we have cookies?"No! Off to the gym with you.

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... I don't even know what to say about this."You're the one who made us identical, lady!"Touche.

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Two girls of questionable attractivity? Orson, you're really making a play for Uglacy founder, you know that, right?"Whatever. She's hot!"She bears a suspicious resemblance to Sandy Bruty."Who?"You may never know. Just trust me on this, 'kay?

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"Bring it on, blondie!""Don't tempt me!"

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"Hi Isaac!""Hi Orson!""Long time no see!""Yeah, like three hours ago!"... Dorks. The lot of you.

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"Er, a little help here, Supreme Nerd? I seem to have somehow stuck my body through this wall and it's quite uncomfortable."Orson, you dope, you got yourself into that, and you can get yourself out."Pssshhht--some all-powerful creator you are."Don't sass me, boy, unless you want a gorilla suit.

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Isaac, that girl's pretty cute. She's perfect for you!"Well, I could make a move if you'd just shut up!"Right. Pretend like I'm not even here.

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Orson, why are you hitting on the pretty girl? You've been fairly consistent with the non-pretty ones up until now."Can't I make friends?"Fine, but don't get any funny ideas.

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That's better, Orse. Get pink hearts with PseudoBruty."She's hot!"Just keep telling yourself that.

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Well, after the obligatory Founder sophomore year re-roll, Isaac here is a Pleasure Sim (which I hate playing, BTW) with a LTW of 50 Dream Dates. And that is why I hate Pleasure Sims. He'll probably end up in the Slacker career path, which has a high money-to-skill point ratio. That way I'll be able to buy all the stupid crap he's bound to want and he won't have to skill too much. Wouldn't want to harsh his mellow.

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And here's Orson, a Popularity Sim with the LTW of becoming a Celebrity Chef. He'll obviously be in the Culinary career path, and with luck he'll have all the skills he needs before he graduates. Can do, Orse! You may end up my Uglacy Founder, but I still like you best!

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Isaac, you're so cute! You keep rolling wants to build skills. You're like a little stealth Knowledge Sim, and that makes me happy. Keep it up!"Um... okay. Just so you know, twisting myself into a pretzel is a whole lot easier without you butting in."Whatever. Just keep doing what you're doing.

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Good boy, Isaac. The cow is evil, and must be stopped."Who cares about evil? She's not even cute!"*sigh* Cute shouldn't trump evil.

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Wow. Big glowy heart for PseudoBruty."I love her! She's so great!"

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Now this is just disturbing...

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But not half as disturbing as this. It's like she's an anaconda looking to swallow him whole or something."Is that you, Supreme Nerd?"I wasn't talking to you! Geez, learn the difference between orders and an aside.

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Isaac's getting in on the smoochy action, too! She's not as cute as the blonde girl, but at least she gives him the time of day.

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"Ah, mi amor, I love you and your kissing! Pleasure Sim loves kissing!""Tee hee! Isaac, you say the funniest things! I giggle with delight!""I only have eyes for you, my sweet!"...I think I might be sick.

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End of junior year! Just one more year, and a few odd days, and then it's off to the Legacies for you! Happily, they both got loads of points for finishing the year.

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"Hi Isaac!""Hi Orson!""How are you?""I'm fantastic, how are you?""I'm fantastic too! How great is that?""Super great!"You guys are still dorks. Huge dorks.

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"Who's my little cuddle bunny? You are!""You're the best, Isaac!"

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Less unnerving than watching Orson make out with his girlfriend, that's for sure.

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"Marco!""Polo!"And the demented purple hearts of true woo-hoo...

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"Who loves you for ever and ever?""You do, you big hunka burning man-meat."She's kinda weird looking from the side, but still prettier than Orson's girlfriend.

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They both still roll wants to skill. It's like they know they used to be Knowledge Sims. Either that or they REALLY want to keep me happy."Pleasure Sim wants Logic point! Whoo!"

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One more semester left. They both have all the skills they need, so it's just making friends and influencing people from here on out.

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"Hey, you know that cute girl? She totally hates my brother!""Hahaha, that's funny!"

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Orson's got a platinum plumbob from graduating with a 4.0.

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And so does Isaac! I swear, he's the nerdiest Pleasure Sim I've ever had. 'Course, he only has 3 points in Serious/Playful, which probably has a lot to do with it.

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Orson grows up...

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...into some really heinous shorts. Even the confetti can't mitigate that.

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Isaac goes next.

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And he gets confetti, and a way less horrible outfit.

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See ya on the flipside, Isaac.

And with the college years completed, the boys head back to Riverblossom Hills to start their Legacies. Isaac gets the Prettacy; Orson gets the Uglacy. Time to start the ten-generation genetic experiment. In the next chapter: two boxes with roofs on two different lawns, some weddings, and some babies.
