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The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies
Page 1: The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies · responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars. contact: uicpcongres@uic.org the International railway

The worldwide associationof cooperation for railway companies

Page 2: The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies · responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars. contact: uicpcongres@uic.org the International railway

uIC includes


members accross continents

active members

associate members

affiliate members

2 5009 500

1 000 000




billion passenger-kilometres

billion tonne-kilometres

kilometres of linesMore than

More than

More than

regional assemblies

forums and platforms

expert working groups


training sessions, conferences and seminars per year

“UIC Technical Leaflets”

Results of uIC’s 200 members

uIC activity



Page 3: The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies · responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars. contact: uicpcongres@uic.org the International railway

uIC members

Page 4: The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies · responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars. contact: uicpcongres@uic.org the International railway

uIC members

Page 5: The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies · responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars. contact: uicpcongres@uic.org the International railway

UIC includes

UIC: growing membership

UIC, 2010



assoCIate affIlIate

UIC: the international professional association representing the railway sector

200 members across 5 continents:

n 80 active members (including railways from europe, russia, the middle east, North africa, south africa, India, Pakistan, China, Japan, Korea) and companies operating worldwide such as veolia transport.

n 83 associate members, mainly including railways from africa, america, asia and australia.

n 37 affiliate members (related or ancillary rail transport businesses or services).

2 UIC regional offices are located in Delhi and tehran, and 1 representative to the Community of Independent states (CIs) is located in tashkent.

Uic members may be:

n railway companies.

n Infrastructure managers.

n railway or combined transport operators, rolling stock and traction companies.

n service providers: rail catering, night trains, public transport, shipping lines.


Page 6: The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies · responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars. contact: uicpcongres@uic.org the International railway

1922UIC, a longstanding association

n the idea of creating an international association, bringing together the railway companies, was developed in the wake of the international conference of Portorosa in Italy (present-day slovenia), on 23 November 1921, followed by the international conference of Genoa on 3 may 1922.

n state representatives favoured the “creation of a permanent rail administration focusing on international traffic for the standardisation and improvement of conditions of railway construction and operations”. the international conference founding UIC was held in Paris on 17 october 1922.

n Initially UIC had 51 members from 29 countries including Japan and China, which were soon joined by the railways from the Ussr, the middle east and North africa.

UIC’s original principal task:to harmonise and improve conditions for railway constructions and operations



Page 7: The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies · responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars. contact: uicpcongres@uic.org the International railway

2010n Promoting rail transport around the world with

the aim to meet current and future challenges of mobility and sustainable development.

n Promoting interoperability, creating new world standards for railways, including common standards with other transport modes.

n Developing and facilitating all forms of international cooperation among members, facilitating the sharing of best practices (benchmarking).

n supporting members in their efforts to develop new business and new areas of activity.

n Proposing new ways to improve technical and environmental performance of rail transport, boosting competitiveness and reducing costs.

according to the statUtes, Uic’s mission focUses mainly on:



UIC’s mission and overall objectives


Page 8: The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies · responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars. contact: uicpcongres@uic.org the International railway

3 levels of international cooperation activities

Decision-making bodies

n strategic levelCoordinated with and between the 6 UIC regions created as part of the new Governance.

n technical / professional cooperation level

strategic guidelines for technical cooperation activities are given by forums and Platforms composed of member representatives.

n sUpport services levelComposed of finance, Human resources, legal, Communications, and Institutional relations units.

The UIC governance

UIC GeNeral assembly

reGIoNal assemblIes


oCeaNIa rUssIa

asIa eUroPe mIDDle east NortH amerICa soUtH amerICa

UIC exeCUtIve boarD

21 members

200 members

UIC HeadqUarters

4 5

1 1

4 3 2 1


Page 9: The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies · responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars. contact: uicpcongres@uic.org the International railway









• Know-how• technical and operational expertise• technical solutions• regulations, standards• best practices

• Exchange platforms• Innovation: new ideas, new concepts

• Protecting member railways’common interests

• Support policies of development of key

infrastructure projects

• specifications• standards• Interfaces• studies• Interoperability for international

rail corridors

• forums• seminars

• Conferences• Congresses:

WCrr,UIC HIGHsPeeD 2010,

Global rail freight Conference,ertms, Nextstation

In a wide scope of activities

UIC roles

Key roles

n Uic provides its members with know-how, technical and operational expertise, technical solutions, regulations, standards and a host of other services via its subsidiaries (UIC leaflets and publications, statistics, etc.).

n Uic develops specifications, standards and interfaces and produces studies, especially concerning interoperability along international corridors.

n Uic facilitates the dissemination of innovative ideas and concepts. It upholds the shared interests of its members and supports political projects of infrastructure development.

n Uic organises international seminars, infor- mation sessions, conferences and congresses, such as: the World Congress on High speed rail (UIC HIGHsPeeD), the UIC World ertms Conference, the World Congress on railway research (WCrr), the Global rail freight Conference (GrfC), the security Congress, the sustainable Development Conference, the International level Crossing safety awareness Day (IlCaD) and the World Conference on stations (Nextstation).


Page 10: The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies · responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars. contact: uicpcongres@uic.org the International railway

UIC Technical cooperation bodies

UIC is an association which exists through and for the benefit of its members, whose needs are expressed in the shape of projects defined and run by the UIC platforms and forums. These meet several times a year to determine financial resources and the provisional budgets, which are subsequently approved officially by the Regional and General Assemblies.


Cer / UIC High Level

Passenger Meeting

UIC Passenger Forum

High speed Plenary Committee

station Managers group-sMg

Commercial group

Technical group


Cer / UIC High Level Freight Meeting

UIC Freight Forum

CTg Combined Transport group

with InTerUnIT (UIrr)

special groups Wagonload -Xrail -IFC

special group raIDaTa

TaF TsI -Deployment -CCg

Use of Wagons-rIV

-gCU Joint Committee (UIP, erFa)

gTeIntercontinental Freight


Track and structures sector

Train Dynamics and running gear section

Operations and Control, Command

and signaling sector

energy Management sector

rolling stock sectorInternational railway

research Board(IrrB)

environment, energy and sustainability Platform

safety Platform

security Platform

expertise DevelopmentPlatform

raIL sysTeM

UICrail system Forum

FUnDaMenTaL VaLUes


Page 11: The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies · responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars. contact: uicpcongres@uic.org the International railway

UIC Headquarters organisation

(*) Fundamental Values Department includes 5 Divisions: Sustainable Development, Research, Safety, Security, Expertise Development. They work closely with the 3 other Technical Departments.

africa • asia • Middle eastnorth america • south america





raIL sysTeM



HUMan anD sOCIaL reLaTIOns - LegaL

FUnDaMenTaL VaLUes (*)



DIreCTOr generaL


sPeCIaL regIOnaL grOUP sPeCIaL regIOnaL grOUPs

regIOnaL InTerFaCe


Page 12: The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies · responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars. contact: uicpcongres@uic.org the International railway

UIC projects

To meet the challenges of rail transport in today’s world

Chief priorities for global activities

5 key areas for global cooperation

In the interest of the worldwide railway community, the executive board and General assembly additionally approved in December 2009 the Chairman’s proposal to focus further UIC activities on:

n environment, sustainable Development

n safety and security

n freight / freight corridors

n signalling

n standardisation.

the technical international cooperation level

the activities are structured around 4 main fields:

n rail system, including research

n Passengers, with a world focus on high speed

n freight

n fundamental values Including sustainable Development, safety, security and expertise development.


Page 13: The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies · responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars. contact: uicpcongres@uic.org the International railway

Synergies between UIC and its partner organisations

UIC owes its status as a prominent association to its global standing, credentials, expertise and technical excellence. A number of international bodies value the relations they foster with UIC to tackle the most pressing concerns in railway development, particularly at the begining of the 21st century.

UIC has had consultative status to the United Nations (ECOSOC) since 1949.

International financial institutions:

World Bank, EIB, EBRD, ADB, BAD, ...

Railway industry and contractors:


Transport sector trade associations:


International associations and Interest groups for tourism, environment, passengers with reduced mobility, ...

International standardisation bodies:


Intergovernmental organisations:


• OECD, ITF• EU Institutions, ERA• Council of Europe• OTIF, ...

Railway associations:



Page 14: The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies · responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars. contact: uicpcongres@uic.org the International railway

The UIC Code

The Code is composed of around 670 “UIC leaflets”

the Code is composed of around 670 “UIC leaflets”. these leaflets reflect UIC’s expertise in all areas of railway activity: infrastructure, rolling stock, installations, safety, operations, It systems, etc.


Equipment with a range of catenary

Entrance to the station for persons with reduced mobility

Locomotive cab with driver’s desk

on the right

Page 15: The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies · responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars. contact: uicpcongres@uic.org the International railway


Three subsidiaries supporting the UIC activities

The International railway strategic Management Institute

n the railway technical publications (etf) subsidiary produces and sells UIC publications such as UIC leaflets, technical documents, reports and studies.

contacts: etf – edition: [email protected] etf – sales: [email protected]

n the technical language services (l&t) subsidiary provides both members and external clients with language services (interpreting and translation) using their expertise in the rail sector to ensure a high-quality service.

contact: [email protected]

n the patrimoine - congress (Uicp) subsidiary is responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars.

contact: [email protected]

the International railway strategic management Institute - IrsmI - was established to adapt to the complex and competitive environment and to ensure that UIC members remain at the forefront of industry mutation, by developing new training solutions for railway executive managers.this Institute, chaired by UIC, is managed with founding members Indian railways and transnet freight rail.


Page 16: The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies · responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars. contact: uicpcongres@uic.org the International railway

UIC products and publications

recent publications and products

UIC statistics, brochures on strategic issues, DvDs, CD-roms, …


Page 17: The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies · responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars. contact: uicpcongres@uic.org the International railway

Global activities and world profile

International congresses, conferences, seminars and exhibitions

Page 18: The worldwide association of cooperation for railway companies · responsible for room hire for congresses, meetings and seminars. contact: uicpcongres@uic.org the International railway

INTERNATIONAL UNION OF RAILWAYS (UIC) 16 rue Jean Rey - F - 75015 PARISTel: +33 (0) 1 44 49 20 20Fax: + 33 (0) 1 44 49 20 29

CommunICATIonS DePARTmenTeditorial Board: Paul Véron, Hervé Aubert Lay-out: Com’onWith special thanks to uIC member railways for their contributionsPhoto credits: uIC, J. J. d’Angelo, P. Frayssex, I. ShapovalovCopyright deposit: April 2010ISBn: 2-7461-1132-2 www.uic.org

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