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Third Party Process

Date post: 21-Feb-2018
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1. Business Scenario a. Business Process Steps  a. Create Third Party Sales Order (VA01) { Purchase requisition will be automati cally enerated by the syste m due to the !ollowin con!iurations  The schedu le line cateo ry !or third "arty sales order is #CS”. $o r th e schedu le li ne ca teo ry “CS” in #%e! in e sche du le li ne cateory&' the Order typ e is de!in ed as “NB” which stands !or “purchase requisitio n standa rd”, Item category  i s de!in ed as “5” which is a“third party item” and #ccount ssignment Category is de!ined as “1” which stands !or  third Party. This triers the eneration o! "urchase requisition automatically by the system   b. Create "urchase order with re!erence to Purchase *equisition (+,-1.)  c. Create /noice Veri!ication !or Vendor (+/*O) wrt Purchase Order  d. enerate billin document to the customer (V$01) wrt 2 rd  "arty sales order !. Inputs"Pre #equisitions a. Organi$ation %ata Sales orani3ation 2000 Purchase Orani3ation 2000 %istribution Channel 01 %iision 00 Plant  2000 Storae 4ocation 000- 5are house .umber  001 &. 'aster %ata  +ater ial {Crea te a Tradin +ate ria l (mate rial ty"e6 7A 5A)' /n Sales Orani3ation - iew assin /tem Cateory rou" as “BNS”' in +*P- iew ma8e sure that the "rocurement ty"e is “(”  )*t erna+ Procure ment' there should be no warehouse related iews' assin +*P Ty"e as #.%&  .o Plannin 9 'ateria+ Num&er used in this document -5-  Customer9-001:2  Vendor ;;; <0002= (need to create a Vendor i! doesn>t hae)  Condition record !or "rice' P*00 ?10000 c. SP#O Con/igurations
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1.  Business Scenario

a.  Business Process Steps


Create Third Party Sales Order (VA01) { Purchase requisition will beautomatically enerated by the system due to the !ollowincon!iurations The schedule line cateory !or third "arty sales order is#CS”. $or the schedule line cateory “CS” in #%e!ine schedule linecateory&' the Order type is de!ined as “NB” which stands !or “purchaserequisition standard”, Item category is de!ined as “5” which is a“thirdparty item” and #ccount ssignment Category is de!ined as “1” whichstands !or  third Party. This triers the eneration o! "urchase requisitionautomatically by the system

   b.  Create "urchase order with re!erence to Purchase *equisition (+,-1.)

  c.  Create /noice Veri!ication !or Vendor (+/*O) wrt Purchase Order 

  d.  enerate billin document to the customer (V$01) wrt 2 rd "arty salesorder

!.  Inputs"Pre #equisitions

a.  Organi$ation %ata

Sales orani3ation 2000

Purchase Orani3ation 2000

%istribution Channel01

%iision 00

Plant 2000

Storae 4ocation 000-

5are house .umber  001

&.  'aster %ata

•  +aterial {Create a Tradin +aterial (material ty"e6 7A5A)' /n Sales

Orani3ation - iew assin /tem Cateory rou" as “BNS”' in +*P- iewma8e sure that the "rocurement ty"e is “(” )*terna+ Procurement' thereshould be no warehouse related iews' assin +*P Ty"e as #.%& .o Plannin9 'ateria+ Num&er used in this document -5-

•  Customer9-001:2

•  Vendor ;;; <0002= (need to create a Vendor i! doesn>t hae)

•  Condition record !or "rice' P*00 ?10000

c.  SP#O Con/igurations

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•  %e!ine the item cateory @{ TAS Third "arty /tem' illin *eleance $ Order 

related illin %oc; status accordin to inoice quantity

•  %e!ine /tem Cateory rou"9{ A.SThird Party /tem

•   Assin item Cateories @{ O* A.S TAS

•  %e!ine the Schedule line cateories9{ CS 4e' Order TBP, . (Purchase

*equisition Standard)' /tem Cateory (Third Party)' Account AssinmentCat1 (Third; Party)

•   Assin Schedule 4ine Cateory;;; { TAS CS

SP#O Con/igurations chec0 /or hird Party Sa+es

1  Con!iurations list !or third "arty sales in SP*O settins

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-  Clic8 on %e!ine the item cateory and de!ine TAS as Third "arty /tem Clic8 on %is"lay details


2  Chec8 whether the illin *eleance is de!ined as $ {Order related illin %oc; status accordin to

inoice quantity Clic8 on loo!! button

<  Clic8 on %e!ine /tem Cateory rou"9 A.SThird Party /tem Clic8 on 4oo!! icon

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  Clic8 on Assin item Cateories and assin standard order ty"e O* to third "arty item cateory rou"

A.S and item cateory TAS Clic8 on 4oo!! /con

=  Clic8 on %e!ine the Schedule line cateories and de!ine the schedule line cateory as CS4e

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D  Clic8 on dis"lay details icon and de!ine Order TBP, as . (Purchase *equisition Standard)' /tem

Cateory as (Third Party)' Account Assinment Cat as 1 (Third; Party) 

E  Clic8 on Assin Schedule 4ine Cateories and assin item cateory TAS to schedule line cateory


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'ateria+ 'aster

1  Create +aterial as tradin oods and under sales orani3ation - select the item cateory rou" as


-  Fnder +*P1 iew' ma8e sure to select +*P ty"e is selected as .%;G no "lannin

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2  Fnder +*P -' ma8e sure "rocurement ty"e is selected as #$&  ,Hternal Procurement

Business Process Steps

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1  Create 2rd "arty sales Order (initial screen) T;Code VA01

-  Sales order oeriew screen ,nter the sold to "arty' material' quantity and storae location and hit


2  Sales Order6 Purchase Order Schedulin Screen Clic8 on continue

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  Chec8 !or com"letion and sae the document

=  ,nter TCode +,A in the command bar and hit enter

4ist o! "urchase requisitions screen ,nter material and "lant

D  Clic8 on the "urchase requisition number

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2.  Purchase requisition !or the standard third "arty sales order created %ouble clic8 on P* no to chec8

the source o! su""ly and other details G ac8

:  ,nter TCode +,-1. in the command bar and enter

Create "urchase order wrt P*

Clic8 on the document oeriew screen at the to" le!t corner o! the screen

Clic8 on the Iariants> icon and Select the "urchase requisition and clic8 on #ado"t& icon under thedocument oeriew 

10 Chec8 the "urchase Order tabs such inoice etc and sae the document

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11 ,nter +/*O in the command bar to create /noice eri!ication !or endor ,nter the com"any code and

hit enter

1!. ,nter the inoice date' amount' and at the item leel' chane the taH code to /0 (AJP sales taH

eHem"t)' and Kurisdiction code to /40000000 and clic8 on Simulate  

12 Chec8 the 4 accounts

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1<  Clic8 on SaeJPost

1  ,nter V$01 to create billin document !or the customer and hit enter

1=. Oeriew o! the billin items

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1D  Sae the billin document


%ocument (+o3 o/ the Standard hird Party Sa+es Scenario
