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The White Legacy--Generation 5, Chapter 2

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Several landmarks are hit for the White Legacy's Generation Six.
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This Is So Not Groovy The White Legacy: Generation Five, Chapter Two
Page 1: The White Legacy--Generation 5, Chapter 2

This Is So Not GroovyThe White Legacy:Generation Five, Chapter Two

Page 2: The White Legacy--Generation 5, Chapter 2

Welcome back to the White Legacy! Hmm… I think I might need a new catchphrase to open these chapters with.

Last time, Hyde balked at the traditional heir pursuits of getting married and securing a job, and ended up getting abducted by aliens. The aliens turned out to be partiers, and he came back bearing the new Generation Six twins, Solander and Ellesmere. In other news, Maugrim the… dog?... was adopted, and against all odds, Jade is still alive. She is the single longest-lived heiress in this legacy so far; all the rest of my elders have gone in the first chapter of their child’s reign. Of course, I recently tweaked my lifespan mod a little bit, so that might have something to do with it…

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Ani-Mei: “See anything?”

Thai: “Flowers… trees… Rose’s house… a couple of hang gliders… grass… an ominous-looking vampire nest… clouds… streets… witches…”

Ani-Mei: “Anything unusual, Thai.”-------------------Ani-Mei (animeangel1983) is the author of “Altered Fates: An AU Legacy”, “Where Angels Fear to Tread”, and “Once Upon a Kingdom”, and Thai writes “Oh Gosh, The Owlpocalypse” and “Building From The Breadlines”.

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Thai: “Wait a minute, I’ve got something here. Bogey coming in at two o’clock.”

Ani-Mei: “Code red! I’ll call Pony.”

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Pony: “I hear you, Ani-Mei. I’ll take care of it. Over and out.”

---------------------Pony writes “Arbor Watch”, “The NEW Pokemon Legacy”, and “Herbal Medicine”.

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SimKeika: “Hey, Pony. I’m coming in to say ‘hi’ to everybody.”

Pony: “Guest registration form?”

SimKeika: “I brought orange chicken.”

Pony: “Go right in.”

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SimKeika: “Hey Mia, what’s up?”

Mia: “Nothing much. Although I’m a little curious as to how you got past Pony.”

SimKeika: “Chinese food.”

Mia: “So where’s mine?”-------------------Mia (Mia Moonstar), currently writing “The Hill Asylum”.

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Jessie: “Hey Mia, Keika. What’s going on?”

SimKeika: “Oh you know, the usual. I thought I’d come over, see how things are going, say hi…”

Mia: “Make peace.”

SimKeika: “That, too.”------------------Jessie (ichigomccoy) writes the “Kiesha’ra Legacy” and the “Night Legacy”.

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Jessie: “So, just curious, Keika… are you planning on giving us a little update on the spares before starting in on toddler rearing at the main house?”

Mia: “We’ve been wondering about a couple of things, you know.”

SimKeika: “As a matter of fact…”

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…that was the plan, yes.

Isn’t that a nice view out that window?

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Meet Kilauea, Andi and Jonathan’s first child. She’s still a toddler right now, but I’m willing to bet that she’ll be up and playing basketball the minute she can walk. Andi’s daughter, you know.

In other news…

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Angeline: “Spar! Kaylynn, you’re pregnant!”

Zircon: “This is great! Congratulations!”

Spar: “Thanks! We’re just going around the neighborhood, making the rounds!”

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Spar: “We’re very excited!”

Kaylynn: “Although we still haven’t managed to convince the cats to have kittens yet…”

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Neffy: “Zircon, what do you know about that ominous-looking mansion on the other side of the neighborhood? You can see it from the balcony.”

Zircon: “Not the time, Neffy.”

Spar: “Oh, that’s alright, we can’t really stay long. Peachtree Valley is a big neighborhood; we’ve got a lot of ground to cover. Did you know that we’re related to practically everyone who lives here?”

Angeline: “Are we really? Ha! That’s so funny!”

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SimKeika: “And that’s all for the spares.”

Mia: “That’s it? Well, I guess Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

SimKeika: “And besides, I have twin alien toddlers waiting for me at the main legacy lot. We don’t want to spend too much time here and end up with fewer slides to spend on them, do we?”

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Yeah, I didn’t think so.

Wait a minute. Why is Sol sleeping in a doghouse with a dirty diaper? Where is your father, bud? Where are your grandparents? Shouldn’t somebody be doing something about this?

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So, Jade? Anything to say for yourself?

Jade: “That’s Ella taken care of. Where is Sol?”

Hold on. Are you the only one doing any sort of childcare?

Jade: “My husband is hiding from the sun and my son is asleep from spending all night stargazing. I’m an old woman; I can’t keep up with twin children on my own. And yet, I seem to be the only one capable of changing a dirty diaper in this house.”

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Sol: “Oopsie! Hehehehe!”

Jade: “Oh, you’re so cute.”

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*sigh* Alright, how did Ella get out of her crib, and what is she doing in the frozen flowerbeds?

Maugrim: {Mehehehehe! Maugrim likes this cub!}

Butler: “Stealth photobombing… shh.”

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Ella: “Be bop” *hiccup* “Boo baba!”

Maugrim: {Phee-ew, she smells great! Maugrim really likes this cub!}

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Jade: “I’m tagging you, honey. I’ve been taking care of the grandchildren all day. Your turn. I need some sleep.”

Sun: “Tag Team Grandparents Unite! This is totally rad, I love being a grandpa!”

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Hyde: “Come on aliens, where’d you go…”

Highly attentive parent, that one.

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Sun: “So then the wolf said, ‘Fee fie fo fum!’”

I’m pretty sure that was the giant, not the wolf. Besides, you’re supposed to be potty training her, not playing dolls with her!

Sun: “Whoa, chill out, Author. I’m the grandpa. I get to, like, spoil my grandkids.”

Maugrim: {Maugrim will stand guard over the cubs!} *ferocious growl*

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Okay, these pictures never get old. Especially since Maugrim begged Sol for the cuddles, not the other way around.

Maugrim: {*sniff* Maugrim is so loved…}

Too bad toddlers can’t play pony with big dogs, huh?

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Well, all good things must come to an end, and all that. Time for the twins to grow up.

First Sol…

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…and then Ella…

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…and then makeovers!

Sol: “Hi…”

Ella: “We’re cute!! See!?”

This seems as good a time as any to point out the twins’ rather unique personalities.

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Exact opposites, these two. It’s almost like a good twin/evil twin thing, except they’re both nice.

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Ella: “Alright, enough of that! Let’s go fly Great-Grandpa Dez’s kite! You get it from the nursery, I’ll meet you out by the pool!”

Sol: “But what if it lands in the water?”

Ella: “Oh, fine, let’s fly it by the trees then!”

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Sun: “Kids, have you, like, seen Grandma?”

Ella: “Nope! Come on, Sol!”

Sol: “Grandma went out back.”

Sun: “Thanks, dude.”

Sol: “You’re welcome, Grandpa!”

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Sun: “Hey, Star. Whatcha doin’? Aren’t you, like, just a little cold?”

Jade: “Just… thinking.”

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Sun: “Hey now, what’s there to think about? Everything’s totally cool. In kind of more ways than one.”

Jade: “Sun, what are you going to do when I’m gone?”

Sun: “Gone!? Whoa, Star, where did that come from? You, like, planning on going somewhere?”

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Jade: “…no.”

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Sol: “Grandma, do you know where Daddy is?”

Jade: “He’s asleep, sweetie.”

Sol: “He stayed up all night again?”

Jade: “I’m sorry.”

Sol: “Well… can you help me with my homework then, Grandma?”

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Ella: “Heehee, hi, Grimmy! Love you too, silly puppy!”

Uh, no. That is not “Grimmy.” His name is Maugrim.

Ella: *pouts* “Why can’t I call him Grimmy, Author? He looks like a Grimmy to me…”

Maugrim: “Woof!”

He looks nothing like Grimmy. Trust me.

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Jade: “Come on, Ella. Let’s get your homework done.”

Ella: “Aw, Grandma…”

Jade: “Don’t you give me those eyes, Ellesmere. Come on.”

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Sun: “…ouch.”

Didn’t think this one through all too well, huh?

Sun: “How was I supposed to know that, like, flying over the table as a bat and then popping back into sim form would, like, impale my legs? This is so not groovy. Owwww…”

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Sol: “Grandma, whatcha doing?”

Jade: “Leaving a note for Grandpa.”

Sol: “Why don’t you just tell him?”

Jade: “I don’t think he’s ready to listen, sweetie.”

Sol: “Oh. Okay. Can I go play pinball please?”

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Sol: “WAAAH!! Who’re you!?”

Patrick: “I am the ghost of your great-great-great-grandfather… I have a message to impart to you, small child…”

Sol: “A message? What’s that?”

Patrick: “The message is this… OOGA BOOGA!!”

Very foreboding, Patrick.

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Jade: “Sun, I love you.”

Sun: “Love you too, Star. It’s totally cool, but why are you, like, getting mushy all of a sudden?”

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Sol: “Like this, Grandpa?”

Sun: “You’re totally far out, dude. Keep on going.”

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Jade: “I’m sure all of you know exactly why I’ve called this meeting today…”

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Callie: “Oh no, Jade… already?”

Jade: “It’s time. I have an appointment with the Grim Reaper this evening.”

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Hyde: {So tired… sun… too early…}

Andi: “So where’s Dad? Shouldn’t he be here, too?”

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Jade: “Sun… isn’t taking the idea very well.”

Arie: “I’ll say.”

Jade: “Besides, he’s already gone to his box for the day. I spent all of last night with him…”

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Callie: “Because you won’t be seeing him again…”

Jade: “He’s a vampire… he will never die. He will never come to the Luau, and I will be gone before the sun finishes setting this evening.”

Andi: “That’s… really depressing.”

Gizmo: “You know, for a vampire, he’s really not all that bad…”

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Jade: “We knew what we were getting into when we married.”

Callie: “Still…”

Jade: “I love all of you dearly. I will be watching you from the Luau, and I’ll help whenever and however I can.”

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Jade: “…goodbye.”

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Jade: “Sun… in case you can hear me…”

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Jade: “…I love you so, so much. I was never terribly open about my feelings, even with you, but I love you. You were the sun in my life. You were always there for me. I’ll miss you, but I’ll always be by your side, forever.”

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Grim Reaper: “Jade White, your time has come.”

Jade: “I’m ready, Grimmy.”

Grim Reaper: “…please don’t call me that.”

Sun: “Wait! NO! JADE!!”

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Jade found a place in the graveyard right in front of her grandfather Toro’s grave. Since I’ve cycled through all the daisy colors now, she had tulips planted for her.

It seems that the generation four spouse plot in the graveyard is going to remain empty.

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Jade… well, what to say? Perhaps one of the single most gorgeous sims in my legacy, Jade was my Generation Four heiress. Fun fact, she is the only female heiress so far, if you don’t count Snow as the foundress. She was the daughter of Dez and Isis, the wife of Sun, and the mother of Andi, Hyde, Lyra, and Dane. She lived for a very respectable 78 days.

Jade put up with a lot of crap in her life, including but not limited to her younger sister getting kidnapped, the whole fiasco with trying to rescue Gizmo, getting put in a sort of trance, the theft of her father’s grave, the death of her daughter, and dealing with a less than enthusiastic heir. She took it all quite calmly and serenely, and only showed what she felt inside to a select few. In fact, she was so intent on not showing her emotions that it took a while for me to really connect with her. Figures that now that I have, she’s gone. Have fun at the Luau, Jade.

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Maugrim: {Where did Alpha Female go…? Was it something Maugrim said…?}

Not to sound insensitive, but Maugrim, get those claws off the tatami mats!!

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Hyde: “Mom… I can’t believe I wasn’t there… I didn’t even give her a goodbye hug…!”

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Hyde: *sniff* “At least I’ll always have Dad…”

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Sun: “…”

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Sun: “…until death do us part…”

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Ella: “Grandpa, what are you doing?”

Sun: “Go back inside, Ella. Go find your father.”

Ella: “But Grandpa, the sun’s coming up… isn’t that going to hurt you?”

Sun: “…”

Ella: “Grandpa, I, um, don’t think Grandma would have wanted you to get hurt…”

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Sun: “…you’re right.”

Ella: “Love you, Grandpa.”

Sun: “Love you too, dudette.”

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Ella: “SOL!!”

Sol: *yawn* “What is it?”

Ella: “It’s Grandpa! He’s gone!!”

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Sol: “Isn’t this Grandpa’s room? Where’s his box? All his plants?”

Ella: “Even his heart statue! They’re all gone! Grandpa’s gone!! I can’t find him anywhere!!”

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Ella: “DADDY!! We can’t find Grandpa!!”

Hyde: “Go play, kids. Daddy’s busy.”

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Ella: *whispering* “What are we going to do now?”

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Clearly we have a budding da Vinci here. What was wrong with the last two, Sol?

Sol: “They weren’t right.”

There’s hardly anything there!

Sol: “But they weren’t right!”

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Ella: “Hey Dad! DADDY! I won the spelling bee!!”

Hyde: “That’s great, Ella. Come on, faster! Faster! Come on!”

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Ella: “Sol, I’m hungry! Is there any cake left in the fridge?”

Sol: “Yes. But there’s also omelettes, and those are kinda healthier.”

Ella: “Ee-yuck. Let’s eat the cake.”

Sol: “But Grandma would have told us to eat the omelettes, cuz it’s too early for dessert…”

Ella: “Fine. But we have the cake after dinner, deal? Pinkie promise!”

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Sol: “I wonder if Grandma is having fun at the Luau. And if Grandpa is happy wherever he is.”

Ella: “Glrmfcan’ttalkmusteatsnrf”

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Hyde: *ZzZ*

See that card on the nightstand? Yes, that is a picture of Patrick, back when he was wearing his gardener uniform. Yes, that card is that old. The bouquet below it is one of Toro and Brie’s fifty dream date bouquets, too. Charming pieces of history there.

Hyde: *snore*

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Hi there, Jade. Good to see you.

Jade: “Hello, Author. I see my son Hyde here, and I’m glad that he’s doing well enough. But where is Sun?”

Um… I don’t know?

Hyde: *shiver* “Ugh, there’s some kind of draft coming through here. Do you feel that, Author?”

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Ella: “’Afternoon, Daddy. The butler says the bills are starting to pile up, and his salary’s overdue. What does ‘overdue’ mean?”

Hyde: “Uh… okay. I guess I’ll take care of that.”

Ella: “But what does overdue mean??”

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Hyde: “Ack! Tree!” *cough splutter*

I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!! Finally, he’s getting abducted again!! Er… I mean… sorry about this, Hyde. Heh heh. Have fun at the party. That should make the next three days up to you, right?

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Hyde: “6, I’m coming…!!”

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Sol: “Ellie, do you know where Dad is?”

Ella: “Nope. Did you know that launching the ball into Jumbok’s mouth gives you, like, 1500 points!?”

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Hyde: “You’re not 6. Where’s 6?”

10: “Nope, I’m 10. 6 is over there. Here, have one of these awesome and completely unsuspicious drinks so you can go join the party!”

Hyde: “Cool! OK!”

10: “IT’S A PARTY!!”

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10: “Listen, could you hurry it up, man? We’ve got another invitee coming through.”

Hyde: “Sure, sure.”

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Thai: “Uh, do I really have to drink one of those to get into the party? I’m not too keen on the whole ‘pregnancy’ thing, you see…”

10: “No problems, sir! We’ve already gotten word through your neighborhood’s reigning simself! You’re to be allowed to go right on in to our AWESOME PARTY, no questions asked!”

Thai: “Cool. Thanks, Keika.”

Anytime, Thai. You did say you wanted in on the alien party palace, sans the alien baby, of course.

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Hyde: “Hey, 6.”

6: “Hello again, human male! Tell me, how are the twins we sent with you? Do they show any intentions of wanting to come live with us on this ship?”

Hyde: “Huh? Why?”

6: “I told you last time, silly human male! We’re having population issues! That’s why we took our party on the road, so to speak!”

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Hyde: “Wheeee!!”

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Ella: “Is that a spaceship!? Is that where we came from!?”

Maugrim: {Is that a thought bubble?}

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Ella: “Daddy, are you okay!? Did you see Mommy up there!? What does the inside of the spaceship look like!?”

Hyde: “Eh. Head to bed kids, it’s late.”

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Ella: “I give up, Sol. Daddy doesn’t really care about us, does he?”

Sol: “…”

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So what are you painting, Sol?

Sol: “I have a plan.”

Mind telling me what that plan is?

Sol: “No.”

No respect, no respect at all…

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Hyde: “Aaaaaaahh…”

You know, you should really be paying more attention to your children.

Hyde: “Oh, sure, sure, I’ll spend some time with them… later. Oooooh, this is greeeeaaaaat….”

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Hyde: “I feel a sudden urge to clean this bathtub.”


Hyde: “I have a guess… but I really, really hope I’m wrong.”

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Hyde: “Not again…”

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Hyde: “Sol, out of the way!”

Sol: “Dad, I painted a new picture. Wanna see it?”

Hyde: “What, now? I’m kind of busy right now…”

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Sol: *sniff* “Okay…”

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Sol: “See, Dad? What do you think? I think I made Ella’s boots too tall…”

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Hyde: “It’s perfect. It’s the grooviest thing I’ve ever seen. And you know what else?”

Sol: “What? What!?”

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Sol: “AAAH!! Hahaha, noooo!! Stop!! Hehehe!!”

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Ella: “Hi, Dad.”

Hyde: “Hey, Ella. Want to play with me?”

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Ella: “I—really? You want me to play with you?”

Hyde: “Well, yeah! You like pinball, right? I’ll betcha you’re gonna like SSX3, too.”

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Ella: “You’re goin’ down, Dad.”

Hyde: “Watch and learn, baby girl.”

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It’s that time again—time for a new batch of teenagers to enter the house!”

Hyde: “I can’t look. Tell me when it’s over.”

Arie: “You big baby.”

As the older twin, Sol gets to go first.

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Sol rolled up this orange sweater… er, the Fortune aspiration. Good going there, Sol! Fortune Sims seem to be kind of rare around here!

Sol: “It fits my personality, too.”

And for that I am very, very grateful. Can you imagine this guy as a Popularity Sim?

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Here he is after the traditional birthday makeover. Cute, isn’t he? He rolled up the LTW to Become Hall of Famer. Sad, I was kind of hoping for 5 Top Level Businesses.

Sol: “No offense, Author, but do you think I’m crazy or something?”

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And then of course, it’s Ella’s turn. Tell them what you wished for, Ellie.

Ella: “Not on your life!”

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Ella: “Hey, I got a sweater, too!”

Yes, but this one is in much better taste.

Ella: “Also, I’m a Pleasure Sim, and I’m hot. Nina Caliente, eat your heart out.”

The Neat/Active one got Fortune, and the Outgoing/Playful one got Pleasure. I’m so proud.

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And here she is post-makeover, in all her Pleasure Sim finery. I’m thinking Sun would be proud of this one, if he’d stuck around long enough to see her teenify. Where is he, anyway?

Ella: “This slide is about me, Author, not Grandpa.”

Oops, sorry, Ellie.

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Sol: “…Author, do you ever get the feeling that you’re being watched?”

Dez: “…”

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Par: “Boo!”

Ella: “Gasp!”

This poor girl has never gotten a full night’s rest in her whole life. I swear, she’s like a ghost magnet!

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A job, Hyde? Really? I mean… really? Wow.

Hyde: “Yeah, yeah. But, well, I’ve wanted to develop video games and not just play them for a while. And I figured I owe it to my kids to do something with myself.”

Two very good reasons. I’m proud of you, Hyde.

Hyde: “Aw, shucks. Best part is, I don’t have to start going to work right away, since I’m expecting at all, and it’s not even called procrastination! I can sort of… prepare myself for it. Yeah.”

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Sol: “I think I’m going to get a job too, Author. My father has inspired me to reach for higher… um, heights.”

That’s fabulous, Sol. I’m glad he’s taking a more active part of your life now.

Sol: “Also I want the Young Entrepreneur’s scholarship for college.”

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There’s the last pop!

Hyde: “And I’m not going to die this time, right?”


Hyde: “Promise?”

Hyde, no sim has ever died in childbirth. You’ll be fine.

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Ella: “Hey wonderful brother of mine, I’ve got a great idea! If I win this game, you do my homework for me!”

Sol: “Sorry, I’m on my way to work.”

Ella: “Aw dangit, I forgot…”

Sol: “Why not just stay on top of your homework? Then it wouldn’t pile up so much.”

Ella: “’S not my fault the ghosts keep me up all night so I can’t focus at school…”

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Maugrim: {Maugrim thinks Master must be carrying four or five or ten cubs in there.}

He better not be, or I’m going to kill him!

Maugrim: *growls* {Invisible voice lady is threatening Master!!}

Down, boy!

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Hyde: “Welcome home, Sol! You know, your grandfather might have a heart attack if he finds out you’re wearing a suit just because you want to.”

Sol: “I like to look professional in the workplace. Because of my age, I have to take every advantage I can to get people to take me seriously.”

Aren’t you working at a hot dog stand?

Sol: “I wear an apron over my suit so it doesn’t get mustard on it.”

I see… I think.

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Ladies and gentlemen, this is an object lesson in how not to approach school. If you spend all night cramming, you’re going to fall asleep in your berry pie the next morning, miss the bus, be late for your big test, forget everything you were trying to cram in the first place, and be picking bits of delicious berry goodness out of your hair for the next four days. So, don’t cram all night. Cram in the last fifteen minutes before the test instead.

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Right, Sol?

Sol: “Who…? What…? Where…? …THE BUS!!”

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Hey look, the bus hasn’t left yet! You can still make it on time, Sol!


Oh yeah, and Hyde’s giving birth, too.

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Looks like it’s just the one this time. (Phew!) We’ve got here a little boy we’re going to name Vesuvius.

Butler: “Photobombing.”

Seriously. I will fire that guy someday. I mean it.

Page 115: The White Legacy--Generation 5, Chapter 2

Hyde: “Hey, Author?”

What’s up, Hyde?

Hyde: “You know that space on the dining room wall that’s supposed to have my couple’s portrait on it?”

Yeah? What about it?

Hyde: “Well, I think I’ve got an idea on what to do with it…”

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Well, it doesn’t have little Vesuvius in it so it can’t be a true family picture, but I think it’s adorable enough to keep, for sure.

That does it for this chapter. It was certainly long enough, wasn’t it? Come along next time to see Sol and Ella preparing for (and probably leaving for) college, and for Vesuvius’s early childhood! …there’s a bit of an age gap between these kids, isn’t there? That’s what I get for letting the aliens decide when and how many kids will be born…

Okay, I’m getting tired of typing out “Vesuvius” already. I think I’m going to shorten it to “Vi.”
